#like wtf O pints to UK
caracolcondiarrea · 4 months
I believe that Eurovision this year has been a social experiment
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gameswillbeplayed · 7 years
i got tagged by @adeathnoteblog im tagging @cocoaslayer @inventogation @realtruesuccessor and literally anyone that wants to do this like i really like hearing about y’all you don’t know how much i lurk in here lol
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Age: 28 oh my god Birthplace:Finland Current Time: 1:30PM. UK time zone. Drink You Last Had:  Currently drinking coffee. Black, no sugar. In a pint glass plz. Easiest Person To Talk To: my partner probably? that’d make sense, wouldn’t it... Favorite Song: oh no! urr. i’m kinda all about Sigúr Ros atm and all their stuff is chill and awesome but on the other hand one of my all-time favs is Ghost Love Score by Nightwish, but Caravan Palace is awesome too. The Front Bottoms does awesome stuff as well.. oh god i can’t decide </3 ( @adeathnoteblog said Motion City Soundtrack is their fav band and i’m just going to continue a trend and say The Future freaks me out by them is also 10/10) Grossest Memory: probably something to do with poop when cleaning bathrooms. NO. i was about 15 and we were visiting my mum’s then fiance and his 9 kids and we were playing hide and seek outside. it was dark and i was running to hide and hopped over this little stream but unfortunately didn’t quite make it so my shoe got stuck in this mucky water thing at which point the kids that actually lived there informed me that was the stream from the toilets and stuff so i was literally stuck knee deep in shit.
fun times. Coulda done without remembering this omg.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff pride. In love: Very much. Jealous Of People: Sometimes. But i’d like to think i’m pretty good at handling it most of the time. My partner is poly and has another partner and outside the fact that i sometimes get grabby about her time with me i’m very very very rarely jealous of her other partner (like. has happened maybe 2-3 times since i moved in with them two.) Killed Anyone: Nuhuh. Not Kira. Love At First Sight or Should I Walk By Again: once i had a ridiculously strong crush on this boy i never even got to talk to. like, i went back to the same frickin festival next year just in hopes to see him again and i didn’t even know his name. so, idk, i guess really strong feels can happen for stoopid reasons but i wouldnt call it love.
(in my 14yr old brain he was the cutest thing ever but i cant remember why) Middle Name: ughh Number Of Siblings: 2 baby brothers aged 26 and 24......... we’re getting old feck One wish: everything is so sorted for me that literally all i can think is money :”““D maybe my grandmothers alzhaimer to fucking go away, it’d be nice to have some coherent conversations with her before she passes :/// Person You Last Called: Either work or my partner. Question You Are Always Asked: is2g “you doing anything fun tonight?” no, the answer is always no, i will just go home and enjoy chilling in and not doing shit wtf dude (somehow i think all my workmates have really busy social lives. ide.) Reasons To Smile: lots of things. bc customer service requires it, someone making me my coffee, feeling of accomplishments, good music, clean bedroom (yea need to work on that), seeing my furry babies, pretty people, idk i feel like i could go on which probably is a good sign of my mental headspace  Song You Last Sung:  Woman - Kesha Time You Woke Up: 7ish in the morning o/  Underwear Color: i think ive got this weirdly greenish blueish thing. Vacation Destination: i want a vacation so bad it dont matter where (sun wouldn’t hurt tho) Worst Habit: ahah wow i should ask my partner about this. i’m quite specific and like to get my way a lot? like, i’m a horror to live with i swear. things need to be cleaned when i want it to happen, i will stress my ass off about money and nag like there’s no tomorrow.  X-Rays: idk probs mostly mouth ones tho Your Favorite Food: i love everything. uhh. anything with cheese, vietnamese, english curries (altho i can’t take spice like at all), bacon&cheeseburgers... just. food. give me. Zodiac Sign: Virgo.
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