#like just seeing an actual thick well cut cotton tee aw man
poetlcs · 3 months
Its so sad how excited I get when I go to a store and actually see/feel a high quality garment
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mercuryeet · 5 years
The Lie, Love You Till I Die
Welcome to the chronological series. New episodes every Friday 🚀
Episode IV, Sweet Home Alabama
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The wheels of the plane touched down and Miranda turned her eyes to me with a flash of a smile. My girl was both happy and nervous to be home again. I was just excited to see the place she came from, and uncover new parts of her I hadn’t seen before.
“You ready to meet everyone, Bri?” She tucked the magazine she was reading back where she got it and reached for my hand. Her palms were clammy and hot.
I nodded my head and brought her hand to my lips. “It’ll be a fun trip, love. Stop worrying.”
“Just know that they’re gonna have questions about you and I. And even about Freddie.” She squeezed my palm in her hand three times. Something we used to do as kids to say ‘I love you’. I’m not sure if it means something different now.
“Let them ask away, love. You don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to.” I squeezed her hand back four times. ‘I love you too’.
“I guess you’re right.” She smiled and leaned over me to look out the window. “Welcome to Alabama, Dumplin.”
Outside were fields and fields of cotton and wheat and corn. Miranda’s face lit up and she admired the scenery. I wanted so badly to kiss her right then and there. The gleam in her eyes reminded me of how fast I really fell for her when we first met as teenagers. Her long unruly hair dangled over her shoulders and her big pretty eyes were always wild and amused. I’ll always remember the first time I met her, sitting on the stoop of the library steps with an iced lolly that had stained her lips and tongue bright pink. She looked as wild then as she does right now, staring out the airplane window.
Miranda turned her face back towards mine with a smile. “Ceils should be at the gate waiting for us. She’s excited to see you again.”
I took my chance to kiss her now while her attention was on me. Her lips curled against mine with a breathy giggle. “You’re absolutely adorable Bri. You know that?”
“Only because you tell me all the time.”
She playfully smacked my arm.
The stewardesses began to let everyone off the plane and into the terminal. Luggage claim was a wreck as usual and I was grabbing Miranda’s bag when a tall leggy red head comes running towards us. Her yellow tee shirt had a grass stain on the left shoulder and her shorts were most definitely pants that had been worn out at the thighs and been cut into daisy dukes.
“Miranda!” It was Ceilia, flinging herself into Miranda’s arms.
“Ceils!” The two of them hugged and jumped around before pulling back to do that thing where they talk over each other really fast but can still somehow completely understand what was said.
“I’ve missed you so much Mandy!” Ceilia had such a thick southern accent, if Miranda hadn’t had one when I first met her I doubt I’d be able to understand what she was saying now.
“I missed you too Ceils. It’s nice to be back in Huntsville.” Miranda’s expression was more relaxed than it had been on the plane. She looked comfortable again.
Ceilia slowly let her arms down Miranda’s shoulders before finally looking in my direction.
I forgot how much of a hugger Ceilia was and couldn’t get my hands out of my pockets fast enough to avoid the most awkward hug I’ve ever had.
“Brian! It’s so good to see you. When Mandy told me all about how you were coming with her instead I just couldn’t believe it! Last time I saw you you had hair ABOVE your shoulders!” Ceilia playfully smacked my arm before picking up Miranda’s bags.
“It’s good to see you too Ceils. Congratulations on the engagement and the wedding and all.” I reached out to take the bags from her hands and she patted my hand away.
“It’s alright Bri Bri, I’ve been tendin my Uncles farm for years. Im probably stronger than you are Sweet Cheeks.” Ceilia turned around and waved for us to follow her. Miranda smiled and hooked her arm around mine as I carried my own luggage.
“She’s probably got a point you know. Ceils holds the Mugs N Jugs record for bull riding.”
I smiled and pecked the top of her head as we followed behind her cousin. Ceilia parked her white Chevy pick up right out front, which I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to do.
“Load her up baby.” Ceilia smacked the tailgate of her truck before flinging herself up into the bed with what looked like little to no effort at all. I handed her our bags and she lined them up carefully and secured them with a bungee cord.
“You ready to meet Ma and the rest of the family?”
The driveway to Miranda’s mothers house was one of those things that you can’t actually find on a map. You have to rely on directions like ‘take a right at the chicken farm but if you pass the cotton field and the donkeys you’ve gone too far’. The driveway was a plain red dirt road, the stone mailbox that marked the driveway was probably about a mile back now. I knew her family had land but not this much. Miranda and Ceilia did most of the talking. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. I also enjoyed holding her hand for a good thirty minutes. She made me feel like a teenager again. I’ve never been so giddy and excited to just hold a girls hand before.
The lights on the outside of Miranda’s home began to shine through the trees surrounding the property. The faint sound of people laughing and talking in the distance came through the open windows.
Miranda turned to me, breaking my focus on the tree line.
“So Brian. Welcome to the Anderson Farm.”
In just seconds her home was fully in view. It was beautiful and rustic. It was a lovely white wash home with a porch that wraps all the way around on both the upper and lower decks. The front porch had a hanging swing and several wooden barrels for seating. There were three trucks parked out in the lawn, all Chevrolet.
“I guess the Chevy thing is a trend?” I leaned into Miranda’s ear, making her giggle.
“Daddy would flip his lid if we drove anything else.” She leaned in even closer and whispered “So don’t tell him I drive a Volkswagen.”
She let go of my hand as Ceilia parked the truck alongside another white Chevy. The truck sort of jolted as she put it in park.
“Get ready to be bombarded Brian. Watch out for Victor and Vann. They’re dumb AND nosy. And don’t let Uncle Curtis scare you too much. He’s all bark and no bite.”
Confused about how to even respond to Ceilia I just nodded my head and gave my best attempt at a smile. Honestly my heart was flopping around like a fish in my chest. I was about to meet Miranda’s entire family. Including her father, which would be a first. I met her mother in London a few months after I met Miranda. She’s an incredibly sweet woman. Mrs. Anderson is very down to earth, but still knows how to make someone laugh. Her father is who I assume to be the very formidable man lingering on the porch with a pistol strapped to his hip, but I’ll hope for the best.
“You’re going to do great sweetheart.” Miranda pecked me on the cheek and practically dragged me out of the car. If she hadn’t I’m not sure I would have gotten out. I felt glued down by the fear of completely bombing this meeting with her family.
“Oh my!” As soon as the car doors shut a small plump woman came rushing through the storm door of the house. “My Mandy Pandy is home!” It was Miranda’s mother. The two of them ran to each other, almost like you see in the movies. They looked so alike. Both had dark hair and green eyes and very Italian features.
Ceilia had left my side to go hug the big, slightly terrifying, man on the porch, leaving me on my own with my hands shoved in my pockets like an idiot.
“And of course Brian!” Mrs. Anderson waved me in to get in on the hug as well. “I’m so happy to see you both again. Especially you know,” she lowered her voice to whisper “together.”
My eyes darted to Miranda to look for a little guidance. I wasn’t sure what all she’d told her family about us but by the nervous smile she gave me and the way Mrs. Anderson whispered I’m convinced her mother knows a little something.
Mrs. Anderson let go of us and pulled back to look us over with a toothy grin. “London is starvin’ y’all but we’ll get to fixin’ that while you’re here.”
“Aw, Mom don’t say that.” Miranda said awkwardly.
“It’s alright.” I smiled back at her mother, trying to seem more comfortable than I really was “I’ve never had southern comfort food, I’m excited to try it.”
With a quick glance upwards I locked eyes with the scary man on the porch. He had been watching me.
“Well you came to the right place Brian.” Mrs. Anderson patted my arm before turning around to call into the house “Victor! Vann! Come get the luggage out the truck for Mandy and Brian!”
“Oh it’s okay I can get our-“ I was interrupted by Mrs. Anderson.
“Nonsense these two can get it.”
Two tall lanky boys in oil stained tee shirts and blue jeans came wrestling out of the house. Both had long hair and the same facial features but one had a scar on his left cheek bone where he clearly had stitches in the past.
“Woah there Mandy you didn’t tell us you were bringing the worlds best guitarist to Ceils wedding.” The boy with the scar on his cheek came barreling down the steps, his brother in tow behind him.
“Victor mind your manners.” Miranda punched his shoulder as he and his brother stopped right in front of me. Almost examining me you could say.
I smiled and held out my hand “It’s nice to meet you both.” Victor completely ignored my hand and pulled me right in for a hug, patting my back pretty rough.
“Nah dude. It’s a freakin honor to meet THE Brian May.”
“Enough boys.” The big man on the porch finally spoke.
Ceilia had joined Miranda’s mother back in the house and the twins were behind us in no time grabbing the luggage from the truck.
“Hey Daddy.” Miranda gave the man a soft doe eyed smile. “I missed you.”
I was right. The man was her father. I thought knowing that for sure would make me less intimidated but I couldn’t have been more wrong.
She took my hand and brought me up to the porch where her father stood and waited for us. I followed just behind her. Staying just one step behind her, taking her lead in the conversation.
“I missed you too Mandy. Is this the Brian fella you were telling me about?”
Miranda nodded and Mr. Anderson held out his hand for me to shake.
“It’s nice to meet you Sir.” Miranda told me to mind my manners and make sure I address her parents as Ma’am and Sir as much as I could remember.
“It’s nice to meet you too Mr. May. I like your music but you need a haircut son.” Mr. Anderson smiled and opened the door behind him for us to come in. “Come inside and get settled y’all. I’m sure you’re tired.”
Miranda nuzzled her head under my chin as I held her close. We were listening to the sound of the crickets outside. Miranda had one twin sized bed that sat directly underneath a window. The moonlight lit up her face enough for me to admire her while she slept in my arms. She was so pretty. Even when she wasn’t trying to be. She looked like an angel in the veil of the moonlight. The light bounced and danced off her cheeks. I ran my fingers up and down her back as she drifted off. I could do this with her forever. I could wake up next to her forever. The image of her big green eyes and her disheveled hair strewn across the pillows is something I’ve always wanted to have the privilege to see.
“Goodnight Miranda.” I whispered “I love you.”
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