#like no really just imagine them hanging out and not fucking šŸ˜
estravenlover Ā· 4 months
saw a funny post that was like ā€œhaha iwtv is classic queer rep bc everyone in the friend group dated each other!ā€ and lmao BUT it brings up one of louis main problems which is that he doesnā€™t date people he would be friends with. like him and lestat are not friends. they never were friends. they were one of the most insane and intense romances of the 20th and 21st centuries. but they werenā€™t friends. louis would not hang out with lestat if they were platonic lmao. also again louis and armand would not be friends. like are they having the other most insane and intense romance of the 20th and 21st centuries? yes. are they friends? absolutely not.
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aropride Ā· 8 months
Okay iā€™m the joker now
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pupyuj Ā· 10 months
HEAR ME OUT. g!p bestfriend!giselle getting overprotective of clueless bestie y/n bcs she doesnā€™t realize sheā€™s being hit on šŸ‘€
MY GIGI ack i have been wanting to do this ask since it came here we goā€”
hehe.. overprotective bff aeri goes crazyy šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« like imagine hanging out w her and the other girlies in a club,, just a fun lil girls night out w your fave people and while dancing, aeri notices some guy eyeing you up and down and SHE,, šŸ˜© she grabs you and pulls you close to her, holding you by the waist and swaying with you,,, ofc you have no fucking idea what's going on, you never do, so while you're laughing thinking your bff is being sentimental, aeri is glaring daggers at the guy,,
and then going to the bar to get some drinks,, unfortunately that was where that guy and some of his friends were sitting so immediately, aeri was pissed the fuck off bcs wow what a coincidence! but you happily skipped towards the bar with your bff in tow, who was scowling while the guy's friends nudged him, nodding at you and smirking. all of them checking you out while you lean over the counter to speak with the bartender. nasty fucks, aeri wanted to kill them šŸ˜­ altho it wasn't as if she wasn't checking your ass out too.. she does it all the time,, but the difference was that she was allowed to do that bcs she was your bestie šŸ˜¤
you and aeri engaging in casual chatter while waiting for your drinks and the guy starts talking to you,,, and ofc being the nice girl that you were you were all smiley with him and men being men he thought you were really into him šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ aeri doesn't even think he listened to whatever the fuck you were telling him.. he was just checking you out the entire time, staring at your boobs, licking his lips, and his eyes narrowing into yours with a certain goal mind,, aeri didn't like it one bit... and she especially wanted to spill hot water on him when she noticed the tent in his pants... that was when she decided that no, she will not take any of this shit any longer šŸ˜­
"come on, (y/n), you know how ning gets if we make her wait for too long," aeri was desperately trying to get you away from this guy,,, and you let her! waving goodbye to the guy before being sat down on you and your friends' table,, omg aeri having an arm wrapped around your waist the whole time you're sitting,,, watching every person that passes by,, ofc it was also an excuse for her to be able to touch you.. you looked way too fucking good in that skin-tight dress, aeri couldn't stop looking at you...
aeri waiting until both of you are buzzed to make moves šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ hand on your thigh, staring at your lips the entire time you're talking nonsense to her (jimin, ning, and minjeong just staring at the two of you like šŸ˜ in the backgroundncjgnfkf help theyre so done w this game), n her cock gets harder n harder when you lean in to whisper things to her šŸ¤¤
nothing happens other than small touches until a waiter walks over to the table and serves you a drink, saying that the guy from the bar got it for you, and that was when aeri just said fuck it . your friends stop you from consuming the drink, afraid that the guy might have put something in it before aeri pulls you to the restrooms . ("have fun!" a drunken minjeong says as you left šŸ˜­)
shdbfjekf aeri pushing you into a stall and immediately slipping her hands underneath your dress, gripping you ass while she kisses you šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« "people get too comfortable with you... i'll make sure that changes," and she starts marking you up,,, starting from your neck to your chest,, šŸ«£ you reaching down her skirt and palming her bulge šŸ˜©šŸ˜© n then you're freeing her cock from cover,, wrapping your hand around her length and moving your hand up and down like you've always wanted to do šŸ˜³
aeri coming after you've jerked her off nice and well,, bringing your hand up to your lips and licking her cum off your fingers ugh it fucking awakened something in her,,, "yum," you said, laughing at your bestie's flustered reaction . but the next second, she's sat on the toilet while she has you fucking yourself on her cock,, both of you moaning loudly, making zero effort to conceal your noises šŸ˜­
aeri grabbing your waist and controlling your pace :(( from agonizingly slow to overwhelmingly fast!??! and she's grinning up at you the entire time, relishing in the feeling of your walls clenching around her dick,, and she's talking to you to rile you up and get you even more horny šŸ˜©šŸ«£
"tsk. if i'd known that you were such a slut, i would have done this sooner,"
"want my cum inside you, (y/n)? fuckā€” that's right, baby... faster,"
"only i should.. ahh.. s-see you like this,"
SHEBDJFK getting closer to your climax so aeri pushes you against the door, finally fucking into you??? šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© your moans getting louder and her kisses getting sloppier,, pulling on aeri's hair when you came on her dick.. but she's still thrusting into you in pursuit of her own climax šŸ« 
"fucking come already, aeri, fuckā€”" bcs your mind is getting hazy from the overstimulation but you so loved everything she was doingggg šŸ˜©
(it should be noted that those who wanted to go to the restroom this entire time turned the hell around upon hearing the sounds of sex that escaped the room and wandered out into the hallway that leads to it šŸ˜­ including one yu jimin, who rolled her eyes in annoyance but she was proud of aeri she just really wanted to empty her bladder šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤)
aeri coming inside you with a long whiny moan :((( and you're coming for the second time bcs her warm cum filled you up so good šŸ¤¤ aeri refusing to let you go just yet so the two of you make out in that stall for minutes with her cock just chilling inside youdjdbgjfkf
"well.. now nobody can talk to you like they can just have you," she's saying while staring proudly at her work on your neck šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
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judeswhore Ā· 8 months
Okay but the one about bsf!jude and you always sitting in his lap and itā€™s a given imagine someone else just sits there instead and youā€™re a little later than everyone else and you get there and youā€™re just looking at Jude like???? Totally ignoring him and the girl on his lap when you say hello to everyone and your friend totally know all of them trying not to laugh because youā€™re just sitting on a girlfriends lap after just pouting and Jude knows heā€™s fucked up but he was too polite to just tell the girl to move and you can take it from there šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
yeah!!! ur all hanging out and ur a little late for whatever reason and one of the girls (who definitely fancies jude) has plonked herself straight in his lap bc of the lack of space and as soon as she does it everyone else is likešŸ˜šŸ˜bc they know ur gna be annoyed when u finally show up. bc everyone knows ur in love w each other and that itā€™s just this unspoken rule that itā€™s always u and jude and no one ever really comes between that. so ur getting there and immediately seeing her in his lap and this awful feeling of jealousy bubbles up bc thatā€™s ur thing and yeah heā€™s just a friend but heā€™s still urs and ur furious that sheā€™s shoved her way in. glaring at jude as well bc why tf has he even allowed it?? and he knows ur pissed off and he knows heā€™s fucked up but the girl sat down before he could even say anything. but ur saying hello to everyone and pointedly ignoring jude and the girl bc fuck them and ur feeling petty so u sit down on one of the other guys laps. and it just so happens that jude and this guy donā€™t really get along bc jude knows he likes u and he hates it and now heā€™s glaring at u bc itā€™s obvious ur only doing it bc ur mad at him.
the whole time heā€™s glaring at u and ur pointedly avoiding his gaze, turning to whisper to ur best friend (definitely slagging jude and the girl off) and jude can see the guys hand getting a little further up ur thigh under ur dress and heā€™s furious. but ur excusing urself to go to the bathroom and jude is so quick to follow, half dropping the girl to the floor without even a second glance back bc heā€™s too busy following u. getting into a silly little argument which is basically jude calling u out for being jealous and u calling him desperate for female attention and heā€™s just rolling his eyes at u all ā€œjesus christ, woman, maybe if u just admitted how u felt instead of pretending weā€™re ā€œjust friendsā€ we wouldnā€™t be having this fucking problemā€ and ur staring all slack jawed at him bc??? but heā€™s sick of pretending ur just friends bc itā€™s tiring but heā€™s also annoyed at u for being so stubborn. so heā€™s throwing u this look and being like ā€œu wna talk abt it or do u just wna keep throwing a tantrum?ā€ and u want to smack him for calling out ur feelings and making u talk abt them when youā€™ve tried to hide them for so long
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b4tasquad Ā· 1 year
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Authors note: based on this request. Forgot to reply to it and didnā€™t realise til I was donešŸ™„ but anywaysā€¦ a little heated guys.
Warnings: making out! Touching! Dry humping and two horny bitches. Minors dni
The entire day had passed by in a blur, the countless errands you had to run keeping you transfixed on getting everything done. For the past 5 hours, you had practically ignored everything else, which also meant your boyfriend.
Finally, once youā€™ve gotten comfortable in the comfort of your own flat, you let yourself relax into the soft pillows littered around your couch. Your phone which had been on do not disturb came back to life again, showing you the amount of messages you had received from Niko.
The one time Iā€™m in a crisis you decide not to be on your phone??? Really.
The fact that you have on do not disturb knowing damn well Iā€™m hitting that ā€˜notify anywayā€™ button is too funnyšŸ¤£
5:31 pm
Where are you????
Iā€™m so fucking bored
Aj wonā€™t stop waffling in my ear about shit I couldnā€™t care less aboutšŸ˜šŸ˜ like bro I donā€™t give a fuck where you like it
5:52 pm
Itā€™s really hot in here
And Iā€™m not feeling to week yk
Please comeā€¦ help me?
6:39 pm
With his last text being half an hour earlier, you opt to call him, feeling bad for not being available sooner. The phone hasnā€™t even started ringing properly when Niko picks up.
ā€œLove, whatā€™s wrong with you?ā€ Is the first thing you say, just choosing to be straightforward about it instead of beating round the bush.
For some reason, he swerves your question. ā€œYou need to come over here, like right now.ā€ His words are a whisper, which reminds you he should be in the middle of a shoot. At your lack of answer, he impatiently prods for an answer. ā€œY/n?ā€
ā€œShouldnā€™t you be doing a shoot?ā€ You pick up the remote, getting ready to stay in after talking your boyfriend out of his so-called boredom. ā€œNiko get back to that.ā€
ā€œNo, baby, you donā€™t get it.ā€ He whines quietly, aware the boys around him would never let him live it down if they heard. Luckily, they were speaking with the camera crew, allowing Niko to be as annoying as he wanted.
ā€œThen give me a good enough reason to get out of my comfy couch, because itā€™s not looking good for you.ā€ You rest even deeper down in the edge of the cushion, confident he wouldnā€™t win. ā€œ3ā€¦2ā€¦ā€
At the sound of the countdown you can hear Niko huff a breath of air, something he did when annoyed. ā€œSeriously?ā€
ā€œOkay!ā€ He also mutters something under his breath but relaxes. ā€œI need you.ā€
You would laugh and ask him what his vague words meant if his tone didnā€™t speak for him. Having known Niko for as long as you did, there was no question about what he meant. You gazed at the clock over your living room walls, contemplating what to do.
ā€œIā€™ll be there in 10.ā€
He quickly thanks you, letting you know he had to get back to filming before hanging up. You run a hand through your hair, laughing a little at yourself.
ā€œImagine being so horny oh my days.ā€
But thereā€™s no conflict on what to do. Nikoā€™s begging has done something to you, and the need for his touch is everything you can focus on as you get into your car and drive to your boyfriendā€™s location. It wasnā€™t often Niko would be willing to beg that much if the two of you werenā€™t hidden by the comfort of your bedroom walls, but it seemed as today was an exception .
Walking into the all too familiar place you had been to countless times before, you make your way to the room they always shot at. Nikoā€™s eyes met yours the second you stand outside the open door, and he was quick to smile. Heā€™s quiet as the cameraā€™s moving but when they stop for a second, he comes up to you, hands snaking around your waist.
Having missed Niko, you hug him with as much eagerness, placing a chaste kiss on his neck. You can hear them calling for him, but Niko canā€™t help himself. Taking hold of your jaw, he connects your lips quickly. Youā€™ve only registered what heā€™s doing when your boyfriend pulls back again.
ā€œWait 15 minutes, and Iā€™ll make it worth it.ā€
ā€œEh, Niko!ā€ Chunkz calls from his seat across the room. ā€œ Keep it pg 13 for the kids around.ā€
Sharky puts his hands over Ajā€™s eyes, and Kenny cackles from his spot beside them. Pushing away the hands, Aj rolls his eyes.
ā€œLetā€™s do that filming again, thank you.ā€
The 15 minutes were long and painful. You almost couldnā€™t watch your boyfriend from the sidelines, every move or word he spoke intensifying the warm feeling in the pit of your stomach. He seemed to have noticed because just a few minutes into you being here, he kept looking at you. Sending you looks far from innocent.
Youā€™re scrolling on your phone, bored when the boys are told they can take a quick break. Niko stands up with a subtle grin, as he talks to Sharky about something, but his eyes are on you, making you excited to get him alone.
Your back hits the wall with such force you're about to complain, but Niko silences you with his exploring mouth. He kisses your body with such intensity, you find yourself not even just breathless, but also speechless. There are no words you can use to even paint a faint picture of how youā€™re feeling.
ā€œIā€™ve been waiting for thisā€¦ all day,ā€ Niko says in between kisses, his lips moving from your neck to your mouth.
Kissing him back with as much energy is hard as you already feel dizzy. His height gives him such an advantage that you canā€™t compete with. Seeing your struggle, Niko lifts you up your legs coming to cross behind his back. He continues kissing you, but now with the addition of rubbing himself against your body.
His actions leave you whining, something he canā€™t help but groan at. Niko had always loved hearing your response to his actions, it gave him confidence that he wasnā€™t the only one enjoying it.
ā€œWait.ā€ You slightly lean away from the kiss, but Niko only continues to kiss down the side of your neck. ā€œNiko.ā€
ā€œSit down.ā€
Quirking his eyebrows, he lets you down, taking a seat on the desk. You were unsure what kind of room the two of you had ended up in, but seeing the amount of clutter you could only guess it was some sort of storage place. You had noticed the desk somewhere in between stumbling into the room, and Niko kissing you senseless.
Climbing onto him, you put your hands around his exposed neck. Nikoā€™s hands roam your body as much as he can, hands slipping into your pants to kneed the soft flesh of your ass. You moan slightly as he also gives it a quick slap, wishing more than ever that he would fill you up.
ā€œNiko.ā€ You start, dragging your body over his clothed thighs with the help of his hands on your ass to move you. He doesnā€™t let you speak, instead, he pulls you into a hard kiss but still continues to move you.
No clothes were off yet, but there was no need because your boyfriend knew exactly how to get you there. He slips one of his hands out of your pants, Instead using it to pull at your hair and make you look at him. ā€œI told you Iā€™d make it worth it, yeah?ā€
Then he dives into another lustful kiss, continuing to drive you crazy for the rest of the little time you had before someone got overly suspicious.
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gamerwoo Ā· 10 months
Hyunjin: Age-Restricted (Part Sixteen)
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Characters:Ā Hyunjin x female reader (ft other skz members)
Genre/warnings:Ā nanny!reader, ex-porn star/neighbor!hyunjin, generally inexperienced and painfully shy virgin!reader, angst but not as angsty as it's been lmao, humor, implied reader has a rough relationship w her mom, mentions of porn and sex workĀ (minors dni!!!)
Word count:Ā 3,386
Summary:Ā You think itā€™s luck when the new family you nanny for is so stupid rich that they rent you a fancy new apartment just so you can live closer to them. You think itā€™s luck when the guy across the hall is the most beautiful person youā€™ve ever seen in your entire life and makes an effort to talk to you. But thatā€™s just about where your luck runs out, because Hyunjin is more out of your league than you could ever imagine, and youā€™re just some hopeless virgin who never had good luck in the first place.
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Minho šŸ˜»šŸ¤¢: soooo packing???
Minho šŸ˜»šŸ¤¢: when??????
Seungmin šŸ‘¹šŸ˜Œ: i literally forgot we were even supposed to help with that lmao
Jisung šŸ˜: did they not give you a notice yet??
Jisung šŸ˜: actually whatā€™s the time frame for that like when do you have to be out?
_____: i assumed they wouldā€™ve given me one already letting me know i have to be out by the end of the month but they havenā€™t
_____: i donā€™t wanna pack and then have like more time to stay here and im just living out of boxes tho ://
Christopher šŸ¦˜šŸ§”: could you try asking the front desk?
Christopher šŸ¦˜šŸ§”: honestly Felix hasnā€™t even mentioned you getting evicted
Minho šŸ˜»šŸ¤¢: why would he randomly bring that up to you thatā€™s so depressing
Christopher šŸ¦˜šŸ§”: he asks about her. theyā€™re friends
Christopher šŸ¦˜šŸ§”: heā€™d probably want to know if i know where sheā€™s staying
Seungmin šŸ‘¹šŸ˜Œ: canā€™t wait to kick out jisung!!!!! šŸ¤—
Jisung šŸ˜: iā€™ll sleep in your bathtub idc
Minho šŸ˜»šŸ¤¢: heā€™ll live in the walls like the rat he is
Seungmin šŸ‘¹šŸ˜Œ: iā€™m gonna set traps
Seungmin šŸ‘¹šŸ˜Œ: if anyone hears a snap lmk
_____: letā€™s not kill jisung i kinda like him
Minho šŸ˜»šŸ¤¢: EW
Minho šŸ˜»šŸ¤¢: šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®
Jisung šŸ˜: YAAAAAAAAA !!!!!
Seungmin šŸ‘¹šŸ˜Œ: weā€™re kicking _____ back out actually
_____: no ur not bc im going to ask about my eviction notice and if i have to move back in with my mom i will start crying actually :ā€™)
Seungmin šŸ‘¹šŸ˜Œ: yeah fuck that
Christopher šŸ¦˜šŸ§”: we would never do that to you
Minho šŸ˜»šŸ¤¢: absolutely not
Jisung šŸ˜: iā€™m gathering we hate _____ā€™s mom
Jisung šŸ˜: yeah fuck ur mom we hate that bitch !!!!
You ignored the rest of the buzzing and put your phone in your pocket before venturing out of the apartment and going downstairs to the front desk. For the most part, you hadnā€™t really left your apartment ā€“ partly out of fear of running into Hyunjin, and partly because you didnā€™t have a reason to now that you didnā€™t have a job. Your friends had stopped by here and there ā€“ usually Jisung ā€“ to hang out but other than that, you didnā€™t really have much human interaction since the conversation in the hallway with your now ex-boss and Hyunjin.
You felt a little awkward as you stood in the elevator, thinking about how you had to ask about your eviction but you needed the information sooner rather than later so you could plan accordingly. You just didnā€™t want to feel judged. Everyone who worked at The Brooke knew you werenā€™t paying your own rent, so they would know you had gotten fired. It was embarrassing, but you needed the information.
As soon as the elevator doors opened to the lobby, your eyes widened and your heart jumped in your throat. You genuinely considered mashing the button to close the doors even though you knew that wouldnā€™t have been fast enough to stop the man waiting for the elevator from entering.
But to your surprise, he didnā€™t enter. Instead, he smiled softly and said, ā€œOh! Just who I was looking for.ā€
Your eyebrows furrowed, ā€œHuh?ā€
Changbin reached out and held onto the side of the doors to keep them from closing again, chuckling, ā€œAre you getting out or are you just going for a ride?ā€
You felt your cheeks get warm as you slid out of the elevator, trying to stay as far away from his body as possible. But you stayed near him once you left because apparently he was looking for you and not his best friend.
Why the fuck would Hyunjinā€™s best friend want to talk to you? Didnā€™t he know what Hyunjin did? Wouldnā€™t he know youā€™d want nothing to do with anything Hyunjin related?
ā€œI know this is probably really strange to you,ā€ Changbin began, stuffing his hands back into his pockets like they were while he was waiting for the elevator, ā€œbut I was wondering if maybe we could talk? Iā€™ll buy you a coffee or whatever you want.ā€
As always, your inability to say no to people cursed you again. So you found yourself at a boujee cafĆ©, sitting across from Changbin at a small table as you played with the straw in your iced drink to stare at the way the ice moved instead of making eye contact with Changbin. It was already awkward considering he was one of Hyunjinā€™s best friends, but on top of that, youā€™d never been alone with Changbin before. You were feeling all sorts of uncomfortable.
ā€œI know youā€™re probably really confused. I mean, Hyunjinā€™s best friend asked to take you out to talk,ā€ he chuckled. ā€œI know youā€™re probably assuming I want to, like, yell at you or convince you to talk to him or whatever, right? ā€¦In all honesty, I really just wanted to hear your side of things.ā€
You glanced up at him, your movements with your straw stopping, ā€œHe didnā€™t tell you what happened?ā€
ā€œNo, he did. But you and I both know that sometimes heā€™s dramatic. Thatā€™s not to say his feelings arenā€™t valid, but I have a feeling that maybe there was some sort ofā€¦miscommunication for lack of a better word.ā€
You still werenā€™t buying it, furrowing your eyebrows. It didnā€™t matter how genuine and kind Changbin seemed when he spoke to you.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™re his best friend, though. Youā€™ll take his side.ā€
ā€œBeing his best friend doesnā€™t mean I have to blindly take his side. Like I said, Hyunjin can be dramatic sometimes, and heā€™s rarely dated since starting in that business. Something he never got to learn is how badly proper communication is needed in relationships when working in that industry because then shit like this happens. Plus, Kitty and I have both met you and I feel like the chances that you were using him for good sex are pretty slim. Again, not trying to invalidate how he feels. He is really upset, but I know you are, too. I just want to get to the bottom of this.ā€
ā€œAnd do what?ā€ you asked. ā€œWhat happens when you have both sides?ā€
He shrugged, ā€œThatā€™s up to you, I guess. I could either help you fix things, or I could get you closure. Or I could just fuck off and you never have to hear from any of us again. Up to you. But really, what do you have to lose in venting to me?ā€
ā€œYou could tell Hyunjin everything I say.ā€
He chuckled, ā€œThatā€™s kind of the plan. He needs some perspective. Heā€™s too upset to think straight.ā€
There were two ways you figured he could go about telling Hyunjin: either talk shit about you and what you said with Hyunjin and Kit later and act like you were full of bullshit, or just tell him the gist of what youā€™d said from your view and maybe make him feel bad. Or the latter, but it wouldnā€™t change anything Hyunjin thought because he was heartless and used you.
No matter how you spun it, there wasnā€™t much to lose. For the former: Hyunjin already hated you. For the middle: you wanted him to feel like shit and know that he hurt you. For the latter: it didnā€™t matter anyway.
Your toxic trait of hoping Hyunjin would feel like shit knowing how he made you feel won, so you ultimately broke.
You started with him showing up at the house to bring you lunch, which Changbin was already aware of. But that was all he told you, and then he let you keep talking. You said how he suddenly wanted to take things slow out of nowhere, saying all these things that just seemed like he didnā€™t want the relationship to go anywhere. He liked how things were, but all things were, were just physically intimate. Sure, he acted like a boyfriend but he apparently didnā€™t want the title. It made it seem like he wanted to try and fuck you but without any of the strings. It made it seem like you were just someone for him to corrupt because he was into that, but when you wanted more than just learning new things in the bedroom, he wanted to put the brakes on. It was suspicious, and even Changbin agreed it came off that way.
Then you mentioned how Jisung had blurted the whole porn star thing. You had no idea until Jisung was face-to-face with Hyunjin and recognized him, and he just said it without realizing you had no idea. You were confused as to who Jin was and didnā€™t know until, again, Jisung accidentally elaborated. Come to find out all your friends knew and wanted to keep it a secret because not only did they think it was up to Hyunjin to tell you, but they didnā€™t want to tell you and potentially put a strain on a relationship that you were already so happy about.
ā€œSounds like your friends need to start telling Jisung things more,ā€ Changbin chuckled, but that was really all he had to say about that.
Then Hyunjin dumped you out of nowhere. You kind of saw it coming considering he said he wanted to take things slow, and that gave you a bad feeling anyway. But he did it without any explanation. Everything was vague and, again, made it seem like he was using you. Saying he wasnā€™t the right guy for you and didnā€™t want to string you along anymore.
Changbin just sighed and nodded, looking down at his drink, ā€œYeah, he kind sucks with words sometimesā€¦ā€
You told him how you stayed with Chan for a while. You called out of work and went back to your old place to avoid being alone and also any chance of seeing Hyunjin. You definitely werenā€™t doing great considering this was your first major relationship even if there was no title to it, but you experienced the most serious firsts with Hyunjin, so naturally, you were taking things hard. Changbin seemed to get that.Ā 
There wasnā€™t much to talk about other than you sulking over him even though you felt like you shouldnā€™t because he used you ā€“ Changbin had yet to confirm or deny that theory, though. He mostly just listened and gave minimal input ā€“ none of it having to do with Hyunjin.Ā 
Then you got to Friday night where Hyunjin accused you of knowing he was a porn star the whole time and just using him to lose your virginity in the most perfect way possible.
ā€œI know I said what I said, and I think he heard it,ā€ you explained, ā€œbut I was honestly just trying to say something to stop crying about the situation.ā€
You gave a sad laugh and shook your head, looking around the coffee shop to avoid looking in Changbinā€™s eyes for too long. It wasnā€™t like he was studying you or scrutinizing you. He was just watching with soft eyes, letting you know he was listening as he nodded or hummed occasionally. But it was still too much to consistently look at him when you spoke.
ā€œIt was mostly just a coping mechanism more than anything. It was all just a joke, but he obviously didnā€™t hear it in that context. So he knocked on the door and called me out, but I was too drunk and taken off-guard to even remember what was said before he showed up. I wouldnā€™t have even considered that he wouldā€™ve heard the conversation. So because I didnā€™t have an explanation, it definitely seemed like I meant what I said and just didnā€™t want to own up to it. Soā€¦heā€¦called meā€¦-ā€
ā€œI know what he called you,ā€ Changbin cut you off, seeing you were uncomfortable repeating the insult. ā€œYou donā€™t have to repeat it.ā€
ā€œYeahā€¦ā€ you nodded awkwardly before taking in a deep breath. ā€œAnyway, he said that and left. And then a couple days later, one of my bosses ā€“ er, ex-bosses ā€“ showed up.ā€
Changbin seemed surprised that you said ā€˜ex-bossā€™ but he didnā€™t say anything and let you continue talking.
You told him about the conversation with Mrs. Park and how you originally wanted to get an apartment on a different floor, but how she had started talking poorly about sex workers and you didnā€™t stand for it.Ā 
ā€œSo you stood up for him?ā€ he asked.
You shrugged, ā€œI guess. Just because he was shitty to me doesnā€™t mean Iā€™d use him being an ex-porn star as ammo. Iā€™m low enough to let Minho say he has a small dick if he wants to but Iā€™m not gonna say heā€™s subhuman or something.ā€
Changbin also seemed surprised by this, but again, stayed silent. Only nodded slowly and let you continue.
You told him how Hyunjin was listening in again and told you not to quit because of him, but you were saying it wasnā€™t because of him and it was because of your own morals. You explained how you didnā€™t want to work directly under someone so close-minded, and you reminded Hyunjin you werenā€™t dating anyway so it didnā€™t matter.
ā€œAndā€¦yeah,ā€ you breathed. ā€œThatā€™s basically it.ā€
Changbin nodded silently for a moment longer before he finally broke out into a chuckle, shaking his head, ā€œJesus Christ, this all makes so much more sense now.ā€
ā€œWhat does that mean?ā€ you wondered.
ā€œIt meansā€¦ā€ he hesitated for a second, choosing his words as he looked down at his drink before meeting your eyes again, ā€œIā€™m hoping youā€™ll talk to him. Iā€™m not going to persuade you to or anything, but Iā€™ll say that if youā€™re interested in attempting to fix things with him, Iā€™d be willing to set something up. And you donā€™t have to answer right now or even today. Just let me know whenever.ā€
Part of you still wanted Hyunjin. You wanted him to want you and you wanted to still think he was the perfect person that you had thought before he said he wanted to take things slow out of nowhere. But the other part of you hated him because you knew he wasnā€™t perfect. You felt used and betrayed, and you were still hurt. Part of you still didnā€™t want to see him at all.
But since you didnā€™t have to give him an answer either way yet, you just nodded and said, ā€œOkay.ā€
Changbin walked back with you to The Brooke. Not only because he wanted to be a gentleman and make sure you got home safe, he told you, but also because Felix apparently had brownies waiting for him.
ā€œI promised Kit and Hyun Iā€™d pick ā€˜em up,ā€ he explained.
So he went back inside with you, going up to the front desk. You still needed your eviction information, after all.
Felix seemed to be working the desk while Jihoon was standing off toward the side at one of the computers, teaching Hanni something. Ten stood off to the left gathering someoneā€™s luggage onto a cart, but the person was nowhere to be seen. They had probably already gone up to their room. So it was you, Changbin, Ten, Felix, Jihoon, and Hanni in the lobby together.
Felix seemed confused watching you and Changbin approach the desk together, ā€œIs everythingā€“?ā€
ā€œIā€™m here for the brownies,ā€ Changbin quickly cut him off. ā€œKitty had another shoot today so sheā€™s really looking forward to them.ā€
Felix reached under the desk and pulled out a clear tupperware, placing them on the counter and sliding them over to Changbin with a smile, ā€œHope sheā€™s feeling alright after.ā€
ā€œTheseā€™ll fix her right up,ā€ Changbin promised with a smile of his own.
As Changbin took the brownies, Felix turned to you and asked in a quiet voice, ā€œHowā€™ve you been doing, by the way? You feeling alright?ā€
ā€œYou found out heā€™s a sex demon, huh?ā€ Ten grinned evilly from the corner before you could even answer Felix.
You just stared at him, ā€œHuh?ā€
Changbin rolled his eyes and muttered to you, ā€œJust ignore him. We all try to.ā€
You looked back to Felix and took a deep breath, placing your arms across each other on the counter, ā€œActually, I wanted to ask if you had my eviction notice?ā€
Felixā€™s eyes went wide, ā€œYour what?ā€
ā€œI kinda quit my job, and they were paying for the apartment and everything, and I canā€™t really afford to stay here, soā€¦ Yeah, that kinda means eviction, and I need to know when I have to be out by so I can pack. I didnā€™t really want to pack and then live out of boxes for however long, yā€™know?ā€
Suddenly, Felixā€™s demeanor shifted. He licked his lips and shifted his weight, eyes glancing toward Changbin and then down at the counter, ā€œUm, I donā€™t think I know anything about thatā€¦ Yeah, nobody told me anything about an eviction, soā€¦yeah.ā€
Your eyes narrowed, ā€œWhy do I feel like you do know about it?ā€
Obviously hearing the conversation, Jihoon stepped away from Hanniā€™s side to come over and help, ā€œ_____, youā€™re in 805, correct?ā€
ā€œYup,ā€ you nodded.
ā€œYour payment was switched over.ā€
Your eyes widened and your brows furrowed. Payment switched? How? When? Why?
ā€œTo who?ā€ you asked. ā€œWho the hell is affording that? I swear to god, if this was Christopherā€¦ā€
ā€œThey did actually ask to stay anonymous,ā€ Jihoon informed you. ā€œI canā€™t confirm or deny who it was. Iā€™m sorry. But it does mean that there will be no eviction notice.ā€
ā€œI know you think thatā€™s good news, but Iā€™m actually more stressed now,ā€ you admitted with a slightly annoyed laugh. ā€œPlease, canā€™t you tell me who it is? I mean, itā€™s my apartment. I deserve to know whoā€™s paying my rent. Itā€™s actually kind of uncomfortable living somewhere where someone else is paying for it and I donā€™t even know who it is.ā€
ā€œSince there hasnā€™t really been any sort of situation like this before, thereā€™s no policy in place stating we have to give you that information,ā€ he explained as politely as he could. ā€œI know itā€™s probably confusing for you, butā€“ā€
ā€œI found it!ā€
All eyes went to Hanni from where she stood at the computer, proudly smiling, ā€œThe bill goes to Mr. Hwang Hyunjin in room 806!ā€
Felix slapped his forehead, Jihoon let out a groan as he dropped his head, and Ten started giggling wildly in the back. Clearly, she wasnā€™t listening while Jihoon was explaining that there was no policy in place that they had to tell you, but you were kind of glad the new girl wasnā€™t paying attention.
ā€œYou werenā€™t supposed to tell her,ā€ Jihoon sighed, clearly trying to keep some sort of patience with Hanni.
Her face quickly fell, realizing her mistake, ā€œI just wanted to prove I could use the computerā€¦ā€
You couldnā€™t even focus on her getting punished for her mistake, though.
ā€œWhat?ā€ you asked sharply.
Felix looked to Changbin for help, but Changbin was lost.
You glared between the pair, ā€œDid you know about this?ā€
Changbin held his hands up in surrender, ā€œIā€™m just finding out about it. Iā€™m just as shocked as you are, honestly.ā€
Felix, however, looked away as the tips of his ears turned red, ā€œM-maybe I kinda knewā€¦ But in my defense, I just work here.ā€
You took in a deep breath and held it for a few seconds, trying to calm down. After you let it out through your nose, you looked to Felix and asked, ā€œCan I have a pen and some paper?ā€
Felix quickly grabbed a pen from the desk and searched for a pad of lined paper. When he found it, he handed both to you, and the two boys watched as you quickly scribbled down something. Then you tore the paper away, folded it up, and handed it to Changbin.
ā€œCan you give this to him,ā€ you asked.
ā€œWill do,ā€ he promised, taking it from you and keeping it in his hand.
Without another word, you stormed away from the front desk and over to the elevators, leaving Changbin and Felix to look at each other. While Felix looked scared, Changbin seemed relatively neutral. Felix was worried that the relationship had no shot at being fixed, while Changbin had already accepted that whatever happened, happened.
Felix eyed the note, ā€œAre you gonna look at it?ā€
ā€œNope,ā€ he replied. ā€œIā€™m just gonna give it to him and see what happens.ā€
tag list (italicsĀ are unable to tag):Ā @hyuneyeon @ack-aashi @rindomo @fridayamirah @castledy @broken-glowsticks @smollquokka @yeetfellx @fwess @zoe8stay @fleeingreality @might-be-a-rat @sluttysohn @eliserbt2001 @catskpop @diamondsvts @minaamhh @jaspriv @sankyg @straydhampir @hyunsungbased @7miroh @animefreak2112 @junsjuly @drrramaaaqweeen @accalus @bakedlilgoonie @So_Pe07 @drugerlime @shmooooo @hwangshoneycake @notmebutyouu @vampjin0 @stay-berry @kiribirien @beombeomlovesme @lockeansonder @jisungsbff01 @ppiri-bahng @hyunniethepooh @peachessandhoney @kpopssuregi @moondustmemories @artistic-rendition @lolli4me @s-u-n-z-eĀ [be added to the taglist by filling outĀ this form!]
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piastriblogging Ā· 2 years
yukierre get married in vegas
they do it as a joke but also theyā€™re super drunk and just like the karaoke everyone encourages them bcs itā€™s good content like ilies vlogs the whole thing but the footage is subpar and they all believe that thing thatā€™s like itā€™s not actually a real wedding
except it is and they find out after abu dhabi and laugh about and then a few hrs later yuki has pierre cornered somewhere and says something nonchalantly about annulment and pierre avoids him for the whole winter break
itā€™s easier, if he avoids him, to pretend yuki really wanted to marry him. or that he doesnā€™t exist, whichever is less painful at any given moment in time.
AND IT SUCKS ESPECIALLY bcs hed convinced yuki to move TO milan, FINALLY. and alpine keeps trying to get him to move closer to their HQ and he keeps saying no and they keep saying at least france and he keeps saying noā€¦. butā€¦
anyways itā€™s stupid of him to think he can avoid this and his friends tell him so but he canā€™t help it he just keeps thinking if he doesnā€™t see yuki then yuki canā€™t tell him he doesnā€™t actually want him in any ways thatā€™s emotionally real and he just. he canā€™t. not now.
and he canā€™t avoid yuki forever because theyā€™re best friends and legally married in the united states and live in the same city thatā€™s only so big so running into each other is inevitable
iā€™m imagining a scenario where they run into each other and yuki talks pierre into going to some sort of cafe or something. idk. šŸ˜ iā€™ve never been to italy. but they talk and get coffee and itā€™s very awkward until yuki is just like you cannot avoid me, you tell me to move to milan and then you donā€™t even hang out with me i thought we were joking about the whole not inviting me to your house thing. and pierre canā€™t rlly say anything except sorry bcs he doesnā€™t want to lieā€¦ but itā€™s fine bcs itā€™s yuki and heā€™s got no clue why pierre is being so weird and heā€™s been busy so heā€™s jsut like. DONT do it again šŸ˜ šŸ˜¤
and the rest of brunch is good and fun and then when theyā€™re about to part, yuki is like oh also we should take care of the annulment before the season starts, nyck knows someone who knows a lawyer who can take care of it all for us and pierre feeling like shit just nods
at the end of the day pierre will do whatever it takes to get yukiā€™s eyes on him, hands on him, attention on him. he always wants more but heā€™s also a good catholic boy and will take what heā€™s given. he goes to confession and tells the father heā€™s been greedy and selfish and he says fifteen hail marys and leaves ā‚¬300 in the donation bucket and tells himself he will not make this a problem anymore
if they would just idk have sex about it they would be fine but they WONT bcs yuki likes to play hard to get and pierre is so catholic itā€™s killing him.
actually iā€™m starting to think this is maybe 100 degrees off from actual pierre characterization bcs tbh he does often go for what he wants. but i feel like it might be different w yuki where heā€™s been messing around about it for so long that to make it serious is to risk their entire friendship. like chasing instagram models is easy bcs thereā€™s always another instagram model. but yuki is the only yuki he has.
anyways after the annulment pierre goes back to flirting w yuki 24/7 ala 2022 and itā€™s whiplash from ignoring him practically all winter but like. heā€™s got nothing to lose thereā€™s nothing between them they fucked and they got married and now theyā€™re not married and not fucking
iā€™ve thought about it too hard and lost the original plot of the movie but anyways ensue an insane year of pierre desiring yuki carnally and yuki being still mostly passive but probably actually more responsive than before bcs like. babes they got married soā€¦
blah blah blah idk idk idk they have insane sex blah blah blah talk about feelings yada yada tada happy ending ????
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kucherovv Ā· 8 months
ok very long situationship discussion under cut bc i slept over last night and Ermm im processing it now
sooo it was pretty nice for the most part Like. idk when im JUST hanging out with them its very good. like laying in bed together is pretty much the only time its good
we hung out w our mutual rlly close friend and. idk if ivs said this but at some point there was another girl which is. fine because we're not dating or exclusive in any way (like, explicitly not exclusive) but it does make me want to kill myself. anyways we were talking about said other girl and there were hints that there might be a THIRD one but i genuinely dont think so bc situationship literally cannot leave their room rn bc of [mental health reasons i cant get into]
like i dont want to be naive but. yeah i think it was just something in the past bc they have always mentioned other people as friends at least and they only ever hang out w me and the aforementioned close friend. like they dont even see the other girl anymore
anyways also our friend was pointing out how situationship was IN A SITUATIONSHIP with someone else last fall semester before i rlly met them and wanted to start dating but the girl didn't want to and it like devastated them. almost like what is happening to me rn. and they were like "well let's not talk abt that because it gets too close to uncomfortable self reflection" ok
theyve told me before that like. they want people to be obsessed with them (hence the fucking around) but not obsessed in the way that people are when theyre dating. BUT after a break up the other person should continue to be obsessed with them. like theyre scared of the commitment or vulnerability or whatever that comes from reciprocity. its so weird i just dont understand how their brain works!
its just like. how can you expect people to give you attention the way that you want them to if you treat them like this.
also our friend was like "i would rather you guys stop entirely or date but i cant stand this in between" like YOU cant stand it IMAGINE HOW I FEEL LOL. ok anyways. and he also said he told situationship to just stop being involved w anyone which is funny. its so silly when they talk about our relationship like im not there šŸ„“šŸ˜
also its. not like i havent been honest or upfront abt my feelings bc ive told them maybe 50 times how i feel abt them. but its not something im going to push whatever
i was also talking to my hs friend who had a situationship turn into a real relationship and he was like "well are you guys having sex at least bc that makes jt a little better" NO WE'RE NOT!!!! its so weird bc we . basically did when i was visiting them this summer and then havent even kissed since then. silly!!! someone (charlie maybe) said we were slowburn and its like No. we're just regressing
ANYWAYS. i am not pushing or changing anything BECAUSE. they are withdrawing for the semester and going home then coming back in the spring. and going to therapy and meds in the meantime
so. this is very dumb probably but. i hope they get better so we can be in a fr relationship because i think we're very good together. and i think they like me more than the other girl. which sounds so stupid and desperate when u say it out loud but i really. do think they like me the best. and i hope that if they pursue a relationship w someone that its me .
ok typing that out makes it seem insane um. but yeah whatever fuckk me i guess
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yellowbentley Ā· 1 year
its 4am this is fucking stupid 14 year old girl shit but ive been thinking about it all day šŸ˜
sh'ed today <x3 these one are messy and not clean lines and they sucked to clean. and when i had the last conversation with strawberry boy i sent him a photo of my arm. and the lonliness is picking up again
it all comes together to me daydreaming about hanging out w him one day, and they get pressed wrong and i cant quite hide a hiss of pain. and he notices. and we go back and forth until he sees them. arm, thigh, wrist, different every time.
he looks, and sometimes i say silent, sometimes i speak. i warn him, i brush them off, i give a half laugh. i tell him, be cautious, be careful, its really not worth it (im really not worth it)
i think i broke his heart when i sent him that photo. cant really blame him for that. we would all be the same, wouldnt we?
his apartment is small, but there are places for us to go. the washroom, his bed, his roommates bed, the kitchen sink. he fetches two towels, one large, one small.
and he cleans them
it all turns into smoke and mirrors from here. i cant imagine talking, cant imagine silence, cant imagine the sad look on his face. i dont know what his hands feel like.
just that he is careful, and meticulous, and acts like i am something worthy of being tended to.
sometimes we kiss. sometimes we dont. i try not to get that far.
and i remember a text, at some point. i want to take care of you. funny how that turned out
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jentlemahae Ā· 2 years
I am turning into toxic Jennie and Jeno solo stan rn fr. Look, I do think NO ONE deserved hatred over what happened (either J x V, J x M) but it's so funny to see how differently people react. I would also like to point out I love NCT, BP and TWICE. However, the way * acted during this whole mess is so disgusting, imagine pushing 30 and being more scared of your insane 14 yo fanbase than to have the balls to defend the woman you supposedly date. He deserves to be held accountable fr. (1/?)
I remember ONCES riding the whole "Jennie is industry bike/whore/whatever" narrative into the sunset and many of them enjoyed every second of it. I was part of TWICE stan groupchat and so many of the members were saying horrible, disgusting things about Jennie and supporting * out of spite. Not all of them, but many of them didn't mind insane slutshaming, rape threats, etc. HOWEVER when the Jeno x Mina thing happened, I have seen so many "woman respectors", literally the same people riding the hate wave against Jennie. I have seen people (both Onces and not) crying about how we should defend Mina (I mean I agree but only people bitching were Nomin shippers no one else), hold men accoutable for the suffering of women, people calling him too ugly and irrelevant, and how "new Jennie x * is happening". At least Jeno didn't act like a spineless fucking cunt like * did. He's already posting on Bubble and nothing on IG. People troll the shit out of him currently and the same NCT fanbases I have seen reporting on the thing ignore us asking them to simply telling people stop to mention it anymore bc it's just silly. Also let's not act as if NCTzens/Jenozens are nowhere as insane and hateful as ***/* stans are. So basically with Mina it's "respect woman slutshaming is horrible" (I agree) but with Jennie it's "she's attention-seeking whore who deserves it". With Jeno it's "hold men accountable for the suffering of women", but with * it's awww poor little meow meow, seduced by big bad slutty woman!!! I hate everyone fr
yep yep yep :| obviously i think NO ONE should get hate for things like this but the way jn is the only one who gets hate to this extent in kpop is disgusting and actually scaryā€¦..like what has that woman done to yall to cause this kind of hatred and vileness that leads people to say the most disgusting things ever ?? like do u think u made ur fave proud by making r/pe jokes at the expense of someone else ????
and yeah he just seems so spineless to me, cant even defend ur s/o against a bunch of insane teenagers who call themselves ur fans and hang from ur every word like ur a god.. just so cowardly imo. also like idk but if i were a woman in kpop id be avoiding any male idol like the plague, id find myself a normie man whoā€™s fans wouldnā€™t launch a whole witch-hunt against me šŸ˜ jn needs to find her joe (pisces) man!
and tbh idk if jenozens are more or less insane than * stans (i think less but thatā€™s just my experience! šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø) but there way less of them out there so thereā€™s obviously less attention on the situation, and thereā€™s not really bad blood between nctzens and onces, whereas blinks and the soldiers are sworn enemies. also * stans are some of the most insane of *** subfandoms while jenozens are one of the most normal subfanbases in nct (lol) šŸ„“ so i think itā€™s really apples and oranges
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power-chords Ā· 2 years
I thought of a good question: are there any bands that you love but that you would never want to see live? For me i loved my chemical romance for a long time but at this point in my life even though theyre touring again it wouldnt satisfy anything to see them. would give my right toe to see julian Casablancas again either w the strokes or w the voidz but i have definitely seen him have diva moments for like an entire set which is a fear lol. Theres also.. ozzy who im just scared will fucking die on stage šŸ˜
You bet. A lot of them, to be honest. Mostly it's a size/venue/logistics thing. I really don't like arena shows and avoid them entirely if I can help it. Same with seated theaters. I have a pathological need to be front row or right up against the barricade, so above a certain saturation point of popular appeal, making that happen becomes a HUGE pain in the ass and/or expense. I saw Muse at Summerstage in 2017, and I was in line from 10 AM until doors. It's fun when you're hanging out on blankets in Central Park in mid-July. In most other situations, queuing for that long just outright sucks. It's a feat of endurance. I cannot imagine being an MCR fan, I would be miserable.
This is why I don't see Muse anymore*, or NIN very often, and why I'll probably pass on the next Queens of the Stone Age tour. Second row GA for QOTSA at the Garden was the only time I've looked behind me at a music venue and felt a surge of panic. No visible exits, just a wall of people going about 75 feet straight back.
There's also the "I Hate That Guy" factor. Love Marilyn Manson's music. I still listen to his records. They're great. As a human being, he repulses me, and I don't want to give him any more of my money. Not that I think he'll be on the road anytime soon.
*The fact that their music has taken a precipitous turn for the worse in recent years doesn't help, either.
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amourology Ā· 3 years
ā™” outer banks concepts
notes: spotify was doing its thing on shuffle and ā€˜canā€™t blame a girl for tryingā€™ by sabrina carpenter came onā€”a huge wave of nostalgia came over me, and the line, ā€˜cause im young and im dumb / ido stupid things when it comes to loveā€™ gives off major clumsy!yn energy, so here we go yall!
warnings: clumsy!ynā€¦thatā€™s a warning itself, angry!john b, lots of angstā€¦iā€™m in a super angsty mood.
synopsis: john b & jj plan on throwing pope a surprise birthday party, but unfortunately yn spills the beans a little too early.
it would be a total accident of course. whenever yn is excited about something, all common sense leaves her body, thereā€™s only room for serotonin and good vibes.
sheā€™d be hanging out with the boys at the arcade. they would be playing pac man or something like that, and yn would blurt out something like, ā€˜pope, oh my god, i canā€™t wait for you to see what we have planned for you birthday! youā€™re so totally gonna love it.ā€™
popeā€™s eyes would be wider than a full moon. yn would cover her mouth and quickly look at john b, whoā€™d look like heā€™s ready to dump her body out a window.
ā€˜yn, you werenā€™t supposed to tell him that!ā€™
sheā€™d start freaking out, apologizing to not only pope, but to him a million times but heā€™d be done. donā€™t wanna hear it. this isnā€™t exactly her first time screwing some plan of john bā€™s up, but this one right here, it really did it for him.
ā€˜iā€™m so tired of you messing everything up, you literally ruin everything. we canā€™t have shit because of you, youā€™re just bad fucking luck. please just go away, i donā€™t wanna see you ever again.ā€™
and that would be it. her breaking point. the rapid growing crush she had on the boy wasnā€™t exactly helpful either, it just made everything hurt 10 times more.
sksksks please im so conflicted šŸ˜­šŸ˜ bc realistically iā€™d be john b bc i get annoyed over the smallest things and would probably snap if someone did that
but like if y/n is just clumsy and doesnā€™t do it on purpose then iā€™d feel so bad for her šŸ˜© bc it is kinda annoying if a person continually messes up but at the same time it isnā€™t their fault and skksksks
god i imagine how the pogues would feel lmao iā€™m already so conflicted
watch y/n pull back and make other plans and stuff with others until she eventually forced herself to fade out of the friend group & turns out that with her ā€œnew friendsā€ she never makes those little mistakes but only bc she isnā€™t comfortable with them and therefore watches everything she does andā€”šŸ˜­
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