#like she's passing the library and hears faint buzzing sounds so she pops in to see which daughter is there
highlifeboat · 1 year
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Buzz Buzz.
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8bityeol · 7 years
The Problem [m]
Genre : smut summary : Listen, you really hadn’t meant to think of your friend whilst you got off, but it happened.
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“Just tell me. I promise I won’t tell anyone else - it’s not me is it?” “No!” You said it far too quick. Damn.  You could feel him moving closer. “Oh … that’s a twist.”
Your lip was locked tight between your teeth and your eyes stared up hazily at the ceiling. Right there, you thought. Over the faint buzz, you imagined his voice right next your ear, muttering on about how close you were, telling you stop and that you could only come when he said so. Your toes curled into your mattress as you ground the vibrator further onto your clit. Being that the house was empty for once, you allowed a small moan to slip out as you made small circles. “Fuck,” you sighed. You could feel yourself nearing your orgasm, that hot sensation had settled in your stomach and with every vibration it grew stronger. You quickly pulled the vibrator away, as you imagined his gruff voice telling you to stop right then and there. Smiling, he’d then press your hand your back to center and then you’d feel that sensation again. But this time, your heart would beat louder and your chest would heave higher. Edging to the thought of him had become your new favourite pass time. You’d beg him then, “Soo…please,” you say and his name would sound like a mewl. You hadn’t meant to masturbate to your best friend. Oh god no. But it was happening. His soft eyes would be staring at you with a mix of pride and sadistic pleasure and his plump lips would be bruised red from your heated kiss. Before the event of last week, you’d never imagined Kyungsoo in such a light. You’d seen him angry for the first time, properly angry and it was as though light bulb had popped. Kyungsoo wasn’t really the type to get angry, he was always calm, respectful and mature. You don’t know exactly why he’d been so heated, but you’d also heard his girlfriend, she was yelling about God knows what and you’d only caught a snippet of their conversation. it wasn’t enough to build a theory. Hearing them argue didn’t begin the heated chain of events, actually, it was when he caught you watching through a crack in the door. he’d cast you a sideways glance, it was cold and yet at the same time full of  fire. He didn’t say a word but instead shut the class door in your face. You’d rode the train home replaying his hard gaze and the way his jaw had moved. That was the first time you imagined him. You hadn’t spoken of what you saw that day, because at the end of the day it wasn’t your business, but when you’d came into school the next day, Kay had mentioned that they’d broken up. Which meant that you didn’t feel that guilty about coming to the thought of him. Well, only a bit. The first “session” had occurred when you didn’t know the status of their relationship. That one was the worst and most feral. You’d erased it from your mind and said you’d only think of it when you were busy lying in the pits of hell. God, you’d never came so hard before. Maybe that’s why you tried so hard to forget. You hadn’t even been able to look him in the eye that day. “Ah….” you pulled the vibe away again and then pressed it back to your center. Your back arched- hold on. You freezed. The door! you’d heard the door being opened. Voices, then stairs. Fuck, someone was coming up the stairs, fast at that. You dropped your vibe and leapt off the bed, dashing to grab your discarded pyjamas shorts. You pulled them up with haste and vigour. You were certain they were the wrong way around but you didn’t care. From the corner of your eye, you noticed the pink bullet on the bed. You quickly pulled your cover over it, just in time for the door to swing open. Your eyes widened. What he was he doing here? You’d expected your mother, not Kyungsoo. “Have you ever heard of knocking? You asked all the while trying your hardest not to look like you’d been running a marathon. "Your mum told me to come wake you up,” he said, looking slightly disappointed at the idea of not being able to roughly rouse you from sleep. “What are you sick with anyways? Are you even supposed to be out of bed?” “It’s a bug,” you said, pushing strands of hair behind your ear. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” “Good, Roberts nearly made me do the presentation myself,” he said. “You better be in tomorrow and I hope you remember your notes.” You nodded. “I remember everything.” He went to his backpack and took a stack of paper out, “Anyways, since it seems like every teacher knows we live next door to each other, they all gave me your work,” he said. “You’ve got a huge essay to do, I’ll give you some of my notes.” “Thanks” you said. “You’re a real life saver.” “I know,” he smirked as he threw the stack onto your bed. It landed with a hard thump, not a normal thump you noted. It was thump that screamed, ‘Houston, we’ve hit something’. What happened next sent your stomach plummeting to the bottom of your body. You swallowed and your eyes could only blink as you heard the muffled buzz coming from under your duvet. You glanced at the bed, willing for it to stop or suddenly lose power. Anything! But, of course it didn’t. “Is that your phone?” He asked, staring at the bed. You gulped. “Probably.” He looked to you, brows knitted. “Well, aren’t you going to pick it up?” You shook your head. “I don’t really see a reason why.” You could feel yourself getting hot under your t-shirt. It was a still going on, a long unending buzz. “Wait, your phone’s over there…” he said, pointing to your phone - your damn phone- which was charging on your desk. “Hmm,” you really couldn’t say much else. The buzzing continued and the longer it went the more awkward it got. Kyungsoo was watching you with a mix of confusion and annoyance. “Are you gonna let it go on?” he asked. You shrugged. “You’re so childish,” he said, rolling his eyes. Everything happened in slow motion. His hand was at the corner of your duvet, lifting your duvet and then came the deep furrow of his brow. He muttered something under breath as his hand reached down. Before they could touch your pink bullet, they stilled as the morbid realization dawned on him. He dropped the duvet like he’d touched something hot. Meanwhile, your entire being and soul had left your body. You watched from above the room, feeling nothing and doing nothing but slowly dying as he looked to duvet. Was it still buzzing you wondered? Of fucking course.
You rummaged through your bag, fingers searching for the stack of homework Kyungsoo - it hurt to even mention his name-  had given you. You’d already managed to work through most of it since having spent most of your lunch and break holed up in the library in fear of seeing him or what he may say.   You trusted him not to say anything, but then again, he was a boy for goodness sake! And God knows how teenage boys were like. In your mind of horror-esque scenarios, he’d probably told Chanyeol the first chance he got, which would then mean you’d be forever branded the Pink Bullet girl. It’d even be on your tombstone. You couldn’t even bare to touch the damned thing anymore, instead you’d kept it buried underneath your underwear draw, never to be seen again! Well, it’d come out again, when this had all passed and you couldn’t look at it without thinking of him. Shaking away all thought of him and that unfateful day, you plugged in your headphones and worked tirelessly over the booklets. Soon enough, you eased into a flawless routine, with every finished study playlist, you’d finished one booklet and so forth. Alarmed by the sudden loss of your music, your whipped around to stare down at the doer. You felt your stomach drop. Fuck, he’d found you. “So this is where you’ve been,” he said, placing the headphones on the table. “Uh yes, what are you … um, doing here?” you said, suddenly wishing the floor could split and you’d plummet down onto the fiery core of the earth. He smiled. “I came to return the study guide,” he said, waving a mathematics book. “You?” “Work,” you said, hoping he’d get the message to leave. “I might as well cut to the chase,” he said, pulling out the chair next to you. “Have you been avoiding me?” You shook your head, far too fast and eager to be anything but the truth. “I just had work to do besides, why would I avoid you?” you added a laugh at the end, a pitiful attempt to seem unfazed. He raised his brows. “If you say so.” “It’s the truth,” your voice was higher normal. “Actually, I have alot of work to do right now and I’d uh, appreciate if you could be quiet.” He snuck a glance at your paper, “I think french vocab can wait. And before you think of running off, just know I won’t tell anyone else-” “What about Chanyeol?” “Him too,” he added. “Besides, it’s nothing weird. A lot of people touch themselves.” Your ears burned at his comment. How could he be so casual about it! You looked around, praying that no one else was wandering through the aisle, because God forbid if they’d heard you and Kyungsoo chattering about masturbation. You couldn’t handle another embarrassing incident to keep you up at night. One was enough. “Can you please not,” you spoke through gritted teeth. “Please what?” He stared at you, face riddled with a smug smile and a particularly devious glint in his eyes. Suddenly and unfortunately, you were reminded of your fantasies. “Cat got your tongue?” he said after your lack of response. Suddenly coming back to reality, you sighed hard. “No, It’s just that-” “So, do you like watch porn when you get off?” You shut your book. “Jesus christ!” You hissed under your breath and begun stacking your papers together. “Listen, I’m gonna go. You do what you actually came here to do.”   He placed a hand on your knee, and your heart dared to leap out from your chest. Since when did Kyungsoo touch your knee, or as a matter of fact any part of your body ? You really should’ve moved maybe ran to the nearest exit, but you were stuck there, frozen by that simple gesture and his ever so warm palm. “I’m just playing with you,” he hadn’t moved his hand and that small -well big- part of you didn’t want him too. You liked the fact that his hand was on your knee, just a few centimeters from the edge of your skirt. “Besides, it’s nothing to embarrassed about … unless you watch the really weird stuff. Not that there’s-” “Actually, I prefer to use my mind!” you blurted out before you could register the ghost of a smirk on his face. Your fist coiled underneath the table, you’d fallen into his trap, again. If there was one thing you could commend kyungsoo for it, it was his sneaky tactics.  Clearly getting some sick pleasure from this, he cocked his head to the side. “Oh. So, what runs through your mind then? You know, they always say the quietest are the dirtiest.” With a shake of your head, you set your lips into a hard line. You’d couldn’t trust yourself to speak anymore. “Is it uh… a celebrity?” His eyes burned holes into the side of your face and tried your hardest to concentrate on your phone. “Hmm, what about a person in this school?” You cast him a sideways glance. Surely he hadn’t heard anything? Right? No, he couldn’t have. You’d moaned his name, yes, but it was far too quietly. “Oh, so it is someone in this school,” he said, voice now perked up. “Interesting. Give me their initials.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “How dumb do you think I am?” “Not dumb at all,” he said, whilst his hand slowly edged up your leg. You peeked a glance at your leg and his hand and yet, you didn’t tell him to stop. You wanted it to go further. “Just tell me. I promise I won’t tell anyone else - it’s not me is it?” “No!” You said it far too quick. Damn. He chuckled, you could feel him moving closer. “Oh … that’s a twist" 
"So…what do I do in your fantasies?” You could feel his breath just a  mere touch away from your lip. His eyes stared at you, unrelenting and forcing you sink into his … You gulped. “Answer me, Angel?”
You licked your lips. “I-i can’t say,” your voice was small and quiet.
He raised one brow. “Why? Is it that naughty?”
You could feel his hand moving under the edge of your skirt. Your thighs moved together in a feeble attempt to qaulm the throbbing in your center.
You were certain he’d kiss your lips, but no, he lips landed on the side of your jaw. You breathed hard as his mouth moved down your jaw and to your neck. “Do you tie me up? Or do I tie you up?” he said your skin.
“The latter,” you confessed.
As he mouth moved along the expanse of your neck, you could feel his fingers brushing along the scalloped edge of your underwear. Unconsciously, you moved your legs apart. The two pads of his fingers ran up and down your slit, feeling the wet spot which had been growing the moment you’d felt his hand on your skin.
“God you’re so fucking wet,” he muttered, right at the curl of your ear. You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
Your stomach burned with arousal. Although your fantasies had made you grow mad with pleasure, whatever was happening right now could never compare to the nights you’d spent writhing in bed to the thought of him.
“Is this how wet you get when you think of me?” His voice was low as he brushed your hair to the side.
He bit down on skin. “I said, is this how wet you get when you think of me?”
“Yes.”  You mewled as his voice sent shockwaves down your body.
He kissed the reddened area. “God you’re so fucking adorable.”
His fingers pressed against your clit, making small circles around the bud as your legs moved further apart. You head was lolled back, exposing more skin for him to explore, fuck, all you wanted to feel him everywhere.
He pulled your panties to the side and you resisted the urge to moan as his fingers came into contact with your bare pussy. His fingers caressed your folds, teasing you beyond belief. “Do you want my fingers inside you?” he asked.
You nodded.
“Beg,” he whispered.
Unable to get the words out of your mouth, you shook your head. The bare thought of begging sent your body flushing with a torrid mix of shame and pleasure.
His finger circled your clit. “Angel….”
“P-please, I want your fingers inside … me,” you said, swallowing your embarrasment away with each word.  "Please just-“
"Hm, that was perfect,” he groaned, moving his mouth from your neck.
You whined and clutched the bottom of your chair as his fingers push inside you. He moves slow and gentle and you bury your head against his shoulders, your moans being muffled against his sweater.
You tighten around his fingers as your hips buck and roll against his fingers. With a soft hum, he pushes another finger in. Your body quivers as he slowly pushes your walls apart. “You’re doing so well,” he said, kissing the side of your ear.  
As his thumb slowly circles your clit with each stroke, you can feel yourself losing all inhibition. Your moans grew louder and suddenly you didn’t care if someone walked in.
“Fuck, I’m going…” your words trailed off into a muffled moan as you once more buried your face into Kyungsoo sweater. You held hard onto his hand as your muscles stiffened.
As you rode out the remants of your orgasm, he slipped his fingers out and held them out in front of you, the bright lights hitting the wet digits. Before you could say anything, you watched as each digit dissapeared between the two pillows of his lips. You could only watch as held your gaze.
“Next time, I’ll get a better taste.”
I’ve feel like i’ve let the whole country down with how bad this one was… I’m gonna go and ask the writing gods for help.
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