#like suddenly he's not trying to hold it all together w a bromance
inchidentally · 7 months
like I know the Peter Crouch pod moment was prob just him mixing up the timeline of teammates but it made me think of the second clip where for a sec he feels like he and Oscar have been teammates longer than just one year <3
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kitty1798-blog1 · 7 years
Whatever 2
Pairing: Ju-ne x Bobby (iKON)
Inspiration: Weekly Idol w/ iKON, how Ju-ne and Bobby were freaking out about each other when holding hands
Genre: HECKING BROMANCE +Angst in this one but it’s gonna get better!
Note: This scenario is written in Ju-ne’s point of view. + I chose to write bromance but it somehow can sound like a love story between you and Bobby, so please enjoy it!
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Part Two
It was a bright sunny day, the sky was a soft shade of blue and there was a slight breeze in the air. The sun was high in the sky and I was sitting underneath a weeping willow tree. I inhaled a cool breeze through my nose when I suddenly felt big hands covering my eyes.
“Jiwon-hyung.” I knew who it was. Of course.
The hands moved out of my sight and there was the giggle, the happiest one ever. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulled me in for a little bit of headlock and let go.
“I missed you, my love.” He gave me a little kiss and said, with those beautiful eyes.
We haven’t seen each other for almost a month. He was staying in Korea for his first solo album, Love and Fall, while the rest of iKON were in Japan for our next concert. I missed him so much, yes, I did. But instead, I started complaining.
“Once. Once for the whole month. You could have called or texted me for at least once.” That’s not what I meant. I wanted to tell him I missed him so much, every single moment of touch, his voice, his face and everything. He is going to be disappointed.
“Um…I am sor-” I tried to continue, but was interrupted by my favorite thing, his sugary lips. I freaked out for a second but couldn’t resist myself to close my eyes to focus on the kiss.
They were soft and gentle. His lips lingered in one position for a moment, then suddenly they spread, and I found my lips spreading over his, as if they belonged there. I raise my hands from my side and gripped his shoulders, happiness overwhelming me. He wrapped his arms around my back and hugged me closer, his lips spreading once again and now exploring around my mouth. I lifted the corners of my lips, letting him and touched my forehead to his. Then I felt something strange adventuring around my mouth. I almost gasped, then caught myself. It was close to paradise, that was for sure. I let my tongue recoil from my lips and slide into his, feeling every inch of his mouth. He kissed me harder, and stuffed his tongue in harder. I heard him groan, and smiled with pleasure. He returned the smile, and right then I felt as if a spark just blew into a million pieces in between us.
“That sounds like you’ve missed me. I love you too.” said Bobby with his eyes gazed into mine.
How can a guy be so sweet like that? I couldn’t stand hugging him and he hugged me back.
Good thing, we will be staying in Korea for his first solo debut so that we can spend more time together as iKON. We’ve been trying our best to hide the relationship from other members. We used to go out for dinner all the time, but since they’ve been teasing us, we started acting like we are really awkward with each other.
“Blueberry.” He lowered his body to put his head on my lap and closed his eyes.
“Huh?” I replied.
“It should be our secret word for ‘I love you.’” He said with his eyes shut.
“Ok, but why blueberry though?” I chuckled.
“I don’t know, because I love blueberry as much as I love you?” He chuckled back.
Back in our dorm, I headed to the living room and laid myself on the couch to watch the TV with other members. Bobby found himself a spot on the floor next to the couch but he soon headed over to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and it looked like he was looking for something.
“Do we have any ‘blueberries’ in our dorm?” He yelled loud enough so all of us could hear.
It made me burst into laughter and I soon replied, “I don’t know. Isn’t there some in the fruit section? Can you bring some over if you find them? I love blueberries too!”
Then I heard him chuckle. When our eyes met each other, he winked.
I woke up the next morning when the sun was just starting to peek through the blinds. I slowly walked into Bobby’s room and saw him on his bed and he was staring at the sunlight coming in. When he saw me in the room, I saw his crooked smile, his eyes turning into crescents and he lifts the corner of his lips.
“Good morning, baby.” He said with his arms spread apart, reaching me.
I went under the blanket and snuggled into his arms. “Good morning.”
It felt like we were melting into each other. I closed my eyes, the noise in the room stopped and I lost track where my body stops and begins. I felt safe, comfortable and the warmth like in a perfect dream.
There are three things in your life that make you regret the most.
I should have.
I could have. And
I would have.
I should have hugged him harder. Longer. I could have told him I loved him. I could have made him laugh more. Then I would have made him happier. We didn’t know what was coming.
We had a date that night.
That beautiful night.
When I turned my head skyward I could clearly see millions of bright stars dotted on the black canvas of night, yet none of the light seemed to filter far enough down to make any difference when I turned my eyes away.
After I took a shower, I put on lotion on my body. I was so happy with this lotion because I ordered it for this, very, single day. To be honest, I was expecting something more than a date. Don’t mind me. This is how I flirt.
I dried my hair, put on black slacks and buttoned up my shirt. I put gel in my hair and worked it out until it looked good.
“Looking good as always.” It was Bobby with his sweetest voice.
I felt my head heating up and slammed the door in front of him.
‘Oops. Did I just snap at him? I just wanted to… show him when I am done.’ I fell on the floor, leaned against the door and regretted for what I just did.
Then, I heard him chuckle. Good. I hurried back to the mirror to finish my hair.
“Kim Jiwon-hyung! Ku June!” B.I burst into the house, stomping his feet.
“What is it?” I heard Bobby walking over to B.I’s room. B.I was using his ‘aggressive’ voice. Oh, snap. What is it?
I grabbed my stuff and headed to his room. When I went in there, I saw Hanbin-hyung and Jiwon-hyung sitting on the couch. I tried to make eye contact with Bobby real quick but he avoided looking at me. I’ve never seen him doing that with that face. Instead, I saw Hanbin-hyung’s angry glare at me.
“What’s that??” It was B.I who broke the silence. I could definitely tell he was trying to keep his voice low.
“What is what?” I tried to sound delightful so the hostile atmosphere would go away.
He pointed at the photos on the table and I walked over to see them. There were pictures of two people close together. It was dark in the photo so I couldn’t tell who they were in the first one. I looked over to see another one and saw familiar face in it. Bobby and I. Kissing under the tree.
“Dispatch(A social news and content company specializing to dig into celebrities’ daily lives in Korea) had them. They were about to upload an article about it.” Bobby explained.
My body froze. My head went blank. I couldn’t breathe. I forgot how to breathe. Then I don’t remember what I did next.
The only thing I remember, I remember myself being back in my room, not even turning the light on, laying on my bed and barely breathing. My head was burning hot. Not from fever but from aching. My body felt numb. I couldn’t move a single muscle in my body but my heart was aching. As much as I tried to hold it in, the pain came out roaring from my throat in the form of a silent scream. The beads of water started falling down my face one after another without a sign of stopping. The world turned into a blur and so did all the sounds. The taste. The smell. Everything was gone.
That beautiful night.
The blackness, it hid behind a wall of the illuminating, bright stars.
The sky was dark and low, the air so chilled that it hurt to breathe.
It came like the spell of an enchantress, water to stone, earth to iron, green grass to frosted white, with no hint of warmth left.
The hours seemed to pass slowly yet stealing the body heat with indecent speed. 
dun dun dun
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koriandrsucker · 7 years
I've become attached to the idea of Conner/Starfire. Can I request that?
title: you’re my crush! warning: alternative universe, and common problems of an ESL. also, this is horrible, forgive me?
Being a fifteen-year-old with issues, it’s not the best way to meet a lot of girls –or people in general–, but he was sure there was no one like her in the whole universe, so you couldn’t blame him for staring at her, mouth agape, frozen in his place.
Conner never felt like he belonged, like he was a part of something besides his own skin and bones, and the solitude that always surrounded him. His father was a businessman, always traveling and dragging him along to different cities, so big each one after the other and in such short amounts of time that he never truly got the opportunity to know them or the schools he attended while they stayed there. (He’d dare say that being the new kid was probably the only constant thing in his life). It certainly didn’t help him feel any different that Luthor was never at home –or more like the selected hotel room at the moment–, his absent never failing to remind him that he was just some orphan kid Luthor laid his eyes upon, a charity of sorts. So, yeah, Conner was indeed a very lonely boy. Then, one day, he met Tim.
Their friendship started with shared silences while they sat together in the corner of the cafeteria, Tim with a book of statistics at hand and Conner with his mouth bursting with food. Their personalities matched, kind of, so it was easy to be comfortable with each other’s presence. Tim spent more time alone than Conner himself, as result of a quiet personality, a really high IQ and witty remarks that usually earned him a punch in the face despite being the adopted son of Gotham city’s favorite billionaire-altruist. From the cafeteria, they began to find each other in any room full of strangers, they’d study together, sit through classes together, walk to the parking lot together—a very bromance thing. That, while it lasted, was enough. Still, personal information was not a big part of their monosyllabic chats, so it came as a shock to him when he found out that Tim had three half-brothers, one of whom he had actually already seen, but since the little prick had only walked past Tim, muttering an insult, he didn’t think about the remote possibility of them being siblings.
So it took him some time to get to this point where he met Tim’s oldest brother, and, really, it would’ve been so much easier to simply say that Dick Grayson was a nice guy, who carried himself with such a carefree air and a big smile on his lips that made you like him without even knowing his name and that he had simply said hi to Conner and went on his way. But things are not that easy when you have fifteen, so of course, he had to stop –just like his heart on his chest– as the most beautiful girl he had ever seen hopped out of the back seat of Dick’s convertible to wrap her arms around Tim.
“Is that your friend?” she asked, still holding Tim close to her chest while he tried to free himself. Oh, Conner wanted so bad to replace him and have one of those hugs.
“Yeah: Conner Luthor. Conner, this is Kori and my brother Dick.”
She repeated her name when she dragged him to the back seat with her, claiming they would drop him at his house after eating something together. She came from a place near Hawaii called Tamaran, she was Dick’s best friend since they were twelve and every time Conner got distracted watching her lips as she talked non-stop, she would send a radiant smile in his direction, making him blush furiously.
“You look like a fool.”
“What?” by instinct, he reached for his face with shaking fingers. He’d die of embarrassment if he had had something on his face all this time.
“I mean,” Tim rolled his eyes, “you haven’t stop staring at her.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He crossed his arms over his chest and growled slightly as he shrunk himself in the seat.
“Yeah, right, you’re not obvious at all.”
His lips part to hiss a retort when he feels a wave of sweet perfume by his side. It smelled like strawberries and angels and he was sure he had just become the lamest dude in this world for just thinking that. He looks to his right and finds Kori’s bright smile, the air gets caught in his chest and he only closes his mouth again when Tim snorts in the distance. This not-being-able-to-breathe thing was starting to do some damage to his brain cells.
“So, since when you two know each other?” Dick asks.
Tim arched an eyebrow when he didn’t answer, he was too preoccupied trying to stuff the whole hamburger in his mouth so that he wouldn’t say anything stupid in front of her. He was failing miserably.
“Since class started, Conner is new in Gotham.”
“Really?” Kori beamed, he raised his face a little too fast from his burger and Kori’s slender finger found his right puffed cheek. “Then we’re the same.”
He almost lost consciousness, trying to swallow and not die at the same time. After sipping from his coke, he uttered a small, “yeah, I guess.”
Kori laughed at that. “So cute. Dick, he’s so cute! Can we take him?”
Richard hid a chuckle in his napkin. “You’re making him blush.”
“He’s blushing since we got in the car,” Tim retorts. Conner kicked him under the table.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” she asked suddenly while resting her elbow on the table.
“W-What?” he stammered.
“Kori, please, he’s a minor!”
“I’m only asking,” Conner saw Dick blushing too after she batted her eyelashes in his direction. Hot blood rushed through all his body, jealousy awakening his bad, bad temper. “Maybe he thinks I’m ugly?”
“Never, you’re beautiful,” he blurted out.
She laughed out loud and even if his face felt like a volcano, the sound was so perfect he didn’t mind embarrassing himself. As they left him in front of his Hotel, Kori gave him a tight hug and he knew, right then, that there was no better place to belong to than those arms.
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catherinejimenez · 8 years
Last year, I’ve watched more than 10 Korean dramas and there’s this 4 particular dramas that really catches my heart.
Disclaimer: This blog post might contain spoilers so if you haven’t watched the dramas that I will be mentioning here, I hope you can forgive me :)
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Synopsis: W-Two worlds is a fantasy-romance about a man and a woman living in different worlds. Yeon Joo is a doctor living in the real world and her father is the author of the most popular webtoon, W. And Kang  Chul is the lead character of that webtoon. Things becomes complicated when Yeon Joo’s father decides to kill Kang Chul and Yeon Joo gets pulled into the comic world and met Kang Chul.
I was able to watch this drama because of a friend who keeps on telling me that there’s a drama that she’s really into. I wasn’t interested at first because I’m still not yet done with Game of Throne’s season 4. But after few weeks of convincing me, I started to watch the drama and the story began.
It wouldn’t be much to say that it was love at first episode for me with W. The first few episodes of the drama were good but a little dy. But after few more episodes I started to like W. It’s a great fantasy story, a lots of twist and turns. You can’t never be comfortable because you just never know what’s going to happen next. I love the whole concept of a character having to learn he’s from a work of fiction. It’s unbelievable and devastating for the person involved.
What I liked about W-Two Worlds?
Aside from the drama’s bold storytelling, the execution of the two worlds is really my favorite. A serious kudos to the whole production team,because they managed the transition of the two worlds so skillfully.
A cute OTP. Yeon Joo and Kang Chul is really cute together. They can turn the serious scenes into romantic one real quick. One of my favorite scene of them is during the time that Yeon Joo confessed her love to Kang Chul. Before, Yeon Joo randomly says those words to him but he’s not affected at all (It’s her way to go back to the real world). This time, it’s different,  he got swayed by Yeon Joos confession.
Overall, W-Two worlds was fun and crazy ride. With action packed fantasy story. It’s highly recommended if you’re a fan of those kind of genres.
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I have to tell you this guys, I really really love this one. Seriously. This drama reminds me all over again why I fell in love with traditional dramas. It wasted no time in grabbing my heart and hold onto it really tight for the entire 18 episodes.
One of the things that comes to my mind when I think of MDBC, aside from Park Bo Gums sweetness, is that this drama is really well made. From the execution of scenes to the delivering of lines, everything.
Yeong (Park Bo Gum’s character) was my favorite among the cast of the show. Yeong’s character is full of charm and you couldn’t resist it I’m telling you. One of my favorite scene of him is during the confession and first kiss on Episode 7. The way Yeong approaches into confession and eventually to his first kiss scene to Ra On got me so kilig. Ugh. This boy makes my heart wobble, seriously. Another one is in Episode 14, when he comes face to face with Ra On in the secret meeting place. I won’t forget his “I will never forgive you” line before walking to Ra On and grabbed her in his arms. I never thought those words could be so romantic. I still haven’t moved on from that.
If there’s a leading man who’s really charming and handsome there should be a better half who has the same characteristics as him which really suits for Kim Yoo Jung. She’s one of the child actresses who’s really grown up so beautiful and talented. I can still remember her, portraying the role of young Yeon-O in Moon embracing the sun (which is my all time favorite drama). I really like Kim Yoo Jung as Ra On, she’s really natural. She’s funny without looking like she’s trying hard. Kim Yoo Jung consistently looks like she’s being herself.
The cast really suits the drama. Aside from the leads, Kwak Dong Yun really catches my attention. His cool but caring friend role is loveable (I’m so kinikilig while typing this one.) Special shout out to the Princess and Master Jung’s loveline. I also enjoyed their love story, even though it’s mostly played for comedy afterall, they are the reason why Ra On and Yeong met.
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Goblin made me speechless and fall in love in less than a few minutes. As someone who watched many dramas and (I can say) can predict almost everything that’ll happen next, this drama made me laugh, cry & cringe when I didn’t expect I would.
Synopsis: Goblin is about a general way back in Goryeo, who got killed out of jealousy by the King. Because of his desperate wish for revenge, God gave him the chance to become goblin, a creature with immortal life and superpowers.
Goblin is really unpredictable. This drama made me cry, laugh out loud, cringe (Paulit ulit ako haha) and so much more. This drama caught me offguard. It’s so fun to watch and that’s not even all. It makes you think about so many things especially God, good and bad, death, your deeds, you past and so on. It’s really a drama for everyone. It has everything you could wish for: Romance, comedy, poetry, drama and so much more. There’s something about this drama that was really addicting.
Why I like Goblin a lot?
Aside from the unique pairing of Goblin and Eun Tak, the bromance between Goblin and Grim Reaper is really enjoyable. The way they annoy each other is such a riot. Lol One of my favorite funny moments of these two is when they are trying to learn how to use cellphone. Deok Hwa, a younger servant of Goblin, told them the basics on using phone. He said, they should go first to the appstore to download apps then suddenly Goblin started to wear his coat. I was laughing so hard during that scene.
Goblin and Eun Tak’s loveteam is a breath of fresh air. It’s an unusual pair because of the age difference but the chemistry of the two is really cute.They’re not the typical clingy couple but there’s something in them that will make you love them.
Grim Reaper and Sunny’s amazing lovestory. I really love the concept of their relationship. Grim reaper being innocent about impressing girls is so adorable. I think fellow KDrama fans will agree on me that they are another example of second lead syndrome. I seriously hoped that they could make another drama together.
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One word to begin with….. Sweeeeg!
Synopsis: Kim Bok Joo is a weightlifting athlete in a sports university. Her seemingly ordinary life becomes interrupted as she reunited with her elementary schoolmate, Joon Hyung who’s currently an athlete of the swimming team.
WLFKBJ possibly one of the underrated dramas last 2016. I love almost everything about this drama because it really shows the charm and trials of the youths. I seriously wish I could just fill this blog post with only heart emoticons. This drama makes my heart so full and I’m loving it so freaking much. WLFKBJ feels so raw, real and beautiful with more resemblance to life and less of fiction. From the moment I saw the preview online, I felt like this show would really fits my taste.
Here’s the main things that made this show works for me:
The people and stories feels real and relatable. While dramaland is full of shows with fantastical and unusual set-ups, this drama’s charm lies in just how ordinary it’s setting is and how ordinary its characters are.
Lee Sung Kyung as Kim Bok Joo. Oh my God I love her. At first I will admit that I found Bok Joo’s acting a bit exaggerated and her body movements so unnatural but once I accepted that Bok Joo really is a person who walks weird and who really couldn’t help crumpling her face into a pout on a regular basis, I grew to love her. I seriously can relate to Bok Joo, from dealing with self-image, to crushing on boys, to finding meaning in what she does. Maybe because Bok Joo is relatable, I often find myself in her.
Nam Joo Hyuk as Joon Hyung. I Honestly prays to God to have my own Joon Hyung. I just love how he cares so much for Bok Joo even before they become a couple. Which leads to my next favorite thing, Joon Hyung Sweetness. I love it. I love that Bok Joo doesn’t need to be anything or anyone other than herself, to inspire this kind of loyalty, affection and head-over-heels love from him. The two of them shared an amazing amount of chemistry in this show. The skinship feels so natural and easy, I feel like they’ve cuddled a lot before and I’m completely blown away. These two is consistently cute together.
The Friendship of Bok Joo, Seon Ok and Nan Hee.I love that no matter what came between them, they remain as good friends. I seriously can see my friends on them. (Shoutout to my squad. Love you. Ewww Haha) So endearing and yes, full of SWAG!
So far, WLFKBJ is my most loved drama. I don’t know when will I get over because it only sets another standard for me to look at on the coming dramas this year.
The Dramas that I’ve mentioned above is highly recommended I’m assuring you all you won’t regret watching them.Goodnight, Good Morning and SWEEEG!
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blessedandchaotic · 7 years
I am a stray collector. It is as if some sort of magical force sends them my way. And its not just me-it is most of my family, too! We all have this beacon that only strays can see. It directs them to us and it is visible by all types of strays (Animals, friends, random lost strangers, people in need, our spouses….) We just collect them, clean them up and get them healthy before releasing them into their new homes or worlds. A lot of times they decide that they have already found their new home. That is why Husband is married with seven fur-babies.
My personal collection started ten years ago with my cats. I would like to point out that, out of all of the strays I have collected and kept, I am only responsible for bringing one home. The rest are on someone else. The cats are because of my youngest sister and father. Two litter of kittens and a random stray found at my grandparents’ house later and I have suddenly gotten a damned good start at being a Crazy Cat Lady. In a matter of three years I managed to collect four cats. Felix and Mia are siblings from the first litter. They are complete opposites. Felix is arrogant and needy. Mia is tiny and skittish. She can also be occasionally needy and will attach herself to my pants legs if I am doing housework and ignoring her. Maddy has been re-homed multiple times. She is a challenge of a cat. She is very sweet and loving most of the time but fails to realize that she does not have claws (a previous owner had them removed.) She has no fear and even when she has pissed off one of the dogs she refuses to back down. She is most likely the source of a gray hair or two. Oliver is the source of all the rest! He is a nightmare of a cat. Incredibly long and tall, he is the kind of cat you would expect suffers from some sort of psychological disorder like schizophrenia. He is not very cuddly but will sometimes want you to love on him and pet him. He will even sit on my lap for a few moments. Husband, however, gets all the love. He and Oliver have a bromance to rival all bromances. Oliver will sleep on Husband’s lap for hours.
From left to right: Felix, Mia, Maddy and Oliver.
In 2013 Husband collected his very first stray: Me! I think he questions his decision once in a while. A few months later we collected our first stray together: Maggie. Maggie is an odd dog. She is built somewhat like a Bassett Hound but has a lot of a Dachshund’s features. She is thirty-three pounds of pure muscle and drama. She (like so many of our fur-babies) is Husband’s dog and has been since day one. She is my little Wiggle Butt. My half-pint. My drama queen.
There is no shame in her tu-tu game. Maggie loves clothes.
About two years later we were walking Maggie around our local Riverwalk and guess what we found (hint: it was not a million dollars.) Enter Foster! My first reaction when I saw him was to speak. Its probably one of the habits that act as that invisible beacon I mentioned earlier. He was a tiny little kitten hanging around the body of another deceased cat. Cue waterworks, loud cries from kitten followed by obnoxiously loud purrs when I touched him. Then he tried to follow us when Husband started to walk away. And so he followed us to my car and then we took him home. We started out just calling him Kitten (remember the issue with naming and attachment?) But we had to find something more fitting so he became Foster…as a reminder that he was only a temporary member. Foster stayed with us for a few months before Husband finally convinced me to give him to the neighbors. He was such a precious kitten.
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Sweet baby Foster with his giant ears. 
By this point life had been a bit crazy. We lost loved ones, got married, took a few trips….and then along came Leah. Sweet, sweet Leah. Of all the animals we re-homed, she was the hardest. Leah came to us starving and, I believe, abused. The whole first week she was there we could barely catch glimpses of her before she would run off and hide. The very first day I went out into the field she was in and threw a hamburger towards her. It scared her so much that she ran away and never did come back for the burger. We thought she was a male. So Husband named her Benji. Less than a week later it became apparent that she was an extremely pregnant female. By the third week she had been around a lot more. She would come close, but never let us touch her. If we stood up, she ran away. If she could see our feet she would run. I can not say undeniably that she was abused, but her behavior indicated that she was certainly not loved before. Finally, three weeks to the day that Leah showed up in our field…she blessed us with nine puppies. Seven males and two females. Leah was the best mom she could be. The day she had the puppies she was so exhausted she could not run from us. It was the first time we got to touch her and she suddenly realized we were there to help her. She never once got aggressive with us over the puppies and even when she was unable to care for them herself (she was so malnourished that she could not feed them) she knew that we were taking care of them. So over the next several months it was continual puppy guard. We bathed nine puppies every day. We fed them all their meals. We made a play yard for them so they could play outside during the day while we were at work. Suddenly our one stray became ten! After getting them their first vet visit and shots we were able to re-home every single puppy (save one) and Leah. I cried when Leah left. I wanted to keep her and still feel my nose tingle a little when I talk about her. She was such a sweet dog. But the neglect and abuse she experienced left her with some scars that I just did not have the time or ability to heal. She went to a very loving family who has made her the highlight of their home.
Leah in a sweater and her nine beautiful babies.
So while technically not a stray, we kept one of Leah’s puppies. Buddy has been the most challenging and frustrating animal I have ever encountered. I love this dog. He has his Mother’s temperament. He is sweet, loving and incredibly playful. He is a year old now and never slows down. He is also the biggest pain in the ass. He ate a hole through my carpet. Then he ate the damned rug I put down to cover the hole! He hates to be brushed. If he sees the brush in my hand he tries to hide. He has his mother’s wiry fur except his is nearly three inches long. If I try to make him do something he does not want to do he will melt. Which is, apparently, a common trait among most of the puppies. For example, I tried to give him a bath. He was not happy. So once I got him in the tub and got the water started he slowly began to sink to the floor of the tub. I could not get him to stand up. I was afraid he would drown so I had to hold his head up with one hand to keep his face out of the water while trying to bathe him with the other. Then, when I was finished with one side, I had to flip him over and do the other. Anytime he is presented with something he does not want to do he becomes a puddle of mutt. He is also Husband’s dog. He would follow Husband to the end of the Earth and back. He only follows me if he believes I have food. I seriously doubt he realizes he is only alive still because he is so damned cute. But, then again, maybe he does realize it and that is why he keeps his shit up.
Buddy throughout his first year of terror and destruction.
No sooner do we get new homes for eight puppies and Leah, and in comes Tanner. Tanner was sweet and fun. Incredibly friendly from day one, when I found him sitting in my car after I left it open so I could carry groceries in. He protected our porch for about two weeks. I left a thick flannel blanket outside for him to curl up in. About two weeks after he showed up he got very sick. I was on my way out to a Christmas party and Husband and I sat on the porch comforting him because I did not think he would make it through the night. I thought he was having seizures on top of him already being sick (he seemed to be fighting a cold.) I went to the Christmas party crying. The next day I called the vet and cried while trying to see if they could get him in. They said they did not have any appointments but if I brought him in they would work him in at some point through the day. Two of the people who attended the Christmas party with me actually called in and paid the vet bill for me. I know some pretty amazing people. While at the Vet’s, Tanner stole the heart of one of the Vet Techs and the very next day messaged me and asked if she could try bringing him home. He is not a very happy and well loved member of her family and I get to see him occasionally (like at festivals where he howls at the people performing live music. He has fairly decent taste and only howls when they really suck.)
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In this ungodly messy car sits a dog I had never seen until this moment. Welcome, Tanner.
By this point I had started keeping a leash and collar in my car. I mean, I needed something. I had actually stopped more than once to help people catch random strays and pets so it was sort of beneficial. I also tend to keep a bowl and small bag of food in my car (when I can.) It has came in handy, too. But of course I had NONE of this when we found Hunter.
Imagine driving down the road and seeing what you thought was a fox hoping and playing around the interstate. I’m probably going about 70 mph down a four-lane interstate when all of a sudden I realize its not a fox, it is a puppy! Thank God it was super early in the morning and when I slammed on my brake and swerved off the road there was only one person cussing behind me. I jumped out of my car and yell towards the puppy and don’t know…..the little bastard takes off across the two Southbound lanes and into the median. Husband is standing beside the car yelling at me but all I could see was the traffic and puppy. So away I go after him and once I get to the median he books it across the two Northbound lane. Of course. And traffic was actually a little heavier Northbound.
Let me just point out here that I am fat. I do not move quickly and I was never good at Frogger growing up. Ok, glad we have that established.
As Husband continues to yell at me from the car (I can’t hear him well enough to understand him, I just know he is yelling) I book it across the Northbound lanes and jump a guard rail. Let me be the first to tell you I am very proud at how quickly I made it across those lanes and at the fact that I did not bust my ass trying to jump the guard rail. Puppy just stands there and barks at me. After a little bit of coaxing, he finally comes over and I grab him before he could change his mind. I scramble across the guard rail again (this time slightly less gracefully) and run across all four lanes and median, puppy in hand. As I get closer to the car I yell at Husband to get in. I open my door, say “we have a puppy” and tossed it in his lap. We were an hour and a half from home and had another three hours to go before reaching our destination (we were traveling to meet my Father with our nephews so they could come visit for a few days.) Then we had to turn around and come home. Dad bought us a cheap collar and leash and the puppy ate junk food with us and the boys until we got home. After calling all the local shelters and veterinary offices in the area we found the puppy (just to make sure he was not reported missing) a friend of mine actually adopted him and named him Hunter. We live about 8 hours apart and so I took care of him until we could go visit and deliver him, checking the shelters and vets a few more times before we left. He is doing well also.
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Hunter. Part Shepard, part Husky. All attitude.
  Animal rescue is a big deal to me. If I had the money there would be so many no-kill shelters out there that no animal would be euthenized or homeless for long. I think it is very important for people to be diligent and responsible pet owners. Spay and neuter your pets and don’t adopt a pet if you are not willing to care for it for life. Too many people get them as gifts when the pet is just a baby and once it gets older and has lost its youth they don’t want to deal with them anymore and dump them off at shelters or worse, along the road. If you are serious about the commitment involved in adopting a pet please be sure to check your local shelters and rescues. I have included a few links at the bottom here so you can check out some of my favorites. If you are ever looking for organizations to help out via volunteering, donations (monetary or supplies) or even fostering check out your local shelters and rescues.
  Saving Southern Kitties
Pet Door Rescue
Human Society
    ***I did not create nor do I own the header picture for this post.
  I am a stray collector. It is as if some sort of magical force sends them my way. I am a stray collector. It is as if some sort of magical force sends them my way.
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