#like other people get multiple items in their 10 warps WHY DON'T I EVER GET THAT
thingswhatareawesome · 11 months
oh look, another shit 10 warp. a qq eidolon i DON'T NEED bc she's already maxed what the fuck does it take to get freaking ting yun???
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cm-top-10 · 3 years
C.M. Top 10: Powerful &/or Dangerous Items
There are many items I keep stored in times like this. Some that do good, but others that're too dangerous if in the wrong hands. So this ten features the most powerful & dangerous items known to man. & those you don't know what is or what it does, I'll gladly have them explained why.
1. AVP/Aliens - Xenomorph Royal Jelly
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Royal Jelly is a unique & rare substance to find anywhere in any galaxy. Only way to find some is on the Xenos' homeworld of Xenomorph Prime or if some idiot &/or mad scientist happens to just stumble upon it somewhere.
But be careful what's dangerous about this stuff is that it has metamorphosis properties that effect only Xenomorphs. Because once a lower class Xenomorph gets their jaws on this stuff or eats enough of it, their body & system go through changes. & once fully morphed that particular Xeno who ate it will turn into a Hive Queen.
But just know other Xenomorphs during the Xeno-Anarchist have fought & killed each other over this stuff ever since their last Queen Mother died. & last I heard it was an enemy Red Xenomorph that ate the stuff to become a Red Queen Mother. So that's how important this ooze is to them, cuz they'll do anything to fill the powergap between the hives. & so far only two colored Xenos have waged war on each other over it.
2. The Dragon Prince - Sunforge Blade
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Sunforge Elves are the finest blade makers in all the magik kingdoms of Xadia. But these are no mere knives no, these weapons are made in fires one could never imagine. In fact the blade still remains extremely hot to the touch as soon as it's forging is finished.
Its said to be so hot that it can even burn through walls in one slice. Even the thickest armor or strongest sword doesn't stand a chance to it's burning edges.
& to keep the owner from being burned by their own blade, a special satchel is made to hold it's temperature in check.
So remember kids don't play with hot knives.
3. SDBH - Dark Dragon Balls
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Made by Dende against his own free will. Towa saw to it that a special set of Dragon Balls were made by her specifications. Thus the Dark Dragon Balls were born...
However these are no mere wishing orbs. When used they awaken an evil dragon named Dark Shenron who'll grant any evil desire that person wants, through evil content.
Once a wish is made, all seven spread across time & space until they're reunited again. However if so they'll form into the demonic Shadow Dragons of Shenron.
But if they don't the orbs will chose an evil host to attach itself to. Until a warrior is strong enough to take it from them by force. But fair warning, once a being is merged with a Dark Dragon Ball, their power skyrockets into something not seen before.
So be careful what you wish for...
4. Kaijudo/Duel Masters - Choten Armor & the Five Relics
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With all five of these relics, the Choten was able to control all five Creature Monarchs in one summon. The Sword of Fiery Cataclysm, the Cloak of Dark Illusion, the Shield of Unity, the Helm of Ultimate Technology & the Heart of Light. When all five are used together, not just creature gods will be controlled. But all creatures of the Veil will be under your command.
But it's the main reason they're too dangerous to leave about. Which was why they were stored away for safe keeping.
5. Transformers Prime - the Dark Star Saber
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The Dark Saber is one of Megatron's greatest creations. Though it has not yet slain a Prime, it's still the most powerful weapon he's ever created from Dark Energon.
Like Optimus' Star Saber it can slice through anything, even a mountain. It can even send a powerful slice wave through the air, making it feel like you've been hit by a cutting shockwave.
Though after Starscream's defeat after using the Dark Star Saber, the Autobots smartly locked it away. Where nobody will ever get it. Probably for the best it remains locked away.
6. DC Universe - Blue Lantern Power Battery
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Now the reason this little baby is on the list. Is because this Blue Power Battery has enough juice to power up not just Blue Lanterns. But can also full-power a Green Lantern's ring power tenfold!
The blue charge is so powerful it makes a Green Lantern feel like a new man.
Reasons why the Green & Blue Lantern Corps have been allies. & due to the two colors' relationship with each other. That Blue Element energy can surge a Green one's power full blast & can make it's user feel unstoppable.
7. Star Wars - Darksaber
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Now this saber has alot of history. & tons of previous owners who just either lost it in battle or just managed to pass it down to someone else. But this saber can only be earned by one-on-one combat only.
& only the strongest shall wield it! Darth Maul was one of the previous owners. Though he was not Mandalorian, he still used it like he was made for it. However this weapon has even lost previous owners over the years.
Most even rumored that those who held it always ended up dead. Which is why not many Mandalorians went looking for it.
& hopefully Mando doesn't end up the same fate & curse...
8. Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar - Ecaflip's Sword of Nine Tails
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As weird as this weapon is Ecaflip's Sword of Nine Tails is a powerful weapon. This very sword is what even brought him into godhood.
By sacrificing his nine tails except the one attached to him to this day. He used that very sword to cut the multiple heads of the 9 Headed Hydra during battle. Thus making him a hero to all.
Reasons why this sword is dangerous is because it can literally slice through anything. & it can withstand the burning fires of hell. Which was perfectly made for the battle against the Hydra.
In other words Ecaflip made one hell of a sword!
9. Batman vs. TMNT - Joker Mutagen
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What makes this worse than all the other items is that this particular mutagen is a cocktail mixture between the T.G.R.I. mutagen & the A.C.E. chemicals Joker uses to make his infamous Joker Gas. One injection of this vile ooze & you mutate into the last thing you touch, only with a psychotic aftereffect to go with it.
Luckily this stuff was destroyed before it could reach Gotham & mutate it's people into mad mutations.
10. Marvel Universe/Death Battle - the Continuity Stone
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For those who don't know about the Continuity Stone, or Canon Stone as most people call it. Was a lost Infinity Stone made the same way as the other 6...well 7 counting this one. Anyway the Continuity Stone has the power to literally rewrite any form of reality it's user, namely Deadpool wants it to be. But what's really dangerous about this stone is that it warps Wade's mind most worst than it already is.
That & he gets carried away sometimes with the reality jacking so best it stays locked up.
Deadpool: AWE!! Come on man! I said I'd use it responsibility!
Wade you're not getting it back till you behave & stop messing with reality. & get off my 4th Wall or I'll tell Harley & Death about last year's Christmas party! 💢
Deadpool: Hmph...fine! (-3-)💢
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