#like. thats ur little brother so you MUST keep him safe and happy at all times
deldeldel90 · 9 months
platonic yanderes r so interesting and 💖💖💖 to me <33
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gringolet · 5 years
gawain and the green knight beauty and the beast au
ok so i reblogged this post the other day like two weeks ago but im still thinking about it so time to ramble about SGATGK beauty and the beast au under the cut 
so @mordredfuckingpendragon im pretty sure you meant the Disney movie but im way more familiar w the fairy tale and I think it fits super well so im gonna talk about that whoops
ok so instead of a merchant and his children its a king (Arthur) and his knights
Arthur leaves for king reasons and says he’ll bring something back for each of the knights, who all ask for extravagant gifts, accept for gawain
all he wants is for everything to go well and for Arthur to return safely, so he asks for is a sprig of holly, because asking for nothing would be rude
so Arthur leaves but everything goes to shit and he ends up alone, in winter, stranded in the wilderness where he finds a seemingly abandoned castle
he stumbles in from the storm and finds a fire lit and a meal set, but no one around, and after waiting hours, then searching the rooms and finding no one, he eats the meal and goes to sleep by the fire
the next morning there is still no one in the castle, which is filled with marvellous treasures and riches, which he promptly takes, hoping to recoup the losses of his disastrous campaign
he goes to leave, horse laden with stolen gold, and sees a holly bush
as soon as arthur plucks a sprig of holly, a green giant appears with an axe and says that arthur must have his head cut off for stealing from him, unless one of his knights willingly takes his place
arthur asks for a month to settle his affairs and find an heir before he returns and the knight agrees
and he definitely intended to! but the first night he was back he got drunk and spilled the whole story
gawain, worried it was his fault because he asked for the holly and the knight didnt appear till arthur took it, volunteers to go in his place
arthur says no way so gawain departs that very night without anyone knowing and leaves a note
he follows the directions arthur gave and arrives at the castle within a few days, because the forest itself seems to guide him and gringolet to the castle
unlike when arthur was there before, now the castle is brightly lit, and music is playing, though the source is a mystery
the green knight is waiting for him in the courtyard, and gawain says that he has come to take his uncles place, and kneels so the knight can cut off his head
and the green knight is like, whoa, dude, im not gonna cut your head off. Im just going to keep you a prisoner here!
he shows gawain around the castle and finally to an opulent bedroom, and is privately impressed at how polite gawain is considering the circumstances, while gawain is relieved to find that his semi-captor isn’t as terrifying as arthur had described 
that night gawain has an odd dream in which he meets a red-haired man, called bertilak, who warns him not to be deceived by appearances
he spends the next day exploring the castle and its gardens and dines that evening with the green knight, finding him surprisingly pleasant company
before they retire, the green knight asks gawain to marry him
“am i allowed to say no?”
“then no”
“ok cool good night”
that night he dreams of bertilak again, who again warns him not to be deceived
two months pass like that, with the green night proposing every night, but every night gawain turns him down with more reluctance
because the green knight is actually really cool and nice and hot, even if he is technically keeping gawain prisoner
but at the same time hes sort of fallen for the mysterious man in his dreams
after two months the green knight notices gawain seems unhappy. is it the captivity? no that cant be it
gawain says that he misses his brothers back at camelot and the green knight is like. fuck. take this green belt
“wear the belt to bed and you will wake up in camelot. but you have to promise to come back before christmas eve in a month! just put on the belt and go to sleep to return.”
how was it winter in the beginning, which was four months ago, but only Christmas now? uhh don't worry about it
so gawain does this and everyone is very happy to see him
he tells them he has to go back soon and agravaine and mordred are like thats bullshit!! lets just kill the green knight
and gawain is like i don't want that because of... reasons
also now that hes in camelot bertilak isnt in his dreams anymore which makes him worried
but as christmas eve approaches he cant bring himself to say goodbye to his brothers and friends, and he goes to bed on the 24th not wearing the belt
that night his aunt comes to him in his dreams and is like hey! dipshit! go back right now and also, i cant believe i have to say this, but dont be deceived by appearances! morgan out.
he wakes up and is like, fuck, so he put the belt on and lays down again and when he opens his eyes, he is back at the green knights castle
he searches the entire castle in a panic and finds the green knight in the chapel, which is made of carefully coppiced and grown trees into the shape of a chapel
gawain is afraid that the knight is dead or sleeping forever because he deffo seems like he might be dying, and says in tears that he wishes he had accepted the knights proposal, but didnt realize till it was too late 
as soon as he says this, the entire castle lights up and the green knight disappears and in his place is the lord bertilak
the lord reveals that he was bertilak and the green knight the whole time, and he wasnt allowed to say anything because of curse reasons
gawain is a little bit disappointed because the green knight form was taller and less human-looking and he honestly prefered that 
he doesnt say this because hes too polite but bertilak is like... wait you actually liked that? an gawain is like, yeah?
so he goes back to his fairy knight form and they live happily ever after and sometimes they visit camelot 
oh my god this post got so long fuck thanks for ur patience i love fairy tales and gawain
also the andrew lang version of the original, which is what iam refrencing, can be found here
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