#like some ppl i do not want to be in my life after 3:25pm on weekdays hfhfhhd
doebt · 5 years
just saw a horse named QT's Gold MasterCard. no joke..mastercard .
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hobblt · 8 years
I was tagged by @glnnyweaslcy <3
I tag @leviossah @siriusblsck @dpahne @blueeyesbrokenwings @remuslupinn A - age: 21 B - biggest fear: never finding out what I want to do with my life so no direction I guess C - current time: 9:25pm D - drink you last had: water E - every day starts with: checking my phone F - favorite song: the hamilton mixtape as a whole G - ghosts, are they real: nah H - hometown: Chicago suburb I - in love with: lazy days, reading new books, finding a new tv show, laughing with friends. J - jealous of: people who can just do stuff and not need free time to recuperate aka those mystical extroverts K - killed someone: on the sims? Then yes all the time L - last time I cried: two days ago??? It was a fanfic too lmao (but I love the angst) M - middle name: Eleanor N - number of siblings: 2 O - one wish: unlimited curly fries P - person you last called/texted: my friend Katie Q - question you’re always asked: ppl always spell/think I misspelled my last name lol R - reason to smile: the idea that in may I’ll be free from this excessive dormitory heat, fanfic, family, all the ppl who went to the women’s marches today S - song last sang: it was some song on the radio I know but don’t know? You know? (Lol) T - time you woke up: 9:24pm U - underwear color: purple V - vacation destination: my sister and I are maybe planning a trip to Greece and some other european countries after I graduate??? I’m excited!!! W - worst habit: nail biting, also like avoiding going out but then I most often have fun so like X - x-rays you’ve had: finger, MRI (if that counts?) Y - your favorite food: Mac n cheese or also pesto pasta Z - zodiac sign: Pisces (most stuff is surprisingly accurate)
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