#like that one bobs burgers scene where bob is in the car talking to louise and there's classical music on the radio
br1ghtestlight · 7 months
i would be so annoying to watch serious crime dramas with because i keep laughing everytime they play dramatic/scary music because im used to watching sitcoms and cartoons where that isn't a thing they would do sound editing-wise and it keeps pulling me out of the moment like its a parody crime mockumentary 😭😭
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deblklesb · 1 year
[On The Road — Ellie x Reader Headcanons in a very specific scenario]
[Thelma & Louise (the movie) inspired, bff!ellie, modern!au. cw: violence, sex assault implied (reader), MDNI]
(a/n: I'll post more about it later!!!)
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• Ellie and you are best friends for a long time now, having met in a festival promoted by the church your family attended;
• Since the beginning Ellie felt something different about you, something she didn't had towards other friends, but due to your long relationship with your (now) fiance she just kept to herself all the possibilities;
• Your family didn't like her that much and either your partner - although when it comes to him, this sentiment was mutual. You'd usually hang out away from your house and you got very familiar with her relatives, Joel, Tommy and Maria;
• Working on a dinner all day, she always had something for you to eat whenever you met. You, on the other hand, had lots of different CDs, books, magazines and random varieties to her. You didn't know it, but she guarded every single thing you ever handed her with the biggest care;
• One day you decide to go on the road. A weekend travel by car, she would drive and you would be in charge of the directions;
• She would play every CD you gave her. You both would sing loud the lyrics. Just later you'd realize that was one of the rarest times when you felt so good and alive - away from your family, you partner, all the pressure. And Ellie notices the glow surrounding you. Inside of her, a desire to take you out to those road trips more often was growing. She would cross the country if that meant putting that smile on your face, adorning your voice with those giggles;
• On a road bar, where you accept dancing with a stranger - just because he was nice, and because that wasn't what you'd usually do - things get out of control. He isn't Ellie, and you wanna come back to her. But he doesn't let you go;
• Ellie looked for you around the crowded place and decided to try outside, praying to God you would just be taking some air;
• She has always been afraid of you discovering a specific side of hers, but tonight isn't the time to worry about it. As soon as she finds the scene, she just pulls that man away from you and starts to beat him. On an enraged motion, you kick him as soon as she manages to push his body into the ground;
• Involved in anger, frustration and to many other feelings, she keeps beating him until you hear an alarmed voice. "They're beating Bob", somebody says. "Ellie, let's go! Ellie!", she doesn't hear you. His face is unrecognizable and he's barely moving, but the sounds of steps getting closer it's the most scary thing right now. "Ellie!", you pull her shirt and she finally snaps out of it, seeing a guy turning the corner in your direction;
• You both get out and drive for as long as possible into the nowhere. You take your time to calm down as best as you can, but her bloody hands on the wheel calls your attention. You both have been silent all the way, and just when there's almost no other vehicle around she drives out of the road and turns off the car;
• With shaky hands you clean her knuckles. Ellie holds you tight. "I think you killed him", you whisper, monotone, her recently clean hand caressing your hair. "Good", it's all she answers;
• You can't go home or talk to your family. She assures you that you both can go to Jackson to get help. And soon, the most unimaginable time of your life starts;
• After a whole day of deep thought, spending some time in a trashy motel watching TV, you manage to feel calmer. She makes everything she can to put your mind out of that event. Ellie is attentive to your actions. She respects your time and space and, on her own, it's freaking out, wishing to help somehow;
• "I want a burger. With bacon", it's the words that put an smirk on her lips. You're still off, still trying to put yourself together, still trying to repeat in your mind that you're with Ellie and, because of that, you're probably the most safe you've ever been. "Say no more, pretty girl", she answers, getting up from the bed. Before leaving the room, the auburn haired woman kissed your forehead;
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Geneuary Countdown: Discussion Question #1
Hello everyone!
To drum up excitement for Geneuary, I wanted to ask a question to encourage some fun discussion!
I'd like to ask what one of your guys' favorite Gene moments is. You can choose multiple because I know it'll probably be quite difficult to narrow it down!
I have so many favorite Gene moments that it was super difficult for me to narrow down, but one moment that really made me fall in love with Gene as a character and make me appreciate him was this moment from Season 5, Episode 5, Best Burger:
There is so much I could analyze about this scene, almost too much. But I've already kind of analyzed it for my post on why I love Bob and Gene's father/son relationship, so I'll try not to repeat anything.
I adore how genuinely hard Gene worked to try and help Bob this whole episode. Sure, it was technically him who created the issue in the first place, but he was just being a kid and being forgetful, something I can definitely relate to a ton. And he spent the entire episode trying to make up for his mistake, and he went through hell and back to get that black garlic.
He could've just given up at any time and run through that Hot Fudge Car Wash, but he didn't! He persevered and insisted that he should be the one to get the garlic to Bob, as he was the reason why Bob didn't have it. Side note, Gene was very ADHD coded in this episode, and I love it, as someone whose sister and boyfriend have ADHD.
Anyway, I adore how Gene apologizes to Bob right away, but it breaks my heart every single time when he calls himself a screw-up! He actually believes that he messes things up all the time, and that makes me want to reach through the screen and give him the biggest hug imaginable. He deals with so many confidence issues under his bubbly, effervescent surface, and it's always so fascinating to analyze and unpack.
It's always so clear how everyone saying that he messed up (even using his name as a negative verb) has affected him mentally. It's caused him to believe that if he doesn't fix this mistake, he'll just be seen as a screw-up, so that's why his determination in this episode was so strong. It's admirable, but it makes me want to give him some encouragement because he definitely needs it.
And him taking a moment to say that he's always admired Bob always has me 🥺 He loves his dad so much it's so cute. He really thinks of Bob as someone to aspire to be and look up to and is much more willing to admit it than Louise. I'm sure having a child who's so verbally enthusiastic about looking up to him feels really nice for Bob. Sure, Tina is also very vocal about her love for her family too, but is probably not as enthusiastic as Gene is, at least at this moment.
Also, I know it's not related to Gene, but I love how Bob quickly apologizes for snapping. It's a small thing, but it really goes to show how good of a dad Bob is.
My second favorite Gene moment is probably this one from the ending of Season 8, Episode 9, Y Tu Ga-Ga Tambien:
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I think this goes back to Gene's self-worth issues that are hidden beneath the surface. Ga-Ga Ball genuinely made him feel left out, as seen with the line "It's not a good feeling when someone says "everyone" but they don't mean you!" It's implied here that Gene has felt excluded before, and unfortunately, I can definitely see that happening.
He's been excluded before (sort of) as seen in Season 5, Episode 17, The Itty Bitty Ditty Committee, where he was kicked out of his own band. That exclusion even led him to almost give up music entirely! So whenever someone excludes Gene, he carries it deep within himself. It actually hurts him a lot, even if he doesn't always show it. He gives off a happy, bubbly exterior because he is genuinely a happy kid, but he also doesn't exactly enjoy talking about any issues he has.
But when he had an opportunity to speak out against exclusion, he took it, because he didn't want anyone else to feel the same way he did. That was why he was the only one left who didn't like Ga-Ga Ball, because of that exclusionary aspect.
But yes, this was a fantastic speech and Gene moment. The gifs were taken from this lovely post:
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drawthething · 2 years
Hey! It's me again :D
I wanted to come up with a fun ask (you can definitely take your time on this one, especially because I've seen you've gotten quite a few asks lately). I don't know, I was hoping we could maybe do that ask trade you brought up during my last one! (Am I doing it right??) Especially because I'd love to talk about this topic, I do have a few thoughts of my own on it that I don't want to flood here.
What are your thoughts on the Bob's Burgers Movie?? I was actually lucky enough to catch it in theaters, so that might've affected my perception of it a bit. Did you enjoy it? Did you really dislike it? Are you somewhere in between? What are some things you liked, or things you would change?
Ahhhh heyyyyy!! Back at it again with your glorious asks! Thank you 🥺♥️ And you ask about the movie 😭 lemme grab my notes real quick
I LOVE the movie! Honestly I'm so grateful we get a murder mystery instead of... whatever they give us in s12. It wasn't too far away from the show itself either and felt like it's made for the fans which I appreciate. I laughed a lot too, my favourite parts've gotta be Tina's reaction looking back and forth at Grover during the car chase. Like, precious awkward girl 😭. Also the way she tries to throw away her barrecklace but it keeps sticking pffft, same energy! Overall the storyline's super fun I love it
And the SONGS. I listened to Sunny side up summer on loop for weeeeeks it's not funny! Bobs music is always superb so it's not too surprising the movie's full of total bops, but damn did they deliver 🤌 The animation is obviously glorious, I kept rewatching the dancing gigs cuz, like, look at those muppets wiggling and bouncing 😭
I definitely love that Louise gets to be the center of the film, they finally let our girl use her infinite brain's grey matter to solve a murder case and her character arc is so so good. Bob & Linda are obviously super mega sweet. Like, like we get a flashback scene 🥺? And, and the hole scene 🥺? "punch droopy Bob in the nuts" scene? Pffft. Plus a whole lots of fun moments between them and Teddy (living for Teddy & his oliver bar/food cart 🤌) Tina's arc is cuuuute, her little scenes with Jimmy Jr just bless my heart :] Gene's done dirty though 😐 boy barely gets to shine. But he's himself and that's also enough to appreciate him I guess :/
I do want more of the side characters tbh. Most of them pass by like a funky little cameo and that's it (them precious Wagstaff kids are barely there and where on earth is Gayle??) But it's a movie so maybe focusing on a limited number of them would be... better 😐? One last thought, like, this one haunts me in my sleep every. single. night: what were they thinking not including Jimmy Jr in the credits aka, you know, the dance sequence??! The DANCE SEQUENCE??!
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curious-minx · 4 years
Bob’s Burgers most reliable holiday  provides another lowkey enjoyable, but messy episode. Whereas the latest Simpsons strikes a really sore vocal node.
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The second holiday episode of Bob’s Burgers’ 11th season, much like the previous Halloween episode, this one also fails to live up to the series’ even higher Thanksgiving standard
 That’s not to say “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid” is not a good episode, but it does fall into the category of Bob’s Burgers episode I typically respond to the least: Character-based storytelling vignettes. The writing on these segment driven episodes tend to be looser and  playful bending the show’s reality, but much like every time the other Fox family leaves the Springfield plane of reality into a pastiche styled playground for the writers to plug the characters into.
The overall animation and visual-based gags on this episode offers some of the best moments of the season and series in general. Having the Belcher stories revolve around action movie pastiches of 90’s action movie schlock like Air Force Once, Armageddon, and late 80’s Predator  are extremely punny and really grasping hard for satire. The walk to Louise’s Breadator is succinct and makes total sense for Louise’s character to tell this kind of story, whereas Tina drawing inspiration from Air Force One for her story sags the episode down. This episode also has the gall to bring in Gayle, a character that usually elevates all of her episodes nothing much to do until the third and best segment told by Bob. Teddie is also frustratingly nowhere to be seen and Teddie is one of those characters that really only needs a small scene explaining away  his absence like in the episode “Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled,” which Variety and I consider to be among the best of Bob’s Thanksgiving episodes. 
Nitpicks and reminiscing on past glories aside, what’s most impressive about an episode as conceptual and overstuffed as this one, an episode that’s also poopy and gross-out from the very beginning, still manages to pack undeniable heart. Seeing a character as relatable and sad sack-y as Bob Belcher be passionate about his one favorite holiday reminds me of the everlasting and evergreen Ray Bradbury remark about how everyone is capable of writing poetry as long as you ask them to talk about something they are truly passionate about. Seeing how this episode climax revolves around Gene and Bob’s love of food and proves a powerful sentimental moment. Bob’s Burgers sentimentality works because the show’s core is silly absurdism, light and fluffy gross out gags and quirky twee-ness. Introducing the action movie element feels like the series trying to branch out its audience and try to catch some eyeballs of viewers looking for something more like Archer, American Dad, Rick and Morty, or even Treehouse of Horror style genre exercises.  Bob’s Burgers and action comedy feels like putting garlic pesto on cinnamon toast, but Ryan Reynolds doesn’t think so.
Yes, that’s right. The biggest news out of the Bob’s Burgers camp…probably ever…is that the Molyneux sisters, the writers of this very action packed episode, have been hand selected by Mr. Detective “VanWilder” Pickachu himself to be head writers on the upcoming third Deadpool movie. Seeing that we live in a post Russo brothers world and how Dan Harmon was conscripted to punch up Doctor Strange scripts none of this should really surprise me, but I am still very much surprised by this development. The Deadpool 3 creative team and Reynolds is still promising to deliver an R-Rated Comedy, a rating and promise that is very much why Deadpool is the sensation that it is. 
In the current media landscape the only way a big budget R-Rated comedy can get made is if it’s attached to something like a mega superhero sized brand. At this point in time Deadpool is the closest thing kids have to a Mel or Al Brooks and it is what it is. If anything Ryan Reynolds personally choosing the Molyneux sisters for a project like this makes me like Ryan Reynolds a little bit more. And he’s a man I previously had no real feelings or opinions about. The only other thing about Deadpool I know about is that the franchise has developed a particularly shitty reputation in terms of its treatment of main female characters and literally freezing them out of the plot. The future of comedy is being driven by the significant increase of women gaining these kind of writing gigs and it’s a beautiful thing to finally see witness. Especially when a company like Netflix has been really shitty to both of its own female driven comedies: Glow and Tucca and Bertie.
Sigh. I am thankful for all the sad little boys and girls wearing too much or maybe the right amount of eye shadow that will inherit this flaming Earth.
Three and half pear shaped pals out of an Oedipus Rex Complex. 
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Nerds! Nothing but a lousy rotten sniveling dweeb! You dorkus-rex! You body pillow huffing geek get over here and let the Simpsons set some things straight for you: A Comic Book Guy driven episode of the Simpsons is often where the show goes off the rails. The Comic Book Guy marriage episode is was one of those late day Simpsons that feel like a bad piece of dreamed up fan fiction that you found on the cutting room floor. Is the show interested at all with the fact that comics and being nerdy have become as mainstream as the Bible? No? They’re still treating geek culture as some sort of low hanging piñata fruit lousy with cheap references in place of actual jokes? Good! I don’t know why I would ever allow myself to think for a second that the Simpsons would challenge its own status quo 32 seasons in, but I keep coming back. 
What I should really do is back up. The title of this episode is “Three Dreams Denied.” Ah, Dream Denial! That’s exactly what anyone watching an animated sitcom hopes for: dreams being crushed. This isn’t some kiddy Davy and Goliath feel good wholesome fable, this is the Simpsons where characters are given dreams, and those dreams get denied. The next part of the title I want to break down is the fact that there are specifically three dreams that being denied. Three! That’s a comedy number! As long as you have three of anything you’re doing comedy. Plain and simple.
During the Robert Zemeicks arc of the Blank Check podcast Griffin Newman, co-host and comedian extraordinaire and someone I generally admire a lot, has been bringing up the fact that he’s been spending a lot of his Quarantine rewatching the entirety of the Simpsons. By the episode of Used Cars Newman has already gotten past the Movie era and is in the 20th seasons. One observation he made about later day Simpsons is that these episodes have a tendency to end abruptly on a pile of unusable and reality bending plots still in the process of tying themselves up. And there’s no better/worse example of this than this episode. 
Comic Book Guy goes to a comic book convention. Bart becomes a voice actor after befriending the comic book guy’s temporary replacement. Lisa feuds over her saxophone chair in the school orchestra with a new pretty boy voiced by the underwhelming Ben Platt. One of these plots is not like the other. This used to be the signature of a quality Simpsons episode that managed to tweak and divert expectations from the typical A & B sitcom storylines. This episode fundamentally fails to deliver on any of the three storylines and what makes it worse is that it’s an intentional choice. 
Now I know I have spent this review harping on Comic Book Guy, but he’s not even why this episode for me is such an abomination. And it’s not because the cutesy, flimsy Lisa subplot either (although I do find it noxiously amusing that a week after an Yeardely Smith took issue with the Queer Interpretation of Lisa would feature her going moony eyed over a boy voiced by a defiantly queer actor), no, what tips this episode into the territory of the truly terrible for me is the Bart becomes a voice actor subplot. 
The only defining quality of season 32 that I can discern is that the flagrant trolling on behalf of the writers. Can you believe we had three vignette driven episodes of the Simpsons in a row? Can you believe we would have meta reality breaking voice actor related moments back to back? When Lisa Simpson’s voice actor Yeardley Smith voiced the real world character of herself in the previous Podcast based episode it was clumsy and awkward as hell. Having Bart become a voice actor that ends up voicing a character of the opposite gender is the sort of kind of a funny thing that resembles a joke that the latter day Simpsons revel in. The characterization of voice acting work in this episode is downright insulting and explains exactly why this show suffers. 
The character of Phil that serves as the Comic Book Guy’s replacement is a working voice actor. He let’s Bart know this by doing a series of completely basic, broad and unremarkable impersonations that Bart is seemingly impressed by. All you have to do to become a successful voice actor is do a silly voice and you’re golden. Maybe from the perspective of a series as lazy and indulgent as the Simpsons is when it comes to voice acting. The complete denial of Julie Kavner’s deteriorating voice that at this point sounds like gentle elder abuse. There are times when Kavner is downright incomprehensible at times. The other oldest member of the Simpsons voice talent, Harry Shearer was wrongheadedly trying to defend his right to voice Characters of Colors because  in his words, “the job of the voice actor is to play someone who they’re not.” Obviously these words were not spoken by someone that thinks very highly of acting either. There is no one job an actor has to do, because the job  of an actor is always changing from job to job. The character of Phil is not even attributed to anyone! I have spent over thirty minutes getting testy with IMDB search engines and reading another website’s recap and no one can tell me who did the voice of the Voice Acting Character on Simpsons. Lovely.
Much like the Comic Book Guy the Simpsons heart is in bad shape. This is a show whose entire existence seems to be made out of spite. Or to garner enough funds for Matt Groening to prevent him from ever having to serve any prison time for his exploits on the Lolita express. Great, see I’m bringing up the Lolita Express at the end of a Simpsons review. This episode really left me in a bad mood, but thankfully that’s what Bob’s Burgers is for. 
SKIP. The only people that should watch this are people teaching a screenwriting class that need examples of what happens when you break your episode by haphazardly shoving three plots into one episode. If you can’t tie up one story in a satisfying manner then you really shouldn’t be telling a story at all. There’s also one really magnificent visual joke involving Homer and beer tea that is absolutely wasted on this episode.
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genebelcher · 2 years
ANOTHER trailer (over)analysis!!!!
they are SPOILING ME, y’all... they put out another new trailer for the bob’s burgers movie today... a lot of it is stuff we have seen before but there’s a considerable amount of new footage, like two dozen screenshots’ worth. i’ve made one, two, three, four analysis posts for previous trailers with new footage! i’m drawing connections back to them in this post so they might be helpful to look at first (or at least familiarity with the trailers themselves will make this post make more sense)
don’t look under the read more if you don’t want to see any pics from the trailer (ik some people like to avoid spoilers entirely), or if you don’t want to load a bunch of images right now (i have over 20 screenshots im going to analyze, plus more links to older screencaps for context when i refer back to them). also fair warning i just screencapped these from youtube on my phone and didnt crop out the borders or the channel bug in the corner
(also pls don't rb this bc there’s a lot of people on this hellsite that i do not want interacting with me, there’s a reason i didn’t put this post in the main tags, just wanted to get my thoughts out somewhere)
here we go again (i sincerely love doing these so much)!!!!
several of the new bits we got are directly and obviously connected to footage we’ve seen before, such as........
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this is obviously from the scene where linda’s advertising “sexy burgers”; bob tells her to go away (rude! lol)
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linda gasping (outside wonder wharf with bob and the burger stand in the background)... no further context is given but maybe pesto’s has set up a pizza stand across the street as competition? not that bob’s seems to be doing well as a stand outside wonder wharf...
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the belcher kids hopping into the back of bosco’s car; seems like they just decided to get in the car because he’s so shocked he splashes himself with his coffee. hope he stained his shirt, 1312
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heretofore-unseen shot of louise pitching something to kuchi kopi and the crew (presumably in her imagination, presumably while she’s stuck in the sinkhole at night). kuchi kopi’s much-seen reaction follows
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a little more context for the scene where the kids are in the dumbwaiter/pulley thing off of felix’s treehouse. gene (seemingly accidentally) pulls the lever, and.....
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it starts moving away from the treehouse. question, though...where is the lever we just saw? there’s no bluish-grey wood anywhere in these shots...is this a deliberate misdirect or just a trailer inconsistency?
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louise hissing at mr. frond, which of course intimidates him because he is pathetic. my poor little meow meow.
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more from the musical number with the ducks in the kiddie pool at the rv park. at this point i’m POSITIVE these people are wonder wharf employees and this is where at least some of them live. i’m guessing this is a REALLY IMPORTANT scene also because it’s in all the trailers and the dude in the cream polo is on the poster and also in the front of this scene (which, based on what i know about musicals, is probably the big finish for the musical number).
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bob and linda happily dancing down the street. this is probably at the beginning of the movie seeing as there’s no sinkhole or grand re-re-re-re-opening banner. this is probably from the same musical number as this shot from trailer 1 and possibly that over-the-window one from trailer 2. also maybe the takeout bag is for the banker (to appease him, most likely), since first oceanside bank is across the street? maybe their high-five is because he liked the food. maybe it’s even that breakfast burger we see bob lovingly stroking? in that scene tina is talking about big things happening over the summer and this song seems to be about it being “the summer of our lives”.
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same, gene, same. pretty sure this is felix’s treehouse (the wood background + slanted wall is kind of a giveaway). i don’t THINK that’s part of his sailor suit bc that seems to be a true navy blue while the thing gene is rubbing his face all over is a lighter blue with a bit more of a turquoise/teal undertone. might be a blanket. it’s in the background of this scene where louise is crawling across his bed and it looks like there’s just a sheet on the bed.
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felix trying to adjust his jacket or something. cute. this room looks like it’s the same room where that merman statue is, based on the gold railing and the wallpaper color and pattern.
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i don’t think we’ve seen this particular shot of louise falling into the sinkhole before. if we did, i didn’t notice she was wearing (rain?) boots. makes sense that the sinkhole might be muddy since it was caused by a busted water main. also a great aesthetic choice to make her boots yellow because it completes a triadic color palette (pink hat + cyan pajamas + yellow boots) and cyan + yellow combine into green like her regular dress
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previously we’ve seen a bit of this scene where tina is with a sparkly purple glowing jimmy jr. at wonder wharf, but it was her shoving him into the game booth so i didn’t notice he’s also translucent which makes me think a) it’s not part of the friend fiction scene where they’re riding horses and b) tina is actually at wonder wharf, and she’s imagining he’s there with her. i wonder what her shoving him means...maybe she’s just trying to focus on something else (probably related to the mystery arc), maybe she’s focused on another boy?
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i don’t believe we’ve seen this particular shot of linda, bob, and teddy with the burger cart being chased through wonder wharf before. i’m still wondering what the hell they did to get an angry mob chasing them.
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
When’s the last time you saw a rat? Tuesday night coming out of my swim class. It scurried past my path into the parking lot and as I approached my car I noticed it under my tire.
Can you see a popular brand logo fro where you are sitting? I see a Starbucks logo on the cup on my desk. I also see a Dell logo, a Cubs logo, and some logos of brands my work uses.
Have you ever had to lead a meeting of any sort? Yeah, I had to lead one for work once a while ago. It was SUPER nerve-wracking.
What is your ringtone? The Office theme.
If given the choice between the escalator and elevator, which would you choose? Escalator.
What’s your favorite symbol/character associated with Halloween? (Black cats, ghosts, bats, etc) BATS and cats.
When’s the last time you got a Happy Meal from McDonald’s? When they had the My Little Pony toys a few years ago when I pretended I was a brony for like 2 weeks haha.
Have you ever been to a bachelor/bachelorette party? Yes, my sister’s before her first marriage.
What was the subject matter of the last email you sent? It was a reply to a customer that their request was completed.
Do you know someone with the same first name as your middle name? Yeah, Randal has/had a friend named Martina.
What’s your favorite gemstone? Sapphire.
Is that also your birthstone? It is, actually.
When’s the last time you tried a new recipe? Last night Mark made Srirach Shrimp. It wasn’t a difficult recipe by any means, but it wasn’t something we’ve really made before.
Can you see anything star-shaped near you? My nails have star shaped decals on them.
Who’s voice did you last hear? My coworker Eric’s.
Have you ever made a friend through doing surveys? HI KAYLA. She and I go WAY back to the Xanga days, thought I don’t think we really started talking until I discovered her Tumblr and followed her.
How often do you use Excel? Roughly once a day for work. I copy and paste lists of request into it so they are easier to navigate and so I can highlight them as they are completed.
Are you a picky eater? Hell nope. Shove all the food into my talk-hole.
Favorite thing about the holidays? Family. The colors/decorations. Presents, both giving and receiving.
Was 2016 as bad as everyone says it was? Nah, mine wasn’t too awful, aside from Satan being elected president. But we’re feeling the ramifications of that more this year.
Does your best friend have a survey blog? She does not, though I’m starting to consider everyone I am close with a best friend since all my friends are great and awesome in their own ways. In that case, Ellen and Kayla both have survey blogs.
Have you ever played Pretend You’re Xyzzy (Cards Against Humanity online)? HI AGAIN KAYLA AND ELLEN! The three of us have played a few times. Which reminds me, we need to play on some sort of chat outlet SOON!
What are your favorite things to put in a salad? Pretty basic things like cucumbers and tomatoes and avocados.
Have you tried the Starbucks Pink Drink? What about the Unicorn Frappuccino? I have had the pink drink but I had no interest in the Unicorn Frapp. I’m not a big mango person.
Favorite Belcher family member (from Bob’s Burgers)? Oh man, I love all of them almost equally. I’ll rank them from favorite to a little less favorite: 1. Linda 2. Louise 3. Gene 4. Tina 5. Bob
Do you like the movie Clueless? It’s one of my favorites.
Do you have any Post-It notes stuck to your computer? I do, on my work computer. They are there to remind me to do stuff but I still forget to look at them haha.
When’s the last time someone used your name? An email addressed to me earlier began with “Hi Hannah.”
Favorite internet meme cat? Nyan and Grumpy.
Do you have an iPad or tablet? I have an iPad for work.
When ordering take out, what is usually your meat of choice? Chicken, always. Unless I’m specifically getting a burger or a hot dog or something where there isn’t a choice.
When is the last time you went swimming? Tuesday, and I am going again tonight. It’s more an aerobics class than swimming, but swimming from one end of the pool to the other is involved, so.
Any short-term goals? I’d like to be under 250 before September but that might be a long-shot. I’m gunna start including Saturdays and Sundays in my gym routine now.
Ice tea: Sweetened or Unsweetened? Un!
What is your favorite color and what is the closest thing to you in that color? Purple, and a wall in my office is painted purple.
When’s the next time you’re going out of town? I technically do that everyday for work, but if you’re talking more on the lines of a trip, my dad and I might go to Pittsburgh Father’s Day weekend to see a Cubs game.
What is your Facebook cover photo? A screen shot of Romy and Michele driving to their high school reunion. It’s from the scene where Michele puts her mouth on the window to try to scare a boy in the car next to them.
Favorite Friends episode? The One in London or whatever it’s actually called. Chandler and Monica first hooking up is my favorite thing ever and then after they get married I hate them oops.
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