#like it’s not just love it’s LOVE like those are soulmates- twin flames - two halves of a whole
raisedbythetv89 · 5 months
Spike is the spark that brings Buffy’s fire (her ability to love) back
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(stone - a notoriously non flammable material)
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Buffy’s love is spoken about in relation to fire but even brighter and more intense
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she sings of wanting the fire (her ability to love and feel as deeply as she once did) back - where once was a flame so bright it burned her - now there is nothing but black & cold
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spike’s love for Buffy is also equated to fire showing how he matches her intensity with which she loves (love the use of the lighting in this shot he literally looks like he’s sitting back to back with his shadow as he wrestles for a moment of just letting Buffy die before ultimately going to help her) also this line is showing how much loving Buffy has cost him the burdens he’s carried, the pain and sacrifices he’s made and endured - “I have come to redefine the terms pain and suffering since falling in love with you” loving Buffy for Spike is painful AND HE STILL LOVES HER AND KEEPS TRYING TO DO AND BE BETTER FOR HER LITERALLY NO MATTER WHAT 😭🤚🏻
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but this line from Giles foreshadows the need for Spike to get his soul (the spark) back in order for Buffy to get her fire back - soulless spike’s love is not enough because of the guilt and shame she feels loving a soulless demon
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(thank you @spuffylatino for this spike screen grab)
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e voila! Their joint hands burst into flames in the moment Buffy can finally say the words “I love you” which she hasn’t told a romantic partner that since Angel - representing Buffy getting her fire back and that she has found someone who not only won’t pull away from the intensity of her love but can match it
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hands ablaze and neither pulls away until forced to by the collapsing hellmouth and Buffy gasps in relief because she did it, she got the fire back and now she can tell him with no fear or shame that she loves him before it’s too late
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and after she says it she has sort of this “I know that’s pretty obvious given our joint hands are currently ablaze as our twin flame souls intertwine but you deserve to hear it and I wanted to and now CAN say it” look on her face like she’s really fucking proud of him but also herself that this is how far they’ve come both as individuals and a couple
When I say Spike is the best romantic partner for Buffy it’s not because it’s perfect - it’s because after she dates angel and riley she’s an emotionally devastated, vulnerable, heartbroken, abandoned YET AGAIN mess who can barely hold it together and gets more and more closed off each time. But THIS is the impact Spike has on her. Despite all they go through he is a catalyst for the return of her strength, confidence, healing, and emotional vulnerability. I love the overall impact he has on her as well as her on him!! They change each other for the better!! Through their love!!!! THAT’S AMAZING!!
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texasjen13 · 7 months
Hey, I love your blog and you're my favorite on all of Tumblr.
Can we get a full reading on Chris's FS situation? How is she handling all of this? I truly believe they're already in contact and suffering together through this whole mess.
I think Chris is juggling to get her to be patient and wait for things to end with Alba.
I really believe Chris's girl is already around, at least in the virtual world.
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First card out is :
the queen of coins reversed- What this card means is that a romantic interest or partner may be feeling insecure or possessive or maybe projecting those emotions. It can also mean that future spouse needs to focus on her and her goals.
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The clarifier card is:
7 of coins- which means that in a romantic relation, it represents fostering, patient and development, which is essential to a long-term partnership
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The next card I have is :
the 6 of pentacles reversed- which means that there is an imbalance in the relationship there could be lack of equal given future spouse may feel like they’re being taken advantage of and the other person meaning Chris on the other hand may feel that they’re holding back. And if they’re not careful it could potentially turn into resentment in the long run.
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Now, as the clarifier card we have:
Justice now the justice in upright in a love reading, says that future spouse should treat Chris Fairley and honestly just like how she would wanna be treated
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The next card we have is :
the 4 of coins-which means in a love relationship again it may have some jealousy or possessiveness it may be fueled with jealousy or possessiveness kind of like the queen of pinnacles reverse. They may struggle with insecurities and fears. Not only future spouse, but Chris may have that about her as well, but this is basically how she feels at the moment
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The card that is the clarifier is:
The hierophant- which means that future spouse is ready for serious commitment like getting married to Chris after this shit show is ended. And Chris may be feeling the same way once this show ends.
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The next code we have is :
the high priestess- Now, with the high priestess in a love reading, talks about duality, they could view each other as their other halves. It could indicate soulmate or twin, flame energy, and on the other hand, they could also be a karmic relationship from a past life. The high priestess, as a love reading, is a sign of spiritual union, future spouse, and Chris are either mirrors of each other or polar opposites. Now they are opposite. It means that they complement each other and the card is a statically associated with the moon which governs intuition, and they could be very well in tune with each other, and when the other half is upset without telling them.
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And for that clarifier, we have :
the four of wands- Which means that Chris and future spouse have a strong bond, built on trust, support, and understanding, and this signifies a harmonious and loving partnership.
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This is where it gets interesting because I have both the queen and the king of pentacles in reverse meaning that there is a soulmate connection here they’re both a divine pair, Chris and future spouse.
What the king of coins represents is a person who is stubborn and materialistic. So I’m assuming that might be Chris since he’s in the limelight and it’s a divine masculine. Because the divine female is the king of pentacles, and we already saw her at the beginning of the reading.
So wrapping it up, there is a lot of pentacles meaning that Chris’s future spouse is definitely a Virgo because the queen of pinnacles represents a Virgo and then you have the other coins that also represents earth signs, but since we have the court cards, the king and queen of coins.
She’s definitely a Virgo and Chris does have Virgo in his chart. It may be his north note or something like that but the sign is a Virgo and it’s not AB because AB is a cancer. Plus check out the Bonus reading
That indicates the lovers card and you could see there’s two women and one man
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Hi! I'm writing something that includes supernatural creatures as the main characters, and I'm trying to add that every creature has a soulmate or something similar (like werewolves with their mates). However, I recently found out about the term "twin flames", and I was wondering if it should be good to mention their other half (idk how to call it hehe) as their twin flame instead of soulmate or mate? What do you think about that? I'm having a hard time trying to figure out which one should I choose. Hope you are having a great day btw (and sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm not fluent in English).
Supernatural Creatures and Their Soulmates
A little general advice before we dive into the specifics here... It's pretty common, when we're writing a story, to stumble upon terminology that feels like it applies to your story and to want to adapt it into the story in some way. When that happens, though, it's super important to spend some time doing deep research on the term to make sure you're either using it correctly or augmenting it for your story in a way that makes sense. You definitely don't want people familiar with the term to read your story and think, "That's not what that means," or "That's not how that works..."
I had never heard the term "twin flame" before, so I went and did a little reading, and according to those who believe in the concept, it's not actually the same thing as a soulmate. Whereas soulmates are two souls who belong together, twin flames are two halves of the same soul. Again, according to those who believe in the concept, a person can have many soulmates and soulmates are not fated to be together, whereas you can only have one twin flame and because it's two halves seeking to find each other, they are fated to be together.
The concept of mates in supernatural fiction has been done both ways... sometimes they're just a good match, other times they're the one and only possible match, so it just depends on which of those you're going for in your story. If you want that deeper metaphysical connection where two people or creatures are the only true/fated match for one another, the "twin flame" concept is probably what you're looking for. But if you want a more flexible (but still metaphysical) connection, where two people or creatures are just a really good match, but there are potentially others out there and fate does not play a role, then you probably want to stick with the soulmates concept.
And, remember, you can come up with your own terms and rules for something like this depending on the species or the supernatural rules in your story.
Have fun with it!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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viviane-lefay · 3 months
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Santari & Dagan as Arien & Tilion
"The maiden whom the Valar chose from among the Maiar to guide the vessel of the Sun was named Arien, and he that steered the island of the Moon was Tilion. In the days of the Trees Arien had tended the golden flowers in the gardens of Vána, and watered them with the bright dews of Laurelin; ... but Tilion was a hunter of the company of Oromë, and he had a silver bow. He was a lover of silver, and when he would rest he forsook the woods of Oromë, and going into Lórien he lay in dream by the pools of Estë, in Telperion’s flickering beams; and he begged to be given the task of tending for ever the last Flower of Silver. Arien the maiden was mightier than he, and she was chosen because she had not feared the heats of Laurelin, and was unhurt by them, being from the beginning a spirit of fire, whom Melkor had not deceived nor drawn to his service. Too bright were the eyes of Arien for even the Eldar to look on, and leaving Valinor she forsook the form and raiment which like the Valar she had worn there, and she was as a naked flame, terrible in the fullness of her splendour."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, p.99-100 (Of the Sun and the Moon and the Hiding of Valinor)
I've finally found Dagan and Santari's perfect Tolkien-verse counterparts - and *gasp* they're no elves, but maiar (ainur, the "gods" according to lore, of which the maiar are the "lesser" ones).
I'm a bit surprised I didn't think of this sooner, as it is such a nice choice for them - especially looks-wise.
For those who are wondering ... yes, I said Dagan looks like an elf to me, but the most common form that ainur choose to take is an elven one, so I guess that still counts. And since Tilion is the maia of the moon it's pretty much the Dagan Space Elf - theme again, lol.
Concerning personality and traits - it's actually the opposite, as Dagan's the fiery one here, and Santari the serene one. Same regarding force-potential - Dagan is clearly the more powerful one.
But while he is also smart, Santari is the one with the brilliant mind of a genius, so I'd say here's an Arien-esque trait.
And last but not least - I just love that this is one of the great, archetypal male - female, two halves of a whole, lovers combinations (in astrology, sun & moon is the soulmates / twin flames combo, for instance), which I totally dig - especially when it comes to OTPs of mine.
So, yes, I'm very pleased with this choice. =D
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lady-sphinx · 3 years
What is a Soulmate?
Pop culture would have us believe that a soulmate is the perfect romantic partner. While it’s true that soulmates can make the best partners, the pairing isn’t necessarily intimate, romantic or sexual in nature. Soulmates can play any role in your life including family members, colleagues, schoolmates, neighbours, strangers and yes, lovers. A soulmate is a person whose soul has a strong connection to your soul. Soulmate connections can be described in one of three ways: soul families, soul groups and twin flames. These groups are like branches a very large tree. The tree is Source/Spirit, and we are all part of it. That means your soulmates are actually you at a higher vibration. While in human form, we resonate more strongly with souls who are on the same branch due to our similarities and shared backgrounds. In truth, we are all soulmates, but those souls who are closest to us evoke the strongest soul memories.
Your soul family is the spiritual equivalent to your birth family here on Earth. They may take the form of a relative here on Earth, or could be anyone in your life. When you meet them, they feel like your siblings, parents or children. You and your soul family share the same over-soul, so you are all aspects of the same soul.
A soul family’s purpose is to love, nurture, support, guide, protect and help you. Soul family members help align you with your soul’s purpose, and will accelerate your spiritual growth.
Soul families are like human families. Within the large family tree, there are smaller groupings of souls, who form core family units.
Chance of Meeting
If you have soul family incarnated on Earth, then the chance of meeting is strong. Spiritually, you will be aware of each other, and will be intuitively drawn together. It may take many years, but when the time is right you will come together.
Sparks fly when you connect with soul family. If there’s a sexual attraction, then these connections can be very exciting and passionate. Other times, the connection is more familial, one of instant kinship. No matter the nature of the connection, you will love them, and want to be with them, from the instant you meet.
Soul family connections are the most loving, supportive, nurturing and compassionate on Earth. The connection is hugely powerful and undeniable. You two will be drawn together by forces stronger than any Earthly conditions (i.e. gender, age, marital status). You may express the connection in a romantic coupling, or by becoming the very best of friends. This person will always feel like family.
Soul family relationships have the greatest longevity. Of any relationship, this is the one that will last a lifetime (and beyond). The connection provides such amazing love and support, that no other relationship can surpass.
A soul group is akin to your Earthly friends, classmates and coworkers. Soul group member meetings are often triggered by significant life events, or they act as a catalyst for major life changes.
Your soul group members are working on the same life assignments as you so they have matching or complimentary life themes. They come into your life in order to help you achieve a shared spiritual objective.
You have plenty of soul group members. It’s likely that many of your soul group are incarnated here on Earth at this time.
Chance of Meeting
Chances are excellent that you have already met at least one of your soul group members. The more spiritually in tune you are, the more of these connections you will make.
There’s a slightly more intense connection with soul family members than with your soul group, but both elicit powerfully positive feelings and loving intuitive memories of Home. Your soul group members instantly feel familiar and safe to you. You may find yourself sharing private details of your life with a stranger on a plane. Maybe it’s someone you met in a store who recommended a life-changing book, or it could be the person you’ve just met who feels like a long-lost friend. However the connection happens, it will change you in a positive way.
Soul group members come into your life at significant times in order to assist you with your life’s purpose. These meetings help to fuel your spiritual growth, along with assisting you with making huge leaps forward in your life. Soul group members can play almost any role in life: best friend, your partner, a family member, a neighbour, a workmate, or someone whom you chanced to meet in passing. They help you to remember why you’re here on Earth, and what you hoped to accomplish.
Due to the purpose-driven nature of these connections, these relationships may not last. No matter how short- or long-lived, these encounters always serve a higher purpose.
A twin flame is a very special soulmate connection. You share the same immediate over-soul. In order to create polarity consciousness on Earth, your over-soul chose two separate expressions of itself, one male and one female, each perfectly balanced and complementary to the other. The two soul aspects may incarnate together, or one may remain on the Other Side (next dimensional level) while the other descends into this level of consciousness. You and your twin flame are perfectly complementary, like two sides of the same coin. These two individuals, possessing the same soul, are intuitively aware of each other, and spend a lifetime looking for the other.
Your twin flame acts as a guide and ballast, giving you both direction and balance while you are here in physical form. For instance, if you are female, or embody female characteristics, then your twin flame is comprised of male characteristics. You are perfect expressions of yin-yang energies. Your twin will push and pull you through learning curves. A meeting with your twin here on Earth would profoundly accelerate your spiritual growth.
Your soul has only one twin flame.
Chance of Meeting
It used to be rare to have both halves of the over-soul incarnated here on Earth at the same time, but that’s changing. With our imminent expansion of consciousness, more twin flames are choosing to reunite here on Earth. Still, the chance of meeting your twin flame is slim. That doesn’t mean you can’t connect with your twin flame via spiritual methods.
Immediate, undeniable, powerful soul recognition occurs when encountering one’s twin flame. This soul is your mirror image.
You cannot hide anything from your twin flame. All aspects of your being, both light and dark, are transparent to your twin. That means anything that isn’t resolved, healed or in balance will rise to the surface when you’re together. This can be overwhelmingly intense if you haven’t worked through your issues before meeting your twin. That’s why most twins have chosen not to incarnate together.
The twin flame connection transcends this Earthly realm and is therefore absolutely permanent. That being said, twin flame relationships here on Earth do not always last due to the intensity of the bond and the yin-yang nature of your two souls. The duration, therefore, depends greatly on timing and soul preparation.
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fromthemouthofapoet · 5 years
But what if we could rewrite the endings to our stories? The ones that that have inevitably closed, the bridges that we’ve burned along the way. What if we could choose an alternate outcome to each little love story, to each little choice we make. Ah, but we can through our own mind, our own words, our own paper and pen. So here’s mine:
12-23-13: If i could rewrite the ending to this toxic attraction, this unfortunate and deadly, however naive choice made five years ago. A choice that was my greatest downfall, my biggest regret. My wasted youth. A time I’ve repressed, a soul i never speak of anymore or dare to whisper his name. A deep scar that will always be there. He was a force to be reckoned with, and I guess I liked that. Sometimes i couldn’t look into his dark brown eyes, something in them hated me, but when someone tells you that they love you and want you, you believe it. Only wanting to see the good in someone no matter how they treat you. But My days were lived on a tight rope, one wrong move and my nights were filled with angry words, and shouting that rang in my ears hours after. Why was I never enough? The question cutting deep into my chest, maybe his idea of me was slowly disintegrating in front of his eyes. I couldn’t measure up anymore. I tried, I tried so hard. Never enough. Maybe if I was quieter? Smaller? Godlier? Selfless? I set aside myself, my goals, my dreams. Because I loved him right? And he loved me. Right? In the end I became nothing, so he set out to find something, and it wasn’t me. The pain too unbearable to speak of, did I deserve it? I felt helpless and powerless, no one was on my side now, i felt abandoned. so i hid the pain away in the darkest corner of my mind untill i couldn’t feel it anymore. telling myself i wouldn’t forgive the next one that hurt me. And i didn’t. Anger planted inside me like a ticking time bomb and the only ending I ever wished for was to go back to that day I met him in the little coffee shop downtown, turn around and walk away. Maybe only then I could have avoided the permanent damage it had caused, and the inevitable skewed image of love that’s forever imprinted on my mind. Too afraid of anything good, anything right.
8-29-18: If I could rewrite that sad little love affair, how the summer air turned cold and so did he. that abrupt ending to something almost perfect, an iron door slammed right in my face. Dizzy, angry and hurt i was left wondering what went wrong. I didn’t let myself cry that day. Still, I’d write about long nights, moonlit drives and blue eyes. Warm summer evenings, his hand on my thigh. There were sailboats, wind, water and air. A perfect hurricane. But there were also strong arms, and safety. Always a steady hand, always a shoulder to lean on, always a kiss in the dark, always my man. Steady and unmoved. He stood tall beside me, his hands in his pockets. I trusted him and I loved him, even though i never said it. i would have loved him forever had he’d just let me. Those late nights he would lay his head on my chest, He would look at me and laugh and say “Gosh, I’m so lucky.” I was the lucky one. Time would go on, we would be lost in it. One morning he would wake up beside me, his arm draped heavily over my stomach, his steady breathing on my shoulder. “I love you too.” He would whisper as the sun illuminated the little blue room “I want you forever.” I would look into the ocean eyes of the man I would love the rest of my life, I would build with him, I would grow with him. And one day I’d tell the story to a teal eyed child, of how wind and water took the world by storm, and made something chaotic and beautiful. Yet they found their love in the eye of a raging hurricane. Something real and not just an idea.
2-13-19: if I could rewrite the ending of a delicate “what if.” A fragile and blurred line. Misunderstandings, vague confusion, Deceit, rose colored glass, and timing that couldn’t have been worse. it would go something like this: he would be my best friend, my lover, my adventure. Standing eye to eye, my equal. Always a listening ear. Someone I could tell my secrets to, my ideas, my crazy ambitions. Someone to color the world with. Someone to pave a new way, design and invent. Creating new ideas, new mindsets, a new type of love. A crazy one. Time would fly with sparks, dancing, laughter and drunken nights, starry eyes and silly fights, my hands tangled in his dark hair. He would wrap himself around me till we didn’t know where either of us began or ended. Lost in each other. His beautiful brown eyes radiating a warm, and safe love. A steady flame, a solid ground. My baby. My love. And we would live to tell the stories to our friends and family, of how we created an empire, a new and unique world of our very own. One that only we could have inspired. Two very brilliant, bright minds. twin flames. Two halves of a whole. A change in time. A triumphant and perfect end, still standing beside me, his hand on my back, and the tigers eye crystal I gave him still hanging from his neck.
But the sad part, is the fact that things are the way they are. They end the way they end. People are people. it is what it is. Reality being the brutal enemy of our own imagination and fabrication. Idealization being our folly and our detrimental downfall to what we believe to be real. A stone wall. Running away and setting fires to the bridges and pathways we’ve built to our hearts. Repression being our greatest defense and the conductor of our own emotional suicide. Our cowardly way out of life in a way. Because to truly learn and heal, we must be brave enough to face ourselves, our memories, our feelings and the ones who have done us wrong. otherwise we are figuratively dead.
So how do we build a world outside our own? Beyond the anger, hurt, and vengeance we feel for the wrong that’s been done to us? Lashing out when our castle of cards destroyed. How do we accept the endings with grace? How do we let go? these stories and choices allow us to meet parts of ourselves, the ones we’ve forgotten, our ghosts in our dark dungeons and prisons we keep hidden, suddenly come forth when these people shine the light on them, provoking our worst demons. They’re our karmic soulmates, the ones we need to shine the light on who we really are and to show us the person we need to become. So we can look our defeats and mistakes right in the eye, while saying: “I forgive you and I forgive me.” Face it and feel it, so you can be free.
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hasansonsuzceliktas · 5 years
How to Invite a Soulmate to Your Life
Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: In this interview, we’ll be talking about soulmates and spiritual love. I’m interviewing Begüm Güven Karace for a number of reasons. First, I want the opinion of a woman on these issues. Second, she is hosting a two-day seminar on finding soulmates through ThetaHealing® techniques. Third, she has been together with her husband from age 16, which is rather rare. It is actually unusual to see people who are engaged in spiritual practices having such a long-term relationship. I’ll bet many people who are reading this interview have already divorced at least one partner. They may already be with a new partner, or maybe they’re searching for one, asking themselves where this partner is. But why is this harder for women? It could be that spiritual women are not as in demand as spiritual men. Spiritual issues carry yin energy, so women are highly drawn to them. There are consequently many beautiful spiritual women around, and it’s harder for these women to find compatible men. We’ll present a solution to the problem in this interview. Begüm, let’s start by describing what a soulmate is. Begüm Güven Karace: A soulmate has a soul that we are already familiar with from another existence, so we feel like we know each other from the moment we first meet. We feel close to each other and may experience intense feelings straight away. For instance, a person may suddenly catch your attention. You may feel intense emotions and empathize with what this person thinks. This is very common with soulmates and members of the same soul group. We feel love for both our soul group family members and our soulmates, and we feel close to them. We feel like we already know them, but the feeling is more intense for a soulmate. That is the only difference. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: Let me ask something directly: The only difference between a soul group family member and a soulmate is sexuality? So you would not have sex with someone from your soul family, but when you meet your soulmate, you feel something similar, but it may lead to sex. Begüm Güven Karace: Yes, we could say this of course, but some people do marry a soul group family member. When you ask these people about their feelings for their partners, they will say, “I love him/her like a brother/sister.” Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: So there’s no passion? Begüm Güven Karace: Yes. Such partners get along well, because they share interests and feel like they know each other since time immemorial, but there’s no passion. They may look like the best among the worst, but on the other hand, without passion, it can be difficult to continue a marriage or partnership. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: Anything passionless is like coffee without milk. It’s the milk that gives the real taste. Begüm Güven Karace: A man’s point of view may differ, of course, but in general, both men and women want to be satisfied in all aspects. If we are in a situation where we confuse a soul family member with a soulmate, it will be difficult to continue the relationship indefinitely. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: At this point, what’s the difference between twin flames and soulmates? Begüm Güven Karace: I’d like to quote Paula Coelho’s book Brida, which beautifully explains the difference between twin flames and soulmates. Twin flames are mirrors of the soul, literally the two halves of your soul. A soulmate, however, is one who helps us to complete our experiences. A soulmate is someone who will help you to grow and evolve, while your twin flame is a mirror of your soul. We should remember that we attract partners we are similar to, both positively and negatively. If I were to be with my twin flame, he would experience the same difficulties as me simultaneously, and when partners encounter the same difficulties, it becomes harder to live a joyous life. On the other hand, a soulmate can support me through the difficulties, and vice versa, so the relationship flows more fluently and happily. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: I believe it may be difficult to meet a twin flame partner, because the twin flame is another part of the soul and has experienced different things. You may have heard about this, but in a regression session, I experienced that I was a Jew in Auschwitz, while my twin flame was a Nazi officer. I experienced two completely different scenarios in that camp. There is no romanticism here. Twin flames experience some common difficulties but from different perspectives. The best description of what a soulmate is can be found in the magnificent book 2150 AD. When the hero meets his soulmate, she says, “In order to be with me, you should first be with the others.” For the hero’s frequency, there were twenty women and two men that were compatible from a population of one million people. Applying this to the Earth’s population of seven billion, we must have hundreds of thousands of soulmates. Is this right? There’s not just one soulmate for each of us. Begüm Güven Karace: Research into spiritual issues claims that following the transformation and rise from 1988, many soulmates are here to experience life on Earth. I mean, it’s no longer true to say, “I’ve only one soulmate. I found him and lost him, so it’s all over now.” No, this is simply not the case! It’s possible for us to find soulmates with different ages and genders and in different locations. For as long as we love ourselves and be conscious of self-love, we will meet many soulmates. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: On one hand, this is good. If you believe you only have one soulmate, what if he or she was in love with someone else? This way you actually have many options. On the other hand, another question surfaces: If we all have many soulmates, we may be attracted to all of them, which is not acceptable within our current level of consciousness. I believe we are inherently polygamous beings who have been programmed to be monogamists. What do you think? Begüm Güven Karace: As far as we know, monogamy comes from a gene not present in 60% of humanity. Carrying this gene also does not mean people will be monogamous, because they may have other partners over time. However, people carrying the monogamy gene do feel guilty if they have an affair, while people without the monogamy gene feel no guilt about it. What’s more, female nature differs from that of men in this regard. Women are more inclined to monogamy as they are limited to giving birth once a year and ovulating once a month, while a man can, in theory, father hundreds of children in a year. Men and women have different programming for the continuation of human life. Women are attracted to men who are suitable to their own genes. They want suitable fathers for their children and are often inclined to stay with one man. Men, meanwhile, are programmed to fertilize as many women as possible. On top of this, cultural and social structures and laws lay down some restrictions on monogamy and polygamy, but we are still created with certain dispositions. Of course, there is a critical point here. People do not randomly feel attracted to each other. This is where the soulmate concept comes into consideration. If I am together with a soulmate, and if that soulmate is to be my life partner, there are going to be important junctions in our fates when I should not feel attracted to another, nor should he feel attracted to another woman. It is all about completing each other, loving each other entirely, and being implicit. That’s when we can think about monogamy. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: Now, let’s talk about relationships. What’s needed to keep a relationship going? Begüm Güven Karace: The only thing that keeps a relationship going is self-love and self-respect. If I do not love and respect myself, I cannot love and respect another. If I do not accept myself, I cannot accept someone else, because that person becomes a mirror to me. I’ll be with someone who shows me the things about me that I’d rather ignore. If I cannot love myself entirely, I will continuously suspect that I am not loved. If I do not respect myself entirely, if I do not accept myself, and if I do not respect and accept the power that created me, I begin to feel like others do not respect me. Yet everyone deserves to be respected and accepted as they are. As long as I respect myself, I begin to love and accept others as they are, and relationships consequently work better. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: So Begüm, you are an instructor of ThetaHealing, which really is a magnificent tool for us. When I want to attract a soulmate, how will ThetaHealing help me? Begüm Güven Karace: Through ThetaHealing, we create a reality where it is possible to attract a certain type of people, whether it be soulmates or friends, to our lives. There is an important point before this, however: We should do our best to love ourselves. As we begin to love ourselves and accept how we are, people who will love and accept us will enter our lives. Whether it’s through ThetaHealing or another technique, it’s an exercise in self-love. Louise Hay has made some beautiful videos about mirror work, and many spiritual techniques have useful exercises for self-love. The first step to inviting a soulmate is to work on our self-love and self-acceptance. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: Some readers may wonder why that among all those hundreds of thousands of soulmates, they have not met one yet. This may be because they are not broadcasting the right frequency, the frequency of love. What you say is very important, Begüm, but how do we invite a soulmate into our lives? Begüm Güven Karace: We can compile a list by noting down all the features that we would like to see in a soulmate. We should begin by first writing the gender of this soulmate. If we merely say that we want a magnificent soulmate who gives us unconditional love, we may just as well get a cat or a dog. This can come to your life like a soulmate, or it could take the form of a friend with the same gender as you. This is why we should first decide the gender of our desired soulmate. Then, we should list the features of this soulmate. We can write down both physical and spiritual features. We can then take this list and consider what we have written. Next, what can we offer our soulmate? Do we also possess the features on this list? As you said, it’s a matter of frequency. I can only attract people with the same frequency as me. Let’s say I believe I am poor and should continue to live in poverty in order to evolve, yet my list says I want a rich soulmate. As I do not accept wealth into my life, how can I invite such a soulmate into it? There may a soulmate ready for me, but he will wait for my belief about wealth, and therefore my frequency, to change. In addition, you should wish for everything to come to pass in the highest possible way. The first task is to make a list and write down the most desirable attributes of a soulmate. The second task is to examine this list and for each item, decide if we are really ready to accept it in our lives. Through ThetaHealing or another method or prayer, you can then ask for your wish to come true. Next, close your eyes and imagine the person described in your list standing next to you and holding your hand. This person carries all the features you wanted, but what do you feel? What do all these features remind you of? Is there anything that makes you feel afraid or anxious? What would your mother say? What would your father say? What kind of a person is your soulmate? How do your friends react? When you try to feel and consider these things, anything that restrains you comes to the surface, so you have the opportunity to clean those restrains. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: Let’s use an analogy for inviting a soulmate. What ingredients can we use in a dessert? Which nuts should we use? How much flour and sugar should it have? There is a saying: “Love does not mean gazing at each other but rather looking outward together in a single direction.” Is this accurate? Should partners look outward together in the same direction? Begüm Güven Karace: Everyone has different preferences. For example, I often meet people who say, “I want a spiritual partner.” Sure, we all want someone who is special, but on the other hand, not everyone is as interested in spiritual issues as we are. An important point here is that I should rather ask for a partner who is tolerant and supportive of me in my spiritual endeavors. Almost 300 people were at the soulmate course I attended. The first thing Vienna Stibal asked us was how many of us wanted a spiritual soulmate. Many people raised their hands, but when Vienna asked the men to stand up, only five men stood up. This showed the ratio of men to women. Vienna then told us if we wanted a spiritual partner, we were really after a soulmate who will support us in our spiritual exercises. This can be someone who tolerates us and shows love. Your soulmate does not need to share your spiritual hobbies. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: Is your husband interested in spirituality? Begüm Güven Karace: He is not interested in such things at all. He does not even know Reiki. However, I’ve always felt supported, such as when I opened my healing center and when I worked on spiritual practices. Yet he is not interested in spirituality himself. This is why you need to be sure about what you really want. So, what do you need? For example, desiring a companion in your life journey is a good thing. Instead of wanting a partner who loves me, I prefer a partner whom I love. Mutual love is important of course, but first and foremost, a partner must be someone I love. I want a partner I will always love and accept in every situation, and this is the first thing on my list. He must be someone I desire, someone I will have a joyous life with, and someone I am sexually compatible with. As you can see, the list must be representative of what you need. You may want a partner who is acceptable to your social environment, someone you can easily introduce to your family, but the other requirements should be about your personal needs. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: What’s more, we shouldn’t write down negative features. For example, we should not write, “Must not be a lunatic.” You may end up meeting the most insane person ever, because this is not how the universe works. Begüm Güven Karace: Yes, we should only note down positive features. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: …to get someone with a sound mind and a balanced demeanor. Begüm Güven Karace: Exactly, so we will look at our list. Let’s say I am very imbalanced, but I want a balanced partner. Such a soulmate will wait for you to reach a balanced state. If you want a soulmate now, you should ask for a soulmate that fits your current state. After your list is complete, close your eyes and imagine this person near you. What kind of person is there? How does he or she make you feel? When there are other people around that see you together, how would you feel? Do you feel confident, proud, or loving? Or do you feel fear, anxiety, or a desire to run away? Before inviting a soulmate into your life, you should first cleanse these feelings. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: As you also know, people engaged in spiritual practices often suffer oaths of loneliness from their past lives. Healers in this life were often shamans and healers in their past lives as well, and they may have lived far from their tribes. As this program still runs in the background, these people still feel lonely, and this deters people from entering their lives. Begüm Güven Karace: An oath of loneliness is important, and in addition, you should also conclude your previous relationships. You need to spiritually complete any previous relationships. You should end any services for such relationships, cut your ties with the partner, and regain your soul fragments from the partner, as well as return that partner’s soul fragments. When my hands are full, I cannot hold someone else’s hands. Even if you were not married or in a serious relationship, you may have cared for a parent over a long period, so you may have a similar spiritual bond with this parent. Ultimately, though, you must also cut down such ties and get back your soul fragments. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: These are necessary preparations. Even if I think I made all these preparations, it does not mean I will meet my soulmate, right? The universe does not work in a way that our minds understand. If I make the preparations in March, I do not necessarily meet a soulmate in April. Begüm Güven Karace: Once you are on the path, you will meet suitable partners. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: We close our eyes; we see our fears. We feel anxious. What next? Begüm Güven Karace: If you have any fears or worries, you should work on them by engaging in suitable spiritual practices. You should eliminate the fears and anxieties you feel when you hold the hand of a soulmate. You will then be ready to invite this soulmate. You might want to extend the invitation first and then work on your fears, but you need to take action first. For example, you should go out to meet a soulmate. Just go and do something you like to do. Do whatever you like to do, because when people engage in a hobby or other favorite activity, the energy they reflect brings love, joy, and happiness. We meet our soulmates when we do the things we like to do. These activities bring us joy and happiness, so they make us feel better. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: There is a very important trick here. It’s not right to believe you will be happy when you find your soulmate. Instead, you meet a soulmate if you are happy. We always do the opposite. We have lists: I will be that if I do this, I will be this if I do that, and so on. Instead, if you can honestly say, “I am happy. I am full of love. I love myself. I’m happy to be alive,” and when you feel you need nothing, a partner will come to your life. Begüm Güven Karace: Exactly. We also should not pine for completion. Thinking that a soulmate will come to your life and complete you is not right. I must first accept that I am already complete and whole. No one else can complete me. There will merely be an exchange between the two of us. We will love and support each other and give and take. If you do not feel complete and whole, you may meet a soulmate, but the person you invite to your life will support your unhappiness, because such a partner can only support your state of mind. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: Can we meditate to invite a soulmate? Could you give an example? Begüm Güven Karace: Make a list of the attributes you want in a soulmate and hold this list. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. While exhaling, feel relaxed. Next, ground and center yourself in your heart and visualize descending into Mother Earth, which is a part of All That Is. Visualize drawing up energy through your feet, opening all of your chakras in the process. Imagine your consciousness within a beautiful ball of light, and within this light, rise from your crown and go out to the universe. Go beyond the universe, past the white lights, past the dark light, past the jelly-like substance that is law and into a pearly, iridescent white light. Become a part of this iridescent light as it penetrates your whole body. This is the energy of infinite love. Now, imagine you are a whole with this light and the list you still hold in your hand. Visualize the energy of this list rise up and encompass the whole world. Imagine your invitation reaching an appropriate person. Make your command and know that it is heard. Feel the joy and satisfaction with all your heart. Stay in this energy for a while before opening your eyes when you are ready. We can also invite compatible friends to our lives through this method. Hasan Sonsuz Çeliktaş: Begüm, thank you so much for your time. Begüm Güven Karace:  Thank you, Hasan. Read the full article
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Dating myths cracked
5 Widely Believed Dating Myths (Science Says Aren't True) Old friends pretend not to see you.  I also think that part of serving God is to join with another and grow together.  Culture tells us that women want good-looking, tall, overly nice ass-kissers with a million dollars in their account, and that beautiful women are hard to get.  He went from a mildly creepy but harmless from a distance pen pal… to a funny, thoughtful, supportive conversationalist — who had me laughing and looking forward to chatting with him nightly.  There was no dating in biblical times.
Special Series: Dating Myths Debunked It is unfortunate that some people feel intimidated by a woman who may be more academically accomplished than they themselves are. But with this newfound freedom also comes the potential for immense growth both psychologically and also spiritually.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24 11 , 1228-1242.  We can hear each other in our heads, feel one anothers emotions.  You'd probably never confide in some random chick at a bar that your tough exterior is just an act and that you've been emotionally wounded ever since you watched your pet Turtle, Fluffy, get hit by a car when you were eight.
eHarmony Cracked: Some about eHarmony Photos While God may still be in the business of arranging marriages today, it seems highly unlikely that in this entire world of over 7 billion people, there is only one perfect person for you to lock arms with and journey through life together.  Someone who is slow to warm up might be more comfortable on a second or third meeting.  And, according to science, most of it is wrong.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience before you decide how you feel.  Myth 1: Men and women who have children or are divorced have more baggage than those who never married.  Learning these myths will help you have a lot more fun and success while you're out there on the market.
Dating Myths Interview With the Love Doctor I encourage people not to go into their legal woes, their money problems, their custody battles on the first date.  One day I mentioned I was getting therapy for a broken finger, at a local hospital.  In this case, dating could be a defense against difficult feelings.  Reality — Your twin flame might appear at the worst possible time.  Because of their sheer power and breath-taking catalytic nature, twin flame relationships are often romanticized, idealized and worshiped in unnecessary and misguided ways just as the false idol is lauded for its imaginary divinity.  In dating, this sets us up for disaster.
8 Myths About Men You Need to Stop Believing They usually also have less experience interacting with men that approach them, which again makes it easier to talk to them.  Like urban legends, those stories that seem credible but have only a thread of truth running through them, our world is full of dating myths.  Therefore, women evolved to be attracted to men that had good survival qualities.  Couples that met online were significantly less likely to get divorced or separated than those who met offline, with 5.  Could you please comment on Barry Shisgal's questions posted above? Again, we go back in time to pre-history.
7 Common Myths Embellishing Twin Flame Relationships ⋆ LonerWolf Simply put, if a beautiful intelligent woman with high self esteem gets marriage minded the odds are in her favor.  Carrie Bradshaw and crew spend every waking moment dissecting their relationships.  But suggests there is no link between eating lots of eggs and cholesterol imbalance or increased risk of heart problems and type 2 diabetes.  The traditional approach assumes that parents and rabbaim will be actively involved in making the marriage work.  I had given up looking for a nice person, given up on love and was going to just look for supportive, nonsexual communication online — since I was a single mother, with no time for anything but work and family.  Families arranged marriages for many reasons, none of which had anything to do with two people falling madly in love.  Here are the secrets that will bring success to your dating life.
7 Myths About Women And Dating And I want to experience it with him.  It's important that the group meet regularly.  An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 milliliter for each calorie of food.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34 8 , 1023-1036.  Being quick to judge ensures that no one will ever measure up.  I use to feel more in-sync with whom I think is my twin as of 3.
7 Common Dating Myths From my studies of marriage and dating relationships, I've learned that what really keeps people together, what people should be looking for, is similarity - similarity in underlying values.  I wanted to take all that research information and make it available to the public.  However, when a few people who care about you feel there is a problem with your dating partner, they may see something that you can't see because of your emotions, attraction, or sense of pride.  I especially agree with the point about internet sites being a helpful thing.  Online dating is for the desperate.  Each time we hear a comment like this, we think of the many talented, intelligent, and beautiful single women we know who have not yet found the right man to marry.
7 Myths About Women And Dating If you have children, you don't even have to get a babysitter.  Aletheia Luna is an influential psychospiritual writer whose work has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide.  I'm not the biggest fan of Tinder myself, don't get me wrong.  And while some of those myths aren't so mythical yes, there is a chance you'll get ghosted or cat-fished; it does happen , many of them are like the Great White Buffalo.  If that connection ends in a date or a marriage, great.  And if you're not compatible, well, you can call the thing off with no consequences.  Women, on the other hand, keep it to themselves for at least three and a half hours before spreading the news.
11 Myths About Dating Over 50: Tips from Midlife Relationship Experts Sometimes I wonder if we are more soulmates as we never have in-depth conversations rather they are superficial.  Anyway — troublesome as well as pleasant time has passed and now we live and work together.  The phone may as well not be there,People know that I have no family-of any kind-but that doesn't make them any kinder.  Then consider that it is often the mother who has more day-to-day interactions with babies and very young children.  And so again, the best antidote to this myth is: First of all, realize that personality traits and behavior are much more attractive than height.  And it's not always true, either.  The soul is not physical - and it is not split into halves.
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brittanyyoungblog · 6 years
Twin Flame: A Relationship Beyond Soulmates
A lot of us have heard of a soulmate and have a general idea of the concept. Your soulmate is “the one”, the person who completes you, your other half. But many of today’s spiritualists believe that there’s another “one” for you out there. One that’s similar to a soulmate but different. This person isn’t your soul’s mate but your soul’s mirror. This person is your twin flame.
The idea of a twin flame has been around since the time of the ancient Greeks. Plato wrote about it in his play Symposium. According to the story he used to illustrate the idea, humans were originally beings with four arms, four legs, and a single head with two faces. But Zeus (the king of the Gods for those of you who are unfamiliar) saw these creatures as a threat, and split them in two. As you can imagine, this made the humans pretty miserable. These split beings, humans, us, were now doomed to roam the world forever longing for their other half. But all hope wasn’t lost. As Plato explained:
“This, then, is the source of our desire to love each other. Love is born into eve­ry human being: it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature. Each of us, then, is a ‘matching half’ of a human whole… and each of us is always seeking the half that matches him.”
Spiritualists believe that your twin flame is someone you connect with on all levels—physical, mental, emotional but also, perhaps more importantly, spiritual. As a result, it’s a relationship unlike any other. For some, the idea may seem like a stretch. But regardless of whether or not you believe in a twin flame, the concept introduces interesting ideas about what the ideal romantic relationship can be.
Here are some characteristics of a twin flame relationship: 
Twin flames are mirrors of each other. When you meet your twin flame it’s not the same as meeting someone who’s your perfect match. Instead, the person is a mirror or a reflection of yourself. Think yin and yang, dark and light, the sun and the moon. You’re similar and yet opposite, but together you create a harmony. It is your equal and opposing spirits that create the dynamics of this unique relationship.
Twin flames challenge each other. If you think meeting your other half is going to be an easy, comfortable experience, think again. Twin flame relationships are described as tumultuous and challenging, and it’s thought that the two people often break up and get back together, move apart from each other and then drift back again and again.
Consider the idea of a mirror for a moment—When you see yourself reflected there, it’s not just the good things you see but the bad as well. Twin flames reflect back your hidden fears, weaknesses, and the dark places in yourself as well as your strength and beauty. You feel attracted to each other, but also fear what you see and this causes many people to run away.
Twin flames help eachother grow and evolve as individuals. The idea of a mirrored self gives the twin flame relationship its strength. It’s thought that before you can grow and evolve as a person, you need to see yourself as you truly are. Your twin flame gives you a vehicle to do this. By watching your twin flame struggle with their issues, you better understand your own. By watching them learn about themselves, you learn more about yourself. And, ultimately, spiritualists believe that you’ll gain an even greater understanding of not just yourself, but of all of humanity and the world.
Phew, pretty heavy stuff right?
Well, regardless of whether or not you believe in the idea of a twin flame, the underlying ideas about relationships the concept introduces are something everyone can relate to. We’ve all had relationships—be they romantic or platonic, with a family member or a teacher, a lover or a friend—where the person we were with elevated us somehow or made us realize something we weren’t cable of getting to on our own.
A strong relationship with another person allows you learn about yourself, it can force you to face the uncomfortable truths about who you are. It can also take you outside of yourself to help you see things from another’s point of view. The best relationships awaken us to so many new things—new things within ourselves, within others, and within the world around us. There is an odd kind of magic to getting close to people and getting to know them. Perhaps that magic is a twin flame, or a soulmate, or some other spiritual or human connection we haven’t yet put into words. Whatever it is, it’s worth looking into. 
The post Twin Flame: A Relationship Beyond Soulmates appeared first on The Date Mix.
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