#like when tf did WARRIOR CATS reach this point
puppiekit · 8 months
Maybe I'm going to get some heat for this but people do realize brambleclaw isn't like.... a wife beater, right???....... Dudes an asshole but I swear people act like he's *the worst* character in the entire series. I see people get genuinely agressive over this man, to a degree i never see with other toxic characters in the series. It is kind of ridiculous imo. Like can I please mention his name without 500 people running up to me screaming "THE ABUSER!!!" Like can you fucking chill out. The way people talk about him you'd think he punches women in the face when he's just a pitiful overtly-controlling emotionally manipulate ass... I seriously feel like if I mentioned the fact that he actually has good character qualities I'd be crucified
And well.... sorry for getting heated lol... Only saying this because I've legit been approached aggressively just for mentioning his name in a conversation.... not even about bramble either like why are you yelling at me I'm talking about hollyleaf dawg
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resignedwarlord · 8 years
Mun Meme
((Tagged by my baby daddy @thatspikybastard))
Rules: Tag anyone you want to know better
Name: Rena (in reference to my personal blog’s url). My real name is Christine though I typically don’t like to hear my own name except in a formal or professional setting like at work.
Gender: Genderfluid, female-bodied.
Star Sign: Capricorn (And I am very true to my sign)
Height: 5′4″
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite Color: Earthy colors, deep forest green, mint green
Favorite animals: I have a fat kitty and I used to have goats. I miss my goats a lot. I really want to have fancy rats in the future.
Average Hours of sleep: At least 10.
Cat or Dog person: Definitely a cat person.
Favorite fictional characters: Where are all my muses... Megs is a given. I love Trepan now thanks to @mnemoiisms. Rung is forever the half of my main otp. Drift’s thunder thighs is what dragged me into robot hell! Outside of TF there’s my previous muse Chairman Prescott from Gears of War. Guo Huai and Sima Yi from Dynasty Warriors.
Number of blankets: It ranges anywhere from 1 - 3 depending on the season. I am quite adaptable to extreme temperatures as I spent many years without central heat and air in Florida. But as someone who’s lived in southern USA all my life I take to heat a lot easier.
Current fav singer/band: As of right now I am listening to Bastille, Chainsmokers, and In Love With a Ghost. Though my favorite singer of all time is Celine Dion.
Dream Trip: I would love to go back to Paris, France again. I have been 3 times already but it’s the European city I love the most thus far. I would still like to visit some other European countries that I have yet to visit like Germany and Scotland. And I would like to visit the Philippines at some point as that’s my dad’s home country. 
Dream Job: Kinda difficult to say what my dream job is after I learned that I hate doing art as a job. I’m content with my current job as a security officer as it’s a mostly lax job and I get to be active doing voluntary foot patrols. Why pay for a gym membership when I can be paid to exercise?
Current # of followers: 204
When did your blog reach its peak: Kinda hard to tell as I haven’t ran this blog for very long. I want to say the Gladiator Erotica that caught so many other blogs’ attention for a single night was my blog’s highlight moment.
Why you made a tumblr: I made my first tumblr, an ask blog, after I found a few other asks blogs in my pursuit in finding fanart for Dynasty Warriors. My google searches kept sending me back to Tumblr as the source for some fanart. And after reading some of the hilarious posts on the other ask blogs I decided to make my own to join the fun. From there I branched out into making my personal blog and later on my rp blog for Gears of War and TF. 
Tagging: @rungian-psychiatry, @scientificmicroscope, @mnemoiisms, @needlesandpuppetstrings, @captainofthequest, @crxsshairxs, and anyone else that I can’t think off the top of my head and want to do this.
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