#anyways gunna make like. twenty pairs of these now watch me
readingwriter92 · 1 year
Took like. Three years straight and like thirty scarves made but I’m finally branching out a little in my knitting.
I have made a single fingerless, glove thingy. The paper I found calls it a “wrister ”
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buckyscrystalqueen · 5 years
Meant To Be: Part 2
Pairings: Machine Gun Kelly x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drug use, descriptions of an overdose
Word Count: 2,384
A/N: Y’all can thank @wings-of-a-raven for this one….
Part 1
“Well look what the cat dragged in.” Your step mother, Anne cooed in her deep Southern accent as you walked into your family run road side stand to see if your dad could use an extra hand behind the register. “Wait until your father hears the good news! And look at this handsome little bean!”
“Is he here?” You asked as you pushed your Chanel sunglasses on top of your head and dropped the strap of your diaper bag on the handle of the stroller. 
“He’s out back, sugar.” She said as she gestured behind herself, vaguely while making faces at Gage. “Hello! Hello!” Your poor son, who had never met his grandparents before, started to cry, which made the damaged half of you giggle the slightest bit since Anne was the reason your parents got divorced in the first place.
“Oh, let’s go find grandpa, bubba.” You cooed as you stepped to the side of the stroller so Gage could see you as you pushed the stroller toward the back. “Oh, my goodness I know! The mean scary lady got right in your face…”
“Oh!” Anne gasped at your back. “Well bless your heart!”
“My heart don’t need blessin’!” You called out over your shoulder with a smile. 
“The hell did you say to her this time?” Your dad, Ross called out from under his 1972 Ford pick up.
“I didn’t say anything.” You said with a shrug as you let Gage chew on your finger to calm himself down. “I need work.”
“What, did that bright California sun finally burn all your nonsense hopes and dreams away?”
“Nope, the piece of shit baby daddy did that in three minutes and twenty two seconds.” Ross sighed and dropped his wrench in the dirt he was laying on and slid out from under the car to look at you.
“I never liked that punk anyways.” He sighed as he looked you up and down. “You look good, kid.”
“Thanks, pop.” You sighed as you ran your fingers through your freshly dyed red hair and put your sunglasses back on. “Now if only the modeling agencies would overlook the c-section scar like they did the thick thighs… and you know, the whole heroin addiction shit.”
“Yea, fuck those dumb shits.” He grumbled as he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. “Wouldn’t know a good thing if it punched ‘em in the dick.”
“You need a hand behind the register?” You asked as you took an offered smoke and stood up.
“I’m guessin’ this little slugger’s taggin’ along?” He asked as you turned your stroller around so Gage could still see you when you smoked.
“Someone’s gotta count the register.” Your dad nodded his head slowly as he looked at his grandson and took a long drag of his cigarette.
“Fuck kinda name is Gage, anyway?”
“One that I fucking picked, asshole.” You laughed as you looked over at him. “Jesus, old man.”
“Gage.” He repeated with a shake of his head. “Sounds like a damn car part.”
“You’re an idiot.” You laughed as he pat your cheek and crouched down to go back to work.
“You leave your step-mama alone if you’re sitting at that register all day!” He called out as he picked up his wrench. “And don’t you be eatin’ all the damn honey sticks like your sister, neither or I’m dockin’ your pay, too!”
“Never liked the honey sticks anyways!” You called back before taking one last drag of your cigarette and heading inside. “I’ll take it from here.” You said as sweetly as you could to Anne as you pushed the stroller up beside the hand made counter your older brother had made when you were just a kid.
“Unbelievable.” She sighed as she grabbed her water bottle and got up from her little chair to go and complain to your dad. With a victorious smile, you picked your son up out of his car seat and smiled broadly at him as you waited for the couple customers in the store to pick out what they wanted.
“So the misfit daughter came back home.” Your older brother, Junior, said as he came into the farm stand the next morning with a giant teasing smile on his face. “Shit, when did he get so big?”
“I ask myself that every morning.” You sighed as you turned down the music playing on your phone, stood up, and headed around the counter to say hi to your brother. “How’s the fields?”
“Field-y.” He chuckled as he gave you a dirt covered one armed hug. “Still taking your clothes off for money?”
“You’re a fucking idiot. No, don’t touch my baby!” You snapped as you whacked at your brother’s hands. “I’m mad at you!”
“Oh, boo hoo.” He teased as he leaned over the side of the pack and play and reached in to brush his knuckle across Gage’s cheek. “Seriously, though. He’s adorable.” You thanked him softly and pulled your chair over to sit for a little bit while you monitored the morning delivery of the fresh produce. “You want me to kill him?”
“You don’t have to kill him.” You sighed as you ran your fingers through your hair. “I just… shit, I don’t even know anymore.”
“What don’t we know?” Your sister, Tabby asked as she came in the front with eggs from her chickens.
“What I’m gunna do with myself anymore.” You breathed as you rested your elbow on the counter and propped your head up on your palm. “I just keep asking myself where the fuck I went wrong in my life?”
“When you became a stripper.” Tabby said as she put the eggs in the old Coke fridge.
“I was never…”
“When you started dating that dickhead.” Junior interrupted as he pointed at your baby sister.
“When you though doing coke at dad’s wedding was a good idea.”
“When you dropped out of high school.”
“That time you drank a whole bottle of tequila at my graduation.”
“When you moved to California in the middle of the night without a word.”
“That time…”
“OK, enough you two.” You barked as you whacked Junior’s arm because he was the closest. “I get it, alright? I’m the black sheep of the family.”
“You two leave your sister alone and get back to work.” Ross said as he carried in a large box of cucumbers. “Shit ain’t gunna carry itself in.” You let out an exhausted sigh and gave your father a grateful smile as he paused just long enough to pat the counter. “You too, (Y/N). Those jelly jars won’t make it out on the shelves by themselves.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“And you better turn that assholes music off!” He yelled as he headed back out to finish unloading the truck. You scowled at his back and grabbed your cell phone to turn off YouTube and the amateur videos you had been watching from MGK’s show in Salt Lake City the night before to get to work.
“Dre!” You shouted from your kitchen counter top, where you had been flirting with another model from the agency you worked for that had just done a Harley Davidson shoot with you earlier that day. “Baby!”
“Lookin’ dime!” Your friend shouted over the loud music as he came over to give you a hug hello. “Brought my boy I was tellin’ you about.” You sat up with a giant smile and looked at the tall, super skinny white boy that was standing in your crowded living room.
“Well fuck me runnin’ naked in a corn field.” You groaned with a giant smile on your face as you jumped down off the counter and pulled your very short black dress down over your thick thighs a little more. “(Y/N).”
“Call me Kels.” He said as he shook your head and looked you up and down. “Damn. Dre said you were fuckin’ fine but I’m pretty sure that don’t even fucking begin to cover it.”
“Oh, a charmer.” You teased as you laced your arm with his and turned toward your friend. “Can I keep him, pretty please? He seems like so much fun.”
“You’re in for a wild ride with that one.” Dre joked as he handed Kels a mixed drink from the alcohol you had lined up on your bar.
“Wait, you don’t want that shit!” You said quickly as you yanked the cup out of Kels hand before he could even take a sip. “Handsome guy like you deserves my personal fave. Help me.” With a glance back at Dre, he held on to your hips and gave you a small push so you could climb up on the counter. You teetered a bit in your heels as you grabbed a half empty bottle of Johnnie Walker blue label from on top of the cabinets, and turned back toward him. “I have to hide it from the Goddamn heathens.”
“You’re gunna break your fuckin’ neck, girl.” Kels laughed as he grabbed your hips again and pulled you off the counter. You squeaked when you accidentally landed on his toes and fell forward into his tattooed chest.
“Jesus, when the fuck did my Southern ass stop being able to hold my fucking liquor.” You giggled as you placed your hand on his chest to catch your balance. He shrugged as you looked up into the most blue eyes you had ever seen. “Damn. I really wanna keep you…”
“I think that can be arranged.” He said through a smirk as he gave your hip a small squeeze. A slight blush crept up your cheeks and you cleared your throat as you held up the liquor bottle.
“Drink to it?”
Colson laid in his bunk after yet another show, slowly flipping through photos from the cloud on his new phone from the first night you met. He remembered that night so well, the way your laugh made everything in his world feel right. The sweet noises he pulled out of you as he fucked you relentlessly in your bed while the party raged on the other side of the wall. And he especially remembered the small whine you made when he tried to leave.
“Stay with me.” You whispered as you reached up to try and rub your reddish pink lipstick off his throat. “Looks like you have to, because I marked you.”
He smiled at the memory as he got to the last photo from that small bunch; the one he had taken the next morning before you had to rush out the door for work, 20 minutes late because he couldn’t help himself but to take you once more. You were laying in bed in the shirt he had worn to the party, your hair was a mess, and you had a small smudge of mascara under your eyes that hadn’t come off the night before when you washed your face. To this day, he thought it was one of the most beautiful photos of you he had ever seen.
“Damn, baby.” He sighed as he brushed his thumb across the screen. “What the fuck happened to us, girl?” With a huff, he grabbed his cigarettes and got out of bed, even though it was nearly six in the morning and he had just finished a concert in Oklahoma. He plodded past the other bunks and flopped down on one of the couches as he looked at the same photo. He laid the phone down gently and reached for a joint, before grabbing a receipt off the table and a pen. He sat back in his spot and started jotting down ideas for a new song for you.
“It’s not fucking right.” Kels said for the hundredth time as he listened to the playback of your song. His band groaned as he stood back up and headed back toward the small studio in his tour bus. “Let’s do it again…”
“Kels.” JP sighed as he stuck his arm out in front of the door. “Man… you gotta stop.”
“Don’t gotta go shit.” 
“Bro!” The younger man shouted as he stood up and got into his ‘brother’s’ face. “The reason it doesn’t sound perfect is because (Y/N) isn’t the one hearing it. Shit is gunna sound rough as fuck to you until she hears it and we all fucking know it. You’ve been a royal dick for weeks…”
“Man, fuck off.”
“No, you fuck off!” JP roared as he shoved the singer back. “Go fucking find her already! Even if you don’t want her and you just want your fucking kid, go do something about it! Because you’re a fucking dick that none of us wanna be around right now!” Kels looked around at the rest of his crew, who were all either slowly nodding their head in agreement or looking away to avoid the wrath Kels had been dishing out the last few weeks, before he sighed loudly and took a step back to sit down on the closest chair. His eyes drifted outside to the scenery racing past and he caught a glimpse of a road sign that had a city he knew was near your hometown on it.
“Yo, pull over.” He said as he got up and headed toward the front of the bus. “Pull over!”
“We’re on the interstate…” The driver tried as he gestured to the road while Kels quickly pulled on his sneakers and grabbed his phone.
“Pull the fuck over!”
“Just take this exit.” Slim said, calmly as he pulled Kels back away from the door. “We’re going, OK?”
“What about Atlanta?!” His manager, Ashleigh, shouted as she finally looked up from the email she had been reading.
“Cancel it.” Kels said simply as he pushed down the seat above the stairs and sat down to wait impatiently. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and quickly googled the first and frankly, the only place he’d know where to find you. “Take 85 east. That way.” With a slightly hesitant nod of his head, the driver followed the artists direction as the guys and girls in the back of the bus simply sat down and shut up for the first time in a long time.
Part 3
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spidercakes · 5 years
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Omega!Peter and Alpha!Tony.
Warning: Peter is 17 (Tony is a year and a half older), there’s some mentions of abuse (not with the main pairing), feminization (Peter).
Peter has to take like twenty pictures before he arranges himself just right in the frame and sends it off to Quentin. When his phone buzzes he gets a noncommittal niceand Peter stares at the phone for a few moments because he’s kind of pissed, actually. When Quent sends him a picture he’s supposed to fawn all over him but he gets nicewith no punctuation? Really? Ugh, he’s so damn sick of Quentin being likethat because he’s suresomeone else would appreciate his efforts and he’s sotempted to test it too because his skirt is cuteand the picture is fucking artful, okay? He even made sure the lighting was nice. Fucking Quent.
He stews on that for a long time, texting the group chat back and forth about it while he does math homework, ugh. Ned, probably because he kind of hates Quentin, tells him he should do it and when he asks for MJ’s advice he’s pretty sure she encourages him because she loves drama so long as it doesn’t involve her. Liz, as always, is the voice of reason and tells him he’s just frustrated, which is truebut also. He just wants to know, for scienceas MJ helpfully put it, if someone else would actually give him a half way decent response. Not that that’s hard when your competition is nice, no punctuation.
Its not like he’s really considering it much when he scrolls through his contact list on account of everyone he knows knows Quentin, obviously, and they’d obviously pass the information of him sending out saucy pictures to other people. And then Peter would have to deal with thatlike Quentin doesn’t flirt with every omega that moves not that Peter can do that, godforbid. Ned told him once that if he wanted a knot that badly he should get a dildo because they don’t talk back and Peter’s tempted some days because he’s sure a dildo would take less work to care for than Quentin’s big ass ego.
So maybe that’s why he lingers over Tony Stark’s name and he can’t even remember howhe got his number but its not like he goes to their high school anymore and even when he did he hated Quent so its not like he’d sayanything if Peter sent him something. For science, just to see if Quent really isa jackass or maybe he’s just overreacting.
For S C I E N C EMJ texts and he really shouldn’t.
You should just dump himNed adds in the group chat.
Omg guys stop it! Just talk to him like a normal human!Liz says, remaining the voice of reason.
Talking is for people, not QuentinsMJ sends back and Peter snickers.
Send me saucy pics, will rate them out of tenNed says with three laughing emojis.
We all already vet them the fuck are you on about that pic was cute as fuckMJ says.
Hey wait, is that my skirt? Liz says and Peter looks down. Well, maybe.
Nohe lies.
Omg it is give that back I’ve been looking for it everywhere!
You didn’t notice until we after we vetted the pic I say Peter should be allowed to keep itNed says.
You’re cute as hell Liz but it does look better on PeterMJ adds.
You guys suck. Don’t send that pic to anyone!Liz says.
Peter nods, knowing she’s right when his phone buzzes again and its Quent and the asshole, the asshole!
What, is that it? Gunna send more or are you back to being a tease?
A tease? “Oh fuck you Quentin,” Peter snaps, finding Tony’s number in his phone again and sending him the damn picture. He knows he’s being stupid but it makes him feel better so… that’s not an excuse but whatever, he doesn’t care.
Tony’s response doesn’t take long.
Think that was meant for someone else.
I deleted it obvs.
Because like
I’m not a piece of shit
The texts come in quick succession because apparently Tony doesn’t have a thing about double texting, Peter guesses. He considers the response for a moment before he sends something back.
And if I said that was meant for you?
Because that’s what he wanted to know, right? Except sending out racy pictures to people who didn’t ask for them is kind of creepy and now Peter feels bad because it’s not like he enjoys it when it happens to him. Mostly because the pictures always look like fucking prisonsecurityphotos and whether or not he asked for them pictures with poor composition are a total turn off. His phone buzzes, then buzzes again right away and Peter figures either MJ dropped something horrible like the Grinch sucking a dick into the group chat again or its Tony. He sighs, picking it up and resigning himself to his fate either way when he notices its Tony.
What the fuck did I do to get this luck lmao
This is like
The best gift when studying
That skirt is so much more interesting than physics
Kinda mad I deleted it now
Peter smiles a little and sends it back just to be polite like that. Tony keeps up the trend of responding quickly, phone buzzing as his messages come in.
I don’t want to look the gift horse in the mouth
But also what prompted this
But also also I kind of don’t care
I am 100% on board with whatever this is
Like probably even 200%
Or more
Point is you’re the best
And also like really cute
I don’t remember you being that cute
Peter reads all the messages and laughs, shaking his head because apparently Tony says whatever is on his mind but, for science, he figures maybe he’ll send him a little something else too. It’s always good to try and repeat your results, right? So he abandons his desk and homework in favor of his bed, carefully laying himself down on his stomach as he hikes the skirt a little higher around his waist so the pleats sit justlong enough to cover his ass as he opens the camera on his phone. He watches the mirror in the background as he lifts his legs, crossing them at the ankles and spreading his legs just a bit. Its more than a little suggestive, if Tony takes the time to look in the background of the picture anyway. From the front is a pretty cute picture with half his face in the frame while the rest of it is taken up with an artful shot of his body. With the skirt hiked up like that its still pretty risqué but the devil is in the details.
He sends it off to Tony, for science reasons purely or at least that’s what he tells himself anyway. If he’s honest he kind of likes the attention because he missesit and it always feels like he has to jump through hoops to get Quent to pay him any attention at all. Tony doesn’t seem to need as much plying.
I’m so torn
On one hand, physics exam. Worth 40% of my grade
On the other hand
He sends back a close up of Peter’s picture with a red circle drawn around the mirror and a lot of exclamation points.
You see my dilemma, surely
And like
I’m good at physics I can probably pass without studying
So, science concluded, Quentin is a fucking dick and Peter bites his lip, unsure what to do here so he drops a message into the group chat fully anticipating Liz judging him so he’s a little surprised when she answers first and tells him to just dump Quent. MJ and Ned respond ‘fuck him’ at the same time and Peter considers his options for a moment.
Its not like Peter meantfor this to happen but Quent was being a total assholeagain and Peter has been told he’s got the patience of a saint but even he has his limits. So he had dumped Quent maybe a little too publically considering he told him to stuff it in the middle of the cafeteria before storming off and Tony happened to send one of his adorably stupid jokes at the right time. But still, its not like he meantfor it to lead to him in the back seat of Tony’s car with his arms wrapped around Tony’s neck as Tony guides his hips the way he wants. “Yes, baby, just like that,” Tony tells him as he moves, “feel so good,” he murmurs as he moves one of his hands up Peter’s bare back.
He moans at the praise, pressing his forehead to Tony’s. “Yes,” he murmurs into Tony’s mouth as he kisses him, “touch me.” Tony does, hands roaming up his back and down again, brushing over his hips, up his sides and down his chest. Tony touches him like he can’t get enough and Peter feels the sharp flush of arousal at Tony’s hands explore his body.
Tony lets out a soft groan, “so wet for me baby,” Tony tells him, shifting his hips up into Peter’s.
Peter nods, breathless. “Like the way you touch me,” he murmurs into Tony’s mouth as he kisses him. Tony reaches up and brushes his fingers across Peter’s cheek and he can feelthe way he produces more slick in response.
“What, never had anyone take care of you?” Tony murmurs, eyes soft and caring as he runs his fingers through Peter’s hair. He shakes his head because Quent wasn’t like… badat sex, actually he was pretty good at it, but Peter kind of always felt like a means to an end rather than an actual participant. Tony wasn’t like that from the start. Peter knew as soon as Tony saw him, conveniently wearing that skirt he’d first sent pictures of himself in, he’d wanted to fuck him but he let Peter make the first move and made sure everything he did was okay. Peter wouldn’t have thought he’d like that much, he’s always had a bit of a thingfor bad boys but its not like Tony doesn’t look the part. He just doesn’t act it and Peter finds that surprisingly attractive.
“Up, baby,” Tony murmurs, patting the underside of Peter’s ass and he frowns.
“What? No,” he says, full well knowing that he sounds whiney and Tony laughs.
“Shh, baby s’not like that. Lay back, let me take care of you,” he murmurs, leaning forward and kissing Peter softly as he guides him off. Peter still makes a noise at the loss but lets Tony lay him out over the seat of the car. It’s awkward, in the cramped space, but Tony makes do as he settles between Peter’s legs. His hand curls around the outside of Peter’s right knee, thumb softly caressing the skin there as he looks down at Peter. “Fuckyou are gorgeous,” he murmurs, leaning in and pressing a kiss to the inside of his thigh.
He sucks in a breath and Tony smiles at him as he kisses him again, carefully sucking at the soft skin of his inner thigh. Peter’s breath hitches again as Tony moves a little lower, kisses soft and sweet as he moves his way down. His legs fall further apart mostly of their own accord, a silent invitation for Tony to keep going. “Tony,” Peter all but whines as Tony takes his time.
Tony lifts his head from where he’s nipping at the inside of Peter thigh, “yeah, baby?” he murmurs.
Peter makes a soft, frustrated noise. “Give me more than that,” he tells Tony.
Tony grins, giving the inside of Peter’s though one last kiss before he shifts his position. “Hm, guess I should give you a little something for wearing this, shouldn’t I?” he asks, toying with the edge of Peter’s skirt.
“Wanted you to want me,” Peter tells him and Tony laughs.
“Mission fucking accomplished. But you could have done that wearing a paper bag,” Tony says.
Peter lets out a breathless laugh, “flatterer,” he accuses lightly.
Tony shakes his head though, “mm, I’m not much of a flatterer unless it’s earned. And fuck, its like you’re made just for me you’re so perfect,” Tony tells him as he lifts his skirt and licks up the length of his dick, root to tip and Peter gasps, one hand flying into Tony’s hair as he takes Peter into his mouth.
“Tony!” Peter gasps, grip on his hair tightening and Tony moans around him. Peter does his best to keep his hips from jerking involuntarily as Tony works him over. He’s clearly practiced, skilled with the use of his tongue and Peter moans loudly, back arching as Tony’s head bobs over him.
His breath comes faster as he moans and this mostly only seems to encourage Tony, who enthusiastically throws himself into it and Peter finds that almost as hot as the blowjob. Quent didn’t really go down on him much, always complained that he was too loud and squirmed too much to make it worth his time but Tony doesn’t seem to have a problem with it. Judging from the way his fingers flex on Peter’s thighs and the way he moans when Peter does he’d say Tony actively likes his squirminess so Quent can suck it. Figuratively seems how he couldn’t be assed to do it literally.
Tony shifts a little, shifting as his fingers trail up Peter’s inner thigh until they hit his ass. Peter gasps as he runs his fingers over his hole, teasing lightly. “Tony, please,” Peter tells him, tugging on his hair a bit as encouragement. Tony moans softly and presses two fingers in and Peter can’t help the way his hips jerk up a little. Tony doesn’t complain about it as he fucks into Peter with his fingers. Peter’s breath is coming in ragged as the pleasure builds and he bites his lip.
“Tony,” Peter says, grip on Tony’s hair tight. “Tony ‘m gunna,” Peter stops, moaning as Tony’s fingers curl a little inside him and his hips buck up again. He shifts his legs so they’re open a little wider and Tony moans around him again. Peter throws his head back, biting his lip. “Tony ‘m gunna cum,” he tells him.
Tony takes that as encouragement to pick up the pace and the shit he’s doing with his tongue is fucking sinfuland Peter finally gets who people likethis kind of thing. “Tony,” he says, one hand gripping the seat he’s on hard and the other still tightly woven in Tony’s hair. “Tony ‘m gunna… gunna- oh, oh!” he says, head thrown back as he cums, letting Tony suck him through it. He allows himself to relax for a few moments before he musters the energy to look down at Tony, who looks pleased with himself.
“How’d you like that, baby?” he asks and Peter lets out a soft laugh.
“I think I might be in love with you,” he says, only half joking.
Quent looks pissed and Peter doesn’t really give a shit. “Oh shut upQuentin, this is your own fault for not appreciating me enough,” Peter tells him.
Quentin rolls his eyes, “oh, like you can do any better, Peter,” he snaps.
Peter snorts, “it didn’t even take me twenty four hours to find better Quent. You suck thatmuch and not even literally! God, you’re such a prick you couldn’t even be bothered to go down on me once and a damn while!” he says, throwing his hands up in frustration. He ignores the laughter of his classmates because Quent was the one who started yelling in the hallway so this is hisfault really. He resents that Quent looks so mad about this because Peter was happy to have just dumped him and that could have been the end of it but no.
“Dude, not going down on you is automatic dumpage material considering I knowhe expected you to do it,” MJ says off to the side.
“Oh fuck off,” Quent snaps at her but she looks nonplussed.
“Not my fault you’re the fucking worst Quentin. If you wanted Peter so stick around maybe you shouldn’t have made him cry at least twice a week. Didn’t think I had to write that one down for you,” she says, rolling her eyes.
That earns a laugh out of his classmates too and if MJ weren’t so cool about the whole thing, and if they weren’t currently surrounded by witnesses, Peter doesn’t really want to consider what Quent would do. Instead of dealing with her he turns to glare at Peter, “whatever the hell you picked up so isn’t better than me,” he says and Peter squints at him.
“Oh my god, Quent its not even a competition. It would be cruel to stick you in a competition with Tony anyway; its like throwing a fish on land and having it race a cheetah. It’s sad and stupid and all you’ll do is flop around and be pathetic. The fact that he’s better than you isn’t even something I need to think about, it’s just obvious,” he says.
At least Tony listens when he talks, and he likes Star Wars too and he didn’t make fun of him for wanting to build Star Wars Lego things with Ned. Actually he sort of invited himself along and they all had a greattime and ordered pizza because Tony’s not a total dick.
Quent turns an unflattering shade of red at his words and he reaches out for Peter but someone pulls him back. He looks behind him to find Liz there, Ned right beside her looking surprisingly ready to fight considering Ned can’t even manage to win a battle with finding matching socks. “Leave him alone Quentin, he said your done and you are. You don’t get to decide your not,” Liz tells him.
“Also,” Peter adds, “and this is the important part- I moved onand let me tell you a god damn rock would have been more affectionate than you ever were. And wash your god damn football shit, it smells like jock strap and dead things,” he snaps and his classmates erupt in laughter so hard they don’t cut it out this time, laughing over whatever it is that Quentin says back as Liz drags him off.
“Okay,” Ned says once they’re outside. “That was badass,” he tells Peter.
“Good for you,” MJ tells him. “You should have throat punched him though.”
Liz frowns, “why do you always suggest doing that?” she asks.
MJ shrugs, “always wanted to see someone get throat punched and Quentin has a punchable throat,” she says. “By the way just because Ned approves of your new guy that you moved on to waytoo fast doesn’t mean he’s made it past me. Liz doesn’t count because she’s a pushover,” MJ tells him.
“I am not! Just because I don’t suggest punching people doesn’t mean I put up with people’s crap. And for the record if I had to watch anyone get throat punched I would definitely want it to be Quentin,” she tells him. “He does have a punchable throat. And a punchable everything else too.”
“Yeah, but he’s hot,” Peter says, offering up Quentin’s only redeeming quality.
MJ makes a face, “okay,” she says sarcastically and Peter resents that. They all know Quentin is hot and has nothing else to offer so he feels he should get credit there even if he only gets credit there. God, at least Tony has a personality.
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whatzaoverwatch · 6 years
Anything can happen in the Woods (Part 6)
Aww yiss this is gunna develop some good characters. Some people were talking about how the reader doesn’t really feel like a self-insert. Well this chapter is really going to go in depth with that…lots of personal subjects but I am not afraid to really express them tbh. Please enjoy. First Previous Next
Note: Female Pronouns
It wasn’t long until Gabriel had come back out from his hiding. Something seemed different the moment he woke you up from your mid nap. You hadn’t recalled when you passed out on the long sofa. It had to be somewhere just after you took out a book from the shelf in the living room and sitting down. Coincidentally the book choice had to do with monster identification and the supernatural. In fact, that is what a lot of the books on the shelf were for. To think that all these creatures could possibly exist. Well they had to be if you were taken by a werewolf.
Speaking of the wolf, you were awakened by the weight of familiar fabric rested on top of you. Waking up, you caught a full glimpse of Gabriel sitting like a patient dog in the middle of the living room. Looking down, you found yourself wrapped in the very cape that you was searching for from prior. You were surprised to have found it in fairly good condition. It had been sewn completely up from the tear and it had been washed so delicately. It looked good as new.
The feeling in your heart when you gazed upon it was something you couldn’t perfectly describe. But holding it against your chest and thanking him felt like the right thing to do. He tried to brush it off like it was nothing, but he couldn’t hide away his tail from wagging in pride. The very same reaction from breakfast. Afterwards, he informed you of bringing some clothes to change into.  He also offered you to use the shower if you needed to clean up. Saying that you could use that before he let you go outside. Of course you asked him if it was because you behaved only to receive a smirk from that sassy comment.
You showered, ridding of the dull scent that was cloaked over you for the past twenty four hours. Somehow you couldn’t shake away the feeling that you had in your stomach. It came anytime you looked at him. Gabriel was doing all of this: making you food, fixing your cape, even providing you with fresh clothes to change into. But why was he doing it? There was a reason he was opening up to you so much like this. You pondered if this was done to the disappearing victims, but this felt different. It felt like you were meant to be here, it felt like you had a purpose residing in his home. In your gut was this stir, a sensation that you wanted to get to know him more. Ask him questions like why he lived within these woods. Finding out the meaning to all of these sudden emotions.
After the wash, you changed into a clean pair of black jeans and a tank top alongside the red cape. Although there was no reason to wear it, it just felt right. The texture felt softer than before. The scent of it was also different. It was like smoke, like a campfire, like Gabriel. In fact it smelled entirely like him. You could easily mistake it as his black fur. The more you thought on it, the more you were curious on how his fur felt. You don’t know why you were  feeling this way towards the monster that blackmailed you with your best friends’ life, but it almost felt like he didn’t care about your friend anymore.
The autumn air was crisp enough to bask in the outfit. The two of you stepped outside to take in the midday air. It felt like you were released from a small prison. The sound of the birds and the swaying of the breeze against the aged trees just felt completely serene. The colder temperature completely indicated that you were nestled close between the mountains. You remembered how close home was from here.
Home. Your concern wavered over you once more at the thought of everyone at home. Your job, your best friend, your neighbors. Did any of them know you were gone? Was anyone even looking for you? [BFName] must be worried sick, given the cut phone call before your taking. What would she think if she knew that you did this for her? Upset most likely. She never wanted to be protected or have her problems be known to others, but you knew her. You knew that she wasn’t even sick in the first place. You knew that she was probably faking it so you would keep her company. Yet you went anyways, because she was like a sister to you.
Suddenly in my train of thought, you felt the sudden brush of Gabriels tail press against your back drawing you back to reality. He was walking beside you around the front of the house. Gabriel tilted his head for a moment before questioning.
“Did you lose yourself for a moment chica? You weren’t planning on running were you?” You looked out to the open woods, seeing every tree and every leaf that rested upon the ground. Shaking your head, you hugged yourself into the cape with a shrug.
“You’d catch up to me before I even started,” Glancing at him, seeing as your eye level was directly to his in his four legged stance, “I also told you my name was [Name].”
“Just making sure,” he huffed and circled around you with another smirk, “yes you told me, but I’d rather call you chica instead.”
“Might as well put a collar on me as well seeing as you are giving me a pet name and taking me for a walk.” Narrowing his eyes he leaned closer, letting you feel his breath.
“Don’t tempt me, chica. I could interest you in a game of fetch while we are at it.” He teased.
“I swear if you didn’t already dwarf me in size, I would kick your ass right now.” You heard him bark a laugh at that challenge before moving ahead.
“I invite you to try.” Shaking your head, you continued to move with him.
Ever since the nap, you didn’t feel intimidated by his words. In fact, a lot of his so called “threats” seemed more like playful gestures more than anything. It came with the pulling feeling in my gut. The feeling was relaxing you over the rest of the situation. Fiddling with your cape over the stitching he did to fix it, you gave it a moment before asking one of the questions that filled my head.
“So, how long have you lived in these woods?” Feeling his eyes on you, you didn’t feel nervous for the first time.
“For awhile…I wanted a place to stay where I didn’t have to deal with mortals.” Looking over at him, you furrowed your brows at that term.
“It’s what supernatural beings refer to humans as,” His focus remained on you as you slowly moved, “Although creatures like us have roamed the earth thousands of years before man, we labeled humans as such because of their frail state and their limited age.”
“So you are a supernatural creature.” He looked ahead for a second before shaking his head.
“No. I was mortal…once, but I became this on different terms.”
“How did that happen?” You saw his gaze harden and his teeth grind just a little.
“You sure ask a lot of questions chica.” You look back down at the cape for a moment then shrugged.
“Just a curious soon to be dead woman that’s all. Who am I going to tell after all of this?” It was silent for a brief moment only to hear him sigh reluctantly.
“Long ago I was a part of an experimental magic program that allowed mortals to gain the benefits of supernatural creatures,” He began to say with some hesitation in his words, “It was given to only a select few where our senses would be heightened to detect and search for other supernatural creatures. A few of us ended up surviving the program and used it to hunt down the immortals and the creatures that go bump in the night.”
“So you were a hunter.” He nodded before continuing.
“Before your time, the supernatural creatures despised humans and wanted to eradicate them from the land. The mortals who were afraid for their lives wanted to dispose of them in return. A few of us wanted to at least bring a balance before anything went to shit. That’s when a hunting group named Overwatch was formed,” You noticed a rare, soft smile came to him only for it to fade away, “for years we thought we had made peace, but the fighting just never ended. Soon even bigger problems were starting to happen.”
“Bigger problems?” He halted in his steps and looked to the sky.
“Turns out the magic program had a few unfortunate…side effects to the early contributors. I was one of them. Things didn’t go down south until I had to save one of my students from a wolf attack. I started feeling more of the magic consume my human form. I searched for help to repress it,” You saw his fur bristle for a moment before looking over his shoulder, “They had only made things worse. Then Overwatch started falling apart which lead to an explosion. I was caught in the crossfire. They tried to save me...”
The breeze filtered our silence as you felt him tense up. Seeing shadowy smoke form off of his body and cloak the ground beneath you. Seeing as you were stepping into uncomfortable barriers. You felt bad for asking something so personal. Stepping closer hesitantly to place a hand onto his furred back. He flinched at the touch looking at you with a threatening glare. He snarled as if sending a warning to remove your hand from him. It was frightening and cold, but you didn’t feel the desire to pull away. The fur was incredibly soft against your fingers as you gently stroked with the hair. It seemed to ease him slightly before you spoke.
“I’m, sorry that happened to you.” You could feel his gaze soften a little before pulling away from your touch to tread forward.
“Don’t pity me. I chose to become this form and nothing can save it…not even-” Watching his tail flick in displeasure he kept moving. You caught up with him almost having a yearning to feel his fur once more only to repress it.
“I am not pitying you. I know what it’s like to lose something close to me and find myself alone in the matter. It might not be exactly the same way...but enough to know the pain.” Gabriel turned over to circle you for a moment glaring at your words with a scoff.
“Like you would know how it feels to lose your dearest friends and everything you built only for it to go down in flames,” You gripped onto the cape as he sneered from the reaction, “For someone who has questioned a lot about me, I know nothing about you in return. Tell me, what is a young woman like yourself visiting an outsider in the woods anyways? Why does she carry such a cape with her at all times? After all, a predator should know who its prey is before he can kill it.”
You felt your body stiffen at his questions looking into his crimson gaze that demanded to know. Swallowing hard, you felt the scent of smoke wash over you letting your tension go. Mustering up the courage, you softly spoke.
“That outsider happens to be my best friend, she is like a sister to me more than you know.”
“I know well enough that you’d trade your own soul to save her,” He rested on the ground for a moment, looking at the cape, “What of that cloth you hold onto? Did that come from her as well?”
“No, it came from my mother. She made it for me when I was a baby so it would be something to keep me safe.”
“And yet here we are…I am sure her and your father must be worried sick about you.” He rolled his eyes only for you to cut him off.
“He, as well as my mother, probably don’t know. My parents split up when I was three,” You scowled at the material for a second then to him, “my father went off with another woman and my mother had to raise my brother, my sister, and I all by ourselves until we became of age. She is with someone else but she has hardly been able to contact with me for years. I live by myself trying to get on my feet to pursue what I wanted to be since I was little.”
“And what would that be?” You averted your gaze and sighed.
“An actress.” He lifted his head from that answer only to softly snort at the thought.
“Actress? If you can perform better than you can at lying, then colour me impressed chica.” Glaring at him for a moment, he ceased an upcoming laugh only to look away as if he was apologizing.
“I admit I have lost, some of my touch, but I used to be good according to my peers. But it wasn’t enough to put food on the table so I took on baking at the village bakery.” Recalling the pastries that you brought while walking towards one of the trees.
“Judging by what you brought I’d say stick to that career cause you have a knack for it.” You smiled a bit at that comment before shrugging.
“I get that skill from my mom. But even that I feel isn’t what I want to do in life,” Leaning back against the tree trunk, you slide down the wood to sit on the ground with him, “I don’t know, I feel like I am still trying to figure out my place in this world. I don’t even know when I will make up my mind on what I want to do. I feel like I am trapped in a loop. Like I am lost and I have no one to turn to. My friend could only do so much and I don’t have anyone else besides her. It’s sad but.., I feel like I have nothing.”
Gabriel was silent looking at you. Looking over at him, you felt his anger seemed to have dispersed for the time being. His form no longer infused with smoke at it just seemed like he was a giant wolf. Getting himself up he moved closer towards you looking sincerely.
“Look, you’re young, you still have plenty of time to figure things out. Not everything will come to you instantly, but I know you will find your way at some point. You just have to look for it and learn about yourself. A friend and a career, even if you do not like it, is of more value when you compare to one that has neither.” You looked into his eyes feeling that pull within you once again as he spoke.
Telling you exactly what you wanted to hear. Having that pressure to always deciding something when you still had time to think about it. Plus your friend was enough to keep you company on those days. Looking at Gabriels state, he had nothing. It was no wonder he took it upon himself to roam these woods. You almost had a hint of hope that maybe he was willing to spare you just a bit longer so he wouldn’t be along. But it wouldn’t be long before your inevitable fate. Your thoughts halted as you couldn’t help but laugh.
“You mean the time between now and when I get killed? Do you think I will find out before then?” His tail swayed for a second before chuckling lowly with a shrug.
“Hey it’s possible…anything can happen in the woods chica,” He began to move back to the direction we were coming with slowly, “come…it’s getting late, you wouldn’t want to be out here after dark.”
Getting up, you joined his side with a slight smirk.
“What is there to be afraid of, when I have you to be next to me? After all, a predator has to look out for its prey when it wants to be the one who can kill it.”
He hummed at that statement as, feeling his tail brush up against me softly. The urge to pet it stirred your insides.
“That is true…your soul is mine and no one is going to take that.”
There was something about that statement that sent a pleasant chill up your spine. It would’ve sounded horrifying a week ago but now, it felt comforting. It felt as if he was walking you home. Home…honestly the more you thought of it…the more it felt like it was more of your home than your place in the village. You contemplated that as you took another whiff of the cape that clung to your shoulders. Not even noticing the way Gabriel gently smiled at you as you draped the cloak closer to your form.
 To be continued
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Lallapalooza part 3 (Joshx reader)
You had made plans with Tyler, Jenna, and Josh to go to dinner a few days ago. The plan was for them to pick you up tonight at 7 pm to go to applebees. You were excited but also nervous. You hadn't spent much time with Jenna or Tyler , but earlier this morning you got a text from Jenna, she asked if you would like to go to the mall with her to get an outfit for tonight. Of course you said yes and now she was on her way to pick you up.
Two honks rang from outside and you grabbed your phone off of your bed and headed out the door. Jenna sat in her car with a bright smile on her face, you smiled back and got in the passenger seat.
"How have you been?" she asked as she pulled back into traffic.
"Great! I've been looking forward to hanging out with you guys" you responded clicking your seat belt on.
"Me too! Josh says great things about you" she chimed. Your heart fluttered.
"Josh talks about me?" you asked
Jenna laughed. "Yeah only all the time"
"What's going on with you two anyways? I seen that facebook post" she smiled slyly referring to Josh's post from the APMA's. You blushed and honestly didn't know how to answer her. You and Josh had become good friends and you thought about having feelings for him but you weren't sure.
"I honestly don't even know at this point, I'm just gunna see how tonight goes and let everything unfold how it wants to" you replied with a slight laugh. Jenna nodded
"Good idea, ride it out, no need to rush anything" she responded. After about a twenty minute drive you guys found yourselves in the mall parking lot. You both got out of the car and walked in.
"Which store should we go to?" you asked looking around. Jenna thought for a moment.
"Let's go to ragstock" she suggested.
"Good idea I love that store. Cute clothes. Cheap price" you said.
"This is cute" Jenna chimed holding up a pink floral dress. You laughed.
"Yeah that would look great on you, I on the other hand would look ridiculous" you answered as you continued to sift through the clothing rack.
"Oh stop it. You look great in everything, try it on" she urged. You looked at her for a moment, she made puppy dog eyes and frowned. "For me?" she begged. You rolled your eyes and smiled. "God fine, but if I don't like it, it's coming off immediately" you said as the both of you headed to a dressing room. You closed the door and took off your clothes before slipping the dress on. Jenna was right, it was really pretty. The blush colored pink and the maroon colored flower pattern was beautiful against your skin. It was form fitting which you weren't a huge fan of because you weren't a huge fan of your form. You took one more look at yourself.
"How does it look?" Jenna questioned from outside the door. You stepped out of the dressing room and Jennas face lit up.
"I knew you'd look great!!" she exclaimed. "It is a really pretty dress, why don't you try it on?" you suggested.
"I think you should wear it, it was made for you" she replied reassuringly.
"Well what are you going to wear?" you asked stepping back into the dressing room.
"I'm not sure, I have some ideas though" she answered. You put your normal clothes back on and held the dress in your arms as you and Jenna continued looking around.
"This would look great on you" you said holding up a pair of black jean shorts with an olive green strapless top.
"Let's try it!" Jenna said grabbing the outfit. You made your way back to the dressing rooms. A few moments passed and Jenna stepped out, and of course she looked wonderful and amazing as always.
"You look amazing! Tyler will love it!" you smiled.
"Well good, then the hard part of tonight is over, now all we have to do is eat for free " Jenna laughed. You both paid for your new clothes and left the store.
"What time is it anyways?" you asked looking at your phone. You seen you had a text from Josh.
"Oh Josh texted me" you said. You and Jenna stopped walking as you read the message.
J: Hey (Y/N), I'm so so sorry but I wont be able to make it to dinner tonight....something came up, I'm sorry. can we reschedule?
"Oh..." you said, the smile faded from your face.
"What?" Jenna asked leaning in to see your phone screen. You tilted it so she could read it easier.
"Oh no...I wonder what came up, I'll have to ask Tyler and see if he knows anything. We could still go to dinner if you want" she offered, a hint of sympathy in her voice.
"No that's okay, you and Ty should go I wouldn't want to impose" you replied.
"Well you wanna just come over to my place and hangout? We could binge watch netflix and order pizza?" she offered again. You looked at Josh's message again and then at jenna. You smiled, "sure, that actually sounds really fun" you said. Jenna smiled back.
"Awesome! I'll head home and tell tyler dinner is off and then you can just come over around 6" she said. You agreed and she drove you home.
You walked inside after saying bye to Jenna and opened your phone deciding to respond to Josh.
Y: That's okay, I understand, we'll just have to do it another time, no worries Josh, I hope everything's okay
J: thank you, you're the best
You closed your phone and sat on your couch. You really did hope everything was okay, but you were also really sad. You had been looking forward to going to dinner with everyone.
"I guess this dress will have to get used to the closet" you spoke to yourself as you hung it up in your room.
"Where should we get pizza from?" Jenna asked looking at her phone. You thought for a moment. "How about marcos?" you suggested. "Oh my god yes, they are SO good" she said as she went to the Marcos website beginning to make an order. You and her were sitting on her couch, she was wearing a pair of Tyler's basketball shorts and a black sweatshirt , with her hair in a bun. You wore black leggings with an oversized band Tee.
"Should we get cheesy bread?" Jenna asked. You chucked "obviously" you responded. Jenna laughed "alright I'll get some annnnnnd I'll get some lava cake" she spoke completing the order.
You guys watched Lord Of The Rings as you waited for your pizza. You and her shared a blanket watching the movie and talking to Tyler every so often when he came into the living room. The doorbell rang and Jenna paused the movie and hopped up. "Pizza's here!" she said as she trotted to the door. You heard her talking to the delivery person as you scrolled through facebook.
You seen a post that made your heart crumble. It was a picture, posted by some girl named Debby. The picture was of the girl and.....Josh outside a movie theater posted an hour ago with the caption:
"awesome night out with this guy 💜"
You frowned as the sound of Josh's voice filled your ears
I can't make it to dinner..Something came up.
"Here we go" Jenna said setting the pizza down on the coffee table infront of you. Her smile quickly fell when she saw the look on your face.
"What's wrong?" she asked sitting next to you. You showed her the picture and spoke softly
"Who's Debby Ryan?...."
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Little Soul Mate
Pairings: Crowley x Reader, Crowley x Age Regressed Reader
Warnings: Swearing??? IDK I put it for everything. Age regression.
Word Count: 4,597
A/N: So this story is a paused fic I have had in my files for two years that doesn’t really have a set ending because I couldn’t come up with anything else. I just want to give y’all some more content I guess. Enjoy.
Terrified didn’t even begin to describe what you were feeling. You sat as deep into the corner of your apartment complex’s laundry room as physically possible as something monstrous clawed at the thankfully steel doors to get to you. Your two personalities raged in your brain, as tears streamed down your face. You tried to scream for help but the sound caught in your throat each time.  You managed to squeak out ‘Daddy’ for a man that hadn’t existed in your life in months as the monster finally burst through the door. You closed your eyes, and curled up into yourself a little more as the beast lunged toward you before a gun shot rang out through the room.
You continued to sob and shake as the beast landed at your feet, spraying blood from the hole in his jugular across your baby Tigger slippers, your jean overalls, and the orange long sleeved, off shoulder sweater shirt you had on. You could barely hear someone ask if you were alright as adult you sobbed and slowly slipped away, and little you screamed in your mind in sheer terror, but you yelped when someone touched your knee. Your head whipped back and forth as you began to rock and beg your daddy to come back.
“What’s she saying?” Dean asked his brother as the pair of them watched you cover your ears. Sam shrugged his shoulders.
“We gotta get her out of here.” Sam said as he looked at the werewolf at his feet.
“Dude. She’s fucking crazy.” Dean said as he kicked the beast with the toe of his boot.
“She was just attacked by a fucking werewolf, of course she’s a little crazy.”
“Are you lot really going to just stand around with your thumbs up your asses all bloody day?” Crowley asked as he leaned in the door way, always up for annoying the boys. His eyebrows cocked as he looked at you, huddled in the corner. “What’s wrong with her?”
“Don’t know.” Dean said as he pocketed his gun. “Found her like this.” The King’s brow furrowed as he took a step closer to hear what you were mumbling. His brow furrowed further as he listened to the conflicting yet parallel thoughts in your head, and he quickly made the wolf disappear, as a need to comfort filled his twisted soul for the first time in decades.
“I’ve got her, boys.” He said as he came over and crouched down in front of you. “Hello, little one.” He said softly as Sam and Dean cleared out. “What’s wrong?” You shook your head as your pleas for help fell silent on your lips. “Alright. How about you come with me, and we can get you out of those filthy clothes. I don’t think Tigger appreciates the yuck, does he?” You shook your head again and looked up at him through your lashes with a sniffle. He smiled at you and held out his hand, patiently.
“I’m scared.” You whispered as you looked over at the broken door. “It’s scary.”
“I know it is.” Crowley agreed with a nod. “But I promise, I can protect you from that mean, scary beast.” You were so terrified, the concept of trusting this man at face value with your deepest, darkest secret didn’t even cross your mind. Very slowly, you reached out and slipped your blood splattered hand into his. “There’s a good girl. How about we go find a cup of milk and some cartoons, huh?”
“Chocolate?” You whispered as he pulled you to your feet. 
“That sounds wonderful, little one.”
Crowley watched you in awe as you sat on the floor of your pastel pink spare bedroom, coloring in a ‘My Little Pony’ coloring book, surrounded by stuffed animals to keep you safe. He pushed himself back and forth in your rocking chair, trying to figure out just why he, a soulless, narcissistic prick, gave a damn about the strange woman in front of him. He wasn’t any sort of caregiver; nothing like the man that you had been crying for in the basement. He also wasn’t a complete asshole like that man either. But he couldn’t help but consider the idea. But how he would go about being a caregiver in his position?
“Look it!” You said, pridefully as you picked up the book, and showed it to him.
“You did that?” He asked as he stopped rocking, and leaned forward in the chair. “That’s incredible!”
“That’s Pinkie Pie.” You said as you scooted toward him, and pointed out the characters. “And that’s Applejack. See, she’s here, too!” You said, excitedly, as you handed him the book, and grabbed the stuffed animal version of your drawing from the pile. “She’s my favorite pony.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Applejack.” Crowley said with a smile as he reached out, and shook the stuffed animal’s leg before he even thought the action through.
“She likes you.” You said as you sat back on your heels in front of him, and looked at your pony. “She thinks you seem trustable. She didn’t…” You said before your voice fell off. You bit your lip, and tears welled in your eyes as your adult brain tried to protect your innocent little side from the memory of your ex.
“Little one.” Crowley said as he leaned forward, and rested his arms on his knees. “How’s about I put a movie in for you before you take a nap. Since I know you’re safe, I’ll leave you here for now. And, tomorrow, we can go out to dinner to get to know each other. Big or Little you, I’m fine with both.” You nodded your head slowly as the adult in you took over for a moment.
“Is that thing coming back?” You whispered as you looked up at him with tear filled eyes. 
“I swear to you, you are safe. I know my word means nothing yet but it’s the truth.” He reached out, and very gently wiped away your tears. You whispered ‘OK’ and nodded against his palm. “Alright, little one. Let’s see what cute pajamas you have.”
Crowley sat on his throne, ignoring the rambling demon in front of him as he responded to little you and your unbelievable facts about orcas (because there was no way a whale weighed a gazillion tons) and big you regarding dinner plans that night. In less than twenty four hours, you had some how weaved your way into every inch of his brain. A small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as Little sent another photo, introducing him to Perry the Porg (whatever a porg was. Looked more like a penguin to him), when Sam’s caller ID photo popped up on his screen. He sighed and stood up, walking out of his throne room in the middle of his minion’s sentence.
“What d’you want, Moose?”
“Hey, we’re trying to wrap up here in town. Did you give that girl the speech?”
“I’m taking care of it.” Crowley said as he glanced at his phone and the text from you about your hesitation on going out for dinner. 
“It’s no big deal.” Sam said. “We’re cleaning up now, and we can head over…”
“I said I fucking have it!” He snapped! “What part of that fucking sentence do you not understand?” He hung up the phone and pulled up your texts with a shake of his head. He waited a few minutes, sending you a couple more texts to make it appear that he was ‘driving over’ before transporting himself to your apartment. He made sure that he had a different tie on than the night before, and that the scent of sulfur was gone from his suit before knocking on your door. He huffed a laugh when he heard your small squeal, and took a step back to wait for you to open the door.
“You made it.” You said with a smile as you pulled on the side of your knee length, black dress. “Come in!”
“You look amazing, kitten.” He said as he stepped into your apartment. “You ready to go?” You nodded your head slightly.
“You’re sure it’s safe?” You asked as you looked at the open door.
“I promise you. It’s safe.” He reassured as he held out his arm for you. You nodded and took it hesitantly but with every step you took toward the door, your grip tightened. You made it to the threshold when the twisted face of your neighbor running toward you stopped you cold, and sent your mind reeling.
“No.” You said as you put on the breaks, and dug your heels into the carpeted floor. “No, I can’t. Daddy, please! Please!”
“OK. OK.” Crowley said as he moved in front of you and gently pushed you a step back into your place. He shushed you softly, and pushed your apartment door closed as you burst into tears. “Hey, you’re alright, kitten.”
“He’s gunna come back.” You gasped with a frantic shake of your head. “He’s coming…”
“Little love.” He cooed as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled your shaking body into his chest. “Breathe for me.”
“I can’t.” You gasped. Crowley nodded and slowly walked you back to your couch.
“Alright, here we go. Sit down for me.” You nodded and let him lead you into a seat. He sat down beside you with a sigh, wondering briefly just how Sam and Dean dealt with people after they learn about the supernatural on a regular basis. “There’s my girl. I was in the mood for a nice slice of pizza anyways. So we stay inside for our first date.” He smiled and ran his hand down your leg to take off your heels with a smile. “My vote is for peppers and mushrooms.” Your nose scrunched as he tossed your shoes aside, and pulled your legs across his lap.
“Eww.” Crowley laughed as he grabbed one of your many blankets from the shelf under your coffee table and spread it out across your lap.
“So what does my little girl want then?” He asked as he wrapped the blanket around you. 
“Cheese.” You whispered as you took the offered handkerchief from Crowley.
“Cheese it is.” He agreed. “I’ll place the order, while you find something on TV. Then we’ll talk after, alright?” You nodded your head as he passed you the remote before pulling out his phone to get one of his minions to pick-up a pizza for him. He smiled to himself as you scooted down on the couch beside him, and pulled up ‘Captain America: Civil War’. You set your remote aside and reached out to hold the side of Crowley’s suit jacket like a safety blanket. Once he hung up the phone, he held his arm out so you could scoot into it.
“You’re safe with me, little one.” He whispered as he kissed the top of your head, loving the smell of your coconut shampoo. “I know I just met you, but I swear to you, you are safe.” You nodded your head and laid your head on his chest for only a moment before someone knocked on your front door.
“Already?” You asked as You sat up while Crowley pulled the blanket off your lap. You headed over to the door, grabbing the cash Crowley held out to you on the way, and took a deep, steadying breath before opening it. Your head tilted the slighted bit to the side as a very tall man with long hair turned around with no pizza in his hands. “Can I help you?” You inquired as you held onto the door a little tighter, prepared to slam it closed if the man turned out to be a beast, too.
“Hi. My name is Sam. I umm… I was there yesterday when…” You heard Crowley sigh, loudly and you glanced over at him as he got up off your couch to come over to the door.
“Fucking part of ‘I’ve fucking got it’ did you not comprehend, Moose?” He asked as he put his hand on on the small of your back. “’s’alright, love. I know him.” Sam looked between the pair of you as you took a step back and partially hid behind Crowley. “You might as well come in. Bloody pain in my ass.” He very carefully turned you around and guided you back into the apartment as Sam shut the door behind him and followed you into the living room. 
“What is this?” You asked as Crowley guided you back to the couch.
“This.” He said as he turned off your TV. “Is the conversation I wanted to have after we ate. But apparently, some people are impatient.” He looked over, pointedly at Sam as he sat down on the other couch. Crowley sighed and looked back over at you, searching your (Y/E/C) eyes as he tried to find the words to say. 
“(Y/N), there is no easy way to say this, but it needs to be said. There are beasts in this world. Beasts that most people believe only exist in movies. Beasts like the werewolf that tried to attack you last night… and beasts like me.” Your brow furrowed as you tried to figure out just what he meant before he blinked and his eyes turned blood red. You were too stunned to move, too lost for words as Sam started to explain further. It took you a few moments as Crowley simply waited for your reaction.
“Are you gunna hurt me?” You whispered as tears welled in your eyes, not caring that Sam was talking at all.
“Never, kitten.” You nodded your head slowly as little moved your hand forward to brush your fingertips across his face beside his eye. His shoulders relaxed and he blinked his eyes back to their normal brown as Sam watched the exchange uncomfortably. 
“What are you?”
“A demon.” He answered honestly. “Actually, to be more specific, the King of Hell.”
“So… doesn’t that mean your dead?”
“Technically speaking.” He said with a nod. “But a few years past, Sam and his brother tried to cure me. So I have a partial soul.” You nodded your head slowly and glanced over at Sam.
“Do you sleep?” He smirked and shrugged his shoulders as he leaned against the back of the couch.
“Not typically. But I can fall asleep if I want.”
“Don’t demons like haunt people, and throw shit?” Crowley smiled as he ran his fingertips across your knee. 
“It’s our form of entertainment.” He chuckled. “But yes, I can make things move, and I can make myself invisible.” Your eyes went wide and a smile spread across your face as you shifted on the couch and crossed your legs.
“Do it! Pretty please?” With a slight nod and a huff, Crowley disappeared before your eyes. You could still feel his hand on your knee and could still see the impression of where he was sitting on the couch.
“When you’ve lived as long as I have.” His disembodied voice said as he made the vase on your table levitate. “You have to have some fun.” You gasped as the vase went flying across the room and hit Sam directly in the stomach. He grunted, and bent over double as the vase floated back to the table and Crowley reappeared with a smug smile. “Told you, I’d handle it.”
“Fuck you, Crowley.” Sam said as he got up. “I’d run, and run fast, (Y/N)…”
“Noted.” You said as someone else knocked on the door.
“I’ll see him out.” Crowley said as he picked up his money from the table. With a nod of your head, you sat back against the couch to try to wrap your head around the new news. After some yelling on Crowley’s part, he slammed your front door, and brought the pizza back for you with a smile. “It’s actually from Italy.” He said as he set it down on the table in front of you. “Perks of being the King.”
“Can I ask you something?” You said as you grabbed a slice and a tissue for a napkin. “Why would a demon show interest in someone like me?”
“Truthfully?” He said as he sat down beside you and crossed his legs. “I have no idea. Typically, I don’t tolerate people. But there’s something about you that I can’t walk away from even if I tried. And don’t ask what because I don’t have a bloody clue. You’re just something special. You’re too damn adorable.” Your face flushed and you curled into yourself as you tried to use your half eaten pizza to hide your face. “That doesn’t help your case, kitten.”
“Quit!” You whined as you poked his side with your toes. He chuckled as he reached out to rub your ankle.
“Sorry, kitten. Not possible.” You scrunched your nose at him and reached out to turn your TV back on with an embarrassed smile. You glanced over at his smiling face and turned a brighter shade of red.
“Will you quit!”
“She came around when I was in high school.” You said softly as you looked over at the closed spare bedroom door while leaning against Crowley’s side with your legs over his lap. “I was such a loner back then. My parents had gotten divorced the summer before my freshman year and started using me and my big sister as pawns in their divorce. It became a literal living hell and it got so bad, that my sister ran away. We haven’t seen or heard from here in years, and I got blamed for it. I didn’t know how to handle it all. So I started to regress.”
“Oh, kitten.” Crowley sighed as he brushed his hand up your shins.
“It’s OK.” You said with a shrug. “I survived it. And Little… well, she kinda just stuck around. I spend more time being little now a days than I do being big. It’s the only coping mechanism I know.”
“So what happened to your last ‘Daddy’?” He asked as he shifted a bit to see your face. You sighed deeply and ran your fingers through your hair as you met his eyes. 
“Michael was an asshole. He didn’t understand the concept of caregiver and basically just wanted a sex slave. He was a sweetheart to start out with but after a few months, being little got in the way. He wanted me to support him, wanted me to take care of him.” You scoffed and shook your head as you briefly relived the last fight you had before you locked him out of your apartment. “He wanted a woman that knew her fucking place in the world. And I wasn’t having it.”
“Good for you, kitten.” He said as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“I just… I had to protect the part of me that was there to protect me. It’s like a split personality but I’m aware of everything that happens in both mindsets and both mindsets are there all the time. Like now, the little half of me is singing the theme song to a classic show called ‘Popples’ on repeat. Which is annoying as hell but I just ignore it… usually. Sometime she’s insistent about it, though. And at that point, I just let her win.”
“She is quite the presence.” He chuckled. “Would you mind if I stuck around to get to know both of you? I don’t know much about this… hell, I’m not even sure I’d be good at it…”
“You would be.” You said with a nod. “Just the bit of protectiveness I’ve seen proves that.”
“Well thank you.” You nodded your head and gently pat his hand to get up to use the restroom.
“It takes a special someone to be a Daddy.” You said as you pulled the hair tie from your wrist and threw your hair up in a loose, messy bun. “It’s not for everyone.” If it was possible, Crowley’e heart stopped as he looked at the small, blob like, ‘L’ shaped birthmark on the back of your neck. It was something he never believed existed, no matter how many times he had looked at the exact same mark on his left arm for centuries on both his human body and his meat suit.
“Love, is that a birthmark?” Crowley asked as he gestured to the soul mate mark that explained everything about how he felt about you. You looked back at him as you reached back and rubbed your fingertip across the spot with a smile.
“That it is.” You said with a shrug as you paused in the doorway to the master bedroom. “I used to hate it because kids used to say it looked like a penis but I could never bring myself to have it removed. I’ll be right back. I wanna get out of this dress.” He nodded his head slowly as he reached up to absentmindedly press his thumb into his own mark.
“Well I’ll be fucking damned.” 
“Guthrie what do you know about soulmates?” Crowley asked as he sat on his throne, scouring the internet for any sort of information on the apparently archaic concept. His second in command looked over at him from the clipboard in his hand with his eyebrows raised.
“I didn’t stutter.” He said as he exited out of another webpage with useless information.
“Well sir.” Guthrie breathed as he dropped the clipboard to his side. “When I was a boy, my mother used to tell us that they were called twin flames or twin souls. It translated to a single soul, split between two people, through multiple reincarnations to gain live experience, before meeting again in their final lifetime on the planet so that they may ascend together. Soul mates are different. They are part of a family that help you grow and evolve.”
“So twin flames are the common understanding of soulmates.” Crowley clarified as he switched his search to ‘twin flames’.
“As I understand it, yes.” The King nodded his head as he added ‘mark’ and ‘lore’ to the end of his search.
“Do you believe it could be possible that flames could transcend the realm of living and dead?” Guthrie looked back up from his clipboard as Crowley closed out another useless website.
“I don’t believe so, sir. It could be possible but since most of the deceased on Earth have no soul…” Crowley nodded his head as he turned off his screen and got up from his chair.
“You’re not helping.” He said before disappearing to the library of the Bunker. Sam barely glanced up from his research as Dean threw his book down on the table.
“Damn, and I was hoping to go one fucking day without seeing your face.”
“Shut it, Squirrel.” Crowley snapped as he quickly read the book titles on the shelves before walking over to grab the book he was looking for. Sam and Dean exchanged a glance as he pulled three books off the shelf, and headed over to one of the tables.
“What uh… what are you looking for?” Sam asked hesitantly.
“None of your bloody business.” Crowley snapped as he flipped through the first lore book for the information he wanted. He stopped when he found a page referencing soul marks. He let out a small sigh of relief as he picked up the book and started to read as he walked slowly toward the archway between the map room and the library. He leaned up against the pillar and made himself a drink as he tried to soak up every ounce of information he could.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Dean asked as he got up to see what Crowley was reading. He managed to get only part of one of the titles, before the books went flying across the room.
“Don’t be a nosy prat.” Crowley said, dismissively as he closed the book he was reading and grabbed it and the two others that were floating in mid air in front of him. “I’ll return these when I’m done with them.” He barely heard Sam’s sigh as he disappeared back to his personal chambers to finish reading until you texted him when you got home from your waitressing gig.
“Makes sense.” He mumbled as he sat down in front of his fireplace, and opened the next book that involved the Greek mythology book that he assumed would be able to expand on the  original knowledge he knew about soulmates. “Oh, kitten. What are we gunna do with all this?”
You hadn’t walked three feet into your apartment after yet another shitty day, when Crowley appeared directly in front of you. Your bottom lip popped out and tears welled in your eyes almost instantly as you dropped your purse on the ground. 
“They’re just so mean.” You cried as Crowley’s heart melted impossibly more.
“Come here, little one.” He cooed as he held open his arms. You nodded your head and shuffled forward as tears spilled from your eyes. He held you tight and kissed the top of your head with a smile. “Now what happened, kitten?”
“I got fired because I refused to spend another two hours after my shift ended doing someone else’s side work. I’m sick of being pushed around there!”
“Well then it’s a good thing you got fired, then, right?” He asked as he picked you up and carried you toward your bedroom to get you changed.
“Just another fucking job I can’t fucking do.” You squeaked.
“No, kitten.” He said as he set you down beside the bed. “It’s not that you can’t do the job… arms up.” You nodded your head and put your arms in the air as he tossed your old apron out of the bedroom. “You could do the job. It just shouldn’t have been your damn job to do other people’s work.” You nodded your head and sniffled as you held onto his shoulder and stepped out of you work shorts. “That is just asinine.”
“That’s what I said.” You agreed as he grabbed one of your many, blue, oversized sweaters and a pair of cloud patterned sleep shorts from your closet.
“Well you don’t need that, princess. You deserve so much better than that. Up.” You nodded your head in agreement as you lifted your arms in the air and let him put on your sweatshirt. “I brought you something.” You smiled at him and sniffled as he pulled the hem of your sweater into place over your shorts. He stood up straight and studied you for a moment before holding out his hand and making a tiny, stuffed turtle appear in his palm. “You didn’t have a turtle…” You squealed loudly and snatched the baby from his hand before he could even finish his sentence.
“He’s so cute!” You cooed as you cuddled the turtle to your chest like a baby. Crowley smiled and reached up to brush your hair back behind your ear.
“First, he needs a name.” He said. “Then, he needs to meet his brothers and sisters, right?” You nodded your head as you followed his lead into little space, letting the anxiety of losing yet another job slip away.
“Franklin.” You said as you looked up at him. He nodded his head and smiled at you with a small huff of a laugh.
“Franklin it is.”
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Fresh Start: Part 2
Pairings: Bucky x Reader, Cop!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of an attempted rape.
Word Count: 2,315
A/N: Got the idea for this one while watching ‘The Town’.
Part 1
“I ain’t gunna get kicked up for any of this, right?” You clarified for what felt like the hundredth time as you fidgeted with the pencil skirt Bucky’s co-worker, Wanda, had loaned you for court.
“No, you’ve got immunity.” Bucky said as he waited with you since he was testifying after you. “Just tell the truth. All of it. Even if you kept it from me. You tell them everything. And keep looking at Stark. Don’t look at your brother at all, OK? He’s gunna try to intimidate you as best as he can.”
“OK, I know.” You said with a nod as you pulled at your skirt some more.
“Relax. Just think of Jess.” He said as he pulled your hands away from the material. “It’s going to be over soon…”
“(Y/N) Odinson.” A woman called out from the doorway. You looked over at her and froze.
“Stand up, doll.” Bucky said softly as he put his hand on the small of your back and pushed you gently. “Go.”
“I can’t.” You said with a shake of your head.
“(Y/N), go. Now.” Bucky said a little more sternly but not loud enough to draw attention. With one final push, you got up and carefully walked over to the woman with the hint of tears in your eyes. She gave you a small smile and turned to lead you into the court room. You took one last glance over your shoulder at Bucky, who only had time to give you a nod, before you made it around the door into the main hall. You could taste bile rising in your throat as your stomach turned painfully. You stumbled twice before even making it through the doors and wanted so badly to just take off running in the opposite direction. But you kept going, focusing only on your daughter’s smiling face in your mind. You stumbled once more into the witness stand and sat down a little too roughly to be sworn in.
“Sorry.” You whispered when you bumped the microphone when you bent over a little bit to fix your heel in your shoe. “Oh, sorry!” You said again after you nearly knocked the Bible out of the bailiffs hand when you sat up too quickly.
“Just take a deep breath for me, (Y/N).” Tony said softly once you had been sworn in. “It’s kinda intimidating to be up there, isn’t it? All these people staring at you.” You nodded in agreement as he walked over and stood between you and the defense table and leaned up against the judge’s bench. “You gotta answer questions out loud, Ms. Odinson.”
“Oh, sorry.” You said as you looked at the microphone in front of you and gently pushed it a little bit away from you.
“That’s alright.” He said with a nod. “Can you state your name and your relationship to the defendant for the court?” You cleared your throat and nodded as you tried to do what Bucky had said but you still couldn’t stop your eyes from looking at the jury to your left, and the people you could see watching the trial as you let these strangers know who you were. “Now, I wanna ask you some questions, Ms. Odinson. Can you tell me about October 18, 2015?”
“It was a Sunday.” You said with a small nod as you glanced down at your lap. “I make supp’a for my broth’a every Sunday. We’re the only family each other’s got left.”
“What did you make?” The prosecutor inquired as he grabbed a packet of tissues from his jacket pocket and handed you one since you had already started to tear up.
“Lasagne.” You said with a slight crack in your voice. “I used my ma’s old recipe. She passed away when I was a teenage’a so I go through her cookbook every year and make a new dish every Sunday. That’s how I know it was lasagne night. October is always Italian month because that’s was my ma’s birth month and that was her favorite. Alfredo or spaghetti first, then fresh pizza, lasagne, and risotto with shrimp and/or sausage. Clockwork.”
“Man, you are making me hungry.” Tony teased to keep you calm. “So what happened that night that made it stand out?”
“We… we had a guest.” You said as you started to fold the tissue meticulously. “A friend of my broth’a’s I guess. I didn’t know him but I was told his name was Jack.”
“Was Jack there when you arrived?”
“No.” You shook your head as you unfolded the tissue to fold it a different way. “I drag Thor to church on Sunday mornin’s. Ma always said you don’t fuck with church days.”
“Please watch your language, Ms. Odinson.” The judge said beside you. You apologized yet again, and gave him a tight lipped smile. 
“So when did Jack show up for dinner?” Tony asked as he took a quick few steps over to take a sip of water, letting you see your brother for the first time in almost two years not through a thick piece of glass or a TV monitor. He gave you a curt, subtle nod but his blue eyes told you not to fuck this up for him. They reminded you that if you told the truth, he’d be going away for life, and not the twenty years he was serving now.
“Umm…” You said as you ripped your eyes away from your brother, wishing so badly that you hadn’t looked at him. “He came when I was servin’. I had to use the blue plates…” You said more to yourself as you pictured the spots of blood on the blue glass plates that you had to throw out after that night.
“What happened next?” Tony asked, pointedly as he put himself back between you and your older sibling.
“Then…” You choked as you looked up to find your brothers eyes, only for your own to continue up to Tony’s. You opened your mouth to respond but no sound came out.
“What happened next, (Y/N)?” Tony repeated over the definite forced cough from your brother. Tears welled in your eyes and your bottom lip trembled as you took a deep breath and forced yourself to think about your daughter calling someone else mommy.
“We were eatin’ and Jack told Thor that he had messed up a drug run that was supposed to be so simple that I could’a done it. Thor said that last part, not Jack. They were arguing about that and a bank job that went bad.” Tony’s eyebrows shot to his hair line as he stood up straight since he had no idea you knew about the robberies when he tried that case two years prior and you heard a definite growl come from your brother as he realized you were turning on him. You just shook your head and kept talking. “They only did two… banks that is. First one was a small one, some small time local bank in the Town. But the second one was a botched job. My brother’s crew barely got out in one piece. He didn’t go, but he orchestrated it. Anyways, the two of them were arguing about how Jack fucked up the bank job and then the drug job and next thing I know, he pulled out the gun he kept strapped to the bottom of the table and shot him in the temple.”
“Objection!” The defense shouted once the shock of you admitting that your brother was responsible for two bank robberies no one could pin on him. “Those charges were dropped for insufficient evidence.”
“I’m gunna have to say overruled on that one.” The judge said with a nod as he jotted down the notes. “But the jury will disregard that part of the statement.”
“He just kept yelling at me to help clean up.” You said before Tony had asked you to go on. “Tellin’ me to hurry the fuck up and stop bein’ a little bitch about it. There was so much blood everywhere. My lasagna… haven’t made it since… and the plates. I had to throw those out… and they were my moth’a’s!” You said as you looked up at Tony and started to cry. “I wanted to just run away but he said I’d be next if I didn’t help, and I didn’t wanna die. I didn’t. So I just scrubbed and scrubbed until my fingers bled. I don’t know what he did with the body after he dragged it out the back. I didn’t ask. You don’t ask my brother questions.”
“(Y/N), why didn’t you tell police two years ago… or any time between that night and a few days ago about the murder?”
“I was s-scared.” You said as you took a second tissue and swiped at your tears, spreading black streaks across your face. “Thor’s my broth’a. He’s all I have left’a my family. I didn’t wanna lose him and I didn’t wanna know what he’d do to me if I told the truth.”
“So why are you coming clean now?” Tony asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and scratch his chin lightly. “Why, after staying silent after all this time are you speaking out? How do we know you’re not lying here?”
“I ain’t lying.” You said a little harshly. “Not no more. I gotta daught’a. Beautiful angel named Jessica. If I lied here today, I’d’a gone ta jail and my baby girl’d end up in the system. Ain’t no Townie ever did good in the system. It’s rigged.”
“But that doesn’t tell us why you lied in the first place. How do we know that you’re telling the truth now?”
“Because I told my fiancé that night what happened.” You said, realizing that you had left that part out of your little rant, and realizing that Tony was doing his best to be the only one interrogating you so that you didn’t see your brother too much. “He was an undercover cop at the time and neither Thor nor I knew about it. I only found out myself a few nights ago. But I started dating him when he was under cover about four years before Thor was bagged. He was Thor’s right hand.”
“So how’d you find out that he was an officer?”
“Because I was attacked and almost raped on Friday night in my apartment.” You sighed and ran your hands through your hair as you recrossed your legs. “He was the special victims officer that came to take my statement.”
“And you dropped those charges?”
“I did. When Sam… who I now know is named James, showed up, I got angry. He’s the fath’a of my daught’a and he left when Thor was bagged. I always assumed he got bagged with my broth’a for the drugs. So once I gave my statement, I wanted to get away from him. But he helped me realize that I would be committin’ perjury if I lied the way my broth’a wanted me too, since I told him ‘bout the murder. Then I would lose my daught’a. He also pointed out that there was a chance that my broth’a may have had the attack orchestrated since he had been the one to make a similar call in the past. Obviously since he’s in jail for it.”
“And I just want to ask for the record. You and your fiancé have reconciled your differences as of now for the sake of your daughter.”
“On top of that, you are in no way being forced to make these statements for or because him or anyone else at this moment in time.”
“No suh.”
“So your statement here is true and all your own. No one told you what to say here today, no one paid you any money, and you’re not under threat other than to point out the legal consequences of your actions.”
“Well that’s all I have for you, my dear. Thank you for your time this morning.” You nodded your head and took a deep breath as Tony walked back to his table. Your eyes instantly met Thor’s and you cringed at the death stare he was giving you. You bit your lip and looked away as the defense attorney, who had been the one to subpoena you in the first place, told the court he was done with you for now but he’d like the option to recall you later, which was something that Tony had pre-warned you about. You nodded your head, and got up to leave on extremely shaky legs, realizing that this wasn’t over yet. You kept your eyes down on the ground as you walked quickly across the front of the court room, but as you hit the divider, Thor grabbed his water glass and chucked it at the side of your face as hard as he could, causing it to shatter.
“You are dead to me!” He shouted as you stumbled into Tony, who caught you just before you hit the floor. “You hear me, bitch? Dead!”
“Don’t… don’t touch it.” Tony said over Thor’s screams as he was carted out of the room by the court officers. “Someone call an ambulance!”
“I should have just lied.” You squeaked as you gently touched a bleeding cut across your cheek and the shard of glass sticking out of the cut. “I take it back…”
“What the fuck happened?” Bucky shouted as he ran up the middle row to help you.
“I wanna go home!” You sobbed as he pulled you over to him.
“OK, it’s gunna be OK, baby doll.” He said with a small nod as he pulled some loose pieces of glass out of your hair. “I promise you. I’ll make it OK again.”
Part 3
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years
Southern Strip Tease
Pairings: Chibs x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, one night stand, stripper reader.
Word Count: 2,019
‘This ain’t my room.’ You thought to yourself as your eyes looked around the unfamiliar room. ‘This also ain’t my arm.’ You though as you looked down at the dead weight that was draped across your stomach. You looked over at the man that belonged to the arm and pursed your lips. ‘Not bad.’ You wanted to kick yourself for being a one night stand but from what you could remember it was totally worth it. Though typically, you didn’t spend the night.
‘This is why I can’t have nice things.’ As gently as you could to not awake your bed mate, you lifted up his arm and scooted off the bed; laying it back down gently behind you. You scrambled to collect your clothes but paused when your eyes landed on the giant Reaper patch on the back of a leather kutte.
“Shit.” You whispered as you quietly threw your clothes on in an attempt to get out the door quickly undetected.
“Leavin' so soon?” You turned back around and looked at the stunning man laying in bed with a smile. You were just reminded why he was able to convince you to stay; you had a soft spot for that Scottish accent. Any accent, really other than the southern one you heard from your own mouth every day.
“Does that hurt you’re feelings, love?” Chibs chuckled, despite the fact that you were mocking his pet name of choice for the night, as he sat up in bed.
“Not’a t’all, baby.” You rolled your eyes as you grabbed your bag.
“See ya ‘round.” You opened the door to a long hallway and almost ran into another man with curly black hair.
“You got a set of lungs on ya, girl.” He said as he continued down the hall with a laugh. You groaned as you followed him out into the SAMCRO club house. A few guys who were sitting around the room began to slow clap as you walked through the room.
“Mind your own biscuits.” You snapped as you headed for the door.
“Listen to that accent; Chibs got lucky with that one.” One of the guys said. You groaned as you pushed open the door, hissing at the bright sunlight and practically running to your Jeep.
“I’m never listenin’ to Lyla again.”
“Fancy seein’ ye ‘ere, love.” You looked over the counter at the all too familiar voice from a few hours before and smiled.
“Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Found me faster than a knife fight in a phone booth.” Chibs laughed as you stood up from behind the counter of the tiny diner you waitressed at on the out skirts of Charming.
“Well there’s somethin’ you don’t ‘ere every day.” You shrugged as he took a seat at the bar.
“I’m from the south, sugar. I got sayin’s like the day is long. What can I get ya?”
“Coffee, black.” You nodded and grabbed a mug from behind the counter with one hand and the coffee pot with the other. “Ye ran out rather quickly this mornin’.” You nodded as you poured his coffee with a smile.
“You’re barking up the wrong tree if you thought I was the kinda girl to stick around after a night with Jack.”
“Not even if I wanted ta get ta know ya more.” You smiled and shook your head.
“Darlin’ there ain’t much to get to know. I’m from Tennessee and work two jobs to pay my bills. My life is busier than a one legged cat in a sandbox.” He chuckled as he took a sip of coffee.
“What if I could help ye with that?” You smiled as you looked around the dead restaurant.
“You ain’t even know me.”
“Aye, but I would really like ta get ta know ye.” You shrugged as you leaned back against the counter.
“You can try. I ain’t gunna make it easy on ya.” He laughed as he downed the last of his coffee.
“What’s yer other job?” You licked your bottom lip and shrugged as he tossed a twenty on the counter.
“Guess you’ll just have ta figure it out.” He smirked as he turned around and headed out the door.
“That a dare?” He called out and you laughed.
“It’s a double dare.”
“Hey, (Y/N)… cute guy out front, requesting you personally. By your real name.” You looked over at your co-worker Shannon, who everyone at your job knew as Sandy and your brow furrowed.
“Who is it?” She shrugged as she headed out of your room.
“I put him in two.” You nodded as your stomach twisted into knots. No one here knew your real name; every one of your regulars at the strip club knew you as Scarlett. With one last look in the mirror, you got up and headed down the back hall to room two.
‘Please don’t be someone creepy…’ You thought as you pushed open the door. Your worried face dropped almost instantly as you saw Chibs.
“Well I’ll be damned. Took ya a while.” He laughed as he leaned back against the couch seat.
“Lyla didn’t want to give up yer other job. Took a lot of bribing and some good, ol’fashion back door sleuthing.” You laughed as you stepped into the room.
“Told ya I wasn’t fixin to make it easy. Called her the minute you left the diner.” He tilted his head toward you as you stepped up on the platform.
“None of that, love. I came ta get ta know ya.” You cocked your eyebrow as you spun lazily around the pole.
“What part of ‘not makin’ that easy’ did you miss?” You smiled as you rested your back against the pole. Teasingly, you slid down it slowly and sexually. You watched him swallow hard as he shifted ever so slightly in his spot and his eyes wandered down your body.
“Aye, yer doin’ a damn good job at that.” You giggled as you dragged your fingers up the inside of your thigh.
“And I plan on keepin’ it up…” You dragged your fingers up your body and unsnapped the snap between your breasts. “So… what did ya wanna know?” You stood back up slowly, letting your top fall off your body. Chibs let out a low moan as he watched you drag your fingertips across your breast.
“E-everythin’.” You smiled as he palmed at his crotched and shifted in his seat once again. His cock was already straining against his jeans and you let out a breathy moan as you remembered how amazing it felt buried inside you.
“Like I said… ain’t much to know.” You spun around the back of the pole and grabbed it with one hand. Very slowly you leaned back into a back bend. “I’m just a simple southern girl.” You ran your hand down your stomach and down over your panties. You let your eyes close for a second and your mouth fell open as you ran your palm over your wet core. With a knowing smirk, you opened your eyes as he groaned again and you pulled yourself up-right.
“Has ta be more’n that, love.” You shook your head as you grabbed the pole with both hands. You swung your body upside down and grabbed the pole with the back of your knee.
“Nope. Ain’t much else.” You looked at him as you put your hands on the ground below your head and arched your back away from the metal. You held yourself up in a handstand for a moment as you let your legs fall into a split. You used all of your strength to lower yourself back down, giving him a full view of your wet panties.
“Jesus Christ.” He grabbed you around the waist and lifted you off the platform and onto his lap. You quickly spun around; throwing one leg over his head to straddle him, and grabbed his wrists to stop him.
“Nuh uh… no touching. There are rules here.” You laced your fingers with his and held them above his head as you got up on your knees still straddling him. “Thought you wanted to get to know me anyways, sweetheart.” He groaned as you slowly ground your hips against his. His eyes rolled back in his head as you pressed your bare chest against his.
“Love… yer killin’ me.” You leaned forward as lightly rubbed your cheek against his. You dragged the tip of your tongue against the shell of his ear and he gripped your hands tightly in his.
“That’s my job.” He shook his head and pulled his hands out of yours.
“Not anymore. Yer mine.” He gripped your hips tight as he crashed his lips to yours. Your gasp was lost in his mouth as his tongue battled yours for dominance. Your hands tangled in his hair and you pulled, drawing a groan from the back of his throat.
“Make me yours then.” He chuckled darkly as he pulled your hips against him; his own thrusting up to meet yours.
“Oh, lass. I plan on it.” He dropped his hand to his zipper and he pulled his impressive length out. You moaned as he reached down and ripped your panties out of the way.
“Chibs…” You gasped as he teased your folds with his cock. He shook his head where he was kissing your throat.
“Filip.” You nodded as you sat up; needing to feel him inside of you.
“Filip… please.” He lined himself up and you immediately sunk down; taking him completely and letting him stretch you out perfectly.
“Fuck, yer so tight.” You grabbed the back of his kutte in your fists as you rolled your hips slowly.
“God, you’re perfect.” You crashed your lips to his as he grabbed your hips; dragging you down his length. You had to force yourself to stay quiet; reminding yourself that you were technically in public. Sweat began to bead on your skin as you rolled faster and harder on his cock; the button on his jeans rubbing your clit deliciously with every pass. He moved his hands so one was on your lower back and one was on your shoulder as he stood up and laid you down on the couch.
“Yer mine.” He demanded as he began a bruising pace; chasing his orgasm as he rested his forehead against yours. He gripped your hip tight and you nodded as your coil tightened; your walls clenching around him. “Say it!” He growled.
“I’m yours!” You shouted as you flew over the edge; arching your back into his chest as stars danced in the white light behind your eyelids. His hand tangled in your hair as he thrust into you twice more and came; painting your walls with his release. He groaned into your neck as you clung to him, panting as you rode out your high on his now lazy thrusts. You ran your fingers through his hair, tracing a scar on the back of his head as he gently kissed your neck and shoulder. Once he caught his breath, he leaned back slightly and gave you a chaste kiss.
“Go get dressed, love. I’ll take care of ye now.” You nodded as he got up and tucked himself away. You picked up your top off the platform and looked down at the destroyed panties that hung at your hips.
“Had to rip ‘em, didn’t ya.” He laughed and shrugged as he took off his kutte.
“Not my fault yer so damn irresistible.” He unzipped his brown leather jacket and took it off. He held it up to you to put on. You put your top on the couch next to him, turned around and slid your arms through the sleeves. With a smile, you zipped it up and shrugged as you looked down; it came down to mid thigh.
“That’ll work too.” He smiled as he stood up and kissed the tip of your nose.
“Let them know ye aren’t coming back. I won’t have my girl strippin’ for anyone but me.”
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