#like seriously can you imagine christmas at briggs
blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Give me your favourite blorbos and favourite headcanon for them
Is this a Christmas present for me anon? Bc if it is, I love it and thank you 😚💖😭😭
I have a lot of characters I like, but as far as absolute faves rn, here's Gambit and Nightcrawler :) thank you so much for this generous ask and enjoy!
Gambit's father tried to send Remy to receive formal education as a kid, but Gambit wasn't very cooperative about it (like, at all) and so he never finished
You would hardly know this though, as Gambit is not only, of course, able to read and write perfectly- but he is also bilingual (English and French), can write in cursive, and can read Roman numerals
Gambit grew up Catholic in comic canon, but as an adult he now carries and proclaims himself as atheist (this is also canon, I believe) however, in his heart of hearts, he's really more agnostic
Sometimes in dark hours, he will pray the rosary to soothe himself. That and, very rarely, he can sometimes be found sitting in the local chapel- just to think, he says
Also in comic canon, Gambit dreams of having a family and wants to be a dad one day- as for the headcannon, he'll never say a preference aloud, but secretly he hopes to have mostly girls
He has learned to braid and tie those big, glittery hair bows in preparation for this, but he would die before letting on about either of those skills
This is canon as far as the cartoon is concerned, but just for the record I hc that not only is Gambit indeed a really great cook, but it is also secretly one of his hobbies
Here's something interesting- in comic canon Gambit has his powers surgically reduced by Mr sinister so that he can better control them. For the hc, I believe this is where their red color comes from, but when he was at full power, his eyes were purple
Free fun fact! But this is how you can tell if the gambit I'm writing or drawing is at his full, godly power or not- I intentionally depict him with either color to suit my story/imagination
This might be actually controversial to some, but I am in this category of women myself, so do not fear: Gambit secretly is very (VERY) into curvy women, especially after having grown up in the south (he's a hips and thighs guy, if you're curious)
However, and this is the controversial part, he's one of Those Guys™ that feels ashamed of attraction, so he will very rarely pursue or even entertain them if anyone he knows is watching
If he thinks he can get away with it privately tho- he most definitely will go for it
In a world where he either doesn't end up with rogue or something tho, this weird embarrassment thing goes away entirely as he gets a little older and more emotionally mature
For my followers: this reservation does not exist at all in regards to dad bod Gambit. He proudly enjoys great food AND fine ass women- no holds barred
Gambit's love language is quality time, his myer briggs is ESTP, his sign is Leo, he's about 6'4 (I like to imagine him a little extra tall), and if you see me write/draw him with a dad bod he's at least about 34 years old
Nightcrawler cannot swim, at least- not formally
This has nothing to do with physical ability, but rather that he just never learned, mostly bc he has/had no need
He's never had any formal education either, and only learned to read and write at the monastery in his early 20s
This also means he barely spoke English until meeting the professor- now, he's fully fluent tho
I feel that some people are going to act like this is controversial, even tho it shouldn't be lmao- but I hc that Kurt is a virgin
I don't care what the comics say/imply or how old he is: on this blog he takes his faith very seriously and is waiting for marriage
While he grew up staunchly Catholic, as he has gotten older and had more opportunities to study religion on his own, he later converted to Christianity
On the subject of older Nightcrawler- as he ages, certain attributes of his mutation become more pronounced: his fur grows to a thicker, almost woolly texture, his top fangs are longer and protrude from his lip, and he gains slightly keener senses more akin to Wolverine's
On that note- Kurt's hair is naturally curly (although he does nothing to care for it) so once his fur starts growing thicker, this is where it gains it's interesting sherpa like quality instead of just the short, velvet like fuzz he's known for
While his human disguise changes all the time from comic to comic, I like to headcannon that Kurt's disguise is just his natural face and hair, but with human colors- obviously
I toyed with the idea that his human hair would be red/ginger like mother mystique, but ultimately I hc it to be a very light blonde and his eyes are honey brown
On virtue of being an extremely thin man, Kurt ALSO is strongly attracted to full figured women- unlike Gambit tho, at no point in his life does this attraction bother him nor impede his romantic pursuits
Kurt's love language is physical touch, his myer briggs is INFP, his sign is Cancer, and if you see me draw/write him with a dad bod he's probably about 38 years old
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snickerdoodlles · 7 years
you know what i'm here for :0 -- fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
yessss >:DD
haven’t heard of it | absolutely never watching | might watch | currently watching | dropped | hated it | meh | a positive okay | liked it | liked it a lot! | loved it | a favorite
don’t watch period | drop if not interested within 2-3 episodes | give it a go, could be your thing | 5 star recommendation
fav characters: Alphonse, Edward, Winry, Riza, Olivierleast fav characters: the head staff at central. fuck themfav relationship: Ed & Al, Ling & Greedfav moment: the entire mangaokay, serious answer lmao- when Ed brings Al back. he’s just. so proud. truth is gleefully crying about how ed beat him. they both look so relieved. it’s just. it’s such a good climax to the story, it makes me weepy, im so proud of my boysheadcanons/theories: Alphonse becomes one of the most well known and knowledgeable alchemists and Ed gets to fade into obscurity to live his dream as a stay-at-home dad unpopular opinion: Ed ditches the military and never returnshow’d you find it: i’m?? not sure actually?? i had heard of it at some point and then i saw some posts on tumblr ? then i watched it and been dying sincerandom thoughts: the story and message of this manga will never not kill me and its so well written and put together, im so excited to ask for the entire thing for my birthday lmao. ling is an inspiration. greed is a good egg. my second favorite scene where ed has a pipe stuck in him due to his willingness to trust others but he still refuses to become a cynic or hurt others because the world is cruel but he’s never going to stop believing in a better world. i cant wait to cry over maes in the live-action
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atamascolily · 4 years
lily watches fma:b eps.48-52
My default emotion for this show continues to be bewilderment, between my worldbuilding headache and confusion about how the final battle can possibly take 10 episodes to resolve. But at least Hohenheim actually does something for once, and so does Yoki, so there’s that.
greed LOVES lan fan - OT3 ACCEPTED!!
so chi lets you see in the dark... or comes with being a ninja, okay.
oh, hi, Roy's at Madam Christmas's again [ngl I love her]
pride sets the woods on fire so he can't be defeated by the darkness trick (which for the record IS still so weird to me)
wait, Madam Christmas is Roy's foster mother? What??
oh, I see why Pride is out of Central - narratively speaking, it means Mustang and Company can work without his interference. Seems like a poor choice on #TeamHomunculus, though.
(or do they just not care? or is it all plans within plans? I got nothing)
I love how Kain Furey is the cutest of the bunch
Pride eats Gluttony for the philosopher's stone, which is SUPER DUMB. he should have gone for greed (also, gluttony being eaten by a bigger monster is just... ironic.)
Gluttony's last words are for Lust, which just makes me sad.
okay, hohenheim finally stepped in and literally moved heaven and earth to trap pride. FINALLY.
both pride and al are out of the fight, but overall a net win for team good, at least temporarily if they can starve pride's human body.
greed decides to take advantage of this and kill father
Scar stops to ask for directions from random strangers and it's like "oh, you sure you didn't commit terrorism? seems like something you would do"
Kimblee kills a bunch of people and is mad that his suit gets dirty MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T WEAR ALL WHITE YOU ASSHAT
al: lol ur plan was dumb, we could have just run away. pride: but you didn't ;););) *drum beats*
and the sun rises on the Promised Day as Ed retrieves his cloak and swings it dramatically over his shoulders... beautiful shot there.
and we still have like 15 episodes to GOOOOOOOOO, so idk about pacing here.
mustang and co. kidnap mrs. bradley, only for the central troops to order everyone's deaths BUT mustang (b/c sacrifice). Mrs.Bradley breaks down realizing she's expendable (though bradley himself loves her, father doesn't give a shit about a random human)
They only shot the soldiers in the knee with the line of "if we were briggs soldiers, you'd be dead," lol. olivier herself chides mustang for being soft when she finds out. 
central is SO PERPLEXED when they realize that none of their men are actually dead as the battle continues
Rebecca shows up in a ice cream truck with a cartoon bear on it with more ammo.... and Maria Ross, back from exile.
(because sidelining her in Xing for most of the show was a mistake)
I think Rebecca's going to end up with Havoc, but we'll see. (especially since they bought all the supplies from Havoc's General Store, heck yeah!!)
Hohenheim re: Father - "if we smash his container, he'll die" uhhh, dude, why didn't you do that, like, YEARS ago??
also, what the hell are in all the pipes connected to the throne?are we ever going to find out what’s that about?
well, some of them are full of philosopher's stone juice because an army dude uses them to revive the zombies in the basement.... all of whom wake up screaming. #relatable.
time for a new opening! lots of rain, tears and blood, with winry watching ed sleep. and it looks like scar and bradley face off?
[ngl, I STILL have no idea how the pacing is going to work here]
So are the new zombie soldiers "homunculi" as well or is that only if they get a cool name/association with a particular sin??
The zombies rip the throat out of the military guy who woke them up - seriously, I don't get why he thought this would end any other way, especially given the lab-coated scientists pleading for him to stop, it hasn't been tested yet
oops ed just let the zombies out
someone sent sloth to kill olivier,  although why the fuck him I have no idea. (guess father has no one left??)
pride keeps banging on al's head and I'm sure it's for a reason BESIDES being as creepy as hell - its morse code to summon... kimblee!
[though why the FUCK this works and why the FUCK kimblee gives a shit, I have no idea]
one of the zombies eats envy, so this can only end well
yup he eats all the zombies so now he has more lives
pride says something really interesting when kimblee chides him for eating gluttony (a "nakama," or companion). pride says "we are not nakama. we are a collective"... so they really are just different personality attributes from father in different vessels.
seems like it causes more problems than it solves - see exhibit a, greed, who is here to cause problems on purpose
Heinkel remembers that damn philosopher's stone he pocketed ages ago - DUDE IT'S BEEN SIX MONTHS YOU THINK YOU WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED IT BEFORE NOW!!
kimblee has such a hard-on at the thought of fighting an alchemist with a philosopher's stone
that was a damn good fight, al! I'm so proud!
al rejects kimblee's false dichotomy and dudebro philosophy
who would have guessed sloth had superspeed?
okay, anyway lots of battles. Yoki hits pride with kimblee's car, I'm very impressed. 
roy does the ‘use alchemy to transform the outside of a vehicle so soldiers don’t look for it’... clearly those NPCs have no imagination whatsoever, lol.
oh, hey, it’s sergeant broussh - I remember in 03 you were actually relevant and here you are a poorly explored background character.
pride eats kimblee - either gluttony is having more effect than I realized or  pride is just always Like That
anyway, roy shows up to help ed fight zombies.
[gotta be honest, I'm getting kind of bored with 3 episodes of fighting and STILL ZERO ANSWERS about various things.]
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rezathevamp-blog · 7 years
People are Friends not Food || Reza,Blanche & AJ (ft. Jeremy)
Blanche was doing her best not to look guilty. Luring around the school was asking for trouble, and she knew that. Maybe she was just asking for trouble. The plan was simple, just scare the hell out of Jeremy Briggs. Then maybe he would leave her and others in peace for the rest of the school year… Or at least until Christmas Break. Blanche didn’t exactly know how they were going to go about this, other than that Jeremy’s coach had made him run extra laps for the incident with the pills in his locker. She had taken to sketchily crutching through the hallways. She stopped, leaning against the wall tiredly. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe she was just asking for Jeremy to punch her face into oblivion, and then she really would look like AJ. Blanche fidgeted with her crutches, trying to dig her phone out of her bag. Maybe if she played with her phone while waiting for Reza, she could look considerably less guilty.
For whatever reason, this school ran on the policy that extra laps at practice was an equal punishment to the detention or suspension that the Principal had threatened AJ with. Practice would have conflicted with the detention times after school, so once it was agreed upon with the coach that he would be “severely reprimanded” or whatever bullshit they could come up with in the moment in front of the school board, it was fair that he had to run an extra mile every day while AJ was forced to sit in detention for the next month. So AJ found himself staying an extra hour after school for getting the shit beat out of him while the rest of those assholes once again got off with a slap on the wrist. The place was completely empty minus the teacher and one other student who had already been caught lighting up on school grounds because detention usually wasn’t given in the first week of school, let alone the very first day. AJ was just special apparently. He passed by the field leaving the school and rolled his eyes at Jeremy running those empty laps by himself after practice was over. Poor guy. Then he spotted Blanche by herself staring at the field. AJ groaned a sigh, knowing that this couldn’t be a good sign. “You look like you’re doing something stupid. Again.” Should AJ even be surprised?
Being back at the high school was beyond weird and honestly, Reza had no idea why he'd suggested this to Blanche in the first place. Boredom? Some weird sense that justice needed to prevail? Little bit of both sounded about right but that still didn't make this a good idea. Reza now knew that he had even less control of his... urges than he'd thought so why the hell was he out here? Whatever, he just needed to get this over with and make sure not to fuck up Blanche's life, even though there seemed to be little to fuck up. 'Meet me inside by the entrance?' he texted Blanche, feeling like a stupid sixteen year old for even suggesting this plan in the first place.
Blanche jumped spectacularly at the sound of AJ's voice, almost dropping her phone and toppling over all at once. But she doesn't. She straightened, trying to seem as innocent as possible as she looked at him. "AJ!" She said, "Me? Do something stupid? When have I ever done anything at all stupid? I mean, besides helping with an exorcism of a thing that was hunting me or drinking when I had a portal to actual real hell in my house?" Her usual snarky bite that accompanied her comments wasn't there, probably because she was nervous. Her phone vibrated, and she saw Reza's message, before carefully slinging her bag over her shoulder. "You know-" she cast a nervous glance to Jeremy running laps. She felt a pang of anger. "I was just going... not that way, but this way!! I'm, uh, meeting a friend!!" Why did she always have to panic? And it was practically impossible for her to lie, so she just turned and started off as fast as she could in the opposite direction. She paused. "A friend that isn't dead." Well, actually, he was. "I mean a ghost. Because, you know, I see those."
Since AJ didn’t have the time of day to actually recount all of the stupid shit that Blanche had done just since the two were paired in that Biology class at the end of last year, he just let the topic slide entirely. “You’re meeting a living friend?” AJ asked incredulously. Blanche had only ever mentioned being hated by everyone that the two knew. It was basically the only thing that they both actually had in common. And since she had no good explanation as to why she was here late and watching the field like a creepy stalker (it took one to know one), AJ crossed his arms and followed after her. “I’m tagging along. You’re enough of a pain in the ass on crutches I don’t want to hear you whining in a wheelchair either when you do something stupid and end up getting your other leg broken.”
Twiddling his fingers as he waited, Reza tried his hardest not to recount all the shitty things that had taken place inside this hallway, even though those exact things were the reason he was even here at all. Helping someone he barely knew get revenge on another person he also barely knew. The whole situation was all very sensible. Hearing the heavy doors open and Blanche's familiar footsteps approaching, Reza stepped out of the shadows -- nothing strange about lurking there at all-- a few seconds too early for his ears to detect that something was up. Two pairs of footsteps, two separate heartbeats. Blanche and... AJ. Right. Shit. "...Hey."
Blanche rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the fact that Reza was technically dead. "I Know, shocker am I right?" She felt a pang of nervousness as AJ followed her, and she pressed her lips together. "Why? Do you think my friend is secretly going to try and steal my kidney? And then once he steals my kidney he'll be like 'fuck it, lets break her other leg. Why not?' But, you know, I technically only need one of them to live. Kidneys, I mean. So theoretically I should be fine." Blanche said. It didn't take them long to reach Reza. She almost jumped as he practically appeared out of the shadows- Christ, did all vampires do that? That was creepy. "Hey Reza." Blanche stopped, balancing on her crutches giving a wave. "Uh, this is AJ." She jerked her head up at him. "He's, uh, my- "would lab partner to be too awkward to say? Or friend? "Friend."
AJ ignored Blanche’s ranting on their walk into the school building. AJ realized it was better that way. If he said anything it just added to the paragraphs of ranting that Blanche would speak. She was putting worse ideas into her head than AJ could imagine himself all by herself. She didn’t need him to imagine the worst case scenarios. Then Blanche’s ‘friend’ stepped out from the shadows and AJ realized that those were only the tip of the iceberg. “Oh fuck me.” AJ groaned and stopped in his tracks. He had a pretty clear cut idea what Reza was. Maybe he didn’t know that night at the bar, but since then he has had time to ignore his own discomfort with accepting that vampires were real and faced reality. Or the reality he had found himself in. So trying to drag Blanche wouldn’t be much help if the internet was right about the super healing. “Seriously, this is your friend? He tried to bite me a few weeks ago.” AJ paused, looking between the two again, “And not in a good way.”
Blanche, it seemed, was completely unaware of just how fucked she'd made the situation by bringing AJ, a person he'd actually bit, here. Reza considered just making a run for it but that could possibly mean losing his only steady source of blood at the moment through Blanche and even though that brief taste of fresh, human blood had been miles beyond the bagged blood, Reza couldn't resort to that. Wouldn't. No matter the fact that he could still just feel the lingering taste of it on his tongue and right, the guy who's blood he was currently reminiscing about was angrily staring him down. "She knows what I am, just to be clear," he spoke quietly, trying to gauge Blanche for a reaction to this. "But I didn't mean to bite you! It was... an accident? I don't usually... I mean, I don't just jump people and- It's not right and uh..." What the hell was he even rambling. This wasn't exactly conveying the guilt he felt for charging AJ without permission. Reza risked a glance at AJ, face apologetic. "Sorry." Yeah, this wasn't awkward at all. Out of all the people he could have lost control with and tackled, it had to have been this guy. "I can leave?" he offered Blanche, already wanting to gravitate back into the shadows.
Blanche jumped as AJ groaned, looking at him. “AJ! What the hell— Wait, what? He tried to bite you?!” Blanche squeaked, alarmed. She whipped to Reza. “You tried to bite him?! Why?! What happened to the blood bags?” What had happened to the blood bags?! Blanche reeled from this new information utterly confused and completely taken off guard. This was not good, and probably fairly awkward for the both of them. She half already expected the lecture from AJ because knowingly being friends with vampires was probably on his list ‘Stupid Things Blanche Has Done’. Not that Blanche thought it was stupid, Reza never tried to bite her and well… Blanche looked at AJ. “I do. Know. I mean. For a while.” She had literally almost lost consciousness when he told her, but she did know. Blanche was completely not ready for this. Her head ping ponged between them, and she wondered, vaguely, if having friends was just too much trouble. She wanted to crawl in a hole. “Uh—” Blanche said. She didn’t want Reza to leave, but maybe this Jeremy thing could wait for another day? “— I don’t think that’s a me decision. That’s an AJ decision.”
Of all people that Blanche could be meeting inside of this school, it just had to be the guy that had snacked on AJ weeks ago. All three of them immediately fell into an awkward exchange as they fumbled through the new information between them. AJ was pretty used to awkward. He did hang out with Blanche and the Parrish’s after all. But then Reza was apologizing and looking… sincere? Ugh gross. AJ rolled his eyes at the decision that had now been placed in his lap. “Whatever. Can I get filled in on whatever is going on? Hopefully it doesn’t involve any sharp objects that could make someone bleed. Last thing I need is the Count flipping shit again.”
Whatever. AJ's reply wasn't exactly definitive but it seemed he wanted to forget the whole thing ever happened just like Reza. Suppressing all the bad and awkward shit? Yeah, Reza could definitely do that. Even though he still regretted screwing up what just maybe could have been a semi-friendship because he couldn't control his fucking fangs. Even though his eyes narrowed at the nickname, hitting a bit too close for home considering that they were literally standing in the hot spot for name calling, Reza figured that his plan from earlier was the best course of action. Get this over with quickly. And stop thinking about how nice AJ tasted. "I didn't flip my shit," he muttered under his breath, starting down the hallways with a gesture for the other two to follow. "So I figured it would be best to just go full horror movie cliche. Flickering lights, doors slamming and things breaking, et cetera. If we could get him somewhere isolated and without his phone, messing with that guy's head should be a piece of cake. Just need a designated camera man," Reza rambled, still heading down the hallway to where he knew the electrical boards were.
Blanche held back a groan, but pinched the bridge of her nose, exasperated with the both of them. She would press Reza later about what happened, but Reza was already mumbling the plan. Blanche frowned, head tilting- "Uh- well... He as in Jeremy." She mumbled to AJ, straightening herself for a second before starting off after Reza. "We should make sure he doesn't have his lacrosse stick either or he'll try to crack your head open and- oh." Blanche glanced back at AJ. "You probably want to... split while you still can. He already smashed your face in once and if he sees you he-" A chill ran up her spin, and Blanche turned, eyes narrowing as she scanned the hallway. "Uh... you being here." Blanche finished, distracted. "Uh, right. God it'll be like the poltergeist. Christ."
AJ usually worked by himself for obvious reasons. And while he wasn’t exactly keen on the idea of working with anyone he actually didn’t hate the plan. It was a little higher scale than AJ could manage by himself, but he would be damned if the best scare of Jeremy’s life had nothing to do with him. “I couldn’t give two shits about whether or not Jeremy knows I’m involved.” That dick needed to be knocked down a peg. Then Jeremy could come after AJ again and he’d be ready that time around. “I can get him into the gym. It’s being renovated anyways so no one will be there.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and waved it, “Just text me when you’re ready. Oh,” AJ paused and dug into his backpack before finding his set of school keys and tossing them to Reza, “Take these. All the keys are labelled.” He didn’t need Reza using his Dracula strength to bust open locked doors. The last thing AJ needed was for the school to start changing their locks. Then he split off from the other two to go find that asshat.
Reza had his ears perked as the two conversed behind him, realizing that Blanche clearly hadn't planned for AJ to be here but at the same time, it seemed that the guy had every reason to join their plan. Which he did. It took Reza by surprise, the sudden cooperation, but fuck it if he wasn't just going to roll with it. Maybe he hadn't screwed up completely. Even though he had poked AJ's neck with his fangs... which he wasn't supposed to be thinking about. Catching the massive keychain midair, Reza couldn't help but be impressed. Yeah, AJ was definitely a badass. Still, Reza could have just picked the locks with ease, but that seemed like a fact you shouldn't share with people you just met. Even though neither of them seemed very concerned with law breaking. With the two of them left alone, Reza hesitantly turned to Blanche. "I know you're going to ask so: ran into him at a bar, had a beer, he cut himself and I apparently have zero self control at the smell of blood. I wouldn't have killed him or anything, though. I think." Clearing his throat, Reza jerked his head towards the basement. "Let's get this over with."
Blanche stared after AJ, disbelief in her eyes. She didn't know why she couldn't figure out he'd want in on the plan, but she supposed they could use his help. Blanche just glumly waved, and followed Reza. "I- I mean, I know you wouldn't have intentionally bit him. And- Wait, why was he at a bar?? Why were you are a- Actually you know, I don't wanna know." Blanche said. The chill from earlier was still there and she let out a nervous sigh. "Alright, yeah. Let's go." Blanche followed to the basement door, casting a wary eye to stairs. She'd come too far to be put off by stairs. "Granny said he really hates horror movies too. This'll be perfect. I'll text AJ."
AJ picked a spot under the bleachers where he could keep an eye on Jeremy’s extended practice without Jeremy seeing him. Jeremy had finished his practice and was in the process of getting ready to leave. He sat patiently while waiting for Blanche to give the okay. Then, when he finally got the text from her he logged onto Amanda’s Instagram account and sent Jeremy a very flirtatious direct message suggesting the two meet up in the gym for some extracurricular activities. He waited until he knew that Jeremy had seen the message before getting back up and heading towards the gym. He caught Jeremy on his way and not so graciously bumped into him in the hallway, slipping his phone out of Jeremy’s jacket pocket. “What the fuck is wrong with you dude?” Jeremy called out once realizing who it was that had bumped into him, “Watch where the fuck you’re going.” AJ shrugged and tried looking as innocent as possible, “Sorry. Detention ran late. But if you’d care to take a swing without your buddies here to protect you I’ll even let you get the first hit in.” For just a second, Jeremy looked like he was even thinking about it, but eventually thought better, “Just get the hell away from me.” AJ put his arms up in defeat and turned away, making his way down the hall and pulling out his phone to text Blanche, ”Good to go.”
Somewhere in the back of Reza's mind, alarm bells were starting to ring as he popped off the electrical board's cover, lit up by the flashlight on his phone. Something felt... off, and it wasn't just the fact that he was crouching in the high school's basement when he should have been back home, working out how to control himself properly. The disconcerting feeling grew almost palpably and Reza's hands left the switch board. "Maybe... maybe we should think this through for a sec. Something just feels... I don't know, it doesn't feel right. Not like... not morally right but--" Darkness engulfed them as Reza's phone died without warning, the flashlight gone. "Fuck, I can't see shit... Hang on..." Even with enhanced night vision, his eyes still struggled to adjust to the solid black around them.
Blanche glanced at her phone, before looking at Reza. She felt a rush of relief when he said that. "Thank god. I think that---" Blanche eeped as they were suddenly in darkness, and she froze. Trying to move around in the dark on crutches would not be a good idea. She swallowed hard, the feeling in her stomach increasing.... Meanwhile, back in the gym, Jeremy noticed it was freezing. Not that it mattered, he was busy looking for Amanda. Lights started to flicker erratically. Jeremy looked up, confused as it started to get worse. Unexplained wind started hitting him from behind. "What the fuck?!" Jeremy swivelled, patting his pockets for his phone. It wasn't there. The doors of the gym weren't open. And--- He swore he saw a giant fucking snake. With fangs and beady red eyes launch itself at him. But as he fell back onto his ass. nothing was there. "What the fuck, Ricci!" One of the gym lights popped and exploded.... Back in the darkened room, Blanche was trying to use the light of her phone. It was freezing there too. "I think something is wrong."
AJ heard Jeremy yelling his name and grinned to himself as he kept walking down the hallway, but slowed when he felt the sudden temperature drop. Something wasn’t right with that. There’s no way that Reza or Blanche could have controlled that. Goosebumps ran up his arms and he decided to turn back, heading towards the gym. He stopped and peaked through the small, oblong windows of the gym doors and noticed Jeremy inside, freaking out. Just as they had mentioned, lights were flickering, but glass also covered the gym floor now. One of the lights had exploded? AJ took out his phone and began filming through the window. Regardless of what was going on, AJ didn’t want to miss on the opportunity to get evidence of Jeremy losing his shit. All was good until AJ noticed the shadow on his screen that wasn’t actually in his job. Well, fuck. That was going to ruin all the fun. AJ tried for the gym doors, but they wouldn’t budge. Well that wasn’t good.
"Yeah, no shit something is wrong," Reza replied, finally able to see the shape of his hand in the darkness. Alright, maybe they could get out of here without someone tripping and hurting themselves. Last thing he needed right now was Blanche slicing open a vein in this small, enclosed environment where it would be easy to... Okay, they needed to get the fuck out of here. The light of her phone flickered and went out as soon as she'd turned it on. "Grab my jacket," he ordered, waiting for Blanche's grip before he manoeuvred them back towards the stairs. "Careful..." Slowly, half-crawling, they made their way up the stairs to... a firmly locked door. "What the fuck is going on..." Jiggling the doorknob, slowly starting to panic from the darkness and the overwhelming feeling of dread, not to mention the steady heartbeat just right behind him. "Stand back," he commanded, drawing in a useless, shuddering breath before his foot collided with the door. The thick wood cracked under the pressure but the door stayed shut. That definitely wasn't normal. Reza had no idea what the extent of his strength really was but he was sure that kicking open a lousy door should have been a breeze. Something else was at work here. Something bad...
Blanche groaned quietly, snatching the back of Reza's jacket as she stumbled with her crutches. "I have a broken leg, I have to be careful," she grumbled, annoyed. "I think..." Her heart sank. "Granny." She whispered. Of course, Granny wouldn't leave this alone. She's been wanting to do something to Jeremy since their confrontation that Tuesday. Blanche shifted on her crutches, standing back slightly. "Granny!! Enough!" Blanche tried shouting. Wasn't Reza like, half superhero?? Granny shouldn't be able to do something like this. She was just a ghost! As Blanche shouted, the door to the basement banged open simultaneously as the gym doors down the hall. Blanche yelped. "Jesus Christ!" She could feel the blood pumping in her ears. "Come on, I need to get to the gym. Goddamn it."
One second the gym doors refused to budge from place and the next they swung open and crashed against the walls of the school hallway. Ignoring the fact that magically opened doors were probably a bad omen, AJ rushed through the doors anyways, stuffing his phone back inside his pocket. Even this was wrong to video tape. He found Jeremy on the floor in the gym screaming and holding onto his arms. Closer inspection revealed that he was lying in the broken glass, trying to apply pressure to different cuts that had blood dripping from all areas of his arms and broken glass pieces still stuck in some of those cuts. He must have slipped on the glass trying to run towards one of the exits. Shit that wasn’t good. Jeremy didn’t even care when he saw AJ, instead pointing one arm towards the gym corner and scream something unintelligible about helping him. AJ glanced in the direction he was pointing but saw nothing. “We need to get you out of here.” AJ said, grabbing at him under the shoulder and lifting him onto his feet. He started leading Jeremy towards the doors of the gym when he heard the footsteps. “Shit.” AJ mumbled under his breath, he knew who that was. Seconds later, Reza and Blanche were both rushing into the doorway. “Blanche! Keep him the hell away from us!”
It was hard to watch Blanche painstakingly crutch her way down the hallway and Reza tried his best not to rush ahead, even though he could have outrun her in an instance. A rough gust of wind passed down the hallway, breezing over the two of them. Without realizing it, Reza's feet had begun to carry him faster towards the gym. His mind felt like it was clouding over, not registering why until he scrambled to the doorway, Blanche hobbling over. Someone was shouting, maybe AJ, but not a single word sounded coherent. The smell of blood was overpowering, nothing like the dull scent of AJ's single, small cut the other day. Reza stood in the doorway, rigid, fingernails digging into his palms. He became vaguely aware of his prey moving away-- no, not pray. AJ and Jeremy, two humans who Reza wasn't... couldn't... He wouldn't! Wouldn't... wouldn't do what? He couldn't remember. Eyes red and narrowed, expression blank, Reza had unwillingly started to stalk towards the intoxicating smell of food.
Blanche hauled ass on her crutches as fast as she could, but Reza was inevitably faster than she was. She entered the room, and heard AJ yell at her. "What?!" She could see Granny, hurriedly swarming around AJ and Jeremy screaming at him. Jeremy was clearly reacting to whatever she was doing--- "Is that blood?! Son of a--" Blanche paled, and hurriedly started going for Reza. Fuck this was bad, fuck this was bad, fuck this was really really fucking bad! Blanche rushed forward.. "No! Reza! Stop it! Don't-- Oh my god! Reza!" Blanche did something stupid. She shoved herself at Reza, instantly clinging to the back of him. "Enough! Both of you! Granny! Cut the shit! Reza-- fuck!"
Blanche tried to slow Reza down, but with Reza’s vampire strength AJ knew that the attempt was going to do little to nothing in terms of actually stopping him. AJ remembered the strength that Reza had in the back of that alley. If it weren’t for AJ’s own strength kicking in he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get Reza off of him. Even then, AJ figured that Reza might be physically stronger than him, he may have just been taken aback by AJ’s own strength or was able to pull himself free from his prey. Regardless, with Reza deadest on sinking his teeth into Jeremy, AJ wasn’t sure that anybody was going to stand in his way. But as dumb as the idea was, AJ decided to do exactly that. AJ let go of Jeremy’s arm, watching him stumble backwards and trip back onto the ground. Idiot. Then he stepped in front of Jeremy, blocking Reza’s path to him. “Dude. Chill out. Take a deep breath or some shit, I don’t know.” AJ had no idea how this blood lust worked. “And back the hell up.”
Something was hanging off his back now, slowing Reza down in his advance. A nuisance. A nuisance that was screaming in his ear, shouting his... his name? Was Blanche screaming? What was he doing... Something slumped onto the ground and red eyes snapped towards it. Blood pooled on the ground, the smell growing stronger and blocking out Blanche's voice. In a single, swift movement, Reza grabbed Blanche by the upper arm and flung her off to the side without a care. His fangs were already dripping with saliva, gaze focused on the prey scrambling back away from him. A vulnerable target. Something blocked his path; something with a heartbeat but not as interesting as the one dripping blood all over the place. "--back the hell up.” Reza snarled in response, a brief warning that only lasted a few seconds, his patience already expired. The back of his hand made contact with AJ's face, throwing the man off balance and into the ground. The prey was screaming now, only going silent when Reza had him pinned to the ground, fangs finally buried into the bleeding shoulder.
Blanche let out a scream as she was practically flung like a rag doll off of Reza. She hit the ground back first, and, not for the first time, the air left her lungs. Blanche groaned, wheezing as she launched herself for one of her crutches. Fuck, her leg hurt. It hurt really bad- she pushed the thought out of her mind as she watched AJ get smacked across the face. "AJ!" Blanche was going to help him, but she could hear Jeremy screaming, stumbling up against the wall. Granny's loud voice pulsed in her ears as she screamed, tormenting insults. She was encouraging Reza. The lights were still erratically flickering and Blanche went for it again. She tried making her way to Jeremy. "Get off of him!" A light exploded from across the way and Granny materialised in front of her. 'He doesn't deserve your help! Don't go to him!' "God shut up Granny, this is your fucking fault not MOVE!" Moving with one crutch was hard enough, but Blanche felt one of Granny's gusts of wind once again knock her off her feet.
When AJ was able to focus again, all he could really think about was the pain on his face. Shit that hurt. AJ had been slapped plenty of times before, but never by someone with super strength. It was definitely going to leave a nasty bruise. He glanced over at Blanche, who had also been easily tossed aside by Reza and for the first spotted… Granny? Well that explained all the weirdness. Mostly. AJ pushed himself off the ground and made his way over to Blanche, helping her back up and trying to ignore the fact that her ghost grandma was menacingly floating nearby. “When I distract Reza I need to to get Jeremy and crutch for your life.” He explained, then turned back for Reza. He stalked up behind him an dug his fingers into Reza’s shoulder, willing himself to have that strength that he had before in the woods and in the alley way and then yanked Reza off of Jeremy and tossed him aside. Now all Blanche had to do was get Jeremy away and hope that Reza didn’t decide to snack on AJ instead.
There was nothing except the sweet taste of blood on Reza's tongue, his surroundings vanishing completely... until he was suddenly torn away from his meal, rolling across the floor, momentarily stunned. AJ was... challenging him. Blood smeared on his lips, Reza scrambled to his feet, stance poised for attack. Now that he'd had a taste, it only made his crazed brain desperate for more. There was no rational thought, only something pure and primal. Circling AJ slowly, realizing that there was definitely some strength in the threat. He just needed to take him down... For the moment, at least, his mind left Jeremy and focused on AJ. Fangs bared in a challenge, Reza slowly began to move closer, all the while circling him. The loud screeching, menacingly taunting him could have been part of Reza's thought process for all he knew. The poltergeist really wasn't helping him feel human.
Blanche hissed in pain as AJ helped haul her ass up off the ground. Good, he was okay. But her look of relief morphed into exasperation. "You're kidding me, you can't fight him!" Who did he think he was? Superman? And superman didn't fight rabid vampires. But Blanche watched as apparently, AJ could fight him. She pressed her lips together and did what she had to- Granny still cruelly taunting her and Jeremy. Blanche hurried to Jeremy. "Get up!" She snapped, bending the best she could to tug at his arm. He whimpered her name, and Blanche frowned quietly. "I amhelping you, you idiot. But- oh for god sake-" Jeremy pointing to Granny erratcially and he was trying to shake away from her. Blanche whipped to Granny. "Granny, enough! We don't  hurt people! You know that-" it didn't sound like Granny was even saying words anymore as her voice got louder and the lights and wind got worse. She had never been able to do that before. "Granny! I don't want you here anymore! I don't need you! Get OUT!" Blanche finally roared, her loud voice yelling  bouncing off the walls. It was almost an instant. 'Don't you ever ask anything from me, you ungrateful girl!' Granny hissed. Blanche didn't see her phase through anything, but all of a sudden Granny was gone and the lights returned to normal. "Jesus-" Blanche pushed Granny out of her mind, whipping back to Jeremy to yank him to his feet. "Let's GO-- No! Don't lean on me you moron we have to go!" Blanche was trying to shuffle him to the nearest exit, but Jeremy could barely stand himself. "Do you want to get eaten? No? Then fucking haul ass!!"
AJ could admit that the circling him like a predator was a bit unnerving, especially because he was almost positive that he couldn’t take Reza in an actual fight. AJ had some self-defence training from his father, but it wasn’t like he was a professionally trained fighter and he just didn’t have the level of strength. AJ was more hoping that he could talk Reza down after the smell of fresh blood was farther away. It was worth a try at least. He glanced behind his shoulder when he saw Blanche and Jeremy slowly getting out of the gym and sighed to himself. Talking him down would be a lot easier if he actually knew anything about the guy. “So. Just us.” He scratched at his neck nervously, remembering the bite in the alleyway. “I don’t understand the whole blood lust thing. Not really trying to understand it if I’m being honest with you. My to-do list has never had midnight snack on it.” He tried slowly backing away as he talked, putting some distance between the two. “Look you seem like an okay guy. And before the whole blood thing the two of us had a good time. Maybe we could try that whole ‘people are friends not food’ policy out?” Obviously Reza had noticed him backing up because suddenly Reza burst towards him and tackled into him, knocking the wind out of AJ and shoving him to the ground. Not knowing if he could fight him off, AJ held his arms up to brace for the attack and tried guarding his neck from Reza’s bite.
All this talking was hard to ignore, even as Reza focused on weak points and whether or not his prey would be dead by the time he got to it again. The fact that there was no longer a screaming phantom in the room was making it hard to completely ignore the words, especially since the smell of fresh, pumping blood seemed to be getting... fainter? Trying to keep up with everything was getting harder, trying to see where Jeremy was while listening to AJ, who got Reza's attention once more at the mention of blood. For a moment, it seemed like Reza's eyes went a slightly softer shade of red-- AJ's shoes scraped against the ground, making the way he was shifting back that much more obvious. Somehow, they were now on the ground, his bloody hands wrapped up in AJ's jacket, slamming him back into the ground. The smell was different now but still there, toying with Reza's senses as the smallest trickle of blood came from the cut on AJ's cheek. If only AJ would just move his fucking arms...
Blanche all but shoved Jeremy out of gym, regretting this entire plan all together. This fucking sucked. They got out, stumbled into the hallway and Jeremy slammed against the lockers. Blanche stopped, panting. Her leg and wrist were killing her, and she had to hold back a groan slightly. Blanche leaned over, finally looking him over. All superficial injuries, except maybe for the vampire bite. "Jeremy?" Blanche said, softly. This wasn't what she wanted to happen--- Damn it. Granny had to ruin everything. Blanche let out a sigh, inching closer. She wanted to at least make sure he was okay before she went back in there to help AJ fight a fucking vampire... Suddenly, Jeremy's head snapped up, and he was shoving her away from him. Blanche yelped in surprise. "Get the fuck away from me you crazy bitch!!" And he was gone, sprinting down the hallway with renewed energy. Blanche grimaced in disbelief, before hauling ass back into the gym. Fuck. Reza had easily over powered AJ. Goddamn it. "HEY! Reza, enough!" Blanche hollered, cursing under her breath. "Leave AJ alone!" What to do--- Blanche groaned at the idea that popped into her mind. It had worked for the giant lizard, why not a vampire-- Blanche leaned heavily on her left as she hurled her right crutch as hard as she could on top of Reza. Blanche grunted, before looking at the rack of overturned basketballs.... Pretty soon, those were flying at him too. "Don't you dare bite him again!!"
AJ was fighting a losing battle and he knew it. AJ was pushing his arms as hard as he could against Reza’s body crushing down on him, but as hard as he was trying to push Reza off of him he wasn’t getting far. If anything he could only feel Reza getting even closer to him as the blood dripped off of his teeth and onto AJ’s face. He heard a crashing sound behind them, but neither seemed to pay much attention to it. It wasn’t until a basketball came bouncing by AJ’s head that he felt the pressure from Reza’s body lighten. He was distracted. Not willing to miss the opportunity, AJ started struggling against him, eventually pulling his leg free from Reza’s and kicking at his knee. The motion freed AJ’s arm and he used that to shove Reza off to the side while AJ rolled away jumped up onto his feet. Just to give him an extra head start, AJ kicked out and connected his shoe against Reza’s jaw before turning and running towards the gym doors, bending to scoop up Blanche’s loan crutch before grabbing onto her and practically scooping her off the ground so that she wouldn’t slow them down. “Time to go. Where’s Jeremy?”
Something hard collided with Reza's back but he was getting so close to AJ's neck, the way his struggling was getting weaker only egging the vampire on. He wasn't going to tear out his throat or anything, no... That would be wrong and some part of Reza knew that; the part that was whispering that he didn't really want to hurt his semi-friends, did he? But just a taste to soothe the burning his his throat that Jeremy's blood had sparked. Just a small-- the basketball bounced off Reza's head, giving his throat whiplash as his head cracked to the side. The second of distraction was all it took for blows to start raining on Reza until AJ's foot smacked into his face and the searing pain vibrated through his brain and he could taste the blood in his mouth from his aching jaw... no, not his blood. Someone else's blood, coating his lips and hands... Squeezing his eyes shut as his head throbbed, both from the blunt trauma and the slow realisation settling in, Reza just barely managed to drag himself up to his knees. Footsteps... sounded like... yeah, they were definitely running away. Blanche and AJ. He couldn't even remember properly if he'd bit both or neither of them, everything just felt wrong and his stomach churned because he felt satisfied. On his feet now, Reza made a run for one of the windows that had smashed during... whatever had just happened in here. Had it all been him? Without looking back or any idea as to where he was running to, he bolted away, wondering just how fucking bad he'd screwed up.
One second, Blanche was throwing basketballs as hard as she could, the next AJ had snatched her up like a rag doll and they were running. Blanche's leg screamed in protest, but she ignored it and held on before she fell and broke something else. "He ran away," she squeaked. It was soon evident that he wasn't planning on chasing them, and Blanche let put a sigh at relief. "Here, put me down. Fuck ow- Never mind are you okay?? He hit you really hard and was trying to-" Blanche was shaking, trying to stabilise herself on her crutches as she  tried to look  AJ over as best she could. Trying to what? Rip his throat out?? Blanche realised soon enough she terrified and her eyes were bubbling with tears. She conveniently ignored that, and stabilised herself as best she could. "I mean, I thought he was going to eat you."
Outside of the school and into the sunlight is when AJ finally figured the two were safe from Reza’s attempt at murdering him. Murdering was the wrong word. Whatever the hell was going on with him seemed more like a drug addiction than anything else. Like he was someone else entirely or couldn’t control himself. Not that AJ knew anything about Reza outside of his old reputation at the school, still he had seemed sincere in his apology earlier. Which occurred about twenty minutes before Reza had tried to bite AJ again. “I’ll be fine, it’ll heal.” AJ put Blanche down and then poked at his cheek just to see how badly it hurt. Yeah, it hurts. It was possible that Reza’s strength had fractured his cheek bone, but if things went how they had been going the last few weeks then AJ didn’t really need to worry about permanent damage. Blanche had no idea just how quickly it might actually heal. “I’m pretty sure his goal was to eat me.” AJ admitted, glancing back towards the door just to make sure that he actually could come out into the sun to kill the both of them. Once he was pretty sure the two were fine, “Well I’m going home now to sleep off almost dying. Again. See you tomorrow.”
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egoiistas · 7 years
A/N #1: I am so excited that @theysangastheyslew is getting fics for her art because she’s got some amazing pieces This one was specifically inspired by The Equivalence in the Exchange because I love me some passionate Royai smooches in addition to listening to Suavemente by Elvis Crespo (aaayy) 
Rated T /  Fluff Word Count: 1943 ffffff one day I’ll break 2k
Mustang loses a bet; Hawkeye is determined to stay in the East
“How long have we been playing like this, Mustang? I’d thought you have learned some moves by now.” The old man lifted his rook onto the middle of the board, eliciting a pensive look from his opponent.  
He rested his chin over a balled-up fist, anticipating the old man’s moves. “Not even a year, sir. To be completely honest with you,” Roy’s pawn moved towards the rook, a deliberate move to allow the king to escape. “I blame it on instructor error.”  
Grumman laughed jovially, sliding his tower two spaces to the right. “Yes,” he cooed. “You’ve improved, but is it enough?”  
The White Queen over took a knight approximately two turns away from checkmating his King. Roy leaned back in his chair, visibly pleased with himself. “Enough to see your strategy.”  
“You caught me!” He stroked his chin as he peered onto the chessboard and analyzing the remaining pieces. When he came back up there was a mischievous glint in his eyes, but it was visible only briefly. The light hit the surface of his glasses at an angle that it created a glare only adding more to the shift in atmosphere. “Say, why don’t we make this interesting? How about a wager?”
“Oh?” Mustang crossed his arms. “I’m listening.”
“If you win, I’d be more than happy to give you a promotion. Imagine being the youngest Colonel Amestris has ever known.”
The Lieutenant Colonel’s eyes widened and his body felt a chill disperse, half in excitement and half in disbelief. “You can’t be serious.”
“100% serious.”
Grumman held the same look as Roy mulled it over, it made him uneasy, but the excitement still bubbled. At the same time, he wondered if this was another one of his ploys. But all in an effort to win? When he does it so effortlessly?  Roy uncrossed his arms, letting his hands to his knees and supporting him as he leaned forward “And if you win?”
“Oh ho ho. Simple. I set you up with a match.”
Roy’s lip twitched, “What do you get out of that?”
“I’d get to live vicariously through you!” Another unsettling hearty chuckle. “Consider it a Christmas present for keeping an old coot like myself young again.”
“You’re dangling a promotion in my face. This is very interesting indeed.”
“I’d say so. But it is your turn, young man.”
He sat back to look at the chessboard, Roy failed to notice when the old man had gone. It may as well been his downfall
It only took five more turns, Roy realized dejectedly as his demeanor sunk  along with his short-lived excitement of an unexpected promotion.
He gave it a good go, but eventually, the white king and queen were cornered in the opposite side of the board. Checkmate came with his king being pinned by black knight, rook, and queen. “I should have known.”
“You got too eager.” The old man said, gloating. “But it’s not all bad news, you can meet my granddaughter!”
Of course, Roy imagined a grotesque image of a young lady with the Grumman mustache and glasses. He began to clean up the pieces from the board when the General spoke again. “Your granddaughter? Isn’t that a little personal?”
The glint in his eye was back, “I have a feeling you’ll get along swimmingly, Mustang. A match made in heaven.”
“And if I break her heart?”
Grumman’s mouth dropped, “You wouldn’t do such a thing to her.”
Roy shrugged playfully, “You know my reputation, sir. It precedes me.”
He heard laughter from across the table, “Do you really think you’re the first one to come up with that facade? I know men like you, Lieutenant Colonel.”
Roy paused, looking up at him warily as Grumman innocently tucked away the chessboard under his arm. The old man stood quietly, a smirk visibly under his gray mustache. “I’ll give you a call when she’s ready.”
The Second Lieutenant stood as the General’s secretary gave her the “OK” to enter his office. It was a simple request, surely he’d be reasonable. Riza silently entered and closed the door behind her. He sat at his desk, large window behind him casting sunshine into the room.
“One second, dear.” He placed a hand up, as she saluted him. He picked up the telephone receiver on his desk and began to dial. He noticed her at attention, he gave her an inquisitive look.  He waited as the phone rang and perked when he received an answer. “Now,” He said cryptically into the telephone. “Yes, now.”
She couldn’t place it, but there was a feeling of uneasiness.
The General replaced the receiver and he stood, walking around his desk. “My apologies for that, what can I do for you?”
She was still saluting him, eyes closed, as she stated, “Sir! As you know, for General Armstrong’s transfer request to be denied, my commanding officer must submit a formal refusal.” Riza heard him mutter, “At ease, lass.” and her hand fell from her brow bone. “Permission to ask you to refuse her, sir?”
“I will.” He said simply.
Subtle relief overcame her at his response, figuring her uneasy feeling came from poor choice in last night’s dinner. She began to salute again in appreciation, “Thank yo-”
But he interrupted her. “On one condition.”
Her brow flattened, shoulders dropping. “The Lieutenant Colonel said you’d say that.” Her worry stemmed from the unknown. She hardly knew the man, but the Lieutenant Colonel trusted him and from what she’s seen, it’s obviously reciprocated.
General Grumman was quiet; lost in thought she assumed. Until his back began to face her and he brought a hand to stroke his chin.
She calmed herself, taking in a deep breath.
“Ah yes, the Lieutenant Colonel. I want you to kiss him under some mistletoe.”
Her efforts to remain calm completely flew out the door she just came through. Her mouth dropped from the words that he uttered. It brought back memories of her father’s apprentice  and her youthful crush. Hawkeye regained some of her composure as those memories felt like a lifetime ago, it might as well been.  “Kiss Mustang?” She asked him and even as she said them, it sounded so absurd.
“That’s right, my dear.” His voice was jovial, the sentence ending off with a little flair.
She felt a sweat drop at her cheek, “Why?”
“Because it will amuse me.”
“Why?” Hawkeye repeated, a little more seriously.
“Because you’re all ‘Second Lieutenant Hawkeye’ and ‘Lieutenant Colonel Mustang’” He began to flail his arms to emphasize their ranks, as if it meant something she wasn’t privy to.  Grumman clenched his fists and shot it skyward to the air, exclaiming so loudly it reverberated in the room. “And it’s Solstice.” He turned his back towards her again, crouching like an excited child. “And I have a puckish side that will not be denied!”
“Puckish?” She said softly, more to herself than to him.
She watched him stand again, composed and dignified. In a more serious tone than Hawkeye had ever heard in the entirety of their conversation, he finally said, “You want me to deny your transfer to the North? You kiss Roy Mustang on the lips for no less than one-potato, two potato… five potatoes.”
“But isn’t that-“ Riza sighed, hoping she could find a loophole. “That’s fraternization?”
“That’s the deal.” He was persistent. He rushed to his desk to pull out a mistletoe bundle attached to a string and a stick, probably to purposely place it above them. “Take it or leave it.”
“Yes, sir.” She said, defeated. It wouldn’t have to be right at this moment, maybe if she held it off long enough the old man would forget.
As her thoughts finished, the door opened from behind her, feeling the blood drain from her face. “All right sir, I’m ready for our-” Roy Mustang paused as he caught sight of her as she saluted him diligently. “Match?”
“Well! Look at that.” General Grumman announced innocently.
Hawkeye received a rough push to her shoulder blade and her legs moved her forward towards him. The mistletoe dangled in front of them, but her brown eyes stayed on him
“Mistletoe! You take a step right up to the little sprig!”
He looked at Grumman with a blanched face and his brows had taken a worried shape. If her heart wasn’t threatening to leap out if its cage, Riza would have laughed at the look on his face. A sick joke really, she thought. To blatantly fraternize by kissing her childhood friend, her superior officer, who managed to look even cuter as he turned his head to her with apologetic onyx eyes, his lips shifting into an awkward smile.
“This was the favor?” He asked. “You’re the-“
Riza swallowed her hesitance. It was now or never. If she thought about it now, she might overthink it or he might disagree. She’s heard several great things about Briggs, but nonetheless, she lurched forward aiming for his face. Her eyes closed as her lips gingerly made contact with his. He “mmph”-ed as she caught him by surprise.
The hard part was over, she figured. Her hands slid up his arms and curled her fingers around the fabric of his military coat to hold him in place for five potatoes. There was probably a red tinge to her cheeks as she felt her face grow warmer. She felt his lips curve slowly into a grin as she rested hers on his bottom lip. His tense body relaxed underneath the scrunched fabric where she held him and his lips no longer rigid against hers. She expected an awkward five seconds, Riza could have handled an awkward five seconds to stop her transfer to the North.
It began slow when his lips moved, hers naturally responded in turn, - like it was normal, like it was natural.
Before she could process what a great kisser he was, Riza felt him breathe in and he deepen the kiss. And when that wasn’t enough for him, his hand tickled her neck as he combed through her short hair with his fingers to bring her lips closer.  Riza tilted her head and she could feel something begging to growl from the depths of her chest, endorphins sending tingling sensations throughout her entire body. She could feel the flesh of her lips begin to swell as their lips caressed each other.  Her fingers clutched him tighter, her mind began to swim, completely lost in this kiss.
It wasn’t rushed, it was calm and rhythmic. Ardent, but soft. Tender. Longing.
Before she knew it, Riza felt out of breath, stepping back and deeply regretting it. Her lips still felt the sensation of his lips.
She felt a blush creep on her face and gave an embarrassingly satisfied smile. “Was that enough potatoes, sir?”
When Grumman didn’t answer immediately, she looked up, stealing a glance towards him as he blushed and smiled, looking away from them. A nervous chuckle escaped her swollen lips. The man’s face was plastered in shock, but he recovered well. Was he crying and smiling? “Plenty…” Grumman started, gleaming. “A whole damn field.”
She stole another glance at the Lieutenant Colonel, noticing he was doing the same just moments before. Riza absent-mindedly toyed with her bottom lips as her mind replayed the recent events once more for her.
“I’ll go finalize the paperwork!” It broke her from her thoughts. The mistletoe on a stick was tossed to the wayside. She looked at him and he looked at her. “Happy Solstice!” He said, slamming the door shut and leaving them to their own heated devices.
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