#I also liked the ABBA thing they of their avatar
caracolcondiarrea · 4 months
I believe that Eurovision this year has been a social experiment
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cathyl-washere · 1 year
Hey gamers, this is my first actual post here.
Minors should maybe not be here if only for the odd NSFW post, so here's your warning if that's a concern of yours.
Bit of a length warning I suppose? I ramble a bit, but it's my pinned so I guess now's the time.
As my blurb says and avatar implies, I'm a 20 year-old transfem, working with she/her pronouns currently. I'm generally kind of hesitant to really talk about myself to strangers or to even say something in the first place, even when it's just to the void like I have been since I started here about a month and a half ago. You may recall my mentioning that this is my first actual post, or have noticed that I've only tagged like, 2 of my reblogs at time of writing. I'm trying to get out there a bit more which is why I'm even making this, but if I take some time to reply to a pm or whatever, know that there's this on top of anything irl. Also I have a tendency to write in a way as though I were actually talking, so apologies for any overuse of commas or really long sentences. Trying to be mindful of this way of writing myself though.
Should say that whatever eldritch critter lords over us all gave me the delightful combo of being able to remember a bunch of absolutely bizarre and incredibly niche things about whatever while also forgetting it all when it miraculously becomes useful. You may be familiar with the "Spirit of the Staircase?" Gamer, you're looking at her. I mention this to say that despite the length of some of the later parts, they're still not exhaustive.
I've also got into the habit of referring to people as gamers because it has that wonderful combo of being both gender-neutral and oddly funny to me. Not in a demeaning way, my sense of humor has just kind of veered into nonsense.
On that note, I should also mention that I myself have committed a cardinal sin and am indeed, a gamer. Platforms I'm on are Playstation and Switch. PC gaming is unfortunately out of my purview currently. I prefer PvE generally but also don't mind pwning some children if the vibes are there. Hope you have your bingo card ready because yes, Celeste is my favorite game. I have WAY too much time into Warframe and I like Dead by Daylight, Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain 2/Returns, and Slay the Spire quite a bit. Tragically I've been a gamer for a while, so I'm just naming a few of my main ones right now while totally not ignoring a sizeable backlog, no sirree!
Music is also a bit of a vibes thing. Generally more of a fan of less intense songs, which may be an odd thing to follow up on by saying prog rock's also pretty cool. Longer a song is, the better is my usual take. City pop's also superb, language barrier be damned. Vaporwave's awesome. Born and raised on the rock of the 70's and 80's with parents that rarely listened to anything after Kurt Cobain rose to power for most of my younger years, so a good chunk of that has worked its way into my playlist. Video game music has a tendency to be wonderful to my ears as well. Solar Ash, both Risk of Rains (although yes, I lean towards the second + DLC here), Night in the Woods, songs from several of the Persona series (Layer Cake, Beneath the Mask - Rain and both versions of Specialist, oh my!), a few from Warframe and of course, the titular Celeste. Lena really is just something else, and I think I can say with some confidence that Quiet and Falling is just my favorite song generally. It does have some competition, so in no particular order I'll rattle some off: Anri's Shyness Boy, Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence (primarily the Hands and Feet Mix version), Hall and Oates' Out of Touch, Mac Demarco's Freaking out the Neighborhood, ABBA's Dancing Queen, Yoko Takahashi's The Cruel Angel's Thesis, Prince's Little Red Corvette, Kensuke Ushio's Crybaby, Jane Pop's Drive to 1980 Love, Shakatak's Bitch to the Boys, Komm Susser Todd from End of Evangelion, Mystical Composer by Momoko Kikuchi, Love don't come Easy by The New Jersey Connection, Once in a Lullaby by Chris Christodoulou, No Tengo Dinero - Maxi by Righeira, Seaside by Dan Mason, In your Eyes by Peter Gabriel, Dress Down by Kaoru Akimoto, Radio Ga-Ga by Queen, Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie, and this list is getting kind of long, huh? God, music is just so freakin' awesome. Truly, one of my biggest regrets will be that I didn't hear enough of it. Band-wise, I'll mention I quite like Steely Dan, Chappell Roan, Yves Tumor, Casiopea, 1986 Omega Tribe, Car Seat Headrest, The Comet is Coming (loving Hyper-Dimensional Expansion Beam right now), Dan Mason, Mitch Murder, Desired, Nyarons, Seycara Orchestral, Shakatak, Ibrahim, OSC, Both Jack Stauber and his Micropop, Prince, Queen, Junko Ohashi, Anri, Meatloaf, Gorillaz, Night Tempo, City Girl, Yes, PKCH, Chris Christodoulou, Cape Coral, Tupperwave, Oresama, Weird Al (EBAY in particular will forever take up some of my brain space at any given moment) and good ol' Lena Raine. While we're here, I guess the one album I'll mention is Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of the War of the Worlds. Make sure it's the original though, some of the songs were revamped in recent years and personally I'm not partial to that rendition of them.
If you inferred that I might like some anime given the above section has quite a few Japanese artists then yes, your intuition was correct. I have fallen off of it recently, but stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Mob Psycho, and My Life With Monster Girls are some that I enjoy.
Romantically, I'd say I'm into women. We're entering kind of weird territory for me here though because while I would quite like a romantic partner and someone to cuddle with, I'm kind of not so sure how keen I am on any actual sex? Half of me wonders if I'm just asexual while the other half wonders if it might actually be a case of finding the proper someone. I don't know, it's very much uncharted territory for me and I'm not sure where I'll end up on it. Also the whole "finally accepting that I'm trans" thing probably has its influence somewhere in there.
Politically, just give people stuff. Meet their basic needs, implement a UBI, make it so that every grandparent has a bottomless jar of sweets for the wee ones. Public transport good, cars bad, Golf is actively terrible in multiple ways. Chuck bricks at cops, detonate an oil rig (in Minecraft, I guess), eat the rich, the usual. Ideally, mix the three. Abortions and contraception are healthcare, and alongside education all should be free. Kill the cop in your head, both in the sense that if you saw someone shoplift, no you didn't and that you don't have to impose yourself on people just having some earnest, unconventional fun. These are some of my viewpoints, but I'm hesitant to try and pin myself down with a specific position due to a lack of having really read well, any greater political works, still needing to flatten some views I've kind of just had seep into me from the greater culture ("But is x really the proper thing" is tragically a constant, but I've needed to quash the Devil's Advocate voice in my head for years at this point. The little bastard never truly seems to leave. Yeah, having a little gremlin constantly try and check my thoughts can be handy now and then, but it gets really annoying when I think about topics like how the death penalty shouldn't be a thing because like, what are you doing here you idiot? Don't let your personal misgivings with a person allow for executions), and honestly a little because I need to try and be firmer as a person. I put a lot more stock into the thoughts of others than my own, and sometimes it's tough to remember that me and my thoughts also have value, whatever that looks like. Is that the best thing to just type aloud? Also don't hit your kids, regardless of circumstance.
Uhhh got to say I'm blanking a bit on what else to put in. Closing remarks now I suppose. Life is fucking awesome, and I mean that to apply to most-every instance of it. We're all just here on our queer little blogs having a time with one another, and isn't that wonderful? The past 5 years or so have been terrible mentally for me with a few really bad months in particular this year, but I finally feel like I'm on the up-and-up. Accepting that I'm trans after repressing it for a while, finally cutting off a bad friend (hopefully for good), working on getting HRT. With any luck, I'll have some patches in my hands next Friday, the 15th of September. That's huge for me, not only in the obvious sense but because my brain somehow twisted itself into thinking that I can't take this whole topic seriously outside of hair growth and shaving facial hair until I actually get some form of HRT into my hands, AND IT'S HAPPENING! AAAAHHH!!! I'm moving into the next chapter of my life after being kind of stagnant for a while, and I've had such a wonderful vigor these past few weeks that I haven't known in ages. I've really embraced an appreciation of what others might consider mundane, and just trying to be a bit goofy. Letting things roll off of me, even if the anxiety tends to really weaken my legs and make me nauseous. I stay silly. The horrors may persist, but so do I. So do you. How lovely.
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Peter Gabriel - Utilita Arena Birmingham 16 June 2023 
Peter Gabriel is a legend, unquestionably.  His voice is so distinctive and immediately recognisable that you know it’s his music as soon as he opens his mouth.  He has produced genre crossing albums since the late 1970s and still continues to mesmerise with inventive and progressive ways of making and delivering music.  And of course he used to be in Genesis and chose to leave that band at their height, on his own terms.  He is even self-deprecating enough to know how sometimes he is perceived by others as the most boring man in rock and appears in the Brian Pern’s rockumentary series.  As a man who used to dress up on stage as a flower and wear a fox head and red dress, you have to balance that outrageousness with the quiet meticulous musician who records wind in metal pipes and uses those samples to piece together complex sound sculptures that at the end of the process are incredibly listenable… even if on face value you’d expect that to be the equivalent of watching paint dry.  Peter Gabriel is a complex man.
This “i/o” tour is supporting the release of his first new music in a long time, although the album is made up of songs and music he has been working on for 20 years in one form or another.  Gabriel is not releasing the album conventionally, as you’d expect from a man who always finds new ways to promote his music, and has released 6 songs from the album individually since January (on each full moon).  The actual album is due for release at the end of the year, however, won’t fans already have the whole thing by then anyway?  The debate on whether this is a good marketing idea can only (at the moment anyway) be judged on chart performance, and with an initial decent number 19 placing for the first release it was followed by four unplaced releases and a number 95… so, let’s put that down to only a conceptual artistic success.
The set tonight is made up of 22 songs and half of them are from this new album - Peter is serious; this is not a greatest hits tour for your average fan, or a rockstar going through the motions - this is an artistic statement by a musician who is not resting on his laurels, or satisfied to mindlessly rummage through his successful back catalogue for a casual listener.  He starts the show almost in disguise, walking on to the stage with no band and talking directly to the audience, joking that he is actually an avatar, yet unlike Abba who appear as they were in 1976, he has chosen his avatar to be the old, fat, bald man he is now.  Of course, he is joking and the concert begins with the most human of introductions: a joke.  It’s an icebreaker and the stage is set for the most intimate of evenings as Peter does the most un rock n roll thing of all and breaks the fourth wall.  He doesn’t speak in cliches but explains and introduces the new songs, the artwork displayed on the screens, his band members and the concepts that drove him to write these new songs.  It sounds like a lecture or a presentation, and when I look at the audience they are, for much of the set, quietly listening and learning - not rock n roll at all.  But it is beautiful.
As an elder statesman of rock and also not a born dancer, the incredibly complex and stunning stage design makes up for Gabriel’s lack of movement, which is essentially him pacing back and forth across the stage.  He has presence obviously because he is Peter Gabriel, but if you didn’t know him you’d think the lead singer really needs to be more commanding on stage… maybe wear a big flower hat or something!  As such the audience is mostly uninspired to move and sits motionless for almost the whole set.  Or maybe this is just the effect of the general slow to mid-tempo of many of the songs, or it could be the ages of most of the people in attendance.  Gabriel does lift the crowd to its feet for ‘Sledgehammer’, but for some reason chooses to end the first set this way and so everyone immediately sits back down for the interval.  The second set then starts twenty minutes later with another slow tempo track and the arena is static again, until the finale and the encores.  It is a noticeably staid atmosphere.  I don’t doubt everyone here is listening intently and loving every moment, but you only notice their enthusiasm occasionally. 
The band tonight are a dream come true for those of us who take as much interest in the session musicians as the main artist, and alongside the world’s best drummer Manu Katché, is the world’s best bass player Tony Levin, who with guitarist David Rhodes has been with Peter for what seems like forever.  The other obvious stand out musician is cellist and backing vocalist Ayanna Witter-Johnson, who as well as being able to play cello standing up, sings at the same time.  And not only that, she sings duel lead vocal with Peter, particularly on the track ‘Don’t Give Up’; filling the boots once worn by Kate Bush on the recording and previously live by the incredible Paula Cole, is a hard thing to do, but she bettered them with her soulful rendition of that beautiful song.  It must also be said that Peter’s voice is still a thing of absolute beauty.  It often sounds like it is at the very edges of its range, and could break at any moment, and that fragility is human and real.  I love that about him.  
As with any tour supporting and playing mostly from a new album, the new material, as interesting as it is, takes time to get under your skin and be part of your life.  Therefore the songs we all know and love are where there is a real buzz from the crowd.  The highlight for me is ‘Solsbury Hill’ (the line “Son, he said, grab your things I’ve come to take you home” brings a tear to my eye every time I hear the song, because since I first heard it in 1977 when I was about 9, I always thought it was about a father saving his son from a dangerous situation).  The singalong part of the ‘Boom boom boom’ is always a crowd pleaser and tonight is no different.  This is the last song of set two but the roars and screams pull the band back on stage for two encores:  the sublime ‘In Your Eyes’ and devastatingly brilliant ‘Biko’, with Stephen’s face on the large screen above the stage.  The audience again sing along with the outro as each band member leaves the stage, leaving only Manu and his thundering tom toms.  The song is still as poignant now as it was when it was written.
The main feeling I take from the show is how happy and content Peter Gabriel appears to be; he is clearly very comfortable in his skin and loving bringing his new songs to the world.  There are moments in the two sets where I thought the audience had slipped into a collective coma, but in the barn that is the NIA, it’s sometimes difficult to get a real personal connection, apart from the overall spectacle of the occasion.  There are real moments of beauty though, musically and visually, no question about that at all.
This tour continues in the UK for the rest of this week.
Set 1:
Washing of the Water
Growing Up
Four Kinds of Horses
Digging in the Dirt
Playing for Time
Olive Tree
This Is Home
Set 2:
Love Can Heal
Road to Joy
Don't Give Up
The Court
Red Rain
And Still
Big Time
Live and Let Live
Solsbury Hill
In Your Eyes
Encore 2:
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kaori-hyacinthus · 3 years
You've heard of Avatar the last airbender, now get ready for....
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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girlnextdeer · 3 years
☕Pinned post☕
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Hi I'm Noelle, I like hot chocolate, sweaters, Carrie (2002 and 1976), and the band Abba and Marguex!
I also really love Alien (1979), Adventure Time, Utena and many other things!
I'm 16-17, I am a fictive (not kin or roleplaying, please click link) and I use she/her pronouns. I'm really not sure what to put here, I'm just a disaster lesbian sdksda 
My amazing header was made by my awesome gf 💜 and my avatar was made by my silly friend @itswhattheycallyou​ ! please go follow her she is so talented and wonderful... and so is Kris!
I follow back from @frogdaydream ! And check out my commissions!
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roselightfairy · 2 years
Tag game
Tagged by @carlandrea - thank you!
Five movies/shows
The fact that “shows” is included in here means that’s going to be the majority of this, because in general I have a lot more TV shows I like than movies. I’m not a huge fan of the visual medium in general, but shows are able to seize my heart, you know how it is.
Cinderella, but specifically the Disney version of the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical from 1997. This movie was my entire childhood and remains my favorite movie of all time; i love it so so so much: the music, the costumes, the characters, the actors. It’s such a brilliant, fun, loving movie.
Avatar: The Last Airbender. Need I say more?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I guess Pirates of the Caribbean needs to be on here! Most out-of-left-field obsession for me in a long time, until a weird D&D podcast tackled me to the ground this summer
Four songs Now this one is very unfair. I don’t know how I’m supposed to pick!
Cheating a little, but if I can do soundtracks: The Music Man soundtrack. Also a childhood love of mine.
Voulez-Vous by ABBA - if I have to pick just one
Yolanda Mott’s version of the Song of Nimrodel
Hamlet by the Wise Guys
Three essentials (excluding food, water, phone)
My bus pass - transportation, baby!
A necklace, earrings, or some piece of jewelry to fidget with. Mostly I prefer my moonstone necklace (it’s what DHK once described as a power object), but if I don’t wear that, I need something.
Is it cheating to say a backpack? For a carless person, it’s a little like a home-on-my-back situation sometimes.
Two books This is the worst question! But I’ll pick, I think, favorites for different reasons...
Lord of the Rings (I mean, come on, how could I not pick these? Life-changing, defining, always more to discover)
Born Confused by Tanuja Desai Hidier - gorgeous, complicated, soul-satisfying - a book to lose myself in
One quote
"Denn Verse sind nicht, wie die Leute meinen, Gefühle (die hat man früh genug), – es sind Erfahrungen. Um eines Verses willen muss man viele Städte sehen, Menschen und Dinge, man muss die Tiere kennen, man muss fühlen, wie die Vögel fliegen, und die Gebärde wissen, mit welcher die kleinen Blumen sich auftun am Morgen ..... Und es genügt auch nicht, dass man Erinnerungen hat. Man muss sie vergessen können, wenn es viele sind, und man muss die große Geduld haben, zu warten, dass sie wiederkommen. Denn die Erinnerungen selbst sind es noch nicht. Erst wenn sie Blut werden in uns, Blick und Gebärde, namenlos und nicht mehr zu unterscheiden von uns selbst, erst dann kann es geschehen, dass in einer sehr seltenen Stunde das erste Wort eines Verses aufsteht in ihrer Mitte und aus ihnen ausgeht."
--Rainer Maria Rilke, Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge
absolutely defining for me in terms of how I think about art, creation, experience, memory, and the things that make us who we are
Thanks for tagging me! This was a lot of fun! The “tagging people” part of this is always a lot of pressure, so as always feel free to ignore this if you aren’t interested! @the-dwelf-ao3, @enide-s-dear, @thevillainsmustache, @daisyfornost
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ladyorlandodream · 3 years
Agentha Fältskog interview - English translation
In September, Agnetha Fältskog of ABBA agreed to grant Swedish radio presenter Carolina Norén an interview for the classic Swedish chart show ”Svensktoppen” on Swedish Public Service radio. The interview was broadcast September 19.
Carolina Norén: ”Don't Shut Me Down” by ABBA – and with me on the phone I have Agnetha Fältskog. Hello, Agnetha!
Agnetha Fältskog: Hello, Carolina!
C: And, of course, congratulations to entering the top of the chart, Agnetha!
A: Wow, what a surprise! That was amazing, really fun.
C: Let's just say that I wasn't that surprised, and neither was the rest of the world. However, ABBA.s last number one here on Svensktoppen was actually ”Waterloo”, back in 1974!
A: Was it that long ago? Well, there you go. It was about time, then.
C: It was about time! Exactly.
A: I'd like to take the opportunity to tell you how happy, grateful and moved everyone in the group is by the enormous reception. It feels very nice and warm inside.
C: I'm thinking, the first time you received a call like this from ”Svensktoppen”, and I don't know if you remember this, Ulf Elfving was calling. It was in 1968, you were 17 years old and ”Jag var så kär” (I Was So in Love), had reached number three.
A: Yeah, it's been quite a few years, ha ha.
C: What has Svensktoppen meant to you over the years?
A: It means a great deal. We're so used to charts, and have enormous success in several countries, but ”Svensktoppen” – it's our native country and the audience we have back here, and it obviously means a lot. We're very moved by the reception everywhere. I remember that first interview with Ulf, I was very nervous, and almost couldn't believe that I'd entered Svensktoppen, it's something you don't forget. This was also an enormous surprise, because you can never really know how it will turn out. One is never sure that something is going to be successful, and one is glad when it happens.
C: I was actually thinking about that a bit: I know that you love spending time in the studio working, and so on, but was there any point while working on this new material where you started to feel doubt or fear: what if it doesn't work?
A: Yes, we said that in the beginning: a long time had passed since we recorded, and you can never be sure that the voice is going to hold up – was it going to sound old? However, we heard pretty immediately – from both Frida's voice and mine – that it sounded more or less as it did back then. However, you may have to make another kind of effort, and give more, or how to put it, of your ability to tell a story, to empathise with the song. I always used to do that, but it's a lot more now that one has lived an entire life. You put more emotion into it.
C: I was thinking, whose idea was it to do this – who was the driving force behind the comeback?.I mean out of you? From the fans' point of view, it's always been a given.
A: Yes ... Well, one thing lead to another, somehow. We felt that we wanted to do a few new songs for the avatar project that will open in May next year, in London. So we said ”let's do a few songs and see how they turn out, how it sounds. One thing led to another with a few more songs, and then Benny kind of said ”why not make an entire album?”. Yes, and that's how it happened, and since we enjoy working in the studio, it's fantastically fun to be able to create and such.
C: Yes, and you have said that it's sometimes easy to ”tempt” you into doing things if they sound like fun.
A: Yes, that's true.
C: So you weren't hard to convince, when it came to doing this?
A: No, I don't think any of us were. Not doing this. The avatar project, I had to give it a think, since it meant a lot of work, as it were, on stage. Because I'm not a stage personality in that respect, but I can convey more feelings in the songs.
CN: Indeed. The rumours around this comeback started back in 2018. We got to know the song titles, and it feels like these two songs that we have heard, have been underway for a while. Have you polished the songs over the years? What has happened since we first heard of them in 2018?
A: Well, we have been at it. At first we worked on the avatars throughout February...let's see, was it the year before last? No, it was last year. We had just finished working with that, when the Corona situation appeared. Then, after a while, we started recording these songs and it's continued like that.
C: When the songs were released a little over two weeks ago, fans gathered around the world simultaneously. Björn and Benny participated in the live stream and you and Frida were part of the edited program. Björn and Benny said that you were following the broadcast from a distance. How did it feel watching it?
A: It was actually enormous. I've been watching our fans a little, when they're listening to the songs, and they're actually crying. It's quite enormous what a reach it had all around across countries. It's almost hard to take it in, actually.
C: I was present at Gröna Lund (in Stockholm), where fans had been invited, and there were many fans from other countries. I can really attest that emotions were enormously strong. It was, you know, almost sacred. Just like you said, they cried and were deeply moved. One thing many of them said, at least the ones I talked to, was that they missed you – ”the girls”, they said: Agnetha and Annifrid.
A: Yes.
C: Do you know when you will get together next time?
A: I don't really dare to say. We're a bit older now, and have our minor ailments, ha ha. But we struggle on. But I don't dare to say, because it's a bit uncertain. At the moment we feel happy that we got this together, and let's hope everything goes well in London, at the premiere over there.
C: Right, in May next year. The avatars. Incredibly cool, actually.
A: Right.
C: You touched upon the thing about the voice, whether it would hold up. When you released your solo album in 2013, you mentioned in an interview that you'd had the same worry, and had taken singing lessons – which turned out to be one lesson. How was it this time, Agnetha? Did it end up being any singing lessons?
A: Haha. No, it didn't. One knows this, that it has to do with support from the stomach, that you shouldn't ruin...so it doesn't become too much for the throat. Instead, you find support in the belly, and it just fits so well, once you're in the studio. You just, ”wow, it holds up!”. One has different … I like to sit down when I sing. Frida usually stands up. It varies a lot, how you feel that you get the power.
C: You are the one doing the main vocals – at least most of them – on the single ”Don't Shut Me Down”. I should add that ”I Still Have Faith in You” is also in the chart, at number four.
A: Yes, how fun!
C: How does it work when you divide it between the two of you? Do you choose your favourites, or is it directed by the respecive voice registers? Do tell.
A: Yes. It's probably the guys who are in charge of that. We get some lyrics, get to listen a bit, and try a little. It's also happened that one has felt ”this one I'd like to do”. There are no fights about anything. We try it out, but it's usually the guys, I think, who already know who is supposed to sing what. We're also part of each others'... Even if one of us sings the solo verses, we're always join together for the choruses, for the most part.
A: You have also a background as a songwriter, and ran your solo career in the beginning. These days, Björn and Benny usually end up talking about the project. How much are you able to go in a change things, or feel ”that doesn't work, let's try this”.
A: Back in the day it happen pretty regularly, but these days it doesn't. I can come up with a lot of ideas: ”could we add some finesse at this point in the song?” I'm also pretty good at harmonies, but the guys handle most of it. We do as they say, and it turns out well.
C: Another thing when one talks about ABBA and ABBA's music, your songs have been quite associated with you as people over the years. The most obvious example may be ”The Winner Takes it All”, which is about divorce. How about today – what do the songs say about you as people, and artists today?
A: It's probably mostly in the lyrics, and you should probably let Björn answer. One can read one thing or another into composers', songwriters' or lyricists' work, and of course you add a bit of ”it's about him, or me”. But it's general, how to say, relationships. Because it's often about love.
C: The two most recent songs, maybe a little more general. Now that we are talking about love, I've go to ask you: you have said that you're are a romantic person, Agnetha.
A: Yes, I am.
C: And you like romantic music.Will there be more romance on the album? More love?
A: Haha! Well, it's very varied. I can't say much about it now, but it's very varied. I can tell you this much: if you like these two songs, you will probably like the entire album. I do think so.
C: Right. That's good. I feel I need to scratch the surface a little more. What we have heard is a timeless ABBA sound. Can one imagine that it will continue with that sound as well?
A: What do you mean, on the CD?
C: Yes, on the album.
A: Ah, yes. It's very much the ABBA sound. We're not trying to sound different or letting ourselves be affected by other, current things, so to speak. We're trying to keep ... It becomes what it becomes – and it becomes very ABBA when Frida and I get together in the studio. It's almost like a marriage between our voices, and almost hard to tell them apart at times.
C: Now, I know that a lot of people are looking forward to the concert in London in May next year. First, there's the album, in November. The one we were talking about. We mentioned the avatars. What went through your head the first time you heard of the idea?
A: Haha. Well, yes, none of us probably really knew what to expect, but we've worked with it a lot, so you grew into it, eventually. We stand there, doing these songs, with– I don't know how many cameras and people. And then, somehow, it was technologically transferred, in some way that we don't even understand, to other people that are going to be on stage as us – but it's still us, haha! I can't really explain it, it's so hard, but there's a lot of technology and lights involved. But it felt great to do in the end. Because it was so different. Also, there was a vibe, one felt that ”maybe it's the last thing we do”. Same thing with this album.
C: Ooh, you can't say that, ha ha! We want more!
A: You can cut that out.
C: Jonas and I will cut that out! Solo album in 2013. I can reveal to you, here and now, that in the summer of 213, ”Dance Your Pain Away” was the only thing I listened to.
A: I see! That's nice.
C: I know it inside out, but I won't sing it!
A: Yeah, that was cool, actually.
C: Is there anything in the pipeline solo – another solo album from you, Agnetha?
A: Not at the moment, no. I think, and I feel, that I've done a lot now. So I can't promise you that. We have got to find joy in what we have, and all that awaits.
CN: Indeed. May I also add that I was very happy when I heard that you would be with us and share. Because I've learned that you are somewhat restrictive when it comes to doing interviews. What do you think, are there further public appearance from you ahead?
A: Not really. But, as you say, I've never really retired that way, but I am restrictive, and I feel that a lot of things are being written, and have been written, about us. We agreed to do, and have done, so many interviews. There's a risk that you ruin it by talking too much. You want keep a little something to yourself. Something private.
C: Agnetha, we respect that, and we are very happy here at Svensktoppen, and, I would imagine, that the listeners who haven't perhaps fainted from the surprise, and have stayed with us, are happy that you could join us. Once again, huge, huge congratulations to topping the chart.
A: Thank you. I also want to send greetings from the rest of the group. I know that they are all very happy about this. It means a lot to us.
C: Wonderful. I hope we can talk again. I almost get shivers suddenly doing the presentation here. So I say: new number one: ABBA and ”Don't Shut Me Down”. Thank you very much, Agnetha.
A: Thanks so much to you, too!
English translation by Anders Lundquist
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scarletbi-tch · 4 years
I was tagged by... @creepingwolfberry
Thank you darling
Name/Nickname: i don’t really post my real name on here but not a lot nicknames nicely from it but. little one, H.
Gender: female
Zodiac: Sagittarius (though I don’t really care about that sort of stuff)
Height: one inch shorter than Scarlett Johansson
Time: 20:47
Birthday: Late November
Favourite bands (outside of musical theatre): I’m awkward, I tend to like random songs instead of specific artists. I do like billie eilish, Janet devlin, Abba, Phildel, Demi lovato
Last movie I watched: Knives Out. Or maybe it was Miss Congeniality.
Last show I watched: Currently watching Friday Night Dinner, last one I watched was Agent Carter
When did I create this blog: Oh god knows. I was like. Mid teens? So a few years. What it is now is so different to what it was when it began so... the most recent version was probably like.. a year ago? Idk
What do I post: Mostly Marvel females. With a sprinkling of various other fandoms, comedy, feminism, equality, and other stuff. Mostly reblogs tbh, plus anything I wouldn’t post anywhere my parents can see lmao
Last thing I Googled: ‘horse weight chart’
Other blogs: I do have one which is much more popular but I haven’t posted on it in AGES because I don’t have the motivation.
Why I chose my url: Because it’s badass. And also Wanda is a love.
Average hours of sleep: some days it’s 3 hours, some days it’s 12. Who knows.
Lucky numbers: 14, 27, 40, 97
What I’m wearing: 101 Dalmatians fluffy pyjamas
Dream job: Zoo educator
Dream trip: Maybe New Zealand. Or Canada and do some serious wildlife trekking. Or a repeat of our trip up the Californian coast wildlife spotting
Favourite food: Donuts
Nationality: British. Specifically, I’m from England.
Favourite song: I can’t choose from Musical Theatre so outside of that genre, maybe.. Everything I wanted, Billie Eilish
Last book I read: I can’t remember what it was called but it was funny and about animal reproduction. Don’t judge me, I studied zoology.
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: MCU, agents of SHIELD (yes I know they’re somewhat the same but), Avatar the Last Airbender would be pretty cool, I agree Wolfie
Don’t feel you have to do this, feel free to take out some questions if you only want to do a bit, tagging @owlscbooks @missmarvelobsession @timetravellinghippogriff @bewitchingomen @scarletb-tch
16 notes · View notes
winxnaryder · 3 years
tagged by: @ginnypcttcr, thank you mitali!!!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
name/nickname: justine
gender: female
star sign: aquarius
height: 1m74
time: 17:46
birthday: january 22nd
favorite bands: the rolling stones, abba, pink floyd, the beatles
favorite solo artists: florence + the machine, david bowie, bruce springsteen, taylor swift
song stuck in my head: none at the moment
last show: after life that i almost entirely watched on netflix yesterday
last movie: currently watching the meddler starring icon susan sarandon
when did i create this blog: november 2020 (i had another blog from mid 2012 to late 2019)
what do i post: mostly fandom content
last thing googled: i have no idea
other blogs: i created another blog recently that's more focused on like art and feelings @morceaudesoleil
do i get asks: no
why i chose my url: bc i wanted a doctor who url and i stan sarah jane smith
following: 151
followers: 45
average hours of sleep: about 8??
lucky number: 7
instruments: no
what am i wearing: pyjamas and a sweater
dream trip: new york, where i was supposed to go before the pandemic ruined everything, also the rest of the world
favorite food: pasta!! (+ sushi and french fries)
nationality: french
favorite song: song? as in one?? cleopatra by the lumineers, amongst others
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: harry potter, doctor who and maybe avatar the last airbender
tagging @regrettableturnofevents @joelycetts @emmaswcns @juliewlters @dontwanderoff @darrvey
5 notes · View notes
stark-strange-love2 · 4 years
30 Questions Tag Game
answer 30 questions and tag some people you’d like to get to know better! Thank you for tagging me my dear @funkylittlebidiot !!!
name: Alex. Will also answer to ‘Your Majesty”
gender: lol
star sign: Taurus, but I’m more like a Virgo
height: 5′0″
time: 9:48
birthday: May 13
favorite bands: Queen, Marina and the Diamonds, Teagan and Sara, ABBA, Twenty-One Pilots
favorite solo artists: Billy Joel, Billie Eilish, Troye Sivan, Hayley Kiyoko
song stuck in my head: Rainbow Connection by Kermit
last movie: Die Hard 3
last show: Avatar the Last Air Bender (Or Mianite if you count Youtube)
when did i create this blog: August 2019
what do i post: Ironstrange
last thing i googled: KE=1/2mv^2
other blogs: One active one unactive
do i get asks: yes and im really bad at remembering to ask them
why i chose this url: Both their last names are adjectives describing their love :D
followers: you wish
average hours of sleep: used to be 8-9 now it’s like 5-6 :( yeah same :v:
lucky number: 7 and 13
instruments:  Flute, piccolo, ukelele, hopefully violin in the near future
what i’m wearing: lounge pants because I can’t wear jeans because of my surgery, a red shirt and plum colored sweated coat that goes down to my knees
dream job: neurosurgeon or the writer/director/storyboard artist for my own cartoon
dream trip: I want to go to Vietnam and Nepal
favorite food: Sushi
nationality: American
favorite song: https://open.spotify.com/track/5nrmGFJ87crVoJF5xdRqwn?si=ccE-rHeAQfy6erwXVe_gYw
last book i read: All the Kings Men
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and yeah!
Tagging: @salty-ironstrange-shipper @amethyst-noir @puppybaby15 @bisaster-energy @starred-soldier @taruyison and anyone I forgot!
10 notes · View notes
lemondoddle · 4 years
Lane, PLEASE elaborate on which ABBA songs you think are TMA applicable
oh ABSOLUTELY i will!
firstly S.O.S is the ultimate jonmartin song. the motifs about being saved, the lines about wanting the other but they’re out of reach, the wanting to go back to happier days, it is *chefs kiss* perfect for them, ESPECIALLY the line “and the love you gave me nothing else can save me” just screams mag 159 no?
next would be Lay all Your Love on Me, i see this from martin’s perspective bc he’s canonically a Jealous Boy and i always see the “don’t go sharing your devotions” line as jon interacting with different entities and avatars and getting marked
Money, Money, Money is applicable for some pretty obvious reasons vis a vis “fuck captialism”, and the “in my dreams i have a plan, if i got me a wealthy man” makes me picture og!elias and then during the bridge he gets jonah’d and then he’s with peter in the chorus (i visualize animatics to all of these kdjhg) also certain lines apply to a bunch of the characters like “i work all night i work all day” for jon, “to pay the bills i have to pay” for martin and “so i must leave, i’ll have to go” for either basira or sasha
Take a Chance on me is another jm one mostly because of a lovely fic with i believe the same name on ao3, i’ll link it if i can find it, but it just reminds me of martin’s perserverance and not giving up on loving jon, especially the line “my love is strong enough to last when things are rough”
these last few are less easily applicable but i still like them:
-Knowing Me, Knowing You: breakup song, i Beholding Know that one day in s4 jon was found lying on the archives floor wearing one of martin’s found sweaters and blasting this song on his phone and everyone who walked in on that immediately walked out
-When I Kissed the Teacher: a teacher!jon au thing where martin is a student teacher (theyre still both the same age idk if i need to clarify that but it will bug me if i dont) and all the students are painfully aware of martin’s massive crush on poor oblivious jon until the song title happens lol
-finally, the winner takes it all. actually for the most part i see this as a wolf 359 eiffel/hera song because of that finale (ouch) but depending on how s5 ends it could be relevant here too
so thats all of them for now, or at least until i listen to the rest of abba’s discography and find more, but tal thank you so much for asking and letting these thoughts free bc theyve been trapped here for so long
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harryscurliess · 4 years
fank yewww @narrie​ and @niallhoransmissingbraincell​ for tagging mee! 
rules: answer the questions about 2020 and tag some people to pass it on!
5 Favorite Films You Watched in 2020:
Thor Ragnarok like a thousand times
The Devil All The Time
Outlaw King
Little Women
Jojo Rabbit
5 Favorite TV Shows You Watched in 2020:
The Vampire Diaries
Criminal Minds
New Girl
Big Mouth
Avatar (bonus)
5 Favorite Songs You Listened to in 2020:
Lay All Your Love On Me- ABBA
Electric Love- BORNS
No Body No Crime- Taylor Swift
Kill My Mind- Louis
Top 5 Albums of 2020:
Fine Line (obvs)
Post Human- bmth
Evermore- Taylor Swift
Saves The World- Muna
Heartbreak Weather- Niall Horan
Top 5 Books You Read in 2020:
The Mill on The Floss
Snot Girl
Wuthering Heights
How Did You Spend Your Birthday This Year?
it was pre quarantine and my friend who is my pisces sibling took me to olive garden and then we went to the mall where I bought doc martens :)
What Was Your Most Memorable Day This Year?
1D’s 10th anniversary was the happiest day of the year for me I cannot lie, I hadn’t felt that kind of serotonin in a loooong time but also helping an injured cat. 
What Was Your Most Memorable Meal You Had This Year?
the most delicious bowl of tonkatsu ramen
Did You Find Any New Hobbies or Interests in Quarantine?
crotchet and polymer clay!!
What Was The Last Big Event/Thing You Remember Doing (before covid)?
lit rally the DAY before quarantine we celebrated my friends bday (who took me to dinner on mine) by going to an escape room, hung out all day, and had burgers in my apartment.
5 Good/Positive Things That Happened to You in 2020:
student apartment!!!
saving kitty
new crotchet skills
new personality traits unlocked
all the art I created this year :) very proud of a painting I made for my mom in the beginning of the year
Biggest Messages or Lessons Learnt From This Year?
I am literally so fucking sick and tired of not being taken seriously either by my family or my peers. I feel like I’m always taken as a joke and no one ever listens to what I have to say or they think I’m dumb/incompetent and I’m always being ignored. This is my villain origin story.
And what are you most looking forward to in 2021?
I’ll hopefully be graduated by the end of the year!! :)) hopefully figuring out who I want to be and what I want to do. I want to have a goal.
sorry this took me forever I couldn’t remember anything I did this year kfhdskjskfh anyway I tag (no pressure): @chewsdays @majorharry @honeydxp @hunrising :)
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neenieweenie · 4 years
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
tagged by @ilguna ty bby
name: nina
gender: female
star sign: leo
height: 5’3 3/4”
time: 6:29
birthday: august 18
favorite bands: queen, they might be giants, abba
favorite solo artists: no one in particular, really. at most a playlist will have maybe 3 songs from a particular person but that all depends on the vibe of the playlist and has nothing to do with the artist
last movie: prisoner of azkaban
last show: psych
when did i create this blog?: 2016 i think
what i post: it’s shitposts mostly
last thing i googled: vegan boxed cake recipe (i’m not vegan)
other blogs: don’t have any
do i get asks?: sometimes
why i chose my url: my favorite teacher called me “neenie weenie” once as a joke and i miss him a lot so now it’s my url (plus apparently “cosmichellfire” isn’t very readable)
following: 120
followers: 71
average hours of sleep: 7-8 maybe? idk i don’t track it
instruments: trombone but i’m also in choir
what am i wearing: pjs
dream job(s): comfortably unemployed
dream trip: italy (or acid, depending on my mood)
favorite food: i don’t really have a favorite but i like mac and cheese
nationality: american
favorite song: “footloose” from the movie “footloose”
last book i read: good omens: the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter, witch
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: uhhhhhh i guess harry potter, star wars (original trilogy era), and avatar: the last airbender because i think it would be really cool
tagging: @amixedwitch
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benisasoftboi · 4 years
Unorganised thoughts on Trails to Azure:
What a depressing ending!
Also spoils what I’m assuming will be a big twist in Cold Steel 2 re: Osbourne, but like... ‘they don’t know where his body is’? Come on, we all know what that means
Also Lloyd shut up about goddamn barriers, Jesus
But like in all seriousness, I heard a lot of people call this the best Trails game, and while I personally liked Zero and SC a little more, that’s not an unjustified statement. The beginning’s a little slow, but everything after the intermission is pretty much non-stop great
It had been bothering me SO MUCH that Estelle and Joshua weren’t in Zero’s opening flash-forward, but were there when we returned to that point... the reveal that it was actually a different goddamn timeline was immensely satisfying 
KeA’s powers in general are great. I love reality warpers
I absolutely knew from the moment I saw her that Mariabell would be no good. That is just an evil looking woman, right there 
The Grimwood twist felt a little last minute. Also, goddamnit, the ‘oh I didn’t ACTUALLY kill him I just made it LOOK like I did for no reason’ thing. Like why is this series so afraid to kill characters off (outside of backstories, because everyone is required to have a dead relative, obviously)
But speaking of dead relatives, I loved everything we saw of Guy Bannings. He reminds me a lot of Phoenix Wright, lol
It was really exciting to see my boy Kevin - I love his Japanese voice!
Oh and Olivier and Kloe and Mueller and Julia cameos, yesss!
Ries was also there and I like her just fine, but not as much as the rest. Sorry, Ries
Lloyd: I really like Lloyd. Way more than Rean. I guess it’s that he feels like more his own person than a player avatar, and also doesn’t have multiple bullshit super powers. God do I hate Rean’s super powers. There’s also just the fact that I find lots of girls liking Lloyd way more believable than lots of girls liking Rean. Lloyd is cute, and sweet, and he’s kind of a huge dork, and he’s that very adorable combination of extremely smart and extremely dumb. Rean has the personality of a plastic bag, and is friends with multiple guys who are far hotter and more interesting than he is, and yet every girl wants him. It’s a blatant self-insert player fantasy 
Seriously. There is literally zero reason any of these girls would be into Rean when Gaius is right there. Gaius is just Rean but less whiny and much better looking
Anyway Lloyd is great
Elie: I still really love Elie, she’s just so consistently good, man. I’m glad she’s the ‘canon’ love interest, and I thought her confession scene was lovely - she and Lloyd are good together. I only wish there’d been more focus on how she felt about the Mariabell reveal
Randy: I liked Randy so much more in this game. His backstory was well handled, and his more annoying traits were toned down. I really enjoy his relationship to Lloyd, I think that’s excellent
Tio: Didn’t get to do as much in this game, shame, but still great. I’m assuming she’s the most popular Crossbell character, right? She’s very funny and I’m glad that the game acknowledges that the cult stuff is still traumatic for her to remember even after Joachim - it feels more realistic than ‘we defeated it and I’m better now!’
Noel: Uhhh... I don’t dislike Noel or anything, she’s just... kinda boring? Compared to the others? She was easily at her most interesting during her short time in the state guard, and then that was undone almost immediately. I wish that they’d kept that up
Wazy: Wazy’s my favourite Crossbell character. I have a weakness for the sassy long haired pretty boy archetype, I guess. I would have liked to see more interaction between him and Kevin. I love his relationship with Wald though, and I’m so glad the epilogue establishes that they go off together with Abbas after everything. I really didn’t want them to go their separate ways 
I thought it was... interesting that they specifically called attention to the fact that we never see him shirtless
Dudley: Underused in this game! More Dudley!
KeA: This girl deserves the world (no don’t give it to her Mariabell PUT IT BACK)
Arios: Aww, man. Poor Arios. I’d like to play like, a short spin off about his perspective on the story. I think he’s a fascinatingly complicated person
That’s something I really like about this game, by the way - none of the antagonists really change personality or temperament when their true natures are revealed. It just takes a different meaning in this context. I think that’s much better than total personality shift (it worked with Weissman, but it would suck if that’s how they did it all the time)
Shirley and her dad whose name I already forgot lol: Fine as accessories to Randy’s backstory. Don’t know why Rixia and Shirley had to have a rivalry. I’m assuming we’ll be seeing Shirley again. I know Fie mentions her in CS2
Rixia: Rixia’s another interesting one. Her backstory was really good. To be honest, she feels a *little* superfluous to me, but I don’t dislike her
Uhh, what else
Nice little cameos from Renne, Estelle and Joshua - noo, Pater-Mater!
I know why Anton and Ricky aren’t around but also :( 
Liked seeing Ellie and Armand from Rolent, though. That was nice
I knew Shizuku was going to get her sight back, because I know how stories work. I just didn’t know how it would happen, and I was prepared to hate it. I liked how it happened
Seriously I never want to hear the word barrier again
Trails to Azure is very good. I can’t believe I’m now more than halfway through this franchise
Man am I excited to go to Calvard, whenever that happens!
Oh, also I got a Liberl Bracer Guild t-shirt for Christmas, because I’m going Full Nerd for this series. I am extremely cool, you guys
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leeshuh · 4 years
I was tagged by @ghost-maya! 
1. name/nickname: Leesh
2. gender: she/her
3. star sign: Sagittarius sun Libra moon ; )
4. height: 5′8-5′9
5. time: Currently 4:18PM
6. birthday: Nov 29
7. favorite bands/groups: my chemical romance! But I also love will wood and the tapeworms, ABBA, Queen, etc
8. favorite solo artist: stromae, lady gaga, AURORA, and plenty more that I can’t remember atm
9. song stuck in my head: maneater by nelly furtado thanks tiktok
10. last movie: disney’s sleeping beauty. it’s such vibe, the animation is so pretty 
11. last show: binged all of sk8 the infinity and i’m caught up!! reki possibly my new comfort character idk
12. when did i create this blog: late 2018-early 2019 i think? i deleted my old account around that time and took a break lol
13. what do i post: memes, art, and anything fandom-related im into
14. last thing googled: american antiquity citation guide :))))))) writing a paper can u tell
15. other blogs: none at the moment! 
16. do i get asks: basically never, no 
17. why did i choose this url: lots of people mispronounce my real name (alicia) so my url is how u pronounce it if you took away the first ‘a’ lmao
18. following: 44 people
19. followers: 114
20. average hours of sleep: like 8-10 thanks covid
21. lucky number: don’t have one
22. instruments: piano
23. what am i wearing: zip up hoodie and mom jeans
24. dream job: either a theatre actor or a famous author or some cool historian that gets to travel the world and do cool research
25. dream trip: nothing in mind but i’d like to go to england, greece and italy
26. favorite food: i swear i have favorites but my mind is currently drawing a blank :(((
27. nationality: canadian
28. favorite song: famous last words, bohemian rhapsody, renegade (styx), northern downpour...those are just the first ones that come to mind but i have hundreds of faves! its too hard to pick only one
29. last book read: I become a delight to my enemies by Sara Peters- wonderful experimental novel, very dark/horror kind of vibe. I read it for my English class and I might write an essay on it because it’s really cool
30. three fictional universes you’d like to live in: oh god. 1. Avatar the last airbender 2. Fullmetal alchemist (minus the militarism- i just want to learn alchemy) 3. Harry Potter for the childhood :((( (insert obligitory grrrr jkr bad here)
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