#like there’s no wider cast camaraderie
enigma-the-anomaly · 9 months
we all know I’m ill about ishimondo but even ignoring that I think the first danganronpa might be my favorite? Honestly the first and second are really close, but the first one just has a certain feel to it. Like it’s the very first, it was the guinea pig, the testing of the waters, so it has a sort of wildness to it, like “throw things and see what sticks”
idk, I just like that fuck it we ball vibe it has, and without the burden of past games it doesn’t feel the need to be more shocking and more out there than what came before it. It isn’t trying so hard to have every character be wild and exaggerated. It has problems for sure, but it also has an energy that’s just fun, like “this is new and exciting and weird and we know it, just follow along and we’ll see where this goes”
idk, it just has a really special place in my heart
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lifeofpriya · 2 months
City of Love, Pool of Dreams - Thomas Ceccon
author's note: no gif this time unfortunately 😔 this fic may or may not have been come to fruition thanks to @2manytabsopen and i's daily chats and yeah...i hope y'all enjoy this Olympic-edition fic!
summary: A chance encounter during the Olympics ignites a passionate romance between you and a certain Italian swimmer...
You found yourself in Paris, the City of Lights, during the Olympics. The cobblestone streets were alive with the electricity of competition and camaraderie. Athletes from around the globe mingled with tourists and locals, creating a pattern of languages, colors, and emotions. As you strolled along the banks of the Seine, the gentle murmur of the river mixed with the distant cheers from the nearby stadiums. You paused at a small café, drawn in by the aroma of freshly baked croissants and the sound of laughter spilling out onto the sidewalk.
As you opened the door to enter the café, you accidentally bumped into someone exiting. You turned to apologize, and your eyes met green eyes that were so familiar to you, but you couldn't place where from.
"Pardonnez-moi," you murmur, the words slipping out at the same moment you realize who you've collided with. Thomas Ceccon, the Italian swimmer you've watched race to victory on TV recently, stands before you, his wavy hair slightly disheveled from the encounter. He smiles and extends a hand to help you regain your balance.
"It's quite alright," he says, his Italian accent lilting the words like a melody. "I should have been more careful." His eyes dance with good humor, and you can't help but feel the warmth of his presence.
You take his hand, noticing the firm grip of a trained athlete. As you both laugh off the minor collision, the café's door swings shut behind you, leaving the bustle of the street outside a muffled backdrop to your conversation. The interior is cozy, with wooden tables and chairs that have seen a thousand conversations, and walls adorned with vintage posters of French cinema. The smell of strong coffee and freshly baked bread fills the air, making your stomach rumble.
"Would you like to join me?" Thomas asks, gesturing to an empty table by the window. You nod eagerly, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. This is not a meeting you could have ever anticipated.
The sun breaks through the clouds as you sit down, casting a warm glow over the café. The bell above the door jingles again, announcing the arrival of more customers, but you're too caught up in the moment to pay them much mind.
"So, what brings you to Paris?" Thomas asks, his eyes genuinely curious. His casual demeanor puts you at ease, and you find yourself sharing more than you usually would with a stranger.
"I'm just here to watch the games and take in the sights," you reply, smoothing out your clothes, still slightly disheveled from the collision. I've always wanted to visit during the Olympics. It's like the whole world is here."
Thomas nods, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "It's incredible, isn't it? Everyone coming together for the love of sport. Have you seen any of the competitions yet?"
You admit that you haven't had the chance to attend any events in person, but you've been keeping up with the news. "I haven't had a chance to get tickets, but I've been watching the highlights every night," you say, a hint of disappointment in your voice.
Thomas's eyes light up. "Well, I might be able to help with that," he says, a playful smile playing on his lips. "I have an extra pass for the 4 x 100m medley relay finals tomorrow. Would you like to come?"
Your heart skips a beat. "Are you serious?"
Thomas nods, his smile growing wider. "Absolutely. It's going to be an incredible race. And it's my last event before I head home."
You can't believe your luck. Sitting in a quaint Parisian café with an Olympic gold medalist, sipping on steaming cups of café au lait, and now being offered a ticket to the most anticipated swimming event of the games. "I'd love to," you reply, trying to keep your cool. "But aren't you supposed to save those for family or something?"
Thomas waves off your concern. "My family's already got theirs. Besides, I'd rather share the experience with someone who truly appreciates it. Plus, I think it'll be more fun to have a friendly face in the crowd." His words warm you from the inside out, and you find yourself accepting his generous offer without hesitation.
The rest of the afternoon is a whirlwind of conversation as you share stories about your hometowns and your own passions. Thomas tells you about his rigorous training to get to the Olympics, and you listen, captivated by his dedication and love for the sport. In return, you speak about your own life, feeling surprisingly open with this charming stranger.
As the sun dips lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the café, you both realize the time has flown by. "I should get going," Thomas says, glancing at his watch. "I have to be at the village soon. But I'll see you tomorrow, right?"
You nod, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Thomas leaves a generous tip on the table and stands up, his tall frame towering over the tiny chairs. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and extends his hand once more. "It's been a pleasure," he says, shaking yours firmly. "I'll meet you at the stadium's east entrance at 7 pm tomorrow then. Don't be late!"
You nod, your heart racing. As you watch him weave through the café and out the door, you can't shake the feeling that this is all a dream. The café seems to deflate slightly without his energy, and you sit there for a moment, lost in thought. The rest of the afternoon is a blur of preparation - finding the perfect outfit, re-reading the event schedule, and trying to calm your nerves.
Soon enough, tomorrow arrives. You wake up early, the excitement of the night before still buzzing in your veins. You take your time getting ready, choosing an outfit that is both comfortable for the long day ahead and presentable enough to be seen with someone as notable as Thomas. The sun is high in the sky by the time you leave your hotel room, casting a golden hue over the city.
You arrive at the stadium with time to spare, the anticipation building with every step you take towards the east entrance. The grandeur of the Olympic venue is a stark contrast to the quaint café where you'd met Thomas. The air is thick with the scent of popcorn and anticipation as fans from every nation mill about, adorned in their country's colors.
As you wait, you can't help but feel a twinge of doubt. What if he forgot about you? What if he'd just been being polite? But then, like a beacon of hope, you see him approaching, his green eyes scanning the crowd until they land on you. He waves, a grin spreading across his face, and you wave back, feeling a flutter in your stomach.
"You made it!" Thomas says as he reaches you. He's wearing the Italian team's colors, and the Olympic rings on his jacket glint in the sun. Are you ready for an unforgettable night?"
You nod, unable to find the words to express your excitement. He takes the ticket from you and leads the way through the throngs of people to the designated section. The stadium is a cacophony of noise, with fans from all corners of the globe cheering and waving flags. The atmosphere is electric, and you can feel it zipping through the air.
As you take your seat, you're struck by the sheer size of the pool. It stretches out before you, a blue expanse that seems to go on forever. The starting blocks gleam under the lights, and you can't help but imagine the tension that must build up there, the anticipation of the race to come.
Thomas notices your awe and chuckles. "It's pretty amazing, isn't it?" he says, his voice full of pride. "This is where dreams are made or broken."
"Go get them, Thomas!" You couldn't help but smile at the Italian as you nudged him playfully. His eyes lit up with a competitive fire, and you knew he was eager to dive into the water. The air was thick with anticipation, and the hum of the crowd was a constant reminder of the magnitude of the event unfolding before you.
As the evening progressed, the tension grew palpable. Athletes from various countries paraded into the arena, each step they took resonating with the weight of their nation's hopes and dreams. The time for the 4 x 100m medley relay grew nearer, and you found yourself leaning forward in your seat, the excitement building with every minute that ticked by.
Thomas's team was announced, and the crowd erupted into a symphony of cheers. You spotted him in the pool area, his eyes focused and intense. He caught your gaze and flashed a quick smile before turning his attention back to the water. Your heart raced in sync with the rhythm of the crowd as the starting gun went off.
The swimmers dove in, and the race began. Each stroke, each kick, every split second counted. The Italian team took an early lead, and you found yourself standing, hands clutched together, willing Thomas and his teammates to victory. The sound of water splashing and the buzz of the audience created a crescendo of energy that seemed to pulse through the entire stadium.
You watched Thomas's powerful strokes, his arms slicing through the water like a knife. The Italian fans around you were a sea of green, white, and red, their shouts of "Forza, Thomas!" echoing in your ears. As he approached the final stretch, you could see the determination etched on his face, the muscles in his arms bulging with the effort.
The race was tight, with the Americans and the Australian teams hot on Italy's heels. The tension in the air was so thick you could almost taste it. You held your breath as Thomas made the final turn, his legs kicking furiously. The crowd's cheers grew louder, each one a shout of encouragement that propelled him forward.
As Thomas reached for the wall to tag his teammate for the final leg, you felt your heart pound in your chest. The Italian team was still in the lead, but the margin was slim. You watched the final swimmer, the freestyler, dive in and slice through the water like a torpedo. The stadium was a blur of motion and sound around you, but your eyes remained fixed on the pool.
The race was a nail-biter, with the lead changing hands multiple times. The American swimmer was closing the gap, their strokes powerful and precise. You could see the determination in the Italian's eyes as he kicked harder, reaching deeper for the speed that had brought him to this moment. The crowd around you was a mix of hope and fear, each nation's supporters willing their team to victory.
As the race's final moments ticked by, the Italian freestyler pulled ahead, his stroke a thing of beauty and strength. The crowd's roar grew deafening, a wave of sound that seemed to lift the swimmers out of the water. You clenched your fists, feeling your heart race in time with the music's pounding bass and the cheers' rhythm.
Then, it was over. The Italian swimmer's hand slapped the wall, and the buzzer rang out. The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause. You looked at Thomas, who was now standing at the edge of the pool, chest heaving and a smile of pure triumph spreading across his face. The Italian flag was draped over his shoulders, and his eyes searched the stands for yours.
When he found you, his smile grew even wider. He pointed at you, the universal gesture for 'we did it.' You couldn't help but laugh and cheer along with the rest of the crowd. The adrenaline rushing through your veins mirrored the race's intensity, and you felt a part of the victory, despite being a spectator.
After the race, Thomas made his way to the stands, navigating through the ecstatic Italians. His teammates hugged him tightly, their faces a mix of exhaustion and elation. When he reached you, his eyes sparkled with excitement. "Thank you for being here," he said, his voice hoarse from the chlorine and the screams.
You nodded, still trying to catch your breath from the excitement. "That was… amazing," you managed to say.
Thomas leaned in closer, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of the stadium. "It means so much to have you here," he said, his eyes searching yours. "I couldn't have done it without you."
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, unsure of how to respond. Before you could say anything, a swarm of reporters and photographers descended upon the victorious team. Thomas was swept away in a whirlwind of flashing lights and questions, but not before winking at you and promising to catch up later.
As the excitement of the relay finals waned, you made your way out of the stadium, feeling both exhilarated and slightly lost. The night air was cool against your flushed skin, and the city's lights twinkled like stars in the sky above. You wandered the streets of Paris, the games' energy pulsating through the city's cobblestone veins.
You soon found yourself on the pathway that led to the Eiffel Tower, the iconic structure casting its shadow over the bustling city. The air was still electric with the excitement of the games, but here, amidst the tourists and lovers, there was a sense of peace. You decided to sit on a bench, giving yourself a moment to process the whirlwind of emotions you felt from watching Thomas' victory.
As you sat there, the Tower's lights began to twinkle, a magical sight that seemed to mirror the spark in Thomas' eyes when he'd found you in the crowd. The sound of a distant accordion played a soft tune, and you felt a gentle nudge of nostalgia for a place you'd only just arrived in.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. "Mind if I join you?" Thomas appeared, out of breath but beaming. He'd managed to escape the media storm and track you down. His wet hair clung to his forehead, and his eyes searched yours, looking for the same awe that you'd seen in the pool.
You nodded, your heart racing. "How did you find me?"
Thomas shrugged off his backpack and sat beside you, his eyes still gleaming with excitement. "I had a feeling you'd be here," he said with a grin. "This is where everyone comes to reflect on the magic of Paris."
You couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of camaraderie that went beyond the typical fan-athlete dynamic. The Tower's lights continued to dance above you, casting a soft glow on the two of you as you sat in companionable silence, watching the world go by.
Thomas leaned back on the bench, his eyes still glued to the Eiffel Tower. "You know, I've competed in so many places, but there's something about Paris that's just… special."
You nodded in agreement. "It's like the whole city is alive with excitement."
Thomas turned to you, his eyes shining with a newfound warmth. "And meeting you has made it even more unforgettable."
You felt your cheeks flush as you tried to find the right words to respond. "Thank you," you finally managed, your voice barely above a whisper.
Thomas' smile grew softer, and he leaned in slightly. "Do you believe in destiny?"
You tilted your head, considering his question. "I like to think so," you replied, your voice barely audible over the Tower's twinkling lights.
Thomas nodded, his gaze lingering on the Tower before returning to you. "Then I guess it was destined for us to meet here," he said, his voice a gentle caress against the night air.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt your palms begin to sweat. You had never felt so alive, so seen. "I suppose it was," you murmured, not quite meeting his gaze.
The Tower's lights continued their rhythmic dance, casting a soft, romantic glow on the two of you. The accordion's tune grew faint, as if giving way to the conversation that was about to unfold. You looked up at Thomas, his features softened by the dim light, and realized that this moment was more than just a chance encounter. There was something genuine in his eyes, something that made you want to believe in fairy tales and happy endings.
"So, what happens now?" you asked, breaking the silence. Thomas took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving yours. "Now, we enjoy the magic of Paris," he said, his voice filled with promise. "We've got the whole night ahead of us."
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speckled-jim · 21 days
Let’s talk about how Basquiat’s Slave Auction relates to the themes of remembrance & trauma in IWTV.
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All the artwork we see displayed in Dubai is evocative of painful memories. It’s present in every single room we've seen, so much so that I'm surprised it took Louis this long to summon Daniel back for a redo of the ’73 interview.
The Basquiat piece is first seen in 1x3, an episode that starts with Louis telling Lestat about Jackson Square’s ugly history as the site of slave executions, and ends with a race riot caused by Louis’ actions. It also marks the beginning of Louis’ struggle with self-definition: he cannot divorce himself from humanity as easily as Lestat. He cannot divorce himself from the camaraderie, kinship, and mutual support/responsibility so integral to minority communities. Yet, as a vampire, he is now inherently separate from such aspects. By the time we meet Louis in Dubai, he lives in isolation, for all intents and purposes, his contact with humanity limited mainly to the penthouse staff. The art is evidence that he still craves a connection to his roots; however, it's no longer a positive connection centered on belonging, but a reminder that the gap has grown even wider.
Our next encounter with this piece is in 1x4, when Daniel finds "Rashid" praying in the same room.
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The framing choice is quite interesting: the painting doesn’t dominate the shot, but its presence is still prominent. It’s physically behind Rashid/Armand, but more to the side of him than his back, and although there’s light streaming in through the windows, Armand’s just on the outskirts, sharing the shadows with the painting. It’s a rather startling image, considering how closely the piece depicts Armand’s past, not just in terms of the events he can remember but the jumbled manner in which they exist in his head: broken fragments, rather than coherent memories he can recount.
Thus, it connects to the previous episode’s introduction of the painting, which appears in the background just as Daniel casts doubt on the accuracy of Louis’ own memories.
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On the surface, these appear to be lucid and orderly enough that Louis can form an unbroken narrative account of his life, but are they? When Daniel challenges Louis on the stark differences between the story he told in San Francisco and the story he is now telling in Dubai, Louis quotes Daniel’s own words at him, calling the second interview an “odyssey of recollection.” This implies some recognition on Louis’ part that his memory’s imperfect, even when it’s not “an admitted performance.”
Slave Auction likewise contains a chaotic profusion of themes: the lasting scars of slavery, racism, and failed assimilation, overlaid with images of black men as entertainers and athletes, a superficial success applied like a band-aid over a gaping wound. Is that not the very core of Louis de Pointe du Lac? Fathomless, unaddressed anguish buried under a placid façade of wealth? A lifelong attempt to gloss over his innate pain as a man grieving the loss of his family, his community, his connection to humanity?
Not for nothing the arc words of these two seasons have been “memory is a monster.” Many horror enthusiasts say that one of the scariest things you can do is never show the monster in full, instead letting the audience craft its image from their own fears. Louis has spent decades living with just such a monster always at his back, too terrified to turn around and face it for fear of what he’d see there.
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And then, in the final scenes of s2, he finally finds that courage, only to realise that the monster, all along, was just love.
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feeling-pushy · 2 months
Upon a Wishing Star Part One
This is my first big fic!! Thank you so much to @grandesteartherquakedreamer for this amazing commission! I had so much fun writing this story and I hope yall love it as much as I do! And I hope I get to write for this person again!
~5k, fpreg, pirates, magical pregnancy.
The deck of the Jolly Serpents, was alive with celebration. Lanterns swayed in the gentle breeze, casting a warm glow over the jubilant crew. Music and laughter filled the air, mixing with the scent of salt and the sound of waves lapping against the ship’s hull. The stars above twinkled across the dark velvety sky, providing a perfect backdrop for the festivities.
Captain Taro stood at the heart of the revelry, her purple captain's coat flaring out as she spun in a merry dance. Her hair, neatly tucked in a bun with bangs framing her face, bobbed with each movement. Her wooden prosthetic, carved meticulously to resemble a natural foot, tapped rhythmically against the wooden planks. Her crew, a motley collection of men and women, mirrored her energy, their faces alight with joy and triumph.
As she danced she held up in her hand the centerpiece of the celebration: a shimmering pendant, The pendant was made of exquisite silver, skillfully crafted into the shape of a star with softly rounded edges that gleamed in the flickering lantern light. In the middle of the star was a circle made of similar silver, encrusted with tiny diamonds that sparkled like captured starlight. Each diamond was meticulously set, catching and reflecting the light in a dazzling display.
At the center of this circle lay a yellow stone, its surface smooth and polished to perfection. In the light of the lanterns, the yellow stone appeared to glow faintly with an otherworldly light, casting a soft, ethereal radiance that made the pendant seem almost alive.
The pendant's beauty was mesmerizing, and as Taro held it up, it caught the eyes of everyone around her, drawing gasps of admiration and awe. It was the prize of their most recent adventure, the fabled ‘Wishing Star’ which was a magic wish-granting pendant that had already become the stuff of legends among her crew.
"To Captain Taro!" one of the crew shouted, raising a mug of ale high in the air. The cheer was echoed by everyone on board, mugs clinking together in a symphony of camaraderie. "To us all!" Taro responded, her energy matching theirs as she raised the pendant above her head, the lights reflecting off of the yellow stone. The crew roared in approval, the sound carrying out across the open sea.
As the festivities continued, Taro moved among her crew, sharing laughter and stories of their latest exploits. She clapped shoulders, exchanged hearty embraces, and basked in the glory of their latest adventure.
Taro raised a tankard of ale, catching the eye of Briggs, the old sailor who had served with her for years. His gap-toothed grin was wider than ever, and he approached her with a raised mug. "To our fearless Cap’n!" Briggs shouted, his voice carrying over the noise of the celebration. "May the winds always be at your back and your enemies always on the run!"
Captain Taro clinked her tankard against his. "And to the best crew on the seven seas! Without you lot, I'd be adrift!" She took a hearty swig, the ale cool and refreshing after the day's exertions. "Briggs, you old sea dog, how's the leg holding up?"
Briggs laughed. "Lot better than yours ever did, Cap’n." Briggs playfully teases, Taro scowls, equally playful, “I ought to make you walk the plank for such talk you old hobby horse!” Briggs merely grinned wider, white mustache curling up with his lips, extending it, “And then who would manage your sails? Hm?”
“I could find a replacement for you in a moments notice, and they’d be far more spry.”  She challenged with a smirk. Briggs leans in and gets in her face, “You hire some green hand and this ship is sinking within the hour.”
Both them pull away laughing. Captain Taro slapping Briggs on the back and sending him on his way to keep celebrating. Just then the music picked up pace, and Taro finds herself pulled into yet another lively dance by a fellow female pirate, a young deckhand who’s cheeks were flushed with excitement and drink, and her eyes sparkling with admiration for her captain, “Come dance with us Captain!”
Taro laughed, her wooden foot tapping in a clumsy rhythm with the music. "Alright, alright! Just don't expect me to be as graceful! I've got two left feet and one of them wooden!" that earned her some laughs by the nearby crew members as she engages in a dance with the female deckhand.
The crowd cheered as Taro and the girl moved in sync with the music, their steps quick and as precise as bibulous pirates could be. Taro’s purple captain’s coat flared out with each twirl, and her captain’s hat stayed firmly in place, adding to her commanding presence. The deckhand’s light steps complemented Taro’s more grounded movements, creating a dance that was both captivating and full of energy.
"Captain, you dance as well as you fight!" the young lady exclaimed, spinning Taro around. “Not as well as you my dear!” Captain Taro states making the young woman flush from the flattery.
The music reached a crescendo, and Taro led the young woman through a series of spins and steps that left the crowd cheering and clapping louder than ever. As the dance ended, Taro who was now a little out of breath, gave her a bow and the deckhand curtsied in returned.
Exhausted and a bit dizzy, Captain Taro makes her way up to the upper deck to catch her breath. Eventually she ran into her First Mate, who unlike their captain who was already half sloshed on ale and dancing her cares away, still stood back from the festivities and kept a generally professional appearance to them as they oversaw the celebrations with a watchful eye. Taro approached, a playful grin on her face.
Taro’s First Mate had always been a person who was methodical and composed, and while some would think such a uptight figure would clash against Captain Taro’s carefree spirit, which it sometimes did, their demeanor had always been a steadying influence on the entire crew and had always helped to keep the Captain in check when she got carried away. She always admired her First Mate for that and appreciated their ability not to pull back on their criticisms. She’d honestly be lost without them.
"First Mate," she said, clapping them on the shoulder, “Captain” the First Mate greeted almost formally. Taro leaned on them a little, her feet somewhat unsteady, "Aww come on, why so stiff? It's a night for revelry!"
First Mate gave them a bemused expression, though their eyes remained vigilant. "Someone has to keep an eye on things, Captain. Besides, it's good to see the crew so happy. They deserve it."
“Ahhh come now First Mate! You know you can always just call me Taro! How long have we traveled together??” she slurs a bit, her head feeling pleasantly fuzzy and light.
“Yet you only refer to me as ‘First Mate’” they pointed out dryly. Taro grinned somewhat mischievously, “Only because you hate it when I call you by your first name. Isn’t that right J-” she begins to say. The affect was immediate as a sour expression crosses their face and they hold up a finger to her lips to stop her.
“Captain Taro. I think you may have had more than your fair share of drinking tonight. I think it’s best you start to sober up. You still need to lead by example you know.” They cut in, scolding Captain Taro as they often do when she gets like this.
“I’m finneee!!” She protests. Her First Mate stands there and crosses their arms. They then proceed to stare her down with a disapproving look. Taro tries to avoid eye contact for a moment, knowing she was weak to their disapproving stare, but even while not making direct eye contact the weight of their stare gets to her and she soon sags a bit in defeat, knowing better than to argue with them. “I suppose some water wouldn’t hurt.” She mumbles. Her First Mate gives her a little smile and rests a hand between her shoulder blades, silently leading her off to go sober up.
The celebration continued late into the night, the crew eventually winding down, one by one, as exhaustion set in. Taro remained awake, a sense of contentment settling over her. She looked around at her crew, now sprawled out across the deck in various states of slumber. Her First Mate was also nowhere to be seen, though she knew they’d most likely had turned in for the night.
With everyone else now asleep, Taro found herself alone, leaning against the ship’s railing, gazing out at the starlit sea, the pendant clutched in her hand. The pendant's cool surface rested in her palm weightily, as she rubbed her thumb across the smooth surface of the yellow stone in the middle. It was just a yellow stone, but even now a bit further away from the lanterns’ lights it still seemed to pulsate with a gentle glow. She turned it over, marveling at the intricate designs etched into the surface of its back, etched with symbols of an ancient language she couldn’t read.
“The legends say you can grant wishes." she mused aloud, talking to the pendant, there was an obvious hint of skepticism in her voice. "But I've seen too many tricks and charlatans to believe in such fairy tales. Still, you will fetch a king's ransom in gold I’d say."
The legend states that the Wishing Star, has the power to grant the deepest, most heartfelt wish of its bearer. The pendant can grant only one wish per person. Once a wish is made, the pendant’s magic will not work for that person again, but it could only grant a wish if the bearer's desire is pure and true.
No one knows where it comes from, or who made it, that information was lost to history. And while the silver was fancy, it was the yellow stone that was the true power of the pendant, it was said to be a fragment of a fallen star, giving it a connection to the heavens and granting it it’s power.
All of this was just rumor though, all folk tales meant to hype up what was most likely just a fancy pendant worn by some royal or a priest in some lost religion. Still, for a moment, she let her thoughts drift away from the noise and excitement. The pendant's glow seemed to intensify, reflecting in her eyes.
Her thoughts drifted to her crew, the loyal men and women who had become her family over the years. Each one had a story, a past, and dreams that had led them to her ship. She cherished them all, from the seasoned veterans like Briggs to the eager newcomers. Together, they had faced countless dangers and celebrated numerous victories. Yet, despite the deep bond she shared with them, there was a lingering emptiness in her heart.
Taro sighed, feeling the weight of her unspoken desires. She had everything she could have asked for: a ship she loved, a crew that respected and adored her, and a life filled with adventure. But there was something missing, something that all the treasure and glory in the world couldn’t fulfill.
“I have the best crew anyone could ask for,” she murmured to herself, her eyes fixed on the pendant. “They’re my family in every way that matters. But... it’s not enough. I want more. I want a family of my own, a child to raise and teach, someone who looks up to me not just as a captain, but as a parent.”
The thought of having a child stirred a deep longing within her. She imagined holding a tiny, fragile life in her arms, teaching them the ways of the sea, sharing the wisdom she had gathered over years of piracy. She saw herself comforting them during storms, telling them stories of her adventures, and watching them grow into their own person.
Taro chuckled softly, the image in her mind both heartwarming and bittersweet. “I want a child,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of the waves. “A child to call my own, to love and protect, to teach everything I know.”
With a deep breath, she held the pendant up to the sky, the starlight making the yellow stone glow even more brilliantly. “They say you grant wishes.’ she said, her tone a mix of skepticism and hope, ‘I don’t know if it’s true, but if there’s any magic in you, hear my wish. I want a family. I want a child.”
With a deep breath she slipped the pendent around her neck and she closed her eyes. As she stood there, coat being pulled by the gentle breeze of the sea, a warmth spread through her body, and she felt a strange sensation, like a gentle tug deep within her, and for a moment her heartbeat quickens as she thought for a moment that maybe that was a sign.
But it was a fleeting sensation, gone as quickly as it came and with a sigh she let herself come back to reality, dismissing it as the lingering excitement of the night and hopeful thinking. With a small sigh, she decided it would be best to turn in for the night.
The pendant, now resting against her chest, seemed to hum softly, its magic quietly at work as she made her way to her cabin to rest. As Captain Taro drifted off to sleep that night, the Jolly Serpents rocked gently beneath her, carrying its captain and crew into the promise of a new dawn.
The dawn’s light bathed the Jolly Serpents in a warm glow, illuminating the deck as Captain Taro made her rounds. She moved with her usual confident stride, her purple captain's coat fluttering slightly in the morning breeze and her wooden prosthetic clicking rhythmically against the wooden planks. She nodded and exchanged greetings with her crew.
Most of her crew treated her as they always had, with respect and camaraderie. They shared jokes, stories, and plans for their next adventure, their trust in her leadership unwavering. However, some newer or more cautious members of the crew seemed to hesitate, their eyes lingering on her a moment too long. It made a few of them act as if she were made of glass.
"Morning, Cap’n," said a young deckhand, his voice laced with a nervous undertone as he attempted to offer her assistance down a small set of stairs. "I can manage, thank you." Taro replied, her tone firm. A quick glare from her sent the boy scurrying back to his duties, properly chastened.
She approached another crew member, the older sailor Briggs, who was busy securing a rope. "How's it looking, Briggs?" she asked, her tone brisk but friendly. "Ship's in fine shape, Cap’n." Briggs replied with a gap-toothed grin. "We'll be ready to set sail on your command."
"Good to hear," Taro said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Keep it up."
As she continued her rounds, she noticed another crew member, the young deckhand she danced with at the party, who she later learned was named Lila, struggling with a heavy barrel. Taro approached and grabbed the other side of the barrel. "Let's get this done together."
The young woman seemed relieved at first, but then her eyes seemed to bug out in slight panic once she realized who was helping her, “Ah Captain! are you sure you should be helpin’ me-?”
“Let’s just get this done quickly.” Taro said giving her a look, the young woman, properly cowed just nods and they quickly lifted the barrel into place. "Ah, t-thank you, Captain.’ The woman says as she wipes some sweat from her brow. ‘I was just about to ask for help…"
"Don't hesitate next time." Taro replied. "We're all in this together." Lila nodded, a look of gratitude and slight apprehension on her face. Taro moved on, but not before noticing a few other crew members casting curious glances her way. She ignored them, focusing on the tasks at hand.
Eventually, she made her way up to the quarterdeck, where her First Mate stood, overseeing the preparations for their next voyage. "First Mate." Taro greeted, "Captain." the First Mate replied with a nod. They looked to be as composed as always, "Everything is ready for our next adventure. The supplies are stocked, and the course is plotted."
"Good." Taro said, satisfaction evident in her tone. She glanced out at the horizon, the sea calling to her as it always had. The First Mate, in rare form, seemed to break their normally stoney exterior to look at Captain Taro with concern, and hesitates for a moment before speaking again. "Captain, I again must wonder if it is wise for you to travel the seven seas in your condition?"
It was only then that Captain Taro glanced down at herself and the full extent of her situation was revealed. Captain Taro was heavily pregnant, her large, rounded belly clearly visible for all to see.
The pendant itself was long gone, it had been sold for a substantial sum and allowed Captain Taro to buy herself plenty of supplies for her crew, plus a bonus in their pay which had been a big hit among them. But it was clear now that the rumors of its magic had not been as ludicrous as she had believed them to be. The idle wish she had made the night of their celebration having taken an effect on her and irrevocably changing her life.
Taro placed a hand on her belly, feeling the gentle movements within. She turned to her First Mate, her eyes fierce and determined. "The sea has always been my home, and I won't let anything stop me from sailing it. Besides, this child will be born with salt in their veins. We'll be fine."
The First Mate nodded, though concern lingered in their eyes. "As you say, Captain. But I still suggest you hire a midwife or a doctor of some kind to accompany us on this journey.”
“I don’t need any doctor First Mate! I am perfectly capable of handling it myself.”
“And then are you expecting me to help you deliver the baby?” they ask wryly. Captain Taro shrugs and looks a bit away, “Would that be such a bad thing? I certainly wouldn’t mind you being there…” she mumbles, her cheeks heating up a bit at the subject matter. Her First Mate merely raised a brow at that, “Well as, flattering as that is, I am unfortunately not a doctor and I have no such expertise. So I don’t know what you’d want me to be there for.”  
Captain Taro was unhappy with that answer, seeming to expect or perhaps hoped for a different response, as she huffs angerly, “Fine. You can see about hiring a doctor before we set off then.” She then seems to stomp off, much too the First Mates confusion.
They scratched their cheek a bit, still not accustomed to her seemingly sudden shifts in moods. It definitely kept them on their toes a lot these days, but at least with the permission they’d been hoping to get, they then quickly set about on finding a doctor for the captain.  
By the time the afternoon came, a doctor had been hired and the ship was ready to set sail. The First Mate approached Captain Taro who seemed to be a lot calmer now, “We're ready to set sail Captain." Captain Taro gave a  nod of approval and turned her gaze back to the sea, it’s horizon stretching out before her, “Then lets get going.”
With her crew behind her and her unborn child within her, the Jolly Serpents sails unfurled and soon they were leaving port, the waves ready to carry its captain and crew into whatever the future held.
By evening, the ship was gliding smoothly through the ocean, leaving a trail of white foam in its wake. The crew was settling into their routines, the excitement of the journey tempered by the familiarity of their tasks. The stars began to twinkle in the night sky, casting a serene glow over the ship, while the moon, a silver crescent, hung low on the horizon.
Captain Taro had since retired to her cabin, the day's events weighing lightly on her shoulders. She closed the door behind her, shutting out the noise of the crew and the wind. The cabin was cozy, filled with personal mementos and maps that spoke of countless adventures. Shelves lined with books, trinkets from distant lands, and a large, intricately detailed map of the seven seas covered one wall. A small table held her navigational tools, charts, and half-finished letters to various contacts and old friends.
She made her way to her bed, sinking onto the soft mattress with a sigh of relief. The room was dimly lit by a lantern, casting a warm, flickering light that created dancing shadows on the walls. As she sat on the edge of her bed, she idly dragged a finger across her rounded belly.
She smiled as she felt her child follow the movement, pressing against her skin from within. It was a game she often liked to play with her little stowaway when she had a moment alone, it never failed to amuse her. However, she noted that the baby seemed to follow her finger less easily than before, a sign they were starting to get cramped in there. She knew she was getting closer to her due date.
Leaning back in her bed, Taro closed her eyes and let the natural sway of the ship relax her. The gentle rocking of the Sea Serpent was a comfort she had known all her life, a lullaby that had always soothed her restless spirit. As she lay there, her thoughts turned inward.
She had always been a daring captain, her love for adventure and the open sea driving her to take risks others would shy away from. Memories of past exploits flitted through her mind: daring raids on enemy ships, navigating treacherous waters, and outsmarting foes who underestimated her. The thrill of the chase, the satisfaction of a well-executed plan, and the camaraderie of her crew were what she lived for.
But now, with the unborn child growing inside her, the stakes were higher. She knew that continuing her pirate's life was risky. It was already a dangerous lifestyle, but it was even more so while being heavily pregnant. She had often told herself in the past that when she was ready to have a family, she would settle on land where it was safe.
And to her credit, she did try to do that. For a month after she discovered her pregnancy, she had found herself a quiet coastal town, along the usual route taken by her ship when they needed to stock up on supplies, and bought herself a little cottage up the hill with the money from her personal treasury. She then left the ship in the capable hands of her First Mate, then she settled down for a while, and for a while it had been peaceful.
She had taken long walks on the beach, enjoyed the calm, and tried to imagine a life without the thrill of the open sea. But it hadn't taken long for the restlessness to set in. She missed the salt air, the sound of the waves crashing on the beach bringing up a longing to be in the middle of the beautiful sea, and, most of all, she missed her crew. Missed her First Mate and the other members of her crew who had made up the little family of friends.
Her time on land had been filled with restless nights and days that seemed to stretch endlessly. She remembered sitting on a quiet porch, staring out at the sea, feeling like a caged bird. Desperately she wanted to spread her wings and ride the ocean currents like the many gulls she’d seen.
She had tried to convince herself that it was for the best, that she was doing the right thing for her child. The sea was no place for a baby after all. But the call of the sea was too strong to ignore. So she had found herself coming back.
The day the Jolly Serpents docked for a resupply at the port of that small coastal town. She was already waiting at the docks for them. The moment she stepped back on the deck of that ship, she felt a sense of relief and belonging that she couldn't find anywhere else. The crew, while surprised at first, had welcomed her back with open arms, their loyalty unwavering. Even her First Mate seemed to had missed her, as they gladly stepped down from the captain’s position unchallenged and took their place back by her side.
Ever since then, she hadn't turned back, and despite the dangers, she knew she had made the right choice. Everything just felt right.
As she lay in her bed, Taro felt as if her little stowaway was trying to get comfortable themselves, stretching their cramped limbs out in order to get settled. It made her chuckle as she placed her hand on one of the lumps on her belly which she was sure was a foot, slowly rubbing it to help them get settled. Soon the lump disappeared and the child seemed to finally get comfortable inside her, going still again.
Once again Taro found herself making the same silent promise she always did to her unborn child. She promised that she would keep them safe, no matter what. She would teach them the ways of the sea, and show them the wonders of the world. But she would also find a way to balance her love for adventure with the responsibilities of motherhood.
The cabin grew quieter as the night deepened. The sounds of the crew's laughter and conversations eventually fading, soon replaced by the rhythmic creaking of the ship and the distant calls of seabirds. The soft lapping of the waves against the hull was a comforting sound, a reminder of the vast, untamed world beyond.
Taro's thoughts wandered to the future, imagining her child growing up on the Jolly Serpents. She pictured a small figure running across the deck, learning to tie knots, and listening to the tales of the crew. She couldn’t yet imagine their face, but she figured that would come in time once she was able to finally meet them. She imagined the pride she would feel, knowing that her child was growing up surrounded by the same wonders that had shaped her own life. Captain Taro then let the familiar, rhythmic sway of the ship lull her into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of the adventures that still awaited them on the open sea.
As the Jolly Serpents rocked gently with the rhythm of the waves, Captain Taro lay asleep on her bed, her body curled protectively around her belly. The soft light of the moon filtered through the small window, casting a gentle glow over the room and highlighting the serene expression on her face.
Just then the door to her cabin creaked open, and the First Mate slipped inside, they then turned and closed the door behind them, with a gentle click before moving over to her. Their movements were soft and careful to avoid disturbing their captain as they went to check on them.
They had found themselves getting into the habit of these nightly visits, being spurred on by their deep concern over the safety of both Taro and the life growing inside her. Despite Taro's fierce independence and formidable strength, the First Mate couldn't help but worry, knowing the dangers and challenges of their life at sea.
As the First Mate approached the bed, their steps light and careful, Taro’s face was relaxed in sleep, her breathing steady and calm. The First Mate took a moment to study her, she seemed alright, peaceful even, as she lightly snored.
They noticed that Taro had kicked off her blanket in her sleep at some point, the cool night air touching her exposed skin and making it raise with a few goosebumps. With gentle hands, the First Mate picked up the blanket and draped it over her, ensuring she was warm and comfortable. As they did so, their eyes were drawn to her belly, which rose and fell with each breath.
For a moment, the First Mate hesitated, their hand hovering above Taro's bump. The urge to place a hand there, to feel the life within, was strong. They wanted to offer some form of comfort, to silently communicate their support and care. But they pulled back, respecting Taro's personal space and the boundaries she had set. Taro had stated on more than one occasion she did not want others to touch her belly, and they respected that decision.
The First Mate stood there for a moment longer, watching over her with a tender gaze. Taro’s long hair, that was usually tied up in a tight bun, was now laying loose and free on her pillow, looking like the familiarly gentle waves of a calm sea, her bangs perfectly framing her face. The sight stirred a mix of emotions within them, mostly admiration. No doubt this pregnancy had been harder on her than she let on, the role of leader was stressful and yet she carried on, supporting both her crew and a new life.
Their face softened with a deep, unspoken affection as they watched a moment longer. Finally, they stepped back, moving towards the door with the same quiet care they had when they entered.
Just before leaving, the First Mate turned back, their voice barely above a whisper. “Goodnight, Taro,” they murmured, a small smile gracing their lips before closing the door behind them.
With a soft click, they closed the door, leaving Taro and her unborn baby to their dreams of adventure and the sea.
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misshoneyimhome · 3 months
Can you write for Trent Frederic? Maybe like telling him your pregnancy or first announcing you two are dating just pure fluff!
Oh babe! I am so so sorry this took forever 🤍✨
But I finally got around to it - Now, I couldn't quite decide on how to go about it... so I just kind off went with it and did both 🙈 Since it's my first time writing for Trent F. I had to do some research ofc; and I know it's a bit short, but hopefully you still enjoy it ❤️🤗
Tropes and warnings; just pure fluff, strangers to lovers, no warnings; pregnancy announcement
Word count: 1.7K
Next Chapter I Trent Frederic
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The morning light streamed through the bathroom window, casting a soft glow over the room, and as you stood there and looked down at the plus sign indicating the result, a small curve slowly crept onto your lips. Your heart raced as you processed the reality of the situation. You knew it was soon in the process, and it had all happened a lot faster than you’d expected—yet, you knew this was a good thing for your next chapter. You felt a mix of exhilaration and nerves, knowing that your life was about to change in the most profound way.
So, over the next few hours, you couldn’t help but contemplate and think back on how everything had unfolded over the past couple of years. The house was quiet, the only sounds being the distant hum of city life and the occasional chirping of birds outside. You made yourself a cup of tea, sitting down at the kitchen table, your mind drifting to the pivotal moments that led you here.
How your life had turned upside down, just like that, in a way you’d never expected.
It all started with a friendly pickup hockey game organised by mutual friends back in 2018.
You had always grown up with hockey around you, your father playing all his life and then passing it on to your older brother. Weekends were spent at the local rink, the chill of the ice and the sharp sound of skates cutting through it became a comforting backdrop to your childhood. So, naturally you quickly learnt to lace up your skates and found your way onto the ice, much to the delight of your family.
Of course, your mother first thought you’d be on the ice as a beautiful princess of a figure skater. She had dreams of you twirling gracefully in sparkly dresses, capturing the hearts of audiences with your elegance. However, despite everyone trying to dress you up in tight suits and all that sparkling glitter, you instead always found your way to some sort of hockey gear and a stick to shoot a puck around with. The thrill of the game, the teamwork, and the adrenaline rush drew you in far more than the idea of being a figure skater.
In a way, you were a bit of a tomboy; always hanging out with a solid group of guys as well as other hockey-interested girls. You relished the camaraderie, the sense of belonging that came with being part of a team. And as far back as you could remember, you always preferred to hang out with your brother and his friends. In fact, this bond over hockey brought you closer to your brother, and eventually, to a wider circle of friends who shared the same passion.
Which eventually led you to the group of friends that set up the friendly hockey match during the winter of 2018.
And that’s when you met Trent.
Just another 20-year-old with a passion for hockey, hanging out with his group of friends, who hung out with another group of friends—and so on.
Long story short, you were all a bunch of hockey enthusiasts, joining together on a sunny winter Sunday in Boston, and as a newcomer to the city, Trent had joined his group of friends, which led to you all mingling coincidentally on an outdoor ice rink.
And apparently, your wide smile and vibrant enthusiasm caught Trent’s eyes immediately. So, for hours he thought about how to start up a conversation with you.
Trent wasn’t usually insecure about himself. He knew he was a young, charming lad, with a strong and impressive career. He knew he was a fighter, making his way to the best league in hockey—yet, seeing a girl like you had his stomach turn and he immediately rather wanted to get into a fist fight than trying to flirt with you.
Not that you were intimidating in any way. On the contrary. You were just so open, outgoing, and simply sparkling with joy. You had that captivating aura that just drew people in, and a part of him knew that if he didn’t at least try to talk to you—aware he might get rejected, he knew he’d regret it.
So, naturally, putting on his greatest smile and polishing his confidence, he skated up next to you when you were finally alone, having a sip of your water by the ice rink railing.
"Wow, you're not too bad for a non-pro," he teased, nudging you gently with his shoulder.
"Just trying to keep up with the big leagues, I guess," you shot back, feeling the warmth in your cheeks that had nothing to do with the cold. You were used to holding your own among your brother’s friends, but Trent’s playful banter and genuine smile disarmed you in a way you hadn’t expected.
And when the game then ended, the easy camaraderie lingered. As you both decided to stay back and help clean up, Trent found the courage within and suggested grabbing a hot chocolate to warm up. 
One cup then turned into several, and before long, the two of you were lost in conversation, sharing stories and dreams long into the night. It felt natural, easy, like slipping into a favourite jumper. You found yourself laughing more than you had in ages, the connection between you undeniable. Neither of you knew it then, but that night was the beginning of something special.
Months into your blossoming relationship, it was clear that what you had with Trent was something special. Yet, announcing it to the world felt daunting - at least to you. 
Though you were used to the hockey world, being with a professional athlete came with its own set of challenges, and you weren't sure you were ready for the spotlight. The media scrutiny, the fans, the pressure of public perception—all of it weighed on your mind.
However, one evening, after a particularly thrilling game, Trent then pulled you aside in the empty rink. His eyes sparkled with excitement, his energy infectious, and you could see the determination in his expression, the way he had set his mind on something important.
"I want to tell everyone about us," he said, his voice full of determination.
But you hesitated, your mind racing with doubts. "Trent, it's a big step. Are we ready for this?" 
The what-ifs and potential fallout played on a loop in your head, but Trent’s presence grounded you.
Trent just took your hands in his, his grip firm yet gentle. "I love you, Y/N. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I want the world to know that you're mine, and I'm yours." His confidence was unwavering, and it gave you the strength to face your fears.
His words simply melted away all your fears. So, with a deep breath, you nodded. "Okay, let's do it."
And to your relief, the announcement was met with nothing but an outpouring of support from fans and teammates alike. The love and encouragement bolstered your confidence, and you felt more connected to Trent than ever before. The world now knew about your relationship, and it felt liberating. So, walking hand in hand, you faced the world together, ready for whatever came next.
Now, five years later, the playoffs were in full swing, and the Boston Bruins had just advanced to the second round. The excitement was palpable, but so was your anxiety. You had taken a pregnancy test that morning, and the positive result had left you reeling. The implications of this tiny plus sign were enormous, and you couldn’t shake the mix of joy and apprehension.
Though you knew it could happen anytime - aware of how biology works - it happened sooner than you expected. And with Trent's focus on the playoffs, you were unsure how to break the news without distracting him. So, you decided to wait until the right moment, hoping the Bruins would continue their winning streak.
But then when the team lost and their season ended, you suddenly saw an opportunity to lift Trent's spirits. The defeat was a heavy blow, and seeing your fiancé so despondent tugged at your heart. So, that night, as he sat quietly in your living room, his disappointment evident, you took a deep breath and approached him.
"Trent, there's something I need to tell you," you began, your voice trembling slightly. The weight of your news felt immense, though you had a feeling it was something that could bring light into this dark moment.
He simply looked up, concerned about replacing the sadness in his eyes. "What is it, honey?"
Without any words, you just handed him the positive pregnancy test, watching as his expression shifted from confusion to shock - and then finally to pure joy. You could see the moment the reality of it hit him, his eyes widening in surprise.
"We're going to have a baby," you said, tears of welling up in your eyes, as the words felt surreal, yet so right.
And Trent's face just lit up with the biggest smile you'd ever seen. He swiftly stood up, lifting you into his arms and spinning you around. "Oh fucking yes! This is the best news ever!" he exclaimed, his excitement infectious, the room seeming to brighten with his happiness and the earlier gloom dispelled.
He then gently sat you down, his hands carefully resting on your belly. "I can't believe it. We're going to be parents."
You nodded, the weight of the moment sinking in. "Yes, we are."
Trent then pulled you in for a deep kiss, his joy and love overwhelming, as he allowed you both to sink more into the tender moment, before slowly pulling apart. "This is the perfect way to start the off-season, baby," he said, his voice full of promise. "I can't wait to start this next chapter with you."
And as you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that whatever the future held, you would face it together, united by love and the new life growing within you. The journey ahead was filled with unknowns, but with Trent by your side, you felt ready for anything.
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asknickduvalx · 8 months
wait, is that NICHOLAS ‘NICK’ DUVAL? they kinda look a lot like JOSHUA BASSETT, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY year old is known as the HUMANIST around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in NO GLEE CLUB which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re +BENEVOLENT, but don’t be fooled since they’re also -RESERVED. rumor has it, you can find them at BASEBALL, CHEERIOS, DRAMA, FIGHT CLUB when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around A GUITAR, NOTEBOOK, AND MULTIPLE PAIRS OF DANCE SHOES - OUT OF SIGHT IN YOUR CLOSET BUT NEVER OUT OF YOUR MIND, MISSING FOR SOMETHING - OR SOMEONE - NO LONGER THERE, SHARING AN AFFECTION AMONGST FRIENDS but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
🎤 auditioning with: nothing. "i can't sing." a little white lie to conceal the true reason and allow him an easy escape to continue on his way.
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TRIGGER FOR PARENTAL DEATH - for as long as nick can remember, he loved performing. in his younger years, he was a frequent participant in community theatre and talent shows as part of a band with either his older siblings or a group of friends. there was nothing like the adrenaline rush following a successful show, the camaraderie with cast and crew mates or friendly competition amongst other people showing off their talents, or the electricity in the air that came from connection with an audience. then the summer before nick’s freshman year of high school, his dad suddenly passed away and seemed to take his love of performing with him. to this day, nick hasn’t uttered a note in public nor has he touched an instrument and he usually serves as a crew member in the drama club.
so, how did nick end up at an arts college considering his unofficial and seemingly permanent retirement from performing? easy. the first factor came in the form of his scholarships, one for academics and the others from the various sports he participated in whilst in high school. the second factor comes from a desire for stability. one day nick will be ready for adventures and to see what the wider world has to offer, but right now, it is an incredible comfort to know that his family is nearby and ready to provide aid while he steps into proper adult life. plus, who says that one needs to attend a more traditional college in order to gain useful skills and a fulfilling education?
being a class clown and prankster comes as easily as breathing to nick. he has loved making people laugh and smile since he was young which has only grown as he has gotten older. however, this particular trait is simultaneously akin to being a suit of armor for nick. not only is he able to verbally spar with the best of them, being one of the resident comedians can obscure signs of something being wrong to untrained eyes. there are people who need the attention and aid more during their times of need, plus nick does not wish to be a reason someone he cares about is worried.
nick is pansexual! only thing that matters to him is positive vibes and fun times with his current romantic interest! however, he is also known to err on the side of caution when it comes to dating due to his familiarity with heartache in the form of either break ups or by death coming along and parting couples way on down the road. so he tends to stick with occasional one night stands or friends with benefits types of situations nowadays.
the duval family is comfortably wealthy thanks to their old money roots. nick has never been the sort of person to flaunt these riches, but will never pass up an opportunity to send funds in support of a good cause or to treat his friends with delicious meals or gifts. he doesn’t view it as charity and would never force it on someone. nick is simply a guy who is happy to help however he can, treat his friends, and utilize his resources for worthy reasons.
best friend
friends with benefits / secret hook ups
exes on good terms
exes on bad terms
someone nick is protective of
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gabyeditsdetudoofc123 · 4 months
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The mysterious gem heist
[reader] was a seasoned Brawler, known for their quick thinking and strategic mind. Today, [reader] was teamed up with Chester, the eccentric jester of the Brawl Stars universe, known for his unpredictable moves and mischievous grin.
The task was simple on paper: retrieve the gems stolen from the Gem Mine by a group of rogue brawlers. But nothing is ever simple in the chaotic world of Brawl Stars.
[Reader] met Chester at the entrance of the Gem Mine. He was juggling a set of grenades, a playful yet dangerous glint in his eyes.
"Ready for some fun?" Chester asked, tossing one of the grenades into the air and catching it effortlessly.
"Always," they replied, checking their own gear one last time. "Let's get those gems back."
The two of you ventured into the mine, the dim light casting eerie shadows on the walls. Chester's laughter echoed off the stone, making the place seem even more mysterious.
As they advanced, the sound of footsteps alerted they to the presence of the rogue brawlers. Chester's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Time to put on a show!"
He hurled a grenade, and it exploded with a burst of confetti and smoke, disorienting the enemies. [Reader] took advantage of the chaos, darting forward to retrieve the scattered gems. Chester covered they , his unpredictable attacks keeping the rogue brawlers at bay.
Just when [reader] thought they had the upper hand, the leader of the rogues, a towering brawler with a menacing aura, appeared. He lunged at they, but Chester intercepted him with a well-placed explosion that sent the leader reeling.
"Nice timing," [reader] said, catching your breath.
Chester winked. "Timing is everything in comedy and brawling."
With the leader temporarily incapacitated, [reader] gathered the remaining gems. But the rogue brawlers were regrouping, and their numbers were too great to fend off indefinitely.
"Time for the grand finale," Chester announced. He pulled out a particularly large grenade, its surface covered in colorful patterns. "Cover your ears!"
[Reader] ducked behind a rock as Chester threw the grenade. It detonated with a spectacular burst of light and sound, leaving the rogue brawlers stunned and disoriented.
"Let's get out of here!" [Reader] shouted over the din, grabbing Chester's hand and leading him toward the exit.
The two of you emerged from the mine, victorious and exhilarated. Chester's grin was wider than ever. "That was a blast!"
"Literally," they laughed, holding up the sack of gems. "Mission accomplished."
As they walked back to town, [reader] couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Chester. Despite his unpredictable nature, he had proven to be a reliable and entertaining partner.
"Same time next week?" Chester asked, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," they replied with a smile.
Together, you and Chester had made quite the team, and you knew there would be many more adventures to come in the ever-exciting world of Brawl Stars.
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fee-phy-fo-fum · 2 years
heromari hades/persephone-inspired au bc i needed to write it out somewhere but cant quite prose it rn
details under the cut. just a warning, it gets. long.
basil (god of flowers n growth, "of the golden throne") n aubrey (goddess of war n courage, "the unyielding") live in the forest.
hero (god of healing and music, "love-giver") and kel (god of travel and camaraderie, "of the people") live in the city, amongst the humans.
mari (goddess of knowledge and judgement, "the all-seer") rarely rests, oft roaming from place to place when not at the entrance of the abyss (essentially the equivalent of afterlife) overseeing souls and their fates
within the abyss dwells the twin gods of creation and destruction - sunny and omori (known as "the beginning" or "the end", depending on context). who is who? both are both, both with the ability to create and destroy.
the story starts w mari gone. poof! disappeared! all the other gods (except sunny n omori bc no one actually knows where they dwell and theyre isolated sad sacks) search for her bc fabric of the universe and balance and literally watching the abyss entrance! what are all the souls gonna do w her gone?
("all the other gods" involves a wider cast that i am not coming up with rn.) also. gods living in the same area would know each other better. kel knows almost everyone hence hero knows almost everyone. most (mortal n immortal alike) are mildly wary/scared of mari.
anyway. everyones searching for mari. the abyss is deep and dark and has areas where it sorta... leaks through to the rest of the world (like black space n headspace). hero stumbles upon one of the entrances and falls.
now a very important distinction is that sunny, mari n omori have wings bc u need wings to fly above the dark waters of the abyss w/o being consumed/tainted by it. kel has little winged shoes (like hermes) but otherwise no one else (of the main cast at least) can fly.
so hero falls. at least, until something - someone - dark swoops in and carries him to safety.
"you should be more careful!" a bit of light laughter and a boop on the nose. "the abyss isnt forgiving!"
his savior returns back to the abyss before hero can say anything in return - not a word of thanks, an ask for the others name or anything.
three guesses who this savior is and the first 2 dont count (its a heromari-probably-fic. no duh its mari)
anyway. hero goes back to some god meeting and reports that he found nothing and apparently fell into the abyss. someone mentions that no one has searched the abyss yet and that mari could be there.
no one wants to go to the abyss. for good reason!
guess who gets sent on the abyss-searching mission! kel bc wings, hero bc he fell there, aubrey just in case theres something bad, and basil bc... aubrey said she would fall n demanded someone who could make something to walk on whom she also trusted.
and so the team sets off to the abyss! they enter through the main entrance and its dark and damp and they did not bring a light sourc- nevermind aubrey literally glows with rage and kel literally glows with happiness too
hero gets lost again, first within the upper cavern system. then he falls out of the cave system.
mari catches him again and makes the "are you falling for me" joke
they chat a bit and then mari walks him back to where everyone is freaking out looking for him and then she disappears.
hero tells them about how theres a potential new goddess of the abyss that saved him. no one is impressed bc the abyss is literally the opposite of like. everything the gods stand for. aubrey decides he just doesnt want to admit he got lost. kel thinks he's screwing w them bc what older sibling doesnt screw with their younger sibling?
hero sulks for a bit n they continue searching for mari
then! they find this little... floating.... castle?? but by floating, they mean like. upside down.
"Well!" Kel says. "This is what we brought Basil for!"
"Yeah, flower boy," Aubrey smirks, shooing a protesting Basil towards the edge of the cliff. "Do your thing."
guess what. hero slips and falls.
cue screaming.
mari swoops in and catches him, whispers in his ear "we have got to stop meeting like this"
they do not stop screaming, seeing mari as a threat.
now, hero still does not know that the stranger saving him is mari because hes kinda. smitten. lovestruck. whatever. also bc mari looks different than she used to. perks of being reborn from the waters of the abyssal river ig
aubrey demands to know if mari has been following them. mari says something to the extent of "not intentionally! its hard to not know when you see everything in the realm"
(emphasis on "in the realm" because the abyss is distinctly a different realm from like. the rest of the world. hence mari doesnt know how long shes been gone/the search efforts to find her)
a moment of silence. mari awkwardly goes "uhhh did you think the all-seer was just a nickname? its not. not really."
see all this couldve been solved if hero wasnt a pan disaster and asked mari for her name the first time he fell into the abyss. aubrey points that out, unamused.
basil asks mari if she lives in the castle.
she says its complicated! and that maybe its easier to just show them.
kel tells her that every god's been searching for her and she should come back.
she says its also complicated! all the more they should head to the castle!
to the castle! inside of it is first, a carpet of red hands. next, a throne of red hands. everyone is understandably creeped out, w the exception of mari, who rolls her eyes and scoffs at the dramatics
she knocks on the throne of red hands.
sunny/omori answers the door (?)
anyway it boils down to: the abyss is no place for a god. it sucks out the energy and consumes it, until the god is nothing but a husk. that was exactly what happened to mari, w how often she visited sunny n omori, and how close she stayed to the abyss.
(omori gestures at a skeleton next to them. it bears a disturbing resemblance to mari)
so! twin gods of creation and all, sunny n omori remade mari with the remnants of her spirit/soul/whatever and the waters of the abyss so that she would be able to like. survive there.
anyway. reborn from the waters of the abyssal river, mari looked a little more like a biblically accurate seraphim than what she used to look like. (six wings and six eyes on each wing. plus one eye in her hair. yes thats a thing)
so, sunny n omori check up on mari and they're like. okay! you are probably not in danger of your form collapsing into nothingness anymore. you can go. probably. you need to eat something from the overrealm to be able to remain there tho bc ur more abyss than overrealm.
mari takes thaat in stride. everyone else is horrified.
see. i cannot write romance. this is an issue bc presumably after this, they all go back up to the overrealm - hero gives her a cookie, mari promptly tries to outbake him - and then explain stuff to the other gods.
hero n mari are in love. it is very mutual. they get together. this is vague bc, once again, i cannot write romance
mari asks how hero feels ab marriage. hero likes the idea but also mari is mostly abyss. mari has a solution. the solution is to drink abyss water. hero is a fool in love and accepts.
they live happily ever after. the end.
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afterdinner-speakers · 4 months
Harmonising Passion and Purpose: The Intersection of Sports After-Dinner Speakers and Environmental Advocates
Introduction: Imagine a sense of entertainment and environment that crosses over into the thrilling world of sports with adrenaline and rolling wins. Imagine a crowded theatre—the air filled with excitement, the crowd cheering. Here we find an interesting meeting: sports after dinner speakers and environmental speakers. These individuals, whose voices resonate off the court and on the fields, weave a story beyond just the game. It’s a story about inspiration, insight, and positive change—playing music on the strings of desire and purpose.
Tennis, sustainability, and the LTA: Close your eyes and imagine a green tennis court—the sun casts hanging shadows as players engage in intense sessions . . . . But there is more than just competition beneath this surface. It is a commitment to sustainability, backed by the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). Their environmental strategy is not just a piece of paper; it is a rallying cry for a greener future. From reducing environmental impact to supporting the wider tennis community, LTA is exemplary. As British No.1 player Cam Norrie aptly puts it, “Our love for tennis must harmonise with our love for the planet.”
Sports After-Dinner Speakers: The Unseen Heroes: Beyond the final serve and the roar of the crowd, sports after-dinner speakers step into the spotlight. These unsung heroes—often former athletes, coaches, or sports enthusiasts—grace post-match gatherings, galas, and fundraisers. Their anecdotes transcend scores and statistics, revealing the human side of sports. They share tales of resilience, camaraderie, and the indomitable spirit that fuels champions. But what if their narratives extended beyond the game? What if they carried messages that echoed through hearts and touched lives?
Environmental Speakers: Amplifying Earth’s Voice: Imagine a softly lit conference hall, where an environmental speaker steps up to the podium. Their words ripple across the room like gentle waves on a serene lake, stirring hearts and minds. These advocates—scientists, conservationists, and passionate individuals—speak of melting glaciers, endangered species, and the urgent need for change. Their mission? To awaken collective consciousness. As they address audiences, they plant seeds of hope, urging us to protect our fragile planet. Their voices resonate far beyond the walls of the hall, reaching forests, oceans, and distant mountains.
The Overlapping Venn Diagram: Now, let’s overlay these two circles—the sports after-dinner speakers and the environmental advocates. What emerges is a harmonious blend. Sports personalities, once celebrated solely for their physical prowess, become conduits for environmental messages. They share stages with climate scientists, seamlessly transitioning from match-winning strategies to carbon footprint reduction. Their stories intertwine—the tennis court and the rainforest, the locker room banter and the call to action. It’s a dance of purpose, where the rhythm of the game meets the urgency of conservation.
Case Study: Hoole Tennis Club and Beyond: Sustainability is not an afterthought at Hoole Tennis Club nestled in the heart of Britain; woven into the very fabric of the courts. Solar panels power the flood lights, rainwater irrigates the grass, and recycling stands watch. But it didn’t end there. The club’s after-dinner sessions host not only tennis legends but also environmental experts. Their conversations encourage members to recycle their old racquets, plant native trees and take care of the green spaces where their matches are held. It’s a beautiful fusion—a volley of passion and purpose.
Closing Thoughts: Shared Responsibility: As we applaud winners and honour legends, let us remember that sportsmanship and consistency are not opposing forces. They’re friends, and they’re racing toward a common finish line—a flourishing planet. So, the next time you hear a speaker after a sports dinner or attend a lecture on the environment, listen carefully. Their words echo through the theaters and forests, encouraging us to serve not only the Axis but the Earth as well. 🌎🌱🎾
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fish-whisper · 7 months
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udo0stories · 7 months
In the world of sports and movies, few stories embody fan spirit like “80 for Brady.” This article dives into the core of this special film, examining its beginnings, actors, plot, and the cultural influence it carries. It's more than just a football story; it's a tribute to enthusiasm, camaraderie, and the lasting impact of one of the NFL's finest, Tom Brady.   Overview of “80 for Brady”: The Film’s Genesis "80 for Brady" is a sports comedy flick that premiered in the USA on February 3, 2023. This movie is distinctive in its category, combining humor with a passion for sports. Directed by Kyle Marvin and produced by Tom Brady, the film provides a fresh take on sports fan culture.   Cast and Characters: Hollywood Icons Starring Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Rita Moreno, and Sally Field, the film showcases four talented actresses playing a circle of elderly pals. Their acting brings vibrant personalities to characters embodying different aspects of fandom and camaraderie, enriching the narrative with warmth and appeal.   The Plot: A Journey to the Super Bowl "80 for Brady" tells the story of four lifelong pals who are die-hard New England Patriots supporters. Their goal is to see Tom Brady compete in Super Bowl LI in 2017, a game renowned for its epic comeback. This storyline brings in a sense of adventure and loyalty, showcasing the extreme measures fans will take to back their favorite players. As you dive into this cinematic journey, enhance the excitement by using the ESPN BET Massachusetts promo code. This adds an extra thrill to your enjoyment of football excellence.   Inspiration Behind the Movie: Based on a True Story It's worth noting that the movie draws inspiration from a true story. It beautifully portrays the genuine passion and loyalty of Patriots fans, particularly towards their legendary quarterback, Tom Brady. This genuine aspect of the film makes it more authentic and relatable for audiences. Box Office Success: Surprising Earnings Even with modest expectations, "80 for Brady" did unexpectedly well at the box office. It made $4.62 million on its first day and reached a total of $12.70 million during its opening weekend in North America, showing its strong appeal. Critical Reception: Mixed Reviews The film received a moderate IMDb rating of 5.8/10. This score reflects a mix of opinions, with some viewers appreciating the unique storyline and performances, while others had different expectations. Marketing and Promotion: Effective Strategies The film’s marketing strategies played a significant role in its success. Clever promotional campaigns and the timing of real-life announcements related to Tom Brady helped in attracting a wider audience. The Legacy of Tom Brady: More Than Just Football Tom Brady’s involvement in the production adds a special touch to the film. His legacy in the NFL, particularly with the Patriots, provides a backdrop that resonates with fans and non-fans alike. Conclusion: A Unique Sports Comedy "80 for Brady" is a special movie that blends sports, comedy, and drama. It's not just a film; it's a tribute to sportsmanship, the joy of being a fan, and the legacy of a football legend. This movie goes beyond just entertainment. It's a cultural milestone that shows the passion and dedication of sports fans. It reminds us how sports can bring people together, no matter their age or background, all sharing a love for a team or player. The story of these four women reflects the experiences of countless fans worldwide. Their journey to the Super Bowl is about more than just a game; it's about fulfilling dreams, the power of friendship, and celebrating an inspiring sports icon. "80 for Brady" also honors Tom Brady himself, highlighting his impact on football and culture. Brady's remarkable career and dedication have made him more than a sports star; he's a symbol of excellence and perseverance. The movie captures what makes Brady a legend in a heartfelt and light-hearted way. The film's success and positive reception show that stories like this resonate with a wide audience.
They evoke emotions, spark conversations, and bring generations and communities together. In summary, "80 for Brady" is more than a sports comedy; it's a celebration of admiration, loyalty, and the timeless appeal of the game. It's a tribute to the power of sports in uniting people, honoring heroes, and creating unforgettable moments. It's a special addition to sports-themed movies, capturing what it truly means to be a fan.  
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remotestaffsolutions · 9 months
Building a High-Performing Remote Data Engineering Team: Best Practices for Hiring and Management
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In today's globalized world, the talent pool for skilled professionals extends far beyond your immediate surroundings. This is especially true for data engineers, a highly sought-after role with a rapidly expanding demand. By embracing remote work practices, you can tap into a wider pool of talent, attract top performers, and build a diverse and high-performing data engineering team.
However, managing a remote data engineering team requires a different approach than managing a traditional in-office workforce. Effective communication, clear expectations, and the right tools are crucial for ensuring smooth collaboration and team success.
Hiring Top Talent:
Cast a Wider Net: Leverage online platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and AngelList to reach out to data engineers globally. Partner with remote-first companies and attend industry events to expand your network.
Focus on Skills and Culture Fit: While technical skills are essential, prioritize candidates who demonstrate excellent communication, collaboration, and problem-solving abilities. Look for individuals who thrive in a remote environment and align with your company culture.
Utilize Remote Hiring Tools: Conduct virtual interviews using video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Google Meet. Consider asynchronous assessments to evaluate technical skills and allow candidates to showcase their work at their own pace.
Onboarding and Integration:
Establish Clear Expectations: Define roles, responsibilities, and performance metrics from the outset. Provide detailed documentation and resources to ensure new team members are quickly onboarded and productive.
Facilitate Connection and Collaboration: Organize virtual team-building activities and social events to foster camaraderie and build strong relationships among team members. Utilize online collaboration tools like Slack, Trello, and Asana to streamline communication and project management.
Invest in Training and Development: Offer continuous learning opportunities through online courses, conferences, and workshops. Encourage peer learning and knowledge sharing within the team.
Communication and Collaboration:
Overcommunicate: Regular communication is vital for remote teams. Schedule daily stand-up meetings, team huddles, and weekly progress updates. Utilize video conferencing to maintain face-to-face interaction and build trust.
Set Clear Hours of Availability: Define core working hours and establish boundaries to avoid burnout and ensure work-life balance for team members.
Embrace Transparency: Encourage open communication and feedback. Share company updates, performance metrics, and strategic goals with the entire team. Foster a culture of trust and vulnerability to enable open communication and collaboration.
Tools and Technology:
Invest in Collaboration Tools: Utilize project management software like Asana or Jira to track tasks, deadlines, and project progress. Leverage communication platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams for real-time updates and discussions.
Promote Visibility and Transparency: Implement data visualization tools to provide insights into team performance and project progress. Utilize online dashboards and reporting tools to ensure everyone has access to key information.
Foster a Culture of Automation: Encourage the use of automation tools and scripts to streamline repetitive tasks and improve efficiency. Invest in cloud-based infrastructure and data storage solutions to ensure team members have access to the resources they need from anywhere.
Building a Remote-First Culture:
Promote Flexibility and Autonomy: Empower team members to manage their work schedules effectively and prioritize tasks based on their individual preferences. Encourage trust and respect for personal situations and circumstances.
Prioritize Well-being: Offer mental health resources and encourage healthy work-life balance. Recognize and celebrate team achievements to maintain morale and motivation.
Invest in Remote-Specific Benefits: Consider offering benefits such as home office equipment allowances, co-working space memberships, or stipends for internet and communication expenses.
Building a high-performing remote data engineering team requires a strategic and intentional approach. By focusing on talent acquisition, effective communication, collaboration tools, and a supportive culture, you can create an environment where your team can thrive and deliver exceptional results. Investing in the right practices and resources will not only attract top talent but also enable your remote data engineering team to become a significant competitive advantage for your organization.
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muoroseo · 1 year
Empowering Success: Muoro’s Guide to Building and Managing Remote Engineering Teams
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and engineering, remote work has become a game-changer. With global connectivity and the shift in work paradigms, remote engineering teams have taken centre stage. Companies like Muoro, a leading engineering company, have embraced this shift, recognizing its potential for optimizing talent acquisition and project execution.
The Rise of Remote Engineering Teams
Remote engineering teams have become increasingly popular for several reasons. Muoro has capitalized on these trends to offer clients access to a vast engineering talent pool, regardless of geographical boundaries. Let’s explore how remote engineering teams have revolutionized the industry.
Access to the Global Talent Pool
Muoro’s remote engineering teams allow companies to tap into a diverse global talent pool. By casting a wider net, clients can select from a broader range of expertise and experience. This diversity often leads to innovative solutions and problem-solving approaches.
Remote engineering teams can significantly reduce overhead costs. Companies can save on office space, utilities, and other expenses associated with in-house teams. Muoro’s remote teams provide flexible solutions that align with budgetary needs.
Enhanced Productivity
Remote work allows engineers to work in the most comfortable and productive environments. Muoro understands the importance of work-life balance, resulting in motivated and efficient teams delivering high-quality work.
Time Zone Flexibility
Muoro’s remote engineering teams operate across different time zones, enabling around-the-clock productivity. This allows for faster project turnaround times and reduced development cycles.
Remote Engineering Teams Building and Managing Remote Engineering Teams with Muoro
Now that we’ve established the advantages of remote engineering teams let’s delve into the critical strategies for building and managing these teams effectively with Muoro.
Define Clear Objectives
Muoro helps clients begin by setting clear project objectives. This step is crucial in remote work, ensuring everyone understands the project’s goals, scope, and expected outcomes.
Choose the Right Team
Muoro takes pride in its meticulous vetting process. Their engineers are selected not only based on their technical skills but also on their ability to work effectively in remote settings. Ensuring a solid cultural fit with your organization is vital.
Communication is Key
Effective communication is the cornerstone of remote engineering success. Muoro employs various collaboration tools and sets regular meetings to maintain transparent and open communication channels. These tools and practices keep everyone on the same page, regardless of location.
Embrace Remote-Friendly Technology
Muoro leverages the latest technologies to facilitate seamless collaboration. From project management tools to video conferencing platforms, embracing technology is essential for remote engineering teams to thrive.
Foster a Strong Team Culture
Even though team members may be scattered globally, Muoro fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among its remote engineers. Team-building activities and social interactions help create a cohesive unit that works seamlessly.
Monitor and Measure Performance
Muoro believes in continuous improvement. Monitoring and measuring team performance against predefined metrics ensures that projects stay on track and meet expectations.
Conclusion: Elevating Your Engineering Projects with Muoro
The era of remote engineering teams is here to stay, and companies like Muoro have embraced this shift to provide clients with top-tier engineering talent and solutions. By following the strategies outlined above and partnering with Muoro, your organization can unlock the full potential of remote engineering teams, leading to innovation, cost savings, and project success.
In a world where remote work is the new normal, Muoro is the bridge that connects you to the world’s best engineering talent, making your projects soar to new heights. Embrace the future of engineering with Muoro by your
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Title: Unveiling the Secrets to Finding and Retaining Exceptional Staff
As a business owner or manager, one of the key factors in your company's success is having a team of skilled and dedicated employees. However, finding and retaining top-notch staff members can often be a challenging endeavor. In this blog post, we will delve into some effective strategies that can help you identify and secure exceptional talent for your organization.
1. Define Your Ideal Candidate:
Before embarking on any recruitment efforts, it's crucial to clearly define the characteristics, skills, and qualifications you are seeking in a potential candidate. This will serve as your blueprint for finding the right fit for your company. Take the time to create a detailed job description that outlines both the technical requirements and the desired soft skills needed for the role.
2. Utilize Multiple Sourcing Channels:
Don't limit yourself to a single recruitment platform or method. Utilize a diverse range of sourcing channels to cast a wider net and reach a larger pool of potential candidates. Consider using online job boards, social media platforms, industry-specific forums, and professional networking events to maximize your chances of connecting with qualified individuals.
3. Conduct Thorough Interviews:
Interviews play a pivotal role in the hiring process, allowing you to assess a candidate's suitability for the role and evaluate their cultural fit within your organization. Prepare a structured interview process that includes a combination of behavioral, situational, and technical questions to gain insights into a candidate's experience, problem-solving abilities, and interpersonal skills.
4. Evaluate Cultural Fit:
Skills and qualifications are essential, but cultural fit can be equally important. Assess how well a candidate's values, work style, and personality align with your company's culture. A strong cultural fit increases the chances of long-term engagement and enhances team cohesion.
5. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits:
Attracting and retaining top talent often requires offering competitive compensation packages. Conduct market research to ensure your salary and benefits are on par with industry standards. Beyond monetary rewards, consider providing additional perks, such as flexible working hours, professional development opportunities, and a positive work-life balance.
6. Prioritize Professional Growth:
Top candidates seek opportunities for professional growth and advancement. Emphasize your company's commitment to employee development and highlight programs such as mentorship, training, and career progression. Creating a culture of learning and growth will help you attract ambitious individuals who are eager to contribute and evolve within their roles.
7. Foster a Positive Work Environment:
A supportive and positive work environment is crucial for retaining talented employees. Focus on fostering open communication, recognizing and rewarding achievements, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Encourage teamwork, provide constructive feedback, and create a sense of camaraderie among your staff.
8. Implement Employee Referral Programs:
Tap into your existing team's network by implementing an employee referral program. Encourage your employees to recommend qualified individuals for open positions. Referrals often result in higher-quality candidates who are more likely to align with your company culture, as they have been vouched for by a trusted employee.
9. Embrace Diversity and Inclusion:
Diversity and inclusion should be key pillars of your hiring strategy. Seek out a wide range of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences when recruiting. A diverse workforce promotes creativity, innovation, and a broader understanding of your customer base.
Finding and retaining exceptional staff is an ongoing process that requires dedication, strategic planning, and continuous improvement. By implementing the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can significantly increase your chances of attracting talented individuals who will contribute to the growth and success of your organization. Remember, investing in your staff is an investment in your company's future.
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kinemon · 1 year
Alien: Covenant (2017)
"Observation, reflection, faith and determination; in this way, we may navigate the path as it unfolds before us."
In this franchise it's nearly always the same. Something lurks unseen in the wings for an unsuspecting ensemble to stumble onstage. The ship is damaged and must be repaired, but not before you poke your nose where it doesn't belong. First contact occurs. Panic, confusion, infection, gestation. Your neighbour is not who he seems. The company will excise you like a lump of rotten flesh. Your peers die, often terribly. You survive on your wits and how well you can handle a flamethrower. Sometimes you have to blow yourself up, but that's just how it goes. This is the formula, and it works; though I appreciate that every movie hasn't been the same rehashing. It evolves, deforms. In Prometheus the clunky mining vessel becomes the sleek modern craft, the janky, awkward android becomes an uncanny human construct, the shadow company takes form in an individual -- Peter Weyland -- though the basic source of horror remains the same. This film and Prometheus are Scott's vision through and through, both natural successors to the film that started it all over 40 years ago.
Covenant begins with an extended sequence on mourning. From the very start the air is heavy with grief and loss, anger and bewilderment. David understands his station as perfect automaton - to recite the names of painters and composers, to ambulate on command, to pour tea. His Father is only human, so David begins his long life faithless - at least in He who created him. His successor Walter -- lovely in all ways that really matter -- loses what he was chosen to protect. In pure human fashion, the crew hold a secret funeral -- to mourn the dead is natural, and humans have been doing it since time immemorial. Shaw has gone the way of Hicks and Newt, quietly swallowed by the vast expanse of time and space, though no one knows to mourn them yet.
Covenant's stricken beginning is far from the jovial breakroom camaraderie found in the 1979 original, but this film still must allow these small human moments to balance the abject horror that follows the first act. Though I love a film that goes balls to the wall as early as possible, the planet landing and subsequent shit hitting the fan at minute 45 is SO goddamn effective. Covenant looks at everything Alien had going for it and puts it on a wider scale, and while that's not always for the better (a larger cast means lots of fodder but less in the way of compelling deaths), for the most part I really think it works. 
Certain characters act as direct counterparts for Alien's tiny cast -- panicky Faris as emotionally unstable Lambert; Oram as Dallas, both leaders who choose the path not easily travelled, and pay for it dearly; Ledward as Kane, who serves as vehicle for first contact. As Covenant's cast is much bigger it allows wriggle room for other character types to emerge, and for the types found in Alien to merge together, and those within the main crew -- Tennessee, Faris, Oram, and Daniels especially -- play off each other brilliantly. Though the film itself brings about their doom on varying scales, there's always a sense of connection, trust, and fellowship among them. 
Daniels' relationship with Walter One so beautifully parallels Ripley's distrust of synthetics -- and Walter for certain is kinder and more likeable than Alien's Ash. Strangely, it seems, the most 'human' presence in this film comes from someone who isn't technically human at all. But the historical and future implications of Ash, Walter and David's very existence are very interesting indeed. What a world to live in, where a constructed human possesses more forethought and kindness than some of their real human counterparts.
Ripley had cause to distrust Ash, of course, and there's something in her character that makes her eventual near-total paranoia of androids make a lot of sense. Ripley, a stone wall, an impenetrable jumpsuit, a steel toed boot; and Daniels, a hesitant smile, a teary confession, a last video of her lover. One closed off, stern, though hurting beyond measure inside -- the other clawing for something, anything that will bring comfort. That Daniels found friendship and companionship in Walter is beautiful, and Covenant has all the more heart for it.
Alien exists on an industrial scale -- steam vents, white walls, the blank terror of space, while Covenant introduces warmth wherever it can, little pockets here and there. In this way it brings forward the human aspect, something I place extreme value on in film. 
Of course, I adore Alien for what it is -- a tight, tense horror in a bottled setting. Cigarettes in space. Wonderfully simple. But what Covenant is… complicates things. The crew of the titular ship aren't the staunch, capable, no-nonsense (maybe some nonsense) team that populates Alien -- their wires cross every which way, from spouse to spouse and log cabin to lake. Their cargo of embryos promises a grand new world. By bringing this organic compound into the mix, desperation for things beyond one’s own life soars. Despite this, Covenant is not exactly a complicated film. Though it introduces some theological elements, the basic story structure and unfolding of events chugs along on a single track. From ship to planet to castle, every moment simply leads the crew closer to desolation, and for all David’s waxing poetical about his perfect organisms, all he has done in the end is laid down a path of inevitability, with death always the final destination.
Nearly as soon as we enter David’s ‘dire necropolis’, we’re reminded of the inherent weakness of the flesh. Who can stand against the things that lurk there, inside and within? The butchery begins, and as in Alien almost all remaining players are taken out in swift fashion. Blood and water and oil, a heady mix.
The final scenes of Covenant differ most from Alien in their complete and utter bleakness. Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo, signs off; Daniels, believing herself safe in her pod and in the capable hands of an android who Ripley never would have trusted in the first place, faces a final betrayal, and is forced to sleep knowing for certain now that there is no other side, no cabin, no lake. All promises broken. 
Her covenant, and Tennessee’s, likely become the same as Shaw’s the moment she left the Prometheus with David. A horrible fate that lends something like desirability to Oram’s facehugger or Faris’ ill-aimed shotgun blast.
In short, I believe that this is a true Alien film. Not only does it come from the same mind, it follows so many familiar character and story beats that to deny its place in the franchise – maybe due to its perceived failure as a ‘good film’, whereas Alien has been so favourably received – feels like pompous posturing. Maybe my love for its bloody, defeatist, grandstanding attitude biases me a little – but I’d be interested to hear any opinions to the contrary.
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Camera! Lights! Tension!
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TW: Smut. Angst. 
SUMMARY: Filming a scene with Drew leads to raised tension. 
Camera! Lights! Tension!
You could never really explain why, but you just never seemed to get along with Drew. As everyone else couldn’t seem to control a smile when in his presence, you had to fight a roll of your eyes. Which was why when the producers decided to set your characters in a sensual exchange for the sake of appeasing fans who could apparently pick up on your tension, you were anything but excited. And yet professional enough to show up without anything but silent indifference. 
But you just wanted it over and done with so you could move on with your life. It didn't help that you'd already endured the teasing from other cast members, which worsened your mood that much more, always drawing a smirk from his lips when he'd overhear. Which was often.
"Ready?" Drew asked as you'd ignored him and stepped before the camera, romantic ambiance at the ready as you felt anything but. Yet despite your lack of camaraderie, he didn’t drop his smile until getting into the role of the sociopathic Rafe Cameron. It was a persona that couldn’t be farther from in contrast to the lighthearted yet affectionate man he was beneath the facade portrayed. 
“Action!” The director spoke from behind the series of cameras trained on this section of the ‘Tannyhill’ house. 
For the scene, you were supposed to slam the door in front of him, to which he’d catch it and an argument would ensue. He’d pull you to him and surprise you with a kiss, you’d slap him, and he’d pin you down, flipping you onto your knees and undressing as the camera panned away. But there was something within the devious excitement of his eyes that made you well aware he was about to go off script. Yet, you kept to the lines you’d learned in the last few weeks. 
“I don’t want to talk to you, Rafe!” He caught the door, slamming it behind him, just as scripted. What wasn’t however, was the way he followed you around the room as you delivered your lines. It fed into the angst-filled moment between your characters that had built to this moment in previous episodes, with your character having offered a type of redemption arc through the love your role had given him. But at this moment, you just wanted to distance yourself as far away from him as possible-both Rafe and Drew. 
“It’s not MY fault-”
“It never is, is it?” Your eyes narrowed at him as he took hold of you before you were ready, making you release a genuine gasp, before taking you to the edge of the bed, hands tightening as he spoke. 
“Please don’t be mad at me, Lacey…” He called your character’s name as he wore those signature tortured eyes that was a staple for the eldest Cameron sibling.
“Everything I do is for you-for us-”
“Don’t put this on me!” You rivaled him, pushing him hard against his chest as he remained unmoved. 
“I never wanted any of this…ANY of it! And definitely not like this-” He cut off your line, taking his set of full lips to silence your own. 
Everything suddenly shifted. 
The way he kissed you wasn’t without emotion or tension, it encompassed it completely, consuming you both as you felt him glide his tongue on the bottom of your lip, forcing them wider. As if breathing you in, he inhaled your kiss, before wrapping his fingers through your hair as you fingered desperately at his jacket, needing more of him-needing him closer. 
He grinned, aware you’d become lost in your role and using it as an excuse, but basking in being the source of your outlet. He carried you onto the bed, lifting you by the back of your thigh until you raised against him just enough to be made mobile, your body colliding onto the mattress with a thud as he was quick to pin you. 
“You still hate me?” He asked, a line unscripted that could have been used just as much between your characters as your personal lives. 
“Always.” You finally answered as a smirk came across his lips before he carried your hands softly over your head, holding down your wrists with a single grasp as he took the other one to your skirt, tracing the lines of your waist. 
“I know it’s only because you want me…” He teased, taking you back to reality as you were apparently more stubborn than seduced. Because of this, you pushed hard against his torso, forcing him to fall just far enough so you could move to your feet, and march off set, not caring of the comments of your ‘diva exit’. 
You managed to make it outside in seconds, the door swinging closed at your back as you ran your fingers through your hair. Your frustrations laid more in yourself than anyone else as you had allowed him to get to you-something you’d been able to avoid until now. But more than this, the way he always seemed to affect you and linger beneath your skin, annoying and plaguing your thoughts, making you fumble lines and focus on anything but being professional. 
The sound of your name called at your back drove your eyes into a roll as he’d followed you. Of course he followed you. That was the type of guy Drew was, making sure you were alright and that he hadn’t crossed any form of line. And this was the reason you loathed him the most-because as hard as you tried, you couldn’t actually hate him. Far from it…and it was so goddamn distracting that it was infuriating.
“I was just messing around…I’m sorry if-”
“Can you just…go! Please?!”
“Did I do something? I mean, you seem to get along with everyone else BUT me, so…”
“I just want to be alone…Just for a minute and then I’ll go back inside and finish the scene, okay?” You snapped, hoping that turning away from him would be enough to make him return to set. But instead, he rounded in front of you, the sight making you roll your eyes in pure annoyance. 
“No. Okay…I want to make sure you’re alright and I’m not going back unless its WITH you-”
“You REALLY want to know?” Whether it was your overall frustration boiling to its apex or the memory of his kiss and the need for an encore, the words fell from your lips following the validation of his nod. 
“I need you to fuck me.” To this, he belted out a cackle, taking his finger as if to say ‘you got me’, before realizing from the lack of change in your expression that you were speaking from sincerity. 
“You want me to-”
“Fuck me. Yeah.” You agreed, nodding in remaining steadfast, watching his eyes dart around as if to verify his reality before finally taking a step towards you. 
“You’re screwing with me…Right? Chase or Rudy-JD put you up to this? One of the girls?”
“It’s a one time offer, Drew…Either way, I’m going back in there, filming those scenes, and then it will be like it never happened. So..take your pick-” He rushed you, hands to your cheeks as he took you against the wall of the back of the house. Your fingers were quick to reach his belt and reveal him to you, the outline of an erection you’d felt a minute prior, that excited you in a way you’d never quite felt before. 
But his touch was quick to apprehend you by your wrists and taking them above your head in one grip, just as he had done on set. 
“If I touch you, it’s because you want me…because you’re gonna finally acknowledge there’s something between us. After all I’ve done is BE nice to you-”
You would interrupt his attempts at chivalry. “I don’t WANT nice,  Drew. I WANT you to fuck me…” You leaned to him, brushing his lips with your own as you watched him clench his jaw from your motions, “Right here. Right now.” A deep breath from his parted mouth, left agape in anticipation, fell into a scoff before you were suddenly released. 
“You want to fuck someone? Have it cheap and quick? I’m sure there are thousands of guys who would be down for it.” He released your hands. 
“You deserve better than that…So maybe I was wrong…Because the things I want to do to you aren’t something that can be done between scenes…I’m thorough…” The sudden absence of his touch drove you into a silent whine of regret that only came through your eyes in a heavy pause void of any other rivaling emotion. 
“Drew…” You took a step closer to him, his eyes pulling into a roll before your fingers pushed him against the wall now at his back.
“I don’t like you, because of how you get under my skin…” His eyes fixated on you as you carried your touch to his belt, his hands fighting to intercept you, but failing once you made contact with his seam, the firm outline of his cock working as a guideline for your hand to follow as he breathed deeply beneath you.
“You make it hard to focus…and all I can think about is you kissing me…touching me…” You continued to stroke him, clenched teeth shielding moans of approval as your reasons were interrupted. 
“Fuck…it’s all I’ve thought about since I met you.” His eyes crept open to notice the smile across your face, a snicker rising across his own, before he took your hand and led you completely against him. 
“I know I said I wouldn’t fuck you quickly, but we are expected back on set within the hour, but I’m not going another fucking second without being inside of you…” You pressed your lips together in a victorious grin as he led you into a rear exit of this shooting location. 
Since you shot the Tannyhill shots within an venue, there were sections and rooms kept off limits and therefore away from prying ears and eyes. Yet even if they were set throughout the estate, none seemed close enough as you were torn through the corridors, evading cast and crew, before coming to one of these rooms keeping the likes of you at bay by a single sign speaking of how it was prohibited. 
Tearing through the exclusion, Drew pulled you inside and forced the door closed with a slam before you pulled him into you by the collar of his shirt.
“Careful, any crinkle and they’ll know how you just couldn’t keep your hands off of me-” You rolled your eyes as his fingers made their way down your skirt. 
“Well, looks like they’ll already know-” You were taken into a deep kiss, calves coming to rest against a vintage chaise colored in a red and silver damask fabric, where you focused solely on him. 
“I’ll make you come, sweetheart, okay?” He explained, guiding his fingers beneath your skirt to remove your panties, before they fell in a crumbled and soiled mess at your ankles, before he set you before him to sit. 
“But you gotta be quiet for me or I’ll have to stop-” You nodded, understanding why, as he suddenly knelt in front of you. Your eyes rolled to how he lifted your leg over his shoulder, the abrupt presence of his lips to your thigh having made you react pitifully roused by him. 
“Shit, I haven’t even done anything yet and you’re already whimpering for me-”
“Please Drew…Please…”
He licked his lips for a moment before gliding his parted lips along your thigh and stationing them to your core. 
“You still hate me?” He teased the lines from before as you nodded, whispering, ‘always’, before he suddenly attacked your pussy in focused sucks made of your clit. Immediately, your hips began to drive against him as your fingers ran over the short cut of his hair to scratch lightly on what tickled your hand. 
“Drew-Drew-Drew!” You spoke his name quickly as he pulled up from you, glistening with your slick and illuminating with a smile all too devious for you to keep focus. 
“It’s too much-”
“We don’t have much time…”
“Then fuck me…just-just fuck me, then!” He rose to you just enough to kiss you before retracting and shaking his head. 
“I need to make sure you’re wet enough-”
“God, I’m drowning you!”
“For how hard and deep I’m gonna pound you, I need you to be even more than you are…” Your eyes rolled as he returned to his focus, your nails finding those familiar lines within his hair until he pulled you closer into him. 
“Come for me, sweetheart-”
“I want-I want to come on you-”
“Yes. On my face. Right now…come on…” Your fingers clawed at his wrists that were wrapped around your thighs, thumbs pulling your clitoral hood wide so he could deepen his tongue to your most sensitive nerves. 
“Good girl, so close, aren’t you?” You nodded as he broke his motions to endorse you, both pleasure and pain left in this absence, before you felt him remain with devotion. Fingers teasing your entrance as his tongue flicked in such repetition that stars began to form behind your eyes. 
“Anyone see her or Drew?” One of the producer's voices came through the door as Drew quickly wrapped his hand around your mouth, but did nothing to stop his motions that would force you louder. You gripped tightly onto his hand, rising your hips against his mouth, before feeling yourself spill against him. The most intense of orgasms taking over you completely before you were taken over his lap. 
“You wanted me to fuck you?” You nodded, still in need of more as he pulled you over his lap, one arm wrapping around your back as the other came to your neck. 
“Then ride me so I can, six feet from where your desperate little pussy could get us both fired-” Your motions synchronized almost immediately, a desperate need for another release taking over your body as his own continued to climb. 
“Be fuckin’ quiet for me so I can make you come-cause they find us, I’m not stopping-”
“Oh Fuck…Fuck, Drew-”
“Keep going baby. Shit, you feel so damn good-SO good.” You nodded as his thumb moved back to your clit. “You need to come again for me-I know you can, you’re SUCH a good girl-”
“DREW!” You belted into his palm, capturing his fingers between your lips in silencing yourself to suck on them. 
“You’re so sexy-oh my God!” To this, he rooted up into you, eyes locked deeply to yours as yours threatened to pull closed. 
“Look at me-look at me when you come. I want to memorize it so I can remember when you do it on camera that I got to see the real thing…come on baby-you’re so close I can feel it-” You nodded, eyes trained to him, as requested, as you felt the claw of his grip set stability against you for his own release as yours was quick to follow, acting off each other’s pulsations for a mutual climax that left you both in tremors. 
“Holy shit…” You pressed a final kiss to his lips before climbing off of him, a nod validating his reaction. 
“How am I supposed to focus now?” You chuckled, fixing your clothes as he caught glances of your body left marked by him. 
“Seems like a ‘you’ problem, Drew…Me? Got what I needed-” You winked as he suddenly caught your wrist. 
“I’m not done…” Your brows raised. “It’s not enough…” He pulled a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Any time you feel that…You come to me…yeah?”
“Maybe…or maybe I’ll go to JD or Chase-” He silenced you by pulling you harder against his chest as you gasped,a smile cresting over your face to showcase how you truly enjoyed the way he treated you. 
“I am the one who has had to deal with the glacial iciness between us…so I am the one who gets to reap the benefits, sweetheart. Go ahead and try to you it, I’ll fuck you on camera next time-Just call it method acting.” You scoffed as he gave one final kiss before leaving you a rush of quelled embarrassment and buzzing satisfaction, making you eager to finally finish this scene. 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets
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