#like maybe I am
anyone else need constant human contact to know they're a real person? Like I haven't heard from anyone all day and I think I might be the only person in the world and I've just invented everyone else.
Of course on account of being the neediest person ever if I had just invented everyone, I'd always talk to them so this would never be an issue. The fact that I never let texts and stuff from friends sit too long before I respond/almost always have energy to talk to to people both supports and disproves the idea that I am alone in the world and everyone else is in my head. I
it sounds so silly but it's actually so fucking scary
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Morning all...
Tired. Had about 4 hours sleep. Clouded headspace and body image today. Got the vibe "fuck it I look how I look and that's okay" but also feeling like I look chubby in a negative way. I know it's the tiredness. Today just needs to fly by, get in the gym tonight and tomorrow will be a new day! Have a good Thursday everyone🌸🌻
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