#like the time i got assaulted. my first thoughts after its over was 'god damnit my favorite song was on when he almost raped me'
selamat-linting · 8 months
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something is definitely wrong with me but she's (jennifer) just like me fr
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frostsinth · 4 years
Laughing at Clouds - Commission One-Shot
This was a commission one-shot for the lovely @toocurly4me who requested a monster match based upon some information given. The request was set to modern day, and with a little info about what our MC is into, I was more than happy to write out a little something for them! I had fun writing this. It was nice to be in our own time for once, and I love seeing our monsters out and about with the rest of us!
Want your own commission? I have a few slots left open. Check out my post HERE for details, or DM me directly. You can also BuyMeACoffe while you peruse my other ramblings on my MasterList
All the best and enjoy!
It was a rainy day on campus, with the cold biting chill of the morning lingering in each droplet that beat against the navy fabric of her school sweatshirt. The forecast hadn’t said anything about rain today. The storm felt like it had come out of nowhere. Hell, it was nearly the middle of winter! If the weather was going to do anything unpredictable, it should be snowing! Then she wouldn’t be caught so horribly unprepared; it would have been easier to brush off soft powder instead of soaking up the ice cold water into every inch of fabric on her body and plastering it to her small form. Until she was completely miserable, and pretty certain her dark skin would have a distinctive blue tint to it from her sweater’s dye bleeding into it.
But there had been nothing for it. Attempting to wait out the worst of the storm in the back of the science building where she had snuck in to view the new zoology exhibit had led to the downpour only getting heavier. And she had that end of term paper due the day after tomorrow. There was no way she could waste another minute lingering beneath those flickering lights. It was only a ten minute walk. How drenched could she possibly get in ten minutes?
The answer was “very”. “Soaked to the bone” also seemed a much more concrete and visceral description to her now than it ever had before in her life. And the young woman wasn’t even sure if she was even still headed in the right direction anymore. Three years on campus had imprinted the memory of the sidewalks of the commons into her mind's eye, but the rain was driving down sideways now, and she had bowed her head and pulled her hood as low as she could over her thick braids to keep it from smacking her in the face.
So she had a lovely view of her grey and black striped boots right when she hit something far more solid than the sheets of rain.
Her center of gravity forcibly shifted, a soft squeak escaping from between her lips before she could even process the fact that her feet were trying to continue forward even as her upper body fell backwards.
Just before she completely lost her balance, she felt something strong and firm catch hold of her flailing arm. Stubbornly denying the will of gravity.
“Hey, woah! Watch out!” Came the cry, the smoky sounding voice muffled by the pounding rain.
But it seemed to no avail. She was going down, and now whoever was the owner of the voice would be coming with her. The young woman toppled backwards, catching the majority of the impact on her bottom before toppling the rest of the way to her back. The icy cold puddles on the sidewalk splashed up about her in a stumpy wave almost comically. Or at least, it would have been comical, had another form not fallen pretty much directly on top of her as well.
Her lips sputtered for air momentarily, stuck somewhere between the weight of the stranger’s body forcing the air from her lungs and the pouring rain making her feel as though she were halfway underwater. She flailed her arms about, gasping in surprise as she tried to get her bearings.
Her progress was impeded by the person currently flailing about themselves as they tried to find solid ground. The full realization of her predicament had her face flushing dark, and she managed to sink her palms into the puddles on either side of her and start to prop herself up. Feeling the water thoroughly soak into the seat and back of her worn jeans as she did.
Her would-be rescuer slash the instigator of all her woes managed to get to their feet first, and she found a hand extended into her line of sight. Dark brown eyes darted up, blinking through the rivers of rain streaming down her face that seemed to pool at the ends of her long lashes. The first thing that cleared the mists beyond the tip of her nose was a set of sharp, sparkling white teeth bared in a sheepish smirk above her. The young woman reached up in a daze, and found her forearm caught in his offered hand. She could barely make him out through the thick turrets, but as he leaned back to help tug her to her feet, she was very aware of the fact that he was not human. Not that she could really tell much else amid the pouring rain. The man was about her height, perhaps shy an inch or two, and that was about the extent of her analysis at the moment. That, and those glitteringly sharp teeth he shot her once more. She couldn’t help but stare a little in surprise even as she got her feet back under her.
It certainly was not entirely out of the scope of possibility. Her university was one of the most diverse in the area. But still, having come from the middle of bumfuck nowhere, and coupled with the fact that she tended to avoid the more crowded aspects of college life in favor of quieter, more solitary activities, the young woman was always a little surprised at first to run into any of the non-human students of the campus. In this case, she was being quite literal about the “running into” part.
“Sorry!” He exclaimed as loudly as he dared, having to raise his voice to be heard over the din of the rain. “I wasn’t looking where I was going!”
Under any other circumstances, she would have laughed as she fished for her soaked hood. “Me neither, I’m sorry too!” She replied quickly, eager to be on her way and out of the downpour. She cast an eye about, and realized she must have turned right at the fork instead of left. She was going completely the wrong direction, which would mean even longer out in the icy grip of the storm. She shivered at the thought.
He seemed to be looking about as well, and reached for what appeared to be an umbrella that had been lost to the side of the path in the scuffle. As he scooped it into hand and turned it right side up, she gave a shriek of surprise which matched his own yelp as a fresh bucket of water fell on both of them.
“Aw, fuck!” He shouted, jumping a little. “Damnit! Fuck, I’m so sorry!”
Now freshly soaked and feeling like a drowned cat, she looked at him. Her arms wrapped around her shivering body, her thick hair plastered to her face and neck. He moved to hold the umbrella high over the both of them, again returning her bewildered stare with another sheepish look. He managed to reduce the rain’s assault on the tops of their heads at least, save for a few errant drips, but increasing its pounding crescendo tenfold in their ears as it pounded against the top of the umbrella instead.
“Look, my place is just there,” He told her, pointing to one of the scraggily buildings repurposed for dorms a few yards down the road, “Come on, it’s fucking cold out here. We’ll catch our deaths.”
She glanced over at the building, still shivering, and opened her mouth to reply. Quite before she could, she found his arm scooped in hers. Steering her the few yards to the creaky iron gate and up to the door. She was far too surprised to object.
Once on the covered porch, he released her arm, then shook the excess water from his umbrella and turned to look back over the drenched campus behind them.
“Gods above, what a dreadful day.” He grumbled before turning to face her properly. “I’m sorry I knocked you over…. And then dumped water on you…” He cocked his head to the side, smirking grin returning to his face, “And then proceeded to kidnap you. Let me make it up to you, yeah?”
The woman blinked at him stupidly a few times, finally able to take him in from head to toe without the rain impeding her line of sight.
He was slender built, with an athletic form currently generously framed by the way his drenched clothes stuck to him like spandex. Water dripped from the tip of a long slender nose, and his eyebrows arched in the center of an over pronounced brow as he looked at her. It was impossible to tell what color his hair was normally, as it was several shades darker now with water dripping from the spikey tips that were currently flattened to the top of his head. She ventured to guess it was probably a copper brown, and he seemed to have the sides shaved stylishly short while the top was wild and long. Long enough to possibly braid down the back of his slightly oversized head she imagined, should he so choose. He also boasted a pair of large ears, nearly as wide as her palm where they connected to the side of his skull, but then tapering into a broad but slightly rounded point a few inches beyond. The tips were loose, and shifted with his features as he talked. As expressive as his wry lips, which curled back into that sheepish smirk as she watched. She would also venture to guess that he was a deep, mottled green, though in the dim light of the morning it was hard to tell the exact shade, and she imagined he might be a fair bit paler from the cold.
The goblin cocked his head back to the side under her inspection, perhaps used to such staring, and offered out his hand “I’m Jaco, by the way.”
“Uh... “ She realized her mouth was dropped open a bit, and quickly endeavored to close it. Reaching out to carefully take his hand in hers. But as she met his bright yellow eyes… the knowledge of her own name suddenly fled her. “Oh.. I’m… Um…”
His brow raised quizzically. “... Ah, Are you alrig-”
“Rachelle!” She blurted quickly, then cleared her throat embarrassedly. “... I’m Rachelle…”
That sheepish grin returned, and his eyes glinted mischievously. “... Perhaps you hit your head when we fell?” He offered, almost as if he could read the loud hum that seemed to be currently filling her cranium. Though it certainly wasn’t from falling. Well… not the fall he meant at least...
She did laugh now, releasing his hand bashfully and pushing the loose strands of her sopping hair out of her face. “Something like that…”
“Sorry again about all that... “ He shuffled his feet, clearing his own throat and sneaking a peak up at her. “Can I make it up to you? Perhaps some tea or coffee? Or maybe hot chocolate, if you’ve got a sweet tooth?”
Rachelle gave a hefty sigh, shaking her head. “I really shouldn’t, I’ve got a term paper due that I haven’t even started-”
“Well, you won’t be able to start until you get dry, right?” He interrupted. “Why not dry off and warm up over some cocoa with some company?”
Her face blazed hot again, and she sheepishly rubbed at the back of her neck. “I’d just get wet again.” She pointed out with a small smile.
“I’ll escort you back, if you want.” He offered. “Or you can take my umbrella; I’ll enchant it this time so you won’t get a drop on you.” Her eyes lit up at the word ‘enchant’, and the goblin eagerly latched on. “I’m here studying enchantments.” He explained. “Working on my thesis actually, in thermopartical magicks and their effect on…” He dropped off, looking a little embarrassed at the sudden gush of enthusiasm for an obviously favored topic “... Ah, I don’t want to bore you with the science-”
“No, it’s not boring at all!” She returned quickly, almost bouncing on her toes in excitement. “I’ve always wanted to learn more about magic, but humans aren’t allowed to study the Application field, only research and historical.”
His sharp toothed grin grew to reach almost to his ears. “I am certainly not above showing off with a few magic tricks for a beautiful woman.” He teased, and his ears flopped as he cocked his head to one side. “Especially if it makes her eyes sparkle like that when I do.”
She nearly toppled over as her head spun at his words. A shy laugh petered from her lips, and she shuffled her feet. But she couldn’t completely hide the embarrassed smile that slipped across her lips. Jaco waited a moment, then bowed his shoulders, trying to catch her eye.
“... Can I tempt you again with the hot cocoa, Rachelle?” 
She grinned again, looking up at him coyly.  “... I could probably be convinced.”
He returned the smile, and reached for the handle of his door, bowing melodramatically at the waist as he opened it for her. She couldn’t help another laugh, and moved to step around him. As she did, her foot slipped on the old wooden boards of the porch, having spent the last few minutes becoming horribly slick with the water dripping in streams off their clothes. She gave another squeal, and felt herself sliding backwards for the second time that day. This time, Jaco reacted quicker, and his arm snaked out, catching her and lending his strength as she gathered her feet beneath her once more.
However, the motion brought him perilously close to her, and both of their eyes widened slightly at their sudden proximity. A hesitant silence filled the air, punctuated only by the drumming rhythm of the rain around them. Her breath caught and fluttered about in her throat, her heart skipped sporadically in her chest. He smelled of rain right now, but there was also the distinct hint of something spicy beneath it… cinnamon maybe? The realization that he was close enough to distinguish that made the balls of her cheeks grow hot despite the chilly morning air.
She couldn’t help her eyes darting down to his thin lips. Which curled into a smile as she did. Rachelle quickly corrected her gaze, meeting his yellow eyes with dark pools of velvet brown.
“Don’t let me stray down that train of thought,” He warned her lightly, his voice teasing and soft, “I’m trying to be a gentleman. Cocoa and an enchanted umbrella seem more than sufficient for a good first impression, no?”
She straightened a little more, and realized his three fingered hand had lingered in the small of her back. “Oh?” She managed after a shallow little wisp of a breath. “And I suppose a gentleman wouldn’t kiss a woman they’ve just met?”
She meant it to sound teasing and light, but his sharp yellow eyes danced at the sound of her voice. She caught him sneaking a peak at her full lips and they tingled under his scrutiny. She chased a nervous breath down her throat with a quiet swallow.
“I suppose they might. But the problem is,” He purred, leaning a little closer, “If I kissed you now, I don’t know if I’d be able to stop...”
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nothisis-ridiculous · 3 years
Take Me Home Now: Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven: Dark and Dusty
Set after the events of ME3.
A rewrite. Ao3.
"Damnit, did Reynolds forget he took my watch again?" Jane heaved her stiff body away from the person desperately shaking her awake. Gods, she felt like hell. Take a hangover and add being run over by three buses filled with elcor.
"Jane, I wouldn't-," Roy's usually calm voice laced with fear, pleading with the stubborn woman to get up, "there's an emergency. I need you."
The building reverberated, dust wafting into the air in the aftermath of the sudden tremor. The woman sprung from her cot, scrambling through the hallways at breakneck speed. Her footing proved not to be so cooperative, but she held her pace. The rumble had come from the western parking lot, and the rest was slowly forming into a clearer picture, the hushed building, and the distant discharge of guns faint but persistent. Footsteps kept pace behind her, but his words faded into the pounding of her head and the blur of her singular purpose. Arriving in the parking lot out of breath finally drew the situation in a complete picture: they were under siege.
Jane slid into the concrete barrier where Silva rested the barrel of her sniper rifle, her silver eyes flicking over the human a minute later, "you look like shit."
"I've had worse days," she quipped, "what's going on?"
The Turian pulled in a long breath, "I don't know exactly, we got a report of armed assailants. I'm only here to stop them from getting in- Korvac wants you upstairs," the tilt of her head motioned both of them up the ramp.
"Jane, wait!' Roy called as they set up the ramp. The blue-eyed woman giving him a steely gaze, "your weapon?"
"Thank you," she mumbled, forgetting to grab a weapon was not her usual move.
"If you're too hurt-"
"I've had worse," Jane hissed coldly.
The LT gave up, but she felt his gaze on her back. He had more to say. Thankfully, it wasn't coming. The short but brisk trek to the top level of the parking structure drew out in silence. Both comfortable with focusing on the task at hand, the Turian leader waved them over. Directing Jane to look down the scope of the Sniper rifle he handed over to her. The alien was silent, gaze pinned in a westward direction.
She looked down the scope, finding the problem in short order. The familiar krogan, but now flanked in a small force of vorcha. The dull click of the safety-on weapon a very disappointing turn.
"I take it that is only the forward assault?"
"Yes," the Turian hummed, "we're getting reports of at least three other groups. One in each direction."
"Looks like old members of the Blood Pack."
Korvac nodded.
"Where are the varren?"
The structure shook again, "rigged to explode."
Jane handed the weapon to her silent superior, "we need to get all the civilians out, now."
"How? The bastard knows all the routes in and out."
A stand was the obvious answer. They knew they couldn't lose the building; several months' worth of food, clean water, and medical supplies couldn't be moved in time. The gardens and restored generators meant a sustainable future until ships could start rolling off the planet and out of the system. A restart meant a very uncertain future.
They all knew this time was coming. It was just too soon. All preparations, perhaps foolishly, were spent on improving their ease of life. Or more considerately, on the influx of refugees that sought out aid or shelter.
"Alright, Princesses, we can start fighting back now that the Krogan are here," Wrex taunted with misplaced enthusiasm, somethings never changed.
"Wrex," Korvac greeted with unexpected civility, giving a brief overview of the entire situation.
"I volunteer to head off Greenie," the two alien leaders looked at her curiously, "he has the biggest beef with me. If I keep him distracted, or better yet kill him, he can't use whatever knowledge he has of the building. The rest of you can focus on the fodder."
"That's supposing he hasn't given away all our secrets, and it's more than just vorcha; it's every opportunist he could round up," Korvac cautioned.
"Well, we lack time to make a better plan," but he made a good point, but at this time fucked was fucked.
"We can only hope those opportunists are too greedy to share information," Wrex chimed in, "plus this one knows how to make his blood boil."
"Has anyone started to round up the civilians?" Jane asked in Roy's direction.
"I-," the human stuttered.
"Reynolds, this is Recruit- yes." Jane radioed the first soldier she thought could handle the responsibility of gathering the noncombatants. Luckily he was already on the task, but Jane made sure to drill all relevant issues to assure success. Her short conversation and the two alien leaders discussing joint strategy coincided.
"Can you handle the western edge?" the Turian questioned after a long moment, "that could buy us some time. The other groups are still a bit further out."
"You aren't going alone," Roy broke from his stupor, "I'll join you."
"He's right, you need help. Take Silva and the squad at the ramp exit. We need you to slow them."
"How come she gets all the fun," the krogan mused, "fight hard."
"Aim for the head," Jane returned gently.
She picked at the shoddy chest piece that was several inches too big. At a time like this, she shouldn't be picky about such a thing, it was lucky to have a functioning piece of armour, but when one got used to custom and tailored armour, it was hard to go back. But how it already dug into her uncomfortably, it might be better not to have the thing at all. But it was the draw of having a working shield that made the risk worth it.
The most concerning issue was Roy's silence.
"LT," she cooed, "everything alright?"
He toyed with his assault rifle, cheeks puffing out, "this is serious, isn't it?"
Right, Roy hadn't experienced much in terms of combat; before the Reaper War he had seen none in his military days. This up-close, high-risk mission with a small squad was out of his foray, especially with the consequences of failing. Manning the perimeter and firing shots at assailants behind windows was a different ballgame from the full-fire combat.
"It's not too late to join the others," Jane was already miffed that a squad followed behind her; the hair-brained suicide mission felt like a better option. To see Silva and Roy tied up in it was a lead weight in her heart.
The man huffed again, and she reflexively looked down, braced for his angry retort. Instead, his arms pulled her in, wrapping around her tightly, a hand cradling the back of her head, "not now. We both know how important this is."
"No need to get all emotional, LT," she teased gently, working herself from his grip slowly the attention it brought both of them stopping the moment from lasting, "keep your head down and stay undercover. Adrenaline takes over the rest."
"I'm glad you know what you are doing," but he managed to smile, "I'll stop moping."
Jane tenderly nudged him, "I've seen lifelong soldiers piss themselves before their first battles, I think you're doing fine."
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Varren were easy.
Not in the familiar way of sending the lot of them flying with a biotic blast of energy that tore through the pack in a single flick of her arm easy- but one headshot seemed to do the trick. Silva caught a few from behind her shoulder, sticking to her vantage point further downwind. Roy's assault rifle hit the explosive packs, wiping out several in one burst.
It was the vorcha crawling over the rubble and concrete barriers that had her worried. They took far more time and attention to deal with. Their innate regeneration meant missed shots becoming more costly, and the extra time needed to line up an accurate headshot took attention away from the swarming varren. And wherever that damned Krogan went.
The first turian went down, a missed varren sending shale and dust rocketing across the entrenched ramp.
Vorcha swarmed through the haze, the real heat of battle ensuing in the panic. Some resorted to hand-to-hand combat, while others fired into the fog. Screams echoed in the concrete chamber, and they were getting overrun quickly. Several more detonations followed, rocking the building and dust from where it rested.
"Hold fire!" Jane screamed.
Attempting something she had only ever seen but not done.
A pulsing blue shield of biotic energy enveloped the entrance to the parking structure. It wavered, shrinking a meter before it swelled back into its original size. Jane stood in the middle, the swirling energy coating her body.
The defenders didn't need to hear Shepard's strained command to return fire. Varren and Vorcha alike collided against the barrier, if they were not gunned down. The biotic force a shield against further explosions and, more importantly, the rubble from the blasts.
"Jane, Greenie just ahead," Silva radioed- the rest of her statement ignored in the blur of her focus shift and the human's collapsing against the concrete barrier.
Roy slid against his recruit once he needed to reload, "we could have used that firepower long ago, Recruit!"
"Heh," half of Jane smirked, blood streaking from her nostrils. Peering over the concrete sloppily to get a look at the green crested Krogan that approached. Her smile widened as Roy looked at her with growing horror.
Roy grabbed her face, his thumb tracing down the unreactive side of her cheek. The odd scars glimmered beneath the touch, her eyelid reacted slowly to his thumb hovering over it. His worry intensified as the woman snapped forward, her head colliding with his chest plate. Unconscious for only the moment her forehead met armour.
"We're the only ones left," the voice over the radio stated in a panic, a shot careening over their position.
"Don't do this," he murmured, grabbing the stubborn female's chin. Purple washed over her skin despite the tear leaving his eye.
After all his fuss, he was powerless against the otherwise harmless force of energy that sent him toppling into another barricade; Jane looked down at him from a shakey height, "I won't be the last again."
In a splitting snap, Jane was gone, transforming into a hurtling meteor of blue energy racing at the oncoming krogan. The mass of energy collided full force with the krogan, bashing him into the wall a resounding crack of bone and sinew followed but still, the alien managed to shove the woman to the ground. Jane rolled to avoid the shotgun blast, using the momentum to charge again. This time with only the force of anger and spite.
The shimmering purple and blue gathered into her palms, exploding nanoseconds later in a pulse of bright light that filled the structure. Rocking it aside more than any of the rigged varren could manage. Once the light settled, the recruit's form lay lifeless on the ground. The Krogan's teetering foot lifted, on course for her exposed skull slamming with the last of his might.
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thepancakeboi · 4 years
An Unexpected Growth Spurt
So it barely took five minutes before this idea by @hetyra sent me down the rabbit hole of getting ideas and hyperfocusing on it rather than my current stuff. Whoops? No regrets. These types of fun reactions, where Ren is being such a goddamn menace towards Goro, are among my favorite to write. I will disclose this right now: I know very little about the storyline of Persona 5 Strikers outside of “sequel set in the summer after Persona 5 events″. As a result, it’s only there as a timing thing and a reference, but it’s fine. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this writing that gave me dopamine and serotonin in spades!
01/01/2018, 10:39 AM > Ren: Meiji Shrine it is! I can’t wait to see you.
I keep looking at that last text over and over as I stand here by the torii, awaiting Ren’s arrival. It’s been over a year since I last saw him. I’m lucky I was even able to get in touch with him, but...was coming here a mistake?
I’m not the type to get nervous, but I never thought I would see him again. With everything that happened between us, he shouldn’t even want to meet up with me. That and he probably assumed I was dead. The last time I saw him was in the engine room of Shido’s Palace. That place should have been my grave, yet somehow I had survived. I hadn’t told anyone. Truth be told, I hadn’t wanted anyone to know I was alive.
I...simply wanted to disappear.
Even now, I have the urge to leave before I can potentially reunite with Ren. Whatever had come over me last night, in that spur of the moment decision to text Ren after a year of silence, is gone. This whole idea is a mistake. He has much better ways to spend his time than wasting it on me. He’s probably been with his precious friends doing who knows what. There’s no way he needs someone like me in his life. He’s got all the people he could ever want. That’s it. I’m leaving now, before-
“Goro? Is that you?”
I freeze. His voice is a little deeper than I remember, but I would know it anywhere. I turn around, my heart leaping in my chest at seeing Ren. Although he’s not wearing his glasses this time, he hasn’t changed a bit. Even his hair is as unkempt as ever. It’s almost like I went back in time, to days where I wasn’t his (attempted) murderer. There are so many things I want to say, but all I can manage is a simple, “Hey, Ren.”
And he grins. Yet another thing that hasn’t changed: that beautiful smile. I can tell he’s barely stopping himself from running and pulling me into a hug as he approaches. I’m thankful for his restraint. There’s no telling what my reaction would have been. “Hi, Akeppi.”
I huff, shaking my head. “I was hoping you forgot that damn nickname.” And me as well, some small part of me silently adds.
“You know you like it.” Smug as ever, the menace. “I missed you. Where have you been? You never told me.”
Straight to the point, I see. I had very purposefully avoided the dogged questions about how I was alive or where I’d been. It didn’t seem like the type of thing to discuss through instant messages. This needed to be a face-to-face conversation. “I was at a rehab center, believe it or not.”
“You were?”
Nodding, I force myself to continue. He deserves to know what happened. “It’s outside of Tokyo...and it’s where my mother would go. I went there on Christmas Eve without an appointment, but they accepted me anyway. The only time I had left between then and now was when I heard word that you were being detained.”
“I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. After all, you did change Shido’s heart for me. So, I helped your friends track down the woman in your assault case.”
“Wait, did they know you were alive and didn’t tell me?”
“No, nothing like that,” I reassure him, letting Ren know that his friends hadn’t kept my survival a secret from him. “I gave them what information I could find, anonymously, of course. They probably wouldn’t have accepted it if they knew who it came from.”
“Come on, give them a little more credit than that.”
I don’t think I can, especially when two of my victims had been Futaba Sakura’s mother and Haru Okumura’s father. “Either way, what about you? You’re a third-year now, yes?”
“Yeah. A lot’s happened since...” He stops for a moment. Something tells me the reason he stopped isn’t pleasant. Could it be he was about to say “since our last fight”, or something of that caliber? He quickly snaps out of it, though, beaming once again as he continues. “Oh, I saved Christmas by summoning satan to shoot god in the face!”
If he were any other person, I might have figured him insane. Even so, I can’t hide my surprise as I stammer, “You...what?”
“We went into the depths of Mementos to find its treasure. Never want to go there again. And then we fought the holy grail, which was really a god who was controlling everyone. I summoned this huge Persona, Satanael, and we shot god in the face!”
I chuckle at that. It all sounds so impossible, yet anything’s possible in the Metaverse. “If only I could have seen such a sight.” Upon seeing Ren’s melancholy look, I quickly add, “What else happened after that?”
“I went back home in March.” He doesn’t seem too thrilled about that detail. I know he preferred living at Leblanc over with his own parents, who never seemed to contact him while he was on probation. “And then I came back for summer vacation with the rest of the Phantom Thieves. But then the Metaverse came back, and these places called Jails were showing up, and...well, it’s a long story.”
“Perhaps for another time. Your life certainly has been interesting.”
“I wish you could’ve been there, but I’m happy you’re still alive. I...didn’t know what happened to you. Everyone else thought you were dead, but I just couldn’t believe it. I kept hoping that you weren’t. I really did miss you, Goro.” And I believe it, somehow.
“I apologize for not contacting you until yesterday. I know I should have. I cannot imagine what you must have gone through, and-”
“It’s okay!” he replies, a little too quickly. It makes me wonder how he handled my supposed death. I won’t pry. If he wants to tell me one day, it’ll be when he wants. He finally pulls me into the hug he’s likely been waiting for this whole time, gently running his fingers through my hair. “Your hair’s shorter than before.”
“Is that a problem?” I know it’s only a simple observation, but I can’t help but assume he doesn’t like it.
“No. I just noticed. That’s all. You look cute with short hair.”
“I’m not cute,” I immediately retort.
“Are too.”
“Well, you haven’t changed a-” I pause. Some small detail is pulling at my attention, but what is it? “Wait a minute. Did you...?”
“Did I what?” he asks, clearly as confused as I am.
I move out of his embrace to back up a few steps, looking at his footwear. He isn’t wearing heels, which means... “Have you...grown since we last saw each other?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, a little. Why?”
“How much?”
“I dunno, five centimeters?”
“Damnit,” I hiss. “Who said you were allowed to have a growth spurt!?”
Clarity lights up his face as he realizes the reason for my irritable reaction. “Oh, right. You hated when I was taller as Joker. Does it bother you that I’m taller than you now?”
“Shut up.”
He laughs. “I love it. It’s nice seeing you as the smaller one.”
“Oh, fuck you.”
He fake gasps. “He swore! Are you angy, my adorable little detective?” he asks, his voice sounding all cutesy. Goddamn menace.
“What do you think!?”
He is obviously smug that he’s now taller than me by two centimeters. His grin only widens as he pats my head. I try to smack his hand away, but he moves it away before I can. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Even more so since I’m taller than you.”
“Infuriating as ever,” I snarl, my patience running thin. He’s being so cocky that I want to fucking strangle him. “I should wear heels just to be the taller one.”
“I don’t think you could.”
“Is that a challenge, Ren?”
“I dunno.” He shrugs, but I see right through the gesture. He knows exactly what he’s doing. “You tell me, detective. Is it a challenge?”
“I think it is, and I don’t intend to lose. I can and will wear heels. Watch me.”
“Even if you did, I could just wear heels as well,” he replies with a shit-eating grin to match his tone, “and run in them, too.”
I sigh in frustration, crossing my arms. I hate that I know he’s right. The Metaverse is enough indication of that. “You little shit.”
“You’re the little one, not me.”
“Shut up, Ren.”
“Make me,” he says as he gets right in my face, smirking as I instinctively lean back. “You could always kiss me into silence.”
There’s no hiding my flushed reaction to his suggestion. “You fucking wish, you idiot,” I snap, trying to ignore just how hot my face feels.
“Yeah, I do, my little tsundere pancake.”
Oh, of course, he had to mention the pancakes. Of fucking course. “I hate you so much.”
“I still don’t believe you. We both know that’s a lie.”
“Damn you and your two centimeters,” I say right before I recklessly kiss him on the lips.
I can see the ever so slight surprise on Ren’s face. He hides it well. His mirth at the unexpected kiss is clear as he asks, “Now, was that really so bad?”
“Yes.” No.
“Why’d you do it, then?”
“To get you to shut up.” I’ve been wanting to for a while now.
“Sure, sure,” he laughs. “Hey, would you want to get some lunch together? My treat.”
I’m glad he asked first. Truth be told, I wanted an excuse to spend more time with him. I’ve missed Ren more than I care to admit. “Sounds delightful. You can choose the location, but I’m paying.”
“Hey, no. I’m buying lunch, and you can’t stop me.”
“I’m paying, and that’s final.”
“Okay, how about we leave it up to chance? Whoever ends up with the bill pays. Deal?”
“Very well. You have a deal.” I’m still not letting him pay, though, even if it means resorting to more...underhanded methods.
He takes my hand in his, the small gesture of affection almost causing me to tear up. No one’s cared about me like Ren has. I don’t deserve it, but I doubt arguing that with him would get anywhere. It would be fruitless. All I can hope is that he’ll be happy around me.
And, for the first time in a year...I smile.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Just as an aside, with this episode, I’ve officially begun my sixth document for writing these liveblogs. I may have gotten in over my head.
When last we saw our nominal heroes, Sougo’d been dropped into an altered timeline, where Kakogawa Hiryuu is basically ruling as Another Zi-O II. The ‘II’ is significant, because he’s gotten an upgrade. Also, Decade’s here!
Now… on with the show!
Okay, so. Geiz is pissed – justifiably so, since he’s lost a lot of his comrades in battle. If defeating Zi-O will help him avenge them, then so be it.
Sougo doesn’t fight back. Drops his transformation, even. After all…
As we see in a flashback, with the orchestral version of Toki no Ouja playing, When they started truly working together, Geiz promised that if Sougo ever went evil, he would make sure to stop him.
Not as a threat by then, but as a reassurance. That he wouldn’t let his friend, even if he wouldn’t put it in those terms yet, become a villain.
(As an aside, that scene? Back in episode 16? Was immediately before the first time we heard Toki no Ouja, making its use here super appropriate.)
So of course Sougo is willing to let him do this. Even if he isn’t the same Zi-O that’s ruling this time… he’s still at risk of going that path. He wasn’t able to stop Oma Zi-O – couldn’t even dent him – so… if this will keep him from rising to power, even in this altered timeline where Hiryuu is in charge…
Then so be it.
And Geiz was going to do it, too. He was flat out aiming to kill Sougo – for the second time in two episodes, because of that whole situation where Sougo nearly got decapitated last episode.
And once again, someone stopping time is what saves him.
This time, it’s Tsukuyomi… with a red cloth around her arm. The same type that Tsukasa has around his, and that Geiz has around his leg.
We know that Geiz and Tsukuyomi are part of the resistence, and said resistance has access to weapons. Tsukasa showed up last week with a LITERAL ASSAULT RIFLE.
For the record? HOLY SHIT, TSUKASA. And stop lurking over around that corner, you’re making everyone (read: me) nervous!
Well, he did stop lurking. If only to start walking toward the trio, and say “good going”. Or “that’s it”, in a ‘that’s the way’ type of phrasing.
Just last week, he said that Sougo needed to rely on his friends. Okay, not in those exact words, because he wouldn’t be Tsukasa if he wasn’t a cagey, snarky, asshole, but still. He implied that Sougo needed to rely on his friends.
Natsumi, Yusuke, please come pick up your photographer.
…Oh, and could you also pick up your thief, while you’re here? He’s up to something. Again.
Saying something about how since this world has changed, he can get something nice.
…Having watched Decade now, I definitely like him better with darker hair.
Swartz walks out of the mansion, the one with the statue of Hiryuu in front, and smirks.
After the OP, we return to the former 9-to-5 shop. Clearly, a strip of red fabric is the sign of the resistance, because everyone in here – Junichiro included – is wearing one. Heck, even the radio has a band of red wrapped around the base!
Junichiro’s most worried about if Sougo’s the overlords minion – or possibly the overlord himself – because this is an aid house. There are wounded people here – are they in danger?!
He’s so nice!
(I still wonder how much he knows in the normal timeline, but… well, that’s a moot point at the moment.)
Okay, so Tsukuyomi and Geiz don’t know Tsukasa. This implies that the outfit is what he was assigned, and that he’s not technically part of the resistance. And needs to stop doing whatever that is he’s doing with the bread, back there. Seriously, dude, cut it out. Are you just. Picking it apart? Why?!
… … Ah. Junichiro trusts that they didn’t bring the overlord here, because he knows that they know he couldn’t defend the people in the base. He’s not very strong, after all. He used to be a clocksmith. (That past tense hurts so much, guys.) But his next line is. Worrying.
“Time’s always been with me.”
Come on! I like you now! Please don’t do this to me!
And when he repeats that line, it overlaps with Tsukuyomi saying that time’s been rewritten.
Sougo’s explaining how he used to fight along with them, and with Woz.
This is all okay and fine, except for the part where Geiz and Tsukuyomi don’t know who Woz is, either.
Naturally, Sougo has a bit of trouble answering exactly who they’re all fighting against, seeing as technically they’re fighting him… But Tsukasa has exactly zero trouble saying that Sougo’s technically supposed to become the overlord, because he’s an asshole. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy watching Tsukasa, but. Well, there’s no denying it.
Geiz, being Geiz, immediately tries to go on the offensive, only to be stopped by Tsukuyomi, who, being Tsukuyomi, wants to try and trust Sougo.
The more things change, huh?
So, Geiz storms out, because he’s going to stop Zi-O, damnit, no matter which Zi-O it is. For the moment, he’s going to focus on Hiryuu.
Tsukasa, munching on bread: Wow, he’s stubborn, isn’t he?
Sougo, having had about enough of this: You’re actively making this worse!
…oh no, seeing everyone in the front room, including his uncle, terrified of Sougo…
My heart.
Now, back to the mansion and it’s throne room, with Hiryuu going to sit on his throne. Interestingly, Another Ghost and Ex-Aid are standing as guards. Huh.
…! HUH! So, Woz’s book? You know how in the opening, we have him showing it to us, and it basically plays a video?
He shows Hiryuu a video clip of Oma Zi-O with the book. Nice.
And here’s Hora, bored and sick of being Hiryuu’s watchdog/nanny/minder, with a red drink. Again, I feel I should note, because when the Time Jackers have downtime, she winds up with one of those a lot. She doesn’t really care so much that times been rewritten, or how Hiryuu watns to take Sougo’s future of becoming Oma Zi-O, but seems to think he’s being a little… hasty. You know, since several of his Another Riders were defeated.
He says he’s just getting started, and that he won’t stop, even with their deaths. This is worrying for a number of reasons.
First, Hora didn’t say they died. Hiryuu did. That’s not a translation thing, either, I don’t think; the phrasing they both used was different, and I’m pretty sure I heard Hiryuu say ‘die’ in there.
This implies that he won’t be able to summon the recently defeated Another Riders again.
So! That’s ‘a little’ worrying!
And the fact that he’s not going to let it stop him, either; that he’s just going to keep using his power to rewrite time. He says this while practically fondling the Another Zi-O watch, holding it reverently in his hand.
…What could this boy have been, if he had never been given this watch? If he hadn’t been soured so badly that he’d be so willing to use it like this?
Woz looks down a bit when Hiryuu makes his ‘I’ll use my power to rewrite time’ comment. Not sure if that’s a ‘distressed’ looking down, a ‘sure you will’ look, or what. But it’s definitely some sort of doubt.
Hi, Daiki, what’re you doing here?
Shooting out the chandeliers? Cool, cool.
Saying that the power to rewrite time sounds super nifty, and that you want to take it?
…Okay that MIGHT be a bad idea, I’M JUST SAYING.
…Last time we saw you, you were giving the Future Note to Oma Zi-O. … …
Oh my god I might not have been as far off as I thought with my “Oma Zi-O is technically Another Zi-O” theory.
I figured it was shot to hell when we almost immediately went into an Another Zi-O arc after I came up with it, but maybe not!!!
(Heh, shot. And we’ve got Diend here.)
Daiki, you’re the best right now.
Not only does he summon Specter and Brave to fight off Another Ghost and Ex-Aid, he uses Blast to just. Shoot the Another Zi-O watch out of Hiryuu’s hand before he can use it.
I love tracer shots, especially when they just nyoom right around the other combatants, and manage to angle the watch right to Daiki’s hand.
Also, Specter and Brave took out the Another Riders, allowing Diend to just take the watch and run out of the room.
UNFORTUNATELY, Swartz is RIGHT outside the door, just lounging around, and freezes Diend. Because of COURSE he does.
The purple bastard takes the watch, and gives it back to Hiryuu, saying that since defeating Sougo is his wish, he’ll leave him to it, and to let him take care of this situation. Hora’s not happy about being sent off with Hiryuu again, but she does still go along with it.
And THEN Swartz freaking telekinetically throws Diend into a WALL, knocking him out of his transformation.
Why is this guy so effective against actual veteran Riders?! I mean, escalating stakes and all, but both Tsukasa and Daiki have been in serious pain after he attacks them. Daiki can barely talk.
“Oh, you like treasure, huh? I’ll give you something good, then… but you’ll have to do something for me, as well, and I’m not giving you a choice.”
He then proceeds to grab Daiki by the hair and send waves of purple energy through him, WITH DAIKI SCREAMING IN PAIN!
Woz looks on with a somewhat… disapproving expression.
Geiz. Geiz, sweetie. You do know Sougo, just. You’ve been whammied by temporal distortions, that’s all.
(You know, kind of like the team was doing to the Riders in the early part of the season.)
(Just saying.)
(Even if they weren’t faking it, please let them remember and have gotten their histories back after HeiGen Forever. Come on, Toei, give us that, at least.)
Sougo, depressed: Can we talk?
Geiz, sulking: Screw you.
Tsukuyomi, tired: If we work together, we can defeat Hiryuu-
Hiryuu, asshole: lol no, I’m the only Kamen Rider Overlord we need around here.
Hiryuu: I’m going to replace you as the evil overlord.
Sougo, incredibly depressed: I’m actively trying to not be the evil overlord, okay? You’re going down.
This is not the type of joint transformation I usually like to see, but it’s a really good one! You don’t usually get two forms of the same rider transforming, but Hiryuu is Another Zi-O II, and Sougo is going into the normal Zi-O II form.
Mirror matches are really fun.
… FFS Geiz. “I’d be okay with them killing each other.” STOP THAT.
Sougo, somewhat outmatched by Hiryuu’s ENGERY PUNCHES, pulls out the Grand watch.
Daiki thinks that sure does look nifty. He’s honored that Sougo remembers him.
(Memories were a bit of a ‘theme’, back in Decade.)
He hopes that Sougo will be able to remember his new power.
(Memories wound up being a powerful thing, back in Decade.)
He extends his hand – and both Zi-O’s are paused in time.
Oh No.
Hora and the others aren’t frozen, though – you can see Tsukuyomi’s hair blowing in the wind – and Hora’s not amused that Daiki’s got Time Jacker powers.
“Wow, this is the easiest treasure I’ve ever gotten!” (taps Sougo’s helmet on the forehead) “Sweet. Later!”
Daiki’s ‘Knife Cat’ energy has leveled up since Decade, I see.
…Daiki, Tsukasa, what’s with you two and tapping the kitty on the face? Because you’ve both done it, now. It’s a little weird. I know neither of you are skilled at flirting like normal people, but he is 19 and you guys are coming up on or are in your early 30’s. Cut that out!
So, Sougo tries to go after Daiki, but to no avail, because Hiryuu really wants to end him. Tsukuyomi readies her Faiz Phone X, but-
But Geiz says he’ll handle it.
He leaps in, with Revive Typhoon, knocks Hiryuu off of Sougo, and proceeds to fly right on out of there, carrying Sougo with him.
Swartz says that Hiryuu lost, Hiryuu says that Sougo just ran away.
Swartz: Are you sure he ‘ran away’? Ah well. Maybe we can make use of her…
He looks up at Tsukuyomi.
Geiz and Sougo land on a rooftop, dropping their transformations.
Suuuure, Geiz, say that you only saved him because it was a pitiful excuse for a fight. We’ll believe you, no problem…
Sougo clearly doesn’t buy that either, but thanks him in any case. And says that he’s acting like the Geiz he knows.
…Geiz asks what ‘he’s’ like.
…Your memory of the regular timeline is coming back right now, isn’t it? (Please?)
So, Sougo describes his history with his Geiz to this one, while the piano for Over Quartzer plays in the background.
When they met, Geiz was already trying to do him in, and they were always fighting. But eventually… they were both fighting to save the future, and every time they fought, either against or alongside each other, they grew closer together. Though, Geiz hates being called Sougo’s ‘follower.’
Geiz reacts to that bit of news by yelling about why should he “have to be your follower”, and grabs Sougo by the collar.
Sougo: Yeah, just like that! :)
There’s some incredulous looks from Geiz, a scoff, aaaand the mood is killed by the stupid ringtone for the faiz phone.
And then said mood is immediately made worse by the fact it’s Tsukuyomi calling for help.
She’s running along the shipping docks, and is caught by… the slow, lumbering Another Build, and the suddenly appearing out-of-nowhere Another Kabuto. Not the matchup of Another Riders I’d have expected, but okay. I guess it makes sense; use Another Build to drive her into a corner, lure her into thinking that there’s only one after her – and then have the speedster zoom in, and disarm/disable her before she can react.
So Hiryuu’s plan is to use her as bait to lure Sougo in, which would definitely work… if Another Build and Kabuto didn’t proceed to get shot.
By Tsukasa “I won’t hesitate, bitch” Kadoya.
With a literal damned pistol.
What the hell is going on in this timeline, and where the hell is Tsukasa getting these guns if he’s not actually part of the resistance?!
Hiryuu – who needs to look up some Rider History, apparently – asks who Tsukasa is.
There’s really only one answer he could ever get.
“Just a passing-through Kamen Rider. Remember that.”
OOOOO, now there’s a nice touch! Not only does the Decadriver have the more recent emblems on it now, but the ring of emblems that appears around Tsukasa as he transforms has them all added in, too!
Decade tells Tsukuyomi to run for it – and, of course, Hiryuu sends his Another Riders after her. Another Build, being the worst of the Another Riders, tries to jump over some boxes, but fails miserably. Looks like his early installment weirdness and overall lack of skill stuck around.
When. When Geiz and Sougo make it to the scene, and they see Decade fighting Another Zi-O II.
Geiz asks who the pink one is.
Sougo: “Kadoya Tsukasa. And it’s actually magenta.”
Sougo: He gets very particular about his color terminology, so you should probably remember that.
… wait gfdi I didn’t realize until right after I typed that line that I used ’remember that’ what is wrong with me? I could have planned that, but noooo…
Geiz tells Sougo to go after Tsukuyomi, that he’ll handle Another Zi-O.
He and Decade argue a bit over who’s helping who, which is adorable.
…oh dear, I don’t believe we saw that Another Zi-O II has a sword until now, did we? Because he has a sword now. Or, well, a long staff that’s probably bladed, and is making energy clock projections every time he spins around.
Tsukuyomi runs into a back lot, and freezes Another Build and Kabuto… only for Uhr to unfreeze them. That’s a Time Jacker power, and he’d like to know where exactly she learned it.
And he’s good enough with it that he could freeze the blast from her Faiz Phone X along with her! Dang!
Woz, showing up right after Sougo, says that he’ll take over that particular fight, to which Uhr…
A swirl of energy…
That becomes a cable, tying Tsukuyomi up.
ALSO, I’m not fond of you pointing that gun at her while you drag her off, young man!
… HUH. Interesting.
Woz says he serves ‘the new overlord’, presumably meaning Hiryuu, since that’s how he referred to him when Daiki busted into the mansion. He tells Sougo to stand down, or he will kill him.
I can’t tell if that’s my imagination or not, if I’m actually seeing his hand tremble in the ‘over the shoulder’ shot of Woz holding the Ginga watch.
Sougo doesn’t want to fight… and neither does Woz. His duties still stand, even in this situation. He lowers the watch, and walks away.
…which duties, Woz? To Oma Zi-O? To Kamen Rider Zi-O? To the Quartzers, whomstever the hell they actually are?
Please explain in the show, because we don’t want to have to wait the six months for the movie to be subbed!
Daiki, the Grand watch is not a t-
Okay, well, it is a toy, but in-universe, it is not a toy, so you should really stop tossing it up and down like it is one.
Hora wants to know where he got those new powers.
Turns out… whatever Swartz did, was apparently him giving them to Daiki.
Uhr was instructed to bring Tsukuyomi to the mansion, apparently, most likely by Swartz.
By Swartz, who is willing to answer any questions Tsukuyomi has.
Any questions that his little sister has.
Heure clearly did not see that coming, given that he was holding the blaster-mode Faiz Phone almost directly to Tsukuyomi’s head, only to immediately lower it, with a matching stunned expression to hers, as soon as he hears Swartz call her that.
I mean, we’ve seen her being related to him coming for some time now, since she first used her time stop powers, but apparently nobody else did. They were too focused on how she got said powers.
In the preview…
Sougo gets Grand back at some point, we’re going to have a massive fight with a whole bunch of Another Riders, presumably against the four in the lineup we see – Woz, Sougo, Geiz, and Tsukasa, in that order – and Decade and Diend are going to have it out again.
But also.
Swartz says the throne will be his soon, over a shot of a very much in pain Woz on the floor – with a decent amount of debris around him, implying he just got thrown into/through a wall.
Uhr’s finally realizing that him and Hora have been being used.
Frankly, he should have caught on after his stint as Another Kikai, when I started telling him to GET OUT OF THERE, but the shot of him trying to back away, dragging a limp Hora, really seals the deal there.
I’m lying I’m super worried but also super hyped.
Zi-O is WILD.
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kwa-mii · 7 years
Le Chat Noir
SInce exams are over it’s time for me to write again! yaaay!! I missed this!!!
Since it’s Marichat May I decided to Get In On The Action and so here’s a fic for day 19 - identity reveal - which I’ve been planning for ages and it was pretty fun to write tbh
The title is a lazy reference to Le Chat Noir in Montmarte, which was one of the first cabarets. Titles are not my strong point, but eyyyyyyyy it’s doubly relevant
Also feel free to pop to my ao3
Le Chat Noir - a reveal fic with a bit of humour amidst the fluff (1959 words)
Chat was a self-proclaimed charmer. Self-proclaimed, because he considered his pun-based flirting to be the epitome of seduction and would often brag about his 'way with women'. Charmer, because it was somewhat true.
Marinette, weird as it was to admit it to herself, had been slowly falling under his spell. Yes, she'd always liked her teammate - he was reliable, good company, kind to her - but she'd never allowed herself to transgress that boundary. It would make their partnership weird after all, and Ladybug wasn't ready to make mistakes because of some silly crush. But as Marinette that had changed slightly.
When he was around her civilian self, Chat lowered some of his walls. Lolling on her bed and enthusing about his favourite anime, playing videogames, salivating over freshly-baked pastries, he seemed less untouchable hero, and more human - and an undeniably cute one at that. Without an akuma to distract her, she could really admire his tousled golden hair, his bright green eyes, the gorgeously toned body beneath the suit. (Stop it Marinette! Don't think about that! That was a violation of their sacred comradeship! He was Chat, and she was Ladybug and)
Chat really wasn't making it easier on her. His effusive, natural flirtatiousness, concentrated like that on her, was an indomitable force. Every time he sprung onto her balcony with some freshly plucked roses, or bought another small plushie to fill her bed, or, damnit, hit her with that confident, toothy smile, she could feel that partnership-relationship boundary becoming less clear. And sometimes, when they cuddled in bed and watched movies together, she couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss him, to entwine their bodies more deeply. His heat was enticing and his arms were strong - but Marinette was strong too, and unerringly loyal to the thought of Adrien.
So, in the end, it didn't matter. She could not afford to fall in love with Chat. She could not afford to admit that parts of her, great and persuasive parts, wanted to.
Even so, as Chat sprung into her room that evening, she couldn't stop her heart's flutter. Light in step, and light in voice, he bounced over to her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Though many people in France did this in greeting, Chat made it feel more... charming, she supposed, amorous. Then, pulling away, he beamed at her, "Did you miss me?"
She gestured towards her homework, "Oh, desperately. Has my knight come to rescue me?"
Marinette was not naturally flirty, at all, but there was something about Chat (there were a lot of things about Chat, it seemed) that was different. She felt a bit nauseous every single time she batted her eyelids, but it was definitely fun.
He leaned over her to look - his smell so cosy, like home - and smiled, "Oh, it's science. I could help you with that."
"That's not the kind of rescuing I was thinking about."
"I can't condone slacking, Marinette."
"Bummer," she muttered, turning back to her work, her pencil tapping aimlessly against the edge of the desk.
"However," he purred, spinning her chair back to face him, "It's bad manners to ignore a guest."
"Are they a guest if they climb in through your windows? I'd call that an 'intruder'."
There was a pause here. With Chat leaning over her, his hands placed either side of the chair's back, Marinette felt herself beginning to blush. She wrested herself away, getting up abruptly, and turning on the radio, "Well, you have a point. You can help me later, I guess, if you still want to. I need a break."
He grinned, "Alright! What's the plan?"
"Uh, I assumed you had one, considering you were so eager..."
"It's all a front, princess. I just wanted to get you away from that desk; you looked half-dead."
Princess again. She'd heard it a few times now, but the pet name still got to her, in its delightful intimacy. It made her warm and fuzzy, knowing he thought of her like that - or, at least, pretending to. She wasn't sure how she felt about his just saying it for the sake of it... somehow, it was important to her that he meant it, at least partly.
Wishing to shut out these traitorous thoughts, she turned the knob on the radio louder. Chat's eyes widened, "Oh, I love this song!"
Marinette's eyes widened too. Somehow, despite their shared evenings together, she had never pictured him liking music like this - sweet, cutesy, romantic. She loved it too, but, "I would've thought your taste would've been way different. Stromae, or something."
"Oh, I like him too, I listen to pretty much everything. But I have a special place in my heart for romance."
She wished he wouldn't look at her like that when saying such things. Especially when he was starting to move in time to the music, swaying and tapping his feet. Chat was beginning to transcend cute and had become irresistibly so, mouthing the words to the love song at her with an earnest expression: ‘I always liked to seduce but it's OK if you're the only one who likes me.’
She could laugh. She could swoon. She could kiss him!
At least, until he started actually singing. Maybe it didn't help that the singer was at a range well above his own, but it was clear that Chat had not been made to sing. Instead, he yowled, like the cliché of a cat, every note landing far from its mark. His voice strained at the edges. He was a mess. She could laugh, and so she did, unable to keep the giggles in at his genuine attempt to serenade her.
It seemed even Chat had flaws. Just like that, it had become a little easier not to fall in love with him. As long as he kept serenading her, she was safe; they could be Just Friends.
In the end, Marinette did not finish her science homework. She had spent the evening messing around with Chat, singing karaoke, and dancing goofily until they were flush and breathless, in a heap across Marinette's bed. Her mum had come in to ask about the noise, but she had managed to hide him beneath a blanket just in time - she wasn't ready to answer those questions just yet.
Luckily, the homework became unimportant, overshadowed by the news that their year would be putting on a musical. Every year put on a show around this time, but the fact that it was going to be a musical was especially exciting.
Nathaniel wished to do nothing more than make the sets - "I couldn't... I'd rather not be on stage" - and Marinette, though she wasn't a terrible singer, would rather be in charge of the costumes. However, there were certainly many others who wanted to act.
Alya was enthusiastic, "I wonder what it'll be! I love West Side Story, or maybe it's Phantom? Les Mis, perhaps. There are so many good musicals out there - ooh, what about Wicked? No, no, Grease is a classic."
Nino was interested, "I don't know how good I am at singing, but I'd like to do something, y'know. Music is my jam, so this should be cool. I'm pumped."
Chloe was confident, "Oh, I'll have to get the leading part. Daddy says I sing like an angel, and besides, I was born to be centre stage. None of you losers had better audition for the main part. It'll be me and Adrien up there together, right, Adri-kins?"
Adrien did not look particularly taken with the idea. However, there was no two ways about it - his looks and his natural stage presence meant he was the ideal lead. He had proven his talent in their class film, and there was no other boy quite as handsome or as charming as him. As romantic interests go, he was the perfect match. Besides, "I'm not a bad singer," he shrugged.
Alya nudged her neighbour, "Yes, but Adrien's probably just being humble. When he says 'not bad', he probably means 'amazing'. I wouldn't put it past him. Kid is perfect."
Marinette nodded, leaning forwards in her seat as Adrien stepped up to sing for them. She could imagine he was singing just for her, if she just pretended there was no one else in the room. Adrien, with his eyes like emeralds, and his hair like spun sunbeams, and his voice like -
Like nails scraping on a chalkboard? Like the clatter of old machinery? Like a primordial screech?
She winced. She noticed everyone in the class, from the corner of her eye, had been similarly affected. Faces paling, mouths dropping, Chloe on the verge of tears. No one had expected this. That perfect, beautiful Adrien, with his perfect, beautiful soul, should have such an ugly voice when he sang. A voice like -
A voice like Chat?
Her small wince turned into a minor coughing fit as she spluttered on the thought. That was ridiculous. Chat couldn't be Adrien. Chat was dangerous, Adrien was gentle... but had Chat not shown his gentleness to Marinette? Ok, ok, so they shared a characteristic or two. And ok, so they were both blonde, green eyes, beautiful body - as his partner, Marinette knew Chat's body well, as his covetous fan, she had studied Adrien's, and admittedly they bore remarkable similarities - but those were superficial traits. And, like, fine, they both had an abysmal singing voice, like a crying cat, but what did that mean? Nothing.
Except face it, Marinette. The chances of two people in Paris singing that badly was infinitissimally small. That was a god-given voice, a rarity. Forced with this truth, reminded of others, she had to accept the possibility that Adrien was the boy under the suit.
She relaxed now. Watched him. Despite the assault on her eardrums, it was actually quite cute. He didn't seem to realise, sang with abandon, with his whole body flung into song. He always had been eager.
Perhaps now she could afford to fall in love. With the both of them, with each part of the wonderful whole. She didn't need to forsake Adrien for Chat, she didn't need to hold Adrien on a distant pedestal when she knew and loved him in different skin. But, there was still the chance... she needed to check her theory.
Adrien came to the end of his song, and saw that the class were staring at him without a word. Not a single reaction, not a single sound. Slightly fazed, he went back to his seat. He whispered over to his friends, "How was that?"
Only Marinette had the wits about her to reply, "It was an interesting experience."
"Interesting doesn't always mean good," he said self-consciously.
He didn't catch the hint, looking still a bit awkward. Obviously she had to be more blatant, to check if her idea was right, "You know, even though there were a few technical faults, you looked like a perfect knight up there."
He jerked to attention, looking her in the eye, seeing some meaning hidden there, "You think so?"
She nodded, "I can imagine you climbing in through the window to rescue someone."
Alya looked baffled at her friend's new bravery. Adrien looked coy, "Ah, damn, there goes my secret."
So it was true! "I have one or two of my own I think I could trade for that," she smiled. It was only fair after all, he should know the face of his partner. Friends across both identities - and perhaps, with more brewing beneath - she could only see that their teamwork would improve now. He'd all but confirmed it. Adrien was Chat Noir and there was no more perfect person it could be.
But meanwhile, "Hey, I was thinking, could you maybe help me with my science homework? I didn't get a chance to finish it last night since some dumb stray cat distracted me."
He laughed, fixing her with his intense green gaze, and brilliant smile, "I'd love to, princess."
Alya all but screamed.
[BTW this is the song I was thinking of when I wrote this]
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