#like the ribbing and stuff so it’s good to hide if I fuck up XD
readingwriter92 · 1 year
Took like. Three years straight and like thirty scarves made but I’m finally branching out a little in my knitting.
I have made a single fingerless, glove thingy. The paper I found calls it a “wrister ”
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
Go to Sleep
Kanene’s note: Gosh, having a schedule is weird. I just wanna post everything I already wrote and ramble non stop about it asdfgtyujkigfdo. XD
Well, this was suppose to be a drabble, but it’s very long so sdftyujikgfred. I hope you like it!
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to Thomas Sanders from the serie Sanders Sides.
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic. If you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!! ^w^)b
* This is Lee!Virgil with Ler!Roman. Around 1.500 words.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Listen a bit to the birds today. Changing the way you think is not a bad thing. Drink water, sleep, eat and love!
Roman growled, missing by a few inches the button of his thunderous, infuriating alarm before finally hitting it. Staring and blinking lazily at the numbers his brain struggled to discern and recognize, only to confirm it was really time to wake up and start the day. He grabbed his pillow and squeezed it with all the strength he could muster, rolling from one side to other on the mattress, trying to wake up his body as quick as his mind and almost falling from the bed a reasonable number of times during the process.
 He got up, yawing, stretching and humming as the first lyrics of the day stuck on his head, hand rubbing at his eyes as he followed the kitchen’s direction with slow steps and tired sways on the beat of the song.
 Two dark, wide eyes stared right back at him, their owner completely frozen on the spot with his hand inside the cabinet, probably already holding some sort of a snack. Roman also stopped mid-step, gears running inside his mind, gaze locked on the other, his brow progressively furrowing.
“Virgil,” he began, voice slightly hoarse “What the heckty heck are you doing up? It’s barely seven in the morning!” Virgil only stared back, slowly closing the cabinet’s door, as if afraid the movement would startle the other. Roman proceeded to get some eggs and other cold ingredients from the refrigerator for the breakfast, his words growing more awake and vivid as they spilled with no filter or whatsoever from his lips. “You got an early shift again or something? Those are absolutely hellish. A bunch of people exhausted, tired and glaring at you as if you are the holder of all their problems and their solutions can only be achieved by being insufferable pieces of- Urg. I can’t believe they would give you one right after you got the night one. Damn, I didn’t even see you arriving here yesterday!”
 He turned his attention back at the other, looking for a kind of frustration in the place of the still startled, wide gaze which continued to be directed at him. Virgil nodded slowly, stepping away and putting some physical distance between him and the confusion on Roman’s features.
 Then, between the strings of sleepiness that clouded his brain, it clicked.
 Suddenly more details on the other’s behavior started to become clearer: the way Virgil’s hair was messier than his usual ““style”” (Roman scoffed mentally, thinking that if he rolled his eyes any harder they would never come back to his normal place again), his wary, yes, but way too much slow movements, the way he seemed to be unable to stop blinking at every millisecond and, above it all, the final piece of the puzzle.
 Virgil wasn’t wearing his pajamas.
 “YOU DIDN’T!” Roman gasped, as if Virgil’s life choices were a personal attack. “YOU DIDN’T GET ANY SLEEP LAST NIGHT!!” A turn of heels and he was again fixating his glare on the other, his free hand accusingly pointing in his direction, receiving an annoyed hiss as immediate answer.
 “Shut up!” Virgil snarled, practically growling back at him. “It’s fucking seven am don’t be so freaking loud.”
 “Don’t change the subject! Why didn’t you go to sleep?”
 The one being questioned just snorted, half amused. “Bold of you to assume I’d ever sleep in my whole life.”
 “That is it.” Virgil didn’t even have the time to wonder the meaning of his friend’s sentence before the aforementioned picked him up, resulting to a not very contained shriek escaping from his lips and his hands not much gracefully – or gently, although since they were keen on just jumping on each other out of nowhere to play fight Princey would be fine - meeting his friend’s face.
 “Roman! What the he-”
 “Did you just SLAP me? My beautiful face?! Before my own beautiful eyes??” Virgil Storm always got, even if he would never admit this out loud, surprised with Roman’s capacity of doing a series of offended incoherent noises which evolved to words before being carefully metamorphosed in weird noises all over again, and in the end still managing to form comprehensible sentences. His surprise did nothing to quell the grumpy snark immediately flying from lips, though.
 “And I’m going to do it again if you don’t let me go in this exact instant.”
 “You go and try to help and that is the acknowledgement you get,” The one wearing pajamas with little crows printed on it huffed, mumbling in a lower tone as he noticed the sharp gaze being thrown in his direction. “fucking unbelievable.”
 “I still can hear you, Princey. You’re literally carrying me.”
 “I sTiLL cAn HeAr yOu-OW! Ow! Ow!” The sentence was interrupted when the sleep deprived one punched Roman’s shoulder. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”
 “Let me fucking gAAH!” In a way his wish was granted, one could say as they watched his protest being cut as Storm was impolitely tossed on his bed, Roman quickly following his friend on the mattress, arms hugging him from behind, and physically preventing him from escaping his current soft predicament. “Prince, you’re dead.”
 “Shhh, no talking. We’re sleeping.”
 “We are not. You are being a pain in ass and I am about to defenestrate you.” Despite his fervent protests, his sharp, flaming glare began to lose its heat, his body not doing any actual effort to free himself from the other’s – strong, good - grip, muscles starting to relax against the great warmth involving him in a comfortable and secure blanket.
 “Sure, sure, mister Grumpy Pants, you can do that when you wake up.” He tightened a bit his hold around Virgil, yet being the most careful as possible, actively ignoring the annoyed hiss his friend gave him. His hoodie was really fluffy at the touch, slightly remembering his stuffed animals he frequently hugged to sleep.
 For a moment, everything was pleasantly quiet. The one with smudged makeup, since he hadn’t time to get it off before being trapped by his roommate and best friend, felt the tiredness becoming sleepiness as the seconds went by.
 …That was until an electric sensation shot across his spine, leading him to almost jump in the same place 
 “S-stop nuzzling me!”
 “Hm? Oh sorry.” Virgil pressed his lips tightly closed, preventing the wobbly giggles to escape as Roman speaks, not realizing how close his mouth was from the base of his neck, every breath sending tickly shocks across every nerve. “You’re just too much sooooft.”
 Roman opened an eye when realized that no snark remark from the other followed his words, the figure in his arms shaking too much to be asleep. A frown painted his feature as he readjusted the position of his hands, trying to get a bit more of balance to look at Virgil’s face when suddenly a high-pitched yelp escaped, cutting the air and immediately catching their attention.
 “Did you just squeal?” He questioned as his glare assumed a playful shine seeing a blush spread on his now frozen friend.
 “It was NOT a squeal! It was a yelp.” Virgil’s words came so fast that they almost tripped on themselves. Roman snorted, a smile taking over his face. “Get off me!” and, in the moment the one wearing a hoodie tried to pry his hand from the spot on his right side where it was resting, the pieces finally clicked in the right place and his smile quickly submerged, giving space to a smirk.
 ‘No WAY Doctor Doom and Gloom is ticklish!’
 However, the red lover only blinked as the true personification of innocence and naiveness, his hand firm in its place, fingers starting to slowly move, light pokes being delivered on the sensitive skin. “But why that, Knight Mare? It’s cold and all I could ever want is just to hug my bestest friend!”
 “You already hugged me, now go aWAY!” His voice trembled in the last second, the exact moment his thumb experimentally scratched the spot right under the lowest ribs, leading a surprised squeak to leave Virgil’s mouth.
 They both stared at each other, gleaming, filling their wide eyes.
 “No.” Virgil said, trying to squirm away but finding himself stuck between Prince and the wall. Roman didn’t even attempt to hide his smug grin, anymore. This was going to be so much fun
 “Don’t you dare! Don’t you freaking dare!!” His friend only laid down again, now carefully, yet firmly, pulling him one more time against his chest, growling playfully. Years and years fighting for the Tickle Monster title on his family, battles and battles against Remus only sharpening his skills, which showed by the way his fingers seemed to find every single weak spot on Virgil’s skin, wiggles, scribbles, pokes and scratching exploring everywhere. “No! Nononono! You fucker, you moron, you bitch, you-” A few chuckles cut his curses as he one wearing pajamas squeezed his side a couple of times, the tip of his fingers also teasing his ticklish stomach. “Roman!!”
 “No, no, my so dear, so ticklish, friend. Roman is no longer here, this is…” He paused for a dramatic effect, basically beaming at the giggly giggles and wiggly wiggles from the other. He shoved his face on his neck, the next words vibrating almost as bad as the spidering on his ribs. “The Tickle Monster!!”
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chockfullofsecrets · 3 years
Critical Role: Don’t You Know?
(Read on AO3)
Rating: Gen
Summary: Clarabelle just giggles, revealing a little gap between her two front teeth. “What?” she asks. “Don’t you know? Caduceus never starts tickle fights, he knows he’s gonna lose!”
“Belle,” Caduceus says loudly, “maybe you should go check on the tea-”
Beau likes to think she has a good sense for potentially incriminating information, and right now it’s pinging off the fucking walls. “No, no, no, tell me more.”
Wordcount: 3.7k
A/N: fill for this anon prompt! and for a bunch of people who want to see poor Cad get absolutely wrecked, apparently XD 
spoilers for C2E92 and C2E96 - and a little side note that i may have forgotten the timing of certain Greater Restorations while planning this fic, so let's just pretend that the clerics had two more of them to cast that day 🤦
Beau doesn’t like feeling jealous. It’s not a frequent feeling, around the Nein, since they’re all pretty much the same level of fucked up, but watching Caduceus and his siblings sit in amiable silence as they work through prepping whatever grows around here that passes for dinner is starting to get to her.
Maybe it’s just too soon, after going back home to Kamordah. She’s fine, or she will be - she loves her friends and they love her and her parents don’t and that’s fine, but -
She grits her teeth. All she has to do is sit here in this corner and wait for Caduceus’ mom to finish making tea in the other room, and then she can take it and run and leave this happy little family tableau to their own devices. She’s got a bottle of wine and access to a trickster cleric, it’s not going to be that hard to have a good evening.
She’s still mulling over what kind of pranks she can play in a petrified temple when the littlest Clay - who’s still a good head taller than her, because fucking firbolgs - finishes scraping the peel off the last unidentified vegetable in her stack and drops her knife with a bright little clank as she turns to her brother. There’s no way Caduceus hasn’t noticed that for every one she’s done herself she’s snuck another into his pile, but Beau’s not going to be the one to rat her out. “Okay, I’m done, lemme look at your hair! I bet I can fix it, I have all my dyeing stuff with me.”
Caduceus eyes his own pile and, very slowly, starts pushing it in his older sister’s direction. Beau chokes back a snort.
Said sister’s eyes narrow. “No!”
The little one pouts at both of them. “But Calliope, look at him, he needs help!”
Big sister - Calliope - takes advantage of the little circle the three of them are sitting in to shove both of their shoulders simultaneously. “No. If you two are taking a break, then so am I!”
Caduceus rumbles out a laugh, already starting to undo his braid. “Sure, but you’re explaining why we’re not done to Mom.”
It’s a low move. Beau approves entirely.
Calliope scoffs and tosses her paring knife in his direction handle-first, laughing herself when he yelps and dodges. “Oh, we’ll see who’s doing the explaining.”
She’s smiling, though, as she gets up and stretches. Beau takes one look at her insanely toned arms and has to swallow convulsively to get her saliva flowing again.
As she wanders off, Caduceus shakes the last of his hair loose and flops the whole pink mass over onto his face. “Don’t pull too hard, Clarabelle, it’s pretty fragile right now.”
“I’m not a baby, Caduceus,” Clarabelle snarks, and promptly climbs halfway into his lap to bury her hands in it and start bemoaning the state of his roots.
The quip slips out of Beau’s mouth reflexively. “You know he’s just luring you in so he can tickle you, right?”
It’s kind of their thing, her and Caduceus, whenever one of their group is standing anywhere in his vicinity and his hands are free. The reactions are great - the warning makes Jester bounce excitedly, Fjord and Caleb go all red and sputtery, Yasha look up in quiet anticipation - fuckin’ adorable, by the way - and Nott threaten to kill them all as she darts away.
And if she’s a little too invested in the way Caduceus huffs and throws her a quiet little smile before reeling his victim in, like they’ve got an inside joke that’s just for the two of them - well, that’s just an unexpected benefit of the chaos.
Today, though, two pink heads snap in her direction. Caduceus makes a panicked little sound, barely audible under all the floof, and isn’t that interesting.
Clarabelle just giggles, revealing a little gap between her two front teeth. “What?” she asks. “Don’t you know? Caduceus never starts tickle fights, he knows he’s gonna lose!”
“Belle,” Caduceus says loudly, “maybe you should go check on the tea-”
Beau likes to think she has a good sense for potentially incriminating information, and right now it’s pinging off the fucking walls. “No, no, no, tell me more.”
Clarabelle beams. “Calliope!” she yells. “C’mere, we have to tickle Caduceus!”
Caduceus’ ears shoot up in obvious alarm. He lunges forward and makes a decent attempt at smothering her through all the hair in his way, but Calliope’s already turning around.
Beau shivers - apparently the smug Caduceus look is genetic. “Did I hear that right, Belle? Caduceus has been going out and starting tickle fights?”
Caduceus lets go of his sister and gets halfway up before Clarabelle tackles him with a war cry. They’re wrestling on the ground, lanky limbs everywhere and absolutely terrible form, by the time Calliope lopes over.
She reaches in with one hand and hauls her seven-foot-tall brother up into a sitting position by the collar of his shirt - fuck, that’s hot. Beau firmly suppresses the urge to fidget as Calliope tugs one of Caduceus’ arms up over his head and yanks his sleeve down to his elbow. “Well, Caduceus? Got anything to say for yourself?”
Caduceus actually whines. It takes serious effort not to gape in shock. “I didn’t do anyth-ING-NO-”
His protests dissolve into near-silent squeaks as Calliope starts to tickle his - hands? Beau watches closely as she drags her fingertips up his forearm, fluttering them lightly in the crease of his elbow, and commits the technique to memory.
Caduceus’ helpless grin is wider than she’s ever seen it. He braces his feet on the floor and tries to twist free, elbows akimbo. “Calliope! Stohop it, I’m - heh - I’m not-”
She snorts. “Not a chance, we’ve got - how many years has it been again?”
“Two hundred!” Belle chirps, and dives in to worry at the backs of Caduceus’ ears with blunt fingernails. The trembling, stuttery sounds he’s making jump an octave as he frantically shakes his head from side to side.
“Ten,” he snickers. “Belle - heeeh, hehe - cut it out, I’m - mmm! - I’m serious, come ohohon-”
Clarabelle turns back to Beau. “See?”
Oh, Beau sees. She’s gonna get so much mileage out of this.
Caduceus looks over at her too, eyebrows furrowing, but Calliope’s already talking over the both of them. “Well, that’s a lot of years to catch up on, I’d better pull out the big guns.”
Caduceus’ eyes widen. Beau decides to help the panic along and mouths big guns? in his direction, slipping her notebook out and opening it to a fresh page.
Caduceus yelps and throws himself forward with alacrity she’s never seen from him, ripping his arm from Calliope’s grip and nearly scrambling past Clarabelle before his big sister takes a step forward and scoops him up under the arms. “Nice try,” she tells him. “Might have worked, if you weren’t so scrawny.”
She drops him on top of Clarabelle. “Hey!”
“Sorry, Belle, you gotta stay out of the way!”
“No, I’m helping!” she insists, and dutifully wrestles her way on top of Caduceus to start tickling his ears again.
Caduceus wheezes and curls into a ball, trying fruitlessly to shove her away. “Belle - Belle!-”
“Let’s see, let’s see…” Calliope muses, crouching down and plucking a booted foot from the pile of limbs. “Legs?”
She grabs Caduceus’ calf and squeezes it like a piece of dead meat. He squeals. “Yep, still ticklish.”
Caduceus kicks her in the knee with his other leg and she staggers back for a moment before surging forward to grab at his hips. “Ow! Oh, now you’re in for it.”
He can’t do anything but flail as she wrestles him onto his back and urges Clarabelle to sit on his belly to keep him pinned. “Nonono! M’sorry - eheheeeeh, Belle, stoppit! - I’m sohohorry! Don’t!”
There’s a pause. Beau leans forward, half excited and half trying to sense genuine distress. She’s never heard Caduceus plead like this - not her fault, the fucker has apparently been hiding his ticklish spots for months, but it’s not like she wouldn’t be willing to jump in and save him.
And maybe she wants to see what Calliope’s arms can do up close. Maybe.
Calliope adjusts her grip on him and smirks. “Heh. No, I think I’m gonna. Belle, you got him?”
“Yep!” she says cheerfully, bare feet planted on each side of his ribcage. Caduceus has managed to press one big palm over her face, keeping her at arm’s length and away from his ears, but she just wriggles her bare toes under him and into the backs of his ribs. “Tickle, tickle, Caduceus!”
Caduceus guffaws and squirms like his life depends on it, but there’s nowhere to go. “Noooo - hahaaaheeh - stop, stop, not my ribs-”
He keeps begging as Calliope levers a hand under his back and starts rooting around for something with a focused expression. She finds it, too - Caduceus screams and arches his back nearly in half as he abandons Clarabelle and grabs desperately for her hands instead. “Pleeeheease! HHAHAH - nonnono - eheaahaaa!”
Beau can’t even see what she’s tickling, but there’s enough potential here to topple a regime. “Fuck,” she whispers. Does this make her the most powerful tickler in the Nein now? Is this what ascending feels like?
She’s surprised that the rest of the Nein haven’t come running yet, with all the noise he’s making. But then again, she and Cad and Caleb are the best at paying attention to their surroundings and Caleb definitely isn’t in a hurry to run towards hysterical laughter.
She doesn’t mean to make any sound herself, but amidst all his struggling Cad’s ears twitch in her direction. “Beau,” he pleads. Shrieks again. “Help mmm-ahahahAA-”
“Hm, who’s that?” Calliope stops tickling, judging from Caduceus’ wheezed relief, and turns to look in her direction. Beau swears that her hair flutter in a nonexistent breeze. “Right, you, the non-important one.”
Beau nearly bites her tongue in despair - why does she have to be such a disaster around every hot woman she meets? “Yep, that’s me.”
Calliope looks at her for a moment, considering. “You look like a fighter. What are you doing all the way over there - you’re not scared of him, are you?”
It’s never been less tempting to confess the time she accidentally hit Cad in the face with some of her weeks-old pocket bacon and he tickled her until she cried. She clears her throat. “Uh, no. No. It looks like you’re doing a pretty good job already, I mean, he’s really-”
Calliope yanks her arm free and uses it to beckon her over. “Eh, come here - Belle, watch it, I’m going to flip him.”
Caduceus squawks in renewed panic as one of his sisters tumbles off him and the other wraps her arms around him and twists him facedown like a wrestling move from the back-alley brawls Beau used to sneak into as a teenager - and, once again, hot.
She swallows again and strolls over as casually as she can while Calliope pins him across the shoulders with her forearm. “Riiight - here.”
She doesn’t even touch, just points to the backs of Caduceus’ thighs, but he obviously knows where she’s leading. “Beau, no,” he yelps.
He tries to pull his legs up beneath him. Beau automatically grabs him just under the knees and drags him out flat. “Hey, hey, where do you think you’re going?”
Calliope raises an approving eyebrow. Beau tries not to blush. “It’s his worst spot - he’s ticklish there if you so much as look at him wrong.”
“We chased him up a tree once,” Clarabelle pipes up. She’s tap-tap-tapping blunt fingernails across Caduceus’ back, sending him shivering. “He stayed up there all night until Dad went to get him.”
“Beau, don’t,” Cad rasps. She’s heard him sound perkier seconds after coming back from the dead. He’s laughing still, quietly, and it sounds somewhere between the lava of the volcano forge they stayed in once and Frumpkin’s rusty purrs.
“Not so fun when you’re the one doing the begging, huh,” Beau tells him. She flicks him, once, in the back of the leg and looks incredulously at his siblings. “So you’re telling me his absolute worst spot… is his fucking butt?”
Calliope shrugs. “He’s so weird, isn’t he?”
All three of them laugh at that, even Caduceus, so Beau figures it’s all right. “Yeah, we’ve noticed. We’re all weird though, it’s kind of our thing.”
“Sure,” Calliope says. “He’s weird and ticklish, though, so if I wanna pin him down and get all his worst spots then he’s just gonna have to deal with it-”
Caduceus peels his face off the ground and gasps out a few strangled syllables that reverberate in the warm air.
Both of his sisters shriek as their eyes fill with black ichor. “Caduceus!” Calliope yells, letting go of him and grabbing for her face with one hand and her holy symbol with the other. “What did you do?”
Caduceus props himself up on his elbows, panting. “Oh, it’s just something I picked up,” he tells her smugly. “Don’t worry, it’ll wear off.”
“After how long,” Calliope growls.
Clarabelle giggles, still draped over Caduceus’ back. “Oh, this feels weird!”
He laughs and starts to crawl out from under them, but Beau’s not done with him yet. Mercifully un-blinded, she snags him around the knees again. “Wow, usually you’re the one telling us not to be mean to people.”
Caduceus rolls onto his side and looks sharply back at her, sighing in relief when she holds her hands up in surrender. “Well, I know these people.” He shoves gently at Clarabelle, wriggles a finger into her side when she doesn’t move. She squeaks. “They deserve it.”
He grins down at her, unrepentant and bratty, and Beau can’t help but grin back.
“So are your thighs really that bad?” she asks. “Or-” she jerks her chin over at Calliope, who’s started praying. “-did you just decide to be a jerk all of a sudden? Also, how the fuck did we not know how ticklish you are? You wreck us all the time!”
Caduceus shrugs. “S’easy to get in your heads,” he says. Beau bristles a little at that, but he’s not wrong - Caduceus has this way of looking at them like he’s going to take them apart one way or another, and the tickling is probably the safer route. Doesn’t hurt that they can always trust him to set them right after, either.
“And they’ll get me eventually, might as well have some fun with it.” He fixes Beau with a stern look. “Now you, on the other hand-”
She interrupts him. “Hey Cad, how long’s that spell supposed to last?”
He blinks. “A minute, why?”
Beau points wordlessly over his shoulder at a clear-eyed Calliope. “Uh.”
Caduceus twists around. “Oh, dear.”
That’s all he has time for before Calliope grabs his shoulders and twists him facefirst back into the ground. “You know,” she tells him, “I was going to go easy on you. Was. You’re lucky I’m not calling Colton in here.”
“That’s ‘cause Colton’s a jerk,” Caduceus says, muffled and remarkably calm.
“So are you, apparently,” Calliope retorts. She forms a vibrating claw with one hand and digs it into his spine, and Caduceus shrieks. “You can’t just blind people!”
“I’m telling Mom and Dad!” Clarabelle agrees, wiping one last black tear from her eye and lunging back in to knead mercilessly at the backs of Caduceus’ ribs.
Caduceus shrieks again, kicking helplessly, and tumbles straight back into hysterical laughter. “Come - hahaAAA - come on!”
Beau’s fairly sure that he’s going to hurt himself if she jumps in, but Calliope looks breathlessly over at her and grins with a bloodthirsty look that Beau recognizes all too well. She usually saves it for enemies, though, or Caleb if he’s being particularly insufferable. “Is that what he does to you guys too? Go on, get some revenge!”
And well, put like that…
It takes a bit of effort to pin one of Caduceus’ flailing legs, especially when he catches wind of what she’s doing and starts kicking even more frantically. “Hold fucking still,” she yells.
Caduceus is losing it, less put together than she’s ever heard him. “I cahahan’t!”
Beau jams the ball of her thumb into the nerve cluster just above his knee until his leg goes dead. “There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“What was that?” Clarabelle says, sounding delighted. “Can I learn how to do that, Callie?”
Beau ignores her, focusing in on her prey. “Let’s see, how many apologies am I looking for?” She’s pretty sure she deserves every single time that Caduceus has tickled her to pieces, but the opportunity to tease Caduceus the way he does with them is too good to pass up. “I’ve lost count at this point, guess we’ll just start the ball rolling and see what happens.”
She squeezes mercilessly at the back of his thigh, making sure he can feel it through his homespun trousers, and he laughs a bit louder and squirms as best as he can, but it’s not enough-
“Huh,” she says, trying to channel Caduceus, and watches his sisters dig into his back for a moment. Something something destiny, calm, balance-
Oh. She grins and spiders her fingers ever so lightly over the vulnerable spot, and Caduceus howls.
Beau settles in, satisfied, and keeps spidering until he’s thrashing and laughing too hard to get more than a couple broken words out. He’s not anywhere near out of breath, not yet, so she figures they’ve got at least a couple more minutes of squeaking, ticklish Caduceus and she’s going to enjoy every single one of them.
“Oh, dear,” someone says, unexpectedly close. Beau whips around to see Caduceus’ mom, holding a whole tray of mismatched teacups and looking like she’s desperately trying not to laugh.
Caduceus’ ears twitch. “MOM,” he wails. “SAVE ME, I’M GONNA DIE.”
She does laugh then, a little misty-eyed, and juggles the tray so she can prop a hand on her hip. “Calliope, Clarabelle, be nice to your brother,” she chides. “He came a long way to find us.”
“But he blinded us!” Clarabelle tattles, painfully earnest even as she grins from ear to ear. “He hasn’t even said sorry yet!”
“Clarabelle Clay.”
Beau’s spine locks up in instant parental-dissatisfaction panic, but Clarabelle just laughs and echoes back “Mo-oom,” before moving her hands and sprawling forward onto her brother. Calliope stops too, with one last dig into his back that inspires a final agonized wiggle, and sits back on her hands triumphantly as Caduceus wheezes and scrambles up to safety.
Beau rocks to her feet, sticking her hands in her pockets, and takes in the full glory of a seven-foot-tall firbolg doing his level best to hide behind his mother. Clarabelle and Calliope get up too and grab their tea, the former sticking her tongue out as Caduceus peeks at her with narrowed eyes.
“If you two are done,” Caduceus’ mom says firmly, “it looks like there are still vegetables that need attending to.”
“Oh, yeah,” Calliope says, and fixes Clarabelle with a look.
“Yeah!” Clarabelle echoes, looking innocently back.
She yelps as Calliope drags her away. Beau shuffles her feet for a moment as Caduceus’ mom turns to her. “Uh - if some of those are for us, I can take them - I know you guys probably want your time alone-”
Caduceus ducks a little further down, and his mom laughs again. “Oh, dear, you can stay as long as you like, but these will be better hot.”
“Got it.” Beau smirks up at Caduceus. “I have to go talk to Jester, anyway.”
She grabs the tray and speed-walks back across the room, barely hearing Caduceus’ hurried “I’ll go help her” before his heavier footsteps echo behind. If it were Fjord or Caleb she’d channel her ki to beat him handily back to the others, but, well - he doesn’t deserve it, really.
He’s walking fast, anyway - once she slows down, it’s only a couple seconds before she can feel his warm presence at her side.
He holds a hand out for the tray. “Don’t tell them.”
Beau looks at him then, still smug, and grimaces. “Oh, Duceus, you’ve got something on your face.”
He makes a face and wipes at his running nose with his sleeve, still trying to catch his breath. “Don’t tell them,” he says again. “I mean, they’ll find out eventually, and none of you are as mean as Calliope so it’ll be okay, but - please.”
She pretends to think it over. “I don’t know, I think your sister’s kind of great.”
Caduceus sighs heavily. “I’m not surprised.”
“I won’t tell them.” She does reach over to nudge at his spine though, expertly balancing the tray, and laughs as he squirms away from her. “You have to… make tea for me every night though. For a week.”
Caduceus blinked. “I already do that, you asked me to.”
“Which is exactly why I’m not gonna rat you out, Caduceus. You’re just a little bit less of an asshole than the rest of us.”
Caduceus looks - surprisingly pleased, at that. Beau tells herself it’s more about the prospect of not having Jester try to jump him every morning than her approval. “I appreciate it.”
Beau hands the tray over and crosses her arms, looking up at him. “You don’t really mind though, do you? Seems weird that you’d keep getting all of us, if you did.”
He shrugs. “I don’t, it’s just- it’s different around family. They already know everything about me.”
That jealousy sneaks out onto her tongue, quick and bitter, before she realizes it. “Well, I wouldn’t know.”
Beau looks away then, speeding up to get ahead of him. She manages to take a single step before something tickles at the back of her armpit and she nearly drops all of her stuff.
She curses and whirls around. “Caduceus!”
He looks evenly back at her. “Yeah, you would.”
It takes a second to connect the conversational thread, but she can’t help but smile once she does. “Thanks, Caduceus.”
He smiles back. “You’re welcome.”
“Deal’s off though,” she quips, and before he can react she’s sprinting down the hallway as fast as she can.
She’s not going to tell on him, but for tickling her? He’s gonna have to chase her down if he wants to make sure.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
MultiVillain x Reader || Drabbles
Plot: Okay, so this is how it goes. Reader’s in love with (Villain), and (Villain) is in love with them… but no one ever said it out loud, and now Reader is marrying someone else.
Includes: Napoleon Boneparte (Misc), Human!Oogie Boogie (Disney Villain), Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham), Slenderman (Creepypasta), The Clown (Horror Villains)
Warnings: Alcohol intake, talk and hints towards murder of course, and swearing. 
Inspired by ‘Marry Me’ (Either by Thomas Rhett [The guy’s POV which is what this will be in] or Elle Mears [Your POV, if you wanna see how Reader’s thinking]) and I recommend you listen while you read! ^^
I’m so happy!! I finally wrote something more then headcanons for Oogie! And this is also my first time writing for the Clown, so be easy on me XD
I hope you like this- I for one, am actually pretty proud of it! 
Napoleon Boneparte (You’re having a nighttime wedding- you made this decision of course so your friend and secret soulmate could attend):
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She wants to get married, she wants it perfect She wants her grandaddy preaching the service Yeah, she wants magnolias out in the country Not too many people, save her daddy some money
Before walking into the church, I halt a moment at the side so others may get inside by me. This will be hard. I need a moment, just a moment… to pull myself together. It would be very bad, if I were to panic as Y/N makes their way down the aisle.
Hand on the church, more to hold myself together rather then to hold myself up. Am I doing the right thing? Should I be here? Should I leave? That stupid Capone said I might not be able to control myself and will object when the preacher asks… he’s not right, is he? It’s true, I don’t feel entirely under my own control right now…. But I need to be here. To support Y/N on their big day.
… I do love them, far more than any man every should a nearly married person, and even if I can’t have them for myself, I would, happy, do very near anything to make them happy.
So, if… If they want me here, as they said they do… Then I have to go in. I can’t chicken out now. I am the great Napoleon Boneparte. I can attend a wedding. Bon dieu.
Viva La France.
I can do this.
As soon as I walk in, it is as if I am strolling into Y/N’s mind. This is just as they always wanted, with a few obvious added things by the other one that’s getting married today, like the chiselled cat head mahogany chairs… not that I think Y/N would disapprove if they weren’t, in fact, kind enough to just agree right away, seeing as it isn’t only their day.
The white makes a beautiful backdrop for their chosen accent colour, and the people in the room are exactly who I would imagine to accompany Y/N in her daily life, when I cannot be there. There’s not a sour, or in any way unexcited and unencouraging expression in the place.
Honestly, with my whole heart, wish I could feel the same as them.
Then Y/N comes into the room, and steals the breath right out of my chest. Like always.
Human!Oogie Boogie:
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Ooh, she got it all planned out Yeah, I can see it all right now
I'll wear my black suit, black tie, hide out in the back I'll do a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask
Christ, what kinda shindig is this?? I’ve asked everyone and their cat, including somebodies’ mother who looks like a cat, to play a tiny game of Blackjack with me while we wait for the main event, but nothing! Nada! What’s wrong with these people? Are they dying to just sit around and contemplate their loneliness until the two hosts get hitched??
I, for one, am not playing that game today.
Of course, I’m also avoiding Y/N at all costs so maybe I’m not the best example of a man controlling his emotions.
My shoulders seize up visibly, at Y/N’s voice behind me and I stop shuffling my cards. I only decide to turn around and face them like a man, when they give up waiting and round me so I can see their beaming face.
Oh, they look so happy.
That’s nice… in a terrible, heartbreaking, awful kind of way.
“Heya, Y/N. You look great!” I start shuffling the cards again in my hand, distracting my hands from and refraining myself from, taking their hand and kissing it, or pulling them into a hug. If I did that, I think theirs an acute possibility I would end up saying something we would both regret, in a moment of determination… and devastation, of course. Can’t forget that.
Really, I can’t. It’s a very prominent feeling right now in my chest, just being here. Just knowing this is happening.
“Thank you!” They beam wider, and oh Jesus. They’re so beautiful when they look happy- I wish I could make them this happy.
… But that’s all the other guy. The one they’re hitching.
They run their bottom lip through their teeth, looking down at the cards in my hands and then smirking in that mischievous way that always somehow makes this blackheart’s insides clench up. In a good way, but still. Tilting their head, they look back up at my face. “Had no luck getting anyone to bet with you yet?”
I let out a deep, theatrical sigh full of frustration. “No! Your guests all suck, Y/N.”
“Even you?”
“No, not me. I’m the King.”
“Right,” They laugh, then goes and sits down at a nearby table. “Well we have 10 minutes until I have to go get ready to walk- I’ll play you if you want!”
My heart pops like a balloon, and goes flying, wheezing around in my rib cage as I just smile at them for a good moment- unmarried, and free, and mine. For ten to fifteen more minutes. Hell yeah, I’m going to sit down and play with them.
Why aren’t I telling them not to? I wonder, as I deal us both cards and they pick theirs up and make cheeky ‘Hmmm’ sounds to throw me off. Why don’t I tell them, right now, how I feel? Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I here, is also a valid question but I already beat myself up over that last night when I was picking out my tie. I’m her friend, and they deserve to be… yuck. Happy, with the person they chose.
And I guess, that’s the answer to all my other questions too.
Let me just enjoy this last game, this last 600 seconds with them.
Oswald Cobblepot:
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I remember the night when I almost kissed her Yeah, I kinda freaked out, we'd been friends for forever And I always wondered if she felt the same way When I got the invite, I knew it was too late
And I know her daddy's been dreading this day Oh, but he don't know he ain't the only one giving her away
As soon as Y/N leaves my side to go and freshen up for the aisle walk, I find myself a seat in the very back of the church / auditorium and rest in for the event. I will not be moving from this hidden away spot, in convenient shadow, with my secret flask of terrible smelling stuff that Victor gave me before arriving, until this shitshow is over and I can leave.
I’m only here in the first place, because Y/N asked me. And, evidently, my idiocy runs deep because I accepted such an invitation. I will do anything, for them. I learnt my lesson in dealing in peoples love lives, with Edward and Isobel- I will not let my relationship with Y/N go as badly as that one did, with Ed.
So if I must sit here and watch them marry that moron, (Fiancé’s Name), then that is what I’ll do. But I won’t sit in the front and watch it, and I will be as drunk as whatever this drink can make me.
Maybe I should text Victor, the deadly assassin, and ask what the contaminants are…
An unevolved, ap-like woman walks past my seat and I must be too close to the aisle because I can hear her yap like a strangled cat about what a cute couple Y/N and (Fiancé’s Name) are together and how they must be soulmates, and I don’t think twice before gulping down a huge mouthful of the alcohol. If this is how I die, then so be it, I think bitterly as I slide further down the aisle.
“Fuck!” The word comes out of me before I can stop it, my face probably the picture of horror and disgust. This… drink, if I can even call it that -more of an undiluted acid, if you ask me, - tastes like regret and earwax.
The same ape-like woman from before flashes a stern, disapproving look at me like she thinks she’s my mother, and I show her my middle finger. Uncouth, yes, but affective. This is a bad day, and I am in no mood to deal with bitches like her. She quickly looks away, and I take another, smaller, sip of the drink.
Another moment passes and the wedding doesn’t seem to be even a second closer to ending, so I sit up straight and close my eyes, holding the flask in my lap. Take me back to a better time…
In the silent, middle-of-the-conversation lapse moment, I allow myself to look down at Y/N’s mouth. They have a soft smile, left over from whatever we were just talking about, on their face as they sit comfortably in our silence and I suddenly feel total confidence. They’re here, with me, instead of off with that boy toy / girl toy / gender neutral or fluid toy. They’re with me. That must mean that I mean something to them, right? And Ed said they looked at me like… like, they love me. Or ‘care deeply’, as he put it. But we all know that was just his stiff version of the word ‘love’. Ever since Isobel… had her unfortunate accident… he’s been focused on one emotion only and it is not, love.
Anyway, the confidence spreads through me and I smile. It mixes with my perpetual desire to kiss them, and goddamnit, I should do it. I should just lean over and press a gentle kiss on their mouth- if they aren’t interested or pull away, I can blame it on the wine between us. If not…
Butterflies erupt in my stomach and my chest, and I’ve just lean an inch forward… when their phone rings on the table and I see (Boyfriends Name) flash on the screen.
I rush to lean completely back in my chair, as they answer. I don’t like to believe fate has anything to do with Gotham, but… that was entirely too close.
My eyes snap open and I roll my shoulders back, inhaling another, bigger slug of the contents of the flask and feel even angrier.
That was, most certainly not a better time, you nitwit.
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Bet she got on her dress now, welcoming the guests now
I could try to find her, get it off of my chest now But I ain't gonna mess it up, so I'll wish her the best now
I’ve been sitting in the back of this church, a place I likely shouldn’t ever enter in the first place -Well, at least I’m not Offender. I would probably burn to death, in that scenario, - for over 2 hours and I only got to see Y/N for 45 and a half minutes of that time.
Not that that really matters. Its more important that they see me. I certainly don’t want to see them. I don’t wish to see them, or their wedding clothes, or their wedding guests, or the stupid moony smiles on their faces, or the cake, or their partner. Definitely not their partner. If they show their face before they absolutely have to, or worse, talk to me, I will promptly go home and kill 30 people. I don’t want to be here.
I shouldn’t be here, in fact. If I were a good man, I wouldn’t be here. A good man would never turn up to a wedding that he know’s he’s just going to sit back in and think unholy, too-fond and too-angry thoughts about one of the marriage participants. Marriage is supposedly a sacred thing, and if I were this good man that I’m thinking about, I wouldn’t urinate on it like this.
But I am not a good man.
So, really, what would I know about what a good man, would do in the first place?
Enough thinking about good men, it’s making me queasy and very uncomfortable.
I don’t look around, but I can infer with general certainty, that Y/N will be welcoming all her other guests now that I ‘allowed’ -Not that I could have stopped them. They just didn’t want to leave me in my own company,- them to let me be alone here. And they’re in their wedding clothes, which look lovely on them, and their smiling and their giddy.
Giddy. Ugh, I hate that word, especially in this sense. Defined by the Cambridge English Dictionary as ‘feeling silly, happy, and excited and showing this in your behaviour’. And by the Oxford, to ‘Make (Someone) feel excited to the point of disorientation.’. Yes, I looked up these definitions and memorised them before I came, and loathe every single word, in that order.
Because apparently, as if it wasn’t already obvious by the very fact that I’m HERE, I hate myself.
This other person has made Y/N giddy, while I have to sit here and pretend, I’m happy for them both and that I don’t feel like vomiting for the first time in 5 centuries.
But I can’t do anything about it, because I love them, Y/N, and I will… I will not, allow myself to be the reason their wedding wasn’t perfect. So, I wish them the best.
Or I try my damn hardest to.
The Clown / Jeffry Hawk / Kenneth Chase:
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So I'm in my black suit, black tie, hiding out in the back Doing a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask I'll try to make it through without crying so nobody sees Yeah, she wanna get married Yeah, she gonna get married But she ain't gonna marry me
I don’t know if I’d call this a real wedding. For one, its in the entities realm so how ‘magical’ could it really be? And for another reason, the only white thing here is my grease paint. Its pretty laughable. I would laugh, in fact, if I didn’t know it would cause a coughing fit and bring attention to me as Y/N walks down the aisle- O don’t need them looking at me. I might accidentally blurt out an ‘oopsie’ or something not-at-all funny like that, with all the whiskey I’ve injected today. Not that that would be the biggest issue with these kids seeing that I’m here, in the first place. Only Y/N knows, I’m hiding by a tree.  
But, I digress I guess. They’re calling it a wedding. The big one with the beard is officiating -I guess he has an online certificate from before he was brought here,- , Y/N’s wearing a pit of plastic bag on their head like a make shift veil / bit of plastic bag fashioned sort of like a tie, and all the lovely little fingers, or survivors as they like to call themselves, watch. With silly gleaming smiles and hope in their eyes- Pft, suckers.
Honestly the idea of weddings in the first place make me a bit uncomfortable. All those wide eyes watching and perving on your happiness?? Seems pretty creepy to me, and I’ve been told I’m pretty creepy myself! So, I would know!
The fact that possibly the sweetest, perfect person I’ve ever had the pleasure of setting my gaze upon is the one getting married, has absolutely no stake on my take on weddings in this moment.
Absolutely not…
Aha… hahahaha…
I kill myself.
I kill them, too, but let’s put that on the backburner like their fingers, for now.
Let me wallow in self-pity for a while longer before we start making jokes.
Yeah, let me… I take a swig of my flask -a bee-oootiful concoction of all the most toxic hootch I have in my collection, and maybe also some actual poison maybe since I wasn’t paying much attention when I created it this morning and I keep it all in relatively the same place, - and savour the horrible flavour on my tongue. Let me wallow, for a little bit.
This is going to be a bad day, for these little fuckers when I get into the game.
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tyranttortoise · 5 years
Answered Asks Below!
*All right, so I got through some easy SSLL asks and general asks, so if you got a tag notification, it probably means you sent me an ask months ago, and I’m just now getting to it.  Sorry about that!
I’m gonna put all of them under a cut, with also just some thoughts on the past few months, too!
I wasn’t very active on here last year, and man, that sucks!  I really do wanna get back to it.  I felt like my words had been taken from me.  I’d get un-depressed long enough to write, and then something would happen to send me write back down the hole, all of my motivation gone.  
I came back last time, and a few days later, I wrecked a scooter and ended up bleeding all over the streets of Atlanta.  I’m not trying to be gross, but man, there was a lot of blood.  My glasses broke and cut my eyebrow and forehead, so that just poured.  If you guys ever wanna hear the full story just ask, but long story short, I ended up as a trauma in the hospital, got about 8 stitches for my trouble, and broke five ribs, my cheekbone, and my brow.  So that derailed things a bit, then some friends came and stayed with me for nearly a month, and then the holidays hit.  So there’s all the time from when you guys last saw me accounted for, ha.  
I’m still not doing fantastic mentally, but the other day, I was drunkenly telling one of my friends that I just wanted to write, that I wanted the words again, and that I was happiest when I was actively answering asks and talking to everyone on here.
And he said, “Get paper and a pencil or your tablet or you laptop -- whatever you kids use to write.”
“I can’t,” I argued, and he cut me off.
“I’ll help you.  Trust me and get it.”
And he ended up telling me what to write for some stupid UT crackfic that got me laughing and talking about the characters again, and the next morning... I just started writing until I found the words again. 
And now I hope I can keep sharing them with you.  <3
SSLL Asks:
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I enjoyed this way more than I should’ve.  xD Well done!
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@crazymadkatt  I’m so glad you enjoyed it! =D  I’d love to do a chapter like that.  It’s one of the tropes I’d been putting off because it was so common in the other reverse harem fics, but it’s been long enough now that I definitely plan on doing my take on it soon!
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Oh, a real date’s coming, but let’s just say... I think you’ll like the new update. ;D
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He’s a combination of both, I’d say.  The cool, lazy perception of Stretch, with the gruff flirtation of Red.  Wrap all that in a buried past, sprinkle in some extreme devotion to his brother, and mix in a healthy amount of low self-esteem and self-loathing that he tries to hide, and wham!  Rus!
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@jukovon​  Hi there!  Sorry for the super belated reply!  8D  I’m so happy that you enjoyed the fic!  As for the Edge screen time... Hopefully, the latest update will help with that!  ;D  I don’t have a Twitter, actually.  I’m not entirely sure how it works.  I recently got into Instagram, and that’s been a weird learning curve, too.
Also, I just looked through your blog, and holy hell, your art is killer! <3
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I know exactly what you’re talking about because I used to pretend those were real cigarettes when I was a kid.  I don’t think they’d be sweet enough for him!  Like, his version of the Grillby burger craving is a spider donut from Muffet’s, and he loves honey, so I think he’s got quite the sweet tooth.  I also see him as wanting to roll the sucker stem in his teeth or gnaw on it, and I see those candies as breaking down/ disintegrating too quickly for that.
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As much as I’d love to include them, I think my head might explode if I give anymore cameos lol.  But thanks for your interest!
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It’s the little details that matter. ;D  Right now, Q’s the only one that gets capitalization.  
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Thank you so much!  In the case of HT, I’ve always thought that there was a deeper story -- and the comics have recently been shedding some much needed light on that backstory, too!  I’m a sucker for character development and figuring out what caused them to be that way, you know?
Also, I don’t know why, but I’m really against Crooks with braces.  I dunno, I just think it’d be harder to fix than that because of monster teeth.
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@imonlymildlyinsane​  This made me so happy.  <3  When I first started writing him, so many people thought he was weird because he was kinda different from the other SF Paps interpretations, but now I kinda feel like he’s the norm.  He needed an endearment like Stretch and Red, so I went with darlin’ because it’s the one I use the most... because I’m also from the South.  xP  Sweet Home Alabama over here.  Sorry for such a belated reply, but thank you so much for sending this my way!  <33
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If we’re talking general Sans and Paps, yes, but SSLL Sans and Paps... they used to be, and Papyrus still keeps up with them through text/social media/functions he attends as the monster mascot, but Sans has really pulled away from his friends after the incident with the machine.  Mostly because he doesn’t want them to find out -- and also wants to keep Frisk far away from Axe.
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@desktopdinosaur​  Same skeleton time, same skeleton channel! ;D  
General Asks:
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@kawaiiplum​  Thank you so much!  <3  I’m so stoked that you’re still reading and still excited over the notification!  x]
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They’re currently closed, but if I become active again, expect that to change!
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Thank you, hun!  I’m glad to see you’re still around, too! =D  I hope everything’s been good with you!
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@messedupessy  AHHH, I’ve missed you soulmate!!  <333  Sorry to hear your sleeping schedule’s fucked; mine’s about to be because I’m going to start nightshift and not get home ‘til 7:30am.  xP  I hope I’ll be around more for realz this time, and I’m really glad to see you again!!  <333  I love youuu!
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@kuroshiro101  Hey Kuro!  I’ve been not okay, but getting better as a good way to put it.  =D  And I’m absolutely in love with your icon!  <3  How’ve you been doing?
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@desktopdinosaur  Happy New Years!!  <3  I hope yours was a blast. =D
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I’m stoked to see another x-ray tech Undertale fan!  =D  I definitely think skeleton love is a byproduct of our occupation; even before Undertale, I collected skeleton decor just because it related to my job lol.  Thank you!
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I’ve got you!  It was this post, where I brainstormed a few scenarios.   If you’ve written it, let me know!  I think the credit would go to me, if you used that portion, but *shrugs* 8D  You know I’m always down for anyone writing anything about stuff I spit-ball, and I’d love to read it, so sent it my way!
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Hanging in there, sweetie!  How about you? <3
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When you’re right, you’re right. ;P
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@literal-cacophony​  I’m sorry this response is like 3 months late.  8D  But thank you so much for sending this to me!  I wanted to make sure you saw that I got it.  You’re such a sweetheart, and I’m so happy that my writing’s been able to help you.  You guys definitely lift me up with all of these nice comments, and I appreciate it so much.  <33  I hope I can start writing as much as I did back then.
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theolddarkmachine · 4 years
Imaginary- Chapter Twelve
Midoriya Izuku’s life was turned upside by fate.
Eri’s life was turned upside down by circumstance.
And Bakugou Katsuki is about to learn that even imaginary friends need to grow up.
Also on AO3
A/N: I won’t lie to you, I’ve been a bit on the fence about this chapter, which is why it’s taken so dang long to get out. Like, I like it, but the longer I look at it, the more I start to wonder if I really like it. Sooooo here it is, before I just keep sitting on it and not posting it XD apologies in advance.
The sun is a pleasant shade of golden, and even more pleasantly warm as it shines in through the windshield. It coats Izuku with its gentle heat, leaving his skin dusted in its gilded warmth in a calming way as the car idled at one of the few stoplights in the town.
An equally bright pop song sets itself as the soundtrack for the morning and he finds himself humming along as he bobs his head in time with it.
Life had seen a quantifiable upswing since the aquarium several days prior.
Eri had been happy, almost overtly so; work had been great; and the sun had been shining every single day.
Yeah, life had been going well, and for the first time in a long time, it felt like the ground was finally back beneath Izuku’s feet where it belonged.
For the first time, in a long time, he actually felt like maybe he could be the dad that the young girl deserved.
Flicking his gaze to the rearview mirror, he watches as Eri keeps her attention turned toward the window, kicking her feet and swaying along to the song. The ever present smile on her face is bright, rivaling that of the sun. Izuku hadn’t realized how little he had seen that smile until it was a constant, and he knew exactly who they had to thank for that.
Slowly sliding his attention back to the road as he eases onto the gas, letting his mind wander over the blonde who had torn into their lives like a whirlwind. Gold and ruby flits across his mind’s eye as his heart flips in his chest before speeding up, hammering itself painfully against the back of his ribs.
Bakugou’s presence had grown up through the cracks of their lives, the roots twisting and turning around the hard earth that had been their previously until it was like he was always meant to be there.
And Izuku owed him so much for that. So much more than he could ever give in return, but he knew he had to try. If nothing else, he had to make it known just how important Bakugou was to them.
Was to him.
Heat rolls slowly across Izuku’s cheeks at the intrusive thought. Quickly shaking the words out of his mind, he pulls the car into the parking lot, settling on the spot furthest from the entrance if only to avoid the trap of the parking lot and its parking vultures.
“You ready for a good day?” He asks Eri, gaze meeting her��s in the rearview as he turns the car off. The colorful pop song goes quiet as the power cuts, leaving a momentary pause before Eri’s smile pulls wider.
“Yeah!” She says excitedly before undoing her seatbelt and wiggling to the edge of her booster seat. Her excitement was contagious, making Izuku’s veins hum as he undid his own seatbelt and got out of the car. Opening Eri’s door, he offers her a hand as she slides out of the backseat, her shoes making a loud tap as she lands.
Grabbing for her backpack, Izuku holds it in his fist as he kicks the door shut, not bothering to lock up for the short walk from their spot to the entrance.
Eyes set downward in a vain attempt to not be blinded by the sun’s bright rays, Izuku listens to Eri’s happy humming as they walk, biting down on the edge of his grin as they went. A breeze twists around them and he can’t help but think that it feels like a near perfect moment.
“Kacchan!” Eri exclaims suddenly, hand tightening around Izuku’s. Her sudden proclamation makes his heart squeeze in his chest as his head snaps up in time to see the blonde just ahead of them at the walkway to the front doors. The tense line between Bakugou’s eyebrows smooths as he looks in their direction, mouth quirking ever so slightly as he raises a hand and gives a half wave.
“Kacchan!” Eri says again, dropping Izuku’s hand and leaving him to follow as she runs towards Bakugou. The wind snatches at her hair, leaving it a shiny silver wave behind her as she opens her arms wide before making a leap into Bakugou’s arms.
Catching her easily, he gives her a quick spin that makes her laugh ring louder in the courtyard. It fills Izuku’s insides with something warm and saccharine as he stops just a few feet from the pair as Bakugou carefully set Eri back down.
“Hey rugrat,” he says, fondness turning his usually rough tone into warm honey. That soft sound of his voice smooths over Izuku’s skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake as he watches the pair. Standing there in a perfect snapshot moment, he takes in the way Bakugou smiles at Eri before tapping her gently on the tip of her nose.
“Ready to kick today’s ass?” He asks, settling back on his haunches as he speaks to her. Izuku knows he should say something about he’s crude term usage, but he can’t bring himself to as he watches Eri push her arms out to give him two thumbs up.
“Yeah!” She answers loudly before cocking her head. “Are you?”
A sharp snort makes Izuku jump slightly as Bakugou lifts his hands in front of him, mirroring Eri as he returns the gesture.
“Who do you think you’re talking to, of course I am,” he growls before uncurling his hands, leaving his palms open to her. There’s a sharp slapping sound as she smacks their hands together in a double high five.
“Good girl,” Bakugou says, dropping his hands to his knees and tilting his head toward the daycare. “Now get in there.”
Her answers is a high peal of laughter as she turns on her heel, grabbing for her backpack from Izuku before running toward the front doors. Watching as she disappears behind the bright red of the entrance, Izuku turns his attention back to Bakugou just in time to see him stand and shove his hands deep into his pockets.
Standing there, he doesn’t look as hard and callous as usual. Instead, the sharp line of his mouth, usually downturned in a harsh scowl, is pliant and curved slightly up.
It’s a good look on him, Izuku thinks before pushing down the stray thought.
“How are you allowed around kids?” He asks, words laced with teasing. It earns him a pointed scoff that pulls his grin higher at one edge.
“Because they recognize that I have a gift, stupid Deku” Bakugou says, rolling his eyes as he moves ever so slightly closer to Izuku. “Good fucking morning to you too, by the way.”
His own laugh startles him as it pushes its way between them, circling around them both as he shakes his head slightly.
“Good morning, Kacchan,” Izuku offers, shifting his weight to knock their shoulders together. The quick contact zips through him, leaving a tingling feeling crackling behind his belly button as his face warms.
“You and the squirt have a good weekend?” Bakugou asks, nodding his head in the direction of Izuku’s car. Dipping his chin in acknowledgement, Izuku hopes that it does something to hide the pink tinge that’s quickly becoming a common reoccurrence whenever Bakugou was around.
Slowly, they start to make their way to the edge of the parking lot, falling in step side by side.
“Yeah, it was pretty good. Eri did miss her partner in crime, though,” Izuku hums thoughtfully, cutting his glance towards Bakugou as he continues, “how about you?”
If he hadn’t been looking toward him, Izuku may have missed the stormy look that passed across his features, dropping his grin and pinching his brows together. Then, almost as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone as Bakugou gives a halfhearted shrug.
“Just had some work stuff,” he says quickly, keeping his eyes set ahead. A muscle twitches along Bakugou’s jaw as he clenches his teeth around something he doesn’t say.
“They even make you work on the weekends?” Izuku asks, curiosity shading his tone.
“What?” Bakugou returns, setting the full force of his scorching gaze on him. It burns at his sternum, charring the skin and bone beneath as Izuku flicks his gaze toward the daycare building in answer.
“Oh, yeah,” the blonde continues, almost sheepish, as he turns his attention back forward. “Sometimes. When it’s serious.”
The soft shuffle of their feet over the pavement fills the quiet between them as they finally arrive at Izuku’s car.
“Well I hope they’re paying you well for it,” he finds himself saying as he leans back against the driver’s side door and crosses his arms over his chest. Humming darkly, Bakugou turns to face him, tracing his stare across the planes of Izuku’s face.
“The pay is shit, but I at least get to meet some good people.” Bakugou’s words are weighted and heady, and they find their way beneath Izuku’s skin and force his heart to rush faster in his chest. A liquid heat eases along the bones of his ribs, finding the spaces and weaving through them before pulling tight enough to crush the breath that’s in his lungs.
“Yeah, I bet that helps,” he manages to breathe as he looks up at Bakugou. Holding the almost expectant set of his gaze, Izuku searches the near endless depths of his ruby stare.
“Sure does, shortstack,” Bakugou replies lowly, the nickname a sweet endearment hanging from his tongue as he leans closer and presses a forearm to the hood of Izuku’s car. The movement boxes him in, wedging Izuku between the sun warmed metal of his car and the rolling heat from Bakugou’s chest.
Trying to remember how to breathe around the stifling pressure of the blonde’s presence, Izuku watches as Bakugou drags his stare down ever so slowly to find his mouth.
“Thank you,” Izuku croaks suddenly, the sharp sound of it making Bakugou jump slightly as he arches a brow in question. He doesn’t miss the way that Bakugou doesn’t move away.
“Thought I told you there wasn’t anything you needed to thank me for,” he says instead, words erring on the side of teasing. A rush ricochets down through Izuku, turning his insides to mush as he tears his eyes away in hope for just a moment of reprieve from the heat that’s burning him alive.
“I know,” Izuku says far too quickly, and far too loudly. He keeps his attention set on the trees that separate the daycare from the business next door, counting his breaths as he traces their tops.
“I know,” he says after several moments, sliding his stare back to the man in front of him.
“So then stop that, stupid Deku,” Bakugou replies with an ease as if he believes it’s truly that easy. And maybe it is, but looking up into the melted garnet of Bakugou’s eyes, Izuku knows he has to.
“No,” Izuku says, voice iron with resolve as he puffs out his chest. Lightning crackles over his breastbone where their chests brush. “I want to do something nice for you.”
The sudden proclamation widens Bakugou’s eyes as he tilts his head, as if observing him as Izuku continues.
“To thank you.”
Stomach churning as he lets the words rush, he returns the inquisitive stare. Suddenly, everything feels as if its curling in on him, but the one pinpoint of hope is the gleaming red just inches above him.  
“Yeah,” Bakugou finally says, and Izuku feels the small word as it tickles across the bridge of his nose.  “You said that.”
His eyes dart down quickly to Izuku’s mouth, and he pulls the full of his bottom lip between his teeth without thinking. Something dark rolls across Bakugou’s eyes, deepening the garnet into something almost sinister. Something that he swears he can feel branding him.
For just a fleeting moment, Izuku wonders what it would taste like if he kissed him.
“Be at our place at 5pm on Friday,” he says, voice embarrassingly breathy as he catches the way Bakugou’s tongue darts across his lip.
Then, he pushes back. A sudden cooling rush of air wraps itself around Izuku, and for the first time since he’d arrived at the daycare, he feels like he can breathe.
Opening his mouth to say something else, he snaps it shut as Bakugou taps his finger on the tip of his nose like had had done with Eri.
“I guess I’ll see you then,” Bakugou says, mouth blooming into a full, blinding smile that crinkles the edges of his eyes before he turns on his heel. Facing back toward the daycare, Bakugou starts to head back toward the building as he raises a hand in quick goodbye.
Letting his gaze linger on Bakugou’s back until he disappears around the building, Izuku tries to ignore the burning heat that radiates from the tip of his nose where Bakugou had touched him.
Another careful breeze tickles over his skin as he drags another breath through his teeth before climbing back into his car to head to work.
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill.
So this is kind of really shit but I can’t figure out how to make it not shitty so here you go folks. XD sorry. Pretty much more High Steve with Robin just chilling with hints of sad because oof. Not a ship, they just friends.
The store was empty for the first time in three, long, trying, and teenage filled hours. Needless to say Steve and Robin were dead on their feet as they closed up shop.
Robin was quick to lock the doors, and Steve sped threw mopping the ‘poop deck’, otherwise known as the shops front. Chairs were flipped and scoops were washed at record speed. Robin was about to grab her purse when Steve stopped her.
“Hey Rob, I was wondering if you wanted to smoke tonight? We could just throw a movie in or something.”
Well that was new. Not that she didn’t know Steve smoked every now and then, but she’s never been invited before. They had been getting closer over the summer, so it kind of made sense, and hey, if he was going to offer it out for free who was she to say no.
“Sure, just let me go home and change first, meet you at yours in about an hour?”
Steve’s smile was damn near blinding. He nodded along eagerly, and they split off, Robin heading to where her mom was picking her up and Steve to his car.
After five minutes of small talk Robin decided she couldn’t put it off any longer.
“Hey mom, I was wondering if I could hang out at a friends house tonight. They’re having a movie night, I know it’s kind of last minute but I thought it might be okay since I’m off tomorrow anyway.”
She hummed in thought, “Who’s house is it?”
“The boy I work with, Steve, I’ve told you about him before.”
“He won’t try to get in your pants?”
Robin couldn’t hold back her laugh, “Not a chance, he knows I like girls mom.”
The elders face lit up, “Oh of course then Honey, I’ll drop you off whenever your ready and maybe he can take you home tomorrow.” She relented, relaxing back into her seat.
They pulled into their driveway and Robin made quick work of showering and getting comfy close for the night. Clad in sweat pants and an old band t-shirt she threw her still wet hair up in a messy bun and gathered her favorite blanket in a bag. Down stairs her mother was watching the end to the nightly news.
“Ready Mom!”
The brunette turned and did a once over of her daughter. Concluding that she was appropriately dressed for a sleepover she picked her purse up from the coffee table and the two made their way out the door.
A quick drive later and they were pulling into the Harrington’s long driveway, the first floors lights sprinkled to show where exactly Steve was.
Her mom wished her well and Robin made her way to the doorbell. Soft chimes sounded through the house.
The double doors were yanked open to reveal none other than Steve Harrington himself, ushering her inside and waving to her mom as she pulled away.
“Welcome, welcome to the wonderfully cozy Harrington residence. We have two of fifty rooms occupied, my bedroom and the living room, feel free to pick either to get fucked up in.”
Robin eyed the blank walls of the too clean house. It just wasn’t Steve at all, it seemed empty? Lonely? Like some Hallmark mansion, just not realistic at all. Down the hall she could see the flashing glow of a television and pointed. “There.”
“Living room it is then.” Steve hummed with a soft nod. “That’s where I got everything prepared so I was hoping you’d say that.”
God he was a dingus.
There was a large L shaped couch in the middle of the room, a TV facing it against the wall on top of a dresser like stand, and a coffee table littered with snacks, movies, and a few blunts between the two. Given the stack of blankets already pulled out Robin assumed that tonight was going to be filled with warm, cozy cuddling and lazy conversations.
She wasn’t complaining though. She plopped down on the bouncy cushion and reached to flip through the movie choices.
“Anything in mind Harrington?”
“Nothing particular. They’re mostly horror though.”
That raised an eyebrow, hadn’t he already had enough horror in his life already? “You a big fan of horror then?” she asked.
Steve just kind of huffed then chuckled. “My dad says a real man doesn’t watch musicals or romance stuff. He only allows ‘manly’ movies in his house, don’t you want to watch a manly movie Rob?”
Robin just rolled her eyes and mumbled. “Wouldn’t know good movies if it hit him.” But she loved a good horror movie herself, she grabbed the copy of Nightmare on Elms Street and waved it in Steve’s face. “Pop her in then buddy.”
A minute later and they were situating blankets across the two of them as trailers flickered across the screen. Really Robin thought five blankets was a little excessive but Steve seemed to think it was lacking. He leaned forward and grabbed the pre popped popcorn, a lighter, and the first blunt of the night.
Ever the gentleman Steve gave her the first hit. She held it in her mouth, coaxing it down her throat while he took his own puff. After a few seconds she opened her mouth and let the smoke find its own way out, floating from her mouth and into the air like a cloud.
Steve was not as patient or content to see the slow going process, after a few seconds he blew the air out like flames from a dragon's mouth.
They traded it back and forth, watching each other’s different tricks as the drug slowly took effect, till the movie started up, their eyes glued to the screen.
Something Robin realized fairly quickly was that Steve was not a fan of horror movies. She could feel him slowly pressing further against her, flinching when things got too jumpy. She couldn’t blame him, besides if she could help comfort him through this one then she could find at least one happy movie to put in next, right?
After a particularly gruesome scene she decided she couldn’t wait that long. You might be thinking, why doesn’t she just say she wants to change the movie? Well, the thought didn’t even cross her mind. Instead she moves in with a quick distraction.
“That Nancy Thompson is pretty cute right?”
Steve stares up at her for a few seconds before nodding. Hell yeah she was cute.
“And that Glen dude, any character Johnny Depp plays is going to be eye candy.”
Good. If she had him talking then he wasn’t paying attention to the movie.
“Quick! Fuck marry kill, Johnny, Nancy girl, or Tina?”
He stuttered for a few seconds, his mind wrapping around the character selection. “Umm, kill Tina, Marry Johnny and fuck Nancy?”
Robin couldn’t help but laugh at how unsure he sounded.
“Hey well how about you?”
“Mmm,” she paused to think. “Kill Johnny, Marry Tina, fuck Nancy.”
The game kept up with characters before moving onto people they knew in real life. “Clair Burk, Tommy H, and Carol.”
Steve huffed long and hard for that one, taking another drag before even contemplating. Robin thought about her own answer as well, Clair was pretty cute, and surely Carol would have some redeeming qualities. Tommy was a nice guy if you caught him around the right people, but prone to violence, she’d have to go with “I’d marry Clair, fuck Carol and kill Tommy.”
Steve actually laughed at that one. “Understandable, understandable. But get this okay. Fuck Tommy, kill Clair, Marry Carol.” He was quick to continue when Robins head jerked to look at him, eyebrows raised. “I’ve known them for a super long time, right? So marry Carol cause we could just act like friends, and like I know you like girls and all but Tommy is kinda cute. He has freckles Rob, freckles. And he’s super strong-“
She stopped him before it could get graphic “Woah woah woah keep it PG, I don’t need a full description of how you’d want him to give it to you.”
They’d cycled through most of the kids in their grade that they both knew by the time the credits started to roll.
Steve sat up and stared her down, excited not unlike a golden retriever.
“Wait wait wait okay okay. So. Watch, sleepover with, or dinner with, kid addition.”
Color her intrigued. She gestured for him to continue. “Okay So Mike, Dustin and Max?”
The kids had grown on her since that night at the Mall, she’s like to think they were all friends. “Okay so watch Max, Sleepover with Dustin and Dinner with Mike.”
Steve burst into laughter.
Fine, if he was going to just laugh at her she’d give him something to laugh at.
Robin turned to face him and reached to grab ahold of his side, squeezing away at the fleshy skin. “Oh your going to laugh at me? Well you have a better idea Dingus?”
Steve’s laughter doubled and his hands grabbed onto her wrists. No matter how hard he tried to squirm to the other side of the couch he was stuck. Their legs had gotten tangled in the many many blankets about an hour ago, and neither had the motivation to unstick themselves.
Boy does he wish he had.
“I was lahaughihing cause mihine is the sahahme! Ihits the sahame.”
Oh. Well, no reason for her to stop. “Yeah, cause Mike's a shithead and gets in trouble, of course it was going to be the same! But now look at you Stevey, Hmm let me think of one.” She slowed down for a second, focusing in on who she would pair up. “How about Lucas, Jane, and Will? I won’t stop tickling you till you answer.”
I Steve kicked out as she moved her way up his ribs, digging between the bone. Somehow he ended up with his back against her, trapping himself.
“Wahahtch Lucas, dineher with Jahanehe, Wihihill sleheep ohover!”
She slowed down her fingers, not quite stopping but changing to fluttery touches that left him giggling.
Steve’s arms felt heavy and all he could think about was the tingling of her nails over his stomach and neck. He let his hands drop into his lap and threw his head back onto Robins shoulder.
“It feheheels weirherd.”
Robin leaned down to his ear to tease the poor boy. “Do you mean it tickles Steve?”
The boy nodded, hiding his blush in the crook of her neck.
“Come on, you can say it buddy. Tick-le, easy peasy.”
Steve burrowed deeper into her neck, hiding himself away from the word.
“Fine,” she huffed. “If you won’t say it then at least tell me that you like it. It’s kind of obvious at this point.”
He only leaned further onto her, probably hoping to disappear.
“Well that just confirmed it Dingus.” She cooed.
She kept up the light touches till Steve’s face had lost some of its pink. He was still squirming occasionally when her fingers strayed a bit to close to his side, and he rolled himself so they were chest to chest.
If she was wondering what kind of stoned Steve would be before she had her answer. He was touchy and clingy when high, and it somehow fit perfectly even with his previous bad boy routine.
His breathing evened out and he was fully slumped against her.
Robin stretched as far as she could for the remote and a bag of chips before laying herself back down. Now that Steve was actually asleep she could try and really watch the movie. What were best friends for if not being a pillow anyway?
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todieingrave · 7 years
Thursday, August 10th 2017
Hey it’s be awhile since the last time I made a blog on here. I’ve been super busy dealing with a lot of things, especially the moving part. I will be moving to southern California in about 3 days!! Woah that came up fast! 
I think the last time I made a blog was on June 1st, so I’ll try to catch some of you up on some things that have happened between that time until now. Well, I’ve gone on a few hikes and made some new friends between that timeline. I have been becoming more mentally healthy now that I’ve let go of a few toxic people in my life. It’s even starting to show in my dreams how much better I have become so far. I used to always have horrible nightmares, especially this past year while my mind was in a very negative place. But now this past 2 months I have been having good dreams. I ended up officially reactivating my main facebook account again and I had an overwhelming respond of support from my old friends welcoming me back that I am so thankful for. I updated that account a little bit with photos that I haven’t been able to share on there since I have been gone. Right when I reactivated that account a good friend of mine informed me that they found a fake account using my pictures. So I had to get rid of that and I deleted quite a few people who I no longer wanted them to experience my life with me anymore. Then the funny thing is that some people from my old high school were even trying to holla at me.. I find it funny how some of the people who used to judge and bully me in school are now up in my messages trying to flirt with me and try to creep on all my social media accounts. I see them but they aren’t eva gettin’ a chance. Drew and I have been doing really well actually. I think we’ve been falling back in love again. Everything just has been becoming so much nicer like it used to be before I fell into this deep depression. I have even been going out a lot more like I used to. I went out to multiple shows including, Hammerfall, Morbid Angel, Warped Tour, Iron Maiden in California, DragonForce and a few more back in Portland. The Iron Maiden trip was amazing!! Drew and I first drove to San Francisco and did a bunch of cool stuff there, like visit some spooky shops, museums, and gardens. We watched 4th of July fireworks on top of a high building looking over the city at night and flew some kites over the bay area. Our car did unfortunately get broken into on the first night there but thankfully we had good insurance on our rental and just got a new car right away. Then all the fun we had after that made up for it and we completely forget that even happened. Oh and I finally got to see Iron Maiden play live and I am beyond happy with the turn out! 😃 Their stage performances were one of the best I've seen and they brought such an amazing energy to the whole stadium. I like how they genuinely look super happy up there and love what they are doing. The crowd was awesome as well! I got to get up reeaaalll close to the stage with no problem. That night turned out way better than what I expected. Then we drove down to San Diego to visit our friends Holly and Nick. We didn’t do too much down there but visit the beach, go to the exotic reptile animal expo and get SUPER sun burnt. Oh my goodness I don’t think I have ever been that burnt in my entire life. I was beat red! It was embarrassing xD Then we drove back up to L.A. for Drew’s birthday. We mostly used our time there to look for places to live and do a couple of home tours. We almost got this spooky house out in the desert but it looked like there needed to be a lot of work done on it, so we passed and settled for an apartment right next to these mountains in San Bernardino. After we found our place of stay we finally got to go out to the city and celebrate Drew’s birthday. We got to see DragonForce play on the first night we were there and oofta I got a lot of drinks bought for me. I guess I looked real purdy that night :P Then we walked on the stars and some dude forced me to hold his giant pet snake. I can’t lie, I was a little scared at first that it was going to bite me. We then visited the famous Museum of Death and stopped at a lot of random vintage shops around town. I may have spoiled the both of us a little too much. Oops! Whatever we were on vacation. Then once our trip was over we drove back to Oregon using the scenic routes and hiked around on the coast quite a bit, taking our sweet time exploring before we have to head back to that awful city I hate to call home at the moment. Once we got back home I got an email saying my chest tattoo proposal with an amazing artist I have been wanting to work with got accepted!! YAY! So I will be finishing my full chest piece for my birthday in late September. I am so beyond excited for this. Not only that but at the end of July I finally finished the complete outline on my left sleeve. Now I just need to finish the shading on it along with tattooing my armpit and hand, then it will be officially finished sleeve! Then I’ve been going to this big book store on Powell a lot with this pretty lady friend. I’ve been slowly becoming addicted to collecting books now. I just finished this thick book in a week! Yeah everything has been going well but knowing my life there will always be those downs. For instance I have been packing up a lot lately but it’s been so damn hot here in Portland these past 2 weeks while i’m doing that and we don’t have any AC here. So that sucks ass. Not only that but I am way beyond angry that one of my dumb ass roommates left our balcony door wide open a week ago, even after countless amount of times I have asked them not to do that because I'm worried about the cats getting out. Well guess what!? Those assholes left it open again and this time my kitten Artemis actually got out and jumped off our 2 possibly 3 story deck. I wasn't aware until one of our town home maintenance guys knocked on our door and said he found her hiding in a vacant lot covered in toilet water and blood on her paws. She was panting and whining whenever we touched her tummy, so now we had to rush her to the vet because she might have possibly broken either one of her paws or even a rib. Luckily everything wasn’t as bad as we expected, but she didn’t land on her feet from the fall so it was still a hard impact on her tummy that knocked the wind out of her and kinda left her breathing funny for a few days and it broke most of her claws off, along with a few teeth from her jaw hitting the ground. I was fucking furious at them because of what they have done to my sweet fur child. Mostly because the dumbass who was stupid enough to do it kept on trying to blame it on us like it was our fault when we NEVER open the deck door, let alone we have caught him leaving it wide open all the damn time. So we knew who it was right away. I of course start screaming at him when he gets home that if he doesn’t pay for her vet bills then we will be taking legal action and suing him. He then tries to pick up the broom next to him and hit me with it. I grab it and begin to kick and punch him because my immediate reaction is to defend myself if someone is going to try and hit me with an object and hurt my animals. My other roommate then decides to become violent as well and puts me in choke hold and slams me against the wall while Drew was trying to get him away from me. I was pissed and everyone who has personally has seen me with that much anger knows damn well it’s best to NEVER put me in any type of hold or try to hold onto me at all. It’s better to speak to me with words and look me straight in the face rather than trying to hold onto me, because if you hold onto me I WILL go fucking crazy and most of the time try to bite a chunck of flesh out. Since I know that has always been the most effective way to make someone let go of me when they won’t when I tell them to. So I bit his arm to release me and I punched him a few times in the face. I ended up giving him a pretty nasty black eye and fat lip but honestly... I’m not sorry at all because he shouldn’t have been as aggressive with me as he was. If he didn’t slam me into the wall then he wouldn’t have his ugly purple eye swollen shut. Stupid weak bitch. He then tells on me to his daddy and his daddy tried to play pretend detective on the phone and make it seem like I was in trouble with the police to scare me. I knew right off the bat that it wasn’t a real cop because i’m not stupid but I played along anyways because they said I apparently gave him stitches. I was very concerned at first about the stitches because he went to the hospital but then I found out he just had a little cut on his eyebrow with none. So I told them that if they ever call me again with threats I will be taking action against what has happened to my cat because of them and the fact that they assaulted me as well, leaving multiple huge bruises all over my body that are still here. He didn’t call back after that. Good! Because I am not one to mess with unless you want me to take some form of harsh revenge out on you. So I think I made my point very clear that I don’t ever let anyone harm my animals or loved ones and get away with it free. I will stick up for myself so that nobody will ever try to harm me or them ever again. Point made. Don’t fuck with me unless you want me to go crazy. I am very thankful for all the friends I have who were very supportive during this. It really helps during stressful times. I seriously can’t wait to be out of this house in a few days and start my life over on the positive path I have been aiming for. 
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49scribes-a · 8 years
Cursed Castle Chatzy 2 [Archive]
Icarus is placing his portion of potatoes and mushrooms and such on a stick by the fire
Junior is still kind of being a pillow for Deak
Smolma hes just chilling in his corner
Deak is still using junior as a pillow while also avoiding interaction and speaking still :I
Lavi busying himself making food
Allen is humming and trying to lift this stick and impale a potato with his powers. They seem to be shaking in the air and keep missing each other. The stick even snapped in half. Allen eventually reached out and impaled it by hand.
Junior: omg Allen lol } Junior kind of half-asleep but also idly watching Allen try to magically impale potatoes Junior like wtf Allen why you gotta be all mysticy they're just potatoes Smolma hes making small shards of ice appearing near him
Allen wants to practice gdi. He's humlifting another potato and slowwwwlllyyy bringing the stick and potato together but he runs out of breath and they both drop to the ground as he gasps for breath.
Smolma hes practicing in case more of those monsters come
Icarus: (i read humlifting as humiliating and imagined a potato in a gimp suit getting whipped.....)
Junior nudges Deak a little Junior: Hige no }
Lavi humming quietly, he's fine with Allen practicing since he needs it as well as Alma Lavi: || w h y
Junior: gonna be honest I read it as "humiliating" too but I stopped those thoughts short xD } Junior bro look at the sideshow trying to magically skewer a potato Junior brooooooooo
Allen magically skewers the potato and it just. Turns to mashed potatoes. Both of them just press against the stick like a long potato ice cream bar with some potato peel sticking out. That works.
Junior snorts
Allen holds it over the fire this didn't look too bad
Icarus raises eyebrow but continues munching on his own unsalted skewer
Lavi writes in fire by Allen 'You tried' and gives the other an amused smile before looking back at the cooking food.
Junior isn't starch flammable...?
Smolma tummy growls real loudly Smolma falls over ded
Deak no Deak leave me alone smh
Allen his stick turned into a torch great. Looks dully at Lavi before trying to blow it out without success. Runs around waving his stick like stop burning plz
Lavi snaps fingers and puts the flame out for Allen
Junior bro don't be like that to your pillow its v rude
Deak shush pillow just shh Deak moves away though and just lays on something else then
Allen thinks he put the fire out and cautiously takes a lick. It's hot! Ow!
Junior is gonna just follow and use Deak as a pillow then Junior squish
Lavi: Food's ready. Lavi grabs a potato stick for Alma and peels it for the small one before going over to him.
Smolma he just gets up and follows where he heard lavi
Junior kinda wants to say he's not hungry but is actually starving otl
Smolma and he runs into lavi- Smolma: Oof-
Lavi grabs Alma's shoulder to keep him from falling over Lavi: Woah, there, gotcha
Smolma: Thank you!
Lavi takes Alma's hands and puts the potato on a stick there. Lavi: Careful you don't burn yourself when you bite it Lavi: Okay?
Smolma: Okay~
Smolma holds the potato and lets it cool Smolma doesn't want to freeze it by blowing on it
Lavi goes back to grab another two potatoes on a stick and goes over to his moody brothers that he still very much cares about even if they're not speaking to him. Lavi crouches down next to them. Lavi: Eat, you two.
Junior: ......................
Smolma feels round for allen so he can sit by someone
Junior takes the potato
Allen eats his potato popsicle that's the opposite of ice, really. All burnt and stuff.
Junior he can't remember the last time he ate tbh
Lavi: Deak.
Junior between being here now and the getting chased by asshole humans
Smolma cold hand finds allen! Allen !!!!!!???!!! Smolma sits by him
Allen didn't hear him coming lol
Junior nudges Deak in the ribs Junior you should eat bro
Smolma writes 'i was trying to find you!'
Allen sits down too Allen: Ooo 'cared me! *he chuckles*
Smolma 'Sorry'
Junior just gonna take that second potato Junior and wave it under Deak's nose tbh
Lavi sighs and moves on to get himself his own food to eat as well
Allen: S'okay. Allen nibbles around stick
Smolma starts eating his potato
Lavi slowly starts to eat his potato after a quick glance around to make sure everyone's eating.
Deak takes the potato thank u
Junior lets the potato cool and then starts eating it once its not ready to scorch him from the inside out
Deak juggles the potato
Allen chews on the stick tbh it wasn't very tasty but he's hungry
Smolma finishes potato then plops cross allens lap
Junior ye its a pretty plain potato but whatever he hasn't eaten in days
Allen ice pack on his legs felt nice. They were walking for a while. He reaches out for Alma's hair and tries to mess with it. Smolma Allen's lucky he loves it when his hair gets played with Lavi finishes eating his potato and just scoots over so he's sitting by Alma and Allen
Junior finishes eating his potato Junior gets up to stre-- aaaaaah fuck its really hard to get up from the ground when your tail bone hurts fuc--
Smolma Almas slowly dozing off
Junior just grin and bear it Junior ow ow ow Smolma hair pets are the best
Junior hair pets ARE the best
Allen is gonna hair pet Alma's and his own worries away tbh
Junior don't get frostbite on ur fingers
Lavi knows that you're in pain even if you're trying to hide it, Junior
Junior is totally not you saw nothing
Smolma his hair ain't cold tho
Junior has been avoiding contact with the smol so doesn't really know where or when he is or is not cold Junior isn't very fond of the cold honestly
Icarus is gonna go doze after eating his food
Deak stops juggling the potato
Smolma he can't control how cold he is without sight to know if hes cold
Lavi reaches over and pets the small one's hair a bit.
Smolma its warmmmm
Allen starts braiding Alma's hair.
Junior are you gonna actually eat that potato Deak or just juggle it
Deak i was planning on just juggling it tbh im not hungry Deak would you like it
Junior how are you not hungry Junior have you been holding out on us on food Junior have you been sneaking food and not sharing
Deak what no im just Deak not hungry
Junior squints
Smolma 'have I made your legs too cold?"
Lavi squinting at Deak
Junior: you should hold onto that for when you are Junior: No telling when we'll find anything edible again in this place
Deak shrugs
Allen: no...
Deak continues to juggle the potato then
Allen can't feel his legs anymore
Junior: RIP Allen }
Smolma: Lavi is he lying....
Junior is gonna go investigate the open gate then Junior you coming?
Smolma misses being able to lay on peeps without making them cold
Lavi: He's lying
Smolma but sits up and hugs his knees
Allen casually rubs feeling back into his legs
Lavi: You can lean on my legs, Alma
Deak gets up to follow junior
Lavi reaches over to rub some warmth back into Allen's legs Lavi: Oh...
Junior idly hums and heads to the open gate for a look-see for what's waiting for them on the other side
Smolma plops cross lavi's lap
Lavi: Actually, we should continue on, we won't get out of here by just sitting around-- Lavi stands up and picks up the small on with him
Smolma tilts head curiously but nods
Lavi 'Allen, c'mon, we should keep moving'
Smolma: Mh, okay
Allen It's kinda weird to have someone else rub his legs, but Allen's accepted the help. He stands up at the message and shakes out his legs.
Icarus was ready for a nap tbh, but gets up to follow
Junior stepping through the open gates and looking around
Smolma lays against lavis chest
Lavi follows after Junior and Deak
Allen follows Lavi
-- -- through the open gates is another, narrower courtyard. Ahead is another large gate, this one near-identical, but closed. On either side looks to be a stone crypt with a dark, open doorway, and iron-wrought fence with spikes along the top. Past the fence looks to be a grassy graveyard, on both sides. In the very center, a black statue, this one looking skeletal, but the bones are a big mangled looking and the face looks like a dog's skull. -- -- a very big dog skull
Smolma puppy!
Junior you have strange taste in "puppies" Junior tilts his head and circles around it a bit at a distance
Icarus: Looks happy to see us. We should go pet it.
Smolma since he feels better, his body feels warmer
Junior: Then go pet it
Smolma: What looks happy to see us?
Junior: Maybe it'll wag its tail at ya Junior: Roll over and let you scratch its tummy
Smolma: ????
Lavi describes to Alma what the statue looks like, it's definitely not happy to see us.
Deak casually kinda gets a bit closer to it
Lavi swear to fuck, Deak, if you get in trouble
Smolma shivers because it sounds creepy
-- -- oh woops now that everyone's through the gates, they're closing behind you
Deak: .................
Lavi looks behind the at the closing gate
Smolma: ...... Smolma: G-good thing we all left?
Deak oh well just gonna kinda slowly move closer to the statue
Icarus only one way out and its probably forward anyway
Smolma does not want to get separated
-- -- there's a bit of a cracking sound
Lavi tenses
-- -- the statue moves a bit and then its eyes light up
Lavi: Deak, move away from it
Junior just grabs Deak and yanks him back a few paces
Lavi: Move away from it ​right now​
Allen: Gonna... figh'... a cer. ber. us?
Smolma perks up as he tenses up
Deak jhggh Deak rude af
-- -- shadows form around it and the skeleton rips itself free from its pedestal mounting and snarls
Lavi to Allen 'let's not jinx it'
Junior um excuse u I'm saving your life
Allen smirks nervously
-- -- its a very big wolfish shadow on two legs
Smolma he heard growls
-- -- have fun
Lavi: .......
Smolma getts down from lavi
Icarus: (the furry it cometh))
Lavi lets Alma get down
Icarus: Maybe it wants to play, anyone got a stick? Icarus is wishing it hadnt left his at the fire
-- -- howls loudly and lunges towards the closest person(s)
Icarus is furthest away of course....
Smolma judging on the sounds HAS SPIKES STAB UP AT THE MONSTER
Allen takes deep breaths, ready to use his magic to push it away if worst came to worse. He didn't want to hurt anyone's ears. He's a bit in the back, by Icarus
-- -- howls and staggers a little but instead just turns and lunges towards Lavi now barely slowing
Junior was kind of following Deak but is also looking around for a weapon of some kind fuck fuck fuck
Lavi kind of facing the consequences of using his powers because his hands really hurt but he still shoots another fire ball while dodging
Icarus decides to make himself useful by rushng in to jump ontop of the furry to...idk...poke its eyes??
-- -- fireball just kind of staggers it and slashes at Lavi with a snarl
Smolma heres a new idea
Junior there's a... um... a... brick?
Smolma an ice spear appears in his hands
Deak thrOW IT
-- -- howls and shakes itself violently when Icarus leaps onto it
Allen sees the bricks flying and lets out a shout to make the brick go faster
-- -- gets hit with a brick and shakes ow did you really just throw a fucking brick bitch ur next
Lavi throws a mini fire ball grenade into the shadow's mouth
Allen hopefully it doesn't hit Icarus lol
Smolma did... did he miss?
Icarus is trying to poke the monster in the eyes..if it actually has them..at the least hes getting in the way of it seeing
Deak hey good job @ junior & brick
-- -- shakes off the fire and flips around to its back to attack Icarus with claws and fangs both
Lavi: You didn't miss, Alma, it just didn't really feel it
-- -- nah sorry its eyes are pretty much just like little fires or w/e -- -- clamps down on a limb
Lavi doubles over, clutching his hands to his chest because that really burns
Junior oh look another brick
Lavi yells directions to Alma SO HE CAN IMPALE THAT WOLF
Junior motions to Allen to do the sound thing again when he throws it and then just fucking hurls it
Icarus tries nt to scream, winds up saying ouch really loud
Allen oh no, uh, he does the sound thing Allen tries to shout louder this time to accelerate that bit-I mean brick faster
Smolma this could be dangerous but its needed Smolma 'keep it distracted for a bit allen!'
-- -- staggers a little from that hit ow that hit fucking hard but nah just gonna kinda shake its head and try to take that limb off that limb belongs to it now you can't keep it
Smolma then he begins to make ice lotuses starts to appear all around
-- -- scREECHES AND LET'S GO -- -- okay, just gonna take one of YOUR limbs then
Junior ohshit
Lavi try and get it, bitch
Smolma once theres enough the petals breaks apart and fly towards the sound
-- -- leaps straight for Lavi
Allen picks up another brick himself and throws it with a shout-acceleration
Junior fuck throwing, just gonna pick up a brick and chase that bitch down tbh
Deak stays away bc he'd just be in the way
-- -- twists around and snags his leg
Deak is smart
Smolma sharp shards begin to stab said beast
-- -- just gonna YANK and pounce on top of him
Lavi shouts in pain as he falls Lavi thinking 'I'm gonna regret this' as his hands begin to glow
Junior jumps on top of that fucking thing and just tries to cave its stupid black skull in with the brick
Allen runs back and forth trying to find an opening, carrying another brick.
-- -- keens as ice shards impale in its ribs and mc-Jerk-Face here rams a BRICK into its skull
Lavi shoots a fire blast from his hands at the monster.
Allen gonna be merciless and throws a yell-amplified brick at one of the side of the ribs
Smolma since the petals found the monster Smolma they gonna keep slashing him
Junior keeps bashing that brick into its stupid skull
Icarus is glad to have his limb back but is going to try to keep jumping in the monsters face then leaping away using his wings, playing keep away and dodgeball all at once! Icarus since, you know, he left his stick and only actual weapon apparantly
-- -- ow, ow, ow, fucke--
Icarus can kick it too though, and he does.
-- -- shakes the fire off and just twists around to snap onto Junior's arm
Icarus inthe face
-- -- your limb will suffice
Smolma all that ice stabs the monster at once
Junior oWWWWW
Lavi ANOTHER FIRE BLAST AT THE MONSTER Lavi screams in both anger and pain
-- -- jaw hinge fucking bREAKS EXCUSE U ASSHOLE
Allen runs to get more freggin bricks to throw at this thing and then keeps throwing them
Icarus kicks it in the same jaw that just broke
Junior rips his arm free and scrambles back
Smolma tries to find the monster with his hands out stretched to freeze him
-- -- jaw snaps off okay fuck you
Allen with a side dish a sound telepathy of course, hopefully it doesn't hit anyone as Allen is forced to git gud quick.
Lavi has to stop using his fires because the pain is too much right now.
-- -- ow, ow, ow, more -- -- fucking -- -- bricks
Smolma guide the smol lavi
Lavi tells the small one the shadow's location
Smolma runs to said monster and freezes part of him
-- -- okay now cannot move b/c there's ice wtf
Smolma ‘hit those parts with the bricks!’
-- -- is struggling and howling
Smolma finds its face tho and uses ice knife to stab em
-- -- keens and slashes at the smol -- -- motherfuck-- -- -- you're all so VIOLENT
Allen gonna throw some SOUND PAIN TIME brICKS AT THE ICE THEN
Junior just fucking kicks one of its frozen legs and snaps it tbh
-- -- screams and the lights of its eyes go out -- -- goes limp
Smolma barely manages to throw self out of way of slashes Smolma no more getting his wounds burned shut pls
Lavi: .....Is it dead...
Smolma thnk Smolma: G-good.....
-- -- it ded
Smolma feels round for lavi Smolma his cold will help him!
Icarus: Sorry ol yeller~ Icarus not sorry at all
Allen throws a couple more bricks at it for good measure tbh
Lavi heavy pained breathing and he passed out.
Smolma trips over lavi Smolma found em!
Junior just gonna collapse for a moment and regain his bre-- Junior oh shit Lavi
Smolma sits up Smolma makes light frost cover lavis chest to cool him down
Lavi pained breathing eases up some
Junior crawls over to Lavi, kinda hard with one arm bleeding but w/e, standing back up hurts too Smolma freezes some of lavis arms too Allen coughs a bit and runs over to Smolma and Lavi.
Nea hey there junior how you doing pal
Junior: Lavi! Junior ...w h a t
Nea is just gonna casually borrow this body of your's if you don't mind.
Lavi still out cold but his breathing is a lot less ragged
Junior I reiterate:
Nea what did you DO to this thing holy shit.
Junior what
Icarus is trying not to showhispain, it's still coming through as a grimace as he looks at his bloody arm
Smolma non the wiser smol working on cooling lavi down
Junior who--
Icarus: (the casual body snatcher)
Lavi: || Deak's totally not worried for his two older bros
Icarus: (this should be some sort of mini series of books tbh)
Lavi: || best body snatcher
Nea blinks in Junior's body before shaking his head and looking over at the dead creature
Junior: lolwut }
Nea: || he's just. casual.
Deak: ur rite hes not ]
Deak: he's casually just juggling his potato again ]
Lavi: || w o w
Allen waves weakly with his hands at Lavi like a fan thank goodness Alma was there
Junior: Junior: Let a guy use you as a pillow and this is what he does with it }
Lavi groans as he starts to come to Smolma the groan makes him squeak
Deak: shrUGS ]
Nea: || something like thaT Nea whistles impressed
Deak: is not a fighter ]
Smolma then hugs!
Nea: You guys ​reeallly​ did a number on that thing.
Smolma: You're okay!!
Junior: Junior: isn't either but still managed to find a brick smh }
Icarus: 'you guys?'
Lavi makes a quiet 'ow' and pats the small one's head
Icarus: ?
Smolma: .... Junior, you helped?
Lavi: Thanks...
Smolma junior has confused him while hugging lavi Smolma: You're welcome
Icarus is distrcted from his pain by the odd sentence
Nea: You guys-- This guy, too
Junior they did do a number on it, didn't they?
Lavi looks Junior and immediately tenses
Junior they should be proud
Nea pats Junior's chest. his own chest. w/e
Smolma: .... you're talking funny
Deak ???????
Smolma: Junior...?
Junior also who the fuck let you in here
Lavi: Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my brother's body.
Nea: What kind of name is ​Junior?
Allen looks at Junior why was everyone looks at em strangely?
Nea I invited myself
Smolma noticed lavis tense
Nea don't be rude?
Icarus is warier than usual of most people, his feathers are all poofy like a scared cat
Junior clEARLY
Smolma: Whats going on?
Deak: D'ya kill 'im when you took 'im over?
Icarus: What brings you to the party?
Nea gets up on his feet
Junior have fun with that hurting tail bone lol Junior also that arm
Icarus doesngt know the person, isnt sure whats going on, but its best to assume a ghost has posessed someone, cause whynot at this point
Lavi: Someone possessed my brother
Nea ooooh everything hurts
Smolma: Oh-
Lavi: And he better not be dead
Nea: He's not ​dead Nea rolls his eyes Nea err. eye?
Lavi: ​Good​
Junior eyes
Nea: You guys are quick, though
Junior just can't see one of them
Smolma: ...... Who are you?
Nea eyes.
Lavi not that Nea would know with the eye patch on.
Smolma literally can't see
Allen lmao he has no idea what's going on
Junior oh woops no one's supposed to know that haha
Nea: ​Nea​. And I wanted THAT body Nea points at the beast Nea: But you all had to rip it to shreds
Lavi: Nea, a girl's name.
Smolma: .... oh Smolma: Whoops
Deak good job junior
Nea: So now I'm-- Nea: ........
Lavi: And you gripe about Junior.
Nea if my everything didn't hurt I would STEP on you, boy.
Smolma plops carefully on lavi
Icarus kinky
Lavi even if it's my brother's body, I'll slap you and apologize to him.
Deak irritated looking back elsewhere
Nea ew
Junior Junior is a perfectly valid name you hijacker
Deak: 'Course y'take the only person I cared to talk with.
Junior excuse u Lavi do not ruin my perfect face
Deak: Fuckin' lame.
Nea: Now I'm stuck in... What is this, a pirate?
Lavi I wouldn't ruin it.
Smolma: Hes a pirate?
Lavi: Everyone always calls us pirates, We're not.
Smolma: Ohhh
Deak: Definitely pirates.
Nea I'm wearing a pirate
Smolma: Why do they call you pirates?
Junior that's really fucking creepy man
Lavi throws his hands up, whatever, guess we're pirates for today.
Junior get out
Smolma confused smol noises
Lavi: Alma, can you make a small cube of ice really quick for me?
Allen: mmh???
Nea I mean I can but I'll just jump in one of the others
Smolma: Mhm!
Nea are those your brothers??? Nea one of them could work
Smolma: Where?
Allen confused snowball noises
Junior good go jump inside the--
Lavi: In my hand.
Junior no not them Junior go for the Chickenstub
Nea the what
Smolma nods before holding lavis hand
Icarus excuse you? dont touch me
Nea did you just sneeze?
Junior the Chickenstub Junior the winged guy
Lavi if he wants to possess someone then he can go for me
Smolma then makes an ice cube in his hand
Junior the guy with the mangled wings
Icarus ....kinky
Lavi: Thanks, Alma Lavi: Allen, here.
Smolma writes 'junior got possessed by a ghosty goo'
Icarus posess flambo instead, I bet he's begging for it by now
Lavi hands him the ice cube, 'eat that and hydrate a bit and it'll do your throat some good.'
Smolma 'the ghosty goo's named Nea'
Allen nods and takes the ice cube. Allen: 'hank ooo.
Nea please, everyone, there's enough possession to go around
Allen put ice cube into his mouth
Icarus God no, there's more of you?
Nea: Is there anyone here that ISN'T in excruciating pain?
Junior haha that's funny Junior ...............
Smolma him but he can't see at all
Deak: Nope, I think we're all extremely in pain.
Junior oh wait there is one isn't there Junior not gonna say who tho
Nea don't you want me out of here??
Junior Like I said, try the Chickenstub
Smolma lays on lavi chest Smolma ultimate ice cubeeeee
Icarus you touch me and I swear to god Icarus not having nnone of that shit right now
Nea I'm not a physical entity right now so I can't ACTUALLY touch you
Lavi stands up carefully with Allen in his arms, he's feeling a lot better now that his arms are cooled down again
Junior go for it, he'd probably secretly be into it anyway
Icarus I feel like you can touch my mind, nd that's as close to rape by a ghost as I don't want to be Icarus you aint gotta kinkshame me like this
Smolma: alma not allen??))
Junior: Nah I bet they secretly eloped or something while everyone was distracted by Junior } Junior: Imeanwhat }
Smolma just lets his lil body be superrrr cold
Lavi: || yeah my bad
Deak: Does it hurt to be possessed by you?
Nea: How should I know? Nea: I've never been possessed by me.
Deak: Well, I would assume you understood how your own possessions worked.
Smolma ......
Lavi sighs
Nea: I'd say it hurts me more than any of you
Deak: That's terrible, I'm sorry.
Icarus: What do you want, anyway?
Allen crunchy crunchy ice at least he can feel the vibrations. It felt good on his ears.
Lavi adjusts his hold on Alma
Deak: Can you not permanently host with someone to avoid it?
Smolma nuzzles lavi Smolma he warm
Deak: Or do they just kick you out after a while?
Junior either pay me rent or gtfo
Smolma then pokes possessed junior to make nea cold
Junior: Its funny tho b/c } Junior: Junior was like "possess Icarus so I won't feel bad when I punch him in the fucking face for possessing me" xD }
Allen hums experimentally
Nea hey alma how you doing Junior fINALLY Junior ooooh... feelin' a little dizzy now that he's back haha
Lavi: You okay, Junior?
Nea I hope you can orient yourself fast enough that you dont fall down junior lmao
Lavi reaches out to grab Junior's arm and steady him
Junior um was sort of bleeding everywhere from his arm while he was possessed so--
Nea wait this kid can't fucking see holy shit
Junior: ....oh yeah, I feel just peachy...
Lavi I know all that, junior, just making sure you're alright after being possessed
Deak: Peachy is good. Deak: We should figure out where to go next since you're all alright.
Nea keeps turning Alma's head as though that'll fix things???
Lavi: Alma?
Junior going down
Lavi: Shi-- Lavi grabs Junior's arm Lavi the GOOD ARM
Deak casually walking around to look around
Junior: ...just gonna... si'down for a moment
Nea: What happened to this kid's EYES
Deak: Torture, probably?
Allen sits down. Are they talking? Okay he'll rest right now.
Lavi startles because, wow, that is not Alma's voice Lavi: Some asshole humans carved symbols over his eyes Lavi: They carved something on all of us
Junior: ...mhm... Junior well didn't actually get anything carved into... more like something carved off haha Junior RIP tail
Nea: Well I know ​that Nea: I just didn't think they'd go straight for the eyes... Nea prods his face
Junior sitting kinda hurts now that tails are mentioned so he's just gonna lay down instead
Lavi: Stop that Lavi swats Alma/Nea's hand away from their face
Nea jumps a little
Smolma ...... starts freezing himself
Nea: Who did that? Nea whoa whoa whoa
Deak rip nea
Nea: What are you doing, kid
Lavi: Get out of his body, you're scaring him.
Nea: This is the only one that isn't totally messed up!
Smolma keeps freezin Smolma enjoy the cold neabitch
Lavi not feelin' the cold really.
Nea actually really hates the cold Nea abort abort
Smolma cant breath but keeps goin
Nea jumps to Lavi because he's the closest and trying to find someone else while blind is Too Hard
Lavi !!!
Smolma suddenly unfreezes and falls on lavi
Nea oh this is nice and toasty.
Lavi you're lucky I can't burn myself since I want to protect my brothers and that requires me to live
Nea: Alright, now that THAT'S over with
Smolma takes deep breaths
Lavi oh god, this feels weird
Deak is disappointed but just gonna ignore u all instead
Smolma: St-stay... O-out.... mh body... Smolma jump into deak
Deak w hat Deak w hy
Nea maybe after I warm up a bit
Smolma hes not messed up
Deak fuck off alma
Lavi where the hell did you leave your body?
Deak fuckin brat
Smolma nah
Nea just sort of removes this frosty child from his new 'outfit' Nea I don't really remember actually
Smolma nottt a good idea nea Smolma lavi was covered in burns
Nea why n-- oh Nea grabs the frosty child again
Smolma feels round for allen-
Lavi they've cooled down a lot thanks to Alma
Smolma op. hes been grabbed
Lavi hey, be nice to the kid
Nea: You guys might've shredded that thing, but it sure fucked you all up in return.
Smolma: So.... whys mister ghost possessing us?
Lavi well you could've done something instead of waitin' for so long.
Smolma: Are you a ghost with no body?
Nea like what buddy. jump in the big monster while you all tore it up. sounds ​fun. Nea: I'm not a ghost.
Smolma: You aren't?
Deak walks up to the closed gate to observe it casually
Lavi you could've jumped into it and got the fuck out of there Lavi or, I dunno, attempted speech?
Nea: No. I was brought here like the rest of you. Nea gestures vaguely to the group
Smolma: oh-....
Nea Do you ever shut up? Nea: How long have you all been here?
Smolma feels a bit bad for freezing nea now Smolma: Donnu Smolma pokes allen and writes 'How long have we been here?'
Junior: ...hard t' say but maybe half a day? Junior: Maybe a day?
Smolma: Um, sorry for freezing you.... my ice kinda goes out a whack a bit when i'm scared
Junior: ....it was a bit dark in that dome to be watching the passage of time
Nea: Not that long, then...
Lavi hums a merry tune
Nea looks at Alma
Lavi ​loudly​
Nea is that elevator music?? just for me?
Smolma scratches his cheek sheepishly
Junior: 'said you were brought here like us. How long have you been here?
Lavi I don't like you enough for elevator music
Smolma it just you
Lavi but I appreciate your humor.
Nea: Don't worry about it, kid. I've had worse reactions. Nea turns back to junior
Smolma that gets a smile!
Nea: A while. It's kind of hard to keep track
Junior: Y'know the way outta here then? Junior hopeful
Nea laugHS Nea: If I did do you think I'd still be here?
Junior okay so that's a no
Smolma holdin onto Nea/Lavi
Junior: Hell if I know why you're still here. Maybe you like it here.
Nea annnd he's not laughing anymore
Junior is kind of salty his brother is being possessed tbh
Nea: Are you serious? I haven't stopped looking since I got here.
Junior: .......
Smolma: Well, do you have a body somewhere safe? Mister.....
Junior: He said his name was Nea
Smolma: Oh! Nea
Nea nods Nea: Somewhere Nea: It's easy to get turned around in this place
Smolma: Do you know where?
Junior: Maybe you're just not good at navigation
Deak snickers
Nea frowns Nea I don't like your friends, dude
Junior is actually his identical brother not his friend and you get one you're stuck with all three kthnx
Nea: I lost track of it a couple days ago
Smolma only the one you’re possession has been my friend so far Smolma and allen Smolma: ...... Smolma: How does one do that?
Nea: It's easier just to hop around those creatures
Junior: He's probably bad at navigation
Smolma giggles
Deak: True.
Nea: Oh, shut up
Junior has been tying up his arm with his scarf while he talks Junior its not perfect but better than nothing Junior gonna need a new scarf tho
Smolma would offer to freeze the wound Smolma but doesn't know if it'd help
Junior does not want his wounds frozen and/or burned thank
Deak: cauterize it.
Junior both suck Junior: Nah
Smolma: ... Can i help in any way?
Junior: I'm fine
Deak: You're bleeding, don't be stupid.
Smolma just nods and rests on nea/lavi
Junior: Just a little~
Deak: Have Nea cauterize it.
Junior: HELL no
Nea blinks Nea looks himself over Nea I can cauterize, huh
Smolma you'll need ne afterwards nea
Junior: He probably couldn't even hit the broad side of a barn, I ain't trustin' him with it
Deak: He doesn't seem harmful.
Nea: ​Hey Nea: I'm standing right here, you know
Smolma: Making him angry won't help
Lavi you talking to me?
Junior: That's not the point, and yes I know you're standing right there Junior: Watch where you aim-- Junior wordless motioning
Smolma gets down so nea can aim
Junior: ​anything​
Nea wow they're seriously gonna let me do this huh
Smolma just sits
Junior: In fact, just don't
Lavi and if you decide to use my powers, I suggest not using it since the symbols they carved on my arms make it so they feel like they're burning after I use my powers.
Deak: Or just switch bodies again and let Lavi do it, whatever's easier.
Nea pain sounds like the opposite of I want
Nea: That's a great idea
Deak: Regardless of whatever option, cauterize it.
Junior: I don't need anything cauterized
Nea hops to Deak Nea you suggested it
Deak i dont really care, just dont hurt me and it's fine
Smolma sittin starts crawling to find allennnn
Deak cauterize it now since it's just lavi
Nea no worries there
Allen kind wandered off at this point. It's just a few feet but he's staring at the sky.
Nea why do all these redheads look the same
Smolma finds!!! allens foot!
Junior bc we're identical triplets duh
Deak we're triplets, of course
Smolma hugs his leg
Allen !!!!! COLD HANDS
Lavi give him a moment to orient himself
Deak junior already said that
Nea freaky
Smolma don't worry hes at a close to normal temprature rn Smolma since hes calm
Allen oh, cool hands then.
Smolma yeye
Deak its a natural occurence, so i don't see how
Lavi but as soon as he's good to go, he good to go, Lavi moves to Junior to cauterize his arm.
Nea you still don't see it that often
Allen: 'ello Alm.
Smolma hugging allens leggggg
Deak fair point
Smolma writes 'hi!'
Junior backs off and holds his hands up Junior: Nonononono no Junior: I'm fine
Deak stop bein' a bitch junior Deak goddamn
Nea: Just do it
Junior um excuse u Deak next time u can fight the shadow thing
Lavi: Just, bite your scarf...
Nea: It'll just slow everyone down later if you don't handle it now.
Deak i can't fight, so um no
Allen: wass goin on?
Nea foot tapping
Deak thank u nea for being more sensible than junior
Junior: We Junior: are Junior: not Junior: cauterizing
Deak j u n i o r
Lavi grabs Junior's arm carefully and brings his fingers over where the wounds are to start sealing them shut. He really doesn't wanna do this.
Smolma 'lavi's going to burn close juniors injured arm'
Lavi doesn't wanna hurt his brother with his power that he's always used to ​/protect/​ them.
Allen nods.
Deak u guys are stupid jfc hurry up Deak its just cauterizing
Nea are they always like this
Junior just clenches his teeth to muffle a strangled cry of pain oW FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC--
Deak yes
Lavi Deak, i swear to fuck, you would be screaming if it were you
Allen: do you wan, t, to cooo ih down?
Deak yes, but i would understand it was for a good cause and let it happen
Allen: the woun.
Nea it's just common knowledge I mean if he bleeds out he's gonna die and if he got an infection we'd have to take the whole arm--
Junior squirming like crazy h o l y  s h I t
Deak thats true
Lavi trying to seal them as quickly as possible.
Smolma 'when it's done
Allen: okay.
Lavi annnnnd he's done Lavi: Alma, can you come over here?
Smolma: Lavi? Can i help now?
Nea claps
Lavi: Yes
Smolma: Mhm!
Nea: Good job
Junior: Jesus Tapdancinfg fucKIng christ
Deak ..............
Smolma carefully stands and starts going over, blind
Lavi tells Alma the exact spot and height of where Deak's mouth is so he can put another ice band around his mouth to shut him up.
Smolma he does this
Junior just waving his arm ow that fucking hurts ow fuck shit god damn son of a--
Smolma finds lavis hand
Smolma: Where's juniors wound?
Lavi leads Alma to Junior and puts his hand on Junior's arm
Smolma it be ice
Deak you're a bitch lavi
Lavi: Right here
Allen just kinda sits on the dead beast nearby and watches
Smolma holds on before letting his hands get sups cold
Deak i fucking swear to every fucking god right now Deak and you fucking too alma like lol fuck off m8
Smolma then makes the arm cold but not too cold
Lavi You were both being unhelpful with the peanut gallery commentary.
Deak a n d? Deak you could have ignored us couldn't you? but nooooo you didnt Deak assholes, ugh
Lavi Be glad Nea hasn't left your body or else you'd be crying right about now
Nea I don't like this group anymore, I should just take my superior knowledge ​elsewhere
Deak fuck you
Lavi love you too, baby brother.
Junior winces okay the ice kind of helps but that all still fucking hurts
Deak and maybe if your ​superior knowledge​ helped with finding your body then you'd be free from this group Deak but it doesn't, so you aren’t
Smolma makes it a bit colder Smolma trying to control it
Allen if they iced Deak's mouth he must have really been saying some terrible things
Lavi watches Junior with worry.
Nea I mean I can just hop in the next shadow thing and vacate
Smolma snaps his fingers and the ice on deaks mouth disappears
Nea I'll find my meatsuit sooner or later
Deak you could Deak i dont care either way so Deak you do you, man
Lavi: You picked the most dramatic brother to reside in, Nea
Nea muffled grumbling
Smolma: Is this too cold junior?
Nea rubs his face. so cold.
Deak you should try and figure out how to get out of here while they're busy coddling one another, just saying
Junior: ....its fine
Allen rests his chin on his hands and closes his eyes, he kinda wanted to take a nap, maybe?
Nea thanks, captain obvious.
Junior um excuse u who was coddling who just a few hours ago Deak Junior remind me
Nea glances around the room.
Smolma: Um, should i leave frost on it so we can start moving>​ Smolma: ?
Deak shut up, arent you busy anyways
Junior sighs
Lavi squints at Deak
Deak oh, so NOW everyone wants to fucking move
Junior: Yeah... I'd like to get out of here
Smolma: It'll be harder to move, but you can still kinda move it
Deak whatever, im done talking anyways
Allen nearly falls off the beast and remembers that they were trying to get out of here. Yeah. No time for napping. He jumped off the beast and walked back to everyone.
Lavi Clearly.
Smolma nods before leaving a thin layer of frost on juniors arm
Junior: So which way we goin'? Looks like we got three options. Either... the gate ahead, assuming it'll move, or the crypt things on either side.
Smolma steps back and stands there cause he doesn't want to risk falling over something
Lavi picks Alma up and moves so that he can go towards the crypts.
Nea are you always this snappy, redhead #3
Lavi: Me and Alma will check out one of the crypts
Smolma lays on lavi
Deak yes.
Junior he is
Deak i have a very bad temper.
Junior we love him anyway
Lavi #1 most dramatic brother
Nea I like your brothers' heads better
Deak you can leave mine, i dont really care, like i said
Lavi with the most unhelpful or irritating commentary, yet I still fucking love him.
Nea: Alright, who wants to give me a lift, all this apathy is ​actually​ painful.
Junior: Deak giving you trouble? Junior grins
Deak see i dont think ​anyone​ does
Lavi: I'd let you hang with me, but you have to carry Alma.
Deak that's too bad isn't it
Junior good job little bro
Nea: I don't know how you put up with him
Junior: ......... Junior hums
Smolma: laviiii don't forget allen!
Nea jumps back to Lavi.
Allen rubs his own shoulders, especially around his neck.
Lavi: We grew up with him, plus I'm the one that mostly took care of them growing up. Don't know what the hell I did to---
Smolma dont leave his white haired friend
Nea: Oops
Lavi a little warning next time, yeah?
Smolma: Nea you need to hold allens hand
Nea Nah
Junior actually this might be good
Deak just kinda stands around for a second before continuing his walking to the crypt
Nea: What am I Nea: A mom?
Smolma: He can't hear
Junior: Oi Junior: Ghosty
Nea: I'm not a GHOST
Smolma: Yes Smolma: a mom
Junior: Yea, yea, whatever Junior: Listen up
Lavi Allen's deaf and he usually ends up sticking with me and Alma.
Nea So this one's bossy, the other one's dramatic. What does that make you.
Junior: Unless you really, really need to, like life and death need to, do not use any o' my brothers powers... and try not to let him use it unless absolutely necessary either
Lavi Hm...not sure.
Deak: Hurry up, we're splitting up right?
Junior: He's fire's got a recoil now, and it'll hurt him, so try not to use it
Deak: I'm going on ahead.
Nea gives a sarcastic two finger salute Nea: You got it.
Junior squints
Lavi at least one of them cares about what the hell my powers do to me. [very flat tone]
Junior I'm-watching-you motion before he turns after Deak
Allen: Alm. Can I 'ave anoth'r ice hube? A small one.
Deak leave into the crypt bc yall are slow
Smolma nods before motioning him to come over
Deak leaves
Nea is so not thrilled about being a baby sitter
Smolma a lil ice cube grows in his palm
Allen walks over to Alma and holds out his hand.
Junior um excuse u u are not going off by yourself Deak Junior is following right behind him
Smolma puts it in allens hand
Lavi Sorry.
Nea grabs Allen by the wrist because apparently he has to be a guide now.
-- -- the crypts on both sides as you enter them are very dark at first, but there's a light further down. As you go, it looks to be a wall-mounted torch bolted in, and the halls leading into the ground fork in separate directions
Allen pops ice cube into mouth. Allen looks to Lavi, he seemed angry?
Junior mmmm maybe they should've brought Allen with them now that he thinks about it
Junior: ....so... Junior: which way do you think we should go? Junior: Left or right?
Nea drags his 'crew' along
Lavi Ease up there. You're guiding him, not drag Allen, Nea. Allen why was Lavi holding him so hard? He walks closer so he's practically stepping on his shoes, and looks around alarmed.
Nea glances at Allen
Smolma writes in the air 'the ghost is possessing him allen'
Deak shrugs
Nea: So he can't hear anything? At all?
Lavi He's deaf.
Smolma 'the nea ghost' Smolma: Nope
Deak: Right? Deak: Or I'll go right you go left?
Allen blinks at Lavi. Was he trying to say something to someone behind him? He looked away in the direction and then looked back, confused
-- -- the halls of the crypt are just wide enough to walk single file
Allen wait, a ghost?
Junior: hmmm...
Allen: Who...?
Junior: I don't like the idea of splitting u-- Junior oh
Smolma 'Nea!"
Junior ponders
Nea who decided it'd be a good idea to let the man who lost track of his body lead people
Junior: We don't have to go different directions!
Lavi Well, I can guide you from in here. Lavi if you want.
Junior: You can stick with me, and still check out the other pathway
Deak: ...What.
Nea ​Fine.
Deak did not follow
Junior drags a hand down his face
Allen: oh. 'Ello Nea...?
Junior: ...you can be in multiple places at once, 'member?
Nea raises an eyebrow at Allen while they walk
Deak o shit u rite
Nea sort of waves a little
Junior: So you stick with me and one of your copies checks out the other way
Lavi Hm... Go left.
Allen waves back.
Lavi Deak's ability would sure be handy about now.... -sighs-
Deak: Alright, sounds good!
Allen Nea weren't hostile, so that was okay.
Nea: Lavi says we should go left, so remember to blame him and not me if this goes poorly
Lavi Wow. Lavi Says the guy who couldn't make up his mind.
Junior: So we'll go... right, and the copy will go left, I guess
Nea shut up.
Smolma 'lavi said to go left, #blamelavi if wrong'
Deak makes a duplicate self and sends the duplicate to the left bye bye self Deak: Okay, let's go then.
Junior nods and follows Deak down the right pathway
Lavi: || I thought for a moment that Deak would go left and the duplicate would go with Junior Lavi: || Since he wants to be on his own so much xD
Nea honestly feels like he's leading schoolchildren while taking them to the left
Junior: r u kidding Junior ain't letting the original be on his own in dangerous territory xD }
Allen gives Nea a dull look but ok
Deak rip u nea
Smolma its not their fault nea
Junior: He's gotta protect the baby bro B) }
-- -- the passageways of the crypt are narrow, just wide enough for single-file. They don't go straight for very long, turning, and turning again, and seeming to double back without much rhyme nor reason to their direction. Most of the place is dark but every so often you find torches on the wall
Junior: ......... Junior: The amount of turns in this place is ridiculous
Allen being dragged in a single file line hurrah
Nea nobody is happy about this situation
Deak: Well, it's the same in the other hallway too, so we'll just have t keep turning I suppose.
Lavi Hey, can you let me take control and still share head space with me?
Nea just keeps glancing around like he's expecting the worst
Junior: ......... Juniorsquints
Nea ...Probably. Why? You're not exactly missing much.
Junior: I feel like Junior: we're running a rat maze Junior: and there better be cheese at the end of it
Lavi Yeah, I know, but at least you won't be irritated with leading Allen around or carrying Alma.
Junior not like literal cheese he's speaking figuratively
Allen wants to hum and sing but his throat's still kinda sore...
Deak: I can make another of me to send backwards and see what happens. Maybe we'll run into one another eventually.
Smolma writes 'need more ice?'
Deak it would be funny
Junior: Maybe...
Lavi: || Isn't Deak gonna start feeling the backfire of his powers soon? o:
-- -- somewhere you all hear a dull CLICK and something heavy scraping -- --: oh he will B) }
Deak: no never hes 2 go-- ] Deak: wow rude ]
Nea Fi--
-- --: He hasn't used them much up to this point tho like Lavi has }
Lavi What was that.
Nea pauses
Allen: I would lihe' hat.
Smolma flinches at the sound
Nea: Shh.
-- -- actually make that a lot of heavy somethings scraping
Deak just keeps walking
Smolma: .....
Nea puts his hand over Allen's mouth
Lavi Switch with me. Switch with me right now.
Nea tries to figure out where that noise is coming from
Junior: ....you hearing that too or am I just crazy?
Nea ​Hold on
-- -- its coming from everywhere, technically
Deak: Hmm, no I heard it too.
-- -- not like all at once but interchangably
Deak: And twice.
Smolma hands allen another piece of ice so he can use his power better
Junior: ....and three times Junior: I hear a lot of it
Nea grabs Allen's wrist again and starts walking faster
: There's no point in just standing around. Let's keep going.
Allen nods and takes the ice. He pops the ice into his mouth as they walk faster
Junior sighs and follows
Deak: As far as I'm concerned, the other me is still alright so it's fine at the moment.
Junior: Yeah you're right
Nea: Whatever that sound is, I don't like it.
-- -- and a wall starts sliding out right where Allen and Lavi/Nea's hands are joined to try and make another wall between them now
Lavi !!! Lavi ​!!!!!!!!!!​
Deak lavi use ur words
-- -- nope sorry the wall is coming in too fast to squeeze through this is a narrow passage
Lavi Shit, ALLEN!
-- -- better move your arm before it gets caught
Nea yeah no okay sorry kid you're on your own
Smolma screeches
Nea lets go and side shuffles
Deak bye allen
Smolma: ALLEN?!
Allen well shit. Pulls his hand away quickly after slamming into wall
Smolma whats going on?!
-- --: lbh here, the real victims are everyone's arms in this lmfao }
Allen: ((rip arms, literally))
-- -- and the wall slides into place, separating Allen from the rest
Junior: like literally }
Smolma his heads whipping around and op his bodys getting colder naow
Nea shakes Alma a little Nea: Don't start freaking out now, it's time to go
Deak dont shake a baby nea
Junior: ........
Deak smh
Junior: ...though I heard somethin' else
Nea don't boss me around
Smolma op that made him disoriented
Junior strains to hear but there's just lots of scraping
Deak: What?
Junior: ...dunno Junior: An echo?
Smolma but he just nods still worried
Junior: ...better not be more damn shadow things
Allen well he's gonna press against the wall to try to budge it and then scream to try to move it back.
-- -- and the scraping stops
Deak: Well, it's probably still fine.
-- -- it quiet now
Lavi Quietly worrying inside his own head.
Deak: ...
Junior: ....it stopped
Nea is only really concerned about these noises Lavi is worried about his brothers.
Junior: ...think the others are okay? Junior is mostly thinking of Lavi tbh
Deak: .... Deak: I'm sure they're fine.
Nea How important is this kid to your group
Allen since there was no response from the walls he walks back from where he came.
Deak: We haven't the time to just stop, so just keep walking.
Lavi He's important.
Nea frowns
Junior: ....I.... don't like it down here
Lavi His powers are helpful against the shadows and he helps me when my powers backfire.
Deak: Neither do I, but just don't focus on that and keep walking.
Nea grabs alma's wrist and starts walking again
Junior: I'm not saying to not go forward, but maybe we backtrack a bit
Deak stops and turns to look at junior Deak: Why backtrack?
Junior: Or at least send a copy back, I dunno?
Deak: I can send a copy back, but I don't think backtracking is smart.
Junior: Fair enough
Smolma yelps before following after Nea
Junior mumbles just doesn't like splitting up with Lavi like this tbh they should have all stuck together
Deak sighs and makes another copy that goes back the way they came
Lavi Nea, don't drag him. I get that you're annoyed with the situation but scaring Alma with rough treatment isn't the way to go about this.
Smolma hes scared, but does his best to keep calm
Deak: Okay, let's keep goin' now? Or d'you need to rest?
Junior: No, I'm fine. I can rest when we get out of here. Junior motions Junior: After you
Nea I'm barely touching him.
Deak: Okay.
Nea Besides, we have to ​move
Smolma but hes more scared that nea will leave him
Deak turns around and continues walking
Nea: Stay as close as you can without tripping me
Lavi I know that but you could tell him, nicely, to walk faster.
-- -- if you backtrack, you'll find that the pathway is no longer the same one your original followed in. Shortly after, there's another CLICK and the scraping starts up again
Nea: I'm ​not​ getting an arm stuck in one of those walls.
Junior: ...there it is again
Lavi Maybe you should carrying him on our back. The passage doesn't seem that narrow.
Deak: Wait, it changed?
Junior: Huh?
Smolma: O-okay, I'll try
Nea makes an annoyed noise
Junior: What did?
Deak is confused
Lavi sighs.
Deak: The path, it changed?
Nea You know what? ​You​ handle it.
Junior: .....
Lavi Sure.
Nea shoves Lavi to the forefront of their head
Smolma Nea hates him...
Lavi: Woah
Allen sings softly to himself because he's in a small dark hallway that can crush him. He's hella nervous.
Lavi: At least I got a warning that time.
Allen: iiii beeen... working... on the ralroad... alll the yive-yong yayyy...~♪
Junior: Are you sure?
Lavi stops walking and turns to kneel down in front of Alma. Lavi: Hey, Alma, Nea's taking a break
Smolma stops since nea? did.
Deak: Yeah, I memorized the path we took so it should have been the same but it's definitely not.
Smolma: ...o-oh
-- -- aaand a wall just behind Junior moves to cut them off from the path they came from
Junior: ........
Smolma yup nea hates him
Junior: Oh shi-- Junior: That's what that was
Lavi: Wanna get on my back?
Deak: ................... Deak: I guess that means... no turning back?
Smolma: Sure....
Lavi: That way we won't get separated
Nea Don't stop moving. Who knows what's going to happen next.
Lavi turns around.
Junior: ....not the way we came in at least...
Lavi: Climb on, quick.
Deak: ...Even so, both of the other mes are still alright, so it should be... fine?
Smolma quickly climbs on
Deak: Let's just keep going.
Lavi I had to stop to let him on my back. Lavi quickly starts walking in the direction they were going, taking long strides.
Deak just continues to walk forward
Junior: Right
Smolma rests chin on lavis shoulder
Junior follows close behind Deak
Lavi softly hums under his breath. Nea is all sorts of restless
Allen stops singing after a basic song and crosses his arms, just keep walking, just keep walking, just keep walking walking walking walking
Smolma: Mh sorry, i didn't mean to go so slow
Lavi: Don't worry about it. Nea's just not good at this whole guiding thing.
Junior is determined not ot get separated or have anything bad happen
Nea Oh, shut up.
-- -- a wall comes up ahead and behind Lavi and them. One to their side opens up.
Lavi Stops walking for a moment
Allen feels so fckin lost and lonely right now lmao
Lavi: Okay then, guess it wants me to go this way... Lavi goes down the newly opened path cautiously
Nea stay alert. Anything it wants you to do is probably a bad idea.
Lavi I'm well aware of that...
Smolma holds a hand out a bit
Lavi worried about his brothers and Allen.
Smolma ice knife grows in it just in case Smolma but hes worried about allen too since hes alone
-- -- @Deak you start to notice a radiating sting in your hands that's starting to snake its way slowly up your arms. Its dull for now, but steadily pulsing a little bit worse as time goes on
Nea is mostly just worried about getting out of this hallway
Deak: rUDE ]
Lavi Were you alone when you woke in this place? Or was there someone else with you?
Deak ignores it and just keeps swimm-- i mean walking Deak: i am fEELING ATTACKED RN ] Deak: i jUST CAME OUT TO HAVE A GODMOD TIME ]
Nea There was a whole group with me
-- -- the scraping stops. for now.
Junior: lmfao }
Lavi Friends? ......Family?
Deak: That's really annoying.
Junior: ....I feel like we're going in circles...
Deak: What if we tried going backwards now?
Junior: I don't know, maybe?
Deak: Let's just attempt it.
Nea Doesn't matter, they're gone now.
Junior: I'm guessing your copies didn't find a way out yet...
Deak: Go and I'll be right behind you.
Lavi sighs and breathes fire a little bit
Junior: Alright
Deak: ...No, they didn't.
Junior takes the lead, grumbling under his breath Junior: ...this was probably a bad idea
Deak follows right after Deak: Everything here is a bad idea, to be fair.
Junior: I mean I'm used to running around tight tunnels but this is crazy, the ones I go through don't usually CHANGE
Allen claps his hands while he walks
Deak: Well, we just gotta deal.
Junior sighs Junior: yeah
Lavi keeps walking at a fast pace. Lavi: You okay, little guy?
-- -- the scraping begins again
Deak: ............
Junior: Oh, great...
Smolma: I'm.... I'm okay
Deak: That's really annoying when you hear it from three separate places.
Smolma: Let's keep going
Junior: ....it is
Deak sighs
-- -- also the moving walls might've just caught one of the copies woops shoulda moved faster
Deak: Wa--
Deak: ........................​.
Allen puts his hands against the wall, he could kinda feel it vibrating. Whoah. Weird. He returns to clapping his hands in different rythmns
Deak: Oh that's not good.
Junior: .............
Junior: What's not good?
Deak: Other me got crushed by a wall.
-- -- in other news, a wall opens up to reunite Allen with Lavi and company
Junior: ............... Junior: Oh Junior: Shit
Deak: Poor other me.............
Junior: So... we gotta be careful Junior: Are you okay though?
Deak: I'm wounded dearly from the bottom of my heart. Deak: He was a good soldier until his final moments. Deak: Being crushed by a wall was no death he deserved.
Junior pets the bro
Deak wipes away a fake tear
Lavi perks up Lavi: Allen! Lavi 'Allen!'
Junior is a little bit anxious though that could've been the original Deak
Smolma perks!! Smolma Allens okay?!
Allen Almost passes it, but a casual glance back makes him stop. He immediately runs over to the others with a relieved grin.
Deak im the original dont say that
Lavi grins back at Allen
Deak: Let's just... keep moving.
Junior: ....okay... so we have to try and get outta here fast as we can
Lavi 'You're not hurt, right?'
Junior starts moving Junior: stay close
Allen shakes head.
Deak follows quickly
Smolma holds allens shoulder with none ice knife hand
Allen: Are you ok?
Lavi 'Good, let's keep moving. Oh, and Nea's taking a break right now so he's just....chilling in my head?'
Smolma nods
Lavi starts walking again before sending back a quick 'stay close, don't wanna get separated again.'
Allen squeezes Alma's hand with his and then follows Lavi.
Nea 'Chilling'
Lavi: This tunnel just really likes being a nuisances.
Deak ew being crushed was terrible and i just thought about it
Lavi Well, it was either that or sulking.
Junior just try not to think about it bro
Deak ewewew Deak no its too late Deak now im thinking about it
Nea I'm not sulking.
Lavi adjusts Alma on his back a bit.
Junior just breathe and focus on something else
Lavi Brooding then.
Nea I just don't like dealing with liabilities.
Deak no it was gross Deak i didnt see you get crushed Deak no it was me and it was terrible Deak i feel sick oh god it was just
Smolma: ouch))
Lavi dead silence in his mind enough to chill.
Junior bro do you need a hug or
Deak nO DO NOT TOUCH Me Deak im ok just keep walking Deak as long as other me doesnt get crushed im fine
-- --: :3c }
Nea isn't taking that back
Deak: d O NOT ]
-- --: :3c }
Deak: s t op ]
Junior okay okay Junior keeps moving
Lavi So I guess, if, say, one of your companions or a family member were trapped here with you and were blind. You wouldn't like dealing with them?
-- --: "stop" what? I haven't done anything }
Lavi So you'd just leave them?
Smolma least im trapped in someone elses body Smolma not helping at all
Lavi What if that person were a sibling or a close friend? Still gonna ditch them because they're a liability?
Deak follows a little more lethargically
-- --: I'm thinking about things tho :3c }
Nea Would you shut up?
Deak: s quint s ]
-- --: I didn't say what kind of things exactly tho }
Deak: s quints  ] Deak: what kind of things exactly :3c ]
-- --: things }
Lavi Oh, am I annoying you? So sorry that you're not happy with this situation that we're /​all​/ in.
Allen when will this place end
-- --: things that I had planned and have been foiled and trying to figure out how to do anyway lAUGHS }
Deak: squints x4 ]
-- -- a wall comes out almost right about when Junior is about to get there
Junior really quickly backtracks
Nea All I'm doing is being REALISTIC. Someone gets hurt, or needs help-- Other's get hurt trying to protect them. And then it just ​/repeats/.
Junior: shIT that was close
Deak slaMS INTO JUNIOR bc not paying attention
Junior ooOOF
Junior aaand he had a meeting with the wall anyway
Deak: S-Sorry! Deak rip junior i am so sorry
Junior kind of
Lavi And maybe we'll need their power to get the fuck out of here and then they're dead because we decided to leave them simply because they're a 'liability'.
Nea Did I fucking ​/say/​ we're going to leave them for dead?
Junior: Its fine
Lavi I'm being realistic as well, Nea.
Junior sighs Junior: Not going this way I guess
Lavi You /​sound/​ like you wanna leave them for dead.
Nea I said I don't LIKE it.
Lavi You rather not deal with them and just let them fed for themselves, which would end badly.
Nea And I don't
Deak: So turning around again?
Junior frustrated growliing Junior: Doesn't look like we have much choice...
Deak: The other one of me is fine still, so we just have to try and follow whatever path as best as we can.
Junior: Yeah...
Deak turns around and begins to walk the other way agAIN Deak: Just keep up.
Lavi Well put your big boy pants on, Nea. You're gonna have to deal with it.
-- -- aand a wall comes up just in front of Lavi
Deak rip lavi
Lavi stops and turns on his shoulders so he hits that instead. Lavi: Rude, Wall.
Nea Ugh
Lavi: I was walkin'
Nea Put the kid down and turn us around.
Deak why did you capitalize wall
Junior b/c clearly he was addressing THAT wall specifically
Allen was daydreaming so he walks into Lavi
Junior: Not too hard t' keep up
Lavi exactly what Junior said.
Deak: Are you sayin' 'm slow?
Junior: ............ Junior squints Junior: .....
Nea You can coddle him again once we're facing the right way
Junior: ...slower than usual...
Nea These halls are too damn tight.
Allen: 'orry.
Deak: This is my normal pace, bro. Deak: Rude as heck.
Junior: No you're definitely going slower
Deak: I'm definitely not.
Allen turns around and walks in the other direction.
Junior: Definitely are.
Deak: Not.
Junior: Are.
Deak: Not.
Junior: Are.
Deak: NOT.
Junior: ARE.
Deak speeds up his walking then >:I Deak: THERE.
Junior: I never thought I'd see the day they pulled this argument xD } Junior: ......
Deak: s a me ]
Lavi He's /​blind/​, Nea, his powers react with his emotions from what I've seen so far. It'd be bad if it got out of control because he got scared.
Junior: Its a good day to be alive B) }
Deak returns back to his "normal" pace
Lavi: I'm gonna put you down really quick, Alma, the hall's too narrow for me to turn around with you on my back.
Nea wishes he had eyes to roll
Deak that walking was too much effort
Smolma just nods
Lavi I wonder if I could put you in a mental box.
Nea Don't even try it
Lavi crouches down to let Alma down before moving so he's on the side of him quick before crouching down again.
-- -- aaaand up goes a wall between Lavi and Alma woops
Smolma gets down
: Shit!
Deak oh dang
-- --: :3c }
Deak mumbles not
-- --: Sorry what were we talking about, something about getting scared }
Allen: ((o shit))
Junior mumbles are
Nea Well that's ​/unfortunate/.
Deak n o t
Junior a.r.e.
Lavi mentally swearing in multiple languages while mentally throwing a bar at Nea Lavi runs to go catch up with Allen
Deak: Am not.
Allen lmao this snowy boi didn't even notice
Lavi spots Allen and grabs is shoulder
: are too.
Allen stops and turns back to Lavi.
Smolma tenses wayyyy up
Allen: Where Alm...?
Deak: Wait, were we saying are or am........?
Lavi 'Alma's gone! The wall split us up'
Smolma: L-lavi.... Allen?
Deak: I forgot.
Smolma theres no reply
Junior: You were using "am" and I was using "are".
Lavi: || Guess this castle is gonna become a winter ice land now
Deak: Right I was right okay.
Smolma his side of the wall becomes much colder
Smolma: yup))
Junior: Yep~
Deak: I'm tired'a walkin' ugh.
Allen his eyes widen, he takes a deep breath in and out, he looks behind Lavi as if to hope he was walking down the hall
Smolma quickly starts pounding on the wall
Junior: Smolma's gonna become ElSmolma }
Deak: l eave ]
Smolma: yUP)) Smolma: SHIVASMOL))
Junior: n oPE }
Lavi: || The snow glows white in the castle tonight
Nea Keep moving.
Smolma op nows theres frost slowly starts spreading across the walls
Allen: ... 'eep goin. e'll meet up.
Lavi Oh, you're still present.
Smolma keep moving, just. keep. moving
Lavi 'We have to keep moving, we'll run into him like we did you.' He hopes.
Nea Walk or I'll walk for you.
Allen hopefully he would. Nods and keeps walking forward.
Lavi Shut UP
Junior: ....y'know...
Smolma though hes scared, terrified really, he turns before quickly walking the other way, using the wall to guide him
Junior: that scraping is goin' on for an awfully long amount of time
Lavi walks as well, he's taking long strides so he's gonna end up passing Allen
Deak: Yeah? Deak: It's kinda dull noise now, but I guess so.
-- -- you mean he's going to end up goosing Allen b/c these passages are narrow
Allen the wall's too narrow to pass, Allen ends up increasing his own pace to a semi-jog
Junior: Might just be getting used to it? Doesn't sound any more dull to me...
Lavi ‘Ah, hold on, let me squeeze through to get in front of you.’
Smolma just clutches his ice knife tighter, all while hes shaking
: No, I think I'm more focused on remembering my fake organs being crushed actually.
: ...............
Deak laug h s Deak does not think its funny
Allen: op' over.
Junior: Deak, you doing okay?
Allen crouches
Deak: Yep!
Lavi hops the fuck over and starts walking hella fast again
Deak: Other than me not wanting to walk. Deak: But that's normal.
Allen jogs behind Lavi
Junior: ....then.... I'll carry you, so we can get the hell out of here
Deak: There's no room.
-- -- mmmm woops and there went the other copy
Deak: ........................​........................​..........
Junior: We can make it work, I think Junior: ......you okay?
Deak is not okay™ Deak: Yeah! I'm! Totally cool!
Junior: .......
Deak walks faster gotta go fast
Junior: You don't sound totally cool Junior follows after Deak wow someone lit a fire under his ass and it wasn't Lavi for once
Nea Walk faster. There has to be an exit somewhere. Smolma ohhhh hes shaking
Lavi I'm walking as fast as I can, if I start jogging I'd leave Allen behind.
Deak hyperventilating in small spaces is bad so calm down Deak: Okay, okay, so there's an exit somewhere right?
-- -- a wall springs up in front of Deak
Deak: We're not stuck yeah?
Smolma all while on the verge of tears
Junior: ...I--
Junior: You okay?
-- -- also a wall springs up just ahead of Alma
Deak just kinda l augh s Deak staggers for a second ow
Lavi: || lAUGHING
Smolma slAMS INTO IT
Deak: U GO LAUghS ]
Smolma falls back with a yelp
Smolma: HE IS BLIND))
-- -- to be fair its hella dark in most of the maze
Deak: I-It's okay, let's just go somewhere it's fine.
-- -- except those few places where there's torches
Deak: Your way, go your way-
Smolma whimpering, he carefully gets back up and goes the other way
Allen is gonna trip over Alma lol
Lavi lights a small flame in his hand to see better
Junior: Okay...
Smolma as he walks, those walls are getting frozen
Junior turns to go the other way
Deak follows after junior quickly again
-- -- another wall comes up in front of Junior after a few turns
Junior: fuCK
Deak: ......................
Allen yeah he's still following Lavi
Nea is just getting more and more restless
Deak: I'm going to scream.
Junior: Okay, there's gotta be another branching path from here... Junior: Between where we were and are
Smolma ice shards are forming on the now frozen walls
Nea ...What's your name again?
Lavi Lavi.
Deak: Lavi Lavi ]
Lavi: || Lavi Love
Junior: So let's try to find another way
Nea And the other's? I never got a formal introduction
Lavi The first you possessed was my younger brother, Junior. The dramatic one was Deak, he's the baby brother.
Deak: Okay, what if I leave a copy here to see what happens when we walk back? The path keeps changing, right?
Junior: .......
Junior: I... don't think that's a good idea Junior: I mean, if something happens to it.....
Lavi Allen is the deaf one, he has sound telekinesis. Alma is the blind one with Ice Illusions and manipulation.
Deak: It's fine. Plus, what if the path is changing when we walk back to where we don't see?
Junior: You see and kind of feel the same thing, right?
Lavi Icarus is the one with the messed up wings.
Deak: Don't worry, it's just one. It won't hurt anything.
Nea And you have fire.
Junior: If you say so...
Lavi Yes. Deak can multiply and Junior used to have a tail that was his talisman to be able to shift into an animal.
Deak makes another duplicate to just kinda sit and wait there before turning to walk back
Lavi But they chopped it off.
Deak: Okay, let's go ​back​ again~
Junior follows after Deak shit shit they should not have come down here
Nea Sounds painful.
-- -- @Lavi/Nea feel free to slip on the icy floors any time
Smolma now the floors getting frozen from his steps
Allen is gonna slip on the ice and grab the wall
Lavi almost slips as well and barely catches himself with the walls. Lavi: Shit.
Smolma alma was there
-- -- @Deak there's a turn coming up somewhere on your left that wasn't there before
: A new path?
Lavi: Shot in the dark Lavi: Alma?
Junior: Looks like Junior runs a hand through his hair Junior: Let's hope THIS one leads somewhere
Allen: *calls* 'LIMA! ALMA!
Lavi keeps walking, trying not to slip on ice.
Deak: Wait maybe I should just-
Lavi: || Lima
Junior: lima }
Nea: || lima
Smolma: alma is now lima))
Nea: | lima bean
Allen: ((lima bean yes))
Smolma: i mean he smol enough ))
Junior: "should just"?
Deak makes one more duplicate to stay put at the new turn
Junior oh that
Nea: || deaks just droppin duplicates like breadcrumbs
Junior: seems like lmao }
Deak: thumbs up at bread ]
Lavi: || he must be feeling the pain
Deak: oh shit ] Deak: i forgot he had a potato ]
Junior: xD } Junior: of all the things to think about } Junior: You choose the potato }
Deak: does the potato also duplicate tho ]
Junior: uh??? I don't think so??? }
Deak: rEGARDLESS when youre crushed by walls three different times im p sure u kno ur in pain ]
Deak: and dang so its just w/ original that sucks ]
Junior: xD }
Deak: imagine six times the potato ]
Junior: maybe if he did something special to it idk }
Allen: ((get m a s h e d )))
-- -- op and there went another duplicate. The further away one.
Deak: wOW UNCOOL ]
Lavi: || rip to the duppy
Deak: so much for tHAT IDEA ]
-- -- also there seems to be a lot more scraping sounds than before
Junior: duppy } Junior: ....uh...
Smolma its getting harder to keep moving
Junior: why are the scraping sounds getting more numerous?
Allen quickly learns how to skate without skates. Brrr, btw
Lavi: || got lazy
Deak just gonna not die through that pain and being crushed a fourth or fifth time he forgot
Lavi: || didn't wanna write it all so duppy
Deak: Let's go, just move.
Junior: ...I'd say... Junior: Lets move fast
Deak turns the corner and just,,, moves fast
Smolma his entire body begins to tremble
Deak: That's... probably a smart idea.
Smolma small shards of ice begins to grow on his skin
-- -- btw that more numerous scraping sound is on Lavi's/Nea's/Allen's/Alma's side too
Junior follows behind fast Junior: I have my moments
Deak snickers
Lavi is just ignoring the scraping sounds.
Nea What do you think's at the end of this?
Deak: At least now we know not to enter crypts?
Lavi is actually melting the ice with each step he takes so... Lavi More fucked up shit.
Junior: ...this isn't a typical crypt
-- -- should find Alma near another wall-mounted torch fairly soon
Smolma lavi must be in pain cause the walls and floor are covered in ice
Allen decides to just use his arms to push himself forward, using his feet to just slide. This would be kind of fun under different circumstances. He ends up tripping on lavi's footprints though so he just hops into each once instead.
Deak: Hmm, true~
-- -- Deak and Junior should be passing up a torch about now too
Smolma just chokes out a sob
Nea Your brother told me not to let you use your powers
Lavi it doesn't take too much effort to give out more heat than to use his fire. Lavi Yeah, well. Too bad.
Smolma tentitively forces himself to move again
-- -- aaaand a wall comes up just ahead of Deak and Junior
Deak: Are we able to take the torch or is it stuck?
Lavi: Alma?
-- -- the torch is stuck
Lavi calling out some more to see if he's nearby
Deak lame Deak laME x2
Junior: damn it!
Deak: .....Another wall.
Junior: Its like the thing fucking knows where we're trying to go
Smolma covers his ears as he hears that voice scream in his head
Deak slides to the ground and just stays there Deak: I'm done. Deak: I'm going to die right here, I'm not moving.
Allen just keep joggin'.
-- -- and in the place where that wall came up, another one comes up again just a little closer. And then another one after that.
Junior: Um, no, we are not giving up! Junior: I'm not letting you give up!
Lavi: || At least it's just moving walls and corridors changing and not trap doors B)
Deak already gave up
Junior: B) }
Lavi: || B)
Allen: (( 'o'))
Junior: Deak, y'can't just give up, we just go back, and try again until somethin' fucking works
Deak: I'll just be crushed like the rest of me, it's okay, I've felt it seven times anyways.
Junior: No it is certainly NOT okay
-- -- and a wall comes up from the other side they came from now -- -- woops
Junior: ......
Junior: fu
Deak lauGHS
Junior: cking Junior: shit
Deak: We're dead now.
Lavi is a little fed up and uses his flames to send a long tendril of flames ahead of him along the path. It stings a bit.
Deak just covers his face and laughs this is fine™
-- -- btw the other crypt maze should be experiencing something kind-of the same tbh -- -- walls closing in and all that jazz
Smolma op that flame barely misses alma, making him scream
Junior is just looking back and forth fuck fuck there's no other passage
Lavi stops walking because of a fucking wall Smolma ohhh hes trapped hes teapped Smolma just slowly slides down the wall and starts crying Smolma ice spikes growin all around him
: I'm hating this place more and more
Junior just laughs a little and sinks down next to Deak
Nea is it possible to hyperventilate in someone's head becau se
Lavi rubs hands together because it's time to bring the heat. Lavi Hopefully you won't feel this too much.
Allen backs off from Lavi oh boy walls closing in
Junior: ....this is not how I pictured dying
Smolma by now the spikes are pillars
Deak: If it helps, it'll hurt a lot?
Junior: ....it doesn't help, but thanks for the warning anyway Junior: .....d'you think that....?
Junior: .......... Junior: Nevermind
Smolma: goood thing that ice was up))
Smolma: its so cold it withstood that blast, or else it'd be kentucky fried smol))
Junior is just gonna snuggle up to Deak's side and wait for death haha Junior: I love you, bro
Lavi and that's a really hot beam
Smolma why was there weight against his pillars?
Junior: Like one comes up, then another flush against it, et cetera } Junior: I'm not good at explaining things I guess xD }
Lavi: || But shouldn't it come down like after a few of the walls are up in front of them? Giving a fighting chance if they have some strong power? Lavi: || Like centipede-ish effect
-- --: MMMM NOPE }
Smolma: yeah having them all die by wall seems sudden))
-- --: There is absolutely a way out of this but that isn't it B) }
Lavi: || trap door >​_>​
-- --: Mmmmm close }
Deak: just accept ur fates and die like deak and junior ]
Lavi has to stop because it hurts too much and leans against the wall gasping while clutching his hands close.
Smolma bet you want alma there now nea you jerk
Nea has shoved himself as far back in lavi's head as he can Nea yeS HE DOES ACTUALLY
Lavi: || You mean, accept their fate without fighting or even thinking of their beloved older brother in their final moments.
Junior: yea that } Junior: xD }
Lavi: || You know, the brother who TOOK CARE OF YOU TWO AND NOW YOU'RE JUST IGNORING, DEAK?
Deak: yes exactly ]
Lavi: || wow, one of these days, he's gonna stop caring.
Smolma more and more of his ice begins to stab the walls and floor
Deak: wow ]
Smolma its becoming violent
Deak: i am hurt : ( ]
Lavi: || Lavi's hurt
Nea Come on, come ON! There has to be ​SOMETHING
Junior: Junior thought about it but he didn't bring it up b/c he didn't want to make things even more depressing lol }
Lavi: || mentally and phsyically B(
Deak: deak is also hurt ] Deak: also mentally and physically ] Deak: i didnt see lavi get crushed by walls seven times ] Deak: s m h ]
Junior: That was his "...do you think....? ........nevermind..." xD }
Lavi: || You're the one who kept leaving so many behind
Junior: tru }
-- --: :3c }
Smolma as hes sobbing, the entire halls beginning to have spikes shoot up from the ground
Lavi: || Kit's merciless, you should've known
Deak: i should have ] Deak: s m h @ self ]
Lavi slides down the wall and curls up a bit
-- --: You know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result }
Nea Get UP
Lavi in his possible final moments, he's hoping that Deak, Junior and Alma are okay. ( Mostly his brothers though. Sorry Alma. )
Smolma wow Smolma thanks Smolma always knew he was the one everyone would perfer died
Lavi ( At least he looks out for you and you actually appreciate him. )
Nea makes a frustrated noise
Deak stands up again and just looks around Deak: There's gotta be somethin' we can do to not die...
Smolma that may lessen since hes the one alone and no one really cares about
Junior just leans on Deak. Least he'll get to spend his last moments with one of his brothers. Both would be nice. Or, y'know, not dying. Not dying would be ni--
Smolma out..... let me out
Nea shoves Lavi back because if you one move then he'll have to
Lavi You're gonna hurt a lot if you switch with me now.
Smolma those ice shards are stabbing harder
Nea I'd rather hurt then fucking /​die/.
Smolma oh look, hes damaging the walls
Lavi Give me a moment to fucking recover from the crippling pain, ass hat, there's no way OUT THAT I CAN SEE I JUST MADE A HOLE IN THE WALL AND IT GOT COVERED BY ANOTHER WALL.
Deak: Junior, get up 'n do somethin'
Lavi ​FINE​
-- -- @Deak/Junior the walls close in from both sides aaand... stop at the edges where the light from the torch starts
Deak: ................What.
Smolma shakily stands
Nea retakes contro-- ​/hooooly shit/ Nea curls in on himself Nea: ​FFFFUCK.
Lavi Enjoying yourself?
Deak was it
Junior: ............
Smolma holds his hands up against the wall right infront of him
Deak too hot
Lavi Get up and do something, Nea.
Deak: Hey, we're alive.
Smolma a hug pillar that dented that door way back when begins forming above his head Smolma streeetchhing down the hall
Nea presses his back against the wall and struggles (really struggles) to his feet
: We are?
: Yeah, it stopped.
Lavi still hissing in pain himself, he still feels it, damn.
Smolma that halls temp near him is wayyy below zero
Deak: We weren't crushed by walls for an eighth time! Deak: Er... well... first for you.
-- -- @Alma the walls are still coming up but they're getting partly jammed by the ice in the way
Nea clenches his jaw shut tight and starts look around for ​anything​ of use.
Deak: Regaaaaardless, let's figure out the way outta here.
Junior: ....why did it stop this time?
Smolma more ice forms to pust them down
Nea knows it's probably useless but he's not gonna just sit around
Smolma oh look, some frost touches the tips of nea/lavi's fingers thats on the wall
Deak: It looks like the light from the torch has something to do with it? Deak: At least, that's where it stopped.
Junior glances up at the torch
Lavi too bad we don't feel the cold thanks to my powers....
-- -- its not really a door its a wall lo
Nea more like his forearm, since his hands are too wrecked to touch anything right now
Deak: Maybe we can... pull the torch or something?
Junior: Maybe? Junior picks self off the floor and pulls on the torch
Smolma fine, ice forms on nea/lavi
Lavi I fucking hate this.
-- -- there's a Click and the torch moves off the wall just a little, then the wall where the torch is mounted starts sliding back to form a hall
Nea: I don't... I don't see anything.
Deak blinks
Lavi: || I don't think Nea/Lavi are near a torch xD
-- --: I did mention they'd find Alma near a torch X3 }
Deak: just conveniently put a torch there ] Deak: ;' ) ]
Smolma accidentally places his hand on torch
Lavi: || But the wall thing happened and I thought they were separated again Lavi: || like, blocked off
Smolma op it slips down
Lavi: || because of the damn walls
-- --: no the wall was ahead of where Alma was and behind where Lavi/Nea and Allen were XD }
Nea: || O Nea: || that makes... more sense
Lavi: || I'm usually good at keeping up but gd
-- --: its probably my fault lbh here xD }
Deak: Well, lets go!
Junior shrugs Junior follows the hall what have they got to lose at this point?
Deak adventures forth
Nea somehow just now notices alma
-- -- the accidentally grabbed torch by Alma opens the pathway lol
Nea and that path. congrats kid you're redeemed in his eyes
Smolma flinches a bit at the noise. Did... it the path open again?
Lavi Grab him Lavi But let him know it's you.
Smolma tho that halls still frozen
Nea laughs a little Nea: You did it, twerp
Smolma like its covered in frost and ice shards
Lavi S i g h i n g
Smolma: ....
Nea slip slides his way over to Alma
Lavi At least call him by his name.
Nea he's just radiating relief. getting crushed sounded like a bad time. Nea: I mean-- ​Alma.
Deak it is a bad time
Nea Happy now?
Lavi but at least Alma will know that it's them now. Lavi Yes.
Deak its a very very bad time
-- -- the newly opened path is very long, but its a straight shot all the way through, until hitting a wider path in the center where the two torch walls come together. Lavi and Deak, you turn right, Lavi/Nea and Alma, left, upon reaching the wider hall.
Lavi since he'd never call Alma a twerp.
Smolma guess who locked himself up b/c of bein aloneeeeee Smolma this smol
Lavi: || Lavi and Deak Lavi: ||  U mean, Junior
Deak: lAugHin g ]
Nea: ...Kid?
Lavi: || Existential Crisis is gonna hit
Nea I think he's broken
Lavi Let me out
Smolma just shaking and crying
Junior: communicate* } Junior: fml }
Smolma u b rite nea
Deak: U TRIED ]
Nea shoves Lavi forward again
Lavi: Woah
Smolma now hes like the coldest hes ever been
Deak stops at the wider part of the path and just sits down Deak: Wait, wait, I'm dead, slow down.
Lavi shakes himself off before crouching in front of Alma, radiating warmth because that boy looks way too cold
Junior is just gonna sit down and lean against Deak
Lavi: Alma, hey, buddy. It's just me....and the other guy. But right now it's me.
Junior: ...me too...
Smolma like his skins completely white by now
Lavi reaches out to rub Alma's arms, it cools his hands so him using more heat to warm Alma up doesn't hurt.
Nea Can't you just pick him up and go?
Lavi: C'mon, c'mon....
Junior: ....think Lavi's okay? Junior kinda didn't want to think about it but welp haha Junior here they are
Deak: He's tough, 'm sure he's fine.
Junior: Yea.... Junior is trying not to sound unsure but its not working haha
Smolma steam actually comes out under lavis fingers
Deak: Well, the sooner we move the sooner we can meet up with him again. Deak: Let's go, if you're ready?
Lavi ice shards have been melted, he's gonna grab the small and start running his ass down the damn hallway of jackassery
Nea The path is RIGHT THERE.
Lavi and by grab, he means, carry him
Junior: "the hallway of jackassery" lmfao }
Lavi: || Well it is
Smolma yup now theres just steam where ever almas touching lavi
Junior heaves a sigh
Lavi: Shit. He's never really been that cold.
Junior: I guess?
Deak gets back up Deak srry junior who was leaning on me
Deak returns to lethargically making his way to the right
Junior gets up with a wince. Really feeling that tail bone right about now tbh Junior: .......... Junior: I hear.... Junior: footsteps Junior: and Junior: hissing?
Deak: ...What? Deak: I don't hear anything?
Junior has really sensitive ears
Deak only has sensitive ears for being crushed by walls atm
Junior kind of a side effect of being an animal sometimes
Nea Can't you move any faster?
Lavi Bossy.
Junior: No, I hear it. Its getting closer.
Nea I'm impatient.
Deak: ...?
Lavi Goes for a run to a goddamn sprint since this one just wants movement, you're lucky he wants to get out of here too or else he'd slow down to a walk.
Junior moves in front of Deak protectively but he's hoping that's Lavi coming
Deak i will throw this potato as a weapon
Lavi makes it to the place with the wider hall
Junior !!!!!!!! Junior: Lavi!
Lavi !!!!!! Lavi: Junior! Deak! Lavi skids to a stop and jogs over to them, still holding on to Alma, who be steaming.
Junior: ....what the Hell are you carrying and why is it hissing
Deak flops to the ground again
Smolma yuuuppp be steaming
Junior op and down goes Deak
Lavi: It's Alma, we got separated and his powers went out of control
Junior: ...oh Junior: Okay?
Lavi: Yeah. Lavi: Also, I had to use my powers when the walls started closing in
Junior is just happy to see Lavi alive and well tb--- Junior squints
Nea Haha oops
Junior Nea what did we fucking talk about
Lavi: I'm fine now. Alma's helping, even though he's out of it right now.
Smolma oh look the walls are freezing over
Nea whistles innocently even though only Lavi can hear him right now
Junior #Betrayed Junior: ....h o l y hell its getting cold in here...
Deak: He needs to calm down.
Lavi: Alma. Alma, c'mon.
Deak: If hes gonna freeze everythin' up, get him outta here. Deak is too dead for this shit thanks
Junior rubs his arms holy shit
Smolma screw you deak peeps actually care bout you
Nea is very glad that he's wearing someone who doesn't get cold
Lavi adjusts his hold on Alma and rubs his back while quietly telling the small one that he's got him now, he's safe again.
Deak shut up, i wasnt talking to you
Smolma: wearing someone))
Junior that still sounds creepy Nea. Like some Most Dangerous Game kinda shit.
Deak control your goddamn ice, kid
Lavi slowly cranks up the heat to both warm Alma up and the room.
Nea: || skin suit.
Lavi: || Meat suit.
Deak just goes back to hanging his head
Junior: I'm just gonna stop you both right there }
Junior goes back to Deak and flops down next to him Junior: R-run into a bit of trouble on your side, did you?
Smolma you try being alone, being the one who can die and not really have an impact with his death, and considered being a liability after getting his sight stolen Smolma aka, fuck you deak
Deak fuck off brat Deak do whatever the fuck you want, but do it away from me
Smolma no you fuck off
Deak fine
Junior also, flopping down when you had a tail cut off from the end of your spine... not recommended. That hurts.
Deak gets back up and walks away the way he came
Junior: ......
Smolma thanks to lavi his ice isn't spreading, but hes still silent
Junior: Deak! Junior grabs him before he can run off
Lavi keeps trying to comfort Alma with quiet words. Lavi: || look man, I'm terrible with words, so imagine that Lavi's talking to Alma like he's one of his brothers back when they were younger and scared about something. He sounds very motherly tbh. Like gdi, Lavi, why are you such a  mom. But he's doing his utmost best to calm Alma.
Nea This group still has so many problems
Junior okay but did we survive longer than your group?
Smolma doesn't mean hes listening rn
Deak: What? It's cold here so I'm walking away. Let me go, jeez.
Smolma or that he believes anything thats being said
Deak scowls and pulls away to keep walking off
Nea not yet you haven't
Junior huffs and goes to follow dragging Deak with them
Lavi he's still gonna keep talking and kind of walking around. Lavi: || oh god, he's doing a baby bounce type shit. JFC
Smolma though hes not crying anymore, so progress
Junior: wow Lavi xD }
Smolma: thats so cute tho-))
Lavi: || He's such a mom.
Junior: tb fair tho he is the eldest of two brothers even if they're technically the same age haha }
Nea is stuck in a mom and his only other host options are out of range
Lavi: || he usually gets along with other little kids younger than them so he just moms them. Lavi: || Especially if they're orphans. He tries to make their day a little better somehow.
Nea See what I mean? One person ends up holding up the entire group.
Lavi I don't really see a place to move on from here. So can it.
Junior are you calling us incompetent
Lavi: || He's grown attached to little Alma. ); Lavi: || Gonna mom him.
Nea But you could be looking. Instead you're just being a mother hen.
Lavi glances around the room while 'motherhenning' Lavi Oh look, didn't see anything. Lavi Other than walls, and torches and a goddamn ceiling.
Nea :/
-- -- the wider hall, which is wide enough for six people or so to walk down it side-by-side, goes on for a ways. Its mostly dark, but likewise has some torches lining the path. At the far end of it, you come to a smallish chamber with a pedestal in the center. On top of it is a gleaming object.
Lavi: Junior
Junior: Hm?
Lavi: Do you smell anything around here? Wood, maybe? I'd feel better if you had a stick again.
Junior: ...what Junior: Oh Junior inhales
Lavi walking along the path, before Nea yells at him again, while continuing to quietly comfort and mom Alma.
Junior: ...mostly just old stone. Dust. You guys. Not a lot in the way of wood.
Lavi makes a frustrated sound at being told that. Lavi: Maybe the next room we come across. Lavi keeps walking down the path.
Smolma: hope they won’t need smol powers for a bit))
Junior shrugs Junior: Nothing more specific planned for Alma yet lol }
Lavi spots the pedestal. !!! Lavi: Junior!
Nea What's /​that?/
Junior tilts his head
Lavi: Come look at this.
Junior: Yeah, I see it
Smolma: yet/))
-- -- on top of the pedestal looks like a large gemstone or other. Its got markings carved into it. They look vaguely familiar from somewhere.
Lavi: Correct me if I'm wrong but, I think this might be a talisman.
Junior: Is it? Junior tilts head
Lavi looks at Junior.
Junior: Not the kind I typically use if so Junior: I mean, its similar
Lavi: It could help
Junior shrugs
Nea Are you sure we should touch it
Junior: Maybe
Lavi: Hm... Nea's right.
Nea Of course I am
Lavi: Shut up. Lavi: Not you, Junior.
Junior hums
Lavi Shut up.
Nea is laughing
Lavi: It could be a risk to touch it.
Deak yawns and closes his eye call me when u guys r done
Lavi hello mental box, ur old friend.
Junior bye Nea
Nea you know what?? screw this
Junior: It could be.
Nea jumps to Junior. he doesn't want control right now, he's just sick of Lavi's shit
Junior: It could not be. Junior um excuse u who invited u in
Lavi He invited himself
Nea I'm just going to hang out back here for awhile.
Lavi: If he gets too annoying, put him in a mental box
Junior: Did I say you could jump into my fucking head? Junior why can't I just evict him instead
Nea Don't do that.
Lavi: Our old man's mental training helped out great.
Nea I don't know where I'll go if you throw me out
Junior fucking watch me.
Lavi: Well, you could always just give him a mind smack
Lavi Welcome back.
Nea I don't like him.
Junior good.
Lavi chuckles and adjusts his hold on Alma, petting the small one's hair.
Junior: We could just... leave it here
Lavi frowns. Lavi: Wait Lavi: Did Deak ever eat his potato?
Junior: .............
Nea He has a potato?
Junior r we really doing this Indiana Jones shit
Lavi yes, we r Lavi you got a better idea, then say it now
Junior that doesn't actually work Lavi
Lavi We found some potatoes earlier and had a small lunch.
Nea Damn.
Lavi: Okay, fine, you don't wanna try it then leave it there or just risk grabbing it.
Nea Get it, it might work.
Lavi Deak and I aren't on speaking terms and if I ask for the potato he might eat it to spite me.
Nea ....
Lavi I know
Junior he really just might Junior whatever, he's just gonna grab it Junior YOLO
Deak: deak never moved since hes sleeping ] Deak: with his potato tyvm ]
Nea: || lazy butt
Deak: tRU ] Lavi: || diva lazy butt
Deak: w/e ur still not getting his potato ]
Lavi: || but they can B)
Deak: he'll punch u stay away ]
-- -- after grabbing the gem thingy, nothing happens. There's a flight of stairs and a door just ahead.
Deak: that is HIS potato ]
Lavi: || He's close enough in Nea's range Lavi: || Ah nvm, ur lucky stairs appeared
Junior: Don't steal Deak's potato he's the only one that never ate lol } Junior: rude af }
Deak: ye tru he didnt eat dont take his potato ] Deak: :' ( ]
Nea: || dang it deak, eat
Lavi: || then eat the damn food Lavi cooked for you so you don't keel over
Junior: xD }
Deak: no he is currently napping s m h ] Deak: and also still reeling from being crushed eight times smh who do u think u r ]
Lavi: || Drag h i m
Junior: xD }
Junior: We r not dragging Deak smh } Junior: not in that way anyway xD }
Nea: || drag him up the stairs Lavi: || either he wakes up or he's gonna get dragged
Nea: || thunk thunk thunk
Junior goes to pick up Deak c'mon bro time to go get on ur feet
Nea If Deak's just gonna be lazy then... I mean...... Nea jumps to the Drama Triplet
Deak get-- Deak srsly
Lavi a bit whoozy
Junior: LOL }
Nea If you're not going to use this, I will
Deak i said i didnt mind so Deak u do u im going back to sleep
Nea brushes himself off Nea: There we go
Junior: .........
Lavi: You just gotta deal with his 'I don't cares' and 'whatevers' Lavi: But let's move on
Junior: That.... works I guess?
Nea: It's a small price to pay
Lavi heads on up the steps
Deak also leave my potato alone Deak thats my only request thank u
Nea You better stay awake, if I need to jump you're gonna just flop over
Lavi: Trust me, he can also evict you like Junior and I can.
Nea Can I eat the potato Nea starts up the stairs
Deak no, please dont
Nea But I'm hungry.
Deak okay you can eat it
Junior follows Lavi
Deak im going to sleep dont wake me up or be stupid
Junior y'know its just gonna end up in your own stomach anyway Deak
Nea ...man you give up easily. Nea Pulls out the potato and just straight up bites it
Deak its not giving up, i jut dont care honestly Deak just
Lavi: Want me to heat it up for you?
Nea ! Nea: Yes, absolutely Nea tosses him the tater
Deak dozes off dont let nea kill me pls
-- -- up the stairs and through the door, you come into a room loaded full of just... stuff. Lots and lots of stuffy. Most of it shiny stuff.
Lavi keeps his hold on Alma and catches the flying potato
Junior oooooooh treasure trove
Nea: ...That's a lot of loot.
Lavi heats up the potato Lavi: Wow
Junior suddenly likes this castle a little bit more
Lavi: I don't recommend touching anything.
Nea: ...Yeah.
Junior or maybe like moderately more Junior: Why not?
Nea wants all this shiny stuff, but... Nea: Why would you touch ANYTHING in this castle?
Lavi hands the potato back to Ne Lavi Nea*
Nea: || ne
Deak: ne ]
Lavi: || nene
Junior holds up the gemstone thingy
Nea munches on his baked potato
Junior: I touched this and nothing happened
Nea: And you think we're gonna get that lucky twice?
Junior: I touched a torch and a pathway opened up Junior: I touched like four levers and it opened the big gates
Nea: .........
Lavi: Junior
Junior: Touching things is good
Nea: You know damn well what I meant Nea: This place doesn't want us to have good things. Nea: It wants us ​dead.
Junior: Inanimate objects have no concept of desires
Lavi sighs against Alma's hair. Yup, this castle definitely wants us dead.
Nea B|
Lavi: Whatever twisted asshole made this castle wants us dead.
Nea: You're a smartass, you know that right
Junior: I like that phrasing better
Lavi eye roll and continues on through the room, trying not to touch any of the nice shinies
Smolma oh look he leans a lil into lavi
Junior: but I still think you're both paranoid
Nea: It's not paranoia if you're right
Lavi rubs Alma's back while walking.
Junior goes and picks up a jeweled flagon and waves it around Junior: Oh look I'm touching a thing
Nea looks around suspiciously
Lavi: ............
Junior: and nothing
Nea Deak your brother is a fucking maniac
Junior: is happening
Lavi: || delayed reaction, perhaps, give it a moment
Smolma his tiny fingers curl into lavis clothing
-- -- literally nothing happens.
Nea: ...
Junior: .... Junior: mmm
Lavi: I'm still not touching anything in this room, it'd just weigh us down.
Junior: still waiting on that impending doom
Lavi: Junior.
Nea: It's not like any of this stuff matters in here
Junior: Hm?
Lavi: Enough.
Junior rolls eye Junior: Y'really take me for some greedy gold hoarder or something?
Lavi honestly, he's paranoid about something bad happening because he doesn't want anything bad happening to his goddamn brothers (and Nea) or Alma and his brother gives him fucking flack. Lavi is just gonna keep walking.
Junior is just gonna browse the room a bit lol bye then
Nea grumbles around a mouthful of potato
Lavi if Nea were in his head right now he'd hear some very dark thoughts.
Nea sorry man I gotta pilot your lazy bro
Lavi dark and negative af.
Nea: Let's just... Leave. Nea all this shit is too tempting
Junior also he's keeping that jeweled flagon it nice
Lavi if there's another door or some stairs in this room then Lavi's gone fromthat room.
Smolma look who has some color in his flesh
Lavi sees that Alma's regaining color and sighs in relief. At least he's getting better.
-- -- there is another door. The room beyond also has some stuff, all very nice stuff but less shiny. Lots of wood and cases and odds and ends. There's some weapons too, mounted or sitting inside other stuff
Lavi stares at the weapons. Nope, he's not going to touch them.
Nea exits the room of temptation. except this one isn't any better
Lavi it's something that could actually be helpful but more of a risk that some stupid shit will happen.
Nea: ...Some of those could be useful
Lavi: I know. Lavi keeps walking
Junior is just gonna keep browsing alone then I guess
Nea: .... Nea is weeeak. look at those weapons,,,
Lavi: I wish I had my knife on me.
Nea realizes that nothing he takes will actually stay with him. B( Smolma when hes in it again, he can make you guys weapons
Junior already added some coins and jewels to his pockets tbh... found some fancy dishware...
Nea really needs to get back to places he recognizes
Junior some rolled up papers that look costly
Smolma groans
-- -- the third room is much like the second room was, a little more rustic looking. Beyond that, the next door  leads out into the street outside.
Lavi: || There's a street
-- --: yep }
Lavi: || A ​street​?
Smolma the smols moving
-- --: Yep }
Lavi: || guess he's on the street then
-- --: Not a huge street, but a street }
Smolma but his eyes remain dulled tho
Lavi: Hey, Alma. You awake?
-- --: did u think I misspelled a word xD }
Junior found this cool dagger mounted on the wall--
Smolma shrugs a bit
Junior !!!!!!!
Lavi hugs the small.
Smolma just rests on lavi Smolma the hug feels really really nice, even if he doesn't respond much to it
Junior polished stones!!!
Nea is just gonna follow Lavi outta here. bye junior.
Junior gathers them all up and explore the next room
Lavi glancing around the street Lavi: || junior, you don't have a bag to carry all this shit omg xD
Nea looks around. everything looks the same.
Lavi: Didn't expect to see a street here.
Nea snorts
Junior: tbh he dropped p much all but the flagon and stones xD }
Nea: Really?
Lavi: || g o o d Lavi: || even tho I feel like that flagon will haunt him later
Nea: This place is ​huge.
Lavi: True. Lavi: Wait, how long have you been here?
Nea: Weeks, maybe?
Lavi: ........
Smolma: had to look up what a flagon was))
Lavi: Fuck.
Junior: Junior: um excuse u flagons carry stuff to drink in them and none of us have had a lick of water for like a day in a half at least }
Lavi uh-oh, he's looking concerned now.
Smolma they can make water Smolma you know, fire n ice elementals are there
Lavi: || As long as it doesn't have poison on the metal
Nea: I honestly wasn't expecting to find anyone else here, but I guess they got sick of looking for me.
-- -- in the street are a few smaller buildings on all sides. The street gets a bit wider after going around them. To each side, the streets bend around until you can't see down them and they disappear. Ahead is a zigzagging path up some cliffs to what looks like a Keep above.
Lavi: Nea Lavi: Recognize anything?
Nea: Huh?
Smolma: .... where....
Nea: Uh...
Lavi quietly tells Alma where they're currently at, describes it for him in detail.
Junior oh yes he hit the jackpot
Nea scratches his head and walks around while looking around
Junior fucking s c o r e Junior comes scampering out after where Lavi and the others went
Smolma hes coming back to them
Nea: I haven't explored much out here...
Junior ....uhhh assuming he can find them RIP
Lavi: Hmmm
Nea: I've just been keeping up around the tower.
Junior did not think Lavi would really go that far ahead
Lavi pets Alma's head.
Nea: And half the time I wasn't really paying attention to where I went
Lavi: .......... Lavi s i g h s
Nea didnt expect to have to remember this shit later
Junior: LA-VIII???
Lavi turns towards the doors. Lavi: JUNIOR? Lavi turns back around with an eye roll
Junior follows Lavi's voice with a grin on his face Junior is skipping tbh Junior like hardcore skipping
Smolma leans into that touch tho
Lavi is not seeing this skipping since he turned back around to look at Nea and is petting Alma's hair.
Junior um well too bad b/c he's going to skip an excited circle around you Lavi Junior: Guess what?
Lavi: You found something.
Junior grins bigger Junior: I found ​materials​
Lavi: Daggers? Lavi: Oh Lavi: O h Lavi: To make a talisman?
Junior: Mhm~
Lavi: Nice!
Junior: Not a GREAT one, but they'll do the job for now
Lavi: Whatever works
Junior: But yes I also got daggers
Lavi nods
Junior: And a small sword or two Junior which are all tied to his belt and look ridiculous all together tbh
Nea snort s
Junior but hey he's only got so many hands Junior: So I vote Junior: We take a breather
Junior: so I can make some talismans and we can all get some rest
Lavi: I'm fine with that. But we also need to hurry up and find Nea's body Lavi: He's been here for ​weeks​
Nea: It'll survive without me Nea maybe. probably.
Smolma: it'd be funny if it was in the treasure room))
Nea doesn't actually know
Nea: || because he's a gem Nea: || ba dum tsh
Junior so like you really are terrible at navigation huh
Lavi: || HAHA, Just hidden under the coins
Nea: || haha jk he's a nasty lump of coal
Junior: lmao }
Lavi: The small buildings, perhaps?
Junior nods Junior: Maybe we'll even find a bed...
Lavi starts walking towards the buildings
Junior follows but also fidgeting. Little bit excited tbh Junior just a little
Nea follows after them
-- -- the inside of the buildings, after searching a few rooms, appear to have a lot of beds. Lavi he's gonna set Alma down on one after warning him a little that he was setting him down on a nice bed. Smolma he doesn't respond Smolma there's not enough progress for that Junior is just gonna find the biggest bed and drag both his brothers to it Nea is in one of your brothers excuse me Lavi is dragged, ends up dragging Alma too bc he doesn't wanna leave him alone.
Smolma: daww that was cute lavi))
Junior then go into some mental corner or something
Nea wow okay fine im not invited Nea retreats to a 'mental corner' enjoy your unconscious brother
Junior I will thanks that's kinda the point of sleep anyway Junior: RIP Nea }
Nea: || rip in rest Nea: || shit tho that was rad af, thanks for lettin me swoop in uwu
Junior: ye I'm glad u liked it xD }
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