#Sunforge Blade
raayllum · 2 years
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Two new screenshots from S4, presumably of Amaya (and Janai’s) plotline in 4x01!
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xadianglyphs · 3 months
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archaeoelysion · 2 years
tag drop: 001/???
muse: hythlodaeus { SOULSEER. }
muse: themis { ELIDIBUS. }
muse: alisaie { RED MAGE. }
muse: ysayle { ICEHEART. }
muse: moenbryda { CRESCENT MOON. }
muse: minfilia { LIGHTBEARER. }
muse: aymeric { THE BLUE. }
muse: katarina { SINISTER BLADE. }
muse: alleria { LADY SUN. }
muse: lor'themar { SUNFORGED. }
muse: tyrande { MOONTOUCHED. }
muse: fran { WOODBORN. }
general: the mun { OUT OF CHARACTER. }
general: askbox { PROMPTS. }
general: silliness { CRACK. }
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a-certain-elf · 4 months
Women gets sunforge-blade as an engagement gift from her fiancee. Turns into a little girl again. Their adopted son approves.
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Look at her cute little smile.
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sapphicteadragon · 1 year
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amaya has a sunforge blade and it's likely a wedding gift and im going to have gay heart attack please help
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sunfire-shield · 10 months
I’m still not over Janai giving Amaya her sword bc like in the trailer we all thought it was a new sword, right, an engagement gift or something, but no it’s Janai’s own sword, that she’s giving to Amaya to take with her into Lux Aurea, so Janai can protect her even if she’s not there. And then the fact that they swap swords. Like for sword lesbians like them that’s basically like exchanging rings. Like, the mutual love and protection of here’s my sword, here’s my life, I want you to have it, because I want you to be safe. God, I’m just dying of the cuteness over here. And just Janai waiting at home for them to get back, with Amaya’s sword in front of her, the crimson orchid in pride of place. Fighting Kim’dael with it. Amaya bringing the sunforge blade into battle against Karim and Kim’dael to get her love back. Sword lesbians swapping swords just gets me feeling things
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runaankisser · 2 months
The assassin
Requested by @ilovemyhusbandaaravos
Notes: Aditi is the former queen of Lux Aurea.
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The cold fall breeze flowed through the window, lacy curtains danced in the wind. Aaravos was off doing whatever and you were sleeping peacefully in your bed.
A sunfire elf with shimmering golden clothing crept through your castle, her eyes showing no remorse nor fear. Soon enough, she was standing over your sleeping form, watching as your chest rose and fallen. Her grip tightened on her sunforge sword. Slowly, she raised her sword, as her sword fell, her eyes met yours, filled with fear.
“Aditi! What are you doing?” You yell with fear, nearly missing her merciless blade. Your arm stung as if the very sun touched it. You glance down to see a burn, but quickly look back up.
“I am doing what I should have done years ago,” she says bitterly and raises her sword again. You close your eyes and look away, ready for the pain, but it never came. You slowly open your eyes to see an angry startouch elf.
“What do you think you are doing?” Aaravos’s says, his deep voice echoing around the room, his eyes filled with rage. Aditi drops her sword out of shock, the weapon hisses as it burns the ground.
“I am killing off this human, she is dragging you down!” Aditi yells, taking a step back. Aaravos slowly steps forward, glaring at Aditi with rage.
“Get out of my castle. If you even think about pulling something like this again, I will make sure you suffer a terrible fate,” The fallen star says sternly. Aditi huffs and picks up her sword, glaring at you once more before leaving. You let out a sigh of relief, a pair of cold arms embraces you.
“Thank you, my love,” You say with gratitude, hugging Aaravos in closer.
“Do not thank me. I promised that I would always keep you safe,” The startouch elf whispers, running his hands through your hair in a comforting manner.
The two of you cuddle together, wrapped in soft silk blankets.
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Pictures from the official Insta @thedragonprince account.
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never-ending-fanfic · 7 months
Catching up with The Dragon Prince and decided to make a Crossover AU concept except all member of the Ghost Crew are different elves
(mind you I'm not deciding based on appearance or signature color ect I'm going with the General Vibe™ so it's rather personal, you can disagree or share your ideas)
Let's also say there are no humans in this case scenario kay? Let's dig in!
Hera- Skywing Elf, definitely, no doubt. Her love of flying is too strong for me to place her in a different type. She's also that "less than one in ten" case that's born with wings. I would say her horns would be long and curved to mimic the original lekku, I'd keep her green color (even though it's not usual for Skywing Elves to have that skin tonr) but maybe I'll add some silver/gray touches to
Kanan- Startouched Elf, going with what we know about that type, they're very rare and so are the Jedi after the fall of the Republic, so that's a nice touch. He'd have a deep indigo skin and obviously horns (to add the touch one could be chipped, to signify that he's been through a lot), his primal source is the stars ofc and ofc he's trying to teach Ezra about the arcanum with the stars, since that type of connection is rare and not much is known about it
Ezra- Startouched Elf, everything goes same as for Kanan, but I feel Ezra could have obviously smaller horns and a little lighter blue skin. He would also figure out the arcanum to more than one primal source and would definitely try Dark Magic at some point (just like how Ezra was tempted by the dark side in the show)
Sabine- Earthblood Elf- hear me out, she would definetly use her Earth Magic to create beautiful art, wether it would be with plants gems and crystals, she would have brown skin and green hair (at least originally, she could dye it later)
Zeb- Sunfire Elf, he would definitely still be a captain of the royal guard in Lux Aurea before its fall (lile Lasan) and it definetly fits that this type of Elves are known for amazing weapons (SWR Ladats- bo-rifle, TDP Sunfir Elves- Sunforge blades and armour) and his "heat-being mode" would definitely be something to see... He doesn't use the Sun Magic often, but like all Elves, he's connected to his primal source- the sun
Kallus- Moonshadow Elf, they're known for being great assasins and infiltrators, I think it would sit well with Kallus' spying abilities (and you cannot tell me that the phrase "by the light of Lothal's moons" doesn't fit perfectly!) He would still be pale with a bit of purple-ish hints, his markings would resemble his freckles, his hair would be white. He would know know a few spells but wouldn't rely only on them. He originally used Dark Magic, but after becoming one of The Good Guys™, he stopped. He's the perfect opposite of Zeb at first glance although also going with @seth-shitposts post about Kallus being like a moon that reflects the light around him, this is perfect.
Chopper- he would be Bait, but more outrightly unhinged
Not sure if I'm gonna write that or draw that but I wanna do SOMETHING
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There are only two genders: banther and sunforge blade
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with the news about t'au crisis suits being split into three datasheets with specialized loadouts, i realize now my problem with this strategy of GWs is less the reduction of options for units and more so that the specialized units themselves are often too simple.
the space marine infernus unit for instance. flamer specialist marines aren't necessarily a bad concept, but all they have going for themselves is slightly stronger regular flamers. that's lame, why not give them them option of fielding with hand pyreblasters and say chainaxes as well, or let one of them lug around a massive fuck off heavy pyreblaster. hell why not let em pull out specialized incendiary grenade launchers, or dual wield pyreblaster pistols. it might be stupid but it'd look cool and give some variety within these hyper specialized units themselves, play to the themes. but no. you get pyreblasters or nothing on infernus squads.
so if your gonna quarter of fusion blaster crisis suits to the sunforges, atleast let em carry some stupid fun options. fusion grenade launchers? long or short fusion blaster options? fusion blades?!?!?!??? get creative.
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raayllum · 2 years
If I was an object in TDP, I would simply not want to be, given the series’ track record, i.e.
the mirror houses a spooky evil sparkly elf
the coins house elven souls
all the moon lotuses sank (save 1.5)
claudia’s primal stone was stolen 
and then smashed
ezran’s crown was stolen and then bent beyond repair in the fall
callum & runaan crush all the moon opals
rip any creature used in dark magic parts
the assassins’ weapons are used to help summon shadows fuelled by spite
sun staff got stolen and corrupted alongside its primal
callum’s scarf was used to lure a dragon away from rayla
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xadianglyphs · 2 months
Reference: Janai's Sunforge Sword
It's difficult to get a good look at the full series of runes on Janai's sword because of the way it gradates to "white" heat toward the tip... not great for seeing white runes. Pretty much the only place they're all visible is in the credits sketch featuring it, but they're quite small.
However, comparison of the runes near the hilt on Janai's sword and the runes on the Sunforge dagger from s1e07 shows that they're the same, and there's a really nice Sunforge dagger picture in Tales of Xadia:
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They're mirrored, but so is everything else in this show. They're probably one way on one side of the sword and the other way on the other side.
Anyway, a clear look at these runes lets us identify them on the credits sketch, and it turns out it's the same six runes from the dagger, repeated to fill in the rest of the longer blade:
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Sunforge blades need to have special scabbards, and Janai's scabbard also has runes on it. Most of them are the same six as the ones on the sword, separated by a small spacer, but there's also a unique rune near the hilt:
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Between all of that, we can assemble the full set of runes for Janai's sword and scabbard as something like the following (my calligraphic inking skills are garbage):
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(Feel free to copy/reference/use this for fanworks! No credit needed, I'm just assembling sources.)
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baatarthefirst · 4 months
If you get hurt, your soulmate feels your pain
tw: very mild self harm. All she'd wanted to do was check things out for herself. She just rode to assess the situation in hopes that maybe it wasn't as bad as it seemed, then she could go back and join the search for her missing nephews. But of course, there was a problem; elves. There was an ambush waiting. The general got off her horse and turned her attention to a seemingly meaningless fumarole so they would see an opportunity and attack on her terms.
The first few members of the little ambush were no problem for Amaya. But then there was another, more decorated elf, and she was going to be a problem. A problem that doubled the danger as the sunforge sword was unsheathed.
Their fight was unexpectedly short. Amaya's sword was cut in half and used as a projectile. Her shield warded off the blade, but she was clearly at a disadvantage. She could get in a powerful kick, then she would have an opening to retreat.
She kicked, but couldn't run. The wind was knocked out of her. But how? Amaya didn't have time to process this pain before a pain hit her in the back, the back of every body part actually. It felt like falling off a roof...or...getting kicked in the gut so hard you go flying with a hard landing....oh fuck no. No, no, no....
The elf's curiosity shined through her warrior's glare for just a moment before her face hardened again. Why didn't the human try for a finishing blow, and why did she look so pale? Did it matter? She was distracted, and Janai was going to take advantage. She charged at the human, who pulled herself together and forced the golden knight to drop her sword with a strong blow...to her own hand?
In a second, the sheild had set against the breach wall, the arm on the backside exposed with open palm. The general gave her own limb a powerful blow, aiming for the center of the glove, and by the Light, it felt like Janai's palm had been struck by a smithing hammer; her knuckles nearly cracking against the metal anvil.
As she was prepared for the pain, Amaya didn't have the same reaction as the elf. When her enemy dropped the sword, she rushed to her horse in a hasty retreat. As she rode back to the fortress, she cursed the gods for this...this joke. After all these years she met her soulmate, and she was a fucking elf!
Janai's brain didn't know which emotion to focus on; shock or panic. She picked up her sword in a haze. Her soulmate, her match...she was a lowly human. As she headed back to her army's camp, she hung her head and asked the mother sun why she'd thought to curse Janai with with a human soulmate.
At the end of the day, each military leader reached the same conclusion independantly,
...she would have to kill her soulmate as painlessly as possible.
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a-certain-elf · 8 months
Throwing a hc out into the wild
So Aditi created the collar for Kim herself using the sunforge.
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Like literally actually like a smith. With a very magical forge. Sure. A smith nonetheless.
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Dare I say really enjoying it too.
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What she did for Kim is more like a accessoires but I believe shes capable of more than that. Infact it`s in the sunfire culture that they are master metalworkers. As stated in the Artbook. Gilding their armor with gold.
I think that even the reigning monarch has to get to know this craft. Just because it`s an essential part of their culture. And I think that includes Khessa, Janai and Kairm. With Janai being the one that took it way more seriously than her 2 siblings. I do think she forged her own sword and potentially also was the one who fixed Amayas shield, armor and made her a new sword.
About that new sword:
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She left to middle open on purpose because that part is usually were the runes on the sunforge blades are. Since she wasn`t able to turn it into a sunfore blade without the sunforge she decided to keep it open in hopes of upgrading it later once they have a sunforge again.
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