#like sometimes it’s silly stuff like the way ppl are reacting to the brother thing…. like yeah it’s kinda cringey but i’m just glad they’re
princeofyorkshire · 2 years
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Nobody cares about Sam the way they do Colby, they can pretend to but they don’t. Thats the answer to Colby getting shitted on for any little thing while Sam sometimes does stuff to get people talking and they don’t . Sam subtweets,throws shade at times towards Colby,Kat and other influencers and no one bats an eye.They pretend they don’t see his comments and all the man has to do is delete and not answer anyone that comes at him. He talks about the most disconnected, privileged stuff, some reply and it lands on deaf ears because he doesn’t react and keeps going like no one said anything. He’s blocked people on twitter recently because they brought up his hairline and his flakiness and although those people spoke out, no one cared. Colby has proven time and time again that what people say gets to him, and the bad thing is he responds to it so that feeds the haters and fuels the fire. Its like they get a rise out of getting a reaction from him. As long he keeps feeding into it, they will use anything against him to get a reaction out if him. Its a sick game.
i have a bit of a controversial opinion about sam's fans that i'm gonna save for a later date bc highkey i don't feel like getting into it rn lol
but as for what you said, i think to some degree there are a lot of fans that see sam as this sage, older brother so they listen to him but don't actually take in what he's saying. i think a lot of that has to do with fans being younger and or less experienced in life. so they hear what he's got to say and agree with him outright bc to them he's lived more life. he's more successful and has done more than them so why not listen to him?
but then some of us older/more experienced fans look at what he says and just kinda… blink at it. like, yeah i guess what you said can be true, but that's also not how most ppl's lives work.
i also believe that sam comes across as calm, cool, and collected emotionally and generally. so fans that don't feel that way about themselves think "oh i have to listen to him bc i want to be like that myself." when in reality, sam is a workaholic, emotional mess who's scared of losing his youth but pretends to know what he's doing and constantly works to the bone bc he can't be stagnant long enough to be left alone with his emotions/thoughts.
he's good at hiding all that, for the most part. but if you read between the lines, even for a second, you see the seams falling apart.
i also think you are right about why ppl hate on colby more; colby tries his best to apologize. he interacts with those that hate him, and that in itself garners more haters. they want a reaction and they know they can get one from colby. sam, bc either a) he doesn't care enough to interact or b) doesn't think he did anything wrong, ignores those that send hate his way. he doesn't apologize, he doesn't hash it out. he just says what he wants, and if ppl hate it, he deletes it and never brings it up again. now, idk if that's any better than what colby does, but it definitely works in sam's favor. bc half of the shit colby has been called out for, sam has ALSO done. but bc he doesn't try to fix it or be apologetic, no one remembers it.
as for sam blocking fans, i wish snc would block more of them tbh. some fans go too far, regardless of if they were just trying to be playful or silly or whatever. some say mean shit, so they deserve a block. you don't get to go on a public platform, @ your favorite creators and say mean shit to them and think you can get off scot-free. you ain't besties with them. they don't KNOW YOU. so what you think is a joke just comes across as hate.
and for all the things to yell at sam for, making fun of his hairline (which is something he has made apparent is a sore spot for him) is fucked. to said fans that did that, you deserve the block.
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