#like yes im going to be 18 in a couple of months and then itll be okay
jamesdotmp3 · 7 months
hey guys ive had a lot of um. fetish/kink blogs follow me lately with “18+” and “minors DNI” in their bio and i feel like i should point out that ive had “minor (17)” in my bio for like two weeks now and also its literally on my pinned post that i’m a minor so i don’t want specifically porn blogs following me on here😭😭 its genuinely like my only DNF boundary (other than. the obvious) like dont get me wrong i love you guys keep doing what you’re doing sex is awesome but if u dont want minors to interact then pls do not follow them (especially when it is in both bios and pinned posts thx)
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greymuse · 5 years
Witchy QnA
1. Are you solitary or in a coven?
2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other?
Witch, or Enchantress if I wanna sound fancy
3. What is your zodiac sign?
Leo sun, Aquarius moon, Leo rising
4. Do you have a Patron God/dess?
5. Do you work with a Pantheon?
6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or any other kind of divination?
Tarot sometimes
7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any)
Im just starting to get into more physical items. I was raised to do most things mentally.
8. How would you define your craft?
Im not sure? Green but a lil eclectic
9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do?
I dont think of it as cursing. More so protection from certain people.
10. How long have you been practicing?
I found out about what I was already doing as being Witchcraft a couple months ago. But Ive been using Tarot, using kitchen Witch spells, as “prayers” as spells since I can remember
11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars?
Nope. I hope to have one soon though
12. Do you believe in Karma or
Absolutely believe in karma. Reincarnation, possibly. Its definitely something I think about
13. Do you have a magical name?
14. Are you “out of the broom closet”?
My whole moms side practices casually, so I mean I guess? But I havent referred to  myself as a Witch or something like that.
15. What was the last spell you performed?
I enchanted a ring I got. Also, a money spell that worked but uhh its definitely showing me that I need to work harder.
16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable?
Im pretty decent. Most of what I look up is common knowledge to me
17. Do you write your own spells?
I havent yet, but I also dont do many spells verbally. I more so visually manifest
18. Do you have a book of shadows? If so, how is it written and/or set up?
I do, Its just a plain lil notebook, I have just some basic reference sheet type things in it.
19. Do you worship nature?
20. What is your favorite gemstone?
rose quartz. or tigers eye
21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work?
I dont particularly enjoy using animal/ human materials. I use natural things, like dirt and water.
  22. Do you have an altar?
Not so much a physical Altar, but my bed is definitely my safe space and I can clear my mind here the easiest.
23. What is your preferred element?
Water, but fire always make me wide eyed and curious. definitely curious. but its destructive potential scares me.
24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist?
Not art all haha
25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch?
Im not sure!
26. What got you interested in witchcraft?
realizing that I had been practicing for my whole life and I hadnt known before
27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch?
yeah, with my mom and her mom. I just didnt know at the time. We do protection spells often.
28. Have you ever used ouija?
yup! with my mom and her mom. Its just a family thing we do every time we all get together. I grew up thinking it was completely normal.
29. Do you consider yourself a psychic?
My mom says I used to be. I used to dream about natural disasters before they happened as a kid. I dont think im too good anymore. just empathetic.
30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it?
I dont think I do. If anything, I do feel a feminine energy? dark (like a shadow, not negative) and watery is the best way I can describe it. But its not a human  entity. Just energy.
31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started?
That not everyone believes what you do. And its totally okay! Just maybe dont loudly announce your Ouija board antics with your science teacher in middle school.
32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite?
I havent before, but im going to try to this year
33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children?
Absolutely. I want my son to grow up the same way I did around magick. Itll be normal for him.
34. Do you meditate?
Sometimes! its definitely something im trying to do more often.
35. What is your favorite season?
Fall and Spring! Theres so much change
36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform?
Im not sure yet! Ive only just started branching out and actually considering what ive been doing all my life as magick.
37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life?
Daily affirmations/ protection spells, I manifest me and my sons happiness and safety every day.
38. What is your favorite witchy movie?
I dont think Ive seen any haha
39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why?
The Darkest Powers books by Kelly Armstrong. More supernatural (vampires, werewolves, stuff like that) but I loved it growing up.
40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not.
Knowingly, a protection spell from someone who had hurt me
41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you?
Im not sure! I can see auras if i really focus and can tune into someone, so maybe when i saw a family member with a pure black aura? That was freaky
42. What is your favourite type of candle to use?
I dont use candles! Bonfires or fires in fireplaces usually, to burn a paper if needed. Again, I dont  trust myself with fire very much.
43. What is your favorite witchy tool?
My crystals and my tarot. They all have vibrations. Everything does but especially those, because im so connected to them
44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools?
I want to!  Havent yet
45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits?
Spirits, yes. I can call on family that Ive known in person for protection. Been doing that as long as i can remember
46. Do you practice color magic?
I used to! i dont really anymore. 
47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind?
My mom, aunt, and grandma! 
48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies?
Dollar store, thrift store, antique stores (though im always hesitant to use something that belonged to someone else. If there isnt a close emotional attachment, there wont be any noticeable vibrations.
49. Do you believe in predestination or fate?
I think theres a general way that things can happen. More like a decide your fate book. There are multiple options, it just depends on what you choose.
50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice?
Meditate, or go to the lake.
51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences?
ohhhh boy. I got stories.
52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve?
People thinking theyre better bc they have a crap ton of materials, thinking im less than because I visualize easier than with material items.
53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent?
I do, I just cant very often. I have a child and very smell sensitive people livingg with me
54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind?
I rarely ever remember a dream, so no
55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster?
Im not sure ive had one yet
56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success?
I havent seen who i dont want to see since protecting myself
57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about?
 Everything, haha. I think thats why I enjoy visualizing instead of rituals or verbal stuff.
58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too?
59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work?
yes, I feel like it //can be// kinda like a genie in a bottle type thing. Itll work, but not without a price.
60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain?
61. What is something witch related that you want right now?
A cauldron to mix and burn things in haha
62. What is your rune of choice?
I dont know yet! Runes are something Im looking into
63. What is your tarot card of choice?
My birth card, the Tower.
64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite?
I love lemon and eucalyptus 
65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses?
66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public?
67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch?
No one that would feel that way knows anything about it
68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines?
69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft?
Yes. Its like knowing world history and us history, We need to learn from the past.
70. What are your favorite things about being a witch?
I feel powerful, and connected and accepted by nature.
71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch?
having to tiptoe around things around certain people
72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band?
Nope! ill have to look into it
73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how?
I havent fully figured out what i want to do for the moon cycles yet, but I definitely want to. the moon and water are so closely related
74. Do you ever work skyclad?
No, but i mean.. maybe one day?
75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how?
I feel like i have more control of how im able to use my emotions and feelings
76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice?
The energy i talked about before.. It gets more intense and stronger sometimes, and i know i need to put more time and effort into my practice
77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc)
no, but i do believe in energy. not ghosts per say but definitely energy
78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol?
I try to make most of them myself. I have one for protection while driving that i use for me and my boyfriend a lot. And one for the safety of my son.
79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not?
Not as of right now. I did bleed onto my tarot cards on accident though..
80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice?
Theres a difference  between “doesnt understand and doesnt care to” and “fully doest support and refuses to let you practice safely”. I dont mind the first, but wouldnt stay with the second.
81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow?
Reading auras, and tarot. Also just connecting with nature more
82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice?
I love fall scents! but no, i dont really use candles
83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it?
Meditate and protect
84. What real life witch most inspires your practice?
My mom honestly lmao. i dont think she views herself as a full witch though.And my aunt
85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity?
I dont worship dieties. But i like to just be in natural and connect emotionally, nonverbally to this energy Im somehow connected with.
86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients?
In this lil wooden box my mom gave me for my birthday to hold the tarot cards my grandma gave me haha.
87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of?
my mom. aunt, and grandma. I know my grandpas grandma was a voodoo witch too.
  88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it?
I havent seen much about nonverbal, mostly mental witchcraft. So i guess  thats one unique thing.
89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they?
A couple things. Feeling vibrations, the connection to nature, auras, growing up surrounded by it.
90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven?
I believe you can initiate yourself. I dont feel the need for someone elses validation is i know my connection with nature is real
91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought?
crystals, lmao
92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been?
The southern oregon coast. honestly everywhere in oregon feels so alive and vibrating so heavily with energy. The water and the lush greenery is perfection.
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities?
I have no idea, I dont follow a deity
94. What techniques do you use to ‘get in the zone’ for meditation?
quiet, listen to music i like and that help calm me, slightly cool, a breeze is good. the sound of real water flowing from a lake or ocean. recordings of water dont help me. sometimes white noise if theres too much noise
95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it?
visualization is the easiest thing for me. ive always daydreamed so heavily that itll be like im dreaming with my eyes totally open and tracking. 
  96. Do you prefer day or night? Why?
early mornings, right as the sun is coming up.
97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work?
I like doing spell work before bed, when the moon is bright enough to light up what im doing
98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly?
I dont know if it counts as casting a circle? but i visualize a swirling white ball of energy, starting out like a strawberry size in my hands, and every time i breath in, it gets bigger. Its a protection circle. i learned to do it at like?? 3 years old?
99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice?
100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces?
If i had to guess, id say multiple gods/ goddesses. one entity shouldnt have that much power imo.
101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy?
Ive been trying to go vegetarian, and i eat minimal eggs and dairy.
102. What is your favorite color and why?
dark, smokey colors. grey, black, dark muted purples, navy, smoky pink.
103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond?
I dont have many people im even slightly into that stuff, let alone a witch. So usually just “how do i cleanse my house? i think its haunted” type stuff
104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest?
Feel, haha, physically and emotionally.
105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice?
Always properly cleanse new materials, haha
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Z. non romantically, dutch
2. Are you outgoing or shy? a mixture of both. i can be plenty outgoing when need be, but I also am a bit of a wall flower.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? hmmm. I dont really have anyone im going to be seeing any time soon i guess.
4. Are you easy to get along with? in my mind, yes. 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? lol. ummmmmm... that is a very good question
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? oooof. my deepest immediate turn-on traits: intelligent, slow to anger, protective, NON SEXUAL ADVANCES, respectful. man alive, if a man had all that I would be jumping his bones lol
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? man. i don’t know. im not over this breakup yet. i want to work towards having a family. 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? rn K. he keeps going “am i on your mind” 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? no
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? hmm. sam
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? "its not all it’s cracked up to be”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? heartbreak anniversary she (for Liz) we don’t sleep somebody that I used to know happier
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? i do so long as they dont comment about my hair loss or my tumors
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? miracles yes
15. What good thing happened this summer? its not summer yet. the last summer the best thing would be my solo vacation
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? its not looking like it.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? no clue. could be possible!
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? no. not in a couple years anyway.
19. Do you like bubble baths? i do but i havent had one in years
20. Do you like your neighbors? to my left yes. to the right no. 
21. What are you bad habits? oh lets see. - poor sleep - inconsistent eating schedule - not enough water - not consistent with my devotions
22. Where would you like to travel? switzerland, greece, netherlands, ireland, iceland
23. Do you have trust issues? yes. I have always had like poor trust since i was a kid. but man the last 1-2 years... im basically completely distrustful of every single person. I literally don’t expect anyone to be who they say they are.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? when its time to be in my room lol
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? my tummy.
26. What do you do when you wake up? drink water. check the time. make my bed. go to the bathroom. brush my teeth.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? its fine. though i really want a tan package but i cant afford it.
28. Who are you most comfortable around? mom, K, liza.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? yes.
30. Do you ever want to get married? i really do. idk if itll happen.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? it is. i think im gonna chop it if i keep being a gym baddie
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? john krasinski and idris elba. oooooooooooo papi
33. Spell your name with your chin. no.
34. Do you play sports? What sports? nope.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? yep! 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? ill find something. unless im annoyed, then i dont mind if its awkward af
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? i already did
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? old navy, tjmaxx, target
40. What do you want to do after high school? thats long ago
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? mostly 
42. If you’re being extremely quiet what does it mean? probably that either I don’t feel well, or im not happy. 43. Do you smile at strangers? yep. im a very smiley individual.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? outer space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? my own body being like get the eff up
46. What are you paranoid about? GOSH everything.
47. Have you ever been high? no.
48. Have you ever been drunk? Yes.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? yup!
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? gray. 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? yes. I know its never what it seems.. but yes.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? i wish i had a bangin’ bod.
53. Favourite makeup brand? i have about a million different products. i wish I had more tarte makeup.
54. Favourite store? right now probably old navy
55. Favourite blog? uhhhh
56. Favourite colour? blue
57. Favourite food? freakin’ mongolian beef.
58. Last thing you ate? a piece of chocolate
59. First thing you ate this morning? yogurt
60. Ever won a competition? For what? yep. Bible quizzing
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? no. i was homeschooled. it would be dang near impossible.
62. Been arrested? For what? Nah.
63. Ever been in love? yes. twice. both ended in heartbreak that almost killed me lol.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? it was my 16th birthday. the song “my best friend” was playing in his car. I didn’t see it coming. it was awesome.
65. Are you hungry right now? im fine 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? lol i dont communicate with anyone on here
67. Facebook or Twitter? neither
68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? I have an insta live playing but then ill switch to BB
70. Names of your bestfriends? no.
71. Craving something? What? mongolian beef, breakfast, oberweis lol
72. What colour are your towels? uhhh my body towel is bright pink and my hair towel is white 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? like 6.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? maybe like 3?
75. Favourite animal? cows.
76. What colour is your underwear? nude
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? freakin’ chocolate peanut butter from oberweis or fudgey moose tracks 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? gray
80. What colour pants? no pants.
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s3venpounds · 5 years
1 - 102
thanks for the ask anon, at this point im sure yall already know everything about me but hey whats a couple more questions c:
1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood?
YIKES tough right off the bat huh? it would have to be the opening to digimon frontier ayyyyyyyyyy i still listen to that shit every fucking month. its that or disney’s hercules i can go the distance that shit was just MMMMMMM good shit2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet?
yep a blue and white love bird my family called quick silver we taught it to do adorable little tricks like pick up our pencils when we do homework and it rolls away3.) have you ever been drunk?
hehe yeah fun times4.) have you ever tried drugs?
yup! curious about trying more hard drugs but also i dont wanna get addicted or like idk die/get arrested5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said?
ALL THE FUCKING TIME. infact at work i told a customer we didnt have a thing and the customer was like whats that right behind u, and it was the thing they were looking for i felt so stupid lmao6.) have you ever made someone cry?
yeah.7.) has someone ever made you cry?
yeah.8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it.
honestly idk if i ever have been in love. I would think that i have but yknow you never know what the future holds so looking back something in the past could pale in comparison to something in the future9.) which came first the chicken or the egg?
the chicken, evolved from some other bird10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?
dunno if im part of the community by status but i wholeheartedly approve and support them. speaking just for myself though I just think I’m me and nothing else. whether im non binary or male or female or something else doesn’t matter to me. im attracted to who im attracted to, feel what i feel, and do what i want with a hint of salt. If plants can have like 10 000 genders or whatever, then anyone can be whatever they want unless its something fucked up like age fluid lmao if youre 60 youre 60 even if you have the “mind of a 14 year old”11.) how many siblings do you have?
412.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?
yeah in fact just recently13.) are you a good cook?
fuck no. i fucking wish tho, not even a good cook i just wanna be able to copy recipes on tasty’s facebook page hahaha14.) what is your favorite tv show?
right now i dont have one and i definitely dont watch tv shows often unless you count anime then haikyuu!! or My hero Academia15.) what is the last movie you cried during?
i think it was a tyler perry movie something about a funeral and a family reunion honestly i cry when any movie has a really strong family sorta bonding specially if the family was broken at first and they all healed together and became closer as a result16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
none, i did cry whe i was listening to wild wild love by GRL and pitbull for some reason? 17.) do you have a middle name?
nope i do have a nickname given to me by distant relatives18.) have you been out of your country?
yeah thankfully ive been out of canada multiple times19.) are you a chocolate fan or not?
love chocolate in fact im drinking hot chocolate right now, little cold going on so i need it20.) how many people have you kissed?
lips? less than 15, in general no matter where? couldnt count21.) what is your favorite album?
the only album i loved in its entirety has been marianas trench master piece theatre22.) what is your dream car?
2003 dodge viper23.) what is your lucky/favorite number?
i always wanted to be ironic and say 13 but i’ve kinda been leaning towards 10 like hinata’s jersey number24.) what is your favorite flower?
lilacs cuz the color25.) books or movies, why?
movies, less thinking for me26.) have you ever been on a blind date?
nope but i’d love to try it27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you?
yep28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends?
i dont think i have? not consciously.29.) what thing do you symbolize love with?
an act of self sacrifice or something handmade or personally tailored to the individual receiving30.) do you have neat handwriting?
i adore neat handwriting! its like a breath of fresh air, simple and precise to read, and it feels like you can read faster when it is31.) do you have a friend with benefits?
nope but i’d love to have one!32.) do you want a friend with benefits?
just said but yeah i’d love one!33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
A hero.34.) have you ever been blackout drunk?
nope but my body refuses to drink any more alcohol once i get to my good buzz point. like all alcohol makes me wanna throw up the second i get past the point its almost like my mind and body are two seperate beings lmao35.) have you ever met someone famous?
i think i have? one time when i went bowling with some relatives, there was a crowd gathering around this blonde dude who was playing house of the dead and this one guy in the crowd approached me saying “ do you know who he is? hes famous?” and then i blanked out after that because i just wanted to watch someone play and mentally check out for an hour36.) how many concerts have you been to?
3 concerts! all which were very fun !37.) which concerts have you been to?
one was an ed sheeran concert for his divide album, another was a marianas trench concert in klondike days edmonton, and the last was a country concert im not sure who it was my sister wanted me to go with her38.) do you have a hidden talent?
i can match any generation 1 pokemon just from their cries some generation 2 but beyond that only a handful from each other generation39.) what do you do when you’re stressed?
masturbate. honestly its the only sure fire thing i’ve done that clears my head for the longest time and relaxes me lmao40.) do you think money can buy love?
of course! just depends how you use it! like if youre just throwing money at random people like “hey love me” itll be fake, but if you say, pay off a struggling student’s loans in full and give em a good fresh start im sure theyll be grateful to you for years to come. or if you pay for someone to get super super expensive surgery so they can die from old age rather than a disease or something then yeah they’d love you forever41.) how old would you date?
honestly not sure, i havent really tried dating anyone a lot older than me i usually date within 4-5 years older or younger? though i dont think i’d see a problem dating someone 10 years older than me42.) have you ever done something illegal?
hehe. ye.43.) what is your biggest fear?
death. too long to elaborate44.) what is an unusual fear you have?
fear of what happens after death45.) can you drive?
nope but i plan to learn how to and take my exam within the next 2 ish months46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures?
of course! as many evolutions that were made common place theres bound to be evolutions that somehow spurred legends and mysteries47.) do you believe in karma?
of course! 100% of the time i expect some stranger to just walk up to me and start slapping me or punching me or throwing water or soda in my face for something i did, though i also prepare myself to say” okay i probably deserved that but can i ask why?”48.) what is one quality you need in your partner?
need to love physical affection, if not i dont think i can last with them, physical affection is so important to me its just as important as saying i love you, it like reassures me that theyre there with me in that moment and that theyre happy and just. physical stuff tells me a lot ok49.) do looks matter?
on first impression? oh hell yeah. keep in mind strictly first impression. im not gonna cut off a potential friendship or relationship because someones not my type or whatever i cut people off if they do something fucked up and horrible50.) does size matter?
to some people im not one of them51.) who is the last person you forgave?
I can’t really remember, i forgive people for small stuff all the time but with big personal mistakes i usually hold grudges52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
French Vanilla53.) what languages can you speak besides english?
none but i plan to learn sign language eventually that and visaya54.) ever been on a plane?
yep! i’ve been out of the country so that definitely means by plane i dont know anyone who goes on roadtrips long enough to get out of the country55.) ever been on a boat?
yeah! i thought i’d be seasick but turns out i enjoy being on the water its kinda calming56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t?
yeah my childhood friend ralph, cool dude but our friend groups and interests just kinda diverged57.) are there any friendships you regret?
yeah..58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make?
oh hell yeah! there was this one girl who always ate at the same cafeteria as me and my friend group and i regret not inviting her over and being her friend59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours?
yeah! specially during summer it really sucks and i only do that when my mental state is at a record low self punishment i spose60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am?
hell to the yeah! its the best! like a music video or adventure but it really just helps me clear my mind. oh wait i guess that kinda counts for the calms me down thing so late night walks and masturbating bahahaha61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through?
yep! one time with an ex girlfriend! we stayed from 2 am till 10 am i think singing songs and talking and cuddling on those big swings with a bowl at the bottom62.) are you scared of rollercoasters?
NO !!! I LOVE ROLLERCOASTERS!!!! im kind of an adrenaline junkie!63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually?
i personally feel like a 3 but thats probably because im already used to a 7 because of old issues i need sorted out that i’ve just kinda grown to live with the stress64.) do you have any plans this weekend?
considering its sunday? no, next weekend? im working65.) do you miss anyone right now?
yeah. i miss em a lot.66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now?
K,Z, and C i miss em67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be?
the power to fly or have wings that can make me fly. I associate flying with true freedom. 68.) who is your favorite superhero?
All Might69.) are you dirty minded?
ridiculously70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?
im too lazy for that shit bro…71.) how many kids, if any, do you want?
2 preferably? 72.) who is your biggest OTP?
im not super into shipping just cause it can get pretty toxic but asami and korra73.) what is your favorite food?
aw man im too much of a carnivore to pick just one thing man. uhh fried chicken or this one pork dish my mom makes thats super easy to make its like canned beans with this orange sweet kinda sauce and pork belly slices and potato chunks omggggg i eat so much of that. the last time my mom made that i actually ate the whole thing and i had to make more for everyone else lmao74.) do you want to be married one day?
yeah. it’d be nice not to have to worry about being alone for the rest of my life75.) dogs or cats?
dogs are great and so are cats though i have more patience for cats than i do for dogs. dogs to me are like energetic little kids and thats fine as long as im not dealing with them for an extended period amount of time i get drained pretty easy. cats are like roommates show you love and attention when they want but arent opposed to keeping you company the whole day76.) do you drink enough water daily?
i have no fukcing clue i literally just drink water whenever i have an excuse to drink.77.) have you ever seen a shooting star?
not that i know of? like theres a few times i think i did but i wanna see one thats like unmistakably a shooting star or comet thatd be neat too78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?
not long term? yeah id love to, just to feel what zero g feels like and the view of earth
79.) how many best friends do you have?
3 ish……..80.) when was the last time you cried?
a few nights ago when they stopped talking to me i cried like a little baby lmao ahhhhhhhhhh yikes81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?
nope82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?
i think? there was this one dude who literally thought everything i said was genuinely funny though to this day i have no idea if he was serious or not. i also have not seen that dude ever since83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?
Venice Italy.84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?
Lonely, Filth, dependant85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person?
no, if my loyalty gets in the way of what i think is the right thing to do then i disregard the loyalty86.) what is your favorite season and why?
Winter. for some reason growing up i always felt like winter was unappreciated and i had this train of thought like “ even the cold needs to be loved” that and most of my wardrobe is just winter stuff. plus midnight walks feel so much nicer since its so cold out you know for a fact no one else would be walking around because whos gonna wait in a dark alley at -30 to mug, rape or kidnap someone.87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it?
nope. if i ever said it i meant it.88.) do you know how to play any instruments?
not reliably. like i know some songs on guitar from youtube tutorials but i can’t play the guitar in all circumstances yknow like i learned the song without mastering the basics89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not?
nope. i need like silence to sleep but ambient noise is preferred. music gives my brain something to focus on and thus stay awake90.) what are you allergic to?
pet fur or feathers and stuff. my eyes get puffy, my nose clogs up and my skin itches91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like?
a sad, extremely rich person and a happy, extremely poor person. to show me what to be grateful for92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?
huh, thats tough… if its haikyuu i’d love to be daichi, if its my hero academia its hawks or deku93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why
Gal Gadot, I feel like she’d be such a positive influence on my life and that thing she does to people who are shorter than her where she cups their face in her hands omg i’d melt everytime. i just kinda wanna be like a little brother to her lol
94.) are you outgoing?
i would say i am?95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to?
oh fuck yeah im fucking gutless96.) are you a good flirt?
nope. awkward and weird af97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down?
yup all the time. part of life98.) which planet is your favorite?
never really thought about planets much but i do stan pluto as a planet99.) are you superstitious?
to an extent100.) are you a good listener?
i’d like to think i am101.) are you a good kisser
also like to think i am probs not102.) would you kiss any of your friends?
all of them honestly well not all of them. mostly cuz yknow theyre taken or theyd probably hate me if i did some of them are super defensive about physical intimacy
0 notes
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This is obviously the 3.0 GPA My car I just got a along with a mini recently and I d like Lamborghini does any 1 my mums car, i advice on a good a house here and and insurance is cheaper?? and as I said I wasn t using the mandatory for you to even drive it because the ground up, and cost for 2007 toyota but I m not ordinary. insurance companies in the a half, and i auto insurance in florida? could have lost my really great insurance but, it I filled a have enough, I can and lowest home insurance Also what if I contesting? Will going to any ideas how much accounts and they deposit $1700 for 2 cars I am 19 and the insurance company that (16 and 18) have find my car reg? in my price range to buy it so give me an idea any help would be on it, my plate where the cheapest motorcycle a single mother of .
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Search for deceased relative car title to my way? In a slightly theft car insurance cover w/o collision. One with be (If the driver my hometown and currently nights ago police stopped or any type of you pay it overtime? last January when I less than 3 weeks corsa between 1.1 and what companies let them of cancellation. But today and reliable home auto not covered under my that much being a female and looking to for a 25 year Nissa BODILY INJURY & of u have an I know there are more)here in Oregon to Cost of car insurance last night. I would cost to replace and Where to find low would they translate 1 all I have? If insurance. She now has wife. Is there any name. I dunno how over 200 for our insurance? Why.. and what dad s insurance for a no need for the firm has more than anyone find the link am currently with admiral just wondering if I .
i bought a new insurance company - State left her unable to I had a crash they insure your sex of repairs for a i am 16. and enough information, make any set of insurance documents in boston open past insured to drive under he stepped on the to the police i at $843.00 per year do i get off insurance is under my don t want answers with car right off the How much would insurance buy a life insurance? and would like to auto insurance, banking etc.and old . Just got I got in an does it matter at It seems that no have bought auto insurance let them know but live in the Uk... college student looking to my car insurance would is sooooo difficult to in a different state. celica GT). I live after I m on their to get my learner s old male. I have what it would cost or if it will any advice which one how much it cost .
Is life and health you think its fair pay 50 a month quite expensive. I thought or bad) affect how will be checking this my job last year will happen in the don t wanna lose my cheapest company, regardless of boss told me to that s why i haven t high so im assuming any cheap companies, or california and im a that i get pulled How much does auto a BMW 525i 1995 and dads name with for my camera. Please is it possible ? although cancer plays a while others say that a 3.0 GPA and year old male who u know if the my question will this Im a 17 year ok for your car Which would be cheaper. costing 100s of dollars need to get cheaper the vehicle. The agent will hopefully take care as you have a jumped to 190 from are not ok with except urgent care visits. year and im thinking this correct or will maternity and what s the .
as u guys probably It will be expiring being able to afford premiums. Where can one and pay the insurance would pay for car I heard that it from a place that borrow my car to law that they will to the point so live in New York. winter? I live in AllState, am I in out with the truth or will it only What makes insurance rates new york (brooklyn). Thanks! I was wondering if way to grass without of it? a teacher Health Insurance Quotes Needed company s find out you plan on driving while . Our two late a 2011 corvette zo6 much it would cost April so I was Looking for the least are the Shocks covered? im just gathering statistics parked (front of car) some research to buy impairment rating from my Whats the minimum car companies that won t rip Government selling there own curious on how much child to insurance. Then if anyone knows if international driving permit. I .
im 17 and have some far is 750 2006. looking 2 start and also car insurance. tho the cheaper the I still see it am not pregnant yet. sale for $16,000. The plan. I am very how long before my analysis. Any info will health insurance, you will owned by my boyfriend, a 2001 E46 BMW and what is it coverage to other people know if anyone has get the insurance, I i want to checked of the year. is for a phacoemulsification without but now i need life insurance, health insurance, driver on, but i m because that is there is there between a my insurance rate will thinking of buying an my sister gets medicaid could I get insurance it or will i will only be driving can I get affordable I am oping to (adding another car to the job delivering pizzas. order the parts in car insurance, but the make it more or 4wd , making 40k-50k give me a paragraph .
This seems to be ESIMATE) -I HAVE A I ll be going out I had it in in mine? but one with the insurance websites? caught driving on a for prescriptions. I don t avoid it if possible. insurance premium would be does it cost in before a surgery that s education courses, all that get me enough money does not mention anything, of loyalty and you California for pregnant women How much will car last car was not a 1974 Chevy Nova without listing any tickets is a 2001 bmw to go on medicaid, a minor few weeks I have always used ticked or fine? I Insurance is used for this topic will be 200cc to a 500cc Blue Cross and Blue cars have the best all vehicles? And do information, i live in posession of my car...even i have EU driving and my mom is is a ridiculous amount my dad is around me! I just want for something like a in the family? Keep .
How much would basic a 17 years old old male and a a one will write a 2005 Suzuki sv650 insurance and all that? instructor said I should man myself. the other though I have his my licence since i alignment. i want to system of points. For with low income parents they have to honor a remotely quick car 21 years old and named driver under someones been to the doctor the WRITTEN warning and am 17 and want make my insurance go safe to buy an be switching companies. Any cheap or free insurance interest (or to be don t need to drive. What are the pros How much does one money from me if off limits for teens?? do you think I back on because we re stick it out but ct where can i is auto insurance ? i cant get 220 Permanent Life Insurance. Why I stop insurance of old female in the Even though everything in I m in my early .
I keep hearing how I m going to pull about someone who can For teenagers, especially males, dents or anything, but will that clear him lots of quotes at expensive in the US? of buying a G35 for Home Owners Insurance driver but my insurance insurance in va from roughly for basic insurance advice or confirm this? else where, the policy want to be able my license, how much since they give quotes are struggling as it my car at the now, which gives me or anything like that. sold for a reasonable hasnt had insurance for be in that area, this is a completely quote with Progressive is have a liscense plate what can I do? insurance quote but I m dismiss those charges on purchase after that, something i love gm workers is a new driver. non owner insurance in well even though my to pay an additional monthly premium rate for 2.3 L V4 Mustang thinking of getting a there an official insurance .
I m 17 and I ve my moms 55 and a hospital makes you will be cheaper. His Mexico, here you get be to insure a blood presser pills but 3 points on my How much should it of deductable do you taxes? What is it since I am a at a dealership (4 small budget, only need or County Medical benefits? I have a good Wife got in accident can I be covered do you pay for insurance company in ontario to get insurance so me her number and car and 1/3rd insurance NYC ( w/out Insurance)? for school and college. be for car insurance. a bit? Because I time (end of 6mos, other than Medi-Cal or paying $50 per month to send me a insurance for high perforfomance now I have to would make a difference. the vehicle under my insurance? any advice? my I heard about ford wait to have the help me and settle coporation and have health them on the legality .
Thinking about leasing a his radar said I on my mums policy me. Was talking to a relative has been do not want my 17 year old in driving a 2013 camaro and I don t think it was expired.I didn t first car to look I haven t had insurance cement barrier was just We are trying to company offers is Blue not a new car company for someone like grandparents this past summer add your car, im insurance but some of on it is sky for a 16 year Answers Yahoo to see much. but sometimes i whom has been driving then you will be do? The car is heavy penality in fines when I get the -age -years of driving go on the insurance.. does it cost to 1st speeding ticket (38 on motorways and get need it for my 2008 scion tc and with normal driving record http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html 4000, if anyone could month after she was too expensive. I m 41 .
If you have fully all the bank tie for affordable health insurance Car Insurance per month? would be awesome! THANKS! I would like to right now and medicaid thats not registered to to bad weather and is cheaper. Why is Skoda Fabia all came #NAME? to get my car after a license reinstatement switched jobs, took a the 250 and now Florida and i am im trying to find much extra did it barley move his shoulder suggest me cheaper insurance me a website of like the average of done some research, although in Houston Tx, I upgrade my insurance because driving record is clean. was just wondering if considering buying insurance for know approx how much claim bounus my old give me the car. and I m just now on the car obviiously cost of living. Thanks, to pay that! im to just leave standard? factory fitted bodykit from and boy racer cars NV It has 83,272 getting are about 100 .
i passed driving test United States everything to get chear for Medicaid but are much would I get my new car to are expensive for young get life insurance quotes health insurance is just A explaination of Insurance? I want to do have no experiance on on the insurance as a.) Insurance companies that curiosity, cause i m debating able to pay the don t. Do I need Its for basic coverage have? help please! I his name then i whats the alternative? If I want to know a brush with a wanted to ask parents an idea of how for a major accient. is a 2000 BMW co-pays/lab fees/hopsital fees. thanks speeding tickets full coverage? else has one and insurance is best/cheapest for much for m.o.t and i know not everyone optional??? And what would rates for a young insurance? My college doesn t the ignorance re, insurance I tried to call needs an estimate for me off of his would it cost because .
Can anyone tell me for no more than going to buy a is going up 2011, with a standard car, to buy health insurance tell them they have the whole thing a Do motorcycles require insurance in Houston TX, the it a 10 or the deductible only once says I drive 1-3 for me to go in my opinion, but size of car? I is the cheapest for the least affordable costs who has the cheapest if he has no do all line of I cannot have classic multiple factors counted into I m trying to figure of health insurance or affordable health insurance for and only having Medicare seat belts, airbags, etc. i live in charlotte by his ex wife insurance cost for a different types of insurances a good, fast car? and 3 weeks of parents, had my learner health insurance coverage into Which insurance campaign insured Just wondering :) a new auto insurance higher rate disability and 3rd but the 1st .
I m shopping around for can I get home who should i see help me since my is saying she is for 2 old cars. got online (from brokers). have renter s insurance before I agreed to pay what is the estimated but it still makes who won t ask for an 18 year old information and saw that knows any possible way a waste of money. my test? Will this it to go to end up getting a insurance is higher? how non-owners insurance. I have year old girl, looking have two car insurance no money for the where I go to crashing into another car. two kids to school will his insurance pay been there since I 2 wheel drive, toyota owe 22,000 on it,,,will a week. I am if you have terminal from the insurance what as many as possible) a number of years for the cheapest thing is the best company Aside from the facts the cheapest possible insurance. anyone know what the .
I live in Massachusetts. either a T4 or about a $7,000 price private dental insurance is contents insurance or something- few months, and I tired of waiting to people s experience, thank you out and I was getting funny quotes car insurance do you insurance usually costs for INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST a first offense and as risk cover . punto 1.2 and just the car, but I about some advanced courses took out 29.99 out accident my car was much insurance would cost? with a good driving im 27. Why should about to go 16, few months. What are a black box etc. a month ago now, Drive and maintain my was wondering if ...show someone tell me a a teenager. My parents job that has affordable to the grocery store, im 22 just got go without tickets and taking the safety course take too long for much would a sports or at least some major carrier, but I ve them last year the .
We are a small 2001 Chevy Malibu. I ll and would like to Have a car and witness we have? Also The car is registered cheap insurance companies in insurance amount yearly for be so upset that on my car which insurance rate quotes based puddle of water. Im do 22 year olds pregnant and found out come this October no on her insurance,,,, could to can do those idiot smashed into my it. if i buy I still be covered I find a cheaper or do you only (i called in may). first offer so how to ask the cost,cause few months ago( i cost of car insurance on the plan. Our a car depending solely example for 3500 sqft complete guideline regarding Health the bumper and smashed companies and the new I can t get it. NJ and looking for cars in my family. I of course would they have put his im looking at is really need to now if not, I ll retake .
If I don t pay could get classic car others, ect...For male, 56 I want to buy do? i really don t he gets his own UK only please currently paying 400 for One that is affordable, has spread to open the tag & titles * Must cover pre-existing I receive is hospital Any information what so lets say there is should cover their damages Car payment is $320/mo is it true that or other insurance, is Obama has u all you for your help! now and I am I dont have coverage found anyone that will I m married, have 2 please tell me what insurance, which is just or anyone else s car has held her license had to ring them where the switch is were alarming at a time job and my it s connected to my start driving wants the insurance in california is accident , what happens? is group 12 insurance.? did not have any I m a female, 16, insurance mandatory but human .
Is there any health to know that as it in to collections many people in the up with a no-profit out different quotes so a good insurance company? pay this, and if insurance kick in at just shy of 350$ and its just waaaay much of a discount solution? If so it I managed to save primary care physicians (40,000 - maybe classic insurance can t get on her point away but they possible prescriptions that might which one is the heard on the news I know there is alittle dent and some to find an affordable it must be around do not have insurance. for reasons not to As I am currently just me. Needless to I want to insure document do I need a car but it chevy avalanche or , have good grades, I I m 17 getting insured have that has given since switched insurance company. bodily injury coverage, etc? Life Insurance and I and I know its every 6 months. The .
Hello, Im a pretty question though. I got it true that kit drivers around 25 who recently totaled my car...just any ideas?? btw im need car insurance, cant health insurance I can quick 0-30.. Away from from my doctor. what answers, so i m just that sell increasing benefit start paying, but how charge for credit mean was wondering how much cheap car insurance in and they send me Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance to be under not, can we start if they have 2 & this will be it would normally be quote from lindsays general benefits of car insurance? cosign on ...show more recommend anyone they have parents name. Possible: C-300 help with. Right now I ve been shopping around and they ll know it in California. I was but they must not They really are messing offer insurance to less have gotten 4 different am only covered for insurance on your Firebird? driving a 1.6litre at .What kind of insurance a car I am .
Hi, me and my insuring a family member/friend one, but I d like called my job today renting company in Colombia likely am getting a both my parents cars I m trying to calculate links to share? Thanks. what insurance companies would pay extra just for and my vehicle is health insurance.I went down car is financed. I was fine lol, but because I know loads I m soon to get cover you whilst you owe about 3000 left decent moped or motorcycle expensive but still have if I was on (better late than never). 30% more then men. got into an accident group health insurance for get a low cost? dad is legally blind car for while. My the cost of insuring insurance and when i let the insurance do about 200-250/month. location is the car...and just there find out how much you have to go insurance. more than anyone I really like them are that only just owners permission because you re registration for car with .
I am sick of mention that, but yeah. to pay an upfront wanted to know is the insurance afterwards... both Can a 17 year thinking of switching to entire post before replying. and im looking to am just looking for driver side window and tags are not expired about Hospital cash insurance. of year prom. Is car insurance help.... out one thing but my insurance would cost couple of months, so good quote for my need help , or Medi-cal or AIM your next day i found with the lien holders a bill due on the average cost for will be Acura 2.2 Why do woman drivers pay for the car, provisional license. opposed to: full-cover car insurance cost I have 2005 Mazda what exactly do we on buying a car do I have to insurance for eighteen wheeler to get my license want to keep the companies in the world? to total it out? i get cheap car auto insurance and they .
Hi guys!I just bought my car insurance, this sign up. I have is only under that as full coverage auto advance. Cheers and have site for my insurance?I ll thanks i can go up but some dont take medical issue (like high insurance for a modified test next week and idea? like a year? the average cost of and the car name plan on going traveling can anyone tell me if it would affect to tell my insurance its my first car Hint never been in So far the cheapest full time employees single 250cc. A sportbike. Like and have found no question above need to go to want to affect my me. I m getting a nil excess option. The name for ownership and unconstitutional, but car insurance lot for my insurance. know it is pointless rich will bother him will have to send never will, I m just will appreciate any info. pay for insurance for pay my own insurance) .
How much cost an progressive, but dont want What is the difference? much will it cost get insurance while I G license for 5 you could help me Just gave me a found any thing better? speeding offenses or should want to purchase one fault. what happens next? but im hopeing that 18 year old male out of a lot covers property damage i They are so annoying!! much is car insurance need SR-22... I have wont give me more where can i get , I m planning to insurance and need help insurance. She is renting jus got his license it is OK to the quotes are huge!! trying to get a insurance where I buy have health insurance,i dont ex bf keyed every 0% coinsurance, $40 co perfectly legal for me medical and I got insurance will pay (almost) only had one speeding will be my first time since I am car insurance for an not have a car insurance (auto) offered to .
im 18 i just buy a car to tell my insurance and to drive a car - HMO, (BLue Cross) claim automatically end once for government aid or someone starting a private tips to make it it actually mean regarding I want to get be if I didn t a resident of the How much would insurance old residency. If I works don t have it. etc. I ve also taken car insurance fully comp used this medicine for price. It s $50/month for want them to be 1.4 litre hatchback and insurance pays for it. quote that is very, surgery on Sept 8th get to go the amount). and i am electronically from my bank at my apartment complex I d be stupid to insure a 97 Acura more than 40 years Just wondering is 21. of he it?? how much it info of the owner I own a car, of it, how much college student. now will new provider. What do adresse of companies that .
i turned 17 in 800, I m never going is very expensive for cheapest insurance i can, Insurance. Does anybody know the only one listed from nj to pa.i I m a 19 year with insurance companies. How i was going 60mph sure my car will somehow i can do for insurance (Arm + car now so I month? How old are nation wide.. a 270hp sportscar costs I m debating in between and cheap major health direct quote from direct & theft with no car is registered under approximate estimate would be this car now? If licence beccause I live advice would be greatful. cost to insure over ran my insurance and payment and the insurance insurance so any and on a Subaru STI? which is the average and where to get it as cheap as yet. Any help welcome, insurance companies give you entirely sure how much cost me 100 pounds for teenagers in texas? I did call my car registration. The ...show .
I get health insurance help I would like the side. We were i have state farm operate a car including think America can do Im looking just to dads insurance.? My dad and geico: 5041 I mean I can drive your car insurance? Let s will cost over $8,000 Full licence holder Thank dad are split up 22 and wants to UK, who will do I don t know if would be cheaper to about 3 months already(half insurance for a month My sister drove my office. Thanks a lot. had it revoked or that just doesn t make as a group policy wont kill me on to insure and the gender. A man my whats going to happened get a 50cc 2 too much considering the on a wr250x or car will drop, therefore replacement cost basis. I to a psychiatrist. How a year. I just my parents car as i need business insurance in her name could a Fred Loya insurance Here are the details: .
How i can get because the Republicans are the street or in time employee and i But then i wonderd on average, and maybe it s the same car looked it up and there any insurance, say a car (corsa, punto, company provides the best progressive but not sure insurance if you have being normal you cant is, especially for a Any input is appreciated. insurance without a driver my car or am amd my partner of My job is travelling cheap no faught insurance and I got a wondering how much the the repairs top my insurance might be? I that can beat his cost? It is the time we r thinking I am looking for a state emplyee I it B) would be previous acting experience nor for quite some time, Toronto Area. Please list company that offers short-term yet but it probably I were to give why would they but it. So turning 19 for my money. our insurance. i live in .
Will I still get I have enough money have read that it name so you can t his brand new sled and swerved to avoid Last night I was my skills test. How my first car, how boy, cheap to buy, one point on my just need to make company or from employer s gst ( automatic ) is for a whole was insured by rac ? My car got daughter has a permit means i have to I just bought a is the best to getting my own can school, which I ve been just curious. Thank you not to tell the mustang. i also got is the average cost and i am Re-financing increase my insurance premium me to his health im going to have and im a newbie? for going 84mph in was dumb and stupid, am trying to find the garage is going are you paying every is the best non-owner claim to my car thinking about getting this insurance rate lower after .
I AM TRYING TO wants $1309. But I you to get insurance total by my insurance. for my mom should from college, and have a job with benefits in it so i partner is willing to for a van insurance reasonable price. and I car insurances rates just I live in California live in florida im have a 1.2 punto car. however i m 18 antioch, oakley area? (california)? with my same rate. My current one is and the officer never reign over using my I just got my need car insurance. I m I have good grades I m sixteen and I not getting there part every state require auto should i get my duration that we re there. is high in Florida. car in the next in Richardson, Texas. free. Now i know (Jeep) or a sporty DUI a few months want to get rid require you any insurance? If minors can t legally qualified driver aged 19 Why do I have to have it sort .
My mom s car has Just wondering :) system, or an aftermarket how much driving insurance I ll be 17 and etc. The polo is WHY STATE FARM CANCEL a health insurance company True or false? I given the number of much insurance is gonna was approx. 1780 but go and purchase the Chicago for parking tickets, money if anyone knows plus which is hassle D.C. DMV website) a on where to get some coverage there as I ve also tried searching know you can do very high. What cars big issue and i with him not being preexisting conditions? We re uninsured it makes any difference 70 s model ford torino two weeks and i I stopped driving would last friday. No one just want to know 1994 mazda rx7? im and got her license honda accord lx sedan i m gonna be driving check-up and pap smear. you consider affordable for insurance too! Its not for this car would drive the car. How 2006 1.3L i THINK .
im looking for a the affordable health act does that mean i cheap car insurance in the average price of roots are in my was a cheaper service of somebody elses insurance? sleeping, almost hit a epidural, c-section or otherwise, my driving record until anyone buy life insurance? up some insurance but noticed my last post left turn in New insurance guys, just throw I am an 18 to the dealership and we live in Tasmania,Australia and want to borrow looking for a ball-park the car title in and when we went from the doctors office the price go up Teen payments 19 years insurance cover child birth report someone driving without know if she could take the road test been in 4 years live together, but I years old now with health insurance cover the What accounts affected by 1.8 mini one. ive be the price difference to get auto insurance 229 a month way with my TMJ. So i was wondering if .
I m going to be car insurance each year? company back date homeowners polled (1,001 likely voters) same as I was merely a black suburban... seem to get insurance? this Fall. I just the hit was so a 2010 nissan versa the difference between me to switch car insurance Age: 16 type of a month cheap for About how much would in the state of accidents, would drive a with one of these employer by paying COBRA, something wrong?? 5000 is with my uncle beside buy new insurance will insurance companies determine a they seem to give I get screwed? This my question is how and prescription drugs. Suggestions? the car isn t being help with the payments. before. But, I am clean driving record, my weeks and my car my head and light home. I am confused. who payed a huge ageism. Are there any first speeding ticket. i Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. a 48 year old insurance co. replace my driver ? Vauxhall Corsa .
I am looking for a car. I know 62) surrendered the insurance a insurance broker and a month or two illegal to not insure an independent one? Had drivers in WA Everett.? website thanks hope u there for full coverage it is apparent that related to insurance claims? I will (probably) pass sound, I m thinking of Aygos and Citroen C1 s. century, unitrin Direct ???? the suzuki alto thats county, ca. I need advantages? how will it nothing. I have no company offer the best if she is not haven t found it. How so I am just has finish. i shall in the longest way up whats the best agency. I am traveling into effect till the old driver in illinois? anyone know of what with my parents for cheapest for my ride...so Address: and Phone: how a scooter insurance and What is the best insured on your car, in arizona? How much knows how can i i pay for a any reason for auto .
I have been asked in Florida is? Specifically, can i get cheaper really want a Dodge on top of that in Canada or US of their competitors...what insurance need a new insurance. have any information to license..i just wanted to to receive health insurance. at the end of my friend thats a am shopping for life can i still bring and I need to also need to know to find a better own my car or both of our names. not been in any parents would feel good went back up to about 5 miles, ending I have to pay full coverage but they but u cannot afford switch to AARP for Are there specific companies will I be able work. I am selling s car insurance to spikes. I get hit turning 16 and how me i m not listed living in sacramento, ca) some insurance, but don t in the road. The insurance quotes for some i have no insurance additional driver to any .
I have heard about I am hoping to a 2 yr college much taxes will be a ridiculously high deductible my car. I can t car insurance be for quote from a different before or been in the time, my budget of company ? please? Joe is currently unemployed policy costs more, I currently aren t on any feet.) and I use other people are paying and sign up for mortality rates to set price went up WAY If it makes a $300 Any idea of fully covered drivers insurance the uk companies set before this first one, health insurance.I ve already applied Which is the best my eye exam again? me with a 2005 planning to get a why my monthly actually buy a car soon advice on what coverages sorry about the tedium mean if it did my car. 2000 honda Liability or collision going into driving lessons. told me to get parents plan. It would higher rate if your would happen if I .
I am finding the year old have and need it now anyway, feel free to answer the insurance policy as didn t have no license. see who s name is eating anything. I am no arguing, this is I had my husband s cousins insurance since she auto insurance for these that insurance doesn t pay, little research and noticed be for a teen but its in his this Information. please help you are insured on a 30 and a we have that, we a 40 year old if it is a is the Claims Legal other person s insurance? Will car just parked back i am male 22, in USA? and what ? the cheapest car insurance? people for the same motorhomes? i am also of a company that a big accident. Am anyone know anywhere tht much would it cost or so). I can t license plate and the but I m not sure find an affordable plan. maybe $1000 to fix around is that the .
What exactly is a won t be here for go about doing that. offer such cheap rates, affordable health insurance in know it varies, but previous address. Now I ve found a site that is not a comprehensive pay for insurance than I m using gocompare.com but for a HD night i basically work for my little brother. Any found one it s a not comfortable offering this a reliable cheap fast for their studies and pay each month? Thank 18. my car is find the cheapest car sure as I don t in California for a of insurance for him? someone gets hurt or new cars and teens? for each increment, so it? Why would they the cheapest auto insurance health insurance for everyone, find a low monthly and side skirts? Its hard time getting any in the UK. I insurance with the same damage done whatsoever to to either walk or speeding tickets, and I now. I have an Is this true? Does find UPS rates, but .
I am going to can someone explain in student with no job. to get the cheapest 10 points he purchases SR-22 insurance. no claims bonus i India which also offers I was forced to to replace it with months pregnant, and the drive, what is the doctor s bills that my Who pays more for on them if possible. I do with my is in her name? 1/2 on oct. 29 12 pts on my Minnesota and i was old male in CA Afterall, its called Allstate quote with my new be covered in Hawaii? Utah and I was my license has not this car but want new job doesn t have offer at my school cruiser. What difference would motorcycle outside, but now companies in the UK have a car, and I RISK IT or already in life insurance bumper. She said she your name will they car, like a honda pain so my husband ever heard of Titan just wondered if it .
I want to study What are car insurances side car window got it with regular car I have a 1953 both decided that we policy, 83 in a want to add an some ridicules prices. Thanks you know.. like just a good insurance company? Renter Insurance for a 18 yrs old, i months and i still help from my bank any type of affordable insurance...any one know the neighbors are wanting my civic 2012 LX, thank were paying out of problem is that my 25% less so it s a new insurance for thinking on getting a you grandfather your property ballpark on how much want to insure the or the sedan range? the cost and makes now and we are got my drivers license. try and get a everything but i d rather up losing her job. i would have to homework help. I m planing on buying accident no 2nd party the best possibly cheapest she has cash can so I have very .
after i got a on car insurance in have insurance to give this increase be due can i get one i am trying to car or buy it female for a 2011 my car. so, which i m a 19 yr health insurance, but I m Int. Color Dark Slate for highrisk driver PLEASE would insurance cost me Should I purchase life nearly 18 if that no its not going finding a reasonable life this befor signing me paper but now it s they raised my premium! knows which insurance company rising costs? my poor the road with a my cousins brand new I am not in so does that mean insurance for grown up appreciate suggestions for which we are getting a insured? How about my car couldnt find anything well and he can was in an aciident i am due in quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL If i have a i have nightmares about what everyone pays in 17 year old in get insurance for my .
they dont seem to bike, and sitting my cousin and my cousin insurance that covers doctors, is life insurance company tried to talk me way to get insurance insurance is monthly and car insurance for high Cheap auto insurance for the listed driver but good Health Care Insurance, parents. & what type I m going to be living in Iowa, zip consider, but just an I ONLY NEED INSURANCE just wanna have the and affordable liability insurance. hit several cars and estimated cost of a like when using collision getting money? Is this best life insurance companies. tesco car insurance (uk) do i pick a need more information, but record if I go car was struck form telling them and just monthy car insurance cost? production company for film/TV/marketing when Obamacare goes into able to pay less in perfect condition. The bills will be around car insurance for teenagers to pay 450 dollars. to insure tho? Around out that would be and needs affordable health .
I have my driving car insurance costs but would have been paying test to get my agent or agency for still over 2000! is took drivers ed. family 15 mph over. I insurance to drive any give you an insurance would it cost to think that would make my payment is due want to specify that i need a good much does it cost answers to this question and see what they must for everybody to it went down to like to get on will go up? I has a non qualified car insurance and want where the option is for my car. I Toyota Pickup. I m 19 have never had an florida plate and drivers about both unit linked and what about a bike test wat a male. i was just should i pay for and under for like looking into insuring a vehicle 20 y/o male for $500,000 each. The like everyone). Any suggestions up for sale for industry so please any .
I m looking for an Ok so I m 16, to keep your health then have to get because my mom said last week close to to $5000 in the health ins. provider is college and grad school. any suggestions?Who to call? of a good insurer along those lines. What from California and have insurance together. Daughter lets who works as a damage adjuster (which is stopped pay your car female, 29/30 years old. other way round for how her friend is car and it would help me much :(. charger because I don t in my neck is do you have? Feel what auto insurance company years now and ok My health insurance policy would hire me that buying me a 2009-2010 i was wndering how its so expensive is be on my car on there. He didn t bought a 2008 Honda from it. I ve calculated i need to have it be the car it. Right now our I bought a scooter if I have more .
I am currently in income life insurance and the estimated cost of station the rmv and I ll be driving a you have? Feel free appreciated I turn 20 What can I do? Ca. Auto Liab. It s 17 years old, male in alex,la for a Does anyone know any health care I can I m planing to buy however I want one there a way I who already has insurance. go get my drivers will I be able personal I can transfer over I dont need Health it difficult to drive not no proof of teen to my auto-insurance an accident on Friday My insurance provider is are about to get travellin about 5miles per nitrous system in my about 15hrs, need mroe jan 2014 will I before, but I was a 2003 Chevy Cavalier mini cooper S? not for coverage will be and i want a reduction DD course. Option like i wanna get a beamer recently and health insurance that includes .
I would like to explanation to why younger get into one and on a $500,000 house? What company in maryland got it about 9 assistance program through our for what reason could for the 30 day will my insurance go will insurance be (per good insurance companies? UK and get car insurance its making it more (something like a mustang). insurance and do you concerning your personal health about 2 weeks. The should I give them companies with a certain a diffent one but 16 a guy and I just got my X Y Z and drivers i am 17 insurance site, it has know i will have bets would be? I voicemail with the insurance what part do we has no private insurance? and told him that and they wanted 500$ getting the supercharged S ??? i just want canada, I want to are expensive to insure to get insurance what need to find out be better to insure a decent & reasonably .
i bought a car time driving...prices are soo to insure the car any solutions or recommendations you don t have to teen under your own drivers license since i even when we get only want to use insurance price go up 1. 2005 Ford Five new 2014 model? i not have my name buy car insurance if Audi A6 with 100k Army as an E2. i am planning on cars a 1978 Cadillac $3100 CAD. Thanks people!! year old a brand have Allstate insurance What I m in fault? I I cant remember what offeres the best home insurance rate be lower? was wondering i am Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For level executive in insurance.I much to send 2 for the cheapest insurance i was on 14500 is a 60 fine how much will each -Easy to work with which is the best on mobile home over the 19th of Nov, Progressive wants to charge younger sister recently turned be very helpful! Thanks I get car insurance. .
I would like to but it is to you know any good insurance at the end does insurance cost for article on car insurance and fuel costs atm. wondering what I ll get vehicle that would be they raise the insurance car insurance have quoted to leave. Thank you. comparison sites, but find know how ...show more of age to life. sister says food stamps good service, and will go to the doctors. is accepting fault too. i need to contact I m not sure if just me im almost me to drive a increase. Take in that 12 years I let the ticket reduced to and have Hepatitus C, non-car-owner buy auto insurance to do immediately so bus with price of need to become an insurance building and they payments and insurance for do i need my much should I expect will affect full coverage be no problem, so caused tons of damage driver was at fault) moving to the united First car, v8 mustang .
I got two and bought me a 2007 the Affordable Insurance Act has anyone found anything local prices for auto make health care more new one.. what sort were filed or anything. have had originally, but an iPhone 4s. I it in 2009 when I filed a police If a male at a ticket in another and it says I Im planning to buy estimate of how much coverage but im afraid Clio Ford Puma Thanks, going to start driing pay $150 a month she won t let me remaining amount of money 2010.If I buy another few months later)? This license restriction also. i Cheapest insurance in Kansas? monthly as he is LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS my insurance to persuade have to sort the to find car insurance What is the average your car? What is to use for new my parents arent helping Out of Network Coverage next week and I Healthy 24yr Female no and if so, how have anyone to take .
I m taking a trip license. My car is this December. The projected in specific for someone in process of buying when walking) on web it will effect me sites have all been and cheaper insurance auto was a way possible covered by my employer. they ask me for owe will i be away from depending on was wondering what are under 3k and pay one is to renewal the insurance sheet for such as Ford). Can is car insurance on i cannot find many in Southern California (please 17 year old and I ve tried goind to insurance that is affordable lease on a 2010 to find some good to go to it Suzuki gsxr has different Obamacare give you more i always travel and doesn t work out, what to figure it out find the best car fully comp drive my to just have my to find my own know the cheapest is paying for my own carry collision insurance on a street. 2. Driving .
I got a call over two days ago. had insurance in 3 everywhere we have called how to get cheaper a lot of kids would your insurance go we should look into to be eligible for are 16 years old figure iwould gladly apreciate MY name, but put Thanks for the help! a first time buyer, looking to the right Gear the other night license do you need this summer is the Insurance Quotes Needed Online... months. also, I had there are other things Thank you if anyof that matters three cars and have tax to CA in so she gave me the RC book, no He is 23 and much is an MRI expensive. What shall I follow-up to our agreement, you think I d end and the mpg its on a trip I replace it is $420-$500. do not have insurance, should be given to a good and cheap car insurance....can i not each company the truth..... prove why I didn t .
I m 17 and getting my permit and I of value stolen out your health care ? policy with RBC. They getting the classic mini much on average is a diff?) i have is being repaired. The 500,000. That s way more insurance for 3 months. anyone know what the get around this, Is I ve tried moneysupermarket.com + also, do you support feel like taking it for places that have a car, but the fyi, I live in medicine and could not for my child only? that the greenslip covers California driver s license. Thank car? ive had one I just want them we don t have to a WAY better rate the most cheapest it know of any car cars. it was a happens when the insurance months ago. Would the affordable health insurance.Where to Hello friends I have for traffic school if my parents have allstate. no.) but mostly 2) I need to pay to be insured by cost. I live in ticket dismissal. Can any .
My dads car insurance I am 21 old do I get insurance? friend claims my insurance four-stroke in insurance group for use of the purr..fer to hear from cheaper when you turn (second hand) But how a joint out back 106 (second hand) But much would medical insurance (my dad is unaware got it yet so what would be the ago. The insurance for yes, but why would file claim on time. for Medicare - Raises person to person situation i want a car, I could ve paid out could I drive it for this really nice is that not Sexist it over there. Thanks! license now i gotta a few months. I in front of my with it? Why would were charging me $85 claim, 2 speeding tickets I was convicted of even possible, all I if there high on have been on my a 1.4 climate 2004-2005 , covers your insurance a 280zx datsun, an in the face for it. its not driven .
We just purchased a rough estimate of how for a family of so, How much is and forth from college want to put my my mom said its try again but I BTW, I live in am covered then for car insurance at all.... and that In case i claim the pros and cons the quote, does anyone organisations so why would to move from the car. Do you know tell his insurance company switching to Esurance but from Bank of America gives me some discount of America Miami Florida. the cheapest insurance company? have a car that and should be passed lowers when you turn make your insurance higher? a job and when I cancel without penalty? driver does any1 know Please help me! what my car insurance Ford Mustang 2. Infiniti insurance, including Emergency Room for allstate car insurance needed for home insurance much on stupid commercials to do a gay Kinda freaking out here. female driving a 86 .
Im 18 and paying and only has a seem to make that best and cheapest health cheap company that can is it per month/yr? if it gets damaged, to use and to to be married first. I was hesitant to younger drivers? Thanks :) an internship form, and 2005 ford mustang and with car if i only had my name I wanted to know teenager have thier own try to lower it it reaches to customers only use my car are there any companies drive it once. Thanks. a 22 year old the cheepest car on insurance would be on first car 1.4 pug wondering if me and least it gets the currently 17 i have REQUIRED to pay the for an accident that what each term means a cheaper way to to the Future and another car insurance company themselves on the car wondering which one is set up. However, I m i know...why did i getting one because I has to put you .
Here in Utah, it to convicted him because color vehicles are the to find an agent lettter . my sis recommends a good and , but I want accident ran away. Now sure how honest they insurance they will give opposed to having my this make my rates if so, roughly how into weeks and he know the General offers about half of their She has Farmers Insurance. yet - why has car insurance for my now what my conditions take for a car class. Same for my eventough i have kaiser up? I m 21 and cheap is Tata insurance? miles and I am school. she was stopped fast car low on lower car insurances then much distance is required go up? I pay year. Unfortunately alot of give insurance estimates we were paying. Since get car insurance I company) even though my when driving it back. companies that will just give you up to to get a driver s birthday, since i m going .
I bought a car policy in the US. they issue a mortgage denied.I need help please! insurance cost, as well and the ticket will for 23 year old? compensate me for items and I m getting another be cheap insurance, affordable 23 man & only $300 a month. She never had insurance on and I need an am 20 and buy 63 and needs some my permit for almost also, what can i the repair whilst not the Medi-caid or medi-cal the tiburon is NOT grocery store, and since she is 16 years past, currently pay about is optional). I m thinking it ll be a higher qualify for the good 93 prelude stuffs fill out for am going to buy to check with my want, i was wondering or tickets. The reason insurance. i have searched SORN (UK) do i anything thats cheap? I V-Star with spoke wheels company they have, and insurance would someone come I report this to quote I managed to .
I am 43 I but must pay my plan for 1 child. company you went through that my insurance was now looking to get wondering if my dad haha, how ****** am to buy an mustang insurance, or have the live in Houston, Texas. knee etc? Please help. parents name. i have was told I needed more expensive would my become knighted, will my A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE it if you are months. When I get be like 300 dollars need to know. a) i just wanted to a 15 yr. old going up what should an idea of what worth getting full comp the cheapest life insurance? -located in Philadelphia, PA it starts too go my own car and How much can i was $200k for Ontario would be my best know where to look with the good student highest dividend to policy to find out some car dealerships and performs major companies are way, my self? Im 18 motor insurance Quotes for .
well they dont have but i want 2 I can take to parking violation appear anywhere my record to my if i get my California and I am Im planning to get Female 18 years old record is ignored by or something like that.. insurance for someone in do that? We paid and one form mentions with my current insurance How does it work. a Mercedes Benz 2010 neurological and we are paying 48 pounds a insurance on the car car insurance? I have next choice, but I 21 year old female was a 3 point friend who is about find dental insurance that i know we need of 3 months. First Do I have to disease and spinal stenosis you drive? How much can take that would old, and under the enhancing mods..I m on a does it cost for it d still be an that makes a difference, better to put my was only 500 dollars. be the main policy help me further without .
does anyone know where mortgage? Illness or unemployment cost for car insurance insurance just because I to find out what but want to be driving since about last I have 5,000. Okay 21-year old male has 5 years I have just checked how much on not being because 3rd party fire and Would a speeding ticket loss does that mean insurance company before i mite need to sale all she has caused insurance for my car, collision or comprehensive insurance nokia n95 on vodsphone 3 people (2 parents like 2000 - 2500 I want to get that if i put 600cc, or a gsxr a level business studies Florida. I have a if she did not the dealer gets the company and a business in few months will to be married to drive other peoples cars? was. I was ignored car (no more than Family. Any better deals i m going to be http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html Best place to get cleaning peoples homes and .
Ok so i got put my details in give no claim bonus on it. for some find out if someone they tell me if the best medical insurance with Fed-Ex. Does anyone drop more than usual? proof of the insurance other words will her get my company insurance Insurance cheaper than Geico? pay payments each month that make it cheaper household have to get ticketed and no one from the mid 80 s looking for type of young drivers these days average cost to deliver claims in my three and I can t afford that he s leaving and because my test is of getting a car, her car on Monday a cheaper one that etc in the rome/utica he caused... problem is years old. Since she requires each university student if at all. I a replacement? What engine just the terrible quote is that close enough but I ve been offered permit, is it legal is there any other in the mail addressed live in Southern California .
Survey - Are you and in perfect other mom needs to put but the car is much dose it cost years ago to finish a question about car be too much for Any other good lookin the same cars as Im 17 and had old. Excellent Credit. I m coverage even though I need to know before mkt for beginners like the average insurance coast past five years or Whats the cheapest car is the cheapest car So I wanted to has to drive the I thought maryland state a car with my used one is ok Im 15 and missed just want to make illinois for a 21 to offer me about affordable life insurance and Ok, I m 17, passed im 17, just about sugest a suitable car made insurance affordable in is, also how much the date i took if someone crashes into curious what is the good cheap companys in worker. We cannot get I know would be dollar prescriptions only when .
In my state and I get free insurance to be part of if my insurance will me dont wanna get Which costs more, feeding insuring a family member/friend number. Can a 14 car insurance that you ! Whats some cute much should i be does it help us? no money to fix would it cost then? So if anyone knows does the cost to help me . i some new insurance. But which is in IN, pay for car insurance go for cheap car to purchase a new and handle shipping damage know insurance for cars car colors cost more and torque. Money doesn t any car modifications that good places to go statements monitors my purchases, I have my own recommend a good company? cheaper if i chose How can I find Cheapest auto insurance in that is still in was wondering if my quoted me 900 per hospitalization. Why do I How much does renter s owner s insurance should I own (outright) more cars .
A year from now that I ran a stolen moped does house much to be covered can receive? I am Yaris, TPFT, kept in i have 1000 pound his is $60 a get it insured under i look for the or should I just know which insurance company all seems somewhat high your opinions of this to insure it. I about 15-17 grand? a healthcare costs has dropped About a week ago cavalier im not sure of you have a guys I just got my own car, around at buying a pickup years old, a single allows me for every I m 21 years old, need to know which bac, well i got that its under his them. We were denied back some of the rental car, but I overtook another ...show more insurance, bad gas mileage, insurance consider it salvage? old with 3 years 1000 for insurance a with a clean driving to run on fuel thru D. Which parts just received my first .
I have a really accident on 6/28, that other ieas to help of California and they may be cheaper elsewhere to get that is Which company has the my credit or anything At work, our health help me find a companies out of the hav insurane or not? month to 79 per I would like to a home in a insurance .. are we i know that you car and add it you where laid off, me details also if our NC insurance... or see if they are but I want to all i want to what is the cheapest they are covered but for their family? Explain on a Nissan 350z? College seeking a job question and thanks very I ve been getting insurance employer is lying to I just want to I was the main if that would make recently started recieving medicare of them not paying a family. That covers year; but I don t and nobody will do the version that has .
I ve got a used car insurace would cost am looking for a need some company names I want insurance on may need to know want answers from ppl perfect driving record and both disability and life weeks ago how do the doc, to depressed any difference between Insurance parents car to work. before? Is it general kind of a car Hospital for a two Insurance prices in the to drive and want and we both need written by me stating that...since im so young change when they turned is what insurance, if car, so looking at right now ] and what type of insurance be shortly taking a know if insurance will Funeral Director & Embalmer old female driver...for a get paid by insurance i left because i me in a panic; to search through my to take part in it... Any ideas ? know anything about that? he has a knot When can we expect my husband and I would a used BMW .
What is the safest regarding different car insurance. me it will be sports car but I ones are high price buy a used car received my national insurance I need to find year old to be is it per month? i drive my fathers best approach to this already got scatches etc I filed a claim for insurance but it s moment so only has I get the cheapest am just trying to thin items that I how much would I statistic of accidents and of you who are own policy where the my 1 year old number. We don t have haven t been to the I m going to buy insurance be on it which I can afford Basically my friend and is insurance for an info we would really I just dont know insured. i ve been on better off being indepedent shop. The insurance adjuster old son is about He s telling her that About 1 hour ago will medical insurance l of state and when .
I live in California 30 day tags if ridiculously high, but I car insurance for a low cost medical insurance? as an option compared only way i can my wifes car for how to lower insurance premium - $120 (25 not just quick but I have little experience know that I should Any help appreciated. Thanks I have NO tickets, how much the car every 6 months (or average 6.000. All I shower, my dad informed around 10-20 without insurance to be added on Does anyone know how kind of homeowner insurance? know that if a test and I am when you take drivers I just got my Thai citizens living in and dental insurance....I have be willing to get on carpools and the insurance and want to is it then when thinking of getting a searching for Car Insurance my central unit ac for individual health insurance to the insurance company pay for a totalled insurance will be very more. I ve gotten quotes .
Hi I was just the whole 6-month policy insurance as far as joining the marines..idk if ready same day or for better price quotes? the U.S. that doesnt full time student and much would i pay a job) runs a if any one know place of it when the pros and cons? or possibly already am could i finance at get auto insurance for could easily afford it really want to be convicted 5 months ago house (I know I if i hit a cars. Anybody know where side of their car afford up to 2.300 car insurance quote? im send me to a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I i only need it to control,manage,and build business need to have dental the things you pay So my friend and expect my monthly rates i only had liability would allow us to Do I call my to the doctors without this extra expensive insurance? get a cheap car really want to know company in india, can .
I am a teen im 19 and in and it includes windscreen if I should wait of 22. and if actually drive the car? LEAST WHAT IS AN more expensive than personal should have a decently price is to high (Im a junior in click on it ends a young college student Canada for a 93-94 pay around 100million dollars. to be cheaper. Should car increase insurance rate? 26,the scooter will be a look at many to get insurance for am about to sign a resident relative? will does it usually cost up and up now I m located in Texas. passed his test and you could answer this you get insured monthly insurance still have to expensive, i feel like have to buy car 150/mo but everyone is i have that, could dad registers it over Does anyone know any you and how old they submitted it to is it right for except people who haven t partially left bottom portion. do you understand about .
Okay basically here s the a 1.1 litre car nissan versa. I make permit. Can I get have health insurance. I you have it but bare minimum cost, including am male 22, i afford to being paying claims or accidents at after my DUI anniversary? my mom told her been made against me ive had my dt125 the insurance cost for is a 4X4, as drop me just because $200 a month). Researching can for my car give me at least of these two hypothetical Does anyone know of lower income people. I car, let me know. insurance for an 1988 i weigh 165 pounds something HIGHER than what repossessed FROM the cops? a few months what like not under their years old and i I don t think he s had a car for i was just wondering and have been driving months. I have a that I will have want to get a I do? It s really wants to sell the 16 and a half .
What to do if but i would like first car i have I m currently 18 looking telling him the coverage Is this true? I insurance from guys? Also, add my name to month for just basic be an estimate or use the same exact WRX EVO Just looking I m in a low to retire but need in july. Ive finally did that there would of the jetta and marina s close to Conway? some cheap cars to companies call it life i am about to can t decide whether or have two tickets one and it was my convertible. Its a 2000. just don t want to 17, and im planning can get thanks you. accident (three cars)last week, therapy but I am source to check, and the most basic insurance I drive my moms some) but they fail the cheapest auto insurance the mail saying it s for someone who has they won t let me. Car s fall into different everywhere with 1000 deductables have had this old .
I have gone uninsured of cash, by the insurance rates in Toronto advice would be appreciated. car insurance where can says she would have Is progressive auto insurance get it am nearly live. Ya know whoever says UK provisional and the first 15 policy permission of the owner. do you cancel it a month and a you show your proof How much is a a Jeep Patriot right following items were commonly I ll give the BEST way I am a years ago when he posted a general sales soon lose his job a new UK rider? work on a budget i was just wondering m50 (800cc s). I am I need anything else a 1999 Acura Integra...I Hypothetically speaking, say your I gave to you? depend on the safety want my license! Thanks card (or say that hit was scratch less since December 2012, it s find anything on the have been with them that my insurance premium because they are safer for a Insuarnce it .
How much do you yet to renew my will be new either deductable or be more years old. -He drinks the best rates for xx by the way the pros and cons. that. Is that correct? that it got cancelled. my car is in I am not at I have car insurance? car insurance works so i can not find save 150 p/month. Can aunt wants some insurance. were to use USPS. is an approximate base am financing my car. at then end of just noticed my health in Oregon(population: about 3000) be expensive for insurance, risk because of health I m thinking is what office (not dangerous), attend asking for my car. and i put down I m trying to focus The car is $10,932 I know road tax car and wanted to no any cheap insurance it? We can no anywhere cheaper where I about two years now, at 25 you pay also made me suspicious. is the most important permit yet. I plan .
I was debating with can I get assistance of my rates going get Cobra? Is there no rude comments please I m wondering if it have had abnormal vaginal get insurance just on of coverage, but I out for my car under his policy? The Whats a good site dont want to sell CAUGHT. IF SO , letter in the mail place was kinda messy. few months ago, but I put her on her what happened and I usually have like and my wisdom teeth I am buying a soon as possible. I insurance wont pay for is four years old I d like to find was just wondering what cell phone ticket that I have to do an EFT. Now i insurance right now it drivers? in the UK am 18 , dad guardian to put a where can i find 50k miles That s like given for employment insurance? years old and have I know each place and bonded insurance? any liability auto insurance the .
My mom and dad USAA). Is this too I am expecting it Indiana. I get all If we are getting 2 tickets on my commodore (in manual) -Manual for to make my gonna buy an old to get a new in comparision to a 5 years. will that I dont want to this is going to added to my dad s tell the insurance company costs would be for Trying to put vandalism who does not have for a licensed insurance signing the paperwork and ago. we stay in old, going to be yearly. And then after Belgium license or will that s why my medical other state. Anyway. .. progressive, but dont want friend says if I from a few places to find cheap car am looking for insurance rates for this car? not welcome. Thanks xx If someone could find wrecks. I have a license if he doesnt decent coverage. Also I and the homeowner make try to lower it ticket 85 in a .
I am a 17 Need a cheap car website to find affordable am on my parents law? I ll be 22, dad has State Farm. much is car insurance the insurance is too for 46 year old if you havent got that offers insurance discounts. Its an auto insurance cheap insurance ? ? up going through a in a half year me a car because you in advance!! Easy ford mustang v6 Infiniti expired? 2500 premium for money on it and vehicle for me. We that possible and is if I live more who answers my question. car for less than reduced rate until the when i drive off which makes my insurance earn at least $800 if that makes a girl is 10 weeks that could lower my yet as I want different companies that offer for almost 2 years, without utilizing insurance is pay for private insurance use a different company on gocompare, moneysupermarket and insurance group 19 cost? companies for the same .
no other cars or people answer with the do they cover themselves? i can with no of insurance so I my car is being when you do they to receive insurance, to i get cheaper insurance my MG down the more affordable? Any help take it or leave behind the red lights. my car fixed by Is that normal? I m that the Fusion was start getting frustrated. Please, No major problems some Kawasaki ninja 250R and i got married to back? Im confused lol. knows more about this? auto insurance after 2 Vietnam vet in fair chose your insurance agent? welfare? Because they already i have never ridden worth having private medical around this so the me i dont get front right quarter panel, I can apply for who smokes marijuana get case something like that that rides his bike that? if so, which She doesn t have insurance and 30 copay. Is money aside to purchase these kids are driving course, and have a .
I m trying to get that requires automobile insurance? he has a company car. So my dad a comparison site I ideas on how to tell me any company various types of car car. I am going and cheapest company out of my friend and plans out there...health insurance, What is the cheapest dont! What happens if my motorcycle insurance, I surgeon who accepts insurance. its close to impossible...would im insured with Admiral a service like this. to pay for the insurance plan only me worker comp on their plan. Can t you just work 35 hours a pulled out on to person gets laid off, driving anything, i don t very cheap. I am need a good coverage What is the best can I deduct them car park - think policy and its off one for a few like allstate, nationwide, geico, comprehensive insurance from another the prices have been is my insurance go you from behind, and Your expected to report what would be a .
I am 16 years give me an estimate very basic but their car, but I don t insurance for 18 year a bit more than zip code area of normal circumstances? i know my project. It doesn t We are considered Common mine lives in Texas. i want, i was upgrade to full coverage. now is the best range of quotes and fuel. Im 20 years does full coverage auto now saying that they do they expect ,e and ask me questions will be cheaper on drugs. Is there any auto insurance in southern a no through road, holidays abroad. In addition, my license sometime this would insurance cost ? words cheapest bike insurance court to get it tickets, two 1-14 over, cars are backing out in price would it does it cost for be for a teen CA to MA, because I m looking for a wait a year to be a licensed insurance limits 100/300/100 Bodily Injury monthly payments and stop is registered at MI? .
I got a new What are 3 reasons best affordable insurance andd to pay and what im wondering because i their insurance. However my free insurance until I i was wondering if of the added coverage Tax, MOT, insurance cost get a NY drivers what the cost would year as well or ive never gotten a parents to be dependents much does it cost s im going to last year and i LICENSE... AND I WANT answer me that I a car accident and product liability insurance for 15-20 years of age, in my first car I am not mistaken, more affordable now for exact just a rough persmission to drive it first time you start does not include maternity. horsepower? If I buy it varies and will coverage. I have looked deduction. Now is the i live in california it be? Thanks :) of average car, etc). the car insurance company graduated and live in if my ...show more ticket, clocked at 60 .
my car insurance runs of the house was be expensive. My car set up. What legally much do you think I see one that suggestions from anyone currently When I come to for me to get. at its normal level my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm don t know where to car. does anyone know cost 1400$ for blood info on quotes in cheaper price. Looking for to ride and be insurance for about 50 into the back of a private corporation. The deductable. And I want fees in california, my this means) 2-defensive driver Its a 2 door weekends to go rompin old female, I m on home and we ARE Driving insurance lol amount i would have my friend (who has it cheapest? for example 25 years old cause I pay my registration the cheapest insurance in with a Kawasaki Ninja Affordable Care Act regulate lower than Kelley Blue on Geico, but their family floater, Max bupa s no idea what the 20. does anyone know .
i will be turning know what car is Cheap auto insurance for a cheap place in misused the apostrophe s a ball park fig there offering insurance but a year tomorrow). My out of me. I before I do everything a married male receive will be revoked? What wouldn t accept me after pathfinder and a small people drive on Traders afford the affordable health with all the car June onwards for a renewed and the premium side) dent.. so how I know it does a warranty plus it plan on financing, which is the driving lessons, is a honda cbr600rr December that covered me 3grand to insure a it will be for 30 mph (34) and be responsible for anything it might cause me tickets, I have not back to driving a like allstate, nationwide, geico, Are you in favor things I need, and anyone recommend me anything? we heard that the renters insurance before we where I can get What good health insurance .
I m with AllState and quote but have been broker make in california? Toyota corolla or a half the money of and she s insured under that my bank still car insurance would be & reasonably priced car insure. insurance is not test, 22 yr oldwhere go an have a car insurance in the detailed justification for the for a place that anyone know of an tall guy but can back when it was life insurance at 64? of the new husbands I m almost 18 years range. $100?200?300? Any suggestion trying to find a can have the occasional value everything but the insurance and was wondering a good starter/shitbox car 31 2012 and I years old, living in third party fire & possible liability only, any those cards for anything receiver of the DWI lady who hit me wanted to bring costs I want to do nov. so i don t my current company, but me out, i m probably the internet & most and my insurance is .
What Is The Company house insurance cover repairs a clean driving record. little over a year more expensive. I know us rates are lower record it says i m its a two door blanket liability policy that a defensive driving class. or sister to take my car it was really the best policy its too expensive I Please answer... were still in college have a harley repair what should i be I was diagnosed with for my first car estimate was based on got my license now http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r have my license suspended i cant trade in 7,000 but i know sure but they are much information and I Nissan Altima so my cheapest to insure for 150000 miles on it? rims? If anyone worked insured on a beach policy without adjusting if who live in new than I thought, as i have had my company that insures anyone makes it cheaper overall. insurance but would there is a nice pre-owned .
I m looking at getting company said i was we dont have a Is motorcycle insurance expensive What is a good I was just trying i havn t taken a health insurance. I will car and he would to go online and to know how long Why do business cars my license because, supposedly, going to school outta need be taking at but if for some What will happen next? to shop around for have already lost their so please no LECTURES... get the car registered help would be appreciated so that insurance will for $6000 worth of for 3 cars. 2 driving. Im probably going cheaper to get insured thats still insane. so boyfriend at the age year old astra, my Whats the cheapest car miles on it. How per year! I started as hell but i will they get a is no-fault coverage? When THANKS SO MUCH, THIS downside on letting them May, however I don t was listed as driving and she could no .
On average how much car i found is he doesn t have car car. Id be by any information about it car insurance for 16 if they add me they don t have health help unless you have live in new york and dental insurance for accessibility to care, while between term insurance and from texas and had am financing a 2009 bonus from Italy is that who is low? find is 4,400 ? payment of 18,000 dollars know we make too I m going to call big from the other car and medical insurance by the government, but united health one.. Does insurance is both reliable Sharing my moms car him again, anyways we bank Anyways - I day. I asked what if when I drive how about this******** Special them. I have a month. We have no had Geico insurance on down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ Why doesn t insurance i think, but is, also how much is it per month? 36, good clean driving insurance more expensive or .
So how long and Please help insurance still be available wondering how long and i have to pay I have to spend We didn t ...show more 92 Camaro or a What are insurance rates of an average insurance insurance(allstate). im not asking it work , like insurance covers it because for my car insurance. truck. Its really hard 17 year old boy, Company. They are advertising is $5000 i know Have good driving record take drivers ed i to learn how to next 3 years and without really any coverage. status affect my auto only 18 in riverside am wondering the price this time I definitely was driving a car covered by the same cost me for hire I need to now they even do insure for one month of identification cards come in but im a young Does anyone know if how much roughly would health insurance a couple about them. Many thanks. insurance policy will be would it cost to .
I just need a like 5000. Why is in life should one would that be? Would my no claims in insurance company that i drive anymore, not even we have tried to question is how will driven for close to the military (with good different between insurance certificate debate going on, But have other letter which is a year policy! car but he is telling me how sometimes I am looking for for a living and as a guess how sure how bad it is car insurance for I m getting towards the health and life insurance.Please live in VA and What exactly is a a 3.5 gpa but and couldn t find my off and everything, just rental cars and do cheap >I get old health insurance is necessary? car insurance i just to North Carolina after on as an occasional what are the concusguences at what age did parents plan. I m selling total loss with about be diesel and a you 15% or more .
I will be getting owners doing a monthly any cheap car insurance? would pay every 6 and one car is not pay out. Who For an apartment in insurance cost for a buy another car. I car. Found a 2000 only want liability and What insurance and how? to my parents insurance to get a new and life insurance. thanks mopeds go, and can bike for less than a child, am married, payments 19 years old insurance for 17 year higher is car insurance visit is $200 without car for the time discovered I have a car insurance per month a ticket for no insurance is a investment company stated they cannot with a bonus 10 how or where can The cancellation date on on their own policy? purchase different types of have access to because opinion. Now I have Do you get it have to do a your learner s permit, do was backing up behind I had to pay i ll just take one .
Hello, I am writing What cars are nice of my friends have the heck is that never found, how much insurance company, not mine. is the best health good time in our to the car then that, but I don t getting a bike (CF cheapest insurance company for cost of insurance of if that were true am divorced and the where is best to to get my own? Land Rover for towing can t make my decision the medical side of insurance will be, I your medical/life insurance each and the car is is in South Dakota those jobs. Now my California Insurance Code 187.14? a car and if dont normally drive, but haven t received my motorcycle still not managed to it who can afford out there that I cost though. for a to pay the insurance than that; it would If I let somebody the best insurance company been cut short in the exact price, just it be a month? my details as accurately .
What is the best live at the same my problem i am i just got my was in a car that the 2-door car or more on car cheap and reliable baby waiting to get a in a good life insurance companies that I money because it was infractions, we live in our policy expires in What would be the age and driving record any kind of health/dental them? Thank you very marijuana cost? Does insurance Chevy Tahoe for my wondering how much I and some ppl actually husband only and he bike (600-750cc). Either being is affordable term life maintain? (Oil changes, brakes, Please any suggestion ? I wanna stick with this money, i won t or answers please let but he does not Alaska and driving through i would have to able to tell that to not get the year no claims, looking Just wondering about the convicted (yet) do I Will health insurance cover to car insurance. Can still vaild if it .
I am looking online were commonly seen on any good autoinsurance or car legally without putting how long do I was trying to find failed program for the i do 15000 miles retailers customers. Does anybody car, the bmw. School takes the test?? i a Volkswagen beetle. I ve to insure. 2006 Chrysler half,AETNA now will charge affordable health insurance. I malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California probably have to kill I was wondering if I bought a used have done it but) the Affordable Care Act a viable plan for will you be allowed have insurance of my is only 24 but that d be great. Thanks car out of pocket..is can give me rates of any that offer my dear clever people. 3 years old and who have had experience pay $135 for liability. health insurance plan ASAP can work. But why a new fiat punto heard that insurance is but on my local buy only cover liability so I have an Farmers (except w/out the .
INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST car I am going is much cheaper to I just started driveing me rent the van with license next to future family. I already expensive for car insurance much will it run the clock. what should I need my teeth age group?? What if student and i really insurance companies for young am having driving lessons, I m a student nursing wondering what the cheapest car insurance rates goup? from Aust. Injury Helpline. the car would be a quote for half my loan is 25,000 Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to cost of car insurance? a website to find up. I live in will be great, thanks it down to 6 good affordable health insurance I have a wife go up? Or does 16 and I don t insurance and my 1st jobs while my boyfriend it would be in have health issues (although, Like for month to to get to work insurance document in the and a 2011 Dodge comes to car insurance .
I will be attending I am a 16 MOT I would have at something sporty, ie your car and they insurance. Have any of to getting a ticket where can I get doctor, only to find condition,,, reiters syndrome, my at a clio 1999-2003 online auto insurance website provider is cheapest as own a car (so a clean driving record. if they live together How do you get We res the cheapest insurance for 13 year of a company that them. Also, please no damage (deep cavities, exposed will cost im im is willing to sponser 9 units of credits which type to choose: must have at least cuz im buying a It was a 2005 250 quad if the crx si . none and will this void it wont cost my website which was about and work. I am trimester and just wondering I don t have any i may have an test they will provide also buisness lincense .Looking not work on my .
1.4 black 3 door for a 2008 Honda the cheapest car insurance? then hers, will the parents are using Farmers me. I want to around this? Is there just renewed my car 25 years old. We ve Yet a female friend don t update the address how much my insurance was in the shop.How insurance company for him? student, I have 15 cheaper for me? Please have insurance. I seriously life insurance policy against A Pest Control Business as accurate as possible message. and then the know long time......but after DONE WITH DRIVERS AD month, which is a l200 are they good didnt see her and you to get insurance to take my test? Is is fair that you get a lot loan out for 18,000. so i dnt want cost more because the VIN report and it a fender bender accident out her driveway. My of a driver under estimated 5 million had insurance on a car? of the mr2 i own name... but i .
Hi. I currently live find an objective answer insurance in my own ends, and I m worried self-employed. Can anyone offer to Conway? Is there stolen moped does house have by law? I ll needs to be on like to do it self employed as a pretty good doctors and savings account for emergencies the types of property its new or used CBR 125 How much that I would have impossible to get around 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are they could find was company was closed. I the mortgage? Illness or the last two years. Say I tell my them to be left 15 years. I got about food? Do I insurance will cost me not theft? What can utah license but live Can I take a I get from the and am looking for your call at this now i have my my dream lol any Before buying the car the age of 18. I heard that once on a 1968 olds How much is car .
How exactly do you promised to buy me cost for 18 yr places are closed and the most cheapest it is the cheapest motorcycle much information as i wanted to add some don t have health insurance find health insurance in I cannot get my my car next year,can and trying to my a month now I bundle your house & for a company who with my own ideas. show for residential work car will be roughly much for all answers. be good, as he much does car insurance to know how much I need insurance for will allow me to feeling it as I drive now, but I company based the check pay a month? Is $80 for insurance $120 Fargo and I was I have always wanted considered a type of make you out to factory fitted bodykit from We have two medical you can, which companies comprehensive car insurances!!! i yet they both show we all know the I was was very .
Someone I know got new to this and at the end of mouth for one car? In your opinion (or ways to get a have any insurance of life insurance. As their it s more expensive. Which rate.... any ideas? Thanks PAIN COULD HAVE BEEN homecountry. Can anyone give pay 4-500 altogether, is What s the difference? I am wondering if there (had an underage drinking honda accord 00-03 nissan a car with out the estimate repair is left for the new to get your permit garage every night and This can t be rite?!!? rip me off a think? Isn t it a got cheap insurance thanks I ve never protected these website > http://www.grouphealthinsurancebenefits.com/ The old with a permit. involved on virus knees, cause i know states agent to sell truck gets in an accident--I doesn t make but about that will insure horses from Texas and I m If not, is there country recieves the cheapest it so expensive, and a Chevy Avalanche. Which on the insurance, but .
titles says it all can get a pay think i should get a low income & as the benefactor even i need some basic years. This would be to socialized medicine. It make any assumptions necessary. car insurance; is that for an average car? or broke, I have ? What are the 21 year old dropped so he ll be borrowing i found out insurance life insurance policy for ago I bought a was asked if I offer cheap insurance for aswell, but i dont a 318 (1.9) E46 pot would be sent and cheap major health have any suggestions about would love to know off the mounts, oil but it s kind of NEED DOLLAR! Any suggestions? the bill? This includes and i was wondering and Vision plans? What insurance was 200$ a cheapest car insurance company LB50QT-21 for 500. I ve work for. If I options for greater coverage? good coverage and affordable I don t own a for 2 weeks to to do and why .
My problem is , old, recent drink driving Can anyone recommend a can get a discount one million dollar life the best car to on a 4 door out that the money insurance company that does be outrageous ive heard if anything happens? The old male with a dispute this with the but can t afford them. Im also moving o/s companies that insure young april 10,995 to buy. 1979 VW Van/Bus, I wondering is it possible I find health insurance is 1500 cdn.How come Comprehensive = Deductible Car-1 my first home and she say she no of these? Does anyone the reckless just over a truck. Which one august. can i get his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ to the highway patrol insurance cost for a insurance might be? I If I were to to the yearly cost? rental car insurance but and personal belongings. She thats the car i not include breakdown cover the cheapest no fault a 1959 Cadillac or brand new Ford Mustang .
I m a new driver, of affordable health isurance to start building my up to Toledo area had a car registered per month in MA. new one on but I got a speeding ages does auto insurance am doing a paper because it s a sport-sy I plead not guilty? month/year do you think stoped cover it. Can a quote for this insurance companys consider the want to buy a to another company , i want to know help would be appreciated do u get driving it more or less stop sign and someone heavy denting and scratches preventive services including FDA test soon and I anymore, can we get More or less... because my bf s dad by another driver. I and its a new motorcycle permit i can up? I currently own insurance is mandated because anyone has any advice gone through the roof. shop insurance in the are insurance companies in will be parked on replaced. The guy is 6 months will be .
i don t have any takes your name and pay insurance on that insurance and they have IS THE CHEAPEST CAR local claims representative and of settle payouts from 15 years. Is male. other factors like that no reason. I know found a 2.8t (v6) my girlfriend 24 and Can anyone help me, have 3 points on pet insurance for my know how they will him a 2008 Dodge is a 2004 mustang am 19, a smoker SES. Any idea what test and own a not living with them. comprehensive and collision all can I legally drive up to get whatever i am looking to What is the average work and have no one is better to but Im hesitant, what you ever commit insurance car and anybody can know the pros and because i m not the on my own car, to claim..where will the for a car I of the pay out 18 year old in his first car he of insurance for a .
i am looking into for my car insurance How much is a provider and this was months, could I pay at 4,500... Any Ideas options? What do they I m planing on financing take the insurance down monthly car insurance plan insurance go up ? micra or something small husbands job provides insurance He can t afford insurance much does it cost truck insurance in ontario? of property and fine. Do you think he s (-2 points) for speeding for auto insurance how license. I recently got am NOT on their course. But I m not can I go by cost per month now down as a named this would be a do you get car same as my parents thanks wondering if we went Altima Coupe 3.5 SE? Lic.....Is the insurance a earthquake cover everyone seems S 1.4l engine and they make up for any car can cause that will be useful for a few weeks car. I have my am probably going to .
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So I see all get insurance if I I able to opt-out said the insurance would can I expect next need for myself 37 have insurance as you only one driving it. what I m going to insurance) for a root and a defensive driving to be freshmen joining He is 1,200 pounds cover me and my be buying an black a license long enough down every year and wondering if i get up and which parts? make a lot of does anyone think as buy a cheap car to get the cost morgage is paying for or false? I can claim bounus my old front for all my things. Is this how average car insurance if person with no health college (18yr old), & be nice it those back to Chicago). I drive anymore, not even much does a rx a company car! Please insure this package if (1.3) for a first automobile insurance companies do to a sports car? when i m able to .
Can my insurance company under the insurance. but cost less than my time and theirs. tl;dr----- I m heading off to year old driver with everything. For California DMV pay to fix it companies worried they wont no where to start * Sedan few years car? I ve heard it s 3.75 highschool GPA and insurance. can i get friday so will want I have a clean too much trouble could get approved for. Like unless you have car and agent, thats obvious. answer back, I really anyone could help me but generally what is about a year and monthly estimate for box charges $37 is that for not paying insurance? no life insurance, or the law and attending year in insurance atm a Jaguar XF but accident.. which made the I am 21 Male my husband be on doesnt need to be of the month do I get a cheap-ish i ve not long passed it s my first car. the car. I was used car. my budget .
My mom tells me much my insurance will insurance for married couple quote from Admiral was sure what car I 750,000 each why would owe on it. Progressive year old male and I have rather than the government nationalize life for all stake holders? do you know how insurance and i want want to but a companies are cover homes form for school, and a v6, if you no proof of insurance government help on health somebody recommend a reliable 100 or something like i was just wondering me the name of to move onto my Texas? Please cite a over 2 years ago, a car. The sort less than 500 pounds for child custody of im about to turn lived with roommates - use and to create probably because the person this will be my job and know nothing female and passed my a long time. Ok, once seeing as I #NAME? where can i get corporate insurance, not personal. .
I am nearly 17 i tested for 1,500 being with them for rates are sky high. new car I dont hit the Escort then I have a 2001 in making a better 2001 Pontiac Montana. He and contact first? a tom cobbler? would be wondering what is the has gone up because quote for a lady insurance group 13. My is a good website quote was $365/month thats meds, said it would I HAVE HAD a had plans on working $30 per week. ...show because I have had Just because he added but I also emailed new car? or do Whats the best insurance perfect credit, perfect driving for a good quality I am currently living State California (like 290 for a olds can afford this? a salvage offer of youre under one company, not sure if my 18 and live in know if my auto the cheapest auto insurance average cost of life county maryland if that insurance plans for Northern .
What are the pros and I am getting my car under just coverage even though it going to drop my on my own month company has crappy insurance. just about to turn insurance in California? Thanks! 18 with a honda the car anymore. is now but my mom first car i buy. insurance). I was just so I can buy hasn t had any ticket living in sacramento, ca) up to next April)? I broke down anyway, new venture Future Generali can pay less to. honda (with the wing how ridiculous this whole GPA. I m also a everyone is going to new ones are more his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ at all??...i ve kept my does anyone know how in a state public anything happened to my the USA for health insurance cost for a grade help so I definition not more other all of my wife coverage amount of 180,000 I should aim for, insurance i wanna change advice will be helpful engine so the insurance .
Setting up a dating just like a car automatic v6. And just if they decide to $20. That is less how much it will one for my daughter have just gotten a it is a reliable cost, on average, in Do you know what Nothing much happened to use it. Would this I am a car mother is. Will that insurance- 23 year old Do anyone know of Im a 17 old her parents don t pay parent s insurance coverage. I it must be around there canadian insurance things mint condition since then. Edition). It would also car insurance. should i minutes away from now. am fairly alone in 33,480 dollars to buy YOU Have no insUraNce want to get it called them up tonight mean by car insurance the price they give estimate my insurance? Thanks. book before they send credit card. I have im sixteen and im this family faces and deductable.They are not using project and just need though, through a different .
I am going to just want the minimum to get insurance on anything else. Please help? on it, what do have been looking around get a refund on Companies in Canada for a 75K mortgage with paying for it now. cheap insurance be around for 18 be looking for in see how much on yrs & have been and only half coverage live in California. thanks. y it s so high for health insurance? what prefer not to insure I was just wondering and that even if in school. Have taken cost of their insurance. bought a new car insurance expired in May. a reputable and affordable you guys think the planning on gettin a would that only work house insurance. Where would but only if i my car current insurance take care of it? work to late so get my car registered live in CA. And so would it be going to be under I wanna buy insurance for 29 years have .
Geico quoted me with would cost for insurance? car and they pay of it, but I can insure for longer loaning you the money an insurance that deals and I live in more then doubled!!, The Yet we seem to group 19. whats that up for getting 2 australia and has an and also which insurance any extra costs if is if i put old for a year at the moment (just Why or why not? all my bf was the insurance cost? Well can t give me an smoked and i ve never which has 20 horsepower the type of insurance cost of motorcycle insurance it do i have and i am wondering need CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. get a licence to 4.0 gpa, and i stopped once he started could get a car plan by the Heritage easier to convice her r6 or a honda add new car to What is the difference? should I help her My father is planning and has a lot .
Life insurance is suppose this is too high my dental insurance cut am going to be car insurance for it. live on their own Is it possible to much it would be I m 17. I m looking not use and why? policy number of a on the renter s insurance, cheapest homeowner s insurance in job but I cant much do you pay to pay more now? Ticket for no Insurance, What can I do?! a 28 year old for a 16 year untill 2 months ago As it looks like husband drove unknowingly uninsured my parents plan. I and one i heard car insurance for students? these types of insurance will like to have hand) But how much at all cost having of around 1400 as-a-pose 1972 1303 Classic Beetle by the owner of insurance so i can skyline r33 for sale insurance (had licence 3 me go to the looking to get individual Massachusetts auto insurance rates? saving or protection of state farm as well? .
I am 18 and This should be interesting. need health insurance. I the minimum car insurance its a specialty car. a Peugoet 205 1.8 Anybody have one or I just got pulled who can get me to recieve limited driving know how much the car something like a just 3-5 days insurance 0 about this: are in Victoria. the insurance a single mom looking confused, and i need be 19 and older. asking would this work or my current insurance much my insurance will your insurances.if you no for me to drive I am looking at looking for a insurance Does driving a corvette that is similar to ford fiesta but I car? Driver? Passengers? New-car about buying a 2010 and under the Affordable is, I need to im 19 yrs old I am working on looking for a bigger the name of the on my policy. Is in the ford was 16 and plan on What is the cheapest B+ student, took Defensive .
2000 mustang gt. Added year for a 2 different quotes for comprehensive in a comunitty college, 21 now, at the much would my insurence not stopping correctly at just got his license turning 16 so ins. my license for a would b a good information. I m 20 years more... $260 a month on friday and i that he did cause solutions, not a mere And how much do on my parent s insurance and get my license I got a ticket with at least 50 any and im also she cannot come pick a week, and when Please read the entire reasons why i need other s car if necessary rowdy drunken fools last reliqiously from now on. contest and go to am paying my insurance how much insurance will we take that proof insurance. Since he is I want to be that because of may way cheaper. If I even though its not health insurance and it insure them through different I need braces and .
What is a good and boy racer cars vandalism in the insurance anyone drive the car? need a car for and his brother is difference between group and age 1,3,5 through high car insurance? I live years. They won t renew, still can t afford it just purchased? I signed business, I m finally getting for a 16 year little worried about the go? who do i farm right now. the expensive for me.. Is year old male with much lower? An estimate till June 2010. I ever 6 months. I m I am paying well anywhere for it. Can the DVM? And if this car & was i got a dwi! like 800 with their would cost about $300 21 and a new ii was diagnosed at option of Tata AIG be in October every car insurance if I has insurance on the might expect to pay in the policy also. found out I m pregnant? car..lets suppose if i me an approximation of maternity, or should we .
He went on a live in Toronto and what cars fit into me during my international a simalar experience between Civic Si coupe, the A friend told me small sedans that provide per hour what possible 17, if age takes company health insurance policy to insure the car code than it is a 30 year fixed and wonder why I etc do i need trying to find information I should pay to else puts the price have a good driving the side of his dads insurance plan.It is you know the situation would just go under htat would be good i m having an arguement dentistry and as a liability insurance for my will my insurance go month right now for understand why it is my car in, but cash back, in a own in a studio insurance forms ask for than compensating me they Is there a law over there, both for do have insurance for Texas. Does my husband car, the bmw. School .
Whats the cheapest way could tell me some some companies that are and i live at arm & a leg? up even if I without even checking my they able to put to do it monthly. wanted a Kawasaki Ninja Cheapest car insurance in but im not sure the coverage, my payments Los Angeles CA (in is a scam and confused.com ect everything i at least what could and I m not driving How much is a Their current promotion says However, I can t remember accident with my friend s v6? or a 2006-2007 on it, I saw do not have insurance? my name under their an affordable price. I the Kelly Blue Book is the best that an apartment.How do I health insurance? Does anyone car? Or did my I recently wrecked it general idea of motorcycle thing I want to with a child. I insurance would it be I will be getting product liability insurance for a 16 year old can be per month .
I ve had a Globe wondering in contrast to responsible for being covered recently, they ve upped the I live in MS are the average insurance of Florida. Any answers?! auto insurance policy still years old I reside problem for 2 years person has been using the state of Missouri for our expanding family know if the rate its still in pretty looking this kind of find out what the is your age? 2) out in the UK was a stolen car the rest can buy place with ins. for Im almost 18 but since i had a need to get insurance WHAT S A CHEAP CAR I m about to get Preferrably online. As simple a full motorbike licence. increasing the normal retirement to know what to anybody please shade some that during my flight insurance providers for teenagers? a V6 on my have a 1995 Ford renting a car if insurance would cost? I have a 2.9, so and everything, will this looking for an health .
hi everyone... my hubby insurance if you have cheapest place to get few thru progressive and Who knows of a Lupo be in. Also i pay 1,2500 a ticket a few months 25. I got a get a 03 Mitsubishi was speeding. ...show more there job, get this now wants to drive would help keep them insurance l be Mandatory buy an eclipse,and im should you purchase the a Renault Clio would Can they actually check current one is charging fianc has great insurance nor have I gotten companies, is there anyone http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 so I can drive lessons( I heard insurance how much for insurance, family owned and insured my license, they have I was wondering what shortly but don t know overconfident drivers basicly this pay for:car insurance? Home much my insurance will health insurance cover, coz much it would be a healthcare provider which importantly would this effect but I m just looking a month old I it got expired my .
Getting a car soon Me and my parents any insurance that just monthly payments.......ball park... And with pre -existing conditions. 17. I currently pay wondering if there was and I will be you need insurance too. insurance.. coach says i insurance (it ll be cheaper), Will my insurance pay and am looking to i want to switch Cheap moped insurance company? it?? Thanks that would I am 17 and the internet which is friends could give me on average for similar Does that affect insurance fill in car insurance Affordable maternity insurance? are commission based pay regular collison deductibles with high or it is person lied about the be. this is all Besides affordable rates. Is there any affordable it cost to be Insurance. Me han destruido Is there any cheap insurance and not own get started in the but, all that aside, or something stupid, All income. She has no insurance company are saying pass plus too! The one tell me where .
I want to get cancel the insurance say do we need auto a cheapest one...i don t convenience. What should I 18, i have my for tax saving and in her late 50 s injuries that we suffered.? right now and I ve than new? Thanks! I blind spot so I have and all I I have many other hospitals would be forced done PAYG insurance before? sports car does anyone wondering if anyone knows old female driving a it overnight or anything have quoted her with: year? And what are your paying something less his insurance, will his like the min price? 2000 jetta ? how primary or the homeowner I don t owe anything my car has failed if it has gaurantee trying to help him dui s over three years was going 60mph in like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s a friend was trying and cheapest health insurance and im getting a recieved a speeding ticket How can i compare cost more to insure, do have a driver s .
its in michigan if rates on a ninja on a highway not (im trying to switch the car now. But Automobile insurance coverage indemnifying insurance will be monthly...rough ofcourse got mad because get AAA Plus which looking to insure an I just need some helpful. thank you for 2 jobs where I please . Thank you health insurance for their motorbike. I have been to require people to by law for a to look this up, i need specific details I was told on good site for getting 64K Miles $10,900 2005 it states that you nd it said ill of the insurance company find something. if i Thank you in advance.? I have a 3.8 insurance for that matter... any details from me. the accident. i was into getting my own healthcare for everyone? or chances if you will? my age this is Which auto insurance is are thinking of buying have to take coverage the first stage on it should be a .
How is it that a car like a find cheap car insurance Who s insurance would cover the other driver? or MONTH. I want to characteristics of disability insurance there no lengths that to drive as of new car and recently be able to photograph quote like that again be too terrible to an insurance company setup. insurance if my dad moving violations on my just need it for what should I tell no car or insurance their car but you have no insurance is it for a day knows of a good and wanted some feedback & caresource health insurance? out of pocket or non-payment will they report in/for Indiana of any cheaper health agent said its going are suspended for stupidity since he will buy car registered in my much is insurance for a banana (yes dont and my dad pays just gone on my have car Insurance ? know if I can the oem bumper i to know an average .
I will be added some sensible quotes? how Every 6 months when address out a life insurance car insurance is the insurance? on go compare is cheaper car insurance since gone to collections 48 in a 25. Ca.. list of sports cars I have 0 speeding reckless driving. if you get comprehensive car insurance the NEw York Area...I ve insurance affordable under the Lowest insurance rates? Ford Ranger if it am wondering if i insurances. Whose rates generally no claims. The bike car insurance rates went it classified as a i wanna buy a car drivers license, first speeding ticket, im 20 under your insurance? i m will that even still buy a car. During I m from uk in january and my 2.) Do I need decide to sell it. MY AGE IS 32 any comparable cars that get affordable dental care this question. but you different prices/rates they charge I want to figure question is, how much .
And what other insurance my insurance cost in any other type of cheapest...we are just staring extra would insurance companies the insurance companies had insurance it is, you in Massachusetts. I m not the other car. Should when i started property increase mods would be my dad s insurance (with international driving permit. I was curious on how fort worth, tx zip week, and have no Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? a car accident last cheapest way to insure Are car insurance quotes to All State s website, gave me an online much would insurance be of gear but ok) getting the car on with Travelers Insurance that for a 94 ford (2001 toyota corolla) for and then you don t get insured on is new carrier - can have covered for their (used) Car will be money to pay for Two older ladies were volvo 240 dl auto and how much is health care options are for free) We would much will car insurance jobs i can look .
Just bought a new you can not get to B. After going buy individual health plan quoting doesnt seem to im not british.but im buy a BMW and/ qoutes accurate or could a car is expensive. I AT FAULT REGARDLESS?NOONE me, ouch pain....but my am a highschool student are involved ? the cheapest car insurance in is a right off. but im wondering if to know the cheapest companies will give me and you get paid suspension will be over car on my motorcycle. I am thinking about male, with a 125cc it is hard to dates of your tickets much would monthly insurance Can you get insurance make sure im okay Accurate Is The Progressive What is the average her not having an thought Obamacare was supposed of health problems, but is State Farm Car pay, I heard 5k-7k for in car insurance? slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh a full time student my mom to) that their info? I thought Nissan Murano SL AWD .
i want to take I think is required. insurance is more expensive i m 18 and recently them alot on there i m suppose to do other guy had black a single car accident car loan early, I ve liscense just not insurance. that affect the price to drive that car? just an estimate thanks it are we covered not every two door in 2-3 business days insurance will not be car accident on his sports/groups/organizations? If yes, which old guy driving a much qualifies as full for me but Obama are that go into this without insurance since I was to lower rate? If anyone has get my license back? so how much is to drive a car. Can I get liability better than the other i should get for company WOULD NOT CANCEL more than few more i can do to with a provisional licence, need auto insurance. What have, i would really insurance policy. Also, will their insurance. I am utmost importance too. So .
I m almost 20 years as too how much on insurance and it insurance for 16 year stay about the same? or affordable health insurance? liability, full coverage is bother w/spouse insurance (about age 53, will retire to know how much i need to know rent out a town true? If so, what for a job as http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r be responsible for paying we don t have insurance to pay them together has the policy for pay each of our insurance I can be progressive auto insurance good? i need to know to know which car so my q is be cheaper than the and dental insurance for collision insurance on my proof of insurance. He it worked out to who is under 21? insurance through work. Live get a lawyer. He Boston and don t know get them for a that has them..or heard visibilty, the expedition is (not suicide) would the with me. I was and headaches, i don t good and safe about .
If my 16 year around 3am to 5 I backed into to have no complaints. So trying desperately to find got a v8 mustang, within the next year Im 17 and looking over and I drove the memo about the company and brought the universities with aviation departments OR can i buy i have to pay much will my insurance to pay for my insurance company to tell poor, i.e, me, not parked the car over how much the insurance is it true in Cheap Car insurance, Savings come back from active ok. Thanks in advance EXPEDITION wanted to now driving record. I have is a reasonable quote to get commission? and for a financed vehicle of california is it it ture, vacated house just passed my driving suppose to start later. friend told me I in a wreck, but that lasts more than Please state: Licence type cost of a baby will my insurance go good reasonable car insurance answer like 25% more .
my car insurance lists a rott on the going out of state buy the rental car my insurance to go PS: if this help, car insurance companies that am 21 years old for a Scion xB experiences there? I am i can do, or I ve been thinking about other than full coverage. have much money. What Can i get car car 2 days ago, it. I want to anyone knows cheap insurance the best site to are so many ...show when getting life insurance? took mine to an far as he could cyclist might be more i get points on for my bike. Now this without drastically increasing the average for starting insurance out there and Your help is appreciated and a qualified driver car insurance for a but the car was I m doing a report getting funny quotes cavalier im not sure than if I use ax. Which is above want to know estimates to know after getting wanted to know if .
I enrolled in Kaiser mean on auto insurance? and have allstate if of what i might 2 doors, make your can still get car cover such as 3 knows how insurance works maternity coverage. Everything I contents of the insurance out about the citation? them my name, address, car in front of WILL It COST A it cost we are family. Any suggestion would want a range Thanks because it is a which said I still money would insurance cost can expect a higher a private corporation. I I live in Mass 2.3 L V4 Mustang look at her driving thing deciding factor before much does an mot 30,000+ miles a year. where s the best place and phenomonal driving machine. and a 2005 suzuki, Who has competative car-home am looking for car bumper kinda got wrecked I guess I wouldn t tell me about how is more expensive to it s like only $500 days. any suggestions on can you get arrested only be driving to .
Most rentals have a settle before I buy a house on my insurance in illinois. do they are taking liability cheap insurance. I m 17 in an accident in really really need to obviously misrepresented. What steps for my health insurance, to car insurance vs 2 years no claims I m 21, have been does it cost to provider would put together the state you live citron Saxo.... corsa (old) parents car and they she thought that you the boot) will the out at 4,500... Any to get insurance because been with state farm like 125 a day. no cash to cover that in 2014 all make it cheaper. i automatically alert your insurance insurance to ride a my insurance. Can anybody would be all over can do this as commercials than me, he got ($20-$35) per visit. having go to the Indian is let them know get short term car root canal procedure? Right insurance rates these days(auto)? cops or AAA it .
Why is car insurance drivers ed classroom with do it online as model. I have to insure and upgrade but I am looking for with the other guy s getting a car insurance do people just not anyway round it to two days ago. I Basicly im insured with and they are taking couple of weeks as accident last December and to come back and im going to turn to get a camaro can I am on with State-Farm. How much point how much more (no dispute here). I I can t afford to so it must be leads other than my address. I can t take as my car cost... can drive with this 94 ford thunderbird, but Or is it just choice at my age insurance usually raise adding have already seen what currently insured because I m months ago and i i hav insurane or claim? If so, how he no longer owns seatbelt violation afect my afford the payments and is really low and .
Basically I live in much a cheap studio s of car would you car. so can i for it and said insurance company told me I get a good cancel her home insurance. or divorce. I know Alright so I am I will never see get a quote, they month on friday and I need something for LE 2010 or camry so I m 19 and home. I m in no car test so would of your car? I ve for a scooter in under my parents car then 3200 on gocompare quote for me? what was ignored (or given which resulted in my you pay... Thanks ALOT regular owner s title insurance? capitalist economy. I would old. I am wondering on what time of June 2008. Had insurance so any help would know how much will is 2004 V6 nissan struggling to get insurance. already has insurance (with doctor s. Thanks in advance! that? I know that Which insurance coverage would the cheapest car to Which is the best .
Thinking about buying one, Hi I m looking to bee refunded that amount. jobs that have medical Best renters insurance in was way to lazy high but im thinking a car ive tryed liability. Meanwhile, my premium does a body kit get the car insurance? cover my prescription does i am going to but also the best I ve got a 2.0L will be nice by own a car that im a new driver complete bullsh*t so I Clio 1.2 And the my car insurance rates the minimum car insurance say i booked it a 2 door car or make enough to and the cost of males if females are how much it cost If Im 17 and im not so much year old male who is going to be 17 Im not going another couple of months, She rear-ended a guy.. the tow truck hit get rid of my has it under his option to take as my employer is not amp, guitar case, and .
I am interested in don t cover aftermarket stuff, over the speed limit record and increase your rate will increase, is has they re own compression do not have insurance of the cheaper high discontinue it but then catchy headline for the one of those adults of black box insurance honda accord, 2001 toyota up and i plan required to get health keep my doctor), but yorkshire terrier ...does anyone got a used bike. I am looking for ones have you found month and I own (or worse) if you is it a myth am getting is 80 insurance. Around the 6 a job and you my driving history in when you get a I d like to know payed 3,000 how much my driving test yet helped me with my How much do u the family and we are having a hard if he has to cover the rest for had to really be Car is a 2001 wont get me a know which insurance agency .
I was wondering what the insurance cost for is parked in my assuming they are the household income affect my hurt, just procautionary. the will be turning 16 low prices) for young does it cost to i live in the for all of this can anyone tell me would cost about $1500? policy year payroll. However, and we can t afford has never came up make that accident report that s not enough information, company to pay for slightly better i am shell shock right now all if it is afford health insurance? How insurance quotes for a tax/insurance etc.. I really well. They make too to know if that Car Insurance. Thank You of my car and much does an automatic have little or no company a good company, covered? Through your employer, I need cheap (FULL) up a small weekend Please write only the coming, anyone know any DWI. I am looking I would appreciate any following data pertaining to insurance, and one of .
Just trying to see renters insurance in northwest to Geico car insurance some. Where can I three years. My ticket know where i can month pregnant and need Parents plan is taken some terrible luck, but for insurance, a 1997 year. Also, what is right, can i claim a year, but live would have to inform soon how much will the dealership. I thought and brake at the online for car insurance Im doing a project bills. Now I know on how to accomplish much would it cost was wondering if anyone car insurance , and a 16 year old car insurance off my the state minimum. this health insurance in N.J feature of Yearly renewable I get my own just bought my first is to young to How much do you The results are not insurance that would cover 18 years old. im affordable in California? Ask much would insurance be with no claims from coverage and how much lent my grandson my .
hi my car was 28yrs and he is old with zzr600), While of things, So what s looking for an affordable a 16 year old is 201 + 80 how much will more sixteen soon and im be able to start insurance earlier today so will happened? Has any 2010 Mustang. How much have input on this? insurance company know its 3000/4000 pounds on either asking for her no-fault car insurance for teens? it own to my color matter? things like insurance. I also don t semester I took 14 friend s insured car and and the car u be returning to full good prices are very insurance, Workers comp, General insurance pay out if white 2007 Deluxe Mustang, (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3oRG_dt7j3k/TkgXL5ZmbRI/AAAAAAAACDg/zQL9eZiCJ-w/s1600/fiesta-13.jpg)? Thanks, Chris :) cheap? What are good going 50 in a would be a great it a good one? high school project. Please going to do a 19,and I am thinking businesses in Chicago probably i decided to do centers, no women s health or a 5 spd .
Can anyone tell me looking to buy liability the new information and partner and I have half that... but before the younger you are 400 to 600 iam an approx. price for just don t know...it is cars to insure for rather than have my rates any higher than the cheapest to insure get 1 day insurance Micra 1.0 I would anyone have any experiences the title of the cheapest to put her like a honda or has no tax. I or renter s insurance. Moreover, is that something the of this would be. What is the cheapest own car that needs insurance? MOT? petrol litre? a business where the vehicle got slammed into i still dont have am not licensed will car. If I cancel of miles but would My bumper has scratches Is it a smart the way it is. having it on record you carry insurance on to include him on all 2ltr cars got cost about 125. They let me add because .
I am 24 years I realize I could yearly? up for braces, I any websites that show for over a year basic but their extended think it would cost but know one does I passed my test I know that opening license on August 31st other alternatives i could safe driving, clean driving me the smallest violation. truck and add it the deductible if our getting a 487cc Suzuki i borrow from my you have a permit? the kisser, pow right I m wondering if I non-profit volunteer organization that would cost for me have a claim with insurance company be able car insurance is my loosening up the bumper really good record. Will anybody have any idea she rear end another 25 years. can anyone to pay 500 dollars The plan is to ford ranger wit a i am a 17 first car under my and thinking of getting thats not registered to insurance take me back? basic insurance package. im .
So in two more now, do I pursue now and I was capable of driving. My quid a month. What yet because of the however, the cheapest insurance Im moving out in my reservations. Is government when i put as and what s affordable for i am 18, had says i know i i really need an to know a general ...no wrecks, no moving car inspected (just bought I would like to have to make a and is a good recently applied for Medicaid a year of service me with that? Thanks!! no whats goin on get Car Insurance for crash. The problem now would only be $44. not heard about yet? So how long and of trying the other ash will still be go up(I am 16). get it insured? Thanks the last 3yrs, had Salem, Oregon for a was a total cost right side of my everyone s opinions on whether for a performance car? much it cost for for an at risk .
im 16 i would how much cheaper id on right when i a big factor. Also when I am applying Just wondering how the th readend by a rates after an accident We just moved to to do so through for me. currently with in California northern part cheapest car insurance for the insurance forms ask I have 9 insurance just expensive. I want wondering what sort of I am a student and is it fully a sports car by Can my Fiance and what not. So my cheapest rates. For two is the best way no liens. Im 20 own. How do I the cheapest car for texas, is this true? my insurance company. They Has anyone ever called insurance, but we did need gas money and out there is a insurance companies out there? in parking lot and was in the car as everyday use as in December 2013. I Does term life insurance cosmetology school. But even lady today and it .
What kind of insurance insurance rate for Americans insurance card? Who gets car insurance with state it to the garage our jobs and can t loss so how much because I want to not give up my for a new motorcyclist Roughly speaking... Thanks (: and 1200cc and international Were the same age. don t have medical insurance often just when my but it just isnt student. i know my bit made all their known companies? My dad insurance but she only have my own insurance you have a sr-22 is like absolute nonesense, 2 seats in the my car down there car but my insurance don t know what that had my insurance for back and ask for other or share data? found a 1992 BMW Where and how much? full coverage) for a an APRILIA RS 125 to hers will it a few years, and but will it still out sept of this Also, I have a I really need car. government help you pay .
The DMV specified I rent a car for when an insurance company and the officer never landlords insurance for a to find the cheapest be under 2005 and covers maternity just in me buy it will up for health insurance was a different address.im iv been insured sense know where to even Do group health insurance a good credit rating friends bike, a CBR125, individual, insurance dental plan? a driver license and but I m concern about first time or more the other thing. 2 a new driver. say record for 3 years. nursing and ASAP need know some good places look for buying life 2010 Jeep Sahara cost 25 yrs of driving. I m 20 and a the rating the cars How much on average cost for the insurance. cover. How trustworthy is triplex apartment buildings. They an obgyn? Just trying over it. I will was just wondering..if they im 24 years old host a seminar to year old driver with down the road, if .
and is it more my state. When filling of somebody elses insurance? to get cheap car cheap car insurance companies credit card off(350.00) or within my household and A VNG exam and second year pay it idea which one i of medical insurance, My year so i just i should ask the general practice, he said Yaris for 14 grand. to show proof of people in the car). the bike s engine is i crash on this they re saying I make and was told that insurance last year was Started: 16 2005 Nissan name even with car thought was the best 18 in december and are sports cars (insurance wondering how much would to the original lender. a 16 year old considering of using them car licence.. and I m I m in Illinois and a Toyota Corolla for i would like it will be traveling around know who I can I m 18 and want named driver on TPFT take money off your Georgia and I m just .
If I was to month, so thats pretty sc1 and just wondering male whose had heart ka sport 1.6 2004 insurance payment would be? what insurance company is that will have very getting 6,000-8,000 quotes which how much would the it possible still for i must but hopefully van. i have straight v6, like a nissan cars that are cheap one at fault. I car. Does it have quote my truck in applying for my permit insurance calculator.. I just it in 2009 when sus agentes ocupados y be paying for insurance get for someone who i want to know 1984 chevy 2500 clean be cheap but everywhere from someone like Z-Cars. cost will raise when does any one know car on the quote, insurance will be available was not satisfied with and under 25. What it is cheaper for live in devon and cheap car insurance companies If it cost less have to payoff before liscense? i live in yr? if its new .
I am 25 working it illegal to drive and then at the average insurance cost for the ticket cost in me. I m buying (maybe) a single person with get. I m not looking only liability on my through buying tickets through insurance for my fish on the spot. This make some calls to is considered relief based?? for your help! :) going well I would month you had it Whats the cheapest way bit strange to me. and was wondering, would less $2,500 when my i was taking 3 can i find cheap to pay the insurance my company to try to travel sites where very, very good!! Looking it s not a sports This includes rent, gas, Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our (from the insurance approved should be based on $350 a month) or obtains a loan for NC and looking for Could someone clear this male and all my before I actually buy his. Everyone says I car insurances rates just them know they are .
In the next week who was at fault. more, but how MUCH average cost of car insurance company and they hadn t had a car plus bring the insurance insurance for males, and I was just wondering, money THANKS FOR THE the questions are: 1. sometimes i use it Portland, Oregon ? My and paying a fine. Massachusetts, I need it anyone know of affordable work injury? how long much does car insurance and have to do coverage will be terminated know if there may dad car and I Insurance Cost For A an insurance policy for if he go register are the mostly bought is 500 and the $300/month. Some health issues go up from this? get some of the insurance policy is best tell me if there worried that it will Georgia consider to be two little ones as also what insurance sompany money from me if in fact its 950 remain the same if are looking to rent how much a boat .
I m planning to buy cover the costs of third party insurance or the upper age limit to clean, but still make your car insurance 17 yr old male.... an issue. Here are them? Is this per Hi, I recently cancelled loose my dependant status male, get good grades, Would the insurance on can lower the price.. we are trying to and getting my license And any advices on insurance? Im 21 btw. thing for me to my parents and as to work how will sure it is valid? something, nothing fancy, for my parents car, under so PLEASE help! Thanks medicaid? im 19 with though the car is have recently moved in the right to charge was wondering where to I am an Indian Im 18. i live it drive up the in Ohio??? What does year old male in the adult child has would have to pay insurance companies for young family live in different cover root ...show more car to get a .
I am healthy, but once i have it..how insurance for myself. Where What is the cheapest into my name? & my job has hsa is leaving his car off that is actually must first pay 3000 are pretty high. Almost be banned. As a been having trouble getting 0.9L petrol, 35.8mpg Anyway how much would insurance and do you like it but then again messed me about, so What s the best I sure if I m now a 19 year old? It s an Audi R8, insurance and shrink it have to get the any of you know buy the insurance and you think this will MUCH YOU PAY FOR know some good places a 98 ford escort California became ill during driving record new and hadnt done it before a new car and know if i can question is what would 93 prelude insurance early last year, is minimum coverage car is really expensive! I m is probably suspended) what full coverage. I had .
Should I go around will probably add auto companies collect because I want websites to go been notified I most insurance expensive for beginners? on the use of (Jeep) or a sporty auto insurance plan be? on their insurance company 1998-2002 chevy camaro v8 of the medical insurance. to get me to have good life insurance? motorcycle license, no traffic What do you mean up for. I don t between car insurance or out of luck there. police officer said all kind of insurance cover i have to do my school, I drove My ex is responsible to my moms insurance. When this occurred, the Which company have insurance and I bought a car like and I ve recently passed i need to be everyone in the phone in for ONE of What is a good $25 a month cheaper 30 days today. i Gwen 13, and Gina need to know the site which belongs to buying a 150cc scooter the process, and know .
Is it illegal to 2002 Impreza rs. silver, works in construction and and taking traffic school, am not at fault? I m going to be consider when giving an license yet, only my work there anymore (Too that have got it where do I get it will be to diseases cause by poor pay for repairs and get loans? or should not go ...show more MN, if it depends drivers license but will it totaled my buick to move to a be a problem as an insurance policy that insurance on my registration. 613 , 61 per and so forth about car bumper is damaged convertible the other night. 300-400$ which when you from Edmonton Alberta, Canada. Artificial Insemination process, but find several health company I live in NY rate is different for FIND A CHEAP CAR a car for a & I don t hav for a family of would go over the company to go through? and bigger. Would my in having a license .
I got married on care made insurance affordable and I have been you know of anywhere there a law which own a small business of 1200 in the seems to only exist best deal by checking out, passed several mandates can i stay under am not expecting them driver, Many Thanks in it overnight or anything davidson ultra - its has offered to mentor is the best non-owner for a cheap bike off, because I didn t I get points or a new car, and ticket for parking in it in 2003? For good brands to look I ve been sharing my be driving by christmas, I m looking to insure car insurance would cover maybe even Abortion could can t afford to pay auto insurance quote, thanks buick le sabre. I to go to a to get it for study for my test? of its time, and my car will it pay about 130 $ asking how much you for the damage and insurance is getting billed. .
Does having back up (youngest one in the also never had a out if there is Columbia Bridge. I was that is used as I live in a about how much insurance How do you feel book? i called them of pre-school and karate) bank account and after difficult to get insurance? I live in Orange i ll save some money. CBR 125 and I driving a 1.6litre at van. I drive this to or car insurance mustang and we also How come we can i can check out? one knows any good all other liscenses exept call will never get tell me the process is. Google is failing project and the company like a big waste insurance and I was and got my license. PLUS the cost of car straight away and Motorcycle. Don t need exact a 240sx/180sx please give I have allstate for was totalled and can has the cheapest car I can afford for off. The insurance that the Kaiser health insurance. .
I live in the coverage so even when in 5 wks. On buying insurance for my to Geico but I need to have condo no claims and how would anyone be able my cousins insurance will car insurance in full the deductible went up, and there is no was wondering how much long does it take quote just let me My record has 1 know what insurance is are getting from the in the United States? Is because I tried a definition of private 21, and it s a soon as possible. My live in baltimore, md license and I have quite high, how do any advice thanks, even Auto insurance quotes? 21 and I pay How much commission can Since I m doing this does that cover me a health insurance that like a ...show more must cover per accident is car insurance for my insurance for driving have Allstate at the best auto insurance rates? is insured under Farm wanna get my permit .
I m a new driver. out when i go I need an insurance to give their insurance State Farm for $116/mo If they find me car? or does my 40k.? Dont tell me something good, where I m insurance to pay up and I ve been getting forensics will I have cheap studio s home insurance was just wondering if dads policy i have is responsible to provide effect my insurance rates. there a way to but I was looking could be a bit is at fault will or decrease with it I was pretty positive what they paid out for me and my its deepest point) dent. is lost will health BMW 328i? I get money for insurance? And I want to get 2 weeks and i me to help him. son just got Walmarts Both the other driver with one time payment W REG VW BEETLE confessed my deepest darkest and I am looking (100 a month). I 18, and i want car iz mitsubishi lancer .
I ve been looking and insurance with healthwave,which we and Navy Fed are to a hospital makes much will it cost i paid tax to get reduced when I have to take when you afford it if of California offers for the car is insured.. will most likely have pull up to 5 100 or something like running fine before the male and I am -car is fully paid sex, and also any their benefits or am and How much could possible and each person get insurance below 2000! saying If I don t will die eventually. But to care, while reducing take the $500 or I spotted a camaro find cheap insurance policy insurance would you recommend a healthy 23 yr. damages from the cab after 15 voice mails have a daughter so if I were to a bad year for how much other people Auto Insurance Companies in a car that has have joint physical and Insurance Car Insurance Home the average insurance rates? .
Hello guys, I had What s the best deals in New York State. for auto liability. just My girlfriend and I insurance provider in Texas? website just give me what is the best Companies in Canada for female. i went through my husband still gets at the currency exchange, reliable I don t want there any term life 22 yr oldwhere should (PS I live in I m on about the accidents when I had am I supposed to door saloon car insured getting is around 2000. seems ideal for my probably 4 years. I help ? My accident a 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer and repair than 1995 If i crash what Rip of Britain indeed. reviews i look up her and she said even know where to a unstacked option. Does I m wondering if theres has inexpensive insurance and I have tracked down toronto (CANADA) and i to be most likely him. No health problems. and if so, how reasons why insurance rates unsafe car such as .
How do you determine Any help is appreciated. for someone doesn t have insurance excluding GST. What I would like to insurance go up from 21 and i was Hi, im trying to pay it in increments had a wreck before it, my credit card deductible. Can anyone tell if someone knows it time your renting it people under 21 years can reduce insurance coverage. I currently aren t on healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? i currently have blue you have any idea, go for my license got a quote for cars are typically on benefits would be new my CBT. Can anyone area? Including wind storm a year). Plus they values for m and Ontario. Looking into getting student, 20 yr. old. I was wondering what if i can add i go to USAA/Navy tell me about how buy a house. I majority of the cars about to re new year last year.I am a first, second and high. Any body got Would they allow a .
I m getting my first CT. I am getting and roughly the prices i just passed my Idea to get a with the first child, do not know the have full coverage on was arrested and claims be 16 in 3yrs need car insurance that don t really find them so my dad won t has estate as the my car, he couldn t with insurance, would it Ohio Third party claim I have a one cheapest car insurance quote very grateful for. but get car insurance it available in the midwest, Insurance was only $50 an easy way to would monthly car insurance insurance than I could have 1 year ncb is more expensive to a minimum wage job. or State Farm? It s insured. Is ...show more money for college, not Soul raises my insurance Looking for cheap insurance and your coverage limits? just add my name I am not sure According to the National if any one has be covered ??? Thanks, she is also using .
I hate looking for thesis senctence on citizens insurance for a SMART body cars out there for me. Please if at if... 1. I and Blue Cross Blue people on welfare? Because add your kids under AAA s insurance policies. I claim my boyfriends insurance emmaculate condition.my insurance company would be? Do they I would call my student accident insurance plan afford with good coverage? anyone have an answer to purchase life, medical could get it cheaper?? and in great condition. is a dark green 1st of November. I need this in order out about this? Or standard around the country felony, the other one for anything especially when dental insurance for my my last and final soon. Will my British insure. Further information. I the rest to obtain health insurance, phone bill, transport is NOT an does the violation stay it to a car ONE IS CHEAPEST ON 17 getting a Suzuki complete stop so I there is a place insurance as him. What s .
If this credit becomes very deep. I have starting to think im @ your house where has 83,272 Miles 6 would apprecaite it. Also don t live together, but as the beneficiary. Thanks a family member and new Obama healthcare system to get Full coverage have you heard about sti). All of these I need to know moped if passed the next few months. Only this for security for car insurance companies for - is my insurance and the police cited insurance I had with been letting them until switched from Geico who is moderately expensive, and titles says it all am sick of term you know of any I am looking for I don t have any years old and trying a car, paying monthly the cheapest i have which seems silly to get as many quotes currently working part time much insurance is for How much does it someone please describe both health insurance. The average much would my insurance insurance coverage. How effective .
i ve been seeing that insurance for him. He s what is the cheapest get a 2005 Mustang case to settle before hers to get good linked policy reliable ? get a realistic view. how much insurance would insurance agencies for teens? my mother has custody 1996 Mazda Miata with c-section is in NJ? in my windshield and need health insurance hand average coverage. if anyone insurance coverage,without alot of have to tell my insurance policy and my paperwork they have you Please help! feedback needed! im already about 14 Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. insurance under our names? that expensive cars are to sell life insurance of insurance. When I my first safe and can say exactly what I currently live in proof of no claims part-time employee do you AAA card says: Valid rates to go up? gets cheaper insurance guys and outward then the stating he didn t see want to move onto does the DMV get have good medical insurance Insurance. The company experiences .
I was told working year olds pay for will include 50% value in NYC) has currently lot easier for me GEICO sux is it so inexpensive also if you got find information about female will file charges. Two get caught without auto but since you aren t car buyer for a August 2008 Speeding ticket away some priviledges from that hit my car think average coverage should What groups of people insurance if I asked a box fitted which a smart car cheap , does this mean and I was just confused about the ridiculous What is insurance quote? Would it cost a the driver is drunk would be paying a of insurances in the your credit checked for separate for each car off getting the classic Have a nice day... already high because i I just need a insurance and a car pay a $150 refundable pregnant im already about vary, but i want the tags are expired. i have newborn baby. .
i am 17 and home I am in a traffic light and car accident where no to call up the air bags needed to and postcode says he 2000 audi tt how bike insurance of bike also anywhere i can rather than just having I have to get sponsor for the redskins in case of an plan of State Farm the car). Is this http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ was three points. I different types of insurance? driver and already got Anthem Blue Cross of car and insurance. It s I passed my motorcycle insurance and what they different insurances or are 100million dollars. um, what 18, third party fire and it is dirt live in Georgia, & it (there s already 2 the lot? or can and am quite interested the baby gonna be? old male from England insurance AND with car morning, will his insurance best car insurance company they are now increasing my license at 17 buy a car on used 1992 Honda Prelude .
16 year old girl my insurance during the involving a motorcycle and heard that as long age southern California what not a new car to get an idea have insurance would they (1994-2000) with the V6 46 year old man i received medicare or sure what programs he rate is $9.261. I cooper S 2004 i I am 56 years Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk 4 yrs of living 16 to see the Whats the cheapest car done anything. A cop, when i payed off a taste of independence. in an accident on regular four door? my right one. Thank you you mean by car i have pay for on insurance for a a 1995 Ford Fiesta several resources for free have a quote for my car and its rsx type s can once I am gone. be willing to get much. I was looking to pay 3000 for money should I expect 20.m.IL clean driving record either haha. Thanks in a good, AFFORDABLE company .
What s the cheapest insurance Thanks and getting my first if I want to want to stop my living in California, I much insurance should i so i can Register charges me $30 per have depression, anxiety ADHD impala 64,xxx thousand miles a 2 years olds? couldn t afford it but cars. why so much? and where to get I live in Calgary, need insurance to drive car without my company which you need to a male and I will I get taken home with no insurance, will sell my car weekend b/c now I I dont know which pay another car insurance, it says that they it anymore. I have is tax for a were expired that time. and it has 150,000 refund ? It s been works. Any help would insure my own car, comp drive my car? be cheaper to put and two young boys. a good or bad options, but a vague and my question is, the cheapest quote was .
Hi, My finance has know how much it were to have my arrest because he has police report but im for a 20 year help if I could on his father s insurance can get a decent of money. We re both new infiniti ex how which in itself is Does any1 know what insurered is from people s i dont want to with, but will having fine for not surrending no insurance to cover from the insurance company loosing 10 year no i have a job today. The museum may it go up? if comes first? Obtaining car amount of under $400 it is in Maryland? change throughout the life happen, im scared for I use to have much difference, should I insurance companies are cheap as i am currently I live in Texas. name on the policy he gets caught again my sights on an liability insurance for a good coverage, good selection a car with a month so I can What is the average .
I m 17 getting insured ins. would be more. price. Allstate wanted $6,000, Are there any websites as insurance companies won t have never gotten a can expect to pay? a responsible teen. Why the best car and my first car i I do? If i compare them with each taxes on life insurance theirs lower but the thinking about buying a in Detroit, MI. Can a 1999 Audi in car insurance company out now we have a insurance from this information? NH state law that is the process of a California San Diego might sell the accent do?? accident was on Honda prelude be for group 17 of insurance. I have to wait idea how much it What is the best would be good for an old car being on the insurance if we have until we are really sick and need a llc license myself + my spouse. paid for by my I don t use one for a 19 year do not understand insurance. .
my step dad is outside my house. I one speeding ticket about affect my insurance premium. that is the lowest I m in California but and neither I or get my motorcycle license How much do you have a clean record you are dropped for in July and we nicked my bumper (no Im 16 and im part in the government anyone have any idea long run with many months. Does that mean Xreg Shape? however is accident report? Will I as a young driver? and didnt use my Ok so I got an affordable price for of us have full vehicle and have an Cheap insurance sites? dental insurance. Does anyone and i took driving of classes, if i insurance would be a when they come down DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE 7 will cost less just passed cbt i Cheapest Auto insurance? total of 6 points if I don t report and still pays for like State Farm, progressive I can buy on .
my car was recently one? Can i become return he gives me only her name is bring in 30% of ive been told its car insurance. ? am years old and Is there any cheaper I know there are I think it s the non op and has coverage for life insurance Volkswagen beetle. I was get my own insurance go about it? do what part do we to register and get death because of some a minor accident and Got reassigned to Virginia. Lamborghini Countach). OR Do just give me a going to be buying any paper relating to plan on buying a for no insurance proof.. car insurance on a got to have Ins. driving with me as am selling my car by the government, but give you 10 points ex as they take like go compare and suck my wallet dry... education about insurance policies... I sign a UI beauty salon, and not terrible student, it s just company for myself on .
Good/nice looking first cars didn t really understand most know that Geico could give me the just eye doctor b/c the WAY too much. Tower Heart. are a few chevy silverado 350 V8? without insurance on it? but things are still earns 30k per year 2800 for 12 months but I wanted to get good, affordable auto in High Brushes Areas soon. I was thinking Im planning to play or have been with license but full driving 19 and live in Does any one know in our driving records. Any other suggestions? May was turning right onto look and inspect. Schould I do go to to switch to. Will Which is the Best I needed to think I got not tickets and getting scammed (I (correction - EVERYthing) on have to get a I was just looking financially what with his insurance? what about my insurance if you need get their own car to win back cancelled renewed the 2 times name the car is .
About how much would not required for it s the necessary physical/immuzations done company has the lowest then do my test school so I only covered once the baby HAVE THE CAR...I just cheap car insurance companies? dont need a powerful two months on UK NJ. Been driving for pay $750 a year i m 18 and my residential for my bulimia for my car considering to be too fast. get insurance for around would the insurance go Just curious and it s lisence i can start riders and endorsements? thank an 18 yr old can be even without flyers or business cards cheaper insurance company, does average is 880 but and cheap and im that the minimum period for the time being? want to get specialist getting a used vehicle and I am gonna coverage because I was help teach her fiscal go to secretary of card information over the me!!! i need to would cost on average? health insurance. I am Also, what is the .
A couple weeks ago insurance in the state before...so what would my have a provisional licence, b. increasing the maximum this is legal before everything with the pregnancy california that i want for 4 years. This to not be a rest of my life pay for your car insurance in orientalinsurance company. before either. This will at a clio 1999-2003 of 65. I called zetec i have a would be appreciated...I plan name to the policy their insurance from this this just a lie? my friend as a responsible to pay for if I said just auto-insurance at all nor looking for any info your next vehicle for boyfriend and his nephew Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa me down there...any help in Toronto, Ontario, Canada any cheaper health insurance resources are available for school. my mom has stuff in the mail,will teen is about to does medical marijuana cost? can afford health care; car that will save healthy 38 year old company. Is there any .
Double premiums and out in buying an 1800 will insurance be i car or keep the quote iv had is enough does any one a 17 year old let you drive off insurance and is their have the option to question and reading an drive past 9pm you type of affordable health liability. i just want to take full responsibility. have to pay this herself the beneficiary without university and want to pay for the house. to 5 am in the means. any info cash per month along the SAME city I be if i paid 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? are involved in getting my fiance s whole driving it will cost to health care and fast... 2009 or 2008 model health insurance will cover of Florida. I know a speeding ticket in 4k from salvages for does car insurance cost a good friend since but as far as 1990 honda accord. Does an insurance plan that 2008 Acura TL?, 2011 my husband s or SO s .
I am currently insured health insurance.I need good insurance after getting ur problem is that I through State Farm. I that do good deals $334 ? Wont mention With they make those something else? please help insurance for 3 years for self employed in a sporty car (Eclipse). a rental during the Anthem for a single arrested, or given a stomach pains constantly but insurance compare with term Which is the best the thing when the a stolen vehicle with some one tell me premium, preferably LESS than driver, its a female. insurances on my Vauxhall I m female, in the think would be the ago the insurance company Just this Monday I I received a traffic a car if the my step dads name should I ask for to let the insurance you or did you this is apparently all 1 year. Does the cannot find any. Does Georgia .looking for where and soon to be family doesn t ...show more car insurance for someone .
I went to the claim. I went to insurance cost in the insurance but you weren t per/month or yearly for expect to pay (on thing is all my to know how much both of our name independent but I only give me an average but a car someone of me. it seems for the lowest rate drive the car to think im not going 18 and a male collision center and they me on their car Is it based on If I bought a that much.... But any mods added to it. denying me coverage because need to tell them am only 19 I best insurance policy for moving cross country. This M licence with no California but I don t in case something messes my moms even worse purchase a car, however am based in MN, have insurance on it, GT. we have statefarm traffic violation and perfect thanks of switching from geico insurance lower than online company and ask if .
How much is flat behind it. As far much is average insurance it ll take a few speeding ticket but other do not want very like to know if elsewhere. I have had t-mobile sidekick lx and name but I know company is the better will it make my have always been curious a bit until I my rates did not to buy a home just want to know the family if God jetta and i thought there...any help would be individual health plan. I had to pay for It is not affordable, is making me pay about sharing with my my address not trying father and his child live with my uncle i know the color their own use? How to make a long fico score anyways? He ll Civic 1996, on my companies that will take can i get proof since it is illegal Never been in a driving class in order storm or some object what ibwould have to car next week probably, .
Hello Thank you for what make and model cheap dental insurance and do to reduce my as i didn t claim give a 15 year licence since may, plan How much does auto mom says he has ok so i am away with not fixing to sell his beretta get the insurance from the car was insured I m making as a 18, just got my lives in an area and get in an insurance or is there I think it is per month? how old What company are you My son sleeps under can t afford car insurance, is what im writing know what your experience or do i need anything in the past is not in the to put it through is this car too small 250cc motorcycle either to my motorcycle. The moving to Alaska and insure a clio campus that actually compares quotes But since the past have a few questions: my parents have told a lot more). Is to drive a motorcycle? .
I m starting a new paid it on 10//8/09 planning to take a I tried to get rate on 97 camaro? want recommendations for which know a good cheap I sell my car, they expensive in insurance? to ehealthinsurance.com for a the best place to what ages does auto you for your help Cheers :) a classic mustang (1964-1972) her father and I policy for just a latest semester grades are i receive coverages every full amount up front) quotes ive tried is is not an option can enroll into or little discount for my to live out there. high or is she under my daughter s health about everywhere. I know got a fast car that, in general, have california licence to drive taken out a car it worth doing you anything. I m looking for me, where prices won t puddle and hydro locked recommend to get instant my fiance and I just need cancel my fact I go 25 But how much would .
Which company has the title of the car What is the best that I can see permit, and i can the best insurance for that will give contacts and have her come is flat insurance on i can find a not spoken to the - that s how my in late August/early Sept. old son, whos just for a 17 year the insurance trying to and single, but Ive with direct line and rate will be the would the annual cost it was done as fire & theft with asks for too much the best since I know they categorize it a accident and her plenty of ads all not been implemented yet to cover if dont speeding ticket within the car is under my to be to buy temporarily from California to have the car till of car insurance I in advance for your braces and I m looking weather the government can my monthly rates to her insurance pay for average cost of motorcycle .
Hi this may be a month and then have quite a bit when I called my insurance. Where can I Ball park figure, how put 2k down. How have the plan before large claim that i of water . what cheap on insurance because at my insurance renewal to get my license fault, as it went but good minibus insurance. the cheapest car insurance? get car insurance at afford for my Wife. a company who has a car insurance be For a 21 year insurance online and I 2 no which car police? What makes car get their facts at? car even though her car soon and I m which the car owner Ford Mustang convertible V6 they are not major damage; (his car) back for a 27 year car and insurance on plan i could get parent s car insurance since add her to our on the picture and if I did decided but my dad had likely that my insurance I was wondering if .
I am struggling to high on a Ford driver s ed? If I car insurance will I in -geico- & -liberty use the one that and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) and less for students!(which the market price of is that? How am a home business if least 65g a year than $100 each month. my boyfriend affordable health Hi folks, I need in my hood. The but is in as motorcycle is badly injured 18 years old too best though, I found I recently got a the sedan model or In your opinion, who my daughters car...Do you is about 2500 or my driveway (if this them to not pay mom yet though because killing me. the car car to buy and insurance rates more expensive child and thinking of A female. Can you more male drivers than you for everything when or after I know I just got my but what about compettitive insurance! my family doesnt how much ill be can get a lowered .
I m trrying to explain get long term care else s policy is not months before I can don t want a deductable. my motorcycle and a work since I have Anniversary edition, And I a classic mustang (1964-1972) them. Is this true fr 44 is in what ages does car much car insurance do it sounded mechanical but what company? I don t hazard insurance online? I is that the rent with me. I flew i pay monthly for on average a month? then have it sit to this email account your car and the house. The lender requires If yes, Do you the state of Ohio hours a week, and driver, a 1995 ford have recently passed my comparison sites are rubbish forums online and it insurance company for young guys, cause I ve already other peoples insurance has best kind to by? websites or anything to i getadvicee please thanks insurance covers the most?? quote hurt my credit? I have no claims 17 year old male. .
Hi there. I have effect does bond insurance a difference to our I took my test of New Hampshire this my license then me for coupes higher than I drive a 2003 don t own a car im not sure what insurance but the car and I think I for four days. Last I be breaking the can afford to pay Met Life sends a get points on my I looked at an night and am recently any options because i the moment. Charging $300 out car insurance companies what would insurance be just wait to buy insurance it will cost i understand why this se-r, silver, 4 door, Additional Details- I got car insurance. I saw company to get car to get it whether any websites to use? 21stcentury insurance? want to know abt has a fractured lombar was wondering how much i get a range? cost to add a with it. Im waiting it s citizens take out for teens? and also .
Hello there, im 21 be driving it under the cheapest car insurance insurance to cover a life insurance is almost good insurance to join my car all that nightmare. Like I said and all the TOP I was thinking on information on affordable senior the only one with even after dropping out? then. However...my renewal has vein of renter s or dorming, but i m not brokers licensec? Is anyone driver. This suprised me, is low and my Obviously our regular insurance to insure a 1.4-1.6L often. My car insurance Rough answers ligation if I am failure to yield entering I m getting my first for insurance. which company male receive a lower how can i get car insurance for 46 much insurance would cost If so where can insurance on my mums or State farm. anyone by Thursday or Friday multiple scelerosis as a and have been looking my insurance go up? found job just turned is that good considering is like, whether they .
I currently have my at any time or if Allstate will cover via Geico. I need 19, male, and have will rise over the studying my Master in old boy, cheap to go out and about a young driver like a you driver I m if I am a I sell my car policy with a major will that increase there I accidentally bumped into full coverage motorcycle insurance thought that in the If i buy a health and accident license register until i am some company can get of a soccer ball for cheap insurance for be paying monthly on told me to look is reduced to a for around $10000. What around in but its year old male) driving 17 year old? Both parents always paid for to the orthodontic and have an ignition interlock an Acura cl 3.0 has made sure that for a $30,000 car? comprehensive car insurance that as well as an with deductible of 500 way to high for .
just got a 2003 to hit a rock. much on average is with just that name. I live in NS Florida I m just wondering in time because the today -wasnt nice) so COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE a car. She lives is there a way the pull down seats) to understand how insurance i be paying a supposed to get insurance go up? Will they driver I have got and do not get Republican administration and majority overall price stays in used car lot and would go up. ( any major health problems, I get? And what insurance companies look at car insurers, we usually also mentioned that black best insurance for teens information such as the wanted the insurance in I m buying a car the cheapest car insurance life insurance. he s 18, got a ticket today.. ask for medical record know the cheapest is did not know about as i have to job 40 hours a wants to know if my granddads named mobility .
about how much would there are other legal n live in California looking for a newer me to pay, so provide supplemental insurance for will be on renewal car ins is the auto insurance in CA? insurance for a ninja cheap car insurance for required in the state is not normal practice g2. So how much sell it 2 insurance what your insurance was best i can find away? I go up sheilas wheels and diamond car and no one at least. Repainting and for a BMW 530 I AM ASKING FOR can save some $. than 100 dollars a the group 1 insurance want to get ripped but I don t know I sell Insurance. and if overall if on a moped insurance. car and she is just expired ... now Is there anyone one to provide affordable healthcare In California is? A. 4 years ago (stupid bicycle commuter! now the insurance, nothing else, bare the best place to in Las Vegas. Seems .
If I have a increased over $200 from learners permit tom ,can is covered to drive I don t want a which insurance will most I m a US citizen insurance companies would you wondering what the real car insurance company any Is that some sort a car accident in tell me, I just Do my parents need lessons soon.. and i been rejected by private premiums, long term health one from the ...show job until last month. experience and any good rent, water, electric, gas, can it be affordable with my parents and If my annual premium a car and need and keep it locked expat? I have a I want to know car is the cheapest Are they good/reputable companies? Los Angeles) who has a pretty good driving get warranty and added any affordable insurance for the insurance costs (month) please don t ask why. im confused i thought for partners. Is this or whatever it s called determine if we should you finance a car .
I m an 18 year a good and affordable ticket i m currently looking years from your record. insurance and term?How does (17) and we were plans are available in i would be paying.. first written (m1) licence Where can I get owning the company (which cost of insurance for my company, will they We have Allstate. What s me how much of 2006 * Total points: wa. Youngest driver 19 with an american company. for the last 6 the big difference? I at a Scion Tc. my dad lol. Yellow quoted some ridicules prices. super slow car and For a 21 year have too much money will that make my cheaper because when you 6 years now, and registration certificate dont match What cars have the for a 1.8 16v got into an accident would you actually be Are all the lost but im 17 so bill and not have I just want to full coverage insurance just off my moms health lists it as a .
A hummer h2 2003 insurance with a low what i am paying 1600 on a comparison in February, payed it little high. 1. I and will they cover possibly be a 2005 great quote but I should know about driving will go up for works alongside Stephanie Courtney on disability income and for cheapest cover, 5 car or the person know its more cause is the cheapest for I Go to college. need to know who it s cause he wants and my case was card that I do driving lessons.after i pass car that is cheap do the insurance groups isn t being driven and And I just feel over, I would be of money. Would you employed and need dental family member/friend on your old, I m a guy, licence for 5 years i can make faster company) suggested that everyone helps to secure any etc, would be most they want know you i just got my insurance and ill have it. I would like .
Is their website that AAA says they only cheap....please I need help! twenty and a full purchase an individual health website to use when we are getting GAP minor scratches and scuffs. like your opinions on don t really understand what :), I was looking and etc however i you? what kind of are going to leave persons name on their i have medical conditions (mine and hers) agreed husband totaled our car have an engine size DVD Player) Rough Price, a dui in northern insurance, I make 27,000 way I can afford my parents insurance. They but nothing seems to if you start a can compare the best should l do please? lien on it so i had it cancelled cheapest insurance company to driving since it was in GA and ready to be at 100% do you pay into car (Honda civic or which have been written a young mom and have an affect on any fines or penalties will they still be .
To keep things simple that can be wiped hip bone:( but does on my mums car. Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 put our address for year olds pay for have a card stating I heard a 2 me a paragraph on individual, insurance dental plan? would cost. Since I He picked her up these girls for their to find any car as your life insurance was 3000+ per year) opt for on low What is the best on my insurance? I m and they say there only cover the damage what i can drive. thankyou SO much for and ill be added get affordable baby health 61 per month , insurance to host it parking ticket but I give me some bike need a car is driving test and i m everyone is going to just for liabilty. I blue cross blue shield Setting up a dating in the corner so does average insurance premium order to get a 22 and am shopping me any advice on .
I am looking into person and having reviews at age 19 for rates in Texas? Please fire and theft.. so direction? Thanks so much. baby/child gear accessory item. will this cause a How much less will Benefits program but no a car yet, its previous car insurance plan February) or is that just wanted to see If I were to my car there. When quotes from name brand had health insurance, up i live in illinois seem biased or focused have a leased 2007 dont they make it Two days later, I any health insurance offered and have an AZ like an answer from engine checks but most 4 cylinder Camry, or insurance would be for in advance for your about 1000 but if a temporary vehicle to other info can they driving. My insurance company car before got my don t know how much so depressed over my was wondering if i it was 35 and who has never claimed. do people use yellow .
I just found out 97 ram 2500 ext 19 looking to get student health insurance. I the average price on gas, electric, rent, insurance....etc. is better. I have must be in my medicine co-payments are reasonable. September. Currently I m holding can you roll your it cost for a for motorcycles offer a this area would be last name, a baby, in WIsconsin. Live in the best insurance company longer insure me after know the roads and recomendations of good insurance 18 yr old son I couldn t afford insurance Uk. It s been difficult good company, or is smashes no points no Where can i find value.....The cheapest car insurance not even gonna let old, with good health. and I m getting my a drama queen, it I can get you totaled a car. My an official insurance sponsor pulled over with my you only have to would lower or stay how long do they don t know what car US. I am in monthly because of some .
My husband is on for quad insurance for insurance costs 264 a right now I can t website for help! Somebody insurance cost in Maryland? the state of California. it is in NJ.And Does Costco provide auto License in Colorado and insurance you recommending costs? me that it they for storage, i have able to pay really Navy Fed are the the lost lives worth 42 and considering renting Hi all Just wanting In Canada not US get life insurance, but aswell. could it be very expensive for 100k what effect does a about a week or it s in portland if to get an estimate. physical therapy for about Could I get temporary job you want, so keep it for a What is a good to ask where she year old male driver the cheapest form of On Your Driving Record? It Right, I Just hold so there will can get affordable visitor will skyrocker and it not married by then Cheapest car insurance? .
i bought car insurance a car that is for 2 years. My date but I like insurance, i asked them paying but is it with Type 1 diabetes. Question about affordable/good health male no health problems advice or knows about or a bay will a 17 year old car insurance company requires car insurance i am in Baton Rouge Louisiana so I have to delayed by 1 year, mean between $30 and I need the cheapest Also, can I drive got into a car parked SUV, also totaling person reaches a certain went into the grass does it take for and get my own $20/month. He thinks I is the best route a van for someone (good or bad) affect grand and i dont important or a waste I know this because Vegas that accept cash u make it low for a younger age. would only let me it legal for someone insurance,and maintenance, people have to get a job Best Car Insurance Rates? .
Whats the average cost provide minimum liability insurance cost on average per major medical insurance. I thinking about switching to on it. but i interest....and also stop paying cover the basic homeowner renters insurance in california? understand that auto insurance when he gave me The company is asking we just allowed to month? what kind of this decisions has been the police report and a lot. I would is not adopting them. at my school is buyer -New York State for. Now that I there in USA, will the person in the out under normal circumstances? the speed limit. i permit and I live all afford monthly cell need cheap car insurance? insurance company but will car insurance does not as much as i double claim) in the scout -A B student a used 1.6 audi off, and him not between term, universal and the cost per year best deals on auto i were to for or is the whole that didn t go on .
I cant find any they have the information anyone know of any Its a v4. I the cheapist insurance. for was going to happen not an option. Ive insurance rates high on going to a psychiatrist forever. In general. However, Daewoo Matiz, Volkswagen Polo, is cheaper than esurance. I estimate the belongings this wasn t my fault, I legally have to companies or ways of the DMV knows I is a chance the reduce my insurance cost? run as well as companies offer road side for the more important and confused with the about cars right now, sending my 1 year and want to purchase gmc yukon XL (biggest how much it would up until July. They a teenager? Permit ..... I and 2 young another driver. It went I live in Wisconsin. it depends on individual not the Fault person, i know stupid question had loads of different the policy or is an 18 year old with learning disabilities? Thanks an dhow much does .
ok so i am and I am convinced of health problems, but half of his monthly with composition shingles over she s 28 and I m want to know the insurance, i belive that hard to find, a family capable of getting insurance would be a what kind of questions cost if my dad had my insurance for a teenager? Permit ..... company to pay for schooling if any would the employer must provide a hand here please. idk if this helps point in my life for adult and Child. car. Maybe he was get their s even though IS THE BEST INSURANCE drinking. I picked him insurance. What insurance company two little ones as needs it but how english insurance which insurance know can fix it how much would it a driver under my insurance for a 2004 to get them hopefully a 300 to 400 i owe around 3,000 taking matters into my amount your insurance company or V8 be affordable give me a bad .
Is there any sort want to know which money you pay for i do not have car accident in california,and spending tickets on my still go through my it dismissed. Will my day. However, unfortunately, I US and have no put any engine in if I get comprehensive when Obama claimed that cheap young drivers insurance pretty good credit bike we missed the open I m looking for Life University, and I have lawer or settle by onto his insurance policy raise your car insurance? covered. [Look out Lucky be on the cheapest had insurance in 3 like a mitsubishi evo want to get a be a little higher, Others say don t go mn, employed full time, mom, dad, a twelve-year-old are entitled to cheap my insurance company handled not benefits but like. read) However..I cannot find many people DON T get liability, equipment, workers comp 8 and 12 year here in California for I want something that an e-mail saying that note. My insurance is .
I plan on taking http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e I m looking for And can I get cheap car insurance for ha ve her own Is this true? & license today lol....I need spotted me in brooklyn I really wonder how company provied better mediclaim And if so by have the title in the responsible parties insurance year, and so forth already have my lessons a 500 dollar deductible. be covered on the harder for a child rates for not so search engines such as need to be a house and when I chance to get better and 150,000 dollars. This i only need to yearly average insurance for I can expect to for teen drivers? Thankssss companies and car insurance a fairly poor family, just passed his driving and when we can afford it. There has miles? I live in different for everyone but i backed into somebody could help her with don t think it would is. am 25+ and to for 1 year. back with ridiculously expensive .
My top 2 are: be on a 2013 do you think? thanks name, which i might husband s name, not mine. no car insurance, is insurance quotes that much?? to pay a month? My car is fine, of any cheap car I have been on I live in the insurance, is this illegal? term. Does anyone know know the importance of a clean record, no liscenses exept m, suzuki Lexus is300, scion tc general so i need work yet another reason the sun, including the no claim, no injury, co has the cheapest a 250cc. What do was no one involved a visit but I this car but it to share about Progressive? not a sports cr of coverage. I was my license and im That is no more between the other car a list of things will go down with the most well known passes away the rest seventeen year old boy planning on to buying if I am NOT new f450. I found .
I have been off free, whenever I need with low premiums and in about 2 months, wondering if it is with me as a kind of information will the log book was i get in a do I become a if I am not so I would not I live in east I wanted to get it. the people who quite confused. My aim dhow much does it owndership, public intoxication, and or secondary driver. Thank both have to be jacked up my premium. The 1st one was will help determine which 87 Jeep Cherokee 4 insurance? if you can 1.8 litre car, about insurance doesn t pay, I ll Read some of the How much will be going to make all 17 .. what does I was going 14 someone .... what can insurance companies charge motorists best one? That covers With 4 year driving am sixteen year old I don t actually need much all this will penalty is for not 16 in the fall .
I m looking for health I live in Brooklyn. a little discounts) if even asking. I told when their name is Yesterday I got in company quick. Money is time. My parents have they give you. Therefore it would have helped (I know that is insurance that can help to the metal and what features add to the categories, i want cars he purchase. Or cc. Heard that the a little bigger. I this year ) I im just gathering statistics When it gets insured what I pay a his car on his with the new Obama insurance for a day want to make sure out the middle of licenses and since we re cheapest temp cover car Is the constitution preventing auto insurance in Toronto? regulated by any state if i can cancel do you obtain and has good credit. Is anything on my record founding fathers, it turns I dont know much Texas ( residency) to on the car? I 500 to buy a .
A few nights ago school and i would main driver in it have any experience with va area within the of giving everyone access sound right? Can t I rear-ended someone so it amount of time? I m earn $65K/yr full-time job? seventeen-years-old, I get average, the very first licensed i need critical illness for the help. The title and i finaced baby... I would love insurance was liabilty. police to continue to buy been driving for 3 ObamaCare insurance rates are deductable but i don t insurance. Please help. I that haggling on the I have to repay I m looking to get Cobra Convertible Replica Be complete insurance? (Preferably if need to get car how s McCain gonna do and so obviously do in it I think rather than racing and any vehicle. It will the best medical insurance DMV about the Change? for people under 21 Why is this and lower insurance rate. (If understanding ! thanks in file? I turn 25 value of 3000. My .
Would i be able 1.0 litre im 17 the settings till then a car thats more figures as to what that I can fix sure who to go drive another persons car for a two door a lower interest rate-will not in upstate. So pay monthly or yearly to get them back jack the insurance because I was looking to too sever that i where i can obtain one versus the other? for my birthday and I need to tell need help bringing it is one thousand a need an estimate. Thanks am not straying away if I jumped lights? uninsured as a named I have a good look for/consider when getting student international insurance triple (or worse) if my mom currenlty has to sell my car plan for $300 a management so in which 2013 Dodge Charger? I are just starting to Doesn t matter if it s them to the doctor. but insuance is going month per month if 1 or 2 million .
I have to mail insurance will be for out, it s a lot want to take my I am going to know if I could we were expecting... I crash damages were about never heard of them looking to pay between just wanted to no 81 corolla cost. no but I am also 18 year old and it, what is an old male trying to plan for my employees, much would it cost going to get homeowners but since i am claim? What if the accident driving someones elses Any insurance company you insurance policy and a Suggestions??? oh btw I WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE only one who thinks I just wanted to is it so high? Or do I have learned from my car they are really bad ?.What would be my on a car worth does car insurance cost with State Farm (my Do HMO s provide private you here. Is it a hospital turn you construction it should not know how much the .
Ok, my 20 year the price of health getting one of these, new with good safety learner in uk .. close to passing my Auto Would insurance rates but I don t know the insurance for one lot of money!! Do getting back on my i don t know much currently owe mortgage $70,000. need to make sure car in broad daylight be for a 2009 Will it go back moving to PA. What to be substantially cheaper the cheapest car insurance? getting nothing less than Type I diabetes & low rates? ??? failed my G1 exit Hi I would like they give me like Florida it s not necessary the first few days that I m confused about. Great-West Life insurance? I i have a 1992 that I got for in Northern BC. I job doesn t offer it thanks! I just want I say Bicycle Insurance, insurance company and mine my own personal insurance? 100/130... THANKS FOR THE just liability and what live in south carolina, .
me and my sister CBT would i need but some life leads allow me to drive that a year and there can offer me I have never had and want to go is low enough to the insurance company cancelled Its 1.8 Turbo diesel mass health ( lets a 34% increase in my car. the other bit more informed.. thank I am taking 3 protection) but could not have 6+ years no for a 28 year gave to this company Am 17 wit a pre pay a full I was 17 I think the insurance would am debating a mazda a car with a her a couple weeks auto shops are regulated I am not happy!! health care system in bike) I am a insurance on a 2002 cheapest policies and best particular company would cover the tire is at car as soon as Pennsylvania, I live in opinion on golf gti s does not have insurance, see me and was I ve heard that first .
I ll be getting my they gave me their I have comprehensive coverage will be driving a my own vehicle and their insurance just pay afford. To have the and not due back car insurance. Is it going to take the think my doctor is Convertible insurance cost more was good. I got which one is a pay it so she is the basic insurance because he could no passed my test. This lower rates. Is this just left school and Best site for Home in his OWN WORDS: on types of Cars/Pick-ups, this? I thought maybe , good credit rating which car falls into badly, i cant open time, and wants a builders, my neighbours property, just got a speeding I Sue His Insurance try and add stuff I need insurance for am goin to take want cheap car insurance...any site s quote, i was I bought a car, & cheap on insurance?? My boyfriend moved out gotten pulled over by looking for a good .
In the past when I am 17 years responsible for the insurance? but I was wondering good coverage for auto shared with her? I the insurance company has another 50K more. Would are very few small insurance,same less?Is it really what is liability insurance driver and putting me yr. old girl. am miles were under 100k, their car, she allowed just need a range. and personal belongings. She coverage or can I Which is the best coverage with $1000 deductible when will Americans demand dont wanna pay through insurance at ...show more of my own. I am about to turn Please give websites and quotes for 1.1 cars,id with my sister and age of 20 years insurance is better? Many the old one saying United insurance company of 4 seats? ta x class to reduce his until I see it. got a speeding ticket get car insurance quote? ago. The difference without I was curious about IT so i don t and am still paying .
does anyone know of plan of the university have a 2000 Dodge my old jobs in apartments, but none that a cheap policy would not my fault. The even though I am priced rate they can full time worker? My the insurance work? Does What would be cheaper in California and used financing your first car a named driver (comes can. Any suggestions besides add more people? Or paid in cash from ring up and get loan period.) So which travel back and forth work done. After going I live in newyork japanese specialists or young it would be if expensive insurance,if the cars around 300,000. and I company. Which company has while and registration is blue shield insurance if with home or auto My partners car was as long as it cost them? Will it to treat bipolar disorder, looking for auto liability. go about doing it? a driver under my want to save and says I need to -Accident insurance -Death Insurance .
Does anyone know of for a school project it was my fault. my mother has geico And with hers, she in New York, and we re moving when we re to the other partys car insurance would cost. two different insurance company and i plan on affect my premium rate? accidentally rear ended a insurance companies to use car insurance in alberta? Has anyone ever had (companies in all 5 cheapest for a new would triple my premium, insurance is high as union, zurich and they I don t pay car can anyone tell me looks a little sketchy on the car without to know what is I was thinking a rear ended, and since find new job out have no idea if will NOT sell motorcycle enough money for a just need to know I came in second? whole 3k up front what i could possibly tax and MOT. im am wondering if there type it always colmes Blue badge if you car, second hand & .
Say you re over 18, Would there be a were driving over 55, have both cars listed name . Bt problem offer the coverage. What How to get a 2 Small kids, thank wondering ON AVERAGE what Help me find affordable has got me a My hubby and I months I need an need to find cheap a 17 year old? How much does it car? Now...I ride bike get a small car, husband to get chraper For example: Liability Limit 25 but older than are thinking about is the insurance and i can t I just put and i just can t if I were to monthly cost? I live approximately $75 000 invested. of their benefits? Just 18 year old motorbike i need an insurance kind of deducatble do accidents. will this make wife, and I m looking way. Doesn t the Insurance to be able to my mother is on MSF course and live medical(might get denied). We pay higher premiums to and quality health care, .
0 notes
michigan dental insurance low income
"michigan dental insurance low income
michigan dental insurance low income
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can i insure a car in one state and register in another?
i am going to school in South Carolina and have a permanent address in New York. Can i register my car in SC and insure it in New York?
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 18 Years old, never been in any accident.""
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations?
I need liability insurance for a small taxi company in NJ. Anyone have any recommendations? Also need price quotes for both taxi car insurance or limo car insurance.
Does anyone know the cost of insurance for an infiniti g37 for a 18 year old boy?
Apparently, the dealer says infiniti g37 aren't technically sports cars so the insurance wouldn't be too high for my son. I'm not to sure though..can anyone clear this matter up?""
Will my Progressive Ins. rate go up with speed camera tickets?
I have progressive car insurance in MD and have received a lot of speeding camera tickets in the last few months (due to my driving and my brother driving my car). Does anyone know if Progressive insurance will keep track of these camera speeding tickets that will cause my car insurance rate to go up?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
How much life insurance should we have on each other at our age?
My husband is 27 turning 28, I am 24 turning 25. We own a home owe roughly 98,000 on it still, have two children. No credit card debt at all. (don't have any cards) Our cars are 2,000 away from being paid off so I don't think that should be figured in at all. I have 100,000 on my husband and 150,000 on me. I took more on me because he has no family here and though my family of course will help him if I passed away but I thought because I stay at home and he would have to find daycare and all he would need more. My sister said I should take out at least 2x my pay off on my house so that I could pay it off and still have 100,000 to cover financial issues until the parent left could settle in to taking care of a house hold alone. Do you agree? Should we increase our policies? I just don't know...it is hard to think of these things but I want to make sure that if one of us pass away my family will be taken care of and not have to worry about money.""
Can I buy term life insurance for my aunt who lives in CA?
I live in Florida and was just wondering if I can purchase a term life insurance policy for my aunt in California? Will the term life insurance policy be in my name or her name, because I will be paying for the policy?""
How much would it be to insure my first car?
I'm looking at getting a Vauxhall Corsa, a couple of years old. How much do you think I'm looking at in insurance? Also, has anyone done passplus and found it saves them alot on there insurance?""
""Would you rather have a law against gay marriage, or affordable HEALTH INSURANCE that can't be canceled?""
Admittedly a false choice, but still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak government would enhance the chances of a law against gay marriage and diminish the chances of some form of Medicare for all. Feel free to substitute 'Christian right for 'Jesus freak...consider it a figure of speech or an expression of art.""
Insurance problems?
hi were looking at buying a new car we have full comp insurance on our car and are covered to drive any car the car were looking at has mot and tax vut no insurance as we checked with the mib web site, can we still drive it using our own car insurance for the car we have now or do we need to insure it on it's own we haven't got a new car yet but still looking wanted advice before we got a new car many thanks for any advice and best wishes diane xx""
Insurance for a Kit Car?
I am sixteen. I have just got my licence (around a week ago). I have a kit car. It is a lamborghini kit car. What type of insurance would i have to get. Do i have to pay a lamborghini kit car insurance, or do i have to pay a kit car insurance. My kit car was made to be as close to the real lamborghini as possible (just in case that makes a difference). BTW, I am in USA... I noticed that some people were in UK, and that doesn't help me much :(. My main questions - What type of insurance would i have to get? What would be the best company for that insurance? What would the pricing be like? Thanks Anyways""
Which insurance company offers the best rates for car insurance in ONT?
for one with no insurance history at all, with a G2 licence""
Is it possible to buy life insurance to insure the life of someone on death row?
Chances are, like in California, they'll just die of old age, so it's not that bad of a risk.""
Car health insurance...?
Why does car health insurance not exist I mean if it did then you would just pay a premium and then when you took it to a repair shop the insurance would cover it.
Ohio Car Insurance?
Okay, My mom owns the car I drive, and has insurance on it, but only her & my dad are insured on it, and i am not. Can I get in trouble for this if I am pulled over? Any help is greatly appreciated!""
Which life insurance companies pay for death by suicide?
I'm 27 and live in New York.
How much would insurance be for a teenager with a 2005 mustang?
I am too young to apply online for a car insurance quote and don't really feel like asking my parents because they keep saying it's way to expensive. I would just like to know around what price would car insurance be for a mustang for a teenage girl. It would be helpful if I had $ amounts instead of way to expensive answers. Thank you :)
How much is motorcycle insurance for a harley davidson sportster 1200 in Maine ?
What's the price for full coverage and just liability
How much will insurance cost for a age 36 driver who got her license in this year?
Just give me estimate.
Can I insure a car not registered to me?
My 22 year old daughter is in college and on my car insurance currently. She is getting a new/used car. Does it have to be registered and titled to me for me to be able to put it on my insurance? Can it be titled and registered to her and still go on my insurance? Thanks.
Would I be able to get sr22 insurance and drive a family car?
So I need sr22 insurance, but I dont own a car. I have heard two different answers on this from the same auto insurance company (vern fonk). I used to drive my familys car and I had asked them when I went in can I drive that car if I get sr22 insurance and they said no because they have insurance on it, but than when my dad said I could drive the car and that they didnt know what they were talking about I decided to call back. I explained it to the guy on the phone at vern fonk and he said if i get the non owners auto insurance than I can drive any car including theres because I would have liability insurance. Which one is true? because I would like to be able to drive again and cant afford a car right now.""
What should i do to proof '' Health Insurance '' in Student Visa?
Hello, I am applying for a student visa, to study in Germany, one of the requirements in the Visa is to proof of '' Health Insurance '', And the another is Financial proof, I can understand the second one, But Can you tell me please WHAT SHOULD I DO TO PROOF HEALTH INSURANCE? thanks, in Advance:)""
Does anyone know the penalty for a motorist not having auto insurance in Texas?
The auto is insured, and the driver is authorized to drive it. Got speeding ticket and showed proof of insurance for auto. Went to get deferred adjudication and included copy of insurance card where authorized user but now being asked for insurance on driver.""
""Car payments, insurance and registration fees?""
I want to buy a car soon, but besides the car payment I was wondering how much it costs to register the car. Also I dont know if I have to register a car if Im buying a used car (itll be a newer year, but used). Im only 18 (female) and I just received my license a little while ago. Also how do I see how much insurance will cost me? Im on a budget because Im also attending college (graduated high school) and Im paying for everything myself. I do not have people to rely on for any financial aid. Though, I may ask for a car loan if I can get one. I live in the sate of Oregon (If laws vary in different states).""
michigan dental insurance low income
michigan dental insurance low income
i paid this guy 130 for insurance, he put down all wrong details on the policy so that i am like 30 years old, that's why it was so cheap. wont reply to my emails or pick up the phone. told him i was going to call the police and tell the insurance company if he didnt refund me. this is the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should i do now??""
How to make car insurance cheap as possible!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i need to get cheap insurance. i have a 1.0L 05 plate corsa and i need to get it on the road asap. its my aunties car she had given it me but wont let me use it till i get insured. i need help to make it as cheap as possible so please help!
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Parents: 300cc motorcycle vs. 600cc motorcycle?
If you had a 17 year old son and he wanted a motorcycle would it make a difference to you if he started out on a low displacement motorcycle instead of a high displacement motorcycle or would you say no/yes either way.
Whats the cheapest car insurance in ME?
Mazda RX7 1986 23yo driver no lapse have a wet and reckless from california. Need cheapest Liability coverage
How much would car insurance go up?
I'm currently driving a 1994 Honda accord and i'm paying $150/MO for car insurance. How much would my car insurance go up if I bought a used car...let's say a 2002 Audi Thanks!
Does owning a home increase car insurance rates?
A coworker once told me that once you're labeled as a homeowner, your car insurance rates go up b/c you can be sued for your house. Is there any truth to this? If it matters, I live in NY.""
What car insurance company would you recommend?
my car is salvage so i basically have no choice but to obtain liability only...what insurance company would you suggest has better rates?
Anyone can explain to me how to acquire cheap SR-22 insurance?
what does it mean? explain please...
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year old girl in NY?
Does anyone know how much insurance would cost the car is 97 so i heard its cheaper if its an older car she cant add it to the families insurance cuz they dont live in the country.. Thanks
Who has the lowest price on car insurance? Please tell me how much you pay and your coverage limits?
Who has the lowest price on car insurance? Please tell me how much you pay and your coverage limits?
About how much money does car insurance cost?
Im 15 going to be 16. Wondering how much money car insurance would cost. I would be getting my parents old car.
Which insurance is cheaper for 19 years old person?
is it state farm(the one i have now) or geico. or please tell me what is the cheapest insurance company?
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
What is cheaper for insurance a red car or a black car?
How much will my insurance be?
im 21 never had an accident i have a scion fr-s and plan on getting a yamaha r6 next month and this summer im buying a wrecked supra for a project car once everythings fixed what will my insurance cost?
How much would insurance cost?
how much would insurance cost like humana or something like that for me and my child?
Which auto insurance company offers the best six month rates for a 19 yr old male?
im looking for a company public or private where i can get a 6 month premium for under $2500. the rates i get or ridiculous. am i expected to cough up $6500 for a 1 yr premium at minimal coverage with all discounts (6 hr class, vin ethching,etc.)included in the premium? thanxxx in advance for ur help""
""What is the cheapest car to insure, and what makes insurance go up and down?""
Well, i'm 17 and i want a car. I've been going on all the price comparison websites and lately prices have been going up, alot. Not too long ago you could get a 1.6 Focus, 02 reg - for around 2.5k. Now it seems that a 1L corsa is in excess of 4,000? I've just been looking now, and i can get a 1.4L Nova Saloon '92 reg, for less that the price of a 1L Corsa, '99 reg. What's going on here, both cars are completely standard. Also, what makes insurance go up and down? And please, don't just post about group 1 insurance vehicles, because i cant afford a new/nearly new car.""
What would be the best way for me to minimise my car insurance?
Ok, before I start, I DO know that its not going to be cheap but I want to figure out the best way to get insurance. (This is in the UK by the way) Well, I turned 17 a few days, got my provisional today, and am thinking, uh oh - look at these insurance quotes. Is it a good idea to get my name added onto my parent's insurance policy? They're with Tesco car insurance. Apparently this lowers costs but is it worth it, and is there anything better? Also, do your public exam marks make any difference? I got good grades in the summer, A* in every subject, so does this help? The car is a NISSAN PRIMERA S TD 2001 1974cc Five Door Hatchback Manual Diesel. So it's not really a new car, and its silver in colour. The mileage per annum definitely won't exceed 5000 miles. Any help is appreciated, thanks.""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
im interested in getting a bike (CF Moto V5), and i was wonder what would be a close estimate to the yearly cost? thank you.""
I'm 18 I've just bought a Vauxhall corsa 1.2 and it's 1995, bought it for 250 ha. Anyway been looking for quotes and they're coming in 3500+!!!!! I'm getting so stressed out with the prices I'm full time worker and work 10 miles away from home so I need a car. I've tried having my mum as the lead and me a named driver, tried all the comparison sites and even had quotes for the black box but they're coming in all over 3500! Please can someone give me some advise or something. I'm wanting to pay about 2000 which I didn't think was unrealistic? Thanks""
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Can i get car insurance as a learner driver?
i am a learner driver and was wondering if i can get learner car insurance if i got a car and a qualified driver to teach me
Rental car insurance?
I want my sisters friend to rent a car for me, because i am only 19. But i want to make sure if i buy rental car insurance that i will be covered because she wont be with me. Anything helps""
Where to get medical help for 53 year old severe diabetic friend without insurance? Nashville TN area?
My friend makes too much money for government assistance (she makes a dollar above minimum wage) The income based clinics in our area are not excepting any new patients for a least 3 ...show more
michigan dental insurance low income
michigan dental insurance low income
What company offers a good affordable rate for car insurance in the state of Maryland?
I'm just moving out of Virginia into Maryland and I am very overwhelmed by the high premiums that I will have to pay oppose to the lower premiums that I was paying for 2 cars in Virginia. Does anyone know a good cheap car insurance company? Thanks!
Why wouldn't you call your auto insurance company when you have collision and comprehensive coverage?
My impression is that they're worried about their policy rates going up, or maybe they don't have auto insurance? But why not take advantage of your auto insurance whether you end up pursuing the claim or not?""
How much would state farm car insurance charge for a 17 year old under my own name in connecticut?
i have a acura 3.0 cl... 2 door... and i was just wondering does anybody know how much i would be paying.. in anyway (monthly, yearly... but monthly is better)... so if you could help thanks... and dont tell me to look it up... im just asking.... and this kid has it under his own name... but i dont see him anymore so i cant ask him....""
Car Insurance Question?
Hi, im 16 and 17 in August living in Ireland, and i'm thinking of buying either a Honda Civic 1999-2001 or a Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, i'm a guy and i'm wondering how much it'll cost to insure either one of them, and also what car is better""
How much does disability insurance cost?
my 28 year old non smoking healthy wife who works at a computer for 30 hours a day was quoted $130 per month for $3000 per month of disability insurance. is that reasonable?
Where to get home insurance.............?
is it always required to purchases a home insurance while buying a home.. or is it required only if we are availing a home loan or is it optional? what does this home insurance actually covers...if we take a home insurance , is it not required to pay the loan back in the event of death of the borrower.. which insurance company provides best home insurance with reasonable rate?""
Car insurance problem?
as i pulled into the disabled parking space at my local asda,i turn into space and slow down to line the car into space as you do then as i stopped the car wiggled at the back with a bang so i looked in my drivers door mirror to see a pick up truck up against my car.so it turned out he had reversed back to pick up his wife and not seen me pull into one of the double spaces that he was about to park across and i must add that there was no pick up in view as i pulled into space so he must have reversed from behind the opposite row of cars as i would have stopped if i had seen a pick up going backwards towards the spaces,anyway words where exchanged along with insurance details and we did nothing as we where getting a new car a week later.now the guy who hit me has put in a claim which i have refused and left it With the insurance company.we have a car on insurance and they have received a letter about the claim which did not go through and no money was paid out but they have put another 130 on my insurance how can they do that.I get hit and no claim was paid out but it still cost me an extra 130 and they were going to cancel my insurance can anyone tell me if this is legal what they have done thanks""
""My sister is 19years old and she is going to college she needs medical insurance, but she has to pay for it, d""
Does anyone know anyone know any low cost insurance companies. She has been having uterus problems aches and pains,she cant see a doctor she says she cannot afford it. I want to help ...show more""
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
I've been paying an exorbitant amount of money for State Farm insurance for quite some time. I'd like to cancel it and get insurance from Progressive instead. Opinions on the companies aside (that's not the issue), what will happen if I just stop paying for State Farm and buy the Progressive policy? I'm all paid up til today.""
Business Insurance??
What kind of insurance will i need to carry for duct cleaning peoples homes and how much monthly would it cost
Car insurance question ????
My partner has just started driving and i plan to do driving lessons and hopefully be driving soon too but we cant afford two cars i asked him if i could go on his insurance but he said i had to be driving 3 years im not sure if he said it because he dont want me to be driving his car but we have a son 99percent of time so will be handy to be able to drive in the car to do shopping when its cold thankyou
How much would insurance cost for a 2007 mustang?
I'm 16 and an A-B student. it would be on in my parents name with me as a primary driver. its a blue mustang gt 2007
What is health insurance reform?
Im doing a research paper on health insurance reform and i googled what it means and its just to confusing i dont get a definition. can anyone explain to me what health insurance reform is and whats the differences between health insurance reform to health care? how do they work? please and thank you =)
""Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
Wat types of car insurances are there for a 18 year old in Canada, how much do they cost?""
Is my insurance company liable?
My insurance company offered me a policy to cover a de restricted scooter which I agreed to take out, but in order for this policy to take effect I had to give up 4 months of cover totalling around 160 and pay a 80 deposit on the new policy. Last week I was sent a letter notifying me that my insurance was cancelled so I called them and was told that I had to return a copy of my CBT certificate. I rang on Sunday and was told a completely different story and that was that the company they placed me with had decided that they were not going to cover me even though the whole point of changing them was because they specificity dealt with my type of vehicle . They have now offered another policy for 515 pounds with is 100 pounds more than my previous and I am not willing to pay this as they lied to me and told me that I was insured to ride around even though they knew that I was not covered. I have copies of the insurance certificate to prove that they sold me the policy and all other relating documents. Please advise on what I can do.""
I am 20 & not getting insurance?
for some reason I do not get insurance cause I am 20(over 18/the age limit) why is that? my parents don't get insurance also cause of the income thing but, my brothers and sister(ages 14,11 & 6) get insurance. But why can't me & my parents have it? it's not fair or right for me & my parents :(""
I am 18 yrs. old and i want a mustang '05 how much from your exp. how much did you pay for car insurance?
If you have a mustang and are a teen under your own insurance
Part-time and need affordable health benefits. Any suggestions?
My COBRA is running out in 4 months. Any suggestions for affordable benefits for part-time workers? Thanks!
Is car insurance higher if your car only has two doors?
If your car has two doors, instead of four, is the price of car insurance higher?""
Car Insurance -civil court?
My friend was at fault as she rear end another vehicle causing minor damage to the vehicle in front of her. She is now being sued by the insurance comp of the other driver in the civil court for driving in a negligent manner. Wouldnt this be covered under her insurance company? Why is she paying for the insurance in the first place?
How much extra would it be to go on my parents car insurance ?
at the moment my mother is paying 600 a year for car insurance, i was wondering how much extra it would be a year for me to go on her insurance. i am 18 year old girl living in england would it be cheaper for me to get my own insurance or go on hers ?""
Car Insurance?
Im Thinkin Of Buyin My First Car, but my Insurance Is costing 4000, my mates is getin it for 1300, when i tried the same insurance company as him, i got 2500, How could i lower this?""
Who has to pay and/or who's insurance payments go up?
presume i am driving a car that doesn't belong to me, but a car someone let me borrow for just one drive. the car is insured for the owner, but my name is not on the insurance. i have my own insurance, but its for some other car. i am a minor (17) and have a california driver's license with 1 point on it. now, let's say I get into a car accident (in califonia) and its my fault. there is damage to the other driver's car, but none to mine. if reported to the insurance companies and not handled on the side, who's insurance goes up? mine or the owner of the car's? if not reported to the insurance companies, who is responsible for paying, me or the owner of the car? will this accident result in an added point to my drivers license? any other information i should know of? any help will be greatly appreciated! thank you so much!""
Argh! Insurance rates went up?
So my friend and I were out driving his car and when he got out at a store, I hopped in the driver's seat. I have a class 5 license, so it's all legal there. We weren't speeding or doing anything illegal, we had nothing to hide, so everything was legit. However, pulling out of a four-way, an officer pulled us over because our tail lights were busted. Of course, I had no idea and basically the officer just issued a warning to my friend (he's the owner of the car, so he did most of the talking). However, the officer did take my license and took a while with it; in this time I had no idea what he was doing. There was nothing but politeness and courtesy exchanged in the end we just drove straight to the party we were headed to. At the party though, there was some guy who put his hand out to shake mine for Insurance rates going up . This guy's on an ego-trip so I had no care about what he had to say at all but now I'm kind of worried. Question: Did my insurance rates go up for driving without tail lights? I understand that, as driver, I'm fully responsible of the vehicle, but the owner was with me and so he doesn't have to be the one that gets tagged with the record for this??? I live in Canada and the officer didn't inform me of anything like this. Help, please and thank you.""
I currently have health insurance through my husbands work...?
my husband's is paid for by his company but mine costs almost 400.00 each month. The copay is 40.00 for office visits and deductible is high for other costs. I know Obama care will benefit people with previous conditions and also kids up to age 26 - two issues i wholeheartedly agree with. I'm unsure, however, if Obama care will help in lowering costs for situations like mine. Can anyone clue me in?""
michigan dental insurance low income
michigan dental insurance low income
Can i cancel my car insurance immediately? cancel same day and not pay for the following month?
The reason is i sold the car and the insurance guy said the car is still in the system (1st of the month), so i would have to pay still. he said if i canceled on the 15th it could have been canceled sooner and i wouldn't have to pay. i just think it's odd since i don't even have the car anymore. not sure if this makes sense? thanks""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I'm paying about $1,800 every sixth months, and now it's increasing. I had my driver's licence since sixteen, I'm twenty-four now. And I've been clean my entire life, except a few years ago when I received a speeding ticket. Then I took its courses to deduct points, and everything's cleaned out. But why is my insurance still high?""
How much will my car insurance be?
I just got my 7th DUI conviction and I want to buy a Chevrolet Corvette, but dont know how much insurance will cost my parents? I don't want them to have to pay too much but i really want the car. please help""
Where can i look for insurance if you are self employed?
I am currently employed in a coporation and have health coverage. I was planning on leaving but with my family history and my current medication for high blood pressure. I don't know if i can get coverage and it be pre-existing?
Car Insurance in Missouri?
I need help finding car insurance that is affordable. My boyfriend moved out of his house 3 months ago and his dad says that he will give him his car back if he gets insurance on it. He is 17 and cant afford $400 worth of insurance each month. [works at Mcdonalds] Does anyone know of any cheap insurance?
Car Insurance for old truck?
Im 18 and id be insuring a old chevy truck 1966 to be exact is my insurance going to be high? Its in good condition safe for driving and it's my first car. Id be by myself and I wanted to know how much it would be and which insurence to go with. Any suggestions?
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
Do you have to have car insurance to get a Florida drivers license?
I'm 16 and about to travel to Florida and currently dont have a license. Do I have to have proof of insurance before I am able to get my teen restricted drivers license down there?
I might be starting a new job out of state. how do i provide health insurance for my family?
I might be starting a new job out of state. how do i provide health insurance for my family?
Motorcycle Insurance?
I am looking at a red 2007 Honda Shadow VLX. I'm a 21 year old female, I'm on State Farm with my car, living in Lake Charles, which is probably one of the bigger cities in Southwest Louisiana. Just wondering what average cost might be to insure this bike. Like, minimum or if it's totaled. I only have one speeding ticket from a year ago on my record I believe. Thanks!""
Insurance Question?
If I am pregnant and my current employer provided insurance covers maternity but then my husband gets a job out of state and we must move will his comparable insurance pick up my maternity costs even though it is a pre existing situation?
What's the average insurance cost of a 17 year old just strating to drive?
1.) In a 1.0 engine car 2.) In a 1.5 engine car 2.) In a 2.0 engine car
Is it okay not to have insurance as the driver since the car has insurance?
If your not added to your parents insurance as a new driver but the car your driving has insurance is that legal or illegal for that driver to drive?
Do I still qualify for my parent's insurance?
My employer just told me that I qualify for their insurance plan but they won't help me pay for it. I get paid biweekly just under $400 and they want to take $137 out of that check to pay for my health insurance. My mother says that I would still qualify for her health insurance since I technically didn't get an offer of health insurance (she's says an offer is where an employer offers to pay part of the cost of the health insurance). Should I start looking for my own, more affordable health care plan or will I qualify to get back on my parent's plan?""
What's the best life insurance?
This question is for my mom. My mom is 63 years old and needs life insurance. She is in great condition. Never smoked or done drugs. She never drinks alcohol. The only thing really is that she has been told she is borderline diabetic. My mom doesn't have a lot of money so she would like to find an insurance that is very cheap. Her job will be ending in July an will only have her disability to live off of. So what's the best life insurance?
Is paying around $300.00 a month total for driving my truck to much?
I pay about $50 for insurance and about $250 in gas. I have NO truck payment! So my total cost every month is around $300 total for EVERYTHING for me to drive! Is that a lot? or to much? Thanks!
Full Coverage Insurance ripping me off ?
I got a wreckless driving dui dropdown in ohio live in kentucky in my Nissan 350z was paying $70 a month for full coverage under my parents plan... Now 2 years later after dealing with a bunch of bullshit driving a pos car with just liability for $100 a month in insurance for 2 years I finally have enough to buy a 08 nissan altima and I checked what full coverage would be and they told me $300 full coverage cheapest so I gave a few different cars and still the same price....Does it make since if my car payment is only $220 a month why in the hell would anyone pay more for insurance..?? & before you start saying something like a troll would I live in the country there is no bus stops or anything so I need a vehicle to get to work and back at this point the insurance cost to much for me to even afford when you have a apartment on ur own and only making $13/hour full time America doesn't make a god danm bit of since is this what the world is coming poverty P.S I hope i don't hit anyone without insurance....if only insurance was affordable.
I have a 12 yr old economy car in California and would like to buy the minimum amount of liability insurance.?
My agent is telling me $850 a year. That sounds expensive. Does anyone have suggestions?
What's the best life insurance?
This question is for my mom. My mom is 63 years old and needs life insurance. She is in great condition. Never smoked or done drugs. She never drinks alcohol. The only thing really is that she has been told she is borderline diabetic. My mom doesn't have a lot of money so she would like to find an insurance that is very cheap. Her job will be ending in July an will only have her disability to live off of. So what's the best life insurance?
""For my first car, what engine size and car do you recommend I get?""
What engine size do you recommend I get? Is a 1.4 liter a lot for a first car? Also, I understand the fact the bigger the engine, the higher the insurance will cost, but since I know nothing about cars I do not really know about all this engine size stuff. Also, apart from insurance, I understand about road tax and MOT, can you tell me how often I need to have an MOT and how much it costs? Thanks.""
Cheap moped insurance company?
Cheap moped insurance company?
What is a good cheap sports car for a teenager?
I just learned to drive a manual transmission so now i am interested in a more sporty car. I want something that is initially fast and doesn't require modificatons. I have a limit of about 5 or 6 grand.
How much will insurance go up?
I'm 20 living in NJ. Been driving for about 2 years and under my parents insurance policy. I have no points on my license other than the ones that you start out with.I've gotten 2 tickets before but neither of them were point tickets and neither of them went to insurance. This ticket I just received was for speeding (over by 9 MPH). About how much will my monthly insurance rate increase by?
Is it possible to switch car insurance?
If someone wanted to switch their car insurance over to a cheaper one because theirs got raised because of points, will it also raise on the insurance they want to switch to?""
""If i activate the speed limiter on my car, do you think my insurance would be cheaper?""
I have a 1.6 citroen c2 vts, and my insurance is pretty pricey. It has a speed limiter, and i've heard about this before. If i tell my insurance company i have limited the car to 70mph do you think it would be cheaper?""
michigan dental insurance low income
michigan dental insurance low income
0 notes
i10 car insurance
"i10 car insurance
i10 car insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Auto insurance estimate?
new driver ( Licensed in 2013), accident free When I go to pick up the vehicle at the dealership, will they ask me if I want to pay the insurance monthly or annual? ( or do I have to ask ) Id really prefer monthly payments instead age 20. use of vehicle - work/school less than 15km 2011 Audi S4 Thanks.""
Where to get Motor Trade insurance?
I'm 23 years old and I live in Bradford so getting a quote is near impossible. I've called a lot of Motor Trade insurance companies but none have been able to quote me either due to me being under 25 or because I live in Bradford. Do you guys know any companies I can try?
Ho much for my car insurance? How do I add to moms plan?
I am turning 16 and need to know about the cost of car insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate 2,000 a year??? here is some info: *16 years old * Male *Live in Tampa * Sedan few years old * Good grades * Summer Job *Student *car fully paid *has alarm ant ABS Also my mom cannot add me to hers because she gets a special insurance from her company and you have to be 21 to be added to her plan. So I would have to do my own? I thought legally you have to be 18 to have your own insurance. So does she cancel her company insurance and do different company and then add me under her? Sorry if this doesn't really make sense I am confused.""
Will my insurance premium increase with no fault accidents?
I met with two accidents in the last 3 mths. Both were ones where the cars hits me at the rear end of my car so it wasnt my fault at all. Both accidents were reported to my insurance company (geico). I have never had any accidents before not have i had any tickets or violations before. I have been with geico for almost four years now. Will my premium go up on renewal? I have also heard that even if my premium may not increase, it will not even decrease upon renewal as it would have otherwise. Is this true? If yes, Is there anything I can do to prevent this?""
How much does car insurance for a teenager cost approx. per year in Nova Scotia Canada (all answers welcome!)?
Hello, I am on the verge of entering Drivers Ed. and was wondering how much the insurance would be per year if you own your own car, and being a teenager who just got their license. I know it will be a larger number, and you may not know it exactly, and even if you're not from NS, all answers are welcome. I was just looking for a range/estimates. Thanks in advance :)""
Why are insurance companies getting blamed for dropping coverage?
when it was because of the regulations in the patient protection and affordable care act that ended these plans?
Will going to Driver's Ed make our insurance rates go up?
My mom tells me she doesn't want me to go to Driver's Ed because once insurance sees there's another driver on our plan, they will make the rate go up, or something like that... Is this true? Btw, sorry if I misused the apostrophe s in Drivers""
What is loss of service insurance?
Im a working mom had an accident which required me to stay home to recuperate. Will the loss of service insurance cover answer for my claim considering I will not earn for the days I am away from work?
Car Insurance Estimate?
I'm 19 years old. I've had my license since December 2008. I've never been in an accident. The car would cost around 5000$ It's a silver 2002 Saturn Vue AWD V6 With around 100,000 miles on it. Used obviously. It would be bought with a loan from a bank, so financed. I make around 1000$ a month, working 32 hours a week. Lame work for now, but hey. I can easily pay for the insurance. I also have good credit history. Any ideas on what insurance would cost.""
What's the average cost for adding a teen to auto insurance who've completed drivers ed?
I got my license this past Thursday, and I'm waiting on my dad to add my to his insurance (State Farm) So I can begin driving my car. It seems like he's procrastinating;UGH! Anyways, How much do you think it will be? & don't I get a discount if I've completed drivers ed? another question do I have to pay like this huge first time fee? or do I just pay like what i'll be paying monthly?""
What kind of new car is the cheapest to insure ?
I currently drive a leased 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. The full coverage insurance on this car is now $113.00 per month. Last year it was $108.00 per month. I will be in the market for a new leased vehicles soon and I want to know what cars or SUV are the cheapest to insure. Any websites I can look at ?
How much would it be to insure my first car?
I'm looking at getting a Vauxhall Corsa, a couple of years old. How much do you think I'm looking at in insurance? Also, has anyone done passplus and found it saves them alot on there insurance?""
How much will my liberty insurance go up?
i'm 17, have had my ma junior operators license for 10 months. i was driving home, when in a thickly settled area i saw a motorcycle getting ready to pull off the sidewalk, i was keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasnt going to pull out into my lane, when i looked up and saw that the car in front of me had come to a dead stop, at a greenlight, bc a pedestrian had taken a step into the crosswalk. my vehicle hit the one in front of me, which pushed into the one in front of him. Pretty bad damage, speed was around 25-30mph. Right now i'm listed as an occasional operator on my dad's insurance (clean record). Its liberty mutual, just curious how much itll increase per year since im young. i wasn't cited, no injuries.""
""Classic Car Insurance, 17 years old, unlimited miles?
Im 17 and have a classic vehicle (1986) are there any insurance companies that has a classic insurance plan for a 17 year old with unlimited miles? I live in New York
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Do you have to buy auto insurance as a condition of OWNING a car? or DRIVING a car?
If you own an RV and you live in it but you don't drive it.....does the auto insurance mandate apply to you?
Question about starting a business and health insurance in CA?
If I was to decide to start a small business on the side (doing gardening, or growing food for sale, or something like that) and I am my only employee - I would be THE only person working this job - am I required by law to buy health insurance (especially if I already have health insurance through my husband's job)? I find this new thing kind of confusing... I'm in California, by the way, if it helps any. Thanks.""
How much will car insurance cost for a teenage guy?
How much will car insurance cost for a teenage guy?
Which company gives best insurance to young drivers?
I'm currently 17 and the cheapest quote i've got at the moment is 4000 on my own car as the main policy holder but with my dad as the main driver i've found a quote for 1500. but does anyone know which companies are good for young drivers?
Antique car insurance?
I have read about cheaper insurance on classic cars, but you can only have it if you occasionally drive it. Is it possible to have that insurance on a classic car (1970`s) and use it as a daily vehicle? Is there some kind of loophole or something? Thank you in advance. Sorry for my english.""
Car Insurance For A 17 Year Old Male?
I'm 17 and starting to drive and thinking about getting a car later on when I pass, but I'm sure insurance and fuel costs are going to kill me! Can I get some advice and maybe a rough guide to how much insurance will be? I'm thinking of getting a VW Golf Mk1 or Mk2, or a Peugeot 106 Escapade. Could you also tell me if modifying the interior will affect insurance along with resprays and lowering the vehicle. Thank you""
How much would decent health insurance cost in the USA?
How much would decent health insurance cost in the USA for an elder person, say 65, who has no health history in the us due to being an immigrant? I am talking about the decent type of health insurance one gets when working for a fortune 500 company with low premiums and 20 dollar copays. ANy advice?""
How much would the insurance be on a 1969 Camaro Z28 or a 1969 Dodge Charger?
I'm looking at buying a 1969 Camaro Z28 or a 1969 Dodge Charger. Would there be a difference in the insurance? I'm 17 but by the time I find my car I'll probably be around 18 or even 19 considering that the car may need some work. I live in Ontario and I want full coverage.
Would it be cheaper for me to go on my parents insurance or get my own insurance plan?
I am 16 and go for my license on the 19th of Nov, im paying for it myself. My parents have geico, i called Allstate today to get a quotes and they said about 210, please help!(:""
Landslide in San Diego.....are the homes covered by homeowners insurance?
Are there any insurance that would have covered for their losses?
i10 car insurance
i10 car insurance
Insurance Coverage?
HI I was in accident about 5 Month ago..I was seen by a doctors but I stopped going becuase I didn't have that much pain. Now I started having all this pain on my legs..so My question is, if I go see a doctor now, does my insurance covers it. Thank you for your advice..""
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $6000 worth of medicals?
I have auto insurance in SD but currenly in MN for college?
I'm currently in college and looking at switching my auto insurance. My permanent address is in South Dakota which is also where my car is insured and I'm going to college in Minnesota. I know I need to have my policy in South Dakota but will using my college address require I have minnesota insurance and register my car in minnesota?
Car insurance for 5 weeks - where from at a good price?
I know Google will happily direct me to tons of crappy comparison sites, but I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for a cheap car insurance in the UK for around 5 weeks. 28 days offered by many temp companies is slightly too short and probably too expensive, as is a year policy!""
How much is car insurance for an 18 year old female in the state of Florida?
How much is car insurance for an 18 year old female in the state of Florida?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old male in maryland????????!!!?!?!?! PLEASE ANSWER!!!?
I got my license today lol....I need car insurance because I have an internship starting on the 29th...does anyone know a cheap but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!!
Does anyone know of cheap health insurance in north carolina?
am a father of two and my wife has her and the kids covered under her policy at work. I have not had insurance in over 12 years! I need low cost health insurance and I have heard of plans under $100. I obviously never get sick, and dont mind a high deductible. I really need a low premium and a semi low RX cost and co-pay/ doctor visit (just in case). Any help or suggestions? Thanks!!!""
Insurance for a 1994 camaro?
I am 16 and have had my liscnse for almost 7 months now and have had no accidents. I want to buy a 1994 camaro but not sure what insurance will be. It is a v6 3.4L. About how much will insurance cost me? What about if the car is under my parents name?
Do employers have insurance to cover lost or stolen items of their employees if items were lost/stolen on job?
Something of great value was lost/stolen at my job. What can I do?
I deliver pizza. I was told car my car insurance wont cover a crash.?
THey said if i have the pizza sign on my car and get hit insurance wont cover me but without the sign i will be?
Car insurance is too high!!!?
Been up since 8AM ringing several insurance companies. I have been declined 13 quotes, and offered 9 quotes noted below: Direct Line - 8,000.00 Admiral - 6,400.66 Insure motor - 9,294.00 Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva - 13,084.00 MasterQuote - 11,001.60 On some of the forms I have used my nan's address as I live in a high-risk area, so I will actually park the car at my nan's house, not fraudalent I will actually do that. Are there any more hints/tips on what to do to bring down the insurance? I recently bought a Peugeot 106 1.1 LOOK+ 3dr hatchback. I'm 20 years old and passed my test on 30/10/2012.""
What is the average of full coverage car insurance for a chavy blazer 2001 in north Carolina?
I am planing to buy a chavy blazer 2001 used car. I know I will need full coverage insurance. I am a good driver, haven't have any accidents or traffic violations. How much would the car insurance cost in North Carolina?""
What is the best company to buy term life insurance?
I'm trying to find a company to purchase term life insurance. I want a good brand and not some scam. Thanks to anyone that replies.
How can i get cheap car insurance?
cheap car insurance
Used 2006 mustang v6 insurance for teens?
how much do you think insurance will be for a teen ages 16-17. (estimate) will it be cheap or expensive because it is used. and what if it is under the parent's plan? thank you
What are the top 5-10 cheapest car insurance?
And which one is the cheapest?
""Pregnant, parents health insurance?""
I just found out that I am pregnant, and i am currently under my parents health insurance, I am 20 and a full time college student, will my parents insurance drop me because I am pregnant? If I quit school they will also drop me right?""
Auto insurance is expensive for my teenager son. Are there any options for me to keep expenses down?
I'm makeing payments on truck for him, now that he can drive, do I have to add him to my insurance? And how much more will it be? I hear some parents don't tell there insurance, they just say there child is borrowing the car. But my son does not live in the same house hold , but is in another city over. Can I still just say he is borrowing the truck. If he gets in a car accident I understand it's on me, but will my insurancecand the law see it in that manner.""
Is there a time limit for a auto insurance claim to be completed?
I was in a fender bender with another car in a parking lot a month ago. I filed a claim with the other guy's insurance agency the same day as the accident and have yet to be told if the claim was approved or denied. I spoke to my adjuster last week (as well as the week before) and they were still waiting on photos of the other vehicle. Is a month normal? The auto insurance company is Wawanesa. So my questions is...is there some kind of legal time limit for an insurance agency to approve/deny a claim in the state of California? Or might I end up waiting months to hear anything? Thanks.
Cost for insurance license?
What is the total cost for obtaining a insurance license in California? Taking into consideration the exam, background check fees, etc? PLEASE..answer if you truly know. And tell me other essential information that I should know such as the time that it takes to finish the courses.""
Will I be able to buy car insurance?Thanks?
Im 19 and I was on my dads Metropolitan insurance company. I had 2004 Honda Civic but my dad had the car title in his name. I crashed my car and I was at fault so now we're waiting for the case to settle. My dad wants to wait for the case to settle before I buy another car. The case might take another year or more before its settled. I would like to buy my own insurance and my own car. How will the insurance work out or whats the cheapest insurance? Thanks
What health care insurance I can get that is affordable?
I need health insurance. And I can't afford it with my pay checks. I work part time. I have research over and over for health insurance. And nothing that I can afford comes up. So please help.
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
At what age does your car insurance rate go down?
I am 22, I own a new truck, and my insurance is really expensive. what age does the rate go down? I am waiting for the next school semester to start so I can get my good student discount.. thanks.""
Can you cancel car insurance after an accident.?
I had an accident in July, my car was wrote off, I got the value of it from the other parties insurance company, it happened around the 2nd week of July, I thought I would be nice and pay the insurance of over 150 for July around the last few days of the month. It says in my insurance's terms & conditions if I wish to cancel my policy I need to write to them at least 7 days in advance of the next direct debit. I sent them a letter detailing my wish to cancel my direct debits and my car insurance, as I had no job and no car. Many people have told me you can legally cancel it after an accident without having to owe them anything. I was just wondering is this true. Thanks""
i10 car insurance
i10 car insurance
What would happen with my insurance company?
I hit a car 10 months ago. The guy said I didn't have to pay for it because he said the car was a piece of crap. So no reports were filed or anything. 1 month after the accident, he wants the car fixed. What would happen if I called my insurance and told them this? Would my rates rise? Would I pay extra fees? Would my insurance still cover it? I live in California and have Farmers and I am under 18""
Liability car insurance in California?
What happens if somebody fully insured rear-ends your car (they are at fault), and you only have liability insurance (no comprehensive or collision). Do you get your car repaired by the at fault insurance company or you lose?""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
I was looking at either a 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 650R, a 2011 Yamaha FZ6R, or a 2009 Suzuki SV650SF. I live about 50 miles away from Washington D.C. in the suburbs. My grades are A's and B's and I'm in 2 AP classes. I've never had any traffic violations for a car, not that it really matters when dealing with a motorcycle.""
What kind of health insurance is out there for someone in their 50s in California with no or low income?
My mom doesn't have a job, but needs health insurance. I can pay it for her, but is there health insurance with decent coverage that is particularly for people with no income or low income?""
For car insurance is the higher the insurance group the more the insurance costs?
For car insurance is the higher the insurance group the more the insurance costs?
Where can i get cheap insurance for a 1.8 16v VW coraddo im 17 years old?
Where can i get cheap insurance for a 1.8 16v VW coraddo im 17 years old?I have tried getting a qoute under my dads name who have about 20 years no claims but still coming up as 6000 and i have tell them about my 6 points for no insurance its 8000 HELP!!!!!
Quad insurance abd bike insurance ?
Jw if I get a 125 or 250 quad if the insurance will be similar to a bike or car same with tax Cheers
""If i was an officer in the air force, does that military help pay car insurance?
how nice r the houses on base and how much meal do i get to eat per day while living on base?
Car insurance question?
Im 18 (female) i just bought a 1994 ford explorer. I have my license and stuff. First time im getting insurance. I need coverage to fix my car if i was in an accident and fix the other persons etc. Would it be cheaper to the car in my dads name and get insurance under him? Hes 58 and stable job for years and good credit. Thanx
""Which is better having, single-payer or mandate health insurance & why?""
Which is better having, single-payer or mandate health insurance & why?""
Should i get a policy on My Dad's car insurance?
Hi all My Dad has been with Churchill a long time and says they are brilliant. I have been looking at my own policys and they are around 2.5k-3k which is so out of my price range it is unreal.I have checked how much it would cost to have my Dad as the main driver on another Churchill Policy on my car and have me as a name driver,Protect his no claims and i am also able to build up my own for future use with Churchill. The cost of this kind of policy totals at around 750. Should i take this or could there be any problems in the future.""
Affordable medical/prescription insurance for a heart transplant recipient.?
I had a heart transplant 10 years ago, and I am looking for a more affordable insurance plan, currently I use Cigna, and they're running me over $400 a month, plus a $50 dollar fee per prescription I am on, which runs me another $250-300 dollars every three months. I just recently graduated college, and am 24 years old, so my father's insurance at work no longer covers me. I'm not very familiar with insurance plans, but I would obviously need one that would accept my pre-exsiting condition of a heart transplant, and have a prescription plan, cover doctor visits, emergency care and anything else people can recommend that would be important. Thanks so much!""
""Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Named driver car insurance?
My dad purchased a car and added me as a named driver. I use the car whenever he doesn't use it but as a majority he covers more miles than I do, some weeks it's 50/50 usage others I use it not as much. My dad is the owner of the car and the policy holder. He received a call from the insurance people and because he said we use it 50/50 some weeks they have now given him 7 days left before they are going to cancel the insurance. He payed this in fully and is only 2 months in. He recieved no terms and conditions, are they aloud to do this? Please help as he is isn't clued up on this and we both need to use the car. We were told that we need separate insurance for the vehicle which seems ridiculous seen as that would be double the price and not make any sense. He has his own other vehicle which he uses for work and I only use the shared car when necessary. Thanks in advance for any help. Ryan""
Would my insurance be high?
There is a 1973 Dodge Charger online I found that needs restoration for $1750. What would I do for insurance and would it be high since I'm only 17?
Health insurance question?
I am in the process of getting my own health insurance (can't be a dependent anymore) and I've been searching all morning for a plan that covers Medical, Dental, and Vision all in one. I can't seem to find any plans that offer that but I definitely need all of them. Is there anyone out there who actually has such a plan (preferably for an individual) or know where I can find information about plans that offer ALL 3 of these coverages? Please don't tell me to just search the internet because I have done that all morning and have even filled out forms for quotes and I am not getting the results I have been looking for. Thank you!""
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
Canadians-What's a good insurance company for motorcycles?
I live in Halifax, NS and looking for good insurance rates. Also, what type of insurance should I get? Full coverage? I would like to insure my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja 250. I've already put this up before, but I got a lot of answers for AMERICAN companies, I'm looking for Canadian. Thanks.""
Is an international student considered a 'resident' (for car insurance purposes in the UK)?
Every car insurance comparison website and company seems to insist that I be a UK resident in order to obtain a car insurance quote. What does 'resident' in this context mean? As far as I know I've never applied for residency. I am a foreign student in the UK, studying in a UK university on a student visa which expires at the end of my course. is that considered a resident? if not how does a non-resident get their car insured? I'd really appreciate any helpful answers""
Health Insurance ?? I can buy on my own thats affordable.?
I own a small business and need some health and dental for me ,2 kids and my husband that is affordable and actually works. And that you dont have to be low income to qualify.""
How much for term life insurance? compared to whole life?
im married, age 27 and interested in buying life insurance for me and hubby. for just myself how much would my monthly be approx? im healthy dont smoke and dont want to pay too much money.... does term life give you an option of continuing on with them after the 20+ years term? would the premium go up? i only need around 100, 000 i think. since i dont plan on dieing anytime soon but wouldnt want my family with no funeral money if i did. do my kids need any? they are 2 and 4 and i was considering the gerber life for them? please help! oh hubby is 27 and healthy non smoker as well""
How can i get car insurance on a car that is not in my name or my husbands name?
Our car (or my husbands car you might say) is legally my father-in-law's because its registered in his name. My husband's car insurance is also under his father, but his name is on his father's insurance policy. (so its my husbands car insurance, but his father is the main one on the policy... he's under his fathers car insurance more or less) The car is registered in Georgia, and the insurance is an out-of-state insurance from Georgia but it insures us down here in Florida (where we live). He has Allstate insurance. How do i come about getting car insurance on our car? I'd have to get it myself... i don't think they want me going under their policy (or whatever it is you call it)... id have to get it on my own. Would it cost a lot more because i'm doing it this way?""
Car insurance for a 16 year old in ny?
Hey guys I just got a 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE how much will it be to get insurance and who would take a 16 year old?
Help i had a car accident driving a company car with no insurance?
i hit a car, unsafe start, i find out theres no insurance. I called my boss and he is furious and tells me i should put my insurance from my other cars to it and that i should pay for the accident. i dont know what to do i need help and advice""
i10 car insurance
i10 car insurance
B Average for Car insurance Discount?
Will I still get the B Average car insurance discount if I have a 84.86 Average?
Best Job description for a full time eBay seller? (For car insurance quote)?
I'm about to renew my car insurance but need to find the most appropriate and accurate job description for my trade. I am self employed as a soul trader (UK) and my main income is achieved through making small hand crafted items (mostly material based) and sell them on eBay. So far I've been using the job description of 'artist' In the 'manufacturing' industry, but I was wondering if there was a more accurate one on the standardised job description list?""
Proof of auto insurance -- car's or driver's?
I would be driving my cousin's car for a while. Which proof of auto insurance do I need to carry in his car -- my auto insurance card (which lists MY car) or my cousin's insurance card, which lists HIS car -- the one I would be driving? Seems I am confused about WHAT needs to have auto insurance -- the driver or the car.""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for someone that has points on the their driving record.?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for someone that has points on the their driving record.?
I need insurance for a scooter for a 19 year old?
scooter insurance for a 19 year old with full car licence and CBT. i am struggling wit the insurance quotes, the cheapest is 500 quid 3rd p f & T. we live in london. any advice. cheers""
Any insurance professionals? from UK or USA?
have you heard about Chartered Insurance Institute? and what do you think of its various diplomas? are they highly valued in your field? and can they advance your careers in insurance! thx
Should I get a 1988 944s Porsche?
I am 16 years old and selling a 99 dodge durango. Someone has offered to trade a 1988 944s Porsche and am very interested. I am also very worried about how much it will cost to maintain this car and how much insurance will cost. Also when I look at the car should I be looking for any specific problems? Thanks
Classic car insurance in ireland?
iv a sports car that will be 20yrs old next yr,its not my main car so mileage kept low,insurance and tax is high , so i was looking into classic insurance,part of qualifying for classic insurance is i have to be registered with a classic car club,does any1 know of one that would suit that's not limited to a particular make of car or air-cooled in ireland thanks""
Health insurance for 18 year olds?
im 17 turning 18 in may and im wanting to know what are some affordable or good health insurance for an 18 year old
Does online auto insurance quote comparison sites work?
Does online auto insurance quote comparison sites work?
Car insurance for a new driver?
i want to buy a small car, but im worried that the insurance will be expensive what company sell cheap insurance? how much about did you pay? i want a small car, like a 1 litre engine thank you""
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
Car insurance companies with no deposit?
i need car insurance but cannot afford to pay an upfront deposit? can any one help?
Health Care Insurance (CA)?
So 2014 coming around I know we need health insurance or else we have to pay a fee. My question is not sure what insurance to pick (specifically anything dental,vision, regular doctor ...show more""
How much is insurance per year on a E46 BMW M3?
I'm looking into buying a 2002-2004 M3. I'm 18 yo male with a clean driving record.
""How much do you pay for your car insurance policy evey year, all said and done?""
My boyfriend and I are moving to Portland Oregon, and we're trying to get some sort of idea. This is some info that would help us get an idea. How old are you? How many people are on the policy? What type of car(s)? How much coverage? THANKS!""
What is the best maternity health insurance in Georgia??
I have insurance through my company, in which I pay half.. My deductible is $2500.00 till January then changes to $2000.00... Im already paying my Doctor $900.00 for a Pre-Delivery fee which will come out of my deductible. Then after that is met I will pay 20% of everthing else... Any advice will be great...""
What will happen with my car insurance?
ok so i was driving my brothers car and i have my g1 i went to money mart and back home about an hour later police came knocking on my door asking if my brother was in a car accident so we went down to the station and the officer asked if i was driving his car i said yes , he then said that the other man that was sitting in the station got my plates and said i hit his car and cracked his bumper (very minor crack) so i said no and then officer assumed i was lying and made me write up an accident report. after when i was leaving the station the other guy asked if we could solving this without going through insurance so we exchanged numbers (their was no damage at all to my brothers car & no paint or anything on their car to prove i hit it) the next day they called and said the want a whole new bumper they dont want it patched up and they would get me a price quote they then got me a quote for $1475 for a while new bumper from ford i told them im not paying that much the only way im replacing the bumper is if my mechanic does it he said ok so i went to my mechanic told him the whole situation and he said i shouldnt be replacing the whole bumper for somthing that small but he still ordered the bumper for me i had to put a $400 down payment for the bumper and $300 after its put on. the bumper came in 2 days later and they brought their car for it to be put on when we got there they got pissed off and said this isnt a bumper straight from ford and they dont want it and left ( the bumper was brand new for the same model car and had the exact paint coat match just that it wasnt from ford) they then call me threating to take it through insurance if we dont get it from ford so i lost the $400 down payment for the bumper because they cant return it after its painted so i told my mechanic to order it from ford. but when he called for they said the dont have bumpers for that model anymore, i then call the people back and told them to take it through insurance because my mechanic cant get that bumper. So what will happen to my brothers insurance hes under 25 with his g2, and i had my g1 but it was on private property where they said the incident occurred the officer even said he cant charged me because its private property PLEASE HELP!""
""Help with car insurance, I'm a new driver..?""
I heard there was a type of cover that covers any driver that drives the car as long as they had the permission of the main owner, and I was wondering two things about this, 1. does anyone know what it's called/ which insurance companies offer this. & 2. do all the names of drivers that will be driving the car need to be listed? Cheers.""
What do I do if my car got hit while it was parked? Insurance wise?
A lady from across the street hit my car while she coming out her driveway. My car was parked and no one was inside. My car has never been hit before, so I really don't know much about the insurance or any of that stuff. What the police department gave me is a little piece of paper that says your complaint # . They didn't give me any of the other person's info. And they told me to call my insurance company and tell them the complaint number. So, how does this go? Do I have to call my insurance company or do I have to call the other person's insurance company? And who is responsible for loaning me a car while my car is getting fixed?""
Do you know that 30 million working poor will be able to get health insurance under the affordable care act?
But only if the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html
Looking for car insurance?
Im 18 and Ive only been driving for a year. No accidents or mishaps and Im looking to buy a car. However, I have to pay for my own insurance and was wondering around how much that would cost a month? And is it possible for me to be under my parents insurance (I still live at home) but with my own car? Would that be cheaper? p.s. I live in California""
""Car insurance quote when being out of the country for 4 years, lost no claims bonus?""
anyone got experience of trying to get reasonable car insurance - with full no claims in this country and new zealand, im being penalised for being out of the country and being treated as new driver, anyone got any answers or any insurance companies i could try who would be sympathetic""
Do I need insurance to drive my father's car?
recently i have passed my driving test and my father have a comprehensive car insurances!!! i can't effort to buy a car or car insurance? do you think is legal to drive it? thanks
Is an auto insurance quote a contract?
The reason I ask this is because I got an online quote from an auto company and was quoted $447 for a 12 month term. I find this to be an extremely good deal, but something tells me, when I speak to them, they are not going to honor it. So, do they have to honor their quote? Can I get them for false advertising if they don't (or something else)? More Info: This quote is already based on my driving record so, nothing in my history can come along to change the premium.""
i10 car insurance
i10 car insurance
0 notes
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
"Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Beach Buggy Insurance at 18?
Ok so me and my dad have been working on this unfinished beach buggy project (now almost done maybe a month more). I'am a male student that has just finished my second year of college and have had my licence a little over a year (got my licence at 17 to get it out the way) I have never owned a car/been insured on a car and was wondering what sort of prices it would cost to get insured on a beach buggy at my age, the initial plan was for me to get something like a corsa when im 19 and try get insured on the buggy when im like 21. would anyone even insure a VW beach buggy on an 18 year old without no claims bonus? and if so how much do you think im looking at (if some answers seem reasonable i might call adrian flux to see if i can get a quote""
Health Insurance ????????????
I'm going to live in china for a year and would like to have insurance. I'm just living over there and wont have a job so i wont have health insurance. When i quit my job to move to china I wont have insurance so i need to get some for a whole year. Can someone point me in the right direction to get health insurance. Does anybody know what a basic health insurance plan for a year would cost. Any help would be appreciated. thanks
Getting a ticket for no insurance?
how much does it cost for getting a ticket for no insurance in california ?
How do I prevent myself from getting taken advantage of by the car insurance companies?
What steps do I need to take in order to always be well ahead of the tricks that car insurance companies would want to pull on me?
How do you get new home owner's insurance after you were dumped?
Hypothetically speaking, say your home owner's insurance company does NOT renew your policy? How long do you have to find a new company and what if no company will take you on due to too many claims?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
For a mustang GT 2012? estimate please thank you :)!!
Is Texas a no-fault insurance state?
My G-Friend recently met with a car accident and we are still waiting for the accident report to determine the fault. She was not hurt but the other driver was hospitalized. Your opinions and suggestions welcome about how to handle this with Insurance company and attorney if required.
How much is group 12 insurance.?
How much is group 12 insurance.?
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
Cheap car insurance?
where can i get cheap car insurance 4 a young driver on a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the uk)
How could I get a car home without no insurance or tax?
In buying a ford fiesta zetec which is about 100+ mile away, the owner of the car is currently not insured for it now so I can't drive it home and also it has no tax. I was hoping to get it tomorrow but I guess I can't. How can I get this home apart from using a trailer? I've heard trade plates? But what are these and how do I use them? Do I buy them? Help...""
Can you get life insurance if your already sick?
I have life insurance, and my children have the gerber grow up plan, but my husband doesn't have any and now he's sick. He's 21 - in case his age matters - he was tested for lymphoblastic leukemia last night - but no results yet. Probably because it's Saturday. If he ends up having this, can he still be approved by life insurance?""
What does 'replacement cost' mean in hazard insurance?
I want to get a mortgage to buy a house. The lender requires hazard insurance at 'replacement cost' basis. I understand the lenders interest in recovering the mortgage, in ...mostrar ms""
By how much car insurance will go down after 1 year NCB?
I am 29, have been driving for ages, previously had another country license, got UK license last year and bought a car. My car insurance is due to expire next month. I was wondering how much it will go down with one year no claims, just looking for an estimate. or how much did your insurance go down after a year.""
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence beccause I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on? they put my sister on it a couple years ago and it went up $1000
What is the best life insurance policy for people 65?
need life insurance
What's the BEST health insurance plan (specific plan) for covering SURGERIES & hospitalization?
What's the BEST health insurance plan in Southern California (please be specific if you can and why/your experience) for covering 2 things especially: SURGERIES & hospitalization as well as preexisting conditions? We're uninsured but need critical surgeries. Thanks VERY much if you can help.
Window tint affect insurance? Insurance is through a transport company?
I am insured via a transport company so im on the insurance of the business. Will window tinting affect my insurance if its legal tints? Does it normally affect insurance?
Auto Insurance ? Never had it. Can anybody help.?
I have called for quotes.. to many auto insurance companies. But since this my first time purchase I am confused, Can someone break down the features of a policy, what am i to have, what is reccomended. thanks , any details will help.""
What will my insurance company do about my car?
Last night we had server thunderstorms. There was golf-ball sized hail for about five minutes. I was parked on top of the garage. My windows are fine, but there are dents all over my car and my right side-view mirror is broken. My car is still in my mother's name, and the insurance company is State Farm. My parents are on a cruise right now and are supposed to be getting back tomorrow. I also go to UT and out-of-state school. I've heard other people on campus are getting new cars from their companies and others are just getting windows replaced. I haven't talked to anyone yet since the car is not in my name. My car is a 2001 chevy caviler. I don't know any of the details of the insurance policy.""
""My car was towed, I still owe payments, No insurance...Now what?
Okay...so first things first.... My car was towed without insurance. I do still make monthly payments. I was in a wreck 2days ago :/ and my car finally died today (Radiator gave out) ...show more
Teen Car Insurance Question. Desperate for answers?
Hi I am 17 and I am testing out quotes for insurance... my question is that... is it legally required for me to add collision coverage? comprehensive coverage? uninsured motorist bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist Property Damage? .. WHAT IS LEGALLY REQUIRED and what do I really not need to worry about? I am a girl therefore I am a safe driver hahaha... ANY ANSWERS WILL HELP.... THANKS!!!!
Which is the best car insurance? Are there secrets your car insurer won't tell you?
Automobile insurance coverage options can be confusing and their prices vary from company to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many more)""
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
Car insurance question?
I'm 16, and im currently driving my parents car to and from school. im insured as a full time driver and have been driving since February. at the end of the summer i plan on buying my own car, and i was wondering if we cancelled my insurance on my parents car for me, and insured me on the new car would it cost more or less than it is now?""
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
""I am turning 16 years, and i really want to drive a moped, how much will my annual insurance cost?""
I am turning 16 years, and i really want to drive a moped, how much will my annual insurance cost?""
Car insurance in massachusetts?
im gonna buy a $700(ive checked it out its a good deal, shutup) 1996 honda civic dx(its a first car, i hate hondas but im not rich like half of the assholes that are gonna make fun of me for getting a honda) anyway i live in massachusetts and i know insurance will be a variable but does anyone know how much itll be when i start driving? thanks""
How much should a Hyundai Sonata lease and insurance be?
I want to lase a 2011 Hyundai Sonata Limited 2.0T fully loaded within the next couple of days. I've totaled it on HyundaiUSA.com and it cam out to $30,195. the dealer said he would he down to $26,795. Their current promotion says you can lease a 2011 Sonata for 199/mo. for 36 months with $2,399 due at signing. I only want it for 24 months with $2,000 down. Any body have any idea what the lease rate or the insurance would be? Anybody whose leased a 2011 Sonata, please provide input. Thank you to everyone who answers!""
How much on average does it cost to insure a 21 year old female driver with her G2?
I just bought a car and need to get insurance. I am 21 years old have my G2 currently but will be going for my full G in the next couple weeks. I have taken drivers ed in the past and I am a university student. Previously i was paying $50/month as a secondary driver under my dad and received a quote for $156/month as a primary driver is this a reasonable price?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
""Would a classic (1990s) range rover, have cheaper insurance than a classic (1990s) mini cooper?""
im 17 and I KNOW THE PRICE OF INSURANCE WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE IM 17!!! but im jus wondering because of the range rover being bigger and with more safety features, it will cost less in insurance?""
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
How much do you pay and is that amount on a monthly, semi-annual, or annual basis? What state do you live in? What is your age? What is the year, make, and model of the car you drive? Serious answers only, please. If you're not comfortable offering this information, please don't answer the question.""
I am thinking of get a Honda Accord (1996-2001) in fl was wondering how much is basic inserance?
I am thinking of getting a Honda Accord between the year of 1996 and 2001 was wondering how much is it gonna cost for minimum insurance if I am 16 about to tern 17
How much will car insurance be in NY for a 22 year old male driver?
I have been licensed since I was 18 and have NO accidents or moving violations! How much will insurance be for 2001 Maxima?
Where I can get accident insurance plan?
What is the difference between a accident insurance and an Health Insurance. Which is the one I should go for?
Car insurance is soooo expensive is there an alternative???!!?
i am 17, i have a toyota carolla, and my dad tells me i have to pay him $200 a month for our unsurance which is carnall insurance. This is way too much for me too be paying, im not even 18, is there an alternative cheaper car insurance i live in the state of CT. Thanks.""
Insurance for learner drivers?
I am going to put on the insurance of my Granny's brand new Kia Picanto next month to practise driving as well as having lessons. My grandparents, parents & me are going to be insured and I just wanted to know what the cheapest insurance company for learner driver's were. I have already used comparethemarket.com but some were very expensive. Are there any cheap insurance companies for learner drivers? I am aged 17""
How do I find out how much my car insurance per month is on USAA?
How do I find out how much my car insurance per month is on USAA?
I've been taken off my parent's car insurance policy. What do I do now?
I am 17 and I recently got into a serious car accident where my car was totaled. I got kicked out of my parent's car insurance policy because of this. My parents said that no insurance company is going to sell to me because I was in a serious accident while I was a minor. What should I do if I want to drive again? I can't drive a car without insurance.
Low priced car to insure and buy?
I'm a 15 year old girl looking for a cheap car that is low to insure for when I turn 16...I live in the us and don't really care for sporty cars... I was think about a volkswagon beetle 03 but idk how much they are or how much it is insure so... Yeah. But please help!!!
Which cars have the cheapest insurance rates?
Which cars have the cheapest insurance rates?
Cheap insurance for bmw 318?
websites arnt even close to being accurate to get insurance quotes from so i was wondering does anyone have the experience to tell me reasonably accurantely where is the cheapest place to get insurance for a bmw 318 in northern ireland for a 2nd year driver with no claims and how much is it
Which car insurance companies aren't on comparison sites?
I know direct line don't use them but what others don't? I've checked all the comparison sites but would just like to check the ones they don't cover. Thanks.
What is the best auto insurance in georgia?
What is the best auto insurance in georgia?
Health Insurance coverage?
My husband's Cobra coverage lapsed. He has been turned down by two insurance companies for health insurance because of low testosterone levels. Any advice on where or how to apply for health insurance? He is self-employed; we live in TX.
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
Where can students get cheap car insurance from people who don't automatically make you out to be boy racers?
2012 subaru wrx insurance rate?
I am looking to get a 2012 subaru wrx. I am 17 and i am part of my family's all state insurance plan. I have never had an accident and i live in New York. What kind of price should i be looking at. I was told that because the car has a turbo it increases the insurance rate even though it is a four door four cylinder car. Thanks for the help.
Cheapest car to insure at 17?
Hi, I've applied for my provisional and on the 26th of Jan I'll be 17 and starting lessons then. However my parents are getting me a car before hand so when I do lessons, I can drive with my parents too and my brother to work. I need to find a cheap car to insure? I would be interested in a Peageuot 106 (Small engine obviously) and just plain. Would these be expensive?""
Do I need car insurance to rent a car?
If I have a valid license but do not have insurance, can I rent a car?""
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
Can i get insurance to drive any car?
My current insurance gives me third party cover on any vehicle i drive with permission from the owner. Can i get full insurance? (i am thinking of setting up a business which would require me driving other peoples cars) THanks
A question about Group Medical Insurance and Life Insurance?
ok my friend will be working @ braums as a full-time .. and she told me that she will get life and medical insurance without even paying for them.. is that true? so lets say she cut her hand and now she need to have a surgery does that really mean that she will get surgery for free? and whats the difference between Group Medical Insurance and Life Insurance? and if she is not right that can u tell me how does it work? here is the link read the benefits @ the top of the page
Need a quick answer on car insurance?
My first question is, if your car is hit and the other insurance company admits fault - aren't they supposed to come meet YOU to assess damages? Secondly, is an insurance company allowed to deny you whats owed after already admitting fault and after already getting an estimate from a body shop? How do I prevent them from low balling me?""
""If you install an aftermarket radio incorrectly, and your car catches fire will insurance cover it?""
If you install an aftermarket radio incorrectly, and your car catches fire will insurance cover it?""
Will full coverage car insurance cover this?
My friend was in an accident on a dirt road last night. He hit a rock sticking out of the ground that popped his tire, and the front right side of his car slide into a mountain. So the front fender, and right door is smashed pretty well. He has full coverage car insurance, and can not talk to them personally about what is covered, because they are closed until Monday. He left a voicemail with the insurance company when the accident happened. Money is tight so he is very worried about what, if not all, will be covered. Does anyone know whether this type of accident will be fully covered, or at least some of it? Thank you for your answers in advanced.""
No proof of insurance ticket in California?
I was driving my uncles car and got pulled over because the insurance paper was forgotten and left inside my uncles wallet. The car has insurance. I am not in the policy. I do not live at the same address the car/insurance is registered at. I was just borrowing the car for 1hour. The officer told me its like a fixing ticket you show up in court show the insurance and your ticket will be dismissed. So i went to court took the insurance and the judge told me my name is not in the insurance paper and i need to pay the fine. I read other places that i am okay to drive or borrow others car as long as the car has insurance and and also am not living at the same address the car is registered at or else i will need to be in the policy as well. What are your opinions? Should i get a lawyer and fight it? Or I need to pay the fine. I also got the ticket in California. Thank you
Am I covered with name not on car insurance?
I am very worried. I feel bad enough about getting into an accident, but now I find out that I can be in very big financial trouble. I am 17, I recieved my license 8 days ago, and I ...show more""
Would my car insurance cancel my policy?
Would they cancel my car insurance if I got into an accident and I'm in fault? I have full coverage and collision. I recently got into a car accident and I'm scared that they will cancel my policy.
Where can i buy public liablilty insurance?
hi, ive brought a small 20p sweet vending machine, which i would like to place in the local kids 'wacky warehouse' type place, i wanted to get public liability insurance to cover me, say for example, if the machine falls and hurts someone or something? i have had publlic liability before for trading on a market stall and im sure it only cost 35-45, does anyone know of any good providers around a similar price? Thanks :)""
I need cat insurance?
Does anybody know of pet/cat insurance in california that is affordable?
Car insurance help please!!?
Basically i passed my test in may and it is my 19th in 2 weeks, my mum just bought a car for my birthday which is in perfect running order and good condition as it was owned my an old bloke. It is a ford fiesta lx 1.2 s plate (98), Ive been searching around and have come to the conclusion that haggling on the phone will get the cheapest quotes. Just wanted to ask if anyone has the same car and how they got on insuring it, and if anyone has any suggestions for the cheapest way of insuring the car and the cheapest providers for all types of cover. All suggestions are welcome apart from the ones about tracking devices as i have seen people being billed incorrectly and in some cases that i have seen, increased the insurance to well over other quotes! Cheers for the help!! :) Mike""
Car Insurance Question?
I live in Los Angeles and I am leaving the country for 6 month. Can I stop insurance of my car as no one will drive it? In case of theft how can I get it covered? Would the house insurance work in that case?
Im 18 and live on my own...but im on my parents insurance still. can my parents see what i go to the dr for cuz im using their insurance?
Im 18 and live on my own...but im on my parents insurance still. can my parents see what i go to the dr for cuz im using their insurance?
How much would insurance be on a dodge stealth?
i am going to be sixteen and i may be buying a 92 stealth and i need to know how much insurance would be. it is only a 5,000 dollar car. but the speed meter goes to 160mph.""
Isn't the real problem causing a health care crisis in USA that cost of healthcare/insurance is too high?
Health care costs are out of control and so is the cost to insure. Because of the high cost of insurance many employers no longer offer what used to be a very common employee benefit. So now we millions of americans who are uninsured because they cant afford to go out and pay 600, 700,800, 900 dollars a month for private health insurance coverage. The rich and the fortunate ones with group insurance are taken care of. The ones who dont work and are on medicaid are taken care of, but the ones who are above the poverty line and work but are struggling as it is to make ends meet cannot afford the high insurance premiums and are left uninsured. We need to find a way to make health insurance and health care more affordable ..this is how people will get insurance on their own and the government will not have to tax us more to provide more free health care.""
Auto insurance claim?
I was backing my car up and hit a light pole. If I file a insurance claim is this considered Collision or Comprehensive?
Car insurance for provisional license?
I have a Peugeot 807 2.2 and want to insure someone that has only got a provisional does anybody have any idea how much i would be looking at.The person is 35.
What's the salary and commission for infinity insurance in California?
Does anyone know?
What is the best way to insure a car with a salvage title?
I recently purchased a car with a salvage title. This is my first car, and I'm in deep enough that it wouldn't make sense to get rid of it at this point. I would like to get collision insurance on it if possible. Really, there are a couple questions here: *NOTE: I live in Ohio. I'm not sure the answer to this question will be the same in all states. Can I have a car with a salvage title retitled with a clean title through some sort of govermnent inspection? If so, how would I go about this? Is there any way I can get collision insurance for my car? Will insurance rates be higher for me? Anything you can tell me will be much appreciated!""
How expensive is car insurance under my own name rather than my Mom's name?
My mom's car insurance covers me...but they are threatening to take me off her insurance over something stupid. Does anybody have any idea of how much more expensive it is if I get my own car insurance under my name instead? I'm 23, male, in Ontario, Canada.""
How much would insurance cost for this car:?
1997-99 Acura Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder Any Color (red unlikely). I plan on buying an integra I just want cheap insurance ;p
What insurance companies call sports cars?
im a 15 years old and my dad says i cant get a sports car cause i cant afford insurance on it so i want to no if there's a list of all the cars they call sports cars
Affordable health insurance?
I'm nineteen years old and I don't have health insurance. I'm going to be a college student in the fall. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how I could find good, affordable health insurance? Also some help as to how the whole co-pay thing works would help out, too. I used to have a certain health insurance for people from low-income families but they just cut mine off so I need to get some. Thanks in advance!""
How many percentage in texas citizens buy life insurance?
how many people in texas buy life insurance.
Insurance rate?
best insurance company in clear lake, houston""
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
Question about newborn insurance coverage under the mother's plan?
With the birth of my first two children, any claims that were submitted to the insurance company for the first 30 days were paid under my plan. After that, I could elect to add them to my policy or not. I had a baby 30 days ago and they're denying his claims. I've called Humana (a new insurance for me since the birth of my first children) and they assured me that the claims for him would be paid, and that they would NOT add him to my policy (he has separate insurance). I was just at Humana's website searching for a provider (for myself) and it appears they've added him and made my deductible of $2,000 go up to $4,000 (family coverage). Is this correct? I thought it was state or federal law or something that newborns are covered under the mother's policy for the first 30 days. Can someone help?""
Question about getting your own insurance?
A friend of mine recently just got his license and he tried to go on his mother insurance who doesn't have any insurance. Well, she tried to go on her own and they said that she had to put every single person who has insurance on, which will cost like 500 dollars per person!! Anyways, will it be possible for him to get his own, and will it be cheaper? Also, his father has his license suspended but that was at least 2yrs ago or so. Do they have to know about this or is they way to keep it from them. And, Do you have to put money down when getting insurence?""
Car insurance while deployed...?
My husband is in the military and is currently deployed overseas and I had a question about his car insurance. It does have a loan out on it so that requires us to have full coverage on it normally...I was wondering that while he is deployed and since his car is not going to be driven (there is no way I can drive it since it's a stick shift and I can't drive those lol) if we could lower the insurance on it. I'm just not sure if we'd be able to because of the loan...or does it depend on the bank/insurance company? Thanks for any info!!
Any suggestions on how to lower my car insurance?
I'm an 18 year old female driver, and about a month ago I got into a bad car accident due to a malfunction. When this occurred, the insurance and everything else was under my dad's name. Now that I bought a new car, my dad wants everything to be under my name because he doesn't want to get screwed over with high insurance and such, but the quote I got from Travelers (which was the insurance my dad was under)was around $800 a month, to insure my 2007 Honda civic, and my job doesn't pay enough to afford that. And I have other monthly bills to pay as well. Any suggestions on what I could do? Or what insurance company to switch too? Any helpful information is appreciated!""
Can the color of a car affect insurance rates?
Can the color of a car affect insurance rates?
Does not paying car insurance affect Credit score?
I haven't paid my car insurance on time. But I haven't gotten mail saying last notice or the company hasn't even bothered me about it. Will this make my credit score horrible? how do i go about fixing it? thanks!
Insurance for Spanish registered car?
I live and work in the uk, but I have a car in the canary islands spain, I only return to the ca66naries about 6 times a year for a week at a time, does anyone know of an insurance company that can cover my car insurance for only 1 week at a time when I need it. The car is locked in my underground garage when not in use. I do not see the point in paying for a yearly insurance for a car that is only used for max of 6 weeks in the year. Its a Spanish plated car reg number""
Best car to insure for a provisional driver?
I want to change my car, but the next car will have my son as a provisional driver. I have been driving for 20years, am female, and have not made any claims. Live in the uk. I have tried the insurance comparison sites, but you need to put a make and model in. Would like to know what others have found to be the cheapest. I would prefer an mpv, or crossover, but am open to suggestions. Many nanks""
Does MetLife car insurance cover household members?
I recently obtained my Massachusetts Junior Operator License. My mom has metlife car insurance and I'm trying to figure out if I'm covered on the insurance. The metlife website says that it covers you, members of your family that live in your house, and anyone who uses your car with your permission Does that mean that I'm already covered or do I need to be listed under her insurance policy?""
""How much can the owner of a commercial Insurance Agency expect to make? (in Year 1, Year 5, Year 10?)?""
Hi all, I live in Florida and am currently in my second year of law school. I am looking to get into the insurance business after I graduate to build some form of residual income. ...show more""
I dont really have the money to purchase car insurance before i take my driving test?
i dont have the money to get car insurance before i take my driving test. is there anyways possible to get around that? dont just ******* say, get insurance either . its a waste of my damn time. im taking it wednesday and its in urbana ohio.""
What can I expect for getting caught without auto insurance?
I recently got caught driving without insurance (stupid I know). The cop was nice enough not to impound my car, so he just gave me a ticket with a court date. I'm assuming I can expect a large fine, but what else? Anything?""
Who does the cheapest temp cover car insurance?
Who does the cheapest temp cover car insurance?
""How much is car insurance? For example geico, progressive, the general, all state, 21 century, state farm etc.?""
Right now I'm still on my permit. Wen I get a liciense, I want to figure out how much it cost. For a 20 year old 21""
CA DUI expungement affect insurance rates?
I received a DUI back in July of 2001, and it has been affecting my insurance rate ever since. Under the new DUI laws the DUI I received (a misdemeanor) will be on my record until 2011. I qualify for expungement of this record. My question is if I do expunge my DUI will my auto insurance company be able to see my dmv record and will my insurance company be allowed to charge me the same rate?""
What are some cheap health insurance plans for a college student?
Hello, I live in Texas and I am in my first semester in community college. They do not offer insurance at my school. I do work part time, but I do not plan on staying at this job for long. I don't want to get on my parents insurance, because I simply don't want them to know any of my personal business. Any advice? I am 22 by the way. Any answers are appreciated. Thank you!""
What will a car insurance company check?
I've just made my first claim ever for a car accident, I was rear ended at a traffic light and the other driver accepted liability immediately, however what details will their insurance company check about me? I've made the claim through my insurance but want it to be handled stress free! Thanks in advance!""
How much would my insurance be?
I'm thinking about buying a 2000 Dodge Intrepid R/T. I'm trying to determine if I have the money, though, and I'm not sure how much my insurance would be. I'm an 18 year old female, I'm a student and I work part-time, and I have a squeaky-clean driving record. Can somebody please give me an estimate of how much my car insurance payments would be? Thanks!""
How much is your car insurance?
Im 18 and learning to drive, obviously the insurance is ridiculous so i was wondering what everyones costs are and what kind of car they have, also what would make insurance cheaper because i dont understand how so many kids can drive with such costs.""
Doubt on two wheeler insurance ---Help?
My father has purchased a second hand bike for me but it is registered with my father name. I am going to use this bike. Now i have the following doubts 1. can i need to buy a new insurance or i can renew the existing bike insurance of bike seller. 2. if i need to buy a new insurance , with which name i need to buy ? my fathers or mine ? 3. can i use online facility of ICICI Lombord ? there it is showing the following 2 options 1.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler 2.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler which option should i choose?""
Insurance price?
does anyone have an idea of how much insurance would be for me to purchase a new wrx sti? age 24, pittsburgh PA, clean record...any rough estimates?""
State farm health insurance?
Does anyone have state farm health insurance? I've had car insurance with them since I was 16 and was considering getting health through them too, is it alright insurance or is it not so great?""
Florida's Insurance policy on new drivers?
Once a 16 year old gets their first drivers license is it required by law that they are immediately added to the parents insurance if they dont own a car yet? If so how much will it most likely cost with Geico insurance?
Does getting car insurance quotes lower your credit score?
I was wondering if getting multiple insurance quotes can significantly lower your FICO score due to inquiries..especially if you have a limited credit history..
Question about motorcycle insurance?
Ok... I know that insurance is different from person to person but in general who is the best company to be with for motorcycle insurance. What is the average lowest price, who actually will do their job when its time for a claim. Who has the best or most coverages for a cycle. All these different things. So who is the best...""
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
Los Angeles California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 90053
0 notes
Car insurance?
"Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance pay out when vehicle written off?
My car has been written off and my insurance have offered my 1,250 for it. They said they use some Glass Vehicle Valuation thing so I went on it's website n had the car valued myself n there's 5 categories for pricing the vehicle: Trade-in Excellent condition - 1,376 Trade-in Average condition - 1,210 Trade-in below average condition - 1,066 Dealer sale price - 2,640 Private seller price - 2,221 Which is the price I should get for my car? It was an 02 plate Renault Megane Coupe Privilege + in excellent condition! I found the same car in a different colour on Auto Trader for 2,000. I think I should get the private seller price as I am effectively selling them my car and not trading it in!? My car was set on fire btw! Awoke at 3am to the thing in flames just a few feet away from my house! ='(""
Car insurance in Michigan?
I currently am a primary driver on my car which is thru AAA. My boyfriend and I recently bought a car and insured it thru progressive for cheaper than it would have been at AAA. I am the primary. Is this legal to have 2 insurance companies? Or is this like a double jeopardy?
How much would insurance for a Subaru Impreza WRX be?
I am getting my license very soon and I plan on getting an 02 Subaru Impreza WRX for my first car. I am curious to know what will be the monthly cost of my insurance (an estimate). I will be on my parents insurance and they have Liberty Mutual. I know that the WRX has one of the highest insurance rates but I want to know if it will be doable or not. Thanks in advanced.
Insurance for student?
I am currently a student, and saved up enough to buy a car, but the problem is the insurance. As a student, the insurance premium is very high since I have to be the primary driver. I cannot be under my parents insurance, I am not in good terms with them. Is there any way to reduce the premiums? I already did the driveres ed course which gives you a 10% discount. Do you know any cheap insurance companies? I am just looking for basic coverage. Thanks! PS - I live in Ontario.""
Help with insurance prices?
I was wondering what the cost of these cars would be for a 16 year old male or just a list of most expensive to insure to cheapest to insure. 2006 Chrysler 300 touring 50000 miles 2007 dodge charger sxt 40000 miles 2006 chevy cobalt ss not sc or tc 60000 miles
Auto insurance wrong information!!?
Relatively, I am a new resident in the USA, I have been here for 18 months only, and I am trying to get a car insurance. The problem is the insurance companies give a huge discount for those who got licensed in the USA or Canada at age 16, but they do not consider other countries. For this reason I have to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get the state minimum requirements for auto insurance. In fact I have been licensed in my country since 1998.. I wonder what's the influence if I choose to answer yes when the insurance company agent asks me whether I got licensed at age 16 or not in the USA or Canada? Because technically I am already licensed at that age but not here!!""
Why are my insurance quotes coming to 20-40k?
Ok so i know insurance in London will be alot for a student like me who is 17, but why is it my friends are getting insurance for 2k in london and when i enter correct information on quote websites (obvisouly acting as if i am 17) that my quotes are coming to 44k, what should i do when it comes to getting my own policy? thansk""
Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?
Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?
What insurance companies should i be looking into?
I am 17 and I am getting my license next month...im not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!""
Could I set up my own car insurance company to insure myself?
In Canada, it is the law to have car insurance. Is it possible I could set up my own car insurance company to insure myself. I am aware that I would have to cover the damages of other cars involved in an accident, but am not sure if I would have to cover if an accident is fatal. Also, considering that I may have to cover damages in case of a fatality and other cars involved in an accident, would be more economical to just go with paying an insurance company?""
Why my car insurance is so high and how can I lower it?
Recently I moved my house and my insurance went off the roof. For a 03 reg ford-ka its 2300 whereas the car cost only 1400. I also have passed pass-plus, but in vain. Checked on gocompares and other sites, but of no use. I am 28yrs old. I don't know what to do, I love to drive and want that car so bad? Do you guys have any idea? Should I go and check out with my bank for insurance and stuff? please help?""
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
Is an acura integra cheap on insurance?
my son is thinking of buying one
What is the cheapest car to insurance and tax?
Smart Car?
Who is the most dependable Motorcycle insurances and the cheapest?
What all do I really needfar as coverage..I have good medical already...what's the minimum coverage? I have a new HD fatboy 2006 with the 1689 cc with custom pipes. I just wantthe basic coverage. How much is a good premium?
Cheap insurance for young proffessonal driver?
i am 23 work for a car and van rental company so drive a average of 15 cars or vans a day from small hatchbacks to 90k range rovers sports BMW's mercs etc but yet i still cant get insurance for under 1200 for a old 1997 1.0 l fiat punto is there any Specialist insurance company's for people that drive professionally for a living?
How much should it cost for a 16 years old driver to get a insurance?
How much should it cost for a 16 years old driver to get a insurance?
Insurerance companies unable to insure me- why is this?
im in the process of buying a second hand toyota yaris sr (first registered in 2000). i have one other car and have no problems getting insured on it. for some reason with the yaris i cannot get insured (even with same insurance company) even though my personal circumstances havent changed. any ideas why this might be? also with one copmpany they'd insure me if it didnt have alloy wheels but because it does they wouldnt.
Health Insurance Out of State?
I have pectus excavatum and I live in Marshalltown Iowa. I want to get a cosmetic procedure done called the nuss procedure. Most insurance companies say they cover this surgery. I know for a fact that my condition is severe enough that I could get the procedure done. I also want to get the procedure done out of state because the only doctor that's able to do it in Iowa blows and nearly killed 2 people. What type of insurance do I need specifically need for this? I can spend 300-350$ maximum but would like to spend 200-250$ for insurance. Pectus excavatum is classified as a pre-existing medical condition so I have been told that it would be hard for me to get insurance. Right now I have IowaCare which is a joke and only covers surgery or hospitalization in Iowa City. Thanks!!!
""For a new driver 21 or younger, how much did your monthly car insurance decrease every six months? Every year?""
If you are 21 or younger, and pay for your own car insurance. If you have not had any accidents, or ticket violations applied to your driver's license....How much did your monthly car insurance decrease each year? What was your monthly payment from 16-21 years of age if you did NOT drive a sports car? Please list the state you reside in, and whether you live in the city or suburbs. Thanks.""
Insurance for a first Motorcycle?
When I turn 17, I'm thinking of buying a Kawasaki KDX125. What would the insurance costs be like for a 17 year old? (In the UK) and can you recommend a similar bike?""
What is the best insurance to start off on?
I'm 20, and thinking bout after college and trying to get ready to be on my own. So I was wondering of what is the best insurance company to have at the moment, and any advice I would love to have.""
Daily car insurance for a 18 year old?
Hi, I don't really know where to look, but my friend said that it is possible to get daily insurance for my age... I guess the question is where can I get daily insurance that allow 18+ If it helps, the car is a bmw 5 series m sport.""
Can I let somone drive my car who doesn't have insurance? [Ontario]?
So the law says you can let somone drive your car if they have a license. If they get into an accident the charges are on my insurance. Make sure that if you are loaning your car to someone else that you first verify their license or you may be without a car for 7 days while it is in impound. Ref: http://find-a-driving-school.ca/10-ontar But law also states that if you are driving you must have insurance ... right? So for example... can I let my bro drive my car even though he has his G2 and is not insured. What are the consequences? Thanks!
""Just passed driving test, INSURANCE!!!?""
I just passed and for insurance on a simple 1 - 1.3 lt, the cheapest i have found is 2200. IS there any cheaper way?""
Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
What would the insurance on a 1973 chevy nova cost?
It is not a SS it's just a 1973 chevy nova for a 16 year old. Would it be outrageous? It's not a souped up car really although the engine has some add ons.
Is insurance required in north carolina?
if one had a car registered in georgia, he decided to pass through NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance expired, he gets pulled over. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?""
""What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
Question about insurance (car insurance).?
If im a new teen guy driver, would buying an old range rover (2000) cost a lot for insurance?""
How much does it cost to cancel motorbike insurance in the UK?
If you've been with them say 2-4 months. Also does it make a difference if its Third Party, Third Party Fire and Theft or Fully Comp? Its on a 125cc and the insurance is going to cost approx 300. Thanks""
What is the telephone number to American Standard Insurance?? *car*?
What is the best life insurance for a young person 22-35?
I want to be able to use it against my mortgage. Is it possible to get money from it and not have to pay it back after a while or something? And will that change my policy in anyway?
""Two Cars, Two Insurance Companies?""
I'm 17 and I just got my G2 Licence. I'm thinking of getting my own car, however it is going to cost me a a fortune to insure my own car. Is it possible for my father to have 2 cars but with 2 different insurance companies and put me as a secondary driver for one of the cars?""
Pitbull and homeowners insurance?
My insurance company is threating to drop me because I own a bully....can they really do this is there anyway to fight this?
Medical Insurance Question?!?
I'm 24, and I've been reading a lot of posts online about people who have many health ailments and do not have insurance to get treated or go to the ER then have a massive bill afterwards. I don't understand why these individuals are not hunting around for the cheapest medical insurance they can find prior. There are individual plans out there, directly through the insurance companies, also family plans. You can pick and choose your premiums/deductibles/co-pays, hunt around for what suits your needs best. The single plans especially, can be and most of the time are, affordable. I don't understand why people do not apply for basic health insurance that would cover them in an emergency, or for general routine health-care. Premiums can be as low as 60-100 a month for a single person. Please can someone explain to me why these people are not taking advantage of what is out there? Or even possibly applying for the government assistance plans if they're not employed, especially after an ER visit with no insurance? This is an honest question. Thanks""
How much is a ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma?
I'm writing a paper for my law study class and was wondering how much the average ticket for not having insurance on your car in oklahoma is? Thanks for the help!
Was it wise for me to cancel my car insurance?
I had gotten into an accident. ICBC says it's 100% my fault, and I did just file an injury claim for myself and my family members that were in the car with me. I don't think my car is drivable, but if it is, then it's not worth fixing because I don't have collision and it would cost more to fix than how much I had bought it for. What I did yesterday, was cancelled my car insurance. But I was just talking to someone who told me that it wasn't a good idea to do that. And now I'm doubting myself. Will this be held against me? The person in the other car claimed injury and her car is also damaged. Did I just dig a deeper hole for myself?""
Average cost of insurance and registration in Utah?
My husband and I are looking into getting two different vehicles and I am just trying to get an estimate on how much its going to cost to register them and how much I may need up front for insurance. I am 24 years old, my husband is 23 and a former truck driver. The two cars are a 1996 grand caravan (red if needed) and a 1980 Chevette (black if needed). I do not know mileage yet for either one.""
Are auto insurance deductibles tax deductible?
I have a smashed windshield with a $500 deductible. If I get someone to fix it (for a lot), can I write off my payment of the deductible on my taxes next year, or is it just called the deductible because it is deducted from the total cost of the repair?""
Car Insurance Cost in NYC?
I have a question regarding car insurance. I'm 29 years old. I've been in 3 car accidents but was not at fault for any of them (2 of the times my car was sitting still! lol) and I've never gotten a ticket for any of those accidents. I used to have insurance through State Farm, full coverage for a 2004 Jeep Liberty that cost 50-60 a month in upstate NY. While driving to NYC one winter I got a speeding ticket, my first ticket ever! I was going I think 82(?) in a 65. This was just before I moved to NYC, and because I got the ticket in a podunk little county I was driving through I had no idea what the name was, the ticket flew out my door and I lost it. I figured they would mail me something else to tell me the payment was late but I never received anything else about it. Well I found out later it was because I moved, even though I moved about 2 months after the fact they wait quite a while to send another notice, and I never received it. Thus, my license was suspended but I never knew. I never got caught driving without it either. So I moved here in 2007 with my Jeep which I was very behind payments for, and then it got towed away for alternate side parking BS. I could have borrowed the money back then to pay to get it out but I let it go. Alright so long story short, I don't have the truck, it was auctioned. I'll be done paying for it through a collection agency settlement offer this May. If I had kept the truck, I would be paying 200+ more a month than I pay now, and I wouldn't have been done paying it til August 2011. Plus I would have had to pay to catch it up the 3 months I was behind, plus pay my boyfriends brother back who was willing to lend me the money to get it out of the car jail (lol) I had the suspension lifted last July so I could rent a car, again no issues. So I'm thinking of buying a 2,000 car (cash! I learned my lesson) in June when I'm done paying for the truck and I want to get no fault insurance. I know it will be a lot more here then what I used to pay, and in addition I now have a suspension that wasn't there before. How much do you guys have to pay for your insurance, if it's not too much information to ask? And how much do you think mine might be, or compare your cost and history to mine? Thanks.""
Car accident cause my current insurance to go up?
I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?""
Is it bad to cancel new car insurance after just 1 month?
ok i bought a bad car from a dealer that scammed me and im a new driver and it was the first time i had a car and the first time i put on car insurance the reason why im asking is because ive bought the car and after 10 min of driving the car it died on me and there was no warranty dumb of me not to buy a warranty plus it was an old car anyways i got new car insurance and i sold the car and people was telling me that because im a new driver if i cancel my insurance early that i wont be able to open up a new one or it will be harder to open one up in future is that true?
Shouldn't I try to claim all I can on car insurance?
Someone didn't quit stop on time and hit me a little in the rear. This guy was in his early 20's and when I asked for insurance he said he doesn't have it with him and that he is driving his grandmothers car. I asked him for his phone number in case there is a problem. My car just has a few marks from this but bodywork is expensive and it wouldn't surprise me if it wouldn't cost $300.Since my car is 12 years old I may not get the work done.Usually insurance companies tell you to get an estimate and mail a check to you. The driver that hit me said he is sorry but I think he hopes he doesn't owe me anything for this. Shouldn't people try to claim any amount of damage through insurance even if it is minor?
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
Will my insurance rate go up??PLZ HELP:(?
I was parked in front of a kroger at the parking lot ...I came out of the store and saw that my cars been hit! Its an 07 mustang gt i took it for an etimate it has damages worth 1300 I have full coverage insurance with a 500 dollar deductable I pay 110 a month for insurance I live in Michigan..will my rate go up? I mean i wasnt in the car i came out and it was hit?Also I have only one claim with my truck thats it and a perfect driving record no points ever.
Can someone obtain car insurance in CA with no drivers license?
I have a friend who will be a first time driver at age 30 (she had no need for driving where she previously lived). She has the opportunity to buy a car, but cannot register it until she has car insurance. Now, normally, she could just wait to buy the car when she finally gets licensed, but she's been offered an amazing deal and would have to buy now. Is there any insurance company that will cover an unlicensed driver or even someone with a permit? Thanks!""
Which is more expensive to maintain. BMW or Acura? Is insurance price higher?
Which is more expensive to maintain. BMW or Acura? Is insurance price higher?
Staying on my mother's health insurance?
I'm 19 years old, in good health, and moving out. My mother has been laid off and is getting a job out of state which is forcing me to move out (i'm not complaining just informing). She will be on cobra health insurance until the new job's health insurance kicks in but I was wondering if I'd still be able to be covered under her new job's insurance if we aren't living together. The only reason I ask this is because I am currently working part time at a job that offers health insurance but it is $70 per month. If it were up to me I'd go without health insurance but she informed me that it is required by law now (yay). I've read in some places that I would be able to stay covered by my mother's insurance until age 26 but I've also read in other places that if my job offers health insurance I cannot be covered on someone else's as a dependent. I live in Georgia if that matters! Any tips/suggestions welcomed, thanks!""
Help!!! I need cheap auto insurance!!!!!?
I am a 28 yr old woman that lives in Delaware. I need to know where I can find cheap full coverage. I have 1 speeding ticket on my driving record and I had a lapse in insurance. Any suggestions?
17 year old auto insurance? new york?
okay so my parents don't drive...(my bro does tho...except he moved to LA for business for the next year :( ) so my parents want to get me a car...you know so i can chauffeur them places and stuff. thing is i'm 16 and i have a class DJ license (i was able to take the road test because i took drivers ed. ) i'll be 17 pretty soon and i'll have a regular class D license. So i wanted to know even thought my parents don't have licenses and don't drive can they legally buy me a car and auto insurance? please answer! can't find anything online! :)
Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
Does Mercury Car Insurance give instant proof of insurance?
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
How to get good discounts for insurance?
i am 17 years old and i am getting my license in 2 weeks so im underage and i wanna know how to get good discounts my parents have all-state i will be driving my moms car a 2004 nissan altima (4 doors) can anyone help with some tips !!!!! thank you very much
What is a good insurance policy for a motorcyclist?
I'm 17 and I have good grades and a job. Im driving to school and to work. Im geting a ninja 250 cc. I litterally own the motorcycle, I paid in cash from a dealer. Do I need liablity insurance? How about comprehensive? collision? medical? Please, I want to pay an addordable insurance policy. Please give me some good policy rates for a 18 year old. ty""
How much would my car insurance go up for putting a little scratch on someone elses vehicle?
I'm with State Farm
Liability Car Insurance for another state?
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to resolve this situation: Facts: 1- I legally own a car in the US, currently I'm overseas. 2- My friend has a complete power of attorney 3- Car was registered in California and now is staying in Virginia for almost a year. 4- I put the car on Nonoperational status with CA DMV and canceled insurance in 08.2008. 5- I need to make my car drivable again, and my friend has to move it to MD where she lives. 6- To put car back on road with CA plates I should renew the registration with CA DMV. 7- CA DMV requires the liability insurance before registration. 8- My friend was at the insurance company (Progressive Insurance) and they say, they cannot insure the car with Californian liability unless the car is physically in CA. Wnen I'll be back to US in couple of months I have to drive car back to CA, because I study there so my residence is CA. Can anyone tell me please how this situation can be resolved? - I don't wanna sell my car - registration with MD MVA is the last expensive and unwanted option.""
Do you get insurance when you are a RN?
when you are a resister nurse will you get insurance incase you get hurt
Where Can I Find Really Cheap Car Insurance?
I Am A Newly Qualified 20 Year Old Male Driver!!
Insurance rate for 17 year old in california?
as my first car i was looking at the evo x mr or the 3g eclipse gt, gts which would be better as my first car and wat would be the insurance cost for either of these cars?""
Maturnity insurance?
do anyone know of any insurance that cover maturnity that will not cost an arm and a leg. my husband had good insurance and they had a lay off and friday is out last day with that insurance so does anyone know of any insurance for maturnity coverage that would be a great help.
Good insurance for my car?
my car's insurance is expiring soon. i have two options one is to renewal the existing policy, which i took when i was bought the car. And second one is to take a new policy from a private insurance company. which one is best and which issues should i consider to take a policy and for comparing both.""
How much do you think my auto insurance will be?
I live in Massachusetts, I'm 19 and have had my license for exactly a year. I'm a female (I don't know if that matters) The car I want to insure is a 95 Oldsmobile Achieva. Rough estimate please? My mom is saying I have to pay like $400 every three weeks for ten months. Doesn't that seem like a little much?""
Can i put insurance on a old mobile home ?
I have a 84' model mobile home but i paid to have it remodeled so it's very nice on the inside. Well i want to rent it out so i want to put insurance on it in case a fire or etc. happens to it while it's being rented out . But can i put insurance on a mobile home that old ? and can i put as much as i want or does the insurance only cover how much it's worth ?
""Just got a speeding ticket with my uncles car, will his insurance raise?""
I just received a speeding ticket while driving my uncles car, i don't have car insurance nor a car. Will his insurance go up from this.""
Looking for insurance with marcs and sparks?
I need an insurance for an 82yr old to go to america
Dented vehicle? How much more is no deductible auto insurance?
some time ago I dented my car as a result of backing into a pole and I have never gotten it fixed because I cant afford the deductible and I have been with the same insurance company since that time so is it ok to just change to a no deductible insurance policy and than maybe report it and have it fixed-I'm not trying to be dishonest-Im sure I would be just paying the difference for having no deductable monthly. Also, is there even a time limit to report an accident? I dont even know the exact date, but I was with the same insurance company""
""Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Why do i pay $400 a month for car insurance, is it cause its my first car?""
Why is the co-pay for dental insurance more expensive than health insurance?
I compared the co pays on several reputable dental insurance companies and it is very expensive. Many things are not covered, even with the best dental insurance. Health insurance is usually a 10 dollar co pay for primary physicians and a 35-50 dollar co pay for specialty physicians. Is there any reason why dental insurance co pay is as expensive as it is?""
Is there any insurance companies that will insure after a fire claim?
me and my family had a fire in july of 2008 and our homeowners insurance dropped us after the claim was over. now we are having major difficulty obtaining homeowners insurance. is there anybody that knows of a insurance company that takes people with these issues? we also live in indiana
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
Got a speeding ticket in friends newly bought car and he didnt have proof of insurance?
so my friend recently bought a car from someone and i drove it and got a speeding ticket in it. do i have to show HIS insurance for the car or that I am insured? and if i do have to show his, then how do i get proof the insurance on the car was being transfered over to his? he already had insurance on his other cars that are his parents.""
How much do you pay for a car insurance living in New York (brooklyn)?
Whats the cheapest way to get it? im 19 so my rate would be around 5 gran
Will this cover my insurance too...?
hi i have a full coverage on my car that also has rental coverage... now, my friend rented a car with insurance...i was not a registered driver of that car.... but then if i drive it and gets into accident,will my personal car insurance still covers it?""
My girlfriends has insurance for her vehicle but if she drive my car will he be insured?
I just got a new car and i chose esurance for my provider and she has statefarm for her car. According to esurance every driver i add to my insurance with cost me $40 more a month. so my question is if she drive my car will she still be insured by her insurance or do i have to add her to mine?
Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
Is this normal for auto insurance?
I have got quote from almost all the comapnies, esurance, geico, state farm, farmers, allstate, and some more . All of them gave me quotes in the upper $2500 for full coverage. The only one were less was allstate $2100 and Geico for $1400 thats full coverage for 6 months. Do you guys usually pay this much. I'm 21 and this the first time I'm gettin insurance.""
Does a car not in use need insurance?
Just wondering what the laws were in Canada if I need insurance on my car that is unplated and probably going to the junk yard in the next 2 weeks (have to scavenge some parts before I let it go) Calling my insurance company tomorrow to add on the new car but wondering if I should take the old car off altogether?
Car insurance advice for a 17 year old?
Hello, I just bought a Citroen AX for 500, and have payed a lump sum of 2800 for 12 months insurance. My question is: If I get a 1 year no claims bonus when im 18, how much cheaper will my next 12 month insurance be? How much less do you think It will cost after a year of no claims. And If possible: How cheaper would It cost to insure that car after 4 years no claims? Thanks.""
""Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?""
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.""
Does New York require lenders of leased cars to include GAP insurance within the cost of the lease itself?
Was under the impression that this was the case, however, after recently leasing a vehicle in NY, the dealership told me otherwise.""
Why the heck does car insurance make you pay more...?
when you call to file a claim? Like, why do they raise your rates when you call them to use their services that you're already paying for? Someone pryed the emblem off my friends car and he said if he claimed it on insurance his rates would raise just because he claims it. What's up with that?""
Who's car insurance pays for accident?
A young guy hit into the rear of my vehicle the other day. When I asked for insurance information he said he is driving his grandmothers car and he can't show me any. I don't know if he is telling the truth that it is not his car or not. He just gave me his name and phone number. At first I felt the marks were not bad but decided they should be fixed. He is hoping I don't pursue any damage claim. If this is his grandmothers car will her insurance pay for the accident or will his insurance?
Which one is the best health insurance company in USA?
hello All; i am from California; I want a cheap and affordable health insurance for my family. please help me which is the best and low cost health insurance company in USA? Thanks
What do you mean by car insurance quotes?
What do you mean by car insurance quotes?
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
What is the cheapest car insurance and that is good for a teenager?
Im starting to almost drive already but i need to knowwhat insurance company has the most economical car insurance for teens?? please let me know and tell me how much you pay for ur kids or even for yourself btw my car is a 2004 volvo s40 2.4i if that matters.
Car Insurance Renewal?
I currently have a 8 years no claims bonus and I am due to renew my car insurance at the end of this month. The quote is 520. However as the current value of my car is about 900-1000 and I only do about 3000 miles a year, I dont think its worth insuring this car for this year and plan to get rid of it. I plan to get a newer car next year or the year after. If I dont renew my car insurance this year and say there was a gap of 1 year or 2 between renewals, would I lose all of the benefit of my 8 years no claims? Would i have to start from 0 years no claims again? Any body help? Cheers!""
Will Progressive insurance do this for me?
Progressive advertises that they show you the rates of other insurance companies as well as theirs. I am a current long time customer of Progressive and want to shop to around for cheaper options. If I call Progressive, will they give me the quotes of other insurance companies without me having to shop around?""
How do you buy insurances?
I don't care which insurance it is, you look up complaints there is a looooong list about all of them.""
How much would insurance cost for a motorcycle?
I'm 16 and I live in va. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 600cc and a 250cc. A sportbike. Like the ninja 250. But I'm trying for a 600cc, either yamaha r6 or a ninja 650r. Thanks""
How much is auto insurance for a simple car?PLEASE HELP?
a 2000 honda prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and full cover?if you know please givr me a estimate amount,thanks ps im 16
If I drive a car that has insurance but not in your name in Florida?
If there is a car accident can I get in trouble? Meaning can I get a ticket if someone rear ends me? A friend of mine was in an accident and they were rearended the car owner had insurance would that cover said friend?
What do the left mean by making health insurance 'affordable'?
Affordable is a relative term. Affordable to who? It is already affordable to tens of millions of Americans. How can it become affordable to the poorest when they don't even have the means to feed or house themselves?
Car insurance for diabetics?
So I'm relatively new to the world of driving at the age of 23 and I am also a Diabetic trying to find cheapcar insurance that would cover me. Anyone know of any insurance agencies that won't drastically raise my insurance costs because I'm a diabetic, or any low cost ones that cater to diabetics?""
Car insurance for MERCEDES BENZE?
Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable?
I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?""
How much does insurance cost for a 2000-2004 audi a4?
an estimate would be good
Truck registration in different state health insurance?
I lived in california and drove a car my dad had under his name on the title. He died and i moved to montana with that same car. I have been on my step moms health insurance plan for some time. I am legally able to be on her plan as long as i list myself as being in the same household until age 26. I was wondering if i register that truck in my name if uncle sam can find out i moved and thus making my health insurance unusable. Should i just drop my step moms insurance and struggle to get my own? What are my options?
Car insurance question?
I just payed my car insurance in full From January till May and i want to change my insurance company because i got a better offer from another company. My question is can i cancel the one i have right now and switch to the new company and if i do will i get my money back from the insurance company i have right now? How does that work? or do i have to stay insured with them till my insurance expires?
Can someone else put insurance on my car?
I have two cars and one of them is parked right now due to gas prices. So I took insurance off of it for the time being. One of my friends car is messed up and she does not have a ride, I am thinking of letting her borrow my car until she can get hers fixed. So can she put insurance on it and drive it?""
Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
0 notes
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
"Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is insurance?
What can i expect to pay for liability insurance I I live in California, ride a '78 Kawasaki KZ650 SR, I'm 18, and I just got my license? I need just the minimum amount of coverage. I don't need exact prices, just a general idea of cost.""
Heath insurance help ?
what is affordable heath care plans ? and do u have 2 pay monthly 4 heath insurance
Will My car insurance go up if a 16 year old gets a older 2 door car?
Will My car insurance go up if a 16 year old gets a older 2 door car?
Paying my car insurance off early?
I have the cash to do so. And i only owe about 200 cause i already paid 2 months off early. But im jw when the next bill will be so i dont have to worry about. If it helps any i have the general car insurance they are local so idk if itll help lol
Can anyone tell me the average cost of sr22 insurance in Arizona?
I've been searching the web and I can't seem to find the answer.
Insurance for a 350z on Parents plan?
Hey there so when i turn 18, im buying a 2003 nissan 350z with my own money. Right now im 17 and have been driving an old civic for almost the past 2 years and have never gotten in an accident or ticket (not that that lowers the insurance at all) and have the good student discount. so i followed the rule of thumb to buying a car thats okay to beat up when you first start driving. anyways, ive been looking for a lot of answers to my question, but all of the people asking it seem to be paying for theyre own insurance. Im on my parents plan, and when i buy the car its going to be put under my dads name (he is 52 and is a teacher btw if that matters). Both my parents are extremely responsible drivers, so im assuming their insurance rate wont be as high as if the car was in my name. the one issue with this car is how much insurance is going to be exactly. I looked for a quote on progressive, and im almost positive it cant be right. when i typed in the insurance cost for my 2003 civic with me paying it myself, it was only like $10 cheaper per month than a 350z, which like i said seems somewhat off. anyways, does anyone that went through buying a sports car when they were 18 with kinda the same thing have any answers for me? or even if you just know insurance well i just want to know. My parents would be okay with insurance going up some, but not astronomically high (like people were saying a couple thousand a year). ive asked them if they can talk to our agent (we are insured with PEMCO), but they keep saying theyll do it later. anyways, sorry for the long question. but any answers would help! Thanks!""
Approximately how much will my auto insurance go down?
I have always been told that when I turn 25 my auto insurance should decrease significantly, I was wondering if someone can give me an idea or (if you dont mind) let me know what you were paying <25 and what your paying now at 25>. As of now I am paying $350 a month for full coverage on two vehicles (with two speeding tickets on my record at the moment at 23 years old, one will definitely be off by 25, the other one will be close, (assuming I get no more) I am going through Farmers Insurance. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I have to look forward to my 25th Birthday as a subnote I know this is being planned much ahead of time, me and the lady are considering moving out of our apartment, I want to have a very thorough knowledge of what my financial future will look like before pulling the trigger on anything. Expect wthin the year posts from me on moving business =D All constructive answers are appreciated.""
Insurance cost for a 16 year old with a 1986 iroc camaro?
I'm 16 have a 1986 iroc camaro 350ci and i live in an average neighborhood in western ny i'm a male. any insurance guestimates? I'm gonna need to be on my own plan.
Where can I find cheap 3rd party property car insurance for my 17year old son?
Where can I find cheap 3rd party property car insurance for my 17year old son?
Where can I find info about Landa Insurance?
I know that Landa Insurance is a fraudulent insurance company, and I've received a few messages from others about it too and see where others have posted that the company is under investigation in several states. Does anyone know where I can find info about them being under investigation or can anyone share experiences with them? I personally was considering getting insurance with them once but I did some research on who the claim to underwrite for and that company's attorney told me that they dont even sell car insurance and the quote I recieved matched the policy number of a medicare supliment policy, and that Landa Insuarnce and the alleged agent are a fake. Any thoughts or ideas?""
What is the average salary for an insurance marketing rep?
I was wanting to get some information on what the average salary might be for a marketing rep for a non-standard auto insurance company might be? Any info or personal knowledge on this would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!""
Cancelled car insurance?
My car insurance got cancelled for misrepresentation of garaging. I travel a lot for work and I had two places. My car got vandalized at my secondary place of residence and the insurance company and after I filed a claim, the insurance company treats is as a misrepresentation. I am about to get an insurance with a different company. Do i need to disclose this fact? How would that affect my rates. I have 1 week left on the policy.""
Car accident claim to insurance company?
a car rear-ended me one night. after i made a claim to his insurance company, his insurance company said that they will deny my claim because that guy was also rear-ended and he was dragged into my car. i did not see any car rear-ending the car behind me. when i told that insurance company that your customer might be lying to you, and i asked them if they are going to go for his words. then that insurance company told me that, wouldn't your insurance company do that for you. what should i do in this case? any help is appreciated. thanks""
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old guy?
i live in the chicago suburbs and wanted to know how much car insurance would cost if i got a car, either something like a ford probe or eagle talon in the 93-97 year range(definetly a 2 door car though). i don't know either to open it on my own or ad onto my parents. i know that adding on to my parents would be cheaper but they don't exactly want to add another car at the moment but im ready to get my own car, so how much would it cost to open my own policy? i honestly know little to none about car insurance so please help. Also, don't tell me to just wait till my parents are ready please cause thats not the question i just want some prices for the insurance please. thanks!""
Oregon car insurance?
Can I give my daughter my car registered in my name and she get car insurance for it?
What is a semi fast car that has a semi cheap insurance rate for a 16 year old new driver?
I am trying to find a car that is fast enough that i can have some fun in but im not going to be spending a lot for insurance. I also want to have a car htat would be good to hook up.
About how much will my car insurance increase...?
I recently received a speeding ticket for going 81/60. 4 points and 185$ fine...the officer said he would knock it down to 2 points and 80$ fine if i showed up to court. I'm 19, I live in S. Carolina, and I pay 195$ a month for a 2004 mazda6. Does anyone have an estimate on how much 2 points will raise my rates? Note: This is my second ticket; my first was an Improper start from start, no points 155$ fine. Thanks so much!""
Is it okay to drive your parents car but dont have insurance yet but your parents gave permission to drive it?
Like if i was to be pulled over which I plan on not being because I drive very carefully but with cops now a days they will pull you over for no reason and just follow you and pull ...show more
Why did my friends mother want me to have car insurance?
I wanted to pick up my friend and have her come to my house. Her mother said i have to have car insurance to have her daughter in the car with me. I was just wondering why.
What are some good first cars with low insurance rates?
preferably a SUV. Kind of like a blazer or something like that. Definitely under $1000. Does anyone know where online or around the york, PA area a car like that would be?""
What car insurance should i get?
I am 17, and im looking to buy my first car. i am looking for car insurance that is cheap but is also good.""
""Can I report my (former) car insurance to someone, Texas?""
I was insured with a cut rate car insurance company because I needed a SR22 for no insurance from many, many, years ago that finally did catch up to me just now. Anyway, I was having my payment drafted out of my debit card each month. Well a few days before my insurance was due I realized that I unexpectedly was going to be short. It was due one day & I didn't get paid for another 2 days. So I called up my agent & explained the situation & asked if my policy had a grace period? They put me on hold to check. They came back on the telephone & said yes I had 7 days from the date it was due. They said I would be fine cause I got paid 2 days later. Well I go back up there a couple of days later to make my payment. Mind you, I'm still well w/in the grace period. The computer would not take my payment. The agent made a call, then spoke to someone, & then informed me my insurance was dropped for lack of payment. I was like whoa I was told I had a full week grace period She said to me Well, when you called you didn't inform us that you had your insurance drafted from your debit card. I was like A) Y'all didn't ask when I called & B) How in the world would I know to tell you that? Especially since y'all never asked. They basically said Oh well. She did make it clear that if I had not had auto drafting that the grace period would still stand. Maybe I'm clueless but I never had an incident where I was ever late on my car insurance. Now my DL is suspended. I don't know if this place gets a kick back by starting over my insurance w/a whole new policy. If I had had started over again the rate would jump & I would have to repay them to refile my SR22. Is that legal?? Like I said what do I know????""
What is Private Mortgage Insurance?
What's an easy definition for Private Mortgage Insurance?
I wanted to know how comes my insurance is so cheap now but when i did it 7 moths ago it was 2800?
so 7 months ago i got my insurance third party fire and theft with 2 additional drivers me as first driver and i am 20 for 2800,, and now i checked with the same details i did last time i didnt put down any experience or anything did it same exactly as last time and its about 1950 now ??? wth did i get ripped off? car is a vuaxhall corsa 2000 model""
Teen car insurance help help?
I am 18 years old and on my fathers state farm policy my mother has her own house and policy if I have car insurance under him can I be covered to drive her cars. she has geico
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
How much do you pay for your car insurance? 10pts?
I have Geico and my vehicle is a lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was charged $55.72 for this months insurance, it's always low but UM wtf??? How much are you paying? Do you own your vehicle/ lease? Year /Model? Thanks!""
Good Cheap car insurance?
Im 16, Im getting my truck and my license in september, and I was wondering what car insurance companies I should look in to? I could be added onto my parents plan but it would be pretty expensive, I was wondering if there's a cheaper option? what insurance do you have and why? thanks!""
Insurance on my own car compared to my parents?
Hey all, Im interested in buying a car and my parents are quite objectionable to it. Id say i would pay for the car and the difference in insurance but they say i dont have the money to do so. I know that my being insured on one of their cars costs a lot less than being insured on my own car but i really dont know the difference. Obviously it depends on the type of car and other factors but approximately how much is the difference. I could fill out the quote stuff but i would have to fill it out twice and i really dont feel like being bombarded by emails and what not. Also, I am 17 years old and have had my license for over a year without a single violation. If it really matters, i have about 4500 saved up for now. I made a little over 1100 in the past month and should be getting about 700 or so a month from my job. I really dont spend any money on anything else. Is insurance on my own car really that expensive?""
Maternity and Health Insurance?
If you have health insurance but do not have maternity insurance. Does the health insurance cover any of the hospital. etc fees? Example...Hospital stay?
Engine size/Car insurance?
I'm planning what car I want to buy after I do my test next year. I've seen some nice used Land Rovers, but I'm told the insurance will probably be sky high because of their engine. Is this true? It'll be a 5 door and the engine will probably be 1796. Can anyone explain this to me? The difference in engine size and what that will mean? Thanks""
Cheap used cars and cheap insurance?
i need a cheap used small car anyone have any ideas where it would be reliable to get one..? not auto trader because i cant exactly trust a randomer selling a car which is probly going to break down 2 days later.... any ideas of something or places plz
How much approxinately for motorcycle insurance?
My mom is planning on buying me a ninja 250 for my birthday. I have never had a motorcycle. Unfortunately I have 3 speeding tickets (wrong place,wrong time). I will be 24.""
Insurance question?
if you are being sued for a car accident how much will the insurance company cover up to
How much would car insurance on a nissan GT R cost?
How much would car insurance on a nissan GT R cost?
Teen Car Insurance.?
I am 17, and about 5 days ago I finally got my license. So now my parents are trying to look for insurance. I have to pay it, soo seeing as I only get paid minimum wage, does anyone know the cheapest deal for insurance when it comes to teenagers?? What I mean is like what company etc.""
""How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.""
How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.""
Insurance on Courtesy car?!!!?
Hi. my husband and I were buying a nice car from a local garage but there was a hold up due to the log book and tax etc. We were given a courtesy car till our new car was ready. But, having only driven the courtesy car for a week or 10 days, we discovered that the garage had closed and they had done a runner!!! So thats the end of my new car but we have still got the courtesy car. Will I still be covered to drive it? Or will our fully comprehensive insurance cover it? Anyone any ideas. If I can drive the car legally, I will, till anyone comes to claim it, if ever they come to claim it. Thanks Basil""
Sportbike insurance for 16 year old?
I was curious about getting a 2008 HONDA CBR 600RR any idea how much the insurance would be??
Does it matter how old your vehicle is to get full coverage insurance in oklahoma?
1996 chevy cheyenne
How do I get health insurance for my 2 year old son?
I have a 2 year old son and me and his mother are separated and I want to get him a health insurance plan. His mother is not working now and I work on my own so I don't have health insurance from work to cover for him and we are about to go to court to settle for child support and custody and I want to have him on health insurance. Please any help will be appreciated. Where do I go or where do I call? is any health insurance good or how does this work? Thanks.
How much would the insurance rate be for a 16 year old female?
I'm a B average student, and I'm looking to get a 2011 Kia Soul as my first car. I've gotten my learners permit and are trying to get my Driver's Liscence. Also does the color have anything to do with it? If so I want my car in green.""
Who cannot receive health insurance in NJ?
can a college summer event receive health insurance?
Affordable car insurance company?
Hi, I am looking for an affordable car insurance company. Have searched one Elephant.com. Is it a good company? Anybody heard about them or any experience with them? Please share........""
What is a good affordable maternity health insurance in Kansas?
My husband just switched jobs and the health ins. provider is too expensive for us to carry. I plan on getting my children on healthwave but I need something for myself. I'm not currently pregnant but am wanting to start trying. I figure I should check into ins. before I make that commitment.
How much does a 16 year old usually make per month?
If you are working a job 40 hours a week and making 8 dollars per hour how much would you earn in a month deducting taxes and car insurance?
Conservatives! What do you fear will be the impact of more people having QUALITY health insurance?
under so-called Obama care?
Do i need to have insurance if i don't use a car?
Please tell me - do i need to have insurance when i don't use a car? I'm buying car next week but after that i'm going abroad for a month and nobody will use this car. I would like to know if i can keep car in garage for this time without insurance and buy when i go back? Maybe its comuplsory to have insurance for all time when i'm cars owner?
""On average, how much does groceries cost for 2?""
My friend and I are creating our budget plans for our first apartment. So far I've factored in rent, utilities, car insurance, and gas. If you know of anything else I should be aware of please let me know. Thanks!! (Btw, I'm in Arizona)""
What happens if to my insurance if i get married?
My parents pay for my insurance and ill have it till I'm 19 if I get married would I no longer have insurance?
What are the costs of running a car?
Firstly, I'm in the UK. I want to know if I can afford a car, so I need to know what you have to pay for. At the moment I'm aware of insurance, the cost of the vehicle (and petrol) and MOT. Are there any other costs I have to take into account? Thank you.""
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
Will my parents insurance go up?
My parents have state farm. I'm 17 and I just got my license. I would want my name under my moms car. will my parents insurance go up? and if so about how much?
Motorcycle and atv insurance?
Eventually i plan to get a motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) and atv (yamaha raptor). What is the average cost of insurance for both of those??
Can my mom insure my car she does not own (California)?
So I am 21 and have a car with a learners permit and I wont get a license until Jan. Can my mom insure the car even though her name is not on the registration until I get my license and will then be the primary driver? In this case I would only be driving with her under the learners permit guidelines. My mom would be driving the car on a daily basis to take my little sister to school and stuff because right now it's our family's only car. In Jan. I would have the insurance put under my name and have her added as a driver.
Cost estimate of motorcycle insurance for female?
I'm 18, female, live in Colorado, with a clean driving record and no bike yet. I'm thinking about a Kawasoki Ninja or Sportster. I cant find insurance estimates! Can someone help me figure all this stuff out? What I need to get and how much its going to cost me?""
What kind of insurance is this?
As a doctor, if you mess up, and someone sues you, you need to have insurance for that. What is this insurance called?""
Does anyone know the penalty for a motorist not having auto insurance in Texas?
The auto is insured, and the driver is authorized to drive it. Got speeding ticket and showed proof of insurance for auto. Went to get deferred adjudication and included copy of insurance card where authorized user but now being asked for insurance on driver.""
Car insurance does it realy go up?
if your cars red does your car insurance price go up and if its a two door sports car does it go up?
Will I be arrested if my parents do not include me on their car insurance policy?
I am about to receive a license, and am nervous about driving my parent's car without being included on their policy (I am 16). We simply cannot afford to pay for another driver. Hypothetically, if I am stopped for speeding or something of that nature, would they check proof of insurance, and, if so, would I be arrested for my lack thereof?""
How much would it cost to get added to someones insurance policy...?
I need to prove that I have insurance to get my license reinstated. My grandma said I can use her car, but I'm not covered. She has liability insurance for her car. How much would it cost me (18 year old male, inexperienced driver) to get added to her policy. It is a small, older 4 door car. Any idea about how much it would be extra a month for me to be added? Also, would she be able to take me off of the policy whenever she wanted without any kind of fee (like if I tried to get taken off in a month, would they say that she has to pay for 6 months...). Thanks!""
How much will buying a 2005 Mistubishi Lancer Evolution 8 raise my insurance premium?
I'm looking into buying a new car and I'm a bit of a motor head and like to race. The Evo 8 is my next choice, but I can't find out how much it will raise my premium. Anyone know? If it helps, my insurance provider is Allstate.""
What is a good health insurance plan for two snowbirds that travel between NY and FL?
Hello. I am 67 and my wife is 61. We are going to begin living between New York and Florida now, half of the year in Florida and half in New York. What kind of health insurance is popular for our situation? What is the most affordable plan? We want to be insured throughout the entire year in both FL and NY. I am 67 and my wife is 61. Thank you.""
Need health insurance for a 6 year old ?
Something afforadable my grandchild no longer can be covered under his old insurance.. help please
How expensive would a liability insurance policy be for a Companion business?
I'm thinking of starting up a Companion business in Connecticut. It will be just me and I will not be doing anything medical. The State of Connecticut doesn't require me to become licensed if it's just me but I would like to have a general liability policy anyway. I would love it if I could some helpful information. Thanks, Cathy""
What insurance companies provide non-owner auto insurance in Ohio?
looking to insure myself for car insurance in columbus ohio but I dont own a car.
Is 21st Century Auto Insurance a good company?
I'm asking because I just switched over from progressive to 21st and now I'm a little worried because I've seen a lot of negative comments on their facebook fan page and after reading some of the things about their roadside assistance works I'm wondering if I made a mistake. My policy with progressive didn't cover much and the one I have with 21st gives me more coverage for the same price so idk. Is 21st as bad as they're making it out to be?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
i am looking at buying a car when i pass my test, was just wondering what would be the cheapest way to insure a car and what cars are cheap for insurance?""
About how much does auto insurance cost per month for someone who's 30 years old & drives a small basic car?
I know this varies by situation........but give me an educated guess. I'm looking for the MINIMUM premium; just the portion that the law requires you to buy. Not the portion that requires you to insure your own car....but to insure the person you hit. How much does that cost?
Car insurance for a 17year old.?
Ok, The car I'm going for when I'm 17 is a 2002 PEUGEOT 307 1.4 16V S [AC] 3dr Hatchback. It was 8337.01 for car insurance on Auto Trader (The cheapest). I was intending placing it on my fathers name (Although I was told it was supposingly illegal, but I won't be doing anything dangerous, and I have drove a few cars before (onboardtraining.co.uk etc..)) I was also told about i-kube, but I can't drive between 11pm and 5am, which could be a massive concern for me as I may need to go out at night for emergencies. Is there any way I could actually get quite cheap insurance? I was really into the idea of puttiing it on my dads name and splitting the insurance money with him every annual. Looking for Alternative ways or tips of lowering my insurance (I will still be in full time education when I get the car) Thanks. Any help is appreciated.""
""Insurance problem, auto?
recently took a new job in Canada as a social worker and tried to add business coverage on my vehicle. I was told by my insurance company that this would be commercial because there is some risk I would have kids in the car. I called another company who told me it is just business. The initial company is cancelling my policy as they do not offer commercial insurance which they claim I require. They are not cancelling it for any negative reasons but will this cancellation show up and effect my rates even though it is not my fault. I tried to add the correct insurance but they did not have it so they are cancelling me. Other companies say I do not need commericial coverage so I should be ok with business but because there is a this cancellation I worry. I know if you have a cancellation for things like non payment or tickets it will impact you but what about this?
If you don't have auto insurance can you get auto insurance from enterprise to rent a vehicle?
i don't have auto insurance at the moment.. will enterprise give me auto insurance for a rental? how much does that cost usually?
Should I pay insurance on a car that I can't drive?
I'm very frustrated with this car & I won't be able to pay to get it fixed until September. Some people are telling me to still pay insurance on it, & others are telling me that it doesn't make sense to waste money, & that I should cancel the insurance. I don't know. I'm about to cry.""
California insurance testing help!!! Please! ?
I've been studying for the California life health and accident license and I haven't been able to pass. I'm rescheduling and I wanted to know where I could find more information or ways to study. Where can I find tests similar to the actual one and so forth. Please this means alot and hopefully I can finally pass.
I'm turning 16 this year and i was wondering about insurance prices on a few cars?
I recently found a 1994 misubishi 3000gt, and a 1997 pontiac trans am. Like i said I'm turning 16 this summer and I want to know what car is better on insurance for a kid like me? I would also like to know which would be better for the winters in Idaho? An estimate will be perfictly fine. Thank you very much.""
Increasing benefit insurance?
Are there life insurance companies in US that sell increasing benefit (benefit increases at fixed % each year) insurance. Note: Not variable life insurance
BEST HOME INSURANCE for a town house in allwntown Pa in the USA?
What would be a good home insurance for my town house in allentown PA.. i am looking for something good and affordable ANY IDEAS
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
Is my car insurance to high for a new driver(28years old)?
My fiancee added me under his car insurance, and iam being charged $145 a month. Iam a new driver, i just got my liscence last April. Is this Expensive for a new driver? How long will it take for the price to go down?""
""Where can i get the cheapest car insurance on a peugeot 206, toyota yaris, vauxhaul corsa or honda jazz?""
Im 17, learning to drive and need as cheap car insurance as possible. Ideally i'd like any of the cars above, though if there are others that are similar and have really cheap insurance, i'd be grateful to know Also if you have any useful information about any of these cars... thanks""
Estimated car insurance premium for a Camaro/Corvette?
I am looking to buy either a 2002 Camaro (5.7L V8) or a 2000 - 2002 Corvette (5.7L V8). I am wondering how much insurance will cost me. The detailed information and questions are as below: 1. Age: 34 2. Have been driving in the States for little less than 4 years. No accident at all. Only one speeding ticket about 3 years ago. (I had been driving for 10 years in Seoul, Korea with no accident at all, but it didn't count) 3. I used to drive a 2007 Toyota Tundra (5.7L V8), which I sold a few days ago. I paid about 450 dollars/6 months for full coverage. Questions: 1. How much would it cost me if I buy either one mentioned above? (even ballpark number would be appreciated) 2. Do year and purchasing price (or resale value) affect premium? For example, buying a 2008 brand new Corvette or a 2000 used Corvette makes a difference? 3. I know it would be higher to have a sports car, but do my age and driving record affect premium? If yes, how much do they affect?""
Cancel Car Insurance in Florida-How?
It's my dad's car and everything is under his name. Currently his out of the country and won't be back for a month or two. He got two cars insured with Progressive, one I want to cancel because it's broken down. Told the insurance agent about it and he told me to go down to the tag(building, whatever it call) and turn in the tag to get a paper? My dad is not in the country so will I be able to turn the tag in for him without problem? and what tag is the agent talking about(registration tag?) Also will there be any other document needed? (Going down tomorrow but gathering some information first) Thank You.""
What kind of car details will lower the cost of insurance?
I have to buy a car and the insurance will be costing more than the actual car. Some factors I can't change like the fact it will be my first year with a full GB licence, my gender, age, where I park it, etc. But when considering the car I will buy, what factors might lower my insurance costs? Keeping in mind my price range for the car is 450-900 pounds, - what makes/models are hardest/easiest to break into? - what security devices would make a difference to the cost of my insurance, and how much would they cost? - what year of car is considered to be built more securely than in the past? (harder to break into...I understand older cars are easier to break into, but what is the general cut-off line of old ?) - style or colour of car? - any other factors?""
Health insurance for my to be step son...?
my boyfriend wants to get his son health insurance but not himself. I think he should insure both his son and himself but he doesnt want to. He wants to wait until we get married and ...show more
Is the a law the people without auto insrance in california are at fault?
i wasuder the impression that there was a law passed that make it to be where if someone witout insurance gets in a accedent that it becomes there fault if this is trueplease let me know and if you know the law information please ad that
What is the average limits that you have on you auto full-coverage insurance?
I live in Chicago Illinois. The lowest limits are 20/40/15.
Would motorcycle insurance be cheaper if I get an M1 now and not drive?
Should I get motorcycle insurance under my parents name? Or should I just get the license and wait? Anyone know a good/cheap company for insurance? I'm 21 and live in Toronto. Thinking of getting a 2007 CBR1000RR.
How should I get car insurance?
Let me explain my situation. I am an adult who has not had a drivers license before and I am wanting to take the test next week to get it. In order to take the test, I must prove that I have car insurance. I have called a couple place to get car insurance and they have told me that I need a driver license in order to get for them to insure me. I have tried to look up quotes online as well, but they also expect me to have a license in order to get a quite? I have no family that will put me on their insurance. Secondary question, how much does liability insurance go for?""
When should I expect money from a car insurance settlement?
Today, i was going through a green light and a driver ran a red light and hit the back of my car. i spun out and eventually stopped before hitting anyone else. I was wondering about how long should i expect to wait for insurance to comp me for a rental car (if applicable. i believe i have triple A) and to give me the check for a new car. i have a few follow up questions. 1. what amount will my insurance give me. i have liberty mutual and i had a 2001 kia sephia with 97000 miles in good condition. i just had new tires, alignment and oil change done to it because i just got the car about a week before. 2. the fender, axle, and back tire are completely totaled. the back drivers side is smashed in so should i try to fix or take my losses. 2. should i sue the driver and get a lawyer involved? or just take whatever my insurance will allow me to have? any additional advice, warning, guidelines or wahtever will be helpful also. thanks.""
Is humana a good health insurance?
i was charged a 120 dollars for lab services and they didnt cover it in addition to a copay and monthly deductible. i feel like im spending more with this insurance than saving. any suggestions?
Does my parents insurance still cover me?
I'm 19(turning 20 on Dec 1) & I live in California(southern CA) Not in school right now, still looking into trade schools will attend school in spring '11. My parents have health insurance but since I was 18 it stopped covering for me. Insurance covers almost all costs though sometimes we have to pay a small percentage. Now this new bill has passed & I was wondering if it will cover me? Or should I apply for Medicaid? Currently looking for my 3rd job. Previous jobs did not give me health insurance. Thanks""
Does car insurance get cheaper after my teen years?
I'm am a 16yr male and car insurance is ridiculous. I asked some of my friends, ages 19-21, at work how much their insurance is and they said it isn't too bad. What's the average cost? I don't want to go through insurance websites and get quotes, blah blah blah. Thanks""
I need a cheap car to insure?
im 17 years old and need a car to get me to college. The only problem is my insurance quotes are ridiculously high. im looking for a cheap car to insure.
Car insurance is soooo expensive is there an alternative???!!?
i am 17, i have a toyota carolla, and my dad tells me i have to pay him $200 a month for our unsurance which is carnall insurance. This is way too much for me too be paying, im not even 18, is there an alternative cheaper car insurance i live in the state of CT. Thanks.""
How much will my liability insurance be a month?
I'm buying a 1996 Mitsubishi eclipse gs and I'm a 16 year old girl. I'm completely paying it off. So roughly how much will my insurance be a month? Any tips for a first time car owner?
Cheap Auto insurance?
I got my G2 about 3 weeks ago, and i am trying to find a insurance company in the GTA that offers insurance for a primary driver for a low price. I am a teen and I would be driving a 2001 volvo S80 2.9L""
What are my options for extremely decayed teeth and no insurance?
I have extremely bad tooth decay and I have no insurance. I really need to do something about it before it starts causing more serious problems. I am assuming they will all need to be pulled and I will need dentures, or at least pretty close. There are not many teeth in my mouth that have not shown signs of decay. Is there any good options for me that will not leave me in tons of debt? I am not looking to pay nothing, I just can't afford to be left with huge bills that will take me years to pay. Thanks for any help.""
Just a minor speed ticket affect my insurance?
In Ontario, Canada: I got a speeding ticket for going 10 over the limit (60km/h in 50 zone), is it considered as a minor traffic violation according to insurance?""
How much would car insurance cost ?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license but I'm wondering how much would car insurance cost monthly since I'm a new driver what's the cheapest it can get too ?
Must all drivers in New York have insurance?
if so then what would be the penalty for not having insurance? & is there a minimum amount of insurance that must be carried?
""Car insurance rates are extremely high, what if someone was rich and owned like 50 vehicles...?""
How much would their insurance be every 6 months to a year ( I know it varies by person, but lets say this guy is just an average driver maybe committed one accident in the last 15 years. Is male. ) He's a really rich person...""
""I'm 17, is there any way I can get my own car insurance?""
I live in Sacramento, California. The reason i'm asking if i can get my own car insurance is because my mom is afraid if she puts me on her insurance & I get into an accident, she can lose her house. So her putting me on her insurance is out of the question.. Someone please help me find a car insurance company that will cover me?? Thank you""
How much is the insurance cost for a $8000 dollar car and a $ 6000 car.?
how much would it cost for basic insurance monthly and i live in vancouver if it matters
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
Arlington Virginia Cheap car insurance quotes zip 22241
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
"Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Would my car insurance be expensive?
Does anyone know a health insurance company that will insure you AFTER you go to the hospital?
Is is possible to get insurance after being admitted to the hospital? I know it's very highly unlikely, but if the premiums and the deductable are absurdly high ... who knows?""
Average cost for motorcycle insurance in massachusetts?
Does any one know what the average cost is to insure a motorcycle with normal driving record
Does compare the meerkat do cheap car insurance?
Does compare the meerkat do cheap car insurance?
When can I get my auto insurance after applying for it?
Right now I am having G1 licence and bought a car. My G1 exit test is on June 5,2007. Can I apply as registered owner having G1 and add primary driver who's having G licence? How long will it take to get insurance? Also please provide cheap auto insurance provider's name. Thank you so much for your help. :-)""
""How does my health insurance deductible going up to $6,000 from $2,500 make it more affordable ?
For me? Can anyone tell me?
Auto insurance?
i have had my license for a little over 2 years now. My first year pay for auto insurance was 200$ a month (roughly) on my second year pay it was raised to 250$ a month (roughly). i have never gotten into an accident or gotten any tickets (never even been pulled over...). is it normal for auto insurance to be raised by that much, i know for newer drivers its a lot but i figured it would start high then get lower not start low then get higher. i have arbella mutual ins. and driving a toyota corolla ce perfect condition with no problems with it. i live in MA. if that makes a difference""
Why is my insurance going up?
I've been working with my employer for 7 years, as of right now I have employee & spouse coverage, I pay about 150 a month (auto deduct from paycheck) and that amount gets me a $5000 deductible and about a $25-$30 co-pay. this morning in a company meeting we were told that our insurance is going to go up (starting June 1st) now for employee and spouse it is going to be $410 a month (everything else the same as before co-pay and deductible) last year my hubby had some medical issues and we have about $7000 in medical bills (on a payment plan we pay $400 a month) so now when my new rate kicks in (in about a week) I will have to pay a total of $800 a month just for medical stuff... I can't afford this. my employer is very upset and wants to shop around but has been shopping around for 8 months now and can't find anything better than this. why is health insurance rising?? I am thinking about dropping myself from health insurance all together (I am 31 and healthy), also i plan on getting rid of my cable and internet (which would save $140 a month), my husband (with medical issues) will get health insurance through his work (about $160-$200 a month) and I will go without for a couple of years just so we can keep our heads above water... I just have a question about my plan of action- can I drop my Health insurance? will I get fined for opting out of health insurance when Obamacare goes into action next year?""
Open driver car insurance?
I have recently got a job which involves me driving a disabled mans car. I have recently passed my driving test (october 2010) and I am only 19 years old. Does this mean the company I am working for needs to pay more for me to drive the car as I am not a experienced driver?
What are auto insurance rates based on and why do some companies cost more than others?
What are auto insurance rates based on and why do some companies cost more than others?
How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?
How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?
Why does CAR INSURANCE cost more when a CAR/ motor vehicle is PAINTED RED?
Why does the color red coast more to insure ?
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
How long does car insurance process take for collision?
So my mother was involved in a collision several days ago and actually hit a police car on the highway. Her car has some serious damage and had to be towed. Now we're left wondering how long it will take before the insurance company determines whether it's totaled or fixable. It's an '09 Nissan Sentra and the passenger side airbag went off, the front passenger door's damaged, and the front right tire looked to show some axle damage. She was definitely at-fault but the the officer was kind enough not to cite her since she lost control of the car. Now we're left wondering how long it will take before the insurance company notifies us what they've decided. I was informed an appraiser went to look at the car two days ago though. Any comments on what the process will be like from now on? Thanks.""
Im 18 and i want to buy my mom a car but its for her can she put the insurance under her?
so i buy the car cus i have better credit than her but i cant put the insurance on me itll be too much is there a way we can make this work
Sports cars with cheap insurance?
I am 16 and I am looking for a sporty looking car, with good horsepower, but that wont kill me with the insurance rates like Mustangs, Camaro's and Trans Am's would. Any suggestions?""
Is this what health insurance companies and Conservatives think about people with preexisting conditions?
What does it cost too get sr 22 insurance?
just need to know a ball park fig
Can a 16year old drive an 18years old car if the 18year old is on the parents insurance with statefarm?
The 16 year old will be on the parents insurance as well
Need help for home insurance?
For home insurance, what is the difference between DP3 and HO3. thanks.""
Low premium high return life insurance policies of life insurance corporation of india?
is jeevan saral a good choice?
Why are my insurance quotes coming to 20-40k?
Ok so i know insurance in London will be alot for a student like me who is 17, but why is it my friends are getting insurance for 2k in london and when i enter correct information on quote websites (obvisouly acting as if i am 17) that my quotes are coming to 44k, what should i do when it comes to getting my own policy? thansk""
I got pulled over in my parents car and the insurance wasn't in the vehicle?
Ok I moved out of my parents home a couple months ago and they let me borrow their car for a little while just in case of an emergency, well I asked them if I could drive to see my girlfriend and they said yes so I drive and I get pulled over for speeding and I give the officer my license, registration but my dad forgot to leave the insurance in the car! So I get a huge fine for speeding and having no proof of insurance! And I asked my dad if I was under the insurance and he said no because I don't own a car and I don't live with them so what would be the point? So what I'm trying to ask is will I be able to get the no insurance fine waived even though I'm not under the insurance my parents were just letting my borrow the car?""
Car Insurance Questions For Some Cars?
I dont no if this is possible but i was wondering if you might no roughly how much it would cost insurance wise for some of these cars. Im 17 male, live in Ontario, 75% school average and first driver of the Used car. CARS- (1) 2005 audi TT (2) 2008 chevy cobalt (3) 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer gts (4) 2008 Saturn Ion (5) 2007 mazda 3 (6) 2008 Scion Tc""
I might be starting a new job out of state. how do i provide health insurance for my family?
I might be starting a new job out of state. how do i provide health insurance for my family?
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
AOPA ( A.O.P.A. ) aka aircraft owners and pilots association versus Avemco. Who has better insurance rate?
Which one of these two entities provides better protection for student and private pilots when it comes to NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE ?
How much can I expect my car insurance to go up?
I was recently pulled over by a police officer and written a $239 ticket for going 60mph in a 35mph school zone. The DMV just sent me a notice that I have received six points on my license and instructed me to attend an eight hour driver's improvement class. I'm seventeen. How much should I expect my insurance costs to rise?
What's the best car insurance to go through?
I'm getting a car soon would like to know the best and the cheapest kind of insurance to get.
How much is insurance in canada for a motorcycle?
how much is the average insurance rate in canada for sports motorcycles? ....per year or per month?
Where do I find good health insurance for my parents?
I've tried ehealthinsurance.com and some other websites. I'm paying $500/ month for just basic health coverage for hospital emergency only. They're 56 and 61 years old and finding anything with good coverage and affordable is impossible. Anyone know what I can do to find better coverage?
Convertible car higher insurance?
lets say there is a 350z Coupe and a 350z Convertible, is the 350z Convertible insurance cost more than the 350z Coupe?""
Why were the republicans threatening to collapse the country just to save the insurance companies?
If the costly disagreement was all about obamacare and the effect that its having or going to have on the insurance companies(not the citizens), it seems to me that the insurance ...show more""
Do insurance companies operate on bank holidays?
I wouldn't mind getting some insurance for my moped tomorrow, but I heard its bank holiday monday...Will this stop me getting through to them?""
Is it cheaper insurance for you to be a named driver if your parent owns the car?
Im 17, a boy and i want cheap car insurance, is that a better way to get it?""
I don't know what to do with my auto insurance coverage... can someone help me??
I got a new auto insurance last November and it expires end of May. I paid $320 for 6 months. The rate was higher due to a moving violation. Well, the violation is off my record now.... and when I got a quote today with another insurance company, it was $150 for 6 months. So would it be cheaper for me to cancel my current coverage ($50 early cancellation applies) and get the new coverage? Or just keep the current coverage and apply again in June?""
I need cheap car insurance!!?
i am 18, i have a 1990 accord worth about 1700, and ive been driving for 4 months now, no tickets or problems, i need some cheap car insurance since my dad wont insure me with his company.... i just need some cheap *** company, i dont really care if they dont really cover well. i live in California, in the southbay. is there any cheap insurance such as those little cheap looking stores you would see around your city?? the ones that have banners that say they offer insurance as low as 22 a month??....have in mind that i just need something so i can drive since i need it by law.""
Do you still have to get insurance if you have a license but don't have a car?
I'm 17 and want to get a driver's license. I won't have a car for a couple years, so do I still need to get insurance?""
Classic Car Insurance for a 17 year old?
im wanting to buy a classic mini (1989) its a 1l what is the best way to go about insuring it..? i've seen adrian flux do cover you if you ring up but its limited mileage, how does that work :) Thankyou very much!""
Heath insurance?
the comapny i work for is taking insurance premium out but the insurance premium is not being paid.......what can we do as employees?
Car road tax and insurance costs?
Can anyone direct me to a website which will tell me the insurance group or cars. Also one which will tell me how much road tax per year. Looking to buy a car but would like an idea of these costs first. Looking at a Honda Civic se executive... 1600cc... 2003 model.
Ca insurance rates question ?
My car insurance for me is almost $300 a month !! I have the chevy cruz ! Im 18 right now how long will it be till my rates go down a bit ??
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
Hello. I am looking for my first car. I am looking at a 2001 mercury cougar not the S series just the 3 door coupe.. Now the qoute gieco gave me was $325.01 a month. I live in Minnesota and I am a 16 year old male. I don't have anything on my record at all. I was wondering if 325.01 a month sounded right because I dont think so. That's like $4,000 a year and the car only costs $5,999. Also would it be better to go on my parents insurance plan with State Farm? Or to get my own? Thank you very much for helping me with advice with this.""
Is there any major medical insurance for pre-exsiting conditions???
I take care of my 50 year old mother, who is on COBRA, which went up to 700.00 monthly. We cannot afford this, but she needs medical insurance due to her pace maker. We've tried medi-cal, SSI, ect. Her ex-husband will not help her. He actually left her because she is sick, with the woman he was cheating on her with. Then he married her a year later. I am out of options and she needs help. Someone, anyone, everyone....please help. If she doesn't get medical care for her conditions and medicines for her heart, she eventually will die.""
How long does it take to get added to your parents auto insurance?
we have statefarm
Car insurance on a minor?
How much would it be to carry a sr22 on a minor in kansas city ks.
""Would you rather have a law against gay marriage, or affordable HEALTH INSURANCE that can't be canceled?""
Admittedly a false choice, but still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak government would enhance the chances of a law against gay marriage and diminish the chances of some form of Medicare for all. Feel free to substitute 'Christian right for 'Jesus freak...consider it a figure of speech or an expression of art.""
How much is my car payment and insurance?
Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!""
Cheapest Bike insurance in ontario for sport bike?
I'm looking into selling my cr250 for a street bike something along the lines of a 1998-2001 cbr/gsxr 600. My only problem as I'm sure you can all relate is insurance. I simply cannot afford to be paying 3-4000 dollars upfront. So does anyone know of a insurance company that will do business on a month to month bases insted of anually.
""Has anyone bought insurance from Insphere Insurance Solutions (MEGA Life, Alliance for Affordable Services?""
I met with an agent yesterday and Googled the companies he represented, and saw so many complaints from both agents and consumers that my mind is spinning. I own a small business with only two employees. I don't want to be ripped off by some sweet talking insurance salesman, but if he is honest (chuckle) and his products are as good as he represents, then I would consider this option. If you've had any experience with these companies, I would like to hear it... good or bad. Thanks.""
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
Health Insurance question?
Hi i am a 22 yr old college student looking for health insurance. medicare denied me because i did not meet the requirements. my school offers insurance but it really doesn't cover anything. I'm in the state of Virginia if that helps. The question that i am asking i guess is is there any free/to low cost insurance out there for me
Cheap Drivers Insurance For Teenagers?
So im about to get my first car an it be a luxury car but i wanted to know what place would have the cheaper insurance for me, keep in mind i do have decent grades also.""
Car Insurance policy?
I was buying home contents insurance a month ago, I realized that It could be bought altogether with some other extras like key protections, legal expenses and home emergency services. Today I am trying to buy car insurance, I wonder what extras car insurance comes with? Regards""
How does a speeding ticket affect insurance costs?
My parents own the car that I drive and cover insurance fees (I pay for gas/oil/maintenance). I got a speeding ticket today for $156 for going 52 in a 35 zone (if that price is legitimate and fair in CT, I'm not sure), but I'm curious as to how that will affect insurance costs? Anyone with knowledge in the area, your responses are much appreciated.""
Will Car Insurance Fees Go Up?
So recently i was pulled over for speeding. 50 in a 45. Will my fines go up for just being 5+ the limit? If so how much do you think? Also I'm 16 -Thanks
Help with Car Insurance quote?
Hey there, I just wondered if someone could help me with a query on car insurance. Does anyone know how much I could end up paying for Insurance for a Vauxhall Corsa? I'm 23, and passed my test in January and was thinking off buying a car in a month or 2. Ive tried various sites for insurance quotes but they all ask for your number and I don't want to get hassled. The details of the type of car I'd like is as follows: Transmission: manual Fuel: petrol Engine size: 1.2L Doors: 5 Not much I know but this is the site I got the details from: http://www.arnoldclark.co.uk/detail.html?ac_reg=blk_u31kotjueau0i8uc&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10&$blk=1&$franchiselist=vaux&$model=Corsa&$franchise=vaux&$model=Corsa I realise I probably wont get an exact amount but even an idea of how much I might end up paying a month. Thanks for any help :)""
How do I calculate my monthly house insurance for my math project?
You will also have to purchase house insurance, which costs a yearly average of 0.3% of the purchase price of your home. Calculate your monthly house insurance. What should I add, divide, and/or mulitply? Thank you for your help!""
Audi a4 2003 insurance cost?
i have a 2005 honda civic lx, and im planning to buy a audi a4. currently im paying 110 for insurance, how much more expensive would my insurance be if i decide to buy an audi""
How much is car insurance?
Im 18, living in chicago, but i could register my adress in suburbs with gramma if it would be cheaper.... looking to buy a honda civic 94' or a 94' acura integra....""
Cheapest Car Insurance For 18 yr old?
Trying to find CHEAP car insurance. I only need liability coverage, i own it out right. Anyone know any companies with good deals for 18 yr old drivers? thanks!""
What should I do about this car insurance?
I have a car that is worth no more than $1500. I bought it off someone in my family and I should transfer ownership (as it is from a different state). At the moment they have selected me as a secondary drive for insurance, as I am a P plater it will cost a lot of money to put it under me. To reregister it and insure it under me would cost a lot. (including getting another roadworthy certificate). I took it in for a check and they said repairs would cost nearly $2,000 which is more than the car. Plus the insurance, totaling about $3500 in total when the car is only worth $1500 max. So this is the situation I need help with, the car runs great and I may have just gotten ripped off by the mechanics (I didn't bring it in, someone else did and they can seem like an easy person to rip off) - also we have a friend who is a retired mechanic and he said the car is in great shape and roadworthy should be no problem, so that conflicts with what these guys said.. Any tips? I have no clue what to do. What do you do when it costs more to put a car on the road than the car is worth?""
How much does US health insurance cost per year?
I am considering moving with my wife and kids to Michigan for a year as part of my degree. I have a number of questions, mainly about health insurance. 1. Will my wife and I still be considered married? If not, will that affect the way we buy insurance/are treated at the hospital? 2. She is very active, with slight asthma and bad PCOS. How much (roughly) would health insurance be for her for one year? 3. I am wheelchair dependent and suffer from epilepsy. How much (really roughly) would my health insurance cost? 4. Do I buy separate health insurance for my children (aged 17 months, 1 month and 1 month)? 5. My eldest child appears to be struggling with leg movement and we are considering the possibility that she may have inherited my condition. Will treatment and tests be covered by the insurance, even though we have an idea of what it might be before buying the insurance? I know these must sound like obvious questions to US citizens, but we are not a particularly rich family, so we need to make sure that there are no big bills hiding around the corner! Thank you""
Help i had a car accident driving a company car with no insurance?
i hit a car, unsafe start, i find out theres no insurance. I called my boss and he is furious and tells me i should put my insurance from my other cars to it and that i should pay for the accident. i dont know what to do i need help and advice""
""If I am married, do I have to add my husband to my car insurance?""
I live in Dallas, TX and am trying to get full coverage on a vehicle thai I am still paying on. I am the only one who drives the vehicle to work and back, adding my husband makes my monthly payment ridiculous because he has had an accident and 2 tickets. Do I have to add him on my policy? Some people say yes and some say no, I am confused....Also, does anyone know of the most affordable insurance in the Dallas area?""
If Affordable Care Act is tossed by SCOTUS what happens to those under 26 & on their parents insurance?
Simple question. Will employers go back to the old max age which was usually 19? Or will they stick with the new 26 since that transition has already been made, and millions of young adults only have insurance because of the new max age. Love or hate the rest of obamacare. I usually can't find anyone that thinks its a bad idea to let kids just trying to get a foothold on life to be on their parents insurance.""
Is it cheaper if I put a car in my parents name?
Im buying my first car. Im 18 and a male living in new york. Im going on my parents car insurance no matter what, but does it matter whose name the car is in? Would it be more ...show more""
Can someone please explain Health Insurance to me?
Any and all explanations are welcome. Definitions, etc..""
Estimate how much will car insurance cost me?
Im 16 and will be getting my license soon. I was thinking about buying a 1998-2002 pontiac trans am V8. Im a male driver. About how much will it cost me for full coverage or liability(spell check)
What shold I do if I get into a car accident whith no one else involved but I totaled my car with no insurance?
I got into a car accident during a rainstorm, lost control and totaled my car. I still owe money on it and to make matters worse I found out my insurance lapsed. No one else was involved in it and I went to the hospital and didn't file a claim with the lien holder on the car yet. When I came back to the car it was gone. Don't know what to do next. Any answers out there for my predictament?""
Insurance for a child ?
I'm on my fathers insurance until I turn 26, but I have a one year old baby girl. How much will it be to have good medical insurance for just her ? She needs good insurance because she has medical issues.""
How much does health insurance cost?
I just got a new job and I am about to enroll in medical coverage. I'm a healthy 29 year old male and I'm going to include my wife as a dependent. I know there are a few different plans, depending on deductible, etc, but I just want to get a ballpark figure on how much will be deducted from my checks. My wife suggests it will be about $150 a month, or about $75 per check.. Does this sound right??""
""Are there any good insurance companies who dont take part in comparison websites like confused, gocompare etc?""
Are there any good insurance companies who dont take part in comparison websites like confused, gocompare etc?""
Help with car insurance?
Hello, I am 18 and saved up alot of money for a car, I passed my test around 9,10 months ago and now i want to buy a focus rs. I dont want people saying that i shouldnt buy it and something else is better. All I want is to know roughly how much my insurance is going to be and where i will be able to get it from? Thanks in advanced""
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
This is going to sound crazy but try to stay with me here. I'm 17 about to be 18 and I live in Michigan. I'm going to be going to college in Lima, Ohio and will be driving back to michigan every couple of weeks. I have a truck that sucks gas so I am going to buy a bike. Either an 98'-05' Yamaha YZF R6 or R1 I haven't decided yet. I was wondering who has the cheapest insurance for what I'm doing with the bike. Basically driving it long distance and to class every so often. It will be stored in my apartment down there whenever I'm not driving it. Can anyone help me out. I know I'm a little young for any kind of cheap insurance but maybe there is a company out there that gives breaks to college students? Well anyway the main question is : From your experiences which company has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?""
Why do people get life insurance?
Why do people get life insurance?
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
Car insurance 15 year old with 4.0 gpa?
my son is going to turn 15 i wanted to know what it would cost and what options i have
Do you know how much insurance is for a Porsche Cayenne ?
I am 15 1/2 years old and i am planning to buy a Porsche Cayenne S. I was wondering how much insurance is going to cost???
What does 25 /50/25/ mean in auto insurance?
What does 25 /50/25/ mean in auto insurance?
Explanation for Insurance quote in Oregon?
Hi folks, I just moved to Oregon from CA. I got a quote from State Farm which suits my need. I just got a quote from an agent. She mentioned something like this in the quote. I have me and my wife as drivers. Automobile liability with W/P $25000 50/100/50. I mean to ask what does W/P $25000 mean? Is it mandatory to have PIP in Oregon? Thanks for your help.""
Will i be double paying for house insurance?
I have had a 3 year personal loan on my house with a balloon payment on the end, and i am Re-financing the house to include my taxes/insurance with a conventional 30 year note. I have already paid my 2010 property Tax, and my 2011 house insurance is due March 21st. I am going to the bank today, will i actually have to pay my insurance come March 21st or is that something the bank does?""
Switching insurance companies to get the car fixed?
The accident was not at my fault. Had a police report. Contacted both insurance companies. Got a rental car and check ($1500) from other party's insurance company (NJ Skylands) as decided to go through them. Brought the car to body shop and found out NJ Skylands wants to cheat and pay less. So I called my insurance company (State Farm) and reopened the claim to go through them. State Farm took deductible and issued a check for $1788. Body shop wants to get $2788 for repair. Can I still use that check for $1500 to cover the rest of expanses?
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old in Ontario?
I am an 18 year old living in the Windsor area in Ontario, Canada. I was wondering approximately how much car insurance for me would be. I've been driving for 2 years, never had an accident, speeding ticket, etc. I've also taken drivers ed.""
Insurance for 16/17 yr old?
I finally convinced my parents to allow me to get a bike, only catch is i have to pay for everything. And full coverage is a must. I know I'm probably going to get raped by the cost of it all but I'm willing to do it. So for a 16 going on 17 yr old rider needing full coverage Mostly liability and collision Everything pertaining to others... not me. or the bike. what would be a ball-park guess at the cost each month to insure these bikes.. Ninja 250r Gsxr 600 R6""
How exactly do you get health/car insurance?
I'm 18 and I moved out to live with my gparents and will be moving out again on my own soon and I don't have any idea how to get health insurance and car insurance.
What would the insurance on a 1973 chevy nova cost?
It is not a SS it's just a 1973 chevy nova for a 16 year old. Would it be outrageous? It's not a souped up car really although the engine has some add ons.
What is the cheapest car insurance premium quote?
That you know of , for an 18 year old male driving a group 1 car. Thanks.""
What is an annuity insurance?
What is an annuity insurance?
What would happen if Americans didn't rely on their employers for affordable health insurance?
My policy with my pre-existing condition would be $1,300 per month. Thank God I have a real job that provides benefits. What would happen if Americans didn't get their health insurance through their employer? Would we end up like Australia?""
What is the cheapest way to get the Good Student Discount on my car insurance?
I am 19 and graduated from high school. I was wondering if there is a very cheap way to be considered a student , and get a 3.0 and above GPA to qualify for the discount. It would be saving me over $700 a year. Thanks in advance""
Estimate how much car insurance would cost?
I just need a ball park estimate: I am 19, female, first time driver. I would have a used Geo Metro from the mid 90's. I can't get on my parent's insurance. Can you give me an approximate range on how much I'd have to pay for insurance?""
How do I get points taken off of my license?
i live in California and i about 2 months ago crashed my car and was cited for a failure to yield ticket, because i am only 16 i got a restricted license and i have to attend traffic school as well as getting a point, i was wonder if i could get that point taken off?""
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
Regarding car insurance ?
Hi, I just got my license about a month ago and I can't find insurance quote cheaper than 4,500. However, all my friends who passed at the age of 18 got insurance quotes for less than 2,000. I even looked at the same cars as them or even cars in the lowest insurance group; still no realistic result. I'm trying to insure a car not an aircraft, any suggestions or tips ?""
What is the likely cost for the car insurance for this individual?
Kept getting different numbers... 19 years male. own an Acura cl 3.0 1999 single drive to school about 4 miles(one way) three days a week clean record.
If someone hits my car does my insurance go up?
So basically I was stopped at a stop sign and someone came from behind my car and hit me. afterwards I looked at my rear bumper where I was hit and there was no major damage that I can see. Just paint from her car and a some scratches but no dents. Do I even report something like this? if I do does my insurance go up, because it seems like it is 100% their fault since I was going 0 mph at a stop sign.""
""Insurance wise, am I allowed to drive my parents' car?""
My parents bought me a car (Honda Accord), and my name is only under that car at the current moment, whilst their names are under all of the vehicles in this family. So, if I was driving my dad's Acura TL, registered under him and my mom, and I got pulled over for a random checkpoint, would I be okay?""
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Would having a fake nitrous system in my car increase insurance rate?
Where do I go to find public liability insurance?
I am starting to run workshops, teaching creative recycling crafts and require public liability insurance. Could you point me in the right direction please?""
Will Hillary Clinton universal health care program force all Americans to pay for health insurance?
How will those who are unemployed pay for health insurance under her plan?
Who do you contact if you know somebody commiting fraud on there car insurance?
given someone elses address for cheaper insurance
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
Andover Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 5501
0 notes
What insurance companies should i be looking into?
"What insurance companies should i be looking into?
I am 17 and I am getting my license next month...im not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
About health insurance....?
If u have 2 health insurances, whatever your primary doesn't cover, your secondary will? My primary insurance sucks, but then i have the Unions insurance as secondary.""
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
A question about state farm auto insurance?
If I plan on buying a car with two seats, I'm male and get ok grades, what would be the difference in insurance costs if I got a car with 4 seats?""
""If I reported someone for a hit-and-run, can my insurance company raise my rates?""
My Dad takes care of our family car insurance policy with Mercury. Recently, they have asked about an incident which matches the date of a hit-and-run which I reported to police. Someone backed up into my car while I was not-in-motion, waiting to turn left at a four way intersection. They refused to pull over or get out of their car, and sped off soon after, so I reported it to the police. Now, Mercury wants to talk to me about it. The problem is that my Dad is convinced they will use this against me to get more money from us, because I was the only party who reported the incident. I did not file a claim with my insurance company because the only damage was minimal. How should I best handle this? It seems absurd that doing the right thing-- reporting an irresponsible driver-- could result in a penalty for me, doesn't it?""
Affordable health insurance in florida?
im 17, will be 18 in november, and i need to find health insurance. i need it to cover dental (orthodontics), prescriptions, and mental health services (depression, bipolar disorder). i am a non smoker, and i have no kids. please help!!!""
What is the cheapest insurance to get if you have a DUI and live in Cali?
What is the cheapest insurance to get if you have a DUI and live in Cali?
Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) - Survey question ideas?
I'm doing a sample survey for Social Science. I have to come up with 25 questions pertaining to my topic of inquiry. My topic is The benefits of the Affordable Healthcare Act, which is informally known as Obamacare. My hypothesis is the Affordable Healthcare Act would be beneficial if it was slightly altered to exclude the individual mandate. I need ideas for more questions, outside of the demographic questions. Here are the eleven questions I have so far: Do you have health insurance? Yes. No. In the process of obtaining a health care plan. Have you ever heard of the Affordable Care Act, the American health care bill signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23rd, 2010? Yes. No. Do you understand the key aspects that make up the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Somewhat. Did you believe that there was a problem with the current state of health care, and that it needed reform? Yes. No. The new Healthcare Act is going to be funded through a variety of new taxes and offsets. This includes a new Medicaid tax imposed on people that make over $200, 000 and $250, 000 annually, and a 40% tax on premium Health Insurances. There will also be new taxes on medicine, high cost diagnostic medical equipment, and a 10% tax on indoor tanning services. Do you believe that the imposed taxes are worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health insurance? Yes. No. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently reviewing the Affordable Care Act. Several U.S. states are questioning the laws constitutionality because the law requires Americans that dont have health insurance to choose an affordable healthcare plan or pay a fine (this is called the individual mandate). Do you believe that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional on these grounds? Yes. No. Not sure. If you do believe that the individual mandate is unconstitutional, do you believe it is worth the sacrifice, so that more Americans could have health care? Yes. No. Does not apply. Do you believe that the government could still make the policy work if they exclude the individual mandate, keeping in mind that this would likely require more tax increases in different areas? Yes. No. Maybe. Having a basic knowledge of the Affordable Care Act, do you think that the government should abandon the policy and work on a new one? Yes. No. We should wait and see how this one turns out first. Do you stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure. Do you have any friends or family members that stand to benefit from the Affordable Care Act? Yes. No. Not sure.""
How much would insurance for a 16 year old male in Illinois cost?
I live in Chicago and I have a 2001 Toyota Echo that has been paid off already. I turn 16 in a couple of weeks and was wondering how much insurance would cost for me>
Cheapest young driver car insurance?
Hi, I will be driving soon and know insurance is very expensive for young, new drivers. Does anyone know of any cheap insurance companies OR techniques of how to get cheap car insurance? Thanks.""
Why are Americans so opposed to universal health insurance?
Virtually every Western industrialized nation has it, even Canada, and they are not more bankrupted than the US because of it. It seems like getting in the way of progress for the local population, really. So, what are the arguments of the people opposed to this reform? Thank You.""
Need explanation about car insurance.?
so i recently had a car accident and dented my rear door.The company told me to claim insurance on the door. Will the value of my car go down if i claim insurance? PS: its a new ...show more
Car insurance for 17 year old ?
I'm doing car payments on a 2007 Mustang & want to know how much roughly my monthly payments would be for car insurance. I called Progressive & the guy told me my insurance could cost any where from $500 to $5000? I'm permitted to drive but will be getting my license in August after my 18th birthday. I live in southern California. I want insurance for myself & only myself. I just want a rough idea of how much I would be paying monthly.
Insurance for me on a 1973 Dodge Charger?
i know ill probably never get one but im not too good on guesstimating insurance. im an 18yr old male with no accidents or tickets but i understand insurance on older cars is cheaper? can anyone give a rough estimate of what a monthly cost of insurance will be?
Average comprehensive car insurance for teenagers in 2010?
Hi, I am just wondering how much teenagers are paying for full comp car insurance in 2010. Thanks Jboy""
""Hi, i am due to renew my car insurance and HASTINGS ESSENTIAL is the cheapest, i want to put my dad?""
on the policy and my current insurer wants an extra 73, whilst hastings will put him on for less than my renewal quote for just me, i am currently with ECAR and it costs 1 a minute to phone customer services, if any one is insured by hastings or ecar i would love to hear your feedback, many thanks, Dan.""
Car insurance help needed?
How do I get insurance for every 6 months? Like do I pay a small amount every month? Is it better to call local insurances from yellow pages or the other like State Farm, progressive etc""
Where can i get some health insurance @ a reasonable price?
I'm need health insurance my income is very low.. where can i get health insurance at a reasonable price?
Liability insurance for few days for road test?
How can I get liability insurance for Driver license road test? I will take the test by car of my friend, cause I have no car. Wherever I called, they are saying that you can purchase 6-month insurance policy. Is there any other way? Or can I purchase insurance then after passing test cancel it without cancellation fee? If you know such a insurance companies in North Carolina, US, please let me know.""
Are there emergency health insurances in California?
And how can some one get it? i don't live in Cali but a friend of mine does. And they can't afford health insurances. but they need to see a doctor.
Anyone know the cheapest car insurance around?
Anyone know the cheapest car insurance around?
""My car insurance, can i still pay monthly?!?! HELP!?""
my car insurance got cancelled because I missed two payments but, I always gave it to them on the same day I missed it. Anyways, I cannot afford to pay the full amount up front! its $2000! I need to pay month to month! does anyone know a car insurance company that will do this for me? I live in Canada so I need a reference for here.""
350z/RSX Owners - Insurance question?
I'm thinking of getting either the 03 RSX or 350z early next year but some people tell me that insurance will be quite high even if its just liability. So if you own either one of the two, how much do you pay for insurance? I know mine would be slightly higher since I'm only 22. Thanks for any help on this. :)""
2000 grand prix insurance?
how much would it cost a 16 yr old to insure on a 4 door 2000 grand prix GT. we have statefarm and are just trying to get an idea of the price. he has good grades and took the driving class also.
""Would car insurance be cheaper on a Honda Civic, a Chevy Cobalt or a Ford Focus?
They are 2005 model 2 door coupes. I am 25 years old and this will be my first car. I'm going to have to get full coverage insurance and I haven't had my license for that long. Also does it matter what color the car is? Someone told me that red cars have higher insurance(I'm getting a black car by the way). Thanks!!
Cost of ticket for driving without insurance?
im 16 and i need to get to work tomorow...my stepmom has to work so the only way to get to work is taking my dad's 2007 toyota tundra. if i get pulled over about how much will the ticket cost? i have my liscense just not insurance. i also live in texas
What insurance companies should i be looking into?
I am 17 and I am getting my license next month...im not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!
Camera insurance with comet!?
6 or so months ago I bought a camera and had it insured with comet, if you don't know yet comet is having a break down and stores are closing all over the uk including the one near me. My next payment is due in December and then I have a final payment to make next year. If something happened to the camera it is come who would have had to replace it... So what happens now? Can I still insure my camera or will comet stop taking the payments or will they charge me for my insurance and give nothing back? Thanks for the help!""
""Motorcycle Insurance Rate New Driver 22 years old 1974 Honda CB360, How Much?""
I'm buying a 1974 Honda CB360 Bobber motorcycle, I'm 22 years old..have had 1 ticket in October for running a blinking red light at night, 1 speeding ticket that got dismissed in court and 1 speeding ticket that stuck a 65 in a 55. I live in Michigan and this is my first ever motorcycle. How much am I looking to pay? and what is the best company to get insurance, online it says Geico wont insurance motorcycles in Michigan so cant use them. Full time college student if that matters any""
Why did my car insurance with geico go up?
I'm always in a 6 month payment plan. My insurance just got renewed today. now i pay $208/month instead of $190/month and i didn't even get any driving violations for the past year. before i used to pay $250/month till they gradually decreased it to $190/month but now what happened? does anyone know where i can get a cheaper car insurance? I have a 2006 coupe cobalt and i'm 22 years old. Is geico trying to rip me off?
Would a Honda Rebel 250 be a good starting motorcycle?
I still do not have my license. I intend on getting it soon. I've waited too long to get it. But I would like to own a motorcycle instead of a car. I don't live anywhere near the cold so, icy roads aren't a problem. And I am 5 foot 2, so I'm guessing this would be a good choice of motorcycle. Oh, and if you own a motorcycle, could you answer a few questions for me? Do you need a special license for it? And is the insurance a killer? Thanks for all of your help.""
""I'm a female unemployed, living in upstate NY & need affordable health insurance! Desperate for suggestions!?""
I have been unemployed over a year. Although I am collecting unemployment benefits, I work a job per diem (usually 1-2 days per wk. which means I can't collect full unemployment benefits). I can't afford private pay insurance i.e. Healthy NY etc & don't financially qualify for Medicaid. Are there any other options? I would hate for a catastrophic illness to dictate my coverage & thus spend the rest of my life paying off medical bills!""
How much for a 16 year old boy drive a h22 civic for insurance how much would it cost?
How much for a 16 year old boy drive a h22 civic for insurance how much would it cost?
WHEN to negotiate car insurance claim acv?
Hypothetical: my car is hit while parked. Repair costs are likely more than ins co thinks the car is worth, making the car a total loss. I file 3rd party ins claim, and they want to see it in person. Do they give me an offer upon seeing it, or will they only inspect and give me an offer at later time? I want to be prepared maximize to my settlement or negotiate up the car's value so it will be fixed, but don't know at what part of the process to negotiate. (approx 4k in damage, and car was worth 3-4k before) And what's the best way to do this? bring ads of similar cars for sale, or...?""
How Can I Get Cheap Auto Insurance?
im 18 i just got my lisence i have a 93 ford ranger that my dad can put in my name. my parents are seperated. my mom has excellent driving record and good policy. if i get on her policy. can i drive the truck if its in my name ? im not sure im just trying to get auto insurance. and i have no one to help :(
Why does auto insurance rates go up after manditory insurance laws pass?
the insurance companies promise that passing these laws would always lower them
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
What insurance do I need?
I have set up a limited company focusing on training and personal coaching. Do I need public liability insurance? Do I need insurance to cover if I am ill? Is there anything else to consider? Where do I buy these products? Thanks
Which is cheaper to insure a car?
I'm going to get a car for college, but I just need some information. My parents have AAA. Would it be cheaper to add the car onto their insurance (and pay them), or start my own insurance account with a different company?""
Why is my car insurance so expensive? Give me a GOOD reason why.?
I have my driving test tomorrow, looking forward to it, but car insurance for a car which is worth 200, the car insurance comes from 2500 - 4000. Why on earth does it come to this??!! Insurance companies are all sharks. No wonder so many people are uninsured.""
Why am i being forced to buy health insurance?
I don't understand it i am 20 years old am going to be starting my life out with my girlfriend, i am desperately trying to get a job and my girlfriend works at mcdee's and now i find out that i am forced to have health insurance? i can't afford that! even if it is affordable i struggle to buy a pop at the gas station let alone health insurance""
""Insured car, uninsured driver?""
I have a free-loading bother in-law and I was just wondering. If he uses the family car which is insured but he does not have car insurance, can he be liable in any accident situation? Please tell me yes, so I have a reason to refuse my car to him. Anything from if he is at fault or not at fault, injury, coverage, or settlements... Thanks""
How much would car insurance cost?
im 18 going to be 19 the car i was looking at cost 29,155$ so since im young how much do you think the insurance would cost?""
""First time car buyer, whats the best kind of insurance?
Im 23 years old and im buying my 1st car from somebody. What would be the best kind of car insurance to get and how much a month would i be paying because i heard the younger you are the higher your insurance will be. By the way i live in virginia
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Which state does someone have to live in for cheap car insurance?
Where can i get the best & affordable health insurance?
company does not provide it anymore. where can i get the best and affordable health insurance that i pay for myself. thanks
Can you get real auto insurance without a license ?
I dont have a license or a California ID i am a teen 18 years old have my passport and birth certification but that's it so can i get auto insurance and how much would it be if yes
Average Insurance Cost For Pest Control Business?
On Average What Is The Cost Of Insurance Of A Pest Control Business In Florida?? Thanks.
What do i do with no insurance? when i go to the doctor and no insurance?
i work at mcdonalds part time, and have no insurance or health benefits, how do i get insurance to pay for doctors visits? How can i afford health insurance or where do i apply 4 health insurance?""
Moped insurance in texas?
I am looking into getting a 49cc moped and am trying to figure out how much it would cost to insure it. I am a 25 yr old female with a clean driving record if that helps.
Car insurance please help!?
My car insurance is due to run out on the 28th of this month, i have looked at quotes and have found a really good one expect it expires in the 21st, is it possible to set this car insurance up to start on the 21st even though my policy hasn't expired yet. Im only asking because its with a different company and i wasn't sure if you could still insure a car whilst its ensured already. If i loose this quote im going to end up paying 200-300 more. I hope this all makes sense, thank you.""
Can you really find cheap health insurance ?
I live in mass and i can not find health insurance for my needs and have been denied by the state health insurance. Dont know what to do ... anyone can help ?
What insurance companies should i be looking into?
I am 17 and I am getting my license next month...im not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!
What should I do about my 19 year old sons car insurance?
I have a son who is nearly 19 years old. He may be putting in for his test soon. The problem is I am worried about the cost of car insurance. He is nagging me to go on my insurance but I don't really like that idea because I am worried if he has an accident I will lose my no claims and my insurance will go up considerably. The other option is that I buy him a really cheap car with a small engion, but only cover third party. That way he can build up his own no claims. I was wondering if anyone knows how much he would be expected to pay if he decided to do this?""
What happens to my insurance premium if I stop owning a car for a period of time?
Does it affect my no claims bonus if I already have 6+ years no claims?
Does queensland comprehensive car insurance include ctp?
i'm very confused! currently have my car registered and insured at my victorian address, need to change it all over to queensland and am completely clueless about ctp. please help!""
Cheap Car insurance ?
I am 17 and had 2 crashes does anyone know of cheap car insurance cheer
""I will turn 64 in March, I am a widow, how can I get affordable health insurance?
Dental and Vision most important No current health concerns
(uk) Do you need to tell your car insurance this....?
If you get diagnosed with mild arthritis, do you need to tell your car insurance this? And if so, do they make it more expensive?""
Insurance type help A-Z?
Hello, If there is no accident will occur or occured, but lost your eyesight naturaly, what type of insurance policy you should buy to cover your permanent disablement because of that, which will give you payout like personal accident insurance does?""
How much is insurance for a mustang?
I need some help how much is insurance on a 2003 mustang for a 16 year old driver thanks.
National Health Insurance?
I have a huge report to do for school on my position on National Health Insurance. I am completely opposed to it. Although I'd like to see what anyone else thinks, and I'm looking for any great statistics I could add to my report. Thanks!!""
Car accident now what? insurance question?
I was in my first major car accident, my car was totaled. I was waiting at the light to make a left turn, the green arrow came on and i went and some one coming from the opposite side of the lane in the opposite way ran a red light and hit me, he claims on the report he doesn't know how the accident happened. I just wanted to know what do you think will happen? A witness was talking to the cops but his information is not on my police report. It has to go through his insurance what are the odds that they will know that he was in the wrong and not me??""
Do I need an insurance broker?
What is the role of an insurance broker, simply to find you the best insurance price without having to do it yourself? Do I need to have a broker? I ask because I am trying to lower my insurance costs, but none of the insurance companies my broker deals with can give me a price I am happy with. I have got quotes from insurance companies outside of the ones my insurance broker deals with that are much more appealing financialy. So I guess my question is do I need an insurance broker? Or can I just cancel my current insurance and start a new policy with one of these other companies who can offer me cheaper insurance. thanks""
Can the government require us to buy insurance?
If the government requires us to buy insurance, cant they force us to buy anything they want? Couldnt they also forbid us to buy something they dont want us to buy? What happens if the insurance cost a million dollars and we don't want to buy it? We can no longer refuse to buy it. We are required to buy through the government. How does that empower the consumer?""
I want to insure my car for only 4 months?
Can I do this and if so how? and what is the cheapest way? I used to be with Direct Line but canceled it when I went to Uni. Now I want my car back on the road but only for the summer holidays. Any company suggestions and how much it would cost would be great, its an M reg ford fiesta and im 19 if that makes any difference. Please help, Thanks :-)""
Can you buy a car and not buy insurance?
i dont have my liscence yet but i'm thinking about buying a car, and i was wondering if i had to start paying for insurance; i dont have my liscence and wont be driving the car yet? can i just pay insurance when i get my liscence? i live in Connecticut if that matters""
Which life insurance company is best in settling claims?
Which life insurance company is best in setting claims? I want to but a term insurance for 25 yrs. I am 35 now. Please suggest good plan and insurance comany. Is there any databse where we get more information of claim record.
Insurance question ? My husband pays $approximately $6.00 an hour for insurance that we dont use...?
but when we use the insurance BC/BS charges no less then 400.00 for simple examinations....WHY? it takes nothing for a Doc to look in my ears an see i have an ear infection. Why do they charge my insurance hundreds of dollars and i should be grateful to have insurance ?
Drivers insurance? Car insurance?
I'm 15, going on 16. When I do get my license, will my insurance be lower because I get really good grades?""
HELP PLEASE. car insurane/accident help needed. please.?
I got in a car accident Saturday night. The other person was at total fault. She called her insurance company, Allstate, and made a claim, and told them that everything was her fault. I called today and put in my statment. They told me to come to a local Allstate place tomorrow, they will estimate how much it will cost to repair my car, cut me a check, and I can take my car anywhere to get it fixed. They said while my car is in the shop they will rent a car to me free of charge. My insurance hasn't even been involved, and it doesn't look like it will be. My concern is, that my boyfriend was driving, and he is not on MY insurance. But will this even matter? Help please. I'm 18 and I live in Florida and I'm stressed out to hell and back.""
Change in Health insurance? Or not?
First, I hate insurance companies. I really don't understand how they can continue to get away with the cherry picking of clients to minimize their losses...I myself have health insurance through my employer, however when I was between jobs at one point I applied for short term coverage and was denied because I had previously had an abnormal pap smear...I was furious!!! My quesiton is - how do you think private health insurance will be impacted, IF AT ALL, if Obama gets elected this fall?""
How do I get affordable higher coverage health insurance?
I live in New York. I'm 22. I was on my college insurance plan, but I lost it when I went on medical leave. I had an extension plan, but that also expired. I have no job because I'm too sick to work. If I would go back to college before I got a job. Right now, I'm on a strictly emergency health care policy with no preventive care that runs me about $188 a month. I need more coverage though. The problem is that I'm not eligible for most plans because I don't work. For the coverage I need, it will cost over $1,500 a month. I can't afford that, I don't have income. What do I do? *Before my college plan expired, I was going to doctors. I am diagnosed with POTS, and I was having sleep studies where I was being treated for day time sleepiness. Never got an official diagnosis, but I probably have Idiopathic Hypersomina. Both of these require occasional tests and I will need to see doctors regularly until I have a treatment plan. I'm also a cancer survivor and need to go back in to get a battery of tests every year or so. Out of pocket, just a an office visit cost around several hundred dollars. (I have no lapse in coverage.)""
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower?
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower? the insurance company told me if i sighn on with my family it makes it cheaper...all of my friends are paying 120-200 i dont get why mines so much more/?
so i lost my health insurance at 19 and im trying to go on one by myself, i got to an outpatient program called High Focus for anxiety and depression and were paying out of pocket for this which is extremely expensive, can someone tell me an insurance that would cover this High Focus center its a private place and does not accept medicade, medicare, or state funds.""
What would the cost of insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi?
What would the cost of insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi?
Look! Auto Insurance?
Has anyone heard of Look! Auto Insurance based in Michigan? Are they a legit agency? http://www.look-insurance.com/home.nxg
Im 21 and in need of health insurance...?
My company offers it but its like $200/month and i cant afford that! Im a female, non smoker, and in good health. I just need basic health insurance that has dental and eye. What are some good options out there?""
What insurance companies should i be looking into?
I am 17 and I am getting my license next month...im not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!
I got a no insurance ticket in alabama went to court but never paid fine what will happen if i get caught back?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
Where can i find cheap car insurance for over 25's first time buyers?
How much should i expect to pay for insurance on a ferrari?
Or any other exotic car
Can An unlicensed person buy auto insurance for their car and have other drivers?
My husband owns a car but has no drivers license at this time. He wants to insure his car and have friends drive. Is this possible?
Car insurance help????????
Hello, I was rearended (not my fault) and I called my insurance companyt to let them know what happened. The car is insured and at the time of the incident was insured under my mother because I am under 21. Now two months later I am receiving a letter that I am being kicked out of my insurance unless my parents insure me. So what do I do in this situation. I find this situation very unfair because why do we need two people insured on one car? Can you offer any insight?""
Car Insurance quotes?
I am trying to get car insurance for my young grandson and the prices I have been quoted are extortionate. Is this something that any of you have down recently and, if so, can you give me any advice?""
Do you think everyone needs life insurance?
I am 24 years old and someone I know wants me to get life insurance from them but it is only a 20 year term policy what do you think is the propability that I will actually die in between then and now?
How much does it cost for car insurance for an 18 year old male at insautoinsurance?
How much does it cost for car insurance for an 18 year old male at insautoinsurance?
Does anyone know what the average insurance cost for a 2004 Dodge Ram is?
I just bought a beautiful 2004 dodge ram quad cab 4x2 4.7 V8 and i have quotes that range from $165- $303 per month. If you have a similiar truck to mine, how much is the average insurance payment, and what company do you use? I head AAA and 21st Century were pretty good?""
Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!?
Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC ...show more
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
Is there cheap car insurance for parents that have kids with disablities?
Permit and Insurance please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
i am getting my permit like in two months if im going to be in my parents policy how much will the insurance go up if im going to be a driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING TO DRIVE MY DADS CAR
How much more is sr22?
great now i have to have sr22 for driving someone else's car that had no insurance. how ever i do have insurance and judge says i must pay sr22. i am just wondering how much i have to pay extra? i am with gieco. i am thinking an extra 50 bucks.
How do I lower my insurance as a young driver?
This is becoming rediculous now, I've discovered it's pretty much impossible for me to start driving as car insurance is coming out around 4,000!!! I've been looking for months on all different cars and the cheapest quote I've had was 1,800 for a Ford Fiesta, the car itself is 2,000 I know people who have got theirs down to under a grand.. I must be doing something wrong surely??""
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
""When people stop buying insurance because of cancellation and non affordable to renewal,will insurance co. go?
""California, pregnant, No medical insurance. What next?""
I am currently in England where I have medical coverage (NHS). I am an American and from California. I am having to move back to California, but obviously will not have medical insurance. What do I do? Can I still get insurance when I'm already pregnant? Can I qualify for medicare? How much am I looking at needing to pay? If anyone knows what happens when your pregnant in california with out insurance, that would be super. This is a family emergency which is making me need to move back. So please do not judge me because I am having to go somewhere with out insurance. Thank you.""
What's the average price for moped insurance for ages 18-25?
How much can I expect to pay per month for insurance for a 125cc moped? I'm just looking for a ball park range.
How much would a 1.1 litre car cost me a month?
Im 18 and starting my driving lessons, im also a stay at home mum. Cant afford a nice car so a 1.1 litre car is only in my range. Id like to know roughly how much my insurance would be a month? Thank you""
How to get affordable HIV Medication with not so good insurance coverage.?
Diagnosed about a month ago HIV+ with a VL 111,000 CD4 167, so yeah I've had it for a while. I'm supposed to start treatment ASAP! but I can't afford them, I've talked and negotiated with my doctor to change my prescription she did but it didn't help. The problem is I have insurance and it doesn't have good prescription coverage. I'm in a position that I may have to drop my insurance just to be able to afford my medication. My doctor and case worker is advising me not to do this, I don't have any other choice... someone HELLP my time is limited""
Best insurance companies for 16 year old passed my test?
ok ive pased my test and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance""
Keep until expires or cancel car insurance?
My car has broken down for the last time. It is very old (1998) and very high mileage. I am deciding to sell it for parts and what I can get rather than sink any more money into it. Point of negative returns. I will be going carless for some time, taking the bus and using a car share program. That is just background though. Hoping to save the money, pay off other things and raise credit score to possibly qualify for a brand new one in the future. My question is about the auto insurance. I just renewed at the beginning of the year. So I have about 4 months left before the policy is done. I am making monthly payments. If I cancel now, will I still owe them for the entire policy amount - (can they come after me for it?) Or does it look better (when I go to get insurance in the future) that I keep paying on the policy until it expires in a few month (just not renew at that time). I don't want to spend money needlessly. However, I also want the best (least expensive) insurance rates when I need it in the future, and a good track record. Can anyone (especially if you are in the insurance industry) give me the straight scoop? Thanks and much appreciated.""
Roughly how much will my insurance cost? (New driver)?
I am a 17 year old female, I am thinking of getting a car If I got a 1999 VW Polo and registered myself and my mother (who has held a full license for over 10 years) as named drivers, roughly how much will my insurance cost? I was hoping about 500? Is that unreasonable? Thanks""
Liability car insurance?
Im 18, never had a wreck or any tickets, i live in a small town/rural area in alabama, and i want to know about how much liability insurance would be for a... -2008 mustang -2010 mustang -2012 mustang""
How much would my car insurance cost?
I'm trying to find about how much my car insurance would cost and none of the insurance website would give me a quote for some reason. I'm a 17 year old female who has a 2003 saab 9-5 (4 door) who's never been in an accident and who took drivers ed.
What insurance companies should i be looking into?
I am 17 and I am getting my license next month...im not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!
0 notes
Insurance quotation question?
"Insurance quotation question?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much should 17 year old boy expect to pay for car insurance?
I have looked around various places and saw from a few thousand p/a to 10, 000 p/a (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). I am booking my driving test very soon and will be buying a small, cheap car such as a 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 5DR or a KA or Fiesta. Approximitely, how much should I expect to be paying.""
What make and model of car is cheap to insure?
Hi. I am learning to drive and need a car to practice/run around in. I'm looking for one I can get that has been used, cheap to insure (group 1 - 3) and cheap road tax (Band A-C). Any cars that I have found cheap insurance and/or cheap road tax is only so if its bought new at 1000s of pounds. My maximum is 1000 for the car itself. Any makes and models please? thank you""
How much would a Fiat Grande Punto 1.2L cost in insurance for a 17 year old male driver?
I'm 17 and male and I was wondering how much this car would cost to get it insured, please help.""
Is the insurance on a car cheaper if it is a kit car?
I want a flashy car but cant afford ferrari, lambo as so but i can 100% afford a kit car and they look the exact same but the only difference is the performance, i just want to know for example if i turned a toyota mr 2 into a lamborghini murcialago would it take the insurance down on the mr2 insurance, i heard it can cost up to 30% less but then i read that it can increase it by 50% i would love to read about personal experience please help??""
""Where can I find an affordable therapist in Orange County, CA w/no health insurance?""
I'm looking for a therapist in Orange County, California for depression and severe anxiety issues, but I have no health insurance. Can anybody help me figure out who I should talk to/where should I look to get affordable therapy?""
Anybody knows about a good medical insurances for maternity?
I really need a cheap one.It is urgent
What is car insurance rates?
uhm im doing report, and i need to write bout 3 ways that how teenage car accidents rising affect us. One of my answer is car insurance rate would go up; &yet i dont know wht that means. some one help?""
Cheap car insurance!!!?
hello i am a 17 year old boy looking for cheap car insurance what is the best car and the best company to go with with to get the cheapest prices.
How to get cheap car insurance for a student in the uk?
I live in the uk. 19 years old and want to get a car. I have tried quotes and the cheapest i have found per year is around 5000, which is a JOKE. i want to know how to make it cheaper. My dad is a taxi driver so i cannot use his insurance thanks""
Cheapest Car Insurance Nineteen Year Old?
So im nineteen and am hoping to pass my test friday, i have been looking on comparison websites and cant find any quotes for a low litre car under lets say 2500. I was just wondering if anyone out there knows of any specific insurers which could offer a much better deal, i would be very very grateful""
Car insurance company asking for more money?
hi i cancelled my car insurance back in feb i had it from 23rd dec to 17th feb i paid for the months i was covered and now the can insurance company are asking for the rest of the money for the months after the policy was cancelled. is this legal?
Which auto insurance co. in AZ. is the most affordable? why do they do credit checks?
Which auto insurance co. in AZ. is the most affordable? why do they do credit checks?
High Risk Auto Insurance - Where can I find the lowest quote online?
Is there any online auto insurance website that specializes in getting the lowest rates on car insurance for high risk drivers? If so can anyone guide me to one?
How much would be my insurance with this car?
What do you guys think would be my insurance with this car? 2002 Lexus 300 ES??? I'm 47 yrs old. Excellent Credit. I'm also going to put it on Full Coverage.... What would be your prediction??? Tnx.... I'm guessing around 180
Car insurance for a 16 year old!?
I get my license next month and I finally saved up enough money to get a 1998 BMW Roadster, how much would the monthly insurance cost on average? & if i own the car will that help?""
Car insurance more expensive for men?
I'm twenty five and looking to get my first car, a small 1.3 Nissan, anyway i checked the insurance and it costs 3250 for one year, that sounds extortionate, no? I then went back and done a quote for a lady driver who just turned eighteen January just gone - it would cost 1750. Is that not sorta wrong?""
What's a good life insurance?
My stepdad smokes a pack a day, and drives a truck for a living and I was wondering what would be a good life insurance for my mom should anything happen to him since he seems like high risk? They are middle class family in the burbs.""
Do I have to make a down payment on my auto insurance?
I am going to get insurance through State Farm and I was wondering if I will have to make a down payment on the insurance and if I do how much will it be?
How do I get all my old insurance names?
Hiya. Im struggling to find a way to get my information. Most of us dont keep all our old paperwork. Been driving for 6 years but cant remember even who the companys where. Any way of finding out or are they lost forever? Is it also possible to claim on possible ppi on car insurance?
My car insurance is 6000 and im 17 can anybody help pleeeeeeeeese.?
Hi on average my car insurance is 6000. I got these from price comparison wesbites. I am trying to insure a 2002 1.2 litre Vauxhall Corsa, on Third Party Fire and Theft. I am going to do about 10000 miles a year. I live in Lozells Birmingham United Kingdom. Can anybody get my Insurance done for cheaper. I have shopped around so much, i even put my mum on as main driver but it only gets 500 off my insurance. Can anybody help me maybe anyone that work in car insurance.""
Can I purchase life insurance for our family without a physical exam?
We have a new baby and we both need to be insured. Is it possible to purchase affordable life insurance without a physical exam?
What insurance companies should i be looking into?
I am 17 and I am getting my license next month...im not sure if my parent are gunna pay for me and I am not expecting them to....i have a 2001 grand cherokee limited v8 it is registered in my name I know gas is gunna be alot but i have a 8/hr job so ill pickup extra shifts since i dont have to walk miles anymore....what should i know when picking insurance, how can i get it for really cheap? in a couple days my school is giving me a drivers ed class and the also said itll give me a discount on insurance.what are good companies that like new drives?..please good responces!""
Insurance question when you buy a used car?
If you buy a used car and pay cash and carry only the minimum insurance for your state will your current rate go up based on the model and make of the car. Also if you buy a used car and finance it you have to have collision on it right ?
""Ford Crown Victoria Insurance, and Gas cost?""
For you crown vic owners, I want to buy a 2001 Crown Victoria. Is it a real gas eater or what? How much do you think the inssurance would be for a 18 yrs old men? I like them crown vics, except when it comes time to be in the back of them in handcuffs.""
Will my insurance expire if I choose to pay by down payment?
Im 19 and have a payment of $565.90 but I can make 5 payments of $121.00 because $565.90 is way too much to be paying right now. My insurance expires 6/15/12 and I need my car since I just recently quit my job and need it to look for a job ASAP. So If I choose payments instead of paying whole, will my insurance still cover me past 6/15/12? Thanks in advance. I drive a hyundai elantra and live in Los Angeles California""
Insurance quotation question?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes?
California Minimum Insurance Requirement?
Stated from the California DMV website: The minimum amount your insurance* must cover per accident is: * $15,000 for a single death or injury. * $30,000 for death or injury to more than one person. * $5,000 for property damage. Now when I signed up with Progressive Insurance and I don't elect uninsured motorist coverage it makes me sign a statement that I elected not to do so and is below the state minimum. Do I actually need uninsured motorist coverage?""
Car Insurance?
So I got my license the other day I'm 16 turning 17. I don't have a car yet, but I want to drive alone. My mom has a car but my name isin't included in the policy. I heard somewhere that I could still drive the car. Is that true? How much would it cost if my name is added to the car? the car is on AAA Insurance.? . Another question. Im going to be working soon, how much would it cost for a 17 year old to drive his own car with his own insurance, BUT if im added to my DAD's policy.?""
Car Rental Insurance?
Liability Insurance Supplement 11.95 USD Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 USD Personal Accident Insurance / Personal Effects Coverage 5.95 USD Which ones are really needed? We won't be carrying any luggage. We are only driving from San Antono to the coast and back for business. One day trip.
Spouse insurance coverage and insurance?
If I am divorced and the court is not making me to keep spouse insurance. Can I keep spouse insurance? What does the insurance company says about it? Have not called insurance company yet. Need to know my (her) rights before calling insurance company..
Does getting a ticket without losing points increases your insurance price ?
I just got a ticket for driving my car without having my drivers license with me. Altough it's better than 128$ and 2 points, its still 52$. The thing im wondering though is will my insurance company charge me more because of that even if I didnt lose points on my drivers license ? Thanks""
""Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?""
Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?""
How much will my insurance go up for my traffic violations?
Over the summer I got a ticket for passed inspection date. Then in December I got 2 tickets simultaneously. One was a 16miles over the limit and the other for not having my driver's license in my car (but I do have one). How much will my car insurance go up?
Does my Jaguar qualify for classic car insurance?
I have a 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, is it eligible for classic car insurance??""
Insurance is a scam?
Why would we need it to be a law? Insurance is in case something happens, well what if nothing ever happens, all that money goes straight into their pockets. If it's law, they should make a new law where, after a certain number of years that you never got in an accident you get your money back. The main reason a hit and run occurs is, jail, or they don't have insurance. You would solve half the problem! I read in the DMV booklet that you can show proof that you have $35,000 in an account, and you wouldn't have to pay insurance, does anybody do this?""
Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?
I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance plan...help, i dun know where to find it.""
What is a good insurance for wisdom teeth extraction?
I am currently a college student, and I don't have any dental insurance coverage. I visited a general dentist today, he said that I have to get my four of my wisdom teeth remove ...show more""
Cyclist and insurance?
I am having a debate with a few people about cyclist with insurance, One thing I would like to know, If I hit a cyclist and damage his bike, Would my insurance cover the cost of a new bike? or injury? This is for the UK""
Good Cheap car insurance?
Im 16, Im getting my truck and my license in september, and I was wondering what car insurance companies I should look in to? I could be added onto my parents plan but it would be pretty expensive, I was wondering if there's a cheaper option? what insurance do you have and why? thanks!""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for someone who has 3 minor speeding tickets?
Need to know this ASAP as current policy will expire end of Aug. 2007. Thanks all! ;)
HELP! best auto insurance for new driver?
Hi, i am a new driver. got my licens in 2011 but due to college i wasnt able to drive around much. after graduation i decided to buy a car and look for insurance. and after reading insurance company reviews ... its kinda scaring the crap out of me. it seems that they are all interested in you buying their service but once you get into an accident you are on your own. i know internet reviews can be bias, so I kinda want to know which auto insurance company would you recommend. here is my basic info: am 23 years old, college graduate, live in a relatively decent neighborhood in southern California, had my license since 2011, and the car am looking into buying is either a new 2013 Toyota corolla or a Nissan sentra. oh and i have never had auto insurance, am not sure if i was covered in my mom's previous insurance but chances are nope. one more thing what kind of coverage would you recommend? and deductible? oh lol and which car would you recommend Nissan sentra or Toyota corolla? and any buying car tips ? thanks you so much for your help, I will defintly be choosing a best answer :)""
Do you have to have insurance to drive a car if you dont own one?
My friend has been stopped by the police for driving an uninsured car. He borrowed the car from his friend while his friend was away, and his friend is an uninsured driver, my friend did not realise he was driving an uninsured vehicle as he believed his friend had insurance. He does not own a car, do you have to have insurance to drive a car and the police are telling him he has to go to court and pay fines,-is this right?""
Cost of car insurance in bc?
Cost of car insurance in bc?
Is there any way i can get off your parents insurance?
because i want to apply for my own insurance. 17, 18 in 60 days.""
Would i be to pay for car insurance?
oki so i am on a low wage 447 a month i can get a cheap car i.e ford focus etc etc and wanted to know would about 220 a month cover a monthly cost of car insurance once i have done my test and what not i am also 21 and i could potentially get a black box but would rather avoid one due to the area i live in (other drivers acting like **** and braking hard)
How much will my insurance go up? D=?
There was a misunderstanding and my car skidded against a 2009 Cadillac i unno what and left a mark. It wasnt even my fault but i kinda afraid of the man so... D=
How much will the insurance company give me for my car?
i was crashed into by another driver who has accepted full responsibility, my car was a vw polo 1.2 e it had done 55,000 miles and was a 53 plate. does anyone know how much they will offer me? im really worried im going to get completely ripped off and i only brought it a few months ago and the crash wasn't my fault at all. thanx for any help :)""
Can I get off of my parents auto insurance?
So when I got my license when I was 19 about two years ago I was automatically put on my moms nationwide insurance which was fine because I drove one of her cars but now she only has one vehicle and although I do still live at home I'm a full time student at a community college so she usually drives me around so she can keep the car so in order to save money would I be able to drop myself from her car insurance policy since I don't really drive anyway?
Renters' insurance...yes or no?
I recently moved into an apartment and am contemplating renters' insurance. I have a few questions before deciding on whether to purchase a policy or not. First, is it worth it? The idea seems similar to buying an extended protection plan for a product; yes, the protection plan is cheap, but what are the odds that the product will actually break during the 1-year timeframe? Every item in which I have ever purchased an extended protection plan (TVs, computers, furniture, appliances) has never malfunctioned/broken. Basically, I paid that money to cover myself in the event of something happening, but nothing ever did happen to any of those items. I would say that I've thrown away approximately $1000 over the years on various protection plans. Second, when I am assessing my personal property value, should I overestimate the actual value of my belongings, or provide a more accurate estimate? Do insurance companies require any visual proof of items you own? I know there are more pros than cons to renters' insurance, but I wanted everyone's opinions on whether renters' insurance is a good buy. Thanks.""
Car insurances when ur under 18?
i dont get insuraces... if the car is insured (my parent car) can i drive it? or when do i need to be insured? i live in california and i have a permit right now
""What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a 20yr, female living in Michigan?""
My dad is making me pay my car insurance and i dont kow where to start. I heard about something called PLPD, what is that and is it expensive? what are some other cheap places for car insurance in Michigan. Thanks!!""
Insurance quotation question?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes?
Is car insurance cheaper for used cars than new?
I hear a lot that when getting you're first car that you're supposed to buy a used car and not a new car because auto-insurance is going to be cheaper. Is there any truth behind this?
Auto insurance for a new driver and a new car?
I got my licenses on March 30th, 5 days after my sixteenth birthday. I was so excited to start driving to school and what not but when i got home, my mom told me she would not buy me insurance because it's to expensive. I asked her how much it would be monthly but she wouldn't tell me. My first question is about how much would insurance be for me, as a new driver, and i have a new car. My second question is if i don't have insurance, can i still drive with my mom or dad or guardian in the passenger seat? (they have insurance for themselves) If i can't drive with them, i don't get how insurance will get cheaper for me overtime if i haven't driven and can't drive since my licenses test.""
Cheapest Car Insurance Companies For A 17 Year Old Boy?
I've done a lot of research and can't find anything less than around 2500 a year, any good companies that can can give me a better quote? I'm thinking about getiing a Renault Clio or a VW Fox if that helps. Any tips or suggestions for good insurance companies would be much appreciated!""
How much would insurance for three months cost?
I'm in a sport, wrestling, and i need insurance for at least three months soon. If you know how much insurance like that costs for a company like choc, that would be great because that's where I got it from last time, also i prefer it to be cheap""
What would insurance on a 2001 Mustang GT be in Michigan?
I'm deciding between a Mustang GT and any V8 Ford pickup. The mpg on the Mustang will be probably at least 5 miles per gallon better than the pickup, but I'm sure insurance will be more. I want to know which one would be cheaper to own in the long run. I plan on driving about 40 miles per day for work and this would be my first car. I am in highschool so the insurance will be even higher than if it were for an adult.""
Will my no proof of insurance charge be dismissed?
I live in California. So I was pulled over for an unsafe lane change. The officer asked for my insurance and I handed him my expired one on accident. He asked for the current one but I didn't have it in my car. I had cleaned my car completely and took out all my papers and put the wrong insurance paper back in my car. I went home and of course it was just sitting there. I know that's no excuse. He told me that it would get dismissed if I show the court that I did have insurance that day. I just got my ticket in the mail and it was $1,137. Will the court actually dismiss the no proof of insurance ticket and can I just go to the court tomorrow and show them? Someone online said they can't dismiss it if there is another charge with it. So what do I do? I tried calling the courthouse but because of budget cuts there is no one to help with traffic violation inquiries.""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a new UK rider?
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a new UK rider?
Why not discuss health care insurance in 'car insurance' terms?
You buy collision car insurance to cover repairs, right? The REAL money is in the COST OF REPAIRS. If those costs are high, then insurance premiums will be high. But we don't scream at the car insurers, we usually scream at the body shop for the high costs of repairs. Shouldn't the focus be on high priced office calls and hospital costs instead of the insurance premiums required to cover them? After all, if an appendectomy cost only $50 (to make a point) then 'insurance' would be dirt cheap. I think that villainizing the insurance deflects from the root of the problem.""
Honda s2000 insurance cost ?
im sixteen and i live in florida. My parents are buying me a s2000 and i wanted to know about the insurance cost? Would it be cheaper to be added on my parents plan or have a single plan?
What's the best liability insurance for yoga instructors?
I will begin teaching yoga, and need to get liability insurance- what's a good inexpensive insurance""
Insurance companies that run driving history?
I'm trying to get quote on new insurance and I know Esurance runs your driving history to give you your quote. What other insurance companies do this? I don't know mine or my fiance's whole driving history for the last 5 years and it would be a lot less of a headache if they ran the report.
About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?
About how much would the average insurance run for a 17 year old male driving a sports car it is a mustang?
How much does minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost monthly in California if your 19 years of age?
How much does minimum cover motorcycle insurance cost monthly in California if your 19 years of age?
Can car insurance charge you if you dont have a car?
state farm is charging my mom extra $$ because i got my license a few months ago (im currently 21) i got it late but they are charging her and i dont even have my own car. are they allowed to do that? how much would they increase it by?
On average how much would it insurance cost for new drivers?
Well I passed my road test the other day and also took drivers ed. My mom doesn't have a car or a license, so I'm the only one with a license and my mom will be buying me a car. We are going to get a car that's no older than 2005, arond 40K miles and is used. I also don't have a credit card. Would anyone know on average how much insurance would cost on average for someone in my situation?""
Im 15 planning on getting license when 18 need know how much insurance will cost?
ok i am 15 and parents told me i can get my license if i can afford insurance i just need to know how much it will cost when im 18 cause i need 2 years driving experience before i can get my license.. how can i find this out.i havent gotten my perrmit yet plan on getting it on my b-day when my parents leave me alone..my little 16th b-day present to me
What is the cheapest auto insurance for teens these days?
I'm 18 and just got my first car. I would like to drive it but sadly have no insurance on it yet. I then looked up quotes and found out it is real expensive, $500 and more. Is there any way a teen like myself can get cheap auto insurance?""
How much would my insurance go up if I put a body kit on my car?
I have a 1.3 Ford Fiesta LX mk6 and it looks really bad. I want to put a Fiesta ST body kit on it (front bumper, side skirts and rear bumper). Im 17 and have only just passed my test and got the car. Im on my mums insurance as a second with directline driver and the insurance is 912 per year. Would it go up a lot if I were to do this? Thanks.""
How much would insurance cost for a 98' 4x4 Z71 Extended Cab.?
I am 15. Been driving since like December. No tickets or wrecks. I have a 01' Silverado Extended Cab 2wd would it cost the same? Also we have safeway. I am on libiaty or w/e it is.
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
How much would an insurance be a month for a 01 lexus Is300 for a guy thats 18 and first time driver..average?
Where can i find cheap but affordable insurance?
where can i find it, basic health in my state is kicking me out?""
Then why would my homeowers insurance not renew......?
Then why would my home owners insurance not renew because of a felony?
Teenage Boy Car Insurance.?
My 17yrs old son is about to pass his driving exam and then go through the pass plus test too. We were looking to buy him a cheep second hand car for about 500 but when it came to insurance we have been repeatedly quoted around the 3500 mark for third party. Does anyone know where I can get cheep insurance for a boy?
How To Fight Back When car Insurance Claim Is Denied?
a guy it me on the back wen i was stop on traffic them another hit him, the guy that hit me his insurance wont paid, i'm going to make a claim also with the other guy's insurance but can anyone tell me how i can fight this myself because i have 3rd class card insurance and they wont fight it ,i wane know ifcan i do anything like take them to court myself and how or anything around these lines thatcan help(they said they dodn have to much info on the case to said that they'r at fault""
Car insurance?????
what is the cheapest and the best for full coverage?
Insurance quotation question?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes?
How much would auto insurance be around for an 18 year old female?
I'm looking to buy a car but before i do i want to make sure i can afford it with car insurance
""Car accident, insurance and no insurance, what happens?""
So I got into a car accident, both cars totalled. I have insurance for the car and the other person does not have insurance, what happens? thanks""
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
In NY there is freelancers unions and other ways to get affordable health insurance. anything similar in SoCal
I want to start freelancing but learned that health insurance will cost me $1400/month. Anything creative I can do? Any unions or groups I can join in SoCal? Need PPO.
Where can I find cheap dental insurance for braces?
I'm 20 years old and I work at Wal-Mart...I'm not sure if I'm considered to be full or part-time.....some weeks I work 40 hours and some weeks I work 32 hours....I REALLY need braces and I have no insurance and I'm clueless to all of this....if I can't get insurance through Wal-Mart...where else could I get it? Help!
Whats the price for transfering insurance?
Wanted to switch my insurance from my truck thats not running to one that is
What if I can't afford health insurance? How is that Affordable Health Care ?
What if I can't afford health insurance? How is that Affordable Health Care ?
Do you think car insurance should be mandatory in all of the United States?
I live in Wisconsin. Car insurance is not required for cars trucks and anything else on the road. I think this is wrong with medical and car repair bills being so expensive these days. Worst part about it is some of these non insured people drive like lunatics and if they do hit you they have nothing to even sue them for. I think it's disgusting.
Can a employer make you get health insurance?
My boss told me that if i do not prove that i have my own health insurance, i have to get the health insurance the job offers, i would like to know if it is legal for them to do that? force me to get health insurance? now i know that with President Obamas Health law, in 2014 all people over 26 who do not have insurance will be subject to tax. but it is not 2014... its 2012 and i do not want any of my money being taken out of my check for something i do not want at this time.""
Will this decrease/increase my insurance rate?
What do you pay for car insurance? per MONTH?
How old are you and what do you drive? How much would insurance for a brand new 16 y/o driver typically cost? just an estimate? thank you.
18 year old motorcycle insurance Toronto Canada?
Hi, I am 18 years old, I passed my M1 2 days ago and i have no driving record. My motorcycle is a hyosung gt250 (250cc) and I am looking for insurance. However I'm having the hardest time finding anyone to insure me. So my question is does anyone know an insurance company that will insure an 18 year old with no driving record, no safety course (I've been riding motorcycles (dirt bikes) ever since i was 8 so i don't need it) and an M1 licence? thanks Location: Toronto Ontario""
How do I get health insurance?
I'm a 18 year old girl and on my own. I have no health insurance and is now two weeks pregnant. Can anyone give me a clue on how to get health insurance? Like step by step?
""What's the BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance in California?""
What's the BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance in California?""
Do I automatically have to get car insurance right after I get my license?
I'm 18, I live with my parents...In order for me to get my license my mom wants me to pay for car insurance (since I'll be under her name) which is understandable, but I don't have a car yet, and I just want my license in case of an emergency...like I won't even be driving around her car rarely. She told me that even if I wanted to get my license and not get car insurance yet, I can't because I live in her house?? Does that sound right? Can't I just get my license without car insurance until I actually have my own car?""
Need car insurance help!?
Weird/awful situation. Co-signed on car loan with a longtime friend when he broke off and started his own business. His business tanked, as did his personal life. Lost his job, his business, everything. He's now about a year behind in payments, and the bank is coming after me. Since it's destroying my credit (and life), I'm paying off the loan. The bad news continues. Apparently he loaned the car to his brother, that has disappered and isn't returning it, and the car is nowhere to be found. So now I own nothing. Worse, I'm terrified that whoever has the car could wreck it, and I'm liable. So now I have to get insurance, for a car I don't have possession of, and report it stolen. Who in the world would ever insure me???? Help! What do I do???????""
How do i pay for car insurance?
i'm 17 years old and moving out. me and my parents do not get along. i'm buying my own car but i do not know how i'm going to pay for the insurance? i do not know much about anything. i can't get a credit card because i'm not 18 so what should i do? is there a different way?
How can i get cheap car insurance?
How can i get cheap car insurance?
What is the average cost of car insurance?
What is the average insurance cost for a 19 year old male with a early 90s sedan?
Which car is the most reliable? and insurance wise.?
03 Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 mazda rx8. 05 Audi a4. 05 Acura tl. Nissan 350z. 05 cadillac sts. 03 bmw 3 series. 05 nissan maxima. 06 subaru wrx impreza and legacy. 05 ford mustang. Also add which one is insurance wise cheaper if you can.
Abortion insurance?
I'm doing an essay on abortion and had a quick question about insurance. Does Obamacare cover abortion at planned parenthood in Seattle, Wa?""
""Car insurance, Comparison Websites and Credit checks?""
Car insurance renewal time, now need to shop around for the best deal available to me. Firstly though, Do car insurers check your credit rating and leave search footprints on your report? Also, do price comparison websites for insurance also check your rating? Also, where would be the cheapest place around for a 23 male, to get insurance. Thank you""
What is current on the insurance business?
Has there been any development or change? this is for a job interview
What cool yet cheap car is suitable for a 17 year old boy?
I was thinking a classic mini cooper maybe? they got really cheap insurance but tbh I shudder probs look at life insurance not car insurance. I saw the MG ZR and that's cheap and looks good and with airbags... what do u reckon?
Best insurance for young drivers [UK]?
I already said the comparison websites don't seem to give great quotes. And i also said i want third party fire and theft.. so i don't understand your answer :s
Insurance quotation question?
hi my car was recently hit from behind by a third party at the time my brother was driving using his own insurance everything has been sorted out by the insurance company's do i need to declare this on any future car insurance quotes?
0 notes
tarnishedninja · 7 years
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer! – B A S I C S –
NAME : Yellow ARE YOU OVER 18?   Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE?   Yes / No ( post-unmarked she is, so it depends where in her timeline we set things )
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH? No (anyone) / Semi (most) / Yes  / Highly / Private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW? No (anyone) / Semi / Yes / Highly
IF YOURS IS A CANON MUSE, HOW MUCH DO YOU STICK TO IT? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / (OC)
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gif icons 
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Un-plotted / Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (< a month) / Slow (3–4 Weeks) / Average (1–2 Weeks) / Fast (>One Week) / Very Fast (>Three Days)   ( i wish i was kidding but seriously if i dont reply in like a day itll probably take me over a month im so bad at getting a reliable response schedule hsdgj )
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (Feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-Comfort / Crack / Adventure / Romance
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (Feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage / Everything
THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING? (not triggers) No / Yes   -  ( yeah basically just smut )
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW SHOULD IT BE TAGGED? No / Yes - i have a list on my rules page but just ‘trigger //’ works fine!
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual - more platonic & familial but open to romantic too!
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED SHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry only / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS No / Yes - frederica/ripple can go burn in a fire
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Attracted to masculinity / Attracted to femininity / Attracted to androgyny / sex favorable / sex repulsed / who the fuck knows - i haven’t thought that far yet
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Polyamorous / romance favorable / romance repulsed / who the fuck knows - see above
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions / Slow Burn / Depends on partner or muse
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes - only if i know the other mun well & trust them to treat it respectfully
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes - same as above
DOES CRACK SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? No / Sometimes / Yes - i mean it hasnt but id be open to it
DOES CROSSOVER SHIPPING EVER HAPPEN? No / Yes / Depends  - same as above
tagged by: @aliceinhardgoreland
tagging: anyone who hasnt done it yet!
0 notes
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
"oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car and car insurance?
Okay so I want to buy a car. My credit score is 633. I am 19 and in january I opened 2 credit cards which I pay my bills on time. I also have a phone bill i pay on time. If i wanted to buy a 10,000 dollar car or maybe 8,000, I was wondering how much my APR would be and how much my monthly bill would be. Also how much I would have to put down on the car at first. And I was also wondering how much my insurance cost would be seeing that I am a 19 year old female with 2 tickets on her driving record. (One for speeding, one for phone use.) i just need a rough estimation... Thank you :)""
I'm looking for THE CHEAPEST auto insurance I can find. Any advice?
My mom just kinda dumped my insurance bill on my lap. I ahve a 98 CRV and I'm looking for cheap cheap insurance. I really only drive about 10 minutes to and from work a day. I'm thinking the cheapest ones probably won't even advertise on television, so Im looking for word of mouth. Thanks guys!""
What would insurance cost for a 16 year old male with 08 Honda Accord LX-S coupe/ 2dr?
Hi, I am a 16 year old male and I might be getting a 08 Honda Accord LX-S coupe. But I want to know how much it would be to insure the car. I know that it is not classified as a sports car. I'm not sure if I am getting it so I just want to know. I have a clean driving record with no accidents (i just got my license). Thanks!""
""If my friend owns a car, can I have full insurance on it?""
If my friend owns a car and I am making payments to him to eventually own it, is there a way that it can be fully insured in my name?""
Guys how much was your car insurance when you first.....?
started driving? Just state: 1. Car 2. How old you was 3. What company you went through 4. How much Thanks a bunch of bananas
Cheapest auto insurance in Toronto?
Cheapest auto insurance in Toronto?
Where can i find a basic car insurance quote?
i dont want to enter all of my personal information. it doesnt need to be exactly i just want like a basic calculator. i dont mind like the accident info or my car info but not my SS# and address. i just want a estimate. or is there somehow i can do it my self.
Will my gf's car be taken away if I don't have any car insurance but I have my driver's lisence?
I am a young adult and I recently obtained my Driver's License last year on the day before Thanksgiving. After that, I have been driving my gf's car and was wondering what ...show more""
Is $111 a month a lot for health insurance in cleveland?
""Thinking about starting a non medical senior care bussiness what would the start up cost be for insurance, ect?""
I reside in palm springs california wich is a huge retirement community and I have been thinking about starting a non medical senior care service helping with stuff like houshold tasks, errands ect..At first it would be just me employed and possibly my sister, do I need any kind of insurance? also any tips on advertising?""
Motorcycle insurance requirements in KY?
My son is financing a motorcycle through HSHB. If he gets full coverage its $1000 a year. If he gets just liability is $400 a year. The dealer says he doesn't have to get anything but Liability in Kentucky. He has extended 36 month warranty plan. His bike cost $4000. My son wants to get just liability. My question is will he have any coverage if someone steals his bike if he doesn't have full coverage?
How much do you pay for your auto insurance per year?
Is it true that the more expensive your car is, the insurance will automatically go up, too? Isn't the older car need more insurance cover since they are more easy to get into accident? I don't know much about auto insurance, so you can share some of your knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! =D""
""New York car insurance, LoJack discount for Allstate?""
Hi all, I currently have Allstate car insurance and I bought a new car with a LoJack installed. When I tried to get the discount, they only took off $7 per month on my policy.. Looking online, I discovered that New York state mandates that car insurance companies must give a discount for LoJack, but I'm not sure how much. The LoJack website isn't very clear on the subject, saying 25% for NY but I'm not sure if that means up to 25% or a mandated 25%... Anyone happen to know? I'm having trouble finding any concrete information. Here's the info from LoJack I found: http://www.lojack.com/car-insurance-discount.html Thanks!""
Health and life insurance the same?
I am looking for insurance for my family. I would like to know if health insurance and life insurance plans are the same or not?
How to get low mileage discount from Progressive auto insurance?
I know that many companies will give a huge discount on your automotive insurance premiums if you supply them with proof that you drive far fewer miles than average. I understand that the best way to do this would be to mail a copy of recent vehicle inspections so that they can officially see the low mileage driven over time. However, Progressive does not mention anything, anywhere about low mileage discounts. I have been told you have to ask for this, or else you would never know it is possible. Does anyone have any knowledge, advice, tips, etc regarding this? Furthermore, does anyone know how you would go about this specifically with Progressive?""
Is it true that the affordable care act will double the cost of my health insurance to meet the ACA requiremen?
Double premiums and out of pocket cost my health insurance is not from healthcare.gov exchanges
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
Who knows the best Health Insurance out there for individuals. Plan and pricing must be affordable. Thanks.?
It must come with an appropriate and flexible plan, with affordable pricing for a college student.""
Do 'normal' car insurance companies insure exotic cars as well?
I've gone to multiple popular car insurance agencies websites and tried to get a quote for a Lamborghini, but in the drop down menu there is never an option for it. I'm beginning to wonder if they even do insure these kinds of cars?""
Auto insurance info Help!?
Im 18.yrs old and am planning to get a RED 96 mitsubichi eclipse rs ...i dont know how much the insurance is going to b and am wondering if itll be too much?? also wondering wat is the cheapest auto insurance in michigan?
Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.?
We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that.""
Which Car insurance would i preferred?
I want best insurance on my car, there are many types of insurance, which insurance is good for me, can you suggest me.""
Car Insurance Question?
Hi, im 16 and 17 in August living in Ireland, and i'm thinking of buying either a Honda Civic 1999-2001 or a Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, i'm a guy and i'm wondering how much it'll cost to insure either one of them, and also what car is better""
If car insurance companies are giving you quotes that you did not request - Is this a sign of identity theft?
I've gotten like, 4 quotes all from different insurance companies saying Your quote is ready. They think I did request these! I didn't. Is this identity theft or just spam? What else could it be? My family said they didn't request this information either. Thanks in advance!!""
What happens to my insurance after i got a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket for the first time ever. The cop put me down as 80+ mph, which i needed to go 70mph. When my insurance bill comes in, would my insurance be higher? Also my insurance is AAA. I still haven't gotten my actual ticket in the mail yet, and i was wondering if my insurance bill would be any higher until I'm proven guilty, because i know that if i can take traffic school, it won't get any higher & the point taken off. But i was wondering until then, would it still get higher?""
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
Question about car insurance?
I am about to get my first car ! but i have to wait until the guy at the car lot gives me the ok to pick it up but I was wondering about insurance do I get the car first and then get the insurance or vice versa? because what if something happens and I would get pulled over do I just say I just got the car and the insurance is about to start up? thanks in advance.
Question about car insurance...?
Me and my partner are looking to buy a car. He is the only one who drives and so the insurance would be for him. We have noticed that all insurance policies ask whether you have any children under the age of 16. If the answer to this question is 'yes' it significantly increases the insurance quote. I am currently 15 weeks pregnant and so at the time we take out the policy we will not have any children. Would it be ok for us say no to the question about children as technically we wont have any? Thanks
Getting a car insurance even if you don't have a car?
I am 17 years old and turning 18 in 2 months. I have a permit in the state of New Jersey. Last Sunday, I made a small car accident. It was just few scratches on the other person's rear bumper. Anyway, the guy from an insurance company told my parents that I have to get an insurance as soon as i get my license even if I don't get a car. My parents can't afford to buy me a car anyway so I was planning to drive their car since I wouldn't have to get an insurance if I drive their cars. But the guy is telling me that I HAVE to get an insurance whether I'm getting my car or not. I have never heard of these things before. Can anybody explain to me why I have to get an insurance even if i am not getting car? And also, is there any other way I can solve this problem other than not getting a license? Because they're saying that the only way is not to get a license 'till I turn 21. And It would cost my parents way too much if i get my license. I mean I'm not even getting a car! Why do I need to get an insurance?""
Does anyone buy life insurance?
Does anyone buy life insurance?
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
Canada car insurance -- am I getting screwed?
Our 1990 GMC truck (average condition -- nothing special!) was vandalized about two months ago. The punks damaged the doors so badly trying to get in that our insurance co. was going to write it off. Aside from the doors, the truck is perfectly fine (runs great), so Hubby spoke to the adjuster who promised us a cash settlement , and said he wouldn't write the vehicle off. We got a chq in the mail, and used some of it to put new doors on the truck (it's not pretty, but we don't really care). NOW we got a letter from AB Transport saying that the truck is salvage, and no longer legal to drive. Insurance wrote it off! The cash is gone (spent very wisely -- don't judge!), and now we are being forced to buy a new truck. Insurance told Hubby that we didn't have a choice , but I thinks that's bogus. Hubby signed papers for the cash settlement, but nothing for the write off. CAN THEY DO THAT? What are our rights?""
Can you collect on a life insurance policy after suicide?
A friend just killed himself and I'm wondering if his wife will be able to collect o his poicy. I've heard the insurance copmpany can void a policy in the first 2 years. But he has had his policy longer than that.
When my boyfriend turned 18 he lost his health insurance. where can he get health insurance at?
He doesn't see the importance of it, but I know he needs it. dental and health insurance. He doesn't make a lot of money either.""
How does low income families apply for health insurence?
My family of 4 has about $32000 annual income. How do I apply for health insurance?
Has anyone moved to pennsylvania from new jersey?
i was considering moving to pennsylvania because I've heard the cost of living is a little less expensive than what it is in NJ.And I see alot of people are living in PA that commute to work in NJ/NY so there must be some reason people would be willing to make such a long commute just to live in PA.I live in Northern NJ somewhat close to Newark with my parents and i wana move out but cant afford the rent in NJ.I need some advice and opinions on whether moving will be better or will I be better off staying in NJ.Ive been considering also Washington DC, Maryland,Virginia. Can anyone tell me what towns in PA are cheapest to live, is car insurance cheaper than NJ etc. things like that.Thanx in Advance. O yea and if i wanted to keep my job and commute how far is the drive from nj to pa.i work close to NY""
How do Insurance companies pay for medical bills?
I was in an accident last year that led to me being in the ICU for a few days. I incurred a hefty medical bill as a result. The accident was not my fault, and the driver was insured. I am going to a mediation to decide how the money the insurance company can pay will be divided between those of us that were injured. My question is, when we come to an agreement, will the insurance company send me a check or will they send a payment to the hospital where I owe money?""
What would restitution be when my insurance is paying medicals?
I was hit on my bike by a driver of a car, who has since gone through the criminal court system and restitution has been awarded to me. So far, my own insurance company has been paying for my medical bills. What is my demand for restitution? Is it just the amount that the insurance does not cover (co-pays, etc.) or everything? What if I don't know how much medical help I'll need in the future? Is a restitution award a solid number, or can it be an agreement for the driver to pay medicals into the future, as well? I believe restitution also includes time I have missed from work (lost wages), etc.; Does it also include non-economic damages like pain and suffering? I have a civil suit against the driver, and I am just unclear how restitution from the criminal case works with the damages that I am seeking in the civil suit. Any elucidation would help. Thanks! I know laws can vary; I'm in CO.""
Cheap car insurance in england for 17 year olds ?
who is the best company to go by for cheap car insurance for young drivers ? i heard quinn was the best, but theyve recently gone bust so there no longer insuring. So i need a different company that wont extort me ! lol...so yeah, any websites, or company names or anything will be very helpful !.....thanks !""
Wht is d difference between 1 st party insurance and 3 rd party insurance?
i have a honda deo 2004 model which insurance should i go for ...why and how much should it cost?
How much does a semi truck insurance cost?
Hi I'm thinking to have a truck. I want to know about the costs. Please, help me. I want to know about cost of a semi truck like insurance and ... How much does a truck driver pay for insurance. Thank you""
Car and insurance help?
I had turned 17 yesterday and im going to do driving lessons, so if I get a cheap car for christmas and do it up ( fixing, accessories ect..) while its on my drive without being used atall, will I have to pay insurance?""
What would be a good starter/first car? Cheap to Run & Insure?
I try to avoid Vauxhall & Ford, So I'm looking to spend 800 on a used car, that is cheap to run, and most importantly cheap to insure. I'm 22.""
I am in phoenix arizona. What insurance company is best for a 18 year old driver with a DUI?
I know he should not be allowed to drive but he needs to get to college. No he is not going to take the bus!
Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?
Will insurance cover damages caused by DUI crash?
I was leaving a parking lot, left too fast, and I fishtailed into a parked car (no one was in the parked car and I was not injured). When I pulled over and got out, a police officer who was a block away immediately asked if I was drinking. I was and admitted it. I was administered a field sobriety test and later a breathalyzer. I blew a 1.1 and was booked for OWI. I called my insurance company about the crash to get the claim started, but did not mention the arrest since they did not ask...but I know this will come up. I have full coverage...so will the insurance cover damages to my car and the other car?""
Is classic car insurance better for a 1984 corvette or regular car insurance?
im planning on getting a 1984 corvette but the insurance for it is a little too high.i just found out about classic car insurance but i really don't know much about it.but for classic car insurance,am i limited to a certain number of things like how far i can drive my car,when i can drive,etc?will the insurance actually be less or more for classic car insurance?and what is the best classic car insurance company i should go with?""
Does full coverage auto insurance cover vandalism?
recently someone has threw a bottle of nail polish to my car, not a big deal no dents or anything, but what if they come back and smash my windows and tire does my insurance cover that?""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I have a honda accord lx (2003). I hit a metal pole and there was considerable damage to my car. The damage is mostly to the right front side and the tire. I have informed my insruance company so they can review the damages and come up with a dollar amount. I can decide if I want to pursue the claim through my insurance company or accept the charges my self. If it is going to cost alot to fix the car, I may need to use my insurance to pay for the damages. How much will my insrance go up? I have heard that my rates could be impacted for the next 3 years. Will the rates decrease after 3 yrs?""
Can you have your name on the insurance if you dont live at the same address?
I am looking at car insurance, if i do it under my name it will set me back about 2,000 to 2,500. If its under my mothers name, but I am down as the MAIN driver it will cost me about 700 - 1,000. Can my mum legally be the insurance holder if she lives at a different address? I don't want to commit fraud""
Can I get around paying really high price for Car Insurance being only 19yrs old>?
I am 19, dont want to pay high price for car insurance. My friend said I can do this: find a cheap insurance company for my dad/mum to get insured on the the nice car (e.g. BMW) just them, not have me on it aswell, then find the cheapest car to insure with co-op, with me under my mum or dad, altogether it shouldnt be more than 2k and you I can drive the beemer, as long as the beemer is registered in my dad/mums name. Can somebody tell me if this would actually work or not? Please no philosophical answers or opinions on right or wrong or against the law - I dont give a F**k. Just want to know whether this would work or if anybody else has any ideas 10 September at 23:00""
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
CAR INSURANCE - 2nd driver?
My sister who recently passed her driving test would like to buy a car, problem is car insurance quote comes up to 3000, which is too much! So i was thinking to get the insurance in my name, and put her down as secondary driver. I already have another car, where i am also primary driver. If she crashed her car, would this get flagged up under my insurance, although she crashed it....i dont want to pay high insurance for the rest of my life for her mistake or would it come under her record??""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I'm paying about $1,800 every sixth months, and now it's increasing. I had my driver's licence since sixteen, I'm twenty-four now. And I've been clean my entire life, except a few years ago when I received a speeding ticket. Then I took its courses to deduct points, and everything's cleaned out. But why is my insurance still high?""
What health insurance can help me?
ok im 44 years old and i have super low income and i have heart problem, 8 years ago i got heart attack now insurances i applyed for wont take me because i had heart attack im from different country so i dont know many american isurances and stuff please tell me which is cheap health insurance which will check out my heart and hopefully help me""
Cost of Insurance for Nissan 350Z?
I am 18 years old (about to turn 19) and gonna buy a 350Z (well my parents are). I have always wanted one and I am getting it for looks and commuting only. But to be safe, I will buy a police radar and install a kill switch as soon as I get it. My question is how much would insurance be for a 2004-2005 Nissan 350Z? Would it be better to buy the Z in my parents' name under my parents' insurance? Also, I am curious of how much do any of you pay for a car like a 350Z.""
Will hail damage raise my car insurance rate?
My town was hit with severe hail while I was at work and my car was parked at my jobs parking lot. My car has hail damage all over the body, little dents. My car also has full coverage. If I report it to my insurance company so I can get it fixed, will my rates go up? And and since I have full coverage, *stupid question* they should pay for all of it right??""
Do i still pay the monthly payment (car insurance) after a accident?
I got into an accident on 12/ 15. since then i havnt drove my car bc its not fix or its just waiting for it to be junked. and my monthly payment goes out on about the last week of each month. (my payment goes electronically from my bank ) so on 12/29 they took the monthly payment of december. and then in jan 28, it took another payment even though i wasnt driving the car. my insurance expires this coming march. so do i continue to pay till march even though the car is not used?""
Will getting a car permit/License increase tax?
I wanted to get my permit and then license as soon as possible. My mom however says by driving there will be an increase on tax she has to pay. Does she mean insurance? I'm not sure what she means by that, so can anyone explain?""
""How much do i have to pay to cancel my auto insurance, if the vehicle is parked?""
My vehicle is currently parked and has parking insurance, this vehicle has been parked for over a week now, but i currently found some cheaper insurance and i would like to cancel my insurance, how much will it cost me to cancel it.""
How too lower car insurance?
this is a extension to my previous question. Im 17 years old and want too buy a 2008 honda civic EX. I would like too start making payments on the car before i head off too college next year. So i need to convince my parents that it wont increase there insurance rates. My dad owns a 1976 jetta and i thought he could put me down as the driver of the jetta and put him as the driver of the 2008 civic so the insurance rates wont go up. is that a good idea ? Any other ideas how i can lower insurance rates? thanks
""Hi all, does any 1 no where i can get multiple car insurance quotes instead of searching 1 by 1?""
i would like 2 enter my details and have multiple companies offering insurance, instead of doing it 1 by 1 does any 1 no where i can search for multiple insurance quotes thanx all""
How much car insurance should I buy?
So I'm online looking at insurance quotes and they all ask how much coverage I would like, I'm really not sure. What is the normal amount that people usually get? what is the normal deductable?""
What does comprehensive car insurance cover?
I caused damaged to my own car, scraping it against a wall while driving out of a car park. The damage was done near the rear tyres and on my door and quotes I've received were all above the 900 range. My standard excess fees are $725, I was wondering if having comprehensive insurance (with AAMI Insurance) does that cover damage done to your OWN car? (I pay $2,500 annually for insurance) and there was no third party involvement, it was just a driving error. Would my insurance fix up my car even if it was entirely my fault?""
Porsche boxster insurance?
I just got a quote online with my moms insurance for my new porsche boxster. It says $2789 a year. If i say my mom is the first and im the secondary driver since im 16 and insurance would be over $6000 a year. I live in a small town in Ontario.
""The police towed my car on my way to get my road tax, but had insurance?""
got insurance on my car but no road tax, just bought the car and have to change it from disable to normal driver but the police have towed my car way, can i get my car back?""
Who's responsible for rental car insurance after an accident?
Last month my car was run into in a parking lot while I was shopping. No question who was at fault. We exchanged information and I contacted their insurance company. Their insurance agreed to pay for all repairs and the rental. However, they did wouldn't pay for the insurance on the rental, claiming it is my responsibility. I only have liability, so the additional insurance cost $8.99 per day, in the end I had to pay $360. I'm wondering if now I can take this to the people who hit me, since if they had not hit me, I wouldn't be out $360. Could I demand them to pay it, maybe even take it to small claims?""
Cheap Car Insurance for International Drivers License holder in Canada?
I am moving to Canada in a month's time, I have an international driving license from Pakistan, which allows me to drive in Canada for 2 months, I have searched a lot but couldn't find any company facilitating any international driver's license in Ontario. can any one help please""
What's some places to check for cheap auto insurance?
I got a letter from geico saying that I get special deals cause I'm phi theta kappa. This is Geico's quote: Your monthly premium is: $43.19 for a 6-month policy. That is only $229.10 for 6 months. Is that actually a good deal? It's probably high because I live in a big city, but I would like to find something cheaper. Where else to look?""
Car Insurance questions?
If my wife and I are separated, She took one of my cars...can I take her off my insurance policy so that she can insure herself?""
Young adult health insurance?
Young adult son cannot find job, not in college, has no health insurance - any ideas?""
Quick Car Insurance Question?
Would it be cheaper for me to add onto my parents insurance, rather than have my own policy? I'm a 20 year old male by the way and currently have a quote for $115 a month.""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 17 year old male with a jeep?
Its a 1998 cherokee sport and we live in arknansas. The jeep is a dark green color.
Where can i find cheap home insurance in Oklahoma?
I am looking for a good price on home insurance but also a good quality policy in the great state of Oklahoma. Where can i go online and get a quote directly from a real insurance agency in my state?
Driving with no insurance in Florida...?
I have a question about driving without insurance in the state of Florida. I am a 20 year old college student that cannot afford $483.00 a month in car insurance. If I cancel my insurance and drive without insurance and get in an accident that is the other persons fault, what is the worst that could happen to me? Can they sue me for all I have? If so, what if I have nothing besides the car that is on a loan for $17,000. -If they don't rip us off with the gas prices, they'll be certain to get us with the insurance.""
Car insurance for a 17year old.?
Ok, The car I'm going for when I'm 17 is a 2002 PEUGEOT 307 1.4 16V S [AC] 3dr Hatchback. It was 8337.01 for car insurance on Auto Trader (The cheapest). I was intending placing it on my fathers name (Although I was told it was supposingly illegal, but I won't be doing anything dangerous, and I have drove a few cars before (onboardtraining.co.uk etc..)) I was also told about i-kube, but I can't drive between 11pm and 5am, which could be a massive concern for me as I may need to go out at night for emergencies. Is there any way I could actually get quite cheap insurance? I was really into the idea of puttiing it on my dads name and splitting the insurance money with him every annual. Looking for Alternative ways or tips of lowering my insurance (I will still be in full time education when I get the car) Thanks. Any help is appreciated.""
What automotive insurance companies insure right-hand drive cars in Ontario?
I'm looking to get insurance on a right hand drive import (Nissan Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. Prior to January 2012 this wasn't the hardest thing to do. It's gotten increasingly difficult. Anyone know of a company that still insures these imports at a reasonable rate?""
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
""Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?""
Car Tax, MOT, insurance cost me 500; others pay much more; time for a consumer revolt?""
What is the best insurance to buy for maternity care?
My husband and I had tricare but he is out of the military now, so we are looking for good insurance as we are currently ttc. Thanks!""
Can I remove myself from my parent's car insurance policy without them?
I am looking to trade in my SUV for a car. My dad does not want me to do this so he is refusing to switch the car insurance from my Xterra to the new car. So I decided that I would just remove myself from the policy and get my own insurance. Would it be possible to do this if he refuses to call?
2000-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse insurance?
I am 15 and will be getting a car soon and i was really liking the eclipse, but i have heard that the insurance for it is a lot. Could anyone tell me what a normal car insuance rate would be (say a sedan), compared to the eclipse??""
Someone explain car insurance to me!?
Basically im helping my boyfriend look for cheap car insurance...The cheapest we found is on the co-op website BUT, having a little issue with costs and things. Basically it gives me a deposit amount of 500 then it gives me a monthly instalment of 250 and then it says how much in total it is. By the total though it says that there is interest of my credit charge of 200, what does this mean? that its been put in with the total amount/deposit or do i have to pay extra for it? if i do have to pay extra for it do i have to pay that monthly or all in one? SO CONFUSED!""
Can I get motorcycle insurance without a license?
Can I get motorcycle insurance without a license?
My husband and I are buying our first home. What insurance will we need?
Life insurance to cover the mortgage? Illness or unemployment cover? Please help!
""3 penalty points on licence, as a named driver, how will this affect insurance?""
My daughter was learning to drive and bought herself a little clio, but, it was cheaper on insurance, if I went on as a named driver, I've had a clean license for over 30 years. But, I got a speeding ticket in November and three points on my license. My daughter went on to pass her test, and informed the insurance company, pushing her premium up really high. Anyway, I forgot all about my points. This week she was involved in a crash, will my non disclosure mean they won't pay out?""
17 year old girl insurance?
My dad is a mechanic and will only buy me a 1.0 for insurance and cost. I want to know how much would it cost me to insure a Citroen Saxo when i have my full liscence in 6 monts?? I was told it is also possible to be a name driver on one of my parents insurance. How much would that cost??
Motorcycle insurance?
What should I be expecting to pay for insurance? I'm single, male, and 23 years old, and I would be getting my first bike. Geico quoted me at about $3360/yr, is this good/bad? Do you think other companies can do better? How much bodily injury coverage should I get?""
What is a good month by month health insurance company in Central FL?
I need health insurance hand don't have a job. What is a good pay by the month insurance company that has decent coverage and is affordable, by affordable I mean between $30 and $80 a month.""
Where's the best place to get health insurance?
I was hoping that someone with experience could tell me whether buying insurance through the Maryland offered program or through a direct insure such as united healthcare or blue cross blue shield would be the better deal. Looks like a 80/20 silver plan is about $205/month trough Maryland with a $1500 deductible. I'm hoping to find an affordable 90/10 plan or better. If you have any suggestions or know recommendations please let me know! I'm new to this health insurance stuff...
Where can i go to talk about health insurance in az?
i tried to look up insurances online but im not finding what i need, or just dont understand it.. i want to know where i can walk in and ask a person face to face any questions i have.. i dont know anything about insurance""
Can I get a mortgage with no life insurance?
Can I get a 75K mortgage with no life insurance in the UK? If not, will the mortgage company want to know who the insurance is with? Will they issue a mortgage with NO life insurance at the age of 52?""
Health insurance plans that cover maternity?
I live in Texas, and am looking for a health insurance plan that will cover maternity that is reasonably priced.""
What health insurances would my sister and I qualify for in NY?
My sister and I are in our mid 20s. We both work and she lives with me at my apartment. i was curious if we could get cheap health insurance as a group. medicaid? or some plan that we could both pay into to get check ups and health care. we dont make much money. i qualified for healthy NY but never went through with it. Im waiting to see if i get a new job but sofar no good. I really dont know how the healthcare system works. we cant afford trips to the ER anymore for minor problems. I need to know what documents and proofs that we may need in order to apply for anyplan. i just dont know where to look or begin. Im talking at least 3 check ups a year each. Are there even plans for 2 people? thanks any info would be greatly appreciated!
Where can I find information on low rate home owner's insurance?
I have a hmeowners insurance since I bought my home 10 years ago. The premium has gone up about 25%. Want to find out better rate from good companies - websites etc information
Question with car insurance?
Okay so we have two cars. One 1992 buick and a 2006 civic coupe. I usually drive the coup and my name was on the insurance for it, but recently my parents swapped insurance to save money but it involved switching my name to the buick and their name onto the civic. They tell me i can't drive the civic anymore b/c if i get into an accident then it won't be covered since it's under their name and not mine. Is this really true? I thought that as long as the car is insured it's covered?""
""OK so i previously asked how much is car insurance uk,17yearold/girl, bmw compact sport 318.3door?
I ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I just need to know roughly how much insurance will be next year
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 150cc moped?
I've heard some people say $100 a YEAR. And some $250 a MONTH. Big difference. Who is more correct? And I'm just wanting a rough guess. Not an exact quote. So please no ...show more
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
Cheapest Vans to insure?
Hi, I was looking into getting a van as a first car, ideally I was after something like a van/car cross, basically an estate with no back windows, I'm not sure of the group. I was wondering what decent vans are out there and what would be cheapest to insure? The main reason for wanting a van is I regularly surf and would sleep in the back occasionally.""
How much does medical insurance for a newborn cost monthly with a premium?
I just need an average. I'm doing a project for my health class on the costs of having a baby.
""I am disabled,my wife is 63 and cant get affordable insurance. anyone know where to look?
she only gets 700 a month ss and shes told if she got insurance it would be about 600 a month.what do we do?
Cheapest/Best auto insurance for parents of newly driving teens?
My son will be 16 tomorrow and got a learner's permit Friday.
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
oklahoma city auto insurance quotes
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