#especially because of the thought of alcina finding her doing it
highlifeboat · 1 year
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Buzz Buzz.
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charlessmiths-wife · 2 months
date night w the dimitrescus
in a desperate attempt to try and get myself back into writing more have some hcs about how I think date nights would look w our favourite evil women ❤️
CW! light/moderate sexual content/nsfw themes
-> first and foremost, a date night with Alci is classy.
-> very routine, a tad run of the mill - but beautiful (not just because it’s with Alcina - though that is a major part of it)
-> date nights are pretty regular for you guys, I’d estimate roughly once a week they occur. and Alcina never misses them.
-> first, you guys will have a meal. as many courses as you want, Alcina will personally ensure the staff cater to your every want and need. plenty of wine provided alongside of course.
-> then, you’ll go for a stroll together. Alcina prefers late evening/night walks - especially when with you, so it always makes for a perfect combination.
-> date nights with Alcina consist of her reminding you how much she loves you. sometimes Alcina can struggle with verbally expressing how much she cares for you, and so date nights provide the perfect opportunity for her to open up and express her feelings to you.
-> “my heart is yours, draga mea.” she says, as she presses your palm to her chest, so you can feel how much it’s beating for you.
-> date nights with Bela are ALWAYS beyond thoughtful.
-> I reckon they’re a very regular experience for the pair of you, perhaps even more than with Alci - I’d estimate between once or twice a week the pair of you treat yourself to a date night.
-> Bela will decorate your bedroom to the NINES. roses will adorn the bed, champagne on ice on standby, with the most romantic and caring notes ever written laying around for you to find.
-> in the colder months, date nights are mostly confined to the walls of the castle. although occasionally the pair of you will take a trip to a nearby cabin and spend a weekend there. taking time for yourselves, away from prying eyes, just you and Bela in a cozy little cabin in front of a massive roaring fireplace.
-> (Is this a good time to mention Bela’s a massive fan of fireplace sex?)
-> in contrast, the summer months bring with them better temperatures. allowing Bela to venture outside the castle for longer. during these months, Bela loves a picnic date with you under the stars. feeding you strawberries, whilst kissing you softly and whispering how much she loves you, all underneath a gorgeous sky of stars? sign her up.
-> “your smile would make even the brightest of these stars pale in comparison, my love.”
-> lmao
-> date nights with Cassandra are, put simply, competitive.
-> I reckon you and Cassandra don’t have date nights as much as the others, simply because I think you’re stuck like glue to each other most of the time anyway, so time spent together isn’t needed as much- but they’re still regular enough, I’d say twice a month.
-> Cassandra loves an activity based date. the first date you guys ever went on she challenged you at knife throwing. you eventually talked her down to a chess match.
-> she DOES love challenging you to some archery though, or darts.
-> you and Cassandra are best friends, and this really shows during your date nights.
-> you’re favourite thing to do is embarrass her with cheesy chat up lines and watch the way she grimaces.
-> “pfft, that’s the best you can do? you need to work on your aim, y/n.” “hm. funny enough, I think I scored pretty well when I bagged you.” “…. you’re lucky I love you l/n - because that’s… that was dreadful.”
-> date nights with Cassandra are massively intimate though. they’re a good way for her to show, through verbal or physical intimacy, just how much she cares for you.
-> Cassandra’s like her mother, she struggles with verbal declarations of love. And so when you’re softly dozing off to sleep beside her following a night spent together, she softly kisses your cheeks and whispers an “I love you.” It’s loud enough that she knows you had to have heard it, but quiet enough that it doesn’t stir you much from your sleep. your smile is the only response she needs. the pair of you fall asleep with your foreheads resting against each other.
-> it’s beautiful.
-> aghhhh Dani!
-> I just know a date night with Daniela would be the sweetest thing.
-> Daniela and you would have date nights the most, I reckon at least three or four times a week - though once Daniela managed to make it so that you guys had a date night every night of the week.
-> Daniela is hugely physically affectionate, so she’s always peppering you with kisses throughout the night. Starting the night off with a massage, trailing kisses along your neck and shoulders as she kneads your stress away.
-> i don’t think a date night with Dani follows any specific formula, though it always starts with a massage. after that the night can truly go anywhere. though it will ALWAYS consist of Daniela telling you how much she loves you. Hundreds of times.
-> I do think Daniela loves bathing with you on a date night, though. something about the thought of you guys washing each other is so intimate to her. she would relax into your embrace in the bathtub, leaning against you and letting all her stresses fade away.
-> plus, you and Dani in a bathtub? I don’t think it takes a genius to figure out that lends itself to some… less than wholesome opportunities.
-> later that night, the pair of you would lay in bed, Daniela running her fingers through your hair as you lie against her chest - whispering “I love you’s” and promises of your future together in your ear softly.
-> I also reckon Daniela would be the sweetest in terms of always making sure she “asks” you on these date nights in the most extravagant ways. just picture several love letters arriving at your bedroom door addressed “to my love” and asking you to spend the night with her.
-> you always agree. Daniela’s the sweetest girlfriend you could ever ask for.
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muffinsin · 19 days
Muffin! Muffin! Who do you think is the jealous type between the sisters, and to what extent does this jealousy go?
Double post today!!🙌
Hey there :) here’s a few quick thoughts of mine on this:
While they love each other incredibly much, and would even go so far as to die to protect one another and their mother, there certainly is jealousy between them
And not only a little bit, too
Bela is sometimes jealous of her younger sisters due to how carefree they are
Especially Daniela has never known the burdens of the eldest sister that Bela carries daily
Sometimes, at quiet times, she finds herself grieving for the carefreeness she rarely experienced, and is in turn incredibly jealous of her sisters for it
Sometimes, she can’t help it, she’s especially hard on Daniela because of this, but always apologizes and makes it up to her after
Another thing she’s a little jealous of- something she finds rather silly herself- is Cassandra’s hair color
Bela is an extreme Mommy’s girl. She tries to be just like her mama, wants to be as smart and beautiful and intimidating and kind and successful as her
Wants to make her so happy!
But, maybe above all, Bela wants people to know that she’s hers
And people do, certainly, having heard of the three terrifying daughters of Alcina Dimitrescu
Yet, sometimes she can’t help but think that a stranger would have a hard time guessing she’s her daughter due to her different appearance
Whereas Cassandra…with her similar build and brunette hair that, when wet, looks just like Alcina’s shade of black…
She never brings this jealousy up, and tries hard not to think about it
Never does she act differently towards Cassandra for it, either. She loves her little sister, will always protect her, though can’t help a pang of jealousy when Cassandra asks her to play with her hair on stormy nights
It only ever creeps up on her on bad days, when she finds herself crying a little, seeing the blonde strands in the corner of her eye
And lastly, a type of jealousy all three share equally; surrounding the question of who mama’s favorite is
Secretly, all think it’s them
Bela especially is sure it must be her. Mama showers her in praise, and she works so hard! She’s the eldest. Mama’s first born!
And yet, it rubs her the wrong way when Daniela, obviously trying to rile her older sisters up, sing songs about how she is the obvious favorite
In return, both other sisters snarl in annoyance whenever the third claims the same
They will forever love one another, but Alcina has often found them play-fight and bite at each other in a fight to settle who the favorite is- something Alcina tries hard to assure them is no such thing
Cassandra certainly experiences jealousy as well
At times, she wishes she was seen more
She knows her role as the huntress, knows this is what she enjoys and what she’s good at
Yet, she can’t help but be jealous of how Daniela can effortlessly wrap their mother around her finger, or how close Bela and Mother seem to be due to them working together
She would never indulge it, let alone show it, but secretly craves to be the favorite
She wants to be loved more than others, seen more than others. She knows this is wrong, knows Alcina loves them all equally
She can’t help it though, still
As such, a nasty type of jealousy settles in her on bad days whenever her sisters are gifted something or praised
She knows, Mother would do the exact same to her, often even does a moment later, and yet that jealousy doesn’t go away
Unlike her older sister, Cassandra chose not to be alone with this, though
On a particularly bad day, when jealousy and insecurity was eating her alive- a rare time for her- she decided to confide in Bela
Curled up in her bed together, held close by her older sister, Cassandra shared most of these thoughts then
And they certainly get better, if only for a while
In a way, Bela manages to make the jealousy go away by spending this time with her younger sister, showing her that she too has someone wrapped around her finger, someone that loves her unconditionally, someone to take care of her
She’s grateful for it, though rarely voices it. She knows her sister knows, though
And lastly, Cassandra is at rare times plagued by another kind of jealousy
Now, to say she’s jealous of the duke would be an incredible overstatement
She scowls when she looks at the man-thing, if she looks at him at all
No, she finds herself better than him in every single way…except one
The freedom he has
Not only can he be out in winter, but he can move past the village, exploring the world and bringing back items obtained from cities and towns across the world
She can only sigh dreamily at the thought of the world, curled up by the invisible line her mother drew in the forest. The line her and her sisters are not to cross, even when hunting
The line to the outside world
Daniela, although some might think she has all she wants, can certainly experience jealousy as well
Now, often this is mixed with awe, or sadness
For example, she often finds herself wishing, begging and praying to Mother Miranda that she could be just like Bela, so smart and cool headed, controlled and strategic, so eager to learn and study effortlessly
Alas, she is hardly any of these things, no matter how hard she tries
Textbooks bore her, literature hardly captures her interest
She can’t figure out the maths and diagrams Bela studies so hard at work
She’s often reassured; she doesn’t need to. She’s the baby of the family, her eldest sister’s got it
If only she could be like Bela.., she sometimes thinks, unsure whether she is jealous or in utter awe of her older sister. Or perhaps both
Cassandra is the same case
Often, Daniela wishes she could be as strong and powerful as her, as skilled at the hunt, as intimidating
But no matter how hard she tries, she never gets as good as her older sister
Often, this frustrates her, has her cry or lash out at her sisters only to end up coming crying to them, apologizing and asking Cassandra for another story of her recent hunts
And of course even Alcina falls into the category of her jealousy and awe
She wants to be as beautiful as her, though is ever impatient of why that doesn’t work
She’s stuck in her body, growing older, yet never looking it
She can never look as mature and rich as Alcina, always stuck looking like the young twenty-something baby of the family
And still, this type of jealousy hardly extends to things. Often, it makes her more clingy though and in need of reassurance
A far uglier type of jealousy is the one she experiences as it comes to the maidens
Often, and she doesn’t even know why, she feels intense waves of jealousy when a maiden approaches her sisters
Whether she lives or not is irrelevant to Daniela
“Why wasn’t I the chosen one?!”, she often thinks then
She especially hates it when Bela is fancied by the maidens, knowing her older sister rarely indulges them and throws them no hints at all!
It’s as though she gets them completely effortlessly, while Daniela tries so hard for love and is often unsuccessful
Once, it got very ugly, something she deeply regrets even as Bela is long over it
During a particularly emotional and hard time for her, when she lashed out and tore her claw-like nails through the maid that was on her best way to becoming her sister’s partner
She never meant to take away her sister’s happiness..she just couldn’t stand the way the woman looked at her sister and not her
Never did something like that happen again, but, much to Daniela’s dismay, the thoughts often return
All in all, the three sisters love each other more than anything else, except maybe Alcina, and are willing to do anything for one another
They will always be one another’s priority, despite the jealousy and fights that often naturally come up between them
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Can you write the DMC boys with a reader who’s a a tall lady, not like normal tall lady but Lady Dimitrescu kind of height:
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Here’s a little bit of her biography: https://residentevil.fandom.com/wiki/Alcina_Dimitrescu
And the reader’s devil trigger looks like Alcina’s other mutation form
P/S: Hope you have a cool pillow to sleep on both sides
Thank you, I could use a cool pillow given how hot it is over here.
Sparda boys + V x Lady Dimitrescu-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante is used to being way bigger than everyone around him, so this is new and exciting.
-He likes the fact that he has to look up when talking to you; it makes him feel secure for some reason, like he can really and truly trust you.
-Though he was surprised the first time, he loves it when you pin him him the wall. He's just kinda hanging there, swinging his feet and all that.
-Your haughty nature is just another excuse for him to start friendly arguments, which you eagerly go along with.
-He thinks your "devil trigger" or whatever you want to call it is pretty unique, and isn't terrified of it in the least.
-He still thinks you're prettier in your normal, but giant human form, even more so after he finds his face pressed up against your thighs whenever you two hug.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil loves you for who you are, not your intimidating size. He needs to be in control; the dominant one in the relationship. You and your giantess body are ruining that!
-He claims that your height is unsettling and often says that he thinks of you as an ogre woman, (affectionately) you know that isn't true.
-Though he would rather lose to his younger brother than admit it, he likes the fact that you're bigger than him, especially when you cradle him in your arms like he's your little baby--and in a way, he is.
-Will judge people with you, especially people who have the misfortune to pass by your home, making rude yet posh remarks on their appearance.
-Likes your "outdated" sense of fashion too; it's not every day that he sees someone dressed so elegantly.
-Your devil trigger is...well...something. He's not sure what it is, but it's definitely a thing.
□ Nero □
-Nero was shocked by your enormous height, not used to seeing anyone this big before.
-He thought you were a very pretty lady, though, despite the fact that you towered over him like Godzilla over Tokoyo. Height shouldn't dictate everything, and yes, that applies to both of you.
-He likes the fact that you can easily scoop him up and carry him to previously out-of-reach areas. It's so much more convienent than using his grappling hook arm thingy.
-Will jump onto your back out of nowhere, surprising and prompting you to give him a piggyback ride.
-Your devil trigger might seem like a monstrous creation to others, but Nero thinks it's badass. Love really is blind.
● V ●
-You had him at "hello there, little thing."
-All he ever wanted was to be loved, protected, cared for, and cuddled. That's it, and you can give it to him.
-Greets you every day by hugging you (as best he can) and kissng your hip because the rest of you is too high up.
-When no one's around and he has some downtime, V would love to sit in your lap and just sleep, his head buried in your warm chest.
-Very intrigued by your long, retractable nails, wondering how they work, what you can do with them, how durable they are, if you like painting them, if you'll let him paint them, etc.
-Is not frightened by your devil trigger in the slightest. If anything, his morbid soul finds it even more interesting.
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littlenahsstuff · 3 months
Can you do alcina dimitrescu having to teach down her wife (the reader) because she got lost in the castle? Thank youu
Learning Curve
Yes, I can! I hope this is similar to what you were looking for. Sorry this took too long I was struggling with it and writers block for quite awhile.
Overview: you were previously Donna’s maid. You and Alcina get married after a very official courting. You only ever had been to castle Dimitrescu’s dining hall, tea room, and the gardens. After the wedding, you feel the need to prove yourself and what better way to start than to know the ins and outs of your new home.
Warnings: maybe like the tiniest bit of anxiety and frustration, you hurt your ankle, 2nd person POV, kinda-incorrect layout of the castle. So much fluff at the end.
You were the happiest you’d ever be. After a lovely ceremony at the Church, headed by Mother Miranda, and an incredible party at the vineyard, you felt as if your future will be amazing with your wife. There was the slight issue of her being nobility, but it didn’t bother you almost at all. You were, however, far less educated; you planned to utilise the newfound resources at your fingertips to help that.
You decided that you would start small, then learn the family and business’ history, and then become more worldly from there. You now didn’t really have a job. Donna was considered a friend, so you could visit her and spend time with the girls, though you would need something to fill up your alone time.
Alcina was completely honest with you about what goes on at the castle, so you knew the cellar wasn’t safe. You do think that you’ll try working from the ground floor up and see where it takes you though.
You decided you would start with the main floor first, it was least confusing, especially with the semi-open theme. You got most of the main floor covered easily, the main hall, the hall of four, kitchen, and the quart yard. That area was more dilapidated than you remember so maybe a little later in your marriage you mention renovations.
The rest of the first floor led you to two new areas, a room connected to the hall of four with an adorable and very intricate replica of the castle. It was incredible to see it all at once. The other area was another bedchamber also connected to the hall of four.
The second floor was far less easy but you did know a few rooms. You knew Alcina’s… well your bedroom, the bathroom and a few other bedrooms.
You found a hallway you’ve never been down and went through all of the doors. There was a room with a statue. You didn’t mean to but you tripped on the carpet and almost knocked the statue over, or you would have if it wasn’t bolted in place. It turned with a click, leaving you confused. A painting of a boat swung open.
You were amazed to find the secret passage and with wonder and bedazzlement you stepped through. There were a few cobwebs that made you shiver as well at some dust making you sneeze. It was narrow but just large enough you could stand straight. It led you to the fork in the road with three new directions. You wondered how big the castle was and you had no idea where would lead back to a place you knew so you just went left.
The farther you went and you ended up somehow finding another secret passage fork in the road, this time you decided to go right. You walked until the passage narrowed. The rest of the way was filled with cobwebs and you were chilled to the bone. At one point you felt something small bight you and you let out a yelp. Your lantern broke as it hit the floor. That was the last straw, you needed to get out of there.
You turned around the best you could and started to head back, the cobweb part was dreaded. You shivered once again.
You realized you were unsure which way to go back. You thought you guessed correctly until you tripped over a rock that had definitely been large enough that you would have seen it on the way there. Your ankle throbbed in red hot pain. You let out a pained wail and sat there unsure of what to do. You were embarrassed. You felt so naive for taking the passage when you should’ve stayed on your normal route. Your ears rung at one point but you knew you needed to do. You were exhausted but you called out for Alcina.
Alcina swore she heard something behind her office walls. It wasn’t the loudest though, as if muffled. She ran to make sure it wasn’t you.
“Y/n, darling?” She called out, she knew you were hurt when she heard the groan and she also figured out that you were in a passage behind the wall. Thankfully she remembered how to access them from all those times the girls made her play hide and go seek. She pulled the torche on the wall and a bookshelf slid open. She saw you sitting there clutching your ankle with a wince.
“Oh no, whatever were you doing in there sweetie? Those areas can get dangerous.” She questions you with such concern that the dam breaks free. You explain how you wanted to be more knowledgeable for her and you wanted to start with learning the castle so you wouldn’t need help.
“I love helping you, and I don’t need you to be any smarter,” she says “I would love to show you around what is now our home.” You stop sobbing but the teary eyed persist. You now she’s happy tears and give as you are given, a look of poor adoration. She picks you up to your surprise and sets you in a lounge chair by her desk. She rings a maid to come in.
“Now just relax her for a bit, I’ll be right here with you.” She says.
“Thank you” you make out, smiling.
“Anything my love.” She turns her attention to the maid that appeared.
“I need ice, a pillow and some pain medication. Call the merchant as well for something better as well as a brace.” She looks so attractive when ordering someone around for you and it causes you to night your lip.
She mistakes it as sorry and gives you a questioning look.
“I just appreciate how much you show you card,” you relent with a soft tone.
“In every sense, I will give you anything.” She hums and rubs your arm as she waits.
The made comes back surprisingly haste. She takes the ice pouch and holds it delicately to your ankle. You flinch at first contact but soon come to appreciate the numb feeling it causes.
You hum in approval.
“Now, my dear, once you are healed up I can give you the tour. For now let’s enjoy each other’s company. She sits next to you and moves you onto her lap and adjusts in such a way she can keep the ice sitting on your a clé while propped up with a pillow. She leans down to kiss you on the lips.
“I would love to spend time with you” you finally respond after the kiss. You cuddle the best you can until the ice melts and even manage to fall asleep for a little after you take medicine and the pain starts to go away. All while in the love of your life’s comfy lap and arms.
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naturesapphic · 4 months
I saw you're taking requests! Could you write for Alcina Dimitrescu x reader, fluffy first valentine's day where reader has never really had a valentine's day before so Lady D spends the whole day with her?
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A/n: I hope you don’t mind but I’m gonna put these two requests together :)
First Valentine
Alcina dimitrescu x fem!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort
A/n: I think I’ve had this request for like two years so oopies- I’m sorry anon 😭
You and your partner lady dimitrescu has been together for almost a year and this was the first time y’all would be spending Valentine’s Day together. You never did Valentine’s Day because one your partners never cared enough to do anything for you and two you thought it was a wasted day because of the fact no one has ever done anything for you. Alcina knew that and wanted today to be the most special day you could ever experience.
So she got up early and gathered up some of her best maids to help her cook you your favorite breakfast. With the help of her maids and herself it was ready in thirty minutes. She thanked the maids and carried the tray all the way up to y’all’s shared room. She laid the tray on the night table beside you and leaned down to give you soft kisses on your face. You opened your eyes to find your partner smiling down at you “good morning my sweet! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Alcina said with excitement in her voice.
You were shocked. No one has ever done anything like this for you. Especially on Valentine’s Day. “T-thanks.” You say shyly as alcina takes the tray and puts it on your lap. You start eating when alcina starts telling you her plans she has for you today. “After you eat we’ll get dressed, we can go for a walk then after that I have a picnic planned for us and maybe we could go into the village to see what I can spoil you with then we can come home and cuddle and just relax. How’s that my darling?” Alcina explained and you felt overwhelmed with emotions. No one has ever treated you like this and you couldn’t believe it.
Alcina saw your teary eyes and immediately took your face in her cold hands. “I’m sorry baby. Did I upset you? We don’t have to do those things if you don’t want to.” She said quickly and you shook your head no. “I-I just…I-I’m not used to all this…no one has ever done this for me before…it’s just kinda overwhelming..” you said shakily and she nodded in understanding. “I get that baby. I only want to make this day special for you. We can take it as slow as you want okay draga?” She said and you nodded, finishing up your delicious breakfast. When you were done alcina took the tray and put it back on the nightstand beside you.
She took your hand and helped you out of bed. “Why don’t we wear those matching sundresses we both got the other day?” Your partner suggested and you smiled brightly up at her. “I’d love to!” You said excitedly and went into the closet to get dressed, alcina following closely behind you. Y’all both get the dresses on and stood there admiring each other. “You are so beautiful.” Y’all both said at the same time and giggled. “Jinx! You owe me a kiss!” You exclaimed and she chuckled, leaning down to give you a kiss on your lips making you smile. “Now! Let’s go take that walk and then we shall have our picnic okay darling?” She said and you nodded.
On the way out alcina carried the picnic basket while you carried the blanket. Y’all went on the walk for about twenty minutes until the both of you found the perfect spot to stop and rest. You laid the blanket out as alcina placed the basket on the ground. Alcina started setting everything out as you sat on the blanket, helping her if needed. Once everything was out, the two of you started eating, talking and sharing your thoughts. You talked about the future and alcinas wine business that was taking off. Soon the both of you was finished eating and put the leftovers back in the basket. Alcina helped you fold the blanket and she held the food while you dealt with the blanket.
The two of you walked towards the village and spent a few hours out there. Alcina and you bought each other gifts from the duke and after spending enough money, y’all decided it was time to head home. It was late in the afternoon when y’all got back home and the both of you were exhausted. “How about we go ahead and put our pjs on detka?” She suggested and you nodded your head as you follow your lady up the stairs to the bedroom. You both stripped out of your dirty dresses and put your night gowns on. You admire your girlfriends body in her clothes and she caught you staring which made you blush in embarrassment.
“Awww don’t be embarrassed my love.” She said playfully and you wrap your arms around her waist and bury your face in her stomach since she’s way taller than you. She chuckled and runs her fingers through your hair. You pull away and make grabby hands at her and she picks you up in her arms as you lay your head in her plump chest. She carries you down the stairs and into the living room where she sits on the couch with you still in her arms. The rest of the day was spent with cuddles and love from your partner and it was the best Valentine’s Day you’ve ever had. All thanks to alcina.
A/n: I hope this was okay anon and @angstyanon0 . I hope the rest of y’all enjoyed it, I’m sorry it took so long for me to write this lmao Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all!
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yourstrulyrika · 7 months
waiting for idv rank matches to reopen because i overslept so have an alcina fic. i was multitasking while writing it but i hope it’s not as messy or smth
dom!alcina, fem!reader, lots of blood!!! just warning ya’ll. dark themes because you’re trapped in Dimitrescu castle. (reader is alcinas maid) possessive as fuck alcina, i mean it
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you’re Alcina’s favorite maid.
maybe that’s why she never killed you in the first place? why she never let her daughters eat your flesh? you’ll never know. you kinda got used to it at some point, even when it’s.. weird. to say the least. but this is your new norm now, no matter how insane or cruel it sounds.
however, Alcina does treat you pretty well considering the circumstances, especially when you’re obedient. she doesn’t like disobedience, she finds it futile. why being disobedient to someone who will kill you if you try to run? the disobedient ones always end up as the best wines, though.
you’re Alcina’s pretty thing. she puts you in the prettiest clothes, showers you with luxurious things. rich lingerie, dresses that barely cover anything— all for her, of course. she loves when you’re dolled up, always ready for her to devour you. her favorite thing to do is ripping your dress off with her long claws when she wants to take you.
she roughly rips the dress off, always making you yelp, but she
she often has you seated on her lap, her claws making little cuts on your neck or lips so she can drink down on them, licking them clean. she can’t get enough, your blood has to be the sweetest drink she could ever get. the best blood has to be from your thighs, though. your inner thighs are covered in various bite marks and purple bruises because she keeps feeding off of them.
it’s even sweeter when you’re aroused. she figured it out when she accidentally brushed your clit and found it wet when she was drinking your blood. cute, she thinks. that explains why you tasted sweeter today. it caused her to wonder; how would you taste like if you were to cum? only one way to find out.
Alcina is skilled with her fingers, you found out. you’ve never felt so many things at once. fear, arousal, bashfulness, self disgust. arousal was clouding all the other emotions though. how could you focus on anything else when Lady Dimitrescu herself is making you see stars with her fingers while sucking your blood?
she fingers you so well, flicking your clit, nibbling on it to tease you. her mouth is either on your thighs, your clit or your nipples, biting on it. not enough to hurt but enough so you feel her power, that if she wanted, she could eat you in a damn second. but no, you’re her pretty doll, her maid. she won’t kill you, at least not yet.
she eats your pussy like it’s the a five star meal. slurping your creamy juice, lapping at your warmth until your thighs are quivering. and that’s when she replaces her mouth with her fingers, with her other hand making cuts on your inner thigh to drink the blood. like she thought, you taste the sweetest. that only makes her wonder how you taste when you cum.
she notices that you’re getting more whiny when she drinks your blood, pretty obvious. but you’re liking it, you’re getting more aroused. the people at the village would consider you insane, but the Lady herself certainly loves it. seems like she’s trained you well. she’s gonna keep you here forever, maybe even infect you with the Cadou. anything to keep her doll by her side.
but she pushes those thoughts aside for now, they are not needed at this moment. the blood leaks down your thighs, and she licks all of it clean, sucking your wounds so more blood leaks out of it. she always drinks enough blood to make you dizzy and weak, but she lets you recover. only for her to suck it out again. but that’s okay, that’s just how the Lady shows her love. she slides her fingers deep inside your warmth, curling them just right so they keep brushing against your sweet spots. usually, she has long nails. but, she’s sure they would hurt your insides, so she keeps them rather short. she would care less if it was anyone else, but it’s you. her hands are cold, even when inside you, even when they’re wrapped in your warm slick. she keeps it up, even holding a little bit on sucking so hard so she can drink more when you cum.
she makes you feel like you’re both in heaven and hell at once. feeling so good, but at the same time your thighs are in hell. sure, your wounds will be soothed later, but it hurts nonetheless. at the same time, the pain, the dizziness you feel when Alcina drinks your blood like this— it feels good. so good you can’t stop yourself from cumming, giving your lady exactly what she wanted.
letting out a hum of approval, she thrusts harder, overstimulating you while you cum until you’re whining and whimpering, the feelings overwhelming you. when you start squirming from the pain between your legs though, she stops, finally going back to feasting on your crimson blood.
and she was right. it does taste better when you’re like this.
she surely will try this method more in the future.
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askuemki · 4 months
So I have no idea if I’ll keep this post up, but…
A little rant abt re8?? (And cod.. kinda) maybe venting (just a mess :,)
Disclaimer, take my opinions with a grain of salt I just wanna ramble lmao
Also spoilers, maybe (update, definitely)
So I’ve been having fun dipping my toes into Donna Beneviento (god her last name is hard to spell) content. After watching the gameplays and to at least have a basic understanding for the game, I find myself really drawn to her, maybe more than Alcina tbh
By no means i’m a diehard fan or anything, recently it’s been hard to find a new fandom to get attached towards. As much as I adore cod, there isnt really much to get attached too… like sure, task 141 is a fun group and the there is some GREAT art about the ships- but I only got attached because of Valeria, I won’t deny it at all. I’m a diehard lesbian, but there isn’t really much cannon content of her?? It’s really damn disappointing sometimes, man… same with Laswell. I appreciate all of the fanartists out there though, I adore all of the content here, fanfics or fan art. With Farah, she’s a diffrent story.. personally I never really got attached to her, but as a character she’s pretty neat. Her story sort of brings to light the horrors happening today which is a bit of a benefit…?? But ever since I found out things about both Valeria’s and Farah’s actors I’ve been a little off about things here and there. I don’t think I’ll stop posting Valeria content at all, it just might be a little less offen to indulge in different things.
Some personal things have been happening to make me feel really disconnected from like.. fucking everything for some reason?? Like I’m drifting away from fandoms, I’m drifting away from people and I’m like alone again.. I’m lost in a damn dumpster fire. AI art doesn’t help with this at all.. like why do I draw?? I’ve been drawing since I was in kindergarten like I never really thought of the specifics of perusing art, more or so just that I want to. Like hey, I wanna make a game or movie series, and something in me doesn’t realize I need to put in the effort to learn shit with just ends up in me doing nothing but self pitting on something I can change and ugh.. wish I can slap myself to get out of it.
So I think I’ve been kind of finding myself relating to Donna. Not in her extreme way, more or so just her aspect of being isolated, and just being known primarily for one thing. Like.. our side of art? Damn. Shit. I think I’m worth nothing.. and with Donna we don’t really know much about her besides her being a cursed Dollmaker, and the bare bones of her past. And we both barely fucking speak man… both hide our faces too !! maybe I kin this woman or something I don’t know
But as I was looking through her tumblr tag, I saw a rant about how headcannons and stuff has been stripping away the interesting stuff about the re8 villains… and with the things I’ve seen so far?? I can kinda agree, honestly.
Don’t get me wrong, if it’s not too.. insane? (I know those boundaries are hard to define at times, but maybe REALLY immoral shit for our “normal” world) and people aren’t forcing these headcannons into other people? I don’t mind headcannons. You do you, boo!
But the fan content I’ve seen, people reduce Donna and Alcina (I’m surprised it was pronounced as AlCHIna and not AlSIna, but side tangent over) from the potential they really have. Yeah it’s definitely nice to see Donna more, especially in those intimate moments.. but sometimes I feel like people just depict her as some shy, easily gullible, girl, and not really the mentally deprived woman she is. Like I’d love to see ideas of the different dolls Donna could create, or unique imagery of her mental state outside of having porcelain skin. What about the kinds of plants she takes care of? Or the dolls she makes? I’d love to see more of it, whether she has favorites, or if it’s a situation where she has doll replicas of her deceased family. Man, I really wanna see Donna do more creepy shit, basically.
With Alcina however? She’s kind of reduced to that (I’m going to cringe at these words so terribly, god help me) “hot vampire mommy”.. I’ll take fault for not looking into her content as much, I’m sure there’s great content out there !! (I’m not sure if anyone would do this but.. feel free to send me any fic recommendations or art) With what I want to see for her? I’ve heard from the rant post as a man-hating woman she had primarily female statues in her castle, it would be fun to see what else she has cause of this worldview, as well as more whitty remarks from her; I really enjoy her throwback with Heisenberg. Just in general.. her being a comical villain.
Okay so, the reason why I made this post in the first place before all of this shit threw up from my brain. Belladonna. At first, this ship really interested me, I like the character dynamics, the art was neat. But then something came up in my mind.. (as well as another rant post on the ship..) isn’t the Dimitrescu bloodline related with Donna? Both are failed experiments from Mother Miranda, and technically adopted by her. Though from what I know, Donna is the only one officially adopted. So would that be family..? I’ve seen a few places where Alcina called Donna her sister, and it makes me feel really off.
And I’ve seen in a few fanarts, Donna technically older than the Dimitrescu sisters posed next to them like another sibling??
I would like to endorse the ship, but just the morality of everything is off centered for me. I rather not support weird incest…
So please if people could maybe clarify for me whether it would technically be okay for support this ship.. I’d appreciate it. If it isn’t okay, I have plans on making a fan character anyways, or I can take current characters and make a resident evil au or something, and ship them when Donna. (I have a character that honestly looks like a mix of Alcina and Bela, but by no means she’s relates to the franchise, lmao)
By no means I’m experienced in resident evil lore or the fandom, this is just coming from a newer fan of the series, and what I’ve seen so far.
If you read all of this.. thank you?? I apologize if I sound ridiculous here, this is like the only place I can rant abt things without being brushed off for other shit
Good night now!!! I need to stop pushing my sleep boundaries ugh
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willalove75 · 1 year
The Estate | Lady Dimitrescu x Fem!oc Chapter 2
Summary: Your first day of work continues and you try your best to impress your new boss.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: Fluff? Dash of angst at the end, not much else to tag for now!
I'll add more tags as needed!
Notes: Chapter 2! I am trying to make this a genuine slow burn so it's going to take a tiny bit to get going (especially to get to the fun smutty stuff - but don't fret, it will definitely happen!) but I hope you all stick around and enjoy the ride! I have a lot of great things planned for this fic so stay tuned!
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After Alcina leaves for her meeting you get settled at your desk. Opening the new laptop box you're surprised to see it's a new MacBook. You were expecting some kind of crappy ThinkPad. Once you're settled and hooked up to the two monitors you start diving into the estates social media accounts. Switching between checking them out on the computer and seeing how they look on your phone, you start taking detailed notes of your initial impressions. You note a few analytics you were able to find and you write down some ideas on how to improve the channels.
After you vetted the social media channels you look at the past marketing strategies your predecessor had laid out. Impressed with the work they had put into the strategies, there wasn't much that needed changing. Most of the things you tweaked were more personal preference than anything else.
You thought it would take time to get back into the groove since it's been almost two years since you've done any of this, but to your pleasant surprise it was seamless. Before you know it you have half a dozen pages of written notes on the social media accounts and marketing strategies. Although you're not sure if it's because it's your first day on the job and you want to impress your boss, or because it's been so long since you've been able to sink your teeth into something like this and you're making up for lost time. Glancing between the monitors and your notebook, invested in your work, you didn't realize Alcina came back from her meeting and was standing in the doorway watching you.
With her arms loosely crossed over her chest, leaning against the doorframe, Alcina watches you for a few minutes as you work. Observing you as you look between your notebook, writing what looked to her like very detailed notes, and your computer screen. You're completely oblivious to her presence. The corner of her lip curls up just a little as she hears you muttering to yourself. She's impressed with your diligence, but is curious if the effort you're putting in now will last or if you're just trying to impress her on your first day. Dropping one arm, she gently knocks against your office door.
You're pulled from your hyper-focus when you hear a soft knock on the door. Looking over, you see Alcina leaning against the doorframe, one arm laid across her chest.
"Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." You say as a blush creeps across your cheeks.
"No apologies necessary," She says, her voice as smooth as velvet. "I see you've made some progress with the social media channels?"
"Yes, I was able to go through them. Not as thoroughly as I wanted to, but enough so I could get an idea of where everything stands."
"And what are your thoughts?"
"Oh, did you want me to go over everything now?"
"I would. I am very curious to know what your thoughts are, especially since you came so highly regarded from your previous employer."
You feel your heart almost leap out of your chest.
"You- you talked to my last boss?"
"I did. I do with all of my potential employees, especially those with a two year gap in their CV's." She says, raising an eyebrow at you.
You let out a nervous chuckle and you feel yourself getting warm.
"Wh-what did they say? If you don't mind me asking, that is." You quickly add.
"That you were an excellent addition to their staff. That you are brilliant at what you do and that it was a pleasure to work with you. Your boss also mentioned that he was sad to see you go but wished you well."
A blush creeps across your cheeks. You really liked your old job, but after everything happened you couldn't stay - you couldn't do anything for two years honestly.
"Oh, well, that's really nice of them to say. Did he, um, say anything else about my resignation?"
"Only that you resigned due to a personal issue outside of work."
A wave of relief washes over you, you weren't ready to have that conversation with your new boss - not yet at least. There was a part of you that thought you were insane for calling your old boss, asking him not to mention details of your resignation. But it seems like the conversation paid off, and as usual, you were able to trust him.
"Oh, good." You say with a little too much relief. Alcina tilts her head and her eyes narrow a bit at you. "Not good, I meant, it's nice to know that he respects the privacy of his employees, past and present." You say, trying to save yourself. Alcina purses her lips a bit, you can tell that now she's even more curious about why you left your last job and why you haven't worked since. "The last two years have been, difficult, really difficult actually. But things are finally getting better and I'm really excited to be working again, to be able to put my skills to good use."
Alcina can't quite make heads or tails of your situation. She knows you have a 3 year old, so she was one when you stopped working, "Perhaps it had something to do with her daughter? Or maybe something happened to her. Maybe she was sick? But she looks healthy." Although Alcina knows better than anyone that looking healthy doesn't necessarily mean you are healthy. She wants to push you for more information but not only does she know that's incredibly unprofessional and inappropriate, she can tell you're avoiding talking about it so she lets it go for now.
"Then I would love to see your skills." She says as she walks up to your desk and stands behind you.
"O-okay." You say, looking up at her. She looks down at you and the corner of her lip just barely curls into a smile, her blue-grey eyes boring into yours. Fuck, she's gorgeous. You take a subtle deep breath to calm yourself and inhale the scent of her perfume. It smells expensive and mature, but also pretty and calming. It completely distracts you for a moment. You can hear her shift her weight from one leg to the other behind you and you snap back into the present.
"Is there anything in particular you want me to start with?" You ask, looking up at her over your shoulder.
"No, just show me what you've done so far." She replies with a wave of her hand.
You flip to the first page of your notes and start from the beginning. Starting off with the estates Instagram page, you tell her your thoughts on the visual aspects, the layout, the images themselves, how they could be improved, captions and hashtags that could be utilized more often, ideas for reels, stories and posts that can promote events and day-to-day operations. Next you move to the Facebook page, showing her some of the analytics you've collected, how the page can be improved, etc.. You go through the rest of the social media channels; telling her that embracing newer apps like TikTok and more professional ones such as LinkedIn can help drive traffic to the other social media accounts as well as the website. Alcina rolls her eyes at the mention of "TikTok" which makes you giggle a little.
"Something funny?" She asks with an unamused edge to her voice.
"Oh, no, sorry." You say, freezing in place. "It's just, I've seen that reaction quite a lot when talking about TikTok and it always makes me laugh a bit."
"What about it is funny?" She doesn't sound offended, at least you don't think she does. God you hope you didn't offend her on the first day.
"Because it really is a stupid app, it's like Vine but for Gen Z kids." She gives you a look when you mention "Vine," which lets you know that she doesn't know what that is. "Uh, Vine was a short form video social media channel, you could only make six second videos and it was mostly used by Millennials and some Generation Xers. It became massive quickly and a lot of the videos turned into popular memes. It was only around for four years before it was shut down, but it had over like, 200 million users or something crazy like that. Anyway, TikTok is similar to that. It's definitely hard to take it seriously when there's a lot of ridiculous videos on it. It's so massive and so popular, it would be stupid to not utilize since it can drive so much traffic to our other socials and even drive people through the doors."
"Is that your professional opinion?" She deadpans. You look up at her, confused. "That it would be stupid to not use it?"
Biting your lip for a second, you realize that what you said without thinking could easily have come off as if you're calling her stupid. With no way of digging yourself out of this one you shyly reply "Yeah."
Alcina quirks and eyebrow and her eyes go back to the screen.
"Interesting, continue."
After you go through the rest of the social medias and a little bit of the analytics that you found, you move onto the marketing strategies your predecessor left. Alcina is quiet but nods her head along as you go over what they left and what your thoughts are on it. After you mention the few things you plan on changing you make it a point to let her know that it's more for personal preference rather than professional reasons. She looks pleased as you go over what the person before you left and she gives you a nod of approval when you tell her what you plan on changing.
"I like the changes you plan on making and I agree with you in terms of personal preference. John was brilliant but I couldn't stand the way he did things. But how he did what he did worked so I had no real qualms with it. I already know I prefer your way."
"Thank you. It seems more logical and straightforward doing it like this, at least to me. I try to keep things as simple as possible so there's little room for error or miscommunication."
"Those are all things I appreciate. Very well done Kathleen, I must say I am impressed." She places her hand on your shoulder and you have to stop yourself from relaxing into her touch.
What is wrong with you? Have you really gone that long without physical contact? There's a part of you that thinks that it's just her putting you under her spell - whether she knows it or not. But you quickly push that thought out of your head. She's your new boss for gods sake! You need to get laid. You make a mental note to give your friends-with-benefits guy a call this week.
"I must say, I had my concerns when I hired you. I was aware of the fact that you've been out of work the last two years. My main concern was that you would be a bit rusty right off the bat, but just from what you've shown me you've already been able to put those concerns to bed. I am pleasantly surprised and happy to see that your work is just as wonderful as the work in your portfolio." Alcina gently squeezes your shoulder and takes her hand away.
"Oh, thank you so much. I really, really appreciate that. Please let me know if you have any other concerns so I can do my best to ease those as well." You say with a smile.
For a moment Alcina looks impressed but just as quickly as the look appeared, it disappeared.
"My only other concern would be that you strive to impress me early and then fail to do so after the first few weeks. Which I certainly hope is not the case. Aside from that, I believe you're going to do a wonderful job here."
"I absolutely understand. I know I tend to hit the ground running, but I can assure you I have the endurance to keep up the pace I've set."
"We shall see about that." Alcina says as she heads towards the door. "Wonderful work Kathleen. I am looking forward to see how well it all pays off."
Once Alcina is out of sight you lean back in your chair and exhale. It worries you a little that she seems to have some doubts in you. But from her perspective, you can understand why she would and you try to not let it get to you. You pick up your phone and you realize that you were with her for over an hour. There's no way, it felt like you were talking to her for maybe 30 minutes. How did that take over an hour?! And how was she standing there in those heels for so long without fidgeting or sitting down? That thought alone bewilders you. You're sitting for most of the day and you can't wait to get your shoes off the second you walk inside. She gave you a thorough tour of the place and stood there for over an hour and walked away like it was nothing? You were impressed to say the least.
With only a few hours left in your day, you decide now is better than ever to have lunch. After debating for a few minutes if you should shut your door or not, you decide to close it to give you a few minutes of peace while you eat. As you're eating your lunch at your desk, you scroll through Facebook and Instagram mindlessly. Michelle hasn't texted you since this morning so you're assuming everything is fine but you text her anyway to make sure. She responds a few minutes later with a picture of Emma asleep, taking her afternoon nap. The door to your office flies open and almost slams into the wall, causing you to jump in your seat.
A young, redheaded girl walks through the door with a backpack slung over her shoulder. When you jump she notices you and jumps too, letting out a yell.
"OH MY GOD WHO ARE YOU?" She yells.
You sit there for a moment in shock, unsure how to answer. This girl can't be older than 16, who is she? And what is she doing here?
"I-I'm Katie, the new marketing and social media strategist. Uh, who are you?"
The sound of heels against the floor takes your attention away. When you look at the door, Alcina is standing there with an unamused look on her face. She's looking at the young girl, you almost feel sorry for her but you're grateful she's not looking at you like that right now.
"Daniela." Alcina says through her teeth.
"Hi mommy!" She says, amping up the sweetness. Daniela wraps her arms around her mother and Alcina returns the gesture. She looks up at Alcina and Alcina arches an eyebrow at her, very well aware of that fact that Daniela is trying to soften her up so she doesn't get in trouble.
"Hello bug. Did you forget that our new marketing and social media strategist was starting today?"
"Yes, sorry mamă."
"Mhm." Alcina mutters before placing a kiss on the girls forehead. She pulls away from the girl, leaving one arm around her shoulder.
"Kathleen, this is my youngest daughter Daniela. Daniela, this is Kathleen."
"Wow you're pretty!" Daniela says.
You try and fail to bite back the smile that crosses your face and Alcina lets out a low, wait did she growl? That's what it sounded like, towards her daughter.
"Sorry." Daniela says, looking down at the floor.
"Its okay." You say with a smile. "It's great to meet you Daniela."
"It's nice meeting you too Kathleen!" She says, the excitement in her voice suddenly back. "Can I call you Katie?"
"Daniela." Alcina warns.
"It's okay," you say to Alcina with a smile. "Yeah, you can call me Katie."
Daniela's face lights up and she looks at her mom, beaming.
"So Katie, what's your favorite color?"
"Daniela that's enough." Alcina says, softer this time. "Kathleen is busy and has work that needs to get done. Your shift doesn't start for another 30 minutes, why don't you go find something to do until then?"
"You work here?" You ask, your words leaving your mouth before you even realize it.
"Yeah!" Daniela says, turning towards you. "I wait the tables, I can't serve alcohol until I'm 18 so I can't be behind the bar like Cass, but I can't wait to learn how to bartend! Mamă," she says, turning back towards Alcina. "where am I supposed to go now? There is where I would hang out!"
"You can stay in my office bug."
"Ugh. But your office is so boring!"
"I apologize draga mea but that seems to be your only option. Unless you want to start sweeping the tasting room before your shift starts?"
Daniela pouts at her mother who looks down at her adoringly.
"Fiinnneeeeee." She says, defeated. "Bye Katie! It was really awesome meeting you!"
"It was great meeting you too Daniela."
Daniela walks out and heads towards her mothers office and Alcina turns towards you.
"I apologize, again, for my children's behavior. Daniela seems to have a never-ending amount of energy. I would like to promise it isn't always a zoo with them around, but-"
"It's okay, really. I get it." You say with a smile.
"I appreciate your understanding. Now that you met two of my three girls, I'm sure you will meet Bela tomorrow. She only has one morning class and is usually here for the rest of the day. If you would like, I can have her show you what she's been doing with the social media channels tomorrow and have her start to gradually hand over the reigns."
"Yeah, that sounds great."
Alcina turns on her heel and walks out of your office. You almost completely forgot about your lunch so you scarf it down quickly and get back to work.
As you're focused on working out the latest marketing tactic, you hear a "pssst" at your door. Looking over, you see Daniela, now in a white button down shirt and black dress pants, her long red hair is pulled back tightly into a ponytail.
"Hey Daniela, is there something I-"
"Shh!" She says, putting her finger over her lips. "I don't want mom to hear. She'll get mad at me for bothering you." You can't help but giggle at her and she steps further into your office. "Sorry if calling you pretty before embarrassed you. Mom is always telling me I have to think before I speak but you're just, super pretty, and I just blurted it out and-"
"Daniela," you say and you notice her starting to spiral. "it's okay, I'm not upset, I promise. Thank you for the compliment."
Daniela tilts her head at you, almost as if she's confused that you're not upset with her. She squints her eyes at you, as if she's trying to decipher something.
"You're different. I like you. I'm going to give you a new nickname."
"And what nickname will that be?"
"I don't know yet, but when I know, you'll know." You look behind her and see Alcina standing behind Daniela with her arms crossed over her chest and eyes narrowed at her daughter. How did she not make a single sound in those heels? And how long was she there for? Alcina clears her throat and Daniela jumps and turns around, looking like a deer in headlights.
"Mamă!" She says, trying to butter her mother up again.
"Don't even try."
Daniela smiles wide at her mother and turns back towards you.
"Bye Katie!"
"Bye Daniela." You say with a smile.
Alcina's eyes don't leave Daniela's head as she turns and leaves your office and Alcina follows behind her.
"Ce ti-am spus despre deranjarea ei? Nu înțeleg cum ai întârziat la tura ta, în timp ce ești aici de o jumătate de oră." (What did I tell you about bothering her? I don't understand how you're late for your shift meanwhile you've been here for half an hour.)
"Imi pare rau mama!" (I'm sorry mom!)
The rest of your day goes by rather smoothly and by the time you know it, you're packing up your things and getting ready to leave. Before you go, you stop by Alcina's office and knock gently on the door.
"Come in."
You open the door and Alcina looks up from her computer and smiles.
"Ah, Kathleen, is it the end of the day already?" She asks, more to herself you think, and she looks at the clock.
"Yeah, it went by fast. Is there anything else you need me to do before I go?"
"There is not, thank you. But I did want to speak with you, do you have a moment?"
"Absolutely." You say and she motions to the chair in front of her desk.
"So, how was your first day?" She asks, taking off her glasses and giving you her full attention.
"Honestly, it was great. I feel like I got a lot done and made some great headway on the new campaigns and strategies."
"I'm very happy to hear that. Is there anything you're unsure of or any questions you have?"
You pause for a moment to think.
"Um, not right now, but if something comes up I will let you know."
"Excellent. I'm glad you had a productive first day. I am looking forward to see the things we spoke about come to fruition."
"So am I."
"Well then, if that's all, I will see you tomorrow. Have a wonderful rest of your day Kathleen." She says with a smile.
"Thank you, you too."
After getting your stuff from your office you walk through the tasting room and see Daniela.
"Katie!! You're going home already?!"
"Yes ma'am!"
"Will you be here tomorrow?!"
"Yes I will be!"
"Daniela." Cassandra growls from across the room. Daniela shrinks down a little and looks up at you apologetically.
"It's okay kiddo." You say, giving her a gentle smile. Daniela's face lights up again and she gives you a big smile.
"I'll see you tomorrow Katie!!"
"See you tomorrow Daniela." She heads over to one of the tables and you turn towards the bar to say goodbye to Cassandra. She glares at you and turns her back to you. "Alrighty." You say quietly to yourself and head to the car.
You pick up Emma and talk to your in-laws for a bit, giving them a brief recap of your first day. They both seem happy for you and you sense a little bit of relief from them too, but you know neither of them would ever say it out loud. When you get home you talk to Marge, giving her the same brief recap and she tells you she's proud of you. With Emma in tow the two of you head upstairs. Emma insisting on walking up the stairs herself since she's "a big girl."
Once dinner was eaten and cleaned up you gave Emma a bath and put her to bed. When she's finally asleep you pull out a bottle of wine and pour yourself a glass. With your wine in hand you sit on the couch and flip through a few suggested shows, settling on re-watching a few episodes of your favorite comfort show. After finishing the wine and relaxing for a bit, you get yourself ready for bed. Before you know it, you're fast asleep. It's the fastest you've been able to fall asleep in a long time and you're grateful for it.
When you open your eyes you find yourself in that all-too familiar field. Where the sky is clear and blue and the green grass is blowing in the wind.
You look around and finally spot the figure in the distance once more. Your heart clenches in your chest and you try to move towards it but you can't. No matter how hard you pull against your legs your muscles won't budge. The harder you fight against the led in your legs the harder it becomes. A silent cry rings out into the air and you find yourself becoming more and more desperate to move.
When you look up, you see the figure begin walking towards you. No matter how loudly you try to call out to it no sound passes through your lips. It closes half of the distance between the two of you before stopping once more. With one final desperate pull you're finally able to move your leg. Your movement is so slow, it feels like cinderblocks are tied to your ankles but you continue moving closer.
The shadow across the figures face lightens just enough so you think you can make out who it is. With your heart hammering inside of your chest you try and push forward faster. Just before the shadow falls away the figure begins to fade. You try and scream. You feel it reverberate through your vocal chords but again no sound comes out. Desperately you try and push forward faster, trying to reach it before it disappears.
Just as you reach out to touch it, it vanishes.
"NO!" You scream.
Your voice echoes through the valley. It combs through the tall grass and expands in the air reaching as far as the eye can see. Tears stream down your face and you fall to the ground on your knees. Another wail tears through your vocal chords. The sound flies through the air and as if it hits a wall, it reverberates back to you.
Your eyes snap open and you shoot up out of bed. With a ragged breath your eyes scan the room and you realize you're in your bedroom. You put your hand over your chest and you feel your heart hammering away inside of your ribcage. The sound of your alarm goes off again and you shut it off. Dragging your hand across your cheeks you realize you're wiping away fresh tears.
Looking down at the empty side of the bed you feel your heart ache. You grab your necklace from around your neck and trace the heart shape with your fingers in an attempt to ground yourself. When you feel your heartbeat finally settle you decide to get out of bed and get ready for your second day of work.
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river-of-wine · 5 months
Hello, I know it's been like a year since you last talked about Salvatore Moreau from what I've seen, but could you share some more thoughts about him?
Just thoughts on the fandom in general, and how they mischaracterise him in general? I really enjoyed what you shared on the Lord's in general, and I've been kind of struggling with Moreau as a whole, because he seems to be kind of ignored when it comes to his blatant flaws, and stuff. I know this is a super weird request, but I just went through his tag, and your thoughts were super clear on the Lord's in general!
Sorry if this is weird, but thank you anyways for reading!
Absolutely I can! Resident Evil 8 is one of my favourite games ever, and I will take basically any opportunity to discuss the characters, the four lords especially!
Moreau is in a bit of an odd position as far as the lords go, as while he is in game the one who is presented the most sympathetically, he is by far the least discussed. There is a lot more to Moreau than anyone really tends to give him credit for, especially given the details we have in terms of his work for Mother Miranda. While this connection is not unique to him, Alcina for example only has her daughters because of participation in one of Mother Miranda’s experiments, his is the most detailed, as Moreau creates lycans, the vârcolac being one of his more stand out creations.
His devotion to Mother Miranda is presented the most as a parent-child bond, though it is certainly not a healthy one. Moreau is deeply insecure and based on the interactions we see of him with the other lords and how he is referred to by those around him, his physical mutation and his intelligence have caused the others to hardly judge him. Even Ethan himself does not deem Moreau as a threat, even though Moreau is the most outwardly monstrous in appearance. I think that’s part of what makes Moreau even more tragic to me in his relationship with Mother Miranda, a relationship that is very unique to him. None of the other lords seem to view Mother Miranda as a parental figure, which makes sense. She is first and foremost a cult leader, the title of Mother referring to her position rather than any actual maternal relationship between them, but Moreau appears to view her as his actual mother. While Alcina is similarly desperate for her approval coming from a leader, or perhaps a high ranking equal given Alcina’s distaste for being treated the same as the other lords, Moreau is searching for approval from his mother, not from a religious leader. He is the first of the four lords from what we know, and his mutations have transformed him more than anyone else. He is in pain, unable to fully control when he mutates, constantly cloaked to hide what the cadou has done to him, and yet, the very idea of Mother Miranda turning him away in favour of her “true child” upsets him so profoundly. His direct involvement with Mother Miranda’s experimentation is extremely exploitative, and we know she sees him as nothing more than a failed vessel for her daughter, but in Moreau’s last moments, he calls out for her.
All of that being said, Moreau is still a villain, and he earns his spot as one. Though he is the most sympathetic in terms of his presentation and behaviour, Moreau has an undeniable cruel streak. We can gather that his experiments on humans that transform them into lycans was at least influenced by Mother Miranda, and she most certainly appreciates the opportunity for research, but Moreau does seem to find enjoyment in these mutations, writing in his diary that he requested five people from the village and Mother Miranda brought them to him. This is not something she ordered him to do, at least not from our knowledge, and while in his second entry he expresses his upset at not being able to provide Mother Miranda a strong vessel, he himself says he is looking forward to seeing the cadou grow in his victims, knowing it will likely kill or mutate them. Moreau is also surprisingly tactical with Ethan, talking to him for long enough to close up the available exits from the reservoir when Ethan has grabbed the flask, knowing that Ethan is in a terrain where he has a substantial advantage, especially once he mutates. That’s a side to the lords that I love, the exploited becomes the exploiters. Alcina imprisons women like livestock and forces them to work for her, Donna lures people into her house with visions of their dead relatives after having suffered plenty of losses of her own, Heisenberg is willing to use a six month old baby to try and kill Mother Miranda and has no concerns for the life of her or her father. Moreau is just the same. Moreau, for as incapable as he can seem, is responsible for horrific experiments of his own, both with and without Mother Miranda’s influence.
I think that this side of Moreau’s is either forgotten or ignored by most people discussing him, as he is by far the easiest to water down to his poor innocent baby self that most of the lords end up becoming in the fanbase. It’s easier to ignore Moreau’s violent nature than it is Heisenberg’s, it’s easier to pretend Moreau is more of an innocent bystander than the rest, but he isn’t. He’s still a villain, though his sympathetic side makes his death perhaps the most conflicting. He’s very underrated out of the four lords, and I think that he should be discussed a lot more
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Hi, if you're still taking requests could you please write four lords with s/o who blushes super easily? thought it might be cute lmao
Sure! It is cute❤
The Four Lords with an S/O who Blushes Super Easily
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She doesn’t understand how you can blush so easily. I mean, it’s not like she’s trying to say things that make your face all red. However, when Alcina figures this out, she may take advantage of it just slightly.
-Alcina may be having a sophisticated conversation with you, but when it’s time to part ways, she makes sure it ends on a note that leaves you red in the face.
-Her daughters also take part in making you blush. To them, it’s like a game to see who can make you light up the most. Usually, Alcina would scold them to leave you alone, but she can’t help but find it a bit amusing.
-She may or may not question you as to why it’s so easy to make you blush. Alcina isn’t one to do so, so she doesn’t really understand it. Obviously, you don’t have an answer for her, but her curiosity grants you some mercy from her teasing for the time being.
-She is the only one allowed to make you blush. If the other lords even try it, they feel the wrath of her claws, especially Heisenberg.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-In reality, Donna probably blushes just as easily as you. However, you would never know because of the mask that is permanently residing on her face. At least her understanding of the situation saves you from teasing.
-If anything, she probably makes you blush in innocence. Donna will just say things that she doesn’t fully grasp the understanding of until it’s too late. This leaves you both blushing.
-Angie just makes fun of both of you. Donna is not spared from her teasing. If anything, the porcelain doll takes full advantage of the situation. She finds it fascinating how the human face can get so red.
-She apologizes whenever she makes you blush. Donna always assumes that you’re embarrassed by something she said or did. You have to persuade her that you aren’t.
-Truthfully, you are at the mercy of the other lords. Donna isn’t going to get aggressive if they make you blush. She may get irritated, but she knows this is a trait of yours that is hard to control, so she’s not going to lose her temper.
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Salvatore Moreau
-He is also someone that I can see blushing easily just like you. However, unlike Donna, Moreau tries to use this trait of yours to his advantage. After all, he just wants to feel like he has some confidence in this situation, and he certainly doesn’t mean any ill will.
-Since it’s so easy to make you blush, Moreau doesn’t have to think too hard on what to say or do to you to get your face to light up red. Truthfully, it’s a lot of sweet compliments.
-However, sometimes fire is fought with fire as you counter him with his own words. It becomes a battle of who can make the other blush the most. Truthfully, it usually ends in a stalemate with neither side winning.
-Moreau likes to make you blush, but it’s something he absolutely adores about you. If you think he worships Mother Miranda, you should hear what he says about you when he’s in private. You are truly something special in his life.
-If the other lords try to tease you, he throws a hissy fit. Usually, mostly Heisenberg, don’t take him seriously and keep their antics up. Moreau just ends up pouting.
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Karl Heisenberg
-We all know that Heisenberg would take full advantage of the situation. This is why you try to keep the fact that you blush easily hidden from him for as long as possible. But we all know Heisenberg will find out eventually, and the smirk he has says it all.
-He goes way out of his way to make your face light up, and if you try to counter it by trying to make him blush, it usually doesn’t work, and he ends up making you blush more. 
-Heisenberg is the type to make you blush and then laugh that iconic laugh whenever he achieves it. The problem is that you love hearing his laugh, making you blush more, and thus making him chuckle more. It’s a gruesome cycle for you.
-There’s not much more to say besides the fact that he is relentless when teasing you. But even though he teases you, he loves that you can make him smile and laugh so much without even trying. He doesn’t say it enough, but he’s grateful.
-The other lords don’t even dare try to make you blush because they know well enough that Heisenberg would go feral. Alcina doesn’t have the patience for that, Donna is afraid, and Moreau is just oblivious. He did it once by accident, and now has more trauma than ever.
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neos-schlond-poofa · 6 months
rl donna beneviento hcs
because @scuba-gragas (your acc is NOT linking for some reason) freaked out over one of my edit captions and im like. why not share more sad stuff about donna! and also silly stuff in here too.
repeating this from the edit but due to her tendency to remember numerous timelines, donna has even more of a SEVERE fear of being abandoned by mc and lacks a lot of self confidence in the relationship. she remembers mc being happy with the others, what if they did a better job than her? what if mc goes to them? or perhaps, what if the loop occurs and mc goes to someone else, and donna sees them just act happier? was she easily replacable?
however, sometimes donna DOES express her relationship anxieties and mc always does help out; its not all torment for donna, dont worry. as time goes on she always tries to be more open with mc about her feelings
okay back to sad. i imagine this happens to everyone but in their own way, but donna is a sleep hugger. so when she wakes up the day after the loop, shes hugging a pillow instead of mc and she just sits there for a bit. sometimes, she doesnt really get it, other times, she instantly knows what happened. she hates the feeling of waking up that morning and thinking she has someone in her arms, only to have an empty spot in her bed.
really good at claw machines. when angie was younger, she loved going to the arcade, and so donna mastered the art of claw machines to get angie a bunch of prizes (and sometimes herself).
invested in noise cancelling headphones / earbuds once she got with mc. she wears them a lot everywhere and even went to her first concert with them, it helps her not be overstimulated.
she hates herself for this, but part of her prays that mc stays with miranda after she has to wipe belas memories. she cant stand the thought of hurting her niece again in another loop.
would probably get a sims addiction, but specifically making sims.
plays relaxing video game soundtracks in the store (dani, angie, and mc often update the playlists)
she sells those fake flowers on april fools that shoot water at peoples faces.
loves to watch operas and ballets.
im struggling with wording this but like. when donna realizes the loop has occured she always just takes a bunch of time to prepare herself for whatever is going to happen, but ESPECIALLY knowing she has to murder someone for angie again. shes basically doomed to do this forever until mc gets with miranda; and i KNOW angie sometimes isnt a doll but. lets forget about that!! i just imagine shes always a doll anyways, it makes more sense that way, and either way, a loop where angie is fully human is just a temporary break for one of donna's many problems.
ethel cain stan
hates hospital shows for MANY reasons. she doesnt like seeing the hospitals first of all, she doesnt like seeing when the people die, and she hates the medical inconsistencies.
in loops where bela and mc have a family (sigh), she can't help but literally try to keep her distance. they won't have their family for long, and she cant bear to tell them that (although bela is most definitely aware) or even get attached to their baby, she doesn't want to lose someone close again (although bela does not catch onto this; she tries to get donna involved as opposed to alcina)
owns a typewriter
constantly has a tab of solitaire open on her laptop.
theres a picture of markiplier hidden in her room and she doesnt know it. angie hid it there and has been waiting for donna to find it. thing is? she hid it before the loop started. so it is permanently there for every loop.
always has really cutesy and simplistic halloween costumes she wears in her flower shop for the holiday. her favorite costume is a bee.
loves build-a-bear. it obviously takes her some time to get ready to go there (she often plans out their least busy times), but she loves to make her own plushes for her collection and buy them new clothes. eventually takes mc there for a date and they adopt a bear together.
but outside of that? she really hates getting new ones there during the loops. she gets really attached to them and she hates knowing they're only there for a short time.
kanoodle master.
hates the smell of nail polish
great hugger, even if she doesn't give them out that often.
owns a bunch of retro game consoles and likes to collect them, although she doesn't get much time to play them.
hates the bee movie; angie loves it
while mc obviously does open her eyes, donna still struggles with the concept of even trying to get better because she knows its all just going to loop. yes, she will work on things and they will improve, but certain things will revert back to normal after the loop anyways.
once tried to dance in the rain for fun and ended up getting a cold instead.
alright i think thats it... i might share more in the future but i tried to balance this with silly and sad.
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Batcina AU - Part III
Part I, Part II, Part IV
This is technically the last part I've planned for this AU since I want to write others. However, if you want to see a particular scenario for this universe, you are free to request it!
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It takes months for Alcina to have the possibility to go and do what she actually wants instead of following an agenda that isn't hers.
She had been surpised when, at her return, didn't find the castle in shambles. It felt too good to be truth so just to be on the safe side she had made her way to the other Lord's home. Thankfully with her abilities, she didn't need to interact with them directly to find out if they were alive.
Nevertheless, Alcina decided that the best thing to do is to tell Mother Miranda what had transpired in the last weeks. The only thing that Alcina doesn't mention during her tale is you.
She doesn't want Mother Miranda to know about you for some reason, even when she usually tells her everything.
Mother Miranda comes to the conclusion that Alcina must have killed a decent amount of humans to cause an impact into their plan, big enough to make them retract for the time being.
However, not risking it, Mother Miranda still decides to warn the other Lords about a possible future attack. She knows how humans can be and she doesn't want to lose any of her pawns before she achieves her goal.
Alcina tries to focus on her daily tasks, to go on with her life, but she finds herself lost in thought often, thinking of you, wondering how are you, if you remember her from time to time.
Whenever she realizes what she's doing, she gets annoyed, scolding herself for such weakness.
She might have forgive you and grant you an amnesty so you wouldn't face your demise anytime soon, but that was it. You aren't anything especial, just a human that apparently isn't as awful as the ones she was used to.
Even so, the only thing that is able to distract her from you entirely arrives a few days later, when Mother Miranda gifts her with three corpses and the free card to experiment with them.
It's not unusual for her to experiment, very early on Mother Miranda told her it was going to be one of her duties, but Alcina is the one who looks out for the specimens for it.
Alcina achieves something different this time, and the day she brings them back to life, as mutant humans and not the monsters she usually creates, and her eyes met three pairs, you come back to her mind.
"Is this how it feels caring for someone? It is what they felt while I was under their care?"
She has a purpose now though, so she dedicates enough time to nurture the girls she now calls her daughters, to teach them they were a family and always protect each other and their home before finally giving up to whatever she's feeling instead of trying to ignore it.
And the only way to get the answers to her questions is forcing them out of you.
In retrospect your life has not changed and nothing bad has happened to you but you simply can't get rid of the unhappy veil that has fallen on you.
There's nothing you can do about it though. Aware it's a mourning period that would pass with time and you simply have to try to be patient with yourself.
A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts, causing you to frown because it's not as if you received visits. You don't have friends nor family and whenever a knock was heard, it rarely meant anything good for you.
You stand up to open the door though, knowing it could be worse if you don't, depending who was on the other side.
You face an off-white wall that is shifting softly, and shamefully, it takes you until the clear of a throat to realize it's a person.
You know right away who is after that, and such knowledge speeds up your heartbeat.
Living in this village, you are not a stranger to Mother Miranda and the Lords. You know villagers revere them though you have never being a devouted.
You are aware is mainly out of fear not because they respect or accept what they practice, though there were some exceptions.
But the first and only time you've seen Lady Dimitrescu on the town (before your isolation), your first thought had been "I can understand why some villagers are so devoted, I wouldn't mind worship her."
Her unique height was what draw your attention and fascinated you, but you weren't blind, she was an incredible attractive woman.
Despite the admiration you feel for her, you are apprehensive for the visit. What could you have done wrong for her to come look at you in person?
You have heard what people said about her and the other Lords, the comments whenever you had to go down to the village and even tough you weren't fond of believing rumours just because, you did notice the disappearance of some people over time.
You never actively cared though. Why would you feel bad for the people who never show any kindness to you after they labelled you as a freak?
Deep down, you even considered it like the Universe has sent you a dark guardian angel to punish them for the way they treated you.
"L-Lady Dimitrescu." You bow shakingly. When you straighten up, you look up to make eye contact, not wanting to offend the lady in any way though perhaps what you were doing is much riskier.
Golden eyes are already waiting for yours, and when they lock, you feel a shiver while a familiar sensation washes you over, which confuses you because you two have never had eye contact.
Alcina is convinced that this time when you look at her, your eyes won't reflect the tenderness and affection she had gotten used to. The prospect bothers her but she knows what to expect from a human. So she's is totally taken aback when it doesn't happen.
There's caution in your eyes but not fear, and a glow that makes her feel warm.
You swallow slowly. "It's an honor to have you here, my Lady." You have no idea what's the reason for it, but you are sincere.
Alcina's lips part slightly but she holds back the gasp in the last second. That was different. In her bat form, when you referred to her like that, playfulness covered your words. Now, your voice was full of awe.
All her plans for how this encounter was going to occur suddenly vanished from her head.
She frows. Maybe she should go back to consider your dismiss, it would definitely make things simpler. But the simple idea of killing you, upsets her. "What's your name?"
You blink with bewilderment. Why is she looking out for you if she doesn't know who you are? "[Y/N], my Lady."
Lady Dimitrescu nods once sharply, looking at the surroundings as she tilts her head up regally. "I'm here to thank you for taking care of me a few months ago."
The words don't make any sense to you at first, but when the Lady makes eye contact with you again and the sensation of familiarity repeats itself, your eyes widen with realization.
Alcina smirks, pleased to finally have the upper hand in your interactions instead of the other way around.
When you are capable of react from your shock, you notice Lady Dimitrescu is walking away and without thinking, you head into her direction, doing the most stupid thing you've ever done in your entire life when you are close enough.
You don't count with the strength to make her stop but Alcina stops when your fingers wraps around her wrist, most likely taken aback by your gall.
Torn between amaze and annoyance, she regards you questioningly.
Aware that you are pushing your luck, you let her go, fidgeting with your hands. "Are you okay, my Lady? There is not any aftermath after the attack, is it?"
Alcina's stance softens and she wonders if you are ever going to stop surpising her. "I healed perfectly. Thanks to you."
The words make you blush and it's a sight Alcina relishes so she reaches out to brush your cheek with her thumb, deepening your redness.
"I just did what anyone would have done, my Lady," you whisper.
"We both know that's not true."
You know she's right. For most people it's easier to 'put a creature out of their misery' than taking the trouble and time of look after someone in need.
"Yes well, many humans suffer from a lack of brains." You normally keep your thoughts about people to yourself, so you cover your mouth with both hands when you realize you spoke out loud.
Lady Dimitrescu blinks once, twice and then laughs.
It's a miracle you remain standing when you feel your legs tremble due to the heavenly sound.
The Lady's reaction gives your the courage to ask, "Would you like some tea, my Lady?"
Alcina caresses you other cheek with an amused smile. "All right."
A routine develops between you two where Alcina comes to visit you at least once a week.
Since your cabin is too small for her to enter, you keep your meetings in the garden just like the first time. Reason why you started to give more attention to it, wanting to look adequate for your Lady, even though she had never mentioned anything to make you think she wasn't pleased with the place.
Lady Dimitrescu asks you questions to know you better and you are pleasently surprised that she allows you to ask too. But there's a line that's unspeakable even though you have never put a boundary ─ she never questions about why you live so far from everything and you never ask about the rumors.
In your case it was because you were certain having a confirmation or a negative wouldn't change things in any way.
You never know the day Lady Dimitrescu will come, but by now, any sound you heard from outside, you expect it's her.
Unfortunately, when you step outside, you encounter a group of men. You are able to recognize some of them but not others.
"Ah, none other than the freak. I should have imagine we wouldn't be so lucky to get rid of you definitely."
A man breaks through among the others but you don't need to see him to know who it is. You'll recognize that voice anywhere since it was the person who started the verbal attacks against you.
It only took a wrongful accusation from his daughter's part for him to start some sort of vendetta.
"You know her?" The man that seems to be the leader since he's at the front of the group asks him without looking away from you.
You grimace which makes your bully laugh. "Every town has a freak, though it seems we were blessed with more than one," he said sarcastically.
"A freak?" He scrutinizes you up and down. "Does she has any connection with her?"
"I think we all agree that that woman is an abomination but at least she has enough class to not get involved with this tasteless thing." He spits on the floor towards your direction.
Are they talking about your Lady? The words they are using are the last you'd use to describe her but it's more than clear that you don't have anything in common with these people.
"There might be a solidarity between freaks," a new voice from the group adds, followed by hoots of support.
"Lady Dimitrescu is not a freak." You know it's stupid to intervene. It's you alone versus at least ten men who only needed the label from one of their group to consider you unnatural and therefore an enemy. But you can't stand there listening them talk about the woman who has showed more interest and caring in you than your own race without doing anything about it.
If you die, at least there's going to be a reason for it.
And by the wrathful looks you receive, you know that's the only possible outcome. There's no opportunity to escape. Even if you are fast enough to go back to your house, it'll be easy for them to break in with the weapons they carried.
The only thing you lament is that you won't spend more time with your Lady.
Alcina is halfway from your house when she focus her hearing on you.
It has become almost instinctively for her to jump from hearing her daughters to you during her days to reassure herself everything's okay with each of you.
It amuses her the contrast between her daughters and you ─ where they are chaotic and loud, you are quiet and calm. Two very different spectrums with the power to soothe her.
However, she notices there's something wrong in an instant, noticing your apprehensive heartbeat followed by a scream that puts her on edge.
She turns into a bat to shorten the distance faster and she's back into her human once she visualizes the cabin, arriving at the moment you are struck on the cheek, hard enough to make you fall onto the ground.
She sees red.
Whenever Alcina fights, she's focused and centered, almost looking like she's involved in a violent dance. Not this time. She's nothing but walking wrath who slashes whatever comes in her way. Her only goal is to get rid of the filth who was foolish enough to come bother you and put a hand on you.
She doesn't want to stop and ask questions, people like that don't deserve a chance. And even though she would have preffered to take her time and make them regret what they did and beg for forgiveness, she wants this over as quickly as possible to make sure you are okay.
After the first hit, you were expecting the next one. There's a graze that makes you shrink on yourself but it doesn't go further.
You remain motionless until the screams startle you and make you look around anxiously.
The commotion only lasts a couple of minutes but it's tricky for you to understand what's happening since you can only see a white blur and the men falling, one by one, to the ground in pieces.
Only when silence falls and Lady Dimitrescu stops moving, her extended claws dripping blood and even a bit of human remains, you finally understand.
Your dark guardian angel indeed.
You don't care she's covered in blood, not bothered what you had just witnessed. You stand up shakingly, the sound drawing Alcina's attention in your direction, who retracts her claws, hoping she hasn't traumatized you for life.
There's a brief moment of hesitation and concern from Alcina's part while you two make eye contact before you run towards her, throwing yourself at her and your Lady is swift to catch you in her arms, pulling you against her body.
Your arms wrap around her neck and you bury your face in the crook of her neck.
You are safe. You know it, and not only of this dangerous situation. You know that now there is someone in your life who cares for you. Someone who is willing to kill for you if necessary. For the first time in years, your body is able to recognize it too, relaxing entirely, which brings tears to your eyes that you are not able to hold back for so long.
"You are safe now, dragă. I'll keep you safe now." She reassures you, closing her eyes as she hugs you and nuzzles the side of your face, needing the comfort of your presence.
You sniff, tightening your arms around her while you nod. You suddenly chuckle. "I saved you first and now you saved me." You pull back to look at her but without breaking the hug. Not that Alcina would have allowed it since her hold doesn't falters.
She smiles amused. "Indeed we did." She turns serious. "Though I would definitely prefer if we can avoid these situations as much as possible." You remember the terror your felt when you saw your Lady about to be devoured by an owl and you nod. You don't want her to feel that way again, imagining that's what she felt. "Which is why I want you to come live in the Castle with me and my daughters."
Even though your eyes widen, you are not surprised. You know Lady Dimitrescu is proprietorial, you have noticed it in her bat form and it wasn't any different in the human one.
She sees you as hers. You don't know her what exactly but you are okay with the idea of being hers.
You look at your cabin, expecting to feel some sort of dread at the idea of leaving but it doesn't happen. The truth is that after today's invasion, the place feels stained and the idea of staying here alone doesn't thrills you.
Looking back at Alcina, you remove one arm from her neck to caress her jaw softly. Your eyes showing your adoration.
You have never initiate any contact with her, even when you were desperate to do it. She's always the one doing it, prompted by the way you blush whenever she does it. Now that she has allowed it and it looked she was okay with it, you don't want to stop touching her.
"Of course, my Lady. It will be an honor." You smile at her before burying your face back in the crook of her neck.
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muffinsin · 9 months
The last request was amazing, read it like three times, thanks for taking my request. I got a reaction request
Can you do on how would the sisters react to their female s/o finding a cat and being more affectionate towards the cat? Like the sisters aren’t getting attention, especially at night; their partner sleeps with her back facing them. Oh and the cat doesn’t like the sisters.
-Rambunctious anon
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Why was this scene the first that came into my mind lmao?-
Let’s get into this XD
She isn’t exactly thrilled when you bring a cat home
An animal? In the castle?
She knows her mother wouldn’t be pleased either
But it makes you happy, and so she allowed the cat to stay
Watched you name and coddle and love it, feed it, cuddle it, bathe it
Sleeping cuddled up with that cat.
Bela at first tries to ignore the feelings inside of her. It was ridiculous to get jealous of an animal, wasn’t it?
She is the eldest daughter of Alcina Dimitrescu!
She is strong!
She is smart!
Oh, and she is also incredibly jealous
She has been known to be petty, but surprises herself when one day she knocks the cat’s blanket to the floor just before bed
In horror, she watches the animal lay on her blanket instead. And you let it!
She feels hurt after a while. How is this animal more important to you than her?
She doesn’t want to make you choose, afraid of your choice
Instead, she works nearly all night to avoid having to cuddle her pillow instead of you
When you notice this, she eventually tells you of her feelings. She demands the damned animal sleeps on the floor. And she demands attention and love back
She will still be a little pissed for a few days, but eventually calm back down. Her and the cat aren’t getting friends anytime soon, and she resists the urge to cook it each day
She hates the cat.
And she has from the moment you got it.
Cassandra is very primal in ways. She wants you to smell of her at all times, and in return smell of you
Now, all you smell of is the damned animal, with its hair covering your clothing
She is pissed when the animal is shown attention by you
She has brought up the thought of cooking it. You assumed she was joking when she said it
Cassandra is absolutely the type to shoot nasty glances at the animal. She swears she gets ones back
And then, the filthy thing sleeps in her bed!
She will absolutely make you choose between her and the cat if boundaries aren’t set. She has no shame to admit she dislikes the animal and wants it gone, or at least away from her personal space
Cassandra doesn’t mind animals per say, she just hates this one, and the attention taken from her and put into the cat
It doesn’t help that the cat hates her too
The likeliest scenario is Daniela adopting the cat, really-
She’s THRILLED at the idea of owning a pet!
She at first wrong assumed the cat is her lunch, then realizes it’s your new pet and puts down the sickle
Still, no matter what she tries, the cat dislikes her. You figure it’s because of Daniela’s biology, being a predator. The animal probably picks up on that
At first Daniela doesn’t mind
Then, she feels a sting in her chest every time you won’t play with her because you’re busy with that cat
And when you can’t cuddle her anymore without cat hair getting all over her. She hates that!
And then, you won’t cuddle her at night anymore?!
Daniela is quite likely the most dangerous of the sisters due to her sudden bursts of mania. Her love for you and her sisters are the only things holding her back from gutting the animal
She starts to avoid you instead. She’s hurt, and angry
She opts for sleeping in Bela’s room, or even Cassandra’s, and grows angrier whenever she sees you with the animal
When the two of you finally have a conversation about it, she tells you about her feelings. It’s clear things must change
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The Dimitrescu household with an s/o that's an entomologist and has an extensive array of drawn specimens.
Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, and Daniela Dimitrescu with a s/o that's an entomologist with an extensive array of drawn specimens.
(Gender neutral).
Warnings: n/a
Masterlists here!
Alcina Dimitrescu
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Before you two got together, there was definitely a part of Alcina that was suspicious about your intentions. You're an entomologist, and her daughters are made of bugs... You aren't here just to do a little research, are you?
She loves seeing your drawn specimens. Alcina is a woman of the arts, and the artistic aspect behind it all interests her.
She buys you supplies and stuff before it even occurs to you that you might need to purchase them.
Bela Dimitrescu
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Boy oh boy, does this woman love listening to you share your interest with her.
She loves watching you when you draw. It's weirdly relaxing.
She loves listening to you talk about insects. (Bonus points here since you're especially attractive when you get all passionate).
Even if you have practically every entomology book known to man, Bela's nerd ass will find one or more new ones for you. As lil' gifts.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
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Cassandra has a genuine interest in art (Cass does abstract art. You can pry that headcanon from my cold, dead hands) and the moment she gets to see your drawings, she's all kinds of interested. Look at the detail! Tell her about the process you go through for these.
She takes to catching you specimens, which first comes to your knowledge when you see a horde of flies chasing an ant down a corridor. (You're gonna have to teach Cassie how to catch insects without destroying them. She is... over-eager).
Who would've thought some bug catching was all it takes to stop her from killing so many maidens during the colder months!
Daniela Dimitrescu
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Before you started dating, there was definitely a point where Daniela was like, wow, you're interested in insects? Haha, what a coincidence, because I am insects and happen to be very interested in you ;))
Ooh, you have loads of specimen drawings? You know, it would be so romantic if you ever decided to do a scientific drawing of Daniela. She bets that you've never drawn a mutant blowfly before. 
She never shuts up about you. How can she? You're so smart! And talented! Ugh, she's swooning.
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Incorrect Quotes
Capcom vs the Gays Middle Finger
Astronomy Class
Dani's Pet Spider
Lady Dimiclawscu
The Talk
Social Skills
The Stench
The Stench 2
Call From a Drunk Reader
Viagra for the Lady
Megan the Stallion
Who's a Good Girl?
Modern Tech for the Dimitrescus
Thanksgiving Turkey
Gif Reactions
Reader in Tight Pants
Reader with No Gag Reflex
Reader Eating Yogurt with Just Tongue
Reader Masturbating
Reader Masturbating with Large Dildo
Being Called Daddy
HC for the first time the sisters attempt to use a strap on the reader HC for how each of the Dimitrescu family members would react to having their crush (the reader) walk in on them pleasuring themselves? Thanks in advance!
HC's for the resident evil girls feeding from you ;)
What perfumes would Lady D and daughters use? Expensive that's for sure, but which brands? Or maybe handmade? P.S. i adore your blog ❤
Hi, how about some headcanons about facesitting? Especially with Lady D and Daniela. Ps. Thanks for your lovely writtings;)
HC of what the Dimitrescu daughters are like during sex?
How would Alcina react walking in on her daughters riding their maiden's strap? And how would the daughters react on walking in on Alcina absolutely wrecking her pet from behind?
the dimitrescu's reaction to finding their lover(the reader) masturbating ;)
how would the daughters react if reader got their kiss mark tattooed over their heart
How would the Resident Evil Village ladies react to reader coming without permission >:3 and I love your blog!!
hey hey i'm back (sorry I just love your page so much it makes me happy C: ) But it's my b-day tomorrow and I wanted to ask what would all of the RE8 ladies do on reader birthday! Thank you and sorry for the many asks C:<
Headcanons for the Dimitrescu girls with a chubby nonbinary s/o who loves food but gets super flustered over being handfed and/or groped?
HCs for the ladies with a Reader coming home from a shitty day at work.
HCs for period sex
just a lil' fluffy thought i had: imagine growing and plucking some flowers just for a bouquet for the dimitrescu ladies 🥺
The Ladies cock sizes
how do you think the RE ladies (including Sal) would react and make the reader, who is sad because her dog is old and she doesn't know how much longer she is going to live, feel better?
Ladies' reactions to reader confessing their feelings. While they're stargazing.
The Dimitrescu daughters bugging their Mother on Halloween because they want candy and they can 🤣
Ropes anon here with a very serious question! From largest to smallest, how big would you guess the ladies of re8’s boobs are? As in cup sizes maybe?Very serious topic here lol.
How do you headcanon the neathers of the ladies look like?
Wedding HCs
About the Dimitrescu Sisters being rich and their gf (aka reader) being broke af (like me-) it would be funny how the sisters would literally spoil the reader 😂
Headcanons for the Ladies' favorite cuddle positions?
Ladies' favorite type of underwear?
ladies reactions to reader squirting?
Had a dream about my girlfriend giving me all kinds of praises that would make anyone blush and it got me thinking what kind of priases the re ladies would give the reader
Okay but how about reversed? 😯 The ladies reactions to reader praising them for something? 😯
How do you think the lovely ladies of Re8 would react to an s/o who needs to sleep with a certain stuffed animal every night in order to sleep?
Can you do some embarrassing things that happened during sex w the sisters and their girlfriends?
How would the ladies react to reader breaking up with them?
so my ask is, if the ladies have cocks do they get morning wood? and how do they react to having one? If they have a s/o do they help?
Okay, the breakups broke my heart so I need their reaction to reader coming back to them with tears and flowers and telling them someone blackmailed them to break up but they just can't do it
Never thought I'd love to hear my partner asking me if they could come and now I wanna know what the re ladies would do of their s/o asked them if they could cum?
Ladies favorite candies/seasonal treats
So. It's evil Wednesday. Short headcanons for the ladies finding their lover killed by Ethan.
Multiple Characters
The Dimitrescu daughters bugging their Mother on Halloween because they want candy and they can 🤣
Ahem.. I have no ask for this as it was a birthday fic written for a dear friend 👀 Transfem!Sal x Bratty Reader x Donna.. I.. ahem.. hope some of you will like it! ♥️ Gonna put it all under a cut since I know not everyone is into ships like this.
Someone I love dearly isn't feeling very well 🥺 Can they get something with a sick Reader being comforted by Alcina? Or Sal? Or both 👀
Ropes anon! Here after a few days of no sleep and several mental break downs on my floor! It’s my bday on the 28 and I was hoping you could indulge me in an Alcina x reader x Sal poly relationship? If not, then a simple happy birthday is all I’d like.
.... threesome with a bratty enby, Alcina and Sal? 👀👀
Hi! It’s been a long time since I sent in anything to you, things have been wild, but I was wondering if you could write anything about Donna and Daniela sharing a transfem reader?
Just a little Mother's Day drabble for our favorite Lady 💋
Sasha ABCs written by demonofpuns
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