#like it was barely any energy during nct nation
nudystar · 10 months
I live in the most boring state known to man
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mountphoenixrp · 5 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                              Kim Doyoung, who is known by no other name;                                                      a 24 year old son of Hodr.                       He is a student, TA and a taekwondo instructor at Zero to Hero.
FC NAME/GROUP: Kim Dongyoung (Doyoung), NCT CHARACTER NAME: Kim Doyoung AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 24; February 1, 1995 PLACE OF BIRTH: Guri-si, South Korea OCCUPATION: Masters student and TA at Phoenix University (biochemistry), Taekwondo instructor at Zero to Hero HEIGHT: 5’8” WEIGHT: 130 lbs DEFINING FEATURES: Doyoung has extremely poor eyesight, for which he wears strong contact lenses most of the time. When he is at home or studying for a long time, he wears thick black-rimmed glasses instead.
PERSONALITY: Doyoung is the definition of chic. Being a very driven and focused person, constantly either studying or training, most people see him as cold and uptight. Good luck trying to get to know him, because you probably won’t. He is not one for small talk, and he is often caught up in his own thoughts, so people often think he is rude and purposely ignoring them. He is also a ruthless TA and instructor, holding everyone to the same high standards he holds himself to.
HISTORY: When Doyoung was born, they thought he was dead. The newborn baby that the doctor held was cold to the touch, and he would have surely thought it stillborn if not for the fact that it was squirming and crying. No one could explain the baby’s temperature, nor why his condition only seemed to worsen when they put him under heat lamps. He was perfectly healthy, strong, but his body temperature was so low.
So they sent him home with his parents; a young woman and her husband. The baby had been conceived after a one night affair with a strange man, but neither his mother nor his supposed father knew that he was fathered by the other man.
Shortly after bringing Doyoung home, his parents realized that he had extremely poor eyesight, and he was nearly unable to see anything before they got him glasses. Once they did, he proved to be a bright child.
Both his mother and father were taekwondo instructors who had recently taken over ownership of the local martial arts school where they had met. Doyoung began learning taekwondo from the time he could walk, practically growing up at the studio. He took to martial arts like a fish to water, and started competing in tournaments when he was only seven.
The first time his parents noticed there were something special about his was when, during a self defence maneuver, he grabbed his partner’s wrist and ice spread across their arm. From that day on, Doyoung wore gloves whenever he was practicing or competing. Eventually he just started wearing them all the time, worried that he might high five a friend or hug his mom and cover them in ice. And despite the fact that he preferred doing taekwondo barefoot, he began wearing shoes all the time too.
Things continued on normally like that for a while. He went to school, spent most of his spare time practicing taekwondo and most weekends he was fighting in sparring tournaments. By the time he entered high school, he was among the top martial artists in his region, and when he shot up a few inches and filled out during the summer before his 3rd year, he was quickly one of the most sought-after boys in his school, despite being quiet and too busy to have much of a social life.
Girls would ask him out and confess their feelings to him only to receive a questioning look and the cold shoulder. Guys would ask him to hang out to gain the girls’ favour only to be told that he was too busy. His only friends were other people from his martial arts school, and even then, they were not overly friendly.
Doyoung graduated top of his class in high school and was accepted to one of the best universities in the country for biochemistry. For several years he studied, he trained, he competed, he slept, and not much else. He got his undergraduate degree and immediately applied to a graduate program, and by this time he was competing in nationwide taekwondo tournaments.
However, half way through the second year of his graduate studies, he was competing in a national tournament when his foot slipped out of his shoe. As soon as his bare foot touched the mat, a coat of ice spread across the floor.
No one could explain the ice, but Doyoung and his parents knew what had happened. When they got home from the tournament the next day, one of the instructors from their school was waiting on their doorstep. He told Doyoung that there was an island where he could go to learn how to control his powers, he explained that people like them needed to be taught to control their gifts. So, Doyoung packed up his things, put in his request to transfer universities, and left for the mysterious city.
But not before his parents told him that there was someone else he had to take with him… Just his luck.
PANTHEON: Norse CHILD OF: Hodr POWERS: Doyoung’s body temperature is quite a bit lower than most people’s, to the point that the temperature in any room drops when he enters. He can manipulate both ice and snow when water is present (in solid, liquid or gaseous form), but manipulating large quantities of either, even by accident, will drain his energy. His powers are strongest in winter, when ice and snow are readily available and the temperatures are low.
does not feel the cold
his ice powers are useful for both offence and defence
very skilled in Taekwondo
very focused and goal-oriented
prolonged exposure to hot weather can make him feel weak or even sick
nearly legally blind without contacts or glasses
has poor control over his powers
often pushes himself to the point of exhaustion
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daydream-in-a-dream · 6 years
Autumn Leaves (NCT Winwin)
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The sun peeked its way out from the horizon, making its presence known with its amber glow. Together with the crisp air in an environment full of sturdy trees shedding its elegant leaves of various shades of yellow and orange, it was enough motivation for you to wake up extra early just so you could witness the nature at its finest.
And it just so happen that a particular boy often found himself appreciating its beauty together with you. Basking in the warmth, your head was resting on his shoulders while he leaned towards you, gently placing his head on top of your head. There wasn't any conversation going on between the two of you as both of you were equally afraid of breaking the tranquillity existed.
Once the sun had fully made its way up, the man beside you suddenly picked up a bunch of fallen leaves and let it drop in front of you quickly, resulting you to jump from your seat. A hearty chuckle was heard as you pouted a little at his playful act. Brushing the dirt off from his khakis after he stood up, he offered his hand to you, in which you gladly accepted as you rose as well before both of you headed down to the café to have the usual together.
You were surprised to see him already seated the next morning, waiting for the sunrise which only happens roughly half an hour later. It was definitely weird to know that he came before you because he usually arrived a few minutes prior to the sunrise. Subconsciously playing around with the leaves, he barely acknowledged your presence when you sat next to him.
Something's wrong.
The thought appeared in a flash. Despite the lack of light currently, you could still catch a glimpse of the sullen look on his face. He still didn't face you though as he continued to fidget with the dead leaves, letting it crunch with his fingers and hoping it would reduce the tension in the surroundings. You were already frustrated with him shutting himself out from this world so you carefully placed your hand on top of his, causing him to stop touching those leaves as he turned to look at you - albeit with listless eyes.
"I'm moving away after the sun rises." Letting out a soft sigh, he was holding your hand firmly while his eyes were averted away from you as if bracing for the reaction from you. It was obvious that you were very disappointed by the news as your expression morphed into a crestfallen look. Silence encapsulated the surroundings instead; no one was courageous enough to continue the conversation.
Nonetheless, his hand was still within your grasp, tightening your hand every now and then to remind himself that this might be the last time he had a chance to get a tangible grip of you. Especially when an armed conflict was going to take place anytime soon.
Movements of the citizens now became restricted, curfews imposed all over the town, people facing harsh penalties when they failed to obey the police who patrolled over the area. You were aware of these things. You were also aware of the fact that the authorities had called out capable men to fight against the incoming enemy and lead the country to glory all over the radio. And you also happened to catch wind that they have to report to the office the very next morning.
You knew it was his choice after all to protect the nation, but you couldn't help feeling worried for him. Fighting was never his forte. He was the epitome of peace, harmony. It hurt you so deeply that you could possibly lose him if he was to participate in the warfare. The world was just damn cruel for a kind soul like him.
"Do you really have to go?" Mustering every ounce of your energy to prevent yourself from breaking down in front of him, you managed to ask, despite your voice cracked a little.
"I have to. It's for the country." Turning to face you, you didn't realise that some of your tears escaped until he wiped it away for you, cradling your face as if you were fine china.
"And also for you."
"What if I asked you not to go? The worst that could possibly happen to us is that we die together if you stay with me." Holding both of his wrists, you persuaded, even though you knew how stubborn he was once he had made up his mind.
"That's the reason why I want to fight - I don't want you to die. I’ll rather be killed than witnessing your death." You wanted to refute - you really want to - but knowing that this conversation was getting nowhere with his stubbornness, you remained quiet as you shut your eyes in an attempt to control the sadness which overpowered you in an instant. His warm embrace didn't help you either as it spurred you to shed those tears out.
Meeting his eyes again with yours as he held your face dearly, you started memorising his features as much as you can while the rays bestowed upon his visage. The intimate atmosphere which settled between the two of you prompted him to rest his forehead on yours before you lessen the gap by letting your lips clash with his. Unleashing the ardour within you, you kissed him harder than you expected as you were overwhelmed with the sudden surge of emotions, but he didn't back out either as both of you engaged in a heated exchange until the sun was fully up in the sky.
Placing a chaste kiss gently on your forehead, he brushed away the baby hairs away from your face just so he could get a clear view of you. The horn blared around the small town, signalling all men to report to the office immediately, and a cue for him to stop being sentimental and get his act together if he really wished to protect the country he adored, and the woman he loved.
Countless moons had passed since the countries involved had declared war. He still sent you letters every now and then to inform you of his well-being. He did mention that all this warfare going on will draw to a close very soon as the opponents seemed to be in the losing end. He also revealed how much he missed you and that even though he had familiar citizens like the loud, boisterous Lucas and the amiable, down-to-earth Kun as his comrades, he couldn't deny how he longed for your presence.
"The sun seems so dull nowadays, and there were barely any leaves to play around with when you're not here with me. I even brought your letters along with me whenever we faced the enemies just so I could feel you encouraging me all the time."
"I still don't get how Kun can tolerate his nonsense all this while. There seems to be no end in Lucas' energy, whether in or out of the battlefield. But I still respect this guy even though it can be quite tiring to deal with him most of the time."
Most of his letters would include the progress of the war, how he felt lately and even some jokes and banters shared within the camp. Such excerpts often made you smile as you patiently counted for the days he would return.
You also responded to his letters by updating about his family, his friends in town and also your daily life as you waited for the country to declare the end of the seemingly endless war. You even gave him a heart-shaped silver pendant which contained a picture of you and him on each side of the heart inside.
"I can't believe the general almost planned to confiscate the pendant! I know that we're discouraged from using accessories in the battlegrounds, but I'm sure a pendant should be fine right? He probably doesn't realise how much this means to me."
If you had to choose which letter was your favourite, you would have decided on the latest one which you received just a few hours ago from the postman. Although your tears had dried out by now, you were still moved by his sudden confession.
"Sometimes I wonder if it was selfish of me to ask you to wait for me. There was never a day when I don't think of the possibility of getting stabbed or shot by our opponents, and there was never a day when I don't doubt myself whether I'm worth waiting for. But knowing that you never once wavered in your feelings, it only motivated me to fight till the end just so that your heart swells with pride when I see you again. I know it's improper for me to declare what I'm going to say over this letter, but let's get married once the war is over. I don't think I can wait any longer than that. I'll definitely ask for your hand properly when I come back. I promise."
So when the defence minister had declared the end of the war and announced that the surviving soldiers had already departed to go back home all over the radio, you quickly got on your bicycle to reach to the harbour. Most of the people had already crowded around the dock once you arrived as you watched a few ships sailing towards the shore. Families and friends alike immediately approached their loved ones once the soldiers had landed. Some were crying, while some were exclaiming victory for the country. Most of them had already found each other by the time the ships left.
Except for you.
You frantically searched for him among the crowd, but to no avail. Upon sighting Lucas and Kun laughing together, you advanced towards them to ask for his whereabouts. When the question had been raised, both of them looked at each other, suddenly finding it hard to talk. It was the first time you saw Lucas being so solemn and it was scaring you. Eventually, Kun was the one who decided to put an end to this silent air - even though it was very contradictory to think that way when numerous cheers filled around them.
"He was severely injured during the last battle, and we honestly don't know whether he can make it out alive, considering how he got shot near his heart." Your legs instantly gave way and if it wasn't for Lucas who supported you, your knees would have kissed the ground already.
"Wait, no. He said he'll come back and marry me. No... this couldn't be it... He promised!" Hysterical cries were heard as Kun hugged you in sympathy, regularly patting your back in an attempt to soothe you.
You knew you should have held him back better when you could previously.
Autumn was retreating once again, and this time, there was no him by your side to witness this beauty with you as the leaves dried up to prepare for the cold winter. You had come to accept the reality when you received nothing from the office. Even Kun and Lucas received no updates from their comrades on site where the both of them had left earlier. But you couldn't deny the void in your heart every time you watched the sunrise alone, especially in autumn. This morning was no different as you observed the sun slowly rising up. However, you were particularly miffed when someone eventually blocked your view as the person walked towards you. You couldn't recognise who the stranger was with the sun shining behind the human being, but as the person sauntered closer, you found the silhouette of his lean figure very familiar - especially with the way he carried his large bag over his shoulder.
He's alive.
You couldn't believe it. No, it didn't make any sense to you. Even as you stood up once he was standing right in front of you with his uniform, you still couldn't fathom it. It was only when he opened his arms wide did you jump at the opportunity to hug him, feeling his flesh and bone after so long. He also sighed blissfully as he took you in his arms again, but you surprised him moments later when you pulled away from the embrace to hit his chest continuously.
"How dare you make me worry for you! Do you know how devastated I was when I don't receive any news about you?! I really thought you died during the war!" He stood still throughout as you vented your frustrations on him. Stopping you mid-way when he thought it was enough, he took something out from his breast pocket to show you the broken pendant which you gifted it to him.
"If it wasn't for this thing, I would've actually died in that field. The doctor said I was lucky that the arrow hit this instead of my chest directly. But it did take a while to recover because my body was still shocked from the impact previously."
"Idiot." You muttered under your breath, in which he responded with a chuckle as he sheepishly scratched his head.
Releasing a cough from his throat a few seconds later, he placed his bag down before he kneeled down on one knee as he disclosed the content in the small velvet box. While you previously cried in vexation, you definitely cried with happiness as he asked the question.
"Will you marry me?"
There is no doubt in your voice when you agreed to his proposal immediately, despite being teary-eyed. And there is no way you would choose other guys over him to spend the rest of your life with, regardless of how long the wait is. And one thing for sure, the reason why the sunrise is a magnificent beauty to admire about is because of the man who you held so dearly in your heart. Even if winter is approaching.
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