#like once mumma is confident about him she will adore him too just like I do
ramayantika · 5 months
Sometimes I am this very bossy, busy, ambitiously driven woman juggling a hundred different things that I want to do and be good at and then at night when I speak to him I feel like a soft flower who can rest and then start the next day with the golden sunshine
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spacetickles · 3 years
The Mighty Nein: Tickle Headcanons
no one asked for this but I liked making the TAZ headcanons so much I did it anyway. 
the mighty nein from most ticklish to least ticklish
A ticklish baby, he thought he grew out of it in the years since his academy days, but alas. He is ticklish everywhere, it cannot be helped. His worst worst spot (not a hot take at all) is the tops of his ribs, he cannot handle it. He’s definitely the number one victim of tickle attacks out of the nein, they all love getting their wizard to laugh. Caleb is a bit new to tickling, it's been a good long while since he’d known positive touch, but he warms up to it quickly. 
He cannot ler to save his life, lord knows he’s tried, he’s just so bad at it. It’s very very rare he gets the actual confidence to do a good job and it crumbles the minute revenge is even thought of
Second most ticklish of the nein, and who’s surprised? It has to be a wizard thing. His worst spot is probably his hips or his legs, though his feet are definitely bad. He thinks tickling is so undignified, he says he’d rather fight a dragon solo, but the nein can see right through his lies. He not so secretly loves it. 
His ears twitch if you tickle anywhere near them and it’s adorable.
He is a better ler than Caleb but only marginally. Mostly because he’s so damn easy to overpower, just flops right over and takes it.
He says he’s not ticklish but he’s also really bad at keeping the fact that he’s stupid ticklish a secret. His stomach and sides are 100% a weak spot, and is actually one of his favorites too. He didn’t really even know he was ticklish until he met Jester and the nein. 
This man can Tease, his ticking skills need some work, but he more than makes up for it with the teasing, it’s inescapable and no one is immune, NO ONE. 
Ticklish and loves it, he is a little slut for tickles and we love him for it. His back, tail and hips are definitely the worst. He says his hips are, but it’s only because he can’t handle his back and tail being tickled, he just becomes a pile of purple goo. 
The biggest ler next to jester, his tail is a weapon and he knows it. It's surprisingly effective as a tickle tool, just pointed enough, but not sharp, it feels similar to a pen or a chopstick. Even without his tail, he is killer, he knows everyone’s spots by heart and he could rival Fjord at teasing, and when he teams up with Jester, with the traveler as their witness no one goes untickled.
In comparison to some of her teammates she’s not all that ticklish, pretty much right in the middle. Her thighs and her stomach are the worst spots, though her tail is also pretty ticklish. She is very very comfortable with tickling, she has absolutely no shame, I am HERE for the “all tieflings are knismos” agenda, and Jester was raised by her mumma, who is equally shameless about tickling. She simply cannot be flustered by it, the only one to have succeeded in getting her flustered is Fjord. 
The undefeated tickle queen of the nein. Any tickle fight she wants to win, she will win. She loves tickling others as much as she loves being tickled, and frankly Adores how squirmy non-tieflings are on the topic. She could just talk about it for hours, but everyone but Molly always gets so red, she thinks it's funny. 
She will eat you alive, don't touch her. She's only ticklish in a few spots, her sides being the number one spot. But for the first little while she did not let the nein even close to tickling her. But once Jester gave her some puppy dog eyes she couldn't say no anymore. Don't let that fool you she absolutely loves it, she just isn't used to it, and was way too attached to looking tough. 
A wicked ler, she will absolutely use her monk shit, and paralyze her lee. She's really rough, and it can be unpleasant, but fjord, caduceus and yasha have been working to get her to be a little softer. 
Mr zen cow man I loooovve you. He's not very ticklish, but his ears and neck can really get him giggling. His hands are surprisingly sensitive too. He’s used to his siblings knowing exactly how to get him to scream, so he’s not exactly threatened by the nein, he just lets them go for it, hes ticklish enough to satiate their curiosity without finding any of his bad spots, but he can also just pick up the ler and turn the tables just that easy. 
He's a really soft ler, and specializes in sleepy cuddly tickles. Plus he is so big and fluffy that he can just give his lee butterflies with, like, no effort. Up until when caduceus tried tickling him, no one knew essek could purr. 
She's not very ticklish, but if she's tired and off her guard, her stomach can get her giggling a little. It makes her a little sad she isn't as ticklish as some of the others, but she's more than willing to make up for that by being the ler. 
Another soft ler, she doesnt know her own strength, so she's extra careful with tickling. It's almost unbearable how soft she is, unlike caduceus, her soft tickling is the kind that lights every nerve up with lighting, and goodness she teases, though she isn't particularly smooth it’s all so endearing mixed with the unbearably soft tickling, she is one of the best lers in the nein, up there with Molly and Jester. 
Veth is not ticklish at all, and she lords this over the rest of the nein by being the biggest shit. She's little and hard to catch and she uses this to her advantage, anyone with a tickle spot from hips down is in danger of random attacks, and spots higher than that are susceptible to mage hand attacks. And the best(worst) part is that no one can get her back, since she is not ticklish in the slightest. (unless you are Yeza, in which case he knows her one secret spot and has been sworn to secrecy on it)
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fellulahh · 4 years
What he’s like as a Dad (all characters!)
He’s 100% the responsible parent. If he sees Mammon go toward their sleeping baby, he’ll practically fly across the room to stop him
Spends hours in the supermarket picking the right food out for their baby and nutrients for MC to take
He’s not usually much of a big spender but when it comes to their baby, he wants him/her to have only the most luxurious and soft clothing
Quite often he’ll carry their baby into his study and holds him/her in one arm while they sleep - he finds their baby’s presence so relaxing as he works
Lucifer no longer worries nor cares about his previous life because all that matters to him is the life he created with MC
He’s a super fun dad! MC has to attempt to be the rational one when it comes to parenting with Mammon
Mammon is INCREDIBLY proud of his and MC’s baby, he’ll always be carrying him/her in a baby pouch and will boast to other demons saying “yeah ya see this? Me and my human made this!”
No matter the gender, he buys little baby clothes that match his so that he can go out with their child, saying how he/she is the ‘Great Mini Mammon!’
He gets really jealous if any of the brothers spend too much time with his human and mini human, “oi! Mammon needs some attention too ya know?”
Once he/she is a toddler, Mammon’s always getting them to go up to their Mumma and say stuff like ‘Daddy says you’re cute’
Levi loses a lot of his nerves after becoming a dad because rather than worrying about what he thinks of himself, his focus is solely on his lil purple haired baby
He gives that baby so much love, MC absolutely adores the way he radiates confidence while they’re together
He gets really sad when their baby goes to sleep because whenever he’s gaming, he loves to sit their baby in his lap so that he/she can watch their Daddy play
Plays peek-a-boo using his tail
Once baby’s hair has grown enough, he combs it so that it’s exactly the same as his hair style
Takes baby to his various meet ups/conventions
Satan has never felt true happiness until MC gives birth to their baby
He always felt that he had no purpose in the world because of his accidental creation but now he has a baby!
He’s always doing whatever he can to spend time with his baby and helps out MC in anyway possible
Often MC will wake up and see Satan passed out in the chair across the room with their baby sleeping peacefully in his arms
Reads a story to baby every single night before they go to sleep
He’s a very proud Dad, he loves holding his baby in one arm and MC’s hand in the other whenever they’re out together
Considering he’s known to not settle down, everyone is surprised by how wonderful of a Father Asmo is
He’s so protective over his baby, if anyone even dares to say as much as “oh your baby’s hair is a bit wild” he will come for whatever bitch said it
“Isn’t he/she beautiful? They get it off their Daddy!” “Asmo babe, I’m right here...” “oh, sorry MC.”
He dresses his baby in the most adorable outfits you’ve ever seen
He tells their baby all of the gossip despite them not having a clue what he’s saying, “I’m going to pass you to your Uncle Lucifer now. He’s a Daddy too - he just doesn’t like to admit it!”
Once the baby’s hair has grown, he absolutely LOVES styling it
Beel is a responsible Father, however, their baby has him wrapped around their little finger
Should he deny their baby a treat, all their bub has to do is pull a sad face and Beel’s like “okay, I’ll give you a cookie! Please don’t cry.”
Sometimes the brothers think the baby is glued to him because he carries him/her around everywhere
He never wants to be separated from MC or their baby so he somehow manages to cuddle them both during movie night
Loves trying out the baby food when he’s on dinner duty, “ew this tastes horrible! Here, have some of my pizza instead.” “Beel, no!”
He loves loves loves being a Daddy
He’s always pining over his little family and whenever they both go to bed, he’s always hinting to MC about having another baby
Belphie is the sort of Dad where you would walk into the baby’s nursery to find him curled up in the cot next to his bub because he/she couldn’t sleep
He’s always dressing the baby up in snuggly little onesies
Buys the baby a little cow print pillow that matches his
That baby has this demon’s whole heart. He would protect MC and his child with his life
He’s also quite funny as a Dad, if someone else like Lucifer is holding their baby and he/she starts crying, Belphie just smiles and says “I’m sorry Lucifer but I don’t think he/she likes you.” And takes the baby back into his own arms
He’s always buying soft little plushies for the baby
You’ve never met a prouder dad until you’ve met Diavolo, he loves his and MC’s baby unconditionally
He takes their baby everywhere with him in a little baby pouch; to important meetings with the nobles, to big announcements, to student council meetings etc
For every birthday, he has a portrait painted of him, MC and their child and hangs them where everyone who enters the castle can see
Often tells the baby, “I’m hoping very soon we will be able to give you a brother or sister but mummy’s being stubborn!” “Diavolo I only gave birth two months ago?!” “So? I want a big family!” He whines
He dedicates every single ball to MC and their baby
He’s quite mischievous too - he plays pranks on MC and Barbatos because he knows it makes the baby cry with laughter
His baby is very spoiled. I mean they effectively have Lord Diavolo as an Uncle, of course he/she is going to be spoiled!
Because he’s so used to taking care of Diavolo’s orders, Barbatos automatically becomes the parent that makes the bottles, gets up at night, prepares breakfast etc regardless of MC likes it or not
Their baby is incredibly intelligent for their age because Barbatos’ is always spending time with him/her, helping them learn to talk
He’s always going above and beyond for MC and their baby
The baby brings out a very rare, soft side to Barbatos. He always tries to remain stern and composed but MC loves the fact that he always has a bright, cheery face whenever he’s with their baby
This angel is so soft for their baby, he’s such a good Daddy
The first person he introduces their baby to is Luke, “this is your Uncle Luke, little one.”
He’s always praising what a beautiful family he has and constantly posts pictures on Devilgram of MC
Lucifer is also the first person he goes to, to tell all about how wonderful it is being a Father; expressing the little things their baby does
He’s so appreciative of MC for bringing their baby into the world so he goes above and beyond to care for their new family
He always holds their baby and points at MC saying: “that’s your Mummy over there. Isn’t she magnificent?”
Yes he’s a good father but he does also have those moments that make MC question why on Earth she thought it’d be a good idea to have a baby with Solomon
*chucks sock on baby’s head* “MC WE’VE GOT A 2319!” “Solomon, get that off our baby’s head right now!”
He makes tik toks with their baby
“We should call him Albus Severus Potter!” “Absolutely not”
As chaotic as he is, he does have really tender moments with their baby too
Sometimes MC will walk into their room and see Solomon playing ‘aeroplane’ with their baby as he/she giggles
On multiple occasions, Solomon has had to quickly grab his sorcerer books from their baby “whoah kid, don’t you start messing with that. You’ll get us both in trouble!”
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honestlyhappyharry · 4 years
Chapter 8
Some news
A/n: slightly mature content towards the end, viewer discretion advised
Chapter 7
For the past few months, you had been going out on dates with Harry, usually during your lunch break so it didn't make Lily curious about where you were going in the night. Although there had been a few nights out. Your relationship was now official to both of your friend groups and Harry’s family. Your family still didn’t know, and you did want to tell them but it had never been the right time.
"Hey, Ellie." You say into the phone. Harry’s text of come out with me tonight xx H had caused the call, as you needed someone to watch Lily.
"Y/n, how are you?" She asks politely. 
"I'm good, I was wondering if you're free to babysit Lily tonight?" You ask getting right to the point.
"I'm really sorry, I have my SAT exam tomorrow." She tells you and you nod, as much as you needed her to babysit Lily, her school was infinitely more important.
"Thank you anyway." You tell her before hanging up. That crossed out any teenagers you knew who could babysit Lily. Maybe Eleanor?
A few moments later and you're on the phone with Eleanor only to get an "I'm sorry, Lou and I are going out. Ask your mum." She suggests and you agree. Harry was the only person who knew that your parents didn't know that you were together again.
“Hi, mum.” You say once you’ve worked up the courage to dial her number. Lily looked up at you from the stool at the kitchen island she was eating her breakfast at when she heard you say ‘mum’
“Hello, love, what’s happening?” She asked and you smile at just hearing her voice. While it hadn’t been that long since you talked to her it always felt like a long time, and now with the dating news acting as a wedge, it felt longer. 
You picked at your nails before answering. “I was wondering if you’re around tonight to watch Lily?” There was hope that she wouldn’t ask too many questions but you knew that was foolish. Lily did know you were going out and she stopped asking why once you told her she might get to see grandma. 
“Yeah, I’ll watch her any time. I do have to go to a hair appointment this morning but I can come up down.” After your mum found out you were pregnant she saw no issue in retiring with your dad in Santa Barbara, just under two hours away so she could be there to help out with Lily but she was also far enough away. “Where are you off to?” She continued, a certain tone laced in her voice that you hadn’t heard since she last tried to set you up with some young guy.
“We can talk about that later.” You tell her, thankful that LIly could only hear one side of the conversation. 
At 6 o’clock you were finishing making dinner, shrimp tacos requested by LIly. Once you’d put a couple of tacos on the plate she was downstairs sitting exactly where she did at breakfast. 
Ding Dong! The doorbell sounded, you had to tell LIly to sit down while you go and open it. She reluctantly agreed, only due to the fact her food was there. 
“Honey!” Your mum said as she embraced you in a quick hug in the foyer. “You look very nice.” She mentioned, looking at your white lace dress. Oh, she was definitely close to figuring it out. 
“Hi mum, thanks for coming.” You told her and she nodded while she took off her coat and placed her small handbag on the side table. 
“Anytime. But you do have to tell me where you’re going.” She didn’t even miss a beat asking you about what was happening. You hoped she’d drop it or forget but knowing her character, you knew there wasn’t much of a chance. 
You suck in a deep breath, she’s your mum, she loves you and she loves Harry. You tried to convince yourself it was going to be okay. “Harry and I are dating again.” You couldn’t even look at her to see her reaction. 
“Oh. Oh wow. That is surprising news.” That was neither a good nor a bad reaction and you still couldn't meet her eyes. “I’m happy for you.” Finally, after your heart couldn’t race any faster, there she was. Smiling at you widely.  
“Thanks.” You smiled back, before pulling her in for a hug. 
Once she pulled away she looked over your dress again. “I knew I’d seen the dress before.” She smiled, knowingly. You have had it since you started dating Harry but you hadn’t worn it since you broke up. “Does Lily know?”
“No.” You shook your head. “She doesn’t even know he’s her dad.” Her face was flooded with disappointment. “We are planning on telling her soon.” You rush out. 
She nodded, finding a more joyful expression. “That’s good, she’ll be okay.”  You knew it was wrong to not tell her but before you could confide more in your mother, Lily was there hugging her grandma.
Lily immediately dragged her off to the kitchen and you followed, setting up a plate for your mum. Harry’s text dings through Outside, gorgeous x H 
“Okay, I’m going.” You announced. “I love you and be good for grandma, she’ll tell me if you’re not.” You told Lily as you placed a kiss on her forehead. 
“I love you too.” She waved you out. And with that, you left your mum and Lily in the kitchen before you slipped some white heels on and headed out the door.
Once you’d walked out the door it did feel like you had entered a whole different life. What you felt for him was like nothing you had felt in a long time. Of course, Lily was your entire universe but this was different. Loving Harry was earth defying, 
He was wearing a basic, white dress shirt and some black skinny jeans. It was almost like you were back in 2015. Between his outfit and the little smirk pulling at his lips, he looked very hot as he leant against the bonnet of his Range Rover. 
“Hey, baby.” Harry winked before he stood up off the car. A light blush littered your cheeks at his nickname. Even that was hot. He walked a few more steps over and once he was close you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. His arms went to your waist as he stroked up and down. “I’ve missed you.” He pouted once you broke the kiss. 
“I’ve missed you more.” You smiled up in him, as usual, you got lost in his eyes. 
You’d never had a bad date with Harry and that night wasn’t an exception. Harry had ignited a confident spark in you and things felt like they were slipping back into how they were all those years ago. 
As you drove into the driveway home you noticed the time, 9:26. Lily would definitely be asleep by now and you hoped your mum was downstairs watching tv and not cleaning your house like she so often did. 
The car was shut off but you both sat there, in silence. 
Harry’s hand trailed up your thigh, slightly bunching up your dress and you raise your eyebrows at him, a little concerned but certainly not pushing away his advances. He only smirked and continued. 
Harry’s very expert fingers were barely on your core for a second when he moved them off. You were quick to pull it back onto you. “Please can’t we just have sex in the back of your car now.” You half begged, half demanded of him.
He snorted. “I would definitely have you begging for it in the back.” The wink he shot you was hot and did make you wet. He continued after he saw the desperate look on your face. “If I didn’t care about you and want our first time to be special.” His hand cupped your cheeks before he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, only to pull away when you tried to deepen it. 
“You do know it wouldn’t be our first time, you dork. We have a child.” You giggled at him, it broke up the sexual tension in the room. 
In reply, he rolled his eyes and gave you an annoyed look. “You know I’m trying to be sweet and sentimental and you’re calling me a dork.” He nudged you with a different smirk.
After you playfully added. “Guess who won’t be getting any tonight.” Before you turned away from him and got out of the car. 
He was quick to follow you and he slammed his door shut as he raced after you. “I fucking hope you’re talking about someone who’s not me.”
You just threw a smile back at him. 
Once you got inside your mum was already right next to the door and gave Harry a huge hug. “Harry, it’s so nice to see you again. I’m so happy you’re together again.” She exclaimed and you chuckled. She was kind of ruining the mood. 
“It’s nice to see you as well, Y/m/n,” Harry said, surprisingly chilled out about the ambush from your mum. But he had always liked your mum and she always adored him. 
“Lily’s inside. I’m going to drive home now but I’d love to go out for dinner sometime.” She said. “All of us together hmm, once you tell Lily.” She continued as if you didn’t know what she meant. Before you knew it she grabbed her things and walked to her car before she drove out of the driveway. You glanced over to Harry to see him waving at her. 
“Now where were we?” Harry said, his attention was back on your and his hand went to your waist. 
“Just about here.” You told him as you placed your lips on his. His hand travelled up and down your waist, just touching your breast each time which sent tingles through your body. With your lips attached you two move and before you knew it you were pressed against the stairs while Harry continued to touch you all over. 
There was something thrilling about making out with Harry in the dark of your house like you were a teenager again. 
“Mumma!” You heard a voice say that immediately made your eyes snap up to see Lily stood at the top of the stairs. 
2 minutes later and Lily was sat on the stairs while you sat a step-down and Harry stood 3 stairs down at the bottom. 
Now it was time for the hard part. “You know how Madison has a mum and a dad.” You started and Lily nodded. This had always played on your mind as the best way to tell her. “When you want to have a baby you have to have a man and a women and that’s who you call mum and dad.” You told her and she nodded again. 
“But I don’t have a dad.” Lily quickly jumped in with a frown on her face. 
“Yeah, you do.” You confessed and her mouth dropped open. “You just didn’t know he was your dad because... well because some adult stuff happened.”
By the look on her face, you knew she was about to guess and you cringed as you waited. “Is it Uncle Lou?” Harry started laughing out loud and really quite hard. You shook your head at her while you giggled at her. 
“No, Lil, Harry is actually your dad.” You quietly said but her face just lit up. 
“Uncle Harry?” She asked before pointing towards him and both of your faces dropped. 
She had suddenly created a very weird tension. “Yeah, but who told you he was your uncle?” You asked her quickly with a lot of concern. It would be very awkward if she called him Uncle Harry around your families. 
“Lux.” She simply stated. Right, that would figure as Lily would have gone to see Lux after she met Harry at Disneyland and asked who he was and that was the answer Lux could give her. 
Harry was still finding it hilarious when you looked over at him and glared, telling him to stop laughing. You knew she’d have more questions but for now, she needed to sleep.
“Could you tuck me in, Harry?” She asked and you raised your eyebrows at Harry who nodded towards her. Lily always managed to surprise you with how she reacted to different things. 
Harry went to tuck Lily in just as he was about to go she piped up with a question that caught his attention. “Who are your mum and dad?” He wasn’t really sure what to say, feeling like he was stepping on eggshells around what you wanted him to tell her or not tell her. 
Instead, he took a seat on her bed and figured he might as well be honest. “Well my mum is a fantastic lady named Anne and my dad, well the man I consider to be my dad, is named Robin.” Lily nodded in content with his answer but Harry felt the need to continue. “I’m sure they would love to meet you, they are technically your nana and poppa.” Lily’s mouth dropped a little. 
“So I now have a mum and a dad and a grandma and a grandpa and a nana and a poppa.” Harry nodded. “Wow, this is the best day ever. Can I get a puppy too?” She wondered. 
Harry let out a laugh. “Why don’t I talk to mummy and convince her?” He suggested, he’d suggest anything to set he smile on her face again. It was like a little ray of sunshine. 
“Yes, please comvice her.” She said, mispronouncing ‘convince’ much to Harry’s adoration. 
Once Harry went to tuck Lily in your took off your shoes and went up to your room, in the hope Harry would figure out where you went. You changed out of your dress and put on some silk PJ shorts and a matching PJ top before you went to sit up in bed. 
By the time Harry got to your room, you were almost drifting to sleep. “Hey.” You smiled once you saw him appear in the doorway, signature smile and hands in pockets.
“Hey, I should go.” He said as he walked over and placed a kiss on your forehead. Now he stood next to you on the edge of your bed. 
“Stay.” You shook your head and grabbed a hold of his hands. At this point it wasn’t even that you wanted to sleep with him, you just wanted to be around him. 
His face changed, smirking down at you. “Sleep in your underwear and I have a spare toothbrush.” You said, in the hope of persuading him. 
He walked over to your closet and started taking his clothes off. “So you’re trying to get me to strip, are you?” He smirked and sent you a wink once he noticed you staring at him. It wasn’t your fault he was built like a Greek god.
“No, but you did start something in the car.” You murmured, blushing slightly as you went back to look at your phone but he was just so hot. 
Harry climbed in bed next to you and started running his hand up and down your thigh. Eventually, you gave in and rolled over so you were on top of Harry. “Lights on or off?” Harry asked, putting his hand on the light switch. 
“On.” You smirked before you leant down to kiss down his chiselled chest. 
“Good to know nothing’s changed.” He sent you a smirk as he looked up at you. You smirked on his skin. 
And that night was the ending of everything going back to normal
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travellvogue · 4 years
“Go mumma! Go mumma!”- Jadon Sancho
for my darling rosie, happy birthday sweet angel @jadonsanhco
Baby Imagines: Season 2- Day 9:
The girls had practically forced you to take a night off, telling you ‘mum life’ can take a back seat for once, especially on your birthday. At first you were reluctant- wanting to spend your special day with Jadon and your little girl- but your girlfriends had got the balance just right. You’d been able to spend the whole day with your two loves, awakening to the most beautiful cake, carried in by Jadon as the two of them sing happy birthday to you, the candles on top reading your age, slightly cringing when you blow them out, wondering where the time had gone, you remember celebrating your 20th with Jadon like it was yesterday. Now here you were, eight years down the line with a three year old daughter and a plan to expand your family together. An abundance of presents and love for hours on end, and now you could finish your day celebrating with your friends, switching your mind off from the continuous stress of wondering if the dinner was cooked right, if your little girl was bathed and put to bed in time. The night was about you, and Jadon didn’t want anything to ruin that.
He watched in amusement as you paced around the house, desperately trying to organise everything for him so it was a simple bed time story and a kiss goodnight- no stress of bath times and hair washes. “Baby” he laughs, feeling as though he was having deja vu from watching you scrub the same spot on the kitchen counter for the fifth time, too caught up in your cleaning frenzy to hear his attempt at stopping you, “Rosieeee” he comes closer this time, waving a hand over your face, at this point you finally stop. His arms around your waist, taking the cleaning spray and cloth off you, eyes looking deeply into yours. “This isn’t how the love of my life should be celebrating her birthday” he whispers, pressing a longing kiss to your forehead with his hands cupping your cheeks, feeling your body relax under his touch. 
You simply shrug in response, knowing that cleaning, washing the dishes, hoovering; all before you went out was ridiculous, but ever since becoming a mum you took on these chores like it was your full time job, Jadon always insisting he could simply hire a cleaner, but the thought of paying someone to do a job you could, didn’t sit well with you. “I’m sorry” you whisper, the birthday badge your little girl had insisted you wore all day brushing against his chest as you cuddle closer. 
“Leave the cleaning…let’s go get mummy looking hot” he winks teasingly, after all these years you still blush as the smallest of compliments that he gives you, the reaction one he’ll never grow bored of. 
Walking up the stairs towards the bedroom you couldn’t help but pick up the miscellaneous miffy toys and wooden blocks scattered across the stairs and the landing, Jadon not even fighting it this time, simply enjoying the sight of your ass jiggling with every step you climbed, gripping at it instinctively, smirking at your gentle gasp. “Don’t think I don’t have my own birthday plans for mummy” he growls in your ear, the mood taking a turn, only for it to click but to normal as your daughter comes bound into the room. Her stuffed miffy collection that was one mummy’s dragging behind her as she tries to carry all five at once in her little arms, lining them up against the pillows of the bed beside daddy, creating a larger audience as you begin to pull out options for tonight's outfit. 
“How ‘bout this?” you tilt your head to the side in question as you hold the hanger up in the air, the tight black dress you hadn’t worn in years, the memories it held certainly not appropriate for your little girls ears as she sat in conversation with Mr Miffy, Miffles and Miss Miff (the pink ear barely hanging by a thread from the love it had received). 
“Oooo hot mumma” Jadon whistles, thumbnail bitten between his teeth, eyes in a thin slit as he nods in approval, aware that your curves would look beyond gorgeous in that number. You walk into the closet to try it on, pleasantly surprised that even after a baby it still fits you like a glove. The confidence you felt from a simple piece of material was some fairy godmother magic, running your hands over your body as you entered the room. 
“Wowww mumma” your daughter claps at the sight of you, bouncing on the bed, your biggest hype-man, and once again, the blush rose to your cheeks as Jadon winks at you, the silent compliment one you held on to, he adored you with your hair down, so use to seeing your brown locks in a ponytail so this was even more of a treat for his eyes, his gorgeous girl growing more beautiful by the day, wondering what he’d done in his life to be blessed but not only you- but a tiny version of you, sat right in front of him hyping her mummy up- he’d taught her well.
You gave a little twirl, a piercing wolf whistle echoing off the walls of the bedroom, a certain ‘yes’ to the dress from your two favourite people. 
“Go mumma” he claps along with his little girl, the two of them bouncing up and down the bed in excitement, making you feel so confident, the idea of a girls night with a few drinks and a splash of gossip now sounding like a very good idea, knowing that you were allowed to look after yourself, especially on your birthday. “Go mumma! Go mumma!” they cheer, clapping in beat to their chants, loud squeals and giggles from your little girl as she launches herself towards you, scooping her up in your arms and dancing around the room to the continued chant. 
Your ‘girls-time’ was much needed, but this- this was unbeaten,- your favourite time… family time.
(ignore)tags: @footballdaydream @luc-57x  @tahith44 @cinnnabaee @shakila-k @inlovewithamess @trentaafc @dreamingdcl
119 notes · View notes
chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Never Gonna Be Alone -Chapter 13
Title: Confrontations
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @tragiclyhip​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @alievans007​
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“How big does my ass look in this?”
It’s the age old question: does this outfit make me look fat? Men for centuries have been making the mistake of actually answering; aware that it’s a trap but freezing up in the moment and choosing a response instead of just a vow of silence. It’s a slippery slope. Answer honestly and find yourself banished to the couch for six months to a year, tell a very obvious lie and find your sex life become barren and obsolete for the rest of your natural born life, or say the honest to goodness truth yet have it taken as bullshit and never get to sleep in the matriomonial bed again. Tyler considers himself one of the lucky few. The question isn’t posed often and when it is, she knows he speaks the truth; believing his words and accepting the compliment and having her whole day run smoothly and happily because he’d taken mere seconds to say something nice. He’s never seen her in the negative light she often paints herself in; the extra pounds and the stretch marks, the wrinkles by the corners of her eyes and the strands of gray in her hair. It all makes her who she is; hips wider because she’s given birth to HIS children, the lines by her eyes only showing when she’s smiling and adding something even extra adorable to the mix, those silvery strands in her dark dresses sparkling in the light and making her even more attractive.
Maybe she ISN'T the same person she was twelve and a half years ago. The tiny, incredibly fit and toned little thing that had shown up on his doorstep; tattooed and pierced and full of confidence and swagger for someone so small and seemingly fragile. Walking in there like she owned the place and not even batting an eyelash at the crude and rustic living conditions or the amount of booze littering countertops and almost every open space or even the countless bottles of OxyContin sitting on the kitchen table. She hadn’t even been put off by his initial less than hospitable welcome. Ignoring both his grumpy mood and his leeriness at having a stranger in his space and serving up that beautiful, bright smile; offering an impossible small, soft hand that had been engulfed by his.
If he’s totally honest with himself, it was then that he knew shit was about to change. The way she didn’t shy away from prolonged eye contact and how their hands remained clasped a little longer than normal. When Nik had left them alone to begin the ‘getting to know your fake spouse’ process, she hadn’t been easily intimidated by either his size or his gruff nature. Laughing at his off handed remarks and not seeming the least bit nervous or awkward when he offered her a drink; downing it quicker than he’d ever seen a woman do before and not refusing when he poured her another. He’d learned in those few minutes just how deceiving looks can actually be; assuming by her petite stature and that fresh faced, ‘girl next door’ look that she was way too pure and innocent to be caught up in a world like his. What in the hell would a woman like THAT being doing getting herself mixed up in the job? Someone with so much light still remaining in their eyes; happy and bubbly despite the fucked up situation they’re so willingly throwing themselves into. He’d never come across that in the past few years as a merc; someone who hadn’t been traumatized by the things they’ve seen, heard, or done. And it had been a breath of fresh air; liking the sound of that tiny little voice and the beautiful smile and the way she’d so intently watch him and cock her head to the side while listening to him talk.
She’d been different than anyone he’d ever met. Even outside of the job. A mere thirty minutes more than enough to discover that she wasn’t a push over; feisty and headstrong as opposed to meek and mild. And that’s what he’d been the most attracted to. The fact she hadn’t been turned off by him or her surroundings in the slightest; not afraid to engage him in conversation and push him -in a very smooth and effortless way- to keep up with her. Finding himself talking more to her half an hour than he’d spoken to anyone in the past few years. His instincts had been on high alert; assuring him that she was trustworthy and accepting and that her queries and curiosity were her being genuinely interested in him, not looking for things to judge him on. And when she’d left he’d actually found himself feeling happier and lighter than he had in a hell of a long time. Anxious about seeing her again.
That had been the first moment of fear; the anticipation of once more coming face to face with her and getting to know more about her. Even an hour ago, he wouldn’t have given a shit; if a strange woman had been dropped at his feet, he wouldn’t have even bothered to feign interest and would have quickly dismissed them. But there’d been something about that cute little brunette. Those dark, soulful eyes and that sweet smile and that tiny voice. The way she’d looked at him when they’d first been introduced and how her palm had felt against his. It had been years since he’d felt any stirring of feeling towards someone else; convinced he was dead inside and that he’d live the rest of his life -if he wasn’t lucky enough to catch a bullet or drink himself to death- miserable and alone in that dusty little shack. Convinced that he was too much of a mess for anyone to take a chance on; an alcoholic hired gun with a checkered and fucked up past and pain killer addiction. Who in their right mind would want to take on someone like that? And did such a person even exist? Strong enough to deal with his shit and help him through it, yet compassionate and understanding enough not to judge him and condemn him for it?
He’d actually gone into the whole ‘fake marriage’ thing with cautious optimism. Staying completely sober for the twenty four hours until he saw her again; cleaning himself up and wearing proper clothes and suddenly feeling more confident and secure than he had in a hell of a long time. But it had all happened too fast, too soon; the feelings way too much to cope with and the fear of being a disappointment and a failure leading him to push her away that night at the hotel outside of Dhaka. He’d wanted to be with her; shocked by the amount of both sexual and emotional attraction he was experiencing towards her. He’’d come so close; mere seconds away from kissing her and giving in to unbridled lust and accepting her invitation to spend the night in her room. And it had been that same fear and worry that had caused him to react so badly on the job; grabbing her by the throat in an attempt to scare her away instead of having his heart broken when she could no longer put up with his shit and walked away.
It had been a complete and utter failure, of course. She hadn’t been the less bit scared. That had been an even bigger turn on; knowing how much she could actually take and just how strong she really was. And he’d known afterwards -both arms wrapped tightly and securely around her and her resting on his chest as she napped- that there was no chance of walking away. That no matter how bad the worry and the fear got, he wouldn’t be capable of letting her go. It wasn’t love. It was way too soon for that; it’s impossible to feel something so deep and profound THAT quickly. But he’d known he was well on his way to BEING in love with her. If he was lucky enough to live that long and get that chance.
Now, twelve and a half years later, he glances up from where he’s crouched in the front foyer, attempting to get the three littlest bundled into their winter gear. It’s an adventure to say the least; the climbing into snowsuits and boots and the constant search for hats and mittens that match. And it never fails; getting them completely ready and one -or more- announcing they need to use the bathroom. It’s happened twice already; Takota and Addie deciding they need to go and can’t wait until they get to their lunch destination. Brooklyn the lone holdout; smart enough to go BEFORE preparations to leave began.
“Be honest,” Esme says, as she stands at the bottom landing; a hand on the railing as she turns both sideways and backwards, enabling him to get a look at the ‘object’ in question.
She’s not clad in her normal every day attire; baggy sweatpants and oversized t-shirt replaced by a pair of black leggings and a charcoal gray sweater dress cinched tightly at the waist by a wide, plain black belt. Just hint of make up graces her face; nothing more than eyeliner and mascara and a tint of blush. Sides of her hair pulled back, the braided section hanging over top the remaining tresses. And when he pauses a tad too long in answering, a frown replaces the almost nervous smile. “That bad?”
“Not bad at all. I was just thinking how nice you look. Not that you don’t look nice all the time. Just you look different. In a nice way.”
“You look beautiful mumma,” Takota praises, as a knit beanie is pulled down onto his head and mittens tugged on his hands. “You’re pretty always, but you’re beautiful NOW.”
“You are the sweetest little muffin ever,” Esme declares, as steps off the landing and takes his face in her hands; pressing a kiss to each chubby cheek and then his lips. “And daddy is teaching you VERY well.”
“Gotta start ‘em young,” Tyler reasons, then reaches for the handle on the front door. “Out. Before you start sweating. Or have to go to the bathroom again.”
“My feet are already sweaty,” Addie complains, as she yanks a purple and pink striped beanie down over her forehead. “I don’t like sweaty feet. I don’t like boots. Or shoes.”
“I feel your pain.” He pulls the zipper of her coat up to her chin. “Outside. Tell TJ and Millie I’ll be out in a second. No going outside the gate.”
“It’s scary outside the gate,” Brooklyn says, as she falls in line behind her siblings as they stomp out the door and onto the front porch. “Too many cars. And noise. And people. I don’t like people.”
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Esme remarks as playfully pulls her husband’s hat down over his eyes, then gives his shoulders a tight squeeze. “I wonder where she gets THAT from?”
He fixes the beanie; pushing it back off his forehead and then tending to the laces on his boots. “Why do you blame me for everything? The way they bitch and moan about the cold, the way they hate socks and shoes, this pout that they supposedly all have.”
“There’s nothing supposed about it. They all have the pout. Which they inherited from YOU.”
He shoots her a scowl over his shoulder. “I don’t pout.”
“Like shit you don’t. You DO pout. And I have more than one piece of photographic evidence, thank you very much.”
“I don’t care what any of those photos say. That is not a pout.” He grimaces as he stands, the tightness -and accompanying gnawing pain- in the knee and back a little more intense than usual. “It’s a frown.”
“It’s a pout. A very vicious one. One that says you might bite someone’s head off if they get too close.”
“It’s not a frown then, is it. If it’s mean. Pouts aren’t mean. Pouts are sad. I’m not sad if I’m wanting to bite someone’s head off.”
“We are going to have to agree to disagree on this,” she says, and smoothes down the front of his front of Henley style shirt before reaching for the zipper on his jacket.
A grin tugs at the corners of his mouth as she tends to him. It’s something he’s gotten used to over the years; her need to provide even the simplest level of care for the people that she loves. It’s the motherly instinct that runs strongly through her veins; unable to turn off the need to help and nurture, even when it comes to him.
“You know, I DO know how to do this stuff for myself.”
“I know,” she chirps, and then stands on her tiptoes to pull his beanie down further. “But I like doing it. I like taking care of you. You think you’d be used to it by now. I’ve only been annoying the shit out of you with it for the past twelve and half years. Your back’s sore?”
“And my knee.”
“Maybe when we get home you should call and get them looked at it. Better to be safe than sorry. They’ve been acting up pretty bad lately.”
“Just the cold weather. Nothing serious. You need to stop worrying so much.”
She stares pointedly up at him.
“I know. You can’t help it. But can you tone it down just a bit? I’m fine. It’s the weather. It makes the arthritis act up. Just like the surgeon said it would.”
“You realize we don’t have to come here for Christmas, right? We could save this place for getting away during warmer weather. We do NOT have to come during the winter.”
“The kids like coming here; the whole white Christmas thing. And so do you. I can deal with it. I’ve dealt with worse.”
“But you shouldn’t have to just ‘deal with it’. Your comfort is important to me, too. The kids and I would cope. With Christmas in Australia. It’s no big deal. If it’s that painful…”
“It’s not. It just acts up from time to time. More uncomfortable than actual pain. You’d know if I was in pain, trust me.”
“And you’re taking meds? You’re not trying to go without?:
“I am taking them the exact way they’re supposed to be taken. Take it down a notch, okay? I know you worry. I know you want to take care of me. And believe, I love you very much for that. But you also drive me a little fucking insane.”
“I happen to love you, you enormously stubborn pain in my ass. And if you’re that uncomfortable and it’s only getting worse…”
“Stop,” he gently orders, taking her face in both of hands and pressing a kiss to her lips. “And by the way, speaking of your ass…” Placing his hands on his shoulders, he runs them slowly down her arms. Fingertips drifting over the curves of her wrist and over the top of her hand; palms briefly settling on her hands before travelling to her butt. “...it looks fucking amazing in that outfit. And I think you should wear it more.”
She grins. “What happened to wanting me to wear yoga pants all the time?”
“Oh, those are still my favourite. But I’m okay if you wear this too.”
“Just for you, I’ll add it to my steady rotation of clothes. I’d hate to deprive you of any quality ass watching time.”
“You spoil me.” As he leans down to kiss her, she perches herself on her tiptoes and wraps both arms around his neck. Eagerly responding at first, then giggling when he brings his palms against the cheeks of her ass in sound, stinging smacks before aggressively pinching. “You do look beautiful, by the way. I mean, you always do, but…”
“Extra beautiful?”
“Very,” he confirms, and kisses her once more; longer and deeper, hands slipping from her ass in order to softly glide up and down her back. “Think I should lock the door? So we can have a quickie right here?”
“As tempted as I am, that’s definitely NOT a good idea. You’re going to have to be patient and wait for later. When everyone’s in bed."
“No sneaking into the pantry or the guest bathroom? These are some pretty shitty wifing skills on your part.”
“Just the most horrible wife ever. In the history of marriage. You poor, poor man. I am sorry you have go one day with getting one blow job instead of two.”
“That’s ground for divorce,” he teases.
“I’ve been way too good to you over the course of the last five years. You’ve come to expect these things. You don’t see me expecting to be woken up the same way every morning.”
“Bullshit. I’ve been waking you up the same way every day for nearly six years. You can’t tell me you don’t expect it. That you wouldn’t miss it if it suddenly stopped.”
“I would be extremely disappointed, actually. But seeing as you like doing it just as much as I like being on the receiving end, I know it won’t stop any time soon. I WILL make it up to you. You have my word. And I’m good on my word.”
“I have to admit, you haven’t disappointed me yet. Promise me that you’ll spoil yourself today? That you won’t buy me or the kids all kinds of shit we won’t need? I know what you’re like. I know you always plan on buying things for yourself and never do. Don’t piss me off. Don’t make me put you through a dry spell.”
“I promise that I will only spoil myself. Although I don’t see why I should bother. You do a good enough job. You’re the king of needless spoiling.”
“I spoil you because you deserve it. And because it makes me happy. That I can’t buy you shit just for the sake of buying it. Humour me, okay? Let me make up for all the times we barely had money for food and I had no idea how I was going to pay rent from month to the next.”
“Which was none of your fault,” she reminds him. “You almost died. You were in inpatient for two months. And even after you got home, you weren’t exactly well enough to work. Stop blaming yourself. It was way beyond your control. And we did fine. We managed. We didn’t have much but we were happy. All that mattered to me was that you were alive and we were together. And that our baby girl was healthy. Nothing else mattered.”
“I just like being able to give you things. Not because you need them or even necessarily want them. Just because. So shut up and let me do it, yeah? Let me spoil my wife.”
“I have a feeling this is an argument I will never win.”
“You know what? I will gladly die on this hill.”
“Speaking of hills to die on, you’ve picked a pretty big one. Taking all seven plus Alannah out at once? That takes some balls, babe. That’s some serious superhero shit. And you say you’re not brave?”
“Out of curiosity, which kids are your favorites? Because I can’t promise all seven of them will make it back. And seeing as there’s no sharks to offer sacrifices to, looks like I’m feeding them to the subway trolls.”
“You’ll be just fine. You’ve done this before; taking all the kids out at once. And you lived to tell about it. You have some serious cajones, honey. No one can ever convince me otherwise.”
“You think way too highly of me. I better go. Before someone DOES have to go to the bathroom. And if I have go through that one more time…”
“You are a brave, brave man, Tyler Rake. I don’t want to ever hear you say any different. I’d say have a good time, but we’re talking about seven kids plus an extra, so…”
“Just keep your fingers crossed my sanity stays intact. Or what’s left of it anyway.” Laying a hand on the back of her head, he pulls her into one final kiss; her tiny frame once more perched on her tiptoes as she leans into him. It’s become their ‘thing’; never leave the home without a hug and a kiss and telling the other how you feel about them. Life is just too short and unpredictable; the incident five years ago reminding them just how quickly everything can change and be snatched away from you. And he pulls her close; a forearm along the small of her back and his lips against her temple. “I love you.”
Giving his neck a final squeeze, she runs her fingernails along the nape and then brushes her lips against his cheek. “I love you. Be good. No feeding any of the children to the subway trolls. I happen to quite like all of them.”
“I’m not making any promises. Remember what I said; about spoiling yourself. And about something sexy.”
“I still think I should get a hint. About your plans for after Ovi’s wedding.”
“I told you. It’s a surprise.” He reaches for the handle on the door. “I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Yeah…” she smiles, shooting him a wink as he steps out onto the snow covered porch. “...you will.”
Even a simple two block walk is an adventure with eight kids in tow. The oldest leading the pack while the stragglers and the littlest ones follow; tiny legs finding it easier to navigate unshoveled sidewalks when they have much larger footprints to step into. For the most part they are an amicable and well behaved group. Millie and Alannah with their locked arms and their high pitched giggles and seemingly endless chattering, TJ with a protective slung across Tanner’s shoulders and always ready and willing to help him to either climb over snow covered curbs or carrying him entirely. Declan and Brooklyn are the ‘wild ones’; sandwiched in the middle of the group to avoid them running too far ahead and kept in line by a stern Millie threatening to clothesline them if they dare jump into the puddles of slush. Takota and Addie are the slow pokes; tiny bodies weighed down by heavy boots and layers of clothes, always stopping every few feet to make footprints in the higher banks or to ball up snow and toss it at each other. And while the frequent stops and the repetitive -yet calm and patient- requests to just ‘get a move on’ would likely be annoying to most parents, Tyler relishes in every second he gets to spend with his kids; knowing how quick everything can be snatched away and your life altered forever. Nothing makes him smile like the sight of those little faces turned up towards the sky; eyes closed and their noses scrunched up as they try to catch snowflakes on their tongues. And there’s no sound more beautiful than those shrieks and giggles; unleashed when he picks both of them up and tosses them into snowbanks. In the end the journey and the deeper areas of snow defeats tiny legs and he resorts to carrying them; one in each arm as they tightly cling to his neck.
They’re shown to a booth at the back of the restaurant; upholstered in red leather and large enough to fit parties of their size. It’s chaos getting everyone undressed; arms flailing as jackets are yanked off and the straps of snow pants pushed down, littles complaining about their feet being sweaty and not thinking twice of kicking their boots off, hats and mitts having to be fetched when they slip out of sleeves and hoods and have to be fetched from under the table. They’ve eaten in the establishment enough to be seen as regulars. The havoc and noise going on unacknowledged by staff and fellow diners; the occasional sympathetic or amused smile being tossed in their direction, a handful of compliments revolving aroundt how cute the kids are and their ‘charming’ accents, praises on how well he’s handling such a large ‘brood’ and how brave he is for taking them all out at once. Even a comment about how not seeing many ‘male’ nannies even in this day and age.
“He’s not our nanny.” Brooklyn is quick to speak up. Never backing down from what she considers something ridiculous or rude. “It’s our dad. We’re all related. Except for her…” she jerks her head in Alannah’s direction. “..but she might as well be. We love her like she’s one of us. And she likes our house better. It’s more fun. Her parents are assholes.”
“Language,” Tyler admonishes, and lays a hand on the back of her head and gently pushes her in the direction of the booth. “And you don’t have to tell everyone our business.”
“It’s totally obvious you’re not our nanny. We all look alike. Well, maybe not Declan. He’s the odd duck.”
“Hey!” Declan objects from his place between Millie and TJ. “I look like grandma Adeline. Which was dad’s mom. So that means I look like dad. Just a red headed version. I still look like him though.”
“You don’t even have blue eyes,” Brooklyn argues, as she slides onto the bench and wriggles her way across. “You don’t look like daddy at all. Well, maybe his nose. And his ears.”
“I don’t have blue eyes either,” Addie pipes up, as she’s helped out of her coat and shoves her hat and mittens into the sleeves. “Yet daddy is my daddy. I don’t look like him at all.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re adopted,” Declan says.
“I am not! I look like mommy! Daddy says so. That I look just like her. That if mommy got put into a shrinking machine, you’d get me. That’s what you said, right daddy? That I look like a tiny version of mommy.”
“You look just like her,” he confirms, and slides the straps of her snow pants down her arms. “A little version. Her mini me.”
“Like TJ is yours, right? Only TJ isn’t so little. He’s tall and big. I’m short and wee. Why am I short and wee? Why can’t I be tall like you guys?”
“All the good genes ran out,” Millie explains. “By the time mom and dad got to you, there was nothing good left. You got the spare stuff.”
“You’re full of shit,” Addie counters, then smiles sheepishly up at her father. “Sorry. Language. I know, I know. But sometimes it just slips out. You’re a bad influence.”
Grinning, he removes the elastic from her lopsided ponytail and uses his fingers to comb through the messy dark tresses. “You’re going to throw me under the bus, are you?”
“You swear all the time. Especially in the car. When people don’t use their blinkers or they drive too slow in the fast lane.”
“Or if people come too close to us when we’re in the crosswalk,” TJ adds. “Remember last year? When we were going to see mom at the store? When someone was going to run the light when we were crossing? Dad put his foot right through their front grill.”
“And said a whole lot of bad words,” Declan adds. “For everyone to hear.”
“For the record…” he gathers Addie’s hair in both hands and resets the ponytail. “...it could have been worse. I could have put my foot through his face.”
“I would have paid to have seen that,” TJ declares. “I’m almost eleven and I still haven’t seen you mess anyone up. I feel robbed.”
“I’d like to see him hand someone their ass,” Millie says. “I’ve just heard stories. I want to see it with my own two eyes.”
“You should totally beat the crap out Jacobi,” Declan chimes in. “He totally has a crush on mum. That’s not right. That’s someone else's wife. You don’t mess with someone else’s wife. Is nothing sacred anymore?”
“Especially OUR mom,” Tanner adds, as he rummages through his backpack for his weighted lap pad and noise cancelling headphones. “Has he not seen our dad? Like, hello! He’s ginormous. And he looks scary too. All the tattoos and stuff? And he has a scary voice.”
“He only looks scary when he’s mad. And his voice is only scary when he yells,” Brooklyn contributes. “His normal voice isn’t scary. It’s just deep. Like Darth Vader. And mommy’s voice sounds like a little elf. It’s a really weird combo. But you should, daddy. Beat up, Jacobi. He tries to get cozy with mommy. The other day while you were away, he brought her a caramel macchiato from Starbucks. A venti. Do you know how much those things cost? He must be in love with her. You should for sure punch him in the face. At least once. Twice if you want him to stay down.”
“Listen pipsqueak, I don’t need your advice on how to knock someone out. And no one is beating anyone up. Jacobi’s a kid. He has a crush. That’s it.”
“Naw, it’s totally love,” Declan argues. “No one with just a crush buys you Starbucks. Dunkin’ Donuts, maybe. Not the expensive stuff.”
“You all need to relax.” Sliding into the booth, he reaches for Addie and places her on his lap. She and Brooklyn have their own calendar they’ve created; keeping a very accurate and detailed log on the dates and times each got to sit with daddy in order to determine whose turn it is and avoid arguments. “I don’t think your mom has a thing for Jacobi. I don’t think you have to worry about him ever becoming your step dad.”
“Desi might,” Takota pipes up. “He likes mummy. They always spend a lot of time together.”
“That’s mum’s best friend,” TJ informs his littlest brother. “He’s like an older brother to her. She IS not going to leave dad for Desi. She’s not going to leave dad for anyone. He’d have to be the one to screw up and leave.”
“No one is leaving anyone for someone else. You guys are too much. Just decide what you want, okay? You’re giving me more gray hair here. Let’s play the quiet game. Everyone look at your menu and pick something. And don’t talk while doing it.”
“The quiet game doesn’t work,” Tanner says, and pulls a stuffed koala from his backpack and hands it across the table to Addie. “You almost forgot Fredrick at home.”
“You’re the best, Tanny! Thank you!” She rubs her cheek against the toy’s faded and tattered ‘fur’ and then snuggles him tight to her chest.
Frederick has seen his fair share of adventures; being carted all over Australia and Colorado by a much smaller and younger Millie, and his ‘koala napping’ in Mumbai five years ago. If he thinks long and hard enough about it, Tyler can still remember the terror of that initial night; the bedroom window open and an infant Addie screaming from the discomfort of the cool air. His instincts had immediately told him to fear the worst. That it wasn’t something as innocent and simple as one of Anil’s workers opening the window and forgetting to close it. And when that bear had shown up on the doorstep of the safe house in Dhaka, his worst nightmare had been in danger of coming true. Someone with a score to settle had gotten close enough to his daughter to potentially take her right from her bed; having to reach over her and likely coming in contact with her body. In all his years on the job and as many times as his own life had been in danger, he’d never felt fear quite like that. That chill of terror that seems to take over your entire body and settle into your bones. There was always a chance of someone tracking him down out of the need for revenge; a worry that his kids could be made a target as a way of breaking him. But that was the closest anyone had ever gotten.
He’d vowed to never let that happen again. And to kill anyone that posed even the slightest bit of threat.
The silence that ensues is a welcome change; a waitress bringing coffee for him and glasses of chocolate milk for the kids and then taking their orders. TJ, Declan and Tanner watching youtube videos on the latter’s Ipad while Millie and Alannah whisper and giggle at the Instagram posts they scroll through on Alannah’s phone. The littlest busy themselves with the baskets of crayons that the restaurant had provided; scribbling and doodling on the craft paper that covers the table. All in all, they’re good kids; polite and always minding their manners, careful not to make too much noise that will bother others around them, saving the majority of their arguments and insults for the street or at home. It can’t get wild; seven little humans all talking at once and vying for attention. Christmas morning is far the most chaotic; a living room full of presents and excited chattering and squeals of joy and excitement. It’s enough to take the sting out of the memories of his past. Seeing those cute faces light up and the tears of pure happiness over receiving a much sought after item and feeling those little arms wrap around your neck and the lips that press to your cheek; those tiny voices saying thank you and telling you how much they love you.
“Daddy?” Addie breaks the silence.
“Will you please help me? Will you draw a kangaroo for me? I don’t know how.”
Selecting a crayon from the basket in the middle of the table, he tends to his daughter’s request. He’d discovered at a young age that not only COULD he draw, but that he was exceptionally good at it; his mother nurturing and feeding the talent and always encouraging him by buying his pencils and sketchbooks and constantly praising his work. It was something he had enjoyed just as much as surfing or spending time outdoors, but had quickly learned to keep a secret from his father. The old man had viewed anything even remotely related to the arts as ‘girly’ and ‘pathetic’; preferring his son to pick up more manly pursuits and drilling it into his head that a ‘real man’ didn’t create. After his mom had died, his father had gone through his room and not only trashed every piece of art tapped to the wall, but burnt every sketch book and pencil in the fire pit in the backyard.
He hadn’t picked up a pencil since. Until Millie had started showing a very keen eye and skilled hand and had asked for an area in the house to be turned into her own little studio. A loft added above the new garage; a place filled with paints and pencils and easels and canvases and anything else that she could possibly need. And spending time with her in that studio and nurturing and encouraging her talent had been a way of rediscovering his own. Using it as a form of escape and relaxation when life gets too hectic and stressful or his mental health feels as if it’s spiralling out of control.
“If mummy didn’t do the same job as you a long time ago, how else would you have met her?”
“I don’t know. Maybe she would have come to Australia. Maybe we would have met that way. On the beach or something.”
“Would you have still liked her? If you met her that way?”
“Why wouldn’t I? She still would have been mummy. She still would have been the same person.”
“Do you think she would have liked you? If she met you a different way?”
“I think so. I hope she would have.”
“What would you have done? If you didn’t do that job?”
He shrugs. “Maybe I would have stayed in the military. Or become a fireman. Or done construction. Or built houses. Something where I could stay busy and use my hands.”
“I think you would have been a good policeman. You would have been really good at catching bad guys. I mean, that’s what you were doing in the first place. Just you weren’t a policeman. What do you think mummy would have done? If she had a different job?”
“I’m not sure. I think she would have made a really good teacher. Or a nurse.”
“Like Auntie Riley and Auntie Shaena?”
“Yup. Just like him. She’d probably work with kids though. I think your mum is meant to be around kids.”
“I think so too. She’s a really good mummy. She always plays with us and she even does dress up and makes up different names and voices for all my dolls. She’s never too busy; to have fun with us. And she gives really good cuddles and kisses too.”
“She’s an awesome mum. I definitely picked a good one to have kids with.”
“So did mummy. You guys make a good team. And you make cute kids.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, and presses a kiss to her temple. “Really, really, REALLY cute kids.”
“I bet she would have still liked you. If she met you a different way. I mean, you still would have been daddy. You still would have looked the same. You still would have had nice muscles.”
“Is that what mummy says she likes the best?”
“She says it’s third on her list.”
“What’s number one and two?”
“Your eyes and your smile. Your voice is number four and your butt is number five.”
“She didn’t say anything about my hands? That’s weird. For your mom.”
“Your hands were number six. And your forearms were number seven. I don’t understand that one. Mum says it’s hard to explain. Why she likes them so much. She said when she first met you, she was attracted to your face. That you had a kind of a sad face. In a beautiful way.”
“She said that?”
“Yep. She said that you had kind eyes. And that she liked how they crinkled when you smiled. That you smiled at her and you made your insides go all funny. What does that mean?”
He chuckles. “It’s nothing you need to know until you’re older. What else did she say?”
“Just that you were really good looking and she liked your haircut and your beard. And that you shared the house with a chicken. Is that true?”
“It is. I did have a chicken in the house.”
“Can we have a house chicken? When we get home can we get one?”
“No. Chickens stay outside now. No chickens in the house. They poop too much.”
“Not even if I let the chicken stay in my room?”
“Not even then. Sorry, Peanut.”
“Can I have a kitten?”
“I don’t like cats.”
“How can you not like cats? Cats are cute. They’re all fluffy and sweet and purr and stuff. How do you not like cats? Can I? Get one? For my birthday?”
“How about I talk to your mum about that? She gets the last say.”
“That’s ‘cause she wears the pants in the family.”
Tyler smirks. “Did she say that too?”
“Don’t deny it, daddy. You know mum's the boss. She just let’s you think you are. Everyone knows she rules the roost.”
“I’m going to have a talk with her later. Is this good enough? Good enough kangaroo?”
“Best kangaroo ever! Looks like Charlie. Do you think he misses us? I bet he does. I bet he’s sad that we’re not there. Because no one is giving him peanut butter sandwiches and lettuce. What if he’s mad at us? That we went away? What if he doesn’t come back? I don’t want him being mad at us.”
“I had a talk with him before we left. Told him we’d be back in a couple weeks. And that we’d give him extra lettuce when we got back. And peanut butter sandwiches.”
“Was he mad? That we were going away?”
“Nope. He was a little sad. Said he’d miss you the most. That you make the best peanut butter sandwiches.”
She tips her head back to look at him; a smile stretching from ear to ear and her dark eyes sparkling. “He did? He said that?”
“He did. He said ‘tell Addie she’s my favorite and I’ll miss her and her peanut butter sandwiches’. He said he’d be there when you got back. First thing in the next morning.”
“He’s a good little Joey. I hope he never gets tired of us and that when he grows up and has his own babies, he brings them to our house too. And then we can feed them all peanut butter sandwiches and lettuce.”
Smiling, he curls an arm around her waist and pulls her tighter into him, then presses a kiss to her cheek and then the side of her head. She’s so much like her mother; the short and petite build, the dark eyes and the beaming smile and the freckle splattered nose. And their personality is shared as well; both bubbly and light hearted and willing and eager to experience new things and meet new people. Out of all the kids, she’s the one he babies; by far the tiniest and the seemingly most fragile. But it’s the similarity to her mother that drives his need to protect and coddle her the most; reminding him of Esme and everything his wife had gone through during the entire McMann fiasco to make sure Addie was carried and brought into the world safely.
Silence one more falls on the top when the waitress returns with drink refills and their respective orders. And it isn’t until halfway through the meal when he notices Millie look up from her plate of food and towards the front door; eyes narrowing and a scowl capturing her lips. She reaches behind Declan and smacks TJ upside the head; the latter growling in protest, but then following his sister’s gaze when she nods in the direction of the door.
“What’s up with you two? What’s…?”
“It’s that lady,” Millie grumbles. “The one that came to the house looking for you yesterday.”
“That’s her?” TJ’s nose crinkles in disgust. “SHE had the nerve to shit talk mum? Oh hell no.”
Tyler makes the mistake of glancing over his shoulder; greeted by a broad smile and a wave as Natalie nudges her daughter in the direction of their booth. He inwardly lets loose a string of profanities. There’d already been enough drama caused over a simple and unassuming conversation at the park. The last thing he needs is someone...especially another woman...dropping by his house and getting too close and comfortable. The women at the soccer park and on the playground are bad enough. But at least they’re not showing up unannounced on his doorstep.
“Hey,” Natalie cheerfully greets. “Imagine meeting you here.”
“My dad’s not the only one here,” TJ responds first “You do see us, right?”
“Do you mind if we join you? If everyone shoves down just a bit…”
“We do mind,” Millie speaks up. “Very much. We’re here with our dad. It’s a family thing. We don’t even know you.”
“Amelia…” he stares at her pointedly. “...settle.”
“Dad, it’s quite obvious what and who she wants. Someone has to stick up for mum. She isn’t here to beat her ass herself.”
“I said settle. Relax. This doesn’t involve you.”
“Fine,” she huffs, and leans back against the leather of the booth and crosses her arms over her chest.
“This isn’t a good time,” he addresses Natalie. “She’s right. This IS a family thing.”
Smirking, the neighbour nods in Alannah’s direction.
“She’s as close to family as it gets. So if you don’t mind…”
“I stopped by yesterday. To thank you for being so nice at the park. Met your wife.”
“Yeah, she told me. She also told me you weren’t the friendliest. Something about making fun of how she looks?”
“I wasn’t making fun. I was merely critiquing.”
“You can keep your critiques to yourself. My wife looks amazing. Just the way she is. And really don’t think it was appropriate; you showing up like that. It was small talk. That’s it. I wasn’t trying to make it seem like anything more than that.”
“I thought we had a little...connection.”
“No. There was no connection. None. Whatsoever. I was being nice. That’s it. I’m married. And not the type of married that you’re probably used to. I’m married as in I’m not interested and nothing is ever going to happen.”
“Our dad doesn’t cheat,” TJ informs her. “And our mom is way better than you. Like, a hundred times better.”
“Tyler, stop. I can handle this. I know you’re protective of your mum, but…”
“I must have misread the signals.” Natalia gives a sheepish, apologetic smile. “The way you were giving them off and the way you were…”
“I wasn’t giving off any signals. I don’t play games like that. If I was interested, you’d know. And I’m not. Interested. I have a wife. That I love more than life itself. So thanks, but no thanks. Not gonna happen. EVER. And if you don’t mind, don’t come to my house. That was way out of line. I didn’t appreciate it. There was no need for that. Unless you just wanted to ruffle feathers.”
“I never meant to cause problems. My visit was taken way out of context. I just showed up to be friendly and neighbourly. That’s it.”
“Something tells me that’s bullshit. And I’d really like it if you didn’t come around. Like I said, I’m married. Happily. VERY happily. I don’t know what kind of married men you’re used to, but I’m not one of them. So if I could get back to lunch with my kids…”
“I’m sorry to have caused you any issues. Or to have wasted your time.”
He watches her as she goes; the tightly clenched jaw and the rigid shoulders and the over aggressive way she shoves her daughter in the direction of an empty table. It’s the behaviour of a woman that is used to getting what and WHO she wants. Who isn’t used to rejection -especially public- and can’t handle being put in her place.
“I don’t know about you, dad,” TJ says, as he turns around in his seat after watching Natalie’s dramatic exit. “But I don’t trust her. She’s definitely up to no good.”
Nodding slowly, he lifts his coffee cup to his lips and takes a long, slow sip. His instincts tell him the same thing; it isn’t the last he’s seen or heard from the new neighbour. He’s witnessed that kind of behaviour before. She’s cunning and manipulative; refusing to take no for an answer and doing whatever she can to wreak havoc as a response to being shot down. But he’s faced far greater challenges and threats. Nik had learned the hard way not to fuck with his family. Being ostracized and shunned for years until she was ready to make amends for the trouble she’d caused and she’d finally moved on with Anil; getting married and having children of her own and settling nicely into a repaired and much healthier relationship with both Tyler and Esme. And if Natalie has to suffer the same embarrassing fate, he has no qualms about dealing her that particular hand.
More than ready, willing, and able to protect and defend the life he has.
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