#n people come up to me like “oh haha! bramble the abuser! i sure hope you never say 1 good thing about him! or you are defending an abuser!”
puppiekit · 8 months
Maybe I'm going to get some heat for this but people do realize brambleclaw isn't like.... a wife beater, right???....... Dudes an asshole but I swear people act like he's *the worst* character in the entire series. I see people get genuinely agressive over this man, to a degree i never see with other toxic characters in the series. It is kind of ridiculous imo. Like can I please mention his name without 500 people running up to me screaming "THE ABUSER!!!" Like can you fucking chill out. The way people talk about him you'd think he punches women in the face when he's just a pitiful overtly-controlling emotionally manipulate ass... I seriously feel like if I mentioned the fact that he actually has good character qualities I'd be crucified
And well.... sorry for getting heated lol... Only saying this because I've legit been approached aggressively just for mentioning his name in a conversation.... not even about bramble either like why are you yelling at me I'm talking about hollyleaf dawg
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