#like when she yells I pick her up usually and she’s just stressing herself out about it I can tell 😭
gwyoi · 1 year
I have a new issue with cricket. She’s doing good at not pawing at the door anymore but she yells at the door and the window so much now. Im 90% sure it’s because there is a stray outside because when she’s in my room she doesn’t yell nearly as much. it’s gotten to the point where her meows wake me up in the middle of the night because she wants so see the stray so I have to keep her in my room so she doesn’t smell or see the other cat (and that usually does the trick because she chills out after that)…… but now I’m like should I keep her in my room every night?? idk
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honey-and-bears · 8 months
Closet Shenanigans
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Summary: After failing to successfully get past wards on a very valuable chest, Astarion and Tav set off just a few alarms and decide to try and out run the guards chasing them, that is until Astarion quickly pulls Tav in the only hiding spot he could find.
A cramped and cold castle closet.
Tags: pure fluff, neck kisses, rough kisses, teeny bit of fang play but that's about it, sfw!! And wc is 1.7k
A/N this man has me in a chokehold so badly right now 😩 but i just wanted to write smth that has been in my brain for a good minute, so enjoy 💕
Rules, Requests, and More!
“ASTARION,” Tav yelled over her shoulder, her lungs burned as they took a sharp turn around a corner. Her boots slid against the velvet carpet they trampled during their escape. 
Tav let out a small yelp as she couldn’t gain traction on the soft carpet and quickly threw out her arms to catch herself. Tav lets out a hiss from her arms scraped against the carpet, but she knew she had to ignore the aching pain from her wrists and keep running. 
The echoes of impending trouble, which sounded a lot like heavy armor clanking together, bounced off the stone walls and drowned out the duo’s gasps for breaths. “YOU–” gasp “–SAID THAT–” wheeze “THIS WAS GONNA BE A STEALTH MISSION.”
“I KNOW,” Astarion yelled after her. “IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE.”
Her legs felt like they were on fire as beads of sweat slowly rolled down Tav’s forehead. “I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOOD AT PICKING LOCKS,” she wheezed, wiping her brow as they made their way down a large set of stairs. 
As they tried not to slip down the stairs, the clanking of heavy armor became thunderous, easily dwarfing the sound of her pounding heart, Tav heard the shouts of the guards telling them to stop running.
“I AM TAV,” Astarion said, running alongside her now, his normally calm and rich voice now breathless and stressed. “But how was I supposed to know that the chest would have more than three spells protecting it?” He growled through gritted teeth, making Tav spare a glance toward the vampire. 
His usual well-swept-back hair was now plastered against his forehead, causing him to brush away the few strands that fell in his eyes. Astarion’s face was a beet red that Tav would normally find delicious but she could see that it was all from exhaustion and boiling anger.
She felt bad for yelling at him like this, Tav knew it wasn’t his fault, but from the stress and fear from running for her life, she couldn’t help but lash out. Her eyes slid away from Astarion and back to the hallway, Tav could sense that they were getting close to where the others were waiting for them outside.
Relief began to flood Tav’s system as she could see the last stairwell that led toward one of several castle exits. As she threw out her hand to keep herself balanced when rushing down the stairs, a tight grip wrapped around her wrist yanked her off her path with a yelp.
A hand then covered Tav’s mouth as she let out a sharp yelp. Instinctively, Tav tried to squirm from the tight grasp, trying to claw at the hand that had slid across her waist to bring her taught against a torso. 
“Quiet now darling,” Astarion murmured in her ear as he pulled her backward, causing her to stumble over her feet before he moved the hand that was clamped over her mouth downwards. Tav heard a distinctive click as Astarion loosened his tight grip. “You wouldn’t want us to be caught now?”
Tav ignored the way his low rich voice sent shivers down her spine as she began to look around her new surroundings. Tav’s eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness, the musty smell around her confused her deeply as she tried to shift around.
“Astarion,” she whispered, holding up an arm, extending it slowly only to be quickly met by a rough stone wall. “Are we seriously hiding in a closet?”
“Did you want to be caught?”
“Well, no,” Tav starts, dropping her arm to her side as she shifts from foot to foot, finding that her back brushed against his chest with every movement. “But I would have appreciated a bit more room.”
“Sorry darling” the vampire hummed quietly, shuffling in place while trying his hardest not to press against Tav. “But this was unfortunately the best I could find.”
Blush began to rise to Tav’s cheeks as she could feel every rise and fall of his chest against her back, still heaving from their long run. His hands hovered around her hips and left feather-light touches with each small movement either of them made. 
Her pounding heart felt like it was echoing in the small closet as she felt Astarion’s hot breath against the back of her neck. A shiver ran through Tav as they heard the sound of heavy boots and clanking armor come around the corner where the closet was.
Silently Tav prayed to keep the tiny closest unnoticeable as the guards stopped seemingly right in front of the large oak door. Panic began to sink its claws deep into Tav’s ribs, her breath quickened as she heard the near-silent mutters of the guards.
Leaning toward the door, Tav pressed her ear against the cold wooden door. To her, the guard’s conversation sounded just like faint whispers, but Tav hoped with every fiber of her being that they would leave soon.
She would hate to be stuck in the closet with Astarion almost pressed against her any longer. 
And speaking of whom, a shiver runs through Tav as Astarion’s feather-light touches run across her waist. Slowly, he wrapped his fingers around each side of her hips and gently leaned over her. 
Quietly to not alert the guards only a mere few feet from the door, Tav shuffles her weight from foot to foot in hopes that Astarion gets the message. Instead of getting the quit while you’re ahead, all Astarion does is softly hum in amusement as he presses his front against her to place a gentle kiss on Tav’s neck.
Tav’s head began to swim, her focus on the guards slipping as Astarion pressed more feather-light kisses against her neck. A small squeak left Tav as Astarion pressed a much harsher kiss below her ear. Slapping a hand to her mouth, Tav froze as she felt her face flush with color.
Swallowing harshly, she tried to hear if the guards had noticed her slip-up, but all she could get was “They couldn’t have gotten so far, we shall have every guard looking for them.”
Astarion left a kiss right behind her ear, earning him a jab to the side and a hiss of his name. “They’re going t-to find us,” Tav said lowly, hoping only his ears picked it up. “Assstarion,” she quietly moaned as he chuckled lowly and nibbled on her ear.
Warmth began to pool in Tav’s gut as one of Astarion’s hands moved to tuck a few fallen strands behind her ear. Effortlessly, he then moved to pull down the collar of her tunic to press his face into her neck and sighed. Wriggling in his tight grasp, Tav moved her hand to the side of his head, her fingers sunk into the silky soft curls.
She meant to pull his head away, but Tav had just curled her hand into a fist as Astarion dragged the very tips of his long fangs across her shoulder. Slowly he inched up her neck making Tav’s head swim as she fought to stay quiet.
The guards had stopped muttering sometime ago, but Tav could still barely sense their presence from outside the door. Her body felt like it was on fire as Astarion scraped his fangs back down her neck, no doubt leaving angry red marks that she’ll have to remember to cover up later. With a hum, his soft lips return to her fiery skin and Tav silently wishes he would never stop, or at least pick this up when they weren’t in the middle of an escape.
Gritting her teeth, a long hiss left Tav’s throat as Astarion dug his fang into her soft skin. It wasn’t deep enough to draw blood but Tav knew she’d have to cover it up when they got back to camp. She tugged harshly at Astarion’s curls before standing upright again.
“Be careful love,” he whispered in her ear, the hand wrapped around her waist playing with the edges of her tunic. “I would hate for us to be caught.” 
“Y-You ass,” Tav replied, swallowing down a moan as he pressed a small kiss to the deep bruise on her neck. “This is not the time.”
“I beg to differ,” Astarion hummed as he pulled Tav even closer to him, enjoying the heat that radiated off of her. Tav opened her mouth to say a quiet retort but she quickly shut her mouth with an audible click as she realized that the guards had begun to walk off. The crunching of their heavy boots became louder and louder, Tav’s hand slipped from Astarion’s soft hair and slid over the vampire’s cold hand on her wait as the guards shuffled past them.
With the guards now gone, all the anxiety left her body in waves as she let out a long groan in relief as Astarion squeezed her hand in reassurance. Wrapping a hand around the cool doorknob, Tav slowly let the closet door swing open as Astarion’s hand slipped from hers and dropped them to his side.
“The coast seems to be clear,” Tav whispered as she slinked out of the closet, her ears intently listening for any signs of danger while her hand hovered over one of her daggers. “Though they will no doubt have all the exits heavily guarded.”
“Then we must be extra cautious,” Astarion replied smoothly, slipping out of the small closet and closing the door silently behind them.
“You’re one to talk about being cautious,” Tav frowned, folding her arms across her chest as she glared at the now smirking vampire. “You nearly gave us away!”
“Hmmm maybe,” Astarion hummed, his eyes glinting in the torch-lit hallway. “But it sounded like you enjoyed it.”
Tav moved her hands to her hips as blush crept up to her face, knowing that she didn’t look half as intimidating as she had hoped. Taking a few steps to close the small gap, Tav looked up into Astarion’s blood-red eyes before smacking him on his shoulder. 
“Now darling,” Astarion chuckled, grabbing the hand that had just smacked him and pulled Tav to his chest. “How about we start heading back to the others?”
“Best idea you’ve had all day, love,” Tav agreed before planting a small kiss on his lips.
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repulsiveliquidation · 7 months
all the rain in the world.
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warnings : angst, mentions of injury and binge-drinking. not proofread.
based on this poem!
all the rain in the world, can’t wash away how I feel about you.
Alexia watches as you wrap your arms around her. That gorgeous smile on your face was one that she wished she put on your face. Your eyes sparkled in the dim light as her hands held your waist and lifted you in her arms.
Her hands held you up with practiced ease. She pulled that giggle out of you way too easily. The others were enjoying the PDA. She heard Pina and Patri making fun of you and her. She heard them tell you two to get a room. She heard them say they wished to find a love like yours.
It made Alexia’s blood boil. She knew she had no right to be angry. You moved on too quickly in her opinion, leaving her to pick up the pieces. In her eyes, you abandoned her when she needed you. In the back of her head though, she knew she was to blame. She never gave you a chance.
In her anger, she gripped her water bottle so tight it was squirting water all over the changing room floor. She was sure if she let go she would do something she’d regret. Mapí notices her seething anger and places a hand on her shoulder and she shrugs it off, before standing and throwing the bottle into her cubby as she stomps out of the changing room. She stands just outside the door and takes deep breaths, fists clenched tight by her sides.
She could feel the tears pricking in her eyes. She breathed in her nose and out her mouth, praying for her tears to go away. She was shaking with how hard she was trying not the cry before she heard your voice muffled in the room.
“Was that Alexia?” you say, the sound of your cleats hitting the hard floor was clear as day. A chorus of yeah’s and I think so’s followed. The tears fell on their own, her heart breaking as she detected the genuine concern in your voice before she heard footsteps coming towards the door. She wiped her tears as fast as she could and walked towards the bathrooms to compose herself. You call out for her and she just walks faster, locking herself in the far stall trying to muffle her sniffling.
“Ale?” you call, voice as soft as can be. Alexia bites her lip and her head hits the wall, her hands over her mouth to try and pretend she’s not in there. You can hear her crying and trying to suppress her sounds, your heart clenching uncomfortably in your chest when you hear your best friend’s sobs.  
“Ale, qué pasa?”
“No es nada.”
“The way you’re crying doesn’t sound like nothing.”
“I said it’s nothing, just leave me alone!” Alexia yells, opening the door and storming out of the bathroom. She doesn’t see the tears on your face, heart aching just like hers was at the thought of her best friend not trusting her with her troubles.
Alexia bumps into her on the way out of the bathroom, mumbling a half-hearted sorry as she runs back to the changing room to grab her things and go home. She looks at the captain in bewilderment and steps into the bathroom to find her girlfriend splashing water on her tear-stained face.
“What did she say?” she asks, rubbing her girlfriend’s back. You shrug, sighing before hugging her.
“She hasn’t spoken to me properly in weeks, amor. I don’t know what I did wrong,” you mumble into her neck. She rubs soothing circles on your back and reassures you, citing that Alexia was probably stressed about her knee and was closing herself off like she usually did when she was struggling.
“This is not like her, she knows she can always come to me for help,”
“Give her some time, mi amor. She’ll come around.”
it makes me think how rain can flood, and love can sometimes feel smothering.
“Amor, keep up!”
“Ale, you’re the one with the long fucking legs!”
Alexia stops and you manage to catch up, bent over clutching the stitch in your side. She’s laughing and does not sound like she’s fighting for her life and you think you’ve got just enough energy to strangle your girlfriend.
“Why do you do this to me? Don’t you love me?”
“I love you so much, bebé. I am helping you, you just don’t see it yet,” she teases, starting to jog again. You’re about two miles from your house, Alexia was the one who thought it would be a good idea to go on a run before training that morning. She came knocking on your door, welcomed in by your mother who playfully scolded you for not being productive like Alexia.
You get home and are knackered, throwing your shirt off in front of Alexia. Being an 18-year-old with little to no experience in the bedroom, your actions put a blush on her face. You’re lying on the couch, chest heaving as the Barcelona heat rendered you out of breath. Alexia’s breath hitched in her throat for other reasons, eyes trained on your chest shamelessly. She didn’t realize she was staring till you pushed yourself up onto your elbows, grinning at her.
“Is there something here that interests you, Ms. Putellas?”
“You’re staring, amor.”
“No, I am not.”
You stand, sauntering over before wrapping your arms around her neck. Her big hands come to rest on your hips instinctively, pulling you into her. You press your lips to hers and she kisses back eagerly. Her skin is hot from the run, her lips soft as ever. She pulls away and you smile, caressing the back of her neck.
“You know,” you say looking at the grandfather clock in the living room, “we’ve got two hours before training. That’s plenty of time to have a little fun…”
“Let’s not waste any time then,” Alexia grins, grabbing your arm and pulling you upstairs. She thanks all the gods she can remember that your mother isn’t home to hear all the sounds she hoped to pull out of you.
i want to be the small bit of sunshine, you carry around in your heart.
Alexia lays her head in your lap, listening as you read to her. You’re on a picnic together, one that Alexia herself put together. She got her mother to make your favorite and insisted on feeding you, giving you sweet kisses in between each mouthful.
She remembered the laugh you let out when Nala got loose and Alexia had to chase her, screaming at Nala to stop being a naughty girl and come back to her. Nala seemed to run even faster but made an abrupt U-turn when you whistled for her. She happily ran back to you, settled in your lap panting away. Alexia walked back over to you with a frown on her face, sitting on the picnic blanket facing away from you.
“Amor,” you coo, stroking Nala’s soft fur. Alexia huffs, arms crossed as she mumbles away under her breath.
“Alexia,” you try again, grinning as Nala crawls off your lap towards her mother. She doesn’t react as Nala climbs into her lap and begins licking the Catalan’s stone-faced expression. You scoot closer to her and lean on your arm with your legs stretched out and crossed. You struggle to suppress a smile and so does Alexia as she lifts Nala into the air.
“You betrayed me, pequeña. Mami is very hurt, you know,” she tells the little dog, hugging the squirming animal close to her chest. You chuckle and lean into her, Alexia pressing a long, loving kiss to your lips.
“I’m clearly her favorite,” you whisper and Alexia nods, stroking Nala gently.
“Guess I have to keep you around forever then.”
the person who reminds you of blue skies, and loves you the way you are.
“How much have you had to drink?�� you ask her, mentally counting the number of empty bottles in the living room. Her injury setback was taking a toll on her and she was on a weekend bender, not picking up any of your calls or texts since Friday. You’ve been worried sick the whole time but couldn’t check on her since you were in London visiting your brother who worked there.
You called Mapí on Sunday panicking, asking if she had heard from Alexia all weekend. Ingrid was listening in and immediately assured you that they would check on her for you. You thanked them profusely before hanging up and pulling your laptop out to change your flight.
Mapí called just as your brother dropped you off at the airport, telling you that Alexia refused to open the door and you had the other key. You thanked Mapi and Ingrid for trying to check on her and that you were on the way home but they insisted on waiting for you to get back. You apologized to your brother for cutting your holiday short and he understood your distress, telling you to “go make sure she’s okay, kiddo. She needs you.”
Two hours later, you three stood in front of a very drunk Alexia with similar looks of anger and concern. Alexia only stared back at the three of you with a stupid grin on her face, boldly offering you a sip of what looked like her 15th bottle of beer.
“What are you doing to yourself? Are you insane?” you scolded, not letting her answer you. Ingrid was halfway through cleaning up all the bottles and plates, leaving Mapí and you to deal with Alexia.
“Amor, I missed youuuuu,” she slurred, standing up sharply before sitting back down when a sharp pain shot through her leg.
Mapí chews her out as you stand there at a loss for words. For weeks Alexia had kept you locked out, merely shrugging her problems off like they didn’t affect her when they did. She insisted that she would be fine while you were away, albeit a little offended when you told her Alba would come and check on her on Saturday. You didn’t like leaving her alone when she clearly needed you but you had booked this holiday before she was hurt again.
That was merely the beginning of her rapid decline, spending more and more time at the local bar after her rehab, and over time she got home later and later. You stayed up the first month, gently ushering her into the house and to bed, even picking her up a few times at odd hours when she was too out of it to call an Uber, let alone drive.
The fifth time you were woken up by her unique ringtone you had had enough, deciding then and there that this was the last time.
“Bebita! Ahí está mi hermosa chica!” she mumbled drunkenly as she got into the passenger seat. She leaned over for a kiss and you pushed her away, steam coming out of your ears. You didn’t know who was sitting in your passenger seat, this was not the overly responsible, i-never-drink-during-the-season, dedicated captain you had loved for over ten years, this was a broken version of that and you couldn’t stand the person she was becoming.
This was not the woman your 18-year-old self knew you were marrying. This was not the woman who made you race her before training “just because.” This was not the woman who got jealous of you because her dog learned to love you more than her. This was a woman who was destroying herself because she was stubborn and refused to admit she needed help, who refused to admit she needed you. There was some fault that was on your end, you clearly didn’t show her that she could lean on you no matter what. She didn’t think you were safe enough to be let into her noisy mind. You failed her. Insecurity filled your mind and you couldn’t face the impending fear of losing her so you took matters into your own hands.
You left that morning with a duffel back and a note placed on your side on the bed. Alexia woke up with a splitting headache, wanting nothing else than to bury her face in your hair and refuse to let you out of bed. She threw her hand over to your side and was met with cold sheets. She dragged her hand down the expanse of your side of the bed and felt the ruffle of paper, eyes shooting open in fear.
Her heart was in her throat and her headache a mere afterthought as she read your beautiful handwriting. You stated that you couldn’t deal with her absence any longer, the last few months felt like you had a roommate and not a girlfriend. You expressed that you felt upset with yourself for not giving you the confidence to come to you with her problems and she smudged your last words with her tears. They rained down on your letter, her heart ripped out of her chest as she realized she’d lost you forever.
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idyllcy · 10 months
the second - jinshi x reader (bonus to so i don't know how to love)
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Jinshi has been more quiet lately.
Maomao first takes note of it on the second week, and on the third, the poor eunuch looks like he's aged to fifty-six. She blinks at the eunuch, and it seemed another annoying request would be arriving at her doorstep soon. She would have preferred that it stay quiet. But of course, something had to happen. Something always does.
"Maomao." Jinshi groans from the desk.
His usual smirk is replaced by his hair, and his forehead rests on the desk, his head spinning as his soul practically slips past his lips. He's much older, now that she looks at him. Perhaps the worrying over his missing wife had taken a toll— but he had looked much much younger when he had picked her up from the spring residence a year ago.
Maomao smiles to the best of her ability. "Yes?"
"Can you prescribe some chinese medicine that is good for a healthy baby." 
Maomao blinks. "Are one of the consorts pregnant already?"
"No." He moves his face to rest on his cheek. "My wife is pregnant with our second."
Maomao blinks incredulously, slowly, utterly confusedly. "She let you sleep with you after—" She shuts herself up, forcing a smile on her face instead. Too many questions would get her nowhere. After all, the madam had just returned. She was not about to make her regret her decision. Though, it seemed the poor guy had been using her day and night for his sexual needs. She feels bad. That poor woman.
Jingui peers from the door at his father, blinking.
"Is niang alright?" Jinshi opens his arms for his son to give him a hug. 
Maomao shudders at the affection.
"Niang just woke up." Jingui hums. "I am visiting before my shared class with the princess."
"Very well." He sends him on his way with a kiss on his forehead.
Maomao blinks at Jinshi. "Medicine for the madam?"
"For her pregnancy."
"Isn't she too old to be having children?"
"Aren't you too old to be single?"
"Hey, don't bully the child." You click your tongue disdainfully at the door, and Maomao nods at you as you pass her and stop. "Hand."
Her eyes light up when you drop her some poisonous flowers from your handkerchief.
"That should be enough, right?"
Maomao nods, lips curled into a smile. "You're so much better than he is."
You laugh, smile radiant, and Maomao waves goodbye as she rushes off for the herbs.
"You don't need to bully me for each time I say something out of pocket to her, you know?" Jinshi pouts, looking to the side.
"Have you stopped to consider that she's not married because she doesn't want it?" You roll your eyes. "I heard stress is bad for the baby. You better not go around stressing me out."
Jinshi makes a face of betrayal at you, mouth open and frustrated. 
"Niang! The princess wants to see you fight!" Jingui calls from outside, and you hum. 
"It's bad for the baby!" Jinshi yells back.
"It's fine." You hum. "Unless you want to pose as me?"
Jinshi grimaces. "I am coming with."
"Fine with me!" You hum. "Niang's coming!"
Maomao stops on her way back to the study with the medicine, staring as you show the princess how to use the sword, holding back a laugh at the way Jinshi looks like he's about to throw up. Well, this isn't the worst thing.
"Madam! Your medicine." Maomao motions at the pot, and you grimace.
Jinshi catches you before you can run away, and your son takes the pot from her with a nod. 
Maybe this isn't half as bad.
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totaly-obsessed · 1 year
Work-Life Balance
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Georgia Stanway x reader fic
-> Reader is very much overworked, Georgia tries to convince her that it doesn't need to be that way
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Georgia was not a fan of early training sessions, coming home at 2 in the afternoon just felt wrong, so it was safe to say, that she was especially happy when the session was pushed to later in the day.
It gave her the possibility to spend her morning with you, her girlfriend. And usually, the Brit was happy about that, but today was not one of them – The day started completely wrong. 
She was alone. Sure, the two of you did not live together but you usually stayed at her place, and you had been there when going to bed last night. In her kitchen she found breakfast already made, a little note attached to it ‘picked up an early shift. See you tonight! -ly!’.
This was not how Georgia wanted to start her day. 
Everybody at training noticed how off the usually bright and cheerful character was, especially Lina. “Hey, what’s up with you? Did your Wifey break up with you?” The German tried to lighten the mood, but seeing her friend's deep frown, she realized something was wrong. 
With a defeated sigh Georgia continued packing her bag while avoiding eye contact. “She picked up another early shift.” 
Lina’s head snapped over, knowing about your working history and all you did “Again?” The brunette continued to stare at her football boots, “Yeah, and after that she has to study all night.” 
To be able to study at university and be able to afford an apartment was quite the feat, especially with no help from your family, so you worked two jobs, as a cashier in the early mornings or incredibly late evenings as well as at an elementary school in the afternoon. There you helped the kids whose parents worked later with their homework and played with them. Added on top of that were Lessons in University, homework and studying.
You had been doing both jobs just fine for a while, but upon meeting Georgia at your internship at Bayern, which was already stressing you out, more things were added to your calendar. Obviously, you wanted to be with the Brit but it was hard with the life you were living. 
“I will see her tonight, if she comes to my place.” Lina's heart hurt a little seeing her friend so done with life. 
“She really needs to give up that supermarket job.” Everyone knew that you hated working there, being yelled at by rude customers before ten in the morning was a blow to the day. But in your mind, having grown up with money insecurities, you needed to make as much money as possible, and this was an easy way to do so while being in Uni. 
“Yeah, but if she quits, she can’t stay in her apartment. She is at my place all the time anyways but she will feel like a burden and she is scared of being dependent on me.” Georgia knew how your mind worked, even if she wasn’t happy with it. You moving in with her, was something she currently wished for with incredible fervor. 
“She won’t be dependent on you though, she’ll still earn money. And when she’s got her degree, she can just start at Bayern, they already have a contract up for her.” Just like that the Brit had a new Goal in mind, and this one wasn’t on a football pitch. 
Upon returning to her apartment, she almost missed your presence, if she hadn’t fallen over your shoes in the hallway. “Babe?” 
No answer. 
The apartment wasn’t big enough that you couldn’t have heard her, so where were you? The brunette didn’t have to look all that hard – a sock-clad foot could be seen peaking out from in front of the couch. “Baby?” 
She still didn’t receive an answer and she quickly saw why – your study materials were distributed on her fluffy carpet with you asleep on your stomach on top of it all, face first into a book. With a chuckle Georgia picked up your materials, sorting them just how you liked it, the only thing missing was the book that was cushioning your face.  
Even though the midfielder titled herself as “heavy-handed” she was ever so gentle with you, coaxing you out of your uncomfortable sleep, slowly but surely. 
Just a few minutes later you were sat on the couch instead of in front of it, your girlfriend feeding you biscuit after biscuit. 
“There you are, baby! Welcome back.” Your blurry eyes finally found her cute face. 
“Need to study Gee.” As softly as the Brit could, she grabbed your hands and held them in her lap, as you tried to reach for your folders and notes. “Not right now Baby. We need to talk.” 
Your tired mind went from zero to a hundred real quick. Wide eyes staring deep into Georgia’s. “Not like that baby. We need to talk about your work-life balance.” 
You couldn’t help laughing. The only thing you kept thinking about were those IKEA ‘work–life–sleep’ advertisements that were all over Germany just a couple of years ago. “I’m serious.” 
She was. The usually goofy grin on her face was gone, instead, she was quite expressionless. With a deep sigh, now knowing that she had your attention the midfielder started to explain her view. 
“I think you should quit your second job and move in with me…” With a warm hand, she shushed you before you could even make a noise. “Just hear me out, okay?” 
A small kiss was pressed to the corner of your mouth – the brunette hoping to convey, that she wasn’t mad or anything, that she just wanted the best for you. “Okay, your apartment is just a waste of money, you are here most of the time. We can put your desk and work things into my spare room, so while I work out you can keep me company while you work.” 
You did that anyway, but usually, you just dragged a chair into the nearly empty room, trying to balance your books on your legs. “And then all my stolen hoodies are back in the closet, and you can just pick whichever one you want. We can cuddle every evening, and we can cook together. And we can-“ 
Now it was you who shushed Georgia with a soft kiss on her lips. The Brit could feel your smile, making her stop her rambling. “Alright – Sold! What else?” 
The Bayern player was thankful that you listened to her. “Quit your job. You don’t need the money when you live here, and when you are done with Uni, you can work at Bayern.” 
The silence in the room was heavy. Georgia could see your brain working overtime. “Fine. I’ll quit the hob at the supermarket, but I’ll continue working with the kids! I will not live here for free, I will contribute to the rent.” 
The midfielder would never let you pay rent, but you didn’t need to know that, at least not now. “So we have a deal?” 
Back was the goofy grin as the brunette stared at your extended hand, which she grabbed just to pull you closer and press a giggly kiss on your lips – “Deal.”
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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liked by linamagull and 44.330 others
stanwaygeorgia: New roomie is kinda invading my personal space. Not sure if I like it...
buehlklara: 'not sure if I like it' - Sure...
-> leahwilliamsonn: I am not convinced
user01481: I need that sweater!
-> y/n: kindly lent to me by @stanwaygeorgia
linamagull: 'roomie' huh? So you did it?
user27231: Who even is that?
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Fights and Disagreements - a lyra and grayson fic
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disclaimer: it is VERY long. i wanted it to be shorter but it ended up being long like all of my other fics, even longer actually, and im sorry if you wanted a short read. ill try and make shorter fics from now on but i just love writing long pieces of work im sorry 😭😭
Lyra knew the words to describe Grayson. Patient, sweet, and protective, even if others didn’t see it. But at the moment, none of those things applied to him.
A week ago, Lyra had confronted Grayson about the fact that she thought he worked too much and rarely had time to spend on himself, let alone her, and he took her thoughts into consideration. He told her that he would to try to cut back on hours. Well, days went by with no change except for the excuse that “work was busy at the moment”, and Lyra started to get impatient. She’d confronted him again on the 6th day of no change, except with 0% patience and a disturbing amount of pettiness. Long story short, it had ended in a fight.
Lyra rounded the kitchen table and turned away from Grayson, words flying out of her mouth as she threw her hands up in the air.
“No change! That’s what I got from you Grayson! God, could you not be selfish for one fucking day in your life?!” She screamed, whirling around as she did. A flicker of anger entered Graysons usually calm eyes as he paced over to her, his hair messy from the amount of times he had ran his hands through it.
“I’m being fucking selfish? You haven’t even stopped to consider that maybe I’m working this hard because I’m actually fucking busy!” He shouted back. Lyra was taken aback. She had never heard Grayson shout that loud, let alone barely shout, and he didn’t seem to noticed when her back hit the kitchen island. Instead, he walked closer, his chest heaving. “Work has been stressful enough, Lyra, and I don’t need it fucking up my home life too!” With that last sentence, Grayson threw his hands up in the air, and a breath caught in Lyra’s throat as she did something she never thought she’d ever do in Graysons vicinity. She flinched, throwing her arms over her head. Once she realized she’d done it, her eyes widened and she slowly put her arms back to her side. Looking up, she saw Graysons wide eyes and shocked expression, as he’d stopped yelling.
“Lyra-“ He tried to say, guilt etching his features, before Lyra cut him off.
“Get out.” She said, her voice barely a whisper. She didn’t know where out was, but she just wanted him somewhere away from her right now. And she really didn’t want to cry in front of him, or go to sleep in the same bed as him. Grayson stayed silent for a few moments, before speaking again.
“Lyra, what?” He says, his tone confused. He tries to speak again, before Lyra cuts him off again.
“Get. Out.” She said, her voice quiet again but brimming with intensity. Grayson held her gaze for about 5 seconds, a swarm of emotions stuck on his face, before suddenly stomping off. Lyra wouldn’t let a single tear fall until she heard that door close, and once she did, she slid to the floor, sobs racking her chest. Her eyes caught her phone on the island table, and, without thinking, she pulled herself up, and dialed a number. The line was ringing for about 4 seconds, until the girl on the other end of the line picked up.
“Hello?” Avery said. Lyra swallowed, before speaking.
“I changed my mind. I think I will be able to be apart of your girls hang out night.”
The only thing that Grayson had on him as he stormed out of the house that he and Lyra had moved into was his phone and car keys, which could only do so much. Anger almost took hold of him, until he had remembered the way Lyra flinched when he raised his arms, and all that anger had been smothered by drowning guilt. Did she think that he would hurt her? Allow himself to lay even a single finger on her? The truth was, Grayson never would. But still, she thought that in a fit of anger, he would. Grayson was disgusted with himself. He tried to think back to the argument, tried to think back to where it all went wrong, but all he could hear was Lyra calling him “fucking selfish”, and that anger rose again.
Grayson pulled open his car door, sat inside, and slammed it shut, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway without thinking of where he was really going. Maybe he could book a hotel. Or just stay at a cafe/restaurant for a bit and figure things out later. But instead, his hand found his phone, and without thinking, he texted the groupchat with him and his brothers in it. No words, but instead, 3 numbers.
When Lyra knocked on the door of Libby’s little house that she and Nash lived in, she knew how she looked. She could barely see herself in the reflection of some of her glass flower pots, and what she saw was a sniffling girl with red eyes and mascara streaks running down her cheeks. When Libby opened the door with Max and Avery by her side, her grin was smothered.
“Lyra..” Libby said, her voice soft. She looked like she was going to continue as she searched Lyra’s face with concern, but Lyra interrupted, wiping her eyes with her hand as she spoke with the most normality she could muster up.
“So, can we watch that movie you guys were talking about?”
Lyra had been watching some random romcom for 20 minutes, meanwhile her mind had been preoccupied on something else. On the fight. She was going to continue to watch-but-not-watch the movie, when Max stood up and paused it.
“OkayIcan’ttakethisanymore.” She rushed out in one breath as she stood up and turned to Lyra, her hands on her hips. “What the fax happened to you?” Lyra looked down when Avery and Libby looked at her expectantly. She could beat around the bush, but she wasn’t in the mood for it.
“I got in a bad fight with Grayson.” Lyra mumbled, wiping her cheeks that still had some mascara smudged on them. She wanted to leave it at that, but the expectant look on the girls’ faces didn’t falter even once.
“And? What did he do?” Avery asked her. Lyra sighed, before explaining what happened start to finish.
“Cheezits, he sucks. Should I punch him in his cheekbones the next time I see him?” Max immediately asked as soon as she stopped explaining. The question was so sudden and unexpected that Lyra choked out a laugh sob, before speaking.
“No need, Max. It’s not all his fault. I mean, I acted rashly and just went straight to screaming but..” Lyra’s brow furrowed as she recalled the fight. “He barely even tried to hear me out. Does he know that I’ve barely even seen him this past month?” Emotion creeped into Lyra’s voice, before she shook her head and picked at her nails. Libby took her hand in hers and smiled at Lyra softly.
“I know that fights with spouses are hard, but I promise you, you will look back on this moment and see something to learn from, even if you weren’t much in the wrong.” Libby said, gently. Lyra smiled softly at her, but her heart still felt heavy. She loved Grayson. So. Damn. Much. And it felt like stabbing pins in her chest to be away from him for this reason. But maybe some space to clear her head was good.
“I actually don’t really want to talk about this,” Lyra said, smiling softly. “But can we continue watching the movie?” Max barely waited for her to finish her sentence before she took off towards the kitchen.
“Snacks time!” She cheered.
By the time Grayson had shown up at the front gates of Hawthorne House, all his brothers were there already. He had heard that Nash was staying there because Libby wanted to have a girls night, but Jameson and Xander had probably came in the time it took for him to drive there. Grayson walked in the front gates with an eerily empty feeling inside him to be away from Lyra. Already he could feel a pit in his stomach, just thinking about going home to a possible empty house. To sleeping alone, without her body wrapped around his. What did it matter that he was angry? He hurt her, and in doing so hurt himself too. His thoughts were interrupted by Xander speeding down the halls and hurling himself at Grayson. Luckily they were on carpeted floor, otherwise Grayson would have gotten some sort of head trauma.
“Thereeee is my darlingggg brothe- oh.” Xander said, starting with a yodeling sing-song voice before returning to his normal tone as he studied Grayson’s face. “You’re looking a little rough there, Gray.” A little rough was an understatement. Not only was Grayson working himself to the bone and getting no sleep, which was why he had such vicious under eyes, but he was also exhausted from his fight with Lyra. His hair was a mess, and Grayson was sure he looked like one too.
“Anyways,” Xander said, shaking off the awkwardness of the moment before with a grin. “The festivities are in the Great Room.”
Grayson successfully managed to wipe off the remaining bit of whipped cream on his shoulder, which was caused by Jameson, who was ruthless with the amount of pies he threw, as he raised a brow at Xander.
“Were the pies really necessary, Xan?” Grayson asked him. Xander grinned before nodding, shoving another spoon in his 3rd pie so far. Grayson felt more at ease than he had hours before, but the fight dawned on him again and suddenly the empty feeling came again. Nash leaned forward, capturing Graysons gaze with his own.
“Now it’s time to tell us what’s goin’ on, Gray. You didn’t call this 911 for no reason. Last time you did, it was because you were hurting,” Nash drawled, flicking a speck of whipped cream off his arm before meeting Graysons eyes again. “You hurting again?” Grayson wanted to say no. Wanted to come up with some fake problem. But then the memory of Lyra throwing her arms up over her head hits him again, and, without meaning to, Grayson placed his hands over his face, covering his eyes. It was a pain he’d never experienced before, that kind of heart break where you wish you could go back in time and change your actions. If he shouted less loudly. If he actually took consideration to her words and took a break, even if his job needed him. If he would finally do the right thing. He wanted nothing more than to melt into Lyra’s skin, to hold her soft hair in his hands, to fall asleep with her in his arms.
But some things were easier said than done.
Suddenly, two hands were prying the ones off his face, and Grayson found himself face to face with Jameson.
“What is it? Something to do with Lyra? Did your poor PI finally break and quit?” Jameson asked him, taunting Grayson for the fact that he tended to have 0 patience when it came to Zabrowski. At the mention of Lyra’s name, Grayson lowered his head, squeezing his eyes shut to prevent the tears from coming. Luckily, he had been able to turn off his ability to cry since he was little, lest the old man saw him.
“So it is Lyra.” Jameson said again, raising a brow. Grayson opened his eyes, looked back up at Jameson, and that’s when the words started flowing out of his mouth.
Grayson closed his mouth, finally done explaining, and his brothers stayed silent for a few moments. That was, until Jameson decided to speak.
“Maybe we should start a go fund me for Lyra.” He said, narrowing his eyes at Grayson. Nash elbowed him and sent him a warning look, before turning to Grayson.
“I’m not gonna lie Gray, you thoroughly fucked up,” Nash drawled, the words still somehow coming out brotherly. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t make it right. You can stay for a few hours more, or for the night, whatever pleases ya, but you should get back to try and apologize, even if you weren’t fully in the wrong.” Jameson made a face at that last part.
“So, are we lying to him now?” Jameson said. Nash looked like he was about to throttle him, but Grayson just snorted. Honestly, he needed the humour after this depressingly serious night.
“Ooh!” Xander suddenly butted in, a grin on his face. “If you’re staying the night, then that means we can have a movie marathon!” A ghost of a smile touched Graysons face, but he shook his head.
“I’ll stay for maybe another 30 minutes, but afterwards I should be getting back. I’ve been here for long enough, and I think I’m ready to talk things out with Lyra.” He said. He felt almost giddy at the thought of being able to come face to face with her again, even though she’ll probably hate him for hurting her. Nash nodded, before speaking.
“You do that,” He said, with a smile. “And you have to stay and help us clean up the mess we made with the pies anyway.” Grayson smiled back, his heart feeling significantly lighter.
Lyra said goodbye to the girls before getting in her car and driving off. But then she thought about coming home to an empty house and her heart twinged with sadness again. Would Grayson come home some time in the night? Would he sleep on the couch and be gone in the morning? Or would he stay somewhere else for the night? Lyra didn’t know.
She parked in the driveway of her house, before getting out of the car and unlocking her front door. She stepped inside, listening for any movement or sounds, and felt disappointed when she didn’t hear any. Going to her room, well, hers and Graysons room, she stripped off her clothes and put on her pjs, exhaustion slowing her movements. Going to her vanity, she brushed through her hair, and that’s when she heard it. The front door opening.
Lyra’s heart jolted, both with surprise and excitement to see Grayson again tonight, until she remembered that she was supposed to be mad at him. She sat down at the vanity and took off all her jewelry, ignoring Graysons pursues around the house for her. When he stepped into the bedroom, Lyra had to hold herself back from turning to face him. She just continued to take off her necklaces, taking longer than she should and setting them on her jewelry holder neatly. Grayson just stared at her from behind, before finally speaking.
“I’m sorry.” He said. That almost broke the floodgates, and Lyra had to hold herself back from jumping into his arms and letting him carry her to bed. She needed him to first recognize what he’d done, and then maybe there would be time for jumping in his arms.
“What for?” Lyra said, pettiness and anger tinging her tone. Grayson came beside her chair and knelt to his knees, and although Lyra knew it was so that he could get to her height, there was still a part of her that thought he was getting on his knees to beg. There was still a part of her that felt giddy at the thought.
“I’m sorry for not taking time off from work when you asked. I’m sorry for ignoring your suggestions when you first came to me about them. I’m sorry for ever letting you think I would hurt you. I will never hurt you Lyra, and I will not ever let today happen again.” He said. Lyra froze. She’d expected an apology, but she hadn’t expected… that. The truth was, she didn’t think that Grayson would actually hurt her on purpose. She thought that in a fit of anger, his thrown-in-the-air arms would hit her and he wouldn’t notice. It was what he said that hurt her more. She still didn’t look at him, but finally spoke.
“So, you’ll change?” She asked him.
“Yes.” The words flying off his tongue. Lyra felt satisfied by how fast the answer came. Finally turning to look at him, she raised a brow at him, a mild look of anger still on her face.
“I hope you at least missed me on your workaholic month.” She said, raising a brow at him to answer. He stood straighter, his pupils growing larger once she met his gaze.
“I did.” This answer came just as quick as the last, almost like he had been waiting, dying to finally talk to her. Then, he picked her up off the chair and hugged her, holding her tight in his arms. “So damn much.” Lyra’s heart fluttered as Grayson wrapped his arms around her lower back and held her close, digging his head into the space between her neck and shoulders. Lyra was quick to return the hug, squeezing her eyes shut as she melted onto him, her feet dangling in the air.
Some moments didn’t require any words. Sometimes, all you could do was hold each other and breathe.
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moodymelanist · 2 months
Might Let It Down For You
happy day 2 of @cassianappreciationweek everyone! i wasn't going to post anything today, but then i saw the most GORGEOUS fanart of cassian pulling his hair back and well... i didn't have a choice i fear. hope y'all enjoy!
Summary: It was supposed to be an ordinary evening workout, but then the hot guy from 3B just had to make things interesting.
Word Count: 1,810
Read on AO3 here!
✵✵✵✵✵ Nesta
Nesta released a deep breath as she made her way inside her building’s gym, more than ready to work out the stress of the day until her limbs were pleasantly sore. It was one of the reasons why she’d picked this building in the first place – not having to go back out into the world for a good workout after she came home from a long day at work was more than ideal. She usually came late enough in the evening that hardly any people were around, and she silently counted her blessings that the gym was empty tonight.
At least, that was her expectation. Nesta was about ten minutes into her workout when the door opened and someone entered the gym, though her irritation quickly faded into something entirely different when she realized it was the hot guy from apartment 3B. 
Nesta had seen Cassian around the building plenty of times, from running into him when picking up packages at the front desk to occasionally being in the same elevator as him. Logically, she knew he had to work out – she wasn’t blind, he had arms the size of tree trunks for crying out loud – but she’d always assumed he went to one of those fancy gyms instead of using the one in their building. Never in a million years did she think he used the same machines and dumbbells that she did, just at a much higher weight. 
Now that Cassian was here, Nesta was going to have to actively keep herself from drooling. He always looked good, but he looked especially delicious tonight in his tight, black shirt and cropped shorts that showed off his muscular thighs. It was going to be a struggle trying to get through her workout with him being the only other person in the gym with her, but she was no quitter. She would get through this workout come hell or high water.
Cassian gave her a quick wave before putting down his water bottle and setting up his music, and other than that, as long as Nesta stayed focused on what she was doing, it would all be fine.
At least, it was supposed to be.
Everything was going smoothly until Nesta started her final series of lunges, her fifteen-pound kettlebell held securely in her hands as she alternated sides. She was perfectly positioned in front of the mirror to watch as Cassian sat at the hip abduction machine behind and to her left, and although it should’ve been illegal to spread his legs like that in public, she managed to mostly keep it together as he worked through his reps. 
Cassian’s hair had been down for his workout thus far, but apparently enough was enough. He took off his headphones and began gathering his hair into a ponytail, and Nesta couldn’t help but stand still to watch him pull his beautiful, gorgeous curls into a ponytail. She couldn’t take her eyes off the way his biceps flexed as he wrapped a hair tie three times around, her mind wandering to what it would feel like to have those large, very capable hands wrapped around her instead—
“Motherfucker!” Nesta yelled as she dropped the kettlebell, a pained gasp escaping her despite her best efforts as it landed right on her foot. She yanked her own headphones off her head and stared down at her foot in shock, not really believing she’d be distracted enough to drop a weight on her own goddamn foot over a man, but clearly stranger things had happened. “Ow, ow, ow!”
“Oh, shit,” Cassian said. The next thing she knew, he was standing in front of her, those beautiful, hazel eyes filled with concern at what had to be one of the most mortifying moments of her life. “You alright, sweetheart?”
“Just peachy,” she ground out, her right foot throbbing where she’d dropped her weight. “And don’t call me that.”
“Did you drop that on your foot?” he asked while pointing at the kettlebell. Without waiting for her reply, he reached down and gingerly moved the weight from where it was still resting against her sneaker, wincing as she hissed in pain. “You mind if I take a look at it? I’m a paramedic.”
“Of course you are,” she muttered. Of course the hottest guy in her building just had to be taking care of others; he couldn’t be some kind of douchebag that would actually deserve her ire. “Just my fucking luck.”
“What was that?” he replied, still unfailingly polite and kind.
“Nothing,” she hissed. “You just – with your hair, and your muscles, and of fucking course you’re a paramedic, because you just have to walk around helping people on top of being hot!”
Cassian had been frowning slightly, but that frown quickly disappeared in favor of a smile that only grew larger the longer Nesta’s tirade went on. “You think I’m hot?”
“That’s what you’re focusing on?” Nesta answered, incredulous. 
“Well, yeah,” he told her with that stupid grin still on his face. “Definitely the most important part of that sentence, if you ask me.”
“I thought,” she began through gritted teeth, “that you came over to help with my foot.”
“Two things can be true at once, Nes,” he said with a chuckle. He got to his knees and although the sight would’ve normally sent her brain into overdrive, her foot was hurting too much to really appreciate exactly what she was looking at. “Can I take off your shoe?”
“Yes, just – ow, Cassian!” she snapped as he quickly removed her shoe and sock. Her toe was pretty red, but thankfully it hadn’t gotten to the black and blue phase just yet. “I thought you were a professional!”
“It was going to hurt either way,” he replied apologetically. He was gentle as he examined her foot, rolling it one way and then the other before moving on to investigating where she’d dropped the weight on her toes. Thank God she believed in regular pedicures. “I was just trying to be quick about it.”
After a few moments of silence, Nesta couldn’t take the waiting anymore. “Well?”
“Good news, you probably won’t need to go to the ER,” Cassian said, gently releasing her foot before standing up to his full height. “Or to urgent care, assuming it doesn’t get worse.”
“Okay,” she said back. She swayed just a little from trying not to put any weight on her injured foot and he was there immediately, offering up his arm so she could lean against him. Even with her foot throbbing, she couldn’t ignore how warm he was or how good he smelled even after working out. “What am I supposed to do with it?”
“Rest, for sure,” he answered, still in what she was thinking of as paramedic mode. “You should try to keep weight off your foot for at least the next few days.”
“And how am I supposed to do that?” she asked dryly. “I have to walk back to my apartment, for starters.”
“I’ll carry you,” he offered casually. 
“You’ll carry me,” she repeated, not quite sure if he was joking. 
Cassian just looked down at himself and back up, smirking. “What? You think I can’t do it?”
“It’s not about that,” Nesta spluttered, much to Cassian’s obvious amusement. She’d thought plenty about what he could and couldn’t do, but he didn’t need to hear about any of that. “I’m not a child.”
“Neither am I,” he replied with a chuckle. “If I want to spend my time helping a gorgeous woman get home safely, what’s wrong with that?”
“I—” she began, stopping short when she realized exactly what he’d said. She willed herself not to blush, but knew it was in vain by the way his eyes dropped to her cheeks and his smirk only grew wider. “I’m pretty far from the elevator.”
“That won’t be a problem,” he told her, shrugging with the shoulder that she wasn’t leaning against. “I don’t tap out.”
Jesus Christ, he was going to kill her. “Fine. Just be quick about it.”
Cassian grinned, making quick work of gathering both of their things before scooping Nesta into his arms like she weighed nothing at all. The gym wasn’t too far from the elevator, but her apartment was all the way at the end of the hallway on the fourth floor, so she got to finally enjoy the feeling of his big, strong arms wrapped around her until they made it to her apartment.
“Home sweet home,” Cassian said, gently lowering her down to the ground in front of apartment 4J. “Remember, rest and ice that foot.”
“Yes, Dad,” Nesta said back sarcastically. She pressed her fob to the door and let him help her inside with considerably less pain than if she’d done it alone, and leaned against the kitchen island to support herself instead of Cassian’s large arms. “Anything else, Mr. Paramedic?”
“Just your number,” he fired back without missing a beat.
“And why would you need that?” she responded, cocking an eyebrow. 
She had every intention of giving it to him, of course. She just liked making him work for it.
“How else am I supposed to follow up?” Cassian asked cheekily, leaning back against her kitchen counter with a smirk. 
“Who said you need to do that?” Nesta answered with a roll of her eyes.
“It’s my fault you even hurt yourself,” he replied, “so I think I’ve earned the right.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said flatly. Judging by the chuckle he released, he saw right through her, but she wasn’t going to give up that easily. “Why are you laughing?”
“You think I didn’t see you staring at me the entire time we were in the gym?” he said back, pinning her to the spot with those beautiful eyes of his.
“You must have been seeing things,” she denied immediately. It had been embarrassing enough dropping her weight in the first place, but the fact that he’d noticed – she wouldn’t admit that unless under extreme duress, and especially not to him. 
“Yeah, like you dropping your kettlebell the second I put my hair into a ponytail,” he retorted with a knowing grin. 
“You’ve never heard of a coincidence before? What are they teaching you in paramedic school these days, anyway?”
“How to use our skills for the greater good.”
“You count this as the greater good? I’m flattered.”
“Coming to a beautiful woman’s aid? I’d think so.”
Nesta just rolled her eyes again, but she held out her hand for his phone anyway. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart,” Cassian said, his fingers already flying as he sent her a text. He winked at her before adding, “And if you need any help elevating that foot, you know who to call.”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @fieldofdaisiies | @goddess-aelin | @c-e-d-dreamer | @talkfantasytome | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @sv0430 | @talibunny30 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @champanheandluxxury | @lilah-asteria | @burningsnowleopard | @sayosdreams | @readskk | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @bellaful08 | @readergalaxy | @podemechamardek | @pearlfortears | @nerdperson524 | @jmoonjones | @kale-theteaqueen | @autumnbabylon | @hiimheresworld | @illyrianshadowhunter | @dustjacketmusings | @live-the-fangirl-life | @that-little-red-head | @sweet-pea1 | @brieq | @queercontrarian | @jsmelodies | @afflicted-with-wanderlust
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sequinsmile-x · 7 months
It had been a long few days, and overhearing Strauss reprimand Aaron tips Emily over the edge.
Hi friends,
This is based on a prompt that the lovely @hancydrewfan sent me. She asked for a fic where Emily yells at Strauss and I simply couldn't resist.
Hope you like this bestie <3
Words: 3.k
Warnings: minor injury/broken bone
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
The moment Emily sees Jess’s number flash up on her phone she knows something is wrong.
It was an agreement they’d had ever since Emily had gone back to work after having Hazel three years ago. Jessica looked after both Hazel and Jack when Aaron and Emily were away on cases, and she’d call every night just before the little girl went to bed so they could say goodnight. She never called during the day unless something had happened, and even then it was usually a text - like when Jack was recently sent home from school after he picked up the flu that eventually took down the entire family
Her heart drops into her stomach and she swallows thickly, pushing down the wave of anxious nausea that threatens to overwhelm her. The sound of the precinct she’s standing in, the team’s voices as they deliver the profile they’d worked on for days, disappears, and all she can hear is the sound of her own heartbeat, loud and pounding in her head. 
She looks up at the rest of the team, and briefly makes eye contact with her husband as she nods behind her and she holds up her phone, indicating that she’s stepping away. She walks quickly to an empty hallway, making sure she answers before the call rings out.
“Jess, hi, is everything okay?” She says, speaking so quickly that her words trip over each other. She had always prided herself on being able to control her emotions, the skills she’d learnt when she was also learning to talk, but any time her children were involved in something she felt torn open. Like a walking raw nerve that was an easy target, everything she’d spent years knowing how to suppress and push down suddenly on display for everyone to see. 
“Hi Emily,” Jess replies, sounding stressed. Emily can hear Hazel crying in the background, her words broken up as she begs to see her mommy, and Emily is sure she can feel her heart breaking in her chest. 
“Is that Hazel? What’s wrong?” She asks, hearing the desperation in her own voice, her jaw tight as she clenches her teeth to stop herself from crying.
“I’m so sorry, she fell off the jungle gym in the park and she’s hurt her arm,” Jess says, her voice slightly shaky, “I’ve brought her to the hospital and they think it’s broken so they are about to do an x-ray.” 
Emily nods even though Jess can’t see her, and she wipes away the stray tear that escaped her lashline, “Okay, I’ll get on the next flight out of here. Thankfully it isn’t far. I’ll let you know when I should get there.” 
“I’ll keep you up to date on what the doctors say. I swear I was watching her, it just happened so fast-”
“Jess, it’s okay,” Emily says, “It’s not your fault these things happen,” she blows out a shaky breath, “Can I talk to her?” 
“Of course,” Jess replies. There’s a moment of just background noise as Jess moves the phone, her words quieter as she talks to Hazel, “Want to talk to Mommy?” 
It’s quiet for a second and then Emily hears her little girl's voice, “Mama?” 
“Hi sweet girl,” she says, injecting more enthusiasm than she feels into her voice, not wanting her to know how upset she was, “How are you feeling?” 
Her answer is a hiccup, “My arm hurts.” 
She bites the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying, “I know it does baby, I’m going to come home to see you so I’ll kiss it all better when I get there.”
“You coming home?”
She wipes away another tear at the hope in her daughter’s voice and nods, “Yes, I’m coming home. So you listen to Aunt Jess and the doctor’s until I get there.” 
“Yes Mama,” Hazel sniffs, “Love you.” 
“I love you too, baby. Pass the phone back to Aunt Jess, okay?” 
She reiterates her plans with Jess, confirming she’d let her know when she had a flight sorted and she hangs up. She starts to walk back towards the main bullpen, her phone still in her hand as she already looks up flights, and she walks straight into her husband. 
Aaron frowns at her, his hands on her shoulders as he holds her in place, “Em, you okay? You’ve been gone a little while”
“Jess called,” she says, swallowing thickly as he immediately tenses, “Hazel fell off the jungle gym, they think her arm is broken.” 
He tightens his grip on her shoulders, his stomach churning with guilt and sadness that his little girl was hurt and he was hundreds of miles away. He knows his wife well enough to understand that she is barely holding it together. Her jaw was tight, as were her shoulders, and her dark eyes were shining at him, tears she wouldn’t shed until much later when they saw their daughter gathering in her eyes. 
“I’ll get Derek to take point here so we can go home,” he says, immediately slipping into practical mode, he looks down at her phone clasped in her hand and sees the available flights, “Is there one soon?” 
She nods and clears her throat, “Yeah, there’s one in about 90 minutes. I figured that would give me enough time to get to the hotel and then to the airport.” 
“Perfect, book it and I’ll go talk to the team.” 
He turns to leave and she grabs his arm, her brain finally kicking in, “We’re still in the middle of a case, Aaron. Should we both leave? She’ll be okay once she’s got a cast-”
“If you think I’m staying here when our little girl is in the hospital I’m going to ask them to check on you too when we get there,” he says, his voice serious as he smiles at her softly, the small half-smile that showed off one of his dimples that he reserved just for her, “We’re both going,” he squeezes her hand, “Nothing is more important to me than you and the kids, the team can handle the case.” 
There were times when it made her sad they hadn’t been together longer, that she’d lost out on so much time with him. It was hard being his second wife, hard knowing that he’d loved someone before, that he still loved Haley and always would, and sometimes she wished it was simpler. That they’d made something of that summer decades ago now that neither of them ever spoke about until they got together, but then Jack wouldn’t exist, and she couldn’t imagine her life without the boy she loved as if he was her own. 
But then there were moments like this when she was grateful everything had worked out as it had. Where he’d learnt from the mistakes of his past, the things he wished he could undo in his relationship with Haley, things he still carried the regret for to this day. Emily had never for a second doubted that she and the kids were the centre of Aaron’s world, more important than the job that had almost cost him everything.
“Okay,” she says, more relieved than she’ll admit, grateful she’ll have him with her during the flight home, “I’ll book the flights.” 
He smiles and leans in to stamp a kiss against her cheek, a show of affection they’d never usually exchange at work, and he squeezes her hand once more before he pulls away, “I’ll speak to Derek. We’ll leave in ten minutes, okay?”
She nods, her focus already back on her phone looking at flights, the extortionate cost not registering. She’d buy a damn plane if it meant getting home to her little girl. 
“Ten minutes.” 
It’s a rough few days.
She felt on edge, the guilt bubbling in her stomach only getting worse every time she looked at her daughter and saw the bright pink cast she had on her forearm. It made Emily ache every time she looked at it, every time Hazel accidentally knocked it against something, her fearless energy already back after she’d been cautious for a few days. 
Emily yawns as she pours herself a coffee and she smiles as JJ walks over and she passes her the coffee pot. 
“How is Hazel?” JJ asks sympathetically
“She’s doing better than I am I think,” she says, exchanging a small smile with her friend, “She is sleeping in our bed though. I can barely say no to her at the best of times, let alone right now.” 
JJ chuckles, “And you say Hotch is the pushover.” 
Emily laughs, “We both are. That little girl has the whole family wrapped around her little finger,” she says, smiling softly, “Especially Jack. He made an arm cast for her teddy bear.” 
“That is the cutest thing I have ever heard.” 
Emily’s smile fades as she looks past her friend and sees Strauss walking into Aaron’s office, a determination in her step that rarely meant anything good for the BAU. 
She groans, “What do you think she wants?” She asks as she looks at her friend, her frown only deepening as she watches JJ scrunch up her nose, a tell she had that lets Emily know she wasn’t telling her something, “What is it?” 
JJ winces, “Derek got a call from Strauss when we were still there, asking why she’d been told he’d been assigned head of the case,” she says, carefully choosing her words, “When he told her that you had both flown home she was…not impressed.” 
Emily clenches her teeth, her grip on her coffee cup tightening so much she’s surprised she doesn’t break it as she looks back at Aaron’s office. She can see them through the window. Aaron is standing but still behind his desk, and Strauss is on the other side, her hands on her hips as she talks, the tension in the room palpable even from this distance. 
All the effort that Emily had spent days putting into holding herself together disappears, all of her sadness and guilt turning into fury, burning her from the inside out. She looks at JJ and smiles tightly before placing her coffee cup down.
“Excuse me,” she says before she walks away, a determination in her step. She clenches her fists at her sides, digging her nails into her palms in an attempt to feel anything other than the anger rolling in her gut. She ignores Spencer and Derek as she walks past them, the latter’s comment that she seemed annoyed barely registering as she walks up the stairs to Aaron’s office. When she’s close enough, she can hear what Strauss is saying, and she pauses outside the door to listen in. 
“You left your team at a critical point of a case, this is unacceptable Agent Hotchner and you know it.” 
“With all due respect, Ma’am, my daughter was in hospital-”
“With a broken arm, something you knew before you left. I might have been able to understand if she’d been more seriously-”
It’s all Emily can bear to listen to, and before she can stop herself she’s opening the door, cutting off the Section Chief before she can say anything else, “If she’d been more seriously what?” 
Aaron steps out from behind the desk, his own irritation at how he was being spoken to, the dressing down he didn’t have the energy for, disappearing the moment he sees how angry his wife is. She’d been on edge for days, and he had anticipated that she’d cry, guilt for not being there for Hazel when she was hurt finally winning out. He hadn’t seen this coming. And he just hoped they’d both still have a job when they walked away from it. 
“Emily,” he says diplomatically, “Maybe-”
“No,” she says, cutting him off, ignoring the fact he was not just her husband here but her boss too. She looks back at Strauss, “I want to hear her say it. What would have been an acceptable way for my three-year-old to have been hurt for you to understand why her father needed to be there too?” She asks, staring the other women down, “A head injury? Car accident? Coma?” 
Aaron steps closer to her again, the mere idea of either of their kids being hurt that way making his stomach churn, “Em-”
“I want to hear her say it,” she repeats, still not looking at her husband, her eyes burning into Strauss’s so intensely she’s surprised the other woman hasn’t burst into flames, “What would have been acceptable?” 
Strauss clears her throat, finally finding her voice as she straightens her back, “Agent Prentiss, I think you’d do well to remember I am your superior.”
Emily chuckles dryly, “I think you’d do well to remember you’re a parent too,” she says bitterly, “Our daughter was hurt, she still is. We had a duty as parents to-”
“You had a duty to your job-”
“Our children will always come first,” she shouts, not caring that by now everyone in the bullpen was watching them, “And if you can’t understand that I feel bad for your children.” 
It’s a low blow and she knows it, but she doesn’t try and stop herself. She’d spent so much of her life promising herself that she’d never be like her own mother, and she knew it had made her extra defensive. She wanted her children to know they were loved, that nothing came ahead of them, and the fact Strauss was attempting to make her and Aaron doubt that and their parenting choices was only adding fuel to the fire. 
Strauss swallows thickly, her jaw tight as she turns to look at Aaron, “It’s just a warning this time. But if you pull this again without talking to me first there will be consequences,” she turns to look at Emily, “Agent Prentiss, you on the other hand are suspended for one week without pay for insubordination.” 
Emily scoffs and presses her lips together, rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms over her chest. She looks at the other woman for a moment and considers her options, clearing her throat before she steps closer.
“You’ve tried to fire us both before, now we’re apparently essential to the team,” she says, shrugging her shoulders, “Maybe you should make up your mind.” 
Strauss raises an eyebrow at her, “Two weeks. No pay,” she looks between them and heads towards the door, “I think I’d better leave before you make it three.” 
Strauss walks out of the room and leaves them standing there in silence, the small gap between them from where Aaron had been slowly edging towards them feeling briefly much larger than the few feet it was. Emily clears her throat and looks at her husband before she looks down at the floor, suddenly worried he’d be mad at her for jumping in to defend him and ultimately making things worse for herself. 
“I’ll meet you in the car,” she says, turning and leaving the room before he can say anything. 
She has to suppress a smile as she walks past the team, Penelope’s whispered enthusiasm following her out of the bullpen. 
“Okay, that was the coolest thing I have ever seen.” 
He smiles as he walked into the living room to find Emily and Hazel snuggled on the couch. The little girl is fast asleep, her face pressed into her mother’s neck and her broken arm resting on a cushion Emily had gently placed under it. 
“Want me to take her up?” He asks, careful to stay quiet and he smiles as she shakes her head, already aware that was going to be her answer.
“No, she’s okay here for a while,” Emily replies as he sits down next to them, “Is Jack okay?”
Aaron nods as he wraps his arms around them, careful not to knock Hazel’s arm, “Yes all of his math homework is done and now he’s playing his video game,” he says, kissing Emily’s temple, “Next time you’re helping him though.” 
She chuckles wryly, “I told you a long time ago honey, I will help with anything except math. I barely enjoyed it when I was at school.” 
“I’ve seen pictures of you when you were at school, sweetheart. I think the only thing you enjoyed was Siouxsie and the Banshees.”
She narrows her eyes at him, “One day I’m going to kill Penelope Garcia for showing you those photos.” 
He kisses her, smiling into it before he pulls away, and he cups her cheek, “Can I ask you something?” 
She nods, turning her head to kiss his palm before he lets his hand fall gently to her lap “Of course.” 
“Were you…purposely making it worse with Strauss earlier?” He asks, raising his eyebrow at her when her eyes go wide before she looks away, her focus suddenly on Hazel’s sleeping face, “Because you were already suspended. And I saw the look on your face before you carried on, you were practically goading her into making it more than a week.” 
She scrunches her nose up and groans, her cheeks warm with embarrassment as she continues to purposely avoid his gaze, “I…I may have thought that if I was going to be suspended it might as well be worth it,” she says, clearing her throat, “And this way, I’ll be home with her and Jack for a couple of weeks,” she adds, kissing Hazel’s forehead.
He smiles, his gut feeling that she’d taken the opportunity to spend more time with their children correct. He cups her chin and makes her look at him his smile soft as their eyes meet, “You’re an excellent mom, sweetheart.”
She smiles, her breath catching in her chest at the compliment. She’d needed to hear it more than she realised, needed the reassurance that not being here when Hazel had hurt herself didn’t take away from how good a mother she was.
“Thank you,” she says softly. She leans in to kiss his cheek, hoping he understands everything she hasn’t said. When she pulls back his smile is the only confirmation she needs. 
“It’s true,” he says, squeezing her hand as he reaches for it, “Even if does make you a pain in the ass as an employee.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florencremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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mo0dy-succubus · 11 months
Stress free
Miyeon x shuhua x reader, fem!reader, sub!reader, dom!shuhua, dom!miyeon, scissoring, face riding, Squirting, poly relationship
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"Y/N UNNIE!!!!!" Shuhua shouts when she's you. "Shuhua I'm right here you don't have to shout out" you sigh already being tired from work. "Y/N!!!!!". "Shuhuaaaa!!!! What did I sa-" you turn around to see Miyeon the second energetic puppy of your shared house. "Miyeonie...I told Shuhua not to be loud, The same goes for you too". "We decided to bother you until we get cuddles and kisses" Shuhua says before doing her classic bark/grawling noise with miyeon scream. You ended up becoming sandwiched between the both of them and their obnoxious noise.
"Waahhhhh, whats wrong with yall!!!" You shouts trying to break free from their embrace. "YAHH!!! FINE LET ME GO" and just like that they stopped you sat down on the couch holding out your arms causing them to immediately rush over to you. You kiss them and cuddled calming down. You don't know when, but you fell asleep obviously being very tired from work.
"Aw poor y/n...work has been stressing her out to death..." miyeon says with concern. "We barley even had sex too, like as a whole, she always just let me and you just do it while she sleeps" shuhua say looking at your sleeping body.
"Let's treat her very nice tomorrow~ she deserves it soooo much don't you think?" Miyeon says her voice deepen with lust. "Yess let's so it!" Shuhua says excited. "For now let's take her to bed so she can rest properly" miyeon says getting up before carrying you to bed to sleep.
You wake up groggy your hair all fizzled before showering and brushing it out. You see your girlfriends stir in their sleep as you get dressed before leaving out the door for another day of work.
Miyeons and shuhuas day goes by as usual. Waiting for you to get home. Eventually you came home, bracing yourself for being bombarded with greetings and yelling like yesterday but to your surprise it was silent and the smell of cooking was in the air. You appear through the door frame and see both of them cooking for you.
"What are yall doing what is all this" you laugh a bit at the end. Shuhua sits you down taking your stuff as you look at the delicious food on the table. "Yall- made my favorite meal?!?! aww thanks guys" you say kissing them each
You hurriedly pick up your utensils and take a bite groaning at the flavor and taste of it. "Soo good" a satisfied expression makes them both smile brightly at you. "I'm glad you like it" miyeon says. "Unnie we love you"  shuhua says smiling. "And we have another surprise y/n unnie". You look in confusion finishing up your meal cleaning your mouth off.
"Follow us please" miyeon says taking your hand with her beautiful delicate one, miyeon leads you to the bedroom as shuhua followed."You're taking me to the bedroom?? What are we doing here??" you say before feeling both miyeon and shuhua sandwich you again kissing you and attacking your neck.
You hold back a moan from being overwhelmed with pleasure before you feel both of them stripping of your clothing inch by inch leaving you only in your underwear and bra. "Girls i-" before you could talk miyeon stuck her hand into your underwear and pushed a finger into you. "Fuck~". "Shh let us take care of you" miyeon whispered before making you lie down on the bed. They the proceed to strip of their clothes before miyeon takes of your underwear and shuhua removes your bra.
Miyeon kisses up your leg reaching your clit blowing softly on it causing you to flinch. You feel shuhua hovering her pussy over you causing you to instinctively stick your tongue out to get a taste of her. Shuhua doesn't deny your pleading face and she lowered herself against your tongue. The soft silky flesh of her thick thighs smothered you to a point of bliss. She began to slowly ride your face.
Miyeon speads your legs a bit more before incing herself into you, your clits touching causing you to moan against shuhua. Miyeon giggles before moving her hips against your and grinding down. "That's it baby~ doesn't my pussy feel so good against you. You tried to answer as best you could but the pleasure was building. "Look at her she can barley speak" shuhua said moving faster against your mouth with her wet cunt.
Miyeon moves in sync with shuhua causing you more pleasure throughout your body. Shuhua began to kiss Miyeon sensually as they both moved faster. You felt your orgasm coming and it was coming fast. You became more vocal trying your best to get more friction from Miyeon. Miyeon noticed and helped by sliding her thumb on your clit as well. She was getting close to as was quivering against your lips. Just one flick if the tongue and she was unraveling all over your mouth and face.
She collapses beside you and continued to watch you and Miyeon." Miyeon i-im close" you say. "That's it cum all over mommy's thighs". God miyeon referring to herself as mommy always made you melt and that's what pushed you over the edge, cumming against her. Miyeon soon chases her own orgasm squirting hard causing her to almost faint.
You and miyeon had to catch your breath (as shuhua was already rested up) before cuddling. "What was this all for" you say still panting. "Well, we saw how much you were working and we wanted you to be stress free" miyeon said looking at you her eyes loving. "We love you unnie" shuhua said softy before hugging you. "Love you y/n" miyeon said smiling.
"I love yall too"
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ateez-himari · 1 month
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A whole lot was happening back then Don't know why things are so hectic I'ma bring back my memories, I can't even remember
Hushed conversations echoed through the apartment building as the seven trainees opened the door to their shared space, only to still in shock at the sight of movement on their couch, although the figure was much too small to pose a threat. Tension instantly dissolved when the living room lights revealed that the strange shadow was none other than the young girl they had become closely acquainted with over the past months, sleepy eyes struggling to remain open. In what seemed near panic one of the older members ran over to take her in his arms, brushing away hair strands still dripping with melting snowflakes while inspecting every visible inch of skin.
'What are you doing here, Hima ?!' He nearly yelled, causing his sister to flinch slightly. 'I'm sorry I just...does Hanzo know ?'
'Nii-Chan is still locked up in his room, but I left him a note saying that I was coming to visit you!' She said proudly, holding out a bus ticket. 'Aunt-...mom and dad said we'd go together but they had to work late again...so I came alone.'
The shattering of a normally hardened heart was almost audible as he realized what was implied in this short explanation; with the only remaining biological tie she had being completely lost in grief, there was no one at home to care for the clearly distressed child and much like every other day, loneliness haunted her. It should have been tears marking her flushed cheeks, yet the usual beaming smile so adored by their town's elderly remained unmoving, as though nothing was wrong, as though the weight of independence was not placed upon her frail shoulders.
'G-Go greet everyone, I'm gonna get you some milk.' He finally spoke up after clearing his throat, hurrying into the kitchen.
Running into the young men's arms, the little girl who remained blissfully unaware of the emotional breakdown her brother was nearing with every thought regarding the situation at home began introducing them to the small tiger plush sent by their oldest sibling. While closing the fridge, the rapper in training could not help but to admire the radiant smile adorning bruised lips, taking a moment to laugh at the little fangs he had always found rather odd. Perhaps this was what happiness truly felt like, not simply certain moments in life but the appearance of someone so bright they acted as the sun chasing away grey clouds without effort.
When the younger rapper entered the living area with the intention to relieve stress by watching whatever movie channels would play at this hour, he found the lovely intruder sound asleep on her brother's chest as one of his hands soothingly ran along her back, the other thoughtfully hovering over a gauze covered ear. Watching this loving interaction made him realize that this broken little girl was one of the few things keeping his friend going in such hard times, yet this was also saddening news as he knew the weight of life made him rely on such her unknowingly.
Their bond brought warmth into everyone's hearts as despite the harshness of trainee life the members had watched their friend take the little time they had off to pick her up at school, to teach her basketball, to take her to the zoo, spending almost every second taking care of his unfortunately neglected sister. The older members however were aware of darker truths behind this relationship as they bore witness to the impact his poor mental state was having on this already fragile girl, one drunken night revealing that it was her who saved his life while in the midst of grieving. They knew the man made desperate attempts at becoming the presence she was missing, yet the child kept so closely to herself that it was clear most days were spent with very little interaction, leaving her to navigate an unsure world alone.
'What the hell am I doing, Hoseok ?' The man asked absently, pulling the blanket over his sister as she stirred slightly. 'I've been with her since she was a baby, but when she needs me the most, when her entire world just fell apart, I can't even show up.'
The responsibility had fallen on his shoulders out of nowhere during a time where he could not even care for himself, and not once could he blame the girl's biological brother as grief was slowly eating the young man alive no matter how hard he tried to fight. Times where the high schooler stepped outside for more than academics seemed almost distant to their sister, who often slept in front of his door as an attempt to feel even the slightest hint of his warmth that once served as comfort during stormy nights despite the lack of response that her endless affectionate actions faced.
'I don't think she sees it that way.' His friend carefully sat next to the couch, observing the sleeping figure for a moment. 'Hima is such a loving soul, I doubt hatred is even part of her vocabulary. The world is just too harsh for someone like her...that's all.'
'We'll make it.' Yoongi whispered. 'I have to make it all worth it, I can't have abandoned her and Hanzo for nothing.'
Hands that had never once trembled until this very moment gently grazed over the fresh scars that seemed much too foreign on once flawless skin, finding some humor in the fact that they closely resembled tiger markings. He wondered whether this was the universe claiming that her soft demeanor was hiding the fighting spirit of this animal, or whether this was simply some sick joke after having forever broken a heart too pure for this universe.
'I promise, I'll make you proud.'
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undercover--bunny · 1 year
🦆Regressor!Sanji Headcanons (Bc I love him and he deserves happiness)🦈
⚠️Tw! Brief mentions of smoking
-Regresses pretty young, around 2 to 4 years old
-100% a stress regressor. After all he's been through with his family and his life, it makes sense that he would crave a childhood better than the one he actually had. He's too stubborn to ask for help though and definitely tried to hide his regression once he realized what it was. Anytime he regressed early on he thought he was just being overdramatic and weird, but once he put the pieces together he completely shut himself off from regression out of shame, until the crew later convinced otherwise
-He's really, really shy when little. Always hiding behind people or talking super quiet. Partially due to trauma, partially due to anxiety. He sticks particularly close to Robin and Nami because of that, they remind him of his mother
"Sanij-kun? Hey, is something wrong?" Nami asked, glancing down in worry at the blonde who had stopped talking about fish and had ducked behind her. Across the room, Zoro and Luffy, who had just entered, fell quiet.
"Sanji?" Robin tried next, working off a hunch. "Are you alright, little one?" She asked, voice taking on a softer tone.
A pair of nervous blue eyes peaked back at Nami and Robin, then they darted to Luffy and Zoro. He shook his head sheepishly. "Got nervous..." He admitted.
Nami glanced at the two, before putting an arm around Sanji's shoulders and smiling down at him. "Don't worry, Sanji-kun. I won't let them mess with you. If they try, I'll make 'em pay." She said, before snickering to herself and adding. "Literally."
-Always has something in his mouth, be it a paci, a bottle or a teether. If he doesn't have something to chew on he gets really fussy and nervous. It's like a substitute for his smoking habit when big, as much as he hates to think that way
-Little Sanji absolutely adores fish and the ocean and will babble about them for hours if given the chance. Sometimes Robin will sit with him in the Aquarium Bar in the Thousand Sunny and let him tell her facts about the fish or ramble about the "All Blue" and how badly he wants to see it
-He really likes playing pretend! His favorite to play with is Usopp, because he always got super in character, especially when he got to be the hero!
-When he's little, Luffy and Usopp adopt him as their little brother and proceed to get him into all sorts of stupid little adventures. They were eventually banned from watching him alone because the other Strawhats couldn't take the constant heart attacks
-Has the cutest little giggles and smiles ever. They're incredibly infectious and heartwarming
-Zoro has no idea how he's supposed to act around Sanij when he's regressed, so he just ends up acting like an annoying older brother. He teases him and tries to ruffle him up sometimes, but usually treats him a lot like how he does Chopper
Zoro glared down at the pouty cook in front of him, Sanji glaring back with equal annoyance. Normally Zoro would've taunted him, called him a bastard to start a fight, but it was difficult to be genuinely annoyed with his rival when Sanji's glare was accompanied by a pouty lip and puffed up cheeks. The swordsmen huffed, before leaning down and poking the mini cooks for head, earning him a more confused look. He smirked.
"Lemon." Was all he said, but the nickname was enough to make Sanji shove his hand away in childlike frustration. Much like a lemon, Sanji made a sour face before yelling back; "Moss!" at the big jerk!
Zoro merely choked off a laugh at the mini cook's expression.
Even when Nami piped up by asking; "Are you seriously picking a fight with a four-year-old, Zoro?"
-He's very affectionate, loves to be held, cuddled, carried, you name it. Luffy, Usopp, Nami and Chopper all spoil the heck out of him because of it. This boy is never starved of affection ever again and they'll make sure of that!
-He likes to play "cook" for the crew sometimes. He'll make them little pretend meals just like he does when he's big! His favorite to play this game with is Brook, cuz' he's always so silly about it!
-When Sanjis little he loves to be around Chopper because 1. Baby Sanji loves animals, 2. Baby Sanji loves soft things and 3. Chopper is both. Chopper pretends that he hates being pet like an animal, but he not-so-secretly puts up with it because Sanji's babbling is adorable
-^^Jumping off of this, Sanji didn't have many (If any?) stuffed animals growing up and when Usopp learned about this he was so upset about it that when the Strawhats arrived at an island for supplies and bought him a stuffed shark and a stuffed duck. They've become Sanji's comfort items ever since
-The Strawhats have almost adopted so. many. animals. because of little Sanji getting attached to random strays. Even worse when Luffy, Usopp or Chopper get roped in;
"For the last time Luffy, no! We are not keeping the snake!" Nami repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.
Sanji, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper all looked up at her with big, puppy-dog eyes before exclaiming in unison; "Pleeeeease Nami??"
Nami stared at them for a moment, before drawing in a sharp breath and turning to Zoro then desperately saying; "Zoro tell them no—!"
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sunshinesteviee · 2 years
You need dad blurbs? I gotchu. Imagine Steve having a stressful day at work so he’s more quiet then usual and our kid (probably a girl but your choice!!) goes out of their way to make a craft to “make daddy happy” with us helping out. And immediately he’s back to his happy go lucky self 🥹
heheh this made me melt!! thank you!! wc: 976; mom!reader
Steve had come home quieter than usual, and you knew that meant he’d had a stressful day at work. He’d pressed a soft kiss to your lips as he greeted you, and bent down to pick Phoebe up, kissing her forehead, “Hey, Bee. I missed you today.” When he was younger, he’d always known when his dad had had a bad day at work, because he usually took it out on him in the form of yelling or frustration. He didn’t want to be like his dad in any way — and he really wasn’t — so Steve made sure he treated both of you with as much care as he could, even when he wasn’t feeling his best. 
“I missed you, too!” she giggled, pushing her face into the crook of his neck, small hands curling into the fabric of his stiff button up. 
This was nearly enough to melt Steve’s stress away, and he pressed a kiss to her forehead, the entirety of his hand rubbing up and down her back gently as he spoke, “Daddy’s gonna change and then you can tell me about your day, yeah?” 
He locked eyes with you over Phoebe’s head, and before he could say anything, you added, “Take a shower, babe. Dinner won’t be ready for a while.”
Setting Phoebe back down on her feet, he crossed the room to you, his palm settling against your hip, “You sure?”
“Positive,” you nodded, placing another soft and quick kiss to his lips. 
As soon as Steve disappeared up the stairs, Phoebe was tugging at the leg of your pants gently, eyes curious — an exact replica of her dad — and staring up at you, “Mommy?”
“Yeah, baby?” you replied softly, stroking your fingers through her soft hair, pushing it out of her eyes to see her clearly. 
“Can I make a picture?” You wanted to say no, that it was almost dinner time. You didn’t particularly want to let her get all of her art supplies out only to have to clean them up in fifteen minutes, but her pleading eyes and next sentence made you give in easily. “A picture to make daddy happy?”
“Oh,” your heart completely melted as you crouched down and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She always surprised you with how in tune she was to other people and their emotions. “You wanna make a picture to cheer daddy up? Sure, we can do that, baby. He’d love a drawing from you.”
You helped her pull out some paper, and all of the supplies she wanted, including the glitter glue pens that usually ended up getting everywhere; you just couldn’t say no to those pleading eyes of her. She got to work instantly, using a mix of her colored pencils and crayons. The look on her face when she was focusing was one of your favorite things. Her eyebrows furrowed together, nose scrunched up, and lips pushed out in a pout with her tongue sticking out every so often as she focused particularly hard. 
Knowing she was distracted and wouldn’t wander off, you went back to the stove to finish up dinner. You only returned when she called for you, “Mommy! You help me?” She’d drawn a picture of her and Steve holding hands to the best of her three-year-old abilities, and asked for you to write “Daddy” under the picture of him, and “Bee” under her with a heart in the middle. She messily traced over your additions in the glitter glue pens, and finished just as Steve wandered back into the kitchen. 
Steve was looking a bit better; some of the stress had been washed away in the shower, and he looked a lot more like himself in his sweatpants and an old shirt, with his glasses on his face. He still looked a bit tired, but then again, the two of you were always tired from your busy lives. Still, his face lit up as Phoebe realized he’d come back down, shrieking his name as she got off of her chair and launched herself at him, “Daddy! Made a picture for you!”
Catching her with ease, Steve lifted her up to his hip, one arm underneath her bum to support her, “You did?! Can I see it, sweets? I bet you did such a good job.”
Phoebe pointed aggressively over his shoulder to the table where she’d been coloring without saying anything. Steve took the hint and whirled around fast enough to make her giggle before crossing the room. Still in his arms, Phoebe leaned down to try to grab the paper, and Steve loosened his grip so she could reach it before pulling her back upright. She was holding the paper carefully as if it was a prized possession as she held it up so Steve could see what she’d drawn. Pointing to each of the figures, she repeated what you’d written at the bottom, “Daddy an’ Bee.”
Steve’s eyes went wide as he stared at the picture, a bit of life returning to his face, “Oh, peanut! This is beautiful! You did this all by yourself?” In that second, Steve was sure that a drawing from his little girl could cure any and everything. She nodded in response to his question, a proud smile tugging at her chubby cheeks as she suddenly became shy from her dad’s affection. “This is the best picture I’ve ever seen, baby. Can I take this to work?”
When she nodded, Steve cupped the side of her head gently and pulled her in, pressing a loud kiss to her temple, cradling her to his chest, “Thank you so much, Bee. I’m gonna hang this up, and it’ll remind me of you, so I won’t miss you quite so much, huh? Now, tell me all about your day, baby.”
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orangeinecstasy · 1 year
one word ࿐ ࿔*:・゚robert keating
✧: part two
paring: robert x fem!oc
summery: some times luck is on your side, and kate just happens to find this out after her show.
a/n: hey everyone! so i originally uploaded these to wattpad, but i wanted to have a bit of a platform change. please let me know what you guys think. my requests are currently open so pleas feel free to send in an idea you have. enjoy!
wc: > 1k
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*reblogs, likes, and feedback are greatly appreciated!!
My ears ring as I feel the final vibrations of our last song melt from my drumsticks down into my arms. It's like I'm on another planet. Then, as my breath steadies, my vision becomes clearer.
I stand, walking to the front of the stage and slipping my sticks into the back pocket of my baggy jeans before taking my band members' hands into my own. Yes, we recognize that this is slightly fancier, but the girls and I have always done it. Letting the energy between us flow as we bow. Once our hands unclasp, my smile grows more prominent as I reach into my back pocket, splitting my sticks from their usual pair and throwing them to the people closest in the crowd. Finally, my fingertips touch my lips as I give the crowd a 'goodbye kiss' before I finally exit the stage.
"Tonight was fucking amazing!" Willow, the band's bassist, says as she throws herself on the couch, hands pushing her hair back as a small chuckle leaves her lips. Kira, our lead singer, takes Willow's and I's hands as she speaks, "Yeah, who knew that so many people would want to see four girls going by The Honeysuckles. I'm so proud of us."
Ahh, The Honeysuckles. My band. My first love. I remember when the three of us picked out that name. We were sixteen, determined to become a band. To make it. We would always ramble, bad name after bad name until we ended on The Honeysuckles. It's so funny how one word can significantly impact your life—one silly little word.
"I say it's time to go out for drinks!" Fawn, our final member and lead guitarist, says as she sets her guitar in its case.
The rest of us nod in agreement as we pack our things. It was always a band tradition for us to go out after a good show. So once we were all packed up, we headed out to a nearby pub.
It was a beautiful early spring night in Dublin. The cobblestone streets were wet with dew. Our boots gently clicked down it, music and chatter spilling out of restaurants dotted along the street. After a couple of minutes of walking, we finally reached the pub.
"I'll go get us some drinks if you guys find a table," I yell slightly, having to talk over the crowd's chatter already in the small pub. The girls nod, saying a quick "see you soon" before splitting off from me.
Slipping my jacket off, I walk up to the bar, turning my horseshoe ring located on my pinky finger. It was a nervous habit I had picked up once I started wearing it. However, there was something about it that always seemed to make me feel comforted - even in the most stressful situations.
After a moment, the bartender approached me, "Four Guinness, please," I smiled, still twisting my ring. Once they stepped away to fill my order, I looked around, trying to fill the time between waiting and being able to get drunk. That's when something caught my eye. A hand sat next to me on the counter with a similar yet slightly larger horseshoe ring on their pinky finger.
"Holy shit!" laughing to myself, I gently tap the person's shoulder. Once they turned around, I was met with the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen that put me in a slight trance that the other had to snap me out of.
"Uh, yeah?" he says, blue eyes staring intensely into mine, his hand with the horseshoe ring now wrapped around his dark, half-empty glass of Guinness.
"Oh, sorry," a nervous chuckle slipped through my berry-stained lips. "I just wanted to say that you have good taste" As I speak, I hold up my hand, showing the blue-eyed boy my almost matching ring. "Oh my fucking god, that's crazy!" laughing, he holds his hand next to mine, eyes darting between the two rings. "I never would've thought I'd meet someone with the same ring as me." He smiles, eyes meeting mine once again as a gentle flush presents itself on his cheeks. "Hey, Great minds think alike! I'm Kate. It's nice to meet you" I hold out my ring hand, which he takes in his own, shaking it gently.
"Robert," he smiles.
It's so interesting how one word can impact your life—one silly little word.
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jacksdinonuggets · 24 days
The Bad Grade (Sunshine AU)
Summary: Amity gets a bad grade and her panic makes her slip.
Notes: If you guys have any more ideas for this Au, I'll gladly write them!
It was the day after test day. Also known to be very stressful for most kids. Figuring out you got a bad grade and having to show your parents wasn’t a very nice experience. However, Amity usually wasn’t very stressed. She usually got really good grades and never got anything below an A. so she was pretty confident that she would be getting something good. 
She sat down in the last class of the day, ready for her test to be handed to her and be praised on how she did a good job. She was very confident and kind of excited. Maybe she would get her top student badge back! Even though she knew it was just a piece of plastic and didn’t really mean anything, a part of her still felt like it was important.
Once class started, the teacher began handing out tests for the students to look over. Amity smiled when the teacher came over to her. However, they didn’t smile back. They frowned.
“I was pretty disappointed, Miss Blight. You usually do so well,” They handed the piece of paper to her and as she read it, her heart dropped.
The number 79 was written at the top with red ink.
Instantly, she started to panic. What would her mother think of her?! She didn’t want to get beaten again. But wait, she didn’t live with her mother. She couldn’t punish her. But Lilith could. What if she was mad and didn’t let her live with her anymore? What if she took away her stuff or made her train more harshly? No, she wouldn’t do that, would she? She felt like she couldn’t breathe or move. She didn’t feel like she was in class anymore. It felt like she was dissociating. She started shaking as she tried to keep the tears from falling.
Why did she feel like crying? This shouldn’t be a big deal but for some reason, it felt major.
She felt herself involuntarily start to slip. Her little brain was turning on and she couldn’t stop it. Why was this happening? She needed to stay big. But the world felt too scary and her anxiety made it worse. Her big kid brain was scared of being punished so her baby brain was just trying to protect her.
“Amity? You okay?” Luz asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. She was worried for her girlfriend. She saw how she was shaking and looked distraught.
“w-wan…L-l-lilith…” Her little self spoke up.
‘Why would you say that? Are you trying to get us beaten?!’ her big brain yelled at her.
‘But Lilith is Mama… she wouldn’t huwt us. She loves us!’ her baby side said.
As her two sides argued, she could feel her big brain start to give in. Her little side was taking over, soon making her nothing but a small little baby.
“Okay, Hun, I’ll take you to your Mama. Can you walk?” Luz asked. Amity shook her head, knowing she was gonna have the case of the good ol’ jelly legs.
Luz chewed on her lip, trying to figure out what to do. It would look weird and might embarrass her if she picked her up but she also didn’t know the glyphs for the safety hover yet. She would just have to carry her.
“Excuse me? Mx. teacher? Amity’s not feeling well, she says she can’t feel her legs. Can I take her to see Miss Lilith?” Luz asked, raising her hand. The teachers were aware of the existence of Littles and even let some hang out in the baby class. But Luz didn’t want to go and out Amity as being a little so this was the best option.
The teacher had been made aware of Amity’s living situation and knew that Lilith was her current guardian until Odalia stopped trying to postpone the court date and finally got convicted of child abuse.
“Sure,” They said
Luz picked up Amity and her bag and started to carry her. A couple students giggled and whispered, making Amity’s face go bright red with embarrassment, but the anxiety of her test made her quickly forget about it.
Luz carried her down the hall and knocked on Liliths door. Amity had started crying into Luz’s shoulder by the time Lilith opened the door.
“Amity? What happened?!” She quickly took Amity into her arms. The sweet affection and worry had her sobbing and hiccuping into Lilith’s chest.
“Shh, shh,” Lilith rocked her. 
Luckily, Lilith didn’t teach any classes for 1st and 7th period so there was no one else in the room. She sat down with Amity in her arms, whispering sweet nothings into her ear to try and get her to calm down. Luz decided to let them be and return to class.
It took a while for Amity to calm down enough to speak. Lilith wanted to ask her what was wrong but was worried it may send Amity spiraling again. However, she already took care of that.
“M sowwy, Gots a bad gwade nd wegwessed. M sowwy..” Amity mumbled.
Lilith’s heart broke. That’s what got her so worked up? Just a bad grade? Her poor baby… this reaction was probably Odalias doing. 
“Oh, sweetie… I’m not going to be mad at you for a bad grade.” She cupped her cheeks and wiped away any stray tears.
“Th-thankies, mama…” Amity snuggled up closer.
“You don’t need to thank me, dear. Now, let's get you changed before you have an accident, okay?” She picked up the small girl, who simply nodded.
Lilith got out the diaper bag and laid a mat down on one of the tables/two-person desks. She then put Amity down and gave her a teether to play with while she got out her nappy. The change was pretty quick and soon Amity felt very safe and secure with her diaper around her waist.
She colored a few pictures while sitting on Lilith’s lap. Her mama had to stay until the final bell rang and couldn’t bring Amity home early. So this was the best option. She hung out with her mama for the rest of the school day but as soon as they got home, Amity was fast asleep, passed out in her crib.
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realchanslaptop · 1 year
Bang Chan's reaction when you breakup
Genre: Angst
Bang Chan
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Chan has always been the sweetest most lovable person there is. He loved being with y/n, anytime he came home from a long stressful day at work his face would light up the moment he saw y/n. Y/n was his light, his world. Y/n was now sitting on the couch looking through the photos of her and Chan on her phone with tears in her eyes wondering where it all went wrong. " we were so happy, what happened" y/n thought to herself. Y/n's heart clenched as she looked at the photo of her and Chan where Chan was smiling while hugging her, while at the same time she thought about the way Chan has been ignoring her and the way he's been speaking to her lately. About 3 months ago when all of this started, Chan had started acting different. He wasn't acting like his usual self he wasn't smiling and hugging y/n like he used to, he started to pretty much ignore y/n all together except when she would ask him questions, he answered her questions very vaguely. Y/n tried everything to figure out what was wrong. Y/n tried asking him what was wrong and trying to talk to him about it, but unfortunately his reaction was the same every time, "nothing' he said. "Something is bothering you and I can't help you if you don't tell me" y/n said as she went to hold his hand. "I don't want your fucking help" Chan exclaimed as he threw y/n's hand off of his. ever since then he's been quiet distant and acts like your the problem. *Fast forward to present* y/n starts thinking about it " what if I'm the problem, he can't seem to stand it when I'm around" y/n thought. " if i just let go of him he will be much happier" y/n said this as Chan walked in the door, she heard the sound of the front door shut and the sound of Chan taking off his shoes and hanging up his car keys. At this point y/n has tears in her eyes. "Chan" y/n calls out, Chan lets out a frustrated sigh " what now y/n, I just got home and you can't even give me 5 minutes of silence" Chan says. "Well, here's the thing I'm telling you we need to break up, I'm tired of being ignored and treated like shit, you want your silence so bad guess what you can have it I'm done with this bullshit" y/n says as she stomps upstairs to start packing. Chan stands there frozen in shock, your words have finally registered in his brain, tears start to well up in his eyes as he runs up the stairs after you. "y/n please I'm sorry don't do this" Chan says. He walks into the bedroom and sees you putting all of your belongings into your suitcase. " I've put up with this for long enough I've tried talking to you, I've tried to figure out the problem and what to do to fix it and now I realize that its me, so yes Chan I will do this because I'm not going to stay here and continue to be treated like fucking trash because I don't deserve that, you don't deserve to be unhappy either so this is a good thing for the both of us" y/n yells. "y/n you're right you don't deserve that,but you're not the problem I've been so fucking stressed out at work there's so much to do and i don't have enough energy to balance work and everything else, I'm so sorry for acting like a dick, I wont do it again please y/n I'm begging you don't leave me, I can't imagine my life without you" Chan said sobbing. Y/n had just finished packing and she picked up her suitcase " I'm sorry Chan but this is for the best, goodbye Chan" y/n said as she walked out of the bedroom with tears streaming down her face, Chan followed her down the stairs and out to her car sobbing begging her to stay, he watched through his teary eyes as she pulled out of the drive way and drove away all he had left to remember her were the pictures of all the good times they had in his phone.
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blackwidow-bby · 2 years
Hey! thank you for sending in this request! Hope you enjoy ^u^
Warnings: Slight violence, Alcina being an angry meanie
"ratreaper666: hi! could u write an angst fic for lady dimitrescu where she lashes out at the reader, maybe when shes stressed about work?"
Alcina was no stranger to keeping herself holed up in her office for hours on end. Sometimes even days just to get everything in tip top order. Her long pale fingers carded haphazardly through her raven locks as she sighed out in frustration. She had gone over the numbers several times, and every single time she found her order coming up 20 bottles of wine short.
She picked up the latest sheet of paper only to crumple it and toss it blindly toward the bin that over flowed with other failed counts. She never lost a crate in production. The large amount would surely due her in, someone would have to go without their expensive order and she just couldn't deal with a failure. Both hands now gripped at her tresses pulling at them roughly enough, surely a few strands were plucked from her scalp but she just couldn't care.
Her anger had finally boiled over as she gripped her empty glass and hummed it at the nearest wall. Alcina groaned in her frustration and began another recount for the 50th time that day. Her scribbling bordered scratchy and rough against the browned parchment. Equations littering the entire page, her deft fingers slinging beads to and fro in a desperate attempt to get the numbers right this time only to end up now 40 bottles of her signature wine short.
Her body began to shake as the anger was over-taking her. She vibrated in pure rage, teeth grinding against each other as she tried to hold back but she couldn't contain the feeling any longer. She picked up her desk and threw that far across the room causing the wood to shatter.
All of the commotion pulled your attention away from your duties. The loud slamming made you drop the duster you had been using on her delicate vases and turn sharply toward her office. From the other side, you could hear her muffled screaming. It was a long shot but maybe you could assist her in calming down a bit. She had been working herself to the bone, going to be late and exhausted if she even went to bed at all.
Cautiously, you opened the door to her office and peaked your head inside. Alcina was throwing around anything she could get her hands on and smashing walls. Her usual gold eyes bordering on a deep orangish-amber. She had been in such a state of fury that she didn't even notice you enter. You slowly moved further inside the room, not wanting to startle her any further.
"My Lady, are you alright?"
Her head whipped straight to where you stood. Pupils shrinking, she walked straight up to you, the anger ceasing to desist. She grabbed the front of your uniform pulling you eye level with her towering stature.
"What have I told you about entering my office?!"
Your eyes widened at her tone, she never spoke to you with this much ferocity before.
"I heard you yelling. I-i just wanted to make sure-"
She cut you off with a roar right in your face. Effectively scaring you silent.
"WHAT have I told you about entering! My! OFFICE!"
She threw you across the room to punctuate her last sentence. Your back slammed against the wall next to the door and falling amongst rubble scattered around the ground. You groaned on the ground, trying to pull yourself up but the pain in your torso was too much. Alcina stalked toward you like a predator, she was blinded to anything the two of you may have been before. All rage and ferocious, she was out for blood. She bent over to pick you u once more by the front of your uniform, bringing you back up to stare into your eyes once more.
She stared at you as you hung whimpering, the tears streaking down your cheeks with pathetic sobs. Her visage cracked only slightly. The damage was done. Without any hint of emotion, she left you with one last parting word of advice.
"If you ever come back in my office again, the consequences will be much worse."
With fear of being reprimanded further for speaking, all you did was nod and sniffle, trying to will your tears away. The Lady dropped you to the ground where you fell with and 'oomph' before scattering away. Tears fell like waterfalls down your cheeks, you couldn't believe Alcina would ever do such a thing to you, but she was after all a blood drinking vampire to her core.
Alcina watched with with a sudden sadness as you quickly ran away from her in fear. A fear that she had wished she never made you feel, but the damage was done. The Lady turned to continue her work, hoping deep down she didn't royally mess up the trust she had built between the two of you.
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