#like this kitty has no reason to change her mind smh
maraczeks · 4 years
anna karenina 2012 thread pt 4
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madsthecreator · 4 years
Doris: 1, 2, 3, 6, 42; Ellie: 7, 8, 11; Elizabeth: 1, 2, 3, 18, 34; Isabella: 5, 7, 8, 15, 25; Jean: 11, 12, 21, 26, 28; Kitty: 1, 9, 16, 29, 31; Madison: 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 34, 38; Mads: 42, 43, 44, 45; Madé: 1, 4, 8, 9, 18, 20; Skylar: 22, 23, 24, 25; Sophia: 29, 35, 36, 39; Willow: 42, 43
Thank you so much! This is pretty long, so I put a “keep reading”. If this breaks the app since it’s so dysfunctional smh, please let me know! Also, please excuse the different types of formatting throughout the answers, MDR.
Want to ask questions, too? Check out the list.
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Doris is a demigod, so she is bound to have some siblings! Her father is Hades so while he does not have too much offspring, they’re still there. She is very close to Nico and Hazel, who are both slightly younger than her. Her Big Three (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades) cousins are all close to her in age, too. She respects Percy the most, for he never really took a hostile attitude towards her like many people do with the children of Hades.
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
I’m still somewhat developing her backstory/family life, but like all heroes and children of Hades: dead mother. Unlike her other siblings (and most people), Doris can still communicate with her mother. I like to think that even with her mother technically being dead/a ghost, Doris has a good relationship with her. Her mother is also motherly towards Nico and Hazel, too, which is lovely.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Somewhat paternal and somewhat professional Doris does find herself hanging out at her dad’s place a lot, but she also runs a lot of errands for him. (Nico does it, too.) While they may not have a close, warm relationship, it is not hard to find that Hades does care for his children, and that they would defend him against the others. BTW, there is also a lot of banter between Hades and Doris, and I dig it.
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Not really but like many demigods, her dreams often hold significance. Dreams tend to help guide what is needed to be done next, or there may be a message she needs to hear.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? 
I haven’t really thought about this. Technically, everyone in the Greek world is related but I like to think that Doris has a positive relationship with Persephone, her stepmother. Perhaps she also gets along with Mr. D, lol.
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Events of Raccoon definitely affected her, especially for the first couple of years. This has faded away (as nightmares of different outbreaks took over, lol) but it still lingers. It will never really go away.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Yes. Her boyfriend, who was training to be a cop at the time, kind of showed her the ropes which was good in hindsight.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Raccoon City comes to mind, but specifically when she thought she was going to lose Leon. The initial outbreak, however, was quite terrifying because she was all alone and had to navigate her way to RPD all by herself.
1. She’s an only child. She has cousins on her maternal side, but she never sees them.
2. & 3.
I’m combining these two. Liz has a very strained relationship with her parents. They can both be described as deadbeat. Liz’s mother also never aspired to be a mother and after her relationship with Liz’s father dissolved, she went off the radar. No one really knows where she is. Liz’s father (Lara’s brother) is also not in the picture. The reasons are not fully known, but he and Lara have bad blood with each other. (Specifically, the issue of their parents but there is more to it.) Let’s just say that Liz’s hates both of her parents. They abandoned her. They never come to visit. Why should she care about them?
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
I definitely believe that she admires ambition over wisdom. However, she sees value in both…she just discards advice from those who are not her family. (She even discards Winston’s wisdom at times!)
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?    
Depending on context, she may retry a solution/method once or twice, thinking she made a mistake but after that, she’ll figure out a new solution/method.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?    Before she fully rehabilitated, traces of cocaine. There may be a few coins and a knife. She can’t afford to not have protection on her. Maybe some condoms, because the people she used to live with made her go on condom run so they wouldn’t get…busted. It became a habit to have them.
7. Her nightmares consist of her family meeting their ultimate demise and her (former) addiction ruining her.
8. I like to think that her first target was at her dad’s boss (who had him sent to jail) but more realistically, the first time she fired a gun was a warning shot for a rival family to step back, or someone trying to assault one of her family members (specifically, the people who raised her).
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
She was raised to think money first. Materials are good (especially for business/merchandise), but money is the ultimate power. That’s what people care about the most.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?   
Pretty quickly. Mafia is supposed to be about family, but Isabella definitely trusts no one. Especially not the Forelli Family after her father was sent to prison. Like her father, she takes loyalty seriously and therefore, do not cross her.
11. This is a hard one. I think one of the scarier moments of her life is when her father was no longer in the picture. Her mother did her best to raise Jean and her brother by herself but at the beginning, it was hard. Jean’s mother fell into a depressive episode. She was active with her children, but Jean could tell that her mother wasn’t entirely there, and it scared her.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Hard to say. Jean is generally a calm, laid back type of girl. However, when she is too calm, that shows how angry or afraid she really is.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
It depends on that situation. For example, if something happened to her family or friends, she blames herself. She could have protected/save them. Why couldn’t she? However, if we are dealing with the supernatural side of her life, she blames the people responsible for that and claims that she will kick their ass.
26. How does your character behave around children?   
Pretty well. Dustin is her younger brother and while they are super close, they would also probably try to choke each other or have really heated banter. That’s just how siblings be! She also finds herself around the Party a lot, often having to drive them to places since none of them have their license lol. El and Max often go to her, asking for advice and having “girl time”, since they like and trust her. She doesn’t mind, though. El and Max are cool and when Billy was harming his sister? Watch out: Jean’s about to throw hands.
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?   
You would have to get Jean really, really pissed off if she resorts to physical violence.
Kitty has a sister who is about seven years older, but they have a good relationship. Her sister also has children who close to Kitty’s age (Kitty was around ten when her niece was born). She’s close to her sister and family, even while she’s enlisted in Starfleet. If you count in the Enterprise family, Kitty is also one of the younger ones. She’s around Chekov’s age, so they have a close and developing relationship :)
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?   
I don’t doubt it. The best way I can describe Kitty’s family is lower middle class. However, since joining Starfleet, she’s been making money which has lifted the family socioeconomic class up a bit. (She sends money back to help support her family, whether they like it or not.)
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?    Happiness. She can find success very easy, but being happy is harder. Much harder.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Okay tbh, I’m kinda still deciding on what the dream is specifically but I can confirm that Kitty’s dream did come true :)
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. 
On the Enterprise, she likes to wear comfortable clothing (yoga pants and large t-shirt), hair pulled up in a ponytail, and she’s streaming media (tv, movies, youtube; stuff like that) while reclining on her bed and eating junk food.
On Earth, she feels comfortable with being reunited with her family. She loves her home base, and family is important to her.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Uh…yeah. She survived Yamatai, and she also goes to Siberia and Peru later on (yes she’s in all the reboot trilogy games don’t @ me). She has seen a lot. Others do know about this. Her fellow Yamatai survivors know and her family has a concept of what happened to her, but not really. The only ones who do understand is Lara and Jonah.
5. Pockets. What pockets? Madison does carry a purse, and a lot can be found in that. Her wallet, pads, pens, snacks, a hairbrush when needed, earbuds, keys. When she’s on expeditions, the purse is replaced with a backpack and has more stuff in it, like first aid and research supplies.
7. Nightmares are definitely PTSD-related. Events from Yamatai, Siberia, and even Taititi have all affected her the most. Yamatai definitely struck her; it was horror on that island. She may also have nightmares of her loved ones either haunting or being killed (because of her).
8. Her first target was at one of the Solarii Brotherhood members on Yamatai
11. Yamatai is probably the most traumatic experience she’s ever endured (haha). There’s also this one time where a Trinity member attacked her at her university, when she was on her own home turf, and that was pretty terrifying itself.
34. She’ll quickly move on to find a new solution/method but if she’s tried everything, she’ll rebound to the original or may combine certain aspects of everything she’s tried.
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?  
She will try her damn hardest to remove a problem/threat. She’s not the main player for it, she’s more side-kicky. She knows when she needs to take a step back, removing herself from the situation.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
It depends how she views it. She had a really good mentor for her job post-Raccoon City. English teachers from high school could count, haha.
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
Yes. She’s kind of a kid magnet. She’s also one of the more feistier and protective type of person, so this could apply to her friends too.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Difficult. She can say “I love you” to her brother easily but with other family members it’s hard. I don’t think she wouldn’t say it without meaning it because she realizes that it is correlated with strong responses, both with her and with other people.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
She doesn’t like to think about death. She’s dealt with numerous “zombie” outbreaks over the years since Raccoon City, and has a big fear that she’ll turn into one of them. She’s also not a big believer of heaven or hell, but she does wonder what happens after life on Earth.
1. Madé is the oldest out of four daughters. She’s not really close to any of them, but it doesn’t mean that she loves her sisters any less! She lived in Naboo’s capital and later moved to Coruscant, so her visits were somewhat sparse. Then she moved to a desert planet, when contact was even more rare. I will say that the sister she is closest to is the sister who had Paige and Rose Tico. (Still trying to decide if Madé is their aunt or great-aunt, haha!)
4. I would say so. The Fall of the Republic, Order 66, and the death of Padmé were some of the biggest events that affected Madé. After all, watching something you fought so hard for crumble (she never liked Palpatine, let’s be clear on that right now), as well as a group of people slaughtered (she can’t help but think of the padawans and younglings the most), and watching someone she cared so much and dedicated her life to dying right in front of her? And then having to figure out how to keep her children safe? That would be hard on anyone.
I would say Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Bail Organa and the Skywalker OC I have yet to develop/name, lol are some of the more prominent people who know about these traumas.
8. She was Padmé’s handmaiden and bodyguard, so yes she has fired a gun. (Blaster would be the more appropriate term.) The first target? Someone who was trying to harm the Queen of Naboo or one of the other handmaidens.
9. Hm….no. Madé didn’t come from a rich family and while she had a better economic/social status when she became a handmaiden, it depleted after the fall of the Old Republic. Actually, her status now might be lower than she originally started out with.
18. She has seen a lot of ambition in her lifetime, so wisdom is always a welcoming change. (However, fuck the Jedi Council. lmao.)
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
This is hard! I would have to say her age somewhat concerned her as she was at Padmé’s side. She is one of the oldest handmaidens, and on Naboo they valued youthfulness in their monarchy. It kind of worried her how the Naboo governors viewed her (Palpatine didn’t particularly like her, because she saw his true character). A lot of people also judged her for staying with Padméfor all those years. Shouldn’t she move on? Have her own life? (Ouch.) So, I guess she would have compared herself to the other handmaidens but she really didn’t let the criticisms affect her. She knows what she wants in life.
22. What does your character like in other people?
She likes those who have integrity and stand up for themselves and for their loved ones. She likes reliability and stability, too. While she needs someone serious, she also likes to kick back and have fun, too!
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
Those who harm others just for the hell of it; bullies. People with big mouths AKA those who don’t know when to mind their own business. She doesn’t like those who think that they are better than others, especially those who are of upper class. Fuck them.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Hm. She’s not one to trust quickly but she doesn’t take awhile in trusting someone. I would say, especially after the death of her parents, she can be wary of others. Not only for herself, but for her family too. She wants to keep them safe as much as she can. Honestly, in order to gain her trust, you have to prove yourself to her and to her friends/family.
25.Suspect can be quick if something has been brought to her attention. She will give the benefit of the doubt but she can also read people pretty well. She doesn’t like to be paranoid but she has to keep her guard off for her family.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Sophia doesn’t remember what her childhood dreams were, so she can’t really say if her dream came true. However I can say that while she grew up, she really didn’t know what to do. She did always want to save people so technically, in that way, her aspiration came true.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
In general, she gets super nervous. Butterflies in her stomach, blushing, the whole nine yards. She would also try to be as interactive as she can with her crush.
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
She makes it very clear. She’ll scowl at them and when they insult her friends, she throws clap-backs that are either very eloquent or very brash.
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
She’s been nipped by dogs, but it never affected her. However, she remembers Pennywise’s rows of sharp teeth, and that stirs uneasiness within, even if when she couldn’t remember why. (She always associated with not liking sharks thanks to Jaws.)
Also, I just imagined as a kid, she got bitten by a raccoon or something while she and the rest of the Losers were in the woods LMFAO
42. Yes. Her stepfather. We can even argue that Stan and Patty (who she and her brother refer to as their uncle and aunt) have been parental figures to her, too.
43. No one I can think about. Maybe like, the Marshcom (is that the ship name? idk lol) baby or a small pet, but that’s about it.
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49scribes-a · 7 years
Royalty AU {-1-}
Note: Mind you, this is not the VERY FIRST sequence of events of the Royalty AU, but simply the start of the copied / pasted chatzy’s since I joined in. Therefore, much of the previous events and backstory exists primarily in summary.
#2 Next---> (coming whenever)
Queen Celia walks out of her room
Robin Hood singing in the garden dressed like a dude idfk
Queen Neah yawns and falls tf asleep Queen Neah in the garden
Queen Celia Neah please
Robin Hood singing to neah i guess?
Exile Nea is apparently stupid enough to stay in this kingdom even though he's exiled
Queen Celia walks out the castle to enjoy the fresh air
Witch Mana kitty mana trots up to nea
Exile Nea >​B( whiskers
Queen Celia strolls into the garden to see if anyone is around
Robin Hood singing still
Queen Celia hears the singing and spots Robin Queen Celia: Oh good morning robin!
Witch Mana bites that stupid ankle
Robin Hood waves
Exile Nea: OW
Queen Neah hooray sleeping is fun
Robin Hood gently pats neah
Queen Celia looks at the sleeping queen just shaking her head Queen Celia: Has he been sleeping here long?
Robin Hood quietly
Exile Nea glares down @ the cat
Robin Hood: Not very
Exile Nea: What was ​that​ for?
Witch Mana <​stop moping around...>
Exile Nea: I'm not moping.
Witch Mana stares up at him. Witch Mana doesn't believe it
Exile Nea squints down Exile Nea why cant u trust me
Witch Mana ​<go take over>
Exile Nea: Because that worked so well last time.
Witch Mana ​<you didn't plan. you went on impulse.>
Queen Neah wakes tf up and stares up at robin and celia
Queen Celia: Oh, good morning your majesty Queen Celia is laughing
Robin Hood smiles
Queen Celia: Did you have a nice nap?
Exile Nea picks up Manacat so he's not just staring down at him Exile Nea: You're the one that rushed me. Exile Nea: And now you're pushing me again.
Witch Mana ​<you'll get caught>
Exile Nea: I'll get ​hung if I pull another stunt like I did before.
Queen Neah rubs eye Queen Neah: ...I was sleeping out here?
Robin Hood: Oui, oui
Queen Celia: You were Queen Celia: You're lucky Robin was here, you can't just sleep out here its dangerous
Queen Neah pulls a leaf out of his hair
Exile Nea: I need more support if I want to make any progress here..
Queen Neah: perhaps not.... but I'd like to,
Exile Nea idly scratches behind Manacat's ears
Witch Mana purrs Witch Mana ​<start with the people.>
Exile Nea: Do any of them even remember who I am? Exile Nea remembers when he was Cool
Queen Celia holds out her hand for Neah to stand
Queen Neah grabs her hand Robin Hood stands with neah
Witch Mana ​<no... it's been awhile.> Witch Mana paws at his face
Exile Nea okay, rude
Witch Mana ​<and you lost a lot of your charm from when you were young.>
Exile Nea RUDER
Queen Celia: Why don't we head inside for some breakfast?
Robin Hood remember when he was jingles?
Queen Celia jingles was great
Queen Neah i miss jingles so much............. Queen Neah places a hand on his stomach Queen Neah: ...grapes sound good!
Queen Celia: Grapes always sound good to you Queen Celia laughs and leads the way back into the palace
Queen Neah: I just crave them Queen Neah follows after her
Robin Hood neah craves that mineral Robin Hood also follows
Queen Celia looks to Neah knowingly
Exile Nea swats the paw away Exile Nea: That was uncalled for
Witch Mana scratches his cheek Witch Mana angry cat face
Queen Neah what do you know
Exile Nea: Ow--
Witch Mana ​<you need an eyepatch>
Exile Nea: I'll need more than a patch if you keep ​scratching me
Queen Celia you know what I know
Queen Neah ​no
Robin Hood yes?
Queen Celia have you told robin
Druid Junior is watching the queens from the brush as a rabox (rabbitfox) and tailing quietly because mmmmm smells like affluence Druid Junior very "borrowable" affluence
Queen Neah ....no..... Queen Neah no i have not
Witch Mana swats his head
Queen Celia you should
Queen Neah i havent even said anything to kanda
Queen Celia : |
Witch Mana ​<sway the people, cause discourse>
Exile Nea squeezes the cat paw Exile Nea stop swatting
Witch Mana ​<take over>
Queen Celia they reach the dining hall and Celia takes a seat
Witch Mana hisses
Queen Neah sits in his chair Queen Neah snatches a grape
Druid Junior okay no more brush to hide in just stone walls n shit Druid Junior Super Stealth time Druid Junior by which he means dashing under the table before anyone can spot him
Queen Neah uhoh
Exile Nea: I can.. ​try​. But I don't exactly have many resources these days. Exile Nea or much charm as you so rudely pointed out
Queen Celia also eats some grapes Queen Celia: So Nea how is...that...coming along?
Witch Mana <​you don't need outer beauty. scope out the palace secretly, find things wrong with it and bring it to the peoples attention>
Queen Neah pauses midgrape Queen Neah: ..​that?
Druid Junior why do rich people wear so much perfume
Queen Celia: ( midgrape
Druid Junior how is he supposed to sniff out the good stuff
Queen Celia: ( LMAO Queen Celia that perfume is all Neah I s2g Queen Celia: Yes, that
Druid Junior lay off the perfume Neah smh
Queen Neah hey shut up
Exile Nea: You make it sound so ​easy
Queen Neah it's celia Queen Neah: you mean, Queen Neah motions with hands vaguely
Druid Junior both of you lay off the perfume then
Witch Mana <​it is when I can help you.>
Exile Nea raises a brow Exile Nea: And you couldn't help me last time?
Witch Mana kitty looks away
Queen Neah yeah, celia
Queen Celia nods
Queen Celia Um I don't drown myself in that stink like you do
Queen Neah ​yes​ you do Queen Neah: It's gone pretty well, surprisingly Queen Neah: ...so far
Queen Celia keep up the sass and I'll eat all the grapes
Druid Junior yeah okay whatever you both stink there settled
Queen Celia: Well then that's good news! I think things will be fine Queen Celia you stink
Druid Junior: they're already fighting lmfao }
Queen Celia: ( they haven't even met and they're already fighting xD
Druid Junior: yep } Druid Junior you double stink
Robin Hood i'm not wearing perfume? Robin Hood eating a sammich
Druid Junior now if you'll excuse me I have shinies to pilfer soon as I can find them lol
Queen Neah looks sad Queen Neah: I miss Jedediah..
Queen Celia uh oh
Robin Hood sets sammich down Robin Hood looks down
Queen Celia: We all miss him....but things will be fine Queen Celia help me out here Robin
Druid Junior just gonna bunny hop out and find the shinies while things get emo in here
Robin Hood is in sads town
Queen Neah hey shut up u little rat
Queen Celia oh boy Queen Celia: ( LMAO NEAH
Druid Junior excuse u I am an adorable rabbitfox get ur species right
Queen Neah no its not okay
Queen Celia sighs and eats another grape
Druid Junior give you something to really cry about when I get all the shinies
Queen Celia: Are you going to be like this when your other child is born?
Robin Hood i want my godbaby
Queen Neah slumps even more
Queen Celia oops Queen Celia: Neah...you know there's nothing more you could have done
Robin Hood grumble brumble
Queen Neah can someone watch that rabbitfox forreal Queen Neah: ......I feel like I'm doing this all for the wrong reasons
Queen Celia: What do you mean....? Queen Celia Robin please the queen is getting emo af I need help here
Druid Junior sorry what I'm like 5 halls down and hunting down your shinies u don't see me lol
Robin Hood baaaaaaaaabyyyyyyy Robin Hood shinies?
Druid Junior shinies
Robin Hood whats a shinie?
Druid Junior the thing rich ppl have
Robin Hood NO Robin Hood ONLY I GET TO STEAL Robin Hood rushes off
Druid Junior um excuse u
Robin Hood felt a disturbance in the force
Druid Junior I steal all the shinies Druid Junior er Druid Junior borrow Druid Junior I borrow them Druid Junior without an intended return date
Robin Hood finds the bunnyfox
Robin Hood: YOU
Druid Junior leAPS Druid Junior WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU--
Robin Hood lunges to catch him
Queen Neah: I feel like I'm ...
Druid Junior sprints down the hall nopenopenopenope
Queen Neah shakes head
Queen Celia: ( GO ROBIN GO
Druid Junior: Junior: Go choke on a grape }
Robin Hood sprints after
Druid Junior: lMFAO }
Queen Neah: it's almost like I'm doing this to get over him
Robin Hood = ^ =
Druid Junior okay but do u have magnificent rabbit legs like mine Druid Junior DO YOU
Queen Celia wonders about robin's sudden departure but has to focus on Neah
Queen Celia: Well Neah....are you?
Queen Celia eats a grape AND DOES NOT CHOKE ON IT
Robin Hood slips through a servants entrance and cuts him off Robin Hood: HA Robin Hood: GOT YOU NOW
Druid Junior CAN'T CATCH M-- ohshit
Queen Neah stares down Queen Neah can't say i'm not
Robin Hood nabs the fluffy this
Druid Junior heel face turn
Robin Hood thing
Druid Junior BACK THE OTHER WAY HE GUE-- Druid Junior excuse u Druid Junior EXCUSE U
Robin Hood pets softly
Druid Junior RELEASE ME
Robin Hood he's cute
Druid Junior bITES Queen Celia sighs and places her hand on neah's
Exile Nea sighs and adjusts his hood
Queen Celia: Listen, you do what you can to make this easier. But I'm pretty sure you'll never forget Jed even if you do welcome another child
Exile Nea: I guess keeping tabs on the palace is a start.
Robin Hood good thing i'm wearing gloves Robin Hood ow tho Robin Hood to the cafeteria with you, strange floof
Druid Junior uM NO
Witch Mana <​change your name.>
Robin Hood um yes
Druid Junior NOO
Robin Hood i'm not taking you to the kitchen
Druid Junior flails
Exile Nea frowns
Robin Hood chilleth
Exile Nea likes his name,,
Robin Hood gives it ear skritches
Druid Junior frazzled rabbit growling noises
Queen Celia is wondering about where Robin went
Queen Neah stares at tum
Exile Nea: Surely I don't have to go ​that​ far.
Queen Neah: I should be happy but Queen Neah grunts.
Witch Mana <​then you're going to get caught for sure, stupid>
Druid Junior also whipping his tail unhappily
Queen Neah: where is Robin...
Queen Celia: Huh? Oh, Robin left awhile ago but I'm not sure why
Exile Nea SIGHS Exile Nea: Fine, I'll think of a new name.
Witch Mana changes into human form
Robin Hood walks back into the dining hall
Witch Mana is still in nea's arms
Queen Celia: More importantly Neah, you should take some time to sort your emotions out before the new baby comes
Robin Hood: Look what i found!
Exile Nea ......
Witch Mana pushes him off Witch Mana scoffs
Exile Nea drops him
Witch Mana: get your sticky paws off me!
Queen Celia looks to Robin and the strange animal
Exile Nea: First of all, they're hands
Queen Celia: What is that?
Druid Junior still growling and whipping his tail
Robin Hood: Isn't it cute?
Exile Nea: Second of all, you weren't complaining when I was scratching your ears.
Witch Mana: ​hand.
Druid Junior oh great there's more of them
Robin Hood patpats junior
Druid Junior bites him again
Witch Mana you have a nub
Exile Nea: ....... Exile Nea thanks for the reminder
Robin Hood sir nubsalot
Exile Nea frowns down at his... nub
Queen Celia walks over and stares down at the angry thing
Robin Hood continues to pat
Queen Celia: Where did you find it?
Druid Junior is going to bite that hand harder
Robin Hood got my arm broken by a dragon, fluffy thing Robin Hood you aren't much compared to that
Exile Nea: Anyways
Robin Hood: Headed for the castle treasury
Queen Celia: ....Shouldn't you put it down? It looks like it doesn't want to be held
Queen Neah: .............
Druid Junior bitch I could be
Queen Celia: IT WHAT?!
Exile Nea: Apart from changing my name, there's not much else I can do. I stick out like a sore thumb.
Queen Celia stares warily at it Queen Celia: Neah what do you think about this animal?
Robin Hood: I'm not letting it go any time soon, I don't think it's a normal animal
Queen Celia: Oh dear...
Druid Junior if I blind you rn maybe you won't notice how not normal I am
Queen Neah yells at the guards Queen Neah: WHERE IS MY HENRY!?
Robin Hood: o - o
Queen Celia so savage Queen Celia: Neah calm down!
Robin Hood how about no, fluffy thing
Druid Junior um how about yes Druid Junior kicks and tries to attack his face tbh
Queen Celia if it's not one thing, it's another
Robin Hood slips it into a conveniently empty birdcage
Queen Celia: Hey there little animal calm down
Witch Mana: I could do a few tricks
Druid Junior bitch I will not CALM DOWN
Robin Hood offers it a grape
Queen Neah: does it have a scruff?
Exile Nea: Last time you did one of your 'tricks' you turned me into a really high cat
Queen Celia bitch I will make you calm down I'm bigger than you
Witch Mana: ... Witch Mana chuckles
Druid Junior is just gonna rock this bird cage and kick the shit out of it until something breaks
Queen Celia: A scruff?
Robin Hood puts something heavy on the cage door
Exile Nea :/
Queen Celia Peers into the cage
Queen Neah guards bring henry VII
Queen Celia: What a reckless thing
Queen Neah holds the squirrel out to them Queen Neah: see
Robin Hood gives the thing a tomato Robin Hood: awww, a squirrel
Queen Celia: Neah why do you still have that squirrel?
Druid Junior ew a squirrel
Queen Neah: Not ​a​ squirrel Queen Neah: it's Henry VII
Druid Junior one of his neighbors is a squirrel Druid Junior they're a real asshole
Queen Neah i will skin you
Robin Hood tickles the squirrel's tummy Robin Hood coochie cooochie coo
Druid Junior picks up the grape and spits it back out at the nearest person
Queen Neah: he just got a new cape made for him Queen Neah: look at the jewels
Robin Hood: ​Awww
Queen Celia just stares at Neah
Druid Junior jewels? Druid Junior going to pretend he didn't hear that nope
Queen Neah: what
Queen Celia is hit by a grape Queen Celia: Did that thing just spit out a grape? Ew
Queen Neah places a miniature crown on Henry VII's head
Druid Junior: literally the testiest rabbitfox XD }
Robin Hood covers the cage with a cloth
Queen Celia Neah please
Queen Neah look at him
Druid Junior great now its dark
Queen Celia wipes her face with a handkerchief
Druid Junior okay maybe I'll just Druid Junior curl up in a ball right here and not eat Druid Junior then you'll all feel bad
Exile Nea thinks about ways he could blend in better. maybe he could grow out his hair?? though...
Exile Nea squints at mana Exile Nea no. nevermind. bad idea.
Witch Mana takes a bit of this and a bit of that Witch Mana made an eye patch in 2 seconds
Queen Celia: Neah do you really think that squirrel will take care of it's crown and cape? Queen Celia this is ridiculous
Queen Neah: this is his 177th cape but his SECOND crown. Queen Neah crosses arms
Exile Nea how the fuck
Witch Mana holds it out to nea Witch Mana: here
Druid Junior huffs and goes still
Queen Celia just shakes her head and looks to the cage Queen Celia: Did it die?
Exile Nea sighs and puts it on.
Druid Junior maybe I did
Exile Nea: Does this look better?
Druid Junior maybe I'll just Druid Junior flop over and die Druid Junior that'll really make u feel bad Druid Junior here I go, falling over Druid Junior d Y I N G
Witch Mana: No
Queen Celia cry me a river rabbitfox
Exile Nea: ...Thanks
Druid Junior maybe I will Druid Junior a river big enough for all my rabbitfox babies to drown in
Witch Mana: come Witch Mana holds out his broom Witch Mana: there's work to do
Queen Celia you have babies?
Druid Junior can you live with yourself then? Druid Junior killing rabbitfox babies? Druid Junior oh tons of them
Queen Neah that thing has babies?
Druid Junior like do u know what rabbits do in their spare time smh
Exile Nea flashbacks to the last time he was on that broom Exile Nea: Absolutely not
Queen Neah rabbits poop A LOT Queen Neah i know that
Queen Celia I have a kingdom to rule I don't care about you rabbitfoxes
Druid Junior wow r00d Druid Junior who's going to tell Daisy her bedtime stories Druid Junior who's going to tuck Thumper into bed Druid Junior who's going to organize Billy's next birthday
Queen Celia: Neah I think you should call over one of your witches to check this animal
Druid Junior um no let's not
Queen Celia you're just pulling our legs you don't have any babies
Druid Junior I totally have babies Druid Junior like... lots of thems Druid Junior an army of babies Druid Junior they're totally going to come here and overthrow u if u don't let me go rn Druid Junior bunnies will rule the world soon Druid Junior only I can stop it
Queen Neah: what do you mean?
Queen Celia your babies versus royal guards, who do you think will win?
Druid Junior: I can't even with Junior rn XD }
Witch Mana: Get on.
Exile Nea: I almost died last time.
Queen Celia: Well Robin says it's not normal and it was headed towards the treasury Queen Celia: It could be a shapeshifter Queen Celia: ( junior please xD
Witch Mana: That's not a request
Queen Neah: ....Lavi is busy right now
Exile Nea narrows his eyes Exile Nea: I'm not getting on anything unless I know where we're going.
Druid Junior haha shapeshifter? No I am but a helpless harmless fluffy bunny... fox... thing Druid Junior my mother liked dangerous guys
Witch Mana visibly annoyed Witch Mana: I SAID get ON
Queen Celia: I see. Is Lavi your only witch on hand? If so we're going to have to watch this thing for some time
Druid Junior so... rabbit... fox... thing
Witch Mana oops thunder
Exile Nea oh dont you get all witchy with me
Druid Junior twitches ears
Exile Nea scowls
Queen Celia you have issues little rabbit....fox...thing
Exile Nea: Are you DEAF?
Queen Neah: There's only a few witches in the world, but Lavi has been with Galaeldan for a long time
Druid Junior you would have issue too if your mother was a rabbit who shagged a fox
Witch Mana zaps him in the head which send a mini shock through him Witch Mana not playin
Exile Nea ​OW.
Queen Celia: I see. Then until he returns we'll do what we can ourselves. Neah you're good with animals why don't you watch him first?
Exile Nea takes a few good steps back while holding his head Exile Nea: Was that suppose to make me want to go with you?
Queen Neah if that thing pisses me off i'm going to make a fur coat and rabbit soup Queen Neah: Alright
Druid Junior you absolutely will not
Queen Celia fine by me Queen Celia: Okay now that that's settled you want to try petting it?
Druid Junior fight me bitch I'll pee in your food
Witch Mana rolls eyes and hits him with another... which knocks him out
Exile Nea why is my brother an asshole
Queen Celia lifts cloth to peek in the cage
Witch Mana because my brother is stubborn
Druid Junior is ded Druid Junior or whatever
Exile Nea is effectively KO
Druid Junior yep totally ded
Exile Nea hello ground
Witch Mana ~next time nea wakes up he's in that little hut~
Exile Nea groans. what happened.
Queen Celia: Uh Neah Queen Celia: I think it's dead
Queen Neah: Let's make soup Queen Neah: where's my main chef?
Druid Junior still ded
Queen Celia: ( neAH LMAO
Druid Junior still gonna be ded til this cage is open lol
Queen Celia: Okay sure I've never had rabbit soup before
Witch Mana: Wakey wakey
Druid Junior Rabox*
Exile Nea sits up and rubs his face
Queen Neah picks up the cage and heads to the kitchen
Queen Celia sounds even tastier nice
Exile Nea: ...What the hell did you do?
Witch Mana: why don't you look like a new man!
Queen Celia follows Neah
Druid Junior um okay this is cool it cool
Exile Nea squints at Exile Nea: What?
Druid Junior smells like a brush with death Druid Junior is ded except his nose is still twitching
Witch Mana holds up a mirror. nea has a fake eye, clear, perfect skin without a scar, his hair is cut a lot shorter and slicked back and he has an odd, but nice outfit Witch Mana and of course... his nub is still a nub
Exile Nea blinks
Queen Neah opens the cage and grabs it by the legs
Exile Nea touches his face with his good hand
Queen Neah holds it up Queen Neah: I want this for dinner
Druid Junior oh hey the cage is open Druid Junior just gonna swing up and bITE HIS HAND
Queen Neah: OW!
Exile Nea: How the ​hell..
Queen Neah clenches harder and grabs it by the snout thing
Druid Junior um okay he'll just bite that other hand now too then and kick it cool
Witch Mana sorry a lot of your hair is gone
Druid Junior hope u don't have soft hands ur highness
Exile Nea my head feels cold
Exile Nea i miss all my floofy insulation
Druid Junior nO FAIR
Queen Celia: Uh okay well its not dead apparently
Queen Neah grabs a knife Queen Neah: I'M GOING TO SKIN YOU
Queen Celia oh my
Druid Junior also what else did u expect picking up a strange anima-- Druid Junior um lets not
Druid Junior lets really not
Exile Nea: I look... Exile Nea tilts head Exile Nea he doesn't know how to feel about this
Queen Celia should you really be swinging that knife around while pregnant smh take it easy
Druid Junior just gonna stick to the side of hte cage FFFAAAAAR away from them Druid Junior which is not really that far lbh
Queen Neah that's right
Druid Junior fuck u and your cages
Queen Neah puts the knife down and stares at the rabox
Druid Junior this is why I don't come out of my hole that often u bitches b craycray
Witch Mana: Not like Nea!
Queen Neah: ( i just snorted omg
Druid Junior: ur welcome B) }
Exile Nea raises a hand Exile Nea messes up his slicked back hair Exile Nea better
Witch Mana: ... Witch Mana pushes it back again
Queen Celia pats Neah Queen Celia: Are you calm now?
Queen Neah huffs Queen Neah: I'm ​hungry
Exile Nea: Come on, it looks stupid all pushed back Exile Nea I need to be at least a little floofy
Queen Celia: Well go grab something else let me see what I can do about this evil little thing
Witch Mana: You always look stupid
Queen Celia: ( MANA HAS NO CHILL
Exile Nea: Would it kill you to be nice for five seconds? Exile Nea: Just five
Druid Junior you're the ones who put me in the bird cage and tried to cook me but I'M the evil thing Druid Junior okay Druid Junior whatever Druid Junior damn rich people
Witch Mana: ANYWAYS Witch Mana: so
Exile Nea messes up his hair again
Queen Celia weren't you going to steal? Hush you criminal
Druid Junior um you have like a million shinies you won't miss two or three Druid Junior what kind of rulers are u not sharing with the little ppl smh
Witch Mana: we're going to be disguised together as some kind of prophetic couple, we just need to have a reason to be around each other.. but I decided that you should have the girl role Witch Mana: it'd just make things easier
Exile Nea ????????? ​????????? Exile Nea: Can't we just be prophetic brothers?
Witch Mana puts hand up
Exile Nea that makes?? so much more sense?
Witch Mana: I have a plan
Exile Nea stARES???
Witch Mana: yeah, but, the problem is, we're known as brothers Witch Mana: we can't have ANYTHING pointing to who we really are Witch Mana: NOTHING
Queen Celia oh get over it
Witch Mana now put on those 6 inch heels
Exile Nea: Okay, fair, but if you haven't noticed I ​don't look like a chick
Queen Celia: So little one do you promise to play nice if I open this cage?
Exile Nea im not neah haha
Queen Neah mumbling and sitting down
Druid Junior squinting
Queen Neah poking at stomach Queen Neah BITCH
Druid Junior flicking his ears suspiciously
Queen Celia Neah please what the fuck
Druid Junior lowers his head a little
Witch Mana: you can
Druid Junior open this cage and we'll see where it goes
Queen Celia bitch I swear if you run as soon as I open this cage
Exile Nea: But I don't WANT to Exile Nea: Can't I be a mercenary escorting you around instead?
Witch Mana no because it's funny
Queen Celia slowly opens the cage a bit and reaches in with one of her hands
Witch Mana: ​​I​​ make the plans
Druid Junior growls Druid Junior you keep your hands to yourself
Queen Celia: Come on now don't be afraid I'm just gonna pet you
Queen Neah poke poke Queen Neah bored
Queen Celia don't growl at me
Druid Junior maybe I don't want to be petted
Exile Nea: Your plans are stupid.
Witch Mana: And you in general are stupid, Witch Mana: that's why nothing worked before
Queen Celia Neah please be on guard in case this thing makes a break for it Queen Celia withdraws her hand out of fear of being bitten and glares at the rabbit fox thing
Druid Junior yes
Queen Celia: Are you going to play nice or not?
Druid Junior good
Queen Neah im busy
Druid Junior be very afraid Druid Junior rar
Exile Nea: I just don't get why you want me to be the chick. At least ​you​ sort of look like one.
Queen Neah ........things
Queen Celia please I'm much bigger than you
Witch Mana because it's funny??
Queen Celia ......what things
Druid Junior experimentally stepping out of the cage
Exile Nea why do you hate me
Queen Neah what does it look like
Druid Junior you snap this door on him or his tail Druid Junior we're going to have problems
Witch Mana: ....you would fit
Exile Nea looks very unimpressed Exile Nea what has his life become
Witch Mana exciting
Queen Celia honestly...nothing
Witch Mana: ANYWAYS Witch Mana: we have much to do Witch Mana: SO Witch Mana smirks at him
Druid Junior just going to pull his tail out before it can get snapped
Queen Celia warily watches the rabbitfox
Exile Nea doesnt like this Exile Nea doesnt like this at all Druid Junior warily watches the bitch with all the perfume Queen Neah lol she does have a lot of perfume
Druid Junior just gonna take a second to groom his face and tail and back legs like damn look at what a mess you made of all his fur
Queen Celia Neah get your fatass over here before it runs for it smh
Druid Junior terrible
Queen Neah hey im not that fat yet
Druid Junior fat enough
Queen Celia: Hey... it looks kind of cute when it's grooming itself
Witch Mana: we should probably fix your hair
Lady Aleria never fear for the great and powerful Lady Aleria, Guard of Queen Celia and Dragon Tamer is here
Queen Celia Neah you always look a little fat
Exile Nea gulps
Queen Neah WHAT
Exile Nea looks around. how fast can he book it out of here.
Queen Neah WHY
Queen Celia what
Druid Junior grooms himself a little more mmmm yes he is cute isn't he?
Queen Neah 's mood is ruined Queen Neah: I look ​fat Queen Neah complaining to himself
Lady Aleria look at her long gorgeous ebony hair flutter as she approaches her Queen
Witch Mana sits next to nea
Queen Celia her wariness is becoming mushiness Aww look how cute Queen Celia: Aleria!
Druid Junior oh look a distraction
Queen Celia: Look at this small creature!
Druid Junior BOLTS Druid Junior bye bitch lol
Queen Celia: Neah you don't look--
Exile Nea: Just.. Exile Nea: Get it over with
Lady Aleria not on her watch druid
Queen Celia: THE RABBIT!
Lady Aleria grabs the creature
Queen Celia: Aleria nab the little rascal!
Druid Junior mmmmmNOPE he's going this other way
Queen Celia: Careful it's a slippery thing
Witch Mana runs his hands through nea's hair and whispers something annnnd nea's hair is now long and goes down his back Witch Mana: pretty!!!
Lady Aleria: I'm sure if it gets outside Drakon would love a little snack
Queen Celia: Ah yes Drakon is welcome to eat it
Exile Nea looks miserable already
Druid Junior u would have to find me first lol
Exile Nea: This is humiliating already.
Lady Aleria: what are you doing to the creature anyway?
Druid Junior is just gonna go sprinting down this hall then lol bye
Witch Mana hums and braids his hairs and weaves in flowers
Queen Celia: Well....we think it's suspicious so we're deciding it's fate Queen Celia: It was heading for the treasury earlier
Lady Aleria careful little rabbit, Drakon is waiting out in the court yard~
Druid Junior oooooh look a small carriable shiny
Lady Aleria dragons are always hungry~
Druid Junior it his now
Queen Neah still slumped and looking down
Exile Nea: It feels so... heavy. Exile Nea: I don't know how you put up with long hair.
Lady Aleria: Ah. I'll go look for it
Witch Mana: your hair is not nearly as long as mine
Druid Junior he's taking it with him to his hole and u will never find it
Witch Mana it goes down to my feet
Druid Junior soon as he finds his hole anyway out in god knows where
Exile Nea: Exactly, it must be ten times worse
Witch Mana: I love my hair
Lady Aleria time to go track down a wittle wabbit
Druid Junior maybe he'll be back when u sleep for the rest
Exile Nea sighs and resigns himself to this fate
Druid Junior oh um Druid Junior okay there's a dragon outside this door
Witch Mana: now. Witch Mana: the outfit
Exile Nea oh god Exile Nea: I'm not going to have to wear a dress, am I?
Witch Mana: Of course you are!
Druid Junior um okay welp Druid Junior YOLO
Witch Mana: OH!
Witch Mana: you should be a gypsy instead!
Exile Nea: A gypsy? Exile Nea: ​Really?
Druid Junior is just gonna sneak as much as possible and bolt if / when he's noticed
Witch Mana: ​yes
Lady Aleria Drakon roars
Witch Mana takes out the braid and pulls out the flowers Witch Mana fluffs up his hair
Druid Junior hE BOLTING
Exile Nea feels like a doll
Lady Aleria: Drakon notices something, better go see
Exile Nea: Does that mean I don't have to wear a dress?
Lady Aleria Drakon stomps after the Rabbit and goes to grab him in his jaws
Witch Mana: you still do Witch Mana puts a bandanna on him
Lady Aleria raises an eyebrow at her dragon once she's outside
Druid Junior gonna bolt back between its legs Druid Junior manueverability bitch
Lady Aleria hey look there's the rabbit Lady Aleria annoyed smokey huff from the dragon as he turns around
Witch Mana digs through things and pulls out a gypsy looking dress and shoves it to him Witch Mana: put it on
Druid Junior just gonna keep darting around its legs before it can catch him
Exile Nea holds it up
Lady Aleria rip nea
Exile Nea: Why do you have this?
Lady Aleria kneels down
Witch Mana: long story
Druid Junior untiiilll he sees a chance to run for the gates
Lady Aleria: hey rabbit, if you dont want to be eaten, come here and i'll stop him
Druid Junior putting those magnificent rabbit legs to good use
Exile Nea si g hs Exile Nea time to wrestle this thing on
Druid Junior hell no he's not getting eaten by Queen Bitch and Bitchier
Lady Aleria: Drakon knows your scent now, he will find you~ Lady Aleria she won't let them
Witch Mana: ( all i imagine is nea getting really frustrated while trying to put it on and starting to punch it
Druid Junior: lmfao }
Lady Aleria: [] rip nea
Exile Nea: || i wouldnt put it passed him
Witch Mana lays back Witch Mana: hurry up
Exile Nea SOMEHOW makes it into this thing with one hand. it's a miracle. Exile Nea: I look stupid Exile Nea: This is stupid.
Witch Mana: come here, you still aren't done
Druid Junior every offense meant but he does not trust any of u
Queen Neah that rabox is a little bitch
Lady Aleria thats understandable
Exile Nea stomps over
Witch Mana smacks him in the back Witch Mana: you can't act like this when we go out
Druid Junior so yea he's just gonna take this shiny and run
Lady Aleria: Drakon! drive the rabbit into a corner!
Witch Mana: you have to be ​alluring
Lady Aleria Drakon used Flamethrower
Witch Mana: anyways Witch Mana pulls him down
Queen Celia aleria do your best!
Druid Junior ew fire Druid Junior ew ew ew nope
Witch Mana slips a whole bunch of jingly bracelets on him
Druid Junior not the nice kind
Queen Celia: Neah, as I was saying you are not fat
Exile Nea: I'm better at being charming.
Queen Neah gives her a look Queen Neah: ​yes​ I am
Druid Junior guess the front door is out
Queen Celia just rubs the bridge of her nose
Witch Mana: well you're going to learn
Queen Celia: What makes you say that? Queen Celia: you look great!
Lady Aleria time for Aleria to breath fire too
Witch Mana: and.... sorry.. but... Witch Mana: this is going to hurt
Druid Junior u so cannot breathe fire
Lady Aleria watch me
Exile Nea: What? Exile Nea: What's going to hurt?
Lady Aleria: Yol Toor Shul!
Druid Junior I am and I see nothing Druid Junior ohshitthatisfire Druid Junior wtf
Lady Aleria dragonborn
Druid Junior: hax } Druid Junior: XD }
Witch Mana: ...heh Witch Mana pierces his ear
Lady Aleria: [] i love au ria <3
Exile Nea: --​FUCK
Lady Aleria thing is i cant use another for a few minutes Lady Aleria so sprints at the rabbit and lunches herself at it
Druid Junior just gonna bolt and look for another way then
Exile Nea has lost an entire hand but somehow that little pinch still hurts like a bitch
Lady Aleria wuss
Exile Nea literally fight me
Witch Mana puts on big hoop earrings
Witch Mana pierces his other ear
Exile Nea grun ts. at least he was expecting it
Druid Junior yES AND YOU'RE
Witch Mana puts in annnooothhhhherrrr
Druid Junior FUCKING
Lady Aleria i will fite you nea
Druid Junior HEA VY
Lady Aleria sits up with the rabbit and sighs
Exile Nea: I really, ​really​ don't like you right now.
Witch Mana: NOW my favorite!
Queen Celia rip Nea
Witch Mana pulls out a wooden box
Lady Aleria: You're a quick little thing
Druid Junior oooowwwww Druid Junior and you're an asshole
Exile Nea my ears feel so heavy
Lady Aleria: I'm sorry if my dragon or I hurt you..
Witch Mana opens it and reveals paints
Queen Celia is so proud of her personal guard
Witch Mana: come here.
Druid Junior if you're sorry you could like... set me down Druid Junior outside the gates Druid Junior and let me go
Lady Aleria no
Druid Junior then ur not sorry are u
Exile Nea at least though look painless
Lady Aleria pushes herself up, the rabbit firmly in her grasp
Exile Nea drags himself over
Lady Aleria Drakon sniffs at the rabbit
Druid Junior growls at the dragon Druid Junior fite me bitch
Lady Aleria: The rabbit is not food, Drakon
Druid Junior I dare u
Witch Mana puts on that perfect eyeliner
Lady Aleria lifts a hand and pats the dragons nose
Witch Mana and then red for your lips haha youre so pretty
Exile Nea i shouldve let kanda kill me
Druid Junior bites the hand that's holding onto him
Lady Aleria moves her hand from her dragon to the rabbit, soft pettings
Witch Mana: okay, you may like this, though
Lady Aleria: Bite me all you want little rabbit
Druid Junior okay I will
Witch Mana: this is special, but be VERY careful
Druid Junior bites the other hand
Lady Aleria: I've felt more pain then your teeth can give
Queen Celia she's just going to wait for Aleria's return in the main hall
Exile Nea is honestly just bracing for the worst
Lady Aleria tfw u're 128 years old and seen many wars
Queen Celia rip Aleria
Druid Junior how are u 128 years old wtf
Lady Aleria walks inside with the rabbit. she does hiss every now and then at a bite
Witch Mana pulls out a (magic) crystal ball, holding it with a silk cloth
Lady Aleria dragon blood in my veins
Druid Junior huffing and growling Druid Junior might be thinking of killing u all in ur sleep tbh Exile Nea blinks at it
Queen Celia try it you little beast
Druid Junior maybe I will Druid Junior maybe I'll do more than think about it
Exile Nea: You're not going to make me carry that around, are you?
Lady Aleria continues the soft pets Lady Aleria: You're cute though
Queen Celia pfft like what
Exile Nea expensive looking fragile ball + one hand = ​no
Witch Mana: it's magic. Witch Mana: it will tell you things.
Queen Celia she's just staring at the ceiling thinking about what to eat for lunch
Exile Nea: What kind of things?
Queen Neah gets up
Exile Nea does not trust magic at this point
Queen Neah: ...I'm going to sleep....
Druid Junior no amount of cute will make my leg not hurt from getting landed on, and more importantly, erase the INDIGNATION Druid Junior I'm going to chew this finger off
Lady Aleria: I'm  back with the rabbit my Queen
Druid Junior and then the one after that
Queen Celia: Ah I see
Lady Aleria: May I ask what this little fella did?
Witch Mana: oh, it can be good... and it can be bad,
Queen Celia: Is it going to behave?
Lady Aleria: I doubt it, I will continue to hold it
Exile Nea: How vague of you Exile Nea very unimpressed look
Queen Celia: Good. As for what it has done, well, nothing we can prove yet just suspicions and speculations
Druid Junior okay but you want to know what THEY did to ME? Druid Junior BECAUSE I HAVE A LIST
Queen Celia shhh : )
Druid Junior I will not shush
Queen Celia I'll pay you in carrots to shush
Witch Mana: It likes to reveal a lot about people. Keep it private. Witch Mana: and keep it hidden
Druid Junior carrots are a stereotype Druid Junior I don't even like carrots
Queen Celia so picky Queen Celia then what do you like?
Druid Junior why would I tell u
Lady Aleria i would listen to you if rabbits talked
Queen Neah trails off
Druid Junior I'm a rabox u can't even understand anyway
Exile Nea: Then why take it at all?
Lady Aleria: I think I hurt the rabbit. If I could heal it, I would
Witch Mana: are you this stupid
Exile Nea: Will you stop calling me stupid? You haven't even told me the whole plan Exile Nea: Where are we ​going
Witch Mana: to the PALACE, dummy!
Druid Junior yeah I think you busted my hip way to go fatass
Queen Celia: You don't know how to treat it?
Lady Aleria i am not fat, you little shit
Druid Junior rich people are always fat
Witch Mana thinks
Lady Aleria i am a gaurd, i am not rich
Queen Celia: Well, what to do... I want to go check on Neah since I left her but I don't want the little rat to escape again
Witch Mana: this may be easier if I'm a cat Witch Mana poofs
Druid Junior Queen Bitch is fat
Queen Celia im rich and NOT fat excuse you
Druid Junior Queen Bitchier is fat
Exile Nea s i gh s
Druid Junior clearly u must be too
Lady Aleria: I will keep the rabbit in hand if you want to check on Queen Neah Lady Aleria i'm quite skinny thank you
Queen Celia: Yes, please do. I'll be back soon
Lady Aleria: Yes, my Queen
Druid Junior: Junior is very mean just fyi its not personal XD }
Queen Celia skin the rabbit thing if it keeps thinking I'm fat
Druid Junior shouldn't we skin and eat the fat thing instead
Queen Celia: ( bad junior xD
Lady Aleria: [] thats okay xD
Witch Mana meows extremely loud
Druid Junior um who else Druid Junior can't be me I'm a bunny
Lady Aleria looks down at the rabbit in her arms
Queen Neah laying in bed
Lady Aleria: How did you get in the castle anyway, I wonder..
Queen Celia she's just going to go check on Neah where tf is she anyways
Exile Nea: ........
Druid Junior is just gonna give up on fighting for now tbh he'll get his chance again eventually
Exile Nea this is the dumbest thing he's ever done
Witch Mana: MEOW
Queen Celia ......????
Lady Aleria blinks. did she just hear a meow?
Exile Nea: I heard you the first time.
Druid Junior: I think that's elsewhere xD Maybe }
Witch Mana: ( mana meowed very loud... so loud that aleria heard it
Lady Aleria: [] whoops lol
Druid Junior: lmfao }
Queen Celia: ( omg
Druid Junior: he's using his outside voice }
Queen Celia: ( lmaoo
Lady Aleria: [] i think of gary meowing when mana meows
Queen Celia she'll just check Neah's room
Lady Aleria pets them cute rabbit ears
Exile Nea what does he WANT Exile Nea I CAN'T PICK YOU UP IM HOLDING THE BALL
Druid Junior just hold out the nub and let the cat climb it
Queen Celia: Neah are you in here?
Druid Junior cats are good climber
Witch Mana stares up at him
Queen Celia oh look she's in bed
Witch Mana ​<your chest is too flat>
Queen Celia tip toes over and gives Neah a shake
Exile Nea puts his nub on his hip Exile Nea: I wonder why that is.
Lady Aleria nea needs boobs like mine
Druid Junior huffs and growls but lets her pet him Druid Junior just, whatever
Queen Neah snaps to reality Queen Neah: HUH
Queen Celia: ( 'puts his nub on his hip' that visual is cracking me up
Witch Mana circles around him
Queen Celia: Neah when did you come to bed?
Druid Junior: same lol }
Queen Celia: It's not even late yet
Lady Aleria: I won't let them hurt you. What could you have possibly done? Lady Aleria: [] tfw you reread your sentence and it makes no sense to you
Witch Mana ​<we need to stuff your shirt! it adds to your sex appeal!! meow!!!>
Queen Neah: I'm just. tired.
Exile Nea: Mana, I'm a man in a dress, my sex appeal isn't going to get that high.
Lady Aleria he doesnt even have curves
Witch Mana oh no you're right Witch Mana POOFS Witch Mana now you do
Lady Aleria corset Lady Aleria or that
Druid Junior I didn't do ANYTHING
Druid Junior I just wanted a shiny
Queen Celia: Tired? Is it from the pregnancy?
Witch Mana ​<you look great!! meow>
Exile Nea: ​I hate this.
Witch Mana turns back into a human
Druid Junior like would they even notice one shiny going missing they have like a million shinies damn
Witch Mana: wait Witch Mana: you neeeeeeeeeeeeeed
Queen Celia rabbitfox count your blessings. at least you're not in Nea's situation
Witch Mana grabs boots with heels
Exile Nea: No
Witch Mana: put these on
Exile Nea: Absolutely not
Druid Junior no you just STUCK ME IN A CAGE and THREATENED TO EAT ME Druid Junior clearly I should be grateful Druid Junior clearly
Witch Mana: you have curvy hips, makeup, pierced ears, a dress Witch Mana: boots are not Witch Mana: going to hurt
Queen Celia if you were a good little one we wouldn't have gone so far
Witch Mana pushes him onto the bed
Queen Celia we could have ate you so yes be grateful
Queen Neah: most likely. Queen Neah: I feel horribly exhausted
Druid Junior I'm going to pee in everything you eat Druid Junior everything
Queen Celia: I see
Druid Junior be grateful, it could be worse
Exile Nea HUFFS and sticks his feet out Exile Nea put them on for me if youre that insistent
Queen Celia sits on neah's bed
Lady Aleria pets the wabbit
Queen Celia: you should watch your health
Druid Junior you could be dying of the plague or something like some random Joe out there
Witch Mana doesnt care Witch Mana youre like a doll Witch Mana puts the boots on him
Queen Celia don't pee in my food what the fuck
Druid Junior I'm definitely going to
Queen Neah: I bet something is wrong
Queen Celia you terrible little creature
Druid Junior you terrible fatty
Exile Nea: I'm going to fall in these
Queen Celia: Wrong? Why do you think that? Queen Celia I'M NOT FAT
Lady Aleria she's getting tired of standing in the same spot, so she moves to sit down in a near by chair
Druid Junior that's all a matter of perspective
Witch Mana grabs some shit and starts stuffing nea's shirt Witch Mana: who cares
Druid Junior is still mad btw but those pettings are a little bit nice but shhhh you didn't hear that from him
Lady Aleria dont worry, the pettings wont be stopping anytime soon
Exile Nea adjusts the top of his dress Exile Nea: I do?
Druid Junior good b/c clearly he, such a noble creature, shouldn't have to make such a request Druid Junior it is beneath him
Queen Celia get over yourself rat
Witch Mana: there! now, first things first, you're going to have to flirt with the guards to get into the palace
Exile Nea: .......
Witch Mana: really, you're going to need to do A LOT of flirting
Druid Junior rabox*
Exile Nea: Some of those men used to be my ​coworkers
Lady Aleria such a noble creature can also be eaten by a dragon
Druid Junior how do you have this much wealth but you're this stupid about identifying species
Queen Celia I know what I said
Witch Mana LAUGHS
Queen Neah: because something is always wrong
Druid Junior such a noble creature can also bite all the way down Druid Junior worst indigestion ever
Lady Aleria not if you're chewed up first
Queen Celia: that's not true, you're just being paranoid
Queen Neah: Can you blame me
Exile Nea: I'm not sure I like this plan at all.
Queen Celia: Well...no not really
Druid Junior I can be very determined
Witch Mana: it'll be worth it,
Queen Celia: But I assure you everything is fine right now!
Exile Nea: There have to be easier ways into the castle Exile Nea: I've snuck into the gardens before, I could do it again
Witch Mana: also I cannot promise that they won't put their hands on you Witch Mana: and no Witch Mana poof into a cat Witch Mana <​let's go!>
Queen Celia riP NEA
Exile Nea: ............ Exile Nea feels disgusted already Exile Nea: You... seem far too excited about all this.
Lady Aleria: [] imagine ria flirting with nea as he's dressed as a woman tho
Queen Celia: ( LMAO
Lady Aleria lifts the rabbit to her face, not too close though because of bitey teeths
Witch Mana darts off
Exile Nea: || if it getS HIM IN THE CASTLE HE'LL DO IT,
Witch Mana follow, stoopid
Druid Junior um excuse u
Exile Nea follows him. please slow down. these shoes are bad.
Lady Aleria smiles at the rabbit
Druid Junior you'd better not be trying to kiss him or any nastiness like that Druid Junior he ain't the frog prince
Lady Aleria: You are the cutest thing i have ever seen~
Witch Mana prances up to the palace Druid Junior yes yes I AM cute but it changes nothing I am still mad at u Sir Alma chillin @ the front
Witch Mana rubs against nea's leg
Exile Nea: || im tryna think of a fake name for nea to be going by
Lady Aleria: [] pfft
Druid Junior: Have it be like }
Queen Celia: ( jingles
Druid Junior: A reverse of his name or something }
Exile Nea: || ..........Aen?
Druid Junior: Or like scrambling the letters XD } Druid Junior: Ye }
Witch Mana: ( how do u say that
Druid Junior: Eh-en or something }
Lady Aleria: [] a - en
Queen Celia: ( ah-en?
Druid Junior: ye } Druid Junior: They'll never suspect a thing XD }
Queen Celia: ( sounds legit
Exile Nea: || or. maybe. ane. anne.
Witch Mana: ( tfw both the nea/h's in this au are crossdressing
Queen Celia: ( anne works Queen Celia: ( LMAO
Druid Junior: Someone else finally noticed lmfao }
Lady Aleria few days later and she's still happily petting the rabbit
Exile Nea sighs and pauses to pat Mana's head Exile Nea at least we're almost in Exile Nea just,,,
Druid Junior he could get used to this if he were being at all honest
Witch Mana <​we got some good info from the people>
Queen Celia is just wandering the palace, it's a new day woohoo
Druid Junior ofc he could also get used to going home with lots of shinies
Witch Mana ​<sorry about some of the things you had to deal with hehe>
Queen Celia is shinies all you think about
Exile Nea ​<No you're not.>
Lady Aleria her armor is shiny
Druid Junior home.... shinies.... home... uh.... Druid Junior okay well food too Druid Junior but ye pretty much Druid Junior is also a lil bit salty and therefore determined to get your shinies just to spite you
Sir Alma eatin an apple 8l
Queen Celia speaking of food she's gonna head towards the dining hall
Queen Neah sitting alone in the garden. thinking of nea.
Exile Nea god
Queen Celia NEAH
Exile Nea haven't I done enough yet
Druid Junior get a room
Lady Aleria they cant
Druid Junior sure they can
Queen Neah who Queen Neah what Queen Celia wait what
Druid Junior there's tons of love-hate relationships Druid Junior what's one more
Lady Aleria good point Lady Aleria forbidden love~
Queen Neah what are you talking about
Queen Celia also she's going to head to the garden now she senses Neah having bad thoughts
Druid Junior a real Romeo and Juliet
Queen Celia is also confused
Lady Aleria nea and neah, forbidden lovers~
Queen Celia spots Neah and heads on over Queen Celia oh right that whole fiasco
Lady Aleria i still want kanda
Queen Neah also the problem ​wherewefoundoutwererelated
Lady Aleria oh yeah
Queen Neah he's mine
Queen Celia #drama
Queen Neah wiggles feet
Exile Nea steels himself. okay. just gotta. charm his way passed alma now. simple.
Queen Neah no shoes, no shoes
Queen Celia: Neah out in the garden I see Queen Celia: ..... Queen Celia: Where are your shoes?
Queen Neah: I don't know
Druid Junior I totally peed in them Druid Junior probably
Witch Mana stares up at nea
Druid Junior idk, I peed in someone's shoes
Lady Aleria picks up the rabbit and hops up to go and wander for a little bit
Sir Alma oh whose that
Druid Junior hard to tell past all the perfume who's
Queen Celia gdi rabox
Druid Junior oh woop and he's moving again--
Exile Nea approaches with a pleasant smile. he's had three days to practice, this should go fine.
Queen Celia: what do you mean you don't know?
Exile Nea: Good afternoon, Sir.
Queen Celia nea please no
Witch Mana ​<flirty, not proper, stupid>
Lady Aleria: I want to let you stretch your legs, but i also don't want to lose you..
Sir Alma looks her up and down Sir Alma ​HOT DIGGITY!
Exile Nea <​I said three words, relax> Exile Nea: || IM FU CKI NG LAU GHing Exile Nea: || HOT DI gGi tTy
Queen Celia I quit
Lady Aleria: [] oh. my god
Druid Junior: LMFAO }
Queen Celia: ( IM WHEEZING
Lady Aleria who the fuck is this guy?
Exile Nea: || IM GO NE
Sir Alma: ( ahahahHAHA
Druid Junior oh, how considerate, considering you crushed them and made me a cripple Druid Junior I hope ur proud of urself Druid Junior making rabox's into cripples
Sir Alma: Why hello there, miss
Lady Aleria it was one leg, calm down
Exile Nea could you be any less obviously when checking me out, holy shit
Lady Aleria im not hurting you again. i was following orders
Druid Junior ohh woooe is meee Druid Junior crippled for life Druid Junior I'll be eaten by a bird of prey for sure Druid Junior all of my many many children will mourn
Lady Aleria or neah, if i give you to her
Druid Junior if they don't get eaten first with no one to look after them Druid Junior woooe is meee
Queen Celia: Neah how are you feeling?
Queen Neah: good. I like the warmth Queen Neah wiggles feet
Queen Celia: I see, guess I'll join you. I feel like I need to relax Queen Celia proceeds to remove her pure gold heels and wiggles her own feet
Lady Aleria: I'll let you roam in my room later
Queen Neah: When was the last time you were in Rosapast, Celia?
Queen Celia: I.....not for some time....but I'm thinking maybe it's time I head back Queen Celia: Soon anyways
Queen Neah looks sad at that Queen Neah no
Queen Celia oh no not that look Queen Celia this is why it's always so hard to go back
Lady Aleria that reminds me my Queen Lady Aleria is the king dead yet?
Queen Celia yes?
Druid Junior: lmfao }
Queen Celia: ( NOOOO
Lady Aleria goddamn that lazy witch
Sir Alma hey guys
Queen Celia he better watch out the next time I see him
Lady Aleria we would have been better off dropping poison in his drink
Sir Alma you better arrest this lady for being so hot
Queen Celia maybe we should arrest you
Sir Alma oooo ;)
Queen Celia yes I should have poisoned him myself Queen Celia oh... Queen Celia : )
Lady Aleria no my Queen. i cannot allow you to dirty your hands. i would have poisoned him for you
Sir Alma queen celia is the most beautiful
Queen Celia ......Aleria I'm lucky to have you by my side Queen Celia YOU GUYS I'M STAYING IN GALAELDAN
Lady Aleria It is an honor to be beside you, my Queen..
Queen Neah lays back and stares up at the sky
Queen Celia: Neah, would you be okay if I went back?
Lady Aleria is the Queen taking a liking to the guard?
Druid Junior all of you, get a room Druid Junior and leave me outside it
Queen Neah: yes.
Queen Celia ......we went on a date once
Lady Aleria i have no one to get a room with Druid Junior sure you do
Sir Alma so
Queen Celia: Are you sure? You worry me these days maybe I can prolong my stay here
Druid Junior Queen Bitch and Queen Bitchier
Queen Celia Aleria feel free to eat the rat
Lady Aleria i cannot taint my queens
Druid Junior rabox*
Queen Neah: It's alright, you have duties of your own.
Druid Junior sure you can
Queen Celia fight me
Druid Junior maybe I will
Queen Celia: Well, as of now Chaozii is taking care of everything
Sir Alma so
Exile Nea raises a hand to scratch at his cheek and laughs a little Exile Nea: Forgive me, I'm sure I came up here with a question, but...
Sir Alma so
Exile Nea looks Alma over Exile Nea: ...I seem to have forgotten it
Druid Junior anyone smell anything funny
Witch Mana ​<SEXY not BASHFUL!>
Lady Aleria: I need to feed Drakon. Perhaps it won't hurt to bring you with me
Witch Mana claws foot
Queen Celia no??
Lady Aleria looks down at the cutie in her lap
Druid Junior I'm smelling something fu-- DO NOT
Exile Nea ​<I'm not a ​whore>
Lady Aleria im not feeding you to him, you noodle
Exile Nea jumps a little and kicks at the cat
Druid Junior maybe I don't want to go Druid Junior maybe I want to stay here Druid Junior alone Druid Junior unattended
Queen Celia holy shit nea
Lady Aleria in the cage?
Sir Alma: Well, that's alright, Sir Alma smirks Sir Alma: you're not from around here, are you?
Druid Junior um just the room will do Druid Junior no cages plz
Lady Aleria idk. i'll have to lock everything behind me
Exile Nea do I LOOK like im from around here
Lady Aleria the windows and the doors
Druid Junior okay Druid Junior do it
Lady Aleria hmmm
Druid Junior no dragons. no cages
Sir Alma i see all kinds of people
Exile Nea shakes his head softly
Lady Aleria takes the rabbit with her. walks out the huge door, past Alma and the stranger
Queen Celia be wary Aleria
Lady Aleria im taking him with me
Druid Junior well fine then ignore my needs
Lady Aleria i will~
Exile Nea: It's pretty obvious, hm? I'm a traveler of sorts.
Druid Junior maybe I'll die of a heart attack like small animals do Druid Junior maybe you're a horrible pet owner
Sir Alma: Tell me, my lady, what is your name?
Lady Aleria turns the rabbit around so his facing her chest and snuggles Lady Aleria there
Druid Junior great now I can get suffocated by tits
Queen Neah sighs
Druid Junior can't decide if best death or worst
Sir Alma i want to be suffocated by tits
Druid Junior: SMH @ JUNIOR TBH }
Lady Aleria whistles. soon it's followed by a roar and a dragon landing in the court yard Lady Aleria: [] LOL
Queen Celia smh @ alma
Exile Nea what a fuckboy
Queen Celia neah I'm not sure if I want to stay in your kingdom or not
Lady Aleria good luck getting suffocated in that ladies fake tits alma
Queen Neah same
Sir Alma so depressing
Exile Nea donT DISS MY TITS
Queen Celia neAH NO Queen Celia NEA YOUR TITS ARE FAKE
Sir Alma so name or nah
Exile Nea buddy. pal. hold the fuck on. Exile Nea: || ive never flirted a day in my life so this is an Adventure Exile Nea: No need for formalities-- Just ​Anne​ is fine.
Witch Mana i should have done all of the flirting. nea looks like a 5 year old
Druid Junior ew dragon stank
Exile Nea excuse me Exile Nea what five year old has fake tits like these
Druid Junior also other stank? Druid Junior srsly does no one smell that
Lady Aleria carefully climbs up on the dragon, flipping her long beautiful hair over her shoulder Lady Aleria nope
Druid Junior gonna dislodge himself from the death tits to smell the air
Exile Nea: And what can I call you...?
Sir Alma kinda just has her against the wall, with an arm just above her. u know how it is Sir Alma flashes a grin Sir Alma: Call me Alma
Lady Aleria what a flirt Exile Nea can you believe this guy Queen Celia no I can't so have fun Nea
Sir Alma what? she's hot
Exile Nea smirks
Witch Mana yawns
Robin Hood: Is the rabbit-thing calmed down yet?
Druid Junior is just gonna wiggle free
Queen Celia: Neah, are we good queens? Queen Celia deep talk time
Queen Neah: ...yes?
Lady Aleria oh no you dont
Queen Neah: I think
Exile Nea: Well I can certainly say that it's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Alma.
Robin Hood finds neah and celia
Lady Aleria: What are you doing, bud?
Queen Celia: Oh, Robin what do you think?
Druid Junior um is too going to wriggle free how dare u
Queen Celia: Are Neah and I good queens?
Robin Hood: I would say you are?
Lady Aleria: can you smell something? is it bad?
Witch Mana ​<nea, you gotta act sexy. otherwise they lose interest, do I need to get my hands dirty>
Sir Alma: so, what brings you to the palace?
Druid Junior gonna wiggle free and-- wow this dragon is kinda a high thing to fall from
Lady Aleria thats why im holding you tightly
Exile Nea ​<Mana, I don't know if you know this, but I've only been with one man in my entire life.>
Exile Nea: || he's in full drag, seducing his way into the castle
Druid Junior: Junior and Aleria are in the main ? courtyard near Nea and Alma } Druid Junior: where Alma is flirting and Nea is trying to fake flirt xD }
Robin Hood walks to the main courtyard Robin Hood stops
Witch Mana <​it's not hard.>
Robin Hood: Aleria!!
Lady Aleria looks over
Witch Mana ​<work your body>
Lady Aleria: Robin!~
Robin Hood still in drag herself
Exile Nea ​I hate you.
Robin Hood: How have you been?
Queen Neah feels sick
Druid Junior is just gonna bunny-hop/limp to the gate
Queen Celia oh dear
Druid Junior what is that smell
Lady Aleria: Good.  I'm about to get and let Drakon feed, do you want to join us?
Queen Neah: ........................​.....
Queen Celia: Neah are you okay? You don't look so well
Queen Neah: ye-
Lady Aleria: Oh, the bunny got free
Queen Neah throws up Queen Neah nope
Lady Aleria: We should get him first
Queen Celia uh oh Queen Celia: Neah!
Robin Hood walks over and picks up the bunny thing
Lady Aleria slides off her dragon
Druid Junior sniffing around Alma and-- Druid Junior exCUSE Druid Junior oh its you again
Exile Nea: Mm, I wanted to see it up close. I've heard so many stories about the gardens, the paintings, the ​people...
Queen Celia she rubs the other queen's back
Druid Junior twists around and aims to kick him in the face. Fuck off.
Queen Neah groans
Queen Celia: Can you move? Shall we go back inside? I can bring you water
Lady Aleria pats the rabbits ears
Druid Junior growls
Exile Nea sets a hand on Alma's chest, right below the collarbone. is this forward enough.
Lady Aleria: I don't want you going far, bud. Not until your leg heals, then maybe i'll let you go home
Exile Nea how do you flirt as a woman
Sir Alma: Well, here it--- Sir Alma hears something Sir Alma stands up straight and clears his throat
Robin Hood my advice is to be cute, nerr
Exile Nea mana says i have to be sexy
Robin Hood that's a fail and you know it
Witch Mana cute doesn't cut it
Exile Nea : ( Exile Nea blinks and pulls back his hand. what was that
Druid Junior growls louder
Lady Aleria takes the rabbit from Robin and holds him
Sir Alma: Excuse me, my lady, but I have business I must attend to.
Lady Aleria: What's wrong?
Druid Junior squirms. Put me down!!
Lady Aleria No
Druid Junior yes
Exile Nea looks confused because he is confused but. okay. he cant stop me from entering the castle if he's not here.
Lady Aleria go nea go
Sir Alma switches positions with another guard and goes to do shit
Exile Nea fixes his hair
Sir Alma nea, you can't just get in
Exile Nea damn it Exile Nea ew
Exile Nea ew ew ew
Robin Hood oh no
Exile Nea mana there has to be another way in im tired of this Exile Nea if he grabs my ass im going to die Exile Nea literally die
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( im c r  y i n g
Robin Hood looool
Sir BEEFSALOT crosses arms and stares down
Lady Aleria her face displays the look of 'nope' and she grabs Robins wrist and shuffles away
Sir BEEFSALOT: ​what
Lady Aleria u're on ur own lady
Queen Celia Neah for fucks sake are you okay
Robin Hood is slowly pulled away
Exile Nea: Uh-- Exile Nea ​<Mana.>
Queen Neah at least i'm not coughing up blood like LAST time
Lady Aleria dont jinx urself Neah
Exile Nea <I don't think this guys gonna budge.> Exile Nea <​I don't think I WANT him to budge>
Witch Mana uhhhhmmmmmm
Queen Celia: Yes but this is still bad! Hold on maybe I can carry you back to the palace
Exile Nea ​<Can't you turn him into a bug?>
Queen Neah nods
Witch Mana <no! i'm tired>
Exile Nea ​<Why haven't you been doing that in the first place?> Exile Nea ​<SO AM I>
Witch Mana i've used a lot of magic
Robin Hood just watching things go down between beefknight and the not-lady
Lady Aleria same robin
Robin Hood that she doesnt know is a not lady
Queen Celia she's just gonna try and carry Neah but wow she's a lot heavier than expected she's kinda walking slowly with her knees bent
Exile Nea s w ea ts
Queen Celia: I got...this
Robin Hood but she feels a kindred spirit in the 'lady'
Sir BEEFSALOT sniffs Sir BEEFSALOT the air Sir BEEFSALOT: ​I smell lies
Druid Junior flails and growls
Robin Hood o - o Robin Hood well i'm over here so
Lady Aleria: [] LOL
Queen Celia: ( I SMELL LIES
Lady Aleria raises eyebrow
Sir BEEFSALOT pokes a beefy finger to her chest Sir BEEFSALOT: ​Who are you
Lady Aleria: [] the image of a flailing rabbit is funny to me
Druid Junior let go!! let go!! let go!!
Exile Nea: I-- Exile Nea YIKES
Druid Junior: good } Druid Junior: it should be xD }
Lady Aleria okay she's going to put him down now because she feels like she's being cruel
Druid Junior THANK YOU
Queen Neah is sweating
Lady Aleria but she'll stay close so he isnt eaten or something
Druid Junior also wtf was that noise Druid Junior wtf is that smell
Exile Nea: E-excuse me, I need to check on my cat
Queen Celia is also sweating wow how do guards do this shit
Sir BEEFSALOT fuckin pussies
Druid Junior limp-hops back towards the guard and the not-lady
Lady Aleria great gotta approach the manbeef
Exile Nea misses his sword and armor god this is Not Good
Witch Mana trots away
Queen Celia okay she managed to carry Neah into the palace now to head to Neah's room
Druid Junior stops by the manbeef and sniffs, watching the cat Druid Junior cannot limp that fast tho Druid Junior wtf get back here cat so he can smell you
Witch Mana turns back to a human figure and sits down
Exile Nea follows mana. stay away from my cat
Witch Mana breathing heavily
Sir BEEFSALOT is hungry for ​beef
Druid Junior just gonna sit here then ow hopping is hard
Lady Aleria leans away from the beefman then picks the rabbit up again gently
Witch Mana: I'm ​tired
Exile Nea: YOU'RE tired!? Exile Nea is fed up >:|
Lady Aleria approaches her dragon
Witch Mana: YES ​I'M​ tired.
Queen Celia finally gets Neah into bed
Witch Mana is starts raining heavily bc he's upset
Queen Celia: Wait here I'll go get some water!
Exile Nea scowls and sits down Exile Nea: I told you this plan was stupid
Witch Mana: it'll ​work. Witch Mana: I just need to rest.
Lady Aleria: Alright Drakon, you've gotta go and hunt on your own today. Come straight back when you're done.. i can't lose you..
Exile Nea: There's an impenetrable mass of muscle blocking our way.
Druid Junior wtf where did this rain come from
Witch Mana: do you know him?
Druid Junior there was no rain on the weather report
Exile Nea: Not personally, but I've seen him around.
Lady Aleria rests her forehead against the dragons snout, patting him with one hand while holding the rabbit
Witch Mana: I don't... think... he's interested...
Exile Nea shakes his head Exile Nea: Definitely not
Queen Celia why the fuck is it raining, oh well she's got more important things to worry about. She's running back with the glass of water Queen Celia shit she just remembered she left her heels outside
Exile Nea: That other guy seemed easy enough, but... Exile Nea what a creep
Queen Neah is sitting up Exile Nea 's skin is crawling
Witch Mana: I've done this a lot
Exile Nea: ...You have? Exile Nea squints
Witch Mana: yes. Witch Mana: but I hate humans. Witch Mana: hmph Witch Mana hides in his hair
Druid Junior crawls up onto her shoulder and watching the gate
Exile Nea how immature Queen Celia arrives with the water Queen Celia: Neah how are you feeling?
Lady Aleria presses a kiss to the dragon snoot, before stepping back so the dragon can take off to go get food
Exile Nea sighs heavily and just slumps in his seat
Queen Neah: ....different
Druid Junior good. finally. no more dragon.
Queen Celia: Different...how?
Druid Junior less stank in the air
Queen Celia hands over the water
Exile Nea: There has to be some other way.
Witch Mana: ....no
Druid Junior I'll be your ticket in if you'll be my ticket out lol
Lady Aleria lifts her hand and pets the rabbit
Queen Neah takes the water and drinks it
Queen Neah: I... don't know
Exile Nea how can a rabbit help me break in
Druid Junior rabox*
Queen Celia he's a rat
Druid Junior as soon as I figure out how to get away from these assholes for five seconds I'll let u know
Queen Celia: Well do you feel bad?
Druid Junior and she's a dunce who failed her biology classes
Queen Celia excuse me as a queen I aced all of my studies
Queen Neah is just staring straight ahead Queen Neah: I feel great
Druid Junior suuuuure you did
Queen Celia .......She feels concerned Queen Celia: Great? Queen Celia of course I did you animal!
Witch Mana turns into a cat
Exile Nea ties his hair back with a little ribbon Exile Nea too warm
Witch Mana ​<maybe I'll just let you do your own thing>
Exile Nea: You're ​joking Exile Nea: You can't just get me into this mess then ​leave​ when it starts to go south
Witch Mana <​I'm tired and I've been around too many people>
Druid Junior probably couldn't tell the difference between a porpoise and a giraffe
Sir BEEFSALOT is looming behind right behind nea
Lady Aleria uh oh
Exile Nea oh no Exile Nea smells BEEF
Queen Neah: Yes Queen Neah: it's amazing
Exile Nea turns slowly
Sir BEEFSALOT swoops nea up
Queen Celia: .....
Exile Nea YELPS
Druid Junior oh wait, u aren't holding me? Okay
Queen Celia: You didn't eat something in the garden did you?
Lady Aleria perks at the yelp
Druid Junior leaps off the shoulder then
Exile Nea: Put me down!!!
Queen Celia goodbye nea
Sir BEEFSALOT holds her by the back of her dress
Lady Aleria dont break another leg
Sir BEEFSALOT: ​I know what you're UP TO
Druid Junior haha very funny
Witch Mana growls
Druid Junior hops toward the gate
Exile Nea: I'm not up to anything! Let me ​go!! Exile Nea: This is NO way to treat a lady!
Queen Celia is the rabox escaping?
Druid Junior yes keep screaming now he won't have to follow his nose
Lady Aleria should she follow the yells? Lady Aleria yes. follows the rabox
Sir BEEFSALOT: you're coming with me. Sir BEEFSALOT throws her over his shoulder and heads off
Druid Junior oh hey they're coming this way
Exile Nea starts pounding on his back with his fist
Sir BEEFSALOT no Sir BEEFSALOT i'm heading away from the palace
Lady Aleria: Excuse me, sir?! What are you doing?!
Druid Junior oh well SLOW DOWN
Exile Nea: I'm being HARASSED
Druid Junior CANNOT RUN THAT FAST RN Druid Junior okay maybe he can it just hurts
Exile Nea will Make A Scene
Sir BEEFSALOT looks back and sneers
Lady Aleria glares right back. you dont scare me
Druid Junior wouldn't it just be a shame if he were to. Bite the beefcake's leg
Sir BEEFSALOT: are you in on this?:
Lady Aleria: In on what?
Queen Celia Neah where do you find these fucking guards omg
Queen Neah uhhh idk
Exile Nea all i did was talk to my cat Exile Nea let a fake woman live her life
Sir BEEFSALOT turns around Sir BEEFSALOT: let me bring her to the queen.
Lady Aleria: I am the personal guard of Queen Celia, here to visit your Queen and I demand to know what is going on!
Queen Celia touches Neah's forehead
Druid Junior bites the beefcake harder
Queen Celia: Are you sure you're okay
Lady Aleria: And i hate to be frank, but the Palace is the other way
Sir BEEFSALOT: I don't take orders from you. Sir BEEFSALOT animal im covered in metal
Exile Nea FLAILS
Sir BEEFSALOT bitch did i not turn around
Lady Aleria oh you did
Witch Mana is following closely behind
Lady Aleria steps aside
Druid Junior fINE he'll just growl menacingly
Sir BEEFSALOT wtf is that thing
Druid Junior oh hi cat Druid Junior bitch r u blind I'm a rabox
Lady Aleria my pet?
Exile Nea on one hand this is humiliating. on the other, at least he's taking me to the castle..?
Witch Mana meows at the rabox Witch Mana ​<nea, stop flailing your legs, you're wearing a ​dress>
Druid Junior sniffs at the cat
Exile Nea o h
Druid Junior u smell weird r u really a cat
Exile Nea stops flailing
Lady Aleria: THen to the palace. Now
Exile Nea actually flushes a little. does NOT want to be found out as a dude right now.
Sir BEEFSALOT was already on his way smh
Druid Junior: RIP Nea }
Queen Celia no don't come over here you guys are going to give the Queen a heart attack
Druid Junior good Witch Mana no i'm not
Druid Junior one less person between him and the shinies
Queen Celia shut up you rat Exile Nea: ..At least allow me the dignity of ​walking.
Druid Junior you shut up u ignoramous I'm a rabox
Queen Neah sighs happily
Druid Junior growls at the beef
Queen Celia idgaf what you are
Lady Aleria picks up the rabox, so his leggy isnt sore no more
Queen Celia: Uh...Neah?
Sir BEEFSALOT enters the palace Sir BEEFSALOT: where is the queen
Queen Neah: yess
Queen Celia oh shit they're coming
Lady Aleria: Last I heard, her quarters
Queen Celia: You seem out of if
Exile Nea fuck Exile Nea prays that this goes well
Druid Junior welp Druid Junior goodbye exit strategy Druid Junior why ya'll gotta make this hard
Lady Aleria yep
Sir BEEFSALOT stops Sir BEEFSALOT: I cannot go into her private quarters.
Exile Nea: What a shame.
Lady Aleria: I will go and get her. Stay here.
Exile Nea nooooooooo
Queen Celia start praying Nea
Lady Aleria she then ascends the stairs and makes her way to the Queens room Lady Aleria knocks on le door
Druid Junior just flicking his tail in irritation
Exile Nea: ...Will you let me down ​now?
Queen Neah falls on his back
Queen Celia hears a knock and walks to the door Queen Celia wait Neah wtf
Sir BEEFSALOT drops her on her back
Queen Celia: Um, hold on! Queen Celia rushes to Neah
Exile Nea ​!!
Queen Celia: Are you okay?
Sir BEEFSALOT grabs her hands and arrests her
Queen Neah rolling Queen Neah: yes
Queen Celia: Neah!
Lady Aleria: My Queens?
Queen Celia: Pull yourself together!
Exile Nea: I don't understand why I'm being apprehended! Exile Nea: I haven't done anything!
Queen Celia: Aleria is that you? Come in!
Lady Aleria: My Queens, a guard has-
Druid Junior ew, you two
Queen Celia: A guard has what? I think something is wrong with Neah
Sir BEEFSALOT: Shut your mouth, gypsy.
Queen Celia ew that rat
Exile Nea scowls Exile Nea ...
Queen Neah is wiggling on the floor
Druid Junior RABOX*
Lady Aleria: A-a guard has captured someone, they wish for Queen Neah to see them.
Exile Nea howre you gonna arrest me when i got only one hand Exile Nea cuffs aint gonna work buddy
Queen Celia: Well Neah doesn't seem to be in any condition to do so-- Neah!!
Sir BEEFSALOT then u are cuffed to me
Lady Aleria put a cuff on the nub
Exile Nea nooooooo Exile Nea tugs his arm. Exile Nea: At least tell me why I'm here
Queen Celia grabs Neah's shoulders
Queen Neah: ( idk why but i fuckin laughing at the image of neah just wiggling on the floor and celia desperately calling his name
Lady Aleria: They were trying to get into the Palace
Queen Celia: ( I AM TOO FU CK
Druid Junior: SAME }
Lady Aleria: [] is neah being possessed
Queen Celia: There's too much happening right now! We need to prioritize Neah's health go find a doctor!
Queen Neah: ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lady Aleria nods and leaves the room, leaping down the steps three at a time. hold on rabox
Queen Neah: ( haha that's funny. NEAH being the one possessed Queen Neah: ( lolllllllllllll
Queen Celia: ( LMAO CAM PLEASE
Druid Junior excuse u u do not bounce the rabox
Lady Aleria: Queen Neah is in no shape to see the prisoner at the moment. She needs a doctor- NOW
Queen Neah grabs the bed
Exile Nea blinks Exile Nea ??????? what is going on
Queen Celia: Neah can you hear me?!
Exile Nea: What's wrong with the Queen?
Sir BEEFSALOT frowns
Lady Aleria: I am not sure..
Sir BEEFSALOT: I'll fetch one immediately. Sir BEEFSALOT pulls 'anne' to her feet Sir BEEFSALOT goes in search of a doctor
Queen Neah mumbling
Exile Nea stumbles after this muscle mountain Exile Nea changed name to Gypsy Anne
Queen Celia holy shit ya majesty is losing it Queen Celia: Neah calm down what's wrong?
Sir BEEFSALOT goes to jirandai Sir BEEFSALOT: the queen requires you aid immediately, Sir BEEFSALOT: she resides in her quarters.
Queen Celia is rubbing Neah's back
Gypsy Anne: I would've been fine in the throne room, you know. I mean this kingdom no ill will
Queen Neah: i'm okayy
Gypsy Anne thats a lie but. w/e
Healer Jirandai: Of course. Healer Jirandai she's quick to hop up and rush to Neah's room
Sir BEEFSALOT now that they're gone
Queen Celia: You don't seem okay do you feel weird?
Sir BEEFSALOT pulls out the crystal ball. Sir BEEFSALOT: ​look familiar?
Queen Celia: You're acting very strange
Gypsy Anne: Hey--
Healer Jirandai: My queen, I am here..
Gypsy Anne so that's why my bag felt lighter
Queen Celia: Yes please come in and help Neah
Healer Jirandai: [] sir beefy is a ninja
Gypsy Anne: That's.. Gypsy Anne: A family heirloom.
Sir BEEFSALOT: ​It's witchcraft.
Healer Jirandai kneels beside Neah
Gypsy Anne: It's-- Gypsy Anne ohh no Gypsy Anne shakes his head and waves his nub Gypsy Anne: No-- You're mistaken
Druid Junior hops down
Queen Neah back arches and groans
Healer Jirandai: My Queen. Can you hear me?
Gypsy Anne: It's just a stone! Well, crystal, really. But that's ​all.​ Nothing magical about it
Sir BEEFSALOT: ​It showed me your plans.
Witch Mana remember when i said to keep an eye on that Druid Junior sniffs around for the beefcake and not-lady
Gypsy Anne it was in my BAG Gypsy Anne help me, rabox Gypsy Anne: I don't know what you're talking about! Gypsy Anne backs up as much as he can while shackled
Sir BEEFSALOT: you'll be burned at the stake.
Gypsy Anne: ​I'm not a witch!!
Sir BEEFSALOT yanks her over with a tug of his arm (ow)
Druid Junior oh look found them
Witch Mana scared kitty is ready to dip out
Gypsy Anne ​<MANA>
Witch Mana is backing up
Druid Junior hmmmm what to do he doesn't want to risk changing and being confirmed as a shapeshifter but
Robin Hood around somewhere, doin something
Lady Aleria: Unfortunately that is not for ​you ​ to decide, guard
Queen Celia: How is she doctor?
Sir BEEFSALOT ignores her Sir BEEFSALOT lmao, youre not important
Robin Hood to aleria
Queen Celia don't piss off my dragon tamer
Healer Jirandai: I'm not sure, she is moving too much for me to pin point what is wrong
Robin Hood do i need to steal a lady?
Druid Junior growls at the guard
Queen Celia she'll feed you to Drakon
Gypsy Anne is fully prepared to break his own hand to pull it out of this cuff
Robin Hood robin was there.. somehow?
Gypsy Anne pls dont get stepped on, weird furry thing
Sir BEEFSALOT: Maybe I'll throw you to the boys, first.
Robin Hood wait no
Queen Celia: Neah stop moving! Let the doctor help you
Robin Hood sees the knight and the girl from the window Robin Hood in her most girlish voice Robin Hood: "Oh! Sir Knight!"
Healer Jirandai: [] how much is that girl in the window?~
Robin Hood: I need you!
Gypsy Anne: || 2 much 4 u
Druid Junior rams into the guards leg and growls. Not like it does much but he's still thinking give him a moment
Druid Junior: lmfao }
Healer Jirandai: [] pfft
Healer Jirandai places her hands on Neah gently, trying to calm her Queens movements
Gypsy Anne cannot believe that his brother has abandoned him Gypsy Anne holy s h it
Queen Neah kicks
Queen Celia Neah no! Queen Celia: Oh dear
Witch Mana still here. just in the process of ditching
Robin Hood louder
Gypsy Anne youre as good as gone if youre not HELPING ME
Robin Hood: ​SIR KNIGHT
Gypsy Anne is that Gypsy Anne robin?
Druid Junior knocks into the beef's leg again Druid Junior metal kinda hurts
Healer Jirandai: My Queen, please calm down
Sir BEEFSALOT kicks the rabox away
Robin Hood: There is a LADY in DISTRESS
Druid Junior that hurts more
Queen Celia rip rabox
Sir BEEFSALOT what the fuck do i look like
Lady Aleria my pet! how dare you
Sir BEEFSALOT prince charming
Robin Hood a knight
Lady Aleria a guard?
Robin Hood unless yous a lil bitch
Gypsy Anne o shit
Lady Aleria ooooooooooo
Queen Celia: ( LMAO ROBIN
Gypsy Anne u gonna let her talk to u like that
Queen Celia dang
Sir BEEFSALOT im gonna let her stay in 'distress'
Robin Hood to the beefknight i'm a man
Sir BEEFSALOT while i deal with you
Robin Hood a small man Robin Hood a sman
Queen Celia sman Queen Celia okay
Druid Junior sman
Gypsy Anne is just gonna aggressively try and pull his hand through this cuff
Lady Aleria LOL
Robin Hood fucking swings on a rope from the window jack sparrow style
Sir BEEFSALOT grabs her by the hair
Queen Celia: Here let me help hold the queen down while you examine her
Robin Hood and into anne and the beefknight
Druid Junior why ya'll gotta come riding in how am I supposed to change with witnesses smh
Sir BEEFSALOT lol nah. left.
Robin Hood prepare for impact
Queen Celia is attempting to hold down Neah
Lady Aleria: [] -SINGS THE POTC THEME-
Druid Junior: lmfao }
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( cmon yall Sir BEEFSALOT: ( u cant make conflict EASY
Gypsy Anne: || u just like bullying nea
Robin Hood: ((robin is the size of a child Robin Hood: ((or Robin Hood: ((well
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( i like bullying every muse 4ever
Robin Hood: ((yeah
Gypsy Anne you know what there's only one thing he can do in this situation
Healer Jirandai her hands glow green. perhaps is she uses a bit of Cure, the Queen will calm
Gypsy Anne SCREAMS
Queen Celia: ( CAM NO
Druid Junior if he left rabox is chasing
Lady Aleria jumps in a frighten
Sir BEEFSALOT covers her fucking mouth wtf
Robin Hood picks up the rabox
Gypsy Anne bites his gross hand >​B(
Robin Hood: Lead the way, furry one!!
Lady Aleria runs where that scream came from
Druid Junior wtf why are you picking me up let me go u swine in tights
Sir BEEFSALOT that's it
Robin Hood point the WAY
Sir BEEFSALOT takes off the cuffs and fuckin manhandles her
Lady Aleria sprints at the guard
Lady Aleria if she sees him
Robin Hood sets the fluff down just lead the way dammit
Sir BEEFSALOT pulls a sword to her throat
Druid Junior huffs
Sir BEEFSALOT try it, aleria
Queen Celia wOAH
Druid Junior but is gonna go running for where the guard went
Lady Aleria slides to a halt
Druid Junior: that escalated quickly }
Lady Aleria: [] it did omg
Gypsy Anne well this isnt a position he ever wanted to be in
Robin Hood sneaks around to the other side
Queen Celia: ( it's getting real
Gypsy Anne stops struggling immediately
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( this is nothing compared that ONE night ('8
Robin Hood: ((lol yeah
Gypsy Anne is this what neah felt like last time i was here
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( with the fucking fall of versalice Sir BEEFSALOT: ( that was fucked up
Druid Junior: the what }
Lady Aleria could use a shout, but that lady is too close
Queen Celia: ( I missed that one right?
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( i think so
Gypsy Anne: || it was Bad
Robin Hood is on the other side of anne and beef
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( nea cut out his eye and cut off his own hand in that one
Druid Junior hmmm is it worth him risking his life just for this? Probably not
Robin Hood: ((it was a thing, that's for sure Robin Hood: Knight!
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( and then his daughter also was killed ('8
Queen Celia: ( holy shit
Druid Junior: ah }
Robin Hood draws sword
Druid Junior nah not worth it
Sir BEEFSALOT cuts her a bit
Druid Junior but y'know what
Gypsy Anne uhmmm excuse me rabox Gypsy Anne im definitely worth it
Druid Junior makes for a perfect distraction to get his shinies and go now
Lady Aleria perhaps Bend Will will work
Gypsy Anne winces and tries to lean away from the sword, even if it means leaning back into mr. beef
Robin Hood rabox i'll give you the elf jewels i snagged in you bite this guy
Druid Junior thanks not-lady you served the purpose he wanted either way :')
Queen Neah gets up
Druid Junior um he is covered in metal I won't get anywhere with biting I tried that
Queen Celia ???
Druid Junior but like
Queen Celia: Neah....?
Lady Aleria the shout makes animals, people, and even dragons do my bidding
Druid Junior thanks for the pettings and everything bye
Robin Hood his FACE
Queen Neah hobbles out the  door and down the stairs
Druid Junior um he's got a SWORD
Healer Jirandai: My Queen?
Druid Junior nah
Robin Hood also has a sword
Druid Junior no thanks
Queen Celia: Woah hey!!
Gypsy Anne: Just-- Just ​let me go
Queen Celia runs after Neah
Robin Hood holds out a crown
Druid Junior I ain't dying for anyone
Robin Hood: Knight, look what I stole~
Healer Jirandai follows behind her, lifting the front of her simple dress
Robin Hood is it kanda's? yes it is
Queen Neah is prob going to fall down the stairs Queen Neah is holding onto the wall
Healer Jirandai please dont
Queen Celia fuckfuckfuck
Druid Junior now where was that treasury again
Gypsy Anne robin after this will u give that to me
Queen Celia: Neah wait!
Robin Hood locked you lil fluff Robin Hood like hell
Sir BEEFSALOT fuck yall i got a hostage lmao
Queen Celia reaches out to grab Neah's arm
Robin Hood: Knight! Look! I'm a criminal with the king's crown!
Queen Celia this beefy bitch
Druid Junior I'll find a way :3
Witch Mana trots into the middle of this and just Witch Mana meows Witch Mana: meow
Robin Hood aww a kitty
Healer Jirandai mana wtf
Queen Celia wow
Druid Junior oh good your cat can save you while I steal the treasury
Queen Celia rabox why
Sir BEEFSALOT for some reason Sir BEEFSALOT he reallllllllllllly hates this cat
Druid Junior um why do u think
Gypsy Anne glares at the cat Gypsy Anne: ​DO SOMETHING
Druid Junior like legit I wanted to go home days ago with the shinies u assholes I don't like any of you
Healer Jirandai perks up. this little dragon landy has good hearing Healer Jirandai she can hear y'all
Gypsy Anne is yelling at a cat. too distressed to care.
Queen Celia you're right why do I ask
Robin Hood grab the floof first jirandi
Druid Junior why do u ask? Best question so far Druid Junior do not grab the floof I will bite your face off
Witch Mana licks fur
Healer Jirandai oh look a rabbit. picks the rabbit up Healer Jirandai: fun biting scales
Robin Hood ready to fite the knight
Queen Celia someone skin the rabox
Robin Hood neah your knights are terrible
Queen Neah hopping down the stairs Queen Neah jolly day
Gypsy Anne someone skin this beefcake
Healer Jirandai holds the rabbit thing at arms length
Queen Celia: Oh no you dont!
Robin Hood believe me i want to
Gypsy Anne im in no position to do it myself
Queen Celia anne no
Druid Junior bITES ARMS THEN
Queen Celia grabs Neah's arm Queen Celia: Neah stop!
Robin Hood commits the extreme crime of putting kanda's crown on Robin Hood dammit knight do your job
Druid Junior gdi I hate you all
Robin Hood shrugs
Gypsy Anne this is pathetic. feels pathetic.
Robin Hood: ((its a crime to put a royal's crown on if you arent royalty
Healer Jirandai: [] oooh
Sir BEEFSALOT: where is the queen
Druid Junior: okay but does the guard actually care }
Sir BEEFSALOT: ( ^^^
Healer Jirandai: On her way, I think
Queen Neah trips
Healer Jirandai: She was descending the stairs with Queen Celia
Queen Neah falls on face LOL
Robin Hood: Nah!! Robin Hood: *Neah!! Robin Hood: ((NAH
Queen Neah: ( Nah!!
Gypsy Anne STOMPS ON THE GUARDS FOOT even though its useless
Druid Junior: XD } Druid Junior just going to sit here huffing Druid Junior or hang here? However he's being held
Sir BEEFSALOT smh nea u were a knight at one point, u know that doesnt work
Robin Hood was literally dancing around wearing THE crown
Queen Celia falls as well since she was holding onto Neah Queen Celia: Ouch...! Neah! Are you okay?
Queen Neah looks up with a bloody nose Queen Neah: ​yes
Queen Celia: You are NOT okay Queen Celia begins to dab Neah's nose with her sleeve
Healer Jirandai: [] CAM
Queen Neah: ( B Y E
Queen Neah gets up and hobbles over to the throne room Queen Neah: where's jed
Queen Celia this fucking zombie Queen Celia: Wait--what? Jed? Queen Celia: Neah wait you're acting weird somethings wrong
Healer Jirandai: My Queen!
Queen Neah: I just saw that silly one! Queen Neah looks around at all of this
Druid Junior growls and squirms Druid Junior let me go asshole
Queen Celia: What
Healer Jirandai lifts a hand to Neah's face to heal her nose
Druid Junior tired of being manhandled damn
Robin Hood freezes
Gypsy Anne i know it doesnt work but i can TRY
Queen Neah: who is that
Queen Celia: Neah...
Robin Hood slowly takes the crown off
Sir BEEFSALOT ok but anne has a nice little body ngl
Gypsy Anne h e l p m e
Robin Hood five seconds from tackling beef
Queen Neah starts walking over to anne and the guard
Robin Hood four
Queen Neah everything is spinning
Healer Jirandai Jirandai looks at the guard with death in her silver and orange eyes
Gypsy Anne please be careful, there's a sword right by my n e ck
Robin Hood three
Queen Celia looks around because what the FUCK is going on
Queen Neah: give her to me
Queen Celia: No Neah get back here! Queen Celia follows after her
Lady Aleria: My Queen!
Queen Celia: Ah, Aleria Queen Celia: What's going on here?!
Gypsy Anne gulps
Sir BEEFSALOT: ..............
Lady Aleria: This man is not a true guard of Queen Neah Lady Aleria: He has no honor
Sir BEEFSALOT lets go of her
Lady Aleria: Earlier he suggested he give this lady to his men
Queen Celia: ......WHAT
Gypsy Anne wastes no time in stepping the hell away and rubbing at his throat
Sir BEEFSALOT you werent even here for that
Druid Junior kicks free
Queen Celia sighs heavily
Healer Jirandai drops the rabox
Robin Hood puts hand on anne's shoulder
Queen Celia: You, guard! Explain the situation to me!
Druid Junior hops over and just plops down on the not-lady's foot
Queen Neah stands above anne
Druid Junior growls at the guard
Healer Jirandai stands behind Neah
Gypsy Anne so many people Gypsy Anne this is Very different from the last time I was here
Druid Junior I am not a people I am a rabox
Gypsy Anne why is my alter ego more popular than I am
Queen Neah: ( HA
Druid Junior b/c u might be useful that why
Healer Jirandai: [] dont worry nea, ria misses you a little
Queen Neah: don't I know you
Queen Celia because your alter ego didn't sleep with the queen and anger the king
Gypsy Anne glares at the guard before looking to neah. oh. hi.
Robin Hood chicks before dicks gurl
Queen Neah well
Gypsy Anne: ..That's because I'm not even ​from​ here. I was just admiring the palace when HE arrested me
Robin Hood chicks+neah before dicks
Queen Neah: ( LOL
Robin Hood: And she wasn't breaking any laws Robin Hood unlike me Robin Hood constantly
Sir BEEFSALOT: I refuse to speak unless ordered by the king or queen.
Druid Junior hops up and puts paws on "Anne"s leggy and makes rabbitfox noises
Robin Hood do you thang neah
Lady Aleria: Celia IS a Queen.
Robin Hood awws at the rabfox
Lady Aleria growling Dragon tamer
Sir BEEFSALOT stfu aleria youre so stupid
Queen Celia: Well your queen is currently unfit to give orders so how about orders from your allied country's queen?
Gypsy Anne glances at the rabbit.. fox... thing
Druid Junior wags tail hi
Queen Celia bless you aleria
Gypsy Anne picks it up. I want fluffy comfort right now
Druid Junior yes, good. I am v fluffy
Healer Jirandai kneels by the lady-nea, her tail resting on the ground beside her
Sir BEEFSALOT: I plead the fifth.
Healer Jirandai: are you alright? do you have any injuries?
Gypsy Anne: I'm ​fine. Gypsy Anne just massively uncomfortable
Queen Celia: We're in Galaeldan not America
Queen Neah: all of you leave
Gypsy Anne pets the creature
Druid Junior chirp-purrs happy fox noises
Queen Celia looks to Neah appalled
Healer Jirandai bows to her Queen and turns to leave
Robin Hood neah wtf
Queen Neah: get out
Queen Celia: Leave?!
Robin Hood yeah i need to go hide your husbands crown
Queen Celia: Neah...whats this all about?
Gypsy Anne glad to know that neah's still missing a few screws. some things never change and that's oddly comforting.
Queen Celia: ( LMA O
Queen Neah: I SAID LEAVE
Lady Aleria picks her Queen up and leaves the room
Gypsy Anne backs up before turning to leave, casting one last glare to Beefboy
Queen Celia looks shocked but grits her teeth
Sir BEEFSALOT leaves
Robin Hood pulls anne away
Queen Celia: ( I love how aleria just takes the queen and leaves haha
Lady Aleria: [] aleria aint fuckin with neah lmao
Queen Celia: ( xD
Gypsy Anne breathes a sigh of relief once they're out of the room. who knew being a woman could be so stressful
Queen Neah just sits in the middle of the throne room and stares at the wall
Queen Celia she kicked us out to stare at a fuckin wall
Healer Jirandai remains outside the throne room in case she is needed
Queen Celia: Aleria you can put me down now
Lady Aleria places Celia down
Gypsy Anne: That man should be ​locked up. Gypsy Anne or hung
Lady Aleria: Apologies my Queen
Queen Celia: ...Thank you
Robin Hood: agreed Robin Hood totes stealing all his pants later mwahahaha
Gypsy Anne that bastard took my crystal ball and everything
Druid Junior just gonna keep making happy fox noises for now
Witch Mana oh wait Witch Mana i exist
Druid Junior FINALLY away from those other assholes
Gypsy Anne this weird little guy reminds me of tim. i miss tim : (
Queen Celia Anne please
Robin Hood tttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmm
Queen Neah where is rope
Lady Aleria nO
Druid Junior yES
Gypsy Anne do NOT
Queen Celia NOOOOO
Queen Neah stands up
Druid Junior do u know what I've been through the last few days trying to get ONE shiny Druid Junior do u
Robin Hood sticks an elven diamond in the floof's face Robin Hood here's a very valuable shiny
Lady Aleria: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/anim... }
Druid Junior perks ears oh shiny
Robin Hood take it and leave
Queen Neah grabs something and leaves through a hidden exit
Druid Junior bitch I will
Queen Celia: ( LMAO SAME
Gypsy Anne sighs softly and fixes all his hair
Druid Junior grabs the shiny and hops down Druid Junior bye bitches
Gypsy Anne goodbye, weird thing
Queen Celia guys someone check on the queen
Robin Hood looks over anne Robin Hood: Do I know you from somewhere?
Healer Jirandai: My Queen..?
Gypsy Anne glances at Robin, then away Gypsy Anne: Doubtful. I never forget a face.
Robin Hood: You sure?
Queen Celia after all the trouble that rabox gave us are you really letting it escape
Gypsy Anne: Positive
Robin Hood i might have gifted you a stolen thing once
Druid Junior after all the trouble I gave YOU?
Healer Jirandai frowns a little Healer Jirandai: My Queen?
Robin Hood i gave him an elven diamond it should be enough
Queen Celia fight me you little rat
Robin Hood it was in a cave in a big mountain
Witch Mana thunderstorm starts
Druid Junior fuck ya'll, I'm prancing right out the front door and I am never, ever coming back
Queen Celia: .........
Witch Mana really loud lightning
Robin Hood hope i didnt start some kind of blood feud between the elves and the dwarves but whatevs
Healer Jirandai opens the door to the throne room
Gypsy Anne is mana upset again
Healer Jirandai: me shriek
Queen Celia have fun in the storm rabox
Healer Jirandai shriek
Queen Celia: ( ME SHRIEK
Healer Jirandai: [] SH
Witch Mana: ( me shriek
Queen Celia: ( lmaoo
Queen Celia what was that shriek?! Queen Celia: Guys did you all hear that?
Gypsy Anne oh god, what now
Robin Hood runs to jirandai
Witch Mana from a distance
Healer Jirandai: SHE'S GONE
Robin Hood runs INTO jirandai Robin Hood: oof-
Queen Celia: WHAT?!
Witch Mana: it's a sad day Witch Mana: but what better way to end with than death
Healer Jirandai: THE QUEEN
Robin Hood gawd mana youre so dramatic
Gypsy Anne follows the ruckus
Healer Jirandai: SHE IS GONE
Gypsy Anne: The Queen is gone?
Robin Hood immediately starts for the servants tunnels
Gypsy Anne oh fuck what's neah doing now
Robin Hood: NEAH Robin Hood: NEAH??
Witch Mana: ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Healer Jirandai: [] cam pls no
Robin Hood: ​NEAH
Queen Celia: We have to find her! Queen Celia: Everyone search!
Robin Hood you can hear her shouting through the stones Robin Hood this birbs got some PIPES
Queen Celia starts frantically running throughout the castle
Witch Mana: she's gone.
Gypsy Anne joins the search. he knows the castle better than most, not that he's gonna let them know that Robin Hood yelling neah's name Druid Junior its just a storm nothing compared to dealing with u ppl
Queen Celia left the chat
Gypsy Anne: Your majesty!? Queen Neah!! Gypsy Anne is trying real hard not to look as concerned as he actually is
Witch Mana youre all stupid
Druid Junior excuse u Druid Junior not ALL Druid Junior there's me
Gypsy Anne do u really think we're gonna accept that he's just. gone.
Robin Hood mana fite me Robin Hood neah's my FRIEND
Witch Mana: ( hey hey hey
Lady Aleria found jed, now she'll find neah
Druid Junior I'm gonna totally accept that he's just. gone. lol Druid Junior but have fun ya'll
Lady Aleria: [] junior; lol fuq bye
Druid Junior: p much XD } Druid Junior: he's just } Druid Junior: "I got my shiny I'm good B)" }
Witch Mana: ( big time skip. 3 months later
Gypsy Anne: || jesus christ
Lady Aleria: [] omg
Gypsy Anne: || is neah still mia
Robin Hood worried to the point of literal sickness over the time skip
Witch Mana: ( hey. look, in the apoc au, we've done a YEAR time skip
Gypsy Anne: || we've done like. over that.
Lady Aleria: [] well yeah lol
Gypsy Anne: || fuq is nea still stuck masquerading as a woman
Robin Hood hasn't touched her lute in a week
Witch Mana: ( ngl probably coz otherwise he'd be kicked tf out
Robin Hood only stole an apple from the garden
Gypsy Anne: || apparently there must be at least one crossdressing nea/h in the castle at all times
Witch Mana: ( LOL Witch Mana lays on nea's lap and stares up at him
Gypsy Anne has been hanging out. the plan went to shit. where the hell is neah.
Witch Mana dead
Gypsy Anne frowns at mana. still lowkey salty about all this shit.
Druid Junior so like... if everyone is all depressed and shit then could he just... nab all the shinies now? Druid Junior shinies won't make the pain go away might as well take 'em Robin Hood touch my friend's treasury and i'll put you in the ​oven​ flurball
Lady Aleria laying on her dragon, has had the sads for a long time
Druid Junior you'd have to know I'm here to do that and I learned my lesson last time Druid Junior ultimate stealth mode Druid Junior no manhandling Druid Junior no pain Druid Junior all the gain :')
Gypsy Anne idly pets Mana
guess who joined the chat
Gypsy Anne hey rabox, wanna steal me my ball back
Witch Mana yawns
Druid Junior new phone, who dis
Healer Jirandai sad dragon lady, sitting in the garden amongst the flowers
Gypsy Anne: Do you think I've learned enough here yet...? Gypsy Anne keeps his voice hella quiet Gypsy Anne is so sick of this.
guess who comes in through the main doors :b
Witch Mana shakes head and sighs
Lady Aleria lifts her head up off her arms
Robin Hood drinking juice from a flagon
guess who goes into the throne room
Robin Hood hugging jed's doll guess who changed name to neaaaaaaaah
Gypsy Anne there is a disturbance in the force Healer Jirandai pushes herself up off the floor and returns to the throne room. sometimes she's been sitting on her knees in front of the throne
Gypsy Anne squishes mana's toe beans Gypsy Anne has honestly just been lounging in the gardens a lot. it's comforting there.
Healer Jirandai: [] toe beans~~
Witch Mana mews Witch Mana dont i have the cutest push piddles
Gypsy Anne adorable
neaaaaaaaah oh hello jirandai
Healer Jirandai squeaks
neaaaaaaaah looks like complete shit but has a certain scarred handed baby with him Healer Jirandai gasps and rushes over Healer Jirandai: My queen.. is this why you left..?
Robin Hood has jeb's doll
Healer Jirandai: [] WHAT DID I MISS
Robin Hood the most precious object in the kindgom
neaaaaaaaah: I'm not sure why I left
Healer Jirandai: Do you have an injuries that need tending to?
neaaaaaaaah probably but neaaaaaaaah shakes head
Gypsy Anne huffs and stands up Gypsy Anne brushes off his dumb dress
neaaaaaaaah 's head hangs as he smiles at jedediah
Healer Jirandai: What about the child?
neaaaaaaaah: he is alright.
Gypsy Anne time to wander around and see what the latest gossip is
Healer Jirandai bows her head respectfully
neaaaaaaaah: I'm not positive with how I'm doing
neaaaaaaaah changed name to Queen Neah
Healer Jirandai: It's alright. just take things slowly.
Witch Mana stares up at nea Witch Mana what u doin
Gypsy Anne: I'm bored of just sitting around
Witch Mana tilts head
Queen Neah yawns
Gypsy Anne: Don't give me that look Gypsy Anne: You can either come with me or do whatever it is you do when you disappear
Healer Jirandai: We must get you to your quarters so you can rest..
Gypsy Anne waves his hand dismissively
Witch Mana gets up Witch Mana is willing to follow
Queen Neah: I can't get up
Gypsy Anne walks back into the palace
Gypsy Anne but where to go
Witch Mana trots after
Healer Jirandai: Do you wish for me to carry you or get someone to carry you? i believe Aleria is just outside..
Queen Neah nods slowly
Healer Jirandai: Alright, I will go and get her
Queen Neah prob had a hurt foot and prob too weak from not eating much anyway
Healer Jirandai quickly leaves to retrieve Aleria
Lady Aleria practically sprints inside after Jirandai speaks to her
Queen Neah: hello, aleria...
Lady Aleria quiet yells of neah's name because she wasnt sure if neah wanted everyone to know she was there
Gypsy Anne why is everyone migrating to the throne room Gypsy Anne better check it out
Robin Hood sees neah Robin Hood and a BABY
Lady Aleria picks Neah up gently
Robin Hood: N-Neah?? Robin Hood: JEB?
Lady Aleria careful of the baby
Gypsy Anne did someone say?? neah?????
Robin Hood jogs over
Gypsy Anne peers into the throne room Gypsy Anne Holy Fuck
Queen Neah hugging jedediah close
Robin Hood comes close Robin Hood: i-is that? Robin Hood starts to tear up Robin Hood pulls jed's doll out of her pocket
Queen Neah: -Jed is babbling-
Gypsy Anne wanTS TO GO OVER THERE BU T. ​Anne​ doesn't know Neah
Robin Hood holds jed's doll out to him Robin Hood she's not crying youre crying
Queen Neah come over anyways Queen Neah ik the real u
Lady Aleria smiling at Neah and the baby
Gypsy Anne thatd be suspect af though Gypsy Anne i have an IMAGE
Lady Aleria just get over here
Queen Neah: Jedediah is a year old now....
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eulaliasims · 7 years
Below the jump: a lot of replies. Like, a lot. For @dramallamadingdang, @littleblondesim, @katatty, @soloriya, @didilysims, @kayleigh-83, and @ousmeo. (◠‿◠ ✿ ) Uni, light up hood deco, and a teeny tiny bit of politics.
dramallamadingdang replied to your photo “How many snowmen do we need, May? There’s already two others!”
She's planning world domination with her army of snow warriors. The only thing that will stand in her way is....Well, the spring thaw. :)
Ah, I should’ve known it’d be someone unassuming like May who has the world domination plans. All she needs is a Weathernaught 57X and a bunch of magical top hats!
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset “Emilio?” Maria leaned past the door to peek into her brother’s room....”
More people need to be like Emilio. Or rather, the *world* needs to be more like Emilio. So much unnecessary drama over sexuality, smh. OK! Off the soapbox! :D (Sorry, I've been very activist-y lately. It's hard to shake it off. :) )
That’d be a nice change. I will never get why some people get so het up about others’ sexuality or gender identity when it affects them approximately 0%... like, I do kinda understand the sources (toxic gender roles/culture, religious taboos, etc), but it’s never gonna make actual sense to me. ANYWAY~! No need to apologize, I think a lot of us have been feeling like that lately.
littleblondesim replied to your photoset “Emilio?” Maria leaned past the door to peek into her brother’s room....”
This was awesome! I wouldn't mind seeing more story-like from you :)
katatty-main replied to your photoset “Emilio?” Maria leaned past the door to peek into her brother’s room....”
i like seeing story stuff from you!
soloriya replied to your photoset “Emilio?” Maria leaned past the door to peek into her brother’s room....”
aww i like his conversation :3
Thank you, guys! I’ve been trying to psych myself up to share more story stuff lately, so hopefully there’ll be more in the future. :D
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset
What telephone poles are you using? They look so nice in your pics, but the ones I have...don't look so nice. :) So I never use them...
CuriousB’s retexture/repositoried set. Julsfels’ OMSPs for placing objects outside lot borders is really useful for decorating with them, also. :)
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset “It’s almost the end of the round. Things are pretty slow in the last...”
Uni is a pain because it's an even number of days when everything else (days in a week, season length, whatever) is an odd number of days. :P Didn't they think of us rotational players when they were making this thing???!!! ;)
didilysims replied to your photoset “It’s almost the end of the round. Things are pretty slow in the last...”
The struggle is real. Why can't university just nicely line up with everything else? :(
Yeah, the number of days in uni were a bit of a pain while trying to figure out how to make it sort of line up with the regular hood. :| Like I’ve said, even with a shorter uni mod, it’s just like... eternal. Doesn’t help that Community Lot Time doesn’t work on uni (for obvious reasons), so you have to play the time twice if you take your sims to multiple lots and ughhhhh make it stop.
littleblondesim replied to your photoset “Bernadette: Hello Mister Kitty. You’re a cutie, aren’t you? Radar:...”
can I be Bernadette
You can if you really believe in yourself! I aspire to be Bernadette too, tbh.
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset “Before and after. Have I mentioned lately how much I adore the...”
Y'know, ever since people started sharing lit-up deco, I thought of this exact screenshot of yours... It's even lovelier now! :)
didilysims replied to your photoset “Before and after. Have I mentioned lately how much I adore the...”
Mm, agreed. What an amazing difference. ♥
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Rooftop dining! That is literally the name of this lot. I’m not great...”
T_T It's soooo beautiful!! I've gotta get it together and start making over my downtown with this kind of stuff. Along with all the other projects I have going on in game haha!
Thanks y’all! ♥ ♥ ♥ And anyone else who left a comment, because I think I might have missed some, oops. ♥ It makes a huuuuuge difference in the view and atmosphere! The lights just add so much life to it, it’s amazing. Now it actually looks more like how I wanted it to all along.
ousmeo replied to your photoset “Before and after. Have I mentioned lately how much I adore the...”
It was actually one of your previous pictures of a skyline without light that made me want to make working night hood deco! :D This makes me so happy to see + it looks so much better. crazy difference without and with light! :)
Oh my god, I helped inspire the deco? :D *Squeeeeee* I’m still so excited that we have light up deco because of people like you and Criquette. It’s been my sims dream for years, lol.
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itcowcer · 7 years
Subject: Pumpkin Patch
Subject: Pumpkin Patch
Paul Holland [email protected] 2:05 AM (6 hours ago) to Mark
Heeeeey Mark!
So I know it's been a while, and I wanted to give you a quick heads-up on what’s going on and why I haven’t sent any drafts in recent history. Let's be real, it’s been months. But I want you to know that I haven't just been laying around over here, and that I do have something planned to give to you. It's just not ready yet. Sorry :( Now I'm not trying to tease you; I've hit a wall. What I do have is a bunch of source materials which (I hope) will prove to you that I'm building something, potentially pretty big, for my next novel. That's Right!!!! I've been researching Mark!!!! Who would've thought I knew how. Anyways, I thought this might tide you over until the rough draft or, at the most, spur you to send some seed money..... ;) You will find the sources in the subsequent attachments to this email. I think they kind of speak for themselves, but if you need me to elaborate on what I'm thinking just shoot me a message and I will give you deets.
Pleasure as always [?]
Paul Holland [email protected] 2:56 AM (5 hours ago) to Mark
Whoops! I forgot to attach the sources in that last message. Oh well, I will take better care to attach them this time. I figure I should go ahead and let you know what's going through my head right now, just so we are on the same page. First off, all of this is real. All of this stuff has apparently occurred or is currently occurring, and I've been able to pick up more bits and pieces the longer I've stayed in town (hence the long turn around). Where am I? I don't particularly want to tell you. For that reason I've redacted some information which might clue you into my whereabouts. I'm sure with a certain amount of cyber- sleuthing you'd be able to pinpoint my location, as some of the major points I just cannot change. However by that point I figure it will be too much work for you anyways. DO NOT COME AFTER ME! This story is too good for me to pass up on. I'm only messaging you as a courtesy, and to let you know that I haven't forgotten the money I owe you. I will hopefully be able to pay you back with this novel's completion.
Now onto content. I found this story, of all places, in the newspaper. Yeah it was this grotesque murder which had all of the city community in a hubbub. It was strange too, like ritualistic and such. I've included the short blurb I found in the newspaper, it should be the 3rd attachment. Of course I saved it. I wasn't sure where to go next with my writing and everyone loves true crime or at least a good murder mystery. Then, in the next week, I saw a couple other odd articles (I have attached them as well). One is a letter of resignation from one of the news paper's journalists, due to some kind of journalist ethical concern. Apparently he hasn’t been heard of since. Like completely disappeared. For some reason I was sure that the initial murder, and the later disappearance were related, though I couldn't figure how.
This forced me to dig a little further and I think what I found is captivating at least. Even if I'm grasping at straws I think it tells a compelling narrative, and might sell. I found a small interview, written by the Journalist that disappeared, in regards to a cultural movement within the city. As it turns out this place has a long history of creepy shit, like underground slave prisons, civil war ghosts, a history of catastrophic fires, train accidents, macabre poets, dilapidated asylums turned apartment complexes, and even a vampire legend. No kidding! The guy is entombed down at this old cemetery that overlooks the river. Well the interview is with a member of this group of artists, all of whom were trying to keep this inherent creepiness a part of the city's culture. Though she went by a code name, as all members of Pumpkin Patch do to remain anonymous (in this case kittykat666(=^.^=). I believed that she was the victim in the murder. Having contacted the victim’s parents, I asked if they knew anything about the group Pumpkin Patch. Only the mother would respond, with an invitation to meet with her. Though the meeting was brief, she gave me a series of her daughter's journal entries, a forwarded set of emails between her and her daughter on the topic, and permission to use these things in publishing my next book, so long as I didn't use her daughter's name.
 The first attachment is the newspaper interview with kittykat666(=^.^=) It describes really well what the group is about, and how it operates, and it shows you where I'm leaning for main characters (the girl and the journalist). I think it introduces everything well. The second is the girl's journal entries (at least the ones I've deemed relevant). All of these pertain to Pumpkin Patch and they really get you to see who this poor girl was and how she got sucked into this whole mess. The next attachment is the first article blurb I found, the one that describes the murder. The fourth attachment is the letter of resignation from the journalist who interviewed “Kat”. I figure I will just forward those emails that the mother sent to me. There aren't many of them, however there is some character building stuff there. You can see the loving family “Kat” and her mother had before. They also show how the two found Pumpkin Patch. Sorry in advance, the mother has no clue of grammar. I have also included one last attachment, which is unnerving and chilling when you understand how the group finds its inspiration. It's a series of screen shots I took from the group’s auction site. Here, they post a bunch of their work for buyers. They had just posted a new auction when I checked out the site page. Pay attention to the groups shared theme in the artwork.
Whew! That was a lot for an email! Let me know what you think! Paul
Paul Holland [email protected] 2:59 AM (5 hours ago) to Mark
Attachment 1, Attachment 2, Attachment 3, Attachment 4, Attachment 5 
 Paul Holland [email protected] 3:08 AM (5 hours ago) to Mark
Weird. Someone just rang the door bell to my apartment. I went to go check and no one was there. I'm a little unnerved, especially given what I've just sent you (that subject matter which is still fresh in my mind). I'm not entirely sure it's nothing, but realistically it’s probably nothing so I'm going to get these emails to you and then cool off. Here you go,
forwarded message
From: [************] To: [email protected] Cc: Sent: [, * *** **** ::**] Subject: opportunities ;)
Hey Kit Kat i hope everything is going better. i know that finding friends can be rough in college but im sure there are a ton of great clubs over there. Just get off your little butt and look!!!! :p only teasing. Also your father should be put that money back into ur college fund. Evidently he needed to buy his new gal pal a car lol. The man's no good! Either way i will make sure everything is all set, u just worry about school work and meeting people and HAVING FUN!!! Let me know if you need anything, im just a phone call away!!!
Love, Mom
. . .
Resp:opportunities ;)
Thanks Mom. Everything is fine, I was just a little worried because the tuition bill is overdue and it needs to be paid in order for me to sign up for classes next semester. He's buying her a CAR!!!!! SMH! SMDH! But my classes are going well. I actually turned in my first couple of paintings and the professor really liked them. He told me I thought out of the box, already had a unique style, and that I should keep pushing myself. He said that I might run into trouble when we start doing other forms, but that he'd help me if I need it. I thought that the class wouldn't like my work or be weirded out, but all in all I got good responses and helpful critiques. Some people in my class invited me to hangout, idk I might go.
. . .
Resp:resp:opportunities ;)
Oh kitty thats great! im glad your classes are going well. And you should SPEND TIME WITH THOSE CLASSMATES!!! Jeeesh!!! Also i am not sure what SMH stands for. i tried to think but cant. :( i did some looking because i knew u wouldnt and i found a club that you might enjoy. They are artists in the area who have auction events, have group meetings and they seem to do a lot in the area. it might be the kind of thing to set u on an art career, if thats what u want to do. i just happened to hear about them and i looked up their site. A lot of their work looks right up ur alley! There is a submission section on their page, and maybe u can send in some of you drawings? i was surprised by how much they were selling for, and i think a lot of ur work is better. I will send you the link. There called the Pumpkin Patch. Thats kinda cute!
Love ya! Mom
. . .
Resp:resp:resp:opportunities ;)
Yeah I'll look it up and send something in. I'll also try hanging out with my class, I'm not sure what we will be doing. Thank you for everything. Love you Too! P.s. SMH is Shaking My Head.
forwarded message
From: [************] To: [email protected] Cc: Sent: [, * *** **** ::**] Subject: Pumpkin Patch
Remember that group you were talking about? Pumpkin Patch. I submitted one of my works and it got accepted. I think you'd remember the one, it had that spider made out of sewing needles and thimbles, strung up in a wire web, the one that I got an award for in school. The group admin sent me an email and wanted to know why I wanted to join the group so I kinda bullshitted an answer and I guess they liked it. I'm supposed to go to a meeting with them, however I have to wear a mask and create an artist name which is kind of weird. I guess they want all the artists to be anonymous even to each other. I told them that that made me uncomfortable, but they assured me that the meeting will be on campus. I'm going to see what it is and drop it if its too sketch. I guess most meetings are online, but bimonthly meetings are in person.
. . .
Resp:Pumpkin Patch
Kit Kat. Idk this sounds a little scary. i wish i had known all that before i sent you the link. Be careful there are a lot of weirdos out there and i dont want u to get hurt. u are a grown women and i hope you will use you best discretion. There is always your classmates, and maybe starting a group with them would be better for you. How did that go with them? I expect you to call me soon.
Be safe, Mom
. . .
Resp:resp:Pumpkin Patch
Please don't freak out but I ended up going to that meeting. It was cool though. We kind of just sat around, discussing what the next theme will be, what scary movies we like that kind of thing. We also planned a little get together at a museum. There are a couple other girls there so I think it's fine. I kind of know one of the people in the group too, although I'm not supposed to. He was actually one of the guys I hung out with last week. He's not in my art class but he is a year above us so everyone knows him. He sort of let it slip that he was in the Pumpkin Patch when we were all hanging out. He assured me that it wasn't going to be weird and that the mask thing was more like a gimmick than anything else, to make the group interesting. That night with my class was fun too, we just sat around a fire pit talking, eating hot dogs, sharing stories. Somebody had a guitar and they all started singing these old songs. They are a good group. I'm going to spend time with them again.
. . .
Resp:resp:resp:Pumpkin Patch
Well im glad that you had a good time. Just remember to be careful, and that u dont have to do anything u dont want to, and CALL YOUR MOTHER. Also im glad you met some nice people. Is there anyone I should be meeting anytime soon? ;)
Please call, I worry Mom
forwarded message
From: [************] To: [email protected] Cc: Sent: [, * *** **** ::**] Subject: What's Up!!!
Hello Kathryn? Im not sure if you remember me, however im YOUR MOTHER! What's been going on? u haven't called me in a while. I hope you've started thinking about housing for next year. Dont worry about the price its all being paid for by ur father. Also I see that you have another exhibition thingy coming up with your Pumpkin Patch. Im thinking about coming down and rooting u on, seeing as u failed to mention the last one. What do you think?
. . .
Resp:What's Up!!!
Yeah I've been looking at some places. Some friends and I are thinking about getting an apartment together a little off campus. I will let you know what we find. Also that first exhibition wasn't a big thing, and I didn't think you'd want to miss work for it. This next one's not a big deal either and I'm not even going to be there, we aren't supposed to associate with or present our work in order to retain the whole aura of mystery. We can still check it out if you want, we just can't let anyone know that I'm a collaborating artist. Also I can't tell you which work is mine, sorry. :/ We can go to this nice little french restaurant after. I just went there recently with a close friend of mine, it just might be my favorite place in town now :3. Let me know when you're in the area.
forwarded message
From: [************] To: [email protected] Cc: Sent: [, * *** **** ::**] Subject: New Exhibition
Hey Mom, I know that there is another exhibition coming up, however I'd prefer that you didn't come to this one. I had fun last time, it's just that I don't think I'd be comfortable with you being there. Also I've decide to leave the group. I just didn't like where it was going and it didn't feel the same as when we first started. That's part of the reason why this latest exhibition would be no good. Also things are falling through at the apartment so I'm trying to find another one for the rest of the semester. I'll send you the places I've found. So far the rent will only be slightly more expensive. Also my roommates already have someone lined up to sublet so we don't have to worry about paying for two places. I will call you soon, and I love you.
Mark Gergich [email protected] 7:13 AM (1 hour ago) to Paul
I just read through everything you’ve emailed me. The forwards, the attachments... everything. Paul Pick up the phone, let me know where you are, I am concerned. I think you may have stumbled onto something that needs to be taken care of by the police. Please Paul. Do not write this book. Don't worry about debts you think you owe me, I'm not worried about that I just want you to come out of this safely without a target on your back. You need to STOP writing this book.
Your friend and publisher, Mark
Paul Holland [email protected] 8:06 AM (3 Minutes ago) to Mark
He says I can’t.
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