#like she leans into it to get over on hater but. she didnt have to before that. bc she was seen as an actual villain & not ‘a pretty lady’
angelpuns · 17 hours
Lil Hater Au Prequel Blurb:
Leo stormed through the lair, trying his hardest not to look incredibly worried. He rushed past the living room, a sound of general confusion following him. He didn't bother looking back, he thinks by how deep the voice was it must have been Raph. 
He didn't have time to stop and he didn't have time to explain. He hurried to his room, huffing at the effort it took to slide his doors open. He needed to make a mental note to ask Donnie to oil it. Or he could himself. Whatever, he probably wouldn't remember regardless. 
Leo leaned his crutches against the wall and hurried to pull his gear on. Wraps, pants, belt, knee brace. 
He struggled with the second one, but ultimately decided to wear it. He planned to be fighting, whether it was his friend or someone else, and he'd need the support.
Leo fumbled with the cool metal of his battle shell, cursing under his breath at all the time he was wasting. He needed to hurry! He wasn't gonna make it if he didn't hurry! He quickly pressed the button to adjust the pressure and did a little stretch to test it. Perfect as always. 
One sword was slotted into the holster on His back, the other held tight as he hurriedly reached for his crutches. 
He spotted Raph poking his head in the door just as he opened a portal, shooting his older brother a (hopefully) reassuring smile before stepping inside. 
He winced at the high pitched ring of electricity that always accompanied it, his cochlear quickly readjusting as he was transported to the back room of Run of the Mill. 
It was quiet back here, the voices of patrons far enough away that even he couldn't hear it. And just as he thought, Yuichi was standing with his hand on the back door’s handle. 
He had quickly turner at Leo’s arrival, a knowing scowl already on his face. 
“ Leo, I told you not to bother,” He huffed, turning to face him fully, “ nothing you say is gonna stop me.” 
Leo gave him a once-over. Yuichi was in his old Nexus gear, though it didn't seem to fit him well anymore. In personality or in size. 
“ What you're doing is idiotic. What if you take another hit to the head? Or you have a seizure?” Leo started, slotting his sword into its holster, “ you think those guys in the arena are gonna wait and make sure you're okay?”
Yuichi didn't answer, grimacing. He didn't meet Leo's eyes, hunching in on himself further. 
Leo swallowed. The thought of it had him tossing and turning most nights, new nightmares adding to an already startling collection. He didnt want to say it in case it became a reality. 
But how was he gonna get it through this fluffbrain's thick skull if he didn't voice It?
“ They'all kill you, Yuichi…” 
The words felt like glue in his mouth, sticking badly to his teeth. Like Leo was sentencing his friend to death with just that statement. 
“They won't! I'm… I'm not weak, Leo!” Yuichi fired back, letting out a sigh and letting his hands dall to his sides, fists clenching. 
He stood up a little straighter, eyes meeting Leo's for the first time since he'd gotten here. 
“ I have to do this. She has my sword, and I have no intention of letting her get away with keeping it for another day longer,” 
He turned to leave, Leo stumbling forward to reach out and grab his arm. It stopped him for a moment, and Leo seized the opportunity to squeeze a little tighter. 
“ Yui, come on, you're not this stupid. You know she won't give it up without a fight, “ He started. He never understood why Yuichi was always so serious about getting the sword back. Leo understood more than anyone about how it felt to lose a precious weapon, but it had never been worth his life. It had never meant making such a dogshit deal with the devil herself. 
“ Leo, let me go…” 
Yuichi pulled weakly at his arm, but Leo pulled him back a little, letting out a weak laugh. 
He was getting desperate. 
“ its just a sword, Cottontail! We can get another-”
Yuichi ripped his arm from Leo's grasp, the slider stumbling forward to catch himself at the sudden balance shift. 
Yuichi's face was shattered, tears threatening to spill and cheeks flush with anger. He bared his teeth for a second, words choked out UB angry hiss. 
“ it's not just a sword, Leo!” 
He let out a shuddery breath and quickly wiped his eyes, hand on the door handle again. 
“ you don't understand! I have to do this, I have to be the one to do this!” He opened the door, the roar of a crowd and the bright lights of the battle nexus arena suddenly flooding the dark, quiet backroom.with light and sound. 
Leo flinched at the adjustment in his tympana and grimaced, “ at least me me help you! I'm- I can help you!” 
“ NO!” Yuichi didn't even turn to look at him, “ I have to do this alone!” 
He stepped through the door, leaving it open behind him as he started through the long corridor leading out to the arena.  
Leo could only watch, heart in his throat. Whether that was because of the thudding of the arena past the door or because he as fucking terrified, he didn't know. He trued one last time, leaning and shouting through the door. 
and in the last second before the door shut itself, he saw Yuichu turn with such a fearful look and lock eyes with him. 
He was scared. And Leo couldn't help him in the slightest. 
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
loving the most recent harutaka doodle were takane is being LOUD and possible STRESSED and just haruka touching her causes causes inner peace and *subwoofer lullaby inside her head*
originally i was gonna draw her blushing and getting all silly with this sorta funny smile i like drawing->🥴 something like. a teehee moment cuz imagine that and then her leaning against him while giggling super silly *explodes* isn't that so cute. but i changed it bc i felt it would've needed some dialogue, since post str takane doesnt get pissed at Whatever, if she's mad its probably worth getting mad at, so it would've had to be specific... what would get her mad but also not mad enough to quickly teehee over haruka instead... i couldnt think of anything to write. so i changed it to takane deciding whatever she's yelling about isn't worth it anyways and haruka is comfy :3 i think haruka is rly good at calming her down just by existing she's like Oh right. *cat head bump*
the hc was early dating harutaka being giddy and silly abt each other which is why i was gonna draw it that way initially. but then i didnt lol. or like early reunion actually, not even dating. like haruka can just sit next to takane and their shoulders touch and takanes like omg🥰 hehe. i think they'd be cute like that. i think they'd get all excited and giggling and sooooo stupid about each other. sorry if this is cringe to the viewers but thats cute come on.
the worst pda haruka and takane exhibit is this early dating/about to be dating stage where they're just talking with their faces really close together whispering and giggling. Cringe as hell my man 🙏 wait im about to get completely off topic well not really but let's talk about pda for a bit im in a love mood im in a shipping mood <- the moment it knew the ask reply was turning into its own unrelated post
sorry to talk about setomary like no one even mentioned it but on the subject of pda. i think only kano and kido (and maybe ayano) are setomary pda haters (not setomary haters. just when theyre pda) and the rest are like :3❤️ theyre so cute. but for harutaka since theyre so fucking cringe EVERYONE is kind of annoyed. they just fucking pretend nothings happening because its cringe. maybe during the first week after they reunited they're like aww its so nice haruka and ene reunited :3 but it gets difficult to look at fast.
seto and mary are being more normal they do shit like seto carries mary and theyre hugging all the time etc etc nothing too tragic. maybe seto calls her princess maybe mary gives him some flowers thats just what theyre like not only to each other but theyre that way to Everyone they just happen to match each other's level of swetness perfectly so no one thinks twice abt it. setomary is more natural and cute abt it. but haruka and takane act like they're in highschool at the back of the classroom whispering and giggling and its augh. it's insufferable to witness. i imagine the dan just widening their eyes to each other and mouthing Oh My God to each other all the time when harutaka start acting this way. like haruka and takane do everything except kiss each other in public seeing them kiss would actually be better bc what the hell is this. kido probably forces them to exhange seats like theyre in highschool for real.
sorry lets do a quick pda rating since i already talked about setomary and harutaka so why not talk about kidomomo and shinaya now that im on it. i told you i was getting off topic and also ratio + im an epic aroace person who enjoys romance as fiction so i love Love and making these hcs about smooching!!!! like ive seen ppl do what i described harutaka like. These people are going to hell. however harutaka are safe because theyre fictional. hope that helps.
for kidomomo its baby steps Momo throws herself on kido at all times and kido Vanishes each and every time or has to leave the room out of embarrassment. i think if kidomomo have any relationship issues its THIS. momo is so touchy and pda energy and kidos like 😐😐😐😐😐😐 momos like Ok 1 thousand kisses in private for me to stop kissing u in public and kido says Ok not taking the 1 thousand bit seriously but momo is serious and she WILL count them later. like she gets so good at numbers all of a sudden. kidomomo inside joke that kido is in serious kiss debt *falls to my knees abt my own hc i just pulled out of my ass* sorry thats so corny. but its so cute *bangs fist against floor*
shinaya are anti pda because theyre both nervous messes if their hands brush together shintaro starts having trouble breathing and ayano competes with him at seeing who can embarrass themselves more. shintaro is pretty pathetic but we all know that so... ayano... a girl can nervously brush her hair out of her face only so many times. pull yourself together. anyways in my delusion as you may know they get together and break up. but get together again as normaler people and theyre normaler abt pda then. i think shintaro can have his arm around ayano without either of them being a freak about it. Also ayano probably sends kisses across the room with her hands and will act sad until shintaro catches at least one invisible kiss. shintaro refuses to kiss it back but compromises with putting the invisible kiss in his pocket instead. 🙏
sorry damn i was feeling Love today....... also didnt talk abt kanoshin which is another ship i rly like because they'd explode and die before standing next to each other in public in fear of giving away that they like kissing each other on the mouth. they dont qualify for pda hcs. sorry I turned the reply of this ask into whatever this is
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the-meme-monarch · 3 years
i think there’s something to be said abt how how dominator appears to have lost all her respect and standing as a villain when the other villains found out she’s a woman. they stopped seeing her as a threat or a rival and started seeing her as a love interest.
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kodzuken · 2 years
Chelsea...can i have context for this AGN bullshit. I've seen so many things and I'm CONFUSED
ok basically the gist of it is: agn/athenagrantnash is a bucktaylor (not hate against bucktaylors btw, some of y'all are actually nice) and eddie hater who says the most delusional things on her blog. some highlights
news reporters are first responders bc one time "one of [her] reporters got shot" on a job (we're pretty sure she works for fox news, btw)
on a related note, she's right about everything because she Works For Fox
eddie is a misogynist for ... breaking up with ana? (also says that he treats all his love interests like garbage/walks all over them)
taylor has fertility issues (based on nothing)
eddie being gay would be, and I quote, "awful" because it would lean into the trope of gay men being awful to women
she has a black friend in med school who didnt experience oppression so hen’s storyline in unrealistic
her mom is an "honorary black person" so she can speak on issues surrounding POC (in the same post, she also clarified she wasn't talking about indigenous people when she said indian like....okay)
taylor and bobby should be besties and taylor should run into bobby at a bar and “help him” out of a relapse
maddie in s5 wasnt paralleling eddie she was paralleling shannon
agreed with a post that talked about buck being just like "crooked cops" looking out for each other bc he was hesitant to believe the worst in jonah
taylor should teach jee how to braid hair bc shes the only one with hair long enough to braid
buck "controls every aspect of taylor's life"
eddieana breakup is a retcon
related, everything she said that didn't come to fruition is a retcon, aka the “just because something is part of a plot doesnt make it not a retcon” argument
and finally, Eddie is moving to texas for sure (it'll be a retcon if he doesn't)
it's ... a lot. but also, don't send her hate!! she genuinely feeds off being contrary, I think; she loves getting into arguments with people and using her little "angry gremlin" tag, but if you oh so dare call her out off anon, she blocks you. anyway, don't send her hate, don't engage, just enjoy the show and see how she self destructs after 5x18 :)
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hobidreams · 4 years
Hi Rain!! So sorry this feedback is kinda late, I just feel I needed to really do October 1865 justice cus it was hands down one of my favorites thus far!!! The whole thing, from beginning to end, was so thoughtfully written. Like when she finally dons the pink hanbok and is inspecting her appearance in the mirror and wishing her mom was there for advice/guidance really hit hard. Like she really is all alone in this great big palace with no family and minimal friends. And I find that I’m always
rooting for our dear mc, she feels like an underdog to me. Quiet, demure, poised, low ranking, but incredibly sweet and giving. “So far, you’ve begrudgingly won a few scraps of respect from the male physicians, and it’s a start.” LIKE YES GIRL GET IT. And when Yoongie comes to her door to get her?!? The equivalent of a man getting out of the car and walking to your door to pick you up on your date. LOVED IT. 
And the description of his appearance was perfectly detailed- I can imagine exactly what he looks like!! Well done. He truly is “unfathomably handsome.” I especially enjoyed the lil tidbit of the two of them looking suitable for each other despite their marked difference in social status and rank. As if, at least for the night, they’ll look like they belong together. It warms my heart. I love that this Yoongi is still lighthearted with the way he jokes with Eunuch Kim. It’s so nice to see him like this, but continues to make me wonder what else happened to him to change him so drastically??? 
*slow, calculating laughter here* heheh i’m glad u enjoyed the clothing bits though! that’s one of my favorite aspects of the history to research :’)
Her excitement to see the Chuseok festivities is so palpable, and when she realizes “oh god, you just made the prince run” I WAS CACKLING HAHAH and the Jinkook appearace!!!!!!!!!! I WAS HOWLING. I love that you kept the basic appearance of the two from the mv. What a creative way to weave them into the story!!! “the bearded one looks about seconds away from giving the other younger man a good smack with the fishing rod leaning on the wall behind him.” HAHAHA SCREEEEEAM their competitiveness and banter is perfectly written!!! “Yah, you can take your beans and shove them right up your nasty sokgot… I’ll take two orders of each. Preferably not ones shoved anywhere.” I’M ACTUALLY DYING. The dialogue here is hilarious!! 
me: sobbing because humor is so hard & you are so kind T_T
And the way Yoongi passes off the treats to mc and Eunuch Kim!! And when they get mistaken as a couple by her mother’s old friend?!? CLASSIC. I’ve found that old ladies literally give no fucks. I had a patient who would thirst over the same co-worker that I did (and yk, fair, cus he looked like an older, taller JK) She was shameless about it and I wanna be her when I get older haha 
FDSLKDAFS MOOD I WOULD TOO HAHAHAA have u SEEEN JUNGKOOK LATELY??? that BUN? THE SHEER SHIRTS? im D E A D. PHEWW. but seriously old ladies never change, no matter the era HAHAH
ok, but one of the best parts is Eunuch Kim losin his cool over Chun-ja. The way he nearly drops his jeon and is soooo flustered has me so heart eyed for him. I’m so happy to finally be meeting this lucky woman who has ensnared our beloved Eunuch Kim’s heart!! And those letters?! Ugh, I am so fond of hand-written letters. They’re so nostalgic and personal and no one seems to do it anymore. 
heh i’m glad u like letters because-- oop i wont say anything more ;)
Don’t think I didn’t notice that Yoongi chose the bracelet she was eyeing. But are we gonna see him give it to her?? Or does he just secretly have it slipped into her room, cus that would be SUCH a yoongi thing to do. My favorite part though, if I HAD TO CHOSE, was probably the ending scene at the pond. I feel like this is the first time they’ve had the chance to have a REAL conversation. And how her theory that some things in the world are out of their control but can change in their favor if they never give up. Seems like it parallels their predicament perfectly. 
you may be the only person who’s picked up on that conversation FDASLJKAS but yes, it truly is ;-; i absolutely adore those quiet moments between the two of them & writing this one was... phew a ride and a half. there’s a lot of subtext there 🤣
But I need to know!!! WHAT DID THEY WISH FOR?! 
iono 🤭 (youll find out later)
Ugh sweet Yoongi is killing me. I love him, but damn knowing what he’ll become in the next few years has me heart broken. As always, well done Rain. What a chapter to come home to after a long weekend of work!! I’m so appreciative of your writing. Your page is always such a safe and comforting space. Your positivity and kindness really reinforce my idea that you’re a wonderful human being. I hate that you had rude ass anons leaving their trash comments in your asks. As King Yoongi would say, “they’re peasants!” fuck the haters, bubs, and keep shining. You’re a fantastic writer, and I hope that you keep writing what inspires you, and deliver it the way you want!! I know I’ve said it before, but I feel I need to say it again, but I LOVE the way you decided to present MLT. I LOVE the drabbles and the timeline. It’s unique and fresh and will always remind me of MLT. ILYSM, Rain!! As always, please accept all my love and adoration!
sighhh you are so so so lovely. thank you for taking all this time out of your busy life to send me this. it just warms my entire heart. please don’t worry abt my anons; they’ve actually been pretty nice!! i havent ever had a mean anon ever in my inbox or anyone purposefully being cruel in my comments so my frustration was more at seeing how my friends are contiuously disrespected for providing their FREE content. AGH. and they get rebuked if they reply with annoyance, which they deserve to do after being pestered over and over again!!! someone said they had 20 asks in their inbox asking for updates and AGGGGHHH !!! that makes me wanna tear those anons a new one. but anyway. it’s wonderful people like you that keep us going & i wish i had a better way of giving you my gratitude because it doesn’t feel like enough. thank you 😭💗 pls take this happy boy and i hope you have the fantastic day you deserve!!!!
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ayyoitsalex · 4 years
Chapter 7 - Pour Me One
Every now and again my friends and siblings get together, not for any particular occasion but to let it all hang out. More specifically we just trade stories that make us laugh and moreso because we're usually drunk when we're telling them. So when we all have time to get together the drinks come out and guts will be spilled. We just like to spill tea on people we know. It's a bad habit, but I can't help to indulge on a bit of shit talking every now and again. =Saturday- Sam and I dropped the kids off with my parents, Natalie and Wes dropped their kids off with his parents, and Nathan and Sophia paid Elizabeth to babysit Daisy. We gathered at our house, and I ran down the checklist of everyone's preferred drink of choice. That meant four bottles of wine and a case of beer. I poured Sam and I a glass of wine. The first of our guests arrived, Nathan and Sophia. "So what type of stuff we sippin on this time?" Sophia smiled rubbing her hands together eager. "Well we got this wine down at a tasting a few weeks ago and I think you might enjoy." I offered her a sip from my glass. Her eyes widened. "Babe pour me one of these!" Nathan nodded as he made his way to the kitchen. He returned with the wine glass in one hand and beer in another. They clinked their drinks and began the night. Sam being an over achiever that she is walked into the room with a full spread of snacks, setting them on the coffee table. This followed by another arrival of both Natalie and Alijah with their significant others. Unlike Nathan and Sophia, these guests brought food to share with the group. Though we don't hold it against them since they were nice enough to have us at their house last weekend for dinner. We all sat around getting settled in at first getting in our first few drinks and bits of food until things began to settle down in the couches. "So who's got a good one?" Nathan laughed sitting back with his arm around Sophia. I could tell Nathan's lips were a little looser than normal from the two empty beers in front of him. Sam and I both looked at each other. "Well the other day..Charly ate a rock." I cringed just saying it. Natalie clearly couldn't take what I just said almost spraying all of us with a wine mist. "WAIT WHAT. LIKE A ROCK ROCK." Natalie was dying laughing at the thought. I nodded my head slightly ashamed. "Yeah so she was running around the backyard while I was playing with the boys and I guess when I wasn't looking put one in her mouth." "Then I looked over at Selena and was like I think there's something in her mouth. When we finally got to her we looked around in her mouth hoping it was just like on the side of her cheek. But nope.." Sam sighed finishing the story. "We asked her and she nodded." "did you y'know ever find it?" Sophia asked slowly. We both nodded and a collective sigh of relief was shared from all of them. "...YOUR KID ATE A ROCK" Natalie continued to laugh, clutching her sides. "Someone else go." I rolled my eyes at Natalie continuing to laugh hysterically. We stopped for a brief moment to refill drinks and indulge on pizza and wings that Sam ordered. It's not a pretty sight to be eating and have a sudden laugh come on and projectile food. My walls have enough markings on them already from Charly attempting to draw on them. We're trying to minimize the mess as best we can. Normally we're not eating as much junk  as we are right now, but like I've been taught it's nice to TREAT YO SELF. Besides I'm sure my parents are loading up the kids with all types of stuff we normally don't do. "Who's next?" Sam asked falling back into her seat with me. "Well..Daisy walked in on us last week.." Nathan said slowly. "OH MY GOD THAT POOR GIRL." Sam gasped. "NO WONDER SHE DIDNT PLAY GREAT IN THAT TOURNAMENT!" "Shut up! She didn't see anything!" Nathan said. "Why is it that small now?" Alijah laughed. "Sophia! What did you do to this man!?" "OH FUCK OFF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT." Nathan folded his arms. "I don't know why we do this!" "Cause it's supposed to be fun." Natalie shrugged her shoulders. "Alright fine then you tell a story!" Nathan said tossing a throw pillow at Natalie. Ah it's like the old days. Sam and I were just glad to be out of the way until it was our turn to share again. Natalie was reluctant to share since in her mind she doesn't do anything embarrassing and she's perfect. So we turned to Wes. "Oh I got one." Wes smirked looking at Natalie. Her eyes grew big unsure of what Wes was about to divulge. We knew something was up. We leaned in anticipating something good. "So as we all know Natalie's very fond of her celebrity crushes and I pay them no mind. Though lately she's very into a particular app and rediscovered her love of anime." "NO NO STOP!" Natalie covered her face with the pillow. "YOU'RE ON TIKTOK!" Sophia exclaimed. Natalie's face began turning red. We got her. "Oh my god do you have any saved!?" "OH TRUST. She sends me all this nonsense before posting."  We all huddled around Wes' phone and text exchange he had with Natalie as he played a video with a character I had never seen before. "YOU'RE THIRSTY FOR THIS BIRD MAN!?" We all burst out laughing falling back into our chairs. "HE IS SO FINE YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!" "Clearly!" We all said together. "Oh lord you're ridiculous Natalie Brianna." I laughed clutching Sam. "Whatever you're all just haters!" Natalie huffed. "Can't belive you sold me out like that!" She smacked Wes in the leg. "You're supposed to be on my team!" "Well it's supposed to be fun remember?" Nathan said mockingly. Natalie was fuming. She sipped hard on her glass of wine before finally settling back down. "You fucking weeb." I could feel the heat of Natalie's glare from my comment, but I stood by it. "It's fine I accept you Nattie. I did say for better or worse when we got married." Wes put his arm around Natalie comforting her a little. Natalie back handed Wes at the latter comment, then she stuck her tongue out at us. The redness in her cheeks slowly going away.
We took a moment to catch our breath and massage our cheeks from all the laughing. It's only every so often that we get like this and it's some of my favorite times. Don't get me wrong I love having my kiddos around, but sometimes it's fun for all of us to just be us again. Everyone decided to leave around eight, and my parents dropped the kids off a little bit after everyone had left. -Knock knock- The boys stood at the door with my parents, my mom holding a sleeping Charly.   "Thanks again for watching the kids. Were they easy tonight?" I asked slowly taking Charly from my mom. "No they were fine, but someone clearly had fun tonight." Mom smiled looking around the living room at the empty pizza boxes and bottles of alcohol. I tried to come up with a quick response. "Good to blow off steam every once in a while." "Yeah definitely well needed. Did you and dad need a lot of these kinds of nights?" They both nodded. "What! No way where'd we go cause I  dont remember being at anyones houses like I do with the kids." "No it was right after you were born, you were such a pain in the ass mom and I needed drinks all the time." Dad laughed.  "When Natalie and Nathan were born we had to stop cause we'd be alcoholics if we didn't." I gave them both a deadpan look. "Ha ha." "Alright boys say thank you to grandma and grandpa." Sam said leading them up the stairs. "Thank youuu!" They shouted racing one another. "Good night Sel." They hugged me both as I continued to cradle Charly. I locked the door behind them and got the kids to bed.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Nobody tells me what to do. (Sashea) - billciphereyes
I’m back with another Sashea fanfic that took me much longer than expected to write!
My attempt at Sashea smut based on a heckler telling Shea “No Ma'am” during War on the Catwalk when Shea was asked who she would hook up with and she proceeded to hit on Sasha. In this, Shea is still pissed at the guy by the time they get back to the hotel and Sasha has to try to calm her down. It (kinda) works but Shea takes out all of her pent up anger on totally dominating Sasha. In this story, both of them are single and don’t have boyfriends. As in my last fic, Sasha goes by She/her in and out of drag and will be referred to as such. Don’t get used to me posting this often, because college and I will have a crazy schedule for the first few weeks. Until I figure out how to time manage, my writing time/ ideas will be limited. Postive/constructive comments are welcome!
After the show was over for the night and all the fans had left, the Queens were allowed to go back to their hotel rooms. After showering the rest of her makeup off, Sasha practically collapsed onto the bed. She loved touring and meeting her fans, but was frequently left exhausted at the end of every show. She got on her phone and started scrolling through social media. It was a ritual for her, something relaxing to calm her down and help her get ready to go to bed. As she was looking at her Twitter, her phone buzzed.
Shea: “Hey, can you come to my room? I need a Sasha hug.”
Sasha was slightly confused. Shea would normally come knocking at her hotel room at all hours for whatever reason, most recently at 3 in the morning to show Sasha a ridiculous meme that apparently couldn’t wait until a more decent time. Never had he asked her to come to his room. Nonetheless Sasha got up, grabbed her room key, found a pair of flip-flops, and walked across the hallway to what she knew to be Shea’s room. He opened the door as soon as she knocked, pulled her in the room, and embraced her, shutting the door with his hand. “Baby, what’s wrong?” She asked, wrapping her arms around him as well. He didn’t answer her at first, but continued to hold her in the small hallway of the room. After a moment or two, he spoke up. “I’m just so mad about what happened tonight.” He whispered. At first, Sasha was confused, then she remembered. During the Q and A part of the show, Shea had been asked if she would ever hook up with another Drag Queen, to which she proceeded to ask Sasha about her evening plans in a very sexual way. The fans ate it up, except for one heckler who screamed “No Ma'am!” at her. Shea then tried to take her jacket off to fight whoever said it, failing miserably, and then sat back down. To the fans who were watching, it would look like another adorable “Sashea” moment like the ones that happened frequently over social media. But Sasha could tell that Shea was genuinely annoyed just from her eyes when they caught hers on stage. But now, as Sasha watched angry tears run down Shea’s face, she realized just how much the comment affected her sweet friend.  "I know we haven’t been famous that long, but you should know by now not to let those kind of people affect you.“ She told him, moving one of her hands to wipe away some of his tears. Shea sighed. "I know, and had it been just directed at me, I would have been ok. But since it was directed at you as well, I’m not ok with it.” Sasha stared at him. She couldn’t explain it, but when he said that, butterflies started flying in her stomach. He must have interpreted her face as confusion, because he continued. “ I mean, the statement could be interpreted In anyway you want, but I see it in one of two ways, either I’m not good enough for you, or you’re not good enough for me, neither of which I’m ok with. "He said. "Because you mean so much to me Sasha, so, so, much to me, and the fact that someone has the nerve to suggest in anyway that you’re less than amazing makes me so mad.” Shea said, visibly shaking. Sasha felt tears running down her own face, in shock about what she had just heard. She knew she should say something, but she didn’t know what to say. “ For what it’s worth, I think the world of you too”. She heard herself say. “And I hate seeing you cry just because of a hater”. “ Oh, it’s not JUST him Sasha, It’s every single "fan” that thinks they can bully other Queens just because their favorite went home. Every single person that hides behind a computer screen and talks trash. It’s not right!“ He sobbed. "I know Boo, but those people don’t know the real you, and the real you is so beautiful and caring, and if they can’t see that, then it’s their loss.” She said, stroking his cheek. “ people are mean, and you’ve got to rise above the pettiness and continue to shine like the star you are.” “I know.” He said. “It’s just just hard to remain calm when a hater appears in person and yells at you. Even more so when you’re talking about some one you love.” Sasha felt her heart skip a beat at his words. “He loves me. Shea loves me.” She replayed in her head. She and Shea had told each other that they loved each other before, but this felt different, It felt like it expanded beyond just friends, and God did that sound good to Sasha. But right now, she realized she needed to calm him down in some way. “It’s a good thing there was something separating you two, otherwise you would have killed the guy.” She said in a lame attempt at a joke. He smiled. “Gurl you know it!” They laughed until Sasha’s stomach hurt. When they caught their breath, their eyes met. The tenderness in which he looked at her made her knees feel weak. His hand reached out to cup her cheek and used his thumb to stroke her. As if by instinct, her lips puckered. She blushed, but silently begged Shea to kiss her. He smiled, then leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. Sasha gasped, giving Shea room to explore her mouth with his tongue. Arms pulled each other closer, allowing Sasha to feel Shea’s erection against her own. She moaned into his mouth, leaning into him, barely able to support herself. Shea pulled back, and Sasha saw a spark in his eyes before she felt her feet leave the ground, gravity pulling her flip-flops back down. She shreaked as Shea walked deeper into the room, stopping at the side of the bed before unceremoniously dumping Sasha onto it. Shea stood by the side of the bed, staring into Sasha’s eyes with a deep intensity, a look that she had never seen in anyones eyes before. As she watched, Shea reached out and took off her glasses, making things a little blurrier. He placed them on the night stand, then walked over to what Sasha assumed was his suitcase. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but she had a pretty good idea. Sure enough, when he walked back over, He had a box of condoms and a bottle of lube in his hands. The meer sight of the objects made Sasha moan again. He placed them next to her glasses, then got on the bed himself, strattling Sasha’s hips. He leaned down so that He could kiss her again. “Are you ok with this?” he asked aginst her lips. “Yes.” She breathed. “Take me. I’m all yours.” Shea smiled into the kiss, then left her mouth to plant soft kisses on her cheeks, her chin, under her jawline, and on her neck. Every single time his lips touched her skin, shivers went through her and goosebumps appered. She didn’t think she could feel more beautiful, then another kiss was planted. Shea began to bite at her neck, hard. Sasha let out a strangled cry, pleasure mostly overriding the pain. She imagined hickies all up and down her neck in the morning and the other Queens not having to work very hard to put two and two together, but she didn’t care. The animalistic idea of marking something as ones own, of Shea marking Sasha as his own was such a turn on. Shea began taking their shirts off, first his, then Sasha’s. The kisses contuned, trailing down her boy chest. Sasha tangled her fingers in Shea’s hair, only to have him remove them and place them back at her sides, the look in his eyes begging her not to move. He went back to kissing her, progressively getting closer to the part that made her male, which she was very much aware of at the the moment. She watched as Shea paused, his fingers tucked underneath the waistband of Sasha’s pants. His eyes flicked up to meet hers, and he must have seen the desperation in her eyes, because he promptly yanked her pants down, leaving her completely naked. Sasha couldnt help but blush, but Shea didnt notice, he was too busy staring. He kissed the very tip of her member, licking up the drops that had aready leaked out. Sasha let out a soft moan as his tongue moved all around the tip, screwing up the bedsheets in her hands. Shea looked up at her, smirked, then took all of her in his mouth. Sasha gasped, which made Shea chuckle, causing more vibrations to go up her spine. He licked, sucked, and hummed until Sasha was a shaking mess under him. She wanted to stroke his cheek, tangle her fingers in his hair, reciprocate his touch in some way, but she knew that he would just move her hands again. “Damm his stubbornness.” She thought to herself. Suddenly, he released her, sitting up. He looked her straight in her eyes as he took off his own pants, giving Sasha a brief glance at his own erection before flipping her over on her stomach. She heard the distinctive sound of a cap opening before a lube-covered finger entered her. She gasped loudly, feeling that pleasure/pain combo that she loved. Shea began thrusting his finger in and out of her, trying to open her up while pressing kisses against her back. A second finger soon entered her, followed up by a third. Sasha was moaning into the pillow, trembling as each thrust sent shockwaves through her body.  She felt his fingers leave her, then heard a lot of indistinguishable noises before the clear sound of a wrapper  opening rang throught the room. A moan of anticipation left her lips, knowing what was coming next. Shea helped Sasha to her hands and knees before kneeling behind her, the tip of him pressed up against her entrance. His hands grabbed her sides before slowly pushing himself in. Sasha and Shea gasped in unison, and Sasha felt tears well up in her eyes. Unable to find any words, she motioned for him to wait. He did, stroking her back gently until she thought she was ready, so she motioned for him to go ahead. The first few thrusts hurt, they usually did, but the pleasure soon overtook her, especially when he found the sensitive bundle of nerves that caused her to moan even deeper. And him, the noises he was making were so beautiful, it turned her on even more. As he picked up the pace, Sasha could feel his sweat drip onto her back, she knew most people would find it gross, but she loved it, loved the rawness of it. She felt a hand wrap around her member and start stroking it, causing Sasha to become almost overwelmed with not only pleasure, but love. Love for Shea, for the man who got so upset at the very notion of her being subpar to anyone else, who loved her for who she was, and who she loved back with such ferocity it hurt. It was just so freaking beautiful, the way two people could find each other and want to be close. It was even more beautiful when those two people decided that they were more than friends. She came hard, letting out a half scream half cry, and just barely avoided collapsing. Shea came moments after, Shaking like crazy. After he pulled out and got rid of the condom, they laid next to each other, Shea stroking Sasha’s arm and Sasha playing with Shea’s hair. “Hey Sasha?” Shea asked after a few moments.  " Yeah Babe? “ She replied, feeling a little sleepy. ” I love you. “ Sasha’s eyes shot open, her heart was pounding again. ” I mean, I’m not just saying that because we just had amazing sex, I actually love you, I’ve loved you for a while now And I guess it just now came to the surface. I…“ "Shea , it’s ok.” She told him, grabbing his free hand. “ I love you too. More than you’ll ever know. ” He smiled at her, then pulled her closer and kissed her.  They jumped apart when a phone went off several times in a row. Sasha crawled over to where her pants had been dumped and pulled out her phone before going back over to Shea. She had three text messages.
Trinity: “ You know the walls here are paper-thin, right?”
Farrah: “ It’s about damm time you and Shea hooked up, good for you gurl! ”
Eureka: “Gurl what is Shea doing to you in there?”
“Oh no!” Groaned Sasha, showing Shea her phone. Shea laughed as Sasha covered her face with her hands. “Why? Why couldn’t they leave it alone?” “ Because they’re Drag Queens and they’re obsessed with gossip and our sex lifes.” Shea said, rubbing her side. “We’re never going to hear the end of this, are we?” “ No way, Babe. The moment we step outside we’ll be bombarded with "I told you so’s”  Shea said, pulling her hands away from her face and gently kissing her. Sasha gave herself over to the kiss, every single inch of her loving his touch. It seemed like only seconds had passed before Sasha’s phone went off again. She groaned into his lips before breaking apart and grabbing her phone.
Alexis: “You sure showed that one guy from tonight!”
Sasha and Shea burst into laughter at the same time. “ We did show him who’s boss tonight, didn’t we?” Sasha asked with a giant smile on her face. “ Damm right we did!” Shea said, pulling Sasha closer and stroking her face. “Nobody tells Shea Coulee what to do.”
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jobone123 · 5 years
I should of trusted my INSTINCTS #or WHEN WWW TELLS U one plane
Let me guess Mexico FUCKED UP makes sense BECAUSE IGNORANT PRIDE
Texas Island
You told me but u can’t blame me for being confused SWEAT
This beach is smaller CONFIRMS #1 placement NOGHT N DAY DIFFERENCE Specific
www didn’t make mistakes when it came to Jason YOUR NOT GETTING FAKE FORT LAND LOCK
If it helps I’m more confused then ever IS THIS FOR HIM OR HER?
Deads only mistake turn accidentally TARGETING A SLEEPING BABY GIRL with a sick sleeping baby boy WHY I M STILL CLEARED #forever
Sat city
We did it #success AT WHAT COST THOUGH if I told u I’d rather bury a girl then boy YOU WOULDNT BLAME ME
Mom n sister in t v promoting dead AT GUN POINT 😮 for the greater good SOMETIMES IT TAKES A REAL LEADER TO END A FOOLISH MANS FANTASY I will get it done
For sleeping baby girls n boys #pressure
Press Briefing LMAO
Press briefing this is a smaller ass islander SPECIFIC I know my rights PECKING ORDER the beach first sign LET ME GUESS #1 rusha is probably doing it right now MAKE N SALE
Stay at home sat tech IS BEHIND RUINING MY LEGACY all they knew was me WHY LEAVE just build Specific MY SONS GOING TO BRING ME GIRLS SPECIFIC it use to be a mirror between us old man BUT AS MOM SAID I am betterism now
Alll they knew was Jason’s house ADD ON FUCK DOWNTOWN JASON Specific MORE SO BUILT AN ARMY but couldn’t lead from home LMAO his strategy was follow rules THANK GOV FOR ENGINEERS because I was cursing in my mind SOMEONE ASKED DO YOU LIKE FRENCH FRIES n I said yes n was framed for YESING A MURDER piece of shit engineering vs stay at home USELESS SAT TECHS why www made me sad I DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE
Tomorrow I will seek revenge on this BREAKING MIRROR STAY AT HOME SAT TECH when it’s over YOU WILL LEAVE ever seen architecture in person BESIDES A SMALLER PENNINSULA to see this hater bleed is worth one girl SET IT OFF PUSSY I had you shot at databreach MAD BECAUSE HIS DAUGHTER WAS RAPED BY NIGGAS AS PROTECTIVE SERVICES bhag dhady
If I didn’t report he’d probably be dead by now HIS MEN WOULD OF INVADED HIS CAMP from boredom WHEN THE PLANES STOP Specific LOOK UP AT THE SKY LOOK UP AT THE SKY
I already won n u already fucked yourselves I HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE
Smaller as peninsula #shoutsouts Cuba SEE U TOMORROW tell
Let me guess you all were defeated by Cuba over respect n not water
I remember the picture YOU KILLED HIM TO PARTY OVER A PLANE Jason Alldean Vegas NEVER FORGET
This stay at home male sat tech is American flag 🇺🇸 I’m all betsy rose bitches ALL I NEED IS ONE FAKE FORT ONE DAY OLDER KILLED EARLIER n I will break your mirror n face bitch PROMISE HEROS dont die black SPECIFIC there born black GOMD
I’m confused more n more what I’m doing here supporting my dead brothers wife s fantasy
If you build it they will come more so why travel when u can build anything SAWGRASS MALL WAS VICTORY PARTY TOUR accidentally she was kidnapped on her way to sunrise from the airport YIKES N THEN TAKEN DOWNTOWN lmao YOUR REACH IS AS FAR AS YOUR DAUGHTERS WALLS
Dead daughter until we leave
I have no problem junking these old cars 500,000 miles 400,000 different owners What an accident trying to fuck for my company I MARRIED A GIRL N GOT 400,000 dEadS n brothers in laws THEY TECHNICALLY ATE ME OUT OF A HOME good thing like me www built a plane with guns MEET MY SUCCESSER warship Amen! Specific
Dont bury me next to him LMAO rubble SHE WAS DRIVING HIS CAR!
Never leaves WE WILL SEE ABOUT THAT! Promise
Pride in downtown beat this map WHOOPS ADD ON LMAO #shame THEY HATW THE HOUSE! Yikes n funniest CLASSIC
New Your city wouldn’t last NEW YOU love cheesecake NEW YOUR JUNK YARD NEW YOU OR LEANS AGAINST THE HOUSE lmao New Your text
Same Pedifile map THE WHOLE REPORT IS RIDDENED BY pride in any downtown CAN I GET A FUCK THE HOUSE Awomen
Proof your programming voided vowel s BLACK OPS
0 notes
justintimbershit · 7 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?XO - John Mayer Cabaret - Justin Timberlake Lights On - Shawn Mendes Bad Habit - The KooksHow Would You Feel - Ed Sheeran You’re Gonna Llive Forever in Me - John Mayer
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?literally John Mayer so I can ask him why the FUCK he played XO in Chicago and why that was only the 10th time ever and first and only time of TSFE tour he played it
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.“Mom’s stumped us. We had absolutely no idea who she’d dredge” (I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson)
4: What do you think about most?how terrible life is and then how much i wanna die tbh
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?“Jena should i get dropped off at your house then we can go get joe & julie?” IOWA TOMORROW FOR ED :DDDD
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?always w shirt but no pants lol
7: What’s your strangest talent?hating life as much as i do idk i have no talent
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)girls r hot n nice boys r hot n mean
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?yeah bc we were in love lol :(
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? idk i usually dont
11: Do you have any strange phobias?feet, being alone but also being in large crowds, idk theyre not very weird
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?no?
13: What’s your religion?idk man none atm prob
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?looking forward to going inside. but working and therefore reading.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?behind bc i am ugly lol
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?um probably panic at the disco but then also the killers
17: What was the last lie you told?“its fine” bc no it is not fine i wanna fight
18: Do you believe in karma?ya i think so. maybe
19: What does your URL mean?i like Justin Timberlake and also swearing
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?weakness is probably just who i am as a person and strength is idk i dont have any
21: Who is your celebrity crush?lmao. you say this like i have one. i have many. like thousands.
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?nope
23: How do you vent your anger?talk to someone usually
24: Do you have a collection of anything?movie/concert/sporting event tickets and also empty gatorade bottles on my floor
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?phone bc im ugly
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?eh. better than what i was but could be better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?hate is my sisters voice lol love is john mayers voice bc he sounds like a fuckin angel
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?what if i was someone else but not really someone else just like what if i was me with a better life or a differnt life in which things didnt always go so terribly for me ya know
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?ghosts maybe but aliens def
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.right arm some paper hanging off my nightstand and left nothing
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?the faint scent of clean laundry and lotion
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?hm.. great question. i feel like ive been to some pretty bad places but i cant recall any???
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?ive never been to either but east coast i think
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?justin timberlake bc hes one of the most attractive men in the entire world
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?bein happy, doin what you want, livin
36: Define Art.something someone creates
37: Do you believe in luck?yes i do
38: What’s the weather like right now?humid i think
39: What time is it?9:41 pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?nope to both
41: What was the last book you read?i recently finished “The Upside of Unrequited” and now im workin on “More Than This”
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?no i hate it it makes me nauseous
43: Do you have any nicknames?jules
44: What was the last film you saw?o fuck um fist fight maybe?
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?the sunburn i got in florida was terrible bc i couldnt walk for a day so im gonnna say that
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?no :(
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?brandon saad being a chicago blackhawk again, tommy la stella, john mayer, reading gay books
48: What’s your sexual orientation?bi
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?uuuuum possibly ??? idk
50: Do you believe in magic?nah but also maybe
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?in my mind yes but most of the times my actions dont reflect that especially if its been a while
52: What is your astrological sign?sagittarius
53: Do you save money or spend it?both. i allow myself to spend it as long as i still have a decent amount saved
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?lunch at panera lol
55: Love or lust?neither bc they both suck when ur alone
56: In a relationship?no lol
57: How many relationships have you had?zero
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?nope i am not talented like that
59: Where were you yesterday?yesterday. i think i stayed home all day then me mary and joe hung out and went to get milkshakes at steak n shake
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?the inside of the bra bra sitting waiting to be put away lol
61: Are you wearing socks right now?indeed
62: What’s your favourite animal?sloths my fav
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?i dont have one bc if i did ppl would like me, tf
64: Where is your best friend?at home id assume
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.whats tumblr
66: What is your heritage?im italian but i was born here and so were my parents
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?watching an episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia before i showered
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?satan satan
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?yeah lmao who hasnt tho
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?i think so sometimes but other times im the worst person ever idk how i have friends
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?fuck u boss i love dogs and if u hate dogs that much as to not understand the situation i dont wanna work for a dog hater. asshole.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?a. maybe probably b. everything ive never done but wanted to c. probably
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.fuck. um. shit. id say love but then u cant trust the person you love so like… but at the same time i love love so much i feel like id die w/o it n ya know i dont trust anyone anyways so im gonna say love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?srsly…..Bye Bye Bye by *NSYNC bc i cant be sad listening to that song lolol
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?9077
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?communication n openness
77: How can I win your heart?just be nice to me lol i have low standards
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?yes i do believe so
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?buying tickets to see john mayer lol that changed my life so drastically. my life is now pre john mayer and post john mayer. he literally fucking sang xo i will never get over it that will always be the happiest moment of my life im crying while typing this
80: What size shoes do you wear?8 - 9 ½ depending on the shoe
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?‘probably died because she said she wanted to die so often that death got sick of hearing it and killed her.“
82: What is your favourite word?fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.justin timberlake. god im so fucked lol
84: What is a saying you say a lot?'i hate my life’ 'i want to die’ 'u should fight’
85: What’s the last song you listened to?Fools Gold by One Direction lmao
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?turquoise
87: What is your current desktop picture?justin timberlake leaning on a car lookin all hot n shit
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?myself tbh
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?uuuum idk it depends whos askin ya know. id answer certain questions if asked by one peson but not another
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?probably cry and attempt but ultimately fail to go back to sleep
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?flying or teleportation
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?when john mayer played XO at my concert obviously
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?losing all the pictures on my computer bc i keep saying im over it but im really not that was the entire past 4 years of my life in pictures and videos and theyre just gone its bullshit
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?oh man. so many. but if i had to choose one justin timberlake. wow bet no one saw that comin
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?literally fuckin no where im seeing ed sheeran in a matter of hours im not leaving. but if it were a different day lol id say amsterdam or boston
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?not that im aware of
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?when i was a smol child yea h but not recently
98: Ever been on a plane?when i was a child yes
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?um lol idk probably nothing tbh i dont wanna be held responsible for whatever happens afterwards
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