#oh?? someone hurt MY best friend?? you got a storm coming. skyler storm.
deldeldel90 · 9 months
platonic yanderes r so interesting and 💖💖💖 to me <33
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l000ey · 5 years
all he do is lie → z.j
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pairing; kim jongin x zhou jia x jennie kim (ft. kim jiwon, kim hanbin, kim jinwoo, lee seunghoon and mentions of lalisa manoban)
summary; skyler discovers that her boyfriend cheats on her with one of her best friends
warnings; skyler being hurt (#skylerdeservesbetter), cheating and fake friends
note; I know I said that skyler punched jennie but, honestly, I don't see sky punching someone, that's something more red or storm but not sky so we stay with that attack of anger
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The tears did not stop falling down her cheeks as if from a waterfall it glided nonstop through the rocky wall of a mountain, her face was red as were her eyes and the tip of her nose. The tear-covered screen had caused the pain that had implanted in her chest. Jia wished she hadn't got up that day.
Her gaze was fixed on the screen already turned off by the loss of physical contact, although Jia was not there. Her mind was lost a few minutes ago.
The girl believed that when her heart was broken she would always have thousands of questions in her head but no, the only one who wanted to escape from her lips was that. The already familiar feeling of choking began to burn her chest until it reached her throat releasing a sob. They say that crying takes away the pain, so why was it still there?.
It hurts. so much.
Everything was going well. She was happy. She had woken up feeling that at last her life made sense and she was safe, at last, but it all went away. She had got up ready to go to the studio and create new songs for the next IKON album or maybe her, had eaten with Bobby and then recorded a song, had talked to him for the date they had tonight, had been daydreaming with time to go see him.
But apparently she had been daydreaming all this time and that article confirmed it. Why? She wondered again. Why had her friends cheated on her like this? Why had he made her go through this knowing how difficult it was for her to love after Hanbin's? Why didn't Lisa tell her?.
The typical sound of iPhone made her come back to reality. A message, from Hanbin.
kim hanbin
I have seen the article
Where are you? I'm coming for you
With an empty look, she released the phone on the sofa, wiped her tears in a sudden movement, hurting herself by rubbing the hard leather sleeve against her cheek and rose from the chair to leave the room.
"Sky, where are you going?" Bobby's face appeared behind the door when she opened it, a bag of food and a few cans of Coca Cola in his arms indicated that he had received the order they had made an hour ago. He frowned when he recognized the redness of her eyes and nose. His eyes softened with concern "What happened?".
But she ignored him, walking determinedly to the elevators. She ignored the calls of her groupmate and the look Jinu gave her when he saw her enter the same elevator as him while she furiously pressed her fingers against the screen. The tears shed on the screen, rubbing with every letter she touched.
can i go to see you?
jenns 🖤💗
I'm busy
What if we meet up with the girls this afternoon and watch a movie?
oh, sure
Suspicion. That feeling was added to anger, sadness, anger, outrage and pain. That list of feelings that Zhou Jia had memorized from the first letter to the last and something in her heart told her that it was not going to be the only feeling that was added to the list today.
She raised her head and laid her eyes on the boy who looked at her curious and worried "Do you know where Jennie is now?".
Jinwoo's eyes widened as his back pressed against the wall, surprised by the tone the young woman used “I-in practice room three. Hoon wanted to use it for today's practice but Blackpink already had it reserved”.
"Thank you, oppa" And with the same cold tone as ice, which was unusual for the girl, she answered before the doors opened, letting her out in a hurry.
Skyler did not run but her steps were quick and determined until she heard laughter too familiar to her. A masculine laugh that she had become accustomed to hearing for almost a year and a half. Her body froze in place, stopping her walk in the middle of the hall.
The urge to vomit came when she heard some female laughs also known to her and followed by them, kissing sounds. Her gaze fell to the ground, she felt her eyes flood rapidly but swallowed it. She refused to be seen crying, she didn't want to cry again, she didn't want to cry anymore for any man, she didn't want to be hurt anymore.
She didn't want it to hurt.
In a few seconds, without even thinking about it, she was in the room catching one of her closest friends sitting on her boyfriend's lap while he ran his fingertips down the skin of her back that the tiny top she was wearing left him.
He did that to her. He also stroked her hair as he was doing to Jennie, looked at her as he was looking at Jennie at that moment and smiled at her as he was smiling at Jennie now.
At Jennie, not at her.
She smiled when they saw her. She heard the gasps of surprise and saw how they separated as if the simple touch of their bodies burned them. Without realizing the tears fell but the smile did not erase from her lips.
"Skyler" The girl tried to approach her. Her voice wasted guilt but she knew better. Fake, everything was fake. Jennie was never her friend.
"I didn't want to believe it but I guess it's true” She looked them up and down, finding hickeys in Jongin's neck that she hadn't done last night, so they had to be recent. From now "Why?".
Jongin's honey eyes frowned in a sad look and his thick, beautiful lips pouted “No, I didn't want to but… it was a mistake and then it went to more. I'm sorry, I didn't want to, I'm sorry. Please, I love you and—”.
"No" She raised her hand along with her voice, looking at him with hate. At that moment hse felt the purest hatred for Kim Jongin and Jennie Kim. She looked at him with disgust and revulsion making him feel like a little boy who needed his mother's arms to protect him from the monster “Don't say you love me if you don't feel it because you clearly don't. Neither of you does it” She looked at the one she once called a friend. Oh, how she regret “I don't understand why you did this to me, after you've seen me because of what I've been through. You—“ She pointed to the boy “You have excited me and filled with dreams and then go and fuck one of my friends”.
She let out a laugh that, honestly, scared them because they had never seen Skyler like this. Zhou Jia was a peaceful, loving and affectionate girl that illuminated your days like the brightest sun but now she only looked like a broken glass with which you can cut yourself and leave a deep wound on your skin.
"Do you know that yesterday he was talking about getting married, having children and going to live together?" The other girl looked at the man with dull eyes, her heart also breaking "He told me that he loved me and to expected a ring shortly. I suppose that he will also have said something like that to you, he will have excited you convincing you that he was going to leave me and take your hand telling the world that you are now his, but, you know what? He lied to you!” She shouted still with that sarcastic smile on her face.
Behind her appeared Hanbin, Bobby, Hoony and Jinwoo. The Ikon leader who led them froze at the door watching the girl let off steam. He looked among the lovers with his eyebrows furrowed.
“All men do is lie!” She shouted and Hanbin knew that he was one of the reasons why she had said that “They delude you and then leave you. They make you love them, trust them and let your guard down so they will then stab you. But for me it has been worse because not only has a man stabbed me but a friend has also stabbed me. And, honestly, I don't know what is worse” With a look of disappointment, she turned around, astonished to see the boys but she struggled not to express any emotion. She stood next to her leader and without looking at him said "I hope you are happy."
But he was not happy.
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