#like william afton my fnaf hyperfixation always comes back
mttonex · 11 months
redraw of the happiest day minigame!!
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drawbudd · 3 months
wanted to practice drawing real people and I also happened to have recently rewatched the fnaf movie so. naturally (?) I created this
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charlieslowartsies · 11 months
Been re-reading KGA and the hyperfixation has sunk its claws into me and refuses to let me go, but honestly I don’t mind it.
Speaking of not minding shit that holds and refuses to let go, any commentary on Mike and Marion’s relationship? For some reason its one of my favorites in the series (prolly because Marionette has always been my favorite FNAF character) regardless of how borderline toxic or even codependent it could be interpreted as.
haha I'm glad you're enjoying the reread! At some point I want to sit down and try to reread LB-GS myself. Maybe after LW is completed.
As always, this bitch RAMBLES.
Marion is def one of my favorites too. I'm more a Bonnie fan though, but despite that, I didn't really expect to find so much interest in Mike and Marion becoming so close. Of course, as I've mentioned before, Foxy was the original character I intended to be closest to Mike Schmidt.
Marion and Freddy had other plans apparently lmao. The story really started demanding things from me around Devil's Spine and Ghost Strings. Characters wanted things I tried giving them.
The more I mapped out Marion's history and fleshed out dumbass golden retriever Mike, I realized I really wanted to lean into them being inseparable with the mindset of: To be loved is to be changed, and to be used is to be harmed.
Marion was used a lot in his past, so he was harmed, and he harmed others for it. He had misguided wishes, he didn't listen to others advice, and he wanted to blindly protect the restaurant and the children.
Marionette, much as he made poor choices and harmed so many, was also a victim of grooming/true cruelty from William Afton. He put so much blind faith and trust into Afton in the very beginning, and drew lots of similar traits from him as well that didn't become apparent until Afton was gone and the other Animatronics noticed how...intense Marion was, in trying to protect and control every angle.
This doesn't make what he did right. And it took him a long time to learn the lessons he needed. (LW being my fav example when he apologizes to Max/Michael for how he treated the zombie, indicating something is shifting between them especially. I'm SO excited for the end of LW where Max gets the Gift from Puppet, the thing he's wanted most.)
Most of that undoing was thanks to Mike, who was both kind and easy going while becoming less of a rug as time went on to Puppet, who mentions more than once across the series he isn't used to being challenged.
Mike came into the restaurant with no understanding of the horrors that occurred. Of what Marion had done, or could do. He just knew Marion helped him out a little bit for those first five nights, which meant Mari was his friend. Once Mike is a friend with someone he accepts them/loves them but also speaks his mind if he thinks it's needed.
And then of course this comes around to the side of Marion's thinking. 'This is my person, someone I can trust, who won't harm me/my family. I need him. He won't use Fredbear like Springbonnie was used. He is loyal and affectionate and tries to meet me halfway, even when we don't agree on something. And if I lose him...what's left? What else is there for me, but to go back to the way things were? I can't ever let that happen.'
Marion's going to be protective, naturally. Flip-side being that he needs to work on not taking that too far. Coming back in Last Shift, I didn't want like...a perfectly stable and fixed Marionette just appearing out of Lefty and having everyone go 'Why is he playing nice all of a sudden??' Because frankly the in-character response from them all minus Mike would be "We don't trust him far as Foxy can throw him" which....fair.
I didn't want 100% of his growth as a character being off screen. I wanted that to be earned and for readers to be given it, so the Revived design and the strings being tied to Mike are for that door way to be opened.
I wanted Marion to do the work, but Mike also had some growing to, that he had worked on in FF. (Marion was breaking down in GS, but he'd only split apart because Mike goes against Mari's warnings and ends up getting the Puppet destroyed when he was trying to help.)
You mentioned the borderline between how dark their bond could go, and yes I wanted that showcased too. I wanted a balancing act.
Repeating history won't do any good, especially not for Mike if Marion goes too overboard. At the end of the day though, Mike can dial Marion back, and keep him on a better straight-and-narrow than the lil devil used to exist on.
I think what helps steer away from the dangerous edge of what I would consider true toxic-ness is Mike can call Marion out, effectively. Likewise, Marion can call out Mike to. There's also Foxy, who is equally happy to call Marion tf out, as well as others once they see Marion isn't how he used to be.
Marion's themes/lessons in LW are: Being different doesn't mean the other is bad. To be loved is to be changed. And they overlap with Mike's, which are:
You can be put back together even if broken. No one can be strong all the time.
Is being too controlling harmful as fuck? Yes. I do not condone it , obviously. That's why Marion's story is NOT: "he became more possessive and was allowed to, and go on hurting himself/Mike or others." The narrative at the end of LS and into LW began rewarding Marion for trying to work on his aggressiveness at others. He was trying.
He choose to let Mike go, not letting him fully die out in Limbo. Then protected him from Henry's Rage where-before, all he could do was hide in Lefty and try to give hints and clues. He gained more agency the more he did the Right thing. (Of course, Mike rebuilt him a body and helped him come back.) And out of the gate in LW we have Mike advising Marion heavily to work on his attitude.
So Marion reaches out to one of the Mini Music Men in LW, and this ends up earning him a small friendship that chapters later saves Max and Gregory's life. Mari didn't have to use threats, and he wasn't in the scene but the ripples of his actions caused this effect. He also started listening to the DCA instead of ignoring or simply powering them down, and that meant he was able to see things from their perspective and help them out instead of pushing them away. Marion's gunna get softer the longer he spends anchored to Mike Schmidt. In some ways, Mike Schmidt will harden a tad, but not to the point of changing much beyond his typical kindness. More like maturing, and understanding to not launch himself head first into everything.
Basically Marion needed some socialization lmao. Mike unknowingly helped that early on (like, think GS days) and then after he got him back he noticed the problems better/clearer.
While I always hope people interpret the series the way I envision it, everyone reads differently and has their own life experiences that colors their thinking. Which is p neat, but if nothing else...I just hope people have a good time reading the fics as I do writing them out.
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sk3l3t0n444 · 2 months
Craphole Dikrats is my spirit animal.
...um anyways the new era of the five nights at freddys franchise is something that people have many opinions on, some think its saying that there is really no point in figuring out the lore of the previous (and imo more interesting) era due to those games being made in the fnaf universe by an inaccurate storyteller but ngl that seems really fucking boring and that would be equivalent of everybody knowing that bad shit happened at an amazon location and then amazon being like "nahhhhhhhh dw whoever believes that is kinda dumb its safe here dont pay attention to the fact that more horrible shit happened hehe" so with that being said, imo there has to be a link from fnaf 6 to sb and what in the world could have happened in those 10 years (most people actually think its more like 30-40 years but imma just stop them right there and put up this image
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because vanessa is relatively young and its heavily implied that she was born in 1997 and in sb vanessa cant be more than 35 and thats pushing it so imo the latest sb can take place is 2032 but thats kinda irrelevant) to have the mimic, glitchtrap, burntrap, and the blob suddenly appear and how long have they been around? my personal theory about glitchtrap is that its made of the remnant of william afton and burntrap is the agony (kinda like a kh xehanort thing with ansem and xemnas yk?) but william aftons happy memories are killing children for experiments to put evan back together so he enters the mind of vanessa to make her kill children for his experiments to bring back evan to give him his happiest day so he can be free from ucn while on the other hand burntrap is just the agony of william afton occupying his body because yk he always comes back and shit *eye roll* the blob is easy to explain its probably the victim(s) who choose not to move on after fnaf 6 (most likely charlie and cassidy) cuz english willy is still being a cunt and ngl i dont know how to explain the mimic imma just go with it happening similar to how it happened in the books cuz thats the thing i understand the least. and my theory on midnight motorist is that it happened after charlie was killed and the day evan died in his coma, evan possessing fredbear saw some of it and appeared outside michaels window (like what happens in the movie) to try and get help for charlie so michael broke the window and started running and william thinks he ran off to the mound of dirt trying to figure out what it is (ill get to what i think it is in a second) and is pissed but henry who agreed to watch michael tries to calm william down but william is already outside and when michael finally gets back after running around aimlessly william goes off on michael and starts working on the fnaf 4 house and eventually puts michael in there for his experiments and then as for the mound i think that the box is buried there and to be honest i think that the most naratively satisfying thing for it to contain is the spring bonnie suit. more as a metaphor than literally due to the fact that, to william spring bonnie "is best left forgotten for now" because its a reminder of his son, until he starts killing but when it changes to "somethings are best left forgotten forever" since it was meant to be opened in fnaf world it was trying to tell the kids to move on and all the other symbolism you could think about with that yk? but ive been trying to write this for like 2 hours and im tired of typing now so yeah please ask me about my theories im hyperfixating again
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smiledog15578 · 4 years
for the ask meme you recently reblogged, how about 📌🎥💕 and 🍀? IM SORRY IF IM OVERDOING THIS BTW you can only answer one of them if you don't feel like doing the others!!! idk i just like hearing people gush about their hyperfixations it makes me really happy :')
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
For the fnaf fandom: i found it through my mom! When it came out my mom was like "have you heard of this game" and i said no and she told me about it and at first i was a bit confused. I remember thinking that it was about a sleepover at a guy named freddys HDAJJDJS SO YEA I WAS HELLA CONFUSED but sooner or later i became hooked on it. It really got me into horror stuff (i was a huge scardy cat and still am kinda but not as much as i was back then).
For the markiplier universe: ok so lets get to a cringe moment here. I was a fan of him but i was even a more fan of him in like 2016? And lets just say i got more into it cause of well the septiplier thing which i hate bringing it up but i might as well be honest about it lol ( i hate septiplier now dont worry). But yea that got me more engaged with markiplier and jacksepticeye's content! I eventually grew out of jacks stuff and just stuck with marks content instead. Over time tho ive had an off and on relationship with the markiplier stuff cause i just,,, im slowly growing put of him but then i come back to his stuff its just a love hate relationship lol
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
For the fnaf fandom: omg hiw can i decide LMAO. I love almost every character on this story but my all time faves have to be michael or william afton. Michael just seems like a cool dude whos trying to make things right and i love that about a character! Plus he can draw and i wont shut up about that part HFJSJD just little things about character make me go "DKDJKDKD🥺💕💕💕" for no reason lol. And i love william as a character cause hes just so fascinating to me. Plus he feels like a real person whichbis even more terrifying in my opinion (other than the whole him come back to life thing but i hope you get what i mean). Hes not some "haha im edgy and i love knifes haha blood yes blood!!" Type killer (wow i just described my oc lol) but hes got real motives and reasons to killing. I also HDHDJD SORRY BUT i love his voice that PJ gave him. Its so trusting yet like- ew no thanks stranger danger
For the markiplier universe: ANOTHER TRICKY QUESTION LMAO. But my faved have to be wilford and dark as always. Wilford is my favorite cause hes so funny and sweet and just ugh i love that in a character. To me a good trope is cute yet a killer i guess lmao. And i love dark cause hes not a true villian but a villian? He has a villian lool but really he just wants to make things right and is overall a sweet heart as the santa ego said lol
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
From the fnaf fandom: OH YES I DO. I dont kin (i dont think😳) but Michael is a huge comfort character for me! Oh and also vanny too. Them bitches help me alot when im sad or just need something to daydream about
For the markiplier fandom: hmm probably dark,wilford, and yan HDJEJ THE FAM THING IVE BEEN DOING FOR LIKE YEARS. something about that dynamic fills a hole in my heart that really makes me happy. Now i wouldnt say i have such a terrible family or anything! I love my family to bits but when things get difficult with my own family i kinda escape to that :)
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