#like there's substance i want to get to that i don't think ive really given a chance in the past
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Taking a break from blog customization to take a long-overdue re-peek at dk2. Non-zero chance this is a nixon joke? Wrong time period but might be the right spot in frank's brain
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thorne1435 · 1 year
You're pretty close with your interpretation of Secukupnya. Most interpretations of it is quite similar, describing a life of living paycheck to paycheck, empty and/or broken homes, and a generally dull existence. But it's fine to let go sometimes, be sad. Secukupnya itself means "just enough". Drink a bit, take a tissue paper to wipe away those tears. It'll pass through when you're able to move on and continue.
Also... Idk why but uhh.. are your links broken? Where you recommend half alive it sends me to a Tally Hall song (I love em) and Green Day sent me to a Nirvana song? Just wanna confirm if that's your intent hahah 😅
Also, have more songs:
One Big Beautiful Sound - Johnny Manchild and the Poor Bastards
Peradaban - .Feast (This one has translated lyrics on Spotify!!)
Holland, 1945 - Neutral Milk Hotel
The Wolf - SIAMES
One Big Beautiful Sound: holy fucking shit
holy. fucking. shit.
Peradaban: Yeah, uh, I'm not gonna use Spotify, and I'm not sorry. Anyway, this seems like it might be about Indonesian politics? I know nothing about Indonesia. I didn't have a world history class 'til high school and it was a shitty one that basically only covered western history, and even then it was only in reference to how it affected America, so like...yeah. I don't know if I should be alarmed by the nationalism or not, but given the fact that Indonesia is pretty close to Japan and China, and also two places the UK occupied, and also a place the USA occupied... I'm just going to assume that they're dealing with the effects and remnants of some kind of imperial occupation and that the nationalism is okay, in the same way that Irish Republicanism is based, despite them still being "republican".
Alright, you get the Sturgill Simpson, now.
Holland, 1945: Ah, white boy with guitar my fa-- oh. Ah, fuzz-rock, my favorite genre! Actually, when was this, late-'90s? That's pretty early for fuzz-rock, I thought that was a more recent development. Anyway, the instrumentation is my favorite part of this song. Lyrically, this song borders on that Joe Hawley-esque "I am saying vague, artsy words. They mean whatever you want." But I don't think that's what's happening. I'm sure there's a meaning to this that I'm just missing. I'm sure there's something anti-capitalist here. I can smell communism...but my brain refuses to connect the dots. I'll come back to it later.
You might like Pre-Either Light Vundabar (mainly the Gawk album).
The Wolf: Ah, Siames. I should've known you'd come for me eventually (ive never heard a siames song in my life but youtube really wants me to) (i'm pronouncing it sigh'a-maze btw). This one's sort of dance-y. Like, the intersection between EDM and Rock. I actually really like this style but I can never find any song using it that speaks to me y'know? I was big on Portugal. The Man in middle school/freshman year because they do things kinda like this sometimes but I don't listen to PTM anymore because I realized that their songs only have substance if you're high or hyperfixated.
You might think this is kinda funny, but for some reason this reminded me of On Melancholy Hill.
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inkats · 1 year
Considering that Amelia has a long way to go with her own number to improve, I feel it is a rather odd reading to judge Simon's super high number as the train judging him as irredeemable as there hasn't really been any established limits or rules about numbers from the train, only that numbers can go up or they can go down. With that train of thought, his number becomes more of a sign that he had much, MUCH more of a problem to work through at that moment than Amelia - particularly, one that still could theoretically be brought down to zero - rather than saying he absolutely cannot get any better.
As for the ghoms, considering Amelia seemed to moreso just be able to borrow orbs from other cars rather than actually modifying them, as well as how they went after Tulip and Lake despite the former being at an extremely relatively low number and the latter a denizen, they probably might be more of an encouragement from the train to move on to the next train car instead of staying out on the walkways.
my original attempt at answering this got ate (i had like three paragraphs im so upset). anyway this isn't gonna be very. robust. sorry. disclaimer same stuff as before also ive been watching the show on shitty school wifi over the course of like a month i might forget shit.
My thoughts are v broad about themes i don't know why i tried to justify it with how the train works. I think i thought it'll give substance but it did not. sorry im not really gonna touch that again.
The show is about growth, and I think Grace and Simon's chapter in it is about how oneself factors into it. They were given the same opportunities and ended up at very different places.
Grace and Simon are narrative foils right. Simon is a stoic character while Grace is kinetic. Simon stays where he was in the beginning while Grace grows and changes. Simon dies, his end is the end, Grace's is the opening of a new chapter. Grace took new information and looked at her beliefs and realized that she was in the wrong, but Simon was firm and set in his ways.
The point was to show i think how one has to want to grow, be willing to change for change to happen.
I don't think Simon is irredeemable, but he just doesn't think there's anything to redeem. He doesn't believe he needs to grow, and so he simply doesn't.
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train-wrecc · 3 years
• hamish duke x fem!reader
warning(s) ⚠️: none? somewhat angst (not really), death, mentions of blood
pairings: vera x niece!reader, hamish duke x reader
summary: y/n is vera stones niece who had been inducted into the hermetic order of the blue rose 4 years ago (senior in college) however when reviewing books in the reliquary/vault for an assignment she stumbles upon a certain fur coat, the hide of alpha.
wc (word count): 2.2k
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gc (gif credit): unknown/google
y/n had barely set foot into the temple before alyssa almost tackled her to the floor. "geez, medicum, watch where you're going."
"magistratus! you're just the person i was looking for! im so sorry for bumping into you but uh, " the blonde gestures behind her with a hand, "the temple magus would like to see you..." she says, before plastering an awkward smile and walking off.
"and i thought today couldn't get any worse..." y/n mumbled.
y/n walked down the corridor before stopping at the large doors which the temple magus who just so happened to be her aunt, sat behind.
the doors opened before her, and she was met with her aunt and a large older man. "temple magus." y/n said nodding her head, glancing at the man that was stood beside her aunt in confusion.
"magistratus, welc-" vera was interrupted by the older man beside her.
"vera quit with the formalities, she's your niece!" he chuckled.
"edward coventry, the grand magus." edward extended his hand out for y/n to shake. she embraced his hand with hers giving a firm shake.
"your aunt has told me a lot about you y/n,"
"all good things, i assume." y/n responded.
"yes, of course, you could say im intrigued... meet me in the temple tomorrow afternoon. I have an interesting assignment for you."
the door clattered open as alyssa made her way into the temple where y/n and a few other magistratus' stood.
the others glanced in shock, "what is a medicum doing here?" selena questioned as she snickered at kyle as alyssa walked past the group.
"she's here like the rest of us, the magus wouldn't have allowed her to be here if she hadn't proven herself." y/n said in an attempt to get selena to shut up.
"are you sure? the only reason you're a magistratus is because of your auntie." selena continued.
y/n rolled her eyes tired of dealing with selena, "you're right, who else promotes us besides the magus? selena, why don't you keep your mouth shut, before i shut it for you, after all, my aunt is the temple magus."
before selena could utter a snarky remark edward strode in.
"okay! vera says that you're the ones with the most potential. potential will get you into the door, but it will not guarantee you a seat, " edward rips off the cloth which was obstructing the view of what appeared to be an obsidian block, "at the table." he continued.
"this obsidian block is estimated to be between, mhm, 1,500 and 2,000 years old." he gesticulates to the block.
"but spoiler alert. this is no ordinary... hunk of rock," he says, dropping a bug onto the rock which in turn burst.
"something is inside this obsidian that people don't want others to have. i want you to reverse engineer the magic protecting this stone."
y/n notices alyssa begins to write "deleatur?" on her notebook, as kyle glances at the word on the book before speaking up.
'of course he would, arrogant prick....' y/n thinks to herself.
"magus?" kyle steps forward, "with your permission?" he continued, as edward motioned towards the rock, as a signal to continue.
kyle raised a knife to his right hand before slicing it and muttering "deleatur", flicking his wrist toward the stone.
shortly after the flick of his wrist, his right forearm collided against his upper arm, his limb broken now, bone sticking out.
he gasps in pain, which puts a small smirk on y/ns face, 'serves him right...' roaming in her mind.
"you know how to heal that?" edward breaks the silence. kyle responded with a shake of his head 'no'.
"right. my driver will take you to the hospital."
kyle walks out of the room, hunched over, cradling his right arm the best that he can.
edward picks the obsidian up from its frame, "now that you know what you're dealing with, impress me." before he follows behind kyle.
"alyssa. make sure the temple gets a proper cleansing." are his last words.
"at once, magus." alyssa replied.
"now we know why she's here." diego called, his arm around selena's shoulder calls, a smirk on his face as she laughs before they continue to make their way out of the temple.
a sigh falls from alyssa's lips.
"don't worry about them medicum, you're not here for that. they just feel threatened by you." the y/h/c (your hair colour, i.e. brunette, blonde) girl spoke up.
"thanks, magistratus." alyssa responded.
y/n simply nodded in return, before stalking off to go pester her aunt, she had an idea about an incantation that might work on reversing the magic which was protecting the obsidian.
next day...
y/n's fist met the door as she knocked.
she could faintly hear the word "aperiatur" slip from her aunt's lips, as the doors opened.
"magistratus." vera greeted y/n.
y/n rolled her eyes, her aunt had always been so persistent in remaining professional at the temple, so that other members never thought y/n only got in due to vera.
"hey auntie vera," y/n says her words practically covered in honey.
"one. what did i tell you about keeping our professionalism and two. what do you want?" vera smirked knowing her niece too well.
a sigh came from y/n's lips, knowing her aunt had caught on.
"you're aware of the assignment of edward's that i'm apart of?" her aunt nodded in respond to the question.
"well i need to get into the vault, and before you interrupt me there's a book in there that i want to examine and see if i can find an incantation for the assignment." y/n explained, she had been planning on talking to her aunt the day before but something had come up.
"no." vera gulped knowing well she had given alyssa, a medium, access to the reliquary the day before. however the vault is different she reassured herself.
"of course, god forbid you do me one favour." y/n said her voice sour, her head nodding in false understanding.
"y'know ive worked my ass twice as hard as anyone else to be here, and yet i'm always getting criticized the most for every simple mistake that i make which aren't very many..." y/n began, her aunts answer irking her.
"and you decide to do alyssa the kiss ass a favour and give her access to the reliquary when she's a medicum, however, you can't do me a favour and let me use the vault once." y/n finishes brows furrowed, done with her aunt at the moment.
y/n began to stalk off before vera stopped the girl.
"y/n. you may use the vault." vera murmured.
the y/h (your height i.e. short, tall) girl returned to the room silently.
she handed y/n a necklace with a pentagon-shaped charm attached to it. "repeat after me. sanguis meus tuas laminate acuit." vera says the incantation.
"sanguis meus tuas laminate acuit."
with the movement of vera's hand, the bookshelves began to separate and opened to a corridor.
"y/n, sweetheart, you know i love you. the only reason i criticize you, harshly at times, is because i know you have the potential to be twice as great as you already are. greater than me." her aunt said dripping in sympathy and love.
however, y/n doubted that.
"of course i know because you remind me so often." the words slipped from y/n's lips, filled with sarcasm.
y/n made her way through the fear corridor and into the vault clutching the pentagon necklace as vera watched from the entrance.
y/n had been searching for the incantation for a few hours now and had yet to find the incantation.
she had rummaged through all the books that were out in the open and visible before deciding maybe there were some in hiding.
she had scoured high and low for books and had nearly given up before her eyes caught a rugged brown chest of some sort.
"this has to be it!" she exclaimed to herself, noticing the lock on the latch of it.
she'd assumed vera had left a while ago, and figured she'd have to talk to her about it the next day.
however, before she could even reach for the lock, it burst and the top of the trunk rose.
all she could see was some kind of fur coat before it had engulfed her and her vision was captured by darkness as she gasped.
(a/n: thank the lord she's a werewolf now, we can now get to the good part!!!!! 🥳)
a groan emitted from the y/h/c, as she began to stir. she felt like she was repeatedly getting pricked by something.
sweat dripped down her trembling body, teeth chattering from the cold. her eyes peeled open, vision fuzzy before it cleared. she wrapped her arms around herself, her arms met her bare chest.
her eyes widened in realization, she was naked.
eyes gazing down, she took in her bare body, painted red. her fingers met the dark red, substance. blood. blood, that was not her own.
"no, no, no, shit! what the fuck did i do?" y/n says in disbelief, hands twitching, as panic fills her veins.
she retrieves herself from the dirt of the forest as she makes her way through the large trees, hiding behind them every so often in order to not expose herself in case anyone were to be in the forest.
she nears a tent not too far from where she awoke and evaluates the area for anyone. it appeared to be vacant, so y/n made her way toward the tent in search of something to cover her bare body with.
however, when she neared the tent, her vision was once again met with blood. on the ground lay a man a hole where his heart should be. her vision became blurred by the tears that filled her eyes. this was the persons life she had took. a young man, who had his whole life ahead of him.
and it was put to an end because of her.
his blood was on her hands. literally.
though her hands trembled y/n had managed to rummage through his things, and find a change if clothes which we had immediately put on.
the pieces of cloth, which caressed her body, aided in warming her. she didn't waste another second and got to work quickly, digging somewhat of a grave for the male.
once she had covered the now cadaver-filled hole, y/n gathered a few leaves which took the place of which would ideally be flowers.
she sniffled, viciously blinking to try and rid her eyes of tears. y/n gently pressed the leaves into the soil, before getting up from her knees.
next came getting rid of any evidence that the man had ever set foot in the woods. she used a simple incantation to rid the small area of any objects.
after she had done so, she mad her journey near the edge of the woods, which she was quite familiar with, being in the order and they tend to venture in the woods often, especially when recruiting neophytes.
however, around fifteen minutes had passed, and y/n's eyesight was no longer a captive to the never-ending trees.
she no longer knew where she was... she'd never seen a house on the outskirts of the woods. she wondered if it had always been there.
y/n hadn't thought up a plan, before she knew it her legs were carrying her to the front door, and her curled fist met the wood of the door.
she truly hadn't thought about what she was gonna say, until she had knocked on the door.
what would she do? how would she explain her dishevelled appearance? the blood... oh god she had forgotten that she was practically drenched in the dark fluid from head to toe.
a/n: y'all this is so bad I'm sorry and it's on the longer side and like for what reason? 🤨😂
like literally nothing happened im so sorry this is literal shit...  obviously there WILL be a PT 2,
& sorry if the spacing is weird i’m on the mobile app...
also this is the only part that’ll be in third pov, i normally write first person but i was trying something different & i didn’t like it
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rogue-ai-cat · 3 years
I just woke up from THE HEAVIEST whump dream. I'm gonna throw a ⚠️ Content Warning ⚠️ on it for needles, medical equipment, and drug use. But that's really just scraping the surface. Reader discretion is advised!
The main character's name is Rogan. He's an actor taking some time off to recover from a a mental breakdown and drug addiction.
The beginning of the dream is a little hazy, but Rogan is walking home and he's bumped into by some folk he assumes are paparazzi. One of them is carrying an anxiety stim toy that's a bunch of beads on a rubber ring that resists being squeezed (that becomes relevant later)
Something seems odd about these two men. Sensing he's in danger, Rogan drags a passing elderly woman from his apartment complex into the mix, pretending to know her.
Well it turns out that these folk are more than willing to have collateral. Rogan and old lady who's name I forgot are inducted as soon as they're out of public view.
Rogan wakes up on a tile floor in a heap of IV tubes. This is where the dream gets very dream logic and I forget the explanation of what's happening here, even though one was given, but basically he's being given two things, each of which would kill him on their own, but are barely stable in combination because it causes his body in particular to create something they want. I assume it has something to do w/ an underlying health condition, but like I said, dream logic.
For a moment Rogan thinks he's outsmarted them (I don't remember how), and this back a line that was said to him (which was a song but other than that I don't remember it) only to realize he's walked into something much worse. He keeps singing well into this realization and into unconsciousness.
Some other things happen that's all a blur to me, but then we switch POV to Rogan's ex wife and adult daughter talking about Rogan not responding to phone calls. Assuming he's back on drugs, Rogan's daughter agrees to check on him and drag him back to rehab or whatever.
This section involves a lot of dream logic that I'm gonna cut, even though it was a good character moment. Rogan is told to go out and meet his daughter outside. He's fitted with an earwig and told to say exactly what he's told to say or his daughter dies. He's forced to lead her into the house, but she's suspicious of his behavior. Still assuming he's on some illegal substance, she ignores her better instinct and follows him inside where she is immediately restrained.
"hook her up. If they have the same blood type, she might make good filler" (I never found out what that meant).
At this point, we move to a new location where we remember the old lady exists. She's fine, just loopy and restrained. She starts screaming at Rogan and his response is witty, intended to help his daughter relax, but mostly it's his own coping mechanism, like the singing earlier.
Somehow some other people become involved at this third location. There's a brief moment when the system that's feeding them mystery goo through the tubes breaks down and they start to become functional people again. Rogan is starting to lose hope of escaping and tells his daughter not to get her hopes up because it will hurt more when the good starts up again, but people are already planning their escape. The escape happens through dream logic, but one of the new people and the old woman are selected to escape. Rogan tries to get his own daughter out but they are caught. He holds her while the goo starts up again. In the dream, someone else is acquired during the escape attempt.
Then we cut to another scene where they're mixing goos again, but something goes wrong and Rogan goes into shock. The man with the stim toy saves Rogan's life by forcing a tube down his throat and keeping him breathing while injecting him with yet more stuff to cancel out previous goo. Rogan returns to the moment realizing his hand is crushed down on the man's stim toy. He doesn't give it back. The man doesn't ask. The two men argue about whether to continue, but the man who previously has the stim toy persuades the guy leading the operation not to. Rogan is dragged back out to the room with his daughter and the other people.
I woke up.
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