#like people who choose to speak only in the language when they start learning - ive seen people do that for korean and chinese
01mishchelle · 7 months
What I’ve learned so far about ‘manifesting’
i find it extremely idiotic how people believe that they have to do this and that to get their desire. believe me, i used to be like that too. 2-3 years ago i joined a shifting community and let me tell ya, everyone overcomplicated the basics. thats when i gave up and left.
a few weeks ago when i was in a negative, heartbroken state and was begging to have my sp back, a manifestation video came up from this user called hyler. i followed her instructions and even sammy ingram’s.
that’s also where i discovered neville goddard for the first time.
i found it quite odd that we had to do affirm all the time, and thats what i did. i still felt weird, unaccomplished. i did get results, the negatives and the positives. i kept on holding on those results as a proof my sp loved me. but deep inside i knew what i was doing was completely wrong. if they tell you to live in the end, why would i affirm 24/7 to have that desire?
+also adding this, i’ve heard about the void state everywhere in pinterest and here and let me tell ya, after the experiences i’ve had in the shifting community, i stayed the (language) fuck away from that. yes sorry for the people who do the void state, yes cool if you do it if it works for you but for me i just hate doing methods.
it didnt make sense for me. i decided to listen to myself and found out more about neville goddard and edward art.
these two gentlemen made me open my eyes for the first time. this is what ive been missing. ive missed the whole point, everyone missed the whole point.
please study edward art’s works and his i am meditation.
anyways, the whole point is that you literally don’t have to lift a finger to have that desire you want. i’ve made some notes for myself when reading edward art:
“If you lived in a world where all things are possible, and you could create anything you want, would you choose to create a situation and then worry about it? No you would not. You only do because you are identifying yourself with your Outer-man! When I start to feel afraid, or worry, or feel pressure that causes me anxiety, I realize that I AM the INNER MAN CREATING that in the WORLD OF IMAGINATION.”
“I want you to stop worrying about HOW or WHEN it is going to happen and instead FEEL secure KNOWING this 3D world reflects what your INNER SELF HAS AND IS WITHIN.”
“In order to actually lose yourself in the imaginal act, one must accept it is real and let go entirely of the outer-world.”
“One must suspend rational thinking, and just accept it is real. They will free themselves that way in their mind.”
“You cannot be afraid anymore to feel and imagine what you want.”
“When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that desire is fulfilled.”
everything is all YOU. everything comes from YOU. YOU are the reason why things are like this. there’s legit no Universe telling you what you have to do. there isn’t anyone you have to follow to have what you want. no. that isn’t the point. the point is that you have been following yourself. everything has been you all along.
so basically about having that desire in imagination….. i know that you don’t have it physically in 3D but that does not matter. the thing you desire is the FEELING. please you must be very (excuse for my language) fucking stupid if you want it in the 3D.
imagine you already have your sp in the 3D, youve done the hard work and he’s/she’s yours now. great. you don’t feel anything, do you?
why do you want to be with your sp? ask yourself that.
im probably thinking that you want to be loved, yes?
bingo, that is the exact thing you desire. YOU desire to be loved. and guess what?
you are already loved. you legit don’t have to do anything to be loved. you are already loved. and i know, how tf am i loved when i’m single?
get that ‘single’ off your vocabulary. what’s important here that the 3D does not define you. put it inside your head. repeat that. remind yourself that.
the 3D is a reflection of your 4D. the 3D wouldn’t exist if the 4D never existed. the 3D lives off of the 4D (your imagination basically)
see? don’t tire yourself out by worrying about the 3D that you cannot change. it’s all in place, you cannot change it. the only way you can change it is by changing yourself.
no i do not want you to change your sp’s behaviour (remember eiypo) i want you to change your behaviour.
well, how would you act and feel if you’re dating your sp?
would you still be worrying about the 3p? would you keep on checking his status if he’s online? would you be wondering if he loves you? would you be questioning on why he hasn’t came back?
all of that is useless! you’re basically still embodying as someone who’s desiring their sp. that is not what you want.
it is easy. you wouldn’t do all of those things. you already embody as someone who is in a happy relationship with your sp. you already know that you are loved. you never have to worry about them. you never feel stressed at all. you’re happy.
that is what’s important. you don’t have to be in the same state all the time btw, if you get reminded or get extremely anxious; just STOP FOR A SECOND.
don’t start affirming or start visualizing. don’t ask yourself if you’re doing it right. what is the point????? of asking that??????
instead, all you have to do is ‘know’ you already have them. leave it be. don’t meddle with it. trust that it has already happened. spoiler: it did ;)
don’t even think about the 3D, the 3D instantly changed because you changed. there is no such thing about waiting for the 3D to conform. there is no such thing about the 3D being your slave and has to obey you (let me tell ya i was confused when i saw those affirmations) the 3D and the 4D go by hand in hand. that’s the thing here.
so yeah.
i’ve read edward art’s works (plus other ppl) like few days ago so this is all the things i’ve learned. just in few days, how crazy is that lmao.
anyways, i hope you learned something from here, i also learned some new stuff while writing this.
bye 🫡
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sas-afras · 1 year
7 19 20 23 36 37 40 42 46 48 50, sorry it's so many but I really like these questions!
7. favorite companions? least favorite companions?
favorite: veronica, arcade (though he doesnt feel the same) least favorite: raul, cass, boone
19. what is their motive for taking vegas?
being able to live in luxury and safety.
20. do they have a theme song?
hatef--k by the bravery
23. do they speak any languages other than english?
nope! english was hard enough for them to relearn, theyre not gonna put in the effort to learn anything else unless its Really necessary. they knew a few simple signs from when they were still learning how to talk again, but they dont use them often enough and the memory quickly fades
36. why did you create them? 
yes started out as a joke in a discord server about fucking caesar in front of the praetorian guard, i think?? im not in the server anymore so i cant run back and grab screenshots, but their creation was fully a Fuck That Old Man To Pieces kind of thing
37. do they draw, paint, play any instruments?
yes draws from time to time, usually in a middle schooler anime style. this is their self portrait
Tumblr media
40. in conversation, are they kind? gentle? sarcastic? rude? do they speak warmly and openly with people, or are they more guarded? do they talk a lot?
this is actually a difficult question to answer considering yes is my Speech Skill Bitch, lmaoooo
so yes is very much a social chameleon, hence their skills as a diplomat for house-- whatever the other person needs to see to get on yes' side, they'll become. more often than not that defaults to being an effusive, airheaded chatterbox thats just so easy to underestimate. you know the stereotype, i dont have to go into incredible detail lol
but when they dont have an agenda theyre after, yes prefers to listen to other people talk, and chooses their words more carefully. it's... difficult for them to identify their own emotions, so when the mask comes off they seem more guarded, more quiet. theyre... softer.
42. name a random fact about your courier.
has thalassophobia (fear of the ocean, or deep dark water)
46. how do they die? how is their death received, by the mojave and by their companions?
yes dies of dehydration while trapped in the sierra madre vault, and the only person who notices is house. he mourns them in his own way, using a backup of their brain scans to create an AI replica, but deletes it after a few months. the rest of the companions have already washed their hands of them, and most simply wake up one day and realize they havent heard anything about the courier on the radio in a long, long time
48. can they cook, and if so, what do they cook? what are their favorite & least favorite foods?
nope! they get too impatient and either undercook or scorch the fuck out of anything they try to make. to be completely fair, they didnt have both the equipment to actually Cook Things and the motor control to do so safely for long
50. what’s their happiest memory?
they have a few. ive mentioned that getting their glass eye from doc mitchell is high up there, but "family dinners" with the other workers at the atomic wrangler, their first night sleeping in the lucky 38, and regaining the ability to read are all incredibly cherished memories.
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dayurno · 2 years
okay so listen. about my taylor angst kandreil au. this isn't posted anywhere? i literally only write this for my friend and then we scream about each other's writing in our whatsapp chat. also, and that might be the more pressing issue, it's entirely in german cause, you know, i am german. i only started writing in english when i started writing smut cause ew, can't do that in german, but taylor came before that so. there's that. i am sorry, i would definitely let you read it!!
ALSO thank you SOSOSOSOSO much for those new years day snippets i am going to COMBUST????? this is. so them i wanna SCREAM AND DESTROY SOMETHING preferably myself
on reputation kandrew: i just wrote an entire thing about king of my heart kandrew cause
your love is a secret i'm hoping dreaming dying to keep???
the end of all the endings, my broken bones are mending???
i totally agree on your dress agenda, i have been listening to it nonstop these past few days and this is SO kandrew. may i offer you call it what you want kandrew as well? because:
my castle crumbled over night, i brought a knife to a gunfight, they took the crown but it's alright
loves me like i'm brand new
he built a fire just to keep me warm
all the jokers dressing up as kings, they fade to nothing when i look at him
OKAY this ask got way too long already, so i am stopping now, but i think you get what i mean. my kandrew brainrot is bad, and i adore it.
(one last thing.
my reputation's never been worse so you must like me for me)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, time to learn german i guess ........... even though i am fundamentally against european languages on every aspect. "dont you speak portuguese" yes, BRAZILIAN portuguese, do not compete where u cant compare!
REPUTATION IS SOOOOOOSOOOSOOOO KANDREW ESP PRE-CANON ive been playing with the idea of a pre-canon long fic for a while now and i was just thinking abt how much reputation would Fit. i feel like it has such a slow romantic pace and has all that tension of liking someone a Lot but not it just being a very chaotic moment all around............ call it what you want specifically imo is just. LIKE IT DESCRIBES KEVINS FALL FROM GRACE SO WELL.. my castle crumbled overnight / i brought a knife to a gun fight / they took the crown but its alright? AND LIKE. AND!!! and i dont know maybe i just got issues but i have a thing about kevin praising andrew. i feel like he is a person whos as quick to scold as he is to praise (seen in: everything he does with neil) but with andrew specifically, when kevin thinks hes done good, andrew will know bc kevin isnt shy about it! so when she says shit like "my baby's fit like a daydream" its like. I DONT KNOWWW HONESTLY but something just clicks in my brain at the thought of kevin feeling that way abt andrew
also i know i know i know..... I want to wear his initial / On a chain round my neck, chain round my neck is not the most healthy thing to say about a man but. i think something i hold dearest to me is the idea that under deals and promises, after all is said and done, what andrew most wants is that the people he puts so much effort into choose to stay with him Willingly u know? not because of coercion or fear or necessity but because they really want to stay w him. and i feel like, for kandrew specifically............... isnt that the biggest thing? kevin being his because he really really really wants to be, and not bc he needs to be. (nicki minaj voice) i got issues yeah bitch i got issues
anyway hehe ahem. my apologies for the just as wordy reply
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