#me and my friend went to the high street in Sydney just for a goofy time
poetlcs · 6 months
Its so sad how excited I get when I go to a store and actually see/feel a high quality garment
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minsugasnerd · 6 years
Nothing Else Matters - Epilogue
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Pairing: Yoongi x You
Word Count: 2,352
Genre: Fluff?
A/N: This fic was my very first and will always be my baby! I’m surprised it got this far ^_^ thank you to my faves @softkim2 @softjeon and @bangtanjaemi for all of the encouragement and support! I love you!
chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Months following the incident at your former place of employment, you had to appear in court numerous times to describe in detail why took place that night. You testified against Lucky, thrilling everyone before you how he harassed you, further backing up your story about the countless of times he made you extremely uncomfortable. Your heart absolutely sank when a few more of your coworkers came forward to say the same happened to them, some told worse tales. Your stomach churned, that could have been you if it wasn’t for Yoongi. You tried fighting him off but were unsuccessful, you were so incredibly grateful for your boyfriend. After the fact he asked if you’d be willing to take self defense classes, you were all too happy to say yes, for the most part because you hated being the damsel in distress.
You had been looking for other jobs since the club was shut down, rightfully so. You spent most of your nights pulled close to Yoongi’s side, perusing help wanted ads online while he watched tv. Countless of times while you gnawed on your lip trying to figure out what to do for work, he would rub your arm or back calmly and softly telling you that you shouldn’t worry about it. Depression and anxiety hit you hard after the incident, he was extremely understanding of your ups and downs. Begrudgingly you sat down with him one night, it was close to the end of the month and you were out of funds, which meant you had to ask him for help.
"What did you want to talk about jagi?" He asked as you folded yourself into the smallest ball in the corner of your couch.
"I need help," you said in a voice barely above a whisper.
"What was that? I can’t hear you," he said with a grin.
You looked at him with a glare. "Never mind. I’ll figure it out." You got up from where you sat and before you could make it far, Yoongi grabbed a hold of you and pulled you into a back hug.
"I’m sorry," he sighed. "I’m just never used to you asking for help. Whatever you need, I got you."
You heaved a big sigh and calmed the nervous feeling, the self-hatred you felt deep down and asked if he could help you out with rent.
"Rent money?" He asked to confirm, his breath tickled your neck.
"I really didn’t want to ask," you trailed off. "But I’d rather risk my pride than risking living on the streets."
"That will never happen. As long as you’re with me, that will never happen. Do you understand?" His arms that we’re wrapped around your middle squeezed harder as if that would back up his words. Nodding your head, he released a breath he was holding in as if he was bracing himself for another argument. "First thing in the morning I’ll have a check written okay? I’m really proud of you asking for my help, I know it wasn’t easy."
"It really wasn’t easy." You said and maneuvered in his hold to face him. You looped your arms around his waist as he held you. Your nose buried into the fabric of his shirt, you could feel the muscles in his chest had become more defined, inhaling the scent of his cologne calmed you. It smelled like home, cause he was your home. "Thank you."
"I love you, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you," Yoongi traced delicate patterns into your back, staying like that for some time before retreating to your room to cuddle up to him and fall asleep peacefully.
In the morning he woke you up, letting you know he had some business to take care of. It was supposed to be his day off, you had planned on spending the day with him, going for a walk with him and Holly, who spent a bit of time with you as well. It was as if you had your own little family.
"Don’t worry, go back to sleep. I’ll only be gone for a few hours okay?" He kissed your forehead, watching you as you rolled over and curled around a sleeping Holly. If only you could have seen how big the smile on his face was.
Hours later you woke to Yoongi crawling onto the bed, planting several kisses on his dog lovingly before he looked up at you with a goofy grin. "Morning beautiful."
"Morning handsome." You grinned and sat up to give him a kiss on his pursed lips. "How’d businesses go?" You asked with a yawn.
"It went really well. Why don’t I tell you about it on our walk? Get up and get dressed, meet us downstairs." He got up and Holly followed him excitedly out of the room.
In almost no time at all, you got dressed and washed your face, pulling a hat over your messy hair. You walked down the flights of stairs to see your boyfriend squatting down talking to a leashed Holly in the cutest voice ever. "What a softy," you laughed.
Color rose to his cheeks in embarrassment. "Aishhh he’s my baby," Yoongi said without missing a beat. He stood up and held his hand out for you to hold. 
You laced your fingers with his as you both started down the sidewalk, making small talk as you walked along. Getting lost in the conversation you hadn’t noticed where you were headed. As time passed you noticed that your surroundings became more and more familiar, you hadn’t been in this area since the studio shut down.
"So the business I wanted to tell you about," Yoongi abruptly said after a silence settled between you two.
"What is it babe?" You asked as you looked up at him.
Nearly coming to a full stop in front of your old job, Yoongi turned to look at you, an apprehensive look settled on his features.
"Well I know I should have asked before but I didn’t." He paused a moment to clear his throat. "I know how much you loved working at the dance studio. I had a long talk with an accountant and the company."
Your heart was racing at the implicated outcome of what your boyfriend was saying, breath caught in your throat and tears formed in your eyes.
"Min Yoongi. Tell me you didn’t!" You finally said when you were able to find your voice, although it came out barely above a whisper. 
He stopped in the middle of his explanation and his lips set in a taut line. "I’m stupid I know. See I knew I should have.."
You didn’t let him finish before you embraced him in the tightest hug you could muster. Fresh tears soaking the fabric of his jacket. The love you felt for him at this very moment was unexplainable.
"I love you." Your confession came out muffled.
"Wait so you’re not mad?" He asked, voice thick with confusion.
"Mad? Why would I be mad?" You questioned and pulled away from him to wipe the last escaping tears from under your eyes.
"The last time I made a big decision without asking didn’t have a great ending. We argued." He stated matter-of-factly.
"It was something I wasn’t comfortable with at the time." You smiled at him. "Plus I’ve learned to just go along with your big gestures. You’re a softy and don’t can’t seem to remember that I’m good with the small things in life."
You noticed a slight pink flush overed the apples of his cheeks. Ever since you two had begun this relationship, you were constantly surprised with larger gifts and gestures to show he cared. Instead of a cute teddy bear and chocolates out of nowhere, you got lavish jewelry. On Valentine’s Day, you were expecting a dinner at a crammed restaurant with grumpy servers, instead he one upped everyone and reserved an entire swanky restaurant just for the two of you. For your birthday, a day which you usually just liked hanging out with your friends, he handed you an envelope which contained airplane tickets. He sent you and your closest friends, Kim and Jey to Paris for a shopping spree. You told him these gestures were over the top but he simply stated that he wanted nothing but the best for his baby.
"Well you know me..." he grinned that gummy smile of his.
"You are too good to me Yoongi." You cupped his cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips. "Did you really buy the studio back?"
"Mhmmm. The company invested in it. They know how talented you are with dancing, I mean they even had scouts checking you out. They almost immediately agreed to help buy back this studio." Butterflies filled your stomach. "They’re willing to help hire whomever you want back, they’re even working on promotions and advertising for this place."
"Oh Yoongi." A fresh wave of tears began to well in your eyes. "How can I ever thank you for this?"
"You don’t need to thank me, you just need to say yes to what I’m about to ask on behalf of the company." He said in a tone that kind of worried you.
"What is it?" You asked, obviously worried it was going to be something you weren’t going to like.
"After hearing from the choreographers, and Hobi, they want you to train with the rest of the back up dancers for the next tour." Your boyfriend spoke slowly but it felt as if it came out in a rush, your ears were ringing with excitement.
"What? No! Are you serious?!" You asked in a high pitched voice and excitedly bounced on the balls of your feet, which caused Holly to bark and prance around you two.
"Yes jagiya. They want you. We all want you on tour with us!" Yoongi’s excitement matched yours. "So will you do it?"
"Yes! Oh my god yes!" He pulled you close and buried his nose in your hair.
-Months Later-
"Break a leg girl!" Kim said as she hugged you.
Sydney, your old boss resumed the position of running the studio, had put together a going away party for you and the boys. The eight of you were genuinely shocked when you flipped the light switch in the dark studio and received streamers and shouts of ‘surprise’. You loved having your family back together at the dance studio, having your first real home back.
"You’re gonna kill it! I just know it," Jey said, linking her arm around your waist.
"Awww don’t make me cry!" You jokingly sniffled.
"Oh shut up you sap! Are you excited?" Kim asked.
"I’m nervous but so ready." You replied earnestly.
"I bet you are. Keep an eye on TaeTae for me?" Jey asked with a small smile. Their relationship had been nothing but flirts and not so sly hand holding for months.
"Of course." You looked at he knowingly. "Want me to keep an eye on Hoseok for you Kimmie?" You laughed. 
For so long they had this unsettled definition with their friendship. One night they had openly admitted that they were attracted to each other and decided to give it a go. They were still in the beginning stages of things, whenever he was cocky about her liking him, she’d put him in his place by joking about how good Jin was looking these days.
"Please?" Kim had asked. The three of you burst out in a fit of laughter.
A loud whistle from Jungkook rang out which caught everyone’s attention.
"Thank you Kookie," Sydney laughed. "I wanted to make a toast to Y/n as well as you boys. Without you I wouldn’t have this studio, which is practically my baby back. I can’t thank you enough." She looked straight at a Yoongi who politely waved her statement off.
"Y/n, you are like a daughter to me and I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of you. I remember asking you what you wanted in life and do you remember what you said to me? You said you wanted to make a difference in someone’s life and that you wanted to make it to the big time. Well honey, you did it, everyone in this room are so grateful to have you and look at you darling, you’re going on tour with one of the most successful groups known. I am so proud of you."
Her little speech brought you to tears and a circle of bodies formed around you for a group hug. You have never felt so accomplished in your entire life than you did at that moment. You had never felt so loved and worth something. That’s rest of the night was filled with many more laughs, dancing, and a few drinks after the kids had gone home. 
Yoongi sauntered over to where you were perched atop a stack of mats that were used for the younger classes. "Why are you all alone over here hmm?" He stood in the space between your legs.
"Taking everything in before we leave I guess. It just feels so surreal." You were being completely honest, at times within the past few months, talking about plans for the tour and practicing like crazy, never felt as real as it did right then.
"Get used to it babe." He grinned and leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
"Thank you." You murmured as you leaned into his form.
"For what?" Yoongi asked with a slightly puzzled tone.
"For making me happy. For being there for me. For being the best boyfriend. But most importantly, for helping make my dreams come true. I love you so much." You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and intertwined your fingers behind his neck.
He leaned his forehead against yours and softly exhaled while looking into your eyes. "I’ve loved you from the beginning. You are my life. You and your dreams, and your happiness..." he struggled for a moment to find the right words. "Nothing else matters to me."
A/N: It took a while longer than expected to get this epilogue posted. My first ever series is finally complete! This is my baby *ugly cries* If you stayed long enough to finish reading this epilogue or even this series as a whole, thank you!
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cartzypage · 7 years
World Cruise Update: Look Who Finally Returned to Sydney Australia
Sydney Opera House
Our first stop in Australia is Sydney and I’m so excited to be back. Our home away from home, Fred. Olsen Cruise Line’s Black Watch, arrived into Sydney in the early morning hours before we awoke. We docked at White Bay Cruise Terminal around 6:45 am and that made our arrival official.
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Preparing for Our Day in Sydney Australia
After getting dressed and ready for the day, Danielle and I made our way to Glentaner Restaurant on deck 6 for a quick breakfast. Since we were going to have to pass through immigration and customs in the port, tour guests were permitted off the ship first. Then each deck was sent down. First starboard side or odd numbered cabins followed by port side or even numbered cabins. The lines were long but they did move fairly fast and soon we were out and looking for our ferry.
Taking the Ferry Into Sydney
White Bay Cruise Terminal
Now why a ferry? On previous trips to Sydney, I docked at the Overseas Passenger Terminal right in the CBD. This time, however, was different as we were now at White Bay Cruise Terminal, which is far outside the city.
Fred. Olsen Cruise Line’s Black Watch as seen from the ferry dock
The ferry was only a few minutes walk from the cruise terminal with scheduled departures every 30 minutes.
Black Watch as seen from the tender
We had just missed the last one and the next one arrived late but what could we do?
While there were a few different boats used for the ferry service, all were clean and easy to use. The ride over was less than ten minutes total.
Darling Harbour
The view from the ferry in Darling Harbour
After the quick ferry boat ride, we finally arrived at King Street Wharf. From there we walked over to Darling Harbour to collect our Big Bus hop on, hop off tickets that we were planning to use day 2 of our stay in Sydney. Then I turned on my Tep Wireless device so I could navigate with Google Maps over to Circular Quay.
Circular Quay
Once we got to George Street, I recognized where I was and was able to navigate the short walk over.
I was excited to see Danielle’s expression when she first caught a glimpse of the Sydney Opera House. The first time I saw it, it reminded me of seeing the Grand Canyon. It was something I had always wanted to see, but was far better in person than any pic or video could ever capture. She thought it was smaller than she expected. Crazy girl!
Sydney Harbour Bridge
We walked along the water and took pics of Sydney Harbour including Cunard Queen Elizabeth and Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Danielle and Marian acting goofy in front of Sydney Harbour Bridge
Selfie time
And, of course, we also needed to do a few selfies.
The Rocks
Several photos later and we were now walking up to The Rocks. On the weekends this area is filled with all kinds of vendors selling goods, but we were here during the week so that wasn’t happening unfortunately.
Instead, we looked for other places to shop inside at The Rocks like Spirit Gallery. That meant a morning full of shopping complete with boomerangs, jewelry, t-shirts, and more.
Lunch at The Ship Inn
The Ship Inn
Our next stop was lunch at the Ship Inn. The past two times I’ve visited Sydney, I’ve walked right past this place and yet, I’ve never entered it. 
Danielle noticed they had pizza and salads and it seemed like a perfect place for lunch. For her lunch, Danielle ordered a chicken pizza with spicy peppers (capsicum) and caramelized onions but without the chicken or the capsicum and extra mozzarella.
Pumpkin, rocket, and pine nut pizza
I ordered a pizza with pumpkin, arugula (rocket), pine nuts but no cheese. We were so hungry we were head down in our food and devouring pizza with very little to say to one another.
Off to Bondi Beach
After lunch we had planned on utilizing the Big Bus Hop On, Hop Off passes to get from Circular Quay to Bondi Beach. But after careful consideration, we decided it was easier to get an Uber and get directly to the beach instead of going on the bus for maybe an hour each way. In the end it cost us about $20 AUS each way so I say it was well worth it.
Bondi Beach
As soon as we got to Bondi Beach, I knew we made the right decision. The sun was hot, the view was spectacular, and I couldn’t wait to dip my toes in the water and the pristine sandy beach.
Bondi Beach
People were sunbathing, swimming, and surfing and I so wanted to join them. Danielle was insistent that there were sharks in the water, but with lifeguards nearby, I knew it was safe for sure.
Travel Shop Girl in her Demon Doll Clothing on Bondi Beach
We walked along the beach, took some pics and videos, and then walked back up to the boardwalk.
In front of mandala street art at Bondi Beach
Here we saw a few street artists completing their own artwork among the murals. The art was pretty incredible and it even made me stop and have my pic taken in front of one that looks like my mandala tattoo.
Bondi Beach Shopping
Walking the boardwalk along Bondi Beach
Our next stop was shopping, of course. I definitely wanted a Bondi Beach t-shirt and I ended up with a super soft pink tank. I’m thinking ahead to future ports of call like India when I’m melting like cheese (as Putu in the Lido Bar said I would). Danielle and I also stopped at a convenience store where I picked up some Tim Tams to take home and a souvenir store to see if we could find anything good. Finally, the heat was getting to us so we decided to get an Uber back to King’s Wharf so we could get the ferry back to the ship. Along the way we ran into a friend, stopped for a few drinks, and then climbed back on the ferry to Black Watch. A quick shower, clean clothes, and fresh hair and makeup and we were ready for a night out in Sydney. It was a beautiful night to be out and we enjoyed meeting new people and checking out the Sydney nightlife. But for the fact that our Uber wasn’t allowed in the port and we had to walk from the gate to the terminal at White Bay Cruise Terminal on our own, it was a really good night. Oh and we hadn’t eaten any dinner but for a bag of crisps each, which really wasn’t good for either of us, but that’s what you do when you wing it.
Day Two In Sydney Australia
Wednesday, 28 February 2018 was our second day in Sydney and we wanted to back out there again. We missed breakfast and decided we would try to grab food upon arrival at King’s Wharf. However, with a vegan in tow, finding suitable food for two hungry people isn’t always easy. We walked along Darling Harbour and couldn’t find anything. We decided to retrace our steps from the day before to Circular Quay as we had passed many restaurants along the way.
Lunch at Mad Mex
After walking and checking out menu after menu, Danielle and I both felt like we were going to pass out. But then we stumbled upon the MetCentre on George Street and the most wonderful food court. Can you believe Danielle and I agreed on the same place? We both chose Mad Mex for lunch and it was so good, fresh, and tasty. I had three soft corn tortillas with veggies and black beans, pico de gallo, and guacamole (no sour cream or cheese) and a watermelon Jarritos soda. We sat across from a Vietnamese restaurant and I so wanted to order the tofu bao, but just didn’t have any room left.
More Shopping in Sydney
Walking around the CBD
After lunch we wandered around the MetCentre as I was in search of a new pair of jeans. We stopped in one store and I tried two pairs on. The first was a pair of high waisted jeans that pretty much came up to my boobs so they were a no go. The second pair were a pair of boyfriend jeans much like the pair I had on so I liked them. But they were cut strangely as the calves were super tight so back they went as well.
Birdcage Alley
Birdcage Alley
Danielle and I decided to walk over to Birdcage Alley, somewhere she had discovered online. It’s on Angel Place and it’s an art installation of 50 birdcages with piped in bird sounds of birds that are no longer around. Guess it’s a reminder of what once was so if you get to visit “Forgotten Songs,” it’s well worth a visit.
Even More Shopping in Sydney
A little more souvenir shopping and then Danielle and I decided it was time to consider catching the ferry back to the ship. We stopped at the Sea Life Center store in Darling Harbour where I couldn’t resist another purchase. There was a pair of black and blue Australia flip flops I just had to have. Danielle picked up a few things and shortly thereafter we were back on the ferry to the ship.
Back On Board Black Watch
Once on the ship, we had a few hours to prepare for our sailaway out of Sydney. I decided to try using the time lapse feature on my new GoPro Hero5 Black. I set it for 1080p and every 10 seconds. TSG Tip: Always test out new features in advance. Or you will be so disappointed you won’t stand yourself.
Sailaway out of Sydney
We headed up to deck 8 to stake out our share of the railing and to attach our gorilla pods to them. Then we waited for the ship to move. I turned the GoPro on, turned on my iPhone and prepared for sailaway. My iPhone hasn’t backed up since I left the US and it’s now telling me regularly it has no more disk space. So much for talking pics or video on my phone. After sailaway I excitedly checked the GoPro to see I had all of three second video for over a half hour of footage. Aargh. Hoping I can stretch it out once I get home and put it on my desktop.
But luckily someone named Mrs. T captured the entire sailaway on the Sydney webcam. Here you can see the beautiful Black Watch in all her glory in Sydney Harbour. And that’s all she wrote from Sydney. It was a wonderful two days and I really enjoyed my time with my BFF, Danielle, and just being back in Australia. Next post of call is Brisbane so stay tuned!
Have you visited Sydney? Can you suggest other destinations in Australia that you found equally exciting? Leave your comments below. Discover some other great destinations and travel ideas here on the Travel Shop Girl website.
On my new SPONTANEOUS TRAVEL SCALE of 1-5, with 1 being super easy and spontaneous and 5 being you better plan far in advance, Sydney scores a 1 for spontaneous travel since it’s open easy to navigate, the people are amazing, and there’s always something to do.
While Demon Doll Clothing provided me with samples, as always all opinions and photographs, unless otherwise noted, are my own.
The post World Cruise Update: Look Who Finally Returned to Sydney Australia appeared first on Travel Shop Girl.
World Cruise Update: Look Who Finally Returned to Sydney Australia published first on https://medium.com/@GoShopSingapore
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