#like... married and committed to their crown lmfao
chocolate-failure · 6 months
I've been having a hard time writing. Not just fiction, I haven't wrote anything substantial in years but my ability to access my own thoughts and commit them to paper?? Cyber space?? Idk, my ability has been wavering for months and now I'm downright afraid to read or write. It's entirely garbage and feels very much like regression. It's pretty goddamn bad. Maybe I should make it a point to write every day to work those atrophied muscles.
I've been struggling with weight, not anymore than usual well actually... My body refuses to lose more than a pound in the bathtub. I had a real bad day last week which entirely fucked my progress when I was at 174 😒 god this fucking sucks. I think writing is a form of meditation that brings me a great deal of peace and when I can achieve peace I can better exercise discipline and self control. Idk I'm just having a hard time not backsliding back to 181...and like specifically that number.
I've been going to the gym every day for the past few weeks and the gym has a new front desk guy. I don't much care for being noticed or having my comings and goings clocked by strangers and he could just be being observant and friendly but... idk. On monday I came in much later than I usually do and he noticed. He made a little joke about it when I came in on time Tuesday ((my temp crown came off and I needed to get it glued back in) lmfao, why tf did i include this?). But erm, he's talked to me a few times asking me about my hair and clothes. He mentioned some harem pants I wore one day and I assumed he wanted to get his own pair so I told him where he could find them but he didn't seem much interested in buying some which mostly confused me. But after today I think he was just complimenting me.
But erm as I'm leaving today, he talks to me about my membership, saying that I have one they don't offer anymore. He says that I've been paying for 2 people for a long ass time when I'm the only person who comes in and that I could be saving $45 a month if I changed to the one person plan. Which like yeah, that's helpful, but why tf are you looking up my plan??? He says that the other person on the plan hasn't been in for a long af time 🥴 And I tell him my husband isn't the most athletic, but I'm gonna try to get him to come. He then tells me it's been since March 16, 2023 and it very much feels like he's shading dig which like I get but it's just odd. I'll have to see how he speaks to me now that he knows I'm married. Dudes tend to speak to me differently when they know I'm unavailable. They either become way less friendly or ramp up their efforts and pay me way more attention. I kinda rather neither happen cuz the implications are unpleasant. Idk... shit like this makes me scared to befriend cismen, especially black cismen.
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mintchochipkookie · 3 years
Hello, my darling! Got a question for you 😌 How do you think Zuko would propose to Katara? And what would her reaction be?
Oh! Okay. So. Here’s a fun fact about me. I lowkey got beef with the whole culture of proposals lmfao. But yeah. We don’t need to get into this here, this answer is long enough as it is.
I think they would have spoken at length about getting married anyway. One day they’re just hanging and are like “...so when do you wanna do this thing”. They probably had a bunch of procedures to follow too, on account of being Fire Lord/future Fire Lady. So the wedding is finalised, but Zuko is a hopeless romantic who likes doing things for Katara so he goes out of his way to have a special moment for just the 2 of them, given how public so much of this process/relationship has been and will continue to be, in a way. It’s not really a proposal I guess, but it’s just a nice moment to show their commitment and love to each other.
I can’t decide if it happens at Ember Island (since that’s where they became friends) or in the South. (Or fuck it, worst case, neutral ground in the Earth Kingdom since Ba Sing Se is also significant to their relationship lol.) I am also a fan of the idea that they both try to plan a surprise for the other person at the same time, like one of those viral videos (you know the ones right). Also, Zuko tries to plan it for dusk/sunset, and Katara aims for dawn/sunrise. I like that they would do it at times where the day and the night meet, but Zuko tries to do it closer to evening because Katara hates early mornings, and she wants to wake up super early to do something special for her man because she knows he loves the mornings.
Anyway, after the formalities are done they head over to the South Pole to celebrate with Katara’s family and tribe. So, that last date idea from Joy’s ask? The way I picture it, that would actually be a really pretty location to do it. It would be a similar setting too, and Zuko builds them a really nice fire and everything. I think maybe he carries a bunch of ingredients up there, he gets some family recipes from Kanna and Hakoda and he cooks for her while they’re up there. They drink some wine (or whatever they drink in the ATLA universe) while he cooks and they talk and laugh and then enjoy a fresh hot dinner. Afterwards, they huddle together under the blankets to watch the sunset while they sip some tea and Zuko just gives her this tiny speech about how much he loves her and is so happy she chose him and can’t wait for them to build the rest of their lives together. I know everyone likes the betrothal necklace thing but I don’t think he would do that. It’s not a SWT tradition and he wouldn’t want to replace her mom’s necklace anyway. I think he’d make her some other jewellery tho, maybe like the bracelets she wore as part of her FN disguise? So like, FN style, but he’d forge them in silver instead of gold and stamp in a crescent moon, like her Mark of the Brave. Alternatively, he could do a similar thing with hair beads. Or both. (And he obviously specially crafts a crown for her later that merges fire and water symbolism.)
When he wakes up the next morning (right before sunrise) Katara isn’t next to him and he panics a little and steps outside their temporary igloo and sees her there. She’s bent these ice crystals that sparkle like little diamonds all around them and as the sun rises the sunlight passes through them and they’re surrounded by these flares of colour everywhere and she’s like ‘you’re not the only one who wanted to do a nice thing mister’ and tells him how much he is loved and how much she’s enjoyed being by his side as he grew into the man he is today and can’t wait for them to grow old together and he just starts crying because you know he does. I’ve mentioned once before that I like to hc that it’s tradition for men to wear jewellery in the FN/ATLA-verse and this recent jw obsession is only fuelling that hc. I think Zuko would wear some too, so she gets him a ring. It’s alternating bands of silver and gold and the top has a sun/moon design on it. The inside of the band has the words ‘i rise with the moon, you rise with the sun’ engraved on it because she still likes to tease him about that.
Option 2 is that they go to Ember Island right after, for some alone time, and that’s where it happens. Similar thing, they camp out on the beach with a bonfire by the ocean and fall asleep stargazing. Zuko cooks SWT food for her and all that, but he’s also spread out a bunch of fire lilies for her on the beach and maybe he bends tiny sparks of fire above them or something too. And the next morning Katara pulls the same shit on him.
Anyway, here's a gif for you too
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sageukfilms · 5 years
historical context pt 2: on yi bang won’s brothers (and sisters), seon-ho and his father, women’s rights in joseon vs goryeo
a bit more focus on yi bang won’s family this time, since he’s always fascinated me as a real historical figure. he did a lot of good, but he committed a lot of terrible things in order to achieve the good and he’s always been a pretty polarizing figure to Korean historians. (the majority of them like him because he’s the father of Kim Sejong aka the King who invented the Hangul/Korean alphabet while the others are like ‘damn why this dude so murderous’)
yi seong-gye had six sons from his first wife and two sons from his second wife, but why are only like three of them mentioned in the drama?
- mostly because they don’t have any major relevance to the plot, tbh. yi bang won IS arguably yi seong-gye’s most talented/qualified son in a lot of ways. he really was the only son who passed the civil examination in that entire family.
Eldest Son Yi Bang-U
- yi seong-gye mentions him in the drama when discussing who should be named crown prince and dismisses him bc he’s an alcoholic. which was true, yi bang-won’s oldest brother WAS an alcoholic, but he only became so after Yi Seong-Gye seized the throne. he was so distraught by the rebellion that he literally retreated to the mountains and retired. imagine serving your dad and your country and then seeing him betray the very country you both spilled blood for your whole life?? he was granted a princely title, but otherwise stayed away from politics and the military until his death
Second Son Yi Bang-Gwa
- this is the dude who is currently king that appears in episode 14. the one who’s in the throne room while bang-won and bang-gan yell at each other lol.  basically he was just put on the throne bc he’s the second son (and the eldest was like don’t even contact me about this shit) and later in history he renounces the throne so yi bang-won can take it. he also had NO legitimate sons from his first wife (though he had many from his concubines, but they were all illegitimate and couldn’t become princes). meaning he was the safest choice to be bang-won’s puppet ruler. all in all he was supremely lucky in that he got to live in peace and avoid getting murdered by anyone
Third Son Yi Bang-Ui
- while he was on yi bang-won’s side during the first coup, he’s never mentioned in dramas/television because apparently he’s not all that interesting. he’s been described as someone who had a loving relationship with ALL of his brothers, which imo COULD have been interesting to see but what do i know
Fourth Son Yi Bang-Gan aka the One That’s Weirdly Comedic and Also Murderous and Has Like that Weird Sword Boner For Hwi
- bang-gan did in fact try to murder bang-won and seize the throne, but he was urged on to do so by a historical figure called park po who was bitter that all his efforts during the first coup were not recognized by bang-won. the most hilarious thing is that bang-gan is like “damn this is a great idea, im gonna do it” and sets an official date for murdering, and NEVER TELLS park po the day he’s gonna murder bang-won so park po is just hanging around in ignorance until bang-won arrests him and then has him executed
- bang-gan actually tells his father yi seong-gye and his second bother yi bang-gwa of his intentions and they BOTH tell him that he’s stupid as fck. at this point, the historical yi seong-gye is SICK of the fighting between his sons and tells bang-gan to stop (unlike in the drama when he purposefully eggs him on). 
- bang-gan obvs doesn’t stop though, but his attempts are foiled bc bang-won knew of his coup beforehand. bang-gan is not executed and is instead sent away in exile. the fault of the coup instead lands on park po who again has no idea what’s occurring until he’s arrested. (damn it would suck to be park po, though inb4 seon-ho becomes the park po of this sageuk)
The Ill-fated Crown Prince Yi Bang-Seok and his brother Yi Bang-Beon
- in history, Yi Bang-Won forces his father to remove Bang-seok from the crown prince position during the coup, which Yi Seong-Gye IMMEDIATELY does in order to save bang-seok’s life (bang-seok is still alive at this point in time). unfortunately, bang-won then murders bang-seok anyway. (fulfilling the queen’s prediction that no matter what he would have murdered her sons)
- there are two versions of the crown prince’s death: the first is what we saw in ep 12 when he was assassinated right after stepping out in the palace. (this is the official record. his final recorded words are “my brother promised to spare my life, do not worry.”). there’s another version that yi bang-won went into the palace and threw his brother into a well to kill him. which is... not recorded, but yi bang-won’s side framed everything in the records to make him and his people look good. (because they were the winners!!! winners in history get to frame themselves however they want)
- so what about yi bang-beon? aka the queen’s other son that never gets mentioned? he gets murdered too of course!!! though bang-won is content with just exiling him, his brother bang-gan murders bang-beon (of course in the show, we see bang-won approving of the assassination). (Bang-beon also suffers from the unfortunate position of having a.) envied his younger brother for being crown prince and therefore did NOT alert him or his father about the upcoming coup and b.) trying to maintain a neutral position that ultimately got him killed
- btw, yi seong-gye was absolutely in the palace during the Strife. He never left to go to a Temple. he was dragged from his throne and forced to abdicate during the coup after stripping Bang-seok of his position as Crown Prince in order to save him.
The Sixth Brother
 - died at a relatively early age, sadly.
- yes, Yi Seong-Gye had daughters!!! Two from his first wife and one from his second and two more from his concubines (yah he had concubines). sadly, nothing else is known about them. Queen Sindeok’s daughter aka Bang-seok and Bang-beon’s younger sister outlived both of her older brothers, and died maybe nine years later. (somewhat comforting, but ultimately sad.)
- Bang-won’s sisters lived a little longer, but ultimately they had little historical relevance (or they did and the records refused to record them bc they were just Women). mostly, they were just married off to build political alliances
more on seon-ho
- there’s a scene in ep 5 where bang-won makes fun of seon-ho’s bastard status and compares him to Sambong and i just want to say that imo this is very realistic of bang-won. Sambong is an incredibly important and vital figure in history -- he served as yi seong-gye’s aide and was actually the mastermind behind ALL of yi bang-won’s social/political reforms. unfortunately, yi bang-won murdered him because.... uh.... he wanted to carry out those reforms HIMSELF, essentially. (no one else gets to do it but ME!!) he disliked sambong strongly, and there were rumors that sambong was descended from bastards/had slave blood in his family, so Bang-won sneering at Seon-ho for essentially having the same background would be legit. the line where he mentions that “in his country, bastards will never gain status” is so sad... and also true, even though he introduced the new Slave Law (that law was immediately repealed later)
- in other words, illegitimate children from nobleman + slaves were still eventually barred from taking the government exam and owning property in joseon. seon-ho’s fate would have more or less remained the same.
Seon-ho’s father Nam Jeon
- is a fictional figure, but his status as Yi Seong-Gye’s aide in the show cooouullld place him as the stand-in for the actual Nam Eun who was one of Yi Seong-Gye’s trusted aides and who was also killed by Yi Bang-Won
- the difference here is that Yi Bang-Won regrets murdering Nam Eun after and gives government positions to Nam Eun’s friends as like a way of apology lmfao
women’s rights in goryeo vs joseon
- just wanted to talk about this because hee-jae is such a kickass figure, but the long and short of it is that women lose all the rights (what little they had) in joseon vs in goryeo. they’re forbidden to step outside their homes after marriage, are NOT allowed to mingle with the other sex, they lose their rights as land-owners and property-inheritors, and Confucianism gains a huge foothold in a country that already treats women as second-class citizens. they weren’t allowed to re-marry if widowed, and were encouraged to kill themselves if they were assaulted or harassed so like....... life continues to suck for bastard children and ladies
fun fact for that (1) Legitimate Child that Yi Bang-Won Allowed to Live
- in my last post I mentioned that Yi Bang-Won killed the children of the “traitors” who conspired to prevent his coup except for Sambong’s eldest son, who was demoted (name: Jung Jin). Fortunately, this son managed to rise through the ranks of the government again and became the Minister of Justice under Yi Bang-Won’s reign. 
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