#like once our car broke down and my mother's rich friend just gave her her old one
cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼Baby's Got Trouble. Don't Know How To Live. Don't Want To Die. (Cordelia Goode)👼
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Cordelia Goode x fem!reader
👼Part 6 of SP getting reader pregnant👼
👼Slice 1👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak
Somewhat au but more so later xx
👼Wordcount: 3422👼
👼Posted on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Content: Your mum sucks, slow-burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, more to be added later👼
👼“No, ma’am. It isn’t crazy hippie rubbish. As I said, your daughter has a place here at the academy. She will start classes upon arrival. It is best she bring all the clothing she has and any other personal items she might wan-“👼
“Hello? Is this the Robichaux or whatever place?”
“Robichaux Academy, yes it is. My name is Cordelia Goode, I’m the Headmistress of Robichaux Academy. How may I help?”
“Brilliant. My daughter, Yn, has somehow managed to break our wine glasses while we were- my husband, son, and I were sitting eating at the dining table. She then managed to fix them once the initial shock wore off but this can’t go on. She’s a disgrace to the family. We heard tales from her great grandmother about witches in Salem but we just thought she was going batty in her old age. Regardless, can you fix our daughter?”
“I- Ma’am, I understand that to people like you- er, I mean, people without magical abilities, that it is scary when these abilities show themselves, but it doesn’t mean your daughter needs to be- to be fixed. Yes, she can come to the academy, there should have been a letter in the-“
“Oh. That place. We got the letter and threw it out thinking it was some crazy hippie rubbish.”
“No, ma’am. It isn’t crazy hippie rubbish. As I said, your daughter has a place here at the academy. She will start classes upon arrival. It is best she bring all the clothing she has and any other personal items she might wan-“
“She will take what she can fit into that stupid bag of hers before we kick her out. We don’t want her in the house any longer. She’s a disgrace and is putting us in danger.”
“I think- I think she’s the one in danger, not you. People still- There are people out there that still want us dead. She will be safer surrounded by her sisters. Someone will come by to make sure she makes it here safely.”
“Good. I suggest someone come quick because after I hang up, she’s no longer welcome.”
“I- Okay ma’am. Very well then. Someone will be there shortly. Have a pleasant evening.”
You have always hated the dark ever since you were a little kid, it’s not the darkness itself that scares you but rather the inability to see what could see you. The lights that lined the streets offered little to no visibility, they were as useful as soldiers would be standing in their place, in fact, they were probably what made you most unnerved about sitting outside on the curb at night, they had this uneven yellow glow to them that only managed to give off light in a very small orb around them. The only thing that would make your current situation more unpleasant than it already was, would be if a thick fog rolled in, trapping the light in an even smaller radius, and making the darkness around you all that more ceaseless.
It was a relatively quiet part of New Orleans, and at the moment you couldn’t tell whether this was a blessing or a curse. Sure, there weren’t random people approaching you and asking if you have money or if you need help, but there was also no one around if something were to happen to you. Yes, your scream could be heard but no one would come running to see where it had come from or why it had been made.
Your parents hadn’t really explained much about where you were going, they said “gather your shit in that bag of yours and get out” followed by a “someone from that hippie academy will pick you up” but that was all they had said before the door hit your ass on the way out of the house.
There weren’t any hippie academies that you could think of, you doubted they were even a thing. Wouldn’t a hippie academy be counterintuitive to the whole hippie thing? Why were you even being sent away? It wasn’t your fault that the glasses broke, it was an accident! And you had fixed them so why were you suddenly sitting on your ass on the curb?
The low hum of a car draws your attention from your phone and makes you jump up and back from the curb so you don’t get hit by it. It’s a fancy car so surely it wouldn’t be here for you. Why would a black Mercedes A-Class Sedan pull up in front of you?
Maybe it was one of those gross rich people that wanted to give you a nice place to stay and anything you could desire in exchange for sex. No Bueno. One of the doors swing open and a young blonde woman steps out, brushing down the front of her knee-length black skirt before smiling shyly at you. “Are you Yn?”
You narrow your eyes and tighten your grip on the straps of your backpack “Who’s asking?” Despite current circumstances, the woman doesn’t come across like she would do anything to hurt you, she seems kind and has a certain air of innocence about her.
“Oh! My apologies, I’m Cordelia Goode. I’m the Headmistress of Robichaux Academy. I’m here to take you there. Have- Did your parents explain where you’re going and why?”
You shook your head and looked down briefly, toeing the dirt with your shoe before glancing back at her. “No. They pretty much told me to get my shit and leave, and that some ‘hippie academy’ person would come get me. Are- are you that person? Not- not a hippie person but- not- not that there’s anything wrong with if you are.”
Cordelia laughs softly and moves closer to you, offering her hand to carry your bag “Let me take that for you.” You hand her your bag, quietly apologising for it being heavy but she seems to hold it with ease. “So they told you none of what I discussed with them on the phone? That’s- that’s to be expected I guess. We can discuss this in the car on the way, okay?”
You nod and follow her back to the car, climbing in after her and closing the door. She whispers something to the driver before the car sets off, turning her attention back to you. “Do you know anything about witches and covens?”
“A little? My great grandma use to talk a lot about what happened to family in Salem but mom and dad always said she was just getting batty in her old age. She said that witch hunters would tear people from their homes and slaughter them, sometimes whole villages of people that were believed to be witches or- or even harboring them.
She use to show me magic tricks as a kid, making her purse disappear then reappear in my school bag. I never knew how she did it but- but it fascinated me. I talked to mum and dad about it, how amazing it was but they just told me to stop talking and never talk about it again. Other than that… I have no idea.”
“Your- your parents- mother- did briefly mention that your great grandmother use to talk about it but she, as you said, put it down to her being batty in old age. Unfortunately for your grandmother- great grandmother, sorry- what she talked to you about was- in some cases, still is, true. Witches, all though now have safer places and are more widely accepted, they- we, are still at danger of being killed by witch hunters.
At the academy, Robichaux, we are safe, the Supreme is incredibly strong and capable of protecting us, and there are a number of other older witches who help too. But like most covens, we are stronger together than we are divided. We are here to protect and help new witches grow. With us you will have a new family who will never turn their back on you when you are in a time of need.”
Looking out the window it was just a blur of colours from the lights and neon signs that lit up the streets signalling that New Orleans night life was just waking up. “What do you do when you grow up licking poison off knives and now that you’re finally going to be in a situation where you're fed on milk and honey, all you can think about is running because something that sweet can’t be anything other than poison? What is that quote…
I don’t know how to stay tender-“
“with this blood in my mouth? Ophelia, act 4, scene 5. It is… appropriate considering your situation but… if I’m going off my impression of you, you are going to find it easy to continue being kind, even if you feel like you’re only good at hurting people. I can see that you have a good heart, Yn. Although my mother does tell me I’m not good at judging people.”
You smile shyly, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly “Thank you, Cordelia. I hope I can prove your mother wrong and be the good person that you think I am.” You return your gaze to look out the window, admiring the different colour lights you can see and how busy this part of the city was. “It’ll be nice finally having someone that believes in me. That believes I am good.”
“You will find that there will be others out there who will see goodness in you too. But- but even if there aren’t… Know that I see it.”
The rest of the drive was filled with light-hearted banter, the kind you would hear good friends throw back and forth. You wouldn’t consider you and Cordelia to be friends seeing as you two have only just met but you felt as though it wouldn’t take long until you were.
By the time you made it to the academy it was around midnight, the building was grand and imposing, it had this energy to it that gave off the distinct impression that if you tried damaging it in anyway you would be the one that came away worse off. There were lights that lit the pathway and entryway up which somehow managed to make the building all the more intimidating despite feeling perfectly safe.
You went to grab your backpack but Cordelia bet you to it. “I can carry my bag, you know that right? I don’t mind taking my own shit- stuff in. You’ve already saved me from whatever hell my parents were going to impose on me, the least I can do is take my own things inside.”
She shakes her head, a small smile tugging at her lips as she leads the way up the path “I’m sure you can, but you’re new here and you’ve also had a long day, it’s the least I can do for a new coven member.” You let out a dramatic groan as you follow after her, she opens the door and steps to the side to let you in before coming in after you and closing the door behind you both.
“It’s so quiet. Is it always this quiet? I can’t- Nevermind” You shove your hands in your jacket pockets, waiting for Cordelia to take you to where you can hopefully get some sleep.
“It’s only this quiet when the girls aren’t creating mischief and partying, as well as when my mother hasn’t been drinking, mind you, I haven’t seen her since she left to travel the world... You’ll grow to appreciate this rare moment of silence.” She gestures for you to follow her as she leads you up a grand staircase, leading you down a hall before opening a door to your left.
“It’s a small room but I doubt you’d want the girls harassing you with questions at this hour so we’ll move you into their room tomorrow if you would like? There’s drawers for your clothes, a small desk, and of course a bed. The bathroom is next door and if you want hot water I suggest waking up before 7 or else Madison will use it all up when she takes her hour long shower.”
You nod your head and thank her quietly, taking your backpack from her you step in the room, dumping your bag on the desk before moving to close the curtains. “Is- Is there anything else I can do for you before I let you get some rest?” You turn around to look at her before looking at the floor “Is- Is it okay if I turn some music on? I’ll have it quiet so it doesn’t disturb anyone. I just- I can’t sleep when it’s silent.”
Cordelia smiles softly, she finds it rather adorable that you can’t sleep unless there’s noise of some sort but she doesn’t want to embarrass you or herself by admitting this. “Of course you can. I will make sure- or try to get you a radio so you don’t have to play it through your phone. I’m sure it will be nice to hear music rather than the girls screaming at each other over who stole whose makeup. I- I wouldn’t mind hearing what you like listening to” your eyes shoot up to look at her, a blush settling on both your faces.
“I- uhm… I- Good- Good night, Yn. I’ll come see you in the morning so I can introduce you to the others at breakfast. Uhm… Let- let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help you settle in. Good night.” She rushes out, hoping that you don’t notice how flustered she got but also has a gut feeling that you did notice. She gives you a small wave before leaving quickly, the door closing behind her.
You let out a slow breath, feeling the exhaustion from the day hit you like a bat out of hell. You knew this made no sense seeing as you did nothing physical but apparently being kicked out of home for being a witch had the same effect as running a marathon, it left you broken and tired.
You remove most of your clothing, leaving just your shirt and underwear on before climbing into bed, taking one last glance at your phone to see if you have any messages or calls from anyone but unsurprisingly there weren’t any. You turn the volume up a bit so you can hear your music then put it on your small side-table before turning over and trying to sleep.
No matter where you stayed or how exhausted you were, the first night sleeping somewhere new was always the hardest night sleep you had. Nevertheless, you managed to get to sleep relatively quickly but staying asleep was where it became difficult; the days events were playing in this off-kilter manner, like they were somehow glitching and just playing that awful moment where your powers revealed themselves and you saw the look of fear then disgust in your parent’s eyes on loop. No matter how hard you tried to change what you were dreaming about, your dreams would always end up looping back to this.
“We can never have a fucking normal dinner when you’re involved, can we? There is always something going on with you. Last night it was because you wanted to have a glass of wine and ended up polishing the bottle off yourself. And now!? Now it’s because you’re some freak.”
“Honey, that’s not- you can’t call our daughter that. This time it isn’t her fault this happened. Yes last night was unpleasant but you certainly weren’t helping and now you’re berating the poor girl.”
“Oh? It’s my fault? So what, you’re defending our freak of a daughter?”
“No- No that’s not- I’m not defending her. Tonight was- is just- this is out of her control and ours.”
“Exactly. Out of our control. She’s always been like this. I’m going to go make a call to that academy place. See if they can fix her.”
“I don’t need fixing! I’m not broken!”
“You’re right, you’re not broken. Just defective.”
“Mom? Don’t make her leave. She helps me with my homework when you’re not home. Please. I’ll miss her if you make her-“
“Shut up. This isn’t for little children to discuss. Take your dinner to your room and eat there. This is the last time you’ll be seeing your sister.”
“No. Say your goodbyes now then go to your room.”
Your little brother gets out of his seat and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your legs before hugging you tight, mumbling “I’ll miss you. Sorry mom and dad are making you leave. If- if it counts for something I- I don’t think you’re defective.”
You hug him back, giving his hair a ruffle before letting him go, a sad smile on both your faces. “I’ll see you again someday, kiddo. Be good.”
“Unlike you, your brother isn’t a disappointment to this family.”
You wake with a start upon a knocking on your door, you feel panic surge through you thinking it was your mother about to verbally berate you but then you hear a soft voice. “Yn? May I come in? I thought it best to discuss with you what happens in the morning before lessons start.” You feel your cheeks heat up and pull the duvet up to cover you as you sit up, “uhm yeah- yeah you can come in.”
The doorhandle turns and the door swings open, revealing a youthful Cordelia, her long blonde locks tied back in a ponytail; if you hadn’t known who she was, you would have thought an angel had lost its way, she was beautiful. You look away not wanting to get caught staring, suddenly finding the ceiling to be the most fascinating thing you’ve ever seen.
“Hey! Is that the new girl!? It’s the new girl! Co-“ Cordelia closes the door, shaking her head and letting out a quiet sigh before turning back to face you. “And here I was trying to make sure you would have a relatively peaceful morning, but it seems that the girls have other things in mind.”
You laugh lightly and shrug, “I’ll have to get use to it sooner or later so it’s alright.” She hums a bit, clasping her hands together at her waist. “So… We usually have breakfast together. Some mornings it’s a pleasant affair but then there are mornings where Madison decides to start drama…”
Cordelia trails off, a light blush colouring her cheeks “I- I probably shouldn’t talk like that but… there isn’t much point trying to sugar coat things. It was a lot worse when mother was staying here, as soon as she had some alcohol in her there is no stopping her. But that’s in the past anyway. She’s off traveling” she gestures vaguely with her hands “somewhere.”
You cover your mouth with your hand to stifle laughter, it seems like you’re not the only one who has a tempestuous relationship with their mother. “You’re not laughing at me, are you? It’s not a good look for a new student to laugh at her Headmistress.”
You bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing, it’s not that you were laughing at her but the situation in itself was pretty funny. “I- I’m not I swear” you manage to get out through little fits of laughter “It’s just funny that’s all.” She rolls her eyes but smiles “I doubt you’ll be laughing when mother has a fit and tosses you across the room. God… I really need her to stop doing that.”
Cordelia walks over to your curtains and opens them, flooding the small room with natural light, the golden and bubble-gum hues of the sunrise bringing life to the otherwise dull walls. “You’ll be fine. I doubt she’s returning home any time soon.”
She turns to look at you, a small smile on her face. “I should let you get dressed so you can get downstairs to have something to eat. I try getting breakfast over and done with before 10am but there are usually a few stragglers that appear later and pick at what’s left in the fridge. I’ll talk to the girls and try to get them to not hound you.”
You thank her and she makes her way over to the door, she rests her hand on the doorhandle, looking down before looking back at you. “I’m sorry that you came here because you had no other choice. I promise you that I won’t give up on you, regardless of what path you take in life.” She gives you a sad smile before leaving, the door closing quietly behind her.
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saturnsummer · 3 years
i don't mind forever.
AU: When Sol is handed a case, she doesn't realise how big the case gets. Luckily for her, her best friend is here. (AU of lawyers at Hankuk Law Firm.)
notes: all credits go to @thenerdywriter !! she gave me this prompt just days after i joined tumblr, and i’ve been working on and off on it ever since. my first au series, so please go easy on me! i know i’m practically killing myself for doing two series at once, but i’ll deal with it later. as always, big love to everyone! any grammar mistakes and all will be taken fully responsible by me!
ao3 link
words: 4035 words
Sol scrunches her hair in frustration. She twists her long, wavy light brown hair in a bun, fixing it with a jab of her white, long chopstick hairpin. She adjusts her bangs for good measure and resumes with her report. She reaches over to her coffee mug, only to find it empty. Great, it’s the third coffee she had today, and it wasn’t even lunch. Hearing her colleagues nagging on drinking too much coffee in her head, she stands from her desk and pushes the glass door of her office to the staff pantry. Her heels click against the marble floors as she strides across, filling her cup with iced water before retreating back.
It would have been a normal day at the Hankuk Law firm, but it wasn’t when she had such a pressing case.
It's been weeks. A client of hers has pressed charges against Lee Man Ho, claiming that he scammed her life savings. Lee Manho was a convict that was charged for raping multiple women and on several occasions, sexual harassment. He had been on good behaviour after his release for a couple of years, with no complaints and no news. Only now did his name resurface. He was snarky in his speech, manipulative and quick with his tongue, but most of all had a sinister smile that sent shivers.
Sol, being Sol, couldn’t say no to the poor woman. How could she? She experienced her fair share of poverty from growing up in a single-parent family that made enough to get by. She sympathised with her feelings, knowing just how stressed this poor mother must be when she can no longer afford to pay rent for her home, even less so the necessities for her toddler kids. Because, too many times, Sol was found broke and skipping meals so she could have her younger sister, Byeol, be fed instead.
With the help of the local police, she found more victims to be scammed, all similar in their scenario. Manho would call under the alias of a financial aid consultant, sometimes an insurance agent or bank teller. Then, he would extract their bank numbers from them, effectively draining their money away. By the time they victims tried to call back, the number would be out of order, or picked up by another voice, evident that he used another number to cover up his.
None of his victims had anything in common. Some were rich, some were poor. Some were female, some were male. And Manho had long disappeared in the wind the moment he got out of jail. He was said to be sighted once and when the police placed eyes on him, they lost him that same day.
His digital footprint was an utter headache as well. The police had other things to matter, and figuring out his digital footprint was the least of their concerns when they had important murders and urgent matters to solve.
But two could play this game.
Seungjae was a good friend of Sol’s. They were close acquaintances in school and kept in close contact. He, unlike Sol, was a whiz with computer codes and had his fair share of hacking experience. She remembers how he would hack into the system during school events and broadcast short music videos on the school televisions during breaks. Despite their age gap, he was always courteous, nice and kind hearted in helping others.
Seungjae eventually found a job with the police force, using his skills to legally hack criminal networks and dark nets. He was essentially part of a task force that identified suspicious activities like mass radicalisation, fake news and essentially tracking down internet hackers. It was a no-brainer that Sol would approach him, even though she knew that he could only legally hack under his work orders, not for personal favours.
Well it’s best she at least try.
She called Seungjae, who was fortunately free, and agreed to meet at a cafe. The sun was out, warming them from the autumn breeze that chilled them. Sol grabbed her coat and placed a post-it on her door, informing her colleagues of her business. Sol, while dressed in a warm coat, was undoubtedly freezing from the breeze. If only she could go back to law school, where she wore jeans and sweatshirts all day. Instead, she had a light blue long sleeved blouse, a knee length pencil skirt and a midnight blue blazer, and her only coat she had weakly shielding her from the cold.
“Sol A, what gives me the feeling that you aren’t calling for the purpose of catching up, but for a favour?” Seungjae asks as soon as his ice coffee arrives. Sol is amused at his habit, that he still calls her Sol A to differentiate her from Sol B, her colleague just working next door to her. But in response, she gives a small frown.
“Oppa, please? You have to help me with this. This case is driving me nuts!” She says in frustration as she stirs her ice tea. “Look, he’s off the grid, like properly off. I can’t even track his number or his email accounts. When the police placed plainclothes on him, he was like a ninja and they lost him within the first hour.”
Seungjae’s frown deepens. He knows of people who are good on the internet, but for an ex-convict to be running this alone? Furthermore, a convict who had no criminal record of scamming, conning and IT based crimes? There was definitely more to this.
“Sol A, do you think that he’s working alone?” Seungjae asks, stopping Sol in her speech. She tilts her head, the way she does normally when she puts the puzzle pieces in order. From her bag, she takes out a notebook and scribbles down the facts, then pushes it to the centre of the table.
“Okay, so we know that Lee Manho was convicted of rape and sexual harassment long time ago. Now, he’s running scams, and has no known background of coding or conning people, yet somehow the money appears in his bank account and it disappears the next moment.” Sol states as she circles her notes with a pencil and Seungjae nods.
“I think… I think you’re right, oppa. He’s definitely not working alone. And he could just be the middleman bringing the cash from one place to another.” Sol breaths out, realising how big the case has gotten. She’s not just going after Lee Manho, but she’s going after an entire team.
“You said that you can’t track his whereabouts, people he communicates with and where the money is going to?” SeungJae asks. Sol nods.
“Looks like someone is covering up the transfers and his tracks.” Seungjae concludes. Seungjae furrows his eyebrows. Sol recognises his thinking face and tries to plea once more.
“Please, oppa? You helped me check out and verify Yeseul’s boyfriend, which saved her life! Please, oppa…” Sol pleads with him. Seungjae knew how much Sol was going to dedicate to this, and besides, he was legally going to hack. He was fighting for those who couldn’t fight. What difference would it make? It felt wrong to ignore such a desperate plea.
“Fine. But you have to let me use a laptop that isn’t mine. I can’t have my superiors know I’m hacking into a case that wasn’t submitted to me again. God, Yeseul’s ex-boyfriend case got me a bloody earful from the captain.” He finally agrees, getting up from his seat and grabbing his coat. Sol lets out a relieved sigh and picks her coat too.
“Thank you, thank you!”
“Save it for later, when I’m done hacking. Let’s head back to your office for now.” He says and walks to the door. At that moment, Sol’s phone rings, and she picks up, knowing who will call at this time of the day. If it’s lunch, it has to either be Yeseul or Joon Hwi.
“Are you joining us for lunch, sunbae?” Sol takes a moment to close her eyes in frustration. This man is going to drive her insane.
“Yeah. Are you all ordering?”
“That’s right. Extra pickles?”
“Always. Add one more jjampong and kkampungi, too.” The receiving end goes silent.
“Who’s joining?” Sol gives a knowing smile as she unlocks her car.
“An old friend of ours.”
“Wah, it’s been a long time since Seungjae-hyung could eat with us!” BokGi says, as he passes out the chopsticks and Yebeom unpacks the meals. Seungjae only gives a small smile while helping out with the food.
Despite the cold weather, the odd group of friends found pleasure in eating outdoors as opposed to their office pantry. It was too noisy some days, too quiet on some, and knowing how chaotic the group can get during lunch, it only made sense to have their meals downstairs at some benches. Besides, they could use a break from being stuck in their offices all day and look at trees changing their colours to shades of red, oranges and brown.
“Thank your noona here, for convincing me to come.” He says as he nods his head over to Sol, who is busy unpacking her pickles and noodles. Joon Hwi gives a smile as he stares at the delight on her face when she sees those yellow pickles on a plastic saucer.
“Hyung, what are you here for?” Joon Hwi asks, as he unpacks his noodles.
“This lady here has enlisted my help once again for a case she is working on. But it has to be off the books. Thus, my presence here instead of my cubicle back at my headquarters.” Sol chokes and she quickly takes a sip of her tea.
“Oppa, why do you make me sound so law breaking…” Sol grumbles. Yeseul, sitting next to her only gives a small smile and squeezes her hand.
“Seungjae-oppa did help me bring Yeongchang to jail. So I would consider his work, whether under his boss orders or not, to be lawful.” Yeseul quips quietly. The table grows silent for a moment, knowing how this topic took a mental toll out of them, but Yeseul was hit the hardest.
When Yeseul first started dating Yeongchang, everyone didn’t mind it. Only when Sol witnessed how Yeseul would be frightened to pick up his call and spotting bruises on her arms did she get Seungjae to dig into his personal life. Lo and behold, not only was he abusive, he was seeing two other women and they were treated badly, if not, worse.
Yeseul’s heart broke, this being her first love and the man she envisioned marrying. But with her friends' support, she took it upon herself to press charges on him, for the women he tortured and for herself. Representing herself and the women that he had failed to protect and taken advantage of, it wasn’t easy for her, having been so blind in love and still harbouring feelings.
The group stood by and silently supported. They accompanied her trials, no matter how busy they were. Sol remembers Jiho running from one courtroom to another on one occasion when he had to immediately attend a court hearing for a client he was defending. Sol had Yeseul stay over at her apartment during the entire situation, while Yeseul searched for an apartment nearby after moving out of his house. Even Sol B, who was usually cold, bought her meals and stayed to eat when the girls spent late nights in silence and drinking.
Finally, the judge ruled that Yeongchang was to be charged in jail. For the sexual, mental and physical abuse of these women, including Yeseul. It has been months since then and time can only tell how much she has healed. The rest can only give their silent support and be there for her.
“I didn’t mean to make the mood bad. Come, let’s eat. Also, what is the case about, unnie?” Yeseul quickly breaks into a smile, an attempt to let everyone know she’s okay. Sol gives a brief description of her case to everyone while she slurps her noodles and pickles.
“This is going to be difficult. If you guys are right, you might be dealing with something bigger than just Lee Manho.” Sol B states and Sol gives a nodded reply.
“Please don’t tell Superior Kim or Superior Yang about this. I really need to break this case and Seungjae-oppa is my only way to.” Sol informs her group. They give half hearted murmurs, not wanting to be meddled into Sol’s affairs. Well, all but one.
“Yah, why didn’t you come find me? I have my own contacts in the police as well.” Joon Hwi asks, a slight frown on his face. From anyone else looking, it would have been easy to miss. But for Sol, she knew that he was upset, interpreting his complaints as “Why didn’t you come and tell me about this first?”
“Because, Mr. Second Round Judicial Exam Pass, you have been too busy! Do I really need to remind you to eat every damm moment? You drive me crazy some days!” Sol argues. They launch into a light hearted argument, as the rest of the lunch group watches with equal fervour as they eat their meals.
“Guys, stop arguing, my ears hurt.” Jiho said, his tone in slight annoyance as he dove straight into the kkampungi and tangsuyuk. Sol finally gave up fighting, earning a teasing smirk from Joon Hwi. They continued their noisy meal, chatting and catching up with Seungjae. Seungjae gives them some updates of his pregnant wife and some interesting cases.
After their meal, they separated their trash neatly. The sun now hides away in the clouds, leaving little warmth against the chilly breeze of autumn. Sol brushes her coat and rubs her hands and arms. If only she could afford a better one than this old coat she’s been using since her first year in university.
Joon Hwi notices her trying to warm up against the cold and takes his coat from the chair, layering it on her. He honestly didn’t feel cold, but he knows he has always been the stronger one to resist against the cold. For Sol, it must be freezing.
“Take mine.” He simply says, taking the packs of plastic from Sol. If Sol had a hint of blush, he pretended to not notice.
“Oh, thanks.” She said as she took wipes from her bag and wiped down the mess on the benches and tables. “But I don’t need it. We’re heading back to the office anyway.” She shrugs his coat off and drapes it over her arm, returning it to him. He pushes it to her, and leans in closer to her.
“Help me carry it, so I don’t have to, sunbae.” He teases with a smirk, sending Sol in a fit of frustrated squeaks, chasing him as best as she can in her heels. Sol knows Joon Hwi gets a thing out of his teasing, and sends him annoyed glares as she continues to clear the tables. Jiho manages to sigh and Sol B rolls her eyes as she dumps the trash in the bins.
The group grabs their bags as they head back into the office, where Sol checks Seungjae in as a visitor at the reception. The receptionist hands him a blue lanyard with a visitor pass as Sol leads him to the elevators. Jiho and Bokgi are off to meet clients, and Sol B is headed to court for a hearing. Yeseul stops at another floor to her office with Yebeom, who needs to pick up some reports from a colleague.
Joon Hwi follows Sol to her office with Seungjae, despite his office being upstairs. Sol grabs her personal laptop from her bag, which is separate from her desktop computer and passes it to Seungjae, who takes a seat opposite her and starts programming the computer to begin hacking.
“What, did you just let him use your personal laptop?” Joon Hwi asks in concern as he takes a seat on a spare chair.
“Let him do it. Don’t you have your reports to do?” Sol asks as she turns to her own reports before typing in her findings for the new Lee Manho case. Joon Hwi doesn’t reply, and Sol sends an annoyed glance. He’s not going to leave unless he knows all the information of this case.
“Okay, I got it.” Seungjae says after a series of clicks and turns the screen to show Sol what he has found. Sol leans into a chart of bank transfers.
"From what I can tell, it seems like the money enters his bank account and is transferred to an offshore account. I can't trace where the money goes from there anymore." Seungjae explains as he uses the cursor to show them. "I can't tell who owns the account either. If I could take a guess, it's probably the mastermind of this."
"Wait, look. Lee Manho is getting paid a constant amount every single time before a large sum comes in and leaves." Joon Hwi points. Sol grabs her printed papers as she matches the amounts that her clients have given here. They match exactly to the large sums, but have no relation to the constant amount that he gets every scam.
"He's getting paid to scam? Tch, God, I hate this crook." Sol says through gritted teeth. Joon Hwi sighs and observes the anger rising in Sol. He places a hand on top of her clenched fist for comfort and her fist stops clenching as she sighs in response.
"Sol A, I can't track his location with your laptop. It's not exactly ideal, since it can be tracked back." Seungjae says, eyes darting while continuously typing. Joon Hwi could sense the disappointment in Sol's face, but it can't be helped. It was too dangerous from her location and IP address.
"Oppa, thank you for helping. I owe you one." Sol says as Seungjae scrubs her laptop clean from hacking traces. Seungjae returns her laptop and stands up. "You should go back, oppa. You've been gone too long."
"I'll keep you updated." He says as Sol guides him out of the office. Once she shuts the door, she pulls the hairpin from her hair and crunches her hair in frustration. She has the information on where the money is going, but it's no use when she can't find out where he is. Joon Hwi takes a seat opposite her.
"Don't stress." He says softly, and Sol bites her lip in frustration.
"Don't stress? How can I not? The police aren't giving me any information on him, delaying his location tracking! I can't even find him! How am I supposed to get evidence to charge him, if he can't even appear to show up to court?" Sol angrily spills, her hands flailing. Joon Hwi sighs but grabs a hold of her wrist.
"Don't get swayed by your emotions." Joon Hwi firmly says, sparingly into Sol's anger-filled eyes. She pulls her wrist back, taking a deep breath before gathering her hair up again.
"Fine." She grumbles. "Get out of my office, Prosecutor Han. Don't you have work?" This earns a soft smile from Joon Hwi. As he heads to the door, he turns back before he leaves.
"Don't... Don't do anything stupid or impulsive, you hear me?"
Sol clicks her tongue and gives a half-hearted nod. She turns back to her report and updates her findings and tries to diffuse the thought of asking Seungjae to hack with her laptop to find Man Ho's location.
For Kang Sol A, such thoughts don't leave easily.
"You sure?" Seungjae asks, seated in Sol's car. Sol takes a deep breath in and nods.
It was a few days after Seungjae visited the office. Sol called the police as much as she could, but they always left her on the line or just said "we're working on it." Thus, Sol told Seungjae to meet her at a park, before driving to a random alley and passing him her laptop.
"Yeah, I'll take my chances." She replied. Seungjae sighs and begins typing away.
"You know you're putting yourself at risk?" He asks, eyes never leaving the screen.
"I'll put myself at risk for the justice of my clients." She says firmly. A few minutes pass as Sol stares out of the car and watches the bright moon and the clouds floating by in misty swirls.
"Got it." Sol turns her attention to Seungjae. On the screen is a map and a blinking red dot of Manho’s location. Sol reads the map and puts her car back in drive before turning out of the alley.
"Woah, do you know where you are going?" Seungjae asks, grabbing onto the overhead handle for support and his hand securing the laptop.
"Seungjae-oppa, don't tell anyone about this, okay? Especially not Joon Hwi." Sol ignores his question as she speeds up the car, turning into a drop-off point of a train station.
"Sol A, you're-"
"Sorry, oppa. But I need to find him. I can't sit and wait for the police anymore. I promise you, I'll be safe." Sol says. Seungjae couldn't say no. He knows how stubborn Sol is, how when she decides on something, she will commit to it wholeheartedly.
"If he's armed, you could get yourself in danger." Seungjae exasperatedly sighs. It was too big a risk to see the junior he treats as a little sister put herself at risk.
"I'll be fine. Look, you're on my speed dial. You know that I can handle myself. There's a reason why I took years of self-defence classes." Sol tells him. Seungjae nods his head unwillingly.
"You better call me after you're done." He says as he opens the door and gets out of the car. "Please, please stay safe." Sol nods and gives a small smile.
"Thank you, oppa." Sol drives away immediately, leaving Seungjae to pinch his nose bridge in frustration and concern. Silently, as he boards the train, he prays for Sol's safety.
Sol knows the area well. As she parks her car at a carpark, she checks to make sure Manho is still at the bar. The blinking dot stays stagnant at the bar, not moving ever since she dropped Seungjae off. Getting out, she tightens her coat around her and thanks herself for the long trousers she's wearing. At least she isn't wearing a skirt, if she needs to beat someone up.
Entering the bar, she naturally takes a slow walk around. But hidden by the corner of the bar tables sit a lone man, with a cap, dressed in black button up and holding a glass of golden whiskey. She knew that was her target.
Taking a seat next to him, she orders a glass of soda water from the bartender. Man Ho chuckles next to her as he sets his glass down. Turning his head, he faces Sol with sly eyes, lips curled at the corner.
"Prosecutor Kang, you're quick." She hears him say and a chill goes down her spine. She lets her eyes meet the cold stare of Manho.
"Oh, you think I don't know you? You're the one after me more than the police are for the past weeks." Man Ho sinisterly says, a sick grin on his face. Sol grits her teeth and takes a deep breath to soothe her anger.
"Why are you doing this? You think it's fun?Watching my clients suffer?" Sol says through her gritted teeth. He only scoffs.
"My, my. Don't want you getting agitated now, don't we? We just started." He says, sipping from his glass again.
"Answer my question." She says with force. Man Ho sips on his glass, swirling the golden brown liquid against the large square cubes of ice as he exhales.
As the words fall from his mouth, Sol grows as cold as the glass in her hand. Her hands slightly shake as she hitches her breath. When her shaky eyes turn to Manho’s, his eyes are sly with a mocking grin. No, he can’t know.
"You’re just as feisty as your sister, aren’t you?”
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thatshiscigar · 4 years
new body — jj maybank
requested by anon: heyy, i was wondering if you could maybe write an imagine where y/n just moved to the obx and is super unfamiliar with the obx and knows no body. and one day she’s sitting on the beach listening to music and jj asks her if she wants to hangout w the pogues and they end up dating and it’s just all fluffy? (lol sorry ik that was long) but love your writing and only do it if you want! mwah🤍
warnings: mild swearing, underaged drinking
wc: 2.9k+
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The bright sun beamed down on your warm skin as you laid out on the beach, the sound of the ocean and feeling of the sand in your hands calming your nerves. It was only your first weekend in the Outer Banks, and you hadn’t really gotten out onto the beach yet, due to the moving and unpacking that required your attention. Your family had to make the move from the mainland to the beautiful beaches because of your mother’s promotion with the Thornton’s Family Business. You didn’t know anyone here, but you did know that the Thornton's had a son that was your age, but you don’t really want your first friend to be a stuck up snob who can’t think for himself. You never resonated with the rich lifestyle. The country clubs and yacht clubs didn’t appeal to your sense of adventure and need for liberation. You wanted to get your hands dirty and feel the adrenaline of doing something your parents would never approve of. 
“Heads!” You were pulled out of your relaxation by the loud yell, but only for a second before a volleyball came hurling in your direction, almost coming in contact with your face. You collected the ball in your hands, regaining your composure.
“I’m so sorry, you good?” He sounded scared, and genuinely worried for you, a stranger. 
“Yeah,” you said, handing the volleyball back to him. 
“Thanks, and I’m sorry about that, you can’t take them anywhere,” he said with a fond look, jutting a thumb back to his friends. He lingered for a moment, taking in your new and unfamiliar presence. He had never seen you around before, which made him curious as to what you were doing on the island. He wanted to know more. He didn’t know what this feeling that spread across his chest was, but he liked it, a lot. 
“JJ!” You heard his friends call for him, giving you a name for the boy in front of you. His eyes widened, his face now displaying his realization for how long he had been standing there. It wasn’t long, but it was long enough to make you lightly giggle at his state. He started to walk away, but he didn’t get very far before he turned back to you. 
“Hey, um,” he started, his voice low. “What’s your name?”
“Y/N,” you answered cooly, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 
“Well, Y/N, do you wanna come play volleyball with us? We’re always looking for another player.” He gestured back to his friends, letting you see the four teenagers waiting for him. 
“Sure!” You beamed, excited at the chance to make some new friends. He stuck his hand out to help you up from your spot on the sand, and walked you over to where he and his friends were playing volleyball. He introduced you to his friends, Kiara, Pope, John B, and Sarah, and he introduced them to you. They all said their collective “hello”s and “hi”s and you all got to playing. It was Pope, John B, and Sarah against you, Kie, and JJ. You all played a fair game, and by the time the sun was set, you all decided it was time to call it a day. In the end, you, Kie, and JJ won. You three celebrated, teasingly rubbing it in Pope, John B, and Sarah’s face. Once you all settled down and got ready to leave, JJ walked you to your car. 
“Y’know, I had fun with you today,” he said reflectively, 
“Me too,” you started. You took a breath before you began again. 
“I don’t really know anyone on the island, so it was nice to have someone to spend the afternoon with.” You shot him a smile, silently thanking him for inviting you to play volleyball. 
“Are you here longterm, or are you just visiting?” JJ asked. He had to know before he could let himself fall into these feelings he was developing for you. 
“I’m here longterm.” The statement put JJ’s mind at ease. 
“My mom got a promotion, and it moved us out here.” You finished with a breath. 
“Well,” JJ began as you reached your car. “If you ever need someone to show you around, I would be more than happy to be your guide,” he said with a smirk. 
“I’d like that,” you said with a smile, walking over to the drivers side. 
“Really?” JJ said with surprise, but he quickly played it cool. 
“Uhm, I mean, yeah, that’d be cool, I guess.” JJ looked off into the distance, running a hand through his hair, really trying to sell the cool guy persona. He broke out of it when he heard your laughs. 
“Here,” he handed you his phone. “Put your number in it.” 
“Hmm, very straightforward, I like it,” you teased as you did so, giving it back when you were finished. 
“So, when will I get to see you again?” JJ inclined as you got into your car. You rolled down your window so you could answer.
“Whenever you text me, slick,” you said tauntingly. The car erupted into life and you drove away, leaving the blond boy behind, a smile displayed on his face. 
JJ knew he had to make you his. He had never felt this way about a girl before, especially in such a short amount of time. You made him feel alive. You added so much color to his life in the few hours you were together, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He immediately took out his phone and texted you, excited to see you tomorrow. 
You pulled up to the address JJ had texted you the night before, and saw an old shack. It was cute and modest, but it could definitely use some sprucing up. 
“Hello? JJ?” You called as you stepped out of your car. You took a few weary steps towards the front door. Unexpectedly, the door swung open, revealing who you were looking for. 
“Y/N! Welcome to the Chateau!” JJ announced as he walked up to you, arms wide in the air. 
“Hey, JJ,” you chuckled as he swung his arm over your shoulders. You liked the feeling of his arm there, you realized. It made you feel safe, being that close to him. 
He walked you into the small house, seeing everyone you met the day before. You said hi to the room, hearing a chorus of greetings back. The keg sitting on the table in the middle of the room caught your eye. 
“Alright,” John B grabbed everyone’s attention. “Let’s roll.” John B and Pope got the keg as everyone else made their way to the door. 
“Wait, where are we going,” you looked up and asked JJ, still under his arm. 
“The Boneyard,” JJ said cheerfully. “It’s an old beach where we throw our parties.” He could see the stress in your eyes. 
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fun,” he whispered to you, and in a split second decision, he delivered a small kiss to your forehead, attempting to soothe your nerves. He gave you a shy smile, trying to read if he shouldn’t have done that, but he could see that the small action had lifted your weary thoughts. 
You all piled into the old van, and drove off towards the destination, JJ’s still arm over your shoulders. He liked having you close to him, and you liked the feeling of protection JJ provided you with. The Outer Banks was a new environment to you, and now that you had someone on your side, you felt more at ease. 
The party was in full swing now, not that it took that long. People were piling onto the beach, which was littered in old logs and twigs. You were standing with JJ and John B at the keg, taking in the scene before you. There were many drunk teenagers dancing along to the music and drinking their hearts out. You’d never seen anything like it. Sure, you’d been to parties back on the mainland, but none of them looked like this. 
“Hey!” Kie grinned as she walked up to the keg, Sarah by her side. John B filled up their cups, and Sarah grabbed yours from your hand, giving it to John B to fill up as well. 
“C’mon,” Sarah shoved the cup back in your hands. “Let’s go dance,” she hiccuped. She took your hand in hers, and led you out into the crowd. You looked back to JJ and waved, to which he raised his cup, giving you a silent “goodbye, and good luck”. 
You, Kie, and Sarah were in the middle of it all, dancing and sweating like no other, the alcohol aiding in your confidence. Back home, you never would have gone dancing. You were more of a wallflower when it came to parties, but you felt free here, in the Outer Banks. The new surroundings and new friends gave you a newfound sense of liberation. 
The night was winding down, more people going than coming, and you Kie, and Sarah decided it was time to head back to the keg to see your boys. 
“He likes you, y’know,” Kie slurred as she pointed to JJ.
“What?” You asked her, not letting yourself believe what you wanted to. 
“JJ, he won’t shut up about you.” She leaned down on your shoulder, keeping herself balanced, and you hooked your arm around her waist to help her. Your mind was racing, you couldn’t believe what Kie had just told you. Yeah, you liked JJ, but you didn’t think he liked you back. You thought he was just being friendly to the new girl, nothing more.
JJ saw you holding Kie as you made your way to the keg. He saw the way you were gentle with her and made sure she didn’t fall. You took care of her, and JJ couldn’t help but think about you taking care of him. 
“Hey, ready to go?” JJ asked as you walked up, snapping himself out of his thoughts. Pope and John B took Kiara from your grasp. You sighed out a quick ‘yeah’, suddenly feeling a blanket of tiredness lay over your body. JJ took your hand in his, and gave it a light squeeze, smiling down at you. 
“So, how did you like your first party in the Outer Banks?” JJ inquired. You pondered for a moment, deciding to test the waters for yourself. 
“It was good, wish I got to dance with you though,” you lightly taunted, your bottom lip jutting out slightly. A light chuckle came from JJ’s lips, and you noticed a look of adoration in his eyes. He raised your hand up to his lips, and placed a kiss to the back of your hand. He then twirled you around, ever so delicately, like he was afraid he’d break you. He was nervous, he didn’t want to scare you off if you didn’t feel the same way, but when you met him with a wide smile and bright eyes, he knew he was well on his way to making you his. 
It had been a few weeks since you had moved to the self proclaimed “Paradise on Earth”, and so far, it had proven its name. JJ had taken you to many spots around town, like The Wreck, the lighthouse, and the Hawks Nest, where he took you to see the stars late one night. But today, he was taking you on the marsh. It didn’t take John B much convincing to let JJ take the HMS Pogue out for the day, as John B saw how JJ looked at you, and he was excited for JJ to finally settle down a bit, and not go after anything with two legs and a heartbeat.
You and JJ had been out on the water for a couple hours now, swimming, fishing, tanning, and talking about anything either could think of. You felt unbelievably comfortable with JJ, even though it was still so new. In the beginning, you felt like a fish out of water, but now, it feels like this is where you belong. You were happy to call the Outer Banks home. 
The sun now was setting, and JJ was driving back to the dock at the Chateau. You were sitting at the bow of the boat, feeling the spray of salt water across your body. Your eyes were glued to the beautiful sunset before you, taking in your new, but homely, surroundings. JJ couldn’t help but look at you. You were so at peace in the Outer Banks, contrasting your nerves from your first Boneyard party. He was glad he was able to help you let go of all fret, and make you feel safe with him, and in your new home. 
JJ knew how he felt about you, he’d never felt this way before, but he knew what it was, and he had been waiting to feel this for some time now. He couldn’t let it sit inside him any longer. 
“Hey, Y/N?” He called from the steering wheel. 
“Yeah?” You turned to face him. 
“You up for one more adventure today?” He asked with a smirk on his face, like he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Your face lit up at the spontaneity, and you stood up from your spot on the boat and grabbed two beers from the cooler, handing one to him. You smiled as you clinked your bottles together. 
“Let’s go,” you said as you took a swig of beer, excited to see where JJ would take you. 
“Umm, JJ,” you started as he pulled up to a dock on the beach. “I’ve been to the beach before.”
“I know, I know, just wait,” he muttered as he docked the boat, tying it off. He jumped onto the dock and put his hand out for you to grab, helping you up. He guided you off the small dock and onto the sand, the soft particles slipping into your shoes. You walked for a bit, before JJ abruptly stopped and sat down, patting the spot next to him. 
The sun was almost done setting, a small line painting the horizon with purples and blues, the stars littering the beautiful picture. The waves crashing against the sand filled your ears, and you could taste the salt in the air. You could faintly smell JJ’s cologne from the crook of his neck. It smelled of a woody floral. Your hand was still in his, neither of you wanting to let go. JJ’s thumb moved across your knuckles, memorizing the way they dipped and rose. 
“JJ, what are we doing here.” Your voice was soft, hardly above a whisper. JJ took a moment to respond. He knew what he was about to do, and he wanted to make it as perfect as possible. 
“This is where we first met,” he turned to look at you with a soft smile, one that made your heart melt. The moon was cascading across his face quite impeccably, highlighting all his beautiful features. The soft wind was carding through his hair, messing up his already messed up, though sculpted, blond locks. He looked back to the waves before he continued. 
“Y’know, over the past few weeks, I’ve felt... different, and I didn’t know what it was at first, but now, I know.” He gulped down the stone in his throat and looked at you once more, but the smile had disappeared. The once joyful and playful look has been replaced with a hardened and serious one. He squeezed your hand, whether to let you know that you were safe, or to calm himself down, he didn’t know. 
“I like you, Y/N. I’ve liked you ever since I saw you.” His tone was cautious, but wanting. He searched your face for any sign of discomfort or rejection, but all his worries washed away when he saw your lips turn up into the biggest smile he’d ever seen. 
“I like you too, JJ,” you breathed out, tears welling in your eyes. JJ quickly reached up to your face, ready to wipe your tears. You let out a small laugh, loving the current situation. 
“Oh thank god,” JJ muttered to himself as he leaned down to deliver a kiss to your forehead, all his nerves, and yours, long gone. When he pulled away, he saw a rogue tear slip from your beautiful eyes, which he gently wiped away. You looked into each other's eyes for a moment before JJ leaned down to envelop your lips in his. The kiss was perfect. It was soft, yet passionate, filled with everything you and JJ felt for each other. He was careful with you, his arms softly wrapping around your waist, your lips still connected. Your hands found their way to his hair, playing with the stands on the nape of his neck. 
You broke apart for air, overwhelmed with all the positive emotions flowing through you. You rested your forehead against his, wanting to stay as close as possible to him. 
You wanted to stay as close as possible to him for as long as you could. Before that day on the beach, when you first met JJ, the Outer Banks were just a place to you, but now you had something here for you, tying you to the place. The Outer Banks were home now, and all it took was a volleyball almost taking your head off, and a very apologetic blond boy.
taglist: @supremestarkey @lovelymaybankk @blueeyedbesson @whormotional @classywaves @sexytholland @danaerekat @em753 @babyhoneystvles @angelic-boca @milked-down-coffee @dolanfivsosxox @sunwardsss @leekah @http-cherries @void-maybank
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Happy Birthday, booksandeverlark!
Our sincerest apologies for the delay on your gift, @booksandeverlark​! We hope your birthday back on October 22nd was a wonderful one, and that you got exactly the presents you were hoping for. To bring your party feels back around, the lovely @mega-aulover​ has written a monster of a fic just for you!
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RATED E - For sexual situations and trigger warnings for manhandling and mild violence.  Some Hunger Characters are off Cannon for the purpose of the story. 
a/n Peeta Mellark is one of the worlds most recognizable stars, and he needs a break. He goes missing and is hiding in plain sight because he has fallen for Katniss Everdeen who is raising a tween Prim. Everything goes according to plan until one day Hollywood comes a’callin  
- special thanks to @norbertsmom who beta’d this monster of a story. 20K sorry to Booksandeverlark for the lateness of the story I hope you had a belated birthday.
Pete Holly Golightly 
“Where the hell is the kid?” Haymitch growled. 
“He’s in his bedroom,” his red-haired assistant said, popping her gum not even looking up from her phone.
Haymitch opened the door, and saw red.  He took his phone and called the kid, and the phone began ringing. There was a buzzing sound coming from behind the ensuite bathroom. The younger generation never went anywhere without their phones. The kid was no exception. 
“Kid,” Haymitch marched into the room and banged on the door. 
He had a bone to pick with the kid. The junket was a roller coaster. The kid was barely coherent during the second half of the interviews.  His co-stars did the heavy lifting.  Haymitch did everything in his power to get the kid in this movie, and he was brilliant, an Oscar worthy performance, but now the kid was burnt out.
The phone began buzzing again. 
“Come on Peeta. I know you’re in there I can hear the phone buzzing.” 
It was silent on the opposite side of the bathroom door. 
“Kid,” Haymitch said once more. Peeta was one of the most responsible people. Today was so out of character for him. Yet again, the pressure by the press lately made the kid feel like a guppy in a bowl full of piranhas.
A few weeks ago, some not-so-distinguished members of the press broke into the kid’s home. Peeta’s privacy was smashed when he found out it was his own mother who gave the pap’s the key to his house for a cool $100K. Ever since then the kid changed.
Haymitch was worried. The pressure was getting to Peeta. He was no longer having fun. His smiles never reached his eyes anymore. Haymitch was just about the only one who could tell when Peeta became Peet-the-movie-star. No one could distinguish the polished, charming, and funny persona from the genuine affable, fiercely loyal, kind kid Peeta was at the core of his being. 
After the press junket was over the kid gave him the slip. Normally they talked about the next project or movie. Opening the door, Haymitch cursed when he saw the kids’ phone on the bathroom counter with a note next to it.
“Haymitch, I’m just exhausted. I need a break. I promise I’ll be at the world premiere of the movie - Holly Golightly.” 
Haymitch crushed the note in his hand. He laughed bitterly at the code name the kid gave himself whenever he checked into a hotel. The kid loved the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Thankfully, this was the last appearance Peeta had to make before the movie premier in less than a week. But a week later, when Peeta didn’t make it to his movie premiere, the entire industry went up in arms.
Peeta's disappearance was the talk of the town. Even three weeks later the fury hadn’t died down. Every paparazzi fueled by the promise of the mini fortune for the first picture of Peeta Mellark was now hunting down the kid. The good boy gone missing had every tabloid spinning articles and fake sightings. Peeta had gone into the Elvis Presley stratosphere of speculation. Everything from aliens, to he became a monk. One thing for certain, the pap’s were seeking Peeta like a struggling dieter seeking a rich German chocolate cake.
“You got any proof you saw Peeta Mellark?” Claudius questioned Judy Morphling.
“You got the cash?” the thin girl with the dark circles under her eyes asked.
Claudius showed Judy the white envelope filled with a couple of hundred-dollar-bills. She was a junkie. And he took advantage of her broke status to make a quick buck to fix her addiction. Claudius slipped the envelope back into his pocket. He wasn't fooled by kids like these.
He’d spent the past four weeks hunting down dead ends. People willing to sell their left arm for money. True, there were other pursuits where he scored a couple of thousand. The hottest going ticket in tinsel town was finding the whereabouts of Hollywood's golden good boy Peeta Mellark. The movie he was in had gone to number one for the past four weeks. It was driven by the mystery of his disappearance, and the phenomenal acting performance in the movie about race. It was a true story, a love story about a man who moved heaven and earth for the love of his life, a freed slave. 
“Okay,” she said.
“Now the proof,” Caludius demanded. 
He was familiar with his informant's story, all too well. Judy won a popular game show when she was in college. She became an instant national sweetheart. During her 15 minute of fame, she was invited to every single hot Hollywood party. Subsequently, she got hooked on alcohol and drugs. One of the bellhops tipped him off that she was in the hotel where Peeta was having the junket and that she had seen him the day he disappeared.
She looked side to side nervously reaching into her pocket to whip out her phone. "Here."
With detached indifference he looked at the picture. It was hard to tell, the guy had on a baseball cap and sunglasses. Claudius swiped the screen and saw that trademark chiseled chin his ex fawned over. It was him. Still, knowing the kid had walked out of the junket didn’t help him. He wasn’t ready to part with his money for just any reason.  “This could be anyone,” he said.
Judy lifted an eyebrow. “A friend of mine that works at a gas station said he also saw him.”
Claudius took a step back. “Sorry Judy. I need real proof.”
“I just need something to tide me over...please...look I have a friend... my friend’s name is Morph.”
“Morph like in the TV show?”
“His mom was a big into 1970’s reruns.” She shrugged, though the light trembling in her lips let Caludius know she was desperate. 
“Okay look.” He took out a twenty and showed it to her. Her eyes went wide as she stared at the money. “Give me this guys information. If it proves to be fruitful, I’ll pay you what you asked for.”
“Okay,” she held out her hand. “I’ll text you his information.”
His phone buzzed. He looked down at the information. “That’s out of State?”
“Yeah.” Her eyes were on the money. 
“You say he works at a gas station?” Claudius enjoyed taunting his informants. He waved the cash, like a cat and mouse game. 
“Near the border.”  
Claudius withdrew the folded bill. He needed assurances that she wasn’t just talking to get the money and not coming through with information vital to him. The payout for finding Mellark was nearly 200K. Judy licked her lips as her eyes followed the money reaching out with her hand.
“I’ll text Morph to give you an exclusive.” 
“Text him now.”
“Okay, okay.” Judy’s fingers moved quickly over the screen of her phone. She even included him in the group chat. When the reply came back as “no problem”, Claudius was satisfied. 
“Here ya go,” Claudius said, giving her the twenty bucks. He walked away; he needed to make the trip to Peeta Mellark’s last known position. He hummed as he got into his car, thrilled for the chase. 
Gale Hawthorne glowered from underneath the tree in his backyard as District Twelve’s newest resident, that blond painter Pete Golightly, made a move on Katniss Everdeen. He was supposed to be taking out the trash when he saw them by the curbside.
They stood so close in the dark that she was swallowed up by the guy's physique. But they weren’t touching, and although that was a relief, he wasn’t going to leave anything to chance. 
He liked Katniss. No, that was an understatement. He more than liked her, he could see that there was a potential between them. She was smart, he wouldn’t call her pretty, hell she never smiled. But she made sense to him, she was practical, determined, efficient, loyal, punctual, and some much more. Katniss never looked at him like a piece of man meat. A lot of girls looked at him that way.
Frankly it was great, but sometimes, Gale sighed, sometimes he wanted to have an honest conversation with a girl. With Katniss he could, he’d talk, sure she didn’t say much, but she listened and that’s what he wanted. He held a candle for her so long that watching her with the new guy made him grow tense. He wanted to punch a wall.
The nerve in his temple drummed making his headache even worse. 
Rubbing his temple he wondered what the hell a guy like Golightly had that made Katniss, and for that matter, every single woman within a fifty mile radius act like a cat in heat.  Even his own mother talked about how handsome the painter was. And of all of the available girls, the douche chose Katniss to hang around. 
The peal of girlish laughter reached his ears. Gale walked closer, using the darkness to hide himself. He wanted to hear what they were saying. He crouched by her car. From this position he could see them. Pete dipped his head low near hers. Gale knew that hovering move, it was a move he used to get close enough to kiss a girl. 
Gale furled his fist. He watched Katniss reach up and smooth Pete’s golden locks away from his face. 
Katniss didn’t do that. She didn’t touch people, hell she didn’t like to be touched. He recalled how she recoiled when he tried to touch her. She did the same thing at Greasy Sea's whenever someone touched her by accident. Gale loved it when she scowled at them.   
Then she leaned up on tiptoe.
“No, no, no,” Gale ground out.  He then stood agog as Katniss lifted her head up to kiss Pete Golightly. 
It wasn’t a long kiss. It was really a peck, but Gale could see that both parties enjoyed the kiss. Her hand was perched on his chest and his hand covered it while the other one cupped her chin. This guy was a smooth operator.  Gale’s head pounded as he saw red. 
Pete separated from Katniss and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before he walked away to his car. Once he pulled out, Gale stood to his full height. 
“I thought you didn’t have time for that.” The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them.  He stomped over to her, his fists curling and uncurling. He was trying to keep his calm. 
Katniss turned around and gasped her eyes wide and silvery in the moonlight. “What the hell are you doing, Gale?” 
She had the look of a girl who was properly kissed and that drove Gale insane. “You chose that pasty faced wimp?”
Her face transformed into that steely scowl of hers. She walked around him. 
Gale followed. “I’m talking to you.”
She ignored him as she moved forward. 
When she reached the front door of the garage apartment she rented from his mother, he turned her around, leaning down toward her. “What, you don’t have anything to say?”
Katniss looked up at him and narrowed her eyes. “It’s none of your damned business.” 
Gale was going to say something to her when she opened the door to the apartment and quicker than a fox stealing eggs from a henhouse she slipped inside and shut the door in his face. 
Gale pounded on the side of the door. This wasn’t over. 
-80’s QUEEN
“Prim,” Katniss hollered through the bathroom door of the small studio apartment.
The apartment was basically a portion of Hazel Hawthorn's garage. There was no privacy except for the small airplane sized bathroom. She jiggled the bathroom doorknob. Prim was going to be late for the bus.
“Katniss!” Prim screeched from the other side.
She rolled her eyes at her baby sister's dramatic response. “You’re going to be late for school.”
The door opened and Prim stood there pouting, her blond hair a riot. Katniss did not dare gasp. Prim was a tween and Katniss knew how vicious kids could be at school. Instead she sighed, “Okay, what can I do to help?” 
“It’s 80’s day at school today and I need to look like that,” Prim pointed to the picture on her phone of Christie Brinkley. 
“We’re going to need a lot of hairspray and a brush,” Katniss rolled up the sleeves of her shirt.
“But I’m going to be late to school!” Prim cried.
Prim was twelve and at this age everything was a crisis. Katniss wasn’t as dramatic as Prim at that age, though she was moody. “Hey, I’ll give you a ride into school. It will be alright,” Katniss smiled over Prim’s head, their reflected images showed a united front. They were as different as night and day, but both girls had their dad’s smile and their mom’s button nose. 
"Thanks Katniss," Prim said in a small voice. She was almost a teenager, but still very much a little girl.
"Okay, let's rock this." Hair and makeup wasn’t her strong suit but Katniss had a crash course having to take guardianship of her baby sister at the age of eighteen. When their parents died, Katniss fought tooth and nail for her sister. She didn’t want Prim to go into the foster care system. She elected not to go to college and found a job. She sold their parents’ house, paid off the debts and made a home for herself and her then 10-year-old sister. 
It was a rough learning curve, but somehow Katniss made it work. 
Taking a brush, she quickly brushed and smoothed her sister's hair. She took a portion of Prim's beautiful wavy blond hair and put it in a side ponytail. The rest of her hair Katniss curled and teased into perfect 80's puffiness. Combined with her ripped jeans and oversized sweatshirt she borrowed, Prim was perfect to go back in time. 
They were rushing out of the house. Katniss started her beat up Camry and began to make her way down the mountain. The mountains of Panem’s District Twelve were a beautiful blue grey. A lot of the residents lived in the high hills because they were cooler than the valley below. It was private and no one got a house in the hills unless it was passed down by family inheritance or in her case, a rental by a friend of the family. The school was a good half-hour away from the entrance of the steep hill, but as they drove, the car began to shake as they made their way down a steep incline. 
Her palms were sweaty as she frantically pressed on the brakes as they made their way down to a small plateau. She pulled the heaving, trembling Camry to the side of the road.
“No, no, no,” she uttered as it began to smoke. Katniss sighed and hoped that it wasn’t something costly. “I’m going to take a look.”  She popped the hood. Getting out, she went to the hood and released the latch. She jumped back as a waft of billowy hot plume of smoke wafted from the engine. 
“Dagnabit,” Katniss muttered.
“Is it fixable?” Prim asked out of the window.
She grimaced before she looked toward where her sister sat in the car, at this rate Prim was never getting to school. Her knowledge on cars was limited. She knew how to change the oil, change a tire, and do the necessary upkeep for a car. However, it was the more complicated stuff like identifying which of the hoses that broke causing her car to overheat, was out of her scope. That would mean she’d have to deal with Gale, a mechanic by trade.
Gale was obsessive about her, something that Katniss hated. They were once friends until Gale stopped looking at her as a friend, but something to be possessed. He didn’t acknowledge they were too alike, in temperament and personalities. To Katniss it didn’t matter Greasy Sae said Gale was sex on a stick, she just didn’t like him like that.
Her appetite for men ran in a different direction. Sighing, she gave the car a bewildered look. The odds were not on her side. 
“Katniss, I'm going to miss school,” Prim said desperately from the window of the passenger seat.
Katniss felt bad. These were the times she felt guilty for not being a better sister / guardian to her sister. Prim was a good kid and deserved better. Looking down at her watch, time was running out.  Squaring her shoulders Katniss vowed she was going to get her sister to school. “Come on,” Katniss said, reaching down and grabbing Prim’s knapsack. “We’ll be late, but we can walk to school.”
“We can call Pete,” Prim said quietly.
Katniss couldn’t help the flush that crept up to her cheeks at the mention of their new hunky neighbor. Those darned butterflies began whizzing around her stomach. Katniss wanted to hush them or at least put them on a leash whenever Pete was around. 
Pete lived on the mountain with them. He was quiet, and he and her sister got along like chicken wings and buffalo sauce. Pete was the different her appetite was hungry for. Her mind replayed the soul stirring kiss they shared. They said a kiss was a window into a person’s heart, and if that kiss was an indication of what was in Peeta’s heart it was a three alarm fire that burned for her.
However, the kiss was something she wasn’t going to share with her twelve-year-old sister. Hell, that wasn’t something she wanted to even think about. “Prim.”
“Katniss,” her sister’s eyes glittered with mischief. The little imp knew what she was doing.
“I don’t need a man to come rescue us. We can walk to the school.”
“I know we don’t need a man, but we’re not even halfway down the mountain and I’m more than half-an-hour away from school. Pete is about two minutes away.”
Her sister’s logic was infallible, and Katniss knew it, but loathed to admit. “Fine, call Pete.”
Peeta drove exactly three minutes from his home to see the old dark Camry with the hazard lights on. His gut clenched when he saw the petite fiery woman with the olive skin tone, eyes the color of a raging storm, and cute pert nose. They were seeing each other, not in an official I’m dating you way, but definitely in the, there was something going on between them.
Peeta was used to women fawning all over him. Not Katniss, and he’d fallen for her harder than a sledgehammer hitting concrete. They’d kissed last night. Not a gentle peck on the lips, but the type of kiss that proved the earth was round, because your world shifted on its access. One moment you were standing on the floor and the next you were standing on the ceiling.
He’d been a star since the age of six months. A casting agent walked into his parents’ failing bakery and spotted him sitting in a high chair. The agent convinced his father to put him up for one of those national baby advertisements. Yet none of the accolades he received compared to winning a small smile from the woman standing on the side of the road.
“Hi,” Katniss said pushing her long rope of braided raven hair over her shoulder.   
“Hi,” Peeta said, climbing out of his truck. 
“Hi Pete,” Prim greeted, her eyes alight with joy.
“Hey, little duck.” Katniss' sister Primrose was as infectious as sunshine after a rainy day. She was the one person Peeta was sure Katniss would put her life down for. He had never seen that type of devotion and love before. In the industry he was in there wasn’t much room for any sort of relationship. Everything was colored by money.
His own mother was the poster girl for how money corrupts absolutely. When that casting agent walked into the family’s failing bakery his mother doubted he would get casted; she often said he was an ugly baby. His mother was wrong. Peeta won the contest. His round little face with his priceless blue eyes was soon appearing on every jar, can, and package of that brand of baby product. His mother got bit by the show biz bug, or rather the money that he made from it. She became his manager, and without anyone’s knowledge, took money from Peeta. As he became older and less easy to control his mother became abusive.
Peeta longed for a normal semblance of life. Despite not having two pennies to rub together, Katniss was raising Prim on her own and she was doing it all right. Not once did he hear Katniss lose her temper with her baby sister.
“Hi,” Katniss waved back, her face a deep shade of purple. She slipped her hands into the pocket of her pink diner waitress uniform Greasy Sae made Katniss wear. Her white sneakers shuffled back and forth.
Peeta got out and slipped his sunglasses off. He opened the cab door and held it for Prim and Katniss.
Katniss rolled her eyes at him.
They had this discussion before, about how he didn’t have to hold the door open for her. Peeta knew Katniss was more than capable of opening her own doors, but he was a romantic. He believed in Arthur and the Round Table and a knight’s code. His friend Finnick often told him he was born in the wrong era. He stood up when a lady walked into a room, held doors open, and walked little old ladies across the street.
“Seat belt,” Katniss reminded Prim who already had her earbuds in.
“K,” Prim replied.
“Oh, your lunch,” Katniss said, taking out a brown paper bag littered with glittery stickers from her brown leather messenger bag.
“Katniss, pink panda bears?” Prim huffed.
“I thought you liked them?”
“I do, but these stickers scream six-year-old kid.”
“Okay next time I’ll do a plain brown bag.” Katniss put on her seat belt.
Peeta caught the way Prim’s fingers went over the stickers with awe and reverence. Once more he couldn’t help loving the way the sisters were a unit.
For the whole of his life Peeta longed to be accepted and loved by his family. His older brothers were self-involved and didn’t give a flying fig newton about him; he was just their meal ticket. His mother was abusive and money hungry. His father was a simple man who couldn’t stand up to his wife.
His dad failed to protect Peeta.  
The lesson he learned growing up was that no one needed him. They needed his bank. That last stunt was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Peeta needed a way out and he found a way. His friend, mega star, Finnick Odair helped him get it. Starting over was worth breaking a few rules. He made a few withdrawals, put it in a new bank account and when the time was right, he left.
The trek to the small country of Panem that sat between the Canadian border and the United States border took less than 19 hours including a 90-minute ferry. Panem was a small island, with little islands scattered around it. District twelve was the smallest of the islands and had the smallest community. He chose this small island because it was so far removed from everything that reminded him of Hollywood.
He could have continued travelling but stopped when he met Prim and subsequently her older sister, Katniss. Peeta stayed far longer than what he wanted to because he was fascinated by Katniss.
Once they were on the road, Katniss kept on sneaking looks at him. It was when he caught her gaze going down to his mouth that he knew he was in danger, by the way he stiffened in his jeans. He looked back at Primrose in the seat and the pressing problem in his jeans shriveled.
“You okay?” 
“Yeah,” Katniss said, clearing her throat. She picked up her phone and called the school and her husky voice on the phone made him uncomfortable once more.
Peeta told himself to keep himself in check. Peeta wasn’t a lady’s man, but that didn’t mean he was a saint. However, he was the type who liked to be in a relationship. In his opinion, the best sex was had when he was emotionally connected with someone. When it was used just to blow off steam or to scratch an itch, he found it empty and meaningless, so he stayed clear of women who only promised that sort interaction.  By Hollywood standards, he was a virgin. Compared to him, Katniss was a unicorn.
He respected her and if she knew his thoughts she’d no doubt shoot him through the eye with her bow. To be fair, he was terrified of Katniss, especially when she was in what he called the ‘Hunter Mode.’ Her scowl combined with her glittering silver eyes promised pain and certain death to whomever was in her crossfire.
There were two things he learned not to mess with, one her sister Primrose, and the other was her personal business. Katniss was an extremely private person. Peeta sighed as they sped toward Prim’s school.
“Prim,” Katniss said. “I let the school know we’re on our way.”
“What about Greasy Sae?” Peeta asked.
“Greasy was the first person I called while Prim called you.”
They approached the school and there were a few stragglers, parents rushing to get their kids into the school building. Katniss jumped out of the car.
“Katniss, I'm not a baby. I can make it into school by myself,” Prim whined.
“Prim I have to sign you in, and that will continue straight up through high school.” Katniss' matter of fact tone of voice let Prim know this wasn’t the time for a pre-teen hissy fit.
“Fine,” Prim said quietly.
Peeta grinned. “I’ll wait here while you get her sorted.” 
Katniss nodded, a look flitted through her eyes. She had been avoiding him, and in a way he had been avoiding her as well. He knew the kiss was a dangerous thing and with everyday he stayed put, there was a chance he could be discovered.
He pulled his hat lower and slipped on his sunglasses. Even though he’d let his natural blond hair grow out, there was a chance people would recognize him, his eyes were legendary. The only thing he was grateful for was that his mother despised his blond locks. 
To the public at large, he had brown hair. For the majority of his career Peeta dyed his hair and eyebrows. He purposefully didn’t take movies where he had to be a blond. After his parents’ stunt, he had begun to let it grow out. Cinna, his stylist, helped him wear a wig whenever he needed to make a public appearance. 
It was easy to slip on some glasses and walk out of the hotel. About halfway through the interviews Peeta had his double sneak in, so that he could escape. No one could make out the difference, well no one but Haymitch. 
Peeta felt guilty for duping his manager and mentor. The wrap on the window pulled him out of his thoughts. Katniss stood on the other side, her eyes were staring at his hands. He didn’t realize the white-knuckle grip he had on the steering wheel. He felt the blush creeping up the side of his neck. Leaning over he quickly jumped out and opened the truck door for her.
“Pete,” Katniss mumbled under her breath.
“You’ve got your quirks, and this is one of mine.” He could see the beginning of a small smile on Katniss face and that right there was the reason he kept on coming back to see her. When she smiled it was better than Christmas, better than fresh baked cookies, and better than a greasy bacon double cheeseburger after a night out knocking back beers with Finnick.
He got into the car and drove out of the school parking lot.
“Look,” Katniss grimaced.
Peeta sucked in a breath. Here it came, the excuses passed off as rationalizations. Peeta dreaded the speeches that ranged from it was a mistake, we should forget that it happened, and his least favorite, it’s not you it’s me, I’m sorry I’m just not that into you.
“I don’t do that,” Katniss said. Her eyes were focused on her hands. 
Peeta sat back waiting patiently for Katniss to continue.
Her cheeks were tinged with a warm red color.  She wrinkled her nose and bit her bottom lip, all signs of her nervousness. Peeta found it endearing. 
“I don’t go around.” Her leg began shaking now. “...kissing, I don’t go around kissing...”
“I know.” He put his hand next to hers, but didn’t touch her. Yet, the nearness of their hands caused butterflies to make an appearance in his stomach. The connection between the two of them was electric. He hoped she felt the same way.  He saw her look turn from trepidatious to one of suspicion. He cleared his throat. “What I mean is you take care of your sister. She’s your whole life. You don’t have time for romantic entanglements.” 
Her eyes opened.    
“You have to worry about putting food on the table, a roof over your heads, plus everything that comes with raising a tween.” They came to a stop at a stoplight.
She blinked.
Peeta opened his mouth and shut it. He sighed and nodded; her actions proved refutably, his words were wrong. He didn’t hear her moving  across the cabin, or the way her hands braced his face before she kissed him.
Peeta’s heart exploded like a redstone rocket leaving the mission pad into the atmosphere. Her lips were warm and supple, and they tasted of ginger and mint. His hands gently cupped hers. 
Katniss pulled away. Her lips plump, her eyes were a dark stormy gray, from their kiss. She smiled at him shyly. “Thank you.”
“I think I should be thanking you.” The light turned green and he began driving. He couldn't hide the ear to ear grin.
Katniss raised an eyebrow and gave him a chaste kiss. “I like you Pete Golightly.”
Hearing his fake name sat like sour milk in his stomach. Peeta wanted to come clean to Katniss but didn’t know how. Katniss wasn’t anyone who trusted people easily, and she let him get close. He felt guilty for not being honest with her. But he held onto the idea that he was going to be leaving soon. He also told himself that the less people knew about his secret the easier it was for him to be able stay incognito.  
He gently let go of her hands and he missed her touch when she pulled away.  “I like you too, Katniss Everdeen.” 
“You want to come overnight,” Katniss asked.
“As long as you let me make you and Prim dinner.” 
She looked indecisive.
“Look, you’re going to be late picking up Prim tonight, and when you get to the apartment you’re going to focus on Prim and her homework while making dinner. Since today is Wednesday you do the laundry.” 
Wednesday is the most dratted day...it runs a close second to Sunday night. Katniss hated laundry. She hated the separating, the folding, the waiting well just about everything except for the smell of the fabric softener. She said it reminded her of a spring meadow on a warm day.
“Okay,” she said. Laughter bubbling up from her lips. “How do you know me so well?” 
Peeta winked slowly. “I always take notice when you’re in the room Katniss.” He enjoyed the blush that blossomed on her cheeks.
Less than two days later Claudius unfolded himself from his car. He pulled into the gas station near the border of Canada and Panem to fill up his tank. 
A young family got out of the rest stop right next to him. The girls got out and  were talking about Peeta. There was a billboard of the movie hanging right in front of them. Claudius followed them inside, he went to join the line, he had cash to pay for the gasoline. The girls queued up behind him.
“He’s so cute,” the young girl said, pointing to the tabloid with the picture of Peeta Mellark. The headline read he was taken by aliens. 
Claudius glanced behind him, and estimated the girl must have been sixteen.
The other one who looked to be fourteen said, “He’s so yummy. Too bad mommy wont let us see his movie.”
“I know,” the sixteen year-old grumbled.
“Do you think his parents had something to do with his disappearance?”
“I don’t know,” the older sister said. 
Claudius reached the front of the line and paid forty for gas. He walked outside into the sunlight. It had been a long ride from the junket to this small town. He had to stop halfway there and rent a hotel room for the night. After a complimentary stale pastry and tepid tea for breakfast, he was back out on the road. He was finally just outside the small town.
He walked toward his car and began to pump gas.  The girls came out of the small convenience store and sat down in the small shaded picnic area next to the gas stop.
A young boy about their age walked by them and they were giggling and laughing. 
“Girls,” their mother called out. “We’re leaving.”
“Okay mom,” the girls yelled out in unison. As they stood up from the shaded area. They looked up at the billboard. And continued to speak about Peeta Mellrak. 
Claudius smirked at the girl's conversation. The actions of the young star were a mystery to Claudius and to the entire world. 
Why leave all of the money and power behind, Claudius wondered? That question is what drew him to the story, he’d discovered. The kid was clean, didn’t do drugs, didn’t drink, he wasn’t broke.  The kid had millions in the bank. 
In his last movie, Peeta, was involved in the producing, directing, and script writing. The success of the movie had everyone clamorning to work with him. The kid was on the cusp, he had the ability to make more money and have the kind of power to make his own movies. They billed him as the next Ron Howard. Why would the kid throw all of that way? No one was that crazy. Claudius knew of one person who left it all behind at the height of their career, Dolores Hart. Dolores starred opposite Elvis Presley, and some of Hollywood's top male actors of the time. She left Hollywood to become a nun.
Claudius wondered if Mrs. Mellark had anything to do with Peeta Mellark’s Agatha Christie stunt. The Mellarks were a mess. The kind that were a paparazzi present wrapped up tightly with bright ribbon under the Christmas tree. His older brothers were sleeze balls. His oldest brother was in hot water for making several statements that were deeply offensive to a number of people. The middle Mellark was a mainstay in Vegas. He was a gambler and rumored to have connections with the mafia. He was seen with the daughter of notorious mobster Seneca Crane. 
His mother, she was a joy, a really Betty Croker, complete with shark teeth. The woman sold her son’s privacy for 100 grand. The reporters entered his house and took detailed pictures of his home. The best was his color coordinated underwear draw. Everyone knew he was a boxer brief guy. His father was a patsy, with the personality of a limp wet towel. 
Claudius wondered if they were the reason he left Hollywood? But then again, Peeta had nothing to do with his family. They lived separate lives. Peeta didn’t even have pictures of his family in his house. Only gorgeous paintings that were discovered to have been painted by Peeta himself. If his family was the reason, it didn’t matter to Claudius. He wanted to be the first to find Peeta Mellark.
It’s why he was in the border town looking for Judy’s friend Morph.  
Katniss watched Peeta with her sister. Her heart raced a thousand miles an hour, a common occurrence whenever he was around. He was washing the dishes with her sister as she folded laundry. 
Prim introduced them, and Katniss hadn’t wanted to be his friend. She didn’t want to be with anyone. She had to raise Prim. Her sister took the priority in her life and few people understood the pressure that came with being so young and raising a child. She was still only twenty, and they were visited by a fastidious case worker Effie Trinket whose sharp eyes never missed a thing. If there was speck of dust on a lampshade Miss Trinket would spot it.
It’s why she stayed away from men. They complicated her simple drive to protect and provide for her sister. Pete however never imposed his person on hers. He never demanded that she pay attention to him. Instead he slowly and politely became her friend. She hadn’t wanted to face him after the kiss, but after fate brought them together, and she spoke to him in the car she couldn’t help but kiss him again. 
That second kiss caused Katniss to realize maybe she was ready for more with Pete. He was kind, gentle, intelligent, witty, funny, and sexy. The last word caused her to blush, because she chose that moment to stare at him. As if sensing her stare, he looked up and his eyes darkened. His gaze dropped down to her lips before they moved up once again. 
He was thinking of their kiss and Katniss squirmed in her seat. 
Prim said something funny and he laughed. 
“That’s just as bad as Gale making a pass at my sister.” 
“No way?” Pete said gazing at Katniss.
He was curious about Gale. Katniss told him she didn’t have any romantic feelings about Gale. 
“Way,” Prim said. “Gale thinks Katniss should date him because he’s so,” she said holding up her fingers in the air to make quotations. “...great.”
Pete didn’t say anything. 
“They were friends and then my parents died. Gale expected my sister to fall at his feet. He kept on coming to the house to try to help, to make it known Katniss was his girl.” Prim’s face soured like that time she drank bad milk. 
They never spoke about that time after their parents died. Katniss preferred to move forward.
 “After the funeral he tried to make his move.”
“After the funeral, you mean the day you were…”
Katniss stopped folding the clothing. She had no idea Prim had overheard. She thought her sister was in their old home.
“Can you believe it!” Prim shook her head. “I was in the tree house hiding. I saw him grab my sister by the shoulder and try to kiss her, but Katniss pushed him away. She told him she wouldn’t have time for him, because she needed to petition the courts for me. Gale told her that raising me was a mistake. My sister kicked him in the nuts.”
“Did she?” Pete asked, his eyebrow quirked. Katniss could see his admiration, not for kicking Gale in the nuts as Prim said, but for sticking to her guns to take care of her sister.
Prim giggled, “He never saw it coming.” 
“So how did you guys end up living in their garage?”
“Katniss had to sell our house to pay for the bills and for the lawyers and court fees.”
Katniss stood up and sighed. “Gale’s mother is the real estate agent that helped me sell our house. She offered the garage as a way for her to make extra money after her divorce from Gale’s dad.” Katniss shrugged,  “She needed the extra income, and I needed a place to live. It was a mutual agreement.” 
"Katniss worked really hard to make the garage homey."
Katniss watched Pete look around the apartment as if he’d never really taken a good look. His focus was always on Prim or herself. To be fair he wasn’t someone who took notice of the disparity they lived in. Gale constantly offered to fix things for her, including her person. It was like that perfect backhanded compliment. You look nice in a dress, you should wear one more often, or the one that always made her see red. Your face is pretty when you smile and wear makeup. 
Katniss wanted to hurt Gale every single time he said something stupid and asinine. 
Gale’s harsh words didn’t extend only to her person, they also extended to the apartment. Gale made her feel insecure about her flea bargain finds, dollar store buys, and hand-me-down furniture. He thought the colors dull, and her paint job was poor, but never offered to help paint. 
Katniss could see all of the gaff’s she made painting. Katniss decorated their small home with calm earth tones, wanting it to convey peacefulness, warmth and be inviting. When they moved here Prim was ten and Katniss wanted to make sure her sister felt like everything was going to be alright. 
The studio was small with a loft. Katniss gave her sister the loft so that she could have privacy. Prim was growing up and Katniss understood the need for space. Katniss went through those awkward years with their parents, their door was always open. It’s why she made a bedroom for herself in the nook below the loft.  Katniss used shutters for a wall near the entrance and creatively used a tension rod between two bookshelves to make an entry to her makeshift bedroom.
Yet in Pete’s warm blue eyes she saw what could be considered admiration. 
“You are amazing,” Pete said simply.
Katniss could feel the onslaught of warmth that rushed from her heart to her cheeks, because unlike Gale’s thinly veiled insults which hailed from a vain superficial perspective. Gale could only see beyond his own needs whereas Pete's hailed from deep within. 
“Yes she is and she needs someone just as amazing,” Prim piped up, and Katniss was mortified. What came out of Prim’s mouth next however made Katniss want to bury her head in the sand. “Someone like you, Pete!”
Katniss thought she wanted to strangle her sister, but her feet were rooted to the floor. She glanced up and found herself staring at Pete’s lips. She wanted to be alone with him and kiss him once more but she couldn’t do anything in front of her sister. 
“Prim I think you sister is more than capable of making her own decisions about who she wants to date.” 
Pete’s words were commendable, and given the way his blue eyes looked darker and the fact that his eyes were gazing at her lip was a clear indication that Pete was thinking of the same thing, that kiss. 
“You two are perfect for each other.” Prim’s gaze switched between Katniss and Peeta’s. “I am going up to my loft, put my noise cancelling headphones on and listen to my favorite K-Pop band really loudly in case you two want to kiss,” Prim wiggled her eyebrows with all of the mischievous and impish power she held. 
“PRIM!!” Katniss gasped.
Prim’s peal of laughter exploded in the apartment as she ran up her loft ladder. 
If Pete hadn’t been standing next to her she would have chased her sister.  She turned slightly to Pete who stood with his hands in his pockets. 
“I,” Katniss uttered, unsure what to say.  The mood was ruined by her impish sister.
“Katniss, we can just hang out,” Pete suggested. “Maybe watch a movie? Or even fold laundry.”
Katniss wanted  to roll her eyes at his suggestion to fold laundry.
“You doubt my folding abilities? I will have you know I know the secret of folding a fitted sheet, it’s a family secret but I may have to kill you unless you’re willing to die for it," Pete said wiggling his eyebrows.
"You know I am an excellent archer." Katniss narrowed her eyes in mock anger.
His instant grin and mischievous glint in his blue eyes caused a small fire to begin in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t explain the butterflies that sprung in her stomach whenever she was near him. Or the way she couldn’t stop staring at his nearly translucent eyelashes. She swallowed thickly as she stared at his lips and recalled how sweet he tasted, and the insane need, no scratch that, desire to walk up to him and kiss him. 
“Oh hell,” Katniss breathed before she walked up to Pete and kissed him hard. Her hands reached up to cup his face while standing on tiptoe. She groaned the moment his arms wound around her, bringing her closer to him. Warmth spread from the deepest part of her chest and spread throughout her body. 
The kiss wasn’t forceful, but man did it do things to her insides. Katniss disengaged and took him by the hand, dragging him to her makeshift bedroom. 
“Katniss,” Pete raggedly uttered her name.
Katniss wasn’t even sure if what she was doing was correct. She didn’t have much, okay, in reality she knew zilch, zero, a big old donut hole about intimacy. The laws of attraction didn’t lend themselves to her until the day Pete Golightly came into her life.
She sat on the bed and scooted backward, trying to convey silently for Pete to come to her. Katniss wasn’t sure where this coquettish side to her came from. But Pete did things to her that made her want everything.
Her eyes scanned him as he stood by the foot of the bed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. If this were Gale he would have been the aggressor and that would have been like being thrown into a frozen lake in the middle of winter.  It’s not that Pete couldn’t be aggressive, he was massive.  His hands were warm and large, he was broad shouldered, strong, and taller than she was. Pete could probably bench press her caveman style, but he was sweet and polite, and  that drove Katniss wild.
She sat up on the bed and crooked her finger at him. 
Swiftly Peeta moved, coming to lay on top of her. She felt the moment he melted into her and she reveled in the power. They both gasped and moaned at the sensation of their bodies being pressed into one another. 
Katniss tilted her head slightly to kiss him and little currents of pleasure flowed from her mouth to her belly and  further south. Her hands grasped his face so that she could do something she’d heard about, kissing with tongue. It should have felt weird to have her tongue in his mouth. She instinctively sought entrance to his mouth and Pete gasped then angled his head and slowly opened his mouth for her. Her toes curled the moment his tongue greeted hers. Kissing was phenomenal, her new found favorite sport. Yes, it trumped archery. 
Her hands released his face and began to roam as they kissed. Katniss had a sneaky suspicion that Pete was some sort of athlete because his chest was firm. Her hand snaked under his shirt and she felt the ridges of his abdomen. Pete moaned and pulled away, his blue eyes wide. He looked dazed, a flush spread up to his cheeks.
She wasn't the type of girl who noticed that a guy was hot. Not that she was blind. Even though she didn’t like Gale. Katniss could admit to herself Gale wasn't an ogre. He was actually good-looking in that tall, dark and too handsome for his own good sort of way. She was just not attracted to him. She was one hundred percent attracted to Pete. And at this moment, all the naughty things she never thought of, never thought she would ever want to do, and had no time for, were rushing through her mind like one of those poorly written super trashy novella's Delly was so fond of reading. 
Katniss wanted the shirt to come off, she wanted for it all to come off, she wanted him naked. The word naked should have terrorized her, but in actuality it didn’t. She sat up and tugged up on his shirt. Pete pushed her hands down.
“Katniss we can’t.” Pete sounded like he had run up the steep hill carrying one of those 100lb crates of potatoes Greasy Sae had delivered to the restaurant. He sat back on his haunches. His eyes traveled over her and he shook his head. Katniss sorley wished she knew how to seduce. 
"Katniss," he said before he grimaced.
She frowned. 
“Your sister,” Pete said pointing up at the loft above. 
She’d forgotten about her impressionable baby sister. “Dagnabit!”
Pete smiled gently.
“I hate adulting.” 
“We all have to be adults.” 
She fell backwards onto her pillow, frustrated. Selfishly she did not want to stop. Realistically Pete was correct. Prim was a scant few feet away. She couldn't act like a typical 20-year-old. She had to be smarter, which is why she tucked all of those awakened me-want-sexy-time thoughts into a corner of her brain. A place where boring things resided, like matching clean socks, cleaning the oven, or pumping gas.
"Talk to me." Pete laid down next to her, not touching her, but just looking at her. It was comfortable, it was nice and yet those butterflies were acting like they were banging spoons and pots in her stomach. 
Talking was not her thing. As her court appointed family psychologist said, she was introverted, thoughtful and not someone who could eloquently speak unless pressured. This was partly because talking could lead to trouble. Katniss always reminded herself that until her sister turned eighteen, she had to be careful.
“You’re right,” Katniss sighed. “I can’t get carried away.”
“Believe me, it’s not easy walking away, but I get that you’re not ready for some things.” 
“You do something to me,” Katniss blurted. “There are these butterflies I get in my stomach whenever you’re around.”  She then realized how childish that sounded, she was twenty and not a thirteen year old girl.
He laughed. 
Yep Katniss thought, Pete thought her crazy.
“I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I am around you too.” 
“You do?” she was surprised.
“I do. You’re the sweetest most beautiful, bravest woman I have ever met. You are amazing.”
“I don’t know how to take that?” She was awestruck. She didn’t consider herself any of those things. Especially beautiful. She was not beautiful.
“Slowly like breathing. Let the words penetrate your heart slowly.”
Katniss nodded. “I just, I’ve never been with anyone. I don’t have the least idea about what or how I am supposed to act.”
“To be honest there isn’t one way to act; you just be yourself. If you’re not comfortable with something you tell me no or stop. Just like I pulled away and you respected my decision to pull away. I know this sounds like a cheesy movie line, but I like you, Katniss, I like you a lot. You are, and I keep saying this word, amazing, because I’m in awe of you.”
Words shouldn’t be that powerful but the way Pete wielded them caused her to want to rip his shirt and pans off and do stuff. What stuff she wasn’t sure, but stuff that people did in bed. She closed her eyes briefly and wondered what happened to the girl who a few weeks ago was grossed out at seeing two people make out in public. 
 He smiled and his blue eyes glowed. “I think you did a great job decorating too.”
“Now I know you’re crazy.”
“Given what you had to work with, you did amazing. Besides I’ve seen Prim’s loft…” Peeta grinned, the loft was a riot of baby blue, pinks, and purples. “Believe me you did a great job, even with your sister's space. Just enough chaos but enough organization to help a budding genius.”
“Oh no, she’s got you watching Pinky and the Brain?”
“Ugh,” Katniss said.
“What? I’m not a Brain, I’m more of a Pinky. Prim is the Brain.”
“Sometimes I am afraid about how smart Prim really is.” Katniss sighed. “Do you know she knew her periodic table before she turned three? She can spout all of the weights of the elements and is in advanced calculus and physics in school. I’ve asked her if she wanted to move on, you know, to a higher grade, but she said no because she wanted to grow up normal.” Katniss sighed. “She’s had so much disruption in her life. I just want her to have as typical a childhood as possible.”
Pete leaned in and kissed her soundly. Katniss sighed. 
He leaned away. “I would like to take you out on a date.”
“When?” She scooted closer to him.
“What about Friday?” He scooted closer to her.
“S’okay.”  She moved closer, so close she could see the pale specks in his blue eyes.
“Cool.” He gently enfolded her in his arms. 
She’d never been held before, and it was better than ice cream on a warm July evening.
It took Claudius the entire day to track down Morph. Even with a stupid name, no one in this forsaken side of town knew the scrawny strung out kid. He went to every single gas station and no one could identify him. 
Claudius was frustrated. Viciously glad the only thing he wasted was chump change. He was going to pack it up when he came upon a run down gas station near the border. It was a sad place. The kind of place people were murdered or bodies appeared. With a broken lamp and one gasoline pump because the other one had a white paper taped to it with the words ‘out of service’ hastily scribbled on it.
Claudius went inside and was struck dumbfounded when there sitting behind a laminated counter sat Morph.
“Morph,” Claudius said.
“Judy sent me.”
“Oh, yeah,” Morph nodded. His eyes looked unfocused and even in the dim light of the interior his irises were fully dilated.
Crap, Claudius thought, the idiot is high.
“Judy,” Morph said grinning.
“Do you remember why Judy sent me here?” Claudius wondered if this was going to be another dead end.
“Oh.” Morph waited a moment. “Yeah.”
Claudius would rather get shot during a root canal.  “Look kid, have you seen him,�� Claudius took the tabloid from off the wrack and pointed to Peeta.
Morph blinked. “He was here, he paid for gas, cash.”
“He did?” 
Morph held out his phone screen to Claudius. The thrill of the chase running through his veins. He showed him the picture of Peeta’s side profile. He was wearing the same baseball cap and sunglasses he wore in Judy’s picture. Morph then pulled his phone back and stared blankly.
“Can you tell me what direction he took?”
Morph turned his head. “Yeah.”
“He headed toward Panem.” 
“Panem?” Claudius was struck. “Are you sure he didn’t head toward Canada?”
Morph took out his phone and swiped. 
There on the screen was a picture of Peeta’s car with the license plate heading toward the Panem border. Claudius took the idiots phone and sent himself the pictures. He slapped a 20 on the laminate counter. 
Claudius pumped his gas but mentally he chanted, “Gotcha.”
“Good morning,” Prim said from over her bowl of cornflakes.
Pete grinned. The time on the microwave read 5AM. Rubbing the back of his head, he said, “Morning Prim.”  He and Katniss fell asleep in her room. He hadn’t woken up until this moment. Katniss was still sleeping. 
“So you and my sister,” Prim wiggled her eyebrows.
She grinned then made little kissy faces.  
“First, you are too young to think that way. Secondly, I respect your sister far too much…well, to push her into something she is not ready for.”  
“Please, there’s no need for an explanation. I know you guys didn’t do anything. I came downstairs around eleven and both of you were snoring. You, by the way, drooled on her pillow.”
Peeta rubbed his face. He had a sinking suspicion Prim was going to hold this over him. 
Prim smiled but as she continued slurping her milk.  
“Your sister,” Peeta said, sighing. “I really…I...like her alot, more than a lot actually.”
“Listen Peeta,” Prim said. “You make my sister happy and she makes you happy.”
“Prim,” Peeta hushed Prim. “You can’t use my real name.”
Prim rolled her eyes. 
She was the only one who had figured out who he was within seconds of meeting him. She waited until they were alone and then she began to grill him like a well done steak. He had been going to Sae’s diner for one of her infamous soups, but he also liked to watch Katniss. She was graceful. The way she walked around people without making sound or spilling drinks or bowls. He had been trying to gather the courage to speak to her. 
One day Prim showed up and his entire ruse was over. 
Katniss wasn’t the only Everdeen to be protective. Prim was like a mama bear around Katniss.  Her attitude toward her older caused Peeta to have a deep appreciation for Katniss. That she sacrificed so much for her sister was humbling. Peeta wished he could use all of his money and connections to help out the sisters. 
However as he got to know both of them, he knew neither sister would take money from him. These two were fighters, they were a team. When Prim figured out he wasn’t playing with her sister’s heart, she was a mini bulldozer pushing them together. Prim was, as Katniss stated, frighteningly intelligent.  
“You mean Peeta?” Prim said it louder.
“Prim, keep it down.” 
“My sister sleeps like the dead. And you owe me cheese buns.”
Peeta sighed. He’d forgotten the bet, which Prim won. Last night they did end up making out. He couldn’t help the buzzing in his body at the memory of the way Katniss silver eyes turned like liquid mercury when she was aroused. “Okay, we’ll have to go over to my place.”
“Why?” Katniss walked into the kitchen, her hair askew. Her sleepy face was adorable. 
Peeta walked to her and planted a sweet kiss on her lips. “Good morning. I’m making cheese buns.”
“Why?” Katniss yawned.
“Because, you should never make a bet against an Everdeen.” Prim winked. “I’m going to grab my clothing and stuff. I’ll pack something for Katniss too.”
Katniss frowned, watching her sister walk toward the loft. 
Peeta couldn’t help himself. He cupped her face and properly kissed Katniss. She hummed, groaned and moaned all at once. 
She gazed up at him with awe and with the embers of desire. “I lost a bet to Primrose, and now I owe her cheese bun.”
“She shouldn’t be doing that, but your buns are well worth it.”
“You like my buns?” Peeta hoped she meant something else entirely.
Katniss slipped her hand around to his butt and squeezed him briefly before sassily winking at him. “Yup I just love your buns.” 
Peeta laughed. And kissed her swiftly, feeling like he had come home.
Gale wanted to rip the backyard tree from it’s trunk when he woke up to see Pete coming out of the apartment early this morning.  They were laughing and holding hands. 
Hi misery could only be accompanied by the rage he felt. 
Katniss was supposed to his girl. 
Gale closed his eyes momentarily as pain shot through him. He opened them to see the lovers wrapped up in each other. What hurt the most was that, this wasn’t sex, they weren’t fucking for fun. The way they held one another as they kissed, denoted tenderness, deep care, gentleness, and soft yielding toward the other. 
Gale tore his eyes away. He loathed Pete Golightly for taking the one girl he thought belonged to him. The one girl he wanted. 
Katniss might never be his, but he was never going to accept them as a couple. 
Peeta Mellark was smart, but Claudius was smarter. With the plates he was able to trace the car.  Peeta had turned his car into this obscure car rental in Panem’s Capitol. While he couldn’t confirm that Peeta rented a car, he showed the girl the picture from Morph’s phone. It was imperative he got that first picture of Peeta Mellark. It was now worth nearly 300 Grand. And Claudius wanted to sit on a throne made of money.
“Yeah, I’m trying to trace down my nephew. My brother had a heart attack and my nephew he’s on one of those retreats you go wireless.”
The perky blonde’s eyes widened. "Oh my goodness, are you alright?”
Bingo! Claudius said to himself. People were inherently good, well unless you were a bastard like him, but in reality they wanted to be helpful and that’s where he, the bastard, preyed upon them. “I am okay, my brother,” he added enough emphasis on the word brother to allude that he was mortally grave. “I just hope to find my nephew before…” He trailed off.
“Oh, I can’t give you information, because it’s private.”
Claudius grinned, “Yeah, of course,” he said pumping something close to sincerity in voice. “Could you tell me if someone has seen him if I describe my nephew to you?”
“Sure I can totally do that.” 
“Great, you have no idea how much this means to me.” 
Gale walked into Greasy Sae’s. He found Katniss briskly walking between tables, serving coffee.
He sat in her section, at the counter and waited patiently as the crowd thinned and she came behind the counter.
“Gale,” Katniss said, her lips were thinned into a tight smile. “What can I get for you today?”
“Coffee,” Gale’s eyes slid down her form. He recalled what she looked like in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She had a slight build, small breast and a small ass too. He thought before that outfit she had a boy's body, but he was wrong.  That was the summer before her parents died. “And you.”
Katniss plopped the coffee saucer on the table and then said, “I’m not on the menu.”
“Well you’re sure on Golightly’s menu.”
Her eyes widened before she narrowed them. “That’s none of your damned business.”
“What? That you’ve been whoring yourself to him?”  He reached out and snagged her wrist.
“Let go of me.” she tugged.
He tightened his grip, now that he had her, Gale couldn’t let go. He was fascinated by the silvery color of her eyes, the way her pert nose wrinkled. Once again, he thought she wasn’t beautiful, hell, she wasn’t even pretty, but there was this pull about her. One he could not let go, even though she was with that man.
“You’re hurting me,” Katniss whispered struggling.
“Gale Hawthorne,” Delly Cartwright said, slapping him upside the head.
Gale blinked and released his hold on Katniss. He frowned looking at the fat cow Cartwright.
“You let her go or I will call my cousin to arrest you for manhandling.” Delly’s voice was high and squeaky.
He realized everyone was looking at him. Embarrassed he pushed back his hat and said, “I don’t want anything from the likes of her.”
Katniss held her wrist protectively. Her eyes were a glittery silver. Her scowl was in place and he knew that if she had her bow she wouldn’t hesitate to use it.
“You okay?” Delly asked Katniss.
Gale scoffed looking at Katniss's wrist. “She’s not even bruised.”
“Get,” Delly said.
Gale saw that a few of the other residents stood up, their demeanor letting him know that they were backing the girls.
“I’ll be back.”
“No you won’t, I’m going to tell Greasy, and when she hears about this you’ll be banned,” Delly put her finger at the center of his chest.
Gale left, but he swore Katniss was going to pay for embarrassing him.
Katniss was nervous. She looked at her wrist, glad she didn’t have a bruise after Gale manhandled her at work yesterday. She sighed and put the incident behind her. She wanted to focus on her date tonight with Peeta. Twirling to the side she fretted about the dress, was it too short, was it too revealing? She wasn’t sure about the color. 
“You’ve got to relax, Katniss.”
Katniss swung around to face her sister. “You’ve got everything?”
“Yeah,” Prim said, rolling her eyes.
“Prim,” Katniss forgot to worry about her date with the worry about her baby sister.
“Katniss,” Prim grabbed her cheeks between her hands. “I AM GOING TO BE FINE!”
Katniss frowned. It was a night of firsts. She was going on a date with Pete, and her sister was going to her first slumber party with her friend Ginnee at the new girl Coral’s house. Katniss had met Coral’s parents yesterday when Prim came home with the coveted birthday party invite. Coral’s parents were from District Four and they thought a slumber party would help Coral make new friends at her new school.
Katniss thought Coral was okay, it was Ginnee, she didn’t trust. Ginnee had older sisters and brothers. She was astute and as slippery as a snake. Katniss frankly did not trust the intrepid twelve year old girl who would soon turn thirteen. “If anything even remotely happens or you feel uncomfortable you will…” Prim gave her a look that caused Katniss to amend her choice of words. “…can call me.”
“I will.”
There was a horn outside.
“Stop grimacing. It’s just Ginnee.”
“Ginnee,” Katniss muttered under her breath. “Just be careful, and have a good time.”
Prim grinned before she slipped her backpack on her back and sprinted out toward the waiting car. 
Katniss stood outside looking like the proverbial mother hen with one arm wrapped around her middle the other lifted in a half-hearted wave. She couldn’t stop her sister from growing up.
As she stood there, Pete’s car pulled up. He came out wearing a nice dark blazer, white crisp shirt, and khakis. He clutched in his hands a bouquet of wildflowers. Where and when he got them she didn’t know. All she could think about was the shy yet sizzling smile Pete sent her way. And the breath she held when Prim left wooshed out of her.
“Hi,” she croaked.
“You look great,” he gushed.
Katniss looked down at the orange wrap dress Prim demanded Katniss splurge on and buy for tonight. “Thanks. You look nice.”
He grinned at her and that was how her control snapped. She stepped up to him and kissed him wildly. She moaned when his arms wrapped around her, pulling her close to him. She was correct; kissing Pete was better than the thirty-one ice cream flavors Baskin Robbins boasted. “Oh Pete…”
Pete pulled back and sighed. “If we don’t get out of here now, I am going to carry over my shoulder and bring you inside, Katniss.”
Katniss raised an eyebrow, feeling emboldened and brazenly she said, “That wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
Pete groaned.
“But,” Katniss said, liking how her words affected him. She wickedly said, “I suppose if you want to spoil me for a nice meal, before I plunder you later on…”
“Do you not understand I am trying to be a gentleman?” His eyes were wide and wild.
Katniss wanted to sound coquettish, but she ended up telling him the truth in a rushed tortured tone of voice. “You’re not the only one holding on to restraint.”
Katniss watched the bob of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed. “I am trying to think of everything that is disgusting and unappealing to make me come down back to earth and continue with dinner.”
“You are?”
“Katniss my brain short circuits any time you’re near, and when you kiss me I can’t even function. I have to literally sing the twelve days of Christmas in my head to calm down.”
“The twelve days of Christmas?” She couldn’t help the way a smile formed on her face.
“I have to keep on telling myself that you’re not ready, that this is moving way to fast-“
She didn’t let him finish. “What if I am ready to be with you?” It was impulsive and she was not sorry she said the truth.
“Are you sure?” He looked scared, almost reverent.
“I am, but if you’re not ready, then I’ll wait,” she said into his lips because he kissed her fiercely and such intensity that she was left breathless.
“Food,” he muttered when he pulled away. “Need food to keep up.”
He took her hand and tugged her along. The dinner that followed was uncomfortable in that they both wanted to go home and tear each other’s clothing off. Katniss couldn’t recall what she chose or what he ordered. The only thing she wanted wasn’t on the menu. 
When they got to her apartment the thin wall of restraint broke and they were kissing wildly.
“Slow, must go slow,” Pete said as he struggled with pulling off his shirt without unbuttoning it.
Katniss chuckled at his eagerness. A smooth operator Pete was not, but she didn’t mind. She slowed him down by putting her hand on his chest and tugging his shirt down. Quietly she undid the buttons. His breath was labored while hers was calm. She was more than turned on, her underwear were ruined, to be fair, and her nipples stood at attention in her bra. She was the inexperienced one, but at that moment, Pete was the one with jumbled nerves and that made her feel excited, yet calm.
His eyes darkened when she removed his shirt and her hands slid up his chest. Her heart was a riot inside of her chest. Her blood pressure, no doubt, through the roof. Her mouth watered at the sight of his abs. She understood why when women said six-pack they went haywire. On impulse she kissed his chest and licked his pec and Pete roughly called her name.
“Off,” she said, tugging his pants.
Pete's hands flew to his pants and her eyes were riveted to his hands as the zipper came down. Katniss shivered now she began to pant. Her mouth opened and her eyes widened at the sight of him. “OH,” she said. Her hands reached out to touch him, but she glanced up to see if this was alright.
Pete tersely nodded.
Her hand wrapped around him and she sighed along with his groan. He was long and thick, and his tip wept with pre-cum.
“Katniss, I want to see you,” Pete’s voice sounded low and dangerous and she shivered.
Katniss leveled a look at him as she placed her hand on the ties of her wrap dress. He placed his hand on top of hers.
“May I?”
“Okay,” she gasped, dropping her hands. She was by this point unable to talk. The anticipation was getting to her.
Pete’s eyes were hooded and dark as his hands tugged on the knot at the front of her dress. “I’ve been thinking about this all evening.”
Her dress slid open and it slid off her skin smoothly like chocolate melting in one’s mouth.
Pete made a strangled cry at the sight of her. Emboldened by his reaction she reached behind her back and unclipped her bra, letting the straps fall slowly revealing her breasts to him. His hands trembled when he reached out to touch her, but he sought her permission. 
“May I,” his voice sounded hoarse.
She nodded, but he just stood there staring at her. Unwilling to wait anymore she took his hand and slid it to her waiting breast. His touch sent her over the edge and her head snapped back and she moaned his name.
His free hand brought her closer and the press of flesh to flesh was an explosion more powerful than any force of nature. Their mouths met greedily, wildly, taking, giving, needing, and raising the temperature between them. She was a blaze for him and he was ablaze for her. He picked her up and mouths still fused, her fingers in his soft wavy hair. She pulled and played with the strands as they somehow landed on her bed. His mouth disengaged from hers once they were laying on the bed him on top looking down at her wantonly.
His lips began a decent down, his tongue tasting, lapping, tracking a path downward leaving her to be a wriggling mess. She called his name fervently as a tight coil wound deep within her womb. He paused at the juncture of her thighs. She could feel his hot breath on her inner thigh. When his fingers brushed along her soaked panties, she jumped.
“I want to taste you,” he said. His eyes flickered from her face to the crotch of her panties.
Katniss fisted her hands into the sheets. She’d accidently read about this in one of Delly’s books. She’d picked it up one day curious as to why Delly found them so appealing. What she read shocked her men kissing a woman between their legs sounded unsanitary. But right now, in this moment, with the way Pete was looking at her as if she was the most delicious plate of food it was the one thing she wanted. “Please,” she gasped.
Pete inched her panties down as if he was unwrapping a present and Katniss was relieved when her underwear were off and lay bare with her legs spread before him. He looked predatorial and yet worshipful. His hands slid up her thighs and a thousand points of electric pleasure raced to her core. And when she kissed her there, and she felt his tongue taste her and she yelled and thrashed wildly, her body shaking as he tasted her.
“Perfect,” he muttered, “delicious,” were words he repeated when he gasped for air.
Katniss didn’t care as she felt herself burn brighter and brighter, the coiling sensation whirled within her until her skin burned and she combusted with a loud sound and moisture seeped out of her.
She was barely back to herself before Pete began his onslaught again. This time, adding a finger, then another and like a dam, she burst over and over until she was a raw nerve, quaking needing more, desiring him to fill her empty spaces. The ones in her heart, mind, soul and body.
She called out his name, pulling him up to her so she could kiss him. His hands touched her and explored her body as they rolled around in the bed. Her hands also drifted over him. Her short nails scraping over his body, soft but hard, brushing over the hair that traveled down his belly button, downward to his cock. She grasped him, but Pete pulled away.
“I want you,” she growled.
His grin was instant. Then he said, “condom…”
Katniss was frustrated when he pulled away to find the offensive item that took Pete away from her. She was bereft without his warmth, and his heavenly body.  
When he returned back to her his eyes focused on her body. With fire she opened her legs, an open invitation.
“Fuck,” Pete said. His hand ran through his hair, and once more his lips descended upon her center until she was screaming his name. And when he crawled up pinning her to the bed she was a disarray of sensations primed and ready. With gentleness he lined them up before his body dipped into hers. Tears slipped from her eyes as she felt cherished, wanted, and loved.
His eyes conveyed that and more as she was split open and her mind flashed to the first moment she saw him come into the diner. The way he looked lost and bewildered when he first set eyes on her. The way his hands shook after their first kiss.
“Katniss are you alright?”
Katniss was sure, “Yes.”
“I’m not hurting you?” he gasped as she flexed muscles she didn’t know she had.
She shook her head. And with that he began moving within her and stole her breath away. Being with Pete was more than a treat, it was life altering, soul shaking. He was trying to make her feel good and there were a few times she felt the stirring, but her body was too raw and frayed to really be engaged.
“Katniss,” he panted, “you’re not with me.”
“It’s okay, let go,” she urged.
“But..” he groaned.
She gripped his butt and scraped her nails and he shouted.
She loved to watch him. It didn’t matter that she didn’t come again. She was well satisfied when she saw him lose his mind when he came. That was her new favorite memory. A memory to remove all of the bad ones.
Nothing else mattered because she had fallen in love with Pete.
Haymitch ran his hands through his hair. Whoever said there was no such thing as bad publicity should have been stuffed with the food from the first episode of that food network show America's worst cooks.
A month and a half had passed and still Peeta’s name was on the lips of every single exec, studio chief, or big time producer. They wanted Peeta to be in their next production. The Oscar talk in tinsel town was at a fevered pitch and with only one person leading the pack, his client, the kid.
He sat back in his chair. He had other clients, but the kid, he was special. Because unlike the other butter nutters that he dealt with, Peeta was a good kid. He was wholesome. Too darned good for this business.
His secretary buzzed in, “Mr. Abernathy.”
“Yeah,” Haymitch bit out.
“They are calling,” his secretary said with resigned annoyance.
 Haymitch gritted his teeth. The studio was calling.
“Fudge,” Haymitch said. He’d given up his two favorite pastimes, drinking and swearing. The drinking because when he found himself lying on top of a train track in the middle of nowhere with a train horn blasting in the distance. It had been time to get help. Two the cursing, it reminded him of the bars. There was something about a good curse word that brought images of a smooth malt whisky. So as part of his sobriety, he gave up cursing.
“You want me to tell them you’re not here,” his secretary sounded giddy as if she wanted to tell them what bridge they can use to take a flying leap from.
“No. Put them through.” He could only imagine what they wanted.
“Ravenstill,” Haymitch greeted.
“I just wanted to tell you that this Agatha Christine stunt is the best thing that has happened. We are two months away from the Oscar Nominations; his name is like gold. Not to mention the movie has been number one for six weeks and has done phenomenally well internationally.”
Haymitch could hear P. Ravenstille the Third calculating the money in his head. To men and women like Ravenstille it was all about the money, not about the kid who had had enough to leave. 
“I just want him found before the Oscar nomination,” Ravenstill said.
“Is that all?” 
“Yes, good job. I’m sending a few clients your way, Abernathy. See what you can do for their careers.” 
With that Ravenstill was gone. 
Sighing deeply, Haymitch thought to himself, it was time to begin some digging of his own. He needed to find the kid.
A few days later Pete made her scream so much that the tension rods gave way and fell. Maybe it was the force of the bed hitting the wall, but it didn’t matter because coming with him buried deep within her walls shook her world. She couldn’t form a simple sentence afterwards. She was glad that afternoon, Prim had been next door playing video games with Vick and Rory.
It all came about because of laundry. She was making plies gearing up for laundry day. By the time she mentioned dryer sheets her underwear was hanging from the corner of the refrigerator. Peeta had a serious kink about laundry.
When Prim came home, she stopped and looked at both of them, as they made dinner. Her eyes narrowed. She looked suspicious.
“Why is your hair wet, Pete?” Prim asked.
Pete looked so embarrassed that he couldn’t come up with a single word.
“Prim go wash up. Dinner will be done in a few minutes,” Katniss shooed her away needing to quickly redirect her sister.
“But his hair is all wet,” Prim said.
This was going to be harder than corralling baby chicks. “We were playing with water Prim,” Katniss said.
“Wait, you had a water fight and didn’t invite me!” Prim sounded outraged.
“I’m sorry, you were so busy playing victory of something or other with Vick,” Katniss teased. It wasn’t a lie; she and Pete did play with water. A steamy game of hide the soap.
Prim twisted her face, and sounded like Daffy Duck, “You’re despicable.”
“I know,” Katniss winked. “Now go wash your hands.”
Pete raised an eyebrow.
Katniss felt the way her cheeks stung as she blushed. “I didn’t lie, we were playing with water.”
Pete’s throaty laugh made her wish they were alone.
“Haymitch darling!” Caesar Flickerman's excited voice made Haymitch want to stand in the center of oncoming traffic. The man was so cheerful it gave him a toothache.
“Flick, I’ve got an exclusive.” Haymitch said, jumping in his car.
“Rrrreally,” Caesar rolled his r’s like a cat purring. Caesar's real name was Pertanio Rodriguez, he changed his name to sound more commercial. But he emulated Walter Mercado, a famous and beloved astrologer. Despite his Liberace-like appearance, Caesar was one of the smartest interviewers.  
“Let’s just say I’m cashing in that favor, you owe me.” Haymitch slipped his glasses on. The black and white grainy pictures of a blond Peeta Mellark and a dark haired beauty were on his passenger side.
“You mean you know where Peeta Mellark is?”
“Yeah, I want you to get ready to move, and I mean move fast.” Haymitch knew everything, thanks to Finnick. He followed Pete Golightly to District Twelve and that’s where he found him playing house with a girl. Haymitch needed to spin this fast, because he guessed if he found Peeta this fast there were others who were on his trail. “The kid’s in love, and it’s why he left. To help his lady love.”
“OHHHHH,” Caesar said.
“Yeah, star crossed, flipping flip flop, lovers.”
Claudius was tired, but he knew he was getting close. He could taste it as he drove off the ferry into District Twelve. The island was small, mostly filled with rocky hills. This was the type of place where cousins kissed and everyone was related.
His proof? As he drove into town all he could see was tan and olive-skinned people, with slick black hair and light eyes. Yep, he was in an inbred clusterfuck. It was evening, and the sun was dipping low, closing on another day. It was starting to get cold.
The rented car needed gas; he drove it through the Capitol and eleven of the thirteen districts. He wanted nothing more than to find a hotel, get a hot meal, and a shower.
Pulling into the gas station a taller version of the inbred came out.
“Forty dollars regular.” Claudius offered the kid the two bills. He was looking at his emails. There was still no sight of Peeta Mellark.
He scowled. “You’re tearing the engine with regular.”
The growl snapped Claudius from perusing his phone. The kid looked like he could bench press him. “Fine.”
 “Ass,” the hot-tempered giant said.
“Look, I'm looking for someone. He’s medium height, blue eyes, broad shoulders…a chin that makes women swoon.”
The kid raised an eyebrow.
“Look, he kinda looks like Peeta Mellark the movie star,” Claudius doubted the giant had two brain cells that held a note of intelligence. “Do you know anyone who looks like that?”
The giant’s eyes widened and he growled, “I do.”
“You do, great!”
“Who the hell are you?”
Suddenly Claudius saw the kids eyes turn cold and calculating, and Claudius thought huh, he was wrong, the giant was smart.
“I’m a reporter, my name is Claudius.” Claudius took out his card and gave it to the giant. “I’m looking for him, you know where he is?”
“How much is it worth to you?”
“Sure, 50K,” Claudius said.
“100 Grand,” the giant countered.
“60..” the kids hand curled into a fist, and Claudius raised his price, his voice going up an octave. “70…5…75 Grand.”
“Good, name’s Gale.”
“Gale,” Claudius said, not sure if this kid was going to lead him to Peeta Mellark or  into the mountains and skin him alive.
“Meet me tomorrow,” Gale said scribbling the address on the back of his receipt.
“If this is…”
“You want Mellark, right?” Gale asked.
“Yeah, well meet me there tomorrow morning. Early, or you won’t catch him.”
Claudius knew there was a story here, “Why?”
“Look, this district is so small about half a dozen people already know that you’re here. The news will get to him quickly and he’ll leave. Do you want that?”
“No.” Claudius felt like he was back in third grade being chastised by his thick legged hairy teacher Mrs. Gaul.
“Good, then drive four miles, make a left on Chicory lane and stop at number 451, and tell the goat man I sent you. He’ll take care of you tonight. Meet me tomorrow before five at this address.
Katniss awoke slowly, she was surrounded, cocooned in a delicious warmth and manly scent. Their first date led to her sleeping with him. Heat spread throughout her body as she recalled the way it felt to have him deep inside her, the way her body split and widened to accommodate him. His look was a blend of worry and bliss. Seeing him come undone was one of her new favorite things to do.
Of course Pete confessed his favorite thing to do was making her orgasm over and over.
“How is it you’re not sleeping?”
His sleep roughened voice caused gooosebumps to appear up and down her body.
“Well, I have to go get Prim, she’s at Coral’s house.”
“Right,” Pete rubbed his eyes.
“Pete, you don’t have to go.”
Pete looked at his phone, “Katniss it’s not even five in the morning.”
“It isn’t?” Katniss looked at his phone. “I forgot the whole time-change thing.”
Pete laughed, “Well that gives us time...”
Katniss turned and saw him leering at her and she gasped and laughed as Pete attacked her lips.
Gale couldn’t believe his nemesis was none other than the ‘goody-toO-shoes’ Hollywood star; Peeta Mellark was Pete Golightly. It was the same blue eyes, chin, build, height, even his smile was the same. Only his hair was different. Peeta’s blond hair didn’t look like a bottle dye job though. He looked like a natural blond. Either way, Gale wanted to smack himself on the back of his head. His anger had blinded him and he hadn’t made the connection; the missing Hollywood star was hiding here in District Twelve, and now that Hollywood star had seduced the one clueless girl on the entire island that he, Gale, desired.
Gale looked at his phone. Claudius, the reporter was late. Gale had googled the guy last night. Claudius was legit. He worked as an independent photographer for Snow Incorporated; Coriolanus Snow owned several tabloid magazines, and a few reputable newspapers. 
For once Gale was glad Katniss' sister wasn’t at home. He knew Prim wasn’t in the apartment. Vick, his little brother said she was having a slumber party this weekend. Prim shouldn’t have to pay for her sister's indiscretion. 
A cold breeze slipped by. It was cold outside, and it looked like snow was on the way.
Pete or rather Peeta, was inside with Katniss.   
Gale wondered if Katniss knew who Pete really was and if that was why she’d let him into her inner circle. Maybe she was attracted to his fame and fortune. If that was the case, and Katniss turned out to be one of those girls, then what chance did he, a mechanic, have. She would never go for him. And that is why he was waiting for the reporter.
He wanted her to hurt the way he hurt.
He wanted her to be embarrassed the way he was embarrassed at her denial of what he wanted.
He wasn't an idiot. He was smart.
And with the money he was about to make he certainly didn’t want a cheap hussy like Katniss by his side. He was going to get himself a good girl, a girl who wanted him for more than just his looks and money. 
Gale spotted the reporter’s car as it pulled up silently.
“What kind of Blair Witch Project kind of road is this? I swear I was afraid I was going to fall into a ditch and die a few times.” 
“You made it, didn’t you?”
Claudius sighed, “Yeah.”
“You got the money?”
“I need the goods,” Clausidius said.
“Look, I know you think I’m some backward hick living in a hole in the wall, but I know that if you don’t pay me, the best picture you’ll get of Mellark is a picture of him from behind, leaving this house. What I got planned is going to make you notorious.” Gale held up the extra set of keys to the rental. 
The reporter grimaced, but looked at the keys. “Fine,” Claudius said. He got out of his car and pulled out a messenger bag full of  money and handed it to Gale. 
“That's half, that's all I have with me,” Claudius said. 
“Once I get the picture, I’ll get you the other half.”
“Then let's go,” Gale said, striding forward.
Peeta lazily let his hands drift over Katniss’ arm. They were cuddling, spooning. Her delicious backside was pressed up against his front. She was half-asleep, lulled by their last round of love making. 
Prim told him last night that he needed to tell Katniss the truth.  He was scared. But as Prim said, Katniss knew him. She knew the real him and not the poster board flashy grinning guy he had to portray in the media. Everything was pretend in Hollywood and over the top. He wanted something real and he found it in her. 
His heart melted for her. He was in love for the first time in his life. He loved and was in love with Katniss and this morning he was going to tell Katniss the truth about who he was.
“Katniss,” he whispered into her cheek. 
“Mmmm,” she moans sleepily.  
“Come on, Everdeen,” he nipped at her neck, chin, and earlobe. 
“Go away,” she snuggles into the bed. 
“Katniss,” he tried again. “I’m going to make you cheese buns.”
“Mmmm, cheese buns.”
“And my real name is Peeta Mellark,” he said quietly. 
Her eyes opened, just as the curtains to her room opened and the flash of a camera went off. 
“PEETA MELLARK,” Cluadius shouts as he takes pictures. “Is she what made you leave Hollywood!”
Peeta took his shirt and covered Katniss before he leapt from the bed and pushed Caludius out of the bedroom and out of the apartment.
“Gale?” Katniss asked behind him. 
Peeta saw the tall lanky neighbor with a pleased grin in the shadows as Claudius took pictures. His first instinct was to punch the idiot, because he knew it was Gale that sold them out. His second instinct was to call in the calvary, Haymitch.  
"My sister. They're going to take my sister away," Katniss whispered, pacing back and forth.
“Katniss, I am sorry about this,” Pete says, running his hand through his blond hair. 
She can’t stop the worrying. Then she paused and stared at the man she’d fallen in love, the man who lied to her. “You were trying to tell me...before that...that.”
“I wanted to be honest with you.” He stood and came to stand near her. 
Suddenly she was filled with questions, all of them starting with the word, why. "How did you come up with your name Pete Golightly?”
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Audrey Hepbrun’s name is Holly Golightly. It’s the name I use whenever I check into hotels. I changed my name slightly and used Golightly. Only one person knows my alias, a fail safe in case someone needs to reach me in an emergency.” 
“Huh,” Katniss cocked her head. She didn’t like old movies and frankly had never seen it. But she was familiar with the posters of Audry Hepurn standing in front of the jewelry store.  “Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the girl with the black dress.”
“That’s the one.”
“Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because." He waits a beat before he says, "I was in hiding. I didn’t want to burden you with  knowing. Besides, no one needs me."
Katniss couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips. How could anyone not want him, need him.
“But you’re a movie star?” Katniss whispered, wondering how she missed out on the reality that he was Peeta Mellark, the movie star. She had a poster of him when she was younger. But she blinked to focus. Pete was really Peeta. She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about what she knew about him. She'd seen him during these last few weeks, tested his metal. Carefully she made a list of the things she knew about Peeta, the man. He was smart, strong, generous, kind, sweet, good. At the last word she stopped. Peeta was beyond, just, plain ol' good. He had an inherent goodness that was at the center of his being, and people didn’t see it because they were taken in by the fame.
“Exactly.” He gave her a pointed look. “They need my money, notoriety, fame...but no one needs me. My family,” his voice sounds bitter laced with disappointment. "They only need me and use me for the money in my bank account. My mother sold the spare key to my house for a fee to the tabloids. They went through my home and splayed it in Snow’s publications for the world to see.  When I asked why, my mother said it was because I was a selfish, weak chinned, dumbass who she was going to sue for lost wages. As we speak her lawyers are filing paperwork.” 
He sighed and his eyes saddened. Katniss could see how broken and lost he was, and Katniss reached out to touch his hand. She wonders what kind of woman would do that to her own child.  Katniss had no idea. she didn't read the tabloids or watched shows about movie stars and their sordid lives. She was too busy trying to put food on the table and keep a roof over her and her sister’s heads. 
Sad blue eyes met her fiery silver ones. Katniss wanted to tuck him away and keep him safe.
“I left Hollywood because I was burnt out. I thought no one cared for me. I do not need attention, as Haymitch will attest to, I hate the attention, but I love the work. However, people want the movie star.  They don’t want me Peeta, the guy who would rather hang out, paint or experiment with food. I only have two friends Haymitch, which you’re about to meet and I am apologizing for what Haymitch is, and Finnick Odair.  Yes, that Finnick Odair who runs around in his movies, half naked, half the time."
Kathiss wrinkled her nose at the image of the guy with the Jason Mamoa body, and the devil may care grin. He was, in Delly's words, melt your panties hot. But Katniss didn't find him interesting. "I've been forced to watch a few of his movies."
His eyes lighted and his lips formed a smile at the word forced. 
"Delly." Katniss shrugged. "She thinks he is sultry, but he's not my type." She watched his eyes process the information. "So if you don't have that many friends..." her voice drifted. Gleaning his information about his family, she formulated the question. Katniss didn't have a lot of friends. There was only Delly and Madge. But she also had Prim, her only family,  and even her pacifist her sister would punch bees for her. "What do you do?"
"I sit home most of the time doing laundry. Perfecting my fitted sheet fold."
"You have a thing about laundry."
"Just yours," his heated look caused her pulse racing.
"Peeta," she chastised. He smiled mischievously and picked up the bra that she'd been looking for.
Intense heat flooded her cheeks. She imagined she had to be redder than the child of a tomato and a cherry. She snatched it from his hands. "You need to get back to Hollywood...and why you left."
Peeta cleared his throat. "I really don't do the whole Hollywood thing. I don't party. I don't drink and I don't do drugs. Most of my nights I hang out with Finn and his wife Annie. I do a lot of laundry for Annie. They have an adorable lil boy, a toddler, named Finian. Fin for short, who loves mud. I do their laundry for fun. But outside of them, like I said,  I have no one and I know that no one wants me, so I walked away. I didn’t think anyone would hunt me down. I am sorry.”
Katniss didn’t have a voice momentarily, so she continued to listen.
“I came here, intending to hide out for a few days and then head to District Thirteen. Then I walked into Greasy Sae’s and I couldn’t breath when I saw you and weirdly parallel stalked you…and then I met Prim.”
“What about Prim?” Katniss needed to know everything. It would serve her right that, her super intelligence off the charts, baby sister would figure who Pete really was.
“Prim knows, she figured me out. Within seconds...she knew all of my media history. She's tough, made me sweat.”  
Katniss chuckled. Her baby sister could be exasperating and could be terrifying when she turned on, what Katniss called her smart factor. Prim was a computer able to make calculations about all sorts of things. Katniss was the only one who could match her sister when engaged. But it also reminds Katniss of the pictures of her naked with Peeta.  "Oh the pictures. This isn't good Pete...Peeta."
"Katniss trust me, we'll figure a way out. I swear. My manager Haymitch will know what to do.” Peeta's voice was reassuring.
“No, you don’t understand the state; they will see this as me being irresponsible. They will take my sister away and put her in foster care.” Katniss couldn’t help the way her voice rose. Everything was spinning out of control.  She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her face.
“Listen to me. Haymitch is almost here. He said he has a plan.” He gathered her in his arms and she sighed and trembled. 
All she ever wanted was to make her sister feel safe. She wanted to make her sister feel as if nothing else could go wrong. She closed her eyes. Now she couldn’t do that because a paparazzi had taken naked pictures of her and Pete...Peeta. Naked pictures that would be splashed and splayed all over tabloids and news media outlets.  
Pictures that weren’t Peeta’s fault, but Gale’s. 
Gale sold Peeta out.
“Pete, I mean Peeta,” Katniss couldn’t hide her misery. “Those pictures, they’re going to use them against me. They are going to use them against you too.”
His eyes warmed. 
His cell phone beeped.  He looks at his phone. “Delly’s here.”  Delly was bringing Prim home. There was another ping. He frowned looking at the phone then said, “...and so is Haymitch.”
He gave her a look, as if pleading with her to trust him. He looked so vulnerable. Katniss expelled a breath. She’d question if she should trust him. A single word enters her mind. Together.
Taking his hand in hers. "There isn’t anyone I would rather do this with."
He chuckled. "You’re so fierce, like an Amazon."
Katniss grinned. "You haven't seen me with my bow."
"You’re so amazing."
Their hands threaded together. She was going to protect Peeta because the whirlwind of pain stopped here.
Let the storm commence.
"Together," Peeta said with hope.
Peeta opened his mouth to speak as Haymitch entered the garage. The kid’s text message that Claudius broke into the girl's apartment and took pictures of them in-flagrante had him calling in the troops. He had less than an hour to spin and control the narrative. Naked pictures of the kid wouldn’t have meant anything to Haymitch if it were another client, but the kid had a stellar track record. It meant the world. He sent a text to his contact, another favor. The kid was going to owe him big.
"Save it, kid," he said gruffly. He needed a drink, hell, he needed an entire bottle of whisky.  "Flipping burnt flapjacks, kid, if you needed a break." His eyes scanned the small interior. His car was bigger on the inside than this place. "I could have helped you."
"Haymitch," Peeta looked behind him at the girl and her sister.
"I'm sorry," Prim said quietly. "I wanted to tell you. But Peeta needed to feel safe."
"I know." Katniss nodded curtly. 
Peeta's love interest had the personality of a dead slug. His phone pinged. Haymitch hid his eavesdropping. His eyes focused on Peeta. The kid was more than just a client; he was like family. 
Haymitch lowered his voice. "I know this had to do with your family. So I let you go, my mistake. And I'm not letting anyone ruin you for a paycheck. Now introduce me."
"Haymitch, this is Katniss Everdeen and her sister Primrose.
It only took Haymitch seconds for him to assess the situation.
The little sister Primrose was sugary sweet, adorable. Her wide baby blue eyes held intelligence and goodness. The world was going to love her. 
His grey eyes met the girl. "Listen Sweetheart, if you’re going to survive this, you've got to listen to me."
His grey eyes watched the kid with the girl. He hid his grin when she scowled at his nickname for her.  He could see her bristle, before her eyes shuttered closed, almost like a camera lense quickly shifting to block out light. "Okay, lovebirds, Cinna is here. And Caesar is waiting outside to interview you both." 
"Haymitch," Peeta said, taking a step forward to protect both of the women in his arms. This behavior he expected from the kid.
Sweetheart’s behavior though surprised him. When Katniss glanced at Peeta, she transformed into a fiery creature that is so pure and majestic. Haymitch realized Sweetheart was a lot like him. Tender hearted, fiercely loyal, with a tough exterior. Haymitch knew the girl was smitten with Peeta himself, and not the Hollywood facade. This he could work with. 
"Haymitch, Katniss is Primrose's guardian. The pictures Claudius took are salacious and damning." Peeta glanced back at Katniss before moving forward. “She can't afford to have them come out. We need to make sure they are protected."
"Look, I can sell this star-crossed lover." As expected Sweetheart scowled. Good, Haymitch thought; he wanted her to go into combat mode. "You guys will tell Caesar the truth." As Haymitch spoke he was furiously typing on the keypad of his phone. "He's broadcasting it onto a live audience. People love a good love story. Any pictures Claudius has will be seen as intrusive."
Haymitch opened the door to Cinna who arrived with the prep team. 
"How long do we have?"
"15 minutes tops," Haymitch said.
Cinna nodded. The team hauled in dresses, makeup, lights, and things Haymitch was sure the Everdeen women had never seen. 
"What the hell is going on here?"
Haymitch turned to meet a woman who looked to be six feet tall. Her sharp eyes glance at Sweetheart. Haymitch guessed this was landlady by her agitated face. 
"Hazelle," Sweetheart said, and he could see that she wanted to cry, but she built up a wall. This wasn't a friend, but the woman was an authority figure. Someone Sweetheart looked up to. 
“Katniss what is going on? Why are all these people trespassing? Gale called me and said that you had all of these people here.”
Sweetheart was easy to read.  She was pissed at the name Gale. He quietly glanced at the kid who’s eyes ticked also at the sound of Gale’s name. 
“Who is Gale?” Haymitch abruptly asked, not caring about the woman before him. He knew Gale was related to Hazelle but he wanted to know what part this idiot had in this fiasco.
“Gale is my son, and this is my property.”
Sweetheart looked agitated, and he wondered if this Gale was the reason he was here. The reason the kid and sweetheart were in this mess.  Peeta mouthed Claudius to him and confirmed his suspicions. “You rent to her?” Haymitch narrowed his eyes. 
“Yes.” Hazelle bit back. “I want…” 
Haymitch got in her way, stopping her torrent of words. His phone pinged, and he got what he was waiting for, the pictures, from an insider at the tabloid Claudius sold the pictures to.  As he's suspected, the money shot wasn't of Peeta, it was of Peeta with Sweetheart. Haymitch then saw why Peeta was upset. Because the pictures showed how vulnerable the kid's other half was. It was Sweetheart’s whose life would be ruined. Her name raked through hot coals and muck. This was the intention of Hazelle’s son, and Haymitch scratched the words 'Hazelles son' and for the first time in years he cursed, that rat bastard. “Then you know your son allowed a paparazzi into your renter’s apartment and let him take pictures of my client and his girlfriend while they were asleep?”
Her eyes widened with shock. “My son would never…”
“Really,” Haymitch held his phone up and. “I believe that is your son in the background with a smug grin on his face. He violated the renter’s agreement to be notified before entering the residence. He also is a slimy, no good worm for doing that to her.” Haymitch said, “Hope you’re proud of your son.” 
Hazelle’s eyes lost her indignation. "I..."  
"I suggest you lawyer up. I've just sent the information to my client’s lawyer, Johanna Mason. I suggest you call your son and tell him he can kiss the money he made goodbye." 
"Johanna?" Peeta questioned.
Haymitch grinned wickedly. Peeta hadn't wanted to do anything about his mother, but Haymitch went behind his back to procure Hollywood's number one ball busting lawyer Johanna Mason. She gleefully was preparing the paperwork against Snow; the woman loathed the man. She already had an injunction against the images. "Don't worry Kid, she's doing this pro-bono. Now go get pretty. You go live with Caesar in less than ten."
Caesar Flickerman was like a circus ringleader. Literally dressed like a ringleader with a red jacket, black lapels, and gold trimming. His hair was jet black and his smile was a little too crazed for Katniss' liking. She squared her shoulders, looking at Haymitch who raised an eyebrow and his eyes slid to the camera letting her know she was not acting like the doting girlfriend. It caused her to gaze at Peeta who took her hand and squeezed it. The butterflies that were eerily silent until this very moment were having a championship hockey match inside of her stomach.
She was so uncomfortable. In ten minutes she’d been waxed, pealed, and poured into clothing with price tags that made her head spin. The jean’s she wore cost more than her rent. She and her sister were sitting on either side of Peeta. Primrose looked beautiful, her blonde hair combed and styled to perfection. Cinna and his assistants dressed her in a graphic t-shirt dress and distressed jacket. She wore lace up black ankle boots. Prim was excited for the fashion and Katniss' heart twisted because she could never afford to give her sister any of this. 
Looking down at her hands, she thought this was all surreal. 
There were cameras, glaring lights, this fuzzy long thing that hung right above her head. It was hot and uncomfortable. It was also live.
Caesar was speaking to the camera about them. 
It was too much. Those butterflies that were playing hockey now drove dune buggies. Her eyes looked for an exit. She didn’t know how Peeta did it, being on center stage. 
Sensing her discomfort, Peeta put his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer. Katniss sighed, looking up at him. The sooty lashes that Peeta's prep team glued to her lids stuck together and she blinked to  separate them; this is why she didn't wear makeup.
Peeta might have read the wrong signal because he leaned in and brushed a kiss on her lips. Then his lips trailed from the cleft of her lips to her cheeks to her ear. "You okay?" he whispered.
Katniss could feel heat flush her face as she realized Peeta had found a way to communicate without breaking the charade. Katniss whispered, "My fake lashes keep on sticking together. And I loathe make up!"
The low rumble in his chest meant he was caught off guard.
She wanted to hide her grin, and he wiggled his eyebrows. There was the loveable goofball who had an unnatural love of all things laundry. Say the words fabric softener and he became a puppy with a favorite toy.
He roughly whispered, "You're amazing!"
He gently brushed her lashes and adjusted the troublesome lash before moving away.
"Look at you two, what a beautiful couple!" Caesar gushed.
For those few seconds Katniss was grateful for the man's exuberance; it's as if he was on their side.  
“So what happened Peeta?” Caesar said with notes of sincerity. “Why did you walk away?”
Peeta leaned forward and Katniss slipped her hand in his. 
“It was the whole thing with my parents.” Peeta’s voice hid nothing of the pain; he shared it with the world. “My mother sold me to the highest bidder, and,” Katniss squeezed his hand. “They went through my home. I felt violated, and unable to feel safe.”
Caesar said, “I recall that wasn’t that long ago.”
“The pressure, sadness, and betrayal were eating me up and I needed to step away.  I am not a drinker or a guy who enjoys partying.” Peeta shrugged. “I’m a homebody. I’m more domestic.” 
Katniss thought of his love of laundry and the butterflies in her stomach settled.   
Caesar laughed. “Domestic.”
“He makes great pastries,” Prim said. Her eyes were wide and lovely. 
“Pastries?” Caesar asked. 
“Here you want some?” Prim held up a bag of cookies. “They are heavenly.”
“PRIM,” Katniss huffed. “I’m so sorry.”
Peeta grinned.  “You see Caesar, this is what I needed.”
Caesar laughed. “Tell me who are these lovely ladies…”
“This is Primrose Everdeen,” Peeta introduced. 
“Hi Caesar,” Prim said. “Seriously though you need to try these cookies.” Prim opened the brown bag and handed one to Caesar.
“Well, alright,” Caesar looked at the cookie as if tasting it was going to make him gain three hundred pounds. 
“It’s gluten free, dairy free, and nut free,” Prim smiled. 
The camera zoomed into Caesar’s face and Katniss witnesses the power of Peeta’s bakery take down another person. The celebrity interviewers face turners into one of pure rapture. “Peeta, you must give me the recipe.”
“Sorry his baked goods are all mine,” Prim said. 
Caesar laughed. “Oh she is precious. But tell me who is this sitting next to you?”
“Caesar this is Katniss Everdeen.”
The butterflies were back and they had jackhammers. 
“She’s the reason I stayed actually. They aren’t the reason I walked away, but they are the reason I didn’t go back” Peeta confessed. His voice softened, his eyes held notes of tenderness as he spoke, “These two women mean the world to me.”
Even the hardened Hollywood crew sighed at Peeta’s words. 
“I met him first,” Prim said. “But I needed to make sure he had good intentions toward my sister.” 
“Katniss,” Caesar asked, “You’ve been so quiet.”
Katniss glanced at her sister and then at Peeta, unaware of the way her face transformed and caused the world to fall in love with her. She transcended into something fierce and wildly beautiful. 
The camera scanned down to the way her hands were intertwined with Peeta’s. 
“When did you fall for him? Did you know who Peeta was?”
Katniss couldn’t stop staring into Peeta’s blue eyes. “I didn’t know who he was; I was clueless.” Her voice trembled, “All I know is that he was so kind and generous.” She stared, not at the camera but at Caesar. “And when I found out who he was and what happened I just couldn’t understand why any mother would want to hurt their child like that.”   
Peeta smiled softly then he looked at Caesar, “Now you know why I stayed.” Peeta then placed a kiss on her lips and then said, “What I didn’t expect was another invasion of privacy.” 
“You alright?” Peeta tucked a strand of her hair behind Katniss' ear. She looked gorgeous. Cinna had outdone himself. She wore a red dress that looked like poured molten fire on her skin. Peeta couldn’t wait to get back home and strip her out of it. 
“I am.” 
He watched her hands shake. The Oscars was the superbowl of the movie industry. Peeta held her hand. Outside the limo, there were about a thousand reporters and wall to wall fans.  This was overwhelming for her and he was the professional. He could just imagine what it was like for a girl who would rather sit in the chair of a sadistic dentist sans novacaine than to be thrust into the controlled mêle that existed outside the limo’s door.
“You don’t have to go in with me; you can stay in the car. You can go back to the hotel, rent a movie, jump on the bed, steal all of the toiletries in the room, and if you are feeling dangerous," Peeta lowered his voice an octave, "rip the tags off the mattress.”
Katniss narrowed her eyes at him. He watched her struggle to keep the laughter she wanted to expel over his ridiculous suggestion. He, of course, made reference to the small argument they were having over her purity. 
It started with Finnick doing his whole Daniel Craig, James Bond thing where he came out of the water. Finnick was messing with her and Katniss disliked him. She proceeded to give Finnick, ‘if he were in her woods he'd be in big trouble’ looks throughout the barbeque. 
Peeta told her, Finnick was only messing with her because she was pure.  And Katniss bristled, and fought that she wasn't pure. But Peeta didn't mean it in a sexual way. He meant it in the way that she was pure of heart. Katniss had a pure heart. Like the hero's of old, she was valiant and although tough as nails, she was forgiving. Gale betrayed her and she was mulling over forgiving him.
After Caesar's interview, Peeta and Katniss’ relationship was cemented in the public eye. Haymitch was able to control the narrative since Katniss led a normal life and wasn't like Finnick, who had so many hidden skeletons in his closet. Haymitch was taking care of the Everdeen women, mentoring them. He had an affinity for Prim and Katniss. They understood one another because Haymitch had lost his family as well, and he had tried to raise his brother, but they were separated and sent into foster homes. 
Haymitch hired Johanna to help Katniss retain her custody of Prim. They were seeking visas for all three of them. Peeta to travel in and out of Panem, and For Katniss and Prim. 
Johanna, spurred by the public outcry over the second violation of his privacy, wanted Snow and his tabloids prosecuted for invasion of privacy of someone who wasn't in the limelight. Gale and Claudius were arrested for, breaking and entering and some other misdemeanor charges. Claudius was facing a harder climb because he was an outsider. Because of Katniss, there was clemency for Gale. And that brought him back to why Katniss was pure. She didn't even know the effect she had on people or how she inspired others.  
Peeta reached out and put his hand on top of hers. “No, I can do this,” she said.
He knew this was not easy, but as she sat perched at the edge of her seat, he thought about how Katniss became his family. How she encouraged him to take on meaningful roles, and to pursue directing and production. They were both still young, but he knew from the moment his eyes met hers in Greasy Sae's diner he was a goner. His feelings for Katniss multiplied as time passed and they worked through each hurdle together. 
Looking at her, Peeta knew without a doubt Katniss had strong feelings for him as well. She wasn't someone who used words; she spoke with her actions. Katniss fought by his side. Simple things she did. Like making his tea the way he liked it without sugar and milk. Opening the window before they went to sleep because she knew he liked to sleep with a window open. Googling how to make natural paints, then going out into nature and gathering supplies to make the paint for him. It spoke volumes.
"I love you," the words slipped out of his lips. 
Her eyes widened.
"You don't have to say it back to me, because I know that you care about me. You do a hundred little things in the day to show me the depths of your emotions toward me." 
He watched as a smile curved her lips. Her silvery eyes sparkled, greater than sunlight glittering on the surface of water. She stole his breath away. All he ever wanted was to be needed, loved, and here was the personification of that need.
"I need you Peeta," she rasped. He could hear and see the depth of emotion in her eyes. "I love you." 
He leaned in and with shaking hands cupped her face. Suddenly he didn’t want to be at the Oscars. Peeta wanted to be in a private room to show her with his words, his mouths, his hands, and his body just how much he loved this woman. “Screw the Oscars, let's get out of here.” 
Her eyes turned mischievous, “Oh hell no. I wasn’t plucked, creamed and stuffed into this dress like a holiday turkey by Cinna and his prep team just to turn around and leave. We’re going to walk that carpet, we’re gonna sit in our seats, and do this shindig, because as much as I like pissing off Haymitch, I don’t think we should give him a heart attack by not showing up.”
Peeta laughed. There she was pushing her own discomfort for him. “And afterwards?”
“Win or lose, Pete Golightly, you’re taking this dress off with your teeth.” She threw him a mischievous look, “And then we’re going to grab some fabric sheets and sniff them.”
The door opened and Peeta was stunned by her description. Heat and desire poured through his veins. He now had a boner. Then a slow smile spread on his face he was going to go home a winner no matter what.  Laughter erupted from his lips, though from the fabric sheets comment and the sheer joy on his face was the picture that was captured by the press.
Peeta did win the Oscar, and he did go home, and he did tear off her dress with his teeth. And afterwards they did laundry all night long. He was after all, a man of his word. 
118 notes · View notes
It Belongs in a Museum
A/N: So hints at some sexy times, but nothing descriptive. I may or may not have added another universe to this world. I have a few more parts left for this. The dress I was thinking of is the 12th one found here. 
Everything Tag: @mikeisthricedeceased 
Pedro Pascal tag: @m-123 @fioccodineveautunnale @artsymaddie @blo0dangel @mcrmarvelloki​
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As the weeks passed on, they continued to grow closer together. Soon enough, their research was done, and it was time to move onto the next location: Venezuela.  Vixen had packed up her stuff and had her stuff in the Jeep, waiting with Veracruz as the others finished up. Professor Jones had already paid him for his work.
“So, what are you going to do next?” Vixen asked as she leaned against a tree.
“Have a couple jobs lined up. You have another 9 months before graduating, yeah?” He asked her, looking over at her.
She nodded, and asked teasingly, “Do you want me to send you an invitation?”
He scoffed, shaking his head, “No. Just wondering when I can come steal you away.”
She smiled softly at that, looking down at the ground.
He tilted her chin back up and said, “Come back to our bar once you’ve graduated. I’ll be there, waiting. Then I’ll whisk you away, my darling.”
“Are you actually going to be there? Cause if I make the trip all the way back here, just for you to have ghost me, I will find you and kill you,” She warned him, half joking, half serious.
He chuckled at that, “I would pay to see that my dear.”
He pressed a kiss to her lips in farewell, before rejoining his men and departing minutes later.
She joined her group as they finished loading up the jeep. The four of them spoke of their small discoveries and was excited for the next location.
The next 9 months went by in a blur and soon enough they were wrapping up their internships. At the end of the year, they were heading back to the university for graduation.
A good week after graduation, found Vixen back in Colombia, at the cheap bar where she first met Veracruz.
She looked around, not seeing him at first. She took a spot at the bar and ordered the same drink she did last time.
She quietly sipped at her drink, looking through the texts with Veracruz. Despite being separated, they texted and called each other often. Every now and again, they would send each other saucy pictures or find a quiet place to call one another and have salacious conversations.
She was smirking at some of their conversations, when she felt a hand resting on her back. She turned to yell at whoever but was pleasantly surprised when she saw a familiar face.
“Hello Comandante. What brings you to these parts?” She asked him teasingly.
“Hmm. Oh, you know simply meeting a beautiful woman. Wicked smart. Attracts trouble wherever she goes. Sound familiar?” He asked jokingly.
She smiled brightly at him, leaning up to kiss him. He kissed her back, cupping her face with one hand.
“Let’s go,” He whispered against her lips.
He took her hand, tossing some pesos down to pay for her drink, before leading her outside to his truck. The two of them got in, and he drove off, far away from the city. The road he turned down on eventually, was mostly dirt and one way.
The truck eventually pulled up to a large home, that was hidden behind trees and shrubs.
“This is your home?” She questioned him as he parked in front of it.
He simply shrugged, “One of them, yes.”
She stared at him suspiciously, looking between him and the house.
“How rich are you?” She asked him incredulous.  
“I’ll never tell, lovely. Now, shall we go inside, or do you want to spend our first night together in 9 months in my car?” He questioned his eyes roving over her form.
She hopped out of the truck, walking toward the front door. He joined her a moment later, unlocking the door, and welcoming her inside. She had sent her bags ahead to him, and she spotted them off to the side.
He led her upstairs, to his bedroom, that was colored in dark greys and blues. The two of them had long since abandoned their shoes, as she made her way to the bed. She plopped down on it, sitting with her hands folded in her lap and her ankles crossed.
He smirked as he gazed at her. He slowly stalked toward her, a predatory gaze in his eyes.
He stood before her and told her to strip. She stood back up, noting how there was maybe an inch of space between them.
She stripped slowly without breaking eye contact. Once she was naked, he nodded his head toward the bed, and she crawled backwards onto it.
He slowly removed his clothes, walking around the bed to the side. He sat down, his hands running up and down her chest.
She watched his arm move for a moment, before grabbing ahold of his hand, and pressing a kiss to the back of it as she brought it closer to her face. She brushed her cheek against his hand, enjoying the roughness against her skin.
He watched her, somewhat softly, before his hand moved past her face into her hair. As it buried itself into her hair, his hand firmly grasped a chunk and gave a short tug on it.
She gasped not necessarily out of pain but more out of surprise, and he took full advantage of that as his lips captured hers into deep kiss.
His lips were devouring her own as the kiss grew more intense. He broke away suddenly, attacking her neck with harsh bites that caused breathy moans.
His biting kisses worked further down to her chest, paying close attention to her breasts when he got there.
“I hope you had no plans for tomorrow, because you are not leaving this bed for quite some time,” He teased as he moved further down.
“Hm. Was planning to go get a new boyfriend but I guess you’ll do,” She threw back at him.
“Oh? Shall I remind you what a good boyfriend I can be?” He glared up at her playfully.
“I feel like you should, especially since you couldn’t be bothered to come to my graduation,” She said with only slight annoyance.
He rolled his eyes and simply returned his attention to the task at hand. He moved himself down to between her legs muttering vaguely in Spanish.
Before Vixen could call him out on his muttering, she gasped as she felt a finger tease her clit before it slipped inside her.
True to his word, he made sure she couldn’t leave the bed for hours at a time. When they finally emerged from his bedroom, it was around 1pm the next day.
It took a good hour for her legs to function properly, while he gave her a tour of his home.
“I have an event tomorrow night. Black tie affair. I want you to come with me,” Veracruz informed her.
“Oh? Like a date?” She further teased him.
One thing she learned early on with Veracruz, words like ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ and ‘dating’ did not mean much to him. He saw it as simply ‘being with his woman.’
He rolled his eyes, pulling her into his arms.
“Yes. Like a date if you must label it. I just want to show off my beautiful and brilliant woman to my high society friends. Plus, if I have to endure one more party alone, I will murder them,” He said with a groan.
She giggled at that, “What am I supposed to wear? I don’t really own anything fancy.”
“Oh, but you do… if you look in our closet, I’m sure you’ll find something suitable,” He told her with a smirk.
They spent the rest of the day, simply enjoying one another’s presence and slept soundly that night.
When she woke up, Veracruz was already up. She tossed on a robe and wandered toward his office, figuring that’s where he would be. He was on the phone talking rapidly in Spanish. She admired him as he spoke.
He wasn’t dressed completely, simply wearing a pair of sweats. His hair wasn’t jelled yet, and she could see small curls forming as the humidity began to rise.
He noticed her standing there after a moment and raised an eyebrow.
She strolled forward, leaning over his desk to kiss his cheek. He smirked at her, shaking his head.
He hung up a minute later, and questioned, “May I ask why you were watching me?”
“Hm. Not watching. Admiring. Didn’t realize you have curls,” She stated as she looked at him.
“Heh. Yes, my mother was thrilled that I had curls. She took many photos of me,” He said twinging his nose in annoyance.
“Aww. I bet you were super cute. It’s almost unfair though. How handsome you are. I get the feeling I’m going to have scare off many a woman tonight,” Vixen said with a smile.
He shook his head and walked around his desk.
“Let’s go shower, and then have breakfast,” He proposed as he wrapped an arm around her.
They walked back upstairs to his room and showered together. They didn’t do anything to frisky other than a thorough make out session. When they had finished, and stepped out, Veracruz began his morning routine. She watched him for a moment before doing her own things such as brushing her teeth and fixing her hair.
The two of them threw on some light clothing and made their way downstairs to the kitchen. She watched him make French toast and eggs. He filled two cups with coffee, setting creamer and sugar down close to her.
She fixed her coffee how she wanted it and waited for him to finish up. He tossed some strawberries on top, dusting powdered sugar as well.
He placed a plate in front of her, with a fork and sat down across from her. The two of them dug into their meals.
She was pleasantly surprised by how amazing it tasted and complimented him, “This taste wonderful. Do you… do you cook often?”
“Yeah. My mother made sure I knew how. I was her only child, and she had declared that I would learn one way or another. Though, she still thinks I under season meals,” He commented with a roll of his eyes.
Vixen chuckled at that, “Sounds like you and your mother are pretty close?”
“Hm. Not as close as we once were. Work has definitely been a large contributor to that,” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“I have 2 older siblings. My parents considered them to be the pride and joy of the family since one is a doctor and the other a lawyer. They see me as being an archaeologist as being a weaker degree. One that is not worthy of mention. So, I don’t spend much time with them” Vixen admitted as she stabbed at her eggs randomly.
“You get to make fantastic discoveries and uncover new societies and they are not proud of that?” He questioned in disbelief.
She shrugged halfheartedly not really knowing what to say. She finished up her breakfast in silence.
Veracruz stared at her for a moment before finishing as well.
She spent the next few hours exploring the closet and found a dress that she felt would drive Veracruz wild. She shaved and moisturized her skin and pulled her hair into an updo. She kept her makeup minimum, a pink gloss, and eyeliner to make her eyes standout.
When it got closer time to leave, she put on the dress and matching shoes. She stepped out when she heard Veracruz enter the room.
She stared at him in surprised as she took in the tuxedo he wore. He looked damn good.
Veracruz’s eyes drank in her form as smirk grew on his face.
“You look good enough to eat darling. Though… I feel like you are missing something,” Veracruz grinned as he presented a velvet box that he was holding behind his back.
He handed it to her, and she opened it to reveal a delicate necklace that had a square cut emerald. She smiled softly at it. She gently picked it up and he took it from her and helped her put it on. He kissed the back of her neck once it was secured.
She turned around, grabbing her clutch, and walking with him downstairs. He led her to a very nice sportscar, a Lamborghini as she soon discovered.
The drive was to rather large estate, that had valet and many other nice fancy cars pulling in. They gave the keys to the valet and strode inside, arms looped around one another.
The party was in full swing, and he was greeted several times when he first entered. There were several other high-ranking officers and political figures as she found out. She was introduced to several before eventually being left with several wives.
She made polite chatter with them, somewhat annoyed he abandoned her with women who were a little snobbish.
After an hour of plastering a fake smile on her face, she finally spotted Veracruz again and excused herself. She made her way over to him, her smile still on her face.
She lightly cleared her throat to interrupt the conversation he was having.
“Ahem. My apologies but someone owes me a dance,” She interrupted grasping his arm.
“Oh? Please, I wouldn’t want him to upset his lovely wife,” The man said excusing himself.
She tugged Veracruz to the dancefloor, taking position to slow dance. Her smile dropped quickly as she looked at him.
“You said you wanted me to distract people conversing with you. Not that you were going to abandon me with hoity toity women, who think that because they have money, they can treat people like they are less than,” She complained.
He cleared his throat to stop the laugh that tried to escape him.
“It’s not funny. I will strangle someone if you leave me with them again,” She warned him, unamused.
“I’m sorry. I had to schmooze with my bosses for a time. That is done, and now you can just stay by my side all evening,” He placated kissing her once.
“You owe me so much more than just that pathetic kiss,” She grumbled.
“Oh, my sweet. I will make it up to you this evening I promise,” He promised her, in a mocking tone.
She glared at him and rolled her eyes.
“There is actually someone I want you to meet, and they just walked in,” He informed her pulling her off the dance floor.
He led her over to a handsome, brown-haired gentleman that was in his 30s, with a woman who had curly dark hair and extremely beautiful.
“Hello, Rick, how are you doing this evening? And Evie, looking beautiful as ever,” Veracruz greeted them with a charming smile.
Evie smiled somewhat shyly at the compliment and Rick held his hand out to shake Veracruz’s.
“Doing great, how’s the freelance been going for you?” Rick asked with a smirk.
“Business is booming. This is my girlfriend,” He introduced her. “She goes by Vixen, however. She just graduated with her masters in archaeology.”
Evie gasped excitedly, “What was your area of focus for your final year?”
“Ancient Aztec and Mayan cultures. That’s actually how I met Veracruz, we wound up having to hire him and his team as protection from mercenaries,” Vixen explained, excitement growing within her as well.
“We are actually in a few weeks about to return Egypt, and have a few digs lined up. Would you like to join us? I could always use another set of eyes and hands when uncovering the past,” Evie offered, bouncing slightly.
“I would love to join you! I wanted to do my internship in Egypt to be honest, but the professor filled those spots within 5 minutes of opening it. I was a minute too late,” She admitted biting her lip.
“We will send Felix all the info you’ll need, and will see you in a couple of weeks,” Rick interjected knowing that they were both 2 seconds away from going on long tangents about ancient history.
Rick didn’t want to interrupt but he could see the President of Colombia waving them over and looking somewhat impatient. He could see in Vixen’s eyes, a similar look he often found in Evie’s eyes, the pure joy in finding a kindred spirit. The two of them would have plenty of time to talk all they want during their adventure. For now, they had business attend to in securing funds for a dig here in Colombia in 6 months’ time.
Vixen was saddened to see them walk away, and even Evie looked disappointed for a moment.
“They have to talk to the President and he’s a stickler about “appointments.” Otherwise, I am sure we would’ve lost the two of you in your conversation over ancient worlds,” Veracruz explained quietly.
“That’s okay. We will talk lots in a few weeks. Wait…” Some thing registered in her mind. “Is your name… Felix?”
His face went blank, as he closed his eyes, sighing softly.
“It is!” She gasped triumphantly.
“Yes. Damn it Rick. Forgot he was one of the few who knew,” He acknowledged.
“I like it. I’m guessing you’d prefer if I still called you Veracruz though?” She guessed, biting her lip as she took in his expression.
“Yes. I would,” He stated simply.
She nodded, somewhat disappointed.
They spent another hour at the party, before finally heading to his home. She wasn’t very talkative during that last hour and he noticed.
When they arrived at his place, she simply walked upstairs to the bedroom, not really saying anything. She tossed off her shoes, and washed off her makeup, before gently removing the necklace and placing it on the vanity.
Veracruz walked in, bowtie undone, shirt unbuttoned. He quietly undressed, watching her out of the corner of his eye.
She slipped off the dress, revealing the very simple lace bra and underwear she had on underneath.
He sucked in a breath, taking in her curves.
“If I had known you were wearing that, I would’ve taken you home sooner,” He flirted lightly.
She smiled softly at that, taking off the bra, and slipping on a silk nightgown. She slid under the covers and curled up on the bed.
Veracruz finished undressing and stepped into the bathroom to spend some time rinsing out the gel in his hair before going to bed. The process took about 15 minutes to do, and he simply ran a towel over his hair to dry it.
When he stepped back out, she was still awake but only barely. Veracruz, in just a pair of boxers, got in bed, and pulled her in close to him. She curled herself around him, tangling her limbs with his.
He sighed after a moment, “You can call me Felix, in private. In public, I would prefer you used Veracruz.”
He knew she was upset by his earlier reaction; he wasn’t trying to be short with her. He just wasn’t prepared for that piece of information to be revealed.
“If it bothers you, why offer that? You clearly weren’t happy for me to learn that… though we’ve been together for almost a year now, find it odd that I am only just now learning your first name,” She muttered somewhat angrily.
“It bothers me because I wanted to be the one to tell you. Was actually planning on telling you this weekend, when I take you around the city. Was going to make it very romantic and everything,” He said with an exaggerated pout.
She rolled her eyes at that, and while the thought sounded nice, she was well in-tuned to when Veracruz was lying. His tone often took a slight mocking cheerfulness when he lied but she didn’t want to start an argument. She simply nodded her head and said nothing in response.
Veracruz tilted her head up so their eyes met. He could clearly see in her eyes that she didn’t believe him.
“Huh. It appears you are one of the few people who see through my lies. May I amend my previous statement?” He asked her, waiting for her nod. “I had planned to tell you. I just didn’t know how or when.”
That had sounded more truthful but even still, she wasn’t sure if she was going to use his first name often, if at all.
She simply pressed a kiss to his lips in response, appreciating the more truthful answer. She yawned, relaxing in his arms, slowly drifting off to sleep.
Veracruz looked down at her sleeping form and wondered, ‘How is it possible for this woman to read me like an open book?’
There were very few people who could see through his bullshit, his mother and Rick just to name the top two. He was somewhat amazed that she could pick up on it, when most women he dated before never did. He knew was thing was certain: she was going to keep him on his toes.
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lover series - daylight
Pairing: Carter Baizen x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: this is what happens when i mention carter baizen more than once a day. also daylight just fits him as a person??? if you wanna listen to daylight while reading this, here. this was inspired by an ask i got in this blog, thank you for the idea 💕
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My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in Everyone looked worse in the light There are so many lines that I've crossed, unforgiven I'll tell you truth, but never, "Goodbye"
   - Get out. 
   - What? - Carter looked at the blonde sat next to him whose eyes seemed to wander to everyone but to him. - Don’t be like this. You’re just nervous about meeting your dad.
   - I don’t need your help anymore or ever again. I should have done this on my own from the start.
  - Fine, if that’s what you want. - he opened the door of the limousine, climbing off the comfortable warmth of their vehicle to be greeted with the darkness and coldness of New York during the warmth. Serena, without as much as looking back at the man who had spent a full year helping her find her father, ordered the driver to keep going. Well, he should’ve known better but once again, his judgement tended to be clouded whenever dealing with pretty women. 
Once again he was all alone again, nowhere to go, no one to talk to. He could just fell his parents awaiting for him to return to them on his knees begging to be taken back but at this point there was too much damage done and Carter was much to prideful to return to them. In all honesty, Carter was much to prideful to even stay with New York. After the mess that had been his relationship with Serena, no doubt the rest of the Upper East Side was gonna go after him with every single little dark secret he had, and he had plenty of those. 
With that in mind Carter decided to do what he always did; start again. That’s what he always did when things went south or when the world became too suffocating. However, after doing humanitarian work and a documentary, he wondered what he could do next. Lost in how to reboot his life for what seemed like the millionth time in his young years, a little fall of rain from the sky started to wet his cashmere black trench coat. He bite his lip out of frustration. Of fucking course, that was just what he needed right now. Before he could let out all his frustrations by kicking a nearby bin, drops of water stopped falling on his coat and instead sounded like they were falling onto plastic. 
    - Are you alright, sir? - a melodic, magical-like voice broke through his mind and his eyes travelled to a woman standing next to him. She was holding a plastic umbrella over him which kept both of them dry and away from the rain. Unlike him, she was dressed in a lesser quality fabric, using what looked like a blue waitress dress and some off brand white sneakers with her hair pushed into a ponytail, everything merely covered by a worn out black cotton trench coat. - Sir? 
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleepin' so long in a twenty-year dark night And now I see daylight, I only see daylight
Suddenly, he remembered a faithful sentence from one of the movies he had seen during his youth, finally understanding its meaning. They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops. It was true, time did stopped, everything seemed to move in incredibly slow motion, he could see every single blink of the most gorgeous pair of eyes he’d ever met, hear every drop of rain hitting the plastic of the umbrella. However, the later part of the sentence was also true, once time starts again it moves extra fast, and none was that true as a honking bus drove through a puddle of water, waking them both from a dream-like trance. 
     - I saw you being kicked off a car from my diner. You look like you needed help. - she pushed a few of the fly away hairs of her ponytail held together by a blue scrunchie behind her ear. Unlike the girls of Upper East, they weren’t adorned with pearls or heavy jewelled earrings. - Do you wanna come in for a bit, just while the rain doesn’t calm down?
Carter still found himself still staring at her. God, where had she been hiding his whole life? Did she just decide to pop up now that he had been truly humiliated by Serena. Serena, who was even Serena? He didn’t think he’d ever want to think about Serena, Blair, Beth. Who were any of them compared to that woman holding an off brand umbrella over his head as if he wasn’t one of the most hated people in the Upper East. In normal circumstances, he wouldn’t enter any lower ranked places but her smile and comforting aura just made him want to follow her anywhere she went. And so, with a nod, he followed her inside a small diner just in front o the place he had been so unceremoniously dumped. The place was small and empty seemingly with her being probably the last employee before closing time. Nevertheless, there was some charm on the beat up, too used black board by the kitchen window with various pie names written in beautiful chalk calligraphy. 
    - Do you want to eat anything? My treat. - he wondered why she wasn’t charging, why a woman who clearly was much lower than him status wise and could clearly see he was rich offer him something. Normally people would try to quickly rip him off. - I bake them all myself. A new one every single morning. 
   - You bake a new pie every single morning? - he took a seat on one of the red leathered stools by the main table. - Is this your place?
   - No, I just work here but one day I’m gonna have my own place, my own pie shop and people are gonna come from all over the world to try my pies. - she seemed to get lost in her own fantasy before opening the lid of one of the various glass pies stands to take what looked like a wild berry pie slice, serving it perfectly on a freshly washed plate. - A little wild, wild, berry pie. 
  - Pardon? - he asked as she slide the plate towards him, handing him a fork at the same time. 
  - The pie. - she pointed at the board. - It’s the title. Cream patisserie with some berries on traditional pie crust. I got the idea while watching a particularly steamy scene on Sex and the City. 
  - You created the recipe?
  - Where do you think recipes come from? - she smirked at him. - Come on, I promise it’s not poisoned. 
Carter gave her a coyly smile before sinking in his fork in the beautiful berry coloured desert, taking a piece before bring it up to his mouth. As the sweet touched his tongue, he swore like he melted away from his whole body. The taste was fantastic and Carter was certain he had never tasted anything better than that small piece of pie.
   - God, this is fantastic.
   - Thank you, I try my best. - she smiled. - I’m Y/N, by the way. 
   - Carter Baizen. 
Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky And so I became the butt of the joke I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked Clearin' the air, I breathed in the smoke maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now It's brighter now, now
  - Olivia? - Carter mockingly called out, looking around his hotel suit as he wrapped a burgundy red tie around his pristine white shirt. A small high pitched giggle came from behind the leather coach. With a coy smile, Carter slowly moved towards the couch. - Oh, where could my Libbie be?
Another high pitched came from behind the coach and before the three year old could realise what was happening, Carter had already grabbed her by the waist, throwing her to the ceiling before catching her in a fit of giggles, her inherited curly brown hair stuck in front of the same eyes she had definitely gotten from her mother. The little girl giggled once more, tiny arms coming to wrap themselves around her father’s neck. 
  - What are you two doing? - Y/N came out from her bedroom due to all the giggling. Noticing her daughter in her father’s arms she merely rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. - I thought you were supposed to be in bed.
  - We’re just playing hide and seek. - she replied, hiding behind her father’s neck. She surely knew how to avoid confrontation. Y/N merely laughed, walking up to her husband and daughter. - Do you really need to go, mummy?
  - It’s just for a few hours. We’ll be here when you wake up. - Y/N pulled some of her daughter’s hair away from her round, chubby baby face. 
  - Why can’t I go? - she pouted. 
  - You wouldn’t like it, baby. - Carter kissed her cheek before handing her to the nanny who they had hired specifically for tonight. Usually Y/N and Carter didn’t hire nannies as they would rather spend time with their daughter rather than having a complete stranger. Most of the times, Olivia would either be at the pie shop with Y/N or at Carter’s firm office. However, tonight specifically both Carter and Y/N needed to attend a donators gala hosted by none other than Carter’s old fling Serena van der Woodsen. Initially, Carter had been firm on his decision not go, much too uninterested in ever speaking to her or any of her friends ever again. However, after some convincing on Y/N’s part and how he shouldn’t really care about other’s opinion and just enjoy a nice night out, he had caved in. - Trust me, daddy won’t like it either. 
  - Tuck me in? 
  - Okay, baby. - Y/N took over from the nanny, picking her daughter up against her hip before walking away from the main room and into the bedroom of the hotel suit. Carter took to pushing the sheets away from the mattress as Y/N laid her daughter in, puffing her pillows just the way she liked it and pulling the duvet up to her neck. - Now you be a brave good girl for mummy and daddy, okay?
  - Okay. - she nodded, holding onto one of her many stuffed animals. - Night, mummy. Night, daddy. 
 - Goodnight, ladybug. - Carter placed a kiss on his daughter’s forehead before getting up and following his wife out of the hotel room before he could change his mind. His life had gone a completely one eighty every since seeing the group of people he used to hang out with during his youth. He had gotten married to the love of his life who was fiercely by his side no matter what happened, had started his own firm finally riding himself of his parents name, and had brought in the most precious daughter to the world. Whatever happened in the Upper East Side was no longer something that interested him even if he was one of the most wealthy men in New York. He didn’t want Y/N or Olivia to frequent those rotten and cruel places. They were happy in their own little bubble however, sometimes, like tonight, he had to confront the rest of the whole who seemingly still had his eyes on him.
Noticing his tenseness, Y/N intertwined her hand with his, giving him a soft and understanding smile followed by a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
 - You’re gonna be fine, you’ve done way better than everyone in that room. You didn’t inherit what you have, you built it and you should be proud of that, Car. 
  - Well, you have to say that, you’re my wife. - he moved his face slightly so he could kiss her properly. - I can’t believe you’re my wife. 
  - You asked me on a good day. - she looked at the engagement band stacked with her wedding band, simple in silver, nothing too big or too lavish, just something small that both of them liked. 
They were both escorted into the limo with Y/N immediately cuddling up next to her husband unlike so many of his girlfriends before. In all honesty, Carter sometimes thought he was dreaming. He just couldn’t believe he was married to her and if he had told a younger self he would marry someone outside the Upper East circle he wouldn’t have believed it, yet here he was. She was a magnetic, kind, determined woman who had managed to get him out of a rut and push him to his full potential while still living her own dreams. He thought he couldn’t be more in love with her and then she gave him Olivia. He still remembered that faithful New Year’s Eve when she handed him a pregnancy test or when they had to rush out of one of his dinners because she had begun labour. There was nothing in this world that mattered more to Carter Baizen than his girls, something the rest of the Upper East didn’t really understand. However, he was happy, he was happily married, happy with his career and happy with his little ladybug. 
  - Car, are you coming? - Y/N snapped him out of his daze as they reached the gala’s location. Pushing away all the insecurities he had, he pridefully walked down the stairs with Y/N by his side, catching the attention of every single person who stopped their chat to look at the “disgraced” Carter Baizen and the so called “pie girl” he had married.
  - Should we dance? - he gave her grin, offering her his hand eloquently much to her enjoyment. - I wish to dance with the prettiest lady in this room. 
  - Prettiest girl in the room? - she giggled, taking in his hand while the other one held her waist. - Should I ask how many girls in this room you’ve used that line with?
  - Well, Mrs. Baizen, you’re definitely the only one I’ve used that on.
  - You better not be lying to me, Mr. Baizen. 
  - I love you so much, Y/N. - he leaned down to peck her lips, not caring who was watching. 
  - I love you too, Car.
I once believe love would be burning red but it’s golden like daylight
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randomwordprompts · 3 years
If It's Magic | Chapter 11
Summary: Let's meet some new characters!
Taglist: @wakandan-flowerz @bakarilennox @yaachtynoboat711 @wakandas-vibranium @brwnsugababe @storibambino @thadelightfulone @reaperdeldrunk
A/N: I'm trying to get back into writing regularly, so feedback is always great.
The sounds of a big band playing old standards was the background music to the idle chatter that floated around the Manhattan ballroom. With various doctors, lawyers, and city officials scattered throughout, one might think that the Lector children stood out like a sore thumb. But, thanks to Hannibal's published studies being known globally they didn't get a second thought for being there in his place. All of that aside, the siblings were on a mission. Francois met up with their information source on the inside, who took them to meet the mark in question.
"Dr. Black, there are some people that would like to meet you."
Pausing the conversation with his wife, he turned to face the group with a smile that was so practiced it was believable if you didn't know any better. Jacob Black was a handsome man that had clearly aged well, his salt and pepper hair styled to perfection.
Dr., this is Francois, Jonathan, and Amira Lector. They’re here on the behalf of their father, Dr. Hannibal Lector?”
“Ah yes, Dr. Lector! I’ve read many of his studies and am a bit of a fan of his work. It’s nice to meet you three. I trust you’re enjoying yourselves?”
Francois spoke to the doctor of how happy they were to be attending in their father’s stead and the usual spiel of small talk that came about at events such as these. As everyone was talking and getting to know each other a bit more they were joined by another person. A young man who looked to be about the same age as Jonathan, slim and blonde with Jacob’s jawline and Mrs. Black’s eyes approached. He smiled at the small group before speaking.
“Hello mother, father. Who are your new friends?”
Before Jacob could introduce them Amira spoke up, her hand extended towards him with a warm smile.
“I’m Amira Lector and these are my siblings, Francois and Jonathan. We’re here on behalf of our father, Dr. Hannibal Lector. You must be Joseph, your parents were just talking about you.”
“All good things, I hope,” he replied as he took her hand and kissed the back of it.
She smirked coyly before going, “Anything bad you can prove wrong...or right.”
Jacob and his wife exchanged a knowing look behind their son’s back, recognizing the blatant flirting he was doing. Before Joseph could go any further Jacob decided to speak once more.
“Son, this is Amira’s first time here. Why don’t you show her around?”
“I’d be more than happy to if that’s what the lady would like.”
Amira stepped closer with their hands still connected.
“The lady would love to. Let’s start with a dance?”
Joseph’s brows rose at her forwardness but happily led her to the dance floor as the band began to play Frank Sinatra’s “Witchcraft”. He pulled her into his arms with ease and a smile that has probably charmed the panties off many of the daughters in that very room, but Amira found herself amused at how open his aura was. She knew he’d be easy to get info from once she got him to drop his “just a nice rich boy” act. With that in mind, she decided to take the direct approach.
“So, I think we’re far enough for your parents not to hear us. I go to the New School and heard there was this guy selling goods that looks a lot like you. What’s up with that?”
Joseph almost stumbled while they danced but caught himself before smiling at her forwardness.
“What’s up with what exactly, doll face? I have friends that go there, but I need to know what kind of goods you think I’m peddling.”
Amira leaned in so that their lips almost touched, her front pressed tightly against his before whispering, “I heard you have access to the best coke, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t give for a taste.”
Joseph audibly swallowed as her scent invaded his nose in the most delicious way, that combined with the softness of her body and voice casting a bit of a spell over him. His body immediately reacted and she noticed, subtly stroking her thigh along his crotch as they danced. Before he lost his mind she pulled away a bit, an innocent smile on her red lips as they continued to dance.
“When you put it that way, I think I just might have something for you. Meet me in the coat check in about 10 minutes and I’ll have something sweet just for you, beautiful.”
As the song ended they parted ways and she returned to her siblings to catch them up. She found them chatting up Dr. Black and some of his colleagues, the thought of how proud Hannibal would be to see his children rubbing elbows with these prestigious people brought a genuine smile to her face as she approached.
“Excuse me, sorry to interrupt you all,” she started before turning to her siblings, “I have some writing to finish for my psych class so I’m gonna grab a drink, freshen up a bit, and my siblings can escort me back to my dorm?”
Francois and Jonathan understood what she meant and let her know they’d have the car brought around. Amira left the group to meet up with Joseph while her siblings continued to converse for a bit longer.
Once at the door of the coat check room she gave two soft knocks to the door and was quickly greeted by the young man, who invited her in with that same charming smile.
"You know, I wouldn't have expected such a beauty to be into this stuff. But how much are you looking to buy?"
Amira shrugged, "We all have our vices, Mr. Black. But I think an eighth is enough to start. How much?"
"Only 100 for an eighth, but I've got other things as well. You ever tried heroin with the coke?"
"You mean speedballing? Heard of it, never tried it."
Joseph grinned with a devilish glint in his eyes, clearly having either tried it or seen its effects before.
"It's pretty damn good from what I've been told. Since I like you, I'll give you some heroin on top for an extra 50 just so you can try it out."
Amira hummed thoughtfully before reaching into her clutch and pulling out 200 dollars without batting an eye, Joseph holding a bag he kept stashed in the room in case he got any high-end "customers". He pulled out the pre-packaged and measured drugs, handing them to her as she handed him the money. She placed the drugs into her purse and thanked him before leaving the coat check room, looking around to make sure no one saw her. A vibration from her phone alerted her to a call from Jonathan.
“Hey, you good?”
“Yeah, I just got the candy. You brought the car around?”
“Yeah, me and Fran are in the car now. We’ll see you in a few.”
“Alright, on my way.”
With that, she slipped down the stairs towards the lobby as Joseph came out of the room behind her, heading back towards the party. Once Amira reached the lobby, she gave the doorman a smile and another to the driver that opened the door of the town car in which her siblings awaited her. As she got comfy and settled, the driver began to take them to their next destination.
“So what did you get?” Francois asked, lighting up a pipe filled with weed.
Amira pulled the drugs from her clutch and handed them to Jonathan, who inspected the packaging carefully.
“Coke and heroin? What the fuck did you do to get him to give you both?”
“He offered it for an extra 50 bucks and wanted me to try a speedball.”
Francois sat up, “What is a damn speedball?”
“It’s when you inject coke and heroin together. Very dangerous since they do the opposite shit to the body, but the high is said to be unreal.”
Jonathan shook his head after hearing her explain it, “Well, either way, he put what's gotta be his burner number on here so I think that part is for you, short stack.”
Amira pulled out her phone and put the number into it, saving it while reading some texts she missed while at the party. During this time they ended up back at the dorms as the car came to a stop. Jonathan sat back and slipped the drugs into his pocket before speaking again.
“Okay, so we’re gonna take these to the lab for some testing to see how pure it really is. We’ll get back to you in like a day or two with the results, you just see what other info you can get from Joey in the meantime.”
Amira nodded, “For sure, I’ll keep y’all updated if I learn anything. I’m sure he’ll be happy to get a call from me, given that he was imagining what was under my dress the whole night.”
“Of course he did, I made the dress.” Francois snorted.
After exchanging a bit more information and some goodnights, the three Lectors parted ways. Amira got out of the car and walked into her building, a smile spreading across her face as she spotted a familiar figure waiting for her in the lobby.
“I see you got my text,” she said.
“Of course, and looking at you now I’m so glad that I did. You look good enough to eat, Mira.”
Xavier walked up to her and looped an arm around her waist, pulling her close and pressing his lips to hers in a slow kiss. Amira slipped her arms over his shoulders and returned the kiss eagerly, pressing herself even tighter against him. When they finally broke the kiss she giggled seeing traces of her lipstick on his lips.
“You look pretty edible yourself, but I’m kinda tired tonight. Let’s go up to my dorm and just chill tonight?”
“I’d love that, mon petit. Want me to order some food from Night Owls while you change?”
Amira grinned, “You know me too well. Make sure you order some drinks too.”
“I know you well enough to know not to order food without drinks. Now let’s go so you can change before I try to wake your fine ass up.”
She snorted out a laugh before turning to lead him towards the elevator, looking forward to spending some time with the towering demon.
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch 31 - Karaoke Night
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Carol propped her feet up on the porch railing and leaned back in her chair. She let out a contented sigh as she reached into the bag of chips to feast upon the salty snacks.
She was waiting for Varian and his friends from SFIT to arrive. Midterms had just ended and Varian had invited her to come with them to karaoke, knowing how she loved singing.
Carol didn't really know any of his other friends, though she had met the tall girl, Honey Lemon, a few times, but she was always keen to meet new people and even more keen to party, so she had readily agreed.
Right now she was killing time and keeping a lookout for the group. Varian mentioned something about a car pool.
Just then a limo pulled up and parked itself between the two houses that made up the sorority and fraternity. Carol curiously peered over her toes to get a better look at the out of place vehicle.
Out stepped a lanky guy with shoulder length blonde hair and wearing a baggy Kentucky Kaiju t-shirt and knitted beanie. She figured it was one of Brad's snobbish friends come to see him, or perhaps a new prospective student signing up to join the frat. Though he didn't look like the usual preppy rich kids that hung around the frat house. Must be one of those guys who wears things ironically, she thought and rolled her eyes before going back to eating.
She then almost fell out of her chair when she saw Varian also step out of the limo as well. Her mouth dropped. What other secrets did this kid have?
She then looked down at the crumbs of potato chips down her shirt; suddenly embarrassed. She ducked and scrambled back into the house while Varian and the other guy exchanged some friendly words.
Varian walked up the porch steps of the sorority house and knocked on the door. It opened almost immediately. He gave a wide grin upon seeing Carol but before he could say 'hello' her hand shot out, grabbed the front of his shirt, and dragged him inside.
She slammed the door close and ran to the window to peer out from behind the curtain.
"Who's that?" She whispered hurriedly as she pointed to the window.
Confused and now completely knocked off guard Varian walked over to look out to where she was pointing.
All he saw was Fred standing next to the limo waiting on them. The other teen was singing a made up song about being a superhero under his breath and rocking back and forth on his heels impatiently.
"Oh that's just Fred. We took his limo because it had more room for everybody than Wasabi's car." Varian explained.
"His limo?! You didn't tell me you were friends with a millionaire!" She snapped back in a hushed tone, as if she was afraid the other boy could hear them from across the street outside.
Varian could only blink back bewildered. Why was that a problem?
Carol rolled her eyes and went back to watching Fred.
"Does he go to SFIT, too?" She asked, never looking away from the window, "Is he one of those super smart guys?"
"No, Fred's not in college."
"Oh, don't tell me; he's in high school." She responded back sarcastically.
"Umm… no. I think he graduated from homeschool this year." Varian blithely answered. He didn't see how it mattered what school Fred went to or if he went at all.
Carol tilted her head, "Wait, so is he closer to my age or yours?"
Varian thought a moment, "Uh, yours... I think he had a birthday just a couple of months back."
"Soooo he's what.. eighteen then?"
"Uh yeah, just a year younger than you." Varian scratched head, he still didn't understand Carol's odd behavior. "Look, I'm sure he can answer all these questions himself." Varian walked towards the door as he tried to coax Carol to come along. "Why don't you come on out and meet him-"
"Is he single?"
Varian paused mid-sentence and looked at Carol in surprise. The girl hadn't moved away from the window and was still peering through the curtain.
"Umm...Yeeesss." Where was this going?
"Is he gay?" Was the next the next question.
"Like, he is into girls or boys?" She hastily explained.
"I, honestly don't know." Varian slowly answered. Who Fred might prefer to date was not anything he had considered before, and not a subject of conversation that had ever come up.
She finally stopped looking out the window and instead looked down at the sweater she currently wore. Then to his surprise she turned on her heel and ran upstairs.
"Wait! Carol where are you going?" He yelled after her as he followed her upstairs.
"Everyone's waiting for-" He was interpreted again by a bra to the face as soon as he stopped in front of her room. Followed by a series of other assorted clothes being thrown his way. Dresses, shirts, shoes, were flung in his general direction as Carol blindly tore through her chest of drawers. One particularly floofy dress landed on his head and hung there as he stood momentarily stunned.
"Ugh! I have nothing to wear!" She shouted in frustration.
Varian tried to gather his wits again and pulled the dress off the top of his head. "What's wrong with what you got on?" He asked.
"This thing?" She asked incredulously back. "This ain't impressive. I need something that'll wow him."
Varian once again looked confused. "Who?"
"Who? Who do you think?" She rolled her eyes but failed to explain further. She then held up two dresses and asked. "Which do you think is better? The tight black one that's off shoulder, or the fun summery one with the flowers that shows off more leg?"
Varian darted his eyes back and forth at the two dresses, still utterly lost as to what was happening.
"Umm.. I'm not a fashion expert."
She sighed with exasperation. "Which do you think Fred will like better?"
"Fred? Fred's not going to care what you wear." He snorted.
Carol looked offended, "Oh you don't think a guy like that might be interested in me, hun? He's out of my league just cause I'm not some preppy uptown girl who buys Gucci handbags!"
"What? No!" Now Varian was even more lost, and not just because he didn't know what a 'gucci handbag' even was." No, I just meant you look good in anything. Also Fred's not like that. He doesn't care about clothes or handbags. I'm not even sure he cares anything about dating."
Carol stopped holding up the dresses and gave a pout. "You really don't think he'll care?"
"Why would he?"
"Cause everyone else does. I got into this school and the sorority house on a scholarship. I won a grant, but a lot of the other girls are here 'cause they got money or their family knows the dean or some crap like that." She sighed and hugged her knees. "It's the same with guys over at the frat house. Most of them are nice enough but, it's hard to feel like you fit in when you're still buying your clothes from the bargain bin over at the Goodwill."
"Naw, Fred's not like that at all, and neither are any of my other friends. Just wear what you want."
He gave her an encouraging smile and she returned it with a small one of her own.
"Okay." She conceded. "Then I want to wear the one with the flowers." She held up the dress again.  
"Fine, then I'll be down stairs waiting." Varian gave a mock sigh of frustration before they both broke out into giggles. He then headed down stairs to let her change.
Yamasho was a sushi restaurant that held karaoke night every weekend. It was the typical hole in the wall that locals from the neighborhood frequented. Nothing fancy but decent food when on a budget and the family owned establishment took good care of it's regulars.
The gang of college students were given a large table near the stage. Well it was actually two tables shoved together to accommodate the large group, who sat around eating, laughing, and just enjoying the freedom from their studies fnow that midterms were over with.
Karmi walked over to the table to join her friends carrying with her a black three ring binder.
"I got the song list book!" She said as she handed the folder to Hiro.
"I'm not sure if I'll sing anything, but I'll take a look."
"Oh, but ya got to!" Karmi urged as she took a seat next to him and peered over his shoulder at the list of songs. "That's the whole point of karaoke night, silly."
"Why? So you can post my embarrassingly bad singing online?" Hiro shot back good naturedly.
"If she won't then I will." Varian quipped. He leaned in to look at the booklet as well. "So how does this 'karaoke' work anyways?"
"You pick a song off this list and give it to the DJ over there." Karmi pointed to a man standing next to the stage with a soundboard and computer.
"Then when he calls you up on stage he'll play the music and you just sing along with it." Hiro explained. "There's also a screen that'll flash the lyrics up in case you forget the words."
Varian scanned the listing looking for something familiar. "Does it have to be a song from this list specifically?"
"Sometimes the DJ will do special requests," Wasabi added in, "but it might not have the words on screen if he does."
Just then the piece of nigiri Wasabi held fell from between the chopsticks and landed on his shirt. This ignited laughter from the group and cry of frustration from the larger guy as he furiously tried to wipe off the stain.
"Oh, that's right!" Honey Lemon said through a giggles, "this where you got your nickname from. Remember? It was last year we came here right after midterms."
"I remember," Gogo confirmed, "it was our first semester and we wanted to celebrate."
Fred chuckled. "Yeah old Wasabi had butter fingers then too." He turned to Carol to explain since she was new, "We hounded him for days about it and the name just stuck."
"So wait, your name isn't actually Wasabi?" Varian asked.
"No. Do you honestly think my mother named me after a condiment?" Wasabi snapped back.
Varian shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know what the usual naming convictions in America is. In Corona, I once knew a girl who was named after lettuce, ok."
"So what is your real name? I've never heard anyone one call you anything else but Wasabi either." Karmi asked.
Hiro snorted as he tried to contain his laughter "Noel?" He inhaled deeply and opened his mouth wide as if to belt something else out, but was interrupted by Wasabi.
"I know you're not about to start singing a christmas carol right now, or I'll have to shove this whole nori roll into your mouth." He said in a deadpan voice that told everyone present that he heard the joke before.
Hiro quickly snapped his jaw shut and swallowed hard. "Noooo, n-not all buddy." He squeaked. "Noel is….is a... festive name."
Wasabi raised an annoyed eyebrow at him and Hiro plastered on an apologetic grin.
"Sooo, how did you two get your nicknames?" Carol chimed in hoping to change the subject.
"Well I have this favorite lotion that I always like to wear," Honey Lemon chirped, "its lemon and honey scented, and so Freddie…
"So I started calling Honey Lemon," Fred joined in."cause she smells just as sweet as her personality."
"Awe thank you," she blushed, "My real name is Amanda, but I really like the nickname so it's what I go by all the time now."
"Oh, so that's what I smell whenever you fall asleep on.. me-" Varian paused in this realization as everyone turned to look at him. He coughed and started to stuff his face with sushi to distract from his faux pas.
"Ok then…" Carol laughed, "So what about you Gogo? What's your real name?
"Lei?" Karmi asked. "But that's actually shorter than Gogo. Why not just go by that instead?"
The biker chick only shrugged and pointed back towards Fred.
"Cause she's always on the go, ya know." Fred explained.
"I don't really care what people call me." Gogo added. "I'm still Lei to my dad and Gogo to my friends."
"Well then Gogo," Hiro asked as he passed the song folder down, "are you going sing anything?"
"Oh come on Gogo; it'll be fun." Honey Lemon encouraged.
"Then I'll pick something out." Fred grabbed the binder from her. He glanced over it's contents and said, "I think I wanna do a rap song."
Hiro snorted, "You can rap?"
"Sure I can rap. " He said indignantly.
"I'm not sure if I'd call what you do 'rap'." Wasabi interject.
"Oh yeah, well then just watch this." And with that Fred got up and walked over to the DJ, taking the binder with him.
"Rich and talented" Carol mused after he was out of ear shot, "I'm surprised none of you are dating."
Gogo burst into laughter. "You mean Fred? Oh, no noooo no; that's big nope. You haven't known Fred very long."
Carol frowned.
"We all love Freddie," Honey Lemon interceded, " He's a great guy. It's just...sometimes he can get a liiiitle…"
"Insane." Gogo said.
"Intense!" Honey Lemon quickly corrected and then paused as she realized this was perhaps not the best alternative. "No. Wait. That's not the right word...hmm…Passionate! Yes. He's a very passionate person."
"He's also insane." Gogo whispered to Carol.
That's when Fred walked on stage and picked up the microphone.
The night went on. Everyone sang, laughed, and carried on as young people do. Then it was time to head home.
They dropped Carol off first at the sorority house.
"Here let me get out first." Fred said as he opened the limo door and stepped out, "that way you can get out easier with having to crawl all over me." He reached a hand out to help her and Carol grabbed it as she scooted across the long seat to get out.
"My you are quite the gentlemen, ain't ya?" She flirted as she stepped out of the car. She flashed him a wide grin but Fred didn't catch on to her meaning behind the words.
"Ah, I try." He shrugged obliviously.
Varian got out as well. "Well good sir, if you would be so kind as to leave the car running." He said in a mocking manner, imitating the upper nobility he'd sometimes see in court.
Fred caught on to the joke and put on his best fake upcurst accent. "Indubitably, abd will that be all my lord?" He gave a mock bow and they both broke out into snickers.
Carol rolled her eyes and started to walk off, irritated that Varian had gotten in the way.
He followed after.
"I don't need you to walk me to the door you know." She said under her breath.
"I know, I just…"
"Just what?" She reached the porch and whirled around. "We aren't dating, remember?"
"I..I know." Varian looked surprised. "I just figured since I asked you to come along I should be the one to say goodnight to you." He awkwardly explained.
Carol crossed her arms.
"Did I do something wrong?"
She sighed. "I don't want Fred to think we're a couple."
Varian turned back to look at the other teen. He spotted them both looking at him and waved. "Goodnight. It was nice meeting you." He yelled.
She smiled and waved back.
"You..you really like him?" Varian asked.
"Well yeah," Carol said."He's nice, and the fact that he can afford to spring for a taco now and then doesn't hurt either."  
She paused as if a thought occurred to her. "You think I'm being shallow."
"What? No. If you like him that's great. Hey, that's two friends of mine who get along. Wh-what's not to like about that."
She raised an eyebrow. "You jealous?"
"No." He pouted. "It sure didn't take long to get over me though." He joked.
Carol laughed, "Awww, I'm sure you've broken plenty of hearts."
"Who me? Yeah right." Varian scoffed. He then became thoughtful. "I haven't had many chances to meet people until I came here."
"Well of course not. You're only sixteen." She rolled her eyes and then smiled. "You've got plenty of time to find love."
Varian only returned a half smile."Yeah...time…that's also something I always feel like I'm running out of."
"Ugh, I know. Midterms were killer this year, and we gotta do it all again in a few more weeks for finals." He turned and walked back towards the door. "Night. This was fun. Next time y'all decide to do something like this be sure to invite me again."
"We will."
"Oh and if you could maybe find out what Fred thinks of me between now and then? Maybe drop a hint or two…"
Varian rolled his eyes, "I'm not playing messenger."
Carol stuck out her bottom lip and gave a pleading look.
"Fine." Varian conceded. "But unless you're waving a comic book in front of his face I don't think you're going to get him to notice." He warned.
"Comic book fan, gottcha." She dismissed the warning. "There's tons of guys here who are into those. There's even a sequential art program here at the school."
"You don't get it. Fred doesn't just like comic books...he lives comic books. You should see his room."
"Oooh should now?" She teased.
"I didn't mean… forget it."
She laughed again, "I thought you weren't jealous?"
"I'm not." He said defensively. "Look I'll ask, but just don't get your hopes up, that's all I'm saying. Fred's...well…he.. doesn't pick up hints very well."
"So I need to be even more obvious?"
"Or just more up front."
She furrowed her brow in thought. "Hmmm...ok, then I'll keep that in mind for next time. Thanks again, Varian, your a good friend and night."
He returned the farewell as she closed the door.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Shining Star | Part Three
Words: 3k
Warning(s): explicit language, sexual situations
Tag list: @teller258316 @reigns420 @xpoisonousrosesx @oskea93 @blowinmeupwithherlove @redlipscrystalskies14 @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @sublimeprincesswasteland @cruecifymesixx
"Hello?" I answer the phone with a yawn. 
"You just, like, left?" Nikki says from the other end. 
"Don't say it like I knocked you up and left without a trace. I left you coffee, a pop tart and a thank you note." I shrug. "And how'd you get my number?" 
"Tommy. So that's it? No relationship talk or anything?"
"N-No?" I furrow my brows a little. 
"I mean, if you wanna date, sure. I guess."
"No, no, that's not what I meant...it's just, chicks usually get attached and stuff and cling." He explains. "So when I woke up and you were gone without me asking you to leave, I don't know. I just wasn't expecting it."
"Oh, well, you're welcome. I guess."
"But, if you wanna do it again sometime—"
"—I don't sleep with the same people twice unless we're in a relationship." I inform him.
"Worth a shot." 
"Tansy, who's that?!" My mom calls from the living room. 
"I gotta go but I'll see ya later." I tell him. 
"Bring your friend. I need someone to shit on." He replies and I roll my eyes. 
"You need to be careful. Viv doesn't put up with bullshit for long." 
"Yeah, yeah, see ya later." 
Me two years before then would've had a steel grip on his leg, refusing to let go. 
I kind of had to train myself to accept that sex doesn't automatically equal anything more than just sex. After Vince got Tami pregnant, and slept with my mother—tell you about it in a moment—I had major issues with the perception of monogamous relationships, and to avoid being hurt again without being able to control it, I decided if I was going to be fucked over, I was gonna at least get to control who fucked me over. So I began building up my tolerance for sleeping with guys without getting attached, or at least tried. I'd still wipe a few tears on my way home if I truly liked the guy and realized he was just using me for sex, but never calling them back or acknowledging them as little as possible always helped a little.
That's all I'd seen, though. My dad always avoided my mom, my mom always dodged my dad like a bullet, even when they lived in the same house. They were never really in love—my mom was a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader and got pregnant with me in the back of a rusted truck with a Mississippi license plate. They decided to keep me and she moved in with him a state away. 
My dad was a good dad. As good as he could be. He stayed drunk most of the time, just so he could tolerate being in the same room as my mom without having to mentally be there...but he adored me. He even cut back on spending money on booze to put it towards my beauty pageants. 
Don't ask me why my mom felt the need to have me compete to be the prettiest two year old in our county, but she did. 
With the money from two successful pageants, at three years old, my mom decided she and I were gonna move to California so she could pimp me out to an industry that was going to take everything it could from me. 
My dad tried to fight for custody, but my mom played the "he's an alcoholic" card and got custody. He wrote often, and sent presents, and as much child support as he was able to, but anytime he would call she would hang up. He eventually drank himself to death when I was four, and that didn't phase my mom a bit. He'd been dead to her before she even gave birth to me.
One of the many things he and I had in common.
I hang up and finish stirring my coffee. 
"That was Vivian." I tell my mom when I pass by to go to my room. 
"You need to be spending some more time with her. She's a good kid." She states. "She knows how not to fuck every guy in her graduating class and beyond." She adds and I stop and glare at the back of her head before deciding it's not worth an argument.
"Don't forget you have practice at 3:00." She adds and I sigh. 
How could I possibly forget? She never let me go a day without reminding me we were broke because she put all of our money towards my pageants and competitive cheer—things she wanted me to be in, not things I chose. They looked good. Pretty. Things 5'3", 120 pound barbie blonde's did. Things my mother did and things she'd be damned if her daughter didn't do, too…
One thing about cheering, though. In the midst of a stunt, where you're elevated anywhere between 10-15 feet, your equilibrium can't be fucked and fried. And after a night of snorting anything with a powder base, and drinking your throat raw with vodka or Jack…
"What the hell is wrong with you, Tansy, can you not understand what '1, 2, down, up,' means?!" My mom barks at me as the gymnasium spins from where I fell, my head aching while my vision splotches for a moment, my cheermates leaning over me, all of them asking me if I'm okay. 
"I lost my balance." I shakily reply, trying to sit up, seeing my mom bulldoze through the girls to see me.
"No shit, Sherlock, if you were in proper form and prepared you wouldn't have fallen. Now get up and start over and if you fall again I'm taking you to the hospital and fucking leaving you there with the bill. Get up." She snaps. 
I get up like a puppet master tugging the strings of their puppet, demanding it to move.
"You need to work on your front tuck. It's  sloppy." Mom informs me once practice is over as we walk to the car. 
"My hip is acting up again." I tell her, honestly, the joint of my left hip aching with each step and she sighs. 
"I don't see how with all the time you spend on your back." 
"Will you stop, mom?" 
She looks at me with raised brows. 
"I'll stop when you stop opening your legs for free. I'm gonna make you start payin' rent if you don't start sleeping with men that can write a check that doesn't bounce."
"I'm not a prostitute, mom."
"Oh, please, everybody's a prostitute, Tansy, but it's up to you what you accept as profit. Love isn't profit. Tangibles you can deposit into an account for interest or rack up value over time, is profit." She argues, pointing at me, before leaving me standing. 
"Well, maybe I don't want 'tangibles' or whatever." I suggest, following after her. 
"Okay, put it this way: everybody's gonna die at some point. Would you rather be well known across the country for actually being a somebody, or have your only claim to fame be 'that midget-short, blonde slut that did everything for a bindle of coke?"
Before I can answer she cuts me short:
"Well, you'll be the second one, regardless, but at least strive to be known as 'that rich and famous midget-short, blonde slut that did everything for a bindle of coke'."  
"I'm not a slut, mom." I tell her calmly when we get into the car. 
"Not what I've heard." She pulls a cigarette from her purse and cranks the car. 
"Not everything you hear is true, you know."
"So, you weren't simultaneously sucking and fucking Chance Scarbors and Duke Vera a couple weekends ago at Tracy Lennols party you just had to go to?" 
My heart sinks when she asks me and I look at her and can't confirm nor deny. 
"If you could multitask like that while cheering, you'd be able to have a tighter front tuck than what you've got now." She states and I bite my tongue. "I wasn't a whore when I was in high school, it's obviously something you must've picked up from your dad. God, burn his soul, selfish bastard." 
As she starts on a rant about how shitty my dad was, which I know he wasn't, I just close my eyes and zone out. 
Every mistake I made was my dad's fault...at least to my mom. All my talent and looks was all her, but my rebellious streak, my addiction struggles, my "weak heart" and sensitivity...and people pleasing, was all my dad's fault. And honestly, maybe it was.
All he did was try to make my mom happy, he just had to have enough alcohol in his system to tolerate her screaming at him. 
Looking back, it's safe to say I am definitely my father's daughter.
"Fuck this." I grit out, trying to cover the dark circles under my eyes with concealer. To no avail.
Freshly washed, teased, blonde hair, blue eyes, healthy skin—aside from the dark circles.
I finish putting my makeup on and get dressed to go out tonight. 
"Viv's coming at seven!" I shout down to my mom. 
"Are you gonna eat while you're out?!" She calls back to me. 
"Probably!" I reply. 
She doesn't answer. 
Once I hear Vivian's car pull in, I put my heels on and step to the living room. 
"You can't eat if you don't have money to buy it." My mom tells me as I pass by where she's sitting in her chair. 
"Viv's got money." I shrug. 
"Vivian shouldn't have to pay for your lazy ass." She snaps at me. 
"She doesn't care, mom." 
"Hey," Vivian says when she comes inside, smiling at me. "You look so good." She adds. 
"Vivian, c'mere," mom calls and I roll my eyes, clenching my jaw as Viv slowly goes to the living room, looking at my mom. 
"Ma'am?" Vivian asks and mom blows her cigarette smoke past her lips. 
"Where you girls headed?" 
"The Rainbow to grab something to eat." Vivian lies.
"I heard you got a boyfriend." She says next. 
"Um, he's not my boyfriend, we're just—"
"—He gonna be there tonight?" She interrupts and I cross my arms as Vivian shrugs.
"I don't know." She answers, honestly, and my mom looks at the two of us, skeptically before she finishes, "quit giving her free handouts." She motions to me, before waving us off dismissively.
We go to the front door and she adds, "don't do anything stupid!" 
"'Just friends', yeah right." I say to Vivian as we get into the car. 
"Shh!" She scolds me. "If your mom finds out she'll tell my mom and my mom can't know I even know Nikki or I'm screwed." 
"No if Charlette Renée Kinston finds out her innocent Jesus-baby is getting fucked by Nikki Sixx on the regular—"
"—Will you stop saying it like that? It's not like that, we don't do that." 
"Oh, please, Vivian. That's all he knows how to do." I reply. "Unless, like, you guys just 'make love'." I pretend to swoon and she cuts her eyes at me. 
"It's 'sex'." She corrects me. "It's not screwing or 'making love'. Just say 'sex'." 
"Technically I said 'fucking.' And there's a difference between 'screwing' and 'fucking'." 
"Whatever you call it, just don't say anything to Tommy or Vince about it, alright? Tommy would lose it and Vince wouldn't let me live it down so just don't mention it." She tells me. 
"Mention what? The fact that you lost your virginity to Nikki Sixx and have been bending over sinks and carhoods for him ever since? I wasn't going to." I reply and she glares at me. "You get, like, tested afterwards, right?" 
"Ha. Ha. Funny." She tells me and I smile, chuckling. 
"I was kidding." I say, buckling my seat belt. 
"Probably wouldn't hurt to get tested, honestly." She thinks aloud and I laugh.
When we get to where we're going, she finds an empty place on the lawn crowded with azalea bushes and what seems like endless vehicles parked where they can fit. 
"I swear if anyone hits my car…" she mumbles as we get out and shut the car doors. 
We can hear the music from out here, and Vivian waits for me to catch up before following me inside. 
"Shy or something?" I ask and she rolls her eyes. 
"I don't know any of these people." She replies. 
"And you think I do? This was the address the guys gave us." I remind her. 
We head inside, people shoulder to shoulder and I can feel Vivian tense up. 
Makes two of us. 
"Okay, um, look for Tommy. He's gotta be the tallest person here." She says to me as loud as she can over the bustle of people talking and drinking. 
"Got it." I nod. 
Apparently I didn't get the memo we were splitting up because in a second, she uses her long-ass legs to her advantage and is leaving me behind. 
"Ugh," I huff out, glancing around, not seeing anybody I recognized, and certainly not seeing ten foot Tommy. "Damn it."
Can't beat 'em, join 'em.
I go to find the booze, eventually finding it in the kitchen, keeping an eye out for Viv and the guys. 
I spot the cooler and as soon as I reach for it, a hand bumps into mine. 
I'm immediately looking up to see a sweet-faced guy with naturally curled, golden hair, and blue eyes. 
Before I can say "sorry" he's snatching his hand away like mine burnt him or something. 
"Sorry," I say anyway as he motions to the cooler and says, "no, you're good, go ahead." 
I grab a beer, and hand him one, too. 
"Thanks." He mumbles, not bothering to make eye contact. 
Which is fine because it gives me a couple more seconds to examine him. 
"Do I know you or something?" He asks me innocently after he catches me staring. 
"I don't know, maybe I've seen you around…" I shrug a little, smiling at him. "I'm Tansy."
"Steven." He replies, grinning. 
"Tans!" I hear someone yell and I turn to look through the crowd in the living room and see Vince.
"Um, I gotta go." I tell him. "But, I'll probably see you around some time." I add.
"Yeah, see ya around!" He says over the music as I'm walking away. 
We did eventually see each other around, about four years later.
"The hell have you been?" Vince asks me with a half grin. "Been looking all over for you."
He slings his arm over my shoulders as we head upstairs and I roll my eyes. 
"Why are we going upstairs?" I ask him, already knowing what's on his mind. 
"I needed help finding the bathroom." He chuckles, slurring a little, and I raise a brow but don't argue. 
People move down the hall, shifting into bedrooms in a frenzy as soon as others leave the rooms vacant, and I finally pinpoint a bathroom, opening the door, and stopping in my tracks. 
Vivian's on the counter, legs wide open, her hand in Nikki's hair as his mouth coaxes between her legs. 
She and I make eye contact for a split second before she's frantically pushing him away, accidentally poking him the eye in the midst of it, and he lets out a "fuck, Vi—" only for her to cover his mouth with her hand all while Vince approaches and asks, "what is i—" 
I don't give him time to finish asking, my hand shoving at his forehead before he can peek around the door, knocking him back as I slam the door.
He sloppily, and dramatically, braces himself against the wall and looks at me with wide eyes. 
"What the fuck, Tansy?" He asks me. 
"Sorry, it wasn't empty." Is all I say. "Here, I'll help you piss in the azaleas outside." 
"Whatever." He shrugs, grabbing my hand and I help him back downstairs. "Now my head hurts." He mumbles.
"So I need a blowjob, too." He states pathetically. 
"Yeah, yeah."
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imaginesbymk · 4 years
“Someone New.”
Peaky Blinders One Shot
Summary: MK loves Luca unconditionally, but she has doubts whenever she thinks about how he makes a living, and she wonders if he ever loved her at all to begin with.
Pairing: Luca Changretta x Adult!Me (MK)
Tags: swearing & my really bad italian translations + my bad attempts of writing angst (inspo; this drabble)
A/N: this plot is so cheesy, and i know i don’t write au/personal imagines, but this is just a lil something i put together as a celebration for reaching 500 followers!!! one shots are not open! 
read my luca changretta x OC x tommy shelby fic Pink + White here.
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THE cigarette butt was put out in the ashtray when MK occupied the study room. Luca promised her a fancy dinner date at one of the finest restaurants in New York City, but he was late. In fact, he wasn’t even home. He wasn’t dead for sure. He was smart enough to dodge that fate. Instead he was out somewhere in the busy streets, probably attending a meeting with a company MK does not know of, or maybe got too carried away with the attractions the city had to offer at night. Maybe it was another woman. Either way, her blood was boiling. 
MK was a floater. Booze was always kept in a cabinet that opened every now and then, but she never dove into the chaotic lifestyle of partying and prohibition. She never thought in a million years she would wind up falling for a man who had an equal fair share of both, as his business dealt with importing and exporting alcohol into speakeasies, and the people who worked with him were no stranger to weapons and violence. 
The theatre in New York City was packed and busy, but they met at the wrong place at the wrong time. MK snuck backstage to get a glimpse of the performers, and instead walked in on a different room. Luca was trying to negotiate a deal with the manager of the theatre, they exchanged witty comments at each other just enough to show things were about to end on, quite literally, a broken leg. 
Luca turned his head when he noticed at the corner of his eye that someone was watching them at the door, surprised to see a person who wasn’t looking for trouble for the first time. She looked too naive to hold a gun properly. He watched as the manager shouted at MK, asking what she was doing there since only employees and performers were allowed in the back section, and tries calling for security. 
“Okay, okay! I’m going!” she backed away, not before giving Luca another glance and taking off from where she entered.
She saw him again on a different night. She had completely forgotten about their previous awkward encounter, but when she saw the familiar face taking a seat next to her at the bar, she recalled seeing the look he had when they first made eye contact.
“Apparently a lady can’t drink at the bar alone. So can a gentleman join ya?” He smirks, the bartender pours him about three fingers of gin.
She was stunned to see him nights after that. New York City was wild, and men like him took many breaths away. She slowly nodded, not using her words.
Was she sure about this? The man seemed dangerous, and more experienced in anything than she’ll ever be. Of all the women that dolled themselves up for the occasion and looked tremendously beautiful and sexy, while she simply wore what she could afford at that time, why would he give his attention to her and not them?
After shyly looking down at her glass, she dared to look back at him. He was still looking at her. The butterflies in her stomach danced as if they were listening to the song the band was playing on stage. It was those eyes.
MK gave up and headed for bed since it was already late, and the restaurant Luca had the idea of taking her to was most likely closed by now. She shuts the lamp and buried herself under the sheets, bottling her frustration by just clenching her jaw. He was home when she woke up. She found him in the study in a change of clothes, his hair was falling forward post-gel, and his raspy voice spoke in Italian with the telephone pressed against his ear.
“Sono io. Diglielo che l’affare è ancora concluso.”
MK melted every time he spoke his mother tongue, this time she couldn’t bare to hear him speak. She was still upset about last night, she didn’t wanna speak to him, yet she had so much to say. She leaves him to wake herself up with coffee without the thought of preparing a cup for him too. Minutes go by and MK sips her beverage when she hears him enter the kitchen. Luca stands on the other side of the island counter, looking down at her mug.
“I’m just gonna boldly assume you didn’t make me coffee on purpose.”
“Buongiorno to you too, Luca.” She turns away so she couldn’t face him.
“MaryKate.” She felt an odd tingle in her spine. Luca almost never refers to her by her full name, not even by her other nickname, which was Kate. It was beyond weird. He walks over and cups her face. “C’mon. I’m sorry, okay? I got wrapped up with business. I was literally losing my mind because those bird brains couldn’t do simple math—”
MK was about as half ready to smash the half filled coffee mug on the floor. “My God, Luca. Business this, business that. It was your night off for the whole fucking week. You couldn’t make Matteo take over?”
Luca swore under his breath and walked back to his study.
“Where are you going?” she asks sternly.
“Back to work.” You gotta be fucking kidding me. MK watched him disappear back into the study room, and she let out a groan. The caffeine entering her bloodstreams increased her pounding heartbeat, but she quickly calmed herself when she followed him inside.
“Can I come with you to your next meeting?”
“Do you wanna meet Santa Claus too?” Luca said dryly.
“I’ve only been to one meeting. I can’t imagine the rush of power unless I’m there to feel it, and you won’t let me.”
“Yeah, damn fucking straight I won’t let you,” Luca cleared his throat. “That last meeting, those people tried to make you feel uncomfortable.” He looked up from his work from the desk and stared at MK. “I won’t let you see what’s really behind closed doors.”
But the few nights after took a whole different turn. MK wouldn’t listen, and managed to unlock Luca’s cabinet filled with his weapons, and picked out the one she thinks she was capable of using. She didn’t enjoy stealing, but proving to Luca she could be just like him and still be with him would bring them closer was on her mind. It ended with her sneaking up on the group of men Luca and his men were speaking to, and she pointed her gun at the presumable leader.
Luca’s eyes filled with dread as he froze in his spot, immediately recognizing her. Matteo grabbed the gun from MK, cursing in Italian how stupid she was and why she followed them. They were lucky the men backed down when they realized it wasn’t a good time just yet, but the worst wasn’t over.
Luca and MK’s shouts echoed their entire manor that it was enough for the neighbors to hear them.
“I can’t trust you anymore!” Luca shouted. “You realized what you could of done?! Putting yourself in danger like that?!”
“I wanted to protect you!”
“I don’t need your fucking protection!” he slams the table. “I didn’t need you to follow me, all right?” he began cursing in Italian, something MK was never able to fully understand his language one hundred percent. He held her by the shoulders. “If you ever do that shit again, I’ll—”
“You’ll what, Luca?” she pushes him. “Leave me? You’ve been pushing me aside, you forget our date nights, I end up sleeping in our bed alone, wondering if your body is laying dead on the ground! Do you have any idea how much that scares me? I get how insane it is being in the mafia, but if you can’t spare one night with me, then why am I here?”
“Y’know what, maybe you’re right. Why the fuck are you here?” MK looked at him with an icy shock. Instead of processing what he had just said, Luca turned to head back to his office. “When you gain back your fucking senses, let me know.” And he slams the door.
None of them spoke all day, too caught up in their anger to check up on each other. Luca occupied himself alone while MK wandered around the house, avoiding the corridor to his study. She checked his schedule, he had somewhere to be the following evening, no surprise. 
She stayed in the kitchen until she heard Luca’s footsteps descend from the stairs and out the front door. As soon as she heard his car drive off and having the house to herself once again, MK slides down the wall of the hallway and finally broke down into tears.
Once she calmed down, she walked up to their shared master bedroom, and packed everything she could carry in her suitcase. The last thing Luca said to her caused an aching pain in her chest. 
She could just walk out if she couldn’t take it, Luca could find another woman to sleep with without any issue. She wouldn’t be surprised if someone new entered his life a week after. It would hurt like hell, but it was the sad reality of it all.
MK walked out. No goodbyes. No telephone calls, no handwritten note, just an empty house.
HER old home was now owned by a friend of hers, and it contrasted the luxurious, spotless abode Luca let her stay in uptown. The taxi drive was quite long and she was exhausted, so she collapsed in the small bed, sleeping in the dress Luca had always loved seeing her wear. 
He spoiled her with riches and shared his aesthetic with hers, making sure she had her spot with fashion and art. In MK’s old home, it was decrepit. No one paid a visit because they hated the design, and no one saw her for who she really was, but Luca was different. He wanted her, and he got her. 
Days go by and MK still had the aching heartbreak in her chest as she entered downtown New York City at night to see a show in the grand theatre. She had to admit, she was bummed out when she saw how many people brought their lovers or husbands and wives to the show, and it seemed like she was the only one without either. She was alone.
MK picks up her pace and rushed inside to take her assigned seat and sighed in relief, staring at the red curtain on stage ready to come up and showcase the night, hoping to distract her from her inexplicable grieving.
The empty seat next to her was then taken, filling in the space between her and the next guest after. MK took in how the man’s fragrance was enriched and strong, and she could see the giant rings on his finger nearly covered some of the tattoos inked on his skin, including the crown tattoo on his hand, or the one on his neck which was a cross. His hat rested well on his lap and he hooked one leg on the other. His suit was clean as usual, and the cuffs on his wrist enclosed with the golden pressed buttons. 
No. Her heart raced as she turned to see his face. She was met with those eyes.
One thing she forgot to remember was the fact that Luca loved theatre, this was the theatre he usually goes to, and this was where they met. Of course he wouldn’t miss a show. He kept staring straight ahead as the loud cheers and applause erupted when the curtains rose. 
MK could barely pay attention to the performance. The tension rising between Luca’s presence and hers pressed together so tightly. He did this on purpose, MK thought. Fucking bastard!
Unless the last two empty seats were meant for them so coincidentally, as both of them bought solo tickets and wounded up next to each other. But this was insane. Luca was entitled enough to watch the shows up on the balcony for the best seats in the house, so why pick the orchestra seats?
It didn’t matter how, she never felt so uncomfortable in her entire life and couldn’t stifle her panic. 
Luca broke the ice, quietly talking over the music that transitioned to a slow chorus. “I made the owner arrange a seating. It was meant for another couple, but they never showed up.” He tries reaching for her hand when he noticed her tensing up. “MK, amore. calm down.” He looked at her with worry. “All right. I think we need to talk.”
MK broke out in an exhaled cry and got up. “Fuck this.” She carefully goes passed the seated guests before heading out the exit, running out of the theatre in tears until she could no longer breathe.
Luca chased after her onto the streets, pushing past people along the way. “MK, c’mon! Please don’t go.”
MK stopped and covers her face in her hands. “Don’t talk to me with that intimidating mafia shit, then!” Speak like a fucking human being, Luca!”
“Fine,” Luca pulled her from behind and held her. “I’m sorry.” He kisses her shoulder up to her neck. “I need you. It doesn’t feel right not having you here, MK.”
“You have far more important things than someone like me,” she says. “And you agree with that.” MK shivers, feeling the night cold and she hugs herself with her thin layered trenchcoat.
“You had nothin’ else to wear but that?” Luca’s eyes loomed over her outfit. “That’s not for winter.” He removed his long overcoat and wraps it around her. “You’re just as important as my work, and I didn’t take that seriously. I should of paid more attention.”
“You can’t just push me aside, Luca.” She turns around to face him. “Eventually, I’ll end up finding someone new, someone who won’t treat me like a second option.”
“I’d rather die.” Luca cupped her face. “I’ll do better, you hear me? God forbid if I ever neglect you again, I would never forgive myself.”
“No. It’s hard to balance love and work, but I can’t just toss you away like that. You’re all the world to me.”
MK lookes down sadly. “Luca, I just know nothing will change. We’re so different.”
Luca shook his head. “That’s not gonna stop me.”
“But why?” MK asks. “There are women out there who would gladly take my place any day, and they’re ten times more experienced.”
“Sure, that may be true. But I can’t imagine spending my life with those women, sharing my home with them, waking up next to them, holding them, possibly having a future with them.” He lifts her chin. “Because I love you.” And he leans down, kissing her softly. MK wrapped her arms around him for support. He pressed his forehead on hers, his eyes still shut.
“I love you too, Luca.” The couple pulls away. “So, are we heading back inside?”
“Actually, there’s this restaurant I’ve been dying to take you to,” he smirks as he took her hand, and they began walking off down the streets of New York City, the lights blaring up on their bright faces like they were brand new.
tag list: @ladyxblake​ @lotsoffandomimagines​ @amirahiddleston​ @thethyri​ @woahitslucyylu​ @myriadimagines @obsessedunicorn24 @fangirlsarah16 @your-pixels-are-showing​
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 19•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram! Shout out to my beta psychcticminds on Ao3 and psychtic.minds on Instagram! 
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Richie and Eddie struggle to get some privacy for their full moon transformations.)
Richie couldn’t help the childlike giggle that escaped his mouth while he ran, hand in hand with Eddie. The wind blowing through their hair, tickling their ears. They ran to an area that was untouched by the lights of the town. Finally able to take their hats off. The lush grass turned to dark sand beneath their feet as they entered the beach.
Richie halted and clutched his abdomen, he let out a small shriek of pain.
Eddie let go of his hand and moved to crouch in front of his boyfriend. “Hey, Rich, look at me” he placed his hand under Richie’s chin to tilt his face to look at him. He wasn't surprised to see the eyes of a werewolf staring back at him. “It’s gonna get a lot worse before it gets any better, but I’m here, alright? So just-“ Eddie’s heart nearly stopped when the sound of another voice broke out from behind them.
“You know, when I first laid my eyes on you, of course I recognized you, Eddie. I had been searching for you for a while now. But your wolf friend seemed so familiar, yet I couldn’t quite figure out who he was. Finally, that tool of a teacher gave me your full name” Now Richie and Eddie stood facing her, both of their bodies ached to shift. “Richard Tozier, son of the banished werewolf Wentworth Tozier, and a filthy human,” She said as if his mother was a disgrace.
“Don’t you dare speak of my mother that way you bitch,” Richie growled, fangs bared.
His words didn’t phase her, “It doesn't matter” She shrugged. “I’ll have to kill both of you anyways. We simply cannot allow our secret to be jeopardized,” She rubbed her hands together as if she were cleaning them of dust.
Eddie’s eyes scanned the beach, they landed on one of the large hills that turned into a cliff, overlooking the ocean. It reminded him of the day he left The All Lands. His mind raced as an idea sprouted in his head. He caught Richie’s eyes and looked between him and the cliff. Richie caught on, responded with the smallest nod.
“Come and get us, you hag,” Richie sneered, without missing a beat he and Eddie ran in opposite directions, both of them breaking out into an inhumanly fast sprint, despite the pain it brought them.
Elizah refrained from moving, instead, she glanced between the two, sighed and mumbled, “Such a shame…”.
Mike, Bev and Ben had all gathered in Bill and Stan’s room. Stan explained the situation at hand. He summarized Eddie’s backstory and what he had to do with Zack Denbrough’s death (Bill just nodded as everything made just a little more sense once someone else explained it). Then he moved onto The Council and what they’d done to Richie and Eddie. Finally he explained who Elizah is and what needed to be done if they wanted to keep their friends alive.
“We need to act now,” Mike confirmed, zipping his jacket up and pulling the hood over his head.
“But we need to be ca-carful, we’re dealing with fu-forces we don’t uh-uh-understand” Bill warned them as they all nodded in understanding. “They’re still our f-friends”.
“So remember, quickly and quietly” Stan reminded them before he quickly tossed back a pill for his stomach and chugged some water. Then proceeded to move towards the hotel room’s door. Just before he opened the door he turned to face his friends one final time and said, “Let’s do this Losers”.
The Losers had made it through the hallway and down the stairs without being caught. When they entered the lobby the sounds of voices bounced off the tile floor and stopped them in their tracks. Bill poked his head out from the stairwell and surveyed the castle’s lobby. He noticed the lounge was empty and so was the artifact hall which led to the door they needed to get to. Finally, he noticed the check in desk had a pair of big black boots propped up on it’s clean wooden surface. The guard that took the night shift was currently sitting comfortably in his desk chair as he watched something on his phone with great intensity. Which explained the voices.
“He’s distracted,” Bill whispered to his friends behind him. He waved his hand and began to quickly tip toe towards the door. They walked past the cases that contained the artifacts and that same gun from before caught his eye. Bill motioned for the others to go ahead of him when he stopped to examine it. Something deep down told him he was right, that it was the gun he knew so well. The one his father showed to him as a child, then when he finally came of age he was shown how to properly hold that same gun.
He scanned every detail of its metallic surface. But one detail, something so small and hidden confirmed his suspicions. On the bottom of the handle there was the smallest initials engraved into the butt of the gun, ZD. Zackary Denbrough. Bill smiled to himself. He was too overwhelmed to notice the way his eyes filled with tears at the sight of his dad’s gun.
It would make sense, if this bitch is who she claims she is, and she did in fact kill dad, then it’d make sense that she has his gun. We never did find it after the accident..
Beverly was the last one out, she looked back and noticed Bill was shoving something into the inner pocket of his jacket. “Bill!” She whispered yelled, “Get your ass out here!” She stepped outside, the cool night air engulfing her. She reached into her jacket pocket and adjusted the contents she had stashed away in there, obviously they weren’t meant to be stored in a pocket but she made it work.
“Whatcha got there?” Ben lightly nudged her with his elbow.
“Backup” She assured him with a wink. Bev grabbed one of the two things she had and tossed it to Ben. “You’ll know when the time comes”.
Bill gave one last glance to the night guard who was laughing at his phone. He joined the rest of his friends outside and they all began walking in the same direction that their friends had travelled.
The werewolf could physically feel his bones shifting. So he knew he should turn to head towards the cliff. From where he started on the beach, Richie ran all the way into the forest, away from the cliff to gather some more strength before continuing. He had a hand up on one of the trees to keep him up. His breaths were laboured and he coughed up blood. I won’t be able to keep this up much longer. But before he could think anything else a deep growl erupted from somewhere behind him in the forest. He looked behind him just in time to see a pair of glowing yellow eyes staring him down.
“Fuck me,” Richie sighed before he booked it out of the forest. Whatever that beast was didn’t take long to chase after Richie. It looked like some type of mega monster wolf, blood covered fur, knife-like fangs, hungry eyes that stared into your soul. He kicked it up a notch after he felt the beast nip at his heels.
Richie looked up towards the cliffs and mapped out how he would get there. From the cliff his eyes fell on another figure that was in a situation similar to his.
Eddie ran in the opposite direction that Richie had gone in. So that took him past the cliff and onto the other side of the beaches where the ruins laid in front of the caves. The rabbit paused momentarily behind one of the wreckages of what looked to once have been a house. Eddie sat on the sand with his back against a semi-demolished wall as he attempted to catch his breath.
His ears twitched as the breeze blew through them. At a moment’s notice they stood tall on his head, alert. Something had made a low grumbling noise from inside the caves. Sadly they were deep in the side of the hill so the moon’s light didn’t shine in them. But Eddie didn’t need the moon’s light to make out the bright yellow eyes that opened up before Eddie.
A sigh came from Eddie who got to his feet when the monster wolf stepped into the light. He swallowed the lump in his throat. He hoped the small partially destroyed wall in hopes that the ruins would act as an obstacle to slow the beast down as Eddie picked up his pace. He refrained from sprinting until he felt the wolf’s breath on his back. He was tired and knew the transformation would take enough energy out of him as it is.
He had never resented the moon’s powers for this long, and he was definitely feeling it. He felt too big for his body yet too small at the same time. His teeth felt as if someone had removed them one by one then put them all back in out of order. Eddie could almost feel the light layer of fur that crept just below his skin which threatened to break through.
Thankfully he and Richie made it onto the cliff at the same time, coming from different sides they met in the middle. They turned to stand back to back as they both faced their own beasts.
Richie’s fangs were out as he lashed and growled at the wolf before him. But the beast went unphased.
“Stand down,” a female voice called out which the boys had grown way too familiar with.
Elizah stood in the middle of the two wolves who immediately backed off, falling back to flank her either side. Though they had backed off of Eddie and Richie, they still bared their fangs, which were dripping with saliva and blood.
“We could’ve done this the easy way. But alas, the males of the species are always much more stubborn. Like your father Eddie, I see so much of him in you” The mention of Frank Kaspbrak caused Eddie’s blood to boil. “It’s a shame you didn’t inherit more of his Ancestral magic, he was a truly gifted user. He was our high priest after all” She shot them a knowing smile.
Eddie’s brows furrowed together in confusion.
She tilted her head slightly, “Did you not know that? Oh, well you were quite young when he passed. Too bad you’ll never be able to find out, isn’t it?” she asked.
“You’re the reason he’s dead. He never did anything but try to help-“
“Humans, Eddie, he tried to help humans. I still can't believe you don’t see it. especially after living with them. They’re animals,'' She shook her head disapprovingly.
“No you’re the only animal here, you sadistic bitch,” Eddie growled as he took a step forward. Before he was able to continue towards her, Richie let out a groan of pain. Eddie snapped his head around to see a glowing yellow like aura around Richie’s form. He snapped his head back to Elizah and she smirked deviously at him.
“Not another step or the wolf gets it. Do I make myself clear?” She asked with her hand out, which was covered with the same yellow aura that now enveloped Richie.
“I was once like you, filled with innocent optimism, but I was actually clueless. Blind to the fact that humans only crave power, and they will do anything to get it. Not to mention the fact that they fear what they don’t understand and would ultimately rage war on the Ancestors in order to get answers. Luckily I have a plan to keep everyone safe from this wretched species. A force that won’t let anyone out or in,” She monologues. She curled her fingers in ever so slightly and Richie’s groan turned to a shout as the aura changed from yellow to orange.
“But I cannot have either of you liabilities running around trying to stop me from putting in the barrier that would save Ancestors from the destruction of the bloody human race-“ A gunshot rang out through the valley, echoing off the hills and silencing Elizah.
Standing behind her was none other than The Losers Club. Bill held his father's gun high and proud, a wild, toothy smile plastered over his face. He didn’t aim to hit anyone, that shot was purely to grab their attention.
“Give us Eddie and Richie or else” Bill demanded, his voice stern and stutter less.
Elizah examined them, giving each Loser a solid glance over before a deep and evil laugh erupted from her mouth. “Or else? OR ELSE?! Or else what sweetheart? Are you, you going to shoot me with your dead father's gun?” The mention of Zack Denbrough froze Bill, and Elizah noticed. “What? You don’t think I know about you, William? And your poor father, he learned too much. Like you have,” She explained, then glanced between all of the Losers. “But all of your deaths will be for the greater good of the Ancestors. I should stop withholding the inevitable,” She finally sighed then with the slightest flick of her wrist, the wolves charged The Losers.
Bill took aim at one of the wolves, but when he went to pull the trigger nothing happened. Panic ensured the teen as he clicked it again, nothing. The wolf was quickly approaching as Bill struggled to figure out what was wrong. Suddenly something flew out and struck the side of the wolf’s head, catching its attention.
Bill turned to see Mike had collected some rocks he held in his jacket pockets. Locked and loaded, he pelted the wolf again, this time getting the beast's full attention, it turned and started towards Mike who continued to pelt it with rocks. He used it as a distraction to give Bill more time with the gun.
With that time Bill checked the gun, finding he had clicked the safety on when he hadn't noticed. With the flick of the switch, he was ready to shoot. He pointed the gun up aimed at the wolf that was lunging for Mike. No time for mistakes, he told himself. He steadied his grip and pulled the trigger. The shot gave Mike time to put some distance between him and the wolf as the beast was momentarily shocked. Bill quickly approached the wolf, aimed, and shot off the killing blow. The beast fell to the ground in a lifeless heap of fur and claws.
Mike ran back to Bill, “Good aim” He complimented him.
“T-Thanks” Bill’s hands were shaking, unused to this much pressure, power, and the kickback.
While Mike was distracting the other wolf, Beverly stepped forward and removed the contents from her pocket. She pressed both the triggers just as the wolf approached them. A massive flame erupted from the lighter she held in front of the bottle of hairspray. It singed the wolf’s muzzle, sending it stumbling backwards. “NOW NEW KID!” She called out.
Ben stepped forward, shaking his spray bottle and spraying the wolf wherever he could, getting as much of the product onto the wolf. When it turned to snap at Ben, Beverly took that as a chance to get closer and spray more of the wolf, the flames reached its sides, and the smell of burnt fur filled the air. Ben sprayed the wolf’s face and Bev met his spray line with her fire. Just as planned, the fire from her bottle caught onto the hair spray that Ben had been spraying along the wolf’s fur, the beast’s fur caught and the fire spread throughout its entire body.
“Shit,” Mike cursed as he heard the other wolf howling in pain. Following that was the unmistakable sadistic laugh of Beverly Marsh who had indeed, set the wolf ablaze. “Burn baby burn…” Mike muttered in approval as Bev and Ben began to move away from the flaming beast.
“S-stand back,” Bill advised, he stepped forward and shot off two quick bullets, killing the wolf.
During the time that the Losers fought off the wolves, Elizah began to slowly back Eddie and Richie up until they were on the edge of the cliff. Richie was still engulfed in the orange aura as a means of keeping Eddie at bay.
Her back turned to the rest of The Losers, she assumed wrong when she thought her wolves would be able to stop them.
“You won’t get away with this,” Eddie dared to look over the edge at the crashing waves and sharp rocks that laid below the cliff. They had no room left to run, and there was no chance of them making that fall.
“Oh but I will, Edward. As long as I am at the top, no one will ever find out about Ancestors and I will rule over them all and ensure that nothing ever happens to them. No one will ever leave, we will not tolerate anything else. Or else they’ll end up like your father, dead” She laughed maniacally as she raised her hand to the sky, the aura turning red as Richie’s pain increased, causing him to scream out.
Like your father, dead. Those words hit both Eddie and Bill as they had both lost their fathers at the hands of the council.
No one noticed this, but Eddie felt it, deep within his core something opened, spilling out and filling his veins with what felt like 100 volts of electricity. He felt charged. Like he could swan dive off the edge of this cliff and survive. He knew his eyes were already icey blue, so why did he feel them shift again. He knew there was something else going on but he had bigger problems to deal with.
With that, Elizah’s back to the Losers and her attention on Richie and Eddie, Bill raised his late father’s gun, lowered his gaze, steadied his hands, aimed, and fired.
The bullet shot through the air and collided with the mistress. Her body ripelled on impact. She stumbled forward.
Richie was released from the magical bindings and nearly tripped over his own feet. Eddie dove forward to support Richie. He put one arm around Richie’s waist. The sudden weight on Eddie barely fazed him with the power that still surged through his veins. He knew he had to do something with this before he fucking exploded. Without another thought, the young rabbit extended a hand out and pushed whatever this energy was out, shooting out a bolt of magic. That was when Eddie Kaspbrak sent Elizah Brightmoon’s corpse off the edge of the cliff and into the ocean.
Word Count: 3120
GUYS THERE ONLY 2 CHAPTERS LEFT OHMIGOD! I absolutely cannot believe that Everfalls is almost over. But I hope you guys have enjoyed this new chapter and all the plot twists and stuffffff GUYS I PLANNED SO MUCH STUFF TO MAKE THIS WORK AH, but i'm really happy with how this chapter turned out.
I think that's all from me? yeah i think so
so until next time
So Long and Goodnight.
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nikkzwrites · 4 years
(They Long to Be) Close to You | Dark Fix-It Fic Series Part 2 | Chapter 1
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah. This is part two of the series! You can start the full series here!
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count:  5.7k
[Next Chapter]
If we knew how things would end where our journey would take us would we still make the same decisions? Or would we choose a different path? Could we escape our fate? Or would what is deep within us lead us to the same end, like an invisible hand? Does it matter which path we choose? If we end up facing ourselves again and again?
A strange man with a cleft lip walked into Sic Mundus’ office followed by a girl already known to us, yet somehow very different from how we saw her last. They stared up at the painting of ‘The Fallen of the Damned’. His lantern squeaking as it swayed with each step they took. They both looked around the office as if searching for something. When the man found the plan for the time machine. He carefully folded it into his pocket. Annalise, walked over seeing herself laying dead on one of the couches. The body looked so painstakingly cared for. It was as if she was supposed to be preserved for eternity. She reached over in a mystified horror and moved the hair from her face and plucked a petal of one of the roses stuck within the wound at her waist. The breathing girl stared at the dead girl in a lovely white dress with red roses sticking out of her. She crumpled the petal in her hand and turned to the man nodding. Her face dripping with tears. Two more people then emerged from the shadows into the room. A young boy and an old man who looked exactly like the man walked in with lanterns. They all looked at each other before setting the room ablaze. After setting the room on fire, they all surrounded the girl to give her a gentle embrace. Annalise watched as her soft innocent dead mirrored self in Adam’s world became engulfed into the hellish flickers.
That morning, Annalise ran down the steps of the Nielsen home. She was going to be late to being early if she didn’t hurry. That nightmare from last night certainly didn't help her. Who was that boy and why did Martha seem different? She shook her head. She really wanted to make it to school so that she could talk to her crush privately without the rest of the group there. It wasn’t like everyone, well besides maybe him, didn’t already know that she had an interest in the boy, but she wanted to be able to have an excuse to be alone with him. Right as she reached the bottom step, Ulrich scooped her up into his arms and swung her around.
“Where are you going in such a hurry,” Ulrich laughed, setting the girl back down. He smiled at the young girl that had grown to be like a daughter to him and Hannah. It was nice to sometimes pretend she was actually Martha and that his kids didn’t fully hate him. But, she was just Annalise, his children’s best friend. So at least she was somewhat of a connection and a reason to see them.
Annalise smiled and laughed as he swung her around. After having lost her own father, it was nice to have a surrogate one, even if he was the estranged father of your best friends. She smiled up at the man as he put her down, “To school. I’m going to be late if I don’t leave now.”
Ulrich looked down at his watch, “No. No, you won’t. School doesn’t start for nearly another hour.” He walked with her through the house.
Annalise nodded and shrugged, “Yeah, well… If I walk, that only makes me twenty minutes early and I…”
Ulrich smiled a knowing smile, “You wanted to meet someone, didn’t you?” He was never early like that back in the day unless he was going to meet Katharina and Annalise had that same lovestruck look on her face. Her hair and outfit basically screamed for someone to take notice of her.
“I did not,” Annalise blushed and hit his shoulder, “I just had some projects I wanted to prepare for so I wanted to go in early.”
Ulrich laughed and grabbed his keys, “So nothing to do with that rich boy you’ve been staring at?”
“His name’s Bartosz,” Annalise defended forgetting she was supposed to be in denial for a second then turned, “But no! It is not because of him. I have to drop off a few papers and start practicing my speeches.” She followed him to his car, “I will see you later.” She started to walk down the driveway.
Ulrich shook his head, “Jump in, I’ll drive you.” The man started to tease her once again, “We don’t have to continue talking about Bartosz if you don’t want to.”
Annalise playfully sneered at him then got into the car with him. She really couldn’t say no. She knew this was possibly the best route to take if she wanted to catch up. While they drove, she looked out into the woods.
Bartosz walked to school. He wanted to get there early to prepare for his speech for his class today. He was still a bit nervous about it. His paper was actually on the same type of work his father ran so why wouldn’t he have been nervous to present it. He stared down at his work as he walked until a car slowed next to him. 
Annalise saw Bartosz and told Ulrich to stop. She gave the man a quick hug and told him that she would see him when he got home. Then she hopped out the vehicle. “Hey,” she greeted him with a wild smile. The girl was very excited that she caught up to him and didn’t actually pass him up.
“Hey,” Bartosz greeted. Seeing that it was just Anna, he went back down to his notecards.
Annalise pouted, “Bartosz.” She stood in front of him trying to get the boy’s attention. She laughed, “I guess I have to forgive you. I am a foreigner so my German can still be bad.”
Bartosz blushed. He bit his lip for a second. “Yeah.” he quickly looked up after realizing what he was agreeing with, “You’re German isn’t bad.” He shook his head trying to explain himself to the girl next to him.
Annalise smiled and laughed, “Oh now you’re going to pay attention to me? I have to insult myself for you to look up?”
Bartosz turned his face away, “It’s not like that, Anna.” He tried to keep his eyes from making eye contact with her or even looking at her outfit. His heart fluttered as the girl started to play with his scarf. Did she really have to wear something so enticing to school, he thought to himself, it was as if Anna was begging for him to make a move. He felt completely bewitched by her and her antics. He just wished he had the courage just to grab her and hold her in his arms. He let out a huff trying to feign annoyance. 
“Is it not,” Annalise teased and leaned closer towards him. After getting a few centimeters from his face, she backed away giggling. She threw part of his scarf over his shoulder so that it was actually being used as a scarf. She wished that she knew how he felt so that way she could use it and the pompous jacket he always wore to pull him down and kiss him. Instead, though, they just walked to school while the girl teased him and tried to get his attention.
It wasn’t long after they were in school and put their things away in their lockers that their friends had arrived. By that point, Annalise had tossed on her headphones and was listening to music knowing that she was probably not going to be talked too much.
Martha looked at her foreign friend. She tapped her shoulder and waited for her friend to acknowledge her. “You didn’t walk with me this morning,” she complained, “where were you?” Normally they always went to school together, but lately, her best friend had been acting really weird. 
Annalise shrugged, “I just walked to school with Bartosz. Right?” She lied. The girl really didn’t want to tell the truth that Ulrich had offered to drop her off that morning. She thought that he must really have missed his kids because he was pouring all of his paternal instincts into her. She really didn’t want to tell her friends about that though because she thought it would just bring up what they both had been suppressing for a long time. Annalise really didn’t want to deal with that this morning. So she looked towards her friend pleadingly asking for his help in the deception.
Bartosz nodded, “Yeah. Sorry about that.” He gave Martha a small chuckle and shrug before going back to his presentation cards.
Magnus laughed. He greeted Bartosz with their handshake and leaned over to tease so that only Bartosz could hear, “You two should just fuck already.” He pulled away to see his friend fumble his cards nearly dropping them to the ground while his face was completely red.
Martha looked at the boy and asked, “Have you seen Kilian?” Her heart slightly broke seeing Annalise so sweet to Bartosz. She loved being the closest person to Annalise. Yet since Bartosz got back from his leave of absence after his mother’s death, the girl’s attention was back on that boy. She couldn’t blame her too much. She did start dating Killian pretty recently too.
Bartosz shook his head, “Nope.” He focused back on his cards that were now terribly out of order because of Magnus’s comment. Annalise must have noticed as well because she started to help rearrange them back with him.
“Why all the effort,” Magnus turned to continue his conversation with Martha, “We all die in the end.”
Martha rolled her eyes, “Are you sure you’re not adopted?”
“Are you sure you don’t have a stick up your ass that needs surgical removal,” Magnus countered as the group walked up the stairs. 
Kilian walked down the other flight of stairs and greeted Martha, “Hey Martha.”
“Kilian,” Martha greeted. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss while Magnus and Annalise started to text. She opened one eye slightly to peer at the other girl to see if she was going to have a reaction.
Awkwardly, Bartosz asked, “Is there any news about Erik?” He knew he still had lingering feelings for the girl making out with the boy in the hallway. He looked towards Annalise who was still texting and listening to music making her too busy to notice. He felt glad. He knew those feelings for Martha were all for not and he would hate to have Annalise give up just over the remnants of a soul mate who wasn’t supposed to be.
Kilian pulled away from his girlfriend and held her hand, “No.”
The group all started to walk again leaving Bartosz and Annalise in the back. Magnus spoke up, “It’s all pretty creepy.”
“Good morning,” Katharina’s rang through the halls, “We request all grades to gather in the gym for first-period assembly.”
The group stopped and huddled together. Magnus looked towards Kilian, “It’ll be about your brother.” He tried to warn his sister’s boyfriend just in case it was going to be a sore subject for him so that Kilian could just skip it if the boy wanted to.
“It’s been two weeks already,” Killian explained, “He’s never been away this long. He’d always send me a message whenever he couldn’t stand it at home anymore.” He sighed, “But this time, nothing.”
Everyone else awkwardly shifted. Martha leaned a bit towards Annalise while she and Bartosz leaned towards each other. Magnus shifted towards Bartosz but commented, “Let’s go. Otherwise, Mom will be angry.” He turned to leave with Killian and Martha. Annalise started to leave, but noticed that Bartosz was lagging behind again, so she waited for him in the hall. Bartosz turned to stare at Erik’s missing poster and silently wondered what happened to him.
“It’s all going to happen again,”  Helge whispered to himself, “It will happen again.” 
Peter looked on at his father mumbling to himself. When he heard the door open and close to reveal his wife, he leaned towards her and whispered, “It’s all he’s been saying since this morning.” He turned to Charlotte and asked, “How’d it go at the doctor’s?”
Charlotte shook her head, “Fine. Just a check up.” She looked to her concerned husband and said, “I have to go. I’m running late. I just forgot something.” She walked back out of the house.
Jonas jogged out from the cave that this new Martha had dropped him in. He trekked his way home to find it was not as it seemed. Instead, what he found was that the rest of the Nielsen’s lived there. He jogged up to his room to a very different sight. He looked at the taped pictures on the wall. One with Martha, Bartosz, and a boy Killian from his school. The other of Annalise and her making cute poses in different polaroids, one of which was them kissing each others’ cheeks. He shook his head in confusion. This was entirely strange. How could a place so similar be so different?
Ulrich gave a meeting about Erik’s disappearance to the police station. He made a face as he spoke. He was reminded of Mads as he tried his best to try to find any leads he could get his team to work.
Hannah was vacuuming in the house as Ulrich and Annalise were at work and school. She walked to Ulrich’s dirty hoodie from that morning and went to put it in the laundry. When she lifted it up, a blonde hair caught her eye. She lifted it up with her brow furrowed. The pregnant woman lifted up his jacket and sniffed it. She placed it down deciding what she needed to do was to investigate Annalise and Katharina about this matter.
“Well a black hole forms when a central region collapses in upon itself,” Bartosz anxiously explained to the class, “and it contains neutrons. Well, more like neutron matter. But not enough of it. So when the light of a star three times the mass of the sun goes out…then it explodes… No sorry. It implodes. And that is a black hole.”
Martha sat in class doodling without paying attention. She only looked up when a strange blond boy walked into her classroom. He was dirty, sweaty, and had a noose scarring around his neck. 
“Can I help you,” The teacher asked the boy. When he didn’t respond he tried again, “Hello? Are you new?”
Jonas turned and told the teacher, “I’m Jonas.” The shock that he was in an entirely new world where no one knew him still lingered. His mind was not entirely clear enough to understand that in this realm, he did not exist.
The teacher reached for his planner, “Are you sure this is your class? I wasn’t notified of any new students. A signature is missing.”
Martha turned to Killian. Something ate at her about this boy. There was this feeling. As if she knew him from somewhere. She just couldn’t place where. There was something missing about him. Martha couldn’t figure any of it out.
Jonas just walked to the back of the class and sat down. Everything about this was strange. He could recognize everyone, but yet everything was so different… Almost opposite of how he remembered things. 
With that, Bartosz continued his speech as the new strange boy stared at Martha, “So then we have a black hole. And it has a huge gravitational pull. Everything flying around the hole is drawn to it and somehow dragged inside.”
Suddenly, the door opened again. This time it revealed Annalise. Jonas’s breath got taken away. There she was, yet she seemed so different. Her outfit was… more outgoing… showy. Her lips looked as if they were gnawed at. Her hair was shorter and wilder. He watched as her eyes first met Bartosz’s causing them both to blush. Jonas’s heart started to sink. She bit her lip before the teacher interrupted their moment, “Ms. Dahlheim. To your seat please.” Annalise nodded and went to walk to her seat.
The world stopped when she spotted the boy. Her heart froze in place. Her breath refused to exhale or inhale. She was there. Locked in fear. There he was, in the flesh. Annalise turned back to the teacher, “Sorry. I’ve…” Her body wretched seeing him. The small breakfast she had with Martha right before going into class burned coming back into her throat. Her hands rushed to her mouth as she ran back outside. 
Jonas stared down at his bloody hands. His heart raced. He shook his head as the memories of what happened just basically an hour ago, for him, rushed through him. He shook as he listened to Bartosz who had turned towards the teacher. The man’s voice replied, “After your presentation Mr Tiedemann.”
Bartosz started to rush through his talk as Martha turned to look at the boy who made Annalise turn and run like that, “Other stars, planets, and even light. The gravitational force is so strong that even light is pulled into it. Nothing can escape it’s inside. Basically no one knows what’s behind it/ Maybe nothing. Or maybe a new world. A world in which nothing is as it is in ours.” Jonas started to panic as he noticed Martha’s and Annalise’s reactions to him.
“All I’m asking is to review your employees’ shift schedules,” Charlotte told Aleksander, “Erik was last seen on the forest road. The schedules will allow us to check employee vehicles with the tire treads we found.
Aleksander asked her, “Do you have a court order?”
Charlotte raised her brow, yet shook her head, “This is a request. Not an order.”
Aleksander sighed and handed her his card, “I’ll have someone search them out.” He also made a note to himself to keep him reminded.
“How are you,” the woman asked.
Aleksander sighed and placed down his pen, “Holding up.”
“Okay then,” Charlotte said standing up. She then turned and commented, “I was wondering… Do you think Erik could have made his way onto the grounds? The caves are partly located under the nuclear power plant.”
Aleksander shook his head, “That’s impossible. The access point was sealed up years ago. No one can get in that way.”
Charlotte nodded and walked out of the man’s office as Aleksander turned to look at the pictures of his dead wife on his desk.
“A quick reminder that all afternoon activities after four o’clock are canceled due to the parents’ meeting,” Katharina’s voice echoed through the school from the intercom system. Hannah stood in the hallway listening to the woman before going to talk to her. Annalise had texted her about her throwing up and Hannah was actually worried now. Katharina’s voice continued, “Except theater, which will go on as planned, but vacate the auditorium an hour earlier. The school newspaper will meet in the youth cafe today under the supervision of Mr. Hopf.”
Hannah walked to Katharina’s office just as the blonde was walking out, “Katharina.”
Katharina held her folders in front of herself and asked defensively, “What are you doing here?”
“Annalise texted me. She’s sick,” She said, taking out her phone to show her that the teenager did text her about vomiting. When Katharina seemed to accept this answer, Hannah saw her opening to also tell her, “I also wanted to see you.”
Katharina nodded. Of course Hannah would have some alternative motive, the woman thought. Aloud, Katharina said, “Uh-huh.”
Hannah shrugged and told her, “I don’t know. I know you and Ulrich… Ulrich and the kids… I know they’re a part of him. And I want you to know I won’t stand in the way of that.”
“That’s very generous of you,” Katharina said snidely. She walked away upset trying to forget this happened.
Hannah asked Katharina, causing the woman to stop, “Did Ulrich stop at your place this morning? He wanted to bring something by.”
Katharina shook her head, “Bring by what? Couldn’t he have had Annalise bring it?”
“I don’t know,” Hannah admitted, shaking her head and looking down towards the ground, “Something for school. For the kids.”
Katharina started to smile at the irony of the situation. She turned back fully to face the woman, “No.” She was very pleased now. This was all that she needed to feel better. The woman that took her husband away as her own, was now being cheated on by that same man. It was so cathartic. 
Hannah swallowed and nodded. She tried to cover everything up by saying, “Then maybe he forgot. Can you help me find my daughter please?”
The bell rang signalling to everyone that it was time to leave for their next class. Bartosz had already rushed off to try to find which bathroom Annalise had ran off to while she was sick. The rest of the class just shuffled trying to get ready to head out. Martha was still in a daze. She looked down at her phone and texted the other girl asking if she was alright and asking where she was. The teacher told the class, “Please don’t forget to turn in your presentations by next week. No exceptions!”
Jonas slowly approached Martha. He stared at her trying to figure out the words. Martha looked up at the boy confused. She shook her head at him and asked annoyed, “Something up?”
“You didn’t tell me why I’m here,” Jonas’s brow furrowed as he talked to her.
Martha shook her head, “Do we know each other?” She waited and turned to him, “Do you know Anna? Or rather should she know you?”
Jonas swallowed and said aloud without thinking, “You have no idea who I am.”
Martha stared at him. The space around them froze. She couldn’t quite understand anything that was going on, but there was something pulling her towards him. A feeling. A sense of knowing. Her phone beeped signalling a text from Annalise had just came through. Both of their eyes looked down at her phone. As she looked down to read it, Killian interrupted.
“You coming,” He asked the girl. He glared over towards Jonas’s direction. 
Martha looked towards him and grabbed her raincoat. She walked towards him leaving her play behind. She followed Killian but kept looking back at Jonas.
Jonas stared at the book. He was just about to pick it up when he remembered Annalise and Martha’s blood still was evident on his hands. He rubbed them off on his pants and panicked.
“Jonas, right,” The teacher asked, walking up to the blond boy, “Is everything okay?”
Jonas walked over to the man with a realization and asked, “What day is today?”
The man shook his head, “November 4th.”
Jonas licked his lips in thought and asked, “What year?”
“2019,” The man replied. He looked at the strange boy, “I don’t understand…”
Jonas interrupted his comments by brushing past him and storming into the hallway. He was back on the day it all started, yet everything was so different. He walked down the steps and looked around the cleared out halls for something familiar to him. Anything.
Hannah, having found Annalise, walked ahead of the girl. She was ready to get out of there. She felt as if everyone was staring, judging her. She readjusted her purse as she walked. Her eyes turned to see the lone boy in the hall.
Annalise slowed down seeing the boy in the hall as well. Her heart raced again. She started to hyperventilate. Her head started to spin. She leaned against the lockers trying to steady herself. Her eyes closed trying to stop the whirling. All that flashed through her mind was that dream. The boy leaning over her sobbing trying to have her stay alive as her midsection bled all over them. Her blood painted over her hands and all over his face and hands. It's almost as if some of it was still left on his face.
“Are you sure everything is in working order,” Aleksander asked. He walked around the accelerator that the woman he was speaking to had talked him into installing. She had told him that even if the power plant needed to shut down, the particle accelerator and her research would still keep the town alive. His hands traced one of the machinery components.
Mary turned to him. She smiled gently. It lit up the room in a dusk like state. Her gentle voice danced through the air as she spoke, “Don’t you trust me?” She laughed and said, “I’ve been working with you for so long and now you want to be afraid? You silly man.” Mary shook her head. Her sunset-like smile parted to let out a giggle, “It’s working perfectly, Mr. Tiedemann. Now, is this really all you wanted to discuss with me?” Her dementor slowly changed to one of sly and knowingness. Everything was going right as planned. Soon, he would leave her alone once more and she would be able to go with Noah to grab who they needed to continue the cycle once more.
“Mom,” Jonas called to Hannah who was just trying to leave. His jaw shivered as he tried to hold in his tears.
Hannah turned to the boy, “Pardon?” She looked towards Annalise who seemed to be having a moment herself. She looked back at Jonas and noticed a tear rolling down his face, “Are you okay?” She walked a bit closer to him. Something about this boy made her want to help. He reminded him of someone, but she couldn’t place who or from where. “Can I help you,” She asked. Jonas shook his head and watched as Hannah turned to leave. She looked to Annalise and back at him, “May you tell her that I’ll be waiting outside for her? I need to get some fresh air.”
Jonas nodded and turned to see Annalise shaking against a locker. From what he could hear, the girl was mumbling to herself. He slowly walked over to her. He placed a hand against her cheek. He whispered to her, “Lise?” When she didn’t reply, he placed his lips against hers. She tasted like strawberry chapstick. That was new. He held her face in his quivering hands.
The taste of iron brought Annalise back out of her thoughts. She blinked. The girl shoved the blond away. “What the hell,” She yelled as tears ran down her face, “Who the fuck even are you?” She could just punch him yet she couldn’t. There was something stopping her. Something called to her to rush back to him and kiss him again, but the large space between them held them separated. It was a comfort to her, as if it knew that they needed Space’s large interruption. Yet, it angered her. It felt as if it was keeping them from their destiny, from exactly where she needed to be. Bewildered tears fell from her quizzical eyes.
“I’m Jonas,” He whispered to her. He tried to close the gap between them, but his feet refused to move with the rest of his body for a second. He pushed through it and rushed to her. He held onto her shoulders. Tears ran down his face, “Lise, please. I know you recognize me. Please tell me why I’m here.” His voice a raspy whisper as he quoted to her, “Just like me, they long to be close to you.” He rested his forehead on her shoulder as he cried, “You have to remember. Please tell me you love me and this is all some cruel joke. Please. I love you. Please just...” One of his hands brushed where her bullet wound once was.
“Love you,” She asked, “Love me?” She shook her head and told the boy, “I don’t even know you.” She ripped herself away from him and walked out of the school. Annalise, as she started to get away, started to run out the doors. She panted once out the doors and looked up at Hannah.
Upon hearing the doors burst open, Hannah stood up. Seeing Annalise’s face, she rushed to the teenager. “Anna,” She wrapped her arms around the girl, “Are you alright?” She kissed the girl’s forehead, “Come on. Let’s get out of here and grab some soda. Just don’t tell Ulrich I did this, okay?”
Annalise slowly nodded and walked, still embraced by the pregnant woman. She turned to look at the boy staring at her. She turned to Hannah and asked, “What were you going to name your little son again?”
“Jonas,” She smiled and shook her head, “Why? Are you just trying to ground yourself with things you already know?” Hannah pet the teenager’s head lovingly. She adored having this girl around. Annalise was the one person in town that Hannah felt was truly on her side and understood her.
Annalise nodded as they put more space between her and the other world’s Jonas, “Yeah. You can say that.” Part of her, though relieved, felt sad. Her eyes squinted. There was something he said that brought her to an unfamiliar feeling. She shook her head, why… those were lyrics… why did she know that?
Charlotte walked back into the police station. She walked with Ulrich into the file room. They walked into one of the more private parts of the room to talk. He slowly approached her with a devilish smile. Knowing that look on his face, Charlotte whispered to him, “We have to stop this.”
Ulrich slowly closed the gap between them and told her, “That’s not what you were saying this morning.” He slowly pressed his lips against hers. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him.
“Ulrich,” Charlotte whispered as she pulled away from him, “Not here.”
Woller burst into the room looking for his coworkers. He watched as Ulrich jumped away from Charlotte. He shook his head, “Oh… I’m sorry.”
“What is it,” Ulrich asked as Woller tried to close the door and leave.
The man opened the door once more and explained, “Oh… Uh… The tire treads. Forty-seven cars and two trucks… In Winden alone there are 21,000 registered vehicles.”
Ulrich nodded, “Yes. What do you want me to do with that?”
“I…” Woller stuttered, “No idea…”
Charlotte nodded, “I got the power plant shift schedules. We can run a check.” She walked away from Woller. As she walked out, she called to the man who had interrupted her and her boss asking for him to follow her.
Annalise kicked a few rocks outside in the garden. Hannah started to have some cramping so Annalise had helped her into a bath. The girl also figured it would be best to go outside for some air. She stared at her phone waiting for a response from Ulrich. Annalise shook her head and sighed. She should have known. She shoved her phone into her pocket again and went to sit on the deck he had made for Hannah and him to have for when the new baby was going to arrive. Getting quickly bored, Annalise took out her phone again as she lowered herself to lay down against the wood. She tried to text Martha. She completely had forgotten the other girl had rehearsal today and that it wasn’t cancelled for the parents meeting later that night.
“From then on,” Martha said in her monologue on the stage, “I knew that nothing changes.” Jonas watched as the girl wrapped red yarn around her arm as she spoke, “That all things remain. The spinning wheel turns. Round and round, in a circle.”
Annalise heard a strange noise near her. She sat up and looked towards the sound. There in the grass not too far from where the deck stopped was Martha, yet she was so different. The girl had much shorter hair, as if chopped in a haste. There was a scar beneath her eye. Seeing this, Annalise hurried up onto her feet and ran to the other girl. She grabbed the girl’s face and studied it, “Martha! What happened?” Annalise panted in fear. Her eyes looked deeply into the other girl’s eyes.
“One fate tied to the next,” Martha continued with her practice of the play across town, “A thread, red like blood, that connects all our deeds. One that cannot unravel the knots. But they can be severed.” She finally took notice of the boy from earlier sitting in on her practice. She tried to put him out of her mind for the moment and press on, “He severed ours with the sharpest blade. And yet…”
The short haired Martha intertwined her fingers with the other girl’s hair. Her face full of sorrow and just yearning. Once her hand was fully behind Annalise’s head and tangled within her hair, Martha pulled the girl’s lips against hers. She wrapped her other arm around Annalise’s waist to keep Annalise from pushing her away too quickly.
“Something remains behind that cannot be severed. An invisible bond.”
Annalise froze at first, but slowly started to melt into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Martha’s neck and pulled herself closer. The girl deepened her kiss with the other whom she thought was her best friend. This wasn’t exactly unexpected. There was always some sort of chemistry there between them. This only confirmed her thoughts and feelings on knowing what was going on.
“On many a night, he tugs at it,” Martha continued, “And then I wake with a start knowing that nothing ceases to be. All that remains…”
The two girls slowly pulled apart. Annalise gasped for air. The short haired Martha started to huff as they pressed their foreheads together. They stayed like that for a while with their eyes closed. Their hearts beating in sync with each other’s. There was no space between them. Nothing could pull them apart from that moment. Martha looked into the other girl’s eyes. She pulled her hands away to start up the clockwork sphere, “Please come with me.”
11 notes · View notes
Jackson’s Pack (Jackson Whittemore)
Unfinished original character story. 
More shit posting. 
Tagged: @justgrits
The two black SUV’s pulled into the long winding driveway. The large log cabin sat on top of a huge hill. The drive down the winding road felt like it took forever. Stiles put down the map and looked over to Derek. He couldn’t believe that they were here. That they were having to pull their old friend into their mess once again. 
“Are you sure we are at the right spot?” Stiles asked. 
“This was the address that Ethan had given Danny before the twins left.” Derek replied. 
“You don’t think he’ll turn us away do you?” Scott asked. 
“He’s our friend, Scott.” Lydia reminded him. 
“Used to be friends. When was the last time we talked to the kid?” Stiles asked her. 
Lydia sat back with a huff. Allison rubbed her arm. The SUV’s came to a stop. Thunder boomed in the distance. They sat there staring at the cabin unsure of the reaction from their old friend. Derek started to unbuckle to exit the car.  The pack froze as three people came sprinting out of the woods. Rain cascaded down their faces as they were smiling and laughing. When lightning flashed they finally noticed the two vehicles sitting in the driveway. The three young teens came to a halt when they noticed the vehicles. The front door opened and somebody yelled for the kids to go inside. 
The girl was on the shorter side. She had long brown hair that was braided to the side. Black leggings stretched across her short legs. The three teens didn’t hesitate. They ran past the vehicles and up the porch. Derek noticed how each one of them touched the girl softly to him it looked like they were calming her. Stiles appreciated the purple Avengers shirt she was representing. Keeping her eyes on the mysterious vehicles, the girl called for somebody to come outside. 
“That’s our cue.” Derek said. 
Derek stepped out first. Everyone else followed their Alpha’s cue and climbed out as well. The familiar blonde haired, rich boy came to join the brunette on the porch. Jackson stepped instinctively in front of the girl. She let out a small snarl before moving to stand next to him. 
“Hey Jackson.” Lydia greeted the boy. 
“Hey.” Jackson replied simply. 
“Jackson,” The brunette whispered next to him when she noticed his tone of voice. 
Rustling to their right had everyone looking over as two more teens burst from the woods laughing. The tall dark haired boy wiped the rain from his face as the blonde shouldered him. Their voices were excited as they talked about their latest shift. They stopped when they saw their Alpha glaring at the pack before them. 
“Woah, what’s going on?” The black haired kid asked. 
“Brett. Theo. House now.” The brunette growled. 
“But Em,” Theo argued. 
“She gave you an order, Theo.” Jackson snapped, flashing his red eyes. 
“Yes, sir.” Theo sighed. 
The boys rushed past the other pack and up on the porch. Brett pressed a kiss to Em’s cheek and Theo kissed her temple before chasing the other boy inside. 
“You’re an Alpha now?” Danny asked. 
“A lot has happened over the years.” Jackson replied. 
“Yeah the same for us.” Isaac added. 
“What can I do for you?” Jackson asked. 
“We need your help, Jackson.” Lydia spoke up. 
“Things have changed since the last time we’ve seen each other. I’m an Alpha now. I have a pack, a mate, pups, and responsibilities. I don’t help just anyone anymore. My pack comes first.” Jackson explained. 
“From one Alpha to another I understand where you’re coming from. We wouldn’t be here Jackson if we had any other options.” Derek told the younger Alpha. 
Jackson looked back to the girl standing behind him. With hushed tones they whispered back and forth for several seconds. Her eyes lit a bright purple, Jackson snarled at her, his eyes flashing red at her in return, but it was Jackson who broke first. The girl's eyes settled back down to her deep brown ones as Jackson turned back towards Derek and his pack. 
“There’s a large pole barn out back that we use to host other packs. I’ll gather my pack and we’ll meet you out there.” Jackson said. 
“Thank you Jackson.” Derek said. 
Jackson nodded, grabbed the brunette’s hand and led her back inside. Derek turned to look at his pack. 
“I thought that he would have been a little more opened.” Danny stated. 
“It’s been a little over three years since we’ve last seen him.” Lydia pointed out. 
The pack followed the trail around the log cabin and to the large pole barn out back. The pole barn was more like another home. It was fully furnished. The loft of the barn had several rooms sectioned off. Below there was a kitchen, a dining room, what looked like an office, and even an entertainment room. 
Derek and the rest of the pack had just managed to crowd around half of the table when the barn doors opened. Jackson came in with the brunette to his left, one of the younger teens to his right, and the rest of his pack, including Aiden and Ethan behind him. They came to stand at the other end of the table. Jackson was the one who sat. Everyone else stood rigidly behind him. They were all on edge. 
“I’ll introduce you to my pack. This is Emily, my mate, and a jinx. Liam, my beta, and second in command. Jenn, Brett, Mason, and Theo, my other betas. You know Aiden and Ethan and this is Malia a werecoyote.” Jackson introduced. 
“You know most of my pack, but there are some fresh faces that you don’t know. My betas Boyd, Erica, Isaac, Scott, and Cora. Jordan our phoenix, Lydia the banshee, Danny, Sheriff, Stiles and Melissa our humans, Chris and Allison our hunters, Peter the omega and Kira our kitsune.” Derek introduced. 
“Hunters in a pack?” Jenn asked. 
“They won’t hurt you.” Derek said.
“I know them. You all will be safe.” Jackson told his younger betas. 
“And they have humans.” Mason whispered. 
“Most packs have humans, Mason. Humans are actually play a vital position to the interior of pack dynamics.” Jackson explained. 
“Why don’t we have any humans?” Malia asked. 
“You know it’s because we’re a new pack. Mom explained that to you.” Liam reminded her. 
“Oh yeah.” Malia replied sheepishly. 
“Hush now. We have more important things to discuss right now.” Emily interrupted before the younger teens could keep asking questions. 
The betas nodded and fell quiet once again. 
“What can we do for you and your pack, Derek?” Jackson asked, returning his attention to the other pack. 
“We’ve been chased out of Beacon Hills by Kate Argent.” Derek explained. 
“That bitch is still running around?” Theo hissed. 
Emily reached over placing a calming hand on his shoulder. 
“Relax.” Emily told him. 
“Sorry, Em.” Theo apologized. 
“You know I don’t like that language coming from you guys.” Emily hissed. 
“You guys know her?” Allison asked. 
“When we first became a pack she tried taking us out. Emily ended up in the hospital for almost two weeks. Malia and Mason almost didn’t bounce back from her attack.” Jackson explained. 
“I earned some wicked cool scars though.” Emily stated. 
“Which never should have happened.” Jackson growled. 
“I wasn’t going to let you die, Jackson.” Emily hissed. 
“You need to start listening to my orders.” Jackson snapped. 
“I am your equal Jackson, not some wolf that you can snarl at.” Emily snipped. 
“You could have died!” Jackson roared. 
“You could have died too. Do you really think this pack would have survived without you?” Emily asked him. 
“How the hell was I going to raise these kids without you?” Jackson asked her in return. 
“A pack needs their Alpha. I’m not a wolf, Jackson. Other packs would have torn us apart without you.” Emily argued. 
“These kids need a mother, Emily. There are things in their life that I wouldn’t be able to handle. The pack needs you.” Jackson snapped. 
“Mom. Dad. Cool it. Can we save this tiring fight for later?” Liam asked. 
Both of them fell silent. 
“Yeah and shut up because the pack needs the both of you.” Aiden added. 
“Exactly, so save the self-sacrificing bullshit for you foreplay.” Ethan snipped.
Neither Jackson nor Emily said anything else. 
“How did you even become an Alpha, Jackson?” Lydia asked to break the tension. 
“You kill an Alpha, you become an Alpha.” Jackson replied. 
“So you purposefully killed an Alpha?” Danny asked, shocked. 
“There’s more to it than that.” Brett interrupted. 
“Brett, quiet.” Jackson snarled. 
“But they have no right to sit there and judge you for what you did for Emily. For all of us.” Theo growled. 
“Right now isn’t the time to get into all of that.” Emily’s calming voice eased the tension among their pack. 
“Your mother is right. Drop it for now.” Jackson ordered. 
“Dad, I’m only trying to protect you!” Theo exclaimed. 
“I understand that Theo and I appreciate it, but let Emily and I handle this.” Jackson said. 
“Fine.” Theo sighed. 
“What exactly do you need from us?” Jackson asked looking back to the Hale pack. 
“I’m sorry, but I have to know. How does your pack know Kate?” Chris asked. 
“Just after I moved my pack out here, Kate returned to rendezvous with an old Alpha. She didn’t take the news of his death well and well she took it out on us.” Jackson explained. 
“With a new fresh pack you were able to fend her off?” Allison asked. 
“I am not somebody you should mess with.” Emily simply answered. 
“I’m getting that vibe.” Lydia spoke. 
“She hit us hard. All of us walked away with some kind of injuries. If Emily hadn’t come home when she had me and the wolves would have been dead.” Jackson explained. 
“Malia, is the newest to our pack. She suffered extreme trauma at a young age and was stuck as a coyote when I found her. We were just coming back from practicing social interactions when Kate attacked the pack.” Emily said. 
Thunder cracked shaking the pole barn. 
“Mom,” Malia called out in a nervous voice. 
“It’s okay Malia it’s just a storm.” Theo said, rubbing her back. 
Just then the power went out sending the whole barn into darkness. Jackson swore. Malia let out a small whimper. Theo moved to wrap an arm around her. 
“Hang on. Everyone just sit still.” Emily said. 
The Hale pack watched with wide eyes as Emily’s hand lit ablaze in a white orb. The orbs shot from her hands surrounding the table. The orbs grew brighter and brighter until the whole dining room was cascaded in light. 
“This should work until we can get the generator up and running.” Emily said. 
“Mom is the coolest.” Jenn whispered. 
Liam and Mason smiled at Jenn. 
“Ethan and I will work on the generator.” Aiden said. 
“Don’t stay out there too long.” Jackson told them. 
“We’ll be back in a few.” Ethan said following his twin out of the barn. 
“How exactly did Kate chase you out of your own town?” Brett asked. 
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polygamyff · 5 years
29. Part 4
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Leon just stared at me in shock “wait, wait” he laughed “bitch, wait. Where was I when this was happening? So let me get this straight” he breathed out “you let some rich dick go” side eyeing Leon “I am joking, so you and Maurice had a fall out and then he gave up his rights to his daughter, you didn’t want that so now his sister is coming?” nodding my head, fixing Reign’ diaper “I am in shock, I am disgusted. I mean on a real, what the fuck. Does that mean Maurice is going to get rid of me out of his friend’ club?” Leon is so self centred at times “I don’t care for what it means for you, all I know is that Christmas day they want me to give up my daughter so he can see her alone. Which is fine but if they think I am just going to not go to that home too, I will be” looking down at Reign “you ready to show off your outfit to uncle Leon, he’s come here with gifts for you baby. And he is here for the food, don’t get it twisted with that” turning away from the changing table “hey, don’t tell my niece that so anyways. The plan is, you are letting her go with his sister? I am actually in shock that all of this happened and I didn’t know, why didn’t you say? I am always here for you Robyn, like I am shocked he gave up his daughter like that? To be honest, it’s rather poetic” holding up Reign’ three piece with her skirt, my eyes bulged out “poetic? The fuck are you on today?” Leon is on something “no seriously, like I know his family is all leadership and boys rule and keep family close and the bloodline pure. It’s like he is protecting her in a weird way, it’s love to me” Leon must see something a whole lot different because I am so upset he did that, I didn’t want that at all “you are loved little one, my little diva. Bitch you called Reign, you about Reign over this land. Mark my words, I will be seeing you do big things” I can only imagine my daughter’ first word would be bitch, Leon never stops saying it.
My dad didn’t want me to have a baby but he sure does take over every time, he dotes on her so much “I love being with my family, mom and dad I hope you like my gifts. I can actually afford them this year” I chuckled “Leon ain’t broke anymore, he making money” I laughed at him “making money and getting dick!” Leon spat and then gasped placing his hands over his mouth “now, I said no language like that. She’s a baby, there is babies here” my dad is so dramatic, but he will dramatic once I tell him the next thing to come. He doesn’t know that Nalah is about to come here and take Reign, I will be following behind because no, my child won’t be left like that “so uhm, yeah. Mom, soon. Like after presents and stuff, Reign’ auntie will be coming” getting up from the couch as I turned around to see my mom’ reaction, not my dad’ “oh is she? She is coming to see her?” nodding my head “I mean, like take her to see Maurice” my mom let out an oh “if you want that to happen, that is ok” my mother agrees “so you’re letting his crazy family take her, he gave up his right. Why does he want to see her now? So his family is seeing her? Robyn, you’re not thinking, if a man can walk away from his child then they don’t care about anything, don’t be so stupid” putting my hand up at my dad “I want her to know him, that paper is burnt, it’s gone. It never existed” I got rid of that “Thomas, it’s her daughter. We accept what she wants to happen” my mom said “then when they take her do not come crying!” looking over at Leon as I sighed out.
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Never thought of myself as a Cali girl, I mean I have heard they are fake as fuck but I love my home in Texas, my dad made the right choice in that. I couldn’t see myself here at all, I mean my brother got with a Cali girl and look at that mess. I am not going to pick a fight but my brother wouldn’t be so crazy in doing something if a certain person didn’t push him to it, but we shall see. I like Robyn, I do, I think she is a lovely girl but when it comes to my family, that is a no. Also that is my little brother, she is pushing it. Christmas day and I am out here acting like a crazy bitch in Cali, I don’t want to be here at all. Tapping on Shawn’ name, I need to know if Maurice has decided to leave Texas. I was shocked to know he went to see mom, he never does on Christmas “we have just landed” Shawn said it before I even asked “good, how is he? Is he ok? When I called Robyn, I think I may have been harsh with her, I said don’t fuck with my little brother, that is his child. Some shit ain’t adding up between them both, you know. But anyways, I am near the home so I will be getting my niece from her” it’s a nice little neighbourhood this is “cool, you need to relax. Little feisty ass” I sniggered “it’s funny hearing the word little from you” I fell out laughing “bitch, anyways. See you soon” disconnecting the call, let me get myself together.
Walking up the porch steps, fixing my bag on my arm before knocking on the door. I huffed out looking around me, the things I do for my little brother, my life is a mess but it’s whatever. It’s about my brother, he is unhappy. I swung myself back around as the door opened, I am guessing this is her dad “Robyn!” he shouted, I don’t like this guy already, I mean no hi or anything “ooohhh bitch, hey girl” oh I remember Leon “you look so fucking good, your skin! Look right, you lost weight?” waving him off “you being too nice, honestly” Leon stepped outside “you right, I am. I am just fighting to keep within the family” Leon said “I like your honesty, people like you get far” seeing Robyn walk towards the door, I sighed out “hey” I smiled at her, I will be nice “come in, come. My dad should have said” he’s a dickhead, that is why “thank you” I smiled as I walked into the home, ok this is busy and the chatter of people stopped, great. I am the freak show they are staring at “hi, this is Reign’ auntie. Sit down” this very pretty lady said “I need to get going, but thank you” I hate this, I hate Maurice too now “she only sits on Gucci mom, don’t” Leon is a liar, just I don’t like bad vibes and I am feeling it.
Robyn can do it all, like this car seat business is not me “you sure you can deal with a baby?” I know this guy is not speaking to me “sorry, was I speaking to you?” I said to him “dad, please!” Robyn said “I am speaking to you, you’re taking my grandchild and you think I am not questioning it, you don’t want to get your nails ruined. How do you know they are not stealing her away” if he is being like this with me, I can only imagine what this man is like with my brother “your dad please voice doesn’t work, you need to keep your dad in check” I said to Robyn while staring at him “oh lord, what is happening?” someone said “the baby didn’t come out of you, how about you pass her to the mother” I can see it now, I can really see it because this man is not nice at all. Robyn took Reign from her dad, she is sleeping bless her heart “I don’t like this, the fighting. Can we all just please calm down” Leon said “he’s no man, Maurice Davenport is no man. A man takes care of his kids, he can’t be a man. Now he is hiding behind his sister, tell him to come and fight me like a man” is this guy on drugs “you touch my little brother then you will see! Robyn, you really need to sort this out, girl you bugging. I am surprised Maurice ain’t knocked his ass out but I forgot, he loves you too damn much” I breathed “just bring Reign out to me, I don’t have the time. I am not fighting any of you!” I stormed out.
I remained silent as Robyn fixed the car seat in the SUV, I am disappointed in Robyn for not taking up for my brother “I have put a change of clothes in there for her, diapers. I mean the house has it all there. She will wake up and be a little cracky but she will be ok” looking over at Robyn “so you mean Reign’ home has her clothes there but you’re here?” I pointed at her parents home, she didn’t know what to say “this is y’all daughter, not my issue but your dad. Needs to stop, Maurice and I have got a bully of our own in Texas but you see us, we do not listen to him. You clearly are, he is not the father of this child my brother is. I am actually really fucking pissed off, now I see it Robyn. I see it, you need to be a woman cause shit. You about to be real lonely. I will bring her back, bye” I am so angry, I want to say more but I won’t. She is ok to beef herself up towards my dad but when his bitch ass is saying shit she is like dad please, she is all tough towards my dad but not her own “girl, boo” I said to myself shaking my head.
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“You know I do appreciate this, you coming out with me. It’s Christmas day too” unlocking the house door “Maurice, I have had moments where you called me and you was out of your mind, I came then so why wouldn’t I come now? It’s important, and I love you, you know this” Shawn patted my back “love you too, it’s weird being in this home. It was supposed to be a new start, I had a home. I wasn’t living in hotels, this was my first home and it went to shit so quickly” rubbing my hands together, I feel disappointed in a lot of things. I bought my first home, it’s not like I can’t afford a home but there was no reason too, it would be a waste, I used Texas as a base where I needed to go and see family, this was supposed to be a new start and now it’s empty, no love here at all “but Maurice, this is still a home. Your daughter lives in Cali, this will be yours to see her. Maurice I ain’t hearing this, I want you to bond with this girl. This is about you and little Reign, and the home needs cleaning” Shawn pointed out, looking to where he was pointing too “oh yeah, the kitchen. I told you, shit was just rushed, she went and then I went. It’s fucked up” Shawn is right but I don’t want to be here, I will sell this home because there is really no reason for it.
Holding the snooker cue watching Shawn take his shot “I was thinking, your sister is taking her time. You know she will take that baby and argue later” I chuckled, Shawn ain’t wrong “I am nervous, like the baby is tiny. She don’t know shit but she making me nervous. I feel like I felt when I first met Robyn, just feeling nervous” I ain’t going to lie it’s a big deal “she’s a baby, she won’t know shit. Only thing she be wanting is milk and snuggles, how would you feel if Robyn came back with Nalah?” that is a good question “probably would make things about me and her rather than the baby, probably turn into another disagreement. It’s her mother, I can’t do anything about it” I shrugged “have y’all split then? That is it? I get that vibe?” I don’t even know “I suppose” hearing the buzzer go off “that will be them” Shawn said “I am scared bro” Shawn patted my shoulder laughing, I mean I wonder if she actually got her or this is a ploy. Placing the cues onto the snooker table, let me slowly make my way to the door. Shawn already ran off to see, he can greet them first. I do appreciate Nalah doing this for me but I don’t feel I deserve it, I did give Reign away and I did what my dad did to Adam, I am a shit person that is why.
“She is awake, sweet Jesus. She got lungs!” Nalah said, she did get her. Turning the corner and seeing Nalah with the car seat in hand. I abruptly stopped walking, swallowing hard “awww man, look at her” Nalah looked at me and just shook her head “you a whole idiot, Shawn can you get her bag for her. But I did this for you, this is for you. She stop crying though, well she is quiet now. You better bring your butt here, she don’t know me like that” Nalah placed the car seat down “I mean she don’t know me like that either?” I questioned “shut up, come here anyways. You had a hard time here didn’t you” Nalah’ heels clicking away on the marble flooring as she hugged me “I am impressed with the photography of those pictures, I always said Rosalina was a whore” hugging my sister “I don’t remember those pictures though” I really don’t “just you go now, and see her. She is probably worried, I don’t want her stressed out. Go” she ain’t cried though, chewing on my bottom lip shuffling over to the car seat. Crouching down, moving the seat around before pushing back the hood of the car seat. Reign frowned staring at me, she doesn’t seem impressed “hey” reaching my hand to her little skirt and pulled it down to fix her three piece, shaking my head placing my hand over my face. My heart is so overjoyed with pain, hurt, love. I couldn’t stop myself from crying even if I tried “little Reign got her daddy crying, it’s ok bro” Shawn said, I cried out into my hands.
Using the back of my hand to wipe my tears, Reign is staring at me still. Her innocent little face just staring at me “I can’t” I sat back across from the car seat “you can, hey. What is it?” Shawn asked “I gave her away, how is that normal? She doesn’t understand but I do, I let her go” Shawn crouched down to me “you did but you are also at a place in your life where you’re not having a good time, you have a lot going on Maurice. You felt you was doing right by her because you feel like you can’t protect her, that is fine. I get it but there is other ways you can help her, she is here and I want you to have a good time” Shawn dragged the car seat over “you so beautiful ain’t you, look at your dress” Shawn started to unbuckle Reign out of her car seat “you about to hold her, nobody tells my brother they cant have his daughter. Yes he can have his daughter” Shawn picked Reign out of the car seat “there you go” Shawn placed Reign in my arms, Reign moved her face to me as she stared at me again “Mi Hermoso, my beautiful baby” my voice croaked out “Mi Amor” holding her hand, Shawn pulled her pacifier out, my smile grew “nice to meet you, it’s like we meeting all over again” Reign is just intrigued “baby girl is like, I know this nigga. I just know him” my sister said “I am so sorry, you deserve so much more” she really does.
Cradling Reign in my arms, I remember she likes using my arm like a hammock, I remember that “get your arm out, hold it out” Nalah said, holding it out “how does it feel” she shook some of the milk out “uhm, ok? Yeah ok” that is not hot, bringing my arm to my mouth and licking the the milk off “that is her breast milk” Nalah said in disgust “oh, I mean it’s fine” I didn’t know that was from Robyn’ breast “ayee family, Maurice look. Ally wants to see the progress” Shawn said behind me, turning around “awwww Reign is with you guys! I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t fired too for redirecting your flight” Ally said on facetime, I chuckled looking down at Reign “no, never. You made the best decision, Reign is happy and so am I” looking up at the phone “see, you good but Ally, you did well for once. Have a good Christmas, I got him now” Nalah passed me the bottle “she must be hungry now” taking the bottle from Nalah “you like being in my arms don’t you, this ain’t no hammock Mi Hermoso” making my way to the living room to feed her.
Holding the bottle up “wow bebe grande, bebiste toda la leche” looking down at Reign smiling at her “here you go with your Spanish bullshit, nigga you ain’t cute. Tell me what you said?” Shawn asked “I said you drank all the milk, you big baby” I chuckled “I am playing, you good” I grinned at Reign, a small smile played on her lips “we good now ain’t we? Like you know I am your dad now” placing the bottle down to the side of me “this is what daddy boy got, he got his little bilingual carer with dad. Golden child got a golden education” here Nalah go “well you had the choice in having that, you just wanted to be bougie and dumb” lifting Reign up “let’s burp you Mi Hermoso” looking over at Nalah “my brother forever speaking to my niece in Spanish” I smiled at her, she is taking a video I think “are you videoing us?” she stopped the recording “perhaps” rubbing Reign’ back, just hearing the little whimpers, her curious eyes just roaming everywhere, she is so precious “selfie time” Nalah sat next to me “not without me” Shawn spat, he stood behind the couch “bring your big head closer Shawn” looking down at Reign, she ain’t being sick at all “aww, look at her chubby cheeks. Say cheese guys” I just gave a faint smile “I am sad we ain’t had Christmas dinner though, you think one of the hotels will deliver to us?” shaking my head laughing “you’re funny” I mean she could try.
My finger lightly stroking Reign’ cheek as she rested against my chest, she is fully awake but I guess she likes it like this “you happy though? Like you could have been missing out on this, you know that? Look at her, she is so content with you” nodding my head “I don’t want her to be in no battle between anyone or anything, it’s not nice to be in that you know” Nalah walked in with her laptop and placed it on the coffee table in front of me “mom and dad want to say Merry Christmas” lifting my head up a little “Marquis, look! Awww look” my mother said pointing at the screen “they begged me, they wanted to see you both” placing my hand just behind Reign’ head as I got up a little “hey mom, dad” he was out yesterday when I went over “is that my grand baby, let us see her” my dad said while placing his glasses on “they aren’t here are they, let them” Nalah said, slowly turning Reign “meet my Mi Hermoso, Reign-Texas Davenport” turning her to the screen “she has your ears, doesn’t she. Oh my, she is so pretty. And that dress!” my mom yelped out, my dad smiled nodding his head “yes, she is very beautiful. Oh wow, hey there” my dad waved at the screen “it’s granddad Marquis and Grandma here, awwww” my dad waving at the camera is making me laugh “it doesn’t suit you old man” placing Reign over my shoulder “where is the mother?” my dad asked, he ain’t stupid that man “not here” my dad nodded his head slowly “I have taught you better than this Maurice, you’re letting this mess come out. You are being careless, you’re a father now. You need to learn how to be a lion and protect. I am not happy with you at all. Your mother said you came here yesterday. Sorry I wasn’t here, I was in a meeting but I am not happy, how do you expect me to give you the business when you can’t even deal with this? I am watching, also if the mother is not around have you got visitation rights over Reign?” looking at Nalah, my dad would kill me if hears what I did “working on it” I mumbled.
Nalah chuckled “dad looked so happy to see Reign, I lowkey would like to see dad beat you. I was dying to snitch on you” Nalah pressed her finger right into my dimple, moving my head to the side “whatever, women. You know, I just need to deal with it. Like I know if I told dad that there was no rights and I gave that up, he would kill me. He would probably use money against me but I don’t want that for Reign, I want it to be different for her and I felt like I am the cause, I mean come on. She just came into the world and her dad could have already gave her sickle cell, her granddad wants her to be away from her mother already, the family are scared of her because she could get what is theirs. It’s not a good look, it’s not. And dad is right, I am not doing well. He is watching me, I know it so this Dubai hotel needs to go right. Then I got Robyn, she’s just switched on me. Fucking Rosalina, I swear she is a pain. Y’all laughing at me but she also snorted it off my dick, just she fucked me over” Shawn laughed “nigga, your life needs to be a fucking book. No wonder Robyn hates you” Shawn cackled saying “well when money can get you anything in the world, you do it” I could get anything and I used it “Maurice!” Leon’ voice rang through my ears, looking towards the door and my eyes met Robyn’ as she stood looking at me.
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Stepping Up ~ Bucky x Reader (Part 12/12)
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^^^ Literally because how could I not use the gifs in a wedding fic?!?! 
A/N: Hello my lovelies. This is it. The last part of the story (except for the epilogue). Thanks so much for sticking with me on this journey. I’ve really loved this story and I hope you have too. 
Summary: The reception is eventful. and some questions get answered. 
Rating: T 
Warnings: Language, Angst, mentions of cheating, some physical violence (This sounds bad, but I promise it’s all gonna be okay!) Fluff
Word Count: 3225 (it’s a lot) 
You and Bucky spent the first hour on the dance floor with the rest of the wedding party, jumping around to the upbeat music. He had you giggling as he spun you around the dance floor, actively ignoring the genre of the music. Eventually breathless, you sat down with your grandmother and Aunt Meg. Bucky dragged you close resting his arm along the back of your chair.
“You two are so cute together,” Aunt Meg gushed.
“I want to hear more about this,” your grandmother gestured to the two of you. “How long have you been together?”
“It’s a fairly recent development.”
“Although, not if you ask our teammates,” Bucky added slyly and took a sip of his beer.
“Oh really?” Your grandmother asked.
“So what would they say?” Zoe asked in her wheedling voice as she and Ben sat down.
You and Bucky simultaneously tensed and attempted to covertly comfort each other, leading to some silent smiles.
“Bucky?��� Your grandmother prompted.
“Well, most of them would probably say that I’m a complete idiot for not asking her out sooner. And that I’ve looked like a lovesick puppy for nearly three years.”
“Well what took you so long then?” Aunt Meg asked, and you knew she’d been dying to ask all week.
“Fear. Plain and simple. I mean she’s my best friend, and I didn’t want to mess that up.”
“So what finally made you ask my darling granddaughter out? Or did you ask him, y/n?”
“I asked her,” Bucky answered quickly, quelling your momentary panic. You hadn’t bothered to flesh out the finer details of your story, considering everything that had happened, so you were relieved when he took the lead. “Steve had been pushing me for months. He swore up and down that y/n liked me back, but I just couldn’t believe him. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she’d say yes when I asked her to go the movies. Of course, she thought we were going as a group so that might have something to do with her answer.”
You smiled as you remembered the evening he was talking about. You’d always hoped that was a date, but he never made a move after that.
“True, but to be fair. The answer was yes either way. Steve had been pushing me too. I actually got close to asking you out a few times, but ultimately chickened out. I wasn’t totally sure if he intended it to be a date, but II was secretly thrilled when it ended up being just the two of us. I had butterflies the whole night.”
You slipped your hand into his underneath the table and he immediately twined your fingers together before lifting your hand to kiss your knuckles.
“So how long before you started dating did you fall for each other?”  
“Gran,” you whined.
“You can answer first if you like, sweetheart,” she challenged and you glanced over at Bucky who was clearly just as interested in your answer as she was.  
“I don’t know when I started falling for him if I’m honest. It was gradual, but I know when I realized I had.”
“Do tell,” Aunt Meg pressed.
“My first solo mission went a lot worse for me than I wanted to admit. Even now. So while I told the truth in my report, I hid my injuries. And ignored the orders to stay in bed. I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for-”
“Doll, if you call me a meddling super soldier I swear I’m gonna hide your cookie stash when we get home.”
“You wouldn’t dare. And I wasn’t going to.”
He quirked an eyebrow and you huffed.
“Okay fine. Maybe I was, but that’s not important. The point is that I managed to get away with it for a couple of days until he came back. He took one look at me and marched me up to the med bay.”
“Dragged is more like it. You’re too stubborn for your own good sometimes.”
“It’s a family trait,” your grandmother confided. “Go on, darling.”
“I was concerned, being,” you paused for a moment choosing your words carefully, “Not the newbie, per se, but still the inexperienced member on the team, that my getting so hurt was a sign of weakness. I thought it would ruin my chances of staying with the Avengers. And I finally felt at home and I was terrified of losing that. When Bucky insisted on nursing me back to health, I had been prepared for a lecture. And for disappointment,” you admitted glancing at Bucky. You’d never told him any of this. “But instead all I got was comfort and encouragement. He made me feel strong when I was at my weakest. And he made it okay for me to be scared. And that meant everything to me. It still does,” you added with a shy glance at Bucky who seemed stunned by your admission.
All he could do was squeeze your hand.  
“That’s exactly how your grandfather made me feel. And what about you, young man?”
He chuckled at the epithet. Technically he was older than your grandmother, but he didn’t need to point that out.  
“I started falling for y/n the moment I met her. It had been a long time since I felt comfortable being around people so I would make myself scarce. But with y/n, I wanted to be around her as much as I could. Of course that meant being around others as well, because everyone enjoys hanging out with her too. And just by being herself she started to heal me. I was a goner very early on. I was thrilled when she finally moved into the tower because I could spend so much more time with her. Before that I would offer to drop her off at home. Just for a few extra minutes with her and the chance to steal a few more smiles.”
It was your turn to be surprised by his admission. You always thought that he took you home because he was being protective.
“So sweet,” Zoe cooed as she rolled her eyes.  
“Let’s dance, babe,” Ben muttered, glaring at you.
“Good idea.”
“What’s got her panties in a twist?” Your gran asked once they left.
You shrugged. “No idea.”
You had a bad feeling, but you didn’t know why so you pushed it down, relaxing into the feeling of Bucky’s fingertips brushing along your shoulder.
“Anyways… you two are idiots.”
She shrugged, unfazed by your tone.
“You are, but I’m very glad you’ve smartened up and found each other.”
“Me too.”
  A short time later, while Bucky escorted your Gran to the car after she whispered to you that he was a keeper, you ran inside to freshen up.
Afterwards you stopped in the kitchen to sneak a brownie off one of the dessert trays.
“Mmff. God that is so good,” you moaned quietly as you shut your eyes to fully enjoy the taste.
“I’ve missed those sounds.”
Your eyes snapped open as you glared at Ben. Determined to ignore him, you started to stalk past him only for him to get in your face, blocking your way. Every step you made he mirrored, the only way for you to get around him was to physically move him out of your way. And you knew that was a terrible idea.
“Let me pass,” you told him calmly, drawing on all of your training not to drop him to the ground.
“Come on, y/n. You never even gave me a chance to explain.”
“What was there to explain? Once a cheater always a cheater.”
“That’s rich coming from you,” he scoffed.
“Whatl is that supposed to mean?”  
“It means either you’re lying to your dear old granny or you’ve been banging the tin man since long before we broke up.”
“Don’t call him that,” you hissed. “And neither are true. I never cheated on you. Now get away from me.”
You were fed up and went to brush past him, but he grabbed your wrist hard enough that you yelped as he yanked you back around to face him.  
“Ben, let go of me,” you warned in a clear tone.
“No. Not until you admit that you still want me.”
He grabbed your other wrist, pulling you into his chest. Reacting on instinct, you yanked your arms back out of his grip and twisted away from him throwing a quick elbow to his chest to knock him off balance. He stumbled back into a tray of champagne, sending it to the floor.
“You bitch.”
He tried to bull rush you and you flipped him over your shoulder dropping him to the ground.
Bucky was the first through the door, basically leaping over Ben’s prone form to reach your side having heard the shattering glass. You vaguely registered the rest of your family rushing in, but mostly you were focused on Bucky.
“Did he hurt you, doll?”
“Did he hurt her?” Zoe shrieked from her kneeling position by his head. “He’s on the ground.”
Bucky ignored her, cataloguing every inch of you looking for signs of harm. When he saw the red marks on your wrist, he growled but continued his inspection.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Your mom fretted.
“I’m fine, mom.”
You hid your arms which were starting to bruise behind your back. Bucky’s eyes narrowed as he caught your wince; Ben had also jerked your shoulder pretty hard. He whirled on Ben who had finally hoisted himself to his feet.
“I told you last time, if you touched her again I would end you. Did you really think I was bluffing?”
His voice was calm almost amused, but you could feel the fury rolling off him in waves. You reached out and slotted your fingers through his.
“Bucky, don’t.”
“What the hell is going on?” your dad demanded. “Last time?”
Bucky’s eyes flickered to you, knowing it was your story to tell. Apparently you hesitated too long because Ben decided to open his mouth.
“Yeah. Last time when this asshole broke my nose.”
“You deserved it,” Penny piped up.
“You knew about this?” Aunt Meg asked, and Penny simply shrugged.
“Y/n, what is going on?” your mother asked in a tone that left no room for anything but the truth.
“Ben is my ex-boyfriend.”
“The one who cheated on you?”
“He did what?” Your dad roared, and suddenly you were less concerned about Bucky killing Ben and more concerned about your dad killing him.
“It was a misunderstanding,” Ben argued and you actually laughed out loud.
“How is walking in on you screwing my roommate in my bed a misunderstanding.”
There were a few shocked gasps at your revelation, but not from Penny or Zoe, which you had expected. But you weren’t the only one who noticed.
“Zoe, you knew? And still brought him?”
“I’m sure that’s why she brought him,” you scoffed.
“Oh please. How would I even know that? We met at a bar a few months ago.”
“Really? You’re going to lie about that?”
“Alright, y/n, when do you think we met?”
“In my apartment. Three years ago when you stayed with me and Ben spent the week showing you around.”
“Alright, alright. You got me. I didn’t meet him at the bar, but I did run into him by chance.”
“And you decided he was the one for you,” you sneered.  
“Well we had had such a good time when I stayed at your place,” she smirked and you knew exactly what she was implying.
“I should have known. I’m really glad I convinced Tony to let me incinerate that mattress.”
Bucky chuckled humorlessly beside you, and you could still feel the tension in him.
“It kills you, doesn’t it? That someone chose me over you. I bet it eats at you that you weren’t woman enough for him. You won’t be woman enough for Bucky either.”
“Do not speak for me,” Bucky growled, and Zoe had the good sense to be frightened.
“You’re still jealous of her? Really?” Penny asked. “Aren’t we too old for this?”
“Shut up, princess.”
“I think it’s time for you to go. You’ve accomplished what you came here to do,” Penny announced.
“And what exactly is that?”
“Hurt y/n and make my day all about you.”  
“Nothing has ever been about me. It’s always been about y/n. It’s always been the two of you against me.”
“Because you made it that way,” you reminded her, taking a step back so the two of them could get their stuff and leave. “You made everything into a competition.”
“We just wanted to be friends,” Penny added.
“You were very inviting with your secret codes.”
“This is a waste of time. You’re never going to listen, so leave. And take him with you,” she gestured to Ben who was avoiding your dad’s death glare.  
“Get out,” Dylan ordered when they didn’t move.
Zoe eventually decided to give up.
“Let’s go, Ben.”  
He seemed to consider speaking again, but the withering glare from your father silenced him.
Once they were gone you looked at Penny apologetically as Bucky pulled you against his chest.
“What the hell just happened?” your dad shook his head.
“Twenty odd years of resentment coming to a head,” Penny shrugged, leaning into Dylan.
“More like forty-something,” your mom commented.
“Zoe is just like her mother,” Aunt Meg sighed. “I’m sorry I made you invite her.”
“It’s okay, mom.”
“No, it’s not. This is your wedding and I should have listened to you.”
“It’s fine. You and Aunt Di have worked really hard to keep us all friends. I wanted to help.”
“You aren’t meant to fix our mistakes. Especially not at your wedding. Yes family is important, but the most important people are the ones who you choose to love. And who choose to love you back. Do you understand?”
“Yes, mom.”
“You too, y/n. Do you understand?”
“Yeah. I do,” you promised as you looked up at Bucky who was watching you lovingly. “I really do. But I’m so sorry, Penny and Dylan,” you added.  
“What are you apologizing for?” Dylan asked.  
“For my hand in everything go awry. I tried to keep everything quiet, but he attacked me.”
“Seriously, y/n. I think you should have broken his nose again. I wish I could have done it myself.”
You and Bucky both laughed at that.
“That would have been a sight. But I’m still sorry that your wedding got messed up.”
“Nothing is messed up. We’re married, and the only thing that got destroyed was some champagne glasses. Big deal. The most important bit is safe.”
“What’s that?” Bucky asked.
“Dessert,” you, Penny, and Dylan all responded in unison, and you all laughed, relieving the last of the tension.
“The brownies are really good by the way.”
“Couldn’t resist,” you shrugged.
“Okay, come on. Let’s get back out there. We’ve still got a lot of partying to do. Coming, y/n?” she asked when you didn’t move.  
“I’ll be out soon. I just need to settle for a minute.”
Penny nodded in understanding.
“Take your time. We’ll see you out there.”
“I’ll send in one of the catering staff to clean up. So don’t worry about it,” Aunt Meg ordered, guessing your plan to start sweeping.
Everyone filed out, and you were left alone with Bucky.
“Doll, are you okay?”
“More shaken than anything.”
He gently took your wrists in his hand inspecting the darkening bruises.
“I’ve had worse,” you mumbled.
“Not the point. Come here.”
He pulled your arms around his neck and pulled you in for a hug. The feeling of his arms around your waist grounded you, and your heart rate calmed and your breathing slowed.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered.
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. Not to me. Not to anyone.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He held you for a few more minutes until you pulled back, offering a weak smile.
“We should get back out there.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m good. Promise. Just stay close.”
“Not going anywhere, doll.”
  The remainder of the evening was as wonderful as the rest of the day, and the altercation was soon forgotten.
“I’m so happy for you,” you grinned at Dylan while the two of you danced.
“Thanks, y/n. I’m really glad that you could make it. It wouldn’t have been nearly as special without you. You mean so much to both of us.”
“You mean the world to me. Are you happy with how the day turned out?”
“We could have gotten married in an alley, and I’d be happy. I got to marry my best friend. But, this was beyond what we had even planned. The flood was really a blessing in disguise. But only because we have a great guardian angel.”
“You deserve every bit of happiness. I’m glad I got to be a part of it.”
You smiled up at him as the song ended and you gave him a tight hug.
“So do you. I think I’m going to go find my wife. God, I love the way that sounds.”  
“Me too, husband.” Penny beamed up at Dylan as she slipped her arm around his waist.
The happy couple were immediately lost in each other.  You scanned the room searching for Bucky for only a moment before your eyes landed on him.
He was with some of the groomsmen having a great time and your smile widened. He started to head your way, but you shook your head.
“Make friends,” you mouthed, knowing he already had. He could always use my friends outside of the Tower.  
They even cajoled him into doing the Macarena and cotton eyed joe, which you filmed for the girls. When he couldn’t quite grasp the footwork for the cha cha slide, you hopped in beside him.
After that the DJ called for all the single ladies to gather on the floor, and despite your protests that you were dating Bucky, your mom and aunt encouraged it.
“Technically single meant unwed in the old days,” Bucky added unhelpfully.
“Whose side are you on?” you accused teasingly.
“Yours. Always. It’s just a bit of fun.”
“Does that mean you’ll be trying to pass the garter?”  
“My reflexes are too fast. It’s not fair,” he shrugged.
“I’ll participate if you participate.”
“Fair deal. Better hit the floor, doll. Those ladies look like they could be vicious.
You rolled your eyes but stood anyway, hiding in the background.
You were certain you looked mortified when Penny used all of her years of softball pitching to lob the bouquet over the crowd and into your hands. Bucky offered you a smug grin, but his cockiness was nowhere to be found when Dylan shot the garter pretty much directly in his face. Although it returned when he had to complete the tradition and he slid the garter up your leg.
That was the last of the excitement though, which was fine by you. You spent the rest of the night in Bucky’s arms on the dance floor, only this time instead of spinning you all over the place, he simply held you close as you swayed following the rhythm of his beating heart as your music.
A/n: So there it is everyone. The end of the road. I have an epilogue planned to wrap up but this is the last big piece. And I wanted to wrap  up some loose ends and I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! 
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sweetness47 · 5 years
The Shaman’s Choice Ch. 4
Pairing Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
Characters of the series include: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Jo, reader’s parents, Reader’s grandmother, Reader’s brothers (Darren OC & Michael OC), Mary, Jack, Apocalypse Archangel!Michael
Chapter 4:
@spnkinkbingo square filled (case fic)
@spnabobingo square filled (Jealous Alpha)
@samwinchesterbingo square filled (free space)
Word Count: 3053
Summary: So this is an SPN fic, but contains a lot of wild AU ideas. Bear with me while the story unfolds, and enjoy it.
Warnings for all chapters just in case: MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY! smut, sex, unprotected sex, abo dynamics, knotting, mating bites, claiming, oral, shower sex, sibling arguments, swearing, violence, mentions of brother in love with sister (unhealthy obsession, jealousy)
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The entire bunker was echoing as Sam let out a loud “Whoop!!” and kissed his Omega. Well wishes came from all, but none more thrilled than the expectant parents. YN put in a call to her own parents, not giving details, but asking if she and Sam could come by for a visit. (Mom & Dad) were happy to hear from their daughter, and even more thrilled to have them visit.
The four-hour drive was filled with plans for a nursery as well as lots of ideas for baby names. YN made sure to tell Sam about the estate, more specifically the fact that it was quite extensive. She didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable with the fact that her family was rich. Sam assured her that he was fine and not to worry.
She worried anyways, because Michael would also be there. They hadn’t spoken or seen each other since that first night she met Sam. Her mind drifted back to memories of when she and Michael were younger, and compared them to Sam’s first impression of her brother. Jealousy.
Sam looked over at YN. “You ok?” he asked.
She nodded. “Yeah, just thinking about Michael. Haven’t seen or heard from him since that first night. Darren has checked in more than Mike. Hell, I’ve heard from my Nana more than from Mike.”
She looked over at Sam and sighed. He sensed her sadness, but he didn’t know what to say. He did, however, want to kick her brother’s ass for hurting YN like that. But he wouldn’t, not without a damn good reason anyways.
She was so pre-occupied that she almost missed the private road. “Turn here Sam.”
He slowed and turned, stopping when he hit a dead end five minutes later. “YN?”
“Apparuistis.” She exclaimed.
Where stood a dense forest now appeared a large security gate. Sam gave a low whistle of wonder as he surveyed the extensive grounds, driving up to the parking area YN had pointed to, and putting the Impala in park. Dean was a tad apprehensive about loaning Baby, but he trusted his brother and YN implicitly. The classic car was in impeccable condition, and would impress everyone.
Both were greeted warmly by YN’s parents, Nana, and Darren. Michael was no where to be found. She asked the question that weighed on her, though in her heart, she already knew the answer. “Mama, where’s Mike?”
The room went quiet. It was Darren who spoke up. “YN, no one’s seen him for days. He disappeared shortly after you and Sam got together.”
Tears fell from YN’s eyes, and Sam wrapped his arms and escorted her to the living room. The others followed, bringing mint tea and some fresh baked cookies. YN felt a bit better after partaking in the refreshments. Her mother sat down beside her, and attempted a distraction.
“So, why the sudden visit, YN?”
YN glanced over at Sam, who smiled and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Well…Sam and I are having twins!”
Sam nearly choked on his cookie, his eyes wide as saucers. Shouts of joy filled the parlour as the family celebrated, hugging both Sam and YN. Sam wore a huge grin for the rest of the day, through dinner, dessert, and the entire night. Twins! He wasn’t just gonna be a father, he was going to be a father twice! He made sweet gentle love to his Omega that night, mindful of her newfound condition.
The next morning, both were awakened by YN’s mother, who insisted they come downstairs immediately, nicely dressed. The two showered, and found nice, semi-formal clothing waiting on the bed for them. The clothes were fine silk, and Sam was surprised at how accurate the fit was. YN giggled at her Alpha’s expression, explaining some of her mother’s gifts to him. She had a knack for size and clothing creation, it was similar to how a photographic memory worked. YN stared at her dress, intricate beadwork adorning the neckline and the bodice. These were wedding clothes, or her tribe’s version of them.
The ceremony itself was short and simple, and YN wasn’t really surprised that this was planned. Sam wasn’t complaining, and neither was she. In reality, she liked this better…no big crowds, and no dress shopping. YN’s father escorted her down after her mother had escorted Sam down. Nana was standing in the parlour, waiting as (father’s name) brought her to Sam, putting her hand in his. Nana took a white silk ribbon and bound their joined hands while chanting, “Benedicite, amare, uxor, cor.”
Then, once the ribbon was secure, Nana looked at the couple and smiled. Raising her hands to the sky she whispered, “Ut benedicat haec duo sunt matrimonia iungeremus.”
The family stood. “Benedicat eis!”
YN smiled at Sam, who looked ridiculously happy, but mildly confused. “This is the kissing part.” She whispered, and Sam dove in, his mouth claiming hers as every one gathered to wish them well. The happy couple received numerous hugs and congratulations, and were thrilled beyond belief when they saw Dean and Jo, who had been invited over by Darren.
The feast lasted the better part of the day and evening. Sam and YN did manage to sneak off for a few minutes here and there, returning with slightly disheveled attire and both were blushing furiously. Everyone just acted as if that was perfectly normal, which it was for newlyweds. Darren had brought his Omega, Nikki as well, one of YN’s best friends, for the celebration. Sam, YN, Dean, Jo, Darren and Nikki talked and laughed for a better part of the night, becoming great friends by the end.
It was 5:00am when YN felt something strong, it was power, but from where she couldn’t guess. Quietly she slipped from the bed and peeked out the window to the grass below. Movement caught her eye. It almost looked like Michael, but the darkness made identifying him difficult. Stupid dickhead! If he’d gotten involved with drugs or some such shit, she’d kill him.
As quietly as she could, she slipped on joggers and a tee, carrying her runners so she wouldn’t make noise. She almost made it to the bedroom door.
“Where are you going, Omega?” came the groggy, yet commanding voice of her Alpha.
“Outside for a minute. I thought I heard something. I’m going to check it out.” YN whispered.
Before she could even blink he was there beside her. “Half truths are almost the same as lying YN. Talk to me.”
‘How can I? It could take you away from me! From our children!’
Her thoughts cried out to him, but she remained silent. Forasmuch as she wanted to tell him the truth, there was too much risk. Or was there. If this was to do with Mike, and her gut feeling, then she needed to keep Sam as far away as possible.
Still, despite the prophecy, he could end up involved or worse, killed. Tears fell from her (eye color) orbs, and she allowed Sam to hold her as sobs broke out. Sam soothed her with gentle words, stroking her hair, until she was able to talk.
“Oh Sam, I am so afraid of losing you, that’s why I haven’t said anything. Please stay here. I couldn’t bare it if you died because of me. Please Sam!”
Her Alpha sighed. He could sense her fear and the truth behind her words. But he had vowed to protect her, to keep her safe, and that wasn’t going to happen if she went by herself.
“Omega, look at me, please.” YN brought her eyes up to meet his. “I made a promise to your father and mother, that I would protect you, and I intend to uphold my promise, and my vow to you. I’m coming with you, and there’s no talking me out of it.”
He held her close, nuzzling her neck as he always did. It brought her some comfort, his scent had become her own personal calming agent. Besides, at least this way she could watch him, and ensure his safety. Plus, there were the pups to think about now, she really couldn’t blame him for wanting to come. She just didn’t want to lose him either, so right then she decided to dig her own path, and stray from the warnings.
“Ok, Sam, but I need to tell you something first. Please don’t hate me.” YN’s voice was barely a whisper.
“I could never hate you.” Came his reply.
He pulled her onto his lap as she began to speak, telling him the whole story: the prophecy, the powers, the mark…all of it. Once finished, she closed her eyes and waited for the yelling and hurt feelings that she was so sure would follow. Instead, Sam stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.
“We’ll be ok YN, promise.” He whispered. “I’ve got your back always.”
She wanted to believe him. Her mind blocked out the negative as she and her Alpha made their way outside. She had to believe his promise, or she wouldn’t be able to do this, whatever this was. Michael had disappeared from view, but his scent was strong, too strong. Mike was in a rut, a bad one. Sam noticed it too, a low growl escaping his chest as he followed his Omega closely, senses on high alert. Brother or not, if he made any move toward YN that Sam perceived as threatening, Sam would tear Michael to shreds.
The scent continued deep into the woods. Sam held YN’s hand, never wanting to let go. He had a bad feeling, one that only intensified after hearing YN’s story, and hearing about the prophecy. And now with Michael in a rut? That just added to the excitement.
YN motioned for them to stop, so they waited and listened. Voices, two distinct ones, Michael and one she didn’t recognize, were coming from the clearing. Then light flashed, bright enough to blind the eavesdroppers briefly.
The light faded as Michael’s voice rang out, or at least it sounded like Mike. But YN knew her brother well enough. Whoever was talking, it most certainly was not her twin.
“YN? Come closer. Bring your mate. I know your there. Don’t make me come find you.”
Sam squeezed her hand with some reassurance, and the two stepped into the open. The man before them smelled like her brother, and yet it didn’t smell or sound like him. The saw his eyes, and Sam knew what had happened.
“Michael.” He said quietly.
YN looked at her Alpha with even more confusion. “Sam, what…?”
Sam stopped her. “No YN, not your brother. The Archangel Michael.”
Michael stepped forward, and Sam bared his fangs, growling deep in his chest. “Stay back. You touch her and I’ll rip you apart.”
The Archangel-turned-Alpha flicked his wrist, expecting to send Sam flying against the nearest tree. But he didn’t.
Instead, at the same moment, YN’s voice rang out.
Sam stood as the force went around his form, shocking him but his anger never waivered. YN wasn’t even close to being done, however.
Michael was caught off guard at the sudden attack, and his meat suit went flying against the nearest tree. His clothes were slightly charred, but still intact. He wasted no time, and gained the upper hand while YN was focused on the offense. He lifted Sam into the air, slowly constricting his airways.
YN cried out. “No! Leave him alone!”
Michael pondered this, his mouth turning slowly into a smile that made YN shiver. “Why should I? He and his brother have been thorns in my side for a while now. Plus…, he added, “This one took you as his mate, before your brother could claim you as his own.”
YN visibly paled, but she stood her ground. “Michael please. You know he’s my soulmate! Leave him be. Please! I’ll do anything. Just don’t hurt him.” Tears fell as she begged the Archangel for mercy.
“Be careful what you promise, YN. Here’s the deal. I’ll leave your Alpha alive, hell I’ll spare all the Winchesters if…” his smile turned dark, and YN felt nauseous, “You renounce Sam and take me as your Alpha.”
“NO!” Sam screamed, his eyes read with anger. “YN, don’t! Live free! I’m not worth that.” He stared at his nemesis/brother in law. “You can’t trust him.”
YN’s heart was torn. Her love for Sam, and her desire to keep him safe, versus an eternity of misery in a loveless union, with her own flesh and blood as her Alpha. She felt sick inside. What kind of choice was this? The outcome sucked either way. If she said no, Sam would die. If she said yes, Sam would live but she would no longer be his. Sam was right though. There was no guarantee Michael would keep his word. Then she had another thought.
“If I say yes, Sam, Dean, and all their family and friends live. You don’t touch them, you don’t hurt them in any way. And when my pups are born, Sam gets sole custody of them, his to raise. That’s my condition. If you go back on the deal, our union is void and Sam becomes mine again.”
“YN! Don’t worry about me! Let me go. Don’t give in to that monster!” Sam cried.
Tears fell hard. “I love you too much Sam. I can’t watch him kill you. Promise me you’ll take good care of our pups. Please!”
Sam nodded, and YN turned to Michael. “Do we have a deal, Michael?” She held her hand out to her brother-turned-angel.
Michael stepped forth to grab the hand, eager to seal the deal. “We do indeed.”
YN’s hand closed around her brother’s hand and smiled. “NOW SAM!”
Michael frowned and went to move, but realized quickly that he was frozen in place. Then fear filled him as Sam spoke an all too familiar verse:
Omnipotentis dei potestatem invoco
Omnipotentis dei potestatem invoco
Aborbe terra
Hunc angelum omne obsequendum
Domine expuet
Domine expuet
Ut deum ad empyreum remittat
 YN, still holding his hand, clarified. “See, you are smart, the whole plan was actually pretty good. But, both you and my dumbass brother overlooked a few things.”
Sam stood up, no longer in Michael’s power, and came to stand beside his Omega.
YN continued. “My brother and I are twins…identical twins. Near impossible, I know, but our DNA will prove it. We share a special connection no one else does. Telepathy. I knew the moment he came to you. I knew all of it, all the betrayal. I wanted so hard to believe that my own brother wasn’t capable of that. I tried to find a way to bring him back to us.”
Sam spoke then. “YN told me everything. The reason you can’t move? Her palm has an angel trap on it, bound with her power. She is indeed very powerful, I’d venture more powerful than you. And…”, he leaned in close, teeth bared, “she’s mine.”
YN let his hand go then, and Michael, the archangel, began to leave her brother’s body. But in a parting shot, the angel went to send Sam flying against the nearest tree in an attempt to kill him, but YN felt the thought and pushed Sam out of the way, the blast sending her flying, crashing against a large pine. Bones shattered, and YN cried out, her body crumpling to the ground. Sam screamed her name, his rage directed at Michael, incinerating him and his host. He ran to his Omega, his beautiful YN, checking for a pulse.
He found none.
Sam’s grief was great. His voice howled through the woods as he mourned his loss. As he lay his head on her chest, tears covering her shirt, he stroked her hair and kissed her, then he covered his face as sadness consumed him.
There was movement, but none that he noticed at first. Sam’s tears began to glow, and disappear into YN’s skin. Then his eyes snapped open as the shattered bones of her spine began to pull themselves back together. Her lungs drew breath, and YN coughed as her eyes opened, the oxygen flooding her system.
Sam’s jaw dropped to the ground, staring at the miracle that had just happened. He wasted no time in gathering her into his arms, kissing her fiercely. She moaned, partly from pain and confusion, and partly because she was enjoying the attentions her alpha was showing her. She knew partly the reason for the emotional overflow…she’d died…and honestly she wasn’t sure how she was sitting up and breathing. That’s when she felt it, or rather them…her twins! They had used healing power on her, which was near unheard of. Most infants, no matter their lineage, didn’t have that kind of knowledge.
Sam’s power though, she knew where that came from. She’d given him the ability to share her powers when she had left her mark on his shoulder, in other words, the mating bite she’d bestowed upon him. The prophecy. She shook her head as everything fell into place.
Then there was her twin…the one puzzle piece she had wanted to be wrong about. His behavior made sense now, but it was still alot for her to process. Sam helped YN to stand up, supporting her until he was sure she wouldn’t fall, and together they started back to the house. She had no idea what she was going to tell her parents or Darren, but at least now she felt safe, felt at peace. There were no more threats or immediate danger to her or Sam.
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