#like western Alberta sort of situation
eyra · 9 months
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college-girl199328 · 8 months
Day after day, the water trucks rolled into the southwest Alberta communities of Cowley, Lundbreck, and Beaver Mines. Due to severe drought conditions, that's how residents and businesses got their water supply between last August and late August, normally getting water piped in from the nearby Oldman Reservoir. But its water levels became so low that the intake pipes were suddenly sucking in prairie air instead, requiring a desperate (and costly) truck solution.
Engineers have figured out a pumping solution to stop the need for daily trucks, but sometimes they still have to haul when the pipes pick up too much silt and sediment from the parched reservoir's bed, says David Cox, reeve of the Municipal District of Pincher Creek.
Water issues have become most of what he talks about — with residents facing sharp usage restrictions, with fellow municipal leaders and farm groups, with provincial officials on a now-regular basis.
As bad as last year's drought situation was--water trucks to Cowley, feed crunches for cattle farmers, lawn-sprinkler limits in Calgary--many indications show that this year threatens to be even worse in much of Alberta and the rest of western Canada.
The Alberta government's creeping sense of urgency showed up on Wednesday. Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz sent a letter to all 25,000 holders of water licenses in Alberta, launching negotiations to get users to reach water-sharing agreements. The name carries some gravitas, doesn't it?--will work with major water users in sectors like agriculture and industry to "secure significant and timely reductions," the minister's letter states.
A day earlier, Schulz and other top officials held a telephone town hall with a wide range of Albertans from water commissions, local councils, oil companies, and the golf course association.
Stacey Smythe, an assistant deputy minister with Alberta Environment, put forth many grim stats: west of Fort Macleod, it is at 28 percent capacity, compared to a normal range between 62 and 80 percent around now. St. Mary's Reservoir is at 15 percent, when it should be between 41 and 70.
Before freeze-up, Willow Creek near Claresholm logged its lowest monthly flow since 2000. And while northern Alberta watersheds mostly aren't as bad, up at the town of Peace River the namesake river has also logged its lowest average flow this century bodies mostly get recharged from melting mountain snowpack, and the accumulation in this mild, dry winter is lower than last year's.
Shortages could force more ranchers to downsize their cattle herds. Some oil and gas companies have begun facing crackdowns on their water use, and more may come as sharing negotiations pick up on that town hall call, predicting that trucked-in water will likely be necessary again into 2024. Ditto for urban water restrictions.
In Edmonton, a water treatment pump issue prompted a citywide alert this week to limit business and household water use, including a plea for short showers instead of baths. That could be a dress rehearsal for what much of Alberta, especially in southern communities, could be asked to comply with later this year.
The worst could be prevented by some heavy snow later this winter or the sort of springtime downpour that some rural folk call "trillion-dollar rain."
But an El Niño system such as this year's, coupled with the chronic heating effects of climate change, do not bode well, says John Pomeroy, the Canada Research Chair in water resources and climate change.
Groundwater by Kananaskis' Marmot Creek is at its lowest levels in more than a half-century, he said; and tracking of the Bow River at Calgary last summer showed it lower than ever measured, back to chinooks were warm enough to melt snow above the mountain treeline.
It's encouraging, the veteran water scientist says, that provincial officials are talking about it seriously early in the year, rather than getting caught off-guard later when (or if) disaster strikes officials have thus far avoided drawing links between worsening drought and climate change, given how Premier Danielle Smith and many on her team are uneasy talking about climate change and its consequences.
But this could be the sort of crisis year when symptoms become so acute that discussion of causes may appear more secondary.
Smythe, the senior civil servant, echoed some of Schulz's own rhetoric in saying that, on water, "we're all in this together. This situation has never been truer than it is today, and it echoes something else, too: the message from now-former chief medical officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw in the early stretches of the COVID pandemic. It caused citizens and businesses alike to restrain and compromise their own activities and freedoms for the betterment of the whole.
Those exhortations and orders to reduce and restrict everyone's well-being will make a comeback if the severe drought scenarios materialize. Schulz and Smith will face pressure to declare a new provincial state of emergency.
During her largely dire presentation on the state of dry Alberta, Smythe also made an optimistic point about the public's willingness to comply. While Calgary imposed water restrictions, Red Deer didn't, she noted--but because its residents consume Calgary media, the messages put a dent in that central Alberta city's water use, too, and parched fields may demand Albertans to all be in this together in 2024, to share, to compromise. That collective spirit didn't always work so well throughout the pandemic, and our current premier was among those who pushed back, but this time is necessarily different.
Smith leads a government that must steward a public resource we all use, and the consequences could be dire and wide-ranging if the collective fails to do so.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 6 years
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By Ripley Cook
Etymology: Horn Roof
First Described By: Lambe, 1902
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Ornithischia, Genasauria, Neornithischia, Cerapoda, Marginocephalia, Pachycephalosauria, Pachycephalosauridae
Referred Species: S. validum, S. novomexicanum
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Stegoceras lived between 76.7 and 75.1 million years ago, in the Campanian age of the Late Cretaceous 
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Stegoceras is known from the Lower to Middle Levels of the Dinosaur Park Formation, the Fossil Forest Member of the Fruitland Formation, and the Hunter Wash Member of the Kirkland Formation 
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Physical Description: Stegoceras is a Pachycephalosaur, a kind of bipedal herbivorous dinosaur made distinctive due to their dome-shaped heads and long, extraordinarily stiffened tails. It is one of the best known Pachycephalosaurs from North America, and one of the few that we actually have remains from non-skull parts of the skeleton. Stegoceras ranged from about 2 to 2.5 meters in length, about the same size as a living goat. This made it about average in terms of Pachycephalosaur size, and about the same general size as any small bipedal Ornithischian. 
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By Steveoc 86, CC BY-SA 4.0
It had a very rigid spine, with the vertebrae tightly locked together and then the muscles between the vertebrae being ossified (turned to bone) themselves, making the spine extremely straight and incapable of much sideways movement. It held its neck in an S or U shape curve, like most dinosaurs, which is interesting when combined with this extremely inflexible spine. The tail was even more ossified than the spine, creating parallel and perpendicular rows of fibres that crossed over on each other and created a sort of Chinese Finger Trap of a tail. The reason for this extraordinary rigidity is, so far, unknown. The official term for this structure is a “caudal basket”, which is only found in Teleost fish and Pachycephalosaurs, making Pachycephlosaurs some of the weirdest tetrapods known.
It had long and narrow shoulder blades that twisted in line with the ribs, and it had thin collar bones as well, giving it a fairly slender chest and arm region compared to the rest of its body. It also had weak shoulder muscles, meaning it really wasn’t using its arms and chest area for much in terms of movement and activity. Stegoceras also had very broad hips, which lead some scientists to briefly think it gave birth to live young - but there is no evidence for this and, obviously, much simpler explanations for broad hips than giving birth. It had long, slender legs, which probably would have aided Stegoceras in running. 
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By Michael B. H., CC BY-SA 4.0
Of course, one of the most obviously interesting features of Stegoceras is its head. Like other Pachycephalosaurs, it had a large dome on its head, and a little ridge behind the dome itself. The head overall was triangular in shape, and it had a very short and squat snout. The dome was ornamented with little bumps and ridges, as was the shelf, indicating some sort of display was involved with this odd structure. It had large eyes, with heavy bony ridges over the eyes. It also had a shortened and squished brain within its head. It had thick bones around its nose, and its nostrils were large, inflated, and frontward facing on its snout. It also had sinuses in its jaws which then connected with the nostril system; these unique nostrils are actually some of the things that distinguish Stegoceras from other Pachycephalosaurs, along with the ridge on the back of its skull. Despite its weird nose, it didn’t have knobs or other decorations on its nostrils, unlike other members of its group. It had a long, almost jutting-out sort of lower jaw, which was filled with teeth. It also had a small beak in the front of its mouth.
As for teeth, it had a variety of differentiated teeth within its mouth, which is not commonly found in dinosaurs as a general rule (differentiated teeth is more of a mammal thing). It had small, narrow rows of tiny teeth, which only overlapped each other slightly. There is a little bit of space between the frontmost teeth and the back teeth. The front teeth were tall, pointed, and curved, with the lower jaw teeth bigger than the upper jaw teeth. The teeth in the back were more triangular and compressed, with deeper roots.
Skin impressions of Stegoceras are not known. Based on close relatives, it probably would have been primarily scaly; however, given its small size protofeathers are not out of the question, and are even potentially probable. This fluff may have been restricted to the tail, or found elsewhere on the body, if present. It would have aided Stegoceras in maintaining body temperature as well as served as a display structure. 
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By José Carlos Cortés
Diet: The small teeth of Stegoceras weren’t really strong enough for eating tough, dry, fibre-filled plants like other dinosaurs at the same time; it’s entirely probable, thus, that Stegoceras was better at eating smaller, softer leaves; seeds; fruits; and even insects. It probably was mostly, if not entirely herbivorous, as it had similar teeth to modern Iguanas. Its jaws mainly moved up and down, shearing the soft plant material, rather than crushing it. Thus, in general, it would have been a low level or ground browser, eating small and soft plants that were on the ground or had fallen to it, especially berries shaken loose by higher-level browsers. Stegoceras also had a very good sense of smell, as indicated by the extensive nasal passages and large sized nostrils, and that would have helped Stegoceras in rooting out food along the ground.
Behavior: Stegoceras, being a common, small herbivore in its environments, probably wouldn’t have been particularly solitary, but lived in groups to forage together and keep an eye out for potential predators. They would have been fairly skittish animals - their small size being a disadvantage in environments with many different types of predators - but also extremely defensive ones, given their large domes on their heads.
There has been an extensive amount of debate over the function of Pachycephalosaur domes in general, and Stegoceras, being one of the better known members of the group, has had a singular place within that debate. The most recent studies on the subject have indicated that extensive damage to the domes actually demonstrate usage of the domes in traumatic situations, with lesions (breaks) found in 22% of Pachycephalosaurs with rounded domes. This is roughly the amount expected for animals that engage in combat within the species - intra-specific combat. These breaks were on the tops of the domes, supporting the idea that Pachycephalosaurs head-butted one another like modern rams - and, indeed, the study compared the breaks in the domes with living sheep and other head-butting animals. So, it seems extremely likely that these animals did, in fact, butt their heads together; despite previous claims that their skulls could not withstand the impact, the actual evidence found on the skulls suggests otherwise.
Still, that doesn’t mean that these skulls weren’t also used in other ways - particularly display. Many defensive & combative structures on animals today are also used for display and species recognition. These could have been mating displays, as well as threat displays, since often displaying a weapon can discourage confrontation. As such, Pachycephalosaur domes may have been differently colored amongst different species or even individuals, in order to look attractive and communicate amongst members of the group.
Thus, Stegoceras would have been a very social animal, living in groups together and fighting amongst one another for mates and resources such as food and territory. They could have used their domes to defend themselves as well, and thus would have probably been fairly aggressive, attacking anything that came too close. And, if that failed - or the threat was too dangerous - it did have long and slender legs to run away with.
As in other dinosaurs, Stegoceras probably took care of its young, though there isn’t really any fossil evidence on that subject either way. Still, closely related dinosaurs such as Psittacosaurus and Protoceratops are known to take care of their young, so that makes it likely that Stegoceras did as well. In addition, Stegoceras - as in other Pachycpehalosaurs - went through extensive change in the dome shape as they aged. Younger Stegoceras had flatter skulls than the older ones, indicating they weren’t involved in combat as adults were until they reached sexual maturity. The knobs on the shelf, however, varied extensively from individual to individual, and weren’t related to the age of Stegoceras like the dome itself was. 
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By Jack Wood
Ecosystem: Stegoceras lived at the end of the Campanian epoch in North America, a time of extremely unique living things in North America that characterize the Cretaceous Period in the eyes of many. Unlike the entire rest of the world, North America at this time was filled with many different types of hadrosaurs, Tyrannosaurs, and most especially, Ceratopsids. While some of each of these groups were found elsewhere, especially Asia, this unique cacophony of creatures - and an extensive diversity thereof - is really just a North America thing.
Stegoceras itself lived in a variety of these ecosystems. S. validium lived in the Dinosaur Park Formation, a famous ecosystem with many of the most iconic dinosaurs, up in Alberta, Canada. The environment was a large plain, associated with extensive river systems connected to the Western Interior Seaway, along which the ecosystem extended. Floodplains with rich mud and sand filled the entire area, and it was utterly packed with plantlife, including Ginkgos, Sequoias, Cypresses, other Conifers, Mulberries, Katsuras, Water Cabbage, Plane Trees, Grapes, Buffalo nuts, and a variety of algae, liverworts, mosses, hornworts, club moss, quillworts, ferns, cycads, cypresses, pines, maples, sunflowers, oaks, beeches, birches, alders, mistletoes, elms, lilies, and reeds. This indicates that a forest ecosystem met a more wetland environment - potentially a swamp - with extensive fern fields everywhere else. This would have given Stegoceras a wide variety of soft plant material to feed on, from berries and grapes to soft water plants.
Dinosaur Park is named accordingly, of course - it is utterly filled with a variety of different dinosaurs. Stegoceras, only being known from the lower and middle time periods of this environment, only lived with some of them. Other Pachycephalosaurs it shared its home with included Foraminacephale and Hanssuesia, though those were not as common nor as well known as Stegoceras, which was clearly the most common small bipedal herbivore in the area. There were a lot of large, lumbering Ankylosaurs such as Edmontonia, Panoplosaurus, Euoplocephalus, Dyoplosaurus, Scolosaurus, and Platypelta, at one time or another. Huge, social, loud Hadrosaurs such as Gryposaurus, Prosaurolophus, Parasaurolophus, Lambeosaurus, and Corythosaurus were all there as well - literally, almost all the iconic hadrosaurs lived in the same time and place! There were many kinds of Ceratopsids too, such as Centrosaurus, Chasmosaurus, and Mercuriceratops. One Ornithomimosaur was present in the ecosystem as well, the less famous Rativates. Large Tyrannosaurids such as Gorgosaurus and Daspletosaurus lived in the formation, but they probably wouldn’t have been the main predators of Stegoceras, except maybe as juveniles, given Stegoceras being so, so tiny. Instead, the raptors Saurornitholestes and Dromaeosaurus, and the Troodontid Stenonychosaurus would have been the big problems for Stegoceras, as the predators the little dome-head would have had to look out for.
Interestingly enough, Stegoceras is not known in the upper part of the formation; why it went extinct and was not a part of that ecosystem is not well known.
There were many non-dinosaurs in Dinosaur Park too, of course, including a variety of lizards, pterosaurs, turtles, Crocodilians, Coristoderes, Multituberculate Mammals, Marsupial relatives, and Placental Mammal Relatives. Plus, being associated with the Western Interior Seaway, there were also fish such as sharks, sturgeons, gars, and teleosts. 
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By Scott Reid
S. novomexicanum, the other species in this genus, lived much further south - in the Fruitland and Kirtland Formations of New Mexico. The Fruitland Formation is slightly older, and immediately succeeded by the Kirtland Formation. Fewer types of dinosaurs are known from these environments. The Fruitland Formation was next to the Western Interior Seaway as well, and filled with shoreline-associated swampy lowland environments. There were also conifers and flowering plants filling this area, but in general the Fruitland Formation is the most poorly known of the three ecosystems Stegoceras is known from. Dinosaurs present include the Ceratopsid Pentaceratops, the Hadrosaur Parasaurolophus, and the Ornithomimid Ornithomimus. There were also Crocodilians, Multituberculate Mammals, Lizards, and Turtles.
The Kirtland Formation is a little better known, and a little more like Dinosaur Park, with an extensive river system surrounded by floodplains and swamps. There were ferns, conifers, willows, walnuts, beeches, oaks, mulberries, moonseeds, magnolias, laurels, legumes, buckthorns, and grapes. As such, it was extremely similar in terms of plant component to Dinosaur Park, but also quite different, probably due to its more southern location and, thus, likely warmer climate. Still, Stegoceras would probably have enjoyed feeding on berries and grapes in both locations!
In the Kirtland Formation, Stegoceras lived alongside the hadrosaur Kritosaurus, the ceratopsians Pentaceratops and then Titanoceratops, the ankylosaurs Ziapelta and Ahshislepelta, and the smaller Tyrannosaur Bistahieversor that was probably the main predator of Stegoceras. Here there were also turtles, Multituberculates, Crocodilians, and Sharks.
Other: Stegoceras is one of a variety of smaller, more basally derived Pachcephalosaurs separate from things more closely related to Pachycephalosaurus itself. However, this group is very tentative and has not yet been given a name. Where Pachycephalosaurs come from, unfortunately, is a major mystery - they seem to just appear in the fossil record, seemingly out of thin air. More research on this uniquely weird group of dinosaurs is, thus, needed.
Stegoceras is also one of the first known Pachycephalosaurs, and is probably one of the best known today after Pachycephalosaurus itself.
Species Differences: S. validium and S. novomexicanum are mainly differentiated based on location, with the latter occurring in the southwestern part of the United States, and the former in southern Canada. However, S. novomexicanum also is slightly physically different from its northern cousin, specifically in having a smaller, more triangular back of its skull, and being in general more slender.
~ By Meig Dickson 
Sources under the cut
Braman, D. R., E. B. Koppelhus. 2005. Campanian palynomorphs. In: Currie, P. J., E. B. Koppelhus (eds). Dinosaur Provincial Park: A Spectacular Ancient Ecosystem Revealed. Indiana University Press: Bloomington and Indianapolis: 101 - 130.
Brown, C. M., A. P. Russell, A. A. Farke. 2012. Homology and Architecture of the Caudal Basket of Pachycephalosauria (Dinosauria: Ornithischia): The First Occurrence of Myorhabdoi in Tetrapods. PLoS ONE 7 (1): e30212.
Carpenter, K. 1997. Agonistic behavior in Pachycephalosaurs (Ornithischia: Dinosaur): a new look at head-butting behavior. Contributions to Geology 32 (1): 19 - 25.
Glut, D. F. 1997. Dinosaurs: The Encyclopedia. Jefferson, NOrth Carolina: McFarland & Co: 834 - 838.
Fowler, D. W. 2017. Revised Geochronology, Correlation, and Dinosaur Stratigraphic Ranges of the Santonian-Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) formations of the Western Interior of North America. PLoS One 12 (11): e0188426.
Jasinksi, S. E., R. M. Sullivan. 2011. Re-evaluation of pachycephalosaurids from the Fruitland-Kirtland transition (Kirtlandian, late Campanian), San Juan Basin, New Mexico, with a description of a new species of Stegoceras and a reassessment of Texacsephale langstoni. Fossil Record 3. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 53: 202 - 215.
Jasinski, S. E., R. M. Sullivan. 2016. The validity of the Late cretaceous pachycephalosaurid Stegoceras novomexianum (Dinosauria: Pachycephalosauridae). New Mexico Museum of Natural HIstory and Science Bulletin 74 (107).
Lambert, D. 1993. The Ultimate Dinosaur Book. New York: Dorling Kindersley. 155.
Maryańska, T., R. E. Chapman, D. B. Weishampel. 2004. “Pachycephalosauria”. In Weishampel, D. B., P. Dodson, H. Osmólska. The Dinosauria (2nd ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press: 464 - 477.
Nabavizadeh, A. 2016. Evolutionary Trends in the Jaw Adductor Mechanisms of Ornithischian Dinosaurs. The Anatomical Record 299 (3): 271 - 294.
Paul, G. S. 2010. The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs. Princeton University Press: 241 - 242.
Peterson, J. E., C. Dischler, N. R. Longrich. 2013. Distributions of Cranial Pathologies Provide Evidence for Head-Butting in Dome-Headed Dinosaurs (Pachycephalosauridae). PLoS ONE 8 (7): e68620.
Schott, R. K., D. C. Evans, M. B. Goodwin, J. R. Horner, C. M. Brown, N. R. Longrich. 2011. Cranial ontogeny in Stegoceras validum (Dinosauria: Pachycephalosauria): a quantitative model of pachycephalosaur dome growth and Variation. PLoS ONE 6 (6): e21092.
Schott, R. K., D. C. Evans. 2012. Squamosal Ontogeny and Variation in the Pachycephalosaurian Dinosaur Stegoceras validum Lambe, 1902, from the Dinosaur Park Formation, Alberta. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32 (4): 903 - 913.
Snively, E., J. M. Theodor. 2011. Common Functional Correlates of Head-Strike Behavior in the Pachycephalosaur Stegoceras validum (Ornithischia, Dinosauria) and Combative Artiodactyls. PLoS ONE 6 (6): e21422.
Sues, H. D., P. M. Galton. 1987. Anatomy and classification of the North American Pachycephalosauria (Dinosauria: Ornithischia). Palaeontologica Abteilung A 198: 1 - 40.
Sullivan, R. M. 2003. Revision of the dinosaur Stegoceras Lambe (Ornithischia, Pachycephalosauridae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23 (1): 181 - 207.
Sullivan, R. M. 2006. A taxonomic review of the Pachycephalosauridae (Dinosauria: Ornithischia). New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 35: 347 - 365.
Williamson, T. E., S. L. Bursatte. 2016. Pachycephalosaurs (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Upper cretaceous (upper Campanian) of New Mexico: A reassessment of Stegoceras novomexicanum. Cretaceous Research 62: 29 - 43.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Catchy sparrow song goes 'viral' across Canada in continent-wide phenomenon
Catchy sparrow song goes 'viral' across Canada in continent-wide phenomenon
White-throated sparrows in British Columbia are whistling a new tune and it’s going viral across Canada.
What started as a minor change to a common song has now morphed into a continent-wide phenomenon before our very ears. 
“As far as we know, it’s unprecedented,” says biologist Ken Otter from the University of Northern British Columbia, Canada. 
“We don’t know of any other study that has ever seen this sort of spread through cultural evolution of a song type.”
When Otter first moved to western Canada in the late 1990s, he heard the white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) singing an unusual tune. Instead of sticking to the species’ usual three-note finish, local sparrow populations were ending their tune on two notes.
Between 2000 and 2019, this small change has travelled over 3,000 kilometres (1,800 miles) from British Columbia (BC) to central Ontario, virtually wiping out a historic song ending that’s been around since the 1950s at least.
No one knows what’s so addictive about this new ending, or why it can’t exist alongside the three-note variant, but scientists are trying to figure it out. 
Thanks to citizen scientists, researchers were able to analyse the songs of 1,785 male white-throated sparrows, which were recorded from the 1950s onwards. 
While it’s not unusual for populations of sparrows and other birds to change their tunes, it usually remains a regional dialect. It certainly doesn’t spread like the one from BC.
And yet, from Alberta, to Saskatchewan, to Manitoba, this unique ending crossed Canada’s prairie provinces in record time.
“It could well be a “we haven’t noticed it before”,” admits Otter to ScienceAlert.
“Now that there is so many more songs from vast areas being uploaded each year, it is possible to start exploring whether this is a more general phenomenon in other species.”
In 2004, the data show Alberta’s sparrows were still trilling away with the triplet ending typical to the species. Ten years later, all the males in that region had shifted to a doublet ending.
By 2015, it had spread to central Ontario, completely supplanting the three-note ending in the northwest. By 2019, it had reached western Quebec, covering the entire western portion of the species’ geographic range.
Altogether, that’s a linear distance of nearly 3,300 kilometres. 
“Within the regions where the doublet-ending song variant spread, it also completely replaced in the process,” the authors write. 
“To our knowledge, this is an unprecedented rate of song-type transition in any species of birds.” 
Using citizen science databases, like eBird and Xeno-Canto, the new study shows the songs heard on the wintering grounds tend to match up with where the sparrows are from.
“This concentration and intermingling of birds from large portions of the breeding range suggests that the spread of song variants among populations may be facilitated by song tutoring on the wintering grounds,” the authors write.
Incidentally, there are reports that the white-crowned sparrows (Z. leucophrys) sometimes incorporates elements of other dialects during winter singing.
To test this idea, researchers attached geolocators – or what Otter calls ‘tiny backpacks’ – to 50 male sparrows in British Columbia. They then recovered the devices after the animals had migrated, some to the west and others to the east.
Several crossed the Rocky Mountains and entered a new breeding region, which could have feasibly spread the song’s new ending to eastern populations.
“We know that birds sing on the wintering grounds, so juvenile males may be able to pick up new song types if they overwinter with birds from other dialect areas,” says Otter.
“This would allow males to learn new song types in the winter and take them to new locations when they return to breeding grounds, helping explain how the song type could spread.” 
Why males end up adopting this new ending is still unclear. Otter says the ending might simply be compelling because it’s unusual and unique. Like many other bird songs, however, it could have to do with females and their preferences.
“In many previous studies, the females tend to prefer whatever the local song type is,” says Otter. 
“But in white-throated sparrows, we might find a situation in which the females actually like songs that aren’t typical in their environment. If that’s the case, there’s a big advantage to any male who can sing a new song type.” 
And it might be happening again. Researchers are currently watching a new song variant that has suddenly emerged in western sparrow populations and is rapidly spreading.
Perhaps this time, we can figure out why.
The study was published in Current Biology.
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wtffundiefamilies · 5 years
A classic and a must-read; I’ve put a few selections in the body of this post, but I strongly recommend reading the entire thing as linked.
"I've had several cases over the years in which the anti-abortion patient had rationalized in one way or another that her case was the only exception, but the one that really made an impression was the college senior who was the president of her campus Right-to-Life organization, meaning that she had worked very hard in that organization for several years. As I was completing her procedure, I asked what she planned to do about her high office in the RTL organization. Her response was a wide-eyed, 'You're not going to tell them, are you!?' When assured that I was not, she breathed a sigh of relief, explaining how important that position was to her and how she wouldn't want this to interfere with it." (Physician, Texas)
"In 1990, in the Boston area, Operation Rescue and other groups were regularly blockading the clinics, and many of us went every Saturday morning for months to help women and staff get in. As a result, we knew many of the 'antis' by face. One morning, a woman who had been a regular 'sidewalk counselor' went into the clinic with a young woman who looked like she was 16-17, and obviously her daughter. When the mother came out about an hour later, I had to go up and ask her if her daughter's situation had caused her to change her mind. 'I don't expect you to understand my daughter's situation!' she angrily replied. The following Saturday, she was back, pleading with women entering the clinic not to 'murder their babies.'" (Clinic escort, Massachusetts)
"We too have seen our share of anti-choice women, ones the counselors usually grit their teeth over. Just last week a woman announced loudly enough for all to hear in the recovery room, that she thought abortion should be illegal. Amazingly, this was her second abortion within the last few months, having gotten pregnant again within a month of the first abortion. The nurse handled it by talking about all the carnage that went on before abortion was legalized and how fortunate she was to be receiving safe, professional care. However, this young woman continued to insist it was wrong and should be made illegal. Finally the nurse said, 'Well, I guess we won't be seeing you here again, not that you're not welcome.' Later on, another patient who had overheard this exchange thanked the nurse for her remarks." (Clinic Administrator, Alberta)
"We saw a woman recently who after four attempts and many hours of counseling both at the hospital and our clinic, finally, calmly and uneventfully, had her abortion. Four months later, she called me on Christmas Eve to tell me that she was not and never was pro-choice and that we failed to recognize that she was clinically depressed at the time of her abortion. The purpose of her call was to chastise me for not sending her off to the psych unit instead of the procedure room." (Clinic Administrator, Alberta)
"Recently, we had a patient who had given a history of being a 'pro-life' activist, but who had decided to have an abortion. She was pleasant to me and our initial discussion was mutually respectful. Later, she told someone on my staff that she thought abortion is murder, that she is a murderer, and that she is murdering her baby. So before doing her procedure, I asked her if she thought abortion is murder -- the answer was yes. I asked her if she thought I am a murderer, and if she thought I would be murdering her baby, and she said yes. But murder is a crime, and murderers are executed. Is this a crime? Well, it should be, she said. At that point, she became angry and hostile, and the summary of the conversation was that she regarded me as an abortion-dispensing machine, and how dare I ask her what she thinks. After explaining to her that I do not perform abortions for people who think I am a murderer or people who are angry at me, I declined to provide her with medical care. I do not know whether she found someone else to do her abortion." (Physician, Colorado)
"In 1973, after Roe v. Wade, abortion became legal but had to be performed in a hospital. That of course was changed later. For the first 'legal abortion day' I had scheduled five procedures. While scrubbing between cases, I was accosted by the Chief of the OB/Gyn service. He asked me, 'How many children are you going to kill today?' My response, out of anger, was a familiar vulgar retort. About three months later, this born-again Christian called me to explain that he was against abortion but his daughter was only a junior in high school and was too young to have a baby and he was also afraid that if she did have a baby she would not want to put it up for adoption. I told him he did not need to explain the situation to me. 'All I need to know', I said, 'is that SHE wants an abortion.' Two years later I performed a second abortion on her during her college break. She thanked me and pleaded, 'Please don't tell my dad, he is still anti-abortion.'" (Physician, Washington State)
"I once had a German client who greatly thanked me at the door, leaving after a difficult 22-week abortion. With a gleaming smile, she added: 'Und doch sind Sie ein Mörderer.' ('And you're still a murderer.')" (Physician, The Netherlands)
"My first encounter with this phenomenon came when I was doing a 2-week follow-up at a family planning clinic. The woman's anti-choice values spoke indirectly through her expression and body language. She told me that she had been offended by the other women in the abortion clinic waiting room because they were using abortion as a form of birth control, but her condom had broken so she had no choice! I had real difficulty not pointing out that she did have a choice, and she had made it! Just like the other women in the waiting room." (Physician, Ontario)
"I had a 37 year old woman just yesterday who was 13 weeks. She said she and her husband had been discussing this pregnancy for 2-3 months. She was strongly opposed to abortion, 'but my husband is forcing me to do it.' Naturally, I told her that no one could force her into an abortion, and that she had to choose whether the pregnancy or her husband were more important. I told her I only wanted what was best for her, and I would not do the abortion unless she agreed that it was in her best interest. Once she was faced with actually having to voice her own choice, she said 'Well, I made the appointment and I came here, so go ahead and do it. It's what's best.' At last I think she came to grips with the fact that it really was her decision after all." (Physician, Nevada)
The medical director at a Dallas abortion clinic told this story: A white woman from an affluent north Dallas neighborhood brought her black maid in for an abortion and paid for it. While the maid was in a counseling session, a commotion was heard in the waiting room outside. The maid's employer was handing out anti-abortion leaflets to other women waiting for abortions.
From a clinic director in a mid-western state: "One of the most remarkable cases was a woman who came [from another part of the state] and said she was the Right-to-Life president in her county. 'But,' she said, she 'had become pregnant and had to have an abortion.'"
Many anti-choice women are convinced that their need for abortion is unique -- not like those "other" women -- even though they have abortions for the same sorts of reasons. Anti-choice women often expect special treatment from clinic staff. Some demand an abortion immediately, wanting to skip important preliminaries such as taking a history or waiting for blood test results. Frequently, anti-abortion women will refuse counseling (such women are generally turned away or referred to an outside counselor because counseling at clinics is mandatory). Some women insist on sneaking in the back door and hiding in a room away from other patients. Others refuse to sit in the waiting room with women they call "sluts" and "trash." Or if they do, they get angry when other patients in the waiting room talk or laugh, because it proves to them that women get abortions casually, for "convenience".
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battle-of-alberta · 6 years
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Well this reunion seems to be going along just fine :’)
I have no idea how this comic is going to age in 4 months let alone 4 years, but I’ll try to summarize the broad strokes below for your reference. I don’t expect the specifics to be particularly important to every reader and opinions as always will vary, but I will try not to date this so badly that I’ll cringe in retrospect and I do want to back it up with current events below. My personal bias may not be as implicit as I might like, but as usual I’d rather discuss my politics one-on-one privately or on my personal blog.
- “Ed’s Party” = the Alberta New Democrats led by premier Rachel Notley, who’s riding in Edmonton-Strathcona has been the only consistently non-conservative riding in the province at both provincial and federal levels for years. The Alberta NDP won the 2015 election, upsetting 44+ years of Conservative government in the province. For those outside the province/country, the NDP is currently the only major vaguely left-wing or even centrist party in Alberta and is basically Canada’s “socialist”, “labour” party that campaigns on healthcare, education, and worker’s rights. The Alberta NDP comes in a particular flavour relative to other provincial and federal counterparts due to the province’s economic dependence and social identification with the oil industry. This is currently causing a huge rift between the province and the rest of the country, some hilarious memes, and a political identity crisis in Alberta itself. 
- “Mac’s Party” = the Wild Rose Party, formerly headed by Brian Jean, MLA for Fort McMurray-Athabaska. The WR has been dissolved post-2015 and amalgamated with the Progressive Conservatives into the United Conservative Party, created to “solve” the vote split that reportedly caused the “accident” that allowed the NDP into power in Alberta. The WR ran on a platform that was further to the economic and social right than the Alberta PCs, and were relatively infamous for their campaign mishaps and socially regressive comments. While not on the scale of Quebec nationalism, the WR did tend to attract those with a separatist slant and capitalized on the chronic problem of Western alienation. A similar comparison would be the Saskatchewan Party currently leading our eastern neighbour into austerity.
- This all said, all the avatars are sort of inherently non-partisan and I’ll try to elaborate on that more. P l e a s e don’t try to equate them with party politics and black and white “good” and “bad” aspects - everyone and everything in these situations is always a mixed bag and different parties will appeal at different times. It’s just a topic that’s extremely polarizing and hard NOT to talk about because it’s all anyone ever talks about. Understanding this surface level conflict is key to understanding pretty much anything about the province. 
- Notley spends a Lot of time and money on Calgary to the chagrin of her Edmonton base, but the perception of which city she spoils more depends on which major city one lives in! The premier recently announced provincial backing for a lot of downtown Calgary revitalization projects which don’t actually include an arena by definition, but again “downtown revitalization” means different things to different people :///;;
- Don’t mention the ice district its a huge sore spot with Ed
- the animal behind Red is actually a caribou! The town was named for the British red deer because Brits saw caribou and were like “...idk looks like a deer we have”. The indigenous names for Red Deer came to reflect this misidentifcation as well since everyone was like ‘well i guess we’re calling it red deer now’
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
What are your headcanons for British Columbia?
ok so disclaimer here is that i’m a fake british columbian even though i kind of sort of live there, i live on the island and the majority of my bc friends are from the coast and not the interior so most of what i can say about the interior is ‘i have driven through it a lot’ but i’ll do my best.
- on that subject bc is like… layers of depth that most people don’t see. lots of people just brush her off as a flaky ditz who is never paying attention to the rest of the country but i seriously feel she’s got a lot of Depth and a lot of spiky barbed inner monologues. She’s really geographically and emotionally impenetrable and doesn’t really let you in on what she is thinking or will do something unpredictable.
- like i don’t think people really get how contradictory bc is? its a climate of extremes that has a reputation for being mellow, its a place that is “liberal” where the Liberals are in reality worse than the alberta pcs (LOL WHAT AN ELECTION I TELL YOU), it’s a place that’s one of the resource-richest provinces in the country that makes it impossible for its own citizens to afford… etc. I think a lot about things like this when I think about how her personality works- she’s not necessarily finicky, she’s layered.
- bc has a reputation for being different than the rest of canada and its absolutely true. like as the second most western province we still tend to think of ab/sk and maybe mb depending on our mood as ‘western canada’ and bc as ‘and bc’. She’s the sort of person who Always goes her own way and makes her decisions on her own, she’s more outward looking than the others for sure.
- worst driver. Hands down. Terrible. everyone blames AB for it but it’s her, the only thing ralphie is worse at is parking. 
- if she can’t see the mountains she feels naked and exposed and can’t stay too far out of sight of the mountains or she goes Nuts
- she probably lives in a relatively modern and expensive house- everything is immaculate, she has a lot of interesting artefacts and souvenirs around her house, her garden is manicured and perfect and everything smells like cedar but it also gives you the distinct impression that no one actually lives there. Looks more like a gallery because she’s trying to support local (esp indigenous) artists. no basement. cute car port and shed rather than a garage.
- she finds emotional attachments really Difficult. like it’s just genuinely hard to tell whether she likes you or not because she can be kind of backhanded or condescending even when she’s expressing genuine fondness. She makes a huge deal about being a romantic place but doesn’t really fall for anyone easily, either she gets bored or she doesn’t want to lose a friendship or w/e
- like for someone who makes a big deal about being compassionate for animals and nature she really doesn’t feel that much compassion for people- or rather, when she does it’s not easy for her to express to them
- There’s an ongoing joke that BC stands for “Bring Cash” and its absolutely true. If you want a chance with her/to impress her you have to spend like you mean it. Its not that she’s high mainten- yes she is definitely high maintenance
- Makes a big deal out of being interesting and fun but when she’s at home alone she just sits around in her underwear under a huge pile of blankets/a snuggie and watches the Beachcombers. possibly while high.
- ‘is this matcha’ ‘does it have matcha in it’ [pouring sugar in her tea] ‘matcha is like… sooo good for you… i don’t even [pouring milk and honey in her tea] like this is just so refreshing you know [more sugar]
- you know that scene in scott pilgrim where ramona reads out her entire tea cupboard to him and some of them sound made up, that’s bc. come to think of it she really is a manic pixie dream girl but one who is merciless and apathetic and could probably easily wreck you
- tea snob, the sort of person who is like ‘coffee is like so bad for you it stresses you out man’ but also a coffee snob who can’t wake up in the morning without it so its a lose-lose situation for you
- definitely volunteered with greenpeace in the 70s lol
- ‘ya i live in vancouver’ - actually lives in like PoCoMo or whatever
- once called the spoiled child of confederation and she hasn’t let that go, she probably has it embossed on a trophy somewhere in her giant collection of trophies that she has on display in the fame gua of her perfect feng shui living room
- she only makes a big deal out of ‘canadian’ things when it makes her money, she actually feels very cut off from the rest of the country but will Always appear immediately when there is a competition of any kind because she’s The Best.
- grew up extremely fast. in my mind she represents ‘ (lower) mainland bc’ while the island i represent with victoria as shorthand- they had to move in together to save money and both of them really dragged their feet about it. She’s still kind of wary about the island ditching for independence again but doesn’t REALLY take it seriously. Is the youngest of the provinces but does her best not to act like it.
- actually super confrontational like she will be doing yoga on a rock as the tide is coming in and be One With The Universe and you could be walking past her and say ‘actually vancouver’s kind of overrated’ and she will dive in the ocean and rise out of the water covered in sea onions and seaweed and barnacles like a horror movie and be like “wHaT dId YoU SaY AbOuT mE!”
- exactly the sort of person to get a tattoo in another language that vaguely is correct but actually grammatically Off like… you grow up with people like Amor de Cosmos and this is what you get
- not actually gluten or lactose intolerant, just likes being morally superior (’and like… almond milk just tastes better yknow more wholesome’)
- that person who always ends up with people mooching off her or crashing at her place- she doesn’t actually mind too much, she’s just frustrated that people only seem to come bother her when it’s convenient for them. But she doesn’t like to admit when she’s feeling lonely so i mean… xD
- also really into ghosts and spooky things. she goes along with bert/yk to hunt sasquatsch and externally rolls her eyes the whole time but tbh she has honestly seen sasquatsch like 10 times and has all the blurry photos to prove it. Same with ogopogo. 
- goes into woowoo new age stores and spends hours looking at tarot decks and crystals and incense. judges you based on your astrological signs.
- has proposed moving in with kate like 3 times but gets rejected every time lmao
- firm believer that tea solves everything. emotionally compromised? hot leaf juice. emotionally compromised during summer? cold leaf juice. eat an entire fruit. eat ten fruits. decorate with kale. eat the decorative kale. got herbs? make rosemary tea. stain all your dishes yellow and make turmeric tea. literally down an entire jar of capers, idgaf. 
- she likes to make her backpack as heavy as she can, blast her own music so everyone can hear it, then schlep it all up a mountain. set everything down and turn it off, sit high up and alone with her little hibachi grill and eat salmon, watch the ravens. paint something on a giant leaf. smoke a joint. look at the ocean. whatever. 
- i think exercise is her replacement for emotionally connecting with people. she rides her bike white knuckled through the rain up a hill and loses feeling in her fingers and zooms back down. Pushes herself to adrenaline rush, always trying to get better, better. 
- i say a lot about her not really connecting with people but at the same time shes the sort of person that… when you’re in crisis mode and you’re under a literal or a figurative avalanche, she will spot you, grab you and pull you straight up out of it with one arm by the scruff of your neck. She’s actually really generous at heart but has just become kind of closed off after being taken advantage of too many times. Will take you home and dry you off and make a big meal for you and wait for you to tell her what’s wrong.
- I don’t know if she actually owns a boat-boat, but definitely kayaks a lot. long boards. surfs.  
- hates BC ferries with an unholy passion, like… that’s a way to trigger a rant right there
- slaps I
- her low tolerance for cold is exaggerated. her high tolerance for cold + wet should be Feared. 
- has her hidden rednecky side. makes a big deal out of being vegan and w/e but does go hunting and dirt biking once in a while, knows her way around a stick shift etc. Dunno if she really drives that much - probably has invested in electric cars before but kind of dissatisfied with how much she can actually do with them re: steep hills, roadtrips, etc. 
- has had to deal with a lot of paranoia, racism, etc in the past that she struggles to reconcile. really learning to take pride in herself again, i think she’s chinese/british, yeah but there’s also some first nations heritage too that factors into her mixed identity. 
- in official positions she might skip french and go straight to mandarin/canto if the job is bilingual, not that she doesnt like french she just Forgets xD. 
i feel like i’ve been talking all day so i’ll stop there but feel free to ask for elaboration or something i guess
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ericfruits · 5 years
The chastening of Justin Trudeau
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Oct 26th 2019
ON THE MORNING after election day, Justin Trudeau appeared at a metro station in his Montreal constituency of Papineau to offer hugs, kisses and selfies to commuters. Perhaps he was in need of an ego boost. Although he survived as prime minister, his Liberal Party lost its parliamentary majority and received fewer votes than the opposition Conservatives (see chart). The election exposed deep regional divisions and will compel him to seek support for his programme from rival parties. “Canadians rejected division and negativity,” he declared after his victory. In fact, those principles were the basis on which many voted.
The negativity came largely from Mr Trudeau’s missteps in office. He pressed his attorney-general to intervene in the prosecution for bribery of SNC-Lavalin, an engineering firm in Quebec. Parliament’s ethics minister rebuked him for that. Mr Trudeau was also embarrassed by the publication during the campaign of photos of him wearing brown- and blackface as a young man. Andrew Scheer, the Conservative leader, sought to capitalise on those errors with the taunt that Mr Trudeau is “not as advertised”. It nearly worked.
Mr Trudeau would be right to claim that Canadian voters rejected one sort of division. The election did not turn on issues of immigration and identity, as some analysts had feared it might. The Conservatives did not oppose Canada’s high levels of immigration. The only party that does, the populist People’s Party, won no seats. Its leader and only MP, Maxime Bernier, lost his. Although the Conservatives outpolled the Liberals, most votes went to parties that prefer the redistributionist policies favoured by Mr Trudeau to the small-state philosophy of Mr Scheer.
The splits laid bare by the election are mainly regional. The Liberals lost their five seats in the western oil- and gas-producing provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Conservatives won all but one of the provinces’ 48 seats. In Quebec, Canada’s French-speaking province, the big winner was the Bloc Québécois, a separatist party.
Mr Trudeau’s main problem will not be finding support for his policies in Parliament. Canada is accustomed to minority government. The risk is that these policies will widen the regional chasms that the election exposed.
The Liberals’ main partner is likely to be the left-wing New Democratic Party (NDP), led by Jagmeet Singh. It will be no obstacle to enacting Mr Trudeau’s main legislative priorities. These include a fresh tax cut for the middle class, a ban on assault weapons and more ambitious targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. The two parties also agree on investing in low-rent housing. Both want a federal-government-run drug plan, but Mr Singh’s ideas would probably be more expensive. He laid out other preconditions for supporting Liberal policies on election night, which would tug the government to the left if Mr Trudeau accepted them. Mr Singh wants a new “super wealth tax”, for example.
The two parties’ agreement on the principle of fighting climate change (shared by the Greens and the Bloc Québécois) is bound to raise tensions with the western prairie provinces. Mr Trudeau’s previous government sought to reduce them by backing the Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX), a project to expand an oil pipeline from Alberta to a terminal near Vancouver. In 2018 it bought the pipeline from a private firm. Mr Trudeau had hoped this would reconcile Alberta and Saskatchewan to his signature environmental policy: a national floor for the price of carbon emissions, which took effect this year.
As the election showed, it did not work. Alberta and Saskatchewan have long chafed at the greater power of the more populous central provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Their anger has deepened since 2014, when global oil prices slumped, causing regional hardship. Jason Kenney, the Conservative premier of Alberta, blames the Liberals’ climate-change policies for worsening the situation.
During the campaign, Mr Trudeau stoked those resentments as a way of winning votes from the NDP and the Greens. In the final party leaders’ debate, he abandoned his usual talk of balancing green goals with developing natural resources. Instead, he attacked “oil interests” and provincial leaders opposed to his climate-change policies. The election has given a fillip to separatist sentiment in Alberta.
More surprisingly, it has also revived the issue of Quebec separatism, a force that threatened Canada’s integrity from the 1970s to the 1990s but has lately seemed dormant. Yves-François Blanchet, the Bloc Québécois’s leader, downplayed its separatist aspirations during the election campaign. The party’s surprising resurgence is probably largely the result of identity politics, a more potent theme in Quebec than in other provinces. Mr Blanchet endorses a controversial law passed by Quebec’s right-leaning government this year that prohibits many civil servants from wearing religious symbols, including turbans, hijabs and kippas. The Bloc owes some of its electoral success to the collapse in support in Quebec for the NDP, whose leader, Mr Singh, is Sikh and wears a turban.
Mr Blanchet says his party will back the Trudeau government when its policies are good for Quebec and seek to thwart those that are not. It could endorse much of the Liberals’ economic and environmental programme. But a clash may occur over Quebec’s religious-symbols ban. Mr Trudeau is under pressure from supporters to challenge it in court.
All this means Mr Trudeau will find his second term harder than his first. The son of a former prime minister, he must hope that his fortunes follow his father’s. In an election in 1972 Pierre Trudeau saw his Liberal majority government reduced to a minority. Two years later he won a new majority. He ended up governing, with a brief interruption, until 1984. His son no doubt hopes for a similar comeback.■
This article appeared in the The Americas section of the print edition under the headline "The chastening of Justin Trudeau"
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adlerianfrog-blog · 6 years
A Family in Crisis
June 2017 Family Systems Studies 
This is a graduate studies self-reflection presentation in partial fulfillment for Masters of Fine Art in Psychology with an emphasis in family systems and Marriage and Family Therapist licensure.
This was the life I started with.
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Family System Genogram Reflection
Section One
Index Person (IP) is a 45-year-old, twice divorced mixed race male. IP is a decorated combat veteran. IP served with the US Navy from 1991-2010. IP has **six combat deployments as a Navy SEAL, his final combat deployment was OEF-1 in Afghanistan (Dec 2001-July 2002). (**Every deployment a Navy SEAL makes is a combat deployment)
At the time of this writing, IP is presently attending graduate school. IP states he is of mixed ethnic descent. IP does not know his actual birth date. He stated that in an early childhood recollection, he asked his mother when his birthday was and she said, “When would you like your birthday to be?” IP states “I said”, “Today!” and per him, his mother smiled and said, “Voila! Today is your birthday!” IP states that “Finding my birth certificate was impossible.” IP states, “The state of Georgia issued me a replacement based on the information the state of Kentucky provided, which was provided to them by me or the child protective services social worker.”
Per the Index Person this typified his style of life and movement. He stated that this was “Circularity defined; I found out on October 6th, 1975/6/7 that my birthday was, October 6th and per my birth certificate, I was born in 1971 on Oct. 6th.”  IP experienced abandonment by biological father, a forced cut off, pseudo abandonment from mother due to court system involvement. Client states “I do not know my biological father or his family system.” And that “I know very little about my family of origin.” Client states he is cut off from adopted family as well. Client has three children from first marriage to T.W. (46). Daughter (16), Son (13), Son (11). Client’s children have lived on the east coast with their mother and her second husband since moving away four years ago. IP’s kids visit during 2 ½ month summer breaks and holiday breaks if budget supports travel expenses.
Attachment Prefracture
IP states he was born in 1971 in Tifton, GA. IP states “I lived on the streets; homeless; for the first six years of my life.” Index Person states from birth until approx. 1977 “I didn’t know that my life experience was any different than anyone else. We spent a lot of time on the road. Hitchhiking, sleeping under cars. Stealing food to survive.”
IP states, “As I think back to my earliest childhood recollections I remember being adored. I remember my mother singing to me and how her eyes would light up with delight as I would sing along with and eventually to her.” IP describes his family of origin She was educated at Julliard in New York City. Per IP, the name of his mother is Mary Elizabeth Catron. IP states that he has two half-brothers. D.G. (62, Married, 2 daughters), R.G. (58,Married, 1 daughter). Mary Catron (deceased 1987) is the daughter of Mr. James Catron (deceased), a minister and Family Medicine Dr. who died at the age of 56 of congestive heart failure and Alberta Catron (deceased), an English school teacher died at the age of 92.
Mrs. Catron had a brother, Jimmy (deceased), who was disabled with cerebral palsey from a breached delivery at birth.  Client states “I absolutely know that I was loved very much by my mother.” And that “While she absolutely loved me, took care of me as best she could, per the social norms of the day, my mother was not a good mother.” Client presents tearful demeanor with deep sadness emerging. Client states “She had difficulty in finding and keeping work; Providing a stable home environment proved to be the hardest thing for my mother to do; Ultimately that ended up as the reason that her rights as my only known parent were forever stripped 41 years ago.
Attachment Fracture
From the age of 6 until 9 Index Person states he was a “ward of the state.” He “quickly transitioned from unstable living situation with my mother to a more stable environment, a solidly middle class lifestyle awaited me.” Per IP “In 1977 the efforts that were made to help children like me were more than likely personality driven and community values oriented.” He further states that, “the decision was made to strip my mother of her parental rights because of our living situation.” Client states “the relationship was broken with my mother; My one and only caregiver.”
Per Mr. Surmont, “The relationships that I did have were remarkable in that I came out ‘pretty much unscathed’. I wasn’t damaged by not having enough clothes or toys or even a place to call home. The damage was the termination of my relationship with my mother. The forced “cut-off” has had a psychic effect on my that has and will continue to ripple and echoes across generations of lives. That’s been the source of damage for affecting me into my present-day life.”  
The literature speaks to the importance of validation and empathy when working with trauma survivors. “We must appreciate the adaptive & resilient strategies developed by families who are not part of privileged groups in our society.” (McGoldrick, 2016)
Per Mr. Surmont, “I’m continuing to deepen my own understandings and meanings into the importance, value and worth of intact relationships. My attitude is that relationships are critical to survival. Cut-off relationships make it difficult to survive be free and live well. At 45 years of age, I reflect that the decision that day to cut-off my relationship with my mother, my only known parent, “baked in” a certain set of beliefs. I’m sorting out what that means to me, my world and my future. Part of me believes that it has served me incredibly well. Someplace deeper I feel a deep hurt and am leaning in to understand it and how best to learn from it.”
Attachment Instability
The early part of Mr. Surmont’s life involved instability from the perspective of environment and basic physical needs. Mr. Surmont believes that his emotional and developmental needs were met very well and his basic physical needs were minimally met. The abrupt cut off from his mother of his family of origin caused a culminating trauma that as of the date of cut-off “all experiences before were bad.” Mr. Surmont has experienced a pattern of extremes of insufficient care as well as social neglect, rearing under unusual settings that severely limit the child’s ability to develop. Per the Index Person, “the court viewed my mother as broken and damaged. They sent the message to me that my experiences with her were averse to my health and well-being. “Adverse Childhood Experiences; i.e., nonaccepting childhood environments can be lifelong burdens.”
Client was removed from his mother’s care. Became a ward of the state. Six foster homes in 3 years. Approx. Ages 6 – 9.
1976 Smith’s: (Western Kentucky) Mormon family. Working farm family. IP: Loved this family”. 9 children. IP was the 10th. inherited 99-acre farm in Utah. Couldn’t get permission to take me from state. said goodbye; moved away; IP moved on.
1977 Hall’s: (Mercer County Kentucky) Auto Mechanic. Stay at home mom. 4 children. IP was the 5th. IP asked to leave due to CSA. IP moved on.
1978 Dibble’s: (Barbourville, KY) College Professor. Homemaker. No children. IP was the 1st and only. IP was caught smoking. IP was told “IP wasn’t good enough to be their son.” IP moved on.
1978 Barnett’s: (Corbin, KY) Small Business Owner’s. 2 boys. IP “Loved this family.” The Mackey family asked if IP could live with them they were thinking of adopting. The Barnett’s said ok. IP moved on.
1978-1979 Mackey’s: (Corbin, KY) Owner and Provider of Family Optometry practice. 4 Children. IP “Loved this family” too. They decided to adopt him. The Surmont family asked Mackey’s to allow them to consider adopting IP. Surmont family promised to “stay home” and work with IP. Initially very happy with the Surmont family. IP said thank you to the Mackey’s, IP kept in touch with Mackey’s throughout his life. But IP moved on.
1980 Surmont’s: (Corbin, KY) Both Parents worked in their family owned and operated business. 3 Daughters. They adopted IP. Eventually IP moved on from the Surmont's as well.
Per Mr. Surmont, “Family "alliance patterns" may pose an additional, separate, unseen and potentially difficult set of obstacles impacting, impairing or even interfering with an adopted child’s ability to successfully integrate and attach within the family system that selected the child for integration into the family in the first place; this experience rife with mixed messages; possibly described as an "outsiders effect" does shape views of self, world and future; it may not be obvious in situ that these individuals may be encountering burdens such as additional unseen or unknown horizontal anxieties; as well as additional vertical anxieties inevitably transmitted throughout the family system.
What most people miss is this child must contend with two family systems - not one. And the biological family system the child is coming from maybe dying or going extinct - a true death in my mind. The life and developmental stage of the adopted child is a factor; children adopted beyond age of 5 have life experiences that must be honored by the adopting family to develop, incorporate and hold to produce existential meanings for the child to age appropriately integrate and hold BOTH old and new family system membership narratives.
If the integrating family does not encourage and foster this type of acceptance and inclusion into the family alliance the child must incorporate resilient survival strategies or avoid altogether which fundamentally compromises the child’s sense of self by having to choose the integrating family system over the birth family system all in the context of family integration; ultimately and predictably causing additional burdens to simply survive and be seen by others as equal; The child (in this case me) is left with unseen burdens and with no understanding with which to cope.”
Failure to Attach
In 1981 IP was adopted by the Surmont family. S.S. (66) and B.S. (66), small business owners and parents to three daughters, S.P(45, Divorced, 1 daughter), S.J. (43, Married, 1 daughter, 1 son), B.W. (41, Married, 1 daughter). Mr. Surmont describes a series of experiences and ultimately the experience of his failure to be integrated into his adopted family alliance system.  
IP states that his “late childhood and early adulthood. Not that much time with the Surmont’s but important period of my life developmentally. IP states he “learned lessons primarily through observation.”  IP describes “never feeling welcome.” And that he “always felt like an outsider or an intruder.”
Per Mr. Surmont, the Surmont family’s interactions gave him insights into the world of family that he had never experienced before. He states that he “so much wanted to be accepted and included.”
Client also ran away from home at the age of 13.
Client describes that there has been little to no connection to them or with them from the beginning; client states “They did their best to keep up appearances.” Per IP, “Looking back on things now, the Surmont family didn’t have a good chance to successfully integrate me into their family system.” He describes feelings of helplessness and that “we were both set up to fail.” And that “Family Courts favor those with families.” is a truth he learned the “hard way”.
Per client, “because of his own personal experiences, he developed his own set of strategies.” “We must appreciate the adaptive & resilient strategies developed by families who are not part of privileged groups in our society.” (McGoldrick, 2016)
Client states that his “private logic had accepted that attachment stability and environmental stability were relative terms for me and mutually exclusive.” Client demonstrates dichotomistc either/or thinking informs that client has experienced severe attachment instability.  
Client believes the Surmont Family made the best efforts they could. He states, “They didn’t know what to do.�� Client finds himself wondering “what do I owe them?” Client states “At least they gave me the ability to “Hide in plain sight” as a member of a family as far as someone might ascertain with a cursory look.” Client continues to process blame or defending those adverse or traumatic relationship experiences. Client admits to experiencing new confrontational insights as he examines his genogram.  
Client states, “I felt like I was on the trajectory for family alliance integration.” Mr. Surmont describes an event that happened when he was 10 years old, about six months after he was adopted, about a year into being with the family. IP states “everything changed after reporting an intimate touching incident I accidentally observed between two children one of the children of my new family sister and a neighborhood child who was one year older.” Per Mr. Surmont, “This report was not received well.” IP states that “The interfamily political winds of my intended integration into the Family were no more.” He believed that his role in the adopted family had shifted from “Oldest son, only son, carrier of family surname, big brother) soon after this incident, IP believes he became the adopting family’s “scapegoat”. Per IP, he “tried hard to enjoy and appreciate my childhood.”
Client is very appreciative of the environmental stability the adopting family provided. For client, “Things never quite felt right.”
Per Mr. Surmont, he worked very hard to push this sense of unease away. He tried to convince himself that he had no other past than that of his adopted family’s history. Client tried to convince himself that his family of origin history didn’t exist, was damaged, broken and not worth remembering.
Over time the superficial relationship with his adopted family system began to deteriorate and eventually die. IP states he “recently decided to allow it to die the death it deserves.”
Client shared what he called an encouraging mantra for him to repeat during his mindfulness practice. Mr. Surmont wrote the following phrase expressing his feelings of being unburdened by guilt and shame of his adopting family that contributed to many of his coping skills as well as other difficulties that exist as a facet of his life experiences.
“The cool healing waters of ancestry are finding me; rebinding me; flowing through me; Rising in me from the ashes of many deaths; My unbound identity binds unto its own lifespring, taking flight.”
- John Surmont, July 2017
McGoldrick, M. (2008). Genograms: Assessment and intervention. New York: Pearson.
McGoldrick, M., Preto, N. G., & Carter, B. (2016). Expanding Family Lifecycle, Individual,
Family, and Social Perspectives (5th ed.). New York: Pearson.
Surmont, J. S. (2017). Book Report: Hillbilly Elegy. Unpublished manuscript, The Chicago
School of Professional Psychology, MFA Clinical Psychology, MFT Specialization. J. D. (2016). Hillbilly elegy: a memoir of a family and culture in crisis. New York: Harper.
0 notes
abroadeducation · 4 years
Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)
You may have just a single Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program application in the process whenever. Don't re-apply on the off chance that you have just presented an application under the Employer-Driven Stream or Strategic Recruitment Stream stamped at the very latest June 14, 2018. You should withdraw your first application before you can present another application.
On the off chance that you have chosen to live in Alberta, at that point you have settled on an awesome decision. Alberta is one of Canada's most unique regions noted for its staggering characteristic magnificence, solid condition, social assorted variety, enthusiastic networks, and a solid economy. It is situated in Western Canada and circumscribed by the Canadian Rocky Mountains toward the west and tremendous pampas and barren wilderness toward the east. Alberta is viewed as one of Canada's most prosperous regions and is perceived worldwide for its elevated expectation of living. Alberta is the quickest developing area in the nation, with its populace outperforming the 4,000,000 imprints just because. It is regularly called "vitality territory" since it is the world chief in the oil and gas industry. On account of the plenitude of work openings, the territory has gotten one of the top goals for movement to Canada.
There is a low degree of joblessness and appeal for laborers in the area. Alberta's normal pay and compensation rate are exceptionally serious with the remainder of Canada. The individuals of this area have the most elevated normal consolidated salary in Canada. Additionally, the 'Vitality Province' is perhaps the most secure territory of Canada with exceptionally low crime percentages. It is truth be told, a lovely spot to live and raise a family. Check your profile in Alberta Occupation in Demand Stream to apply Canada PNPs.
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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)
Would you like to make Alberta your permanent home? Regardless of whether you're as of nowhere, or need to Immigrate from another nation, we'll assist you with finding the correct Canadian migration program. There is an understanding made by the area with the administration of Canada to draw in gifted transients for the changeless living arrangement. The Alberta Ministry of Employment Immigration and Industry are associated with dynamic to draw in and designate outsiders who match abilities required in Alberta PNP qualification. Ascertain you Alberta PNP Points free and simple.
The ALBERTA PROVINCIAL NOMINEE PROGRAM (AINP) is an administration movement program that chooses candidates who exhibit they have the potential and the craving to move and settle themselves and their families in the Canadian region of Alberta. The AINP is the pathway for the possibility to apply for Canadian Permanent Residence. Through this program, the planned foreigners who have the correct sort of abilities and work experience that is required by the Alberta Immigration office may get an Alberta Provincial Nomination Certificate.
Different Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program Immigration Streams:
The region of Alberta gives you the alternative of choosing the movement programs that best suits your Alberta PNP qualification conditions and the individual inclination. Check which AINP class is generally alluring for your definitive Canadian Immigration.
Alberta Express Entry Stream
Alberta Opportunity Stream
Alberta Self-Employed Farmer Stream
Alberta Express Entry Stream: This stream permits the Government of Alberta to choose the applicants who have their profiles in the express section pool. An effective assignment under this stream will give 600 extra points towards the general Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Score.
Alberta Opportunity Stream: This stream permits people who are at present working in Alberta in a qualified occupation to apply for the AINP commonplace designation. The Alberta Opportunity Stream supplanted two manager driven streams on June 14, 2018. Those streams were Strategic Recruitment Stream (SRS) and Employer-Driven Stream (EDS).
Alberta Self-Employed Farmer Stream: This stream permits candidates having cultivating experience and individual assets to build up a homestead in Alberta to apply for a perpetual home. Along these lines, to deal with your cultivating business, this stream is totally reasonable.
Alberta is the second most famous movement goal for newcomers outperforming British Columbia. From past numerous years the ongoing portion of migrants has expanded from 6.9 percent in 2001 to 17.1 percent in 2016. The capital city Edmonton and other bigger urban areas like Calgary and a couple of not many networks have encountered monetary development.
Alberta PNP Requirements and Checklist
The candidates applying for ALBERTA IMMIGRATION Nominee Program must have the option to outfit certain reports that are basic for fruitful migration. The Alberta Government require the itemized data of the candidate going to their region for all time upheld by the documents. The documents differ as per the particular stream under which a candidate is applying.
In this way, an applicant just as his/her manager must set up the require documents and submit them to Alberta government as an essential assignment for moving to the province. As you are a gifted and capable individual applying through AINP, consider the beneath rundown of significant documents and prepare them.
The Documents Required for Alberta PNP Nomination Vary By Case to Case But In General, Include the Following:
Copy of Passport
Birth certificate
Marriage certificate
Address proof
Financial documents
NOI letter from Alberta Military     records, if applicable
Police clearance certificate
Court, police, and jail records, if applicable
Prior-marriage termination papers, if applicable
Immigration violation records, if applicable
Employment proof (offer letter, a reference letter, relieving     letter, etc.)
English language test evidence
Other documents
The AINP gives these documents by email to the candidates. Ensure you complete the necessary structures and records. Psyche it a total application bundle will build the odds of quicker preparation from the administration side. The total bundle we mean all the records recorded on the reporting agenda. On the off chance that you pass up any archive, your application might be returned or declined request Alberta PNP necessities.
Please Note: Above reports are required for every one of the most widely recognized case and who must submit them to Alberta PNP govt. In the event that you can't find certain records, make a point to look at our guidelines or interface specialists for superior service for proficient counsel.
The AINP gives an extraordinary chance to brief outside specialists who wish to get designated for Permanent residency. Be that as it may, it is imperative to comprehend the various limitations and qualification standards in this stream. For a superior seeing, the vast majority of the candidates look for the direction of migrate on proficient. You may connect with our specialists to get familiar with your possibility of getting a PR visa through the AINP. We are the best IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS IN HYDERABAD.
Read More About Below Links:        
New Rules to Apply for Alberta PNP in 2020
Canada Express Entry a Merit-Based Immigration System                            
Canada Express Entry Enables Semi-Skilled Workers to Apply For PNP
Check the Below Videos:
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middleeastnews1 · 6 years
Can The TRUDEAU Family Be Trusted To Govern Canada?
CANADA – Justin Trudeau is not, nor has ever been suited to be PM of Canada.
Prior to his rapid upsurge in national politics, this individual was merely referred to as a rich, free-spirited child of a Prime Minister who ran Canada right into the ground and only accommodated banking cartels.
Ever since emerging as prime minister Justin Trudeau has passed extremely limited regulations and in fact, far fewer cabinet appointments.
Every one of the significant plans this individual had when campaigning, have also ended up being train wrecks, as a result of his substandard execution or not occurring merely due to the fact that he was lying with regards to the visions he offered for Canada in the course of that campaign.
The Canadian Deficit
Throughout his political campaign, this individual guaranteed massive cuts to the deficit, however, has provided absolutely nothing.
His increases with expenditures incorporated with a gigantic middle-class tax cut have actually doubled the deficit spending which he guaranteed to reduce.
The most frightening aspect of this is that he possesses absolutely no strategies to repair this “the budget will balance itself” he explained whenever questioned on his plan of action to deliver on his political campaign pledge.
Foreign relations in Canada is certainly not much better either underneath Trudeau.
This person ostentatiously eliminated Canada’s battle plan of action in opposition to the Islamic State, having or giving no legitimate explanations. While campaigning, he likewise went to lots of fundraising functions for his own party, that result in huge amounts of cash being contributed directly to the Trudeau foundation out of Oriental business enterprise leaders.
Being Prime Minister From The TRUDEAU Family
Being the PM is without a doubt a serious job, and still, Justin Trudeau appears to prefer to live his way of life just like some sort of rock superstar.
His continuous use of social networks, not one that is associated with what the men and women of Canada care about.
He is definitely similar to a debutante that is attempting to maintain her position as one of the most popular girls in school.
Much like his dad, Pierre Trudeau, he highly favors the far eastern portion of Canada, and even showers financial perks towards Quebec, not paying attention to the troubles this action triggers for people of the English speaking Canada.
Exactly as his Papa did, Justin Trudeau makes use of British Columbia and also Alberta as his private piggy bank in order to posh the eastern side with exceptional advancements & perks while at the same time the western side portion of the nation descended further and further, having problems dealing with medical care, being homeless, joblessness and even commercial infrastructure troubles.
Lets Talk About The Borders Now
To make matters even more frustrating, this person has literally set up an open border, making it crystal clear that this guy will likely accept as many emigrants, migrants, and refugees despite past history.
Soon after he was chosen the leader, he supervised the landing of 40,000 Syrian refugees.
Even though assisting individuals coming from various other nations is actually a good thing to carry out, it must never be performed carelessly.
Germany witnessed the ingression of nearly 100,000 refugees within just one weekend.
Assuming that Canadians and Trudeau genuinely intend to assist folks looking for asylum, at that point the PM needs to focus on making the economic situation stronger to ensure that a lot more Canadians may afford to open up their doorways to the much less privileged.
This is ONLY an Opinion based article and has no bearing on Middle East Headlines News as they are totally neutral on this subject. The views are from the author only.
The post Can The TRUDEAU Family Be Trusted To Govern Canada? appeared first on Middle East Headlines.
from https://middleeastheadlines.com/can-the-trudeau-family-be-trusted-to-govern-canada/9813270/
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camillekiana · 7 years
Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About Painters Dublin.
With each residential and industrial painting project, Western Painting and Decorating is committed to supplying the highest good quality perform and qualified painting service in the Central Alberta location. Regardless of whether it is a residential painting or industrial painting, we are devoted to the approach of certainty – of a job nicely completed. What ever your desires, major or smaller, Western Painting and Decorating will supply a professional good quality paint job and an experience you will be thrilled with. That is our guarantee! Interested in a Free Estimate? Please make contact with us for additional information and facts.
The furnishings, the fabrics and the fittings – every single aspect has been chosen with care and subtlety from a reservoir of living space decorating concepts. If there is something in the planet of interior style that has changed considerably over the years, then it has to be the character and style of living rooms. From getting a formal space to seat guests, the space has metamorphosed into a space that is complete of higher-quality furnishings and incredibly intriguing finishing touches.
Accessible to fit in with your busy schedule
Roman Villa bath: http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/armerina/chario
We treat all of our clientele with the sincerity, care and interest of lengthy-time close friends
A bucket of water and spray bottle for misting
Finish with two coats of paint … See MoreSee Much less
Higher pressure cleaning
We function according to your busy schedule
Stay away from abrasion or damage to asbestos material
Peeling of paint from ceilings when ceiling finishes have broken down is a common difficulty noticed by the painting inspectors. In such situations, it is usually found that no sealer had been applied and excessive jointing material existed beneath the peeling paint, indicating that little or no preparation had been carried out. The cost and time spent rectifying a peeling ceiling is usually greater than the original worth of the contract. find out this here You are responsible for the preparation of the ceiling, which includes cleaning and dusting, prior to the application of paint.
Experienced #PaintersAndDecorators in #NorthLondon, who provide high standard decorating services http://bit.ly/2yktw9c
— CapitalPainter (@CapitalPainter) September 26, 2017
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsA excellent team for any individual thinking of obtaining their household painted in Ottawa – highly encouraged! Why Opt for PG PAINT & Style Expertise, Understanding, and Quality? Thank you to Pino who did an incredible job at painting the entire first level of our residence. He paid close interest to prep function by filling in all nail holes, cracks, trim repair and plastering other places. He took fantastic care in treating our house and belongings with respect. A basic way to discover about the a variety of painting corporation corporations in your region is to do a search on the internet. You can get their phone numbers, organization address, and some of them have websites. Going to their web-site can share with you when they started, some information and facts about the owner, and even provide images of jobs completed. Amongst a variety of providers there is a painting and decorating contractors based in North London. This company supplies decorating services in and about London. This group of painters and decorators in London initially started as a sole proprietorship but due to higher demand and workload they have recently turn out to be a restricted firm. This firm is fully capable of finishing day to day residential repairs and refurbishments as well as little to medium contracts. This organization has undertaken a lot of higher space jobs in the past, functioning in partnership with some of the large decorating contractors.
A painting enterprise can give a variety of services, but you need to have to know if they can take care of your project. Quite a few of them do interior and exterior painting. They do not care if it is a tiny house, a significant house, or a small business that the function wants to be completed for. They are willing to take it on to meet the requires of each single consumer. Other painting organization entities although only give extremely certain solutions. This is usually due to the limited abilities they can give, the variety of operate they prefer, and even the sorts of equipment the business enterprise owns.
When painting paper-faced plasterboard, care will have to be taken to stay clear of or rectify any tannin staining resulting from exposure to sunlight. Australian Normal (AS) 2311 Section 2.4.5 Paper-faced Gypsum Plasterboard identifies that the paper facing on the boards has a tendency to yellow upon exposure to light, specially sunlight, and ought to be painted as soon as practicable. As stated in AS2311 Section 5, Table five.1 Paint Systems for Interior Service – New Unpainted Surfaces, a single coat of a B16 sort latex sealer ought to be employed for sealing gypsum plasterboard. In most instances it is complicated to ascertain if plasterboard has been exposed to sunlight prior to its installation. Apply your selected resolution to a lint-free cloth and use circular motions to clean the soiled surface. As soon as all greasy hand marks and stains are gone, your walls will virtually paint themselves. You can quickly inform if the painting work has been carried out by a experienced by just looking at the corners and the locations subsequent to the trim. Because these are typically painted with just the brush, which gives them a distinct texture and tends to make them straight away pop out.
Nevertheless it’s finest to overestimate, so which includes the doors and windows will give you a helpful contingency. Never program to do as well a lot: split the perform up into manageable amounts. You can paint over numerous days as extended as you cease each session at a all-natural seam (guttering, a door or window) so you do not paint the very same area twice. Once you have planned, prepared, and dressed oneself in clothes you happen to be prepared to by no means wear once again, you’re ready. Wait for a dry day and make an early start. Prevent painting in direct sunlight. Start with a wall which is in the shade and stick to the sun about the residence. Steer clear of leaning on freshly painted sections by beginning at the top rated of the home and working your way down. If you’re ideal-handed, get started on the suitable and perform towards your left so you are not functioning across freshly painted areas. If you are left-handed, start off on the left.
If you liked this article therefore you would like to receive more info about house painters dublin (alextrendpainters.ie) (Click That Link http://alextrendpainters.ie) i implore you to visit our web-page.
from WordPress https://premierpainting12.wordpress.com/2017/11/04/now-is-the-time-for-you-to-know-the-truth-about-painters-dublin/ from https://premierpainting12.tumblr.com/post/167126422511
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premierpainting12 · 7 years
Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About Painters Dublin.
With each residential and industrial painting project, Western Painting and Decorating is committed to supplying the highest good quality perform and qualified painting service in the Central Alberta location. Regardless of whether it is a residential painting or industrial painting, we are devoted to the approach of certainty – of a job nicely completed. What ever your desires, major or smaller, Western Painting and Decorating will supply a professional good quality paint job and an experience you will be thrilled with. That is our guarantee! Interested in a Free Estimate? Please make contact with us for additional information and facts.
The furnishings, the fabrics and the fittings – every single aspect has been chosen with care and subtlety from a reservoir of living space decorating concepts. If there is something in the planet of interior style that has changed considerably over the years, then it has to be the character and style of living rooms. From getting a formal space to seat guests, the space has metamorphosed into a space that is complete of higher-quality furnishings and incredibly intriguing finishing touches.
Accessible to fit in with your busy schedule
Roman Villa bath: http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/armerina/chario
We treat all of our clientele with the sincerity, care and interest of lengthy-time close friends
A bucket of water and spray bottle for misting
Finish with two coats of paint … See MoreSee Much less
Higher pressure cleaning
We function according to your busy schedule
Stay away from abrasion or damage to asbestos material
Peeling of paint from ceilings when ceiling finishes have broken down is a common difficulty noticed by the painting inspectors. In such situations, it is usually found that no sealer had been applied and excessive jointing material existed beneath the peeling paint, indicating that little or no preparation had been carried out. The cost and time spent rectifying a peeling ceiling is usually greater than the original worth of the contract. find out this here You are responsible for the preparation of the ceiling, which includes cleaning and dusting, prior to the application of paint.
Experienced #PaintersAndDecorators in #NorthLondon, who provide high standard decorating services http://bit.ly/2yktw9c
— CapitalPainter (@CapitalPainter) September 26, 2017
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsA excellent team for any individual thinking of obtaining their household painted in Ottawa – highly encouraged! Why Opt for PG PAINT & Style Expertise, Understanding, and Quality? Thank you to Pino who did an incredible job at painting the entire first level of our residence. He paid close interest to prep function by filling in all nail holes, cracks, trim repair and plastering other places. He took fantastic care in treating our house and belongings with respect. A basic way to discover about the a variety of painting corporation corporations in your region is to do a search on the internet. You can get their phone numbers, organization address, and some of them have websites. Going to their web-site can share with you when they started, some information and facts about the owner, and even provide images of jobs completed. Amongst a variety of providers there is a painting and decorating contractors based in North London. This company supplies decorating services in and about London. This group of painters and decorators in London initially started as a sole proprietorship but due to higher demand and workload they have recently turn out to be a restricted firm. This firm is fully capable of finishing day to day residential repairs and refurbishments as well as little to medium contracts. This organization has undertaken a lot of higher space jobs in the past, functioning in partnership with some of the large decorating contractors.
A painting enterprise can give a variety of services, but you need to have to know if they can take care of your project. Quite a few of them do interior and exterior painting. They do not care if it is a tiny house, a significant house, or a small business that the function wants to be completed for. They are willing to take it on to meet the requires of each single consumer. Other painting organization entities although only give extremely certain solutions. This is usually due to the limited abilities they can give, the variety of operate they prefer, and even the sorts of equipment the business enterprise owns.
When painting paper-faced plasterboard, care will have to be taken to stay clear of or rectify any tannin staining resulting from exposure to sunlight. Australian Normal (AS) 2311 Section 2.4.5 Paper-faced Gypsum Plasterboard identifies that the paper facing on the boards has a tendency to yellow upon exposure to light, specially sunlight, and ought to be painted as soon as practicable. As stated in AS2311 Section 5, Table five.1 Paint Systems for Interior Service – New Unpainted Surfaces, a single coat of a B16 sort latex sealer ought to be employed for sealing gypsum plasterboard. In most instances it is complicated to ascertain if plasterboard has been exposed to sunlight prior to its installation. Apply your selected resolution to a lint-free cloth and use circular motions to clean the soiled surface. As soon as all greasy hand marks and stains are gone, your walls will virtually paint themselves. You can quickly inform if the painting work has been carried out by a experienced by just looking at the corners and the locations subsequent to the trim. Because these are typically painted with just the brush, which gives them a distinct texture and tends to make them straight away pop out.
Nevertheless it’s finest to overestimate, so which includes the doors and windows will give you a helpful contingency. Never program to do as well a lot: split the perform up into manageable amounts. You can paint over numerous days as extended as you cease each session at a all-natural seam (guttering, a door or window) so you do not paint the very same area twice. Once you have planned, prepared, and dressed oneself in clothes you happen to be prepared to by no means wear once again, you’re ready. Wait for a dry day and make an early start. Prevent painting in direct sunlight. Start with a wall which is in the shade and stick to the sun about the residence. Steer clear of leaning on freshly painted sections by beginning at the top rated of the home and working your way down. If you’re ideal-handed, get started on the suitable and perform towards your left so you are not functioning across freshly painted areas. If you are left-handed, start off on the left.
If you liked this article therefore you would like to receive more info about house painters dublin (alextrendpainters.ie) (Click That Link http://alextrendpainters.ie) i implore you to visit our web-page.
from WordPress https://premierpainting12.wordpress.com/2017/11/04/now-is-the-time-for-you-to-know-the-truth-about-painters-dublin/
0 notes
reneetessa · 7 years
Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About Painters Dublin.
With each residential and industrial painting project, Western Painting and Decorating is committed to supplying the highest good quality perform and qualified painting service in the Central Alberta location. Regardless of whether it is a residential painting or industrial painting, we are devoted to the approach of certainty – of a job nicely completed. What ever your desires, major or smaller, Western Painting and Decorating will supply a professional good quality paint job and an experience you will be thrilled with. That is our guarantee! Interested in a Free Estimate? Please make contact with us for additional information and facts.
The furnishings, the fabrics and the fittings – every single aspect has been chosen with care and subtlety from a reservoir of living space decorating concepts. If there is something in the planet of interior style that has changed considerably over the years, then it has to be the character and style of living rooms. From getting a formal space to seat guests, the space has metamorphosed into a space that is complete of higher-quality furnishings and incredibly intriguing finishing touches.
Accessible to fit in with your busy schedule
Roman Villa bath: http://www.bluffton.edu/~sullivanm/armerina/chario
We treat all of our clientele with the sincerity, care and interest of lengthy-time close friends
A bucket of water and spray bottle for misting
Finish with two coats of paint … See MoreSee Much less
Higher pressure cleaning
We function according to your busy schedule
Stay away from abrasion or damage to asbestos material
Peeling of paint from ceilings when ceiling finishes have broken down is a common difficulty noticed by the painting inspectors. In such situations, it is usually found that no sealer had been applied and excessive jointing material existed beneath the peeling paint, indicating that little or no preparation had been carried out. The cost and time spent rectifying a peeling ceiling is usually greater than the original worth of the contract. find out this here You are responsible for the preparation of the ceiling, which includes cleaning and dusting, prior to the application of paint.
Experienced #PaintersAndDecorators in #NorthLondon, who provide high standard decorating services http://bit.ly/2yktw9c
— CapitalPainter (@CapitalPainter) September 26, 2017
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsA excellent team for any individual thinking of obtaining their household painted in Ottawa – highly encouraged! Why Opt for PG PAINT & Style Expertise, Understanding, and Quality? Thank you to Pino who did an incredible job at painting the entire first level of our residence. He paid close interest to prep function by filling in all nail holes, cracks, trim repair and plastering other places. He took fantastic care in treating our house and belongings with respect. A basic way to discover about the a variety of painting corporation corporations in your region is to do a search on the internet. You can get their phone numbers, organization address, and some of them have websites. Going to their web-site can share with you when they started, some information and facts about the owner, and even provide images of jobs completed. Amongst a variety of providers there is a painting and decorating contractors based in North London. This company supplies decorating services in and about London. This group of painters and decorators in London initially started as a sole proprietorship but due to higher demand and workload they have recently turn out to be a restricted firm. This firm is fully capable of finishing day to day residential repairs and refurbishments as well as little to medium contracts. This organization has undertaken a lot of higher space jobs in the past, functioning in partnership with some of the large decorating contractors.
A painting enterprise can give a variety of services, but you need to have to know if they can take care of your project. Quite a few of them do interior and exterior painting. They do not care if it is a tiny house, a significant house, or a small business that the function wants to be completed for. They are willing to take it on to meet the requires of each single consumer. Other painting organization entities although only give extremely certain solutions. This is usually due to the limited abilities they can give, the variety of operate they prefer, and even the sorts of equipment the business enterprise owns.
When painting paper-faced plasterboard, care will have to be taken to stay clear of or rectify any tannin staining resulting from exposure to sunlight. Australian Normal (AS) 2311 Section 2.4.5 Paper-faced Gypsum Plasterboard identifies that the paper facing on the boards has a tendency to yellow upon exposure to light, specially sunlight, and ought to be painted as soon as practicable. As stated in AS2311 Section 5, Table five.1 Paint Systems for Interior Service – New Unpainted Surfaces, a single coat of a B16 sort latex sealer ought to be employed for sealing gypsum plasterboard. In most instances it is complicated to ascertain if plasterboard has been exposed to sunlight prior to its installation. Apply your selected resolution to a lint-free cloth and use circular motions to clean the soiled surface. As soon as all greasy hand marks and stains are gone, your walls will virtually paint themselves. You can quickly inform if the painting work has been carried out by a experienced by just looking at the corners and the locations subsequent to the trim. Because these are typically painted with just the brush, which gives them a distinct texture and tends to make them straight away pop out.
Nevertheless it’s finest to overestimate, so which includes the doors and windows will give you a helpful contingency. Never program to do as well a lot: split the perform up into manageable amounts. You can paint over numerous days as extended as you cease each session at a all-natural seam (guttering, a door or window) so you do not paint the very same area twice. Once you have planned, prepared, and dressed oneself in clothes you happen to be prepared to by no means wear once again, you’re ready. Wait for a dry day and make an early start. Prevent painting in direct sunlight. Start with a wall which is in the shade and stick to the sun about the residence. Steer clear of leaning on freshly painted sections by beginning at the top rated of the home and working your way down. If you’re ideal-handed, get started on the suitable and perform towards your left so you are not functioning across freshly painted areas. If you are left-handed, start off on the left.
If you liked this article therefore you would like to receive more info about house painters dublin (alextrendpainters.ie) (Click That Link http://alextrendpainters.ie) i implore you to visit our web-page.
from https://premierpainting12.wordpress.com/2017/11/04/now-is-the-time-for-you-to-know-the-truth-about-painters-dublin/
0 notes
jeniferstaci26 · 7 years
Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth About Painters Dublin.
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Peeling of paint from ceilings when ceiling finishes have broken down is a common issue observed by the painting inspectors. In such situations, it is often found that no sealer had been applied and excessive jointing material existed beneath the peeling paint, indicating that little or no preparation had been carried out. The cost and time spent rectifying a peeling ceiling is often higher than the original value of the contract. You are responsible for the preparation of the ceiling, such as cleaning and dusting, prior to the application of paint.
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When painting paper-faced plasterboard, care must be taken to avoid or rectify any tannin staining resulting from exposure to sunlight. Australian Regular (AS) 2311 Section two.four.five Paper-faced Gypsum Plasterboard identifies that the paper facing on the boards has a tendency to yellow upon exposure to light, particularly sunlight, and should really be painted as quickly as practicable. As stated in AS2311 Section five, Table five.1 Paint Systems for Interior Service - New Unpainted Surfaces, a single coat of a B16 sort latex sealer ought to be made use of for sealing gypsum plasterboard. In most cases it is difficult to ascertain if plasterboard has been exposed to sunlight prior to its installation. Apply your selected resolution to a lint-totally free cloth and use circular motions to clean the soiled surface. Once all greasy hand marks and stains are gone, your walls will virtually paint themselves. You can promptly inform if the painting operate has been done by a professional by just seeking at the corners and the locations subsequent to the trim. Due to the fact these are normally painted with just the brush, which provides them a distinctive texture and tends to make them straight away pop out.
Nevertheless it is best to overestimate, so like the doors and windows will give you a helpful contingency. ALEXTRENDPAINTERS Do not plan to do too much: split the operate up into manageable amounts. You can paint more than quite a few days as lengthy as you cease every session at a all-natural seam (guttering, a door or window) so you do not paint the very same region twice. After you have planned, prepared, and dressed oneself in clothing you are prepared to under no circumstances put on again, you're ready. Wait for a dry day and make an early commence. Steer clear of painting in direct sunlight. Begin with a wall which is in the shade and stick to the sun around the residence. Stay away from leaning on freshly painted sections by beginning at the leading of the residence and working your way down. If you're appropriate-handed, get started on the right and work towards your left so you are not functioning across freshly painted places. If you're left-handed, start off on the left. If you beloved this article therefore you would like to be given more info concerning house painters dublin (alextrendpainters.ie) (Click That Link http://alextrendpainters.ie) kindly visit our own web-page.
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ST LAMBERT-SUR-DIVES: Major David Currie Puts The Plug In The Jug Of The Falaise Gap
(Volume 24-08)
By Bob Gordon
Most Canadians can recall the shooting rampage in and around Parliament Hill on October 22, 2014: Michael Zehaf-Bibeau fatally shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo as he stood as the ceremonial guard at the National War Memorial, then, still armed, entered the Centre Block of the Canadian Parliament where he was eventually killed.
Far fewer Canadians recall that this was not the first instance of violence within the precincts of Parliament Hill. Almost 50 years earlier, on the afternoon of May 18, 1966, 45-year-old Paul Joseph Chartier died when a bomb he was arming in a second floor washroom exploded prematurely. Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms, LCol (ret’d) David Vivian Currie, was one of the first men on the scene. He later told his son simply, “The poor bugger was all over the walls.”
The CBC hastily produced a 30-minute news special that aired that evening, only hours after the shooting. The program concluded with an interview with the Sergeant-at-Arms. With otherworldly calm, Currie dismissed the day’s events as small potatoes, concerning, of course, but no need for panic. “Apart from stopping everybody and searching everybody, and asking for an ID card, the sort of thing you might expect from a police state, I don’t know what more we can do really.”
Unexpected though his calm might seem, it was hardly out of character for Currie. Twenty-two years earlier that attitude had carried him through one of the fiercest and most important small-unit actions the Canadian Army fought in Normandy. Then a 32-year-old Major commanding “C” Squadron, 29th Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment (The South Alberta Regiment), in August 1944, troops under his command were assigned the task of putting the plug in the jug that was the Falaise Pocket. They closed the Falaise Gap. Currie’s “coolness, inspired leadership and skilful use of the limited weapons at his disposal,” as the citation reads, earned him the only Canadian Victoria Cross of the Normandy campaign and the only one awarded to a member of the Canadian Armoured Corps in the Second World War.
David Vivian Currie was born on July 8, 1912 in Sutherland, Saskatchewan, a few kilometres north of Saskatoon, where he attended King George Public School. He travelled south to Moose Jaw to attend Central Collegiate and then Technical School to learn his trade as an automobile mechanic and welder. In 1939 he joined the militia and in January 1940 he enlisted in the regular army with the rank of lieutenant. He was promoted to captain in 1941 and to major in 1944.
The South Alberta Regiment (SAR) did not arrive in Normandy until seven weeks after the invasion. On July 29, passing through Caen, the unit war diary innocently reported, “The destruction and stench of the city finally brought home to all ranks that they were nearing a battlefield.” Currie’s first experience under fire was Friday, August 4. The SAR War Diary notes, “Major CURRIE found it necessary to dismount and lead his tanks into position while mortar bombs were landing all round the area.” A mere two weeks later, the SAR were leading the 4th Armoured Division as it attempted to close the Falaise Gap and “C” Squadron found itself at the sharp end.
The day the SAR arrived in Normandy was also the day the German front cracked. Since D-Day the Germans had held a line across the base of the Cotentin Peninsula running west 90 kilometres from Caen at the mouth of the Orne to Coustance. Operation COBRA, launched west of St Lo on July 23, was designed to press the German defences back out of the bocage and their anchor on the western coast of the Cotentin Peninsula. The objective was the capture of Avranches, at the southern end of the peninsula, on high ground overlooking the bay forming the corner between the peninsulas of the Cotentin and Brittany, and its bridge over the See River. It fell on July 31 and the next day Patton’s Third Army exploded west into Brittany, east towards Le Mans then Paris beyond and north turning the German flank. This last pincer created the Falaise Pocket.
When their left flank collapsed and armoured forces raced north behind their defences while the Canadians and British drove east from Caen, the Germans were threatened with the loss of the Seventh Army and the Fifth Panzer Army. Hitler, demanding a counterattack on Avranches, exacerbated the threat by pushing forces, particularly armour, deeper into the pocket, rather than preparing for an orderly withdrawal. When the Canadian Army captured Falaise and the Americans pushed north from Argentan, the only German escape route was the Falaise Gap, a seven-kilometre stretch running along the Dives River from Trun south to Chambois.
The only bridge that could support armoured vehicles over the Dives between Trun and Chambois was at St Lambert. On the afternoon of August 18, General Guy Simonds ordered the 4th Canadian Armoured Division to push on from Trun through St Lambert-sur-Dives one kilometre to Moissy. At 1500 hours Currie was summoned to regimental headquarters and given his task. In what can only be described as a backhanded compliment, his regimental CO, LCol Gordon “Swatty” Wotherspoon, later noted that Currie “wasn’t a brilliant tactician, but he was very stubborn, and if you gave him an order to do something within his capabilities, he would do it — period.” Three months later Currie told the CBC, “I remember thinking at the time that it was the toughest job the regiment had ever been given.”
Currie had only very limited forces at his disposal. “B” Company of The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Major Ivan Martin) was placed under Currie’s command and accompanied his “C” Squadron of the South Alberta Regiment. His “C” Squadron was down to 15 tanks and the accompanying Highlanders mustered only 55 effectives. It has been erroneously reported that a troop of M10 tank destroyers accompanied Currie’s force. In fact, they remained laagered with the HQ Company, actively participating in its defence when it risked being overrun. In total Currie’s small force numbered approximately 130. Additionally, as supporting artillery had not kept up with the advance and flying conditions were temporarily abysmal with rain and cloud blanketing the area, the small force had to attack ‘naked’ without supporting arms.
They set out at 1800 hours on Friday, August 18. Having covered four kilometres with neither casualties nor contact as they were approaching the north edge of St Lambert, flares lit up the Norman night, an 88mm antitank gun barked, and Currie’s small force was down to 13 tanks. Both crews survived, but half a dozen were wounded. Currie proposed deploying his tank crews as combat infantry and to immediately start fighting into the village. However, his regimental CO, “Swatty” Wotherspoon ordered Currie to retreat 1,000 metres to Pt 117 and renew the attack in the morning. Demonstrating the courage that would carry him through the next two days, Currie, alone and on foot, reconnoitred the German positions locating armour, antitank guns and weapons pits.
At first light on August 19, Currie’s small band attacked St Lambert again. Almost immediately a Sherman was hit and brewed up. According to the Highlanders War Diary, “C.S.M. Mitchell, together with Pte. M. R. Holmes ran forward out of cover, and under the direct fire of the enemy, climbed upon the tank. After a full five minutes, during which they ran the added and imminent risk of death or injury from exploding ammunition, they managed to pull the driver out alive.”
Subsequently, Captain John Redden located a Panzerkampfwagen (PzKpfw) IV and rushed to Currie’s tank and pointed it out. Currie’s gunner destroyed the Panzer, earning the SAR’s first confirmed kill (and a bottle of rum from “Swatty”). The advance slowed and a PIAT team from the Highlanders 10 Platoon set off to stalk a second German tank, a Panther. Team leader, Lt Gil Armour, was able to disable it. The War Diary reports: “Lt. Armour climbed on top of the tank with a 36” grenade in his hand. Just as he was about to drop the grenade in the turret, a Jerry officer looked out. Lt. Armour was the first to recover from their common shock. He forced the Jerry to come out. But the Jerry was armed with an automatic pistol and closed with him.” The officer was quickly shot by another Highlander. A second crewman was Sten gunned when he opened his hatch and finally the patrol was able to get a grenade in an open hatch. Individual battles like this typified the day’s combat. After six hours of fierce fighting they were only halfway through the village.
Early that evening Currie was reinforced by “C” Company of the Argyll’s and “C” Company of The Lincoln and Welland Regiment (with a platoon of “D” Company under command) at 1800 hours. But in the face of the bitterest opposition from superior numbers, his force could make no further progress. Currie’s force now amounted to only a dozen tanks and 60 infantrymen. It dug itself in and was soon battling furiously against one counterattack after another, refusing to give ground and accounting for hundreds of the enemy. The Argyle’s commanding officer, Major Ivan Martin, was fatally wounded that day; while conferring with a German medical officer about handling wounded German prisoners, an artillery shell struck nearby killing both.
The close combat and absolute confusion was captured by Highlander Arthur Bridge in a post-war memoir: “Our section moved into a house and took positions in the ground floor windows covering the main street. During the night one of our boys went upstairs and found five fully armed but very weary Germans having a sleep.” Throughout the night German infiltration efforts persisted.
August 20th was the fiercest day of the Falaise Gap battle. From the other side of the hill a German daily SitRep [Situation Report] stated, “At St. Lambert-sur-Dives the battle for a breach lasted for five hours.” An order issued that day by Montgomery made clear that the key to the battle was the Canadian blocking force at St. Lambert-sur-Dives. Headed, “General Instructions for completing the destruction of the enemy in the Normandy ‘bottle’ Point Seven” stated, “The bottleneck is the area Trun―Chambois. Canadian Army will be responsible for keeping this tightly corked; the cork will not be withdrawn without authority from me.”
At one point a Canadian tank, overrun by German infantry, was compelled to swivel its turret to wipe them off the hull. Currie himself used a rifle from the tank turret to fire at snipers while the main gun engaged German armour at a greater distance. The SAR’s War Diary reported the confused situation: “At about 0800 hrs waves of German Infantry began moving against the positions. It could hardly be called an attack as there was no covering fire plan, simply a mass movement of infantry.” It went on to note, “From a PW it was ascertained that the idea behind the attack was a mass recce to find any holes in our lines to enable the large forces trapped in the pocket to find a way through.”
Interestingly, the War Diary also notes a dozen reinforcements arrived from an unusual source: “C Sqn freed 12 American PW from the Jerries and put them to work with ground weapons.” Bridge reports that at one point his platoon encountered a Universal Carrier whose driver was being held hostage by two Germans and who were forcing him to drive them through the Canadian lines to their own lines. As night approached on the 20th the disorganized but desperate German assaults began to taper off.
Calmly the Argyll’s War Diary for August 21 notes simply, “The heavy fighting in St. Lambert ended today.” In total Currie’s troops destroyed seven tanks and 40 vehicles. A total of 300 Germans were killed, another 500 were wounded and 2,100 others were taken prisoner. Currie’s force of less than 150 personnel had caused almost 3,000 German casualties. By plugging the last escape route from the pocket, they played a key role in the capture of thousands of other troops and prevented the withdrawal of innumerable more tanks and vehicles.
Three months after the battle, upon the announcement of his Victoria Cross, Currie was interviewed by the CBC where he revealed his preternatural calm and understatement. Asked by the interviewer about his immediate reaction, Currie said simply, “Well, I was staggered. I sat down and had a cigarette and thought it over.”
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