#like see… we keep saying baby angel oc would have a breakdown right
taegularities · 8 months
dammit the thought that c&f could have another kid is kind of twisted but not impossible 😖 it would really crush oc but if it happens babe, will they divorce like how will their marriage be like if there’s another woman and child from the past? what if oc refuses to get pregnant now because i know i will 🥲
exactly yeah, like i could give you guys a fairytale answer and say it's absolutely unlikely, but… it's the 19th century. so it's v possible :') and jk did not think things through enough rip. if smth like that ever happened, oc would have a hard time getting over it or moving on, but she genuinely loves kook. and he genuinely loves her… they wouldn't separate, bc technically, it happened before her (and by that time, they'd already have a baby together).. so they'd do their best to find a solution, no matter how heartbroken </3
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hermywolf · 3 years
ranking my favorite characters about random shit part 5
ranking my favorite characters (clarke griffin, dean winchester, fox mulder, rose tyler, newt, kaz brekker, samwise gamgee, charles xavier, bill denbrough, lord asriel, steve rogers, scott mccall, anna milton and barry berkman) about random shit. this is entirely self-indulgent
Part 5: How they’d react to a breakup (i’m imagining a completely random oc as the one breaking up with them because if i start thinking of the people i ship them with breaking up with them i WILL cry)
he’s the sweetest man on earth he’d want to talk about it and understand his partner’s reasons and he’d be so kind and understanding even though he’d be sad lemme tell you this man is a SAINT
sweet understanding KING. absolute TREASURE. he’d be so confused and sad at first but he’d be SO understanding UGH i am in love with this man
remember when allison sorta kinda broke up with him and he was all sweet and kind about it and said that he believed they would find their way to each other again eventually. yeah. iconic behavior. king shit
he’s the PRESIDENT of ‘let’s stay friends!’ squad he’ll definitely stay in touch with all his exes they’re all his absolute besties
mr telepath mindreader therapist teacher man absolutely sees it coming from a thousand miles away and he might even be the one to bring it up so that his partner doesn’t worry about it. he will be sad but he gets over it in a healthy way because he’s (MOSTLY) in touch with his feelings
for a fallen angel with a bit of a god complex she’s surprisingly well adjusted. i think she’s the kind to definitely stay friends with her exes except like two of them which she’s got five different plans to murder each. all in all if it’s a healthy breakup they stay friends if it involves cheating she’s out to get you motherfucker and you know what you deserve it i mean who the FUCK would cheat on ANNA MILTON of all people istg
whoever thinks dean is emotionally constipated enough to be the ‘i didnt like u anyway’ kind has NOT seen spn 1x13 road 666 like GUYS. he pretends to be this no-chick-flick-moments and no-attachment kinda dude but we all know he actually cares SO much and if you look at his relationship with cassie or lisa he’s actually pretty open and communicative and sincere and he geniunely tries to talk about shit with them?? so he does have a constructive and heartfelt conversation and says he understands but he also WILL cope by either going on more hunts to distract himself or by locking himself in his room with pizza and movies in his hotdog pants and send noods socks, s14 style. TONS of ice cream. he’ll ghost his ex for a while when he’s coping with it but then later on they do end up being besties (yes i AM on the team dean-becomes-bff-with-all-his-exes don’t mind me just spreading my dean being besties with anna, cassie, lisa,amara, benny and crowley agenda)
he’s pissed and sad and offended and grumpy and confused he just feels a LOT of shit at the same time like he’s having a full breakdown inside but from the outside his reaction is pretty much ‘what. oh. ok’
he does not, and mark my words on this one, give a single fuck. he IS what kaz pretends to be and what ketterdam thinks he is. asriel does not give a FLYING FUCK he’s like ‘well ok then see you around i guess’ and then just moves on. he was probably cheating on his partner anyway if we’re being honest here, he’s just that terrible. god why is he my favorite character again- oh right he’s insanely hot and wants to murder god right right that tracks
he’s extremely sweet and compassionate and understanding but then he disappears for like five months to chase down an alien in guatemala or some shit and then comes back pretending as if nothing happened at all
she’s NOT happy about it and gets all grumpy and pouty and will angrily rant about it to her friends for ages but then once she’s over it she’s like. OVER over it. she completely moves on, like full on flip the switch and the feelings are GONE
full breakdown in her room with tubs and tubs of ice cream wondering what she did wrong and then probably gets offered by a friend to go throw eggs at their house or some dumb shit. rose says no but she ALMOST did it. she keeps asking if there’s someone else even when it’s very clear that there’s NOT.
allow me to introduce you to the pettiest bitch on EARTH. he will definitely not hurt his ex in any way but he’ll do his absolute best to show them how much they’re missing. like he’s PETTY about it he’ll hold a gruge months, no year, no DECADES after it happened. he shows absolutely no emotions whatsoever you’d barely notice there’s been any change in his behavior, he’s not, like, sad or angry or anything, he’s just suddenly VERY devoted to the fact that everyone must know how AMAZING he’s doing and how rich and powerful and feared he is and how much a hypothetical ex-partner is missing. like this bitch probably has a full twenty pages long plan about what to do in case he gets dumped so that his ex will regret it terribly. and the worst is that kaz is a smart bitch who knows people’s weaknesses and how to exploit them so it WORKS it works and he absolutely loves it, jesper is like ‘dude how come every single time you got dumped they came back asking you to get back together only for you to reject them EXACTLY five months later’ and kaz hiding the twenty pages long binder with his elaborated plan behind his back as if it wasn’t carefully calculated and just shrugging like ‘idk i guess im a catch’ he makes everyone SO angry and honestly good for him!
two words: murder spree. healthy coping mechanisms WHO we don’t know her in this house he’s sad and angry and he’s going to make it YOUR problem. guns out angry bill hader face ON baby. pew pew motherfucker it’s murder time. bam thirty casualties. rip to them. and he doesn’t even feel better after it either he’s crushed by guilt and having ANOTHER breakdown which will result in MORE ptsd and more sadness and anger and eventually ANOTHER breakdown and ANOTHER murder spree. its a lose-lose situation for everyone. except for his partner who’s free of his shit now i guess so true of them
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hazza-bear-care · 5 years
Babie Crue (3/?)
A/N: This will be the second time I’m writing this because it accidentally got deleted when I went to add tags. I hope this one is more acceptable than the first draft, because guess who didn’t save the first draft.... ME!! I’m so sorry for not only leaving you guys waiting for the third part of this series, but also deleting it on accident. I FINALLY have a new laptop, so hopefully I’ll be able to update everything as soon as possible. Love ya!
Pairings: The Dirt! Motley Crue X OC, Eventual MGK! Tommy Lee X OC, Possible Douglas Booth! Nikki Sixx X OC
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drug use, smoking, and alcohol. Wowee I’m so pissed at myself for deleting this.
Description: I don’ t remember exactly what happened, but Tommy somehow convinced Doc to let Cam join the Ozzy Osbourne/ Motley Crue tour. 
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“Hey, Doc! This is Cam! She’s a friend of mine from high school!” Tommy screamed over the music blaring through the small apartment. 
“It’s lovely to meet you, Cam!” Doc responded holding his hand out for Cam to shake. 
“I actually have a question regarding Cam, Doc. I was actually wondering if she and her daughter could join us on tour.” Tommy questioned, ignoring the looks people were throwing in his direction. 
“You have a kid?!” Zutaut and Vince yelled, shocked at the revelation. 
“Tommy are you serious, man? Look around you! This is not the proper world to bring up a baby in!” Mick yelled. Tommy waved everyone off, staring at Doc and waiting for his reaction. The drummer could see the gears in the manager’s head grinding as he thought. 
“Tommy, Gracie and I are fine here. I have a steady job and your parents are angels. I agree with Mick on this,” Cam argued, suddenly feeling small under everyone’s scrutinous gaze.
“I’m sure Doc could give you a job. Hell, he could probably even pay you better than that shitty restaurant ever could! So, Doc, what do you say?” Tommy defended. The manager turned his attention to Cam, the 20 year old mother gnawing on her lip as her nerves began to get the best of her. 
“So you work at a restaurant. How old is your daughter?” Doc asked. 
“Grace is almost six months old, Doc.” Cam answered, a slight smile on her face as she thought about her daughter. 
“She’s so great, Doc. As low maintenance as babies get, Gracie’s probably the lowest of the low. She’s the cutest little bundle. You’re going to love her, Doc,” Tommy gushed. Cam smiled and furrowed her eyebrows, looking at the other Motley Crue guys in confusion. Nikki and Mick beamed, genuinely surprised with the words coming out of Tommy’s mouth while Vince mimicked vomiting behind Doc’s back. 
“I don’t know what I can offer you job wise, but I can very clearly see how much you and Grace mean to Tommy and the rest of the guys. So, pack up your clothes and every diaper you own because you’re coming on tour!” Tommy whooped and wrapped Cam in a hug, spinning the girl around as the other guys joined, a group hug ensuing. 
Tour life was great so far. Having a baby around actually kept the band in check, much to the surprise of Doc and Tom. The raucous after parties halted past 2 am, Cam’s hotel rooms or bunks on the bus were put on lockdown, and late night booze runs had a few additions: diapers and formula. 
In terms of parties, Mick was the most considerate when thinking of Grace. The guitarist would usually opt for a bottle or two of vodka, take his pain meds for his back problems, and then pass out in his room. 
Tommy was a close second: the drummer would get buzzed enough to be annoying, add a few bumps of coke to keep his high going for a few hours, and he was done. He usually ended up passed out face down, ass up anywhere he lands when his buzz wears off. Cam found him after he broke his protocol one night, face planted in a pool of his own vomit. Trying not to puke herself, Cam got Tommy cleaned up and back on the bus all while he muttered about how sorry he was and if he woke up Grace at any point in the night. 
Nikki and Vince, on the other hand, were intolerable when it came to the parties. There were nights where Vince kept the mother and daughter awake with the screaming coming from his room due to the countless groupies he fucked. Nikki sometimes roped Tommy and Vince into trashing the hotel floors that were rented out for the entire band, banging on walls and doors, screaming “wake up assholes!” as the entire hotel was awoken from their slumber. 
There were other times where Nikki and Vince used Grace before and after the shows to rope in their chicks for the evening because according to Vince, “there’s nothing drunk chicks like more than a dude who can handle a baby”, to which Cam rolled her eyes and ripped the baby away from them. 
The one thing Cam was cautious about was Ozzy fucking Osbourne. Motley Crue had their sober moments, especially around Grace, but Ozzy could never be sober even if his liver and kidneys depended on it. She knew that Ozzy had children of his own, but she didn’t know how exactly he acted around his children. Cameo always made sure that if Ozzy was around, she or a trusted member of Motley Crue always had an eye on the baby, especially when the older rockstar somehow snatched Grace away from whoever she was with. 
Mick and Tommy bounced between watching Cam and Grace, because if at any point Ozzy’ s actions bothered Cam, they would swoop in and take Grace from the drunk singer, making up a bullshit excuse like she needed to be fed or changed. Cam knew she would be eternally grateful for the band and everything they had done for her and Grace, knowing 100% that there would be no way to ever repay them. 
“Tommy! Get your ass back in this chair!” Ruby, the hair stylist, yelled at Tommy’s retreating back. “Can anyone go get him? Cameo? Mick?” Ruby turned her attention back to Vince as Cam stood and handed Grace and her bottle off to Mick, the vampiric man adapting his demeanor instantly. 
Cam left the greenroom, heading in the direction she hoped Tommy had travelled down as well. As she ran down the hall, Tom greeted her. 
“Hey, Zutaut! Have you seen Tommy? He ran out before Ruby could do his hair.” Cam ran a hand through her hair, trying to regulate her breathing as she waited for an answer. 
“Yeah, actually. Keep going down the hall and head towards the stage. He said he wanted to ‘survey the crowd’. Hey, do you want to go do something with me later? I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind watching Grace.” Cam rolled her eyes, holding her hand up to Tom’s mouth, ultimately shutting up the spineless record label rep. 
“Zutaut, have you ever wondered why I call you buy your last name? Or why I never let you hold my daughter? It’s because I don’t fucking like you. So, kindly stay away from my daughter and I and do your fucking job!” With that, Cam turned and ran towards the stage, leaving Tom stunned in the hall. 
Tommy was staring out from behind the curtain, the crowd growing anxious. Cam silently shuffled up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, causing the drummer to jump. 
“You good?” Cam asked, silently chuckling at Tommy’s reaction. 
“Yeah. Fucking fantastic, Cam.” Tommy mumbled, brushing past her and sitting himself on a sound equipment trunk. Cam joined him and rubbed his back, trying to prevent a mental breakdown from happening. 
“What’s wrong, Tommy? You’ve never acted like this before a show.”
“This isn’t just another gig at Whisky, Cam. This is a fucking stadium full of people! What if they hate us? What if we fuck up this show, which will ultimately fuck up our career, and end up breaking up the fucking band?” Tommy muttered, scratching the back of his neck and holding his head in his hands. 
“Well, don’t fuck up,” Cam responded, trying to lighten the mood. 
“I’m serious, Cameo! This isn’t a fucking joke!” Tommy whisper-yelled. 
“So am I, Tommy! Look, this is what, your tenth show on this tour? Did you ever stop to consider that if Motley Crue was as shitty as you say, you wouldn’t still be here? Obviously you guys are doing something right, and you’re pretty amazing at it, so just give yourself a little break, okay? Now, come on back to the greenroom so Ruby can do your hair.” Cam stood and took Tommy’s hand, attempting to tug the man into a standing position. When the drummer didn’t move, Cam sighed and quickly sat down again. 
“Cam, I’m not too sure I can do this.” Cam kissed Tommy’s shoulder and laid her head on it, quite a scandalous idea popping into her head. 
“Hey Tommy? If you come back to the greenroom and patiently let Ruby finish your hair and makeup, I’ll flash you after the show.” With this promise, the drummer perked up and grabbed Cam’s hand, running back to the greenroom as quickly as he had run out of it. 
“Before we end our show tonight, we’d like to try something new. A couple months ago, a gorgeous friend of Tommy’s popped up with a beautiful baby in her arms. She is now responsible for rounding us up when we get crazy and fucked up, so we would like to end this show with a special song dedicated to our friend Cameo and her daughter Grace!” Vince came to where Cam was standing backstage and dragged her out into public view, the unforgettable chords of Elton John’s “Your Song” beginning to play in the background. 
Vince held her close as the band serenaded Cam, the mother a blubbering and sobbing mess. When the song ended, Cam hugged the singer, thanking him silently. 
“Don’t thank me sweetheart; thank Tommy. It was his idea.” Nodding, Vince escorted the young mother backstage as roadies began to disassemble what remained of Motley Crue’s set. They all ran to the greenroom, the party beginning instantly. 
“Thank you guys so much! It really meant a lot to me,” Cam whined happily, hugging each of them, spending a little extra time in her embrace with Tommy. 
“You’re very welcome, sweets. Now, don’t forget about what you promised me earlier, Cameo.” Tommy whispered seductively in Cam’s ear, causing a shiver to roll down her spine. This was going to be a long night.
A/N: Again, guys, I am so sorry that this part got deleted. I tried to piece as much of it back together as I could, and I’ m actually happier with this one than the original. I hope you enjoyed it!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
The Hunting Trip
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Request: I was wondering if you could do a one shot where Dean takes his estranged teenaged son Jack on a weekend hunting trip. Ever since the death of Deans pregnant wife Jessie, his relationship with his son has been nearly non existent.
Pairing: none (Dean and OC)
Word Count: 3,100ish
Warnings: mentions of death, language
A/N: This is the first non-reader insert I’ve done (trying to get out of my comfort zone some) and took a few liberties with it...
Dean knew this was a mistake from the start. Why did he ever even offer to do this when neither of them wanted to be there?
Maybe because Jack was all Dean had left and he had to fight to keep him too.
Sam had a wife and three year old son, a girl on the way. Dean was happy about that. Sam deserved to be happy. Cas had found a friend, an angel friend that treated him well and even if it wasn’t called marriage by angel rules, they were forever. Dean was happy about that. Cas deserved to be happy.
Dean wasn’t so sure he deserved to be happy.
He’d been happy for a little while. The decision to retire wasn’t an easy one but it wasn’t hard either. None of them were getting any younger and Dean knew his older guy charm wouldn’t last forever.
He hadn’t expected when the pretty blonde turned around to recognize the face. Not his first love but she was the second. First girl he’d ever legitimately bought a drink for, not to get in her pants but because Dean needed an excuse to talk to her more.
Just over sixteen years it’d been. Jessie, a single mom with a sixteen year old. Dean thought they’d been careful that night but there was always the chance of an accident happening anyways. He just happened to be that accident.
She wasn’t hurt or upset. She told him Jack was the best thing that ever happened to her. She knew about the hunting and knew it best to keep them separate from that life.
Dean was still as in love with her as ever only now he had a horrifying guilt. He was that guy, the love ‘em and leave ‘em who left Jessie alone to raise a kid. Somehow, she managed to not make it hurt as much with just a few kind words. Dean had been drifting around for a few weeks, unsure of where to go and decided to stick around, try to apologize for the wrong he did.
Dean was more nervous than Jack when they met, that was for sure. Dean knew every thought his son had about him and he didn’t blame him one bit. Jack couldn’t help but be a little in awe, looking at Dean, noticing they had the same eyes, that their hair curled up the same direction. He hadn’t quite hit his growth spurt yet but the little, lean guy looked hopefully that maybe he’d get some of Dean’s other genes to kick in.
It was easy with Jessie, Dean sliding into their lives like he belonged. Soon enough they were doing the whole living together, married, kid on the way thing. Dean always kept an eye on Jack though, wanted him to feel included, that he was always wanted by Dean.
Dean never expected Jack to ever feel the same way, he just couldn’t. Too many years of neglect and pain couldn’t be washed away like that. But Dean saw that Jack was excited for his mom and the newbie on the way.
Until it was Dean and Jack, driving home in Baby from the cemetery, neither saying a word. Half their family was gone and Jack gave Dean a look that said as soon as he was out of high school and off to college, Dean would never see him again.
Dean didn’t realize he’d lose everything that day.
Dean barely saw Jack after that, only in the mornings or at night, only in the brief times when he came to get his dinner and would take it upstairs to eat. He hit his growth spurt that summer, settling at six foot, just under Dean, his muscles growing and the weight packing on as well when he’d joined football. Dean was never that strong at that age and he wondered in bed one night if Jack was doing it just so he could punch Dean in his face one day.
He’d deserve it anyway.
“How’s school going?” asked Dean, breaking the silence for the first time in hours. Jack ignored him as he listened to his music, staring out the window. Dean reached over and pulled one of the earbuds out. “Uncle Sammy said the Stanford board was impressed by your application.”
“That’s cool, I guess,” said Jack, putting his music back on. Dean wondered how tense this would get when Jack realized his phone wasn’t going to work out in the middle of the forest. Only three days alone with his son, nothing to distract them from one another.
Why was that the scariest thing Dean Winchester had ever faced?
It was another few hours before Dean was pulling into a parking spot on the edge of the forest. He turned off the engine and went over to the small park station while Jack sat in his seat, probably texting his friends that this was cruel and unusual punishment.
“Hey,” said Dean, walking inside. “I called a week ago, said me and my son are going camping and hunting this weekend?”
“Winchesters?” asked the girl behind the counter. Dean nodded and she smiled, pulling out some paperwork. “Here’s you and your son’s hunting licenses,” she said, sliding over the two small cards. “Just sign in with your expected departure date so the guys can come looking if we don’t see that you’ve signed out.”
“You guys do things by the book here, huh?” joked Dean, signing in as he shoved the cards in his back jean pocket.
“You have a weeklong permit so if you decide on more than the three days you or your son can run back and just change it,” she said. Dean had to fight from rolling his eyes. Three days was hard enough. A week and Jack would kill him.
By the time Dean was back at Baby, Jack was waiting outside, his backpack and rifle on the pavement. Dean gave him his license without Jack looking away from his phone. Dean sighed as he pulled out his backpack and shotgun. It was small game season and Dean wasn’t much in the mood to kill anything ever again but that didn’t mean he went unprotected, even in the woods.
“Ready?” asked Dean, locking up baby and stashing his keys in his pack, Jack shoving his phone in one of the pockets. He didn’t say anything but just took off, Dean sighing again as he put on his pack and followed after.
“This looks like a good spot,” said Dean after a few hours, finding a nice clearing that seemed far away from any animals hunting trails. Jack took that as a sign to sit down on a nearby log and slip off his pack, clearly saying Dean was doing all the work.
“Can you fill up some water for us?” asked Dean, tossing him his jug, Jack catching it with ease. “Good reflexes.”
“Whatever,” said Jack, taking both nearly empty jugs to the nearby stream.
“Well he spoke at the very least,” said Dean to himself, setting about getting the tent in place. Jack was gone only ten minutes but Dean was already done, poking at a fire when he got back. 
“How’d you do all that?” said Jack, unable to keep his curiosity from getting the better of him. Dean shrugged.
“I went camping a lot with your uncle and grandpa, got used to moving fast,” said Dean. Jack tossed him his now full jug and Dean caught it with one hand, placing it beside him. Jack sat back on the log, next to Dean, neither saying anything as they rested in silence.
“I don’t really want to go hunting this weekend,” said Jack suddenly, breaking Dean from his haze.
“I know, we don’t have to,” said Dean. “Just needed an excuse.”
“An excuse?” asked Jack, turning to face Dean.
“Yeah, to have the guns,” said Dean, thinking nothing of it. When Jack started to move away he realized he was talking to a normal person, not a hunter. “For protection.”
“Protection from what?” asked Jack, standing and choosing to sit in one of the fold up chairs they’d brought, on the other side of the fire, as far away from Dean as he could get.
“Anything that could want to hurt you, Jack,” said Dean, poking at the fire again.
“You realize that’s pretty fucked up?” he said, Dean’s head snapping up.
“You realize this is the longest you’ve held a conversation with me in a year?” said Dean. “Now that’s fucked up. I’ve always been the fucked up one in this kid. Go ahead and hate me and think I’m some psycho for wanting you to be safe and just go hiking, do what you want this weekend. God knows we’re both only out here because Sam thinks I’m depressed and this’ll help, you’re here because he held that recommendation over your head like an ass.”
“He didn’t do that,” said Jack, staring at the fire, much like Dean. “Are you? Depressed?”
“No, Jack, I’m fine,” said Dean, standing and heading into the tent. “Let’s just have dinner.” When Dean came back out with a few over the fire meals, he didn’t expect Jack to be standing there, right in his face.
“You did that with mom a lot,” said Jack, Dean skirting past him and over to the fire. “You did that too.”
“Jack, what do you want me to say?” said Dean. “Do you want me to regret coming back? Fine, I regret it. I should have left you two be. You would have her if I left well enough alone.”
“You regret that I exist, got in the way of you and mom and having the kid you actually wanted, not the accident son,” said Jack, sitting down in the chair. 
“If I had known you existed, I would have dropped everything and come running,” said Dean. “I can’t fix that.”
“What changed that mom wouldn’t say two words about you growing up to suddenly you’re welcomed back with open arms?” asked Jack, glaring over with that Winchester stare.
“i won’t ever tell you that,” said Dean, tilting his head. “You have to trust me on this.”
“Trust you? Why the hell should I fucking trust you?” asked Jack, Dean ready to punch something or breakdown, he wasn’t sure.
“It’s the reason there are guns out here, Jack,” said Dean, standing up and pointing at the weapons. “I am protecting you. I will always protect you no matter how much you can’t stand me. There are things you will never know about me, things you can’t ever know for your safety,” said Dean.
“You want me to trust you, tell me one honest thing about yourself, just one,” said Jack, standing up as well, the fire the only thing keeping him from flying one of his fists in Dean’s direction.
“I love you,” said Dean, the words coming out quieter than he’d hoped. “I’m terrified of what happens when you go to college and you kick me out of your life.”
“I don’t love you,” said Jack, the words taking the fight out of Dean. He only nodded and sat back down, not caring that he’d finally broken for good and would have to wait three days to be alone and let it out.
“We should have dinner,” Dean got out, only a small waiver to his voice.
“I knew it, you don’t care,” said Jack, walking over and shoving Dean’s shoulder. “If you cared you’d tell me I’m wrong, that you’d fight for me.”
“I’ve seen this play out before kid, with Sam and your grandpa,” said Dean, Jack looking taken aback. “Grandpa pushed and guess what? Sam left us and they barely got a chance to makeup before he died. Sam was gone, grandpa left me, your grandma, did you even know she died when I was 4? I was alone. I know how to be alone and I’ll do it again. Just because I won’t push you doesn’t mean I won’t spend the rest of my life looking out for you, even if you don’t know it.”
“Good,” said Jack, sitting down next to Dean, wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
“Good what?” asked Dean, watching Jack try to keep it together.
“You care,” he got out before he had to turn his back. Dean let him get it out of his system, putting a hand on his back, rubbing slow circles into it. “Sorry,” he said by the time the food was done, letting Dean catch part of his puffy face.
“You don’t have to apologize,” said Dean, running a hand on Jack’s shoulder tentatively but finding it seemed to calm him down. “Winchester men can be tough as nails but we sure know how to cry.”
“Did you really not have anyone?” asked Jack, taking the tin of food Dean handed him.
“For a little while, yeah,” said Dean, picking at his food. “But I got Sam back. He got me through the bad stuff and there’s been plenty of it.”
“Mom knew about that stuff, didn’t she?” asked Jack, Dean nodding. “Someday, will you tell me?”
“If I say no, are you going to stop talking to me again?” asked Dean, turning the tables on him.
“I want to know about my dad is all,” said Jack, both of them knowing he’d never even come close to calling Dean that. “But I won’t make you.”
“Thanks,” said Dean, eating a forkful, feeling his son’s eyes on him. “Maybe someday alright? I want to see straight A’s this quarter. Or ya know, a glance at your homework every now and then. What do seniors even take nowadays? I had to fake my way through your open house.”
“English, government, some college classes, shop,” said Jack, smiling a bit as he caught Dean’s face. “I’m getting that car someday, gotta know how to take care of her.”
“I am not giving you Baby as a graduation present,” said Dean, pointing at Jack, seeing him smile. God he’d never felt this at ease with own son. He hoped it lasted.
“Um, in the spirit of this new whole talking, father son thing, I should probably tell you I got my early acceptance to Stanford,” said Jack, ducking his head down shyly.
“Come here,” said Dean, hugging Jack, not feeling resistance in it for the first time ever. “I’m so proud of you. Your mom and the little one would be too.”
“Come on, I just got done crying like five minutes ago,” said Jack, burying his head in Dean’s shoulder. 
“Alright, here,” said Dean moving away to the small cooler they’d brought. “Now these aren’t allowed here and your mother certainly wouldn’t approve of this, but my boy got into his dream school.” Dean handed over a beer and Jack looked at him a little amazed. “Now pretend you’ve never had one of those and don’t chug it like any self respecting son.”
“I’m not going to leave you ya know. You won’t be alone,” said Jack, Dean’s turn to fight back tears.
“Thanks,” said Dean, kicking at the ground. “Alright, so...we don’t need to have the sex talk right? Like you know how condoms and birth control and all that works right?”
“Yes, god, I had that talk with mom a long time ago,” said Jack, shaking his head.
“Okay, moving on,” said Dean, feeling for Jack to have to have that conversation with his mother. “What do you want to know about me?”
“Everything?” asked Jack, Dean sitting down next to him. 
“What do you know about me?” asked Dean and at that moment he’d put Jack in an equally awkward situation. Dean was very much a stranger to him. “Scratch that, let’s talk about why I fell in love with your mom.”
“Where’d you go to school?” asked Jack, turning the tables, knowing Dean was avoiding the questions for fear of revealing something. Dean always knew he’d tell him about the hunting and monsters. But he’d hoped for one more day where his son thought he'd always just been a car mechanic.
“You want the truth?” asked Dean, Jack nodding eagerly. “Grab my bag, there’s a flask of whiskey in there. You’ll need it to get through this.”
Dean had started from the beginning and was surprised at his son’s reaction. After he thought Dean was crazy at first of course. But he simply...understood everything, including Dean’s absence from his life.
“Mom was keeping us safe,” Jack said in his sleeping bag, trying to stay awake to hear more. “My dad’s a fucking badass on top of that.”
“Language,” said Dean, getting an eyebrow raise. “I gotta try to be a parent sometimes kid.”
“You’re a good guy, dad,” said Jack, yawning and shutting his eyes. 
“I’m a little concerned that you aren’t more freaked out by this,” said Dean, letting that compliment wash over him and heal things he didn’t know were broken. 
“I thought I saw a ghost once. I knew it had to be real,” said Jack. “I was right.”
“I’m glad that was your take away,” said Dean, ruffling his hair, finding it the same lighter shade of blonde his had been years ago. “I’m old, let’s go to bed.”
“You’re like not even 40,” said Jack, raising an eyebrow. 
“Don’t remind me that I made you when I was barely of drinking age,” said Dean. “You better be wrapping up if you’re doing that yet. Scratch that, you’re 17. Just keep your hands to yourself for a few years and ask the girl-”
“Dad, stop talking,” said Jack, slapping a hand over Dean’s mouth.
“Hey, you haven’t even heard about my first arrest,” said Dean chuckling as Jack sat up.
“You were arrested?” he asked, his eyes wide. “What did you do?”
“Shoplifting,” said Dean. “Sammy needed some food.” 
“I take back every bad thing I’ve ever said or thought about you,” said Jack, Dean sitting up to let Jack pull him into a hug.
“Thank you,” said Dean. “But remember, you’re a teenager so I’ll probably do something to make you hate me in about seven minutes.”
“Dad...” whined Jack, pulling away with a smile. “Annoyed? Yes. Hate? No, never going to do that.”
“Come on, let’s get some sleep and tomorrow we can go on a hike,” said Dean, laying down. “I can tell you all about how grandpa going missing on a hunting trip led to your uncle and me and Cas saving the world more times than we can count.”
“You saved the world? Okay, that’s-”
“Dude, go to sleep before I spoil how I’m besties with God,” said Dean, making sure to get in one more tease.
“You aren’t serious, are you?” asked Jack, his eyes wide as he crawled back into his bag.
“Night Jack. I love you,” said Dean, turning off the lantern.
“Love you too dad.”
For the first night in a long time, Dean knew he was going to be okay.
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