#like yes king sow chaos!!!
mechawolfie · 2 years
listen i know chanda is like a murderer but also hes kinda um. well uh, well. um. well.. 👉👈
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kittenfangirl20 · 6 months
*Emily’s hands shook, ever since Sera’s last meeting with Lucifer failed, Emily was picked by the Seraphim Council to meet Lucifer and Heaven’s embassy, Sera couldn’t object because she couldn’t tell the Seraphim Council that Lucifer knew that he was Emily’s uncle and that Sera was in a secret romance with the leader of the archangels, Michael, Emily liked Charlie, but Lucifer was a mystery to her, Sera talked about how Lucifer was an evil creature who wanted to sow chaos wherever he went, while Michael remained silent on the subject of his twin brother*
Emily: Ok Emily, you can do this, he can’t harm you here.
*Emily looked up as the door opened and was shocked to see an exact replica of her father standing in the doorway dressed as if he was a ringleader of a circus, the only differences were all of his teeth were very sharp fangs and his eyes were red instead of blue and the sclera of his eyes were yellow, when his eyes landed on Emily, he smiled, not some malevolent smile, but a genuine smile like he was happy to see her*
Lucifer: You must be Emily.
Emily: Yes.
*Lucifer made his way across the room and pulled Emily into a big hug like Michael would when they were alone, when her father was in public he was the stoic warrior angel who led the archangels, but to Emily he was her loving dad*
Lucifer: Wonderful, I have a present for you.
*when Lucifer pulled away from Emily he reached into his coat pocket, Emily reluctantly held out her hand knowing that her mother wouldn’t want her to accept anything from the King of Hell, but her polite nature didn’t let her refuse, her eyes widened when a little rubber duck made to look like her was placed in her hand*
Lucifer: Charlie showed me a picture of you, so that is why I was able to make it look like you.
*Emily let out a happy little squeak and hugged Lucifer*
Emily: Thank you uncle, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen, thank you so much.
*when Emily came home Michael was waiting for her, a sad smile cross his lips when he saw the rubber duck and Emily finally understood why her father never talked about Lucifer, he still loved his identical twin brother and missed him so much*
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jemandthesingalongs · 1 month
total real dialogue from da4!!! (wistful thinking)
Rook: Morrigan? Are you the same Morrigan that traveled with the Hero of Ferelden? Morrigan: *chuckles* T'would seem that is a reputation I will always carry, no many how many years it has been, but yes I am the very same. Rook: Do you know where [they] are now? We could use someone like [them] on our side.... Morrigan: T'is unfortunate then, [they] are unreachable. The last word I received from [them] was long ago...
Morrigan (Leliana Romance; Divine): The Hero of Ferelden and "Divine Victoria" were practically stitched at the hip, something that never truly changed since the Blight. Morrigan: How they disappeared so gracefully from the public eye is anyone's guess, but I suppose if anyone could manage such a feat, t'would be Leliana. Morrigan: Once this world shattering chaos has been dealt with, I'd imagine they would reappear together on the Sunburst Throne as if nothing had happened. Morrigan: Or perhaps they will show up when your least expect it, having involved themselves already. They are the good type, annoyingly so.
Morrigan (Leliana Romance; Non-Divine): The Hero of Ferelden and [their] bard were practically stitched at the hip, something that never truly changed since the Blight. Morrigan: Leliana had found her purpose in rearing those hairless pets of hers, creating quite an empire of the creatures, or so I'm told. Morrigan: Fate may have not been the most...kind to the two of them, so I would imagine they were making up for lost time by traveling together. Morrigan: Or perhaps they will show up when your least expect it, having involved themselves already. They are the good type, annoyingly so.
Morrigan (Morrigan Romance): Even though The Hero of Ferelden and I have been involved since our time during the Blight, I do not monitor [their] every action. [They] are free to come and go as [they] please. Morrigan: [They] and our son decided t'would be a perfect time for a family trip, just the three of us. However, I had...other pressing matters, so I could not accompany them. Morrigan: Wherever they are, my love will keep our son safe, no matter what chaos unfolds, this much I trust. Morrigan: Though, knowing how utterly foolish [they] can be, t'is just as likely [they] have involved themselves in this chaos, with Kieran's encouragement.
Morrigan (Zevran Romance): Would you believe The Hero of Ferelden first became involved with an Antivan Crow that failed to assassinate [them] during the Blight? T'is not the most exciting story about [them] all things considered, but t'is true. Morrigan: As I understand for a time, Zevran had taken it upon himself to sow discourse and death amongst the Crows, though has since found himself by [their] side. Morrigan: Maybe even now, they spend their days continuing their crusade to take down the entire guild. They are both certainly skilled enough to do so. Morrigan (if Rook is a Crow): A fair warning: I would suggest to keep an eye open lest you find a knife buried in it. Morrigan (if Rook isn't a Crow): You have nothing to worry about unless you could a Crow amongst your inner circle.
Morrigan (Alistair Romance; King): The future Hero and King of Ferelden finding love with each other during the Bight sounds nothing short of a bard's tale, but t'is the truth. Morrigan (if ruling together): I care not for whoever decides they are the rightful rulers of a nation, but even I will admit Alistair and his beloved have done well enough since taking the throne. Morrigan (if consort): I care not for whoever decides they are the rightful ruler of a nation, but even I will admit Alistair has done well enough since taking the throne, no doubt in part due to his beloved being at his side. Morrigan: This does make their disappearance all the more curious, though t'is possible after two decades of dealing with courtly matters they have decided to take a holiday. Morrigan: Or maybe they will be found riding hand in hand towards the chaos currently unfolding in our world. They might even stop it before you.
Morrigan (Alistair Romance; Warden): Two Wardens, one of which is the future Hero of Ferelden, finding love with each other during the Bight sounds nothing short of a bard's tale, but t'is the truth. Morrigan: I can count on one hand the times I have known them to be separated, so I would assume even now they are together. Morrigan: One could scarcely imagine them doing anything but saving kittens from trees or rescuing orphans from a burning building, wherever they are. Morrigan: Or maybe they will be found riding hand in hand towards the chaos currently unfolding in our world. They might even stop it before you.
Morrigan (Alistair Romance; Fade): Two Wardens, one of which is the future Hero of Ferelden, finding love with each other during the Bight sounds nothing short of a bard's tale, but t'is the truth. Morrigan: T'is...why t'is most unfortunate what fate befell Alistair. T'is a long story I do not have time to share in full, but he became trapped in The Fade during the period the Inquisition was active. Morrigan: [They] have been working tirelessly to free him, and I have provided all the knowledge I could before we parted ways. Morrigan: I would...believe [they] will be rather occupied to not involve [themself] in all of this. Though, knowing [their] capabilities, t'is entirely possible we will see both Alistair and the world saved before you do so.
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tigreblvnc · 3 months
Your match is...
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— Ryomen Sukuna
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There is something very promising about matching you two together, starting with the contrast in your temperaments, which is apparent to everyone, and one might think it would never work… But I believe, on the contrary, that fire and water can create the most interesting supernatural phenomena.
I get the impression that you might be looking for someone on your level who understands who you are in your deepest aspects and can bring them to light. Not necessarily because Sukuna would encourage you, but because something about him drives you to reveal your hidden strengths. Perhaps in a desire to assert yourself, prove your worth, and stand up to the demon. Not that you have anything to prove to him, but there is something satisfying about resisting the most powerful of sorcerers. You are not easy to overthrow behind your wise appearances, and I am convinced he would appreciate that calm challenge that I am sure you are capable of throwing, even against a great adversary.
Despite his airs of grandeur and megalomania, something tells me that Sukuna would rather be attracted to someone humble, who knows how to measure both their words and their strength. Someone who can bring balance to his overwhelming power, like a marker to follow. It may seem contradictory for someone who loves to sow chaos, but I believe that in the midst of the battlefield, there is always a bud ready to bloom. Yes, his tendency to only respect the powerful applies to those whose minds can rival his own.
You could even find very interesting common ground in your conversations. Discussing the state of humanity, what it has been, and what it will be. He would tell you about the wars he has lived through, and perhaps you would listen attentively without ever agreeing with his violence, but seeking to understand where it comes from. Where does he draw the source of his destructive power from? Finding the answer, and why not tame the demon in what he believes to be his favorite terrain. Transmit your inner peace to his, sow the seed of another way of doing things. Conquer war without ever waging it.
There is something terribly appealing about the idea of winning without having to draw the sword from its scabbard. Perhaps because your words are sharp, you know perfectly how to hit the mark and point out the inconsistencies in the other to transform them into something better. Kings are often said to be very lonely, ruling on their throne of solitude. Something about you could make a queen by his side, establishing a nuanced kingdom. Destruction is not necessary if nothing better can be rebuilt behind it.
I have the feeling that your relationship would play out a lot on intellectual challenge and translate into occasional physical closeness. I can't help but think that the physical is a very important notion for Sukuna, probably one of his main languages. Destruction is his guise, but I have a hunch that he can and would perfectly give to someone who teaches him how. Human warmth is certainly a concept he is very unfamiliar with, but I believe you would know perfectly well how to guide the man to admit it in his most intimate corners. Gestures both gentle and firm. A voice that insinuates itself with calm and precision. You lead this dance he has never led, a war he may agree to lose.
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I definitely ship you both lol. I'm truly convinced that it could work.
A word about your match: It was between Nanami and Sukuna. I chose Sukuna because of the very powerful potential I think you would share together.
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thequeenofthewinter · 10 months
Work-in-Progress Wednesday
Looking for tasty political treats? ;) Then go no further. Winter has you covered.
Tagging: @oblivions-dawn @mareenavee @dirty-bosmer @skyrim-forever @throughtrialbyfire @umbracirrus @archangelsunited @snowberry-crostata @kookaburra1701 @blossom-adventures @saltymaplesyrup @changelingsandothernonsense @rainpebble3 @ladytanithia and anyone else who wants to play along! <3
Motierre. Hm. The name sounds vaguely familiar in the way that all noble’s and high to do’s, but Ulfric has never had the pleasure—or rather displeasure of meeting him. He scratches his chin and gives a vague wave of his hand. “It matters not who is in charge. They’re all the same in the end—one shade of black on top of the previous stain.”
“Yes, but this one in particular is well-connected from what we understand.” Lord Timberwood informs as he leans forward. “We have to do something especially with everything that is going to happen here soon. Do you really think the Thalmor will sit on their behinds while we—”
“Do you trust me?” The question rings out into the room, and while Ulfric’s tone is level, the timber of his voice carries a certain edge to it. The type where one knows they’re standing on dangerously thin ice which has already started to crack.
“Of course we do, my Lord. We wouldn’t have backed you in your cause otherwise.” Timothy answers automatically, and the other council members quickly nod their heads along with him. None of them wants to be caught as the last one to pass their approval to the King, especially with how testy he has been as of late. It feels like he could snap at any moment for any reason.
“Then let me do my damned job.” Ulfric leans backs in his chair, a sour look upon his face as his eyes scan their way across the occupants of the room. 
Not one of them dares to say anything, until Scouts-Many-Marshes, either with bravery or stupidity, lifts a clawed hand. His only indication to speak is a curt nod from the High King.
The Argonian swallows before nodding his head in respect towards Ulfric and standing. “I believe that I speak for all of on the council when I say that things have markedly improved in the last year and a half, and that we are still moving in a positive direction.” As he speaks, his fellow councilmen tip their heads in agreement along with him. “The only thing we are concerned about is continuing forward motion. There are so many unknowns since the chaos of our victory in the Civil War. Master Ralof hasn’t returned with news of Hammerfell and we have no idea about the current state of affairs in Cyrodiil.”
Ulfric sighs, a heavy thing which seems to put weight on the entire room causing it to press down on them. “Ralof will return soon. I have the utmost faith that he will not come back to me empty-handed, and as for Cyrodiil, I wouldn’t count on them in any capacity.” He pauses for a moment, eyebrows furrowing with thought before one of the corners of his mouth slowly lifts into a smirk, “…except if we intentionally sow more seeds of discontent. Surely, while the governance itself is nothing but a show of smoke and mirrors put on for the general public’s benefit, certainly there are those who know the truth of what is happening beneath the surface of this elaborate façade.”
“What do you propose, my King?” Scouts asks, the slits of his gills rippling with well-placed concern. He is a simple man of simple wishes. While he is ever grateful for his position on the council, sometimes when it comes to court politics, he feels as if he were again a small tadpole launched into waters far out of his depths. Perhaps he should not have swum so far.
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prettyinpwn · 2 months
I know I scream this from the fandom rooftops every five months or so, but if anyone wants some good music that fits Gravity Falls, Lord Huron is king (and not just because their music videos contain a million things with 'Pines' in the title and fire and just general 'weird fiction set in rural America/the west' vibes).
Also, they turned their recording studio (called 'Whispering Pines', yes, I'm not kidding) into a copy of the Red Room in Twin Peaks, a series that HEAVILY inspired Gravity Falls:
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The two songs I linked above are: A. about a guy who came back from the dead and just wants to burn the world and sow chaos as a "world ender" as he "screams through the night like a demon child" because the loss of his family drove him mad (yeah, wow, who does that sound like hm, nothing like a triangle guy in a recently released book GEE).
B. someone who is upset about losing someone close to them that disappeared in a bright light in the winter (GEE x2, hrm, sounds... familiar) and how they're going to do everything to follow them no matter where and do whatever it takes to get them back (GEE x3). And the song is called 'Frozen Pines'.
I'm not certain there will ever be any more Gravity Falls or Stan and Ford's adventures or whatnot but my good people... Lord Huron should be involved in the music with Brad Breeck, if so. It'd be a musical marriage match made in heaven. They love Twin Peaks, Hirsch loves Twin Peaks, they both make stuff with similar weird fiction vibes. Even their music (or at least the album Strange Trails) has similar soundscapes with sci-fi sounds like a theremin combined with acoustic guitars and crap and like... tell me I'm not crazy, please.
Also special shoutout to Barns Courtney, as well. He'd be my second runner-up. Something like his song Fire, especially in the bridge (1:59 in the video below) where it's like whistling and claps and guitars and evil chanting and vocals about fire and ghosts and devils and demons... like... it even has whistling and claps in the bridge about fire and demons what more do you need:
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foileadeux · 1 year
ok ok I have some questions about the animatic: what would the fusion be called? would Radiance be the one in control? rn I assume that PK is mostly/completely gone. what would happen next? would they just walk to the white palace and be like "the king is dead, now I'm the ruler of Hallownest"
yeah so i dont have a name for them yet HAHA ive just been calling them pkrad for the meantime but id love to hear your guys' ideas! radiance is mostly in control yes, but pk snags a little control sometimes (he can do small stuff like expressions, tears and MAYBE a few words if he wills it hard enough). i am Unsure as to what happens next i feel like theres a few different options like. first theyd need to deal with hollow as theyre waking up in the black egg temple which. Good heavens. (i can imagine pk trying wrangle control from radiance to tell hollow to run) theyd break the sealing chains like theyre playthings and walk on out HAHA. other than that pkrad could disregard the throne and just raise hell. pkrad could pretend to be pk and take his place or as you say pronouncing pk dead and taking his place that way LMAO lots of different ideas.... either way she'd sow the seeds of Chaos. so many bad things could happen
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Ruki!! My favourite TOTALLY mentally stable none pure blooded vampire.
How is the little tumblr shadow jail cell, horrible I know… anyways have you ever wondered about other none human beings (except for the yk demons and wolves and stuff) has the silly vampire king mention them around you guys 🥱🥱 like there are demons and stuff but what about angels? If there’s evil there should be good righttt or whatever also do you believe in there being a lilith? Yeah Adam and Eve but what about Lilith?
( p.s you can answer one of these questions or just jam all of them together and make both of the answers in one 💪💪)
"Don't remind me, Livestock. I'd rather not mull over my current imprisoned state. Returning to your original questions, however... Yes. My benefactor has informed me of the other demon races in Makai, such as the Wolf clan and even Adlers or Viboras. Although I can't say anyone has ever spoken to me about Angels before, the very antithesis to Vampires such as myself. You do, in fact, raise a fair point in that if the root of all evil exists, then surely a pure and virtuous race exists as well. Whether I'd like to believe in it or not is up to me, and personally I refuse to consider the virtue in people's hearts, mortal or not. As for Lilith, she certainly played a critical role in the story of Adam and Eve, though I've yet to meet someone like that on Karlheinz-sama's chessboard of schemes. My brothers and I are his loyal pawns for the rest of our days, but I cannot confirm the existence of this so-called 'Lilith' in his plan. I can only imagine she'd sow the seeds of chaos given her role to lead Adam astray."
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cosmicwishingwell · 4 months
“People don’t walk up to Magnifico and wish for the kingdom to be destroyed” I think you guys are so used to everything being spelled out to you you guys forget people can be “tricky” with their wordplay. Whether that’s “I hope all my enemies get what they deserve” in hopes that a group of people disappear, or just “I wish to be the best seamstress across the land” which what happens to other seamstresses that had the same wish? Not to mention we have no idea if people are stating their wishes to Magnifico or it’s more so a feeling of their true desire. I think what gets me is that “wishes are the most beautiful part of yourself” sets back a lot of Disney traditions. PaTF literally explained that yes achieving your wish can be difficult and sometimes you can’t achieve it, but that doesn’t make you any less than of a person.
I think another issue is that the reason people gave their wishes to Magnifico is that they didn’t have the resources or power to achieve them on their own for whatever reason. So adding to how it’s difficult to see the king as a villain, he never forced anyone to give up their wishes.
Basically until there is a proper canon reason why Magnifico is evil, all we can do is speculate
You absolutely make fantastic points! Let's delve deeper into the complexities of wishes and how Magnifico exploits them, while also addressing the concept of striving for your dreams within the Disney tradition.
Tricky Wishes and Magnifico's Web of Deception:
You're right on the money about people being creative with wishes. Magnifico, the cunning villain he is, thrives on manipulating this very human tendency. He wouldn't need crystal-clear declarations of evil. A seemingly harmless wish like "I hope all my troubles disappear" could be twisted into something far more sinister. Imagine Magnifico interpreting it as "I wish anyone who causes me problems to vanish!" – a slippery slope that eliminates dissent and creates a climate of fear. He'd be a master of misinterpreting wishes to serve his own agenda, twisting vague desires into tools of control that sow discord and instability within Rosas.
The Domino Effect of Unforeseen Consequences:
Even without directly targeting others' wishes, Magnifico's system is a recipe for unintended consequences. Someone wishing to be the "best seamstress" might unintentionally put countless others out of business. Their wish, fueled by a desire for success, could have a devastating ripple effect on the entire livelihoods of others. Magnifico would revel in this chaos, presenting himself as the only one who can "fix" the problems his system inherently creates, further tightening his grip on the kingdom.
Wishes as Weapons: The Distortion of Dreams:
Magnifico understands the power of wishes on a fundamental level. He preys on people's most heartfelt desires and vulnerabilities, twisting them into weapons for control. Imagine someone longing for a life of luxury wishing to be "surrounded by riches." Magnifico might grant that wish, but at a terrible cost. Perhaps the entire kingdom's wealth gets concentrated in their hands, leaving everyone else in poverty. Magnifico would be the puppet master, weaponizing dreams and turning them into instruments of misery.
Wishes as Inspiration: The Spark that Ignites a Journey
Now, let's address the concept of "wishes as the most beautiful part" and how it aligns with the enduring values of Disney traditions. This concept isn't meant to erase the importance of hard work and perseverance, cornerstones that remain alive and well in the Disney universe. Wishes can be the spark that ignites a transformative journey. They represent hope, ambition, and the unwavering drive to make a difference in the world. Think of Tiana from "Princess and the Frog." Her wish for a restaurant wasn't about instant gratification; it was the inspiration that fueled her dedication and relentless pursuit of her dream.
The Importance of Struggle: The Path Less Traveled
The road to achieving a wish is rarely smooth. There will be obstacles, setbacks, and valuable lessons learned along the way. Just like Pocahontas in her fight for peace between her people and the colonists, the very act of striving shapes who you are and teaches invaluable life lessons. The challenges and triumphs you encounter become part of the grand narrative of your wish, defining your character and resilience.
The Value of True Desire: Wishes Fueled by the Heart
Magnifico's villainy lies in twisting wishes and exploiting desires for his own gain. However, true wishes, the ones that come from the heart and a genuine place of yearning, can be a powerful force for good. They motivate us to be better versions of ourselves, to reach for something bigger than ourselves and contribute positively to the world. Think of Moana's unwavering desire to save her people. This core wish fueled her courage, bravery, and ultimately, her success in restoring balance to her island.
So, while Magnifico manipulates wishes for his own gain, Asha stands as a beacon of hope, representing the true spirit of wishing. She understands that wishes are the starting point, the spark that ignites our potential. It's the journey to achieve them, the struggles and triumphs along the way that define us and make the fulfillment of those wishes even more meaningful.
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echoesofthefall · 3 years
In the midst of chaos, He still dances.
But who is He? The Fiddler? The Sorcerer? The Madman? The Initiator? The Intercessor?
Both beast and man, demonic god, great spirit, prime ancestor, full of grace and terror.
He's the goat presiding over the Sabbat, the stag weeping deep in the woods, the black wolf devouring the lamb, the dying crow in the unforgiving city, the black cat who stares at you and sees through your soul, the man sacrificing himself for knowledge, the snake whispering to your ear, the rebel, the king, the beggar, the witch, the magpie, the musician, the scapegoat, the wind, the moon, the storm, the star, the poet.
God? Maybe. Yes. No. It doesn't matter. Dance with Him and listen to His songs. Give yourself up to Him and let Him burn you down to the bones. Eat the fruit, eat the bread, drink the wine. And let Him eat your flesh, your bones, your spirit.
Watch Him fall on Earth, burning like a thousand suns, to teach us how to make weapons, how to make cosmetics, how to use herbs and how to make magic. Watch Him pluck out His own eye, watch Him murder His own brother, watch Him wander and sing and weep. He sows souls and burns down the crops. And we grow and grow and praise Him as He spits on the ground, making it holy. He eats and drinks poisons and dances, mad one, lonely one, and shows us how to do it. Smoking cursed herbs and incense in His bone pipe, grinning and blowing smoke in our faces. Necklaces of skulls, for He is Death. Brambles growing on His horns, for He is Life.
He has many names, or more accurately many epithets. He is One and Many. Mask wearer, slipping through our fingers like the Snake He is. Liar, thief, deceiver, murderer. But He is, before all, a Teacher and a Master, a bringer of knowledge. And He will always be there, laughing in the darkness, drinking blood-red wine from our offerings, inhaling the smoke of our burnt hopes. Patron Saint of the weak, the oppressed, the weird, the queer, the outcasts and the misfits. Smashing His own altar, His own idols and filling the sky with dark clouds. Hear Him laugh within the rumbling thunder. The Great Beast growling through the cosmos, ready to devour our souls.
He is not mad; He is Madness.
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kichous · 3 years
✧・゚:*   our proper distance
summary. if sukuna notices the life growing within you, separated only by your flesh as he lays his head in your lap, he says nothing. series. history lesson. bonus scene ! pairing. ryomen sukuna x f!reader. warnings. mentions of miscarriages. childbirth. word count. 2922.
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You spend every day waiting for the other shoe to drop. You had already asked much of him in keeping this liaison secret. That he was willing to compromise for you was a miracle in and of itself. You do not mistake his generosity for kindness. You are well aware that your safety and well-being relies on his good will.
You have been Ryomen Sukuna’s mistress for four years. You have been his lover for roughly half of your sons’ lifetimes, and you have shouldered this secret alone for four years out of fear for their safety. And although the King of Curses, whose power has only grown since he bested your father in combat, is known to sorcerers as cruel and greedy, he cares in some way for the lives of your children. He would not hold his tongue otherwise.
Twins are a bad omen because of Sukuna, after all.
For someone whose followers regularly burn your families’ crests, Sukuna goes to greater lengths than he needs to in order to protect you. You’re still amazed that he even wants to defend you at all. He is not exactly wanting for bedmates — and you have to admit that despite the inhumanity of his form, he is still just as handsome as he was when he bore the name Shun. You do not dare to believe that you are someone special to him. You do not dare to hope.
He comes to you under the cover of night, and you learn to recognize his silhouette in front of the screen door when the moon is at its highest. You light a lantern by your door when your husband is with his other wives, though Sukuna still comes even when it isn’t there. Some nights he is content to lounge with you. His predisposition to getting his hair stroked is exceedingly feline.
That isn’t to say that he doesn’t lay with you. Such intimacy was how your relationship started, after all. From your first time in the fields beyond your father’s walls, to when he presses you into the futon in your husband’s home, Sukuna is no stranger to any inch, any measure of your body. You have come to know his as well, tracking every change with every moon. You are certain you are more familiar with him than he is with you, however, as you have never seen fit to tell them about the children.
Or, rather, the children that never came to be.
Over the years, there have been ten. Each one, you have hidden from the King of Curses. Your husband is not subject to such deceit. If anything, your infertility works in your favor. He does not come to see you as often anymore, unhappy as he is with the fact that you’ve yet to bear him any heirs besides Michimaru and Takechiyo. It gives you more time to spend with your sons — and more time with Sukuna, who does not seem particularly bothered that you have not granted him children either, despite the many times you have been together.
You wonder if you mistake his satisfaction for indifference. Perhaps he does not want the hindrance of children in his grand ambitions. He is not the most fatherly of men — although, thinking about it, you suppose you do not know any good fathers in the first place. 
Sukuna’s warmongering is the last thing you would wish to subject a child to, and your sons are already afraid enough of him as it is. Your family does a good job at spreading fear and panic where Sukuna is concerned. You haven’t yet told the boys that they had already met him when he was just a man.
Regardless of his intentions, there was never anything to truly fear, as none of his seed ever took — that is, until this last moon.
You were so certain that it was impossible, that perhaps someone had cursed you. You had proved fertile enough not long after your marriage. It was strange to think that you would bear twins and nothing more. Spending the better part of your life valued only for your womb, your failure to produce more children was met with plenty of speculation, both by yourself and your immediate family. Sukuna, conversely, asked nothing of you but your company. You took solace in that fact, pitiable as it may seem.
And so, when he comes to you on a new moon, his eyes sparkling with mirth as he steps into your quarters, you are at a loss. He notices it too, as he remarks that you look like a trembling doe. It’s not the most flattering creature to be compared to, but you smile indulgently at him nonetheless. When you gesture for him to sit with you, he lays his head in your lap as always.
It is routine — you start by combing his hair away from his face, your hand tracing the familiar curve of his skull as you rub soothing circles into his scalp with the pads of your fingers. Sukuna’s eyes flutter shut at your motion, and your other hand wraps around his face to stroke his jaw. You could almost swear that he starts to purr, though you’re certain he would put you to death for ever suggesting it. At this angle, he is worryingly close to your unborn child. He says nothing to indicate that he knows of its presence.
“You look tired,” you murmur. “I could have Kinu bring us some tea, if you like.”
Sukuna lifts a hand. “Don’t bother. Just keep doing what you’re doing.” He exhales as you massage his temples. “Yes, just like that.”
“I insist.” He’s horrible to deal with when he’s cranky and you’re not in the mood. When you do not let him bruise your wrists, your hips, or your thighs, he turns to cutting words instead. He hasn’t shown any signs of displeasure yet, but you know that he is nothing if not unpredictable. It never hurts to be proactive. “Whatever you want.”
“Fine,” hums Sukuna, one of his lower eyes cracking open. “Fennel.”
Thoughtlessly, your smile drops. He notices, as the other three eyes are suddenly peering at you with suspicion.
Your servants don’t know of Sukuna — at least, that is what you are content to believe. If they have any idea that you have a lover, they say nothing to your husband and they say nothing to you. You do not want to know of their suspicions, of the knowledge that they may hold over you. You cannot spend every day looking over your shoulder from those you spend nearly every waking moment with.
But of your current predicament, they know every detail. Everything to do with your monthly blood, with the miscarriages, to the morning sickness, they’ve cleaned it all. And in doing so, you like to believe that they feel some loyalty to you. It helps you sleep at night. And because they know of the happenings of your body, they know that asking for fennel tea is asking for more blood to clean from your sheets. Infinitely more difficult than vomit, you suspect.
“Do you take issue with my choice?”
You blink, remembering yourself. Shaking your head, you try to move back, only to be pinned by the weight of Sukuna’s torso. You could shove him off, but that wouldn’t end well for anyone. “It’s fine, I just… remembered that we have run out of fennel tea, that is all.” You smile at him, and you notice through your mirror that it is too wan to seem genuine. Your heart sinks as the skepticism remains in his gaze.
“You are distressed,” Sukuna says plainly. “What have you done?”
You furrow your brows. What have you done to me? you wish to ask. You do not. “Nothing,” you hiss instead. Your scandalized tone amuses him; you can tell by the curve of his lips. He’s going to push you more. You place a hand over his mouth before he can, then yelp as he swipes his tongue across your palm. You wipe it on his kimono. “You’re disgusting. Who knows what I’ve touched?”
“It better not have been anything foul or I’ll sever these pretty hands myself.” Sukuna says the words so sweetly, they leave his lips like a song.
You run your fingers through his hair again in reply, and he chuckles.
“All right, I suppose I’ll spare you for now.” He tilts his chin up to meet you halfway when you lean down and kiss him, nibbling on your lower lip. He chases after you when you part, and he wraps a hand around the back of your head to pull you in again. “I knew there was a reason I kept you around.”
“I think I should be the one saying that about you.”
Sukuna relaxes in your lap once again, contentment flitting across his face. “That was a valiant effort at sidestepping my question, and for that, I shall reward you with leniency.” 
There’s always some sense of serenity around him, even in the midst of carnage and peace alike. Like he belongs in this world, a curse that will never, ever, leave. He is tranquil in the midst of the chaos he sows — a figure of balance. That is how the commoners who champion him refer to the Two-Faced Spectre. You envy his level of self-satisfaction. Were that all the world felt as confident and assured as Sukuna, there would be a great deal less bloodshed, you think.
Rather — knowing mortals as they are, there would be infinitely more. But Sukuna would like that, you suppose.
He interrupts your contemplation by taking your hand and sliding it over his hair again. “Did I say that you could stop?”
No. He most certainly did not. With a weary chuckle, you appease him, and he takes your other hand to press a kiss into your palm. The two of you settle in silence until the candles wind down, and when they no longer provide adequate light, you lean over to blow them out and invite Sukuna to lay with you. He reads in your expression that your only intention is to sleep, and without protest, he climbs into the futon alongside you. He takes up most of it, though you are used to that.
Sukuna lies on one side. Given the excessive amount of limbs, you doubt that the position is very comfortable. He was steps and a couple of drinks away from conjuring himself a tail, though, so you suppose that most of the reason that Sukuna doesn’t sleep is because of the discomfort. Nevertheless, he likes to hold you when you sleep, his arms like a cage. As you settle into his embrace, you find that it is tighter than usual. You fold your hands over your stomach, pressing your back into his chest.
One of his hands rests on your shoulder, while his other arm on the same side winds around your waist. He lays that hand on top of yours. Though he isn’t pressing very hard, you feel every point of his nails like the tip of a blade against your belly. You roll over so that the pin-pricks are against the flesh of your back. As you tilt your head up to meet his gaze, you’re marveled by how… familial the embrace is.
Mother and father on either side, and the child sleeping soundly in the middle. It is a fool’s dream to ever think it could become a reality. But the thought still lingers in your mind — what if?
Would he run away with you? Abandon everything he’s ever worked for to raise your child (children, possibly) in obscurity. A fisherman like his father, who abandoned him as a child to be taken in by your family, ostensibly to give him a better life. You’d be a… gods, what could you do? Weave, perhaps? Something useful, at least. To show that you were not the spoiled little girl he always made you out to be.
And would your child be a sorcerer? Would they be a simpleton, like you, or would they be as powerful and fearsome as their father? Would ambition consume them, just as it had the man you loved?
Alas, you are a fool to even dream it. The four-armed could-be fisherman traces a finger along your neck, a brow arched.
“Is my face truly so mesmerizing?” he whispers, eyes sparkling. The mirth dissipates when you don’t react, and he instead leans away from you and props himself up on his lower elbow. He watches you not as one would a lover, but the way a hunter stalks its prey — like he’s waiting for any misstep he could leap upon. “All right, come out with it.”
“What?” The word doesn’t sound convincing, even to yourself. Your failure at duplicity causes both disappointment and disdain to war upon Sukuna’s face. Quickly, you lift your hands to appease him. “I’ve just been feeling a little tired these days is all. I’ve already sent for a healer, surely they can figure out what’s wrong with me.”
“Is there any better healer in the province than yourself?” he scoffs. You are not sure whether to be flattered by the praise, spoken with venom, or not. “If there were anyone with a greater grasp on reverse cursed technique they may very well be a god.”
You stroke his jaw tenderly with the backs of your fingers, rubbing a thumb across his cheek. “Not every malady can be healed by my power,” you remind him. To be fair, you did actually call for a second opinion. You could simply be suffering through some foodborne illness — but you know your body best, and you know now that there is something dwelling within it. You have called for a midwife, just to make sure. “I will be fine.”
“I don’t like seeing you upset.” Sukuna’s lips form a scowl. “Tell me what to do to make it stop.”
His words give you pause, an incredulous laugh nearly bubbling out of you. You subdue yourself, but the wonder is still there. You tuck yourself into him to hide your mirth.
Is this the closest you’ll ever get to genuine romance from him? You know that you can never tell him anything. And while you’d think yourself a monster if he was anyone else, you know the child will be safer if they had never known of Sukuna at all.
How on earth would you tell the child their father was a beast? You could lie to them, pretend that your husband was the one that sired them. You could never tell them at all, and leave it until their adulthood before they found the truth. Then you would be no better than the family you tried to escape.
You had always thought yourself a decent mother, fair and loving. But a child of Sukuna could never know a world of peace, and with how irrevocably you have become intertwined with him, you could not give the child the peaceful, happy life it deserved.
Your brother’s wife has a sister in Mino. Perhaps she will raise your baby as her own.
“There’s nothing you can do,” you murmur into the side of his neck. You can feel a rumbling in his throat, a low growl in reply. When you stroke his back, he stills. There is virtually no space between you, and you can feel the mouth on his stomach shift against your midsection. Instinctively, you slide a hand over yourself as a barrier.
He doesn’t seem to notice the defensive gesture, and for that, you are thankful. Sukuna never sleeps when he is with you, only laying in a facsimile of it in his stillness and steadiness while you actively slumber. He is always gone in the morning when you wake, but if you are (un)lucky, you can still catch his scent on you. As you lean back to rub noses with him, you find him staring at you intently. Eyes like piercing daggers, you have no doubt he has watched you like this many nights before.
“Nothing at all.” It is not a question. It is said with malice, with suspicion.
Your little fantasy of a life with him seems ever further away. A fool’s delusion.
This man does not love you — he loves how much he can control you. He loves that you sit prettily in the palm of his hand, that you give him everything without protest. He loves that he always leaves you wanting for more. He loves that you lie for him, that you live a double life only for him. He loves the feeling of turning you against his greatest enemies, even if that was never true.
He loves that he is one of the only reasons you are ever happy. He loves that you are afraid of his moods, and that you do all that you can to please him. He loves that do as he asks in all respects but one. He loves that you are so small against him, so frail. He loves you most when you are at your weakest. He loves only as a monster loves.
You cannot — you will not ever allow him to sink his claws into this child.
You press a gentle kiss to Sukuna’s lips, a false promise. “Nothing at all.”
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childofchrist1983 · 2 years
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Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. - Colossians 3:12-14 KJV
Colossians talks about how not to live if we want to spend eternity with God, and this passage tells us how to live in order to have happiness and peace now and forever. We need a compassionate heart, we need to be humble and forgiving. This cloak of goodness sounds simple, and it is.
The problem is that we find it hard to live up to. We want to be forgiven but find it hard to forgive. We want others to put up with our faults and failings, but don't like to deal with the same things in others. It can be hard to be humble, to admit that others are smarter, more skilled, more talented than we are. If we walk in love, then this becomes easier. But walking in love isn't as easy as it seems either. However, if we want peace, we need to work on this. Hatred is born from fear, and love can cast out fear. When we eliminate fear from our lives, we can have peace.
The world around us may be in chaos, but we don't have to buy into it. We reap what we sow in life and if we are kind, people tend to be kind to us. If we are compassionate, people will be compassionate to us. If we don't forgive others, why should anyone forgive us? There's another saying, "What goes around, comes around". If we are living the way of love and peace, then the reward in Heaven will be great.
God has shown us the way. He constantly calls us back to follow in Jesus' footsteps. May we persevere in the way to live according to His will and His Holy Word daily. May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time daily to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Word daily, May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful Lord, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in the Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
lavender and velvet //part nine
SUMMARY: she had her fathers eyes, his aristocratic looks, her grandmothers spite, her mothers heart, but the one thing she didn't have was the love of her father that her god brother received. juliet black finally meets her father who has already decided who his child is.
PAIRINGS: George Weasley X OC!SiriusDaughter
taglist: @person1839 @big-galaxy-chaos @spooderham @iamashlynmarie @acciosiriusblack @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @ivettt @msmarklee1213 @briargardens @adoregin @emptyporsche @id-rather-be-an-outsider
as always, let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist. 
thank you to everyone who has given feedback on this story so far! I’m so happy many of you are liking it so far. also, wanted to give a shout-out to @id-rather-be-an-outsider because their comment on the last update gave me an additional plot point. 💕
part one contains links to the previous chapters.
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It was half past one in the morning on Christmas Eve when Juliet woke up to someone prodding her face. She blinked her eyes clearly, finally registering that Ginny was the one who had woken her.
“Ginny,” she sat up, rubbing her eyes. “What time is it?”
“Time to wake up,” Ginny grinned, her lips quirked up in a devious grin. “Or have you forgotten our tradition?”
Juliet blanched for a moment, before realization hit her. “Damn. I had forgotten. Is everyone else already there?”
Ginny nodded, motioning for her to get up. “Yes, now come on!”
Juliet lugged herself off the bed, bringing her favorite blanket with. 
Every Christmas Eve, early in the morning after everyone else had already gone to bed, the twins, Ginny, Ron, and Juliet held a sesh. The one time the Weasleys had been at Hogwarts over Christmas, Neville and Lee Jordan had joined them. It was always a tradition. 
“Well well, we almost thought the ladies weren’t going to show,” Fred greeted as they walked in. “Would have had more for us.”
Fred was sitting against his bed, a bong between his legs, George next to him, while Ron sat on the other side with his back against the wall. Ginny sat next to Ron, and Juliet sat next to George. Her bare leg brushed against his, and she couldn’t stop the chill that went through her as she did so.
“Almost thought the two of you weren’t going to show,” George grinned happily at the girls, his eyes slightly glazed. They must have already started smoking. “We had to start without you.”
“Please, you probably started sometime after Molly had gone to bed,” Juliet shook her head, spreading her blanket over her bare legs. “As usual.”
Fred blew her a kiss, winking in reply. He passed the bong to Ron, who took a rather deep hit, before coughing it out nearly immediately. 
“So far Ronnie’s the little bitch tonight!” crowed Fred, clapping his hands together as he laughed. 
“Have you cast a silencing spell yet?” Juliet nudged George, nodding towards Fred who may as well have been a warning siren at the level of his noise.
George shook his head no. “That probably would be a good idea, though.” He waved his wand, and the room glowed a bright blue for a moment. 
Half an hour later, Fred had taken to laying on the floor, furiously scribbling on a parchment a list of ideas for the joke shop. Ron was lying flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, which the twins had bewitched to display a twinkling night sky. Ginny lay next to him, pointing out different ones she saw. Juliet had rested against George’s bed frame, his hand in her lap as she played with his fingers.
George turned to Juliet, that same look on his face from Kings Cross. He blinked slowly, licking his lips. “Jules, can I shotgun you?”
Juliet felt her heart skip a beat, and promptly lodge itself in her throat. The logical part of her brain was screaming at her to say no, that it wouldn’t be good for her to do so with her newfound feelings for her closest friend, but that part of her brain was muddled and hazed from smoking. So she nodded.
“It’ll be easier if you sit on my lap.” George stumbled a bit over the last part, stretching his legs out in front of him. 
“Okay.” Juliet breathed, as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Inside, she was screaming.
Juliet hesitated before kneeling in front of George, hesitantly sitting on his thighs. She wore nothing but her oversized tee shirt that hung to her mid thighs, leaving her bare skin to sit on his flannel pajama pants.
No one seemed to notice what they were doing, but she was hyper aware of George’s body under hers. She would never have done this sober.
George inhaled deeply as he took a hit from the bong before setting it back down, and then turned his face towards hers. He reached out his hands to cup her cheeks, his fingers tangling into her long hair. Leaning forwards, he pressed his lips to hers, their mouths parted, and he exhaled the smoke into her mouth. 
Their lips lingered together for a moment longer than necessary, before Juliet pulled away to exhale herself. She coughed slightly, pressing a hand to her chest. George’s arms suddenly found their way to her waist, bringing her closer to him. She was now flush against his chest, pressed against where she could feel something hard against herself. Her eyes widened as she realized this, but she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. Partly from her hazy mind, and partly because she wondered what George was doing.
His lips crashed onto hers once more, moving with an urgency she hadn’t felt before. His hands ghosted from her hips to her hair, tangling his long fingers in the strands as he pressed her firmly against him.
She found herself wrapping her arms around his back, everything slightly tilted and out of sorts as she did. She didn’t fully register what was going on, all she could focus on was that she was finally kissing George, the boy she wildly fancied. 
As their lips moved against each other, his hands moved down her bare thighs, groping at her soft skin. His tongue felt foreign on her own, fuzzy and out of place through the hazy fog of her mind. She hadn’t ever kissed someone like this before. 
Once again, George’s hands found their way to her hips, holding her tightly against himself. Without thinking, she ground her hips against his, a soft moan releasing from her lips involuntarily. He groaned into her mouth, bucking his hips harshly up into hers.
That seemed to sober the two of them up, as they realized what they were doing.
They quickly pulled away from each other, Juliet hastily sitting back on the floor next to him, staring at the carpet as her cheeks flamed. Fred was laughing, loudly, and she didn’t dare look to see what Ron or Ginny’s reaction might be. She felt utterly foolish, and dirty. Had she really just made out with her best friend in front of his family for Merlin’s sake?
“I was wondering when that would happen,” Fred chortled, looking back down at his parchment. “Absolutely splendid.”
“What happened?” asked Ginny, looking over at the two of them from where she lay on the floor.
“Nothing,” Juliet quickly cut Fred off, standing up on shaky legs. “I just, erm, feel rather tired. I’m going to head to bed.”
With that, she quickly (or as fast as her muddled mind would allow her to) left the room, shutting the door tightly behind her, and headed to her room. What she hadn't expected was to run into Sirius, who was just leaving Buckbeak's room.
“Jules?” Sirius cocked his head, walking towards her. “What are you..” he trailed off, suddenly sniffing the air around her. “No shit? You’re high?”
“Uh, no,” Juliet wracked her brain for an excuse, feeling as though she were sorting through foam. “I am perfectly level.”
Sirius gave her a doubtful look, crossing his arms. “Perfectly level?”
“As a side bar.” she nodded, keeping her eyes wide and honest. 
Sirius blinked once, then twice. “Good Godrick, is that the best you can come up with? You’re my daughter for Merlin's sake. We’re going to have to come up with something better than that for next time.”
Juliet tilted her head, her brow furrowed in confusion. His words spun round and round her mind, but she couldn’t quite understand what he meant. He seemed to notice this, and an exasperated grin appeared on his face, shaking his head.
“I suppose I’m reaping what I sow,” he muttered quietly, almost to himself. “All those years Rems and I did this to James, of course my daughter does the same.”
“I am completely following you.” Juliet nodded solemnly, attempting to at least appear as though she were coherent and understood. 
“Right, right, of course.” 
He motioned for her to follow him, and she followed him downstairs, pausing at a door that seemed oddly illuminated by a candle burning resolutely in the hall. It had a faint and peeling silver R on the front of the worn wood. She didn’t think she had ever seen the inside of the room before.
“What’s in there?” she questioned, sticking her thumb out towards the door. “Is the R for room of requirement? Have you got one of those here? I think that’s really swell and helpful for the order, dad.”
Sirius looked taken aback, not only by her question and her mumbling, but at the fact that she had openly called him dad for the first time.
“Well, no, good guess though,” he paused, his hand limply lying on the railing of the stairs. “That’s my younger brother’s room. Regulus.”
Her eyes widened once more. “Oh wow, he’s been in there this whole time? He’s wicked quiet!”
Sirius took a deep breath, as though to ground himself. “Actually, he’s dead. He was killed by Voldemort.”
Juliet faltered. “Oh wow. Sorry.”
Sirius shrugged, continuing down the stairs. Juliet followed, taking great care to hold the railing tightly. She followed him into the kitchen, where he motioned for her to sit down. 
She sat, watching as he went into the pantry. The door creaked loudly as he opened it, remerging with two bottles of butterbeer and an assortment of snacks. He dropped the bounty on the table, and Juliet snatched a chocolate frog, suddenly ravenous. 
“My brother decided to follow the family views and joined Voldemort and his supporters,” Sirius explained as Juliet munched on the snacks. He took a sip of butterbeer. “Suppose he got in too deep, and ended up trying to leave when he realized what was asked of him. Problem is, you don’t just get to leave. You get the mark for life.”
Juliet nodded, swallowing a sip of Butterbeer and taking a package of crisps from the pile on the table. 
“That’s why I worry about you being friends with the Malfoys,” he said rather honestly, spinning the bottle cap from his drink on the table. “They’re Death Eaters, Jules. You’re a Black. A pureblood. Voldemort would love to have you on his side, especially because you’re close to Harry and the Order.”
“Don’t think he knows I like Harry,” Juliet disagreed, swallowing hard on a crisp. “Draco still thinks I’m upset that you like him more than me. He thinks I hate scarhead -Harry-, I mean.”
“I don’t like him more than you, Jules,” Sirius shook his head, looking sharply at her. “I love the both of you equally.”
Juliet was quiet for a moment, the only sound heard was the crunching of her snack. “Did you love James?”
“Yeah, of course I did-”
“No, like, did you love him as a boyfriend?”
Sirius sputtered at the question, looking as though she had beat him over the head with a bat. “For Melins sake- no, I did not love him like that! He was my brother!”
It was quiet after that. The two of them ate a few more of the snacks, sipping their Butterbeer. By the time the clock struck one thirty, Sirius was herding her upstairs to her room. He made sure she was safely tucked into bed before he left, shutting the door quietly behind him.
Ginny was already in bed, her mouth agape as she snored loudly. The girl was normally a quiet sleeper, but each time after their Christmas Eve sesh she would take on the sound of a chainsaw. They always got well baked on these nights.
Juliet fell asleep nearly the moment her head hit the pillow, into a dreamless slumber. 
It felt like she had just shut her eyes when she was being woken up by a loud crack near her head, causing her to jerk awake and fall onto the floor. 
“Mphfm,” she groaned, slowly lifting herself off the ground. 
“Sorry!” Ginny was apologizing, her cheeks red. “I knocked over my exploding snap from the twins and it went off.”
“S’okay,” Juliet sat on the bed, her head feeling a bit swollen. “Oh, our presents!”
“Thank you for mine, by the way,” Ginny beamed, motioning towards the beauty products that were lined up on the dresser. “You knew exactly what I wanted.”
Juliet waved off her thanks, gingerly sorting through her own pile. A handmade knit sweater, a dark emerald green with a silver J stitched on the front, from Molly. Remus had given her an assortment of books, ranging from different healing remedies, and jinxes/hexes with their counter curses. Sirius had given her a handheld mirror, with a note detailing that he had the other and they could use it to communicate when she was at Hogwarts. Ginny had given her a book with different beauty spells, and she flicked through it to see pictures detailing different makeup looks and hairstyles that could happen with the swish of your wand. Fred had given her a jar of peruvian darkness powder, something she knew he and George had been working on perfecting for some time now. George had given her a necklace, a dainty silver chain with a gleaming crescent moon charm dangling from it. On the back of the necklace, were the words ‘my moon and my stars’, written in a glittering lettering. 
She held it in her palm for a moment, feeling it grow warm for a moment before cooling down once more. Odd, but she supposed George might have charmed it to do something special. That would be like him. She clasped the necklace around her neck, hanging below the hollow of her throat. 
“We’ll be visiting dad today,” Ginny informed her, running a brush through her hair. “Expect we’ll be leaving soon. Mums had a rough morning, Percy sent back his sweater with no note, good for nothing knobhead..” she muttered a few other insults under her breath.
Juliet stood, digging through her trunk for something to wear. She decided on a dark grey turtleneck tucked into a dark green pleated skirt that fell to the top of her thighs, and grey thigh highs with a ruffled lace trim. Her hair was left down, in neat waves framing her face, courtesy of a spell from the beauty book Ginny had gifted her. The necklace from George glittered in the light. 
Oh, Merlin. George.
The memories of last night came flooding back to her, and she nearly poked her eye with her mascara wand. She and George had absolutely made out and then she left the room. 
Her heart began racing, and as she slid on her black boots, she prayed George didn’t remember. The sound of everyone conversing downstairs floated up the steps, and she made her way down fairly quickly. She at least wanted a cup of tea and a bite of toast before they headed to the hospital.
To her delight, Remus was there and accompanied them to the hospital to visit Arthur. She didn’t run into the twins until they gathered to leave, and as George averted her eyes, her heart sank. He definitely remembered the kiss if the way he refused to look at her was any indication.
When they arrived in the room and had greeted Arthur, Remus drifted off towards the werewolf, who had been looking rather wistfully at the crowd gathered around him. Juliet followed, taking the chance to escape the stifling presence of George who was still pointedly not looking at her.
“Happy Christmas,” Remus greeted, smiling kindly at the man. “I’m Remus Lupin.”
“I’ve heard of you,” the man grunted, eyeing him warily. “You were a Professor at Hogwarts, weren’t you? Until they found out you were a werewolf.”
Remus nodded, keeping a smile on his face. “That would be me. But between you and I, I think it was rather good luck I had been outed. The kids were a bit more wild than I had thought they would be, and my daughter seemed to take a liking to keeping me on my toes.” 
Juliet smirked in agreement, he wasn’t wrong. The man turned his attention to her now, his eyes narrowing. 
“Daughter?” the man questioned. Remus nodded. “Your wife stayed with you even though you’re a werewolf?”
Remus blanched for a moment. “Well, I don’t have a wife. Juliet is my adopted daughter.”
“They let you adopt a kid?”
“I was her godfather, and when her parents were no longer around, Albus Dumbledore vouched for me.” Remus explained, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh,” the man grunted, shifting in his bed. “S’pose you’ve had rotten luck with getting a job since the Daily Prophet article, huh?”
Remus shrugged. “It’s certainly been more difficult to find.”
The man nodded, looking deep in thought. “I got fired once they learned of my condition,” the word twisted from his mouth. “And I’m sure my wife is going to leave me next. She keeps wanting to visit but I don’t want her to end it while I’m laying in a hospital bed.”
“Has she given you any indication that she wants to end it?” Juliet spoke up, tilting her head to the side. 
The man looked at her as though she had grown another head. “I’m a bloody werewolf, who in their right mind wants to stay with that?”
“There isn’t anything wrong with being a werewolf,” Juliet disagreed. “I mean yes, things will be harder, but if she really loves you it doesn’t matter. It’s a manageable condition, and it doesn’t make you any less of a person.”
“You wouldn’t understand.” the man scoffed, looking towards the window. 
Juliet opened her mouth to retort, but Remus placed a firm hand on her shoulder.
“I understand,” Remus said quietly. “I was changed when I was five years old by Fenrir Greyback. I’ve had a lot of years to come to terms with my condition, and the one thing that you must remember is that it doesn’t define you. You cannot let it consume you and dictate every aspect of your life; you must learn to work with it instead of attempting to cut corners or ignore it entirely. Your life will never be as it was, but you can make your new normal.”
The man was silent for a moment, and Remus’s words seemed to sink it, as he then asked how he would go about trying to find another job. Remus conjured up a chair, settling in before telling him the different things that worked best for him. 
“Can we talk?”
Juliet turned to see George looking down at her, his face unreadable for the first time to her. She nodded mutely, following him out to the hall. He checked rooms, finding one that was empty and pulling her in with him.
It was a regular hospital room, with an empty bed and various potions lined up on the wall. It was one of the private ones, meaning there was just one bed and an accompanying bathroom. 
“I wanted to say that I was sorry about last night,” George said slowly, his words clear. “I wasn’t thinking clearly, obviously. I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries.”
“Oh,” Juliet responded, feeling as though she had been winded. Her chest stabbed painfully. He said he wasn’t thinking clearly. “Right. ‘Course.”
“So yeah,” George rubbed his neck, teetering on his feet. “So we can forget that it happened, yeah? Go back to being normal?”
“Yeah, of course,” Juliet responded, but her voice was too high and didn’t sound at all like herself. “No problem. I think I’m just going to go back to the room, now, before anyone starts to wonder where we went.”
“Right, of course,” he responded awkwardly, moving towards the door. “So, no one has to know, Fred already promised he wouldn’t say anything.”
Her chest burned with shame. He didn’t want anyone to know that they had kissed. She felt mortified at the thought, he probably wouldn’t want anyone to know he had kissed a slytherin who was two years below him. How embarrassing! And she supposed he was worried about Alicia Spinnet, surely she wouldn’t be too happy to hear about that. And George certainly wouldn’t want to mess that up, she was perfect for him. Pretty and a Gryffindor, sans daddy issues.
“Right, wouldn’t want Alicia to get upset,” the words came from her mouth before she could stop them. “Wouldn’t want you to lose your dream girl over a stupid mistake.”
“What do you-” 
Before George could finish his sentence, she darted from the room, blinking back tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. His rejection had hurt, and she hated that anything had ever happened. No matter how much she had kept thinking of his lips on hers, she would forget it all happily if it meant she hadn’t gotten a taste just for it to be ripped away. How could she just be friends with her best friend who had broken her heart without even knowing it?
By the time she had gotten back to the room, everyone was getting ready to leave. She quickly made her way to Remus’ side, keeping her head down. George had reappeared a few minutes after her, and no matter how many times he tried to get her attention, she pointedly ignored him as he had done to her that morning. It would do her no good to fill her mind with empty fantasies of what would never be.
They went back to Grimmauld Place, where Molly blasted Christmas carols in the living room, and everyone gathered to celebrate the last hours of the holiday. Juliet, Ginny, and Hermione danced along with Remus and Sirius, who kept giving each other the most peculiar of gazes. It was funny for Juliet to see how surprised everyone else was at Remus’ carefree attitude, as they had known him as their teacher. They didn’t know of the days he would dance with her to muggle music in the kitchen.
By the end of the night, everyone was rightly tired out from the excitement of the day. Juliet had made a quick race to her room, having successfully avoided George the entire night. No one aside from Fred had seemed to notice something was off between the two. 
As she clambered up the stairs to her room, she very nearly ran into Kreacher, who was skulking around the portrait of Walaburga Black. He was muttering to himself, and gave her a dirty look as she apologized for running him over.
“Masters daughter apologizes to Kreacher after not watching where she was going, reckless like her father, not like Master Regulus...”
“Regulus?” Juliet questioned, recalling the name from the previous night Sirius had found her high. It was his younger brother, her uncle.
Kreacher nodded eagerly, his large eyes widening. “Master Regulus was so kind to Kreacher, he was the best son of Mistress, most loyal, and Master Sirius acts like he was a dirty no good swine...”
When Kreacher spoke of Regulus, his face took on an unexpectedly soft look of yearning and admiration. When he spoke of the way Sirius viewed his brother, hatred seeped back in and twisted his features.
Juliet paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts carefully before she spoke. She knew that Kreacher seemed to idiolize Regulus, which could explain some of the dislike he harbored towards Sirius. If she were to jump into claiming the things Sirius told her about his brother, that would make Kreacher upset and she would likely never hear more from him on the subject. A large part of her suddenly wanted so desperately to know of her Slytherin uncle. Maybe he had been the same as her, thought of as a typical Slytherin with no one if any bothering to look beyond his house.
“Regulus was my uncle, right, Kreacher?” she questioned, watching his head bob as he nodded. “Can you tell me about him?”
Kreacher eyed her cautiously, his mouth forming a tight line. “Why does Mistress Juliet want to know about Master Regulus?”
“Well,” she paused. “He was a Slytherin like me. He probably would have understood things a lot better than my dad.”
Kreacher nodded vigorously, eager to talk badly about Sirius. “Master Regulus was much better than Master, yes, he would have understood more, so smart he was, not a nasty Gryffindor like Master, proud of his bloodline and good to the very end, especially to Kreacher.”
Juliet bit her lip, waiting a beat before she asked. “I would have loved to know him. Can you tell me... how did he die?”
Kreacher opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, Hermione came up the steps, bumping into Juliet.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Hermione exclaimed, placing a hand on Juliets arm. “Oh, happy Christmas Kreacher!”
Kreacher scowled immediately, muttering under his breath, “mudblood addresses Kreacher like he cares about her, speaking to the house elf of the most noble ancient House of Black, dirty girl...”
Hermione gave a pained smile, brushing past the two to her bedroom. Juliet cursed her timing, now Kreacher was wandering off down the hall.
“Kreacher,” she called, making the house elf pause in his steps. “Can you tell me about him tomorrow?”
Kreacher gave a jerky nod, and continued off down the hallway. Juliet sighed, and headed off to her room. At least tomorrow, she would find out more on her uncle.
As she got ready for bed, she slid the moon charm along the length of the silver chain, pondering her feelings for George. What she had hoped would be a passing crush had turned into a full blown issue for her. What was she going to do?
The charm once again heated up in her grasp, before cooling back down. She narrowed her eyes, and set the charm on her bedside table. She hadn’t asked George about it. She didn’t get the chance.
Tossing her blanket over her body and burrowing into the bed, she shut her eyes. Ginny’s soft breathing lulled her to sleep, her conflicting feelings of George tightening in her chest.
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hobidreams · 3 years
Hello Rain, its your birthday twin here, I have a really dumb question that I hope you don't mind me asking but why can't Yoongi take MC as his queen? Is it bc of everything he said in the ending of the latest chapter or is it not appropriate bc of her status? Like can you please explain it to this one 💫dumb💫 hopeful clown? Thank you 💜
hi babe! no worries i am happy to explain! basically -- MC is not only not yangban (ruling class), she's not even of the sangmin (commoner) class. she's actually *below* that in the cheonmin (vulgar commoner) class. now, while the people in the town immediately outside of the palace might understand that she's a great person and all..... Joseon is a big fuckin place. imagine it was broadcast across the country that a king chose a vulgar commoner to be his queen. that would sow chaos and distrust in the monarchy and the king's judgement, especially in the current political climate.
but also yes, what i mentioned in the end of the last chapter -- Yoongi and MC both understand that if she were to become his queen, the gossip and judgement on her would only increase once she has "power." imagine her dealing with all those advisors and the way they would look at her. do you think they'd listen to her orders the way we've seen them do to Queen Jeonghui? few people in the palace would ever respect her, yet she would have to be on display all the time. in a normal world, Yoongi and MC would never even cross paths in the palace tbh. it's only because of their mothers that they have.
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cuddlyscribe · 4 years
Can I request Rock Lee, Jiraiya, and Yamato with a fem!reader who’s a tomboy with short hair (I’m insecure about being a Tom boy with short hair so many a little bit of comfort 🥺 thank you so much)
sure anon!! hope you like! ❤️
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Honey, you know Rock Lee absolutely adores every aspect of you from your gorgeous short hair to your toes 
He loves that your hair is totally you and reflects your personality perfectly
Lee is the king of comfort, so it’s not a question of whether or not he’ll be there but rather how long do you need him? 
Will sing your praises about how awesome you are (and the short hair is just icing on the cake for him ;) 
Loves to play with your hair if you’re okay with it; it’s soothing, and he can’t deny that he smirks whenever you get a lil flustered about it 
Both of your personalities mesh so well together; Lee isn’t afraid to get messy or have some spur-of-the-moment adventure, and he hopes you aren’t either! 
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Obsessed with you. Hands down, no criticism taken 
Is such a flirt, we already knew that, but he plays it up when you get your hair cut short 
It’s his way of making you feel confident, and he hopes that you understand that he thinks you’re the most gorgeous girl on the planet 
Sometimes the flirting gets cheesy, so feel free to smack him 
If you’re the kind of gal that is mischievous and likes to get in trouble, he is always right behind you sowing chaos too 
BUT THE SHORT HAIR... oof he cannot get over it, he’s always touching it in some way if he can 
When you get insecure about your hair, Jiraiya is automatically reminding you that you are DAMN fine and that’s that! 
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Aweeeee, soft boy Yamato 🥺can’t get enough of you or your hair 
He’s more shy about making his feelings known to you, even if you’ve been dating for awhile, but get him alone and he’ll be super open 
Is also REALLY into your style of clothes. Like his closet is pretty bare bones, I think, but you’re always wearing something super cool to him 
Yes you could wear only sweatpants, sweatshirts, pajamas, whatever, and he will always think your wardrobe is worlds better than his
Daydreams about you while you’re talking and literally right in front of him. But he’ll apologize profusely because he swears he wasn’t ignoring you, he was just so happy to be with you 
When you get insecure about your hair and being a tomboy, Yamato gets even softer than usual. He’ll cradle you and listen to your qualms before reassuring you that there’s no one else he’d rather be with than you 
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texanredrose · 3 years
Okay, to put some limitations on this, I’m only including the WIPs that I’ve done more than a synopsis for... that I can remember... that’s on Google Drive... that I actually think I might post one day... but haven’t posted yet because my posted WIPs are fairly easy to identify... okay... I got tagged by @unsteadyshade and I’m tagging @faunusrights and @alexlayer69
1) Across Time - Inuyasha AU where Weiss gets thrown back in time to the ancient past, where she meets two demons (Yang and Blake) warring against each other over a misunderstanding.
2) Alpha’s Devotion - Omega’s Strength, but from Winter’s POV.
3) Bears, Oh My - An exhausted Winter, lost on a hike, comes across a cabin where Yang lives with her three pet bears.
4) Brave New World - Continuation of the Dishonored AU where Ruby and Winter reflect on the new Mantle.
5) Bruised - Third installment to the ace!Yang AU. 
6) Coming Home - Based on Dash’s Tiny Knight AU, Princess Blake is betrayed and stranded far from home and must rely on a reticent knight named Weiss to return to her kingdom.
7) Complications Always Arise - Papa Schnee is demanding Weiss marry before he’ll allow her to take his place as head of the SDC, so Yang volunteers to pretend to be Weiss’ beloved. No one else knows the relationship is fake, least of all Blake and Winter, and it’s just a bunch of pain.
8) Divided - Continuation of the By Moonlight AU where Whitley returns to the castle and Winter’s not upset by that- and Winter’s upset by the fact she’s not upset and has to figure out why her inner wolf is cool with this when she should, by all rights, be furious.
9) Dragonsbane - Mage Knight Winter hears tale of a dragon in the countryside that the local villages wish to see vanquished. Winter, however, has other plans.
10) Eye of the Beholder - Blinded and near death after a battle, Winter is rescued by the mysterious Yang and is nursed back to health despite her protests otherwise. (It’s a Medusa!AU.)
11) Fabled - Fable 3 AU where Princess Ruby and Princess Yang are forced to confront the fact that Queen Raven has lost her fucking mind, only to discover that fear drove the woman insane- a fear they must confront themselves.
12) Fields of Love - Farmer Yang offers a job and housing to apparent single mother Winter and her young daughter Penny. What starts as a kind gesture grows into something so much more.
13) Full Circle - Van Helsing (2004) AU, Winter and Weiss, amnesiacs employed by the church to handle all manner of unholy problems, are sent to discover what happened to King Taiyang. Along the way, they become wrapped up in a centuries spanning prophecy and a bloodline hanging in the balance.
14) High Bar, Low Blow - Yang owns a bar where the gimmick is that everyone’s an out of work actor and the staff is staging an ongoing drama on par with a soap opera to keep their customers coming back. Winter joins the staff and then things get a bit real.
15) Hoodlums and Hijinks - Robin Hood AU where Princess Winter and Princess Weiss are just as in favor for overthrowing the king as the group of bandits run by Ruby, Yang, and Blake. 
16) Last One 2: Electric Boogaloo (title subject to change) - a sequel to Last One where the haunt continues.
17) Lexical Access - Sequel to Tip of the Tongue, where Yang gives her girlfriend a bit of roleplaying payback.
18) Little Red - Carmen Sandiego AU where Ruby was kidnapped adopted by a group of thieves and raised to become the world’s greatest thief, but a chance meeting with Penny via a stolen phone opens her eyes to the wider world, and she meets the rebellious heiress Weiss, street smart Blake, and brawler Yang, creating a team that works to foil Ruby’s former friends while eluding capture by mysterious operatives with a somewhat familiar white color scheme...
19) Long Term Investment - Yang, a fae who lives in the woods, makes a deal with Princess Winter to save the Queen. The price? Winter’s firstborn. Winter misunderstands how she’s expected to get pregnant and Yang’s never actually intended to collect. Next thing Yang knows, Winter’s moving into the clearing beside her tree home.
20) Miscalculation - Another Omegaverse AU where Weiss is an omega and Blake and Yang are alphas, except Weiss lied and said she was an alpha when enrolling in Beacon and now she’s locked in a room with Blake and Yang on the verge of starting her heat. Sharing is caring.
21) More Than Words Can Say - Winter, rendered mute by a military accident early in her career, is honestly the best girlfriend Yang’s ever had. However, tonight’s the night they’ve decided to get intimate, and that includes showing some scars that they don’t show often. It’s less about sex and more about trust and intimacy.
22) Music of the Night - Phantom of the Opera AU where the mysterious, disfigured shade of the opera house, Weiss, finds herself at odds with the rich, jovial Yang in a competition for Blake’s heart. Then there’s Adam being a dick, too, and the opera house has never seen so much drama.
23) My Heart Will Go On - It’s the Titanic, but double the rich, unwilling-to-marry ladies and triple the won-a-ticket-to-a-ship ruffians. Penny’s there too; she, like Ruby, just really likes ships.
24) One Fucking Favor - Winter’s due for a long assignment and wants to make a sex tape for stress relief purposes. Yang doesn’t ask questions; she’s just the one with the camera. But then, Winter’s partner for the vid doesn’t show up. What’s Yang going to do about it?
25) Prophecy - Star Wars AU where Ruby, Yang, and Blake are trained as Jedi, Winter and Weiss are part of the clone army, and Ruby’s the chosen one. That’s a lot of pressure to put on someone, but Senator Salem is there to lend a helping hand...
26) Propositioned - Faunus experience bouts of heat; sometimes, they can safely ignore it and go about their lives, but every now and again, they really can’t. Concerned for Blake’s health as she’s skipped too many heats to be healthy, Yang sets up a partner for Blake’s heat. Blake’s not a fan but she does like the idea of banging Weiss Schnee.
27) Proven - ARK: Survival Evolved AU where Winter, after being ‘won’ by Yang, is taken into the bowels of the earth to learn how the underground tribes who inhabit the area survive in such an unforgiving environment. As she acclimates to the tribe’s ways, she finds herself carving out her own path, culminating in facing off against the Queen and proving herself worthy.
28) Reaping What You Sow - When Winter escaped to the countryside with Penny to start a farm, she knew she had her work cut out for her. In need of help and facing a harsh cold season, she hires Yang, a one armed drifter, to help her. The two end up needing the other more than they could’ve imagined.
29) Tear My Heart Open - Blake thought she understood how the world worked. As a member of the White Fang Gang, all she needed to do was keep everyone motivated to continue their ongoing street war against the police and authorities bent on keeping them down. But while running from the cops, she’s offered sanctuary in the home of one Weiss Schnee and her girlfriend, Yang. From there, her perception of the world is completely upended.
30) The Duel - After her father offered her hand in marriage to the winner of a tournament, Winter opted to assume a disguise and fight for the prize herself. In the final match, she faces Yang Xiao Long, a competitor she’s come to know quite well, and she finds her conviction to win wavering slightly. Is it enough to lose her the fight?
31) The Lies We Tell Ourselves - Weiss has made it; she’s opened her tattoo shop in Vale, well away from her father, and aside from a bad first impression with the florists across the parking lot, everything’s looking up for her- until her father finds her. Luckily, Blake’s been through some shit and doesn’t mind helping Weiss drive daddy dearest up the wall, even if it means letting her own parents think she’s dating Weiss. It’s not like either of them is going to catch feelings... unless...
32) The Princess’ Bride - After losing her fiancée to the dreaded White Fang Pirates, Yang vows to take to the sea herself and exact her revenge. Princess Weiss finds herself falling madly in love with Yang, who still loves Blake, and all this is thrown into even more chaos when Yang gets kidnapped and Blake comes back from the dead! 
33) Two for One - Yes, another Omegaverse AU. Five years after the fall of Beacon, Yang and Blake cross paths, each believing the other has spent the time keeping their mutual mate, Weiss, safe. When they realize Weiss is with neither of them, old wounds are torn open, but before they can resolve their dispute, Winter captures the both of them and hauls them to a remote part of Atlas where an SDC facility has been turned into a fortress. There, they find a mortally wounded Weiss clinging to life and raising twins daughters; she gives her mates until her death to endear themselves to their children, else the twins might opt to stay with Winter and be kept from Blake and Yang for good. Between learning about their kids, Blake and Yang navigate their complicated feelings and try to reconnect with Weiss, all while a sinister force gathers to destroy the fortress and steal the prize within.
34) Weaknesses - Loosely set in the Glamour AU, Yang is being forced to assume her mother’s position as leader of their vampire coven. Her fellow vamps disapprove of Yang’s werewolf girlfriend. Winter, of course, doesn’t care.
I got lazy and cut a bunch out. No, fuck you, I don’t have too many AUs, I will add more if I want. Also, some of these, the first chapter is posted on my Patreon. Don’t ask me which ones; I genuinely have no idea. I’m bad at this, y’all.
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