#like some people that I think are super cool would be mutuals with me for a handful of months
sisaloofafump · 1 month
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ms-demeanor · 4 months
This is regarding your post involving making friends. I have had a spectacular amount of failures in meetup groups, particularly involving men from multiple meetup groups trying to take advantage of me or using me. In addition to that, the other members of the groups tend are often quite rude. Also, many meetups in my area tend to fall into one of the following categories: professional seminar, mommy & me, or the other members are double my age or older. What would you advise?
Volunteering - find something you care about and see if there is a local volunteer opportunity; you might want to look into food banks or mutual aid projects.
Crafting - this will likely be an older crew, but making friends with older people is cool honestly.
Sports - see if there's a kickball league or some other variety of low-key sport that you can sign up for.
Get super into the local music scene. Go to bar shows, go to basement shows, go to backyard shows. If you go to places where they have local music and hang out a bunch you will get to know local music people eventually, which includes both people in bands and people interested in bands.
Become a regular at your local library. Go once a week at the same time of day and you'll start to get to know people.
Become a regular at something else local. If you go to the same coffee shop three times a week for a few months and are polite to the employees you will probably eventually have friends among the people there; even if you do this by walking around the neighborhood park at the same time of day you will start getting to know the park regulars people love habits and if you can become a chill part of their daily scenery they will eventually want to investigate further.
Start your own club of some kind. Maybe start a book club for a particular genre of book that you like, or start a movie group where you meet up to see a movie together twice a month. You can post things like this on meetup websites or facebook, but you can also make fliers to put up in places that you think people you might find interesting would hang out.
Join a gym and go regularly. Sometimes a random person you see all the time in a gym can go from being a reliable on-the-spot spotter to a good friend.
Take a class locally. See if your town has a community center that offers cooking classes or computer classes or any kind of classes even things you already know. I keep making jokes about improv but improv people are great; see if you can take an impov class. See if your local music store offers music classes (I made weirdly good friends with the folks at the music store where I took vocal lessons; this was a pleasant surprise!)
When you try any of these places make friendly smalltalk with the people you encounter and express interest in them. If you are speaking to employees, make sure you're giving them lots of conversational outs because attempting to befriend people who are working can feel like you're cornering them, I'd actually say don't try to befriend the employees at a business unless you go there and they attempt to befriend you, however as someone who worked in coffee shops for ten years if someone randomly started showing up for six hours a week I would almost certainly have gotten to a friendly shoot-the-shit level with them within a month; if you go out among people who are sociable and are around them enough sometimes the sociable people go "aha! new friend sighted!" and do the hard work for you, but you do have to go to places to let yourself be found by the sociable ones.)
I do not, generally speaking, use meetup groups as a generic thing as much as I look into what groups exist locally that I am interested in. If a local game store is running a weekly Magic tournament, that's a better place to meet people in my opinion than a one-time bowling event.
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etherealily · 2 months
𝙒𝙃𝙄𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃 // Nate Jacobs.
Nate Jacobs + Fem!reader. Dark. SFW, but discretion advised.
Part 2 : 9 Lives
Part 3 : Blessed
Part 4 : Shards
You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
Desc.: You're needed. Now.
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It's not like you even knew Nate.
You knew of him, sure, quarterback and shit, but still, it was unlikely your paths would ever cross.
Until they did.
Until he started following you on Instagram.
That shit... was so unbelievably odd that you almost blocked him because you thought it was a fake account. But then you saw the mutuals. Holy shit. This was legit.
The fact that his account was private didn't surprise you. Yours was public because you had nothing to post and his was private because he had everything to hide.
You sent him a request. No biggie. I mean, he had to accept, right? He was the one who followed you first - it was only fair. And if it took too long, then you could always unsend it, yeah? Yeah.
It didn't take too long. It barely took three minutes.
Okay. Cool. Weird but cool.
The next day at school, it was normal. You didn't acknowledge him, and he didn't acknowledge you. An average social media interaction. Good.
Come Friday evening, you decided that watching Maddy cheer was a little less important than your deadline and building your portfolio.
She absolutely supported you (rolled her eyes and said 'whatever, nerd. You still love me, right?') but was a little upset about it (pouted and called you a cunt).
Three hours went by, and you surprised yourself with the amount of work you were getting done. This is great. Friday evening well spent. Work a bit more, and then-
Nate Jacobs tagged you in a Close Friends story.
Close Friends? Tagged? NATE JACOBS?
Okay, one : no fucking way were you on his Close Friends.
Two : there were virtually zero pictures of the two of you, so tagging you was moot.
Three : there was supposed to be a game starting about fifteen minutes from now, Blackhawks versus whatever pretentious team they were going to beat, so why the fuck was he even online?
(Oh, yeah, the Blackhawks were absolutely fucking awesome.)
The story was only text. Text and nothing more.
Y/N, accept my message request. Now. I am not fucking around.
What message request? WHAT the fuck was going on?
You frowned, immediately scrolling over to messages. Shit. There was a request.
A picture, along with six other messages.
This was so strange. It was especially strange that he found the time to text you, when he was supposed to be practicing throwing the old pigskin around for the victory of his school. But text you he did. As if him following you wasn't enough to give you whiplash. "Yo."
"You're not here." No shit, Sherlock.
"You should be."
What the hell was that supposed to mean? This was the most excruciatingly awkward interaction you'd ever had.
"You should be here. Come."
Did he think he was super macho with all this mysterious, vague, one-word bullshit he was spewing? You know what, you'd actually bet your entire school tuition he did. But you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of asking why.
"U don't just send requests to random people. Don't act like you don't know me. Don't ignore my texts."
"I'm fucking losing it. Come now or else."
This was the most random thing to ever happen to you. Nate Jacobs, some random jock you never even said one word to, was texting you as if you had been best friends since two years old and you had always been all rah-rah-go-team for him.
You were almost scared to open the picture. Instagram asked you if you were sure. Once, twice. You should have listened. But you didn't, and you were about to face the consequences.
Red. That was the first thing you saw, and the first thing that had ever grossed you out enough to physically throw your phone away.
So much red.
Above the red, concealed almost cruelly, was a black box with white text in it. For a moment, your eyes were overwhelmed, so overwhelmed with the monstrosity in front of you that you couldn't even begin to comprehend what the words meant. You picked your phone back up, squinting your eyes and blocking out the rest.
He must have noticed you accepted his request, because you saw 'Typing...' pop up way too fast for him not to have been waiting.
"I'll cut deeper if you don't show up."
Nate Jacobs was a cruel and manipulative bastard of a man who you would happily let die.
But not like this.
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You glanced at the screen and then back at the road, from time to time. There was no indication that he was typing. The 'online' sign still stayed. Okay. So he either just threw his phone away while still on your chat or he was about to-
Nate Jacobs started an audio call.
Clearly tonight wasn't going to be the night you stayed in and finished all your assignments, like you'd decided.
"Pick up or I'll fucking kill you."
Yup, that sounded about right.
You laughed, incredulously. The genuine threat wasn't lost on you, but what else does one do in this situation besides laugh at the absurdity of it all?
Better safe than sorry. You swiped up.
"Y/N, please just come."
It felt so weird to hear him say your name. It felt even weirder to hear him say 'please'.
"You need to be here." His voice was unwavering.
"Look, Jacobs, I'm sorry, but I have projects and assignments to work on. Not to mention, my portfolio-"
You wanted to see how far you could take it. He couldn't hear your car's sounds, and he couldn't possibly track your location, so according to him, you were still sitting at home, petulantly.
If he was joking, he'd just cuss you out drunkenly. If he wasn't, he'd... keep begging.
"Jesus fuck, Y/N, just come!"
"I can't. I'm sorry."
Keeping your calm was the best thing you'd ever done for yourself, the greatest form of self-care you could give yourself, because Nate Jacobs sensing nervousness was like sharks smelling blood in the water. Quick and bad.
"I have important shit, too, you know? Scouts are here, Y/N, please!"
"Coach, I know, just five more minutes - FUCK, Y/N, you gotta come.", he pleaded, his tone becoming far too pathetic to brush off.
"Why? Whaddayamean why?", he huffed out, frustrated, as if you were supposed to know this already.
2 + 2. What galaxy we live in. The colour of the sky. Why you were needed at the game. According to this asshole, all these things were common knowledge.
"I will cut deeper."
"Stop bullshitting, Jacobs."
You hoped to god that your voice didn't betray your bewilderment. This better be a sick fucking joke.
"I'm cutting."
"Coach says the five minutes are up, but I won't play without you here."
A video. SHIT. FUCK.
"What the fuck is your problem?!"
Actually, no. This better not just be a joke, because if the entire school was in on this shit, you would end up cutting him.
The grunts of pain and sharp inhales from his side of the call got more and more grotesque as you pulled into the school parking lot.
The school had an unsettling vibrancy to it after hours, and this was only exacerbated by the fact that you were supposedly the cause for a boy to slice through his own skin. It shouldn't have seemed this vibrant, this overwhelming, this vivid, this.... bright, but it did. The world moved at an eerily quick pace, like a carnival ride on LSD.
As you ran across the parking lot and gripped the gate to the stadium and basically swung right past it, you finally realized how fucking loud a crowd could be.
It was like they knew that their QB might be bleeding out because of you, because they seemed to scream loud enough to torture you for eternity.
Immediately manhandled by Chris McKay -another jock you had absolutely no connection to, but who seemed to have a very personal grudge against you-, you were pushed out of the locker rooms as quickly as you came in. Fuck's sake.
"Let me go , McKay!"
"Coach is trying to calm him down, and if he sees you, we got no idea what he might do, okay? OKAY?", he ordered, sternly, through clenched teeth as he shook your shoulders.
He was earnestly trying to be calm and gentle, but his fingers gripping harder and harder into your arms did jackshit to help his case.
He nodded, sighing in some emotion that seemed oddly like relief.
What, did he expect more of a fight? Did he expect you to be all 'no, I gotta see him now?'
You had no clue who the hell this bastard was, let alone what he wanted. No way were you going to kick and shout for him.
"What the fuck is his problem?", you asked, sighing against McKay's chest, exhausted.
He shrugged, rubbing his forehead in exasperation. "He's stressed about the game."
"So he cuts himself in my name? We don't even know each other, dude!"
"Okay, he isn't exactly the one you go to for rationality, alright?"
"Yo, the fuck's going on, man? The game was supposed to start-"
The other team's captain.
"Yeah, we're just, uh, dealing with a situation over here.", assured McKay, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from going ballistic at Nate. Or you. Most likely Nate. But even more likely you. "Tell your coach we're so sorry, and we'll be out in a minute, tops."
The other guy scoffed, grumbling as he stomped away, glaring more at you than McKay. What, did everyone know now?
"He thinks we're trying to hook up before the game.", explained McKay, patiently, almost embarrassed. "It's a thing some athletes do, 'for luck'."
Jocks were the weirdest fucking aliens to ever exist.
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Crimson traced paths through the blinding white of the bandages wrapped tightly like dependent vines around his palm. Noticing the lack of uniformity of white, Coach tsked. "We need more. McKay!"
"Yes, Coach?"
"One more, then you can send her in."
"She came?" Nate's voice, though feeble and exhausted - and now, hopeful - was heard through the tiny gap in the door that McKay made sure would remain tiny as he passed the last bandage to him, and you didn't want to admit it, but it broke your heart.
Ew. Nate Jacobs was breaking your heart?
Coach finished wrapping Nate up, and McKay guided you in, with both measured aggression and protectiveness.
Nate's eyes lifted and brightened up immensely, a feat you'd only thought possible by a lone spark igniting and breaching every inch of a dry leaf.
"You came."
"Son, I don't know what the hell you were thinking-"
"No, no, Coach, she's here, we can play."
Everyone stopped breathing at that moment. What the hell did the self-wounding quarterback asshole just say?
"What'd you just say, Jacobs?"
"We can play. Y/N's here. This isn't my good palm, anyway, so it's fine. Let's go."
And just like that, Nate was back. The amount of theses that could be written on this sheer anomaly of a man, the amount of studies that could be conducted, the amount of shock anyone else in this situation would go through- all unheard of.
No one else could handle it, though, besides all the people right there in the room. The best friend : self-taught and well-versed in handling him, the Coach : the authority figure that could calm him down with a bunch of fatherly words and....
And you : no one knew what the fuck you brought to the table. But something told you no one else would have survived in your shoes.
"Alright... then...?" Even Coach was absolutely speechless.
Nate nodded briskly, shooting up with a sudden burst of energy as he smiled at you.
Ladies and gentlemen : Nate Jacobs was on crack, confirmed.
He drew you in against his chest with an extremely unprecedented jerk, and you locked eyes with McKay behind him as he did so.
Not crack. Probably fent.
Your questioning gaze- which obviously said 'what in the everloving fuck is he doing?' - was met with a shrug and a look which suggested he barely even recognized his best friend right now.
"Okay, let's go WIN this motherfucker!", shouted Nate, patting your shoulder and loudly clapping his hands together before sprinting out of the locker rooms into the cheering football field.
It was dressed entirely in Blackhawk colours and bathed in a fluorescent, sickeningly pale light that you had to now spend an hour and a half in. Ugh.
Whiplash or not, you were about to throw up.
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You know those moments after a surreal event? When you just... sit. Stare into space and... ruminate.
You were having one of those in your car. The game had ended, really well, too, with the Blackhawks winning by a landslide. Your windshield had never held such secrets before. You stared through it.
Knock. Knock. Knock. Bang.
You turned. Nate Jacobs' fist fell on your window more times than you thought was necessary. 'Unlock the door, Y/N.'
You shook your head. Not a fucking chance in hell.
"'Y/N, don't be difficult, unlock the fucking door."
Something in you told you that that would be the worst mistake of your entire life.
"I'm sorry, I just want to talk, yeah?"
You had no idea if he deliberately made it a point to rest his bandaged palm on the window in full display to manipulate you, or if it was just a coincidence.
Just a coincidence, right?
You sighed, nodding your head in the direction of the passenger's seat as you unlocked it. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
He slid in, grinning as he shut the door.
"You catch the touchdown?"
"Yeah. I did."
"What'd you think? Smoothest match yet?"
His grin gave way to a lour as he scoffed. "Why are you so cold? Our school won."
"Why am I so cold? Why am I so cold? You asshole, you just cut yourself to make me show up!"
"Because you didn't show up when I asked nicely!"
"You're a psychopath." The effect of this word on him was oddly intriguing. He seemed to both be offended by it and seemed to get off on it.
"Can I just explain?", he sighed, sucking on his teeth for a moment as he watched other students, cheering, whistling, hooting and drinking, through your windshield.
You gestured at him to continue. He wasn't worthy enough of your words.
"You know athletes have...", he trailed off, searching desperately for the right word of vindication.
"Small dicks?"
"Okay, deserved.", he muttered, rolling his eyes. "Look, we have, like... superstitions, sometimes. For luck."
"Like the hooking up thing."
"How do you know about that?"
"McKay told me."
He scoffed, shaking his head as if his friend had divulged the biggest secret, as if he had broken some moral code.
"Alright, fine, whatever. But, uh, I pretend like it's not something I do, but I kinda have them too."
If he was about to say what he was going to, you were about to press into the wound just to watch him bleed again. How dare he.
"My, um, my first game, I bumped into you on my way to the locker rooms.", he admitted, clearing his throat as if to clear space for whatever he was going to say - because it was so obviously the solution to String Theory, like he was making it out to be.
But oh, shit. He actually was going to say it.
"And we won. The next game, I did the same again, by accident. Y'know, just, this time, I fist-bumped you."
"When the fuck did you-"
"You were drunk, and you were cheering all of us on with your friends. You went for McKay's fist, but I did it instead. Uh, yeah, anyway. So, from the... maybe fourth? Yeah, the fourth game, I made it a point to at least brush my arm past you. Haven't lost a game since."
Your touch was his good luck charm? Was he clinically insane? Or was he just a massive loser?
"What's next? Our rising signs are aligned?"
"It's not a fucking joke, Y/N!", he snapped, his fist clenching.
"Really? Because it's pretty fucking hilarious."
"You know how hard it was for me to even admit I had superstitions, let alone about some random nobody girl I've never even talked to?"
No, no, he was not trying to make you feel bad, no goddamn way.
"You know how hard it was for me to see some random nobody guy bleeding out because of me?"
"It wasn't that deep." The pun was intended. It was so evidently intended that you wanted to slap the smirk off his lips.
"Yeah, okay, get out."
"Okay. You better show up to the next one, babygirl, or I'll have to take more drastic measures."
The audacious son of a bitch ruffled your hair and winked before he left.
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"C'mon, Y/N, don't be a cunt. Just do it. High five me. Fist bump me. Hug me. Whatever. Just do it, I've got a game to get to. And... everyone's watching."
The very next weekend, there was another game. Last game of the season. And you were supposed to be there, of course, because Nate's 'entire life depended on it.' And what's worse? He'd dragged you there, from your internship.
That's right. He'd basically come to your place of work, interrupted a conversation with your boss, and tugged you along with him because of his borderline insane obsession with having to touch you for luck.
He could have gotten away with it, too, if his 'good luck charm' theory hadn't involved you having to make contact with him right before the game.
And now you were out there on the field. Backing away from him. Refusing.
"Y/N, please."
You slapped him across the face, as hard as you possibly could.
The entire football field gasped.
He'd fucked up your week with the picture of the blade carving into his skin, and now, he was fucking up your career by costing you your internship. And what's worse, he didn't even care.
"Go. Play now."
He clenched his jaw, closing his eyes to suppress his rage before he opened them again. "That's not how it works. It has to be mutual. Like a fist bump. Or bumping into each other."
"Oh, okay.", you shrugged, grabbing his wrist before using it to uppercut him. "NOW go. PLAY."
You didn't know if you were being 'whoo'd or 'boo'd by the crowd, but at this point, the only thing you could hear was the red hot fury in your boiling blood.
He bit his lip as you let go of his hand, and before he jogged out onto the field, you could have sworn he said something that, if you'd heard it right, could cut through your entire soul and ruin your self-perception for years - something absolutely, shatteringly degrading.
You hoped you'd heard wrong.
Taking your seat in the stands, you scrolled on your phone, ignoring the entire fucking game. As expected, text from your team leader.
Gone. Internship gone. LoR gone. Nate Jacobs? About to be gone.
He won.
He. Fucking. Won.
And that smirk that he gave you before blowing you a kiss that immediately morphed into flipping you the bird made you want to genuinely ask him to recreate that video once again.
You hated yourself for it, but yes.
You wanted him dead.
All the trauma he'd given you the past week couldn't be left unpunished.
Oh, to knock him off his pedestal. OH, to be the one to make him scream in pain instead of arrogant mirth.
"Whoo! Nate FUCKING Jacobs, baby!", he cheered in your ear as you gritted your teeth, walking back to your car. "And, of course, you."
You threw your bags into your car, ignoring him as you get in, starting the engine. He thumped on the hood of the car. "Come on, you can't still be mad! Your boss was looking down your shirt, anyway!"
"Oh, and I'm supposed to believe you did this out of the goodness of your heart?", you scoffed.
"That's right, baby, chivalry ain't dead."
"No, but you're about to be. Get the fuck out of my way."
"Hey, I need a ride. Gimme a lift."
"No chance in hell, Jacobs."
"Stop wounding me. Let me in."
"Or what?"
"I'll break your window.", he shrugged, casually. Normal things. The sun will rise tomorrow. Seasons will change. He'll break your window.
"I wouldn't be letting you in if I didn't think you were psychotic enough to actually do that."
He chuckled, sitting as he rested his duffle bag on his lap. A couple moments later, he looked up at you. "What? What are you waiting for?"
"Tell me where to go."
"You don't know where I live?"
"Okay, let me explain this to you, slowly. I didn't know jackshit about you till, like, a week ago. I didn't know your age or what kind of car you drove, or even what classes we shared, much less where the hell you live!"
"All this shit just proves that you don't observe people around you. You only care about yourself."
"If I only cared about myself, you'd have bled out last week."
He sighed playfully, resting his feet on your dashboard because he very evidently knew you would have a neurotic breakdown. "I, for one, know your age, the kind of car you drive, all the classes you have, plus your favourite colour and food."
"The first two are moot.", you replied, ignoring his silent mockery of the word 'moot'. "Next, you know I'm in all of Maddy's classes. And the rest you can find on my account. Account stalker."
"Account stalker. God, sweetheart, you're such a child. You don't want your account stalked, don't have a public one."
"I barely even post anything!"
"Oh, yeah, what about last month?"
He was looking at your profile last month? "I'd gone to France. It was a photo dump."
"It was unnecessary."
"Okay, you know what this is?"
He raised a brow.
"This is post-game audacity, is what I call it. You won. You're Mr. Big Shot, so you think you can just-"
And that's when Nate Jacobs kissed you.
To call it the worst fucking moment of your life would be a massive understatement. "Drive."
"You did not just fucking kiss me."
"You want me to do it again?"
"Then drive."
This motherfucking bastard of a man!
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"You wanna come in?"
No way in hell were you going into Nate Jacobs' house. Especially when there was a party going strong.
"I'm good."
He rolled his eyes, his arm leaning on the top of the window as he leaned in. "I don't bite. Initially."
"Ooh, you don't bite initially, oh, please let me come in right now! Shut up and get in, Jacobs."
"You've earned the right to call me Nate. Congrats. Begin using it."
"Why? We're never talking after this."
He scoff-snickered. "Oh. OH, so that's how it is.", he nodded, amused.
"Yeah, yeah, that's how it is."
He guffawed, banging on the hood of your car. "This ain't funny anymore. Come in."
"What? No."
"Is there really only one way to ask you to do something?"
"No, Jacobs, don't you dar-"
But he didn't listen. When did he ever? His fingers emerged from his pocket with his knife in tow. NOT AGAIN. This was the most cunning, calculating, manipulative, Machiavellian-
"I'm cutting. This time, my wrist."
"You're so fucking dumb, y'know that? You're psychopathic."
The grin on his face showed that you were wrong. He wasn't offended. He was 100% getting off on it.
Drops of blood reached the floor, and you realized you couldn't just drive off and leave this guy here - he'd probably still be cutting just to prove a point.
"I hope you die.", you mumbled, getting out of your car and slamming the door.
"I'm trying, dude!", he laughed, pointing at his wrist. Oh, this sick bastard.
"Not dressing that wound?"
"C'mon, blood is sexy. Badass."
Nate Jacobs was about to see how 'badass' blood could really get.
And when you were done beating the everloving shit out of him, you kissed him. Because he deserved to know how infuriating that shit was, too.
The next day at school, it was normal. You didn't acknowledge him, and he didn't acknowledge you.He didn't seem to care about the fact that you hit him so hard he almost had a concussion. An average social media interaction. Good.
How it should be.
But then he texted you.
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jaelvr · 2 months
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Home | NCT 127 masterlist |
Requested : no
Prompts ; 12. “Ow! What did I do this time?!” + 35. “If anything happens to me, remember that I’ll always love you.”
Pairing : spiderman! Mark x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff
Word count : 1.2k
Warnings : mutual feelings, friends to lovers, idol au, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
"Holy shit dude!" you murmured, eyes widening as you took in the scene, your best friend had just swung through his window. You had been sitting in his room, scribbling away at his desk while you waited for him to get home when he'd swung through the window - no, wait, spiderman had swung through the window. As soon as Spiderman turned, his expression went from confused to shocked and a slight blush spread its way across his cheeks once the reality of the situation set in. His hands shook out of nervousness and slight panic as he thought about every decision he’d made that led him here. He cleared his throat before finally speaking. “um…” he mumbled.
"You're Spiderman?!" you gasped, letting out a nervous laugh as you stood up. “yeah…” He sighed and looked away, then back at you. he crossed his arms and tried to stand up straighter. though he was the one doing the whole superhero shtick, he still lacked confidence when talking to you. “I guess you know now.” His hands fidgeted with his suit’s sleeves as he spoke. "Do the others know? Does Hyuck know?" you rambled, standing in front of him as you looked at his suit. "How does it work?-" You continued, getting excited and not noticing his slightly overwhelmed expression.
“Wait slow down- no, Hyuck doesn’t know. most people don’t. and uh…” Mark took a breath to focus and gather his thoughts. he didn’t think he’d have to really explain any of the superhero business to you. He was really nervous about what you were thinking right now. “uh, how does what work?” He asked, trying to keep up with all the questions you were throwing at him. "Sorry, I'm uh..I'm probably overwhelming you right now." you apologised sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “Nah, it’s fine….” he chuckled nervously and fidgeted with his fingers. Mark didn’t get nervous around anyone but he was always nervous around you. “So… do you think I’m weird now?” he wondered, slightly anxious about your reaction.
"Weird? Mark, my best friend is Spiderman! Do you know how cool that is?" you gushed, cheeks a gentle pink and a massive grin on your face. “R-really? you’re fine with it and don’t think I’m some weirdo?” The way he spoke implied that people he knew before would react differently, hence the nervousness. “You’re not gonna think of me differently now? like, you’re still gonna want to hang out with me?” he wondered in disbelief. "Mark, nothing could stop me from hanging out with you." you assured gently, sitting on his bed.
His heart melted. Mark could never truly put into words how much it meant to him to have someone like you in his life. You never thought he was odd, or a weirdo. You liked him for the person that he was inside. The superhero stuff was just a bonus. he stepped forward and sat beside you. “seriously? you mean it? you’re not going to treat me any differently now that you know?” Mark mumbled hesitantly, unsure of your response. "You're still the same Mark Lee, right?" you teased gently, cupping his face. “I mean yeah…” he looked down at your hand touching his face, a tinge of blush crept to his cheeks. after a few more seconds, he looked back up at you. “but I’m a superhero now. Doesn’t that make me cooler or something?”
"You've always been cool to me." you murmured, caressing his cheek. “you’re going to make me cry.” his cheeks were fully flushed and his heart was racing. Mark was more in love with you than usual. If he could, he would’ve kissed you right now. but he was too shy and knew that if he did it now, it would be super cheesy. "You're still gonna come to our movie nights right? And you're not too cool for cuddles?" you teased gently, a small smile on your face as you looked at him and your cheeks heating up. he chuckled. You definitely caught him off guard. “yeah, I'm not gonna just stop hanging out with you because I'm a superhero. and no, I'll never be too cool for cuddles.” he took one of your hands and rubbed his thumb over your wrist, smiling softly.
"… I missed you." you admitted gently, resting your head on his shoulder. “I missed you too….” he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. His fingers found a way into your hair, running through the strands lovingly. Mark was thankful for this moment, this moment of comfort, but he also wanted more. "promise you'll try and be careful out there?" you muttered, playing with his hand. “I promise I'll be the most careful I can be.” his hand tightened on yours as if to reassure you. Mark was grateful for this conversation. that now, you were fully aware of what he did during his spare time, you were worried for him. and he felt thankful that you cared about his well being. He leaned his head onto yours, pressing his forehead to yours. “If anything happens to me, remember that I’ll always love you.”
A small smile settled on your face, your cheeks heating up and your heart rate speeding up at the unexpected confession of reciprocated feelings. You let out a soft chuckle before gently punching his arm, forehead still against his. “Ow! What did I do this time?!” Mark playfully shoved you back, giving you a teasing glare, though his blush grew in the process. He thought back to a few times throughout the day when he’d caught you staring at him with a soft smile. Mark could’ve sworn you were flirting, but he didn’t know for certain. At that exact moment, he wanted to ask you, but he was too nervous. "Don't joke about stuff like that!" you pouted, sending him a soft smile. "I'm serious, Mark Lee. I can't lose you."
His heart started hammering. there was a chance. a chance that you were serious about all this, all this flirting, all this… the thought of it being true made him weak in the knees. he cleared his throat and spoke while still looking at your lips. ”Okay, but, what if I told you I felt the same way?” Mark answered back, deciding to take the chance. "then I'd tell you to kiss me right now." you responded, lips brushing against his. his breath caught in his throat as your lips brushed against his. All his self-control escaped him and his lips met yours, his grip on your waist tightening as he pulled you even closer, kissing you back enthusiastically. After a few moments, his breath was heavy and he was practically panting. Mark let go of you and looked away, his cheeks very flushed. He tried to get himself together. “…so, uh…” he started.
He didn't get a chance to speak before he was tugged into another kiss, a smirk plastered on his face as he felt your hands tangle in his hair. Mark's eyes fluttered close once your lips were against his once more. His hands went back to your waist and his arms wrapped around you once again, pulling you into a tight embrace as he kissed you back. His lips moved with yours in tandem, kissing you over and over. Mark's heart beat faster as the seconds passed by, but he couldn't stop because he didn’t want to get off of this high.
This beautiful high.
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homunculus-argument · 10 months
Sometimes the way getting older changes the way you think really creeps on you in surprising ways. I used to think, "I'm not mature or responsible enough to have kids and if I'm not sure I want them, so I don't think I should." It wouldn't be fair for some kid to have me as a parent, my parents were only a few years older than I am now and did not have their shit together as well as I do, even if they were more stable financially and better established career-wise. The idea that having to "grow up" and give up whatever fun bullshit I'm doing because now I have to provide for someone else, felt like a looming threat on the horizon.
Approaching 30 now, I'm just becoming more and more aware of how much better it is for everyone that I never picked up the huge responsibility of another human being. I would absolutely rather devote my time and energy to doing silly and frivolous things than put them all aside for the sake of a task that's not only far more important than my own life, and I'm fortunate and lucky that it wasn't forced onto me by any outside circumstance.
Me and my boyfriend have recently gotten into Warhammer. There's a small army of expensive, half-finished, very delicate and fragile figurines currently on the floor. Not only is every single one of them a choking hazard, and the paints are probably super toxic for someone who investigates their surroundings primarily by putting foreign objects into their mouth, but they also look like the coolest, sickest fucking toys you've ever seen. Because they are. It would be straight-up torture for everyone involved to try to keep a kid away from The Cool Grownup Toys until they're old enough to not immediately destroy them. Or get hurt by them.
Having kids and having your own dumb fun shit aren't inherently mutually exclusive. Some people can figure out how to have both a kids' room and a Warhammer Room in their house, without one killing the other no matter how hard they're determined to do that, and even having the time to enjoy both of them. I am not one of those people. I'm sitting here, looking at the rows of unpainted tyranids and space marines on the floor, knowing that both people in the house are adults who can be trusted to not step on them or take them apart to see what's the largest and most jagged part that can be fit inside one's nostril or ear canal, and think
"Man, I'm so glad I didn't have kids."
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livehorses · 11 months
The Spot and Disability
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It's very interesting to me how ATSV told Spot's story. At a start he's handled as a joke in the movie. Even Miles and the audience with him laughed at the new villain in his introduction. I was personally disgusted when the bread goes across him. Also, the guy isn't good at being bad and stealing an ATM, so he can be considered as a joke.
But it's hard to admit that we as an audience, and Miles did wrong laughing at his face about his new condition. We often mock him when it comes to the bagel joke, but he clearly suffered a lot, and lost it all after the accident. He was being mocked, rejected by everyone, even by his own friends and relatives. He evidently couldn't do anything without any of his holes getting in the way (which is the thing that makes him disabled), he lost his job and was forced to do illegal stuff in order to survive. That left an irreparable emotional damage that shaped him permanently. These are actual motivations for a person to take the wrong path, and even more when you discover you have a power that could give you some advantage over the others.
All of his story is clearly similar to what many disabled people live on a daily basis. "Unfortunately for me and you, this is skin." Sounds familiar? Reminds me of people that have vitiligo, which isn't exactly an illness and it isn't contagious, but common people think it is, and they fear, avoid and reject anyone who has it. Even in these modern days, where society supposedly is for everyone and everyone matters, disabled people are still rejected and disrespected, victims of bullying, mockery and exclusion. They don't get a chance to adapt to this world, not meant for them, and they miss so many opportunities of having a job, to form a family and go places adapted to their unique conditions. This world still needs to educate its people on respecting the disabled. That doesn't mean that disabled people are doomed to become villains, no! That would expand more the prejudices towards them. But what most of Marvel villains, and more, Spider-Man villains, have in common is having an accident that left them disabled: Flint falling on a sand dispenser, Max on a pool of eels, affecting their entire lives. (Not to mention that Doctor Connors was already disabled when he recurred to a not so ethic way to recover his arm, turning him into a lizard-like humanoid)
And yeah, every Spider-Man has a similar (canon) event, they're bitten by a radioactive spider. But rather to turn them onto something horrible, they hit the jackpot instead isn't it? They get attractively buffed, they get cool super powers, they become popular and loved by most people. But the others are treated as villains, and it's true, Spider-Man has to combat crime, and in the end, he shows mercy towards them. But in the end, most of the time their condition is treated as menacing and villanious. That's why No Way Home, brings a fresh vision on helping the villains to get cured or at least treated. (Although, that's not always realistically possible for disabled people, and most of them don't need to be cured or treated like their condition is bad for them)
But the movie leaves it clear it was a mistake to not take Spot's situation seriously. The man might've taken it chill at a start, but the more he was mistreated, the more he got resentful especially with Miles, wrongly considering him the source of all his disgraces, and more when the Super-Hero laughed at him. His power grew at the same time as his anger, and by the end of the movie, Miles admits it, he's his nemesis, they're mutual enemies now, and he's dangerous. If Spot was treated better from the start, with dignity and if he was given a second opportunity, support and optimum laboral conditions, maybe Spot would be now an ally.
How wrong we were, by taking him for granted...
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luminouslywriting · 11 days
Hii wanted to request a Bob headcannon, them with a French risistant
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Ahh this is a super fun idea! Admittedly, I don't know a ton about the French resistance, but I'll give it my best go! Reminder that my requests are open for BoB, MOTA, and the Pacific!
More under the cut, cut for length:
Dick Winters:
-Really impressed with your work and works with you well.
-The relationship is born from a mutual respect and friendship—combined with shared goals, it makes it easy for the two of you to connect and fall in love.
-You promise to take him to Paris one day and you are the one who accompanies him on his leave :)
-Admittedly, he does worry about you because your job puts you in the line of fire, but he trusts you and your ability to handle yourself above all else.
-Does his best to learn some French and it's very very American sounding still, but hey, he's trying haha
-Waits until the end of the war to make a move because he doesn't want to mess things up with you
Lewis Nixon:
-Enjoys getting to know you during intelligence reports and other espionage acts. Is very impressed by you. -Loves talking French culture and appreciated your music and art a ton….he’s an educated man, after all haha. -Thinks you need to let loose every now and then with a drink and definitely offers it more than once haha. -Comes to talk to you about the most random things; from strategy to drinking to his marriage problems to your life story. -Always expresses gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices you make to help Easy Co along. -Probably hooks up with you at least once and then admits he’s fallen for you shortly before the war ends lol
Ronald Speirs:
-Pretends not to listen to any of the stories about you and mostly succeeds. He just figures out the truth and has mad respect for you and your job. -Scary girlfriend with scary dog boyfriend privileges?? Sign me up. -Loves getting to work with you in any capacity and will swap tips and tricks for taking people down haha
-Please just have a hot spar session with him. It’s life changing, I promise. -Learns French quietly and on his own to better communicate with you. -Probably comes back to Europe after the war to sweep you off your feet and admit his love.
Buck Compton:
-In awe??? You’re very cool and he’s very aware of that haha. -Compliments you very sincerely and probably tries to get into whatever sports teams that you have in France. -Also a college boy who is considering doing college in Europe solely so he can see you after haha
-Learns all of your body language so he can better understand how you’re feeling about things without having to ask you plainly. -Is a great support system so please be a great support to him as well. -Invite him to come recover in France, he’ll love that!
Carwood Lipton:
-Painfully shy about being impressed by you and your skillset. But he’s also paying close attention and praising your work. -A great friend and ally to have wherever you travel. He’ll always have your back. -He’s quietly harboring a crush that he would be mortified if anyone found out. Easy Company does find out and ships you two quite a bit. -Is not going to make a move until Austria though because he knows that the war is a messy situation and relations between countries are already stressed. -Very sweet about supporting you and always checks in on your emotions and how your family is doing. He CARES okay??? -Everyone is convinced you two are going to be married one day haha.
Joe Liebgott:
-Love at first sight?? Like DAYUM he is impressed and starry eyed and immediately flirting with you the first chance he gets. -It does not go well and he needs a whole redemption friend arc where he proves himself to be a good friend first. -Has cute German pet names for you that he will never speak aloud lol. -Probably invites you to his foxhole for warmth (there’s only some slight innuendos in that instance)
-Makes a move shortly after Bastogne because that was sobering to realize mortality was so frail and it all just works out. -You are the only person he will share his chocolate with haha.
Donald Malarkey:
-Meets you on D-Day and is just ???? Shook??? Bc who are you and where did you come from and how are you so cool? -He’s super easy to talk to and connect with. He loves talking to you and hearing about your life. -Also just wants to introduce you to American food and sports haha. -Writes home to his family about you in passing and they are sus as hell about that haha
-Really gets to know you after his friends die and leave after Bastogne and relies on you a lot. You’re a great strength to him. -Probably asks you if you’d like to come home to the US with him :)
Eugene Roe:
-HE SPEAKS FRENCH, YOU SPEAK FRENCH, instant besties, if only because he understands exACTLY what you’re saying haha 🤣
-You two gravitate easily towards each other for this reason but also, it’s really nice to have someone with actual medical training on your side. -He loves hearing French folktales and legends and he’ll share some American and Cajun ones with you
-Always is the first to check on you after espionage missions or after you’ve been on the line. He wants to make sure you’re doing okay. -Honestly very devoted to you but knows that the timing isn’t right and you both have jobs to do. -But a hand hold here or there wouldn’t hurt…and neither would inviting him to France and to meet your family after the war haha
Bill Guarnere:
-An Italian American and his French S/O walk into a bar….truly the start to an iconic joke….except you two are great together?? -He falls for your devotion and the way in which you are so passionate about things. And he definitely lets you know that. -He starts planning things out pretty early on and if you don’t have any family left, he’d be happy to make an honest Italian American out of you lol. -Consistently had your back in battle and watches out for you. -Go home with him to the US after he gets injured and he’ll take care of him. You’ll get a home and a family and someone who will love you forever. -Honestly?? Too cute.
Joe Toye:
-Not about to admit that he thinks you’re badass but he certainly tells everyone else that haha
-Likes to see you relax and have fun with the guys and prioritizes making sure you feel included
-Is a great listener if you ever want to talk about how you’re feeling or what’s been going on lately
-Trains with you on shooting and hand to hand combat and is eager to learn from you as much as he wants to teach you too
-Definitely wrote back home to his family about you and admitted his feelings before Bastogne.
-Go home with him please :) he’ll love you forever
George Luz:
-This man probably has so many nicknames for you (a la Tony Stark style) and it’s a witty banter filled friendship. -He’s not afraid of telling you how he feels and is very good at watching your six in the field. -Is the type of guy to attempt horrible flirting in broken French. It’s painful for everyone haha. -Everyone is aware that you two like each other and they’re coming to with increasingly deranged ways to get you two together. -Loved hearing you talk about history and your culture and hobbies. It’s one of the few times he’s completely quiet and attentive. -Comes back to Europe in a romantic grand gesture after the war to sweep you off of your feet.
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justalildumpling · 1 year
⇢ renjun as your boyfriend
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pairing: renjun x reader  genre: fluff, established relationship note: happy bday to our fav lil angry bean jun <33 (also um?!?! he literally has THE BEST bf material photos istg)
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your relationship would’ve probably started off as not friends but not dating in a way, whether you met thru mutuals or just naturally, the two of you would’ve felt a spark but wanted to get to know each other before actually pursuing something
renjun would’ve made it obvious but not too obvious about his feelings, enough for you to question it but not enough for you to be completely confident with your evidences
the dreamies would be ROLLING AROUND the floor in frustration, telling him to confess his feelings already and giving you the biggest hints ever with the two of you shrugging them off saying it’s too early
despite the slow burn lead up to your relationship, i feel like renjun’s confession would be rlly casual like you two would be over at one of your guys’ place watching tv on the couch cuddling and renjun would just drop it like- HUH?!
it could literally be a disney movie in the background and renjun would say “you know, that character is my favourite from that movie” and you would laugh and ask him why
“idk it’s just really cute and it reminds me of you in a way, maybe that’s why i’ve always liked you.” 
once you started dating, not much would’ve changed in your relationship ok besides from the occasional kissing and hand holding etc
i feel like he would send you little doodles throughout the week that reminded him of you
oh the way he would have the softest smile on his lips whenever he talked to you or if he received any messages from you during his schedules 
renjun would have so much care for you whether he would express it thru just random sweet sayings throughout the day like “you look pretty today” or just giving you that honey soaked smile that he has (you know the one) 
he would call you love or some sort of cute nickname and would get super happy if you gave him one too (tho wouldn’t admit it to the dreamies LMAO)
the dreamies would so tease him everytime you came over ESP HAECHAN OML which would probably end up in a bickering match between the two so nomin and mark would take you away from the scenario and have a nice civil chat
he doesn’t seem like the type to overdo on PDA but wouldn’t mind small gestures like holding hands or leaning on each other’s shoulders/lap/stomach
tho i feel like he would purposely kiss you in front of haechan just to be petty and see his reaction LMAOO
tho he doesn’t seem like the possessive type, he would get clingy towards you when schedules abroad comes up 
“imagine you came with me to Thailand that would be so cool, haha im kidding! i mean… unless??” “ok fine!! i’ll stop guilt tripping you but like just so you know i’m gonna be crying on the plane tomorrow.”
ok. renjun may be a relatively small man but do not underestimate his power/anger like if he found out you were ever mistreated in any way he will fight. like rip to whoever hurts you because jun would roast the heck out of that person (touch them and i’ll destroy you vibe)
your dates will either be aimlessly exploring the city and trying to find the best hotpot spots or food spots in general to just chill nights at your houses just enveloped in peace
you would feel so comfortable around each other, and could feel that the relationship was stable from the start
he seems like the type to communicate problems well and stress the importance of it. even tho it can be hard to communicate sometimes just in case it may hurt the other’s feelings, he makes sure to address the problem on the early stages because he cares and wants to be with you in the long run
he doesn’t seem like he would throw in this much effort for people he thinks isn’t worth his time and energy 
the best thing about dating renjun would be that you would feel at home with each other, you guys realise early on that you are each other’s rock, that you can trust each other with your lives and be each other’s driving force to become your best selves
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taglist: @polarisjisung @wooyoung-a @w3bqrl @enelrahs @rv7hsua @n0hyuck @neosdaisy @xxxx-23nct @maeumiluv @produmads @dearlyminhyung @shwizhies @baekhyunstruly
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kimetsu-chan · 6 months
~Welcome to my blog!~
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Hello! You can call me Kimmie or Kim (some nicknames my sweet friends gave me 😋)
I am not going to disclose my exact age but I am a minor
I do art and sometimes I’ll write!
I am a pessimist— (I will hate on my art sometimes)
My birthday is December 4th :D
My persona
Here is my OC Masterlist!
I do take requests for art and writing, and you can find those rules, here!
The things I have written are here :)
My gamejolt is my BSD focused area, although I will post BSD here occasionally. The username/tag is the same as here!^^
and @soyyyyaa is my twisted wonderland focused blog :3
⚠️ I do take emergency requests and those will take top priority no matter what. Emergency requests will almost always be open, even if normal requests aren’t. If I have a request I am actively working on and I receive an emergency request, I will let the person who sent the first request know that their request is being put on hold until the emergency request is finished. Consistent misuse of emergency requests will result in a temporary ban from placing requests. I will ultimately decide what qualifies as an emergency request.⚠️
More info about emergency requests here
I have a roleplay account for my oc, Yuna at @ask-yuna-handa
Male Kny oc, Zeno Arakawa, can be found on @ask-zeno-arakawa
My time zone is Eastern Standard Time!
These are my emoji coded tags:
🍁 is my writing tag!
🌾 is my mental health tag. I use it whenever I post something related to mental health or when I’m sad
🪻 is my drawing tag. I use it whenever I post art that I made!
🌹 is my animation/time lapse tag, I’ll post 🪻 and this together since animations are technically art
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These are my moots! They are lovely people and I recommend following them!
@natsukishinomiyaswife (SUPER talented writer and has adorable art! Also super super sweet :D )
@zenitsustherapist (ISA, BESTIE, ILYSM. MWAH MWAH!!<3)
@shjsjskshsjs (we have the occasional super long convo and it’s a lot of fun, I like yapping with her >:3)
@nothingtoseehere1-2-3 (I don’t interact w/ her a lot, but she’s cool!)
@midnightmah07 (SHES SO NICE OMG- my twst mootie :3)
@local-giyuu-simp (my twin that I tried to eat in the womb)
@gyutarowritings (my child :3)
@donkeybro (VERY NICE. Very fun to roleplay with too! :D)
@your-local-demon-slayer-nerd (very funny, would do stupid crap with)
@ame-delights (our ocs have become Milo’s guardians)
@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira (jaw dropping amazing fics. I should’ve followed her sooner. She’s also rlly nice :D)
@mooechi (beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, delectable art. AND THEY CAN RECREATE THE KNY ART STYLE SO PERFECTLYYYY)
@saffron0v0 (certified sweetheart. I think you could stab her and she’d forgive you— don’t do that though.)
@squidifier (such cute art omg—)
@ta-ni-ya (amazing art yum yum)
@night-mince0 (my other child >:3)
@scrimblyscrorblo (one of my art idols. I freaked out when we became moots)
@tinyperson00 (very nice, Akira is so pretty)
@naramaiz (Amari makes the best cookies yum)
@larz-barz (she’s literally an angel omg—and she is my wife, my one and only I love her sm)
@shycroissanti (another art idol, is so so nice. Says im her art idol too??!! EugfakgeGHWVDUY)
@kiyokatokito (the human embodiment of straight up sugar)
@muichiroslovermwah (I would like to adopt you please :>)
@boo-simplified (YET ANOTHER ART IDOL)
@tokito-dulya20 (very yummy art and fics)
@cloudymistedskies (ANOTHER ART IDOL—)
@mrs-k0zume (she said I could officiate her and Kenma’s wedding teehee)
@rion-isnot-an-ai (literally an angel #2)
@silliestsakura (i foam at the mouth bc of how pretty her art is)
@aceofstars0 (my first mutual and second follower!! ILSYM ACE.)
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(Thank you to @saradika for the dividers!)
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feroluce · 11 days
I have been informed by a mutual aid that you are a henghill enjoyer. You've single-handedly gotten me to care about Gepard and I would love to hear your thoughts on Cowborg Menace x Dragon That Can't Catch a Break
Aaaaaaaa I'm really flattered!! I have also been informed by a mutual aid that you have good taste (read: rvb enjoyer) and I need you to know that part of the reason I treat Gepard the way I do, like messing with him constantly, is because he makes me think of Wash. Poor dude was doomed the moment I got my grubby little mitts on him sksjkskdjd
But anyway yes, henghill! They really got me by the throat out of nowhere in 2.2. They're just. Surprisingly sweet?
The two of them get along very well, they see eye to eye on a lot of matters and have some similar mannerisms, they can hold long conversations together, and they have a shockingly swift understanding of the other in a very small amount of time! Platonically or romantically, there's a lot to dig into there. ♡
And I do mean a lot this basically ended up becoming a big long ship manifesto I'm so sorry zmjzznkdjd
Like first of all they're both fucking nerds over each other. Boothill's adoration for the Xianzhou alliance is already well-documented in his About Dan Heng voice line, and is appropriately pointed out in the fandom as sounding gay as all hell.
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We know what you are, Boothill.
But then! He further cements it by trying to use Xianzhou sayings in front of Dan Heng haha
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Not only that, but Boothill was able to recognize the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath for what it was like immediately, and instantly took it as proof of Dan Heng's identity as a Nameless. The validation of the Xianzhou is clearly a huge deal to him.
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And Dan Heng plays it cool but like. I don't think he's actually much better JFKLASJDKL
The in-game Data Bank, which is supposed to be written and maintained by Dan Heng himself, has a pretty positive glowing review of the Galaxy Rangers.
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And I feel the need to point out that like. The Galaxy Rangers are essentially a vigilante justice group..."group" being a pretty loose term, there isn't a whole lot of organization in there. Not everyone has a very good view of them because they're outlaws and there's a pretty wide and wild variety of individuals in the mix there, Boothill even confirms it as such.
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And that archive entry is a hilariously stark contrast to the one for the Masked Fools, who Dan Heng does NOT seem to respect. So you can tell he puts a lot of his own opinion into the data and you can really see where his preferences lie KFDLAJFKLD
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He does let his fanboy slip when Boothill first announces himself as a Galaxy Ranger though, just a little bit haha:
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They're like the equivalent of when your favorite big name fandom person follows you back, you feel me fjkdjasflkdjskal
Which. I feel like it does make sense that he would really idolize the Galaxy Rangers and see them as heroes. Dan Heng is someone who was a victim of centuries of wrongful imprisonment and political power plays, and it would have been way worse had Jing Yuan not gone above the preceptors to protect him. He is someone that the system failed, and horrifically so. Of course he would like the idea of righteous heroes who stand for justice and travel the cosmos freely to help people.
And as @hydrachea, CEO of Dan Heng Enterprises and Super Genius with Giant Wrinkly Brain pointed out, this background DOES lay the foundation for Dan Heng to relate to Boothill a lot. You see this displayed beautifully in his Keeping Up With Star Rail video, where Dan Heng gets really protective of him, I adored it so so much. ♡
In it, Dan Heng not only comments that he originally came because he thought he was giving a presentation on how to be friendly with Boothill, but every time the IPC tries to paint him as some violent dangerous ruthless criminal, Dan Heng speaks up to explain his way of thinking and to defend him. It was really sweet!
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And Dan Heng is protective of people anyway. He serves as the Guard of the Astral Express for a reason. He had nothing and no one before Himeko took him in, and now that he's found companions to love he is viciously defensive of them. You see it in the way he guards March 7th during fights on Jarilo-IV, in how he goes out of his way to bring important info to the trailblazer, in how he left the safety of the Express and infiltrated the Luofu because he was terrified he was going to lose them. But there's maybe a little extra layer of Understanding in the way he so persistently speaks up in Boothill's defense.
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And I'm sure that this is a part of him that Boothill really admires, too, because Dan Heng also displays these instincts in Penacony. He makes the decision not just once, but twice, to use the Jade Abacus to save the Express Crew. And we know from Boothill's earlier reaction to it that like. The Jade Abacus is a Big Fuckin' Deal. It is something of immense value. Even with everything that's at stake, Boothill urges him to really make sure he wants to use it.
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And this was something that really got me in the heart later, because! In Ena's Dream, Dan Heng once again decides to use the Jade Abacus, and. I'm not quite sure I can effectively put it in words, but there is something just so so sweet in the way that Boothill tells him no, Dan Heng should keep it. This is a get out of jail free card that could save his life down the line, he wants him to have it in case he finds himself in danger again later.
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It really gives the feeling that Boothill actually wanted Dan Heng to not have to rely on this before, but there was no other way at the time. But now there IS something Boothill can do about it, and he wants to do something about it. A sorta-kinda "let me protect you this time"-ish feeling. If that makes any sense. He doesn't want Dan Heng to have to make that sacrifice.
Because I think Boothill would consider that a really admirable and respectable action, especially given his background. The IPC eradicated his homeplanet. He lost his parents, his siblings, his daughter, his home all in one fell swoop, and he has been on a fully dedicated revenge quest ever since. How could he not be a little awed by someone willing to give so much to protect his home and his family?
I think it's something the two of them understand in each other, because as it shows in the dialogue the first time Dan Heng decided to use the Jade Abacus, Boothill caught on immediately. He already knew what Dan Heng was planning before he even said so. And it's not even the first time he does that! Even as early as their initial entrance into the Reverie, Boothill is able to tell when Dan Heng is stressed, why he's stressed, and he backs off and gives him space without any fuss.
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And it works! After the Express Crew are safe, they go from Dan Heng correcting him to more just kind of going with Boothill's flow, and I feel like this is a much better basis for their interactions.
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Also I'm crying about Dan Heng blabbing that the trailblazer is a vessel of a Stellaron, gossipy little dragon fjdkasjfdklsaj
Like the two of them just GET each other! And so quickly and easily! It's ridiculous! Dan Heng is able to explain the methods behind Boothill's madness. Boothill is able to read Dan Heng like a book. They both had the same reaction to learning Acheron was a Self-Annihilator. They both really believe it's just fine and normal to have a weapon out if you don't trust someone yet- Boothill pulled his gun on Acheron the second he saw her, Dan Heng got his spear out and poked Sampo the first time he met him (valid). And they both act Like That because they're similar flavors of wary and cautious. They had to prove their identities to each other when they first met before either of them could relax.
They're both frank, and blunt, and will openly call shit out or question it when they see fit. They both believe in answering the call to action, and share a lot of their ideologies of The Hunt, like upholding justice and saving the innocent and protecting the weak. Boothill lives to fuck over the IPC and keep them from colonizing more planets like his, Dan Heng didn't even consider his own wants and asked to go to Edo Star to help the population there. They take their creeds seriously, and dedicate themselves to them, enough to be offended by imposters. Dan Heng dislikes Boothill claiming to be a Nameless, Boothill was literally hunting down Acheron for parading around as a Galaxy Ranger.
And all throughout 2.2, Boothill displays an immense knowledge of Paths and Aeons and even Emanators, and Dan Heng is a huge nerd an archiver and a collector of knowledge. The conversations these two could have!! They've both been to a lot of places and seen a lot of things, and I think Dan Heng especially would love listening to Boothill's stories and then adding them to the data bank. They can probably relate on rough travel, too- Boothill refers to the Astral Express as "bunkin' in luxury" and Pom-Pom once said Dan Heng was "used to sleeping on the rope." When March 7th takes the trailblazer to look for Dan Heng, she even phrases this as though he and Boothill have been talking together for quite a while!
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Hell, even when they awaken in Ena's Dream, they arrive together:
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They were together for almost the entirety of 2.2; literally the very first scene of it was their introduction. They only truly separated when Dan Heng went to help in the fight with The Great Septimus and Boothill to gather the Rangers (and then go shoot Aventurine full of holes fjkdlsajd) but! I'm really hoping we'll get to see more of them together in 2.3! They were a really cool duo, and it was so fun to watch them all through this update, I really want to see more of them now and explore their relationship dynamic more! ♡
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laishirooo · 19 days
post canon slow burn mutual pining laishiro save me...
lots of my roughly organized thougts under cut!! not a fic just a general outline of events. i can't really write actual fiction. if anyone likes the ideas here feel free to use them in your own work if you want. also spoilers for the ending of dunmeshi. This is inspired by a lot of posts ive read abt them and some fics. VERY LONG. LOTS OF TEXT
So I'm thinkning that after Laios becomes the king he and Toshiro meet for political reasons a few times a year to discuss politics and the like but they also talk about just life in general. Laios doesn't have many other friends aside from the people in the castle and his party, so he really appreciates getting to talk to Toshiro. Toshiro still kind of dreads their meetings because he still feels guilty about how he treated Laios, and Laios is afraid of overwhelming him again without realizing, so their meetings start off kind of very akward. (i don't think their fight was enough to unpack ALL of their frustrations) Kabru is fed up with them both at some point and tells Laios to have a heart to heart with Toshiro. At a banquet they planned for Laios and Toshiro to talk in some isolated place, like a balcony and they have a talk there. After some small talk Laios is straight to the point and tells Toshiro clearly that he has to be direct with him if their friendship is going to prosper and apologizes for not ever asking himself if Toshiro was alright with all of his attention. Toshiro also apologizes to him in turn for never telling Laios when he was uncomfortable and promises to be more direct with him. (Communication!!1 Yay:D) After that they talk some more propably and drink together or something. Kabru listened in on the talk for some time and returned to the party once he thought the conversation was going well. I think after that Laios is way more comfortable with Toshiro and there's much more open communication between them, they actually both look forward to their meetings now.
Also this is when i think the romantinc attraction would start to appear. Because Toshiro is also a little bit of a freak and a bug freak at that, and Laios apreciates "unseemly" things just as Falin does and they could talk abt bugs together. Also now that Laios can only see monsters when they are dead he could observe alive bugs with Toshiro in the gardens and bond like that, also both of them dislike their parents, they have soo much in common actually. Also they write letters to eachother reguarly now. Toshiro would be able to appreciate Laios' monster expertise and outlook on the world just like he did Falin's, and they do look similar so with those things combined he grows fond of him quite fast which he represses at first but can't ignore forever. He does have a lot to process menally because enot only is it his previous crushes brother(a man!), he also used to highly dislike him in the past, and he's a king for gods sake. He would opt to just completely repress it though and pretend he just likes him as a friend and honestly would be doing quite good at it until Laios smiles at him in a certain way. Laios i think always had a crush on Toshiro but either he didn't realize it or repressed it cause heteronormativity or it was really small in the grand scheme of things. Obviously he thinks he's super cool and a skilled warrior and looks very good, but now that they talk way more to eachother he learns more about him and sees him as more than just a very cool foreigner (cause that was kind of what he was to him at the start ngl, even if he didn't intend it maliciously he did only approach him and start bombarding him with questions because he looked foreign to him)(i think he would also apologize for that directly at some point). Anyway now that they actually communicate he has fallen hard and is panicking abt it cause 1. Toshiro propably doesn't feel the same way 2.They've just repaired their friendship he doesn't want it to fall apart again 3. the political implications?!?!?!?! 4. heteronormativity(can be tied to political implications)
Also I'm not factoring an arranged marriage for laios into this cause it makes me uncomfortable :/. maybe he makes it so after he dies there can be an election for a new ruler??? running a country sucks i feel so bad for him they really made a guy who wanted to be a giant beast and do whatever in charge of a kingdom. anyway this is a laishiro post. where was i. ah yeah Laios is not having a good time and confides in Kabru who is like both intrigued by this but also like we have so much other shit gong on right now king and tells Laios to keep a low profile. He wishes he didn't have to but alas. medieval politics. We could also take the path of dunmeshi society not being heteronormative or at least not homophobic and do a more straightforward friends to lovers marriage. (really we only see lesbianism once in canon with otta, and maybe farcille but that is only subtext and implied so idk)(but this is fan content anyway so we can do what we want lol)
Or we could do a secret affair, where Toshiro visits the golden kingdom for suspiciously long amounts of time... Also i think after they've properly made up Laios would visit Toshiro on the Island of Wa as well. The marriage thing could also involve them dating in secret. Kabru would be either mortified at the posssible scandal or overjoyed about the good opportunity for a stronger political teamwork between the islands. I'm exactly shure what political power shuro holds and what rank of noble he is though... Regardless i think Kabru would approve of it if it was wildly accepted in dunmeshi society. Maybe he would even try to set them up himself before hand because he realized they liked each other faster than they did.
Also along with Kabru Laios would propably tell Falin and or Marcille, and i think it would be extremely funny if he didn't tell Kabru specifically and he didn't realize because he was really busy with other things at the time.
Falin would be happy for them when she found out (and secretly would think it's very funny) Marcille would be either Scandalized(bad) or scandalized(good). Chilchuck would be either very surprised and would not believe it or he would be like huh. good for them i guess. Senshi would propably the last to find out besides Izutsumi who would also find it very funny. idk if she would even be around the castle at that time though since she went on to find her own way
On Toshiro's side his party would 100 percent see right through him, noticing how he acts just like when he was infatuated with Falin. they wouldn't say anything abt it though i think they would be done with his love antics at that point. Maizuru i think would be really mad but do nothing abtor pretend she doesn't know or she would be super pushy to have them marry eachother. Also i like his friendship with Namari and i think he'd meet her by chance in a bar, have a long talk abt what they've been up to and then he'd get drunk and tell her abt his situation with Laios which she would find both very funny and sad and would feel bad for him. But they could have a heartfelt moment between them when she tells him it's gonna work out somehow.
ok i think that's enough for now. sorry if this was too unorganized!!! im not normal abt them. Have a good day!!!! >_<
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Love Dust
Title: Love Dust
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Rating: 18+ Only! Minors DNI!
Word Count: 2,245
Tags: SMUT, Angst, fluff, sex pollen, kink: harder, find the cure, arguing, sexual tension, minor injuries, masturbation, mutual masturbation, wall sex, unprotected sex, choking, biting, oral sex (female receiving), kissing, multiple orgasms, explicit sexual content, explicit language, and I think that's it but please let me know if I forgot something.
Written For: @kinktober2022 , @buckybarnesbingo , and @badthingshappenbingo
Square(s) Filled: Sex Pollen for Kinktober // B2 - Kink: Harder for Bucky Barnes Bingo // O1 - Find The Cure for Bad Things Happen Bingo
Beta(s): T. Thompson and A. DiLorenza 
"Bucky? Hey, Buck can you hear me?"
You were partnered with the super soldier on the most recent mission, and things started out bad and kept getting worse. 
The two of you didn't really get along, to begin with. Add that to the fact that neither of you agreed with the other's decisions, and well, that's how you ended up here, in this dark, dilapidated room. 
The walls are cement, the floor is concrete, there are no windows, and the only light is coming from a little vent on the wall by the steel door. 
Neither of you is restrained, but you're a hundred percent certain the door is locked. Instead of wasting your time trying to pry it open, you decide to check on Bucky. After all, he's the one with super soldier serum running through his veins, and with his super strength and metal arm, he's your best bet at getting out. 
You crouch down and brush his shoulder-length hair out of his face. He really is beautiful, but you'd never tell him that to his face. He'd never let you live that confession down. 
He's got a pretty gnarly gash above his eyebrow but other than that, he's unscathed. Well, from what you can immediately determine anyway. You gently roll him onto his back and press two fingers to his neck to check for a pulse. 
Okay, so at least he's not dead.
His chest rises and falls and you can't help but run your fingers over his silver hand. The metal is cool and you flatten his palm to look at the intricate grooves. You've always been fascinated with the inner workings and design of his prosthetic, but never had a chance to look at it up close. Until now.
"The fuck are you doing?" 
You jump and scoot back to give him some room, "sorry… you were out cold and I couldn't get you to wake up." 
He raises an eyebrow, "so you decide the best way to do that is to play with my metal hand?" 
"Just shut up and help me get us out of here."
Bucky sits up and looks around. He doesn't remember much other than the stubborn tactics that got the two of you surrounded by Hydra agents. 
He stands and rolls the sleeve of his red Henley up to expose his metal forearm before gripping the door handle. 
"You should probably stand back." 
You roll your eyes, "I'm fine. Would you just do it already? I'm hungry and want to shower." 
He shrugs and gives the handle a hard tug. Nothing happens so he fixes his stance and uses both arms to pull as hard as he can. 
You stand and watch with your hands on your hips. Even though his efforts didn't work it was still nice to admire his back and arm muscles flexing. Just because you think Bucky's insufferable doesn't make him unattractive. You're only human. 
"Good try and all, but I don't think the door's gonna budge." 
Bucky sighs and lowers himself onto the floor again, the back of his head resting against the wall. Out of all the people he could have been trapped in a ten-by-ten empty room with it just had to be you. 
He's honestly not sure what Fury sees in you. Sure you're skilled in combat and can hold you're own on missions. He'd be lying if he said you weren't pretty, but your arrogant personality rubs him the wrong way. It's just like that saying goes, you can't have everything. 
"So, any ideas?" 
He doesn't even bother opening his eyes. 
"Not unless you got a way to bust through that thick, steel door." 
"So, we're just supposed to sit here then?" 
Bucky sighs, a twinge of annoyance hints in his tone. "Well, seeing as there's only us in here, and I'm the only one who would have been able to open the door, I don't see how we can do anything else." 
"That's really helpful," you deadpan. He grunts and you roll your eyes. You watch him from the opposite wall. He's always so nice to everyone else at the compound. Granted he doesn't talk that much or participate in the parties that Tony holds, but he never seems unpleasant with anyone else. So why is he that way with you? 
You can't put your finger on it, and so long as you are stuck in this tiny ass room with him you're going to figure out why. 
"What's your deal?"
Bucky cracks an eye open and subtly tilts his head toward you, "excuse me?"
"Why are you always such a dick to me?" 
He snorts and shakes his head, "I'm not getting into this with you, Y/N. My head hurts, I'm tired, and I'm not in the mood to open this can of worms right now." 
You open your mouth to respond, but before you can a hissing noise catches both of your attention. You look at the vent and begin to panic at the sight of a pale yellow mist flowing out. 
"Bucky? What the fuck is that?" 
"I…don't know…but whatever it is it can't be good." 
He stands and goes to pull on the door handle again, but to no avail. The dust-like substance floats in front of his face and he stumbles back, his body becoming overwhelmed with heat. 
He collapses onto all fours, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. He's hot all over, and even though he hears you call out to him, he can't focus on anything but the thick, molten heat pooling in his groin. 
Once he can finally catch his breath he realizes something else. 
He can smell you. 
Bucky grits his teeth and tries so hard to ignore the intoxicating scent of your arousal. It's surrounding him, and he can't help the tent forming in his jeans. He's hard and leaking, his cock begging to be touched, and it's taking everything in him to keep himself from tearing your clothes off and pounding it into your tight, wet heat. 
You slowly get closer to him avoiding the yellow dust as best as you can. He's doubled over like he's in serious pain, and even though the two of you don't see eye to eye it doesn't mean you want him to suffer. 
Your hand gently touches his shoulder and he immediately whips his head around to look at you, your eyebrows shooting up in shock. 
Bucky's unrecognizable. His skin is flushed, his pupils are dilated, and his nostrils flare as his lip curls upwards. He looks absolutely feral and you aren't sure if it's because he wants to kill you or if he wants to devour you. 
He stands and turns to you, his shoulders moving up and down as he breathes. His fists clench at his sides and he inhales deeply, groaning as he closes his eyes. 
"You smell so fucking good, Y/N…"
"Bucky?" You hold your hands up as he stalks toward you, "please…y-you don't have to do this!" 
He backs you into the wall and plants a hand on either side of you. His face lowers down to yours and you turn your head to cower away. You're unsure what his motive is. Is he going to eat you? Is this some sort of cannibalistic dust that infects the people that ingest it? 
Bucky leans into your neck, his nose dragging along your throat as he breathes in again. 
"Mmm, wanna taste you…"
You push on his chest but it's no use. Trying to move him away is like trying to move a brick wall. 
There's no where for you to go. Bucky's blocking you from the front and the dust is slowly surrounding you from both sides. 
The first flakes of it dance across your face and it's like you've been dipped in a sea of lava. Your back arches off the wall and your panties immediately become soaked through. The throbbing between your legs is so intense that you can't even think straight.
One of your hands slides into your panties and you immediately push two fingers inside of yourself. It does nothing to soothe your need for release, but you just can't stop. 
Bucky growls and nearly tears his own off so he can fist his cock. He thrusts into his hand as he watches you, his eyes wild and primal. 
Your orgasm comes suddenly and you cry out as slick covers your hand. Bucky’s isn't far behind, seemingly endless ropes of cum bursting from his tip. 
Although it felt good, reaching your high did nothing to satiate the unbearable ache in your core. You rub fast circles on your clit while Bucky strokes up and down his still leaking cock. 
"Bucky," you whine desperately, his eyes fierce as he looks down at you, "i-it won't stop…" 
Bucky closes his eyes and swallows hard. He can hear how wet you are and the last shreds of his self control are dwindling away. 
"Buck, please I-I can't… We need to… to find the cure." 
"Fuck!" He growls and drags you down so you're laying on the floor, "gotta taste you, doll. Smell so fucking good." 
At this point, you'd let him do anything if it made you feel better. You lift your hips and he strips you, tossing your clothes somewhere behind him. He spreads your thighs apart and curses under his breath.
"Jesus, you're dripping all over the floor, baby." 
You whimper and circle your clit again, but he swats your hand away. 
"Please!" You beg. "Just please do something. I can't take much mo-OH, FUCK!" 
Bucky dives between your legs like a starved man. He uses his thumbs to spread you open, his tongue diving into your soaked cunt. He's relentless as he licks and sucks your pussy, bringing you closer and closer to your second orgasm. 
You're practically crying from how intense it feels and when he slips his tongue inside of you, it hurdles you over the edge. Bucky doesn't stop, his low groan vibrates through your core and makes you scream and squirt all over his face. 
"Bucky! Bucky oh, my g- oh, fuck! Baby please!" 
He finally lets you go and pulls his face away so he can look at you. His chin is shining from your cum and it's one of the hottest things you've ever seen. There's still a dull, pounding heat and your eyes fill with tears as your hand works its way to rub your clit again. 
He shushes you and lifts you into his arms, "shh, I've got you, doll. I know, I know it hurts, but I'll make it better, okay?" 
You nod and grab onto his shoulders as he pushes you against the wall. His kiss is needy and rough as his cock stretches your pussy. 
Bucky can't fuck you fast enough. He's never been more feral for anyone than he is right now. His body pins you to the wall, his mouth ravishes your exposed skin in open-mouthed kisses, and the way your velvety cunt pulls him in is intoxicating. 
"Oh, baby," he groans deeply, "you feel so fuckin' good… taking my cock so well…"
"Harder, Bucky!" You cry out and throw your head back, his metal hand coming up to close around your throat. 
"Yeah, princess? You need me to fuck this little pussy harder?" He grips your side with his free hand, his hips pistoning upward with reckless abandon. "I'm gonna ruin you, doll. No one else will ever fuck you like this." 
"Oh, shit! Bucky! I-I'm gonna cum! You're gonna make me cum oh, my god!" 
He squeezes your throat a little tighter and kisses you vigorously, "yeah, that's it, pretty girl…cum…cum all over my cock." 
His words are like a trigger, sending you over the edge for a third time, and it's intensity makes little spots dance in your vision. Bucky's release is right behind yours, his legs shaking as he cums with an animalistic shout. 
Bucky pants wetly against your lips and lets his metal arm slide down to grab your other hip. He turns around and sinks down to the floor with you in his lap, his cock slowly softening inside of you.
Your still shaking as you lay limp in his arms, his fingertips rubbing lightly up and down your back. It's quiet other than your breathing and you realize that you finally feel relief. 
You raise your head to thank him, but before you can, the door is blown off its hinges and hits the wall behind you making you jump. 
Bucky wraps his flesh arm protectively around you and raises his metal one to block the debris. He pulls you off of him and stands to put himself between you and whatever’s behind the dissolving dust. Naked or not, he won't let anyone hurt you. 
"Buck? Oh, thank god we found y-...wait, why don't you have clothes on? What's going on?" Steve gazes from him, to the yellow pollen-like substance on the floor, and back to Bucky. He's thoroughly confused until he notices you behind his best friend. He shakes his head and chuckles to himself. 
"I don't know what happened in here, but whatever it was I'm glad you two aren't at each other's throats anymore. The tension was getting to be too much, so I guess all I have to say is…
It's about damn time."
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I suspect I know the answer but. AITA for "disappearing" from my online accounts pretty regularly?
I (22) have been fairly active in online fandom culture since I was ~13. Most of that has been on tumblr, some on twitter/tiktok/discord. I bounce around between different fandoms-- there's not really any one fandom that has stuck since I was a kid-- and I'm not a big creator. I don't do art, I occasionally write fanfic but never anything that's gotten super famous (which I'm cool with, I write for the enjoyment of myself and the like 5 other freaks who like the same things I do. it would honestly really bother me if I got too much attention.)
I also have some issues with paranoia and social detachment. I dealt with rather severe childhood abuse, which I'm not going to discuss, but which basically means I'm very emotionally detached. I have solo hobbies i really enjoy, and I like discussing common interests (like fandom stuff) with people, but I've never really had friends/romantic interests, and have zero interest in either of those things. The only people I'm really close to are my siblings. I'm definitely not an introvert, not shy/socially anxious, and not lonely. I have morals and care about society in a general sense, and I want the best for people, so I try to be polite and a Good Person as much as possible-- but ultimately I don't feel any kind of attachment to other people. I really don't want to hurt people, I just want to be left alone.
I really try to politely communicate this to people, since I've had quite a few incidents where I've been told I "lead people on", or people thinking we're friends and then getting upset when they realize I really don't care that much about them. It does make me feel bad to hurt others like that (and is also frustrating to deal with), but I can't exactly force myself to have emotions. I get along well with my irl coworkers/classmates/roommates, since they understand I just need a lot of space. Where I may be TA is with online friends.
About once every 6-12 months, I delete my entire online presence and start over. I orphan my ao3 fics, delete any and all accounts, and make sure my new accounts don't in any way link back to my old accounts. Usually when I do this it's because 1 I've changed interests and don't care about my old fandom, or 2 I feel like the people I know online start getting too close and emotionally attached to me. I usually post an explanation a few days before so people don't think something bad happened, saying that I'm going to be taking a break from social media for a while, and if anyone asks me for another way to contact me I just say I'm going to be completely offline. Then I just.... wipe everything and start over. I don't really know what my old mutuals are doing and don't particularly care? Like obviously I wish all the best for them, but I just don't think about them at all.
I've been doing this since I was a young teenager, but I was discussing fandom/social media presence with some irl classmates recently and brought it up. The reactions ranged from "weird but harmless" to "super mean and hurtful to the people you abandoned".
So: tumblr, AITA for disappearing?
What are these acronyms?
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astarionposting · 6 months
hey!! Could you share your favourite tav's of others? I'd love to connect with other people who posts their tav's! Also thank you for your tutorial's, they helped me so much <3
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Hello! I got a similar ask but about male tav’s as well, so I figured I’d post it all in one. I don’t really follow that many Tav-centred blogs, mostly Astarion/Halsin/Gale, BUT a lot of my lovely mutuals have some BEAUTIFUL Tavs and I’ve even had the privilege of being able to photograph and edit some sets of them! &lt;3
My lovely mutuals with their beautiful Tavs/Durges/OCS:
@vspin (I love her drow baby she is so beautiful I wanna give her a little smoochie smooch)
@cheekylittlepupp (BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS GODDESS ANGELIC OC I am going to be doing some edits of her soon hehe)
@anderwelt (their OCs are so beautiful and unique, I had the pleasure of editing Ceres, but working my way towards editing Tae who is equally as cool and awesome and amazing)
@tadpole-apocalypse (so much beautiful artwork of their oc I luv Morgan sm)
@stinkrascal (pls pls look at their ocs i beg u they are all so beautiful and handsome)
@mercymaker (beautiful beautiful ocs AND incredible edits, just u have to see for urself ok??)
@asykriel (really hot and sexy male tav but I didn’t wanna say it out loud)
@narrayya (they make their own self-sculpted heads and they are absolutely gorgeous and ethereal and SO SOOOO UNIQUE)
@tugoslovenka (a gorgeous DRACONIC BLOODLINE drow lady and a new pretty pretty elf gal-also most badass names I’ve ever seen-I just steal mine from other video games 😭 )
@bhaalbaaby (many beautiful tavs, but I must say Penelope is my absolute favourite she is just so so soooo cute)
@korcariiwitch (super fucking cool drow oc I love love LOVE)
@haarleps (i forgot to add but then remembered, VERY VERY BEAUTIFUL TAVS/OCS, especially Freyr also bc i am biased since that is freyja's-the goddess my tav's name was yoinked from-twin brother's name in norse mythology so i rlly like)
@malewife-mansplain-magus (this one is for the male oc anon- u just need to look like their ocs are just 👌👌chefs kiss ALSO INCREDIBLE AMAZING BEAUTIFUL ARTWORK I WAS LIKE WTF WHERE DID THAT MASTERPIECE OF GALE COME FROM ITS ONE OF MY FAV GALE FANARTS)
So there are probably so many more of my beloved mutuals that have incredible tavs/durges/ocs, I’m just really bad with my memory but I also tried to focus on those who (I think) post their ocs consistently 😭 so if I didn’t mention you and you are mainly a Tav/Durge/OC blog, PLEAAASE comment like I wanna see it and I also would love to share it for others to see &lt;;3
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
Your tf2 headcannons make me smile :), how about the mercs going into their favorite game for a day and they have ti survive
Would The TF2 Mercs Survive In Their Favorite Video Game World? (+ Their Favorite Video Games)
Awe! I'm so glad I can make you smile 😭Honestly makes me so happy in general to be able to make stuff people enjoy! For the sake of this to make seance I'm going to pretend that all these games work on real human time and take 24hrs for a day to pass (If the game takes more than one day to beat) or the game to be finished. (If the days passing is unspecified)
Also! Mutual appreciation comment time! Thank you for being a mutual I love your asks and thank you for all the likes 💖
Okay enough of that to the prompt!
Demo- Borderlands 2
Of course Demo would love a game with mayhem, destruction, and humor. He also loves the fact that (for him at least) the game never gets boring, or dull. He always has fun when ever he loads up the game, so waking up one day in the game was both super exciting, and terrifying. I think he would survive, but then die as soon as the day was almost over, like he's not dying the second he wakes up, he's pretty good at the game after all, but he'd get confident, and then two seconds before the day his over he's shot in the head or something 😭
Engie- Minecraft
I know, I know. It's not a fresh, new, or even controversial take, it's just what everyone assumes, but I wholeheartedly agree Minecraft is his favorite game. He loves the freedom to build, he thinks it super cool he can use things that he would normally not be able to build with. He also loves being able to play with his friends (Pyro and Scout) specifically. He's beat the game at least ten times, and knows the game inside and out. Waking up in the game was suppressing, but to be honest, I think he's had weirder situations happen. He immediately knows what to do, and is on it. After only twenty minutes of being in the game, he's already working on a house, by time the night is actually here he's somehow found diamonds and is working on his nether portal, is so upset to wake up in his bed the next day. He's bitter he couldn't finish the game. Doesn't die, obviously, but did have strong words with a skeleton after receiving an arrow to the back of the head.
Heavy- Animal Crossing New Horizons.
I'm going to say it, this man doesn't really like violent video games. I know, controversial. My thing is, I don't think some of the mercs want to spend all their time killing, and then come back and kill fictional characters. But I could be wrong, but that doesn't matter because Heavy like Animal Crossing. He loves the villagers, loves the mundane tasks, loves how just, relaxing playing the game is. If he woke up on his AC island he'd be so happy. Hugs all the villagers, fishes, catches bugs, talks to Blathers about literally everything he can. This man is just having a great time, and I for one, am happy for him. Doesn't die (Even if he could, he still wouldn't) But did get stung by wasps at least once trying to catch them.
Medic- Outlast (For the sake of the game being finished in the way Outlast is played medic is forced into the same confines Miles is put in)
Are we shocked that this man loves one of the most iconic horror games ever made? Loves how many boundaries it destroyed, how gross some of the parts are, and how bloody other parts can be. Giggles at all the gory scenes. ALSO WHEN SEES THE DOCTOR??? When he wakes up in the world, he's very excited until he remembers how pretty much useless Miles is. He still, remains confident in his survival skills, still goes through the physical issues Miles goes through, and finds that to be rather inconvenient, (Regrets always complaining about how upset Miles seems to get, but he understands now that maybe, just maybe, when you aren't able to heal almost immediately, that losing a finger or two isn't super easy to cope with) but regardless, he does survive, he doesn't die because of a lack of skill or overconfidence, but dies do to the plot advancement, you know?
Scout- Apex Legends
I think in the same vein as Engie, this probably isn't a fresh take, but it still fits. Scout is good at Apex, like really good. I think it's easy to make him a silly little guy, but he's ruthless when he wants or needs to be. This man is an Apex champion more than most people, has more kills than you'd ever think, and is honestly a better teammate in Apex than on the field with the other mercs 😭 He wakes up in Apex world and he's so thrilled, he's ready to put his real-world skills into his favorite game and does pretty well until he's knocked down by an enemy, he hides behind a box and waits for his teammates to come help him, they start moving father away, he moves over to them, they move again, he bleeds out as his two other teammates walk away from him. (Totally never happened to me) then they didn't pick up his banner, so eventually, he just woke up after dying and is so pissed. It did make him a bit kinder when it comes to helping out his teammates, in hopes that he'll never go through that again.
Sniper- Superhot
Way too good at Superhot, it's almost troubling how many hours he's put into the game. You'd swear you could see the enemies shaking anytime they appear on camera. Sniper sometimes uses this as an opportunity to practice dodging, but also just has fun fighting against an enemy. Loves the slo-mo shots he can get. Loves splitting enemies in half with different weapons. Also love the mind control and weird story setup of it all. If he woke up suddenly pixilated, fighting other pixilated entities, he's either freaking out or shrugging it off. Probably the latter, knowing him. He survives well, with only a few close calls, it's a lot easier when your hitbox isn't an entire VR headset after all. Genuinely has fun being put in the Superhot world for a day.
Spy- Hitman
Now, I thought I'd be so clever and come up with original ideas, but I was wrong. I think Spy plays Hitman plays for ideas, how weapons would look, how messy a kill would be, etc. Also loves being able to have very minimal risk when he's "killing" It stresses a guy out when you live life trying not to get caught every day, you know? As much as this man likes this game, he is so pissy when he wakes up in this game. He's basically just living a full 24 hours of his regular day job and is exhausted by the end of it. He does a good job, doesn't get caught, and manages to keep his suit clean. Has never been so received to wake up.
Soldier- Call of Duty Modern Warfare
A man who loves war likes a game about war, who would have guessed? No, but in all honesty, the military aspect is one of his favorite parts of it, he also loves the range of weapons and all the different roles you can play in the game. I'm not going to lie though, if he woke up in the COD world, he'd probably have a breakdown. Like he'd freak thinking everything before this was a fever dream, but he'll eventually figure it out. He would kill at any task he was given, and survive, he'd wake up and immediately feel better because as much as he loves the game, he never wants to go back.
Pyro- Undertale
Pyro loves Undertale so much that it's insane. Has played his game, at least 30 times. Has never, not even once, played the genocide route. They cannot bring themselves to kill a froggit, let alone Papyrus or anyone else. When Pyro wakes up in the Undertale world they are thrilled, jumping up and down, giggling, screaming, you know all that fun. Literally gives Toriel the biggest hug ever. They have the best time of their life. Manages to do a deathless run, somehow, probably because of the insane amount of times they've played through it, but is heartbroken that they wake up after only being able to get through the neutral route.
I'm sorry this took so long! I loved this prompt but I hit a slump, and I've been fighting with myself to get it posted, I'm sorry if it's not great, I hope you like it though 💖
I'll try and be more consistent I promise 🫶🏻
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fefairys · 4 months
I just read up to the breakup with Meenah and Vriska and fuck, i really dislike that whole situation. Got any thoughts you wanna ramble about regarding that?
god yes everything involving meenah and (vriska) and the vriska (vriska) confrontation is extremely fascinating to me. mostly because i resonate with a lot of it so hard it hurts. long ass post below. i got very personal lol what can i say. i vriska.
(vriska) goes into people-pleasing mode when she and meenah are alone. it actually reminds me of how she would sometimes act with kanaya. the vulnerability, mainly. but like. its a little different. with kanaya it was more like 'youre the only bitch around here i respect, but im still better than everyone else. i want you to like me but i dont NEED you to! (<-lie)' but with meenah its like 'you are the only person i have and so i have to be good for you so you dont leave me.'
she backs down super easily with meenah. sometimes she does argue for herself, but ultimately she always ends up deferring to meenah. she wants to agree with everything she says. wants her to like her:
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^ she doesnt want to say the carnival looks fun until she's gotten meenah's approval. she has to be cool for meenah.
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her suggestion gets shot down and she immediately sides with meenah. oh yeah i didnt want to do that anyway in fact i hate horses!
it's tricky, because of some of it seems like actual Character Development, and her getting over some shit. and i definitely think these thinks dont have to be mutually exclusive. she can be realizing things about herself and moving on from them while at the same time falling into habits that are equally unhealthy for a person.
she realizes she used to care way too much about stuff and tries to counter it by not caring at all. she realizes she used to push people around to much and counters it by becoming a pushover herself. this is sickeningly relatable to me.
the scene where meenah convinces her to get a tattoo is a good example of this.
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she realizes that a long-held opinion she had is actually kind of bullshit, and that she cared way too much about it for no reason. good job, vriska!
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but then she pretty much leaves the actual decision of it up to meenah! she asks meenah to tell her what to do instead of thinking for herself. she justifies it by agreeing that she loves pirate stuff anyway! shes trying to make up for a lifetime of bossing people around by asking someone else to boss her around. and she convinces herself that this is making her happy! and i mean it definitely is, in a way. it feels good to feel liked by someone. to have the approval of someone you look up to. it is making her happy. but is that... good for her? i dont know! it doesn't feel good to me.
this stuff is hitting me extremely close to home on this reread because i like JUST came upon the revolution that i kinda did this? not to this extreme polarity, but it still resonates.
i was (kind of am still, it's in my nature) a very bossy and controlling person, and i lost an entire circle of friends because they were rightfully tired of me telling them what to do and being so self-righteous all the time. so when trying to make new friends after that, i turned on people-pleaser mode. and i'm kind of still stuck there and trying to strike a balance between being a doormat people-pleaser and being a huge bitch that wants everyone to behave how *i* want them to. it is a hard balance to strike. its hard knowing when i should stand up and say something and when i should let something go, so most often i let things go. and OFTENTIMES i live to regret it. "i should have said something" is something i've been finding myself thinking A LOT in recent months...
and its tricky, because it feels good when people i respect say they approve of me. i feel happy that someone likes me. but sometimes that has come at the cost of sacrificing parts of myself. and it can feel good in the moment, to feel connected to someone like that, but then one day you wake up full of dread because you dont know who the fuck you are anymore. (vriska) didn't really ever get to that point, or, she never voiced it. vriska points out that shes become an entirely different person, but she does it in a way that uhhh fucking sucks lol! and is not helpful, because vriska's not exactly doing great, herself! she shows off her hypocrisy DELICIOUSLY in this scene.
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she calls (vriska) selfish for.... being dead, essentially. and she justifies all her own selfish actions with it being "for the greater good," just as she always has. this is par for the course with vriska
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^ i looooove this part right here where she sidesteps the fact that she did in fact plan to go fight jack but john punched her in the face to stop her. "different shit happened!" (i actually made the exact same decisions as you, but an outside force changed things and now i feel superior to you because i got a serendipitous opportunity that you didnt)
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this whole conversation hits hard with me. it literally sounds similar to conversations ive had with myself! it's hard to not want to side with (vriska) i mean she does feel like the more reasonable one in this conversation and has had more time to think and reflect on herself, and vriska is being a fucking asshole about it, but like, i don't think either of them is exactly Right?
like, vriska has a bit of a point that (vriska) doesnt seem to notice that she's gone people-pleaser mode. but (vriska) thinks this is what happiness is. she despises her old self who was obsessed with inserting herself into everything and feeling the need to be The Best and prove herself as such, to catastrophic outcomes. so of course she wants to separate herself from that as much as possible and strive to become the opposite of it. someone who doesnt care about shit, and who lets other people make decisions for her instead of her making the decisions for everyone against their will. i think (vriska) was on the right track, but just couldn't really... Get There without the right support. and meenah was definitely not the right support.
but anyways like. vriska yelling at (vriska) at how disgusted she is with her is so sickeningly similar to me, looking back and realizing that i used to like.. stand up for myself more. if someone said some shit i didnt like i TOLD them i had a problem. i didn't let people push me around. and i think god, what happened to me? i became a weak loser that bends to peoples idea of what i should be instead of being myself. am i really happy?
but its not like i was better off before, either. vriska still isn't right. yeah i didnt let people boss me around, because i bossed THEM around. when i told people i had a problem with them i was MEAN about it. i said rude shit unnecessarily. i made everything about me and didn't care about what other people thought.
my past self and my "current" self (maybe like, my 'a few months ago self' i like to think im working through it but im still having trouble lol) are disgusted with each other. im disgusted that i used to straight up bully people all the time, and past me is disgusted that i seemed to have stopped having convictions, that i let other people decide who i should be, etc.
neither of them are really happy, but (vriska) sure seems a lot kinder, at least. she's made progress, but in a way that benefits other people more than it does herself.
also i love vriska saying "what happened to not letting shit get to you because you always knew you were better than the one slinging it" that is such utter bullshit. she is ALWAYS letting stuff get to her. all of her god damn actions are because she lets stuff get to her. everything she does is to prove herself. the cycle of revenge shit?? yeah totally didn't let it get to you. thats why you killed aradia and blinded terezi. because you were just so totally better than them and not letting it get to you. this stuff:
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yeah. letting it roll off your back. lol
anyways back to meenah and (vriska)
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meenah recognizes this vulnerability in (vriska) and it scares her. she does the whole "im abandoning you... for your own good..." thing, which... sucks! as you said, this whole situation just fucken sucks, man.
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(vriska) basically admits that at this point, without meenah, she's lost. she let meenah mold her into what she wanted, and to lose her would be to lose herself.
but i mean i don't think there was another way this could've gone. (vriska) was essentially meenah's rebound after aranea (and vriska is her rebound after (vriska) lol) and it's just.. ALL bad. its just... everyone here has such deep personal issues that they cant help but let effect each other, yknow? meenah realizes that her issues are effecting (vriska) and thinks that removing herself from the situation is best. maybe it is? it turns out okay for (vriska) in the end, at least. as "okay" as she can possibly get, i guess.
i don't know. there's a lot here! it all just hurts and sucks. teens, man. how it is.
this is just my (very personal, frankly) interpretation of the events, idk. i think i said a lot here without actually saying anything all that substantial, as i feel like i tend to do. i just resonate with vriska really hard, what and you gave me an opportunity to ramble about it lol
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