#like nothing beats the excitement of the black cosplayers who got SO excited to cosplay anabeth
twisted-tales-told · 5 months
Every time someone comments “isn’t Annabeth supposed to have blonde hair” the media literacy goddess claws out of the ground under your feet unhinges her jaw and chomps you right in half
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Made for Me (part 1)
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18+ content!!!!
Part 1 of Made for Me
Pairing:  Hayden Christensen x Lexi!OFC
Word count: 3480
Warning: choking, hair pulling, oral (M/F) receiving, smoking , tied down, master/pet, blindfolded, ice use, toy use, unprotected sex.
Note: this is a fic I created for the amazing @thorne93​ since she’s been such an amazing friend and because she wrote me a steamy professor! Tony x reader/ Bruce x reader. I hope this lives up to the standards of smut seeing as it's my first time writing it! Enjoy!  Send me some feedback or some love.
Songs played while writing this:
Sexy Dirty Love- Demi Lovato
Come and get it- Selena Gomez
Boyfriend- Ariana Grande
Be Mean- DNCE
Addicted- Saving Abel
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We all have that one celebrity crush from when you were a child and for Lexi  that person was  Hayden Christensen, having grown up watching him be Anakin was amazing the work he does as that character was always something that she  admired and not to forget how gorgeous he was.  The one thing that we all have fantasies about is being able to meet our crush and be with them, what she didn’t know was that her biggest fantasies were just about to all come true.
Lexi has been looking forward to the Star Wars convention all summer long and it was finally here. She went  alone as her best friend hadn’t been able to make it. 
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After getting to the convention center she had grabbed her poster and a few other things.  Lexi had a good feeling about today. 
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“Woah! There’s so many cosplayers here!” She exclaimed to herself. 
She walked around looking at all the booths. There were a few things she would go back to get later on in the day there had been a replica of Anakin’s saber that she had been looking to get for sometime and knew she would get it before the autograph signings. 
New to being a  cosplayer she had created a gender-bent version of Anakin when he had been turning to the dark side.
The corset was a dark brown and the skirt was dark brown fading to black. She had the hood on and wore contact lenses to show the red eyes . Many other people came up to her asking for pictures. This made her more confident and when she got the replica lightsaber  she knew she was ready for when she met Hayden Christensen.   She’d gone to get in like pretty early but was still surprised to see how long the line was.
A few more people were in front of her before getting to him. 
“Ahhh I can’t believe I’m about to meet Hayden!” She squeals. And a person behind her agrees. They chat to pass the time until she’s next.
“Next!” Said the person who was passing the fans in. 
Lexi walked up to the table and was met with a very smiley Hayden and her heart skipped a beat getting to be this close to him. 
 “Wow! Can you give me a turn please? That cosplay is spectacular” he said to her completely blown away by how beautiful she looked in the female version of his character. 
“Umm… s-sure” she blushed. 
He could tell she was a bit flustered and he liked it. Not getting to see her eyes clearly he went around the table. 
“Do you mind if I pull the hood back?”
“N-no not at all Hayden.”
Getting closer Lexi was able to see his blue-gray eyes she was completely entranced by them. 
He’s a lot closer than she thought he’d be. Lexi felt the warmth of his breathing as he took off her hood. 
“Whoa neat! Your wearing contact is similar to the one I wore.” 
“Really? I looked everywhere for some that look the closest to them.”
 “Well I gotta say you did some great work with this, mind if we get a picture?”
“I would love to Hayden”
He pulled out his phone and took a selfie and then had someone do a full body for him. 
“Hey do you have an Instagram? I’d like to send these to you so you can have a copy.” 
“Yeah umm here let me type it into your phone.” 
He handed her his phone and he can’t seem to stop looking at her. Or that  when they met at  the convention they would hit it off and there was something that he found mesmerizing about Her. 
 “Here let me sign the light saber and anything else you have.”
“Thank you so much!”
“Hey can you tell me your name?”
“ Its Lexi”
“That's a cool name, to Lexi the greatest female  Anakin I’ve ever met”
“Thanks again this means a lot.”
“I’m glad I got to meet you Lexi” he goes and hugs her and kisses her cheek. Taking a step back he sees she’s blushing. He winks at her and walks back behind the booth. 
Lexi has never been this flustered and quickly pulls the hood back on to hide her reddening cheeks.  What she hadn’t noticed was that he had written his number on the back of her poster.
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 That very night Lexi and her friend Shannon shared screens to watch a movie and they talked about what happened at the convention. 
“You're not gonna believe this but Hayden asked for my Instagram”
“No way! Omfg lucky you, now I really wish I'd been there to see your reaction’
“ Remember that cosplay said I was gonna do for the gender bent Anakin”
“You actually took it nice what did he say”
“He actually wrote a little message on my poster saying that  I was the best female Anakin he’s ever met. “
“Why did he want your Instagram for though?”
“He took a picture of me with him as a selfie and then he asked someone to take a full body picture both of us together and he wanted me to have a copy”
“Lucky girl I bet you were freaking out.”
“I couldn’t stop blushing he was really close to me like upfront he took off my hood so you can see my contacts”
“You sound so smitten right now Lexi gosh I bet all the others were jealous”
They’d  finished watching the movie and  had a long conversation. Lexi went back to working on some of her things for her blog when she got a little notification on her phone.  She picked up the phone to see what it was only to discover that it was a following request by none other  than Hayden Christensen. Lexi couldn’t believe she was seeing this, he really did follow her.  she was wondering whether she was dreaming or not so she clicked confirm. 
 Soon  a message popped up  saying “ Hey Lexi I hope you don’t mind me just here to send you the pictures. It was really great seeing you and in the cosplay. I hope I get to see you some other time” 
She was  shocked he wanted to see her again but he’s a famous actor and thought  she’s a simple fan now he’s probably saying that just to be nice so she texted back “Thank you for the pictures I hope I see you at the next convention.” 
After that Lexi put her phone down and turned it off going back to what she was working on. She wanted to talk to him  but she didn’t know if Hayden would actually respond so she said to herself, “I think I’ll just continue working on what I was writing, I doubt he actually wants to talk to me just another one of his million fans”
Hayden didn’t really know how he would start off his message so he sort of went out on a whim and sent that he  “Cannot believe he met her, she is such a gorgeous woman and the  cosplay was unbelievable there was just something about her that he couldn’t quite stop thinking about, in a way she was very unique” and there was just this little feeling he had what he needed to see her again, although his work schedule may not allow it this soon he knew he’d find a way to see her.
Few months pass and nothing happened he didn’t text her because of filming but that maybe she would text him first to be honest he was very nervous he didn’t know exactly how he would start off a conversation with her he really wanted to get to know her but he felt that through text won’t  be the same he wanted to see her talk about herself and see how she reacted and how she expresses herself.
Lexi was a little bummed out that she never heard back from him after the last thing he texted her. She hadn’t replied because she just didn’t know how to reply. After a while she really believed that just maybe he won’t want to talk to her but seeing as she hasn't given  a single reply she went back to her  life being a blogger, go to school doing her thing until she her phone dinged “Lexi I wanted to know if you were free sometime tonight I’d like to meet up.” It said but quickly he added “if that’s OK with you” 
She was thrilled and scared because Hayden is one of her favorite actors ever and to just simply be texting him was a dream come true. Not wanting to leave him hanging  again she replied “I’m free at 7 tonight. Where do you want to meet?”
“Great I’ll see you then ;)”
“Wait how will we meet up, I live  in  Tennessee?”
“Don’t you worry about that I’ll have everything ready.”
 A little confused she went along with it. She had faith in him and whatever it was he was planning. Lexi was beyond thrilled and nervous because she was gonna meet up with Hayden Christensen! Her forever actor crush. 
Even though she still had 3 hours until they meet up she began planning what she would wear. She wanted something casual but also cute. So she went for one of her go to outfits. Having her current hair color  be pink, blue and purple she just washed  and let it air dry in  it’s cascade. As for her makeup she kept it simple with some blush, mascara and some matte lipstick.
As she finished getting ready she was screen sharing with her friend and co-writing partner so as not to fangirl so much in front of him. They were watching Awake a movie he happens to be in, her friend hasn't seen it so Lexi showed it to her while commenting throughout the movie Lexi kept her phone nearby so that she could see if she got a text. About halfway through the movie she finally got a text saying that she should come out that there’s a car waiting for her. She was getting excited again and would have to ask him how he knew where she lived. 
“Omfg! I just got a text from him saying there’s a car waiting for me!” 
“Good luck have fun and tell me all about it!” Shannon told her. 
Lexi stepped out of her house and indeed there was a car parked waiting for her. The moment she walked down  the stairs she was greeted by a  chauffeur. He went around and got the door for her and helped her in and she thanked the man.  The ride  had a bit of a calming silence which had been a big help since Lexi was still very nervous about what the night would bring. 
The car had stopped at a new food place that had been opened a few days prior to you going to the convention. The chauffeur got out of the car and opened your door and soon had taken you to the entrance where Lexi was met with Hayden holding some flowers.
“Hey Lexi I hope you liked these I didn’t know if you had a favorite flower so I got a variety of them.”
“Thank you Hayden they look beautiful.”
 “They look as beautiful as you do tonight.”
He made her blush with that compliment. “So Hayden, I was wondering how did you ever figure out where I live?”
“Well I actually saw some of the things you posted on Instagram and had some help figuring out where in Tennessee you lived” he said sheepishly. “Don’t tell your friend but she was  a big help too.” he smiled
Lexi was really at a loss of words because he went to all this trouble just to want to hang out with her.  The night was spent getting to know each other as if they’ve been friends for years. Throughout the night he  just couldn’t stop smiling at the way that Lexi spoke about her writing and the things she does.  It had been over 4 hours since they were at the restaurant, not wanting the night to end just yet Lexi got bold enough to ask  where he’s planning to stay,
There’s a little hotel not far from here that I was planning to get a room at.”
“Well after such a great time tonight I wanted to invite you to my home I have a spare bedroom there that you could use,” she shyly said. “The least I can do is make your stay here in Tennessee relaxing.”
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you, I was actually hoping to get a chance to do some sight seeing here, I was hoping you could show me around?”
“I would love to do that, how about we head home for now and we can make a list of what you might want to see?” 
“Sure, lead the way darling” he moved to the side so that she could get back to the car. He put his hand on her lower back as they walked out of the restaurant.
 Once they arrived at her house she led him to the guest room that was right next to hers and left him alone so that he could get set up and comfy. While that happened she changed into a big shirt and some shorts that she normally wore around the house. Meanwhile in the other room Hayden had gotten settled and changed from his outfit into a plain t-shirt and some sweatpants. After that he walked to what he assumed was the living room and looked around, there were many pictures of Lexi with her friends and family.
 He was admiring her book collection when she walked in and asked, “Is there anything I can get for you?” 
“No, I'm fine thanks for asking” he headed for the couch and sat down.
Lexi couldn’t help but watch him walk over to the couch. He looked so good in sweatpants. She stifled a groan at how turned on she was getting by the way he was dressed or how relaxed he looked in her home.
“I noticed you were looking at my book collection anything in there that caught your attention?”
“Yeah there were a few that I might take a look at later on if you don’t mind”
“Not at all, you’re welcome to borrow whichever you find most interesting.”
“That’s very kind of you Lexi, for tonight and everything”
“It’s no problem at all, but I should be thanking you for such an amazing night”
"You don’t mind if I open this window for a quick smoke do you?” he seemed a little nervous about asking.
"Go right ahead, make yourself at home" she waved at him. feeling less nervous now that they seem comfortable around each other.
He walked over to the window seat and opened the one window, there was a nice breeze out and he pulled out a cigarette from his pocket and his lighter, but what he doesn’t know is that Lexi loves seeing him smoke  in movies and knowing that he actually smokes is  even more nerve wracking. He notices that she’s started to rub her thighs together and figures out that she likes his little bad habit and he’s enjoying that it’s the little things that he does can easily get her turned on. She doesn't even know that he actually heard her moan when he walked over to the couch.
he turned back over to the window to blow the smoke out. he walked back to the couch where Lexi was now sitting at and sat close by her, being this close to her he could see the shade of brown that her eyes were a mix between milk and  dark chocolate and even though they've known each other for a few hours he has this urge to pin her to the couch and mark her  so everyone knows who she belongs to. He knew however he would have to wait and hope that he can show her that he wants to be a part of her life. He wasn't really sure if she would feel the same about him the way he feels about her.
He rubbed his hand on his chin and felt the small beard he was growing he would need to shave soon or else it would begin to bother him, plus the film he was going to be a part of required he have a clean shaven face. Lexi however thought he looked good with the beard, it was a nice change to always seeing him have a baby face on screen or at conventions.
“So what brought you to this quiet little town?” he started asking hoping to get to know her more.
“My family lived here for most of my childhood and I’ve never really considered leaving this place” she played with her hair and looks up “don’t get me wrong I do wish I could travel more but there’s ever really been a chance to do that.”
“Sounds like this place is your little slice of heaven, I’d be lucky if I had a place like that myself.” He places his arm behind her and his fingertips lightly brush her shoulders
“If you could go to one place in the world where and why?”
She shivered feeling his fingers ghost over her shoulder. “If I could go somewhere I think it would be Venice because I love the culture and the food too,” she blushed. “I think it would be an amazing place.”
This gave him an idea as to where he could take her next time, he hoped there would be  more things he’ll be able to plan with her or for her. 
“So tell me Mr. Celebrity, what’s it really like?” Lexi teased him. “Is it really like they say?”
“And what exactly do they say?” 
“That's mostly paparazzi, glitz and glam?” she cocked her head. 
“Well for the most part it can be but I'm not really one for that I like to keep my life as simple as possible.” he smiles at her. He can’t help but feel so relaxed around her. “That’s why you hardly see anything about me on tv”
“Well if anything the moments you are on tv are the best.” she blushes.
The rest of the time was spent talking about anything and everything. There were moments of silence but they weren’t awkward. She felt as if she’d already gotten to know him so much more than she’d ever expect and he felt the same way there was so much they both still wanted to know about each other but this wasn't the time for that. Later on they’d both come to find that they equally had the same interests sexually. They talked for hours on end that night till Lexi realized that it was 3 am and they still planned on going out to do some sightseeing. 
It had been hard for Lexi to fall asleep knowing she had her childhood crush sleeping in her guest room let alone knowing she’d be spending the whole day with him seeing all over the place she called home.  Sleep finally found her and all she could dream about was Hayden sitting at the window smoking looking so gorgeous under the light of the moon. She woke up pretty early and headed out for a quick jog hoping that would bring her some energy for the day.
Hayden had woken up a little after she had gone on her run so he had taken his time trying to figure out what they could do. He laid in bed for a bit searching for things nearby hoping he might get to see some exciting stuff or even get to see her favorite places here. Once he had an idea on what to do he tossed his shirt on the bed and grabbed some fresh clothes and headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower letting it steam up for a bit. Neither of them had realized that the other was in the apartment.
“Hmm looks like he might still be sleeping, Oh I hope I didn’t keep him up too late” she said to herself as she headed to the kitchen to drink some water, Meanwhile Hayden was getting his things in order to shower. Unaware of him being in the bathroom she went to her room to grab some fresh clothes for the day and headed for the bathroom the door was pretty thick so she couldn't hear the water running. She walked in and was surprised when she bumped right into a very much naked Hayden.
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braincoins · 5 years
“Come on, it’ll be fun.”
“I don’t know...”
“Okay, but... in costume? You’re sure?”
“Trust me.”
Technically, Lance was here to cover it for the site. 
I love my job so much.
He was getting paid to attend the first Starlight Con, where the geeks of the city could pay honor and homage to their superhero. And he had a press pass to get him into basically any and every event he could want to attend! 
Cosplayers were everywhere, most as Starlight, but he caught a few Paladins wandering around. The dealer’s room was packed with superhero-related RPGs, CCGs, video games, and comics. 
Lance spent a good chunk of time in the artist’s alley, which was full to bursting with fanartists, fanfic writers, and a slew of fancomics. These were the hardcore fans (aside from the cosplayers), and he interviewed a few (and let them promo their stuff in return).
“Starlight does so much for this city, and she really captures the imagination!”
“I think it’s important for my daughters to see a strong black woman hero. She’s their idol - and mine, too.”
“I just think she’s super hot.” Because of course the fanboy contingent was out in spades. Lance drummed up some controversy asking their opinions on Paladin, and there was almost a literal fistfight between two fans when one said he thought Paladin and Starlight should hook up and the other said that Starlight didn’t need a man. Convention Center security was right on that, thankfully. Lance quietly decided not to publish the video he got of the fight; it’d just be embarrassing for them both, and “nerds fight over their opinions” wasn’t exactly newsworthy.
He was taking a lunch break when he saw two people stroll in wearing the best costumes he’d seen yet. They were Starlight and Paladin, of course, and they were almost immediately thronged by con-goers eager for pictures. 
The Starlight cosplayer seemed a little anxious, but her partner whispered something in her ear, then grinned and posed for the cameras. She copied him somewhat uncertainly and everyone snapped away and thanked them. Huh, first time cosplaying, maybe? Well, hers, for sure. He snapped a couple pics as they walked by and went back to eating his overpriced hot dog. Lunchtime was sacred. Hopefully he could catch up with them later.
There was a panel starting at 1 PM about the need for superheroes in this day and age. Lance got there early for some good crowd shots, recorded the whole thing, and got some interviews with the panelists afterwards. There was a police representative who gave the standard “vigilante” line, of course. One of the panelists said she was a cop but stressed that her opinions were her own and not representative of the city PD before saying that she loved Starlight and was glad she was out there, but that she didn’t want normal civilians trying to do what Starlight - and this new one, Paladin - were out there doing. “They’re... unique. Let them do the dangerous stuff. There are so many other ways of being a hero: adopting a pet from the shelter, or adopting a child from foster care! Donating time and money to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Taking a moment out of your day to do something nice for someone else.” Lance got every word she said... but didn’t get her number sadly. Oh well; can’t blame a guy for trying.
Coming out of the panel, he ran into the super-good cosplayers again, but they were thronged by other cosplayers asking about how they made their outfits. “Starlight” was uncomfortable with all the attention and questions; “Paladin” seemed to be enjoying himself, saying it was a “trade secret” and he could tell them but then he’d have to kill them and making everyone laugh. Lance let them be for now.
He prowled around the dealer’s room some more. There were some modern day snake oil salesmen here, of course, claiming that their smoothies or drink powders or “super foods” would make you healthy and strong just like Starlight! Lance tucked his press ID into his shirt; they’d pounce on him if they saw a chance for free advertising. He did take free samples though; most of them tasted kind of chemical-y, but there was some sort of granola crunchie thing that was actually pretty good. Might not make me a superhero, but at least it doesn’t taste like cardboard dipped in paint thinner. 
The con organizers seemed to have segregated the wackos into one area. Most of them were obvious nutjobs, but there was one, run by what looked like a high school girl, that made a pretty compelling case for Starlight being an extra-terrestrial. “It explains her gadgets!” the girl declared. “Super advanced tech, like nothing anyone’s ever seen!” She leaned close to Lance to confide, “And I think her ears are actually pointed. I mean, what point in making them look like that otherwise? It’s not like pointed ears are a necessary part of a ‘starlight’ themed aesthetic, y’know?”
“You think Starlight’s a space elf?” he asked skeptically.
She frowned as she straightened up and folded her arms. “That’s reductive. I think she’s an alien who happens to have pointed ears. ‘Space elf’ is just silly.”
“Oh, sorry, of course. Thanks for the food for thought, though.” But, it was a good point: why did Starlight want her ears to look like they were pointed?
Most people weren’t interested in looking too deep into the gift horse’s mouth. They were just happy Starlight existed and was willing to help out. There was another panel at 3 of people who had been saved by Starlight. Lance had to run and it took a flash of his press pass to get in since they’d just closed the doors.
Heh, I wonder if Shiro’ll be here. Everyone at the paper knew that Shiro’d been saved by Starlight hundreds of times, probably. He was probably her #1 Most Rescued or something.
But, alas, no sign of his colleague. Some of the “panelists” were mundane - “Starlight helped me carry my groceries” - but there were some more exciting ones. One guy had been part of a small crowd evacuated from a Planned Parenthood when a wackjob had threatened to blow it up.
“I tripped and fell and I could feel my ankle give. Probably wasn’t broken, I thought - and I was right, as it turned out - but I didn’t think I was going to hobble out of there in time. But then Starlight showed up, picked me up, and ran out of the building.
“You all probably know the rest of the story: the bomb did blow, but it didn’t have enough force to do more than knock out some windows. Made a mess of the waiting room, though. And that was where I tripped. It might have killed me, or at least injured me a lot more.”
A woman saved from her abusive partner. A group of kids who’d not only been saved in the moment from a drive-by shooting but who had thereafter dedicated themselves to making their neighborhood safer, following Starlight’s example. A teenager who said he’d never met Starlight or seen her in person, but that following her crime-fighting career gave him a reason to keep going every day despite the bullying he endured for being trans. “She’s black, like me. When she’s not wearing the mask, I bet she has to put up with bullshit all the time. But she doesn’t let it beat her down. She keeps going out there and saving people. Knowing she’s out there lets me know the world’s not as bad a place as it seems sometimes.”
Lance interviewed every single one of them afterwards, even the little old lady with the groceries. No task too small for our hero, he thought with a satisfied smile.
He was about to leave for the day - the con went all weekend, and he wanted to file the report soon so maybe more people would come tomorrow - when he came across the couple with the awesome costumes again. Last chance! He called out, “Hey, Starlight! Paladin!” and jogged up to them.
They turned towards him; Paladin smiled widely but Starlight just groaned, “Oh my god.”
“Fantastic costumes! Can I get a picture? I work for the online version of The Daily World, and you’d be a great cover image for the story!”
“Anything for one of the citizens of our fair city,” Paladin said in a deep voice. I love it when they’re in character, Lance thought. 
“This is too much,” Starlight protested, doing a spot on impression of that weird, British-y accent of hers. “In the paper? Are you kidding me?”
“Really, you’re a knockout, both of you!” Lance assured her. “Best costumes I’ve seen!”
“It’s important to have only the very best equipment when you’re fighting crime,” Paladin agreed.
“You’re loving this,” she accused him.
“I absolutely am,” he replied with a wide grin. “Come on, Starlight. It’s for the paper.”
She sighed. “Oh, very well. I suppose it will look nice.”
“You gotta pose,” he told her, striking his own ‘Valiant Defender of the City’ pose in demonstration.
“Oh, this is ridiculous.” But she did her own pose anyway.
Lance snapped a few pics. “Perfect! Fantastic! I swear if I didn’t know better, I’d think you two were really them!”
Paladin started laughing, but then Starlight grabbed his arm. “Okay, that’s it, we’re leaving.”
“Aww! We’ve only been here a few hours!”
“That’s more than enough. Besides, if we’re too tired, we won’t be having any fun tonight.”
“Fun or fun?” he asked her.
“Okay, we’re leaving.” He waved at Lance. “Take care, citizen!”
“You too!” Lance said with a laugh as Starlight hauled him towards the exit. He checked his photos of them, which were all excellent, of course, chuckled, and headed out as well. He had a story to write.
{The Adventures of Starlight & Paladin}
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mytsukkishine · 7 years
[HQ!kurotsuki] Tsukki and his Sasuke
My gift for @essrambles (that I kept bothering as an anon bcz I dnt wanna mess up lol) for the @kurotsukiexchange I hope you like this. I am late!! So gomen!
Soulmate AU (slut for that au) where Kei received his tattoo--- but oh no, it’s not a very good tattoo. Or the day Kei wanted to become a murderer jk.
posted this also on AO3 (mytsukkishine) but I do suggest for ya’ll to read that there *winkwonktocommentwinkwonnk*
It’s good to know what’ll be the first thing your soulmate would tell you, but for Kei—he doesn’t want to meet his, for he’s sure he’ll kill his soulmate if he did.
Because his soulmate is a fcking 'spoiler alert' of his favorite manga.
!! WARNING contains spoilers for Naruto Shippuden and Avatar the Last Airbender (if ya’ll haven’t seen it yet)-- not proceed :3
Tsukishima Kei was not a fan of tattoos, especially long ass tattoos that your supposed soulmate for life would say for the first time you meet.
Well, it’s good to know what’ll be the first thing your soulmate would tell you, but for Kei—he doesn’t want to meet his, for he’s sure he’ll kill his soulmate if he did.
Because that motherfucker spoiled him.
It all started when Kei was about to have his 16th birthday the next day. His brother, Akiteru, was giving him speeches about soulmates that he doesn’t really care about, really; he’s 15, he’s a boy, and he doesn’t give a shit about soulmates.
“Aki-ni, I get it, now will you please leave?”
“I’m just saying, if your soulmate is a boy, It’ll be fine,”
“Wait? I can have a boy as a soulmate?” When Akiteru nodded, Kei just sighed and resumed reading.
“Whatever, will you now go?”
“Okay, okay. Anyway, what do you want as a gift?” When Kei heard that, his head immediately looked up at his brother, excitement was evident on his face that it made Akiteru chuckle.
“More manga?” Kei suggested and Akiteru nodded. “Hmm, you’re quite addicted to Naruto, huh? Wasn’t that famous like years ago?”
“Yeah, and nothing’s wrong with me wanting to keep up again,”
“Want me to tell you what would happen in Naruto Shippuden?” Akiteru smirked as Kei pouted and explained to Akiteru that he was still reading the last chapters of Naruto.
“Okay, okay,” Akiteru grinned before closing the door, thinking of where to buy the said manga.
Kei was so excited about his birthday because he knew his brother would really buy him mangas.
And as time went by, it was night time when Kei was reading peacefully, enjoying the fighting scene he was reading.
He was so absorbed in reading that he didn’t notice the time, few more seconds before his birthday.
Suddenly, a faint burning sensation on his left shoulder made Kei stop for a while, his eyes staring on the wall in front of him as the burning feeling continued before it stopped.
Kei’s heart was beating fast, a little afraid to look at his newly formed tattoo, but also a little excited. The blond took a deep breath, closing his book before pulling the collar of his shirt—
“Nice serve!” One of his teammates shouted, all of their eyes on the ball as it was hit by Tanaka, “Come on push it!” When Sugawara sets off the ball, Hinata came running before hitting it with all his might. Unfortunately, Kei blocked him, the small lad cursing in the process.
“Okay, guys! Take a break,” Their coach announced, clapping on Kageyama’s back, and the boys went on with their own errands.
Yamaguchi, Kei’s best friend, went up to him, all giddy and excited. “I can’t wait for next week!”
“Yamaguchi, shut up,” Yamaguchi just grinned, handing Kei his own water bottle. “It’s my first time going to a convention, and I read some forums about it last night!”
“I don’t know if I‘d be able to go,” Kei tried his best to ignore the glare his friend was giving him, but it was too strong—like Sugawara senpai’s glare strong.
“Tsukki! We talked about this a month ago,” The tall blond didn’t reply, and instead chose to sit down and rest while they waited for their practice to start.
“I told Aki niichan about it!”  
“Ah…” In all honesty, Kei just wanted to tease his friend. His brother also bribed him about going to Tokyo. He said he should go so he could see what Tokyo can offer, and he also promised to give him some money. Kei doesn’t really have a problem with buying things, but a little income wasn’t bad.
“Tsukki!” Yamaguchi took a seat beside him as Kei drank from his bottle. “It’s a gathering, there will be booths and stuff you can buy!”
“I don’t have much money,” Kei lied and wiped away the sweat on his forehead. The latter only sighed, obviously tired in convincing him, but Kei knew Yamaguchi won’t give up.
“It’s not just about buying merch, it’s about getting to know others. Especially with the same hobby,” Yamaguchi was really persistent and Kei sometimes hated him for that. Yamaguchi was like his brother, annoying but at the same time he trusts that he knows what’s good for him.
The blond released a tired sigh, stretching his arms a little. “Fine, I’ll think about it.”
“Tsukki, are you still disappointed about Naruto?”
Kei’s heart jumped a little, the memory of the said manga was still fresh in his heart, mind, and soul. He loved the Naruto series so much, but a certain someone ruined it for him.
However, he managed to catch up even though he kind of knew how things would go.
Plus, he’s sad about Naruto, Kei thought, Naruto doesn’t deserve more pain.
“Not talking about that,”
“You can still continue reading it you know,” Yamaguchi drank from his bottle and gave Kei time to think about everything—everything Naruto and soulmates.
“I heard Naruto Shippuden just finished last week,”
“I’m still reading it… Maybe whenever I have time,” Yamaguchi just nodded. Time, they have plenty, Kei just doesn’t want to admit he was spoiled from the plot.
“Not my fault your soulmate is a talker,” Kei glared at his friend but the other remained unaffected, closed his water bottle and released a contented sigh.
Yamaguchi remembered the day Kei got his tattoo. He called him and a panicked Kei answered.
“It doesn’t make sense!”
“Wha—Happy birthday?”
“Why would he die? What about Naruto? Why? Who is Pain?”
“My fucking soulmate spoiled Naruto Shippuden for me,”
“Come on Tsukki! Next week okay?” Yamaguchi grinned at him, trying hard not to laugh. “I heard there are booths for figurines.”
Before Kei could answer, their coach blew the whistle and practice resumed.
Kei hated everyone. Also Yamaguchi, but he hated him less.
He hated everyone because the place was crowded, meaning skinship was present and Kei hated that. Two, he hated Yamaguchi since he suddenly disappeared, and also because Yamaguchi drew some whiskers on his cheek, claiming he looked like a low cost cosplayed Naruto.
With a sigh, Kei continued to walk through the crowd, stopping by at some booths that was interesting. For a while, he was getting tired of walking until he found a booth that was interesting enough for him to squeeze through.
There he saw a full set of Naruto Shippuden manga, all brand new than the ones he already had. There were also some figurines below. He grabbed one book and browsed the pages carefully, his hands tingling of want to buy the manga but sadly, he put the book back where it belonged. His heart was still disappointed as his hand automatically went to his shoulder where his tattoo lies.
However, something caught his attention.
With utmost care and gentleness, Kei picked up a Naruto and Jiraiya keychain, amazed by the details of the toy—from the hair, the face, and the clothing.
Then someone cleared their throat.
“Too bad Jiraiya died huh? Pain was a pain-in-the-ass”
Kei’s breath hitched. He was frozen, ears ringing, and heart beating.
All of his thoughts came jumbling up when he heard that voice—but then he frowned.
He frowned as he looked at the source of that voice—to where he was spoiled from his favorite anime.
And he can’t fucking believe it, it’s Sasuke—that mother fucker was Sasuke—and he’s with Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul, only that he has black and white hair that was sticking up.
“Fuck off, Sasuke”
Both cosplayers were stunned at the sudden outburst but the said character, Sasuke, quickly recovered.
“Oh, wow, my Naruto seemed so pissed off,”
Now it was time for Kei to be shocked. He puts down the keychain down, still shooting daggers at the cosplayer before him.
“Wait, your whiskers are a little smudged,” The Sasuke cosplayer reached up to his cheeks, brushing away on the melting whiskers. That Sasuke was grinning all the time, and Kei was sure his cheeks were flushed red.
Also his smirk pissed him off so much.
“There, looking cute.”
“I hate you, do you know that?”
“You!! You freaking spoiler!” Kei pointed at him and the Sasuke cosplayer wanted to swat the hand away but he just can’t, he got a feeling that he would die on the spot if he did.
“Hey, hey now, what are you saying—” The Sasuke cosplayer sweated nervously. They were gaining a crowd, and he was sure that both of them don’t like the attention they were gaining.
“Bro, I think you should talk somewhere,” That Kaneki Kun spoke suddenly and the Sasuke cosplayer nodded.
Kei gasped as ‘Sasuke’ took hold of his shoulders and pushed him away from the crowd, leaving his Kaneki Kun friend alone. They went to a corner where they knew no one would look at them, and Kei was still struggling in his hold.
“Hey, stop, what did I do?”
“You spoiled Naruto for me! Now I can’t read it anymore because—because it’s saddening to know how things would go!” All of Kei’s frustration since childhood came pouring out. Okay he admits—he can’t get over the fact that he was spoiled.
“Jiraiya! It doesn’t make sense when I had my tattoo! So many questions knowing Jiraiya would die. That’s a big fucking blow in the face,”
“And I can’t believe you’re my soulmate,”
Kei and the Sasuke cosplayer’s eyes widen in realization, both too consumed on what’s happening right now that they forgot about tattoos and soulmates.
They forgot that they both uttered one another’s tattoo.
Quickly, the Sasuke cosplayer pulled his costume down, showing Kei the tattoo he has on his chest, below his collarbone. The same position where Kei has his tattoo.
“Fuck off, Sasuke”
“So that’s why I had the urge to cosplay Sasuke…” The other grinned, “I’m Kuroo Tetsurou,”
“I still hate you. You ruined my childhood. That part wasn’t even written yet, I don’t know who Pain was. He wasn’t introduced but no, it’s my tattoo. I was still reading the part where they saw Sasuke again!”
Kuroo was all smiles. Happy that he met his soulmate, and a little happy that he’s kind of feisty.
“Kuroo Tetsurou,” Kuroo tried again, bringing his hand out. The blond huffed, completely flustered at the sudden outburst and the meeting.
“Tsukishima Kei…” He managed to murmur through his pout, arms crossed over his chest as he looked away, not meeting the cosplayer’s tantalizing sharingan eyes. Kuroo just chuckled as he took Kei’s hand, holding it with utmost care.
“Tsukishima Kei…” Kuroo repeated his name under his breath, eyes still observing every feature of his soulmate. . It was mixed emotions, he was happy, excited, and nervous—Kuroo can feel that he’s sweating and that he needed to say something to make things less awkward. “Well, at least your tattoo doesn’t have the word ‘fuck’ on it.”
It’s too good to be true, Kei was almost carried away with his smile, his charm, and how smooth Kuroo was, however, Kuroo chose to ruin it all.
“Well damn, my tattoo has a goddamn lame ass pun,”
“Wow, I hit a jackpot, Bo”
Kei hated everyone. Also, Kuroo, but he kind of feels embarrassed at how Kuroo has his arm around his shoulder.
It was kind of heavy, but it’s surprisingly warm.
After the meeting your soulmate incident, Kei wanted to get away from him but Kuroo insisted they should roam around together, after all, they were soulmates.
“I am with a friend,”
“Then let us find your friend,”
“Where’s your Kaneki Ken friend?”
“Don’t mind him, we’ll meet up at 5,” Kei was about to reply back when Kuroo suddenly stopped and ran towards a cosplayer.
“May I take a selfie with you?” Kuroo asked the ‘Zuko’ cosplayer and they nodded, Kuroo excitedly posed beside him and Kei found it all silly.
After a while, Kuroo returned to Kei’s side, all smiles. “Man, their cosplay is so awesome,”
“Hm…” Kei nodded and they continued to walk.
“Though I like Aang more I guess,” Kuroo commented.
“Well, Zuko switched side so I’m good with Zuko,”
Kuroo stopped walking and it took Kei a moment to realize Kuroo was left behind. “Kuroo-san?” He called out, he felt a little worried especially how Kuroo’s face was contorted.
He looked so shocked, and—
“Oh no, you didn’t TsukkI!”
“You… you,” Kuroo sighed out dejectedly, almost wanting to cry and Kei has no idea why. Kei walked up to his soulmate, raising his brow at him. “What happened?”
Kuroo mumbled something under his breath, it irks Kei a little bit.
“I can’t hear you, Kuroo-san,”
“You ruined…”
“I haven’t finished watching Avatar the Last Airbender okay!?”
Kei was stunned for a while before erupting in laughter, hands coming up to cover his mouth ad his eyes glanced teasingly at Kuroo, “R-really?” He managed to say between laughter.
And well, Kuroo doesn’t mind.
He does mind but seeing his soulmate laugh was wow!
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