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コットンギマ メンズニット
意外とメンズの服はバリエーションが乏しくて、 Tシャツかセーターか。 さもなければトレーナー?となってしまう春。 七分袖のドライなニットはきっと新しい選択肢。 ¥37,400 Photograph by Kei Hompo Hair and Make up by Yoko Sasaura
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galactica-bigbang · 2 years
This page is a work in progress, and will be updated as needed :)
While this Tumblr and the event Discord will post announcements and links, it is not a requirement that you follow or join! Once you sign up, we will send out official reminders/etc. via email. The event's email is battlestargalacticabigbang @ gmail.com. Official communications will be sent from that address.
We will provide a link to the event AO3 collection closer to posting.
What is a Big Bang, anyway?
A big bang is a fic event where an author signs up to write a longer fic with a certain word minimum, and they are assigned to one or more artists who create art to go with the fic. (If you want to get nerdy on the history of the format, Fanlore has a summary).
What are the requirements?
For this event, there are two tiers--the Big Bang event, where authors must write a fic of at least 10k words; and the Mini Bang event, with a 2.5k minimum.
We do take a fairly broad definition of art for this event; any medium is allowed, as are fanvids, podfics, fanmixes/playlists, filks, and crafts (i.e., fibercrafts likeknitting/crochet; ceramics; wood carving; etc.)!
For the art requirements, it varies:
Podficcers should record the entire fic for either tier.
For a fanmix/playlist, a Mini Bang entry requires at least five tracks, and a Big Bang entry requires at least ten tracks.
For a fanvid, a Mini Bang entry should be at least 30 seconds long, and a Big Bang entry should be at least one minute (60 seconds) long.
For crafts or more standard fanart (digital or traditional) it's a little less set in stone, but essentially rests on the time commitment. For example, if a simple lineart would require about a quarter to half of the commitment that a fully-colored or rendered piece would, then that might be a good way to gauge it. You can also choose to produce multiple pieces.
Similarly, for a filk, it is based on length/complexity. This might mean a Mini Bang entry is one minute while a Big Bang entry is three; or it might mean that a Mini Bang entry is a very simple either a capella or voice + guitar/piano piece, while a Big Bang has more complicated harmonies/instrumentation.
In all cases, there is no maximum for either category, so if you end up having more time (or more story) than you initially thought, there's no need to try to pare it down, as long as you can produce a completed piece by the deadline!
If you have any questions about these requirements, please reach out to the mod team and we will do our best to answer.
Author Sign Up
Available here!
Beta Sign Up
Available here!
Artist Sign Up
Available here!
Where can I find the schedule?
Right here!
What is required for each check in?
Check-ins should be sent to [email protected]
For author check-in 1: Either an outline or text equivalent to 25% of the required wordcount (meaning 2500 words for Big Bang participants or 625 words for Mini Bang participants). This does not need to be polished, it's mostly intended to (hopefully!) help people avoid last-minute panic at crunch time before the final deadline.
For story details: This essentially functions as check-in #1.5, although you do not need to send any text to the event email; there will be a form to submit with a (working) title, summary, rating, pairings, warnings, etc. At this point, authors are essentially 'locked' into that particular story, and we ask that no major changes in direction are made after this point.
For author check-in 2: At this point, the minimum wordcount must have been hit (10k for Big Bang; 2.5k for Mini Bang).The goal here is to have enough for your artist to work from, in case life happens and you are unable to devote much/any time to the piece between this check-in and posting. Ideally, this is a full complete first draft with a beginning, middle, and end (or a general shape if it's not necessarily a linear one!), but if you're not quite there, as long as you've met the wordcount and are in communication with your artist, that's fine.
For the artist check-in: This is essentially a chance to check in with the mod team and your writer, to make sure things are on track. Artists should let their writers know the status of the project--this may involve sharing a preliminary sketch or edit or other form of draft, depending on what type of art you are submitting. Once you have communicated with your writer, all you need to send to the mod team is a quick email confirming--you do not need to share the draft if you don't want to.
If you have any questions about check-in requirements, please reach out to the mod team
What kind of fics are allowed for this event?
This event is for fanfics of the reimagined BSG series (which includes Caprica and Blood and Chrome; information coming from any tie-in comics and novels is also fair game. Content relating to the 70s/80s series/timeline is not).
Works must be standalone; meaning that someone whose only knowledge is of BSG canon can pick it up and understand what’s going on. I.e., you can write a sequel to a prior work of yours so long as readers can understand what’s going on without reading the first installment; crossovers are also allowed so long as you don’t need prior knowledge of the other canon to follow along. Basically, everything the reader needs to know to understand your work (beyond a baseline of BSG canon knowledge) should be present in the fic.
Works must be new for the event, meaning they can’t have been posted/published before. A WIP that’s been languishing on your hard drive for years is perfectly fine as long as it hasn’t been posted anywhere (at least not publicly; sharing privately with friends is a different thing!).
There are no restrictions on ratings/pairings/etc.
My author/beta/artist never contacted me! What should I do?
Please email us at [email protected] as soon as possible so that we can find out what’s going on and reassign you if necessary.
What if no artist wants my fic?
We know this is a concern some fic writers will have. We can assure you that every fic will be matched with an artist–even the ones that are particularly hard to match. For situations where an artist drops out, we don’t have enough artists, or a fic doesn’t have much interest, we will have pinch hitters that will create art so no fic gets left out.
Tagging Fics
For final posting, if you prefer to use the ‘Choose Not To Warn’ option, that’s fine; however, for the story details submitted for artist/beta matching, if one of the major warnings would apply (or certain other things, such as suicide and torture) then those must be listed. There will be a list to select from, as well as an 'other' box for anything you think we might have missed, on the story details form. This is in an effort to keep the event safe and fun for all participants--one person's hard no might be another person's favorite trope, and vice-versa.
Drop-Out Policy
In all cases, these apply only if you drop out after the final drop-out deadline (see the Schedule post linked above for those dates).
For Writers:
If you are signed up to participate in both the Big Bang and Mini Bang, you will be restricted to one or the other for the next round.
If you are signed up to participate in the Big Bang only, you will be restricted to the Mini Bang for the next round.
If you are signed up to participate in the Mini Bang only, you will not be eligible to participate in the next round.
For Artists/Betas:
If you are signed up to beta or create art for multiple fics, you will be restricted to one fic for the next round. Pinch-hitting may be allowed on a case-by-case basis.
If you are signed up to beta or complete art for one Big Bang fic, you will be restricted to the Mini Bang for the next round.
If you are signed up to beta or complete art for one Mini Bang fic, you will not be eligible to participate in the next round.
For People Signed Up as Multiple Roles:
You will be restricted to one role (or two, if you signed up for all three) for next year.
All of these restrictions may be appealed on a case-by-case basis. We understand that life happens and sometimes an emergency comes up in one year that won't impact your participation the next year, but this is the baseline/standard.
Can I share excerpts/sneak peeks of my entry?
You are allowed, but please try to avoid posting large portions of the fic. Up to five sections of fewer than 100 words is acceptable for Mini Bangs, and up to ten sections of fewer than 100 words is acceptable for Big Bangs.
Showing rough sketches as teasers is fine as well, but be sure that the author sees the art first.
If you join our Discord server, you can share as much as you want in the server!
What’s a pinch hitter?
A pinch hitter is someone who fills in a needed role last minute for a fic (beta or art).
If an artist or a beta drops out, we’ll try our best to find a pinch hitter to fill the role. Artists and betas can express whether or not they’re interested in pinch hitting on the sign up form. If someone drops out, we’ll send an email to see if they're still available/interested in picking it up. Requirements and deadline for pinch hits might vary if they’re close to the posting date.
Where do I post my fic?
All submissions must be posted on AO3 to the collection, which will be opened (on an unrevealed basis) shortly before posting begins. You can crosspost your work to other sites--Tumblr, Livejournal, Dreamwidth, FFN, wherever--once the stories are revealed. If you also post on Tumblr, please tag us! That way we can reblog your post.
Art may be posted in-line with the fic, separately, or both. For crafts, please upload photos of the finished work.
Fanmixes may be hosted on Spotify, YouTube, 8tracks, etc.; the playlist should be linked in the fic itself. Please keep the playlist hidden/private until posting.
Podfics or filks may be hosted wherever you prefer, but should be crossposted to AO3, either in the fic itself or as a separate post. This post on Dreamwidth provides some tips on how to do this.
Similarly, fanvids may be hosted wherever you prefer, but should be crossposted to AO3, either in the fic itself or as a separate post.
Questions? Problems? Just wanna say hi? You can always contact us via the ask box, via Discord, or via email at [email protected]
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gloveshop · 6 years
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Şeker gibi bir sarı eldiven olmamış mı sizce de...:)... 💛❤️ . 😊💞.🌂🕶 . . ..! ..#hediye ......☔️....✈️✈️😍 #unisex #eldiven #sevgililergünü @emeldemirbg . .🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . .#sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye #moda https://www.instagram.com/p/Btprlv0l91b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fymodwr6nr9r
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eugenialupee02 · 7 years
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Currently in love with this pattern. Star cluster and the ribbing! It's almost like knitting (the ribbing), but it's crochet. . . #crochet #crochetmania #crochetlife #project #beanie #WIP #starclusterstitch #ribbing #likeknitting #butitscrochet #havefunwithyarn
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sassy-santa-baby · 7 years
Questions on mailing recipient
Hey so this is my first time gifting and I'm stumped so Id want to probe more on whether my giftee would be interested in certain things I have in mind that may or may not fit the qnaTherefore Im thinking of giving the giftee a long but general list of 20 items, ask what ze is not interested in then pick something from the restExample of part of the list could be likeKnitting stuffKitchen stuff for bakingKickstarter stuff for writingEtcetra. Note that the list written here is not going into the actual list I send if I do go through with it so I wont spoil anything. Sound good or nah
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gloveshop · 6 years
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. . SHOPPING ....#sale..... #bikini #summer #beach . Size 36-38 . .Etsy Shop 👉 https://www.etsy.com/shop/gloveshop?ref=seller-platform-mcnav @emeldemirbg ....🌎 . . Worldwide shipping 🌏 . . . #crochet #summer #fingerlessglove #knitting #handmade #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit
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gloveshop · 6 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! .....😊. . ....☔️....✈️✈️. . 😍 #eldiven #nakoiplikleri . Diğer hesabım.... 👉@emeldemirbg . .. . 🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye
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gloveshop · 7 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! .....😊/ İzmir’e gönderildi......#minions . ....☔️....✈️✈️. . 😍 #unisex #eldiven #sevgililergünü. . Diğer hesabım.... 👉@emeldemirbg . .. . 🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye
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gloveshop · 7 years
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SHOPPING ....#sale..... #bikini #summer #beach @emeldemirbg ....🌎 . . Worldwide shipping 🌏 . . . #crochet #yaz #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #i
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gloveshop · 7 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! ... 😊/ Şanlıurfa’ya gönderildi......#sesamestreet . ....☔️....✈️✈️. . 😍 #unisex #eldiven #sevgililergünü. . Diğer hesabım.... 👉@emeldemirbg . .. . 🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye
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gloveshop · 7 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! ...Bilkent / Ankara’ya gönderildi......#sesamestreet . ....☔️....✈️✈️. . 😍 #unisex #eldiven #sevgililergünü. . Diğer hesabım.... 👉@emeldemirbg . .. . 🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye
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gloveshop · 7 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! ..Çiğli / İzmir’e gönderildi......#hediye ..#heart ....☔️....✈️✈️😍 #unisex #eldiven #sevgililergünü @emeldemirbg . .🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye
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gloveshop · 7 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! ..#hediye ......☔️....✈️✈️😍 #unisex #sevgililergünü @emeldemirbg . .🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #eldiven #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye #moda
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gloveshop · 7 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! ....Elazığ’a gönderildi....��️....✈️✈️😍 #yeniyılhediyesi . @emeldemirbg . .🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #eldiven #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #follwer4follwer #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye #moda
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gloveshop · 7 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! ....Sarıyer / İstanbul’a gönderildi.... ☔️....✈️✈️😍 . Stella Hanım kırmızıyı tercih etti. Kurabiye canavarı christmas renklerinde yeniden renklendi. ...Daha canlı daha bir düzel oldu sanki ne dersiniz ? ❤️😍 . 🌲 #yeniyılhediyesi . @emeldemirbg . .🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #eldiven #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #follwer4follwer #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye #moda
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gloveshop · 7 years
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😍 Günaydın ..! ........☔️....✈️✈️😍 #yeniyılhediyesi . @emeldemirbg . .🎁✈️✈️. Hediye fikirleri. ........ . .El Örgüsü Eldivenler ve bere 🎁 . . SHOPPING @emeldemirbg ....🌎 Worldwide shipping 🌏 #sevgiliyehediye #yılbaşı #hediyefikirleri #fingerless #knitting #handmade #eldiven #moda #elörgüsü #örgüeldiven #moda #Fashion #style #hat #girl #likeknit #sevgililergünü #styling #new #cool #fallow #follwer4follwer #beauty #spring #winter #kış #giftguide #crochet #bere #hediye #moda
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