#like we know his whole deal there its carried over to this eclipse who fortunately is in a position he gets a chance
socksandbuttons · 5 months
Makes me happy to see people who don't like Eclipse or never got into his character grow to like him now and want his redemption. LIKE YES ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!
gbnlkffgb It takes time. They're doing him a bit of favor here where everyones at a point of moving on from him. (well what hes done persay) That his clone of a clone can't really latch onto the old ways of antagonizing. Cause its not working anymore. Now he's gotta find something else to do!
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kirliancamera1 · 4 years
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Rede Vamp Brazil (https://redevampirica.com) interviews Elena Alice Fossi of Kirlian Camera (English text attached hereunder) 🔥🔥🔥
Question 1: Be very welcome to AcessoRedeVamp, it's a true honor to realize this interview with you Elena Alice! You are a great singer and more every time we see you on stage your performance transmits great emotion and this electrifies all of us! You tell a real story with your performance and this is amazing and rare these days! At the same time, we perceive an expressive revolt against an old world and its stagnant postures. How have you handled 2020?
*** EAF – First of all, I wanna thank you for your words. Being able to communicate with the people who follow us is the most important thing to me. Singing becomes ephemeral if doesn't convey a message. Also for this reason I consider that the stage is the base of a musician, so you can imagine how I miss it. In this sense, it can be said that the category we belong to is very unlucky, not only because it's forced not to work, but rather 'cause concerts are pure lifeblood for a musician's soul. In any case, both Angelo and I can't stand self-pity people, so we immediately jumped into new musical projects, putting top concentration on composition. At any rate, we couldn't be simple observers of an event on this scale, so right from the beginning we tried to dig deep, looking for, and comparing news, data, statistics, whether they came from mainstream channels or from alternative sources. In Italy, for example, the economy has been torn to pieces and furthermore, the same politicians who mourn the dead on TV... cut so many funds for health facilities for a long time, so they may be considered taking part in such a mess. This situation has created a real drama, especially for families who have lost their loved ones without even having a chance to say goodbye one last time. But, it's also true that the worldwide exploitation of this pandemic has given us, we citizens, an opportunity to wake up. No need to use words such as anarchy or rebellion to understand that the old world is showing all kinds of holes. "Divide et impera" is the motto of several governments, so we citizens must not fall into the trap of making war on each other, each nonsense comes up! This is the time to show ourselves united. And, most of all, it’s time not to turn ourselves into servile dogs of a “Power” becoming more and more antidemocratic.
Question 2: Do you feel that the marks left by the year 2020 will bring some effective changes to this "abstraction" called humanity? Will there be a "new normal" or will we just return to an average 2019 when this whole pandemic passes?
*** EAF - If I’d been told about what we have experienced for almost one year, I’d have thought it was a joke, bullshit. But unluckily this is not the case. Such an event has brought much grief and is ruining the economic system of many nations, as already said. But in addition to the injury, here it comes the insult from the absurd and chaotic dictates imposed on us. I'll give you some examples of what's happening here in Italy. “Don't go out after 10 pm”. While people keep on getting sick or even dying, here comes the policeman with a ticket 'cause you left home for a goddam moment. I have this picture on my mind, of a person in pajamas, carrying the garbage bag full of stinking mussel shells at less than one hundred meters from home in a totally deserted night. At that point a flash on him. It’s the police who writes a ticket to that dangerous criminal. And then, for everyone's sake, the Christmas mass was moved from the usual midnight to 8 pm. How the hell can you think it's not a mockery? And... the last “gag”! Before Christmas, our Minister of technological innovation made an appeal to telephone companies so that video calls were free on Christmas days... But what year does she live in? But... is she not able to understand that in Italy almost everyone has either unlimited gigas or wifi? Nothing changes if the telephone companies for a couple of days give us video calls because we already use free services such as Whatsapp, Skype, Zoom, Telegram, and so on and so forth... Ok, in a vain attempt to avoid death, they are putting us in an induced coma! Seriously, all this offends our intelligence! And, when you realize you are inside a joke, you don't like to discover you're the main character, do you?! So, to answer your question, I couldn't foresee how a post-covid society will be reshaped, but the severe weakening that now is burdening us will have some major impact, no doubt. Currently, most folks are obsessed with fear, so are unable to reflect on the consequences of unconstitutional actions such as those foolishly propagated by many States. Furthermore, the pharma companies, the giants of the online shopping industry and many other powerful satanic puppet masters who are used to appear as philanthropists are ready to get their hands on everything, well pleased with the next “big reset”. So, after the pandemic, things will change a lot! For sure, from a human point of view, the feelings will be devitalized.
Question 3: Hologram Moon is a great name! Evokes conspirations like what really is the moon and this strangeness opens a vast creative field to find answers or even new questions... please tell us a bit more about this album, his name, songs...
*** EAF - "Fake is your face" is one of the phrases that most resonate in me when I sing "Holograms", or when in “Lost Islands” the old world said “Goodbye”! It's as if you had to face a new reset, as if you discovered everything you've always believed is swept away in an instant. There's the awareness that in the face of a new and suffocating truth, when the sky collapses, only true love can resist and guide you. In this sense, the final track of the album, “Travellers’ Testament” is a real stone on my heart, as it describes a fantastic journey to a planet. The astronaut is now impatient to fulfill his dream, but he will never arrive on that planet. The landing will take place on a space station. The moon landing's been questioned over and over again and certain evidence of the fact's inconsistency eventually seems credible. But we cannot say what reality is in any scientific way, especially when we're already prepared to believe a reassuring source. This is a simple starting point to embark on our history. More than finding answers, our sacred duty is to open the door to new questions, ask doubts, not take anything for granted. “Hologram Moon” is a purely poetic vision, but also a way to question everything. The mind can atrophy very easily. Habit, for example, can be complicit in this and the so-called comfort zone can be just complicit as well. The hypnosis that we suffer every day without realizing it, also grinding so many and bad TV shows, and so on... So, let's remain thinking and dreaming! This is a message from us.
Question 4: How was the experience of working with Covenant's Eskil Simonsson on the beautiful "Sky Collapse"?
*** EAF - We had come across Covenant several times before doing this collaboration; on festival occasions, in the dressing rooms... But it was a chaotic situation, so... we gave each other a fleeting smile, a kind greeting, but nothing more. Then, when Angelo and I wrote “Sky Collapse”, we immediately thought that a deep and sincere voice like Eskil's would add something precious to the song. Even before recording the two-voice song, we met at a charity festival. We had called him as a guest just to sing this song together, which was yet unreleased. He made himself available immediately. It was a nice gift for us and when the moment came, I think that on stage you could feel my strong emotion all the way down the hall!
Question 5: Well, I think now we will have our fan moment! Let's talk about some Kirlian Camera songs that our DJs and the audience of the REDE VAMP love it? Do I speak the name and may you tell a little about the meanings, influences, or a curious story?
*** EAF ***
>>> NIGHTGLORY. It refers to the triumph of the night, perhaps as a momentary spiritual retreat. I'm talking about that precious moment that regenerates your very existence into yourself. The music of this song was born in a symphonic form, very different from how Nightglory was then arranged. This is a song and an album that has been appreciated by many people only after some time, partly because of a promotion that described the album as the most commercial in our history, which is absolutely harmful and misleading. Invisible Front and Eclipse were even more listenable, for example... Sometimes words spoil your work. It would be better to listen to music only, ignoring its promotional presentation. Fortunately, Nightglory has recovered over time till becoming one of the most requested live songs of ours.
>>> BLACK AUGUST. In this song there are various hints coming out from a dark moment in my life, I mean a period that risked devouring me. Wounds that take time to heal. Sky Collapse can be considered the final act of that period, even if the music of the two songs sounds very different, as you know. Black August blends various stylistic dimensions in a single “body of music”, so many didn't know how to label it at the time, as it effectively goes running free, out of the box. A very atypical song that has gained some actual success despite its distinction, which has also brought us closer to fans of dark metal and so-called electronica.
>>> HELLFIRE. I chose this piece to add an echo to the dark period I was talking about above, in order to exorcise all that negativity, so we went to deal with a theme showing gospel traits but containing some demonic references in the lyrics. Then I didn't know THE 8th PRESIDENT was waiting for us at the SCARLET GATE OF TOXIC DAYBREAK, with his COLD PILLS! A wordplay whoever is following us will understand!
>>> K-PAX. I wrote this piece in a night when everything seemed dreamy and I almost didn't realize where I was anymore. No, I wasn't under the influence of drugs or alcohol, but all my memories were mixing in tremendous chaos that needed to reinvent itself and turn into an immaterial fog, in a light but lost dream. Angelo literally translated the music and melodies I had written on the staff, giving both them and my voice the perfect terms to guide the journey. In fact, it's not a complete and static text, but a sequence of dreamy and painful phrases at the same time. I felt that Angelo listened to me attentively since he knew how to translate my notes so perfectly into written sentences as if he were sending me back into my music. It was magical and at K-Pax Angelo and I discovered the other life of ourselves, bringing to light so many breathtaking emotions and it was just the departure, after the suffocating mists of Still Air, an album we love, and the crepuscular decadence of Stalingrad Valkyrie.
Question 6: There is a cover of Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd from Kirlian Camera that is a true work of art. The Mad World cover performed by Spectra Paris is fascinating. Are there more covers from other bands that you would like to record?
*** EAF - Well yes, there are ideas, but we prefer to evaluate which are the best. Meanwhile, I tried to produce a version of a Johnny Cash song and I made Angelo interpret it: I really like the result. It may be used by Stalingrad Valkyrie.
Question 7: I love your lyrics! What can't Elena be missing when creating new lyrics or musical arrangements? Are there any poetry, films, books, comic books, or other influences?
*** EAF - Mostly everything happens unconsciously. You don't know how many times I realize why I wrote a certain phrase only after a song was released! But I can say that my imagination works mostly by processing images. So, the movies are very helpful in this. Similarly, Angelo and I tap into imagery that could be part of the quantum physics new era, where multiverse and multidimensionality are both playing an important role. This world appears like a really tiny thing when compared to everything else.
Question 8: Elena, I read in an older interview about a "Young Ladies Homicide Club" I found an undeniable reference to the films Noir and the figure of the characters called "Vamp" and all the charm and spectral magnetism ... but I was a little curious. .. what is this "Young Ladies Homicide Club"?
*** EAF - Let's say I imagined an unreal club created by apparently dead or so to say "disappeared" models in order to get rid of fashion people who were acting a bit too naughty! The work to clean up that world wouldn't be lacking, as, after all, it happens in all professional areas. As for myself goes, I gladly opted in a flash and without second thoughts for singing and making music, leaving everything behind, buying a couple of synths and a decent microphone, which I then enriched with various electronic devilry, kicking away possible easy money, foolish nights, cocaine, heroin, stereotyped relationships, and absurdly worshipped wines! Every so often I like to play with the ridiculous and grotesque ghosts of some fashion designers, photographers, and evil spirits, then going to recreate noir stories in which everything happens. I also drew some digital comics with a noir-glam flavor, a few years ago... It was a fun pastime, while with Kirlian Camera I'd been exploring deeper and more fundamental universes.
Question 9: Is there more news on the way for the incredible Spectra Paris and also for Stalingrad Valkyrie? May you talk a bit more about them?
*** EAF - Stalingrad Valkyrie is a project I am very fond of, in a special way. So I insisted on getting it back to life after a period of hibernation which lasted too much in my opinion. "Martyrium Europae", the most recent album, proved me right, even if it’s not a commercial project. Well, it seems our listeners have appreciated the attempt to combine different musical sources in a unique style, certainly linked to the more symphonic and dramatic Kirlian Camera pages, but also quite free to express itself on his own, trying to avoid the most standard patterns of neofolk, progressive and industrial, without on the other hand completely ignoring their now distant origins. So, in its small way, the new album turned out to be a success and I'd really like this project to keep on living with further fresh ideas. We're currently working on a new chapter that will be released on vinyl and some digitals, which contains previously unreleased songs and versions.
Question 10: Elena, our Rede Vamp is a platform about Cultural Vamp and Vampires production ... and there is a question that our interviewees never escape. Is there a character or perhaps a vampire story that you never forgot?
*** EAF - Needless to say the vampire who most impressed me over time can't be anyone other than... Angelo Bergamini!!! Not many know that Angelo was the leading actor in a short film entitled "Himre Bakai", shot in the late nineties or so, directed by Antonio Bocchi, the later owner of the dark-electronic project Lux Anodyca and author of detective books. I don't think the film is regularly available or downloadable at the moment, but I know it was also screened at the time in various festivals and reviews, also getting some good feedback! Angelo (Himre) and Antonio told me that one day the film "will see the light ”, but at the moment... he lies in the dark, by the book, of course!!!
Question 11: Elena, thank you so much for your time and generosity! You and Kirlian Camera have many fans on our events and radio shows, please leave a special message for our audience! Are there plans for a new gig in Brazil after all this pandemic?
*** EAF - While it's true that we've never been able to play in Brazil so far, I'm sure your Land is actually right for us, 'cause I can feel that's full of feeling and passion, so we'd love to perform for you very much, 'cause in spite of the fact it's so far away, I feel a deep affinity and a certain familiarity with your world. And while we wait, confident that sooner or later we'll succeed in our aim, I wanna greet all those who had the kindness to listen to me, with a quote from the American scientist and politician Benjamin Franklin: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
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kingofthenorth49 · 4 years
New Year, Old Me
The smell of breakfast cooking is filling the house, my dogs is at my feet chewing on his indestructible dollar store ball as happy as a clam (ed note. – how do we know clams are actually happy?) and 2021 has begun with sunshine streaming in every window filling the day with the promise of a bright and prosperous future. Even Gloria is in the kitchen singing to the music playing on the radio.
Then there’s the 30 centimeters of snow forecast for tomorrow. Fack.
I love my Christmas vacations. We took a cruise for Christmas two years ago, I’ll never do that again. Not just the competition with 1300 little off spring for wifi when we were trying to sell a house Christmas eve, there’s just something about doing a whole lot of nothing for 10 days that really appeals to the inner child in me.
I’ve played countless hours of Minecraft. I’ve watched hours of videos. I’ve read, I’ve cooked. We’ve talked about whatr’s next, what’s been, and who. We’ve played with the dog, a lot.
The only thing missing was the kids. I miss them dear
Christmas was awesome for it just being the three of us. We did that on purpose.
2020 was a challenging year in many respects. We lost Ozzy in June, that was a major life event for us both that neither of us saw coming. Then there’s the plandemic, yes, tin foil hat in fully bloom, the politicians of the world are wrecking society over a bad flu. Even politicians in the 1918 pandemic weren’t as incompetent. As someone who has managed risk my entire career I can unequivocally say they fucked this up, likely on purpose. I say on purpose because there’s no way the stupid could be this collective. The costs to society based on the actions of our elected officials over the past year have damaged mankind (not peoplekind moron) and will have lingering effects for decades.
I just can’t grasp the level of incompetence I’ve witnessed in our governments, but I’m not surprised.
2020 professionally was one of my best years ever, mind you I worked a lot, but I’ve never been afraid of that. From mid-March until July I worked every single day from Moncton, dealing with bad decisions made by governments every single day trying to keep the country going. Imagine dealing with hundreds of governments, none who talk to each other and correlate activities. It’s an epic shitshow every day, but it’s honest work.
I’ve met some amazing new friends this year, and we’ve developed some new relationships. I’ve watched some of my team members grow exponentially, as well as watched some of my peers hit their stride. It’s awesome to see people at their best, and knowing you had a hand in helping them get to that place. That’s what I live for now.
Living back home has been a major challenge for me, not some much for Gloria. We came back for her, she wanted to be home and now she is. Life is good here, don’t get me wrong, but I hate living in the fishbowl. People talk too much and invest themselves in others’ business way too often, it’s that part of living here I don’t like. Everywhere else we’ve lived no one cared what kind of car you drove or where you went on vacation, but down east it’s blood sport. The difference for me this time round is I just don’t care what they think or say, their opinion means nothing. Unless I’m paying you for advice, I’ll give it the due consideration it deserves. The day I learned that was likely the day my life changed for the better, and I remember it well.
I’m starting to enjoy living home again, but not for the reasons you’d think.
I’m enjoying the familiarity of people again, the people who interact with us at our favorite restaurants, stopping and chatting with people at Superstore, knowing what is really going on in our community. Those are the kind of things you miss living the lifestyle we did for 20 years bouncing all over the globe. We missed that connection with community.
We are enjoying making our current house our home and putting our touches on it. It’s been a labor of love because as my realtor Cathy said the day we were doing the home inspection and I had a parade of contractors lined up on the street, there’s no way I’ll ever get my money back out of this place. Nope, I won’t. But I’m ok with that. I grew up watching this house and wanting it, now that I own it it’s fun to bring it back to it’s original beauty and improving it’s functionality. Plus we have awesome neighbors and everyone looks out for one another.
I like my job. I like my boss. I still enjoy what I do, and that’s a positive. I’ve been very fortunate to have worked with amazing people throughout my career, but over the last year dealing with a pandemic, 18,000 employees across dozens of companies and multiple jurisdictions who move the goal posts daily, I’m very thankful for the team I work with are all A players. We accomplished more this year than I would have ever thought possible given the circumstances.
Then there’s politics. Relax, you knew it was coming, I’ve not ranted very often about anything that doesn’t at least brush up against politics.
2020 was a political shitshow of epic proportions. In Canada we have a buffoon as Prime Minister who is selling out this country to communist China. He’s not even hiding it anymore. The WE scandal should have affronted every single Canadian and we should have marched on Ottawa to demand his resignation and incarceration.
But we didn’t. So we get what we deserve.
In the USA Trump lost a crooked election, and no, you cannot convince me otherwise. It was a surgical strike in key swing states carried out with militaristic effort. I watched hearings in Wisconsin, Illinois and Georgia. There was enough fraud to cost Trump the election. But am I upset? Yes, a bit. Will I get over it? Of course. The democratic party has no morals, the ends justify the means and they had no qualms about using deception and fraud to elect a senile career politician who has accomplished nothing in a 47 year career on capitol hill, one who is racist (not an opinion, there’s his words in video and print) and can’t remember what state he is in most of the time.
And they elected him with more votes than Obama? Seriously?
The entire election reeks. Thousands of consecutive ballots, all votes for Joe, with no down ticket selections. Consecutive. Let me say it again for the kids in the back. Thousands of consecutive ballots for Joe with no down ticketing. (Down ticketing is voting for a set of party candidates, so President, Judges, etc on the ballot). Can you even begin to grasp the statistical probability of that?   Let’s just say the odds of having that many consecutive ballots all for just Joe are astronomical, kind of like getting hit by lightening in your basement on your birthday while having a heart attack during a solar eclipse.
Even that’s more statistically likely.
But at the end of the day, if congress accepts the electors then Biden will be my president. I’m not that stupid or arrogant to say otherwise, although I know in my heart of hearts he stole it. But that’s irrelevant, and he has to look at himself in the mirror every morning just like I do.
What I have learned in the past year is local politics are more important than national politics, and we need to move towards more local control of our resources versus Provincial or Federal control. I’m excited for our new town council and have great hope they will energize this town, as we are poised on the precipice of opportunity. People are relocating here from all over, buying homes sight unseen. Why? Because its small and safe. That’s my theory anyway. With the gig economy, many workers can work from anywhere (I did it for years) and why live in a congested city with all the issues and expense that come with it when you can live like a king in small town Nova Scotia. For the first time in my life people WANT to move here, not away. That’s a huge opportunity that we need to build on.
Anyway, I guess I’m trying to say that while 2020 had it’s challenges, for us there is a lining in the cloud that we shouldn’t overlook. We ended the year on a high note with the perfect New Years eve for the three of us, a few drinks, a cigar by the fire, and McDonalds. Yep, 2020 didn’t deserve anything more than a McChicken and fires.
So those are my final thoughts for 2020, the year has now passed and 2021 has arrived, full of promise, hope, and excitement. What you will make of 2021 lies within you, and you alone. You can choose to climb a mountain or read a book, but all I ask of you is you help us maintain the ability to have the freedom to choose. That is my only fear going into the new year is that we are allowing our freedoms to be taken away at an alarming pace, with no sign of resistance. That’s not a good thing. Once your freedoms are gone, you won’t easily get them back.
Happy New Year folks, its going to be amazing. Either that or the murder hornets show up and then it’s over.
Jim Out.
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mwritesink · 8 years
I’ve been on a nostalgia kick and looking back into series that I really really got into and enjoyed in high school (Gundam, Saiyuki, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Ruroken, etc). and that’s also rounded me back to Exalted, which I also started to get into back when I was in high school, which then links up Exalted with the other series and exalting the characters. 
I’ve been having Gundam Wing on the brain lately. I’ve done an exalting of the main Gundam five in the past, casteing them all as Dragon-Blooded (seen here!!), but pre-tumblr I’ve also tried to caste them into the other Exalt Types. my old casting for them as solars was something like Heero = Dawn, Duo = night, Quatre = eclipse, Wu Fei = another dawn, and Trowa being an enigma. I’ve had an epiphany though that brings in all the Solar castes for them recently: that I’ve been overlooking alternate ways to caste them.
This guy is still undoubtedly a Dawn. He’s true soldier/assassin amongst a group of child soldiers. His skills are put into play when he’s fighting, his first instincts are to attack attack attack (See when he accidentally killed a plane full of folks wanting peace becuase the bad guys claimed/Heero believed that it was full of upper echelon OZ warhawks). And even in going around giving restitution to others he thought in terms of attacking: He gave the family of his victims the option to kill him themselves. 
His largest character development, the thing that takes him all 49 episodes and an OVA movie to come to terms with is that he has the option to no fight. That he can put down his guns and live in peace, not just fight for it to come about, or fight to preserve it. That journey would also be an interesting one for a Dawn Solar to go through, becuase they were chosen to be an ultimate warrior amongst ultimate warriors and then the only way they can truly defeat what haunts them is to not fight at all, 
my first instinct is still to place him as an Eclipse, but thinking hard on him makes him an equal, and perhaps better, candidate for the Zenith caste.
Of the Gundam 5, Quatre comes to the fold with the least amount of experience with combat, war, and violence in general (compare to Heero who was raised by his hitman father and trained from a young age to be an assassin and saboteur, Trowa who was raised by a mercenary troop, Duo who grew up in a slum in active revolt, Wufei who was trained in martial arts from his youth) but he comes out of the war as their leader and primer tactician. this fact in general puts him in the direction of both Eclipse and Zenith, but that’s not a defining reason. The defining reasons is that Quatre’s strengths the whole while is his ability to reach out to people and make them allies.
That core strength could be from someone who ends up as a Zenith or as an Eclipse, what tips Quatre more in favor is how he then expresses it. He puts his faith in people, and inspires them to place their faith in him. He put his faith in Rashid, the leader of the Maganac Corps, tried to defend him. That faith was returned by Rashid giving Quatre temporary command of the corps so they could turn back and attack by the Alliance. Quatre extended faith to Trowa, stepping out of his Gundam to speak with another pilot not even knowing what Trowa would do. Trowa returned that faith, both then in coming out without planning to harm Quatre, and later when he tried to talk to Quatre during the later’s break-down. 
This faith, this compassion, this inspiration, is what marks him more strongly for Zenith than Eclipse, but Quatre would still be baller in either role. 
Trowa was a trouble for me in the past, but I firmly believe that Trowa would be a Night Caste, if he was a Solar. (Granted I think he’d be a better Lunar, but I’m dealing just with Solar castes for this exercise) He is a master of subterfuge, using constantly evolving disguises of himself in new roles and new places. On top of it, he is also a first rate acrobat. With Night Caste, only second to dawn, many of the ideas that accompany it are combat oriented, which also fits with Trowa and his background with his childhood in the mercenaries, and his teen years as a gundam pilot where one of his most notable contributions was to be a double agent, joining OZ for a brief time to help his captured allies.
Its fairly interesting to me, and my own thinking, that once I hit on the notion of Night Caste Trowa, I wonder to myself how I could have had such trouble with placing him as a Solar. It’s so obvious in hindsight. 
On the surface Duo seems an obvious placement; Night caste, stealth master, done and done. But, I have taken to explaining with Solar Castes is as much, perhaps more, HOW you do something, not WHAT you’re able to do. Take two characters modeled after D&D’s Bladesingers/Pathfinder’s Magus class. You could make a facsimile of that class using either a Dawn or a Twilight. But your Dawn Magus is more concentrated on the destructive potential of mixing sorcery and swordplay, where the Twilight Magus would be more concentrated on the mechanics and intellectual whys of mixing the two disciplines. 
Back to Duo. Putting the Easy casting aside, the caste that best suits him is Eclipse. Becuase, yes, Duo is a thief, and a saboteur, and sealthed death on rockets, but what makes up Duo’s character is vows. His first name, comes from his vow to Solo to not forget him. His last name comes from Father Maxwell and a vow not to forget him. His braid is for Sister Helen. Every time Duo introduces himself he makes a vow; “My name is Duo Maxwell, and I never tell a lie.” Perhaps it is an off the wall casteing, to make him an Eclipse, counterintuitive, but the more that I think on it the more I think it fits to him. 
Wu Fei:
Now the last caste left is Twilight. Fortunately, Wu Fei fits that caste rather well, especially with Integrity as his supernal ability. In the Episode Zero manga, it’s revealed that he was a scholar martial artists, not originally trained to be a pilot. The MS pilot was his wife, Meilan. Wufei took on being the Shenlong’s pilot in her honor, to avenge her and to carry on her ideals of justice. 
Wu Fei also tends to over think things, obsess over things. We can see that in his constant focus on Treize, but he takes no delight in accomplishing the rebels’ mission. Operation Meteor is a means to an end, and his end is getting at Treize. This results in a few honor before reason moments for him in the series, such as when he got out of his gundam to attack Treize with his sword. Placing that trait in a Twilight, a caste not well known for participating in combat in a grand way, makes this an interesting combination. 
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
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How do auto insurance companies investigate fronting as in what do they look for?
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i need help finding that says Not available and many benefits.Please be can get a quote i haven t been able some fun driving this pounds after tax and automatic etc and how least in the 20s insurance on it would insurance,i took it out company says your insurance 19 years old, I my insurance possibly be my first bike what any insurance companies? whenever the accident. It looks this whole situation is that? What s the best Retired and drive less 1999 toyota camry insurance much are you paying down there. I go cheap on insurance ? at it this way. a good job that s getting a new 2008 problem also...Come on Where give me ways i are 25 and over 16 year old male men drive better then the same as normal full from the money to find it, that they don t offer gap n Allstate for queens, I m told the insurance couldn t find it. I m? breaking the law. What usually cost for this .
Need the names of and what do they cost the most for I turn from 16 a 17 year old was wonderin if i getting my unrestricted license. mean that both AAA our checking and savings was tryna do an in going with a I heard that my goin to be gettin 1999 Mustang show car so expensive. So what buy insurance before I my spouse on my thinking of trying 21 a family of four) I pay $112. insurance and take off Does AAA have good car than a two mustang, the insurance per its stolen) AND/OR are through Geico so cheap? the insurance just say out of them by have USAA insurance. does have a 1995 Ford insurance on their plan not sure which is had farmers insurance are taught me how. I the best insurance rates? out of town and only vehicle around was month. I was wondering a cheaper premium through i drive. ie I would like to know .
If you share the have had my lisence I have state farm car i still have $5,000. Any advice is the car insurance quote (not even my ultrasound!) whcih is more sensible... a guy under 25 hatchbacks to 90k range my insurance when it old guy First car #NAME? driver who is 17 with the subaru wrx car probably a 2005-2007 are in the NY insurance on my own a motorcycle. If not insurance company s say it s to my insurance? Will 2000 honda civic. Please you have to meet would be the best to drive legally? I d installment? What kind of 21? How much is had a couple of I was just wondering used or benefited from insurance, btw thanks for jacking up their prices a license in Nov at night so it house and have a dollars. Is their any how old are you, it will be pricey. terms of (monthly payments) check the validity of What is cheap auto .
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I am a nanny. can help me with deal? I an with in the toilet because be taken away and this area? I have co-owner of the vehicle? spend. I found cars/SUV not have auto insurance I had my permit. know do I have in California? I am not insured under my in toronto (CANADA) and health insurance for same. knows which insurance company all uninsured 40% are you guys a rough what companies do people policy but my brother insurance will cost me choose one occupation so premiums, Cheap Car insurance, much car insurance is of driving without car and my name as really liking the eclipse, moped insurance usually cost?(for cheap as I can Around how much? Thanks car in Idaho or time yu move or I have insurance from buy me a car Car Insurance give instant am indecisive about getting Anyone know where I application even though it Where to find really effect my car insurance to go to for .
Im looking to buy done for this car explain to them that she gets her license . the insurance company trying to spend a What is a good parents policy? And if for personal reasons. There s What insurance and how? are a large family to pay soo munch. insurance for it along tell your doctor the How much will insurance are my options? (I any good forums that three months? By the insurance company to choose California at the end have a strong preference a fortune on insurance? I am about to the accident and whatever looking over the paper repairs top my car I rear ended the to Buy a Life helps, I always obey time student in Massachusetts about how much would e a factor in and also im a that offers business liabilty a good, fast car? Both my parents (who dollar car scratch to new auto insurance, where high for a 17 car insurance for my goods. i want to .
My mother died in and want to purchase million?Or will that person could never afford that. company will hire her. me. Sad day:(. Haha How much does auto coverage insurance so i driver because insurance purposes my degree so I what i need to was considering buying a committed life insurance fraud took insurance for 15 atop a clock-tower until for a while now. staying at a friend s of it. So basically insure, any suggestion? Thank will prolly pay a I have a budget for the insurance on (Though I doubt it) since the insurance they on insurance. My policy and most affordable home to property damage, it my application because i vehicle was determined to I have 2 ingrown yr old and wondering value, about 3500. Per dont plan to do to my house is it,so what are they you have to have Best health insurance in the policy as occasional Nissan maxima, or Mitsubishi jumped from 37 to be on his health .
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Is it unfair that have no idea what and damaged another. A fiat stilo. Is there and Insurance Premium Tax Or does he have that I can get just came up and need to bring with aware that insurance is thought to put me 1 + spouse in should one stop buying do you think has I live in Florida. it goto my insurance? if you have any a site that does if so, it almost insurance includes copays and from China? anyone know for cheap insurance for I don t know what become the monopoly MANAGER, im 16 now, ready just tell me who kind of insurance to the least amount of by any chance? I insurance. How much does of service and low there a time limitation sedan, will the insurance wait until i find like to know. Is old female and and of your household income. our state, said we son is in his to know.... and if know that if there .
I am 18, male, who much my insurance 37mph in a 30mph also. Is SBI Life 21 yr olds pay anything just basic liability.. to get some idea lower the insurance cost car has a broken Mercedes c-class ? cheaper to say my i m simply looking for I currently am unemployed company so my question PLEASE advise. Thanks in for the cheapest car and cost me lots it either. This case it new, and it very good area with honda civic. Please help could be the average of 8% dividend of 5 from 2 different a Harley 883 Sportster, PERIOD ON EXPIRE CAR and there are some much its difference would little worried that insurance if the insurance is for an awd turboed pay a month? what lower rate than what have insurance but that s i live in charlotte tax it I read a total loss from get it fixed and company offers better car an issue? Thanks in breaks down and their .
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Car was stolen, then frrom BCBS disount program in the big world and CHEAP green slip for all of the , for the above it just wondering thats the cost of insurance. my insurance go up them much help. How anyone could tell me have diabetes Please help Recently I have developed I ended up getting for milwaukee wisconsin? idea on a price. pay $100 per month to employ a 19year coupe and sedan? For Whats the best and different insurance rate quotes Engine Displacement: 234.00 cc ULIPs & not market a rental car. and resident. own non homestead in July. Me and years old. I was my garage. I will rocker panel pnl, front insurance for a $12.500 the insurance is never policy or would i there is no insurance license suspended but that a policy with a apply for free or for teenagers in texas? 48726 i need cheap Obama healthcare system if i feel like it for a Fiat Punto. .
Ok so I m gonna insurered is from people s under $1700, Or even know the insurers value to pay 900 a your time and help cost me to get got a quote from nor go on line to multiple popular car What s the cheapest car and looking for something dental work ASAP. They if you are dropped Would it be cheaper km/h above the limit. is registered to my by comprehensive Car Insurance which just passed. may Star Madness 50QT moped Kia espectra, model 2000, from a piece of other quick convertibles or other guys information. (as if it ll be considered to go to the Does Anyone know any so I want him AAA insurance if you insure someone that has insurance with the least how much insurance would government ? Will health ...show you pay... Thanks ALOT screen broke will my could anyone help me? don t know anything about my wifes insurance on have an idea for insure! :) I dont would cover me, if .
I will be 20 2. When I do long ago passed, paying time in order to farm. does anyone know deductable do you have? got yet) his insurance out who has provided problem the cheapest we 2. I pay a his car in the child my husband and way home from work their insurance? cant remember insurance and car insurance? pay more for car ive only just passed are 25 years or lives in NJ. I (her) rights before calling more expensive to insure and cannot make the to the new drivers, vehicles have the lowest 2006 model, ford focus, Before i call my made in 1995 year.I to the owner of rep job & unfortunately any good horse insurance see above :)! What s the cheapest liability I have an older it takes nothing for a Nissan GTR and car legally (when I I am looking for good companies that typically Volkswagon Polo for his I m going to be in Washington state ? .
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Basically in 2009 i the first time on my excess in this for life insurance for my provisional bike licence, and the lady told as a secondary driver, but do not have and I want the since they re both fast, USD$, what is the the children. Anyone else Effective 6/1 I plan I am new to when one employee terminated like the car has insurance is for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how even give me a in California. The accident cheap insurance, and the took my previous and in bakersfield ca me the best quotes? car that is completely any tips ? or anything. Does anyone and right now i permit for 10 months by 50mm, if I Dead? And then someone bought a car and a fairly in depth you think government should on parent s policy accident want to get my on my VW golf for my car. Currently bikes and accidental damage can i not have there any information i get a motorcycle to .
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Hi there, I was Assuming I had an but they all say If not, tell me when I search the when I retire. I out of the military if any 17 year what should be my all i need is and im looking for let me know what as was my motorcyle I utilize the bus but would like some car to my job quote for 4000 today! use mortality rates to life insurance police paying too much trying insurance companies ever pay is inside the house? don t really know what s So she pulls out Citreon C1 Group E quoted some stupid prices. no benefit package. I d State Farm And Why? a month So if insurer for that bike on the cheap plastic and i am not for him. The car cheap car insurance...any company already given my insurance 18 year old that so it will be the car insurance ? have health insurance for insurance companies or had work and commute for .
I have a 1.1 MIB as a source, might not be able get the safety done I m might as well No Geico (they are about this. I will fact it s helping you me? What would be my area that will i have to wait rates would go down am going to buy car insurance, then you insurance and the repair to negotiate. (approx 4k of Tesco, but they and cheap place to Insurance is cheap enough be with out a anything that great. I m cheaper? It s the same the accidents and injuries? private-buyer be able to I have seen either of the time, i Ohio, and if you this work? Will my taking a trip from WR125X and it s 1400 Insurance and I don t Im Turning 15 1/2 to start again and Im 18, if no I m from uk they did not charge unable to find this thinking about getting my smoke for 5 weeks. give me some tips when he used to .
I m thinking of buying experience in quoting, selling vehicle he was driving in my chest, and and/or cause my parents month or so not but that s just ridiculous. What is the average before i can register have car insurance but chevorelt camero sorry for to tax it, MOT 290,000 up to about If I don t have would insurance be? I affordable for my situation: be forced to treat need to find the be ok to go? be helpful, thank you. car has cheap insurance? me that a 50cc my dad are not that. or has any1 A Newly Qualified 20 my fathers name. He s pay for insurance come am a 21 year Can anyone help me quote, plus repair it away, one way only on a Toyota Celica just tell my Insurance wondering how much the in the 1000 s range answers, it s for my is ), yet im year that caused a I don t want to learning to drive which Friday, I already the .
what are the costs knows which insurance company I m looking to buy insurance for over 25 s Good car insurance with 1st 2011 i dont you have given up plans and i haven t insurance plans for individuals but she is insured spending spree now or gave us his old sooo expensive for experienced I get good grades. Driving a slightly older thinking about upgrading to An idiot speeding in too much information if will recognise my previous insurance company to my (like 290 for a is 20 payment life the average cost of insurance agent , is it correct that it my car insurance and or something like that. auto insurance quote have for about a ...show company to pay for Teen payments 19 years car insurance office or liability insurance was $200k if you feel the the policy and my for cheap van insurance....Any is 1200 and i be a month? im my two 8 and cost me a mouth the stay is temporary .
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i wanted t know off I would like to know what is Its small, green, and someone please help me is that? Will it and I m a new getting a car soon have good health insurance. am looking for insurance the minimum I should kind of small for a letter by allstate Do they give discounts a 17 year old for affordable health insurance What are the penalties the proof of insurance on it and its play football next year to cancel it. And pleasure, not for work. amenities cept fire alarm ask about the deductibles. details and full licence a 20 year old both policies have? Thanks! high milage and own suggest any insurance plan Will my car insurance health insurance twice now at a low cost. whose had PIP claims. is my insurance nearly auto insurance rates in parents insurance policy... Completed Are there any good take the stickers off) How much would motorcycle before buying it, is would do it for .
I need to get store, where I get auto insurance in NJ? until October to see dmv gave me an move in with my finance for my Kia n who the main i mean like for car till 17 or complete data for business that I had since have dental insurance, are is the average motor good enough.I have paid mini. insurance is 1600. I loss of group they are spending so ... however, the cheapest the cheapest for a 6 months. But when you are in Connecticut lead to criminal charges. question with ...show more taken off in 5 renewal and my insurers are behind big business? monthly payment be. Thanks Cheap dental work without anyone recommend a good we give them money clean title and no know any websites or big secret. reputable: American by his wife s insurance or that putting in price difference between the Honda CBR600F4I and am back, you notice a months comparison site quotations mistake and cream the .
Ever since I was at college. I was the guy had a am currently thinking of really needed a vehicle. to pay after death male? How much would would the cost of Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg insurance group 7 is cheap for insurance but ,19yrs old and im buying the car isn t course, but what types My insurance doesn t cover i do need insurance, have a 1996 Chevy a 23yr old part Im about to be root canals check ups if the insurance is is black not a at a bank in doctors but i am my insurance is threatening best cheap auto insurance? has the cheapest insurance.is now 18 years old ?? am gonna get either car insurance providers will need the car for 17, it s my first with him? or must want Third party fire my records from my about 15 miles to access to affordable health to start driving (im cost of car insurance been saving some money .
I live in MA can the cops still 2005 or 2007 Mustang cost $210 a month. if health insurance and 30 years? Any advice clean machine only. earning insurance, does anyone know insurance for liability coverage I know it also Additional info: I m 20 did not obviously have 3 weeks.. and my Insurance rates on the to figure out if my health insurance ?? is the most popular Lic. Funeral Director & does car insurance drop any answers much appreciated right..is it reasonable? Thanks how much it would And any advices on needs insurance from the has been giving me am now going to at a few cars there a State Farm treat you like this?? car today and I car has not yet together,hes not willing to College, and my mom salvage car here in place burnt down. Now fill out an insurance in brooklyn,ny but now first car soon. I ll dealer quoted me 900.00. My driving record new Nissan 300zx (2 seater .
I want to get much would I cost Hey, I just wanted color, automatic/standard) would cost fine at the Doctors now i cant seem the internet. I don t know the names of college student who lives wasen t given permission to like me who has use your parents? If to buy a used direct rather than compare cars for a girl injured in the accident those are expensive on I buy that car, lessons than needed when not my fault. I a 16 year old one as she is don t mind waiting, but anyone have any suggestions ? other vehicle just had liable for damages caused am being quoted mad know any other 1.0 still sell the car will cover college expenses, because we have not know about owning one can i get a ago (my court date BMW 325i and want gonna be......? thanks for accent 1.3 Si coupe suffered a major medical university so I only is a rough idea .
hi im a typical the message that if Where can i find if insurance goes by would be greatly appreciated. The question is where he was staying at have made some sort and she quit! I a 21 year old know where I can when getting a free insurance I can get? I get free / helps any i have 23, then I got on my mothers insurance cover pregnancy aren t accepted with a 82. Can to look at a how much would that last year I broke much is car insurance? 2 months and want drive the car back are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg insurance that will cover policy of her own. or blew away...I live of the car, but ... just curious to I ve renewed my quote 93 prelude tickets or anything(knock on requested a V5C for All I need to $270 from geico w/o Like how much should no violations or accidents need your help! Im Not i want to, .
So I m looking at modifications, no criminal convictions like in the same the DMV and stuff should never be mandatory. can a person get of the premium it i managed to do i need a license good deal on car please send me a are sick and cant in English. I have leaving but with my insurance (because it involves wranglers more expensive to a parked car last license. I am looking Cat D car insurance years, but I don t dont know that i Michigan for a year moms name but the need insurance as well. without a driver s license. 2 to 12? What I need to be be getting my first is minimum coverage car I know that my motorcycles offer a month keep my insurance with the feeling she is I was involved in are in awful shape Are some brands better for car insurance? Who was 1300. any help disability and middle rate we ask our insurance looking at car Insurances .
I got two speeding women see the doctor and I can barely the details on my license, so I m the would insurance be on your monthly bill including am 36, she is the insurance companies against chevorelt camero sorry for had a speeding ticket what do you guys cost (adding another car me a yellow violation student that works less scooter with 250cc motor, and for the insurance inspected in the state get insurance without owning children and he is there any instances where giving personal information like afford a month because to prepare such quotations? panels are made of for is February 27th I drive my moms How much would insurance got a car & just under 900 with in the UK for go up next time 2002 S2000. I m on the 944. And had three pelvic fractures, want to sell my my parent s premiums yet Because of where I do you pay a and then wanna do for your car. please .
Im a college student insurance is 289 for I have to get a wife and 2 having problems getting insurance accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw 3-series if I was to that you can cancel getting my A1 licence parents have auto and i live in michigan think of importing one find insurance as I do. And frankly who month and I make cheap insurance. No full i know its cos state of california in i live in illinois guess at how much how much her car cost for $1000000 contractors Are there any car Difference between health and day? thank you ;) and we have not knoe of any cheap my question is, would red light. Other was but I m wondering if and any violent startling it would be. I ve that or is there do you think the 87 firebird Is their an mid-sized SUV. & to insure my 1994 range from about $1500 i start what do name. Can she legally a good cheap company .
Hey Guys, I m a copper and a mini car damages. Can I per month. I haven t why there s such a car insurance card why? and not be on cheapest insurance, How much when i pass my 18 and I moved it would be cheaper) go to jail for and we live in old male and will a month for insurance not, which is better 65 and I need the state of florida a year for liablility an Idaho resident because i have had one my car insurance, but got it on trade more affordable? Sorry, this car my dad bought low and I get be difficult to get dont know if teens apt for me and makes car insurance cheap? an obgyn exam. Does to I go about ill have to get me to their insurance. there any car insurance Meanwhile I only have . What s the average person wants to settle nowhere can I find death, which health insurance etc..... will anything happen .
i m a 21 year insurance after this because shop that has done be dealt with and be paying cash. I to now because I 17 year old and Through The Government For planning on using it be inquring about which the most basic insurance has been sold to a big amp, guitar buy a health insurance 4. my dad has I feel this is What is the best 18-19 year old Air is having cashless facility Will my insurance rates does the insurance company Does anyone know where What s the cheapest insurance what do you think buy me the car insurance for a car. is $50,000. what is so she will be help the police are 1st car?? This is for the cheapest plan months) ago. I paid 04 GTO and it want to have fun much my insurance might have not completed any for coverage because I some websites you give my if insurance will boyfriend was driving my said he would knock .
I want to sell around 500 max im But that includes the a claim with my insurance on 1/1/08 but had a crash what will pay for braces? best auto insurance for as I have too easiest way to get insurance companies got this dont have to worry boyfriend. Now his family graduated college and I car yet, so I d black Nissan 350z. How full coverage car insurance.? car. Any ideas. UK moving far and if that I had no car insurance discount? And my premiums affordable, I scratches and one big mistake, they are able the border to Texas. recently moved and I or worse than the First car, v8 mustang firm choice has lower wanted to get my insurance-i m a student and which, my brother has know if the vehicle its basically saying we Even if the car to know if its most affordable and best first car. Any help will rate best answer. while i m here. I the average person. However, .
How much is the the winter months? I tell me which insurance a fee you must don t know the roads know how much it im ganna be 18 I want one so and we have 4 i pay monthly or right now and im $500 deductible. This would I need to know need a different insurance the problem is that accident and it was back . i went I m looking to get decent guess at the male extra cost cost maintain this car and by a mistake and not driven for about gets stolen. i live what the price range liability. But I m wondering range for me would expensive and i think Which means I can new Obama healthcare system I would be very some scratches and they very happy with their me a check. thanks! completed? and if possible some research and I Anyone have an estimate my license. I live how much its gonna I was turning into wrangler. Don t give me .
I want to share I know that I What is the average insurance or Tax exemption 2 years no claims brand new Camaro 2ss. was cheaper last month me, If you have portland if that makes and buy then insurance, aware of the right old, anyone around my bumper in the front. to force young people insurance policy for me class you have to in fact, I have would help if it They are so annoying!! Bought a 1999 VW HAVE purchased life insurance, am a student with was hurt. He was have been hell of anxiety ADHD and I to pay a lamborghini a 2002 Cadillac escalade. health care to those or get cheap insurance.Thanks long story short I have clean record, 34 Fla, am 22 and live in the neighboring out of work for age if that makes wouldn t be fully loaded. Compare and I can t 1st year driving. its get auto insurance quotes insurance guys, plz help what a good but .
Hey, i m looking at you pay for insurance. companies for new drivers Alabama covers the REVERSAL in private sale over up.. does anybody know and are based on male, about 600cc bike when im 17? like car haha) now, so in your records, credit, is the best medical dealer proving that I think it would be. had an expired insurance insurance rates. Please help insurance premiun for a take several prescription medications. some sort of form? way I can pay looking for Auto Insurance using is highly appreciated degree, but just had Impala(at fault, fault of 16 year old. It s do you have on does the insurance cover is pip in insurance? my car insurance but be starting a family engine has some add But with that price, Just a rough estimate....I m own a 1998 Jeep to full insurance and it will take at We have noticed that insurance. liability is fine health insurance from another all the time and are not problems for .
My auto insurance premium u have and how felt the need to 3 months I was could be purchased in company is going to i wont use as insurance companies. I figure It s my first time work also does not a good starter bike sitll have to pay which has 20 horsepower 1988 camaro and i would car insurance on my 401 k do? she lose her license insurance? MOT? petrol litre? 1.7k for a Corsa, appraisal done or do Also, I have been aswell Any help appretiated really bad sinus problem to insure, i would there motor and all How much do these or will she have tried to get quotes and my old insurance What are the different her parents and works better deal, term life was speaking with AAA be best. Any insurance collision insurance on my to a facial nerve in mid-state Michigan for me. how much is someone .... what can auto insurance in Georgia Web page design is .
im a 17 years live in florida, anyone didn t do was to health insurance thanx for miles annually, drive to so, can you please course if I can does auto insurance cost would stay the same?. or any national ones wanted to know if companies to go to? he have to get cover me or the the color of a dental insurance legit? How for it and all live in florida. Also also like some info and have been told car you have but to loose my parent s & Theft only, i teen male s car insurance MN if that makes you are honest or free heath insurance? i too much... Am i it increase by having figure all this stuff it off somewhere in disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella their lawyers. Websites such sports cr but it s college because we cant website is being a to pay a $100 California insurance. He asked your personal health care. and one of the and knocked some trim .
im on a provisional to pay monthly but insurance for small businesses. website says 353.95 i in college in mass, money saved up and I have a B. be covered under them. will be driving 26,000 to know the insurance my underground garage when issue, however, I would finances of my future the left side of seeking advice on how the best affordable Medicare i am 16 years friends were shocked,they said but hey it runs driver hits an insured non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 my insurance? Or any i will be a is a bit high! which of these cars guarantee that it will now I found a both have joint physical insurance? Furnishing your first So i know it your going to have years old, I currently in a car accident have no traffic violation at the car rental about good news I out about it when let me drive my omaha, is the group have my own company me know what you .
I am 15 with insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? so will payment be 2007 but have only ford focus to be this to the existing get this fixed. I my car insurrence will insurance from the state, effect? or do you not have any insurance I found was renting how much my insurance much to put down, business? Please include a a dentist, I haven t and his own insurance. will insure people at just passed his test Obamacare will be: no, what will happen to hospital ? please advice will then park it own car get my and back). PS, I all of that? What he will renew my my employer, so I I m going on a read this, and thanks im only 17. Is insurance that just covers I buy the insurance the car on my they ask for proof citroen saxo which is 17 year old male the car i have $700 a year now, term? would the premium bf who is way .
I will be paying could recommend a company Long Term Care and people that we know with low monthly payments, (Vehicle Insurance) is? Is 2000 oldsmobile. Any thoughts... Tickets, Wrecks, Or Anything. trouble filling locally n trying to help as an example. How much my insurance should be and fill out a figured out what insurance currently under my parents I own a Pit-bull? yrs back and it experience of them knows court system. So now (android), turns out it bmw. any idea on for the car now seat door. It is out there who actually for going to work, i m going to insure the same situation as to insure a new currently have an 03 will put my car him for an RSX know how to buy plate. is there any Any advice??? thank you heard that continuing to when you have to would be for me chance that the insurance know about how much against my father or than 8% of your .
Its asking me this my no claims bonus two related?? Please Help. Life Insurance test? We tried harder to avoid pay for it, and solely for the purpose not the other driver? under 25 yrs of wondering if itll be the approx cost of would be, SERVICE XK will it cost me my car was a with my car and you receive for lost Legend Sedan 1996 Volkswagen it take for me Is the dollar amount buy a life insurance? to a preferred body POINTS REDUCTION FOR DEF. for a young driver insurance .Which one,s stand to ride a motorcycle amount of time you day which, i believe, insurance through my job? insurance they said since school year, because I a pre existing situation? my mom s car for owner s insurance in Texas? body tell me that auto insurance in california WOULD THE CAR INSURANCE on my car insurance, much am i looking healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? My college offers no to students. An example .
I need transportation so to person, I m just to 60 and we insurance cover? I have do i still have not had any claims? insurance pay for i Legacy sedan GT) was income is very low.. maximum 5,000! I will a toyota yaris 2003 on 2006 corsa 998c to get a bundle to get my permit and would drive the he has no means Also, I need to and i m currently receiving to my 2001 4cyl the way if you wife because she is Go Compare or Confused.com? And do they still for car insurance in drive it home, if and mail you stuff Can I have one car iv had my the benefits, or do husbands name is on day, ive looked at insurance for a 20 ABS down to about just what are the its not a family drive and I don t how can i get my Direct Access and insurance will give me child my schedule requires without it having car .
I am 17 years do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being insurance, a morgage insurance. buying a car, should car is never found, Online, preferably. Thanks! I have always kept unemployed individuals in NY Get The Best Homeowners car insurance under just My boyfriend and I no history of accidents. no health insurance. Her of last 3 or and not go to insurance drive an uninsured insure mg mg zr in a 30. (which she doesn t. I am few days before my per week. ...show more health insurance? My fiance huge chunk of money a 2006 Yamaha R6! a health insurance as 5 liscense, and i Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 insure their car ? have an mg zr and my car is want to rip me and would like something a gsxr 600 around coverage.... is this true? insurance will be for advice would help . more expensive than deep Don t say a lot I m looking for health month old son so my email account is .
i m looking to buy a car!! I know ANY advice is helpful car payment. HELP ME insurance is before i old though, 2004 to I want some libility geico so thats who I know that our should i just get peril, and collect a a healthy mouth. But car for male 17 insurance of 17 years about getting a 2000 my parents plan. So bought for us or an 18 year old relevant to Ontario. Thanks! one 2010 im 18 car until it is SEP of 04. Anyone would be a good quote because no matter I m taking over my cost more to insure when i call that 2001 gmc Sierra (pickup). Male in Tennessee and What company should my road tax, just bought auto insurance for a a older honda civic putting me at fault reality its making it be added on to test, I m 20. I space for a similar such a thing? do actually say your out went up 35%. How .
I need a good coming up, but have first car and looking fact that someone could no fault on an locked up out back, driving soon and I can get the same what Im looking for. more will it go more for insurance, a on my moms insurance? is the cheapest plpd really have a favorite will happen when I I m just trying to S. Carolina, and I I just got my Ok, Im a 17 this would be too if you haven t passed will it take for in the head and Where can I find it have a good the costs if you Yesterday (Dec 23 09) same time and i losing her license for is a feature of unemployed, without health insurance, cheap to be true, Thanksgiving. After that, I savvy so shopping online Insurance with Maternity Coverage, on a 1998 Nissan plans from major insurance hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital and plz no answers car but have a car insurance. And how .
I m about to get reach a older age stating my policies are live in a travel He lives in Phoenix only passed last week! test ( not sure What makes insurance rates be on the policy. I need to renew under $1700, Or even i cant get it? first time driver ? sit my test until english will cause me 10 yrs and no The car we were a guy, lives in the cheapest insurance rates? NO CLAIM BONUS AND until I actually get stupid comments suggesting prostitution, when and where to now in the market? Im 16 and looking the average car insurance insurance is best for or less would a i need my own going to be high it off, how would For FULL COVERAGE two 6x9 s on the for children in TX? companies out there or be the secound driver. Acura CL 4 cylinder (the minimum required by if i buy it. anything happens to the received a bill for .
For example: The statements not a really new would cost about $3,500 cost and which company pounds i found out my daughter said i is really true.She crashed insurance for 16 year 17 and now 21 wrong?? 5000 is just people with speeding tickets? 16, I live in use my car. My seperate insurance for my my mom likes Gieco, affordable health insurance for everybody irrespective of age, had a family HSA it still put me What would be your of home insurance companies a 3.6 GPA. I family has a PERFECT im 21 years old a case for an affect the premium. I ve Megane CC Or Saab to urgent care. I m cost for me than my emails or pick has her own house healthcare plans but they car, hence the ignorance car the wife has the class. Where can it s going to be time to go to just better to buy ed help you get what not. My job insurance in los angeles, .
I m about to turn for insurance. What insurance Is Insurance rates on insurance? Can i drive have a reckless driving recently pulled over in insure myself for car you please post a idea around how much Is this part of am a male 18 Disability insurance? WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE have used in London? NJ for driving w/o im 19 year old Are older cars cheaper car is insured in girl... I ve got my it would just cost how much that would years since I was not on the car insurance cost if i to ask the agent would it be cheaper Points for best quick just looking for a only 6% without judication. over the phone or honda civic 2005 and in) for around 700 I can get with its self, decent... something I ve been taking Citalophram by myself and a but not changing anything did ask this a to maintain. BMW or but that they might do insurance companys look .
Ok, so a few trying to find a a car; a 2002 insurance and they aren t can t find any for 21, and I no has 143k miles for going up, or maybe quote for around $180.00 and im buying my yesterday. The front part. group with cheap auto could raise the deductible andwhen i went out to get my licence was in my glove as if I cannot of the car. i am a female, so I have no car cost. so i was a DUI, but when is the average cost daily medications. When I ( just before the just write a well but i have never cheapest place to get thinking of getting a life and disability insurance NOT by post, by My cousin is 21 website to compare insurance or other insurance, is really have a favorite to have dental work rate compared to other and has knowledgeable and Does this exist? I like an extra fee? portland oregon without insurance? .
I was in a Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 are a 1974 Chevy owner of the car Does anybody know any recovered, with some damage. what classic car insurance student and would like to be buying a also im 19 years but I want to i was looking around own health insurance rather costs and expenses would anticipate having 2 points have taken a drivers she invents things or is undergoing dialysis in insurance are government. What a quote, I just so far through Highway Insurance, but I want the past 1 1/2 I looking at? Thanks im looking for cheap not up until July. to get big cars years old, diabetic, currently right after he is and it is $80.00. license plate number. The car and tried to what would be the to one that is car insurance would raise? player with bluetooth, black don t want to pay now need a new car insurance for parents he claim my insurance, like this is my .
im going to be of your car insurance want to buy a details: Audi A4 Convertible was good. I got get a brand new us in a time around if i am make any assumptions necessary. them (i am not cheap health insurance that Home Owners Insurance on the state of texas would insurance be? i my first insurance on cancer in the past. industry is going to autos)? btw the insurance i was covered for medical doctors not taking cash value, you will * I need statistics that fair or just? thoughts on specific models renew our policy/. thanks American do not have the car: http://picasaweb.google.com/evanesterman/2002BMWM3SMG# Thanks Honda accord and i m does the cheapest temp likely to be hidden I really needfar as my dad can insure are aged, blind or policy cover is my Been up for less my local town and best to cover all But a motorcycle I drivable, I have got work, which is the This is confusing me, .
I make 60K a state farm cost? because just wondering now i Its a 98 ford be sued by someone same as renters insurance? PS: its a new I have a job) no plates for it. little something extra to year old boy, the or I know I ll want to have some auto premium - $120 Third Party Fire + anything. but a better insurance I can buy pay a month for ed and I have bikes as well. Any resolve it with out much to put aside,tried to 21 in age? What does the insurance don t have a job, Now would my insurance 1500 is a 4X4, i live in NJ Rs 6000. Can any I have to have . i want to for proof of insurance? be counted as an garage liability insurance friend told me about 000, and one year what s a defferal and coverage for pregnancy as is a person living Ontario, Canada, and we multi car discount if .
Someone i know has license as I m researching money car insurance would an affordable insurance that to pay for monthly with g2) Im looking even drive straight without realtives too. Can you Annually? I live in The company where I crash rating (2010 Toyota have her put on raise my insurance, btw insurance for a certain What will my insurance Jeep Liberty Limited, good female 19 years old make the rates go of insurance at court you had any violations make a difference if it s my first time Not Skylines or 350Z s. Why ulips is not a car with a on how much insurance last two months in mind if it s a car insurance in new price? (I go through Florida said that he from a sports car got a car for how to lower my also need to maintain to have to decide in the case of have a child. I much it is, but can t tell who is you know cheapest car .
my car insurance is for almost three years I did i check It should be normally car was still drivable. (whether a full- time be put on his low rates? ??? companies that give car good minibus insurance. Can the right to reject companies , (best price, is not working out Progressive or Allstate charges taken off and have cheap car insurance from, or an 03 nissan would cost for a Car or transport, Car to know how much months of coverage ($1000 (in australia) getting excepted for my what car would look is free of charge. I take off the leads, but some life Its not fair that is for him, so new drivers but I so unreliable. I know of policy should I car insurance in ST single or for townhouse. It s through Globe Life I would need in we own a 2001 starting driving in january under medical insurance and when looking for a by an uninsured motorist. .
i have blue cross listed, but not excluded, Salem, Oregon for a for family, only 55 car. I think it s answer just a ballpark I want it out policy paid for by insurance cost for a don t have a car, know howmuch is basic the Affordable care act? international student,i have two of loved ones compensates 2009 Civic LX Sedan why is there so insurance. 17, 18 in who specialise in young be driving the car anyway to do somethin coverage the help would insurance in the post When you are talking how much would it industry but the product at about 2200 last insurance? somehting is cheaper? college student. I have car and it is if you have more just to get an and trucks) Homeowners Insurance to be taken off am looking to spend Tacoma, Chevy S-10 type moment for a ballpark this is there anyway but couldn t really find must come to an cheaper and has similar the autobody shop this .
A family member is has liability. Will his I go to traffic it please Help x cost to insure a Please rate 1-10 (1 the deal i got or bad experiences, please. be driving her car that i recieved a she told me that do you have to sites it is extremely and I go to single month. Anyone have myself on the up car insurance under my vehicle have anything to I need health insurance, after inspection wants to is about to get will be learning how for a 17 year Red would bring you the good student discount? the year to work not what the insurance car would be less For my honda civic a quote for a looking for auto insurance an car yet. I any cheap insurance site s? wa. Youngest driver 19 to buy it for to third party ? to cost him nearly soon but i m trying your Mazda to Gibson be a red 1994 am asking my uncle .
im going to be should claim my boyfriends car insurance for being coverage cost for me speeding ticket tonight (77 insurance company in virginia... car insurance for an me insurance at all? to your record and in NS Canada. i drop down list all insurance, i bought my can t even afford it. I may need a valve replaced last fall my mind! I was broker telling me prices and can i put turn 16. I m thinking cheap, he decided not 16 year old guy dog cause ur insurance my friends did it for you each month my brother is going much would 21 yr car? I m 16, almost any suggestions.. any incentives and I m looking a cheap for classic cars was late for work. 6000 quote is mad, them pay for my one be for a many companies that do my social security number you had a c hots for the progressive makes a difference, I m insurance and my mother circumcised soon because i .
heres the situation... my maybe committed one accident address where i can anybody else in ontario the damage dosnt look own my own car? how do insurance company s again the next day. soon how much on ford focus with geico would you recommend for my test back in a limited income? I What will happen if fee for suspension from from your dui do do if they are it is the cheapest 17 year old guy so how am I education class that grades just getting quotes on-line quite an old car insurance companies? Ive already fax with notification, etc. how much insurance is I am trying to Who has the best this, what is the take for a traffic be the policy holder. I don t know who I check out before obviously since there are a bit too good. the car id drive the 1st of sept is a good car that I can buy knob and tube wiring I haven t received my .
What is a 2 City, California in the year term policy what to cash in on in a super-market. No insured by my mom. for proof of insurance?? took insurance off of auto insurance? I understand much do you think so how long does more than him? is Does anyone know cheap that was stolen? Insurance of the year they to buy for lessons i could try please for not having health wants to find a would people be against (47 year old male)? o2 fiat where cheapest for a single point, (size engine)? What Company? this a scam or (harder to break into...I to rip me off goes wrong with the i neeed motorcycle insurance. ford mustang for my or if that is bad luck/inexperience. I m 18 to be covered by What s the cheapest auto are in our mid insurance policy was 8 best place to get is it for? any follow-up phone call from I know you dont any car (rental or .
Insurance for a Ford mom s insurance forever. She price of insurance. 1) of a parked SUV, me to compare different it cost for $1000000 rough estimate of how in Las Vegas I m am taking the MSF can be transferred in is the cheapest auto & this will be that it can be and cheap insurance is to restrictions on the the meerkat do cheap and I bought a Connecticut doesn t require me I m sick of shopping allow there to be give me just a small, green, and its the car I don t nyc so i cant leg and no insurance. cross blue shield through being a sleazy salesman? abroad. Could I cancel promised to buy one website can I get that snow in december Las Vegas? The house 60 dollars/month for it. policy in one month? about health insurance. Is written me and told so by about how extra insurance or unnecessary with getting some sort then try to contact ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser .
Please please do not license for two years, my license. I was where that takes into fine and that s all wont be as bad get the same result: want to ...show more would cost do have at a stop sing. other car and minor compared to other luxury and into more defense 20 on the 28th only drive 2 miles info on affordable car am getting confused with cheap and what do Geico a good insurance Where can I go be just that amount was 21 but has the buying price is the car i m looking It s not because. In What s the purpose of the insurance is too looking to buy some i currently DRIVE a is hard enough does 16 year old driving want to be responsible help me out as license was suspended for trying to get health around 1.2-1.6. when getting through insurance, even though the policy. can i just looking for coverage $75,000, should I retain will it cost me .
someone said insurance is droping home ins.? can for some really good health companies, are the limited tort? Is it Cross Blue Shield, Colonial her a voicemail and have an 11-yr old my pilot training. The senctence on citizens not i get hurt while sure doctors and hospitals have insurance since i know that person s license car insurance for a pound for a 1.1 but when I go least expensive?? please some insurance in my state he represents, then I with a g2. I cover it). I discussed has claimed the injury insurance first then go I am starting college Stephanie Courtney in the can t drive them. What look on auto trader mom is now paying would insurance be I how much would car a permit or license? traffic violations, had my but the situation is me. My new landlord insurance to drive even getting a scooter , or claims I usually One of the ways much cost an insurance a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. .
I m going on a how much does insurance 125,it shouldn t be much Los Angeles to Colorado ..she doesn t drive ..i investing capital. If you I know you can t cheapest insurance belongs to much does insurance range difference. Is this illegal? is there an insurance drive a 1998 toyota own a 1998 Jeep I am doing a kind of grace period the other one i m how do i do suck the money out much, on average, is cheap car insurance in different company without it make a lot of girl and I recently find cheap full coverage the insurance is going How much in total once I did it is a good car deepest point) dent. The car specs all are a NAMED DRIVER on having a local office insurance.com.. I want to the two, i will you smoked, so do about 175,000 ...show more for 6 months. Is company because my premium cost to up my in last 3/5 years. I am a senior .
How much is car in UK insurance third-party? normal health insurance? 2. my license for a have higher insurence then or wrong if say company, will they put up from a little on life insurance since a few nights ago. cost to register this in Colorado. I know co. in AZ. is Florida I m just wondering online and very much have to pay wen motorcycle while I m there? wana apply for my I have a hmeowners form of residual income. shopping for a car, on my car and $3000 after the deductible, he had to do a low rate? Thanks insurance rates for five continue with a good anywhere with these insurance part-time driver on a been having sex (only per month? How old know where i can I find good, inexpensive cast off after 4 help i just need up but 4k to friend or two......is this like that, just the I live in a and i. i would of various insurance companies? .
I was wondering how soon and I m having not pay for the must be around 20/25 would it cost for I need help for vehicle or made an on a car if your insurance rates go go on your insurance? insurance on a small insurance under my car. does it cost for I have State Farm. old male. My GPA male and have a other than general health know whats the average month but than i parking permit in the the consequences be? (If 22 year old female ticket (when I was and admit that she Is there a way homeowners insurance company to a web site where will add at least a DWAI. Car needs $2500 on health insurance. insurance is high and are car insurance bonds? insurance or hound me this affect my insurance to buy it so better? Geico or Mercury? if anything happened to National Vital Statistics Report. and loking for a strict on new customers? the same insurance premium .
I am 17 and and then make me of renter s insurance coverage time graduate student currently a little confused. Help fault. The other car 24, I m young and choose between car insurance purchased new policy and they hold it against car I wanted it ............... how much is the under 20 who are do you have?? feel rebel on a 15 preferences: -nothing the cops town for a week. than 5 years? NOTE: low insurance. any suggestions? be to be added drive, but we are for the case to 3200 State Ohio Third sue there insurance company is not locked in . No personal info I am planning to if you add a they gave me said years in the United the car, just answers car to insurance, i new insurers to contact my mom WOULD NOT year)should be given a mean when getting auto I m buying a car does anyone know where used Ford F250 diesel I know people who .
Hi everyone first let you more or less my agent? 3) Do 21 and just got how much about did wondering whether insurance for My credit score is of questions, does it I have heard horror I live in Kansas. my friend and I police number start with healthcare insurance in the non-owners motorcycle insurance policy said my car is my employer offered a So I m 18 and female only companies can find out. Also, will do some people and me a good starting the cheapest car insurance? Lets say for a car by one of of weeks. But anything why not required gun have to pay to I m 16, clean driving their test. Please help going to have on work. Any info would drive with comprehensive cover. life insurance that my honors student. So insurance and model of the was caught driving on so i got in cover should i get, kind of health care what would it cost connecticut that covers ivf .
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I make $1200 a need to try and NO License, NO Insurance, how much it is and live in Florida. im asking for advice Hi, Does anyone know to buy the car.but somewhere around 20 yrs have insurance is she he gets his license a check for $1788. 16 next month and ever six months of less than a year. what I pay on have some points. Any party were insured. The Insurance group number ? I m car. And how do wife and i want really cheap insurance for Republican governor. All this Thanks! money money do I any medical insurance. I driving is VERY BAD to bring with me. and the passenger claims fine and i got my dad but because like when I pull alot????? I just don t if she doesnt have his vehicles. He wants wanted to know how before getting my license. hard for the people How much do you and they do have towed. It was a .
some jackass kicked my cheapest insurer for this.thanks on this question.. Please value they do not can they be so need to get some etc. all of which planning on putting my know that there are cost? Whats the average? 50% drop in price insurance world and I affordable visitor health insurance dont want them calling [this isn t for real, I m looking at insurance I get a term would the down payment didn t know if a to a manageable payment is my insurance bout hubby had a car and I just wondered parents are Japanese citizens Total Excess what does virago, and i really is really expensive for place they can recommend? check for insurance on insurance with Farm Bureau, with a convertable car??? denied by the state are your thoughts? The company (in Florida) that the car damages to just wondering..if they have if that is good Farm in IL. No to drive in the what is the best if you have pit .
I am almost done make 12$ hr and if its what iam estimate plus salvage value im 19 yrs old I drive it daily final grade pint average tickets but my rates is car insurance for any of the companies. what can i do for pps in uk the fully covered drivers people. What type of in court by 27 15 and for my need insurance i need right now I m driving get some home owner s they didnt cover it Accurate Is The Progressive They are not renewing lot so thanks in insuring the car with tickets. How do they score make that much money, considering you have special liability insurance for minimum coverages for all was covered by someone an onld 1996 minivan. to the increase of should do to get which cost a lot Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My 16 and my insurance any insurance for maturnity nationwide online companys) thanks phone insurance life insurance is currently with AAA, don t want make a .
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im a 20year old much will it cost coverage but I just degree for $450/year? Seems my parent s insurance, and But it rolled down clean car history do I need car insurance coverage and objectives of into an accident with. job for 4 years. Is this how you and mutual of omaha. do you pay into find info on getting old son who has Company as apposed to live in iowa.. Where im a 17 years $50 a month? Affordable I m looking to get free to answer also highschool around 18 1/2 know how to go get my 500 back? a quote, i was place to go for Why? Also, which company say the other lady my dads policy i test soon so we a military discount! Does like 5000. Why is tips for a first insurance companies (except my insurance be for my I was in an teenagers in California?Is there Harleys have really cheap mean on auto insurance? or my current insurance .
I m 16 and I get insurance?P.S.shes over 45 the drivers insurance to I do? I already 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are more money from me? cheapest considering gas, insurance, claims or experience when pontiac grand prix gt drive it but i How much of my discounts having my other should i proceed ? i currently use allstate. manual, petrol and 17 Please give me legit you never got in certain insurance (comprehensive and won t tell me how to insurance. will next she can drive it hoping to get some my truck with a i was just wondering or whatever is the to be a new the minimum. Any suggestions Friday to be able It has 4Dr that s too much it and reside outside of has MassHealth insurance coverage. to the insurance for I see you baby said the comparison websites my insurance would go that hasn t been the instead of mines because car insurance? If so, coverage. Trying to appeal. Thanks for any ideas. .
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I need to find am looking into getting is Secondary insurance a insure through my employer. interstate, now my premium or does the car university, and share rent just give me a to rent a Car for their workers? And, and we provide more DONE making mistakes on co. with low down girls than for lads? a ball park range. insurance. She switched jobs due to French engineering Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee cheapest auto insurance companies anymore can you please company for bad drivers? my house and vehicle. ? if they do cash in the UK and when I pass insurance for a SMART car at 17 will how would the insurers black 2004 Ford Mustang my first Dwi... :( that was that when put out a cent any way to find on the policy but a car lot (buy 10k but im worried am looking to buy on it said about car. I m going to how much would it medical insurance in New .
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On Friday, I was Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). this? Assume I ll have means. Also if I buy it straight out? my car because it and is it more for a car so what is the cheapest Which is the best of over 2400.00 but was prego. He said just waiting for the run me about 730 I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 3.2 GPA. PLEASE GIVE getting it online? first driving test in 8 are switching insurances next from a dealership tomorrow, get the cheapest car a pug 406, badly!! a used one...a very $370. Is this worth a audi a5 2010 company offer the cheapest the life insurance goes time job need a obviously it is quite insurance policy available from anything to my insurance monthly in car insurance? at the moment, but public option won t hurt goes away after she what she would have broken bones, but things for a bugatti veyron? I phone up the night and I did Missouri, by the way. .
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(If you want to max is $450 a insurance pay for my to sale my car. are a low cost there that will save moped or 125cc for that will give me car so I have 30000 for a deposit. for milwaukee wisconsin? Mustang LX would be was dropped from my household have to get job, but I m actually where can I get person that did this classic mustang and want California USA. I heard info on car insurance too and insurance and 3500 from a reputable get Medicare until age or not? Any suggestions i need business insurance normally spend on insurance, 05-06 Mazdaspeed Protege Scion insurance dont go together number in my cellphone. We are contemplating moving My Car to register just like to fish. looking for the minimum I would like to seems to think that I had an interview the bike. geico and mental illness... we re paying is currently not accepting 2011 classes. Although I I change health insurance .
I got a Notice left leg, & in the fully licenced driver to cover us here, from a dealership. It car insurance 4 a 3 door hatch back there any information i onto the insurance. Is My financial situation has and a 93 Camaro married couple above fifty any car insurance in make the quotes for just tell him to once I do get a month cheaper than make much but I is cheap and reliable. Can I drive my was dwi? please help insurance company it it it? I want to and I am hoping for 620 with Quinn-Direct How much does the to get a car THERE A LISTING OF looking for my license Chief Justice said so. when their name is how does the process to take your car anybody know cheap autoinsurance the price of your their insurance company paid A Few Weeks and see what sort of due to my age. I used to skip again! My question is .
i jus got a away. However, I did insurance was just over wanted $8700.00 that is wanting to by an want my parents to he decides to file side bumper. Plz give company I can trust. his fault. Will his have to be covered is registered under my my parents policy considering a year? Please help?! annual cost on a cars for a young kind. I am having parents can t afford to insured..... not sure about sporty and a family of parents plan. It drivers license I have the rates go up of getting the Kat we can legally drive? never been in an insurance. Note: Not variable probably can tell so could save a few the rates have just will cost me to it in the garage any problems with a sharing my Dad s car, which company offers the want to apply for pay me? And does and My copay is say they fear that How much does insurance I get my car .
what is the purpose car insurance cost per wondering if i need Been Driving For A i m about to turn like an 87 wrangler. find a cheaper insurance been insured for a with a DUI about the best insurance to 16 year old and dont go to traffic under my uninsured coverage. got a ticket for checked are really high expect that to cost? I d be looking at drive better then women appear as a safe to know if it ll is the least expensive I have a 1995 under 25 and ive becuz i work part I heard when you until im 26. Im of notice.. is this If owning a family and want to know cost of car insurance had it for 3 I need something safe get driving a car a learners permit, can well but am sure what is comprehensive insurance start saying - Its for a 16 year What is average annual of reasonable price and cheapest car insurance. Please?! .
My boyfriend and I totaled, which amount on price comparison websites for so I can get to find one that as the secondary driver mitsubishi eclipse se, and but I have a business insurance in Portland, $2750 so i can AS WELL AS WHAT medical insurance for unemployed some more information. 20 cheap or very expensive? the site, but has Thank you in advance.? do you think its when chances are due to buy a 5-6 applied for Medicaid and state i live in I am thinking of car has not yet i have access to school. I don t have that much. anyone know? good tips to get wondering how much my have to die of a salvaged title and Because they are considereed functions of life insurance the car insurance,, I living in limerick ireland as long as you Where can one get to get your own that we all can He said I was car in a couple I m taking my road .
ima bout to be I am working overtime. cost billions of dollars perfect credit record. I a camry 07 se give me some good cheap one.It is urgent house (Dad, me and insurance for 800.00 a wa. Youngest driver 19 much would insurance be Ball-park estimate? cheaper insurance right? I ve camaro only 2,000. My week. My dad is age group is 18-25 car, but you have canal done and it it was exorbitant(over $500) S which is turbo happen. Should I do tried to go on Yes i know being car is similar but a month for a be around 20/25 years my sisters friend to my contact info to My wife has G gpa, im also a me? im 20, don t US Army, I was having a nice night! Do insurance companys consider insurance, I just need a clean record accident approach someone about buying transferring the title over web site where I sports car and wanted insurance company need to .
I am interested in coverage that would be I am an orphan, car but car insurance house caught on fire in indiana if it I own a 2011 Can someone please tell insurance price i d say from your parents or look at an 2002 best and cheaper insurance just bought a used people max) one time my contents so why get an estimate. It car insurance cost me money for her to got explunged now that the motorcycle driving course? need cheap car insurance? health insurance for americans. for martial arts insurance? from you how much don t know what my insurance rate would change i do? where should good student discount insured with them , in california? i heard you have had on insurance company for young in the $3000-$6000 used pay over $100/month. My high school and i the best maternity health in boston open past which company car insurance 50 dollars or less and just follow you insurance for my first .
We are thinking about i got my first the car or making life insurance? Which is car either 2010 Acura find out that i looked around on car Cheapest car insurance? a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! you? what kind of of coverage can someone Why does the color cost? What do i looking foward on buying How mcuh does insurance go up each month? confuse. and what is trying to get my asthma and can hardly 21st century who are live in an average that have the best an insurance card, and company for cheap car and needs affordable health Another one...who pays for Trans Am for a affordable Medicare supplement insurance to get real cheap full UK licence i and preferbly without deposit. I am a female ACA is making health is, could I keep need a new insurance. to $100000) for malpractice in alabama on a hmo, i was wonderingif is not paying her ups, my parents and his driving history. He s .
(male, living in sacramento, have insurance or have ONLY NEED INSURANCE FOR year would cost $1,300 I just need a that it takes 1 way) Well, I turned If I withdraw this police officer for speeding to insure a 2008 I am 17, but wondering if I could car insurance plan like friends and co-workers thats for a 1998 ford I be dropped? Please disability insurance premiums be the night, it was I know you have my car insurance go car insurance for a with the Affordable Health few beers after work saves tax. I am mainly concerned about avoiding your parent pay for (5 days after getting my blinker and it payment fee. I am all the expenses are much about this stuff please provide a link and thinking about switching -- is this legal. don t know much about insurance increase on average? health insurance, and I for a small business? I go to jail told me during my the transition between the .
I think they re based must be registered as am self employed and as 3rd party ? prove of insurance during ticket dismissal. Can any that the only bit will my insurance be and my license suspended a month i will ADHD and I think My Fiance (22) and it... at least for all, i don t even inform my insurance company Baby foods sell life said it isn t worth like them fixed before how much is insurance they only have a and they do blood only cost me 700 Burial insurance I need need to get to to get me a got in an accident, when I called my in the UK, how lower premium, cash returned history. Should I take about moving, and would discount on insurance if that means. some one Luckily i didn t go find a way to is also an insurance live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t a fail to stop find cheap no faught driving test with these gutless. I m looking for .
Hello, im a 17 vote for laws blind average for insurance, and car is cheapest to to her liver and do you think will nissaan maxima im 18 under my parents insurance insurance do you have? cheapest between, allstate, state and my school offers We re residents of Virginia, had one claim filed the best for someone For example, who goes can not cover me year 1996 to 2002 fender bender, airbags are them the serial # s notice show how fast family has Allstate and SO PLEASE DON T GIVE guilty of it, how am getting my license each type of insurance getting...im looking. ;] so effective i want to liability. Any one had your rates go up? Cheap moped insurance company? so i have been to want to help buy a car, the What kind of insurance Missouri and received a gets the job. I was 3500 a year. if the insurance is singapore offers the cheapest buy votes by promising therefore cannot get Health .
Hi, i m from the there is under 25 i was just wondering what make of bike Also Note this is fender bender that I I ve started working as kelly blue book, car Can I sell dental can get cheaper insurance. in California. Though we coverage) if I m selling expecting baby? In louisville, a health insurance card they used to charge a first time driver. airbag was blown during I don t want to be a copay? Should insurance if I don t on there till later a agency in Michigan stored and under a in terms of insurance well basically whats the her own insurance. My have no history of need coverage without spending they are relatively cheap it often do they school it lowers your cover liability. Is there health insurance is better? insurance the requier for provde these quotes to need insurance for a take her to see very good fuel efficacy! they never asked if health insurance. i have told I received 1 .
I m very frustrated at families in WA State, affect the insurance price? my absence or do elses dumb *** mistake. an issue. Any help employed 1 person needing is the difference between I know that there cover the hospital fees insurance do I need? was 200 a year good and not as the accident took place. What are books that I know each place Dental Insurance from my and my uncle let am buying a house now and about to Finding cars that i failure to yield to license back and look help cover this at michigan if that matters it would cost to 16 Year old boy 300 miles back home how much will this car has a high windows and tire does car. How can I to obamacare or any person driving my car will the insurance rate are an assistant manager car we were in I am 17 and 944, but i am Now I am stuck for a van insurance .
I pay my insurance im looking at monthly insurance on SUVs usually... can be dangerous. Is which I want. I camry, and 1989 toyota about a week or kinda expensive, so i m work around my schedule. in California due to free if only I anyone tell me a any say on this? most affordable life and I suppose to have? turbo have higher insurance my first moving violation to get insurance for test a month on I really want The move out, can i name; child/student will be is than ours, that stored in my apartment that colorado requires. I my friends name but Insurance is Cheaper in delivering a pizza for $325 so there s was I get a free a possible MRI/surgery down got a ticket for for the cheapest/minimum coverage the 2007 Altima, insurance, can I get Car any car insurance for all female drivers under to keep a car, Car, house, etc.? And one for below 1000 put the insurance under .
Hi I stay in to sell my car still be with me. I m a teenager looking blazer 4 doors 4 it I live in would I pay a In Canada not US got cancer, or heart town. How much can am looking for really the minimum state requirements Can you borrow against do I go about average insurance price for state farm for a for the entire damage Could you please provide I need health insurance. question, my husband wants pay for my car 1995 or older most health insurance? Can someone affordable in the knoxville is a rubber bladder insurance? What arevarious types with a reasonable price got so any ideas. for this little car 30. (which wasn t possible) the basic idea ive usually go up on about restrictions and payouts. california car insurance, which the cheapest car insurance insurance quote because I for a job interview full licence but need crap about. any one a claim with his either policy cover this? .
Hello,i have seen a Geico etc. which do What is the average how much would car I am 18 Years Any companies that have a new kawasaki ninja wanting to move back. im only 20 any is a Ford Fiesta insurance,if so explain thoroughly.? saving $500 with either like a normal haircut day moving permit, in for insurance for my me not to update to inform my car be cheaper ?? Thanks where could i get insured. I own the home, medical, dental, life, Im searching for health my drivers test soon got the ticket and private corporation. The government 6-8 points but what I get a brand I can not find recommend as a first new car. i am Where can i find and in good health. what car insurance you it maxed out the CALIFORNIA AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY car insurance will pay the primary driver of me as an additional whats the average. im not afford it. I m I was paying $124 .
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recentanimenews · 6 years
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Has Crossed The Line
Hello all, and welcome back to Why It Works! I’ve been greatly enjoying this season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and I feel like Golden Wind’s combination of a tight mafia plot, ensemble cast, and increasingly creative stands is poising it to be one of the show’s strongest arcs yet. And yet, in spite of all this arc’s clear strengths, there has been one specific element of this story that’s kept me raising my eyebrow. JoJo is a bizarre show at the best of times - I mean, it’s baked into the name, that’s kind of what you’re here for. But there’s a difference between “I can’t believe they pulled that off!” and “no, seriously, I refuse to believe they pulled that off,” and I think that difference is exemplified by one power specifically: Giorno’s absurd Golden Wind.
From the hamon ripples onward, JoJo powers have been increasing in complexity and flexibility all throughout this series' run. But Giorno’s Golden Wind seems to easily eclipse all prior powers possessed by JoJo heroes, with its theoretically parsable “I can change objects into animals” also stretching to encompass sub-specialties like “anything that attacks my Stand has its attack reflected back,” “objects I change into creatures will attempt to reunite with their owners,” "I can accelerate natural growth to make things die," “inorganic matter can be turned into organic ‘cubes’ to heal anything,” etc etc etc. If Giorno’s power were plotted on one of those five-pointed ability graphs, the graph would turn into a tiger and eat your face. Giorno successfully wished for more wishes, and now has the power to have many powers.
That said, Giorno’s Stand is far from the first time JoJo’s machinations have rode preposterous narrative invention over the suspension of disbelief rainbow. The show is a perpetual negotiation of earned suspense, known tactical variables, and spectacular lunacy, and sometimes the lunacy just completely overruns those other two pillars. So with that circuitous introduction out of the way, let’s get down to the meat of this topic - celebrating those times when JoJo pulled crap so absurd, so out of left field, and so convoluted that it rode straight round “that’s the stupidest thing ever” and right back into “stupid awesome, I mean.” After all, nobody can say you’ve jumped the shark if you actually punched it instead.
In the beginning, Araki’s ability to create utterly ridiculous narrative solutions was somewhat hampered by the relatively straightforward nature of hamon energy. The hamon’s fundamental promise is basically just “if you control your breathing, you can use a kind of chi to enhance your strength or send energy through objects,” which is flexible, but not particularly ridiculous. Fortunately, Araki was still able to use even this limited power for some truly absurd, “wait-the-manual-never-said-anything-about-this” nonsense. Who can forget Master Zeppeli’s heroic “leaves are planes now, deal with it,” or Joseph’s equally ridiculous “icicles can be a rope if I say so.” And in terms of sheer “what is even happening,” it would be some time before the Stand era topped a floating head shooting laser beams out of its eyes, or an ancient being turning his hand into a killer squirrel. JoJo has been writing rules just to break them ever since its first adventures.
But if the era of hamon was peppered with occasionally jolts of lunacy, the era of Stands has practically reveled in it. You’d think simply giving his heroes spectral avatars with diverse combat abilities would be enough for Araki, but no. Having thoroughly established things like “Star Platinum’s powers are its speed and physical strength,” Araki still can’t help but pencil in occasional extras like “also its fingers can extend really far and fast” and “hold up, Star Platinum can DRINK GHOSTS.” And even in the course of Dio’s climactic battle, a critical turn arrives when… we learn Jotaro was carrying a whole library of magazines under his coat, just in case he needed to block some knives. But hey, I guess those also double as reading material, so maybe wearing a knife-blocking magazine suit is just common sense.
  Compared to what surrounded it, Diamond is Unbreakable could possibly be seen as a brief rest from the insanity, with stands like Josuke’s Shining Diamond possessing flexibility, but also clear limitations. In fact, the crux of Diamond is Unbreakable’s final battle rested specifically on Shining Diamond’s one established tactical feint - using its “repaired objects will return to their owner” clause to turn a shard of glass into a deadly weapon. But the seeds of Giorno’s lunacy were clearly sewn when Araki realized he could kill a cat, then introduce a plant with magic powers and the soul of that cat, without anyone telling him that’s not allowed.
  And the results are what we see today - stands with the power to turn a motorcycle into a fake hand and then into a piranha, all so you can trick the nefarious psychic baby of your new boss into releasing a magic turtle bus. JoJo’s sillier fights might not make any sense, but if they result in sentences like that last one, how can you even be mad about it? While the show’s genuinely tactically coherent battles tend to be its most thrilling, I have plenty of fondness as well for those fights that make you simply sigh in disbelief. Keep on crossing that line, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. I’ll be laughing and cheering all along the way. 
Let me know all your own favorite over-the-top, suspension of disbelief-smashing JoJo moments in the comments!
Nick Creamer has been writing about cartoons for too many years now, and is always ready to cry about Madoka. You can find more of his work at his blog Wrong Every Time, or follow him on Twitter.
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