#lil angry kylo
littlebugs · 1 year
Can I request for Kylo Ren in which the returns with him from a failed mission? She made a mistake and maybe Kylo made it clear to her that he was very upset about it during an argument afterwards. She tries to make up for it by doing a mission on her own, only on this one she gets badly hurt and is brought back by Hux after finding her severely wounded/injured. When Kylo learns of it, he flips out thinking she wasn’t going to make it alive, but in the end, she survives and makes a full recovery. Something short and sweet in the end between them as he takes care of her during the healing process. Thanks! ❤️
(I hope this is okay! If not, feel free to ignore it!)
i love you
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warnings: injury, very angsty (fluff ending), fem presenting reader (she/her pronouns), mild language, written at 1am so not the best proofreading, toxic kylo in the beginning 😓 a/n: thanks so much for the request love! i got carried away writing this lol, sorry if its a lil long!
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"Shit," you cursed as you sprawled over the couch in yours and Kylo's living room. You'd messed up today. It was tiny, minuscule, just a little mistake. You hoped it wouldn't matter to Kylo. But you knew better.
The large door, black, matching most of the Commander's gloomy interior, swung open. And slammed shut. You nearly fell off the couch, already exhausted from the days work. "Hey Ky..." you trailed off. He looked absolutely terrifying. Blood on the toes of his boots. Holes ripped through his outfit. But the worst of all, his face. He looked- angry. Disappointed. Annoyed. Maybe even..disgusted?
"Shut up," He threatened, walking up to you. His arms crossed, feet spread apart, you knew you were in for it. From your spot now on the floor, huddled in a ball, you felt defenseless. "You messed up today," he scolded. "This was a covert operation. We had one shot at this, and you blew it." His voice was a low, seething growl.
"I'm sorry I had a- momentary.. lapse in judgment?" You didn't know what to say. This wasn't supposed to be a big deal. It was a tiny mess up. You forgot to disable a single security camera. Just one. It wouldn't matter anyhow, as the saber marks lining the walls of the Rebel base being hijacked was a sign as to who the attacker was.
"Sorry isn't going to fix this. We're on the brink of a war, and this mission was crucial. The Supreme Leader trusted us, and now, because of your mistake, we might have just handed our enemies a victory," he nearly shouted.
Kylo's voice rose as he continued, but it was as if you were underwater, the sounds muffled and distorted. Your eyes filled with tears, blurring your vision. You couldn't let him see you like this. "I-I'm sorry," you mumbled, as you got up from the ground and staggered to the door.
You scarcely cried. There were many things the two of you never did, which maybe you should have done. It wasn't a conventional relationship. You'd only cried in front of him once, years ago. He had left you, crumpled on the floor, unable to deal with the sudden emotion. He never told you he loved you. Not even once. You shared a ship, meals, even a bed with him, and even in your most intimate moments, he just... didn't seem to feel anything. At least on the exterior. You hoped.
"Leave me." you stammered, nose already running. "Did you think I was going to follow you? Pathetic. Absolutely worthless. Do you think I even care-" He stopped, dead in his tracks, after catching sight of your face, glimmering in tears. "M'sorry" you mumbled, and quietly closed the door behind you.
Breathing in the cool air of The Supremacy, you quickly wiped your face before any troopers nearby could catch sight. Word traveled fast, and although it was a big ship, news could be spread in mere hours. You remembered the first time you had to deal with the gossip, it had been your first one night stand with Kylo, before any relationship. You left in the dead of night, but one lucky Stormtrooper caught you on the security camera. The next day, half the the Supremacy was staring you down, and the other half was triumphantly giving you high fives (Knights of Ren included.)
Life seemed...simpler. Now you were plastered on the wall to Kylo's rooms, breathing in slightly sterile air as you tried to get your wits about you. It being 11pm already, you decided to make way to your old room. Walking down the hallway, you encountered little confrontation. That was the good part of being in relation to Kylo. Then there was the name calling, the teasing the "Commanders whore" whispered behind your back. It all made you want to cry again, and you were grateful to near your room.
As you unlocked the door, your old life greeted you. There wasn't much left really, as you had inhabited Kylo's space for the past months. You had thought maybe...maybe he was changing- that he would one day tell you how he felt? Yeah right, you thought, as you walked in, flopped down on the bed, and stared at the ceiling. Looking around you, a chair sat to your left, with a window showing the view of a million stars outside. A bathroom and dresser to your right, emptied of all your items. Not that you had any in the first place, but Kylo had spoiled you as of recent.
You couldn't stop thinking about him. His face when he saw your tears. The way he had yelled at you nonstop. The fact that he didn't seems to care.
In the dimly lit room, shadows danced across the walls like haunting specters. Suddenly feeling cold, you huddled beneath the covers of your bed. The air was thick with silence, now broken only by the muffled sobs that racked your body. Your fingers clutched at the sheets, the fabric twisted and knotted in fists of despair. With each passing moment, the tears fall harder, faster, until you couldn't breath. You gasped, shuddered, and with a pounding headache, went to sleep, soiled clothes and all.
Unbeknownst to you, Kylo stood near your door, listening to your sobs feeling...terrible. He hated hearing you cry. It filled him with disgust not in you, but now in himself. For making you feel this way. And through the Force, he heard your thoughts, the desperate calls to be openly loved that Kylo had so valiantly ignored. He thought to wake you, but instead headed back to his quarters.
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The next morning, at 6 am sharp, you woke up with solid determination. You were going to show him you weren't pathetic, worthless...disgusting. You were always soft, especially in comparison to him, but you weren't pathetic. Or at least you hoped so.
As you headed to the mirror, you jumped at your reflection. That wouldn't do. You would also have to make it work with the meager amount of supplies at hand, but you could do it. After opting a shower to the refresher, so you could use scented soaps and lotions, you blow dried you hair, and styled it to the best of your ability. "Not too bad," You thought to yourself as you brushed on mascara and lip balm. "Nothing crazy" you told yourself, but betrayed your thoughts as you opted for a smaller sized uniform.
Exiting your room, you felt misery and despair inside of you, but at least you looked like you had it together. Making your way down to the control center of the Supremacy took quite a while, it being a literal Mega Class Dreadnought ship, but it gave you time to think. Think of what you were going to say to him. You could apologize. You could pretend nothing happened. You could act all mushy and touchy. Or just ignore him completely.
You decided to just fuck it and ball. Walking into the room, the control center hummed with the usual tension that permeated the First Order's headquarters. The air was thick with the weight of strategic discussions and the ever-present rivalry among its officers.
Then you saw him. The air seemed to crackle with electricity as he moved, his presence commanding attention. You had always been drawn to the enigmatic power he exuded, and despite the fight, that magnetic pull remained intact. You were immediately waved over by General Hux, and as you walked over to a control table in the very front of the room, getting closer, you regretted your decision. The mask, the robes...everything about him was just huge. Intimidating. Compared to your scantily dressed body, he looked like he could envelope you whole. Maybe you wanted him to.
Deciding to play with him a little, you boldly stood next to Hux, leaning over to look at the schematics on the table so Kylo had direct view of you. Though the mask concealed his emotions, you could sense the internal turmoil beneath it. He was distracted, and you knew why.
Hux sighed and rolled his eyes, in classic fashion. He was never one for your machinations, but continued explaining the mission at hand, obviously annoyed. You didn't bother listen, opting to shift around in a way that made Kylo's fists clench.
At what seemed like the end of the brief, Hux tiredly asked "So we'll need an Admiral or Commander to volunteer for this mission. As I know both of you do not care in the least so I will just-" You cut him off. "I'll do it." Both Kylo and Hux turned towards you, silent. "But you never do anything-" The General retorted. You roll your eyes. "Shut up Hux. I'm going." The redhead sputtered. "But-you... -You don't even care! Ever!" "Ok well, I'm a Commander, and I'm going," You spat, not bothering to glance at Kylo, who hadn't moved an inch in the last minute. You stormed away, but not before hearing Hux call "Don't screw this up Commander," and scoffing.
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It wasn't going well. You had overpowered the Rebel base, which was somewhat pitiful, but managed to get a blaster wound to the side which was currently steaming in a way that did not look safe. Most of your troops had made it through, save the couple of troopers who'd been shot here and there. The masks made it harder to remember they were human, people on the inside. Limping back to your ship, you woozily asked Hux to make someone check the surrounding areas for stragglers as you slumped into the seat, adrenaline still preventing you from feeling the full pain of your wound.
Setting the TIE on autopilot, slowly coming back to reality, you looked down to the left of your torso. You had almost dodged the blast, the wound cauterized by the superheated plasma, leaving a sizzling, blackened mark on your flesh. Smoke rose from the wound, carrying with it the acrid scent of burnt fabric and singed skin. The pain intensified with each passing second, as if a red-hot poker has been driven into your side.
You clenched your teeth, trying to stifle a scream, as you grasped at the wound. Your fingers came away slick with your own blood, which oozed from the wound and trickled down your side. The ride was short. Only 30 minutes at full speed. You could probably..maybe hold on. You busied yourself coating the wound with Bacta spray, which took most the time, considering the fact that every movement made your side burn and sting like never before.
After successfully applying the antiseptic, you started to see the giant that was the Supremacy. It slowly appeared as a behemoth of steel and darkness, adorned with the stark, angular design characteristic of First Order aesthetics you had come to be so familiar with. You were on course, but you'd have to manually land the plane. "Oh for Kriffs sake" you muttered to yourself, trying to figure out how you were even alive.
You painstakingly moved your right arm to the control panel, and started the descent, aiming for one of the many hangars. It seemed to take forever, but with a final, skillful maneuver, you brought the ship to a shaky landing on the hangar deck. The ship's landing struts had absorbed the impact, but the screech of metal against metal reverberated through the hangar.
You all but fell out of the fighter, letting out a strained "I'm aight-" before collapsing into the arms of medical personnel, whom immediately transported you to the medical wing.
Not known to you, the second of your arrival, Kylo was storming down the hall, looking menacing as ever. Although he looked same as ever, on the inside, his emotions swirled inside of him. He was freaking out. He powered through the med bay, drawing terrified looks from doctors and patients alike, not stopping until he found your room.
He ripped the door open, all calm was lost. "Is she alright?" He boomed, modified voice scaring the living daylights out of the doctors and nurses surrounding you. "S-Sir, erm-Commander we think she'll most likely survive with minor s-setback" A doctor answers, inspecting the wound as to not have to face Ren.
He sat down on a chair, further terrifying the staff with his presence. "She'd better," Kylo fumed, prepared to annihilate the staff over anything. He didn't know what made him feel like this, but he was prepared to wait days for you to awake. And wait he did.
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It was early morning. You had just woken up, not in the Med Bay, but... in his room. He was already awake, looking at you with those deep brown eyes. You looked around, surveying the surroundings. You were wearing his sleep clothes, all too big on you, hair smelling freshly washed. You had an IV hooked up to your arm, and the stiff bandage across your torso chafed against delicate skin.
"I'm sorry" He uttered, quietly. "I said those things, and I... shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I don't- feel like that about you. I think you're.." He trailed off. He'd never said sorry before. You didn't know how to react.
Looking at him, caring for you in your injury made you frown. "Why do you- why do you care?"
"Here, lay down. Have some soup." He nudged you gently, positioning pillows behind your head. You were so shocked, you almost forgot your previous question. "Wait, but why are you doing this?" You whisper, voice hoarse.
"Because I love you"
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cosmic-ships · 6 months
🤚, 🥺, and ❓ for whichever f/o that you want to answer with! :>
~ @kentofukamiya
📸 Self-Ship Photo Scavenger Hunt! 🎞
Whichever f/o? ....y-yes- a little of Kylo a little of Charlie a little of Mills lil of Matt? hhhhhh
🤚 Post a screenshot of your f/o’s hand(s)! (WHY MUST YOU HURT ME!? /lh ) hhhhh big paws--- (WE ARENT GOING TO TALK ABOUT KYLOS GLOVED HAND AT ALL OKAY ) not screenshots BUT WHATEVER hhhhhhhhhhhhh
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🥺 Post a screenshot of your f/o where they’re emotional.
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Baby was so pissed off his neck vein was gonna explode D:
Then this one always makes me CRY. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. :cc He's so angry and frustrated and regretful for his own words. I've been in Charlie's position before its not a fun feeling and god it makes me cry so much seeing him like that. :cccc
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then we have this unhinged bastard being aggressive as all fuck LOL
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❓ Post a weird/funny/confusing screenshot of your f/o with no context.
You can fell the awkward :3
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noiselessbuck · 1 year
asking about the good version of the sequel trilogy that lives in your brain
ok so my favorite sw movie is the force awakens because it caused me to have such a great idea for the rest of the series which never happened but shhhh it did
the main idea is that you can, by letting finnpoe exist, parallel a bunch of stuff to the original series but also more fun than that so we have:
- first off more time on reys home planet (i read the whole lil companion book about her chilling there) i'm not immune to Nausacaä coded characters
- poe has his tv canon backstory as a pilot instead of changing it to be racist
rey and finn things:
- finn and rey are like hinted at as oo are they gonna be together
- finn does actually get to say and fully use his force sensitive powers
- he and rey have like force-spidie sense on each other
- around the time when they are saving the hurt and angry sandworm thing is where finn's force sensitivity powers and shown and shows a lot of their force connection
- at a time after saving said sandworm thing finn and rey like either are egged on by someone or do think the other has a crush (possibly a weird singular kiss) and then! they both go um no thanks not romantic. but also- you're my force soulmate and my best friend. and then they're in a force-QPR thereafter
- after this poe is all like very quickly relieved and happy for them
rose things:
- listen listen rose and finn are thee ultimate "attempt at being straight before we both realize we are not" thing
- still have the most awkward kiss ever
- rose gets a cool gf (i dont know side characters names)
- both rose and finn are concerned about telling the other it's not gonna work out and then are relieved
- then they're chilling friends and she gets to be in the third movie doing cool stuff
finnpoe things:
- finn poe co-captains jacket scene is more romantic
- after a big scary fight they kiss
- i really want there to be parallels specifically to "a kiss for good luck" to hint reyfinn and then also smth similar to leia and han's endor scene with finnpoe of like what i thought you liked her? no dude im her soulmate, you're who im in love with
aro rey vs kylo stuff:
- more rey roasting kylo for having his shirt off and shit
- kylo being all like there's something special between us please join my facism 🥺 and rey going nope i have a force soulmate you're a force pain in the ass
- zero reylo kissing
- they can team up for the last part with the force sharing lightsabers thing but it would only show that rey has turned him (ps the final fight sucks ass and would be different but not solid ideas what it would be)
other things:
- rey would only ever be related to random trader civilians none of this granddaughter bullshit because power via lineages is the patriarchy fuck that we need Just some guy who is a girl representation
- the scene where rey fights evil!rey would one, semi mirror luke fighting spectral darth vader and two
- like im sorry but you can reject the evil version of yourself and still take notes on saber construction
- leia would only almost die she's actually gonna die and also only have the death scene be whatever CGI stuff
- kylo would still kill han bc that shit was funny
- the cool girl who led a stormtrooper rebellion and rides space horses will NOT be related to lando because what the fuck. rey being lukes granddaughter is one thing but- 2/3 of the black character in this fucking Galaxy are related? fuck no. she would still be cool and get more scenes and maybe she can be rose's girlfriend
- leia has the force uses lightsabers more and her lightsaber should be pink specifically because when carrie fisher was asked what color it would be that's what she said
- kylo needs to be more stupid and more just anything that would stop people from thinking he's cool hot and edgy. ofc this is nigh impossible but just more things similar to the "kylo ren the middle schooler" twitter account
- more animals!! and more animal interactions like the ice foxes
- name the porgs something else🤦
- make all the bad guy ships more interesting looking instead of just- the same thing but larger, unLess that element is played up for comedic effect more
- the kid at the casino stables who gets a shot showing they can use the force is the black kid
that's everything i can think of right now yee ill rb with more if i think of it
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mbti-enemies · 2 years
Question, are INFPs always kind, empathetic and light-hearted? Are they never unapologetic mean? Like, MEAN mean? I've never seen it happen, they are passive aggressive or indifferent at best, and when they do purposefully hurt someone, it seems like they regret it pretty quickly, almost like they hurt themselves in the process, is that a thing? My gf and my sibling are INFPs, I've just been noticing some patterns. Sometimes I'm scared to be mad and take it out on them by accident because they make me feel like the cruelest being alive just by being so comprehensive with my anger, it's like... DON'T BE SO NICE MF, YELL BACK!! d'you know what I mean?
INFJ: Honestly anon? def not always light hearted (hence the troubled soul infp stereotype) but i don't know about the mean thing... like obv there's nothing saying that they CAN'T be unapologetically meAN mean... but like yeah ive never seen one either. i can see them getting too attached to like an Fi and be mean to anyone/anything who's against it tho. like some infps surprise me with the hardness in their voice if they get annoyed/angry cos of Something They Value. but never seen that directed towards another being sooo- hmm if you really wanna maybe look up infp villains. the only one i knew was Kylo Ren and there was a lot of consensus of him being an infp. totally get you with the last part - sometimes people are so nice that if you're mean to them you lowkey hate urself on their behalf right
INTJ: totally agree with everything infj j said and from what I've seen smt when infps get angry at someone -instead of getting mean or aggressive they just get ..sad, its like getting hurt can make them feel a lil broken on the inside- so they don't rlly have the energy to hit back you know? and well yh its hard to get angry at them cause either they'll j get so understanding that you find it hard to even validate ur anger anymore or else u just feel like sht for being the "mean one" when rlly its just that some infps are just too nice (which can make it hard to feel like you deserve them even if u do)
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69shadesofgray · 7 years
if you ship kylo with literally anyone bYE
kylo is a trash human bean who doesn’t deserve love. he already ruined his life. there’s no redemption but death. u know, like anakin. 
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abusivelittlebunny · 3 years
I'm sorta copying that other ask but how do you feel about Domnhall Gleeson? I love him to death, he's so beautiful
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The fucking GROAN I let out at this ask you have no idea. Sweetie, I was not only on board of the kylux ship, I was fucking stirring it. I was so obsessed when tfa came out it was insane 😩 he was totally my dream hubby and ideal and I developed a low-key ginger fetish that haunts me to this day because of him. What do I think ofWHAT DO I THINK OF HIM??????? NO COHERENT WORDS ONLY HEARTS IN MY EYES LOOK AT HIM FOR GOD'S SAKE
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God he got me acting UNWISE. I read almost every explicit Hux x Kylo fic there is back in the day before I got obsessed with PB and if someone mentions general Hux I start vibrating uncontrollably like an excited Chihuahua. I was fully one of those girlies that was like
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No kidding. No fucking kidding. I was in love with this pasty ginger space dictator and he left a permanent mark on my brain.
The only thing I may add is that I prefer Hux topping Kylo simply because Kylo's lips decided his fate for me, those things were meant for one thing and one thing only, and if they didn't his tits surely would have and I like the image of the scrawny lil angry ginger dude fucking that big bitch and getting lost in the bussy while his face is burrowed between those mighty milkers like a groundhog.
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babbushka · 3 years
Hi baby love! This zodiac game looks so fun but mine are real spooky. It’s giving Vampire!Kylo vibes I think? I would be so impressed if you managed to come up with something cohesive for this hodgepodge lol. Thanks for doing this fun lil game! And lots of big hugs and healing vibes to your mom!
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A/N: I'm so sorry for how long this took my friend! But I hope that you enjoy this little vignette for our favorite Vampire! And thank you for your kind words, she's on the mend, slowly but surely!
800w, mentions of nudity, mild angst but no real warnings lol
“You don’t know what you’re asking for.” Are the first words in days to come out of Kylo’s mouth.
You’re lying together, naked in his large bed. The sheets are pooled around your hips like ripples of satin and silk, as your bodies press together, simply desiring the touch of another. The sun is bright in the sky, a last burst of orange and yellow before the purples of twilight settle around the manor. You’ve pulled the drapes open so that you and your lover might bathe in the golden hour, disproving for the millionth time the myth of the harsh rays.
“Whether or not I do, isn’t your responsibility.” You point out, reaching for him, holding him impossibly closer. He shuffles himself so that his head rests against your chest, his cold cheek seeking the warmth of your flesh and blood. He shudders in pleasure when your nails scrape against his scalp; for being undead, he was more sensitive than anyone you had ever met. But perhaps that was more so a result of his starvation of touch, that his absence of nerves.
“I have been alive for a long time, my pet.” Kylo doesn’t sound angry, he doesn’t sound sad, he simply speaks plainly, the words muffled as he presses his mouth to your throat, “I have seen much, seen horrors beyond your wildest dreams. I have seen the world burn down time and time again.”
You know that Kylo has traveled across the globe in his many years, the centuries under his belt, the time before A.D., the time before Empires have risen and fallen. You know he has crossed golden deserts on camelback and on foot, crossed frozen tundras of white and grey, has sailed ships and flown planes. You wonder if he misses those times, when life was so different, so much easier. But then again, he didn’t have you back then before B.C., and as selfish as it sounds, you’re glad he has you now.
“Ah, but yet here you still are.” You hum, carding your fingers through his thick locks, shiny and smooth. “And here I am next to you. As I want to be, always.”
Kylo goes silent for another long while. You watch as light moves on the other side of your eyelids, your face turned towards the windows as the sun starts its slow descent. You wonder if he won’t turn you because of the blood you give him, because of how sweet you taste. He’s been drinking your blood for ten years now, for a decade you’ve freely given it to him. Who would the brothers drink from, if they turned you?
“Your family will attend your funeral. Would you do that to them? Would you make them see their loved one like that?” He whispers to your surprise; Kylo’s primary argument has nothing to do with his own sustenance. He puts an image in your head of your parents walking through a graveyard where your empty coffin is buried, the mist clinging to the stones like ghosts parted too soon.
“I wouldn’t need to be dead, to die.” You shrug, knowing that this is probably the best age to be a vampire and get away with it. You whisper back, “Plastic surgery is freezing everyone’s aging, people are far less suspicious now. Lying is easy.”
“You really want this, don’t you?” Propping himself up on his elbows, he looks at you with ruby red eyes, the tickle of his mind reading prowess caressing your scalp.
“Yes.” You say simply, “I’ve wanted it for my entire life, and now that we are together, I don’t want my life to ever end.”
“But it will.”
“Not in the way that matters.”
Huffing out a laugh, Kylo settles himself back down against your breast, the world going soft, all the edges blurring as the shadows creep into the manor.
“If it’s not you, it’ll be someone else. Mattie won’t say no. Ben won’t either. But I want it to be you.” You resume petting and caressing his hair, thinking that if only he weren’t so hesitant, you could be like this together forever.
“Alright.” Kylo agrees, after a stalemate that’s lasted for nearly seven of those ten years. “We’ll do it tomorrow, at noon, when the sun is at its highest, so you will be the most brilliant thing in all the world.”
Grinning, you feel your heart begin to pound in your chest and cannot hold back a laugh at the idea that soon, such a sensation as a pulse will be foreign to you. The thought of it has Kylo’s teeth sharpening against your throat, and you tip your head back with an inviting gasp, letting him drink his fill of you, before he fills you in return.
Tagging some Kylo lovin' friends!
@sunflowersinthesnow @iamburdened @painttheskylineforme @safarigirlsp @mrs-gucci @valxntinex @darkhairedmenrule @whateveryousay-dude @baubub @einmal-im-traum @justlenastuff @simpin-mama @empressofalderaan @angel-bxby3 @depressedkyloren @leia-writes
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baroquebucky · 4 years
jealous boy
a/n: it’s four am pls forgive any mistakes also i wrote a lil blurb abt this but idk if i should post what we thinking ?? pls give me feedback it keeps me motivated :-( srry if this is shit lmao
timmy rarely gets jealous
mainly bc theres no situations for him to get jealous
you are always quick to ignore any advances made towards you or timothée is always there to prevent any guy from even attempting to flirt
until you decide to go to a bar w timmy against your will
you had wanted to stay in and watch Star Wars, but alas h convinced you other wise, persuading you to get ready to head out to a new bar he found
“but kylo-” you started and he groaned, mumbling something about how you care more about a fictional character than him.
he grumbled for a couple more seconds before you rolled your eyes and got up to get ready, making him kiss you all over and make him giddy
at first timothée had his arm wrapped around your waist, then he started talking w his hands and let you go
you got lost in conversation and you eventually just left his side completely, wondering around the bar
you sat at the bar, slouching in your seat when a man sat next to you, obviously trying to flirt
timothée kept his eyes on you the whole time, glancing between the director infront of him and you talking with this man
he noticed your small smile forming and he knew you were giggling
his blood fucking boiled, only he made you giggle like that, who the fuck does this guy think he is
He held off from going over, not wanting to be rude to the director he was talking to, but he couldn’t focus when he knew you were laughing with someone who wasn’t him
“I’m sorry but if you’ll excuse me i have to take care of something” he spoke quickly, making quick strides towards you
he calmed himself down on his way over, stopping halfway through, thinking to himself how stupid he was being
until you titled your head back laughing and the guy touched your arm smiling at you
oh no. Timothée felt his nostrils flare and he clenched his jaw, he quickly walked next to you, his eyes glaring at the man
“oh look who decided to remember i existed” you rolled your eyes, decided to be bold
“y/n dont” timothee spoke lowly
“you’re her boyfriend? gotta admit i expected a little more, i mean look at her” the man winked at you, obviously drunk you blushed deeply
“excuse me?” Timothee growled, god if you didn’t stop him he was gonna fucking beat this man up
“I mean she deserves so much better than you! For fucks sake you left her because what? You wanna land a role” he rolled his eyes, timothée clenched his jaw
“y/n i can show you some real fun if you want” he spoke, mainting eye contact with timothee, he knew what he was doing
that’s all it took
timothee grabbed him by the shirt, lifting up to keep eye level with him, timothées eyes were no longer the light color you came to love, rather they were dark and full of rage
“You watch your fucking mouth” he spoke, his fist clenching this mans shirt tightly, his other hand was balled into a fist, nails digging into his palms
“or what? You gonna hurt me? Please you won’t do shit” the mean laughed in timothées face, it didn’t take you long to sober up a bit and realize what was about to happen
Timothée was quick to let the man down and you pressed you gentle hand to his back
He turned to you, eyes dark and face flushed, you could see his muscles flexed through his shirt, his breathing was ragged
“hey let’s go home angel okay?” You spoke softly, you laced your hand through his, your touch calming him
“I knew you wouldn’t do shit, she could do so much better than you” the man laughed from behind you
You screwed your eyes closed “why’d you have to go and say that!” You groaned knowing what timothée was gonna do
In a flash timmy had let go of your hand, his fist landing on the mans face, a not so quiet crack could be heard, everyone becoming quiet as the mans nose started bleeding
“What the fuck did you say?” Timothée spoke, everyone stared in shock, here was the same boy who giggled nervously every other word
Timothée was enraged to say the least, his breathing was rough, eyes dark, muscles flexed and he looked so powerful.
For a second even you were scared to approach him, his stance making him look taller than he was, you quickly grabbed his hand before he could hit the man again, pulling him away quickly
Timothées jaw was still clenched, he held you close to him as you both left, the crowd of people scurrying out of his way, everyone suddenly afraid of angering the curly headed brunette
The cold New York air hit his flushed face and you let out a sigh
Timothée was still shaking in anger, his knuckles slightly red from punching the man
“angel, baby look at me calm down” you spoke softly, timothée only grumbled, pacing back and forth
“Who the fuck does he think he is? Making you giggle? Youre mine” he spoke, his voice low and deep, you had never seen him this angry before
“mon amour relax!” you replied, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into a hug, hoping it would call him down
“can’t believe he had the nerve to even look at you” he spoke, nuzzling his head into your neck, kissing the skin softly
you held him tightly, the wind blowing around the two of you, letting him calm his breathing
“I’m sorry amoureuse i didn’t mean to ignore you, i just got caught up and-” he began, you quickly shut him up, placing your lips on is.
it was a quick but passionate kiss, lasting only a couple seconds but the two of you pulled away breathless
you gave him a soft smile which he returned, grinning shyly
“that was kinda hot im not gonna lie” you mumbled under your breath, it wasn’t unnoticed by timothée, seeing as though he pulled you along faster to your car, racing home, adrenaline pumping
timothée rarely got jealous, but when he did it sure was a sight for sore eyes
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
Poe Dameron x Organa!reader
Ben Solo x sister!reader
prompt: anonymous: “could i request a ben solo x sister!reader where he comes home safely and alive with Rey and they reunite and it’s all fluffy and cute and he apologises for everything and promises to make it up to her? maybe the reader is dating poe and ben goes a lil protective big bro mode? if not it’s fine😊”
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The brutal battle at Exegol made you see the galaxy in a new light. You and your co-generals had worked your asses off trying to win this war, and all that work had finally paid off. Unfortunately, your mom was apart of that price. She left the Resistance to you and your boyfriend, Poe.
While Rey and your brother, Ben, were facing Palpatine on the ground, you were leading your fleet in all directions. But soon, the combat ended, and Finn announced that Rey had died. You couldn’t believe it, but you still had an army to command. Everything was going down in flames. You had to get your people out as soon as possible.
Finn was responsible for Rey as of now, but he went into a private channel to speak to you.
“Y/N?” Finn spoke softly.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him.
“It’s...your brother. He’s here.” Finn told you. You stayed silent, waiting for more. “He just revived Rey. He’s carrying her to the Falcon.”
“...What?” You stared ahead in shock, grasping the controls in your ship.
“He says he’s ready to come home.” Finn let Ben onto the ship and closed the door. “We’ll meet you back at base, okay?”
You hummed and logged off of Finn’s channel, then entered Poe’s channel.
“Hey, baby. How’re you feeling? We finally won the war!” Poe cheered.
“My brother is coming home.” You whispered.
“What?” Poe jumped at this shocking information.
“You heard me.” You flipped a few switches and prepared for hyperspeed. “I’ll see you at the base.”
You landed at the Resistance base and rushed to find your boyfriend. This was an emotional, triumphant day for you and your people. Once you two caught sight of each other, you barrelled toward each other and jumped in his arms.
“I love you so much.” You whispered in his ear. “We finally did it.” You cried in his shoulder. He pulled you back and in for a deep kiss.
“I love you, too. I’m so proud of you.” Poe held your face in his rough hands.
“Me? You were my co-general.” You grabbed his hand and laced your fingers through his, squeezing tightly. “We share our victory with our fleet.”
“You were made for the general position.” He smiled and pulled you in for another kiss. The Millennium Falcon got ready to land and Finn was back on your comms.
“Ready, general?” He asked you.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You grabbed Poe’s hand and he turned to you, giving you that heartwarming look that told you “I’m here for you, y/n.” He led you towards the Falcon and you waited in front of the ship. Rey and Finn rushed out and barrelled into you two. The four of you stood there in a giant bear hug you thought would never end. You all just cried and cried, telling each other how much you appreciated them. You almost didn’t notice your brother standing there.
You were shaking when you reunited with him. He approached you with a pained look on his face. Not so much pain, more like regret. Regret that he left you behind. That it went this far. You hesitantly walked forward. You paused in front of him, and then ran into his arms. You spilled so many tears today, what was a few more?
“I’m sorry.” Ben whispered. His hand rested on the back of your head. “I’ve missed you so much. I never should have left you behind. I’ve made terrible, terrible mistakes and I can’t even begin to make it up...”
“Shhhhh...” You hugged him tighter. “I just need a moment. You’ll be able to make your peace soon.” He nodded and stroked your hair, then noticed Rey, Finn, and Poe standing with arms around each other’s shoulders, watching this reunion take place. Plenty of eyes were on Ben, the feared Kylo Ren, redeemed at the end of war. They were scared, but slightly eased as they noticed you welcome him with open arms.
Fifteen minutes had passed and you were still clinging to him for dear life, fearing that you’d lose him if you let go. But the members of the Resistance had begun to celebrate you, Poe, Finn, and Rey as the heroes of today’s legendary battle. You looked up into your brother’s eyes.
“Go, I’m not going anywhere.” Ben smiled at you. There were tears running down his cheeks, too. You nodded and ran to catch up with your fellow “Resistance Heroes.” You and Poe walked hand and hand onto the stage. Your people honored you as you stood among them. Poe lifted your arm into the air and planted a firm kiss on your lips, causing Ben to raise an eyebrow. The celebration had begun and you couldn’t see an end to it. As you and Poe reapproached Ben, he crossed his arms.
“So, you have a boyfriend now?” He asked.
“Oh, quiet, Ben. You’ve got a lot to catch up on here.” You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t you ever hurt my sister...” Ben warned Poe. Poe stepped forward with a clenched jaw and you blocked him with your arm.
“Don’t you ever hurt my girlfriend.” Poe shot back. Ben scrunched his eyebrows together, as if he were angry, but showed you a smile and stuck out his hand for Poe to shake.
“Thank you for loving my sister, sir. I’m sorry for all of the pain I’ve caused you in the past. I hope I’m soon able to prove to you that I’ve had a change of heart.” Ben apologized. Poe glanced to you and back at Ben, then accepted his handshake.
“We’re glad to have you.”
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oreosmama · 4 years
Who Dunnit (Kylo Ren x Reader)
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*GIF not mine*
Summary: Someone left their panties in the control room after what must have been a night of fun and Hux is determined to find out who.
A/N: Small lil thing that I’ve had rolling around in the ol’ hat rack for a while. Hope you like it!
Word count: 643
        “What the hell is this?” Hux’s voice when he was angry was all-too familiar, but today there was an added element of pure abhorrence. 
        Curious, you glanced up from your holopad to whatever the general had screeched about only to widen your eyes at the sight. 
        More specifically, the black lace panties Kylo had torn off you after last night’s mischievous “rendezvous” in the control room. 
        Fuck.         “Oh-” Hux turned his attention to you and maintained furious eye contact while one index finger continued to point at the pair of destroyed undergarments flung directly behind his main computer. “-Oh, my God, how disgusting!” you choked out, trying to avoid the burning of your cheeks. “Sir, I will take care of that right away for you.” 
        You rose from your chair and took two steps forward only to rethink your plan and grab two number two pencils, reaching for the panties and stabbing them ever so precariously. With pursed lips, you lifted them up at just the perfect height to make awkward eye contact with Hux over the torn waistband. 
        One lone eye twitched while the other was so wide you could almost see your panicking reflection in his cornea. “Burn them,” he hissed, “and never speak of this again.”
        “Y-yes sir,” you nodded, “of course, sir.” As fast and discreetly as you could, you speedwalked over to the doors that led into the hallway.
        “YN, wait!” Hux’s back was to you as you flinched and turned to face him.
        “Yes, sir?” 
        Fuck fuck fuck.
        “You hear any word of who might’ve done this, you bring it straight to me, understood?”
        “Yes, sir.” Without another word, you dashed into the hallway, hightailing it as fast as you could run with your two arms precariously holding your own panties between a couple of pencils before you crashed into something solid.
        “Oof,” you coughed, bouncing back and shaking away the disorientation of the collision, only to meet eyes with the very culprit.
        “YN.” Kylo acknowledged your presence curtly as he had agreed to do for the past few months since your relationship had started. With his mask removed, you could almost see his eyes bug out of his brain when he noticed just what exactly you had been holding.
        “Is that…?”
        “Yep.” You nodded with nervous eyes. 
        “From yesterday?”
        “Where did-”
        “The control room.” 
        “Fuck.” Kylo ran a hand through his hair and breathed out a sigh, eyes still locked on the panties you were currently stabbing. “Who-”
        “Damn.” He nodded and gestured to you. “Does he know they’re-”
        “Thank God.”
        “Yeah,” you scoffed and shook your head, trying to ignore the way even the sight of Kylo left you feeling. “Well, I better-”
        “Yes, of course.” Once more, he nodded, gesturing to the panties. “You… do that.”
        Awkward silence settled around the two of you as you watched the other over the outstretched pencils. Kylo’s eyes flickered with something more than you could decipher at such a moment while you squeezed your thighs together. 
        Finally, he made the first move to turn away and stepped aside to let you pass. 
        As you did so, a single hand snagged your hip to stop you in place before a pair of lips planted on the skin just above your collarbone. 
        “Same time tonight?” Kylo whispered, kissing the mark you had tried so hard to cover up. 
        “Yes,” you hummed, tilting your head to let his lips travel further up your already marked neck.
        “Same place?”
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a-flickering-soul · 4 years
do kylux for the ask meme 😳 you + me = mental illness
i love you so much for sending this in this truly is the mortifying ordeal of being known
putting this under a readmore because it is LITCHERALLY 1.2k words because i am literally clawing at the walls of my enclosure about these two
ANYWAYS go ahead and send me a character and i’ll give you some headcanons bc im having fun doing these!!!
Kylo Ren
Sexuality Headcanon: ambiguously queer. Don’t make me think about him having sex he makes me so angry
Gender Headcanon: he Must be a cis man. He has so much mommy issues. He is such an incel. He is so full of toxic masculinity. He must be a cis man.
A ship I have with said character: Kylux. Every single angle you take this ship from it’s funny and good. Canon—they hate each other and want each other dead. AU—they still hate each other but they’re (probably) less fascist and genocidal. It’s just so funny. They are so obsessed with each other. They gaslight each other into love confessions. It’s unreal. I’ve been thinking about Kylux for the past month and I feel like an entire geological age has passed. You can tell I’m a Kylux shipper and a R*ylo anti because I almost exclusively refer to him as Ren instead of Kylo. The gay angel went to superhell for Kylux to go canon in Lego Star Wars (twice) and a kids’ comic book. God mocks me to my face.
A BROTP I have with said character: This got literally shot to shit but post-TFA when a bunch of people headcanoned Rey as Luke���s kid and she and Ren were cousins and he reluctantly babysat her because he was literally ten years older than her (hhhhh.) and they had this weird mildly-contentious relationship as adults where they grudgingly acknowledge they are both the most powerful Force users in the galaxy and are the only ones who mutually understand the legacy they bear and care about each other but also cannot be in the same room together and hold a civil conversation for more than five minutes before resorting to uncomfortable silence. Like when you’re at a family reunion and you’re automatically shunted with the only other kid around your age so you have to make conversation but you are just so fundamentally different there’s nothing to talk about. Unreal.
A NOTP I have with said character: Hhh. R*ylo. I’m one of those evil lesbians who hate that ship viciously and one of my dreams is to be one of the mean antis that that bully a shipper in a story that’s clearly exaggerated or made up and then get cancelled for having good taste.
A random headcanon:  I think he and Phasma used to spar a lot. I keep thinking about the five years he spent on the Finalizer pre-canon and I can’t reasonably justify the Knights of Ren hanging out with him for the entire time on a literal military ship and I like the idea of them being the only people that are reasonably on par physically (I also like how Phasma is an inch taller than him because....whew).
General Opinion over said character: God. He drives me wild. I have a lot of thoughts about him and how good he was in TFA and the pre-canon comics/novels as a really fucking good example of a morally-conflicted villain (especially the comics where it made it really clear that he was very much manipulated and gaslit since like…ten years old). Like! The way he could flip at will from drawing strength from both the light AND dark side of the Force is just!! So cool! The way his strength literally derives from moral conflict is just really interesting to me but….idk the way post-TFA he was thrown into a redemption (Rendemption) arc that hinged on Rey being a literal genuine fascist sympathizer made me just really disappointed. He had a lot of amazing potential to be either a really interesting semi-redeemed Byronic antihero OR a full on unhinged animalistic power-mad villain that Rey has to mercy-kill like a rabid dog. And then. Well. Yeah. I like him a lot in very specific contexts and flat out hate him in most others.
 Armitage Hux
Sexuality Headcanon: gay! He is gay! I have an entire list of reasons why he’s gay and it grows daily! Without a doubt a homosexual! Gay and repressed!
Gender Headcanon: Also a cis guy even though I still do have a lot of half-formed thoughts about gender in the First Order/post-collapse of the Empire society.
A ship I have with said character: Kylux! Again! I’m obsessed with how obsessed Hux is with Ren. He hates him so much it’s unreal. I keep reading the novelizations and thinking so fucking hard about how consumed Hux is with hatred for this one man. He’s so repressed. He’s so damaged. It’s unreal. The brainworms in my head have metamorphosed into moths and they’re flapping their wings so hard they’re disintegrating my grey matter. I think near-daily about how he personally went down to retrieve Ren from the collapse of Starkiller Base and yet would not touch him to drag him to shelter in the Hux graphic novel. Would you take off your glove to check his pulse or would you attempt to feel it through the leather and touch something’s dead skin rather than his living warmth. I’m so deeply unwell.
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Phasma!!! The way they are on first-name terms with each other….the way one of the few times in the graphic novels you see him smile is when Phasma comes back onto the base…..the way they plotted to kill Brendol together….truly evil mlm/wlw solidarity you simply love to see it
A NOTP I have with said character: Oof I see a lil bit of shipping him with Resistance members (I think I’ve seen him with Rose and also Poe??) and I know TROS made the decision to have him defect from the First Order (out of. again. his obsessive hatred with another man. writing choices.) but it makes me INSANELY uncomfortable seeing people of color being shipped with a literal fascist parody of British colonialism and imperialism lmao like….just ship Kylux bro they’re mutually bad people AND a power couple
A random headcanon: Frankly at this point I joke so much about how much like a sick Victorian orphan he looks like that I could write an entire fake medical file for him but I’ll spare you all and simply say that I am incredibly partial to the headcanon that Hux is a freak that bites string cheese instead of peeling it like a normal person. Also…the implications that he Personally placed the tracker in Ren’s belt rather than someone else, so that he alone could keep tabs on him…..I’m unwell. Enough.
General Opinion over said character: If Ren is a character I love to hate, Hux is a character I hate that I love. I just. I can’t stop thinking about this gay little war criminal. It truly, genuinely baffles the mind how much information there is about him. It triggers that same little part of my brain that goes wild over like. ARGs and stuff. There’s just so much lore. With every new piece of canon or semi-canon information I learn about him I can feel my grip on sanity slipping. He owns a black robe. He has a personal hitman in the First Order ranks to poison people he doesn’t like. He drinks tea. He’s a bastard son. He’s great with kids. He was in charge of a squad of feral orphan child soldiers at five years old. I just. I just don’t get it. I’m enamored with him. His compulsive attention to grooming. His hubris. His ambition. How literally unhinged he is (the “rabid cur” line genuinely lives in my head rent free). The way he systemically killed every single person who saw him weak and abused as a child. There’s just so much to talk about with him. He’s so evil. He’s so fucked up. I love him so deeply. He is such a horrible person and he is so fun to make fun of and he is so fun to think about. God wants there to be a bullet in my head so badly.
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absolutely starstruck with your commentary about how freeing troopers from the FO should have been the driving force behind the plot of the sequels because...YES. that’s the plot we (and the cast, and the new sequel characters, and the telling of stories of color in sci-fi & fantasy—) deserved. I’m still processing how perfect the premise is—and how much more sense it makes, narrative-wise. wow wow wow
It’s a really simple plot. 
They set it up from jump.
And you can still explore Rey Kylo. You can still look for Luke or whatever (don’t get me started. They trashed his character. In what way did Luke Skywalker’s original story arc set him up to try and murder his own nephew for being prone to the dark side instead of talking to him? He looked Palpatine in the eyes and threw away his own lightsaber in favor of love. Luke Skywalker is the Sailor Moon of Star Wars. Fuck’s sake.)
But you can still explore Rey’s Force journey. You can still...do...whatever...with Kylo (I am not a fan. I get that people are into angry trash princes, he’s just not my flavor of trash prince. If you search “Anakin Skywalker” on my blog, you’ll find out very quickly which brand of trash prince is my preferred one).
But you could have done it with a main, overarching plot that involved taking the First Order down by radicalizing its kidnapped members, and using a reformed, runaway Storm Trooper to do so. It’s not a hard concept. A talented script writer could probably work that shit up in their sleep. 
That’s the thing about Star Wars. The main plot doesn’t HAVE to be complicated. The simpler the better, so you can do a deep dive into the big ideas BEHIND the main plot (good vs evil, nature vs nurture, etc), which is what Star Wars has always been good at.
I dunno. I love Star Wars. I had a lot of sad feelings about the sequel trilogy. I feel like if I can sit in my pajama pants on my lil couch with only my cats to hear me rant and rave about these things, and think of a compelling main plot, so could the people being paid more money than I’ll ever have to do so.
But thank you for coming to my ted talk. <3  
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amazingdriverfics · 4 years
Crowned by the devil - ch. 7
Summary: Kylo shows to you just how much you care and you change your mind.
Warnings: injury treatment, NSFW content, lil bit of angst
A/N: forgive me for cutting the smut, but next chapter we’ll have a bigger part dedicated to it. Also sorry for not posting so much this week, my College just said we’re going to have online classes and I lost my mind for a bit. 
Hope you like it! 
Previous Chapter   Following Chapter
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Hot and salty were the tears falling down your face, it wasn’t long after Kylo left when you broke down. For starters you hated medical environments, it remembered you too much of the day you lost Juney and the fact that Ren mentioned her during your argument wasn’t very helpful. You knew he was right, your adoptive mother always wanted you to leave Tatooine, to be happy and to have a chance to enjoy all the things Kreat didn’t allow you to.
One thing led to another and you never had the strength to leave the sandy planet or your past behind no matter how much it hurted. You tried to forget a part of it covering the biggest part of your scars with tattoos, however, the ‘K’ couldn’t be covered and no matter how much money you got from the bounty hunts, there was no way you could afford the proceedings to make it less visible, so you stopped looking at it and only touched it when showering. Part of your weakness towards Kylo came from the fact that you allowed him to touch the scar, Stars you were stupid.
To make it worst, the dark knight was right about the rest too, you knew the two of you were too much alike, you felt a connection - one you had been trying so hard to ignore -,  you were angry all the time - it was the only way you knew how to deal with your feelings - and, yes, you were pretty sure you didn’t deserve anything good, after all when was the last time something good had happened, you had given up happiness long ago and you convinced yourself  that you were okay with it, then Kylo Ren got in the way and rubbed in your face just how tired you were of your sorry life. Living in the Steadfast made you feel alive, Cardo was the first friend you ever made, Phasma taught you something after years of nothing and Kylo was something else, he not only turned you on, but was the only one to make you feel vulnerable and, at the same time, brave enough to tell the truth straight to your face. No matter how much you tried to hate him, you couldn’t do it, you didn’t love or trust him, but you were somehow grateful for his presence in your life. 
Before you could try to figure out your life some more, a white medical droid entered the room caring a lot of black bandages and a couple of pots filled with blue viscous bacta. “Miss l/n?”, immediately, you turned your head in its direction. “Yes” you answered awaiting for instructions. “I’m medical droid F-88L and I’m here to start your bacta treatment. I’ll help you to sit on the bedside”. 
Sitting for the first time was hard and painful, despite the painkillers running in your veins, your side complained and throbbed, pain hitting you in strong yet slow waves causing your finally dry eyes to become wet again. When you were finally able to shift positions, legs falling out of the medical bed, feet almost touching the cold ground, a relieved moan left your mouth and tears left the side of your red and puffy eyes. It wasn’t long before the droid started to move, applying the cold liquid to your wounds after taking your small medical vest off leaving you only in your panties. 
The sensation of the bacta against your skin wasn’t the most pleasant, it was sticky, but at the same time it provided some very much needed relief, and thanks to the black bandage which also sticked perfectly to the hurt area, the bacta didn’t met areas where it wasn’t necessary.
All of a sudden, you felt the sticky sensation on your back precisely where the ‘K’ insignia you carried for all those years was, causing you to jump out of the bed, the brusque movement making your side complain and your blood pressure to go down clouding your vision as the room became blurry. Without you noticing, a pair of nurses entered the room helping the droid to place you in the position you had been. “Please calm down, miss” one of the nurses said her voice still seeming a little far, but you allowed yourself to calm down, your breathing becoming steadier, your blood pressure returning to normal levels. 
“Wh-why are you applying bacta to my scar?” you asked voice failing as you stuttered, pain clouding you mind at the same time that fear ran through your veins, triggered by the touch on your scar. “The Supreme Leader asked us to treat it, we will make it less visible”. Her words made you cry again, the thought of Kylo caring so much about you that he would spent his Order’s money to help you deal with the worst memory of your life hit all your buttons. “Hm, okay, go on”. 
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Kylo watched as she slept on the medical bay from the small window the room had, the drugs made y/n seem at peace as she probably slept a sleep without any dreams, she was always so stunning he thought to himself. The fight had taken a toll on him, he knew he was right, but at the same time she was as well, they didn’t really know each other very well and Ren was determined to change the scenario. As an apology he asked the doctor to treat the ‘K’ shaped scar on her back since the words ‘I’m sorry’ would never leave his mouth. He also knew how much those memories haunted her and he wanted to do everything in his power to keep her safe even if it meant keeping her safe from herself. 
“Master Ren” Cardo’s voice echoed in the corridor causing Kylo to be slightly ashamed from being caught staring at y/n sleeping. Clearing his throat he looked to his knight preventing his face from showing any emotion, in times like these he missed his mask. “Yes, Cardo?”.
“Well, don’t get me wrong, sir, but me and my brothers are a little worried about you” the knight threw up his words as if speaking quickly would prevent Kylo from being angry. “Why?” Ren asked, face already showing irritation as his tone increased a bit. “You see, y/n is a troublemaker” Cardo laughed a bit remembering their training sessions “ - and that’s exactly what makes the two of you perfect for each other, but we all know how you feel about her and we are afraid of the outcome -” his speech was interrupted as the Supreme Leader angrily said “That is nothing of your business” as he stomped out of the medical bay. 
Kylo knew things would work out between him and his Empress, simply because he could no longer imagine living without her.
-----------------------------------------                       -----------------------------------------------
It had been a full cycle since the last time you had seen Kylo and you were dying to see him again. You needed to thank him for the treatment and, even though you weren’t going to say you were sorry for what happened, you wanted to say that after thinking a lot you decided to give the experiment a try. You didn’t really have anything to lose after all and you owned it to him - or you told yourself that -. The truth was that in the same amount your feared love, you wished for it and as much as you tried to deny it, Ren was getting in your soft spot, despite your previous belief that it didn’t really existed.
The time you spent without him was also very sad, you spent all the time looking into the wall and not having what to do took your mind to bad places, memories flooding your brain constantly making you wish to disappear, you were also constantly thinking about Ren, how you were going to say what you wanted, if you should give in to your needs and desires exploring his body with yours, if you should really try to get to know the man, if you had what it took to rule a Galaxy - the answer in your head often being no -. The good part of your endless obsessive thinking was that it clouded the physical pain almost like medicine, the price - your mental health - wasn’t worth it though. 
“Troublemaker?” the nickname and his tone instantly made you laugh, you hadn’t realized just how much you missed Cardo until he showed up. He felt like comfort and as you looked right into his blue eyes the bad thoughts went away. “Hey, asshole” you said, trying to hide the relief you felt in the knight’s presence with your mocking tone. 
“Good to know you aren’t easy to kill” he said giving you a tired smile and sitting in the couch Kylo had previously slept in. “I’m offended that you even considered me easy to kill” you said putting a dramatic facade on. 
“You’re tiny don’t blame me” he mocked, resting his chin on his hand, eyes glimmering with amusement knowing it would piss you off. “Very funny, Cardo” you faked a laugh “Next time we fight I’ll hit your crotch and we’ll see how defenceless I am”.
“You worried me” he said, losing the brave facade and the mocking tone, vulnerability showing in his traces. “I saw it all, and even though I have seen and done some pretty nasty things I thought that I would pass out”. 
“Yes, I didn’t think I would make it either, but I guess I’m tougher than I presumed” a sad smile cracking on your face as the words left your mouth echoing through the white room. “Now I will have to endure the next phase of this ‘experiment’ whatever that is” you shrugged. “I can’t tell you what it is, but you are not going to like it at all.” Cardo said, his relaxed posture coming back and causing you to get a little bit scared of what was coming. “Unfortunately, I have to go troublemaker, need to kill some bad guys” he said faking an attack to illustrate what he was about to do.
Before you could even interrogate the man, he stood up ready to leave the facility. “Wait, can you please tell Kylo to come if you see him?”, Cardo gave you a quick nod and left you behind to deal once again with your memories.
-----------------------------------------                       -----------------------------------------------
“You called me?” his deep voice filled your ears making you jump a little bit from the scare, as anxiety immediately started to eat your insides as you remembered why you asked Cardo to get his master. “Hm, yes. I need to talk to you” you said trying to sound confident as you usually sounded like. As you started to get up, Kylo went to help, his touch on your arms making you shiver. 
When you were finally sat, the knight skins left yours, making where he touched feel cold. “Thank you. I’m going to start talking before I regret it” you started avoiding to look at the tall figure still standing, but this time near the couch. “I wanted to thank you, really thank you, what you are doing for me by treating my scar is something I can never repay” you looked at him quickly seeing his face showing no emotion as his hands were in fists. “And, well, I’ve been thinking about the discussion we had - if you can call it that - and, turns out you weren’t totally wrong, so I decided to give this, whatever this is, a chance”. 
As soon as you were done, your eyes travelled to him again waiting anxiously for his reaction. While he didn’t say anything, an uncomfortable silence started to fill the room making it impossible for you to breath. The man stood still watching you just as hard as you watched him, not doing anything to show you that he cared for what you said, just as it was about to become unbearable, his voice echoed through the walls. 
“You don’t have to thank me for it, I did because I wanted to” he shrugged, body finally starting to move as whole as he made his way to the bed sitting next to you. “I’m glad you decided to try, you won’t regret it. I’m also taking the fact you said I was right - even though I already knew that - as a personal victory” while mocking you a smile showed up in his face, lighting his features and eyes up, it almost stopped you from giving him a remarck back. “You shouldn’t, I was the one mostly correct” a smile also making its way into your features. 
“Let me show you how grateful I am for your decision” he purred in your ear, ignoring your comment. Soon he was in his feet again walking towards the door and locking it also making sure that the small window was covered with the curtains. “What are you-” your question was interrupted with his lips as they sealed yours in a deep kiss, Kylo’s tongue dominating yours without mercy. His hands explored your body, always careful with your wound, his right one finding home in your tight squeezing it hard as you kissed while his left one stayed in your hair pushing it slightly every now and then. 
You tried to win over his grip in your tight to press them together, a gesture to relieve the pressure building in your core as the blood flooded directly into your clit, making it sore and getting you wet. 
Kylo finished the kiss trapping your lower lip between his teeth while his brown eyes, almost black with the desire, bored directly into yours making you even wetter. His hands left your body and made their way to the bottom of the medical vest before carefully taking it off. As soon as your bare chest was exposed, he stood a couple of inches away, taking in the sight of your body, as instinct you rubbed your thighs again and placed your fingers on your nipples squeezing them. Just as you started to play with your nipples, an animal sound left Ren’s mouth while he got closer, his hands taking yours off your nubs as he substituted them with his mouth. 
He kissed your nipples just like he had done with your mouth, switching between teasing it with his tongue lapping and swirling around it and trapping the tip with his teeth pulling it slightly as his hands massaged the bottom of your breasts. You were a moaning mess, the building sexual tension and the amount of ruined sex moments with the knight making you more sensitive to his touch.
With his eyes fixed on yours, Kylo started to make his way down slowly in an almost torturing pace, kissing the path to your clothed pussy, lips closing around the skin on your belly leaving some red marks on it, tongue teasing the skin just above the underwear you still had on. Trying to make him go faster, you put your hands on his soft black hair and tried to push him down, but the man was stronger and the only result you got was a smirk in his face. Keeping your hand in place you let him do his way, watching as he kissed the inside of your thighs shortly after you spread them for him.
“Who would’ve known that such a bitter person would smell so sweet” Kylo whispered into your underwear, nose lightly touching your clit making you squirm. Taking his time he lowered your panties letting it fall to the ground, with his fingers he spread your pussy lips showing yourself completely to him. “Such a pretty pussy, I’ve been dreaming of eating this out”. As soon as the words left his mouth, his tongue met your folds in a long lap starting right from your hole and ending on your sore clit causing your head to fall back as a relieved moan left your mouth and your grip on his hair became tighter. 
Everytime a pleasured sound came from you, you could feel his smile against your cunt and because of the way his tongue lapped over and over again on your clit alternating directions, there were too many of them. The man was a master at pussy eating, he knew just how much pressure to put on your nub and from the way he did it you could tell he liked it. 
As two of his thick fingers entered your hole, curling inside of you and hitting the sweet spot, his tongue continued the work causing your inner walls to clench from the amount of pleasure coursing through your veins. It wasn’t long before you were rubbing your cunt against his face, making him a mess, his chin and cheeks shimmering with your pleasure as he moaned into your pussy aroused by your actions. 
When Kylo stopped licking on your clit to suck on it, the building orgasm crashed causing your eyes to close, as your body shook, your legs closing on his head and keeping his mouth connected to your cunt. The only thing leaving your mouth was his name over and over again, your senses clouded from how much pleasure you felt. After Ren finished fingering you through your orgasm, he got up proudly showing his face covered in cum as his fingers sticky and shiny traveled to his mouth, leaving it cleaned not a trace of your arousal on it. “I will never be able to live without eating this pussy, I’ll eat it for breakfast from now on” he said, voice deeper than normal. All you could do was nod, not trusting your voice after having the most incredible orgasm ever.
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desiraypark · 4 years
Boiling Point (Pt. I)
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So, on another platform, @yourpaterson​, @leather-and-embers​, and I started a little something. It got angsty. It got love triangle-y. Hate-sex was involved. A lil’ jealousy. I’ve decided to expand upon this potential love triangle with a backstory for “Desiray”. Characters: Desiray (as a character) x Kylo Ren x Paterson (not yet mentioned)
Disclaimer: This backstory is fiction. None of it is a reflection of my personal life, my childhood, or even my personality. // Content Warning: Abuse (memories of); engrained misogyny; broken home; broken mother/daughter relationship; broken (non-existent) father/daughter relationship; child abuse; burns; abortion mention (as punishment/in an abusive tone). Mentions of supernatural abilities. 
When did Desiray know she was “alone”? When she was 15 years old.
“Watch the pot on the stove for me, will you?” Mama requested. Desi nodded. Her sister sat across the table from her, doing her homework. Desi was doing the same. Mama left the pot of boiling noodles when she went to use the restroom. 
Bubbling, bubbling--not quite ready.
No one knew it, but Desiray was at a breaking point. Her first boyfriend--well, who she thought was her boyfriend--he’d denied her in front of his friends to raucous laughter.  “I’m not trying to be your boyfriend, I was just trying to fuck,” he’d said once the laughter subsided. 
Even when she was an embryo, Desi had learned that no matter how often and how much people hurt you--especially men--you must remain dignified. Ladylike. Take verbal and physical assault in stride. Your patience would be rewarded, someday.
“I should have made you get an abortion,” Desi heard her father say when she was floating in her mother’s belly. Yes. 
"Who...who told you that?” Mom asked when Desi brought it up.
“You should have gotten an abortion like dad said.” That’s exactly what Desi told her mother in an argument.
“Who...who told you that?”
“I heard him say it.” _____________________
Dad was in the living room watching television with a drink in one hand and an appetizer of a sandwich in the other. Because he was the only one in the home deserving of an escape from his family. And of course, when his mental vacation was over, he decided to bring hell to his wife.
Bubbling, bubbling...one more minute.
Voices raised. Desi rubbed the weariness away from her forehead--hoping that her ability to hear might be temporarily erased with the rub. Dawn, her sister, shrunk in her chair. Mama came into the kitchen. Sigh. That usually resulted in Desi and Dawn being caught in the crossfire. 
Bubbling, bubbling...turn the burner off. Move the pot. 
Mama wouldn’t finish dinner tonight.
To this day, Desi still can’t quite remember what they were arguing about. But she remembered the important things. 
Her own angry scream. 
“Leave her alone!” a declaration of independence. 
Her father’s screams--his dampened and steaming back. The penne noodles on the floor. 
The most painful memory: her mother screaming “Desi! What is wrong with you?!” Her father never hit her, her mother, or her sister ever again. Instead, he found lovers to impose the violence of his fist or mere presence upon. Dad came home when he wanted. And Mom became Desi’s silent aggressor--resentful that her daughter had disrupted her normal. 
That year, Desiray learned that she was alone. But she refused to be helpless. 
Years Later
The First Order base was interesting, to say the least. A Galaxy History major, Desiray responded to a holonet posting for a ‘Historical Transcriber’ with the base. The main part of her job was to transcribe the data and recordings of old (or aging) droids and other receptacles of archival information. The “second” part of her job came later--when she quickly grew tired of hauling droids to the repair department when one failed her. Soon, she learned how to repair them herself, and became an unofficial repairwoman of all droids.
It was her second day on the job when she sat down in the cafeteria. After two bites into her sandwich, she felt someone staring at her. Whatever kind of Spidey senses or intuition she was "gifted” at birth, she considered it more of a curse than a blessing. Sometimes it came in handy, being “wise” or “empathetic”, as she’d been described. But other times, she just wanted to eat a porg breast sandwich without ~feeling something~. 
Her eyes scanned the room--slowly and inconspicuously--until they landed on a tall figure dressed in black, talking to an officer. But he was looking at her. She knew he was.
She’d seen this guy on her first day and noticed that people moved hastily out of his way. If you asked her, she’d seen scarier. She placed her focus back onto her sandwich.
“Grown ass man walkin’ around in a Party City costume,” she thought to herself. 
Desiray glanced up again and the man was gone. 
Kylo Ren. 
She’d heard that “Kylo” was his title and not even his first name. A “mysterious” type. Whatever.
One day, she’d happen to have been walking past the control room when he was throwing one of his infamous tantrums. She just shook her head. 
“What a fucking brat.”
Suddenly, Desiray felt her arm being yanked and her body being pulled into the control room. Ren towered over her and pushed her against a wall. 
“Do you have something you’d like to say to me...” His head tilted down to look at her identification badge. Or her tit. Or both. “Parker?”
“If I did, I would have said it,” Desiray spat back. She pushed against his chest, but he didn’t budge an inch.
“Every time you walk past me, something bitchy runs across that brain of yours. Why?”
“I suppose your bitchiness just rubs off on everyone, Mr. Ren. Now, can I go to my office?”
Desiray couldn’t see his face. But she knew he was smirking. A deadly combination of anger and lust radiated from his flesh and past all of the shit he was wearing. 
“A little girl pretending to be tough. We’ll see how long that lasts...”
And with that, Ren walked out of the control room, leaving Desiray standing against the wall--catching her breath and calming the beat of her heart. A beat of fear mixed with anger. 
One month into her new job. Almost two months in a new city--about 25 miles away from her hometown... 
...and she’d already come across yet another man who needed another pot of hot water thrown against his back.
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babbushka · 4 years
Biting Dust - ch.4
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Life ain’t too easy for a woman, ‘specially not a woman on the run like you. With a bounty on your head and gunpowder in your nose, you’ve grown adjusted to a life of solitude away from the hustle and bustle of civilization. That is, until you meet one particular man who’s got a face you’d only ever seen in your dreams – or on wanted posters. And when he offers you a proposition that sounds too good to be true, well. You don’t think your life will ever be the same again…
Outlaw!Kylo Ren x Reader
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7k; cw Graphic descriptions of violence/gun violence/blood & injury 
There’s a distinct energy in the air, gettin’ on up in the morning. Still surprised he ain’t shoot you dead yet, you give Kylo nothing more than a nod of acknowledgment, before goin’ about your business, wadin’ ankle-deep into the water. The water, crystalline and deep, light sparkling off the meandering currents like diamonds, you’re reminded of the way Kylo looked, when he was lookin’ at you.
Shaking your head, you sigh. Whatever had happened yesterday had happened, and it was in the past. Had you dreamed about it? About him? Had your visions been plagued with the look on his face as he came across your stomach? As he nearly sobbed for you, lickin’ at your pulse like some wild thing?
Of course.
Of course, but as much as you wanted to ride on that high of victory, that first test, that first challenge of trust, you knew that his turn would be a’comin’ real soon. You tip your face up to the sky, let the crisp blue of Arizona shine down on your closed eyes, seepin’ up the warmth.
You splash the sleep out of your face, and if Kylo’s watchin’ you real careful like, if somethin’s on his mind, he’s got the smarts to keep it to himself.
It’s silent, for a good part of the ride. Y’all had skipped breakfast, forgoin’ the previous day’s precedent of boiled coffee and a cigarette, instead wanting to keep moving. Always on the move, you were. It wasn’t always that way, but well, that’d been the way for so damn long now, that the time before feels like a dream. Feels like someone else’s memories playin’ in your head.
If only that was the case, you think dryly.
Kylo’s contemplative on his horse, for a real long while. You wonder what he might be thinkin’ about, if he’s thinkin’ about you. You had tried wakin’ up before him today, but it was to no avail. Did the man ever sleep? Surely he must’ve, he was only human after all. You catch his eye awkwardly, the both of y’all looking at each other and then looking away, embarrassed at bein’ caught.
It would seem as though that mutual embarrassment was Kylo’s sign to say something finally, breaking whatever tense mood this had become.
“So Cousin,” Kylo’s voice shocks you for some reason, almost like you had forgotten how deep it was, almost like you’d forgotten that another person could speak so clearly, so confidently to you. “What’s your name?”
He’s referring to the cover story, of course. You remember the way he so sharply denied answering for his age – or maybe was it bein’ a brother that he objected to? Either way, the venom that had stung still lingers in the back of your mind, so you find it best not to press the subject, and answer with the moniker you’ve come to use;
“Mary Elizabeth Sampson.” The words just sound right, rollin’ off the tongue. It was a normal name, nothin’ so outlandish like Angel Eyes. No, Miss Mary Elizabeth Sampson was a proper name, could be found in just about any school house – you immediately cut that train of thought off, instead deflecting, “What’s yours?”
“Benjamin Whitlocke.” Kylo tips his hat, and gives you a real cheeky smile, the kind that shows off his dimples and them crooked teeth as he winks, “But you can call me Benji.”
Sonofabitch is charming, you’ll give him that.
The ease at which Kylo spills the name from his lips relieves you. He was just like you, wasn’t he? On the run and undercover in more ways than one, always another name, another identity in his back pocket. Not that anyone would believe him if he went around introducin’ himself as Kylo Ren – that man was a legend.
This man is…well.
He’s charming.
You commit the name to memory, not that anyone is likely to ask. Folks tended to not ask about things like that, things like the who the when where why how, usually only the what. Still, it’s good to know, good to make sure y’all are on the same page, so you don’t go gettin’ yourselves shot on accident.
“Alright Benji, where’re we from?” You keep your face turned towards the horizon, towards the little town that you’ll be passin’ through. It’s coming up, just out there, just around the canyons. “And where’re goin’?”
“Genoa, Nevada. Right near the Carson River Valley, just shy of Reno.” Kylo’s quick with this one too, and you accept it as an acceptable answer. You had no problem adopting his story, somethin’ about it made you feel more at ease. You could trust yourself to not fuck it up – but trustin’ someone else? Not likely. Especially when Kylo gives you a glance with his good eye and asks, “And well, best to tell the truth ain’t it? Colorado?”
You had told that kind woman back at the inn that you’d be headin’ to Colorado, it didn’t seem worth it to lie once you’ve already told the truth. The truth is easy, don’t got nothin’ to hide if you’re tellin’ the truth.
“Sure is.” You eventually respond. When you ask the next question, you ain’t askin’ for any other reason than your own edification, “What’s the name of this lil’ town you’re sayin’ we’re comin’ up on?”
Kylo shrugs at that, and you shoot him a dirty glare. Immediately he puts his hands up to prevent you from throwin’ a fit about not knowin’ where the hell he’s taking you.
“Well I ain’t so sure what they call themselves on the map, but everyone I ever spoke to only knows it as Ragrock.” He explains, and you sigh, not likin’ that answer one bit.
“Ain’t never heard of Ragrock, are you sure it’ll be there?” You don’t recall such a name bein’ written on that map you’d taken, as a matter of fact you don’t recall a town bein’ out here this way anyway.
Don’t jump to conclusions, you think, as your finger itches for the trigger of your six-shooter that you’ve got right on your hip. Don’t jump, he could be telling the truth, he hasn’t done you wrong yet.
“I’m sure. It’s mighty small but it’s got what we need.” Kylo speaks confidently, making you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Oh yeah? And what exactly is it that we need?”
“Well now I don’t know about you, but I sure would like to stock up on some essential supplies,” Kylo licks across his teeth, breath still sour from morning. “Namely bullets. Some food and a good drink too while we’re at it, but mostly bullets.”
“How much shootin’ have you been doin’ to be fresh out?” You frown, and he rolls his eyes. For a second there, you think he’s about to laugh, but the most you get is a sharp huff out of his nose.
“Angel I’m never fresh out, believe me.” Patting his hip, you hear the telltale jangle of rounds secured to his belt. “I just don’t like gettin’ low, that’s all. And besides, I have a feelin’ we’re gonna need ‘em. We’ll keep a low profile and all, but Ragrock has a habit of bein’ a bitch sometimes.”
“Yesterday you said there were only three public buildings.” You point out, how much of a bitch could a small town like that be?
“I sure did.” He misses the point, “Bar, drug store, and jail.”
“Damn.” The word is out of your mouth before you even think it, and you immediately kick yourself.
Kylo does smile then, gives you a big knowing smile, and something about it soothes you just as much as it unnerves you. You had been half-jokin’ when you told him your name was Angel Eyes, and you had hoped he’d be inclined to accept it as a joke. No one had ever seen you, your face was never done right on the wanted posters, to him you had hoped you were just another woman out in the west.
But when he smiles at you like that, it makes you think he knows.
“Closest bank’s not gonna be until we cross over the border into Utah.” Kylo says real quiet, and you give yourself away by snappin’ your teeth shut, shootin’ him the dirtiest look you can muster.
“What do I care about banks for?” You’re too defensive, and you know that, but dammit you’re defensive anyway – especially because you are Angel Eyes and what if he’s a bounty hunter of some kind? What if he poses as Kylo Ren to get close to outlaws just like you and rake in the big bucks? What if -- ?
“Didn’t say that you did,” Kylo shrugs again, “Was just makin’ conversation is all. Anyway, we won’t be needin’ to worry about banks for a little while. I’ve got enough money on me.”
You have half a mind to halt Agnes right then and there, surprise taking the place of any paranoia.
“You do?” Frowning, you watch as he rifles through a little purse that he pulls out of a small pocket in his waistcoat.  
“Yep.” He shows you, lets you peer inside at the many bills folded neatly together, “Just about a hundred dollars between it all.”
You do stop Agnes then, halting her reins sharply in a way that makes her whinny in protest. Kylo stops Sam too, already confused about what he did wrong, about why you might be angry with him. That only makes you a little angrier.
“Where the fuck did you get that kind of money?” You demand, wondering why the hell he hadn’t said something before, why he had so little on his person if he had the money to afford better.
“Does it matter?” Kylo shrugs and you sigh with an exasperated roll of your eyes.
“Yeah it sure as shit matters! We can’t go ridin’ into a small town with that much money lookin’ like we do. They’ll suspect us straight off.” You groan.
You’re in your riding clothes once again, but you know that even when you change into your blue dress, neither of you will look rich enough to be carrying around one-hundred dollars. That was a very special class of person, a class of person neither of y’all happen to be. Anyone who saw would immediately peg y’all as thieves.
“Well it ain’t like I’m gonna walk in and flash some bills in everyone’s face.” Kylo mutters, expression souring, “Maybe I’m a gambler and got lucky over a deck of cards, they don’t need to know where it came from.”
The thought fills you with panic, with dread.
“Are you?” You’re askin’ before you even know that you’re doing it, voice gone hoarse from the memory of a long time ago, the memory of a poker table endin’ badly, the memory of a card game lost, fire and screaming and --
“No.” Kylo answers with enough passion and angry heat that you think maybe he’s got some bad memories too. You and Kylo stare real hard at one another, and eventually he puts the purse back in his little pocket and says real soft, “My daddy was, and that’s enough for me to never want to bet so much as a dime.”
As much as you hate admittin’ it – and though you’d never say it to his face – you find yourself likin’ Kylo a little bit more now. He nudges Sam with the heel of his boot, thinking that now that this face off has met its end, you can continue down towards the town.
Squinting against the rippling heat waves of the summer sun, you notice that the town’s buildings are starting to appear as small pricks on the horizon, way out in the distance, shimmering like a mirage. Now’s as good a time as any, you figure, because if you get any closer they might send scouts to come investigate, and you’re not in any mood for an investigation.
“Hold on.” You say, and Kylo stops immediately. Sam huffs out a little chuff of annoyance, but Kylo ignores her.
“What’s the matter?” He’s got a sharp edge to his voice, his good eye immediately scanning around and around for danger.
“Ain’t nothin’ the matter, I just have to change, that’s all.” You explain, and it’s almost funny the way that Kylo’s shoulders drop, tension saggin’ away from them.
You hop off of Agnes altogether. Looking around, you realize very quickly that there’s nothing to change behind, nothing to give you cover. But then you wonder if it really matters, Kylo’s already seen you naked after all. You wonder if he’ll want to look again, if he’ll get his eyeful of you the way he had yesterday, but you find that as you start undressing, he’s got his eye trained just off to your right, respectful.
“Into that blue dress of yours, right?” He clears his throat, busying himself by fiddling with some tobacco and a piece of paper, rollin’ up a cigarette.
“One of us has to look civilized.” You tease him, “Make yourself useful and keep a lookout.”
He does something then, that makes you wonder just what the hell he’s playin’ at. Kylo guides Sam to come stand beside you, effectively sandwiching you between your horse and his, creatin’ a barrier from the outside world, a shield of sorts. You never would have expected such gentlemanly behavior from him – from anyone.
But here he is, protectin’ you from the hungry gaze of the sun and the sand, as you step out of the calf-tall boots you wear, unsnap the buckles of your suspenders which hold up the worn linen trousers that once were a rich black, but now have sun-bleached to an off-blue grey. You unbutton your shirt, long sleeves slippin’ off your arms and exposing your skin to the harsh rays of the sun for a few moments, and all the while, Kylo doesn’t look.
You’re wearin’ nothin’ but your corset and smock, and he doesn’t look.
“You know, when we cross into Utah, we’ll have to pass through Ruby City.” Kylo says instead of starin’ at your body, instead of tryin’ to get a glimpse. “That there’s a proper city, has a train station runnin’ through it and everything. It’s got all sorts of stores and things like that. Maybe you could let me buy you a new dress, let that blue one retire for a while.”
Switching your corset from the sturdy riding support-piece that you wear for something more fashionably structured, still he doesn’t look. The smock sits nicely off your shoulders, your decolletage and cleavage on full display as you snap the hooks and eyes of the corset into place, steppin’ into the petticoat that you’d just cleaned by the river.
“No.” You say easily, echoin’ a sentiment you’d give him before, “I don’t need you doin’ anything for me, I told you already – ”
You struggle for a minute, pullin’ the dress over your head. When it’s freshly washed like this sometimes it was a little stiff from dryin’ in the sun, and you have to wriggle it around to get it to sit properly.
“Well what if it ain’t a need but a want to do it?” Kylo’s hands startle you for a minute, as he leans down and helps set the seam of the yoke on your shoulders properly, “A gift from me to you.”
You tense up immediately, and he drops his hands, not wanting to offend or upset you.
“Ain’t never been a man who gives a gift without expectin’ somethin’ in return.” You reply quietly, a resolute shake of your head.
He’s quiet about that for a while, watching you now that you’re all covered up, watching as you do up all those buttons on your front, as you step into boots that are a little more lady-like, even though you despise that term.
He watches as you trade your wide brimmed hat for a bonnet, hair tucked neatly away instead of the way you usually let it be exposed and free.
“I’m not like them,” Kylo appraises you, fixes your bonnet a little so it ain’t crooked as you tie the ribbon underneath your chin, “Whoever it is that done hurt you so bad.”
“I don’t know that.” You point out, swingin’ your leg up over Agnes’ sadle and rollin’ the stiff joints of your shoulders. Your tone is light, not wantin’ to get into too much heavy right before headin’ into the town, “For all I know, you could be worse.”
“I’ll prove it to you, you’ll see.” Kylo smiles, and you almost want to accept that as a challenge, almost want to dare him, just to see if he would.
Kylo wasn’t lying when he said the town was small. There it was, the single street town, in all its glory. Looking to the left, you can see the way the canyons split and wind alongside the river, houses and homesteads and farms dottin’ the red red earth. Looking to the right, you can see more houses still, but farther apart, nothin’ but cacti and tumbleweeds between them.
Along this single road are actually five buildings; the drugstore and a jail to the left, the saloon and a big fancy house to the right, and a church right down at the end of the road. Well, it wasn’t so much a road as it was a dirt path, but still. And because of how little there was, it was all spread out, takin’ up as much space as possible.
No one was around, but if all the noise from the saloon were anythin’ to go by, you’d reckon that the entire town of Ragrock had gathered there.
Given the placement of the sun up in the powder blue sky, it was fixin’ to be about lunchtime. And considerin’ neither you nor Kylo had had anythin’ to eat today, you’re just glad that the ovens would hopefully be workin’, and that you might use some of Kylo’s money for somethin’ hot and fresh.
“I’m going to pick up some things from the pharmacy, why don’t you go get us a table?” Kylo’s thinkin’ the same thing, and you shoot him a wary eyebrow.
“Do you think they’ll let me in?” You knew that in most places, women weren’t actually allowed inside saloons unless they were whores or ‘Shady Ladies’. And while you were certainly a Shady Lady, you didn’t need nobody knowin’ that.
“In a town this small, impropriety extends to the womenfolk, no need for worry.” Kylo waves your concern off, and you wonder whether to believe him or not.
“What’ll you have to drink?” You decide on takin’ him at face value, it hadn’t steered you wrong yet. Kylo lets out a little laugh at the question, and you roll your eyes, hatin’ how damn cocky he gets when he gets his way.
“Doubt there’ll be much of a choice, but if rum’s on the menu, you sign me up for a glass of that.” He licks across his teeth again, and you part ways for the time being.
There’s only one place to hitch the horses, and that’s damn near the other end of the town by the church. Must not be Sunday, you figure, since the building is empty. Keeping track of the days of the week was somethin’ that had been gettin’ harder and harder, and usually it was only times like these when you’re in a town, that you’re able to figure out when the hell on the calendar you are.
Bein’ that it ain’t Sunday, your earlier suspicion is correct – everyone in the town is in this saloon. From the town elders to the children, boys and girls alike, everyone’s gathered together in the shade of the big wooden building. It’s only one story you notice, which means that there ain’t an inn or a place to sleep above it, which could pose somethin’ of a problem for you. You resolve to get chummy with the boss and see if he can’t suggest somewhere that you and Kylo might be able to rest your heads later on in the evening when the time comes.
The bar is nearly full up with customers laughin’ and talkin’ to one another, card game tables are set up on the floor, some folks winnin’ and some folks losing. There’s a three-person band up against the wall, a pianist a harmonica player, and a fiddle player, and the music instantly lets you know that this is an Irish town.
No rum then, sorry Kylo, you think with a bit of apprehension as you step foot through the swingin’ café doors. Unlike the saloon in the other town, no one pays you a lick of attention here. It ain’t until you make your way up to the bar as a matter of fact, that you start gettin’ eyes.
“Well hell-llo there honey.” A large portly man with a great big gold tooth right in the middle of his face gives you the once-over, “Are you lost?”
Your eye twitches ever so slightly at the petname, but you put on a cool face and bat your lashes, knowin’ just how to play this particular game.
“No sir, my cousin and I are just passin’ through.” You explain, lookin’ for someone who works there, “Might there be a spot open for us to have a drink and crust of bread?”
“For a face like that, you bet your ass there is.” The bartender, a man with slim sharp features stands up from wherever he was crouchin’ behind the bar counter. He wipes the counter with a fresh cloth before slingin’ the thing over his shoulder.
The bartender puts a plate of food in front of you, some buttered bread and nuts that you happily crunch down.
“Watch your fuckin’ mouth, that there’s a lady.” The portly man with the gold tooth points a finger in the bartender’s direction, makin’ you chuckle.
“Naw it’s alright, I ain’t so proper that a couple cuss words will do me any offense.” You wink at him, watchin’ as he gets off his stool at the bar, and offers it to you.
You sit on the stool in his place, and he leans up against his elbow on the counter. You try not to wrinkle your nose at how bad his breath smells, keepin’ up that pleasant smile.
“I’m Amos, why don’t you let me buy you a drink?” He asks, and your eyes flick to the doors with hesitation.
“That’d be mighty kind of you, thank you Amos.” Knowing to never ever refuse a drink or else risk gettin’ branded as disrespectful, you chew on your lip, “Although, I should probably wait for my cousin. He’s just over yonder at the drug store, but he’ll be right back when he’s done.”
“Well when he comes on in I’ll buy him a drink too!” Amos lets out a hearty laugh, slaps a couple coins down on the counter.
“I speak for the both of us when I say we appreciate the generosity immensely.” You smile, wondering what the fuck is taking Kylo so long.
“What’ll you have?” The bartender accepts the coins, pulls a big glass out from behind the counter and gestures to the three different barrel taps he’s got on hand.
“I ain’t picky.” You shake your head, not wantin’ to be fussy.
You’d had a taste of just about every kind of alcohol there was, from Pabst and Budweiser to home-distilled ‘shine. There wasn’t nothin’ you couldn’t swallow, even if you did prefer water above all else. The bartender fills up the glass with the frothy gold of some home brew, and knowin’ the norms, knowin’ how it’d be a sign of weakness to sip your drink, you throw back a big gulp, wipin’ a droplet or two away from your chin with the back of your hand, much to the cheers and applause around you.
“Damn! A woman who can hold her liquor deserves it, don’t you think, ‘Tidge?” Amos slaps the bar top, regardin’ you with another hearty chuckle.
“I sure do.” The bartender, ‘Tidge, gives you a freckled smile.
You look over your shoulder once again, and still no sign of Kylo.
Well, you think to yourself, if he’s going to take his sweet fuckin’ time, then you might as well get comfortable. Besides, couldn’t hurt to get on the town’s sweet side, in case you ever need to come moseying back through this way.
“I like that name, is it short for somethin’?” You turn your attention back towards the bartender, admiring his features.
He’s handsome, in a gangly sort of way. Those cheekbones could cut a man from how sharp they were, everything about him angular and severe, right down to his eyes, a swirling blue-green-grey that you couldn’t quite place. And then of course his hair, a bright orange with more yellow than red in it, you’re sure you’d be able to spot this man from just about anywhere in the town – maybe that’s why he was bartender.
“Armitage, but ain’t nobody calls me that unless I’m in trouble for somethin’, ya see.” He winks at you, his accent lilting and even as he wipes wipes wipes the counter and nonchalantly asks, “What might your name be?”
“Mary, and my cousin’s Benjamin.” You lie straight through your smiling teeth, and he smiles back.
He’s about to open his mouth to say something else, when another employee, a server of some kind, sticks his head out from a side door behind the counter and whistles for Armitage’s attention.
“Hey boss!” The server calls, “There’s a man out here askin’ about some cattle, says he wants to talk to you.”
At that, Armitage throws the towel down and groans, checkin’ the pocket-watch he pulls out of his vest.
“Aw shit,” He mutters to himself, callin’ back, “Tell Joey I’ll be right out! Pardon me Miss Mary, but business is business.”
You only nod, liftin’ your glass of half-drunk whiskey in response, and Armitage leaves.
The swingin’ doors of the saloon give way once again, and this time, finally, Kylo arrives. You can see him through the reflection of the tarnished silver mirror that sits up on the wall behind the bar, likely for reasons like this; so even the regulars at the bar can get a looksee at whoever happens to be comin’ and goin’.
You take another swig of your drink, watch through the silver as Kylo is stopped by a gentleman by the door.
“Hold on there partner, check your guns in.” The gentleman says, a hand on Kylo’s massive chest, stoppin’ him from walking in any further. “Thems the rules.”
You try to hide your grin at the fact that you had been so underestimated to not be stopped, but then again, Kylo was really askin’ for trouble just by walkin’ in, what with his naturally intimidating demeanor. You wonder if he’s going to fight the old man on that, but shockingly, he hands his pistol over without any hesitation.
“Whatever you say, sir.” Kylo gives a nod, before searching for you with a tentative, “Mary?”
“Over here Benji.” At the sound of your ‘name’, you turn and throw a hand up for Kylo to see.
“So this is the cousin, eh?” Amos slurps his beer loudly, as if sizing Kylo up and down, trying to figure out if that’s a fight he would win.
“Yep.” You reply, tryin’ your damn best to not regard Kylo with anything more than platonic interest as he weaves his way through the saloon.
Heat burns in your cheeks from how he doesn’t take his eyes off of you, even in that menacing scowl he’s got plastered to his face, he doesn’t once look away. To him, you could have been the only woman in the entire saloon, and for all he knew, you might as well be. Even without his gun, Kylo still looks like the most deadly man in the entire bar, just from sheer stature and attitude.
It’s a good look, not that you’d tell him that.
You don’t get a chance to tell him anything, because as soon as he comes and sidles up next to you, he slips an arm around your waist, protective – possessive, sizin’ Amos up and down in reutnr, a challenge of his own.  
“We were startin’ to think you didn’t exist.” Amos grunts into his glass.
“Here I am, in the flesh.” Kylo’s voice is deep, deadly. It sends a shiver up your spine, you can feel the crackle of tension radiating off of him, so to mitigate any potential disaster, you push a full glass of whiskey into his hand, makin’ Kylo smile softly at you and asking, “How much for the drinks…?”
“This kind gentleman here took care of them for us.” You nod carefully towards Amos, who is lookin’ a lot less friendly right about now, now that he’s got his eye on the way Kylo pulls your body a little closer to his.
“Oh, well in that case, your next one’s on me.” Kylo pulls out a coin, balances it on his thumb and flicks it up into the air.
Amos catches it with ease, and grunts out something that you think might be a thank you.
“Benji, is it?” Another man’s voice sounds from just behind the two of you, and both you and Kylo freeze up for a split second, before quickly recovering and tryin’ your best to act natural.
“Depends on who’s askin’.” Kylo responds, turnin’ to see who might be inquiring about him.
There’s a table just off to the side, four chairs, only three of them filled. A gruff lookin’ man with ruddy red hair and a freckled face cracks his knuckles, gestures to the empty chair across from him. You swallow, lookin’ at the pile of cards that have been left abandoned on the table.
“We’ve just lost a player, if you’d care to join.” The man says.
You knew enough to know that when a man offers somethin’ like that, it’s more of a dare. And there ain’t no faster way to get into a fight, than by shyin’ away from a dare. Kylo knows this too, and despite the conversation y’all had earlier about him not bein’ a gambler, he knows he can’t not play at least one hand.
“Alright, but just once.” He says as much, using your presence as an excuse, “Wouldn’t do to go leavin’ my cousin all by her lonesome.”
Giving him a very cautious look, you will him not to do anything stupid. Armitage will be back soon and hopefully he’ll bring some protein with him, and you can enjoy a proper lunch and inquire about a possible place to stay for the night. It would be bad, for anything to happen now.
Kylo walks over to the table, takes the seat.
“What’s this?” He points to the little pile of cards, and you get the uneasy feeling that something bad is going to happen anyway, despite your silent pleas.
“That’s the hand he left behind.” The gruff man smokes on a fat cigar, blows smoke out of his nose, sucks across blackened teeth.
Curiously, Kylo lifts the cards just enough to see somethin’ that he don’t like, and he immediately puts them back down on the table.
“I’d rather not take ‘em, if that’s alright. Deal me a new hand.” Kylo requests, and that, it would seem, was the wrong move to make.
You hold your breath, eyes boring into the back of Kylo’s skull, hand itchin’ for the gun you’ve got hidden on your person, the gun that you’d be willin’ to throw Kylo at a moment’s notice, should he need it.
“It ain’t alright.” The gruff man shakes his head, his eyes grey like steel as he regards the pile, “You seen ‘em, you play ‘em.”
“That don’t seem fair.” Kylo points out, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I don’t give a shit about fair.” The man is unmoving, unwavering, not once breaking eye contact with him as he repeats, “You seen ‘em, you play ‘em.”
“And if’n I don’t?” Kylo asks.
The clinking sound of a holster buckle is what captures everyone’s attention, every single person in the saloon.
Amos, the card table, all the women and children, hell even that three-man band stop playin’, and all turn to look at him, at Kylo, who is now standin’ on the other side of the table, starin’ down the barrel of a gun.
The gruff man stands too, holds the gun level in one hand, holds the cigar in his other.
You itch to throw your gun to Kylo, itch to shoot the man dead yourself, but you don’t move a muscle.
Nobody in the entire saloon moves a single muscle.
“Now I don’t want this to get ugly, particularly not in front of my sweet cousin right over there, so I’m gonna give you a chance.” Kylo has the nerve to say, as he puts his hands up in good faith. He speaks lowly, quietly, so low that the saloon goes silent to hear him. “I’ll give you three seconds to go on over to that there desk and deposit your gun with the clerk at the door, which you shoulda done upon entering as is part of the rules of this here establishment.”
In response, the gruff man only pulls back the trigger, a mockin’ tone to his voice when he echoes Kylo’s earlier words of, “And if’n I don’t?”
You’re just about to lunge in and help him, when all of a sudden, Kylo lifts his leg and slams his boot down on the table, and before you can even shout to ask what the fuck he’s doing, you realize that the long wooden plank wasn’t secured down enough to be stable, and by kicking down on his end, the other end of the plank flies straight up, knockin’ the man’s hand upward, the barrel of the gun pointed right at his chin, the jolt of movement firin’ the trigger, bullet shootin’ straight up through the man’s head.
The crowd is stunned, speechless, watching in shock as the plank levels out on the table again, as Kylo kicks it down down down again, three more bullets flyin’ up through the man’s skull, blood spattering spraying onto the faces of the people in the general vicinity, screams and gasps at the hot hiss of red landin’ on their clothes.
Everyone is frozen, watches as the man’s body finally gives way to death, and thuds and thunks down to the floor.
The top of this man’s head is completely blown out, and Kylo doesn’t even so much as blink an eye, even now that he’s got blood on his own clothes.
“Y’all saw how I warned him?” Kylo barks out to the crowd, and they recoil more from this than they did from the shooting.
“We saw.” They reply nearly in unison.
“Anybody got anything they want to say about it?” Kylo dares, but when no response comes, “Good. Now where’s the fuckin’ bartender when you need him?”
Almost as if on cue, Armitage comes back through the side door, clapping away dirt from his palms.
All eyes shift to him, and Armitage has a look of confusion on his face for one second, one split second, before it morphs through devastation, to rage.
“Brian!” He calls out with the sort of anguish that makes you think Kylo picked the wrong gambler to kill.
“Oh shit.” You mutter under your breath, especially as Armitage jumps over the bar and rushes to the fallen man’s side.
“Which one of you sons of bitches killed my brother??” Armitage screams, so red in the face that you’re afraid he’s going to burst.
It’s then, that Armitage whirls around and gets an eyeful of Kylo – the kind of eyeful that means he knows that ain’t no Benjamin.
“Oh shit!” You hiss, hand slowly, carefully, creepin’ towards your gun.
“You!” Armitage seethes, leveling a bloodied finger in Kylo’s direction as he races back to the bar to grab a rifle, checks the chamber to make sure she’s fully loaded, and immediately fires a shot that blast through the wood of the table, sending the crowd shouting and screaming, racing out of the saloon to avoid bein’ struck. “I thought I told you to never step foot into this goddamn place again!”
Kylo makes a mad dash for you then, grabs you by the arm and yanks you back back back as Armitage reloads his double barrel.
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you knew him?” You seethe, smacking at him, wanting to punch his fucking teeth out, wondering why he led you into the belly of a hornet’s nest.
The blast of bullets shatters the window above you, and you both duck your heads so as to not get struck by the falling glass.
“No time to explain, on my count, you make a run for the door and get the horses.” Kylo mutters, entirely too calm and collected, making you want to punch him even harder.
“Here take my gun – ” You offer him, but as another explosion sounds off a little too close to you this time, Kylo unveils two more guns of his own.
“Don’t need it,” Kylo grins, and for the first time, you see a sparkle in that blind eye of his. He scoffs, “What, you didn’t think I’d hand them all over, did you?”
You just widen your eyes at him, incredulous.
“Three, two -- run!” Kylo shouts, popping up over the makeshift barrier he’s yanked you behind, and immediately starts shooting, giving you the cover you need to make a bolt for it.
The band strikes up again, piano and fiddle and harmonica filling the emptiness of silence, punctuated by the sounds of struggle as a great big fights breaks out among the drunks and gamblers that Kylo has so offended.
It feels like a battleground, the way you dodge the bullets that zip past you. If you had made any friends in the time sittin’ at that bar, you’ve lost ‘em now, that much is clear. Amos has no reservation aimin’ straight for your heart, but your quick fingers pull your trigger before he can even manage, his dead body stumbling and tumbling like a bowling ball, knockin’ down the pins of his friends as they try to pin you with bullets of their own.
Run run running, you try to shove your way through the panic of the crowd who keeps scramblin’ like chickens with their heads cut off, screaming and hollerin’ from the way that bullets keep hittin’ and springin’ off metal and blasting into wood, holes riddlin’ the walls, lettin’ streams of sunlight in.
You shoot and shoot, punching and kicking your way through the crowd, knowing that behind you, Kylo can’t be too far.
You can tell because you can hear his grunting shouts, his adrenaline filled calls of rage as he too blasts bullets into the bodies of men, overturning barrels and tables, crashes and explosions going off behind you.
On the single street, you can see some of the townsfolk racing to the jail, and that sends a spike of terror down your back.
The jail meant one thing, and one thing only – the Sheriff.
Panic simmers and bubbles up through you, and you keep running, running towards the church where your horses have been passively entertaining themselves with a trough of water and a bucket of feed.
“Aggie! Sam!” You whistle for their attention, and at once, they turn their big heads to look at you.
Agnes braces herself for you to hoist yourself up onto her saddle, and you frantically undo the tie of their reins around the posts that they’ve been good enough to not wander away from. Holding Sam’s reins in your hands, you kick your heels into Agnes’ side, and great big plumes of dust and dirt kick up under the horses’ hooves as the great beasts immediately break into fast fast fast gallop.
Racing closer closer closer to the saloon, you can still see them fighting and shooting at one another on the inside.
“Come on, come on!” You’re screaming at Kylo from down the road, demanding that he hear you, that he get outside already, because you can’t slow these horses down once they’ve gotten like this, and you can’t turn back once you’ve passed the saloon, not with the commotion from behind, not with the way the Sheriff is now shootin’ at you, at your horses.
“God dammit get out here!” You scream again, lookin’ behind you, takin’ aim and shootin’ the Sheriff clean at the wrist, blowin’ his hand off, the gun explodin’ off with it, bullet ricocheting off one of the hangin’ signs, bouncin’ back and hittin’ the Sheriff in the chest.
You’re almost at the saloon, almost there, and Kylo still ain’t out front, heartbeat pounding pounding pounding in your chest as you approach the doors closer and closer, as you can hear the sound of gunfire and broken glass from inside – but then -- !
Then there he is!
You see him running through the saloon towards the front doors, and somehow, impossibly somehow, as you pass the doors, you throw Sam’s reins, and Kylo catches them, his long legs running alongside Sam’s breakneck pace, jumping up onto her without her slowing down one bit.
“Yes!!” You let out a triumphant shout of adrenaline, before whipping Agnes’s reins and urging her ever faster.
You and Kylo grin at one another, victors in this chance game with death, cheatin’ your lives once again, as you ride ride ride out into the desert, not lookin’ back to see if anyone follows.
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ehstarwar · 4 years
flesh stays no farther reason (1/6)
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Great, she thinks, another horny creep trying to entice young women to hop into bed with them for roughly 30 seconds.
She reads the post anyways.
Five times Ben looks for Rey and the one time she finds him.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5K
Read on AO3
my brain at 2a.m., assuring me that it'll be a one-shot: for the lady, perhaps a salad?
me, 5,000+ words in and only on their first meeting: [chuckling] perhaps not
what's to come is still unsure
She sees it on Reddit.
She doesn’t normally scroll through the website (certainly not subreddits like this) but she’s bored and can only take the same Buzzfeed quizzes so many times.
She’s not sure what led her to this page, how the rabbit hole of the internet made her search r/mseekingfcorusant but here she was, scrolling through the disjointed thoughts of horny guys in her area.
Posted by u/droidwrangerl88
need hot girl to bang. serious inquiries only.
Posted by u/mycumtastelikesarlacc
Any girls in the Coruscant area looking to hook up this evening? 38M seeking mid-20sF. Will split hotel bill.
Posted by u/hotbountyhunter3483
any females interested in shredded guy for an evening? willing to meet for drinks b4 hand, and will pay for ur drinks if ur hot. (943) 349-9684 ;)
Rey finds it consistently astonishing how gross and vulgar men can be when hidden behind a screen. But she is scrolling on this page out of her own free will, so it does seem a little ‘pot-calling-the-kettle-black-ish.’ Just as her finger goes to press back to the home-screen, a tiny blue bubble appears at the top of the page, indicating that there has been a new post made. Great, she thinks, another horny creep trying to entice young women to hop into bed with them for roughly 30 seconds.
She reads the post anyways.
Posted by u/KyL0_R3N
31M seeking similarly aged F for the evening of 05/17. I have an important meeting on the 18th and sex the night before proves to a good luck charm for me. Nothing too crazy or obscene, fairly vanilla to start off with, but willing to go further based on her desires.
Something in Rey clenches.
It’s by far the most eloquently phrased way of asking for sex that she’s seen thus far. He seems straightforward, which is refreshing, but she knows that the best of psychopaths are good at hiding their true intention.
She clicks to his profile.
He seems interested in pretty common threads. Cooking tips, best laundromats in Coruscant, Galaxy Battles discourse; all innocuous and nothing to indicate he would chop up whoever responds to his post. Maybe that’s why she sends him a message.
From u/R3yoflight
why not just download tinder?
everyone on tinder is looking for sex too.
She bites her lip as she presses send. It’s not the best conversation starter, she’s aware, but their semi-introduction was from him posting about wanting to have sex to preform well in a meeting. Formalities can be forgone, in this particular situation. It’s not like she’s trying to impress him either; she didn’t message him to accept is offer, just merely because she’s curious.
There’s a pang of nervousness when she hears the notification sound out that he’s responded.
From u/KyL0_R3N
There’s too much preamble on dating apps.
Also, I’m looking to have sex, not to date.
It seemed more advantageous
to be straightforward.
From u/R3yoflight
i guess that makes sense
(also advantageous is worth 17 points in
scrabble, so kudos)
have you gotten many interested respondents?
From u/KyL0_R3N
You’re the first.
From u/R3yoflight
who says i’m interested???
From u/KyL0_R3N
Well, you are the one who messaged me?
Also, my post has been up for only a few minutes,
so you’re the first respondent in any capacity.
From u/R3yoflight
oooohhh i feel special ☺️✨
From u/KyL0_R3N
You’ve yet to tell me if you’re interested.
Is she?
Is she really considering letting Mr. KyL0_R3N fuck her after meeting him through a publicly placed internet post and knowing next to nothing about him?
From u/R3yoflight
idk v much abt u yet
how do i know ur not a serial killer
or that u actually are who u say u are
which u haven’t yet
said who u are, that is
From u/KyL0_R3N
I’m  31M. I work in Coruscant at a tech company.
I’m 6’3, 190lbs. I’m not a killer in any capacity.
You haven’t told me anything about yourself,
which hardly seems fair.
From u/R3yoflight
24F, 5’6, i’m not telling u my weight
i work at an auto shop downtown so i can
kick ur ass if ur lying abt not being a killer
From u/KyL0_R3N  
In order to kick my ass, we’d have to meet.
So, are you interested or not?
From u/R3yoflight
i shouldn’t be
From u/KyL0_R3N
I have the distinct feeling that you are.
Am I right?
From u/R3yoflight
He tells her his name is Kylo Ren, which she thinks sounds stupid and made up, but doesn’t press him. They hammer out some more details, agreeing to meet at the bar of a swanky hotel downtown first, and if all goes well, he’ll have a room reserved for them.
When she tells him that she can’t afford to pay any of the room, he dismisses her flippantly with a quick ‘I’ll take care of it’ that makes her chest feel tight.
They don’t talk much after that, only a message from her a few days before hand, making sure the plan was still on, and an affirmative from his side. But a few hours before they’re supposed to meet up, Rey gets a notification from him. It distracts her from the task at hand (precision shaving of her legs and… other parts), causing a knick on the back of her calf.
From u/KyL0_R3N
While I don’t think that we’ll be doing
anything that would require
a safe word, I’d like to have one in case.
From u/R3yoflight
i’ve never had a safe word.
what’s a good one?
From u/KyL0_R3N
It doesn’t have to be anything special.
We can stick to a traditional scale.
Green means you’re good.
Yellow means slow down.
Red means to stop entirely.
Does that work?
From u/R3yoflight
yeah thats good
why don’t you think that we won’t be doing
anything to justify a safe word?
you planning to go easy on me 😈
From u/KyL0_R3N
That depends, sweetheart.
How far are you willing to go?
Rey thinks for a moment. She should have some hard lines set, especially since he’s a total stranger. In fact, she shouldn’t be fucking a stranger at all. But she was in this far, so she may as well go all in.
From u/R3yoflight
i’m not super into choking but a lil breath play
is okay
no extreme bondage or degradation
maybe at some point but just… not now
anything in my ass will require a lot of work
before hand bc not much has been in there.
any hard no’s 4 u?
i’m on birth control so u can come inside me
if you want
From u/KyL0_R3N
I think we should stick to no
bondage/degradation/breath play for now
I’m not super into those anyways.
I’ll keep that in mind about your ass.
Maybe nothing in my ass. For now.
That about covers my no’s.
What are some of you hard yes’s?
From u/R3yoflight
i like being taken control of, dominated, i guess
kissing is big for me but i get it if u don’t like it
also major daddy kink but that can be
controlled if its not ur thing
what do u like
From u/KyL0_R3N
Very much yes to that Daddy kink and kissing.
I lean towards dom anyway, so that should work out.
I like hickeys. Giving and receiving.
I also have pretty good stamina, just a warning.
From u/R3yoflight
i like a man with good stamina ;)
u gonna wear me out tonight? 😈
From u/KyL0_R3N
Yes. Yes I am.
She gets there late. Unlike every other time she runs late for something, this time is purposeful. If he gets angry with her, she’ll know to leave. And she’s counting on that. Him giving her a reason to leave. She needs it so she doesn’t do something stupider than what she’s already doing now.
But when she arrives and see’s the absolute mammoth of a man, with long-is black hair and moles and big ears, Rey just knows she’s in for it.
He stands when he sees her. Realistically she knew that 6’3 was tall, but it’s still a bit shocking to her. One of his gargantuan hands is holding a beer, the other resting on the back of the chair. She spends a second too long admiring his form, earning a knowing-but-slight smirk from him.
“You’re Kylo.” It’s an unnecessary statement, because who else could he be, but one that is said all the same.
“And you’re Rey.”
His fucking voice. It’s too beautiful to be addressing her, she’s sure of it.
“Work ran over, that’s why I’m late.” She wasn’t going to give him an excuse, but the words fall out of her mouth.
“I’m familiar with that myself. It’s no trouble, really.” He holds the chair out for her, and she gracefully takes a seat. A server comes around and takes her drink order of a club soda before scurrying off.
“Nothing to relax the nerves?” He question, taking a sip of his drink.
“I prefer to have a clear head for…” She trails off. What does this qualify as? A hook-up? A booty-call? A job interview?
“Good girl.”
Her breath stops for a moment before she remembers its necessary to survive.
“You said you work for a tech company downtown; is it close?” She asks, hoping she sounds passive.
“Not far. I need to be close for tomorrow.” He never looks away from her; it makes her sweat.
The server comes back with her drink, and Rey takes a giant gulp, just for something to preoccupy her mouth.
“You said you work for an auto shop downtown. What do you do there?” He asks, eying her hands curiously. Rey worries that he’ll realize she wasn’t actually at work if her hands aren’t greasy, so she hides them under the table.
“I’m a mechanic,” She tells him, sitting up straighter.
“You’re…” He begins, but she cuts him off.
“A woman mechanic, yes. It’s not entirely uncommon.”
“I was going to say young.” She bites her lip. His voice doesn’t sound like its chastising her, but she feels bad all the same.
“Most men are uncomfortable with the fact that I know more about cars than them.” Rey doesn’t know why she continues to challenge him, but his reactions always surprise her.
It’s… nice.
“Do I seem like I’m uncomfortable by that?”
She regards him. “No, but you did proposition anyone with computer access, so I think your threshold for uncomfortable must be very high.”
He doesn’t laugh, per se, but the corners of his mouth lift and his cheeks become tight. She smiles at the sight.
“Seems that we’re both very bold. A female mechanic and an online propositioner. We make for quite a pair.”
“Hopefully that means the sex will be good.”
Kylo Ren does smile at that.
His hand is on the small of her back when they get in the elevator and Rey is actively trying to ignore the fluttering in her gut, which is why the words blurt out of her.
“My roommate knows where we are!” It’s a loud noise in an otherwise quiet area, but Kylo doesn’t seem startled by it. He just looks down at her. “I have to be back at the apartment, in person, by noon tomorrow or she’s calling the cops.” Rey is quieter now but her voice still shakes.
“My meeting is at 10, so you’ll have plenty of time to get back to your place. I can have my driver drop you off there, if you like,” He says.
“Thats… not why I’m telling you. But that you. I mean, my roommate will know if something bad happens to me. So it would be wise of you to not kill me.” Rey gulps.
Kylo’s hand comes to her face and brushes a piece of hair behind her ear.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Rey.” His voice is soft. “I’m not going to kill you, or hit you, or do anything you don’t want me to do.” She’s facing him now. “If you feel uncomfortable, I wouldn’t be mad. You can leave whenever you want.”
“But what do you want? You’ve asked me what I’ve wanted in every interaction we’ve had, but all I know is that you want to fuck somebody so that you’re not nervous or whatever tomorrow. Do you even want me? Or was I just the first person who responded to you post? It goes both ways, ya know. You need to tell me what you want, too.”
His hand brushes the side of her jaw, his eyes trail down her face, no doubt seeing the nervous expression she wears.
“I want you, Rey.”
His lips are on hers the moment the door is shut. His hand cradles the back of her head as he shoves his body against hers, pinning her to the wall. His other hand grips her hip and will definitely leave a bruise. She loves it.
But his warm, wet mouth on hers with his plush, pink lips makes any coherent thought leave her head. She moans into his mouth, hands trying desperately to pop open the buttons of his shirt. She makes a sound of frustration when the last stubborn button won’t come undone, and his hands are there in an instant, ripping the thing straight off. She slides her hands along his toned chest as his tongue invades her mouth. When her hands venture further south, they find the more than impressive bulge straining against his slacks.
“I should’ve… asked you earlier…” He says into her mouth as he sucks off the remaining shirt and suit jacket, “if you… like… dirty talk.” Rey keens against him, forcing his mouth to go to her neck as she breathes out a chant of ‘yes, yes, yes.’
Kylo makes a noise of approval before hoisting her into his arms. Rey’s legs instinctively wrap around his hips as he walks them towards the bed.
“Good, because it would be a shame not to be able to tell you that I can’t wait to taste your cunt.”  
Rey has died.
She has died and gone to whatever afterlife will have her.
She never wants to leave it.
“You… don’t… you don’t have to…” She manages to say between kisses. Kylo pulls back from her then, eyes dark, hair a mess, lip red and bitten.
“I want to. Will you let me?” Rey nods so fast she’s worried her neck will be sore. His hands ruck up her cotton dress, until he decides that the offending material will need to be off all together. She’s left in her black bralette and underwear and Kylo stares down at her.
“My tit’s aren’t that big. I’m sorry if you were looking forward to-”
“They’re perfect,” He cuts her off by kissing down her chest, mouthing her nipples through the dark fabric. The heat of his mouth combined with the coolness of the room make her nipples stand at attention, pebbling at the fabric.
Kylo depends further, and puts his entire face against her still-clothed pussy, inhaling and licking her through the fabric. Rey is a whiny mess against the sheets, hair in every direction, full body blush. She hopes he thinks she’s hot because, god, she’s never sen anyone like him.
Kylo takes of her panties and immodestly begins lapping at her cunt, no warning or hesitation, making Rey give something of a moan and a yelp. Her hand goes to his hair, feeling the luscious locks between her fingers. His hands go to her ass, lifting her up slightly so he gets a better angle.
“You’re… too good… at this…” She manages between breaths. Rey would bet anything he’s smirking against her.
Kylo uses his nose to rub at her clit before alternating between kitten licks and sucking on it. It takes no time at all for Rey to come. So quickly, in fact, that she would be embarrassed if she could move. Her whole body is on fire as he licks her through it, occasionally using a hand to brush at her nipples. The tears streaming out of her eyes and drool gathering at the corner of her mouth must make her look ghastly, but Kylo doesn’t seem to mind.
When he finally sits back, still between her legs, she can make out the bulge from earlier, now even more prominent.
He’s looking down at her, at the mess he’s made of her, and against every instinct, she lets him.
“I don’t normally come that fast,” she tells him. Her voice is quiet even now, and she knows it’ll be strained tomorrow. Good, something to remember him by.
“It won’t take me that long to come, either,” he admits, having the kindness to look sheepish as he says it.
“Then what are you waiting for?”
Kylo represses a smile.
He gets off the bed, shucking his pants, underwear, and socks off in one felt swoop, leaving him gorgeously bare before her. If she though the bulge was impressive, the real thing is even better. His cock is red and pointed upwards as he stands across from her. His hand goes to pump himself a few times, smearing the precome along his length. Rey can’t help but reach out, whole body going with her as she opens her mouth to bring Kylo towards her. His hand stops her, gently, and she looks up at him in confusion.
“I want to suck you off,” She tells him, brows still furrowed.
“Later,” he tells her.
Kylo pulls her back up the bed with him, so that he hovers over her as he kisses her again. She still taste herself on him, but can’t find the heart to care. Her hands go to wrap around him, feeling the thickness for herself. Huge is an understatement. But Rey’s always been ambitious.
She pumps him a little, feeling him nearly whimper in her mouth.
“You gonna let me fuck you, baby?” he murmurs.
“Yes… yes please…”
Rey feels his hand come over hers as Kylo slots himself between her legs and aligns his cock to her core. He slides in, slowly, stretching her the whole way. She pants against his skin, digs her nails into his shoulder.
“Tell me if it’s too much.” His voice sounds strained, like he’s holding back from her.
“It’s good, daddy… so good…” she pants.
He whines some curses against her skin as he finishes seating himself inside of her.
“… so good, sweetheart. Takin’ me so well… taking your daddy so well,” He mumbles, pressing kisses to any part of her skin. Rey can already feel the beginning of another orgasm itch inside of her, and for the first time in a while, she has no doubt that Kylo will get her there.
“Daddy… you can move… please,” She’s breathless as she asks him. He groans above her and rest his forehead against hers.
His hips being to move, still slow, but making her breath hitch ever shallow thrust.
“Tight… so tight for me…” He mumbles. Rey takes a minute to look at him, really look at him. He’s flushed, skin damp, but he’s still so very handsome. Moles dot his face and she can’t resist using a hand to trace them. His hair tickles her nose, so she pushes it back behind his ears, which are a bit too big for his head but she adores them.
Kylo lets Rey take him in, but gets her attention back to the moment with a quick snap of his hips.
“Can you come again?” He asks, and Rey nods. His mouth depends on her neck, sucking hickeys to every patch of skin it finds, as he pushes into her. She can feel the bump of his cock every time he bottoms out, a sensation she’s never felt before, and it makes her clench him every time. His hand skates down between them to get to her clit, and he quickly begins rubbing her there.
“Gonna let me fill you with my come? Gonna be a good girl and hold it all in? Can you do that for me baby? Huh?” His words send shivers down her spine, aiding in his pursuit to get her to come again. She mumbles incoherent words of approval, trying to tel him “yes, yes! I’ll be your good girl!” but speech fails her at the moment.
But Rey knows Kylo understands what she’s trying to say.
She feels his rhythm falter and his hand speeds against her clit. She tightens her legs around his hips, trying to wordlessly tell him she’s close too.
“Please, baby, please come for me…” His voice is desperate and strained and makes her shudder. Her hips find purchase against the base of his cock, in combination with the movement of his fingers, and she’s thrust into the abyss again.
Kylo holds her against him as she comes, whole body vibrating, and he follows after her. He grunts against a pillow as he comes, and Rey is distantly aware that he’s actually biting the poor thing. His come is hot within her, and she feels him pulse as he keeps slamming his hips to hers. The slapping of skin slows as she feels his body let go of the tension, and Rey is boneless beneath him.
He lays on her, still half-hard inside of her, as they come down from their mutual high. They are both breathing so heavily that speaking is out of the question, at least for a while. Kylo pulls out of her, and a mad rush of fluid starts to leak out of her. She clenches, remembering his words from earlier.
Part of her expects a coldness afterwards; after all, that’s what most sex has been for her. Once he’s come, he leaves. It’s the oldest story in the book. And for all Kylo’s talk of ‘stamina’, there’s still a part of her that expects it’s just a façade.
But he doest leave her, cold and debauched, to get redressed and make a hasty exit. Instead, he plants a kiss to the side of her jaw and rubs her torso sweetly before helping her sit up. She’s weak, and he knows it.
“We need to get you cleaned up,” He says when she slouch against him. She mumbles something unintelligible into his skin. Instead of getting rough with her, Kylo just soothes her. “Women are 38% more likely to get a UTI if they don’t pee after sex. That’s not a parting gift I’d like to give you,” he elaborates.
Rey sighs, but lets Kylo get her to the bathroom.
They sleep in spurts.
For a few hours after their first time, before Kylo wakes her with the incessant press of his hard cock into her abdomen. (He takes her even more slowly that time, sleepy and still blissed out. He comes before she does, but he uses his fingers to get her there, still.)
A few hours after that, Rey makes good on her promise to get her mouth on him, waking him with her mouth already working him. (His come tastes bitter and tangy, but she swallows it because it’s his.) She sits on his face afterwards, letting his tongue get her off again.
The next time she wakes, Kylo is kissing her chest, licking at her now oversensitive nipples. There’s a faint light peaking through the windows and Rey knows their time is coming to an end. She runs a hand through his hair to indicate she’s awake now, but he keeps on in his pursuit. Only when her chest spit-covered and shiny does Kylo seem satisfied with his work, and lifts his head to look at Rey.
“Good Morning,” She mumbles, voice strained as expected, and still groggy from sleep. He hums his response, and presses a sweet, lingering kiss to her lips.
Rey glances at the clock, noting its just past 7, when they both sit up in bed. Kylo goes to say something, but is cut off by the grumbling of Rey’s stomach. Her cheeks heat as his voice falls silent.
“Sorry… I haven’t eaten since yesterday morning,” she admits. Kylo’s brow furrows for a moment, but the dark expression passes fleetingly.
“Let’s rectify that first, shall we?”
The breakfast menu for room service is extensive, and Kylo orders one of everyone instead of actually looking it over. Rey can only half-heartedly try to tell him it was too much, when her eyes catch a glimpse of the fluffiest looking waffles she’s ever seen. Kylo had only kissed her head and ordered before walking into the shower.
It arrives in record time, a result, she’s sure, of the high-class hotel he got for them. The room, which she’d been too preoccupied to notice last night, is opulent. A bit gaudy for her taste (were gold curtains really necessary), but Rey was in no position to complain. She hesitated to put on actual clothes, instead opting for the plush robe that hung in the wardrobe.
Rey is half into the whole meal when Kylo emerges from the bathroom, towel hung low on his hips and hair still damp. Rey bites her lip so hard she draws blood. He sits across from her, picking up the two plates she hand’t touched.
“Greek Youghert and fruit? Don’t you want a waffle? I saved some whipped cream for you.” She extends the aforementioned whipped cream, earring her a slight smile from Kylo.
“You’re very kind, but no thank you. This is what I eat every morning,” he tells her. Rey scrunches her face. Kylo pours himself some black coffee too, and Rey finds the will to keep her mouth shut.
They eat in companionable silence, Rey scarfing down whatever her hands touch, and Kylo methodically eating his healthy-dude breakfast. Rey notes that neither of them are on their phones; it’s perhaps the first meal she’s had with someone in a while where that’s the case. Like everything else that’s made her heart flutter with him, she tries to ignore it.
Once the table is thoroughly pillaged, Kylo gets up to get dressed and says nothing when Rey hops on the bed and continues to watch him. He’s not embarrassed by nudity, clearly, and tosses the towel away for a solid 5 minutes before putting on underwear.
He’s fully dressed shortly and applies some product to his hair that has writing in french, yet Rey is still wearing only the robe and probably still has his come on her thighs. And other areas.
Part of her thinks he’ll just carry on with his routine as if she’s not there. He’ll pack his suit from the night before and leave the room without an second glance her way. Much to her relief, she’s wrong.
When he’s finally ready, Kylo turns toward her, leans down, and plants a soft kiss directly on her lips. It’s an infinitely more affectionate gesture than she had expected going into this, but a welcome one all the same. He stares fondly down at her when their lips part.
“The room is yours to use until 4 P.M., but I remember you have a noon curfew,” He tells her. Suddenly, Rey regrets telling Rose to call the national guard if she’s not physically in her presence before the clock strikes 12.
“I guess I’ll make do,” She teases.
They fall silent again, and for the second time that morning Kylo goes to say something, but falls short. The silence becomes too much for Rey to bear, so her cursed mouth opens of it on volition.
“I’m not sure how these are supposed to work… one night stands, I mean,” She admits. Something in Kylo’s face falls, but Rey can’t quite tell what.
“I don’t have much experience with these either,” he tells her. Rey shuffles onto her knees, so that they’re both eye-level, and extends her hand. Kylo looks at it with a hint of confusion mixed with amusement.
“Well, you’ve been a wonderful reddit-fuck. Thank you for posting,” she says, giving a mega-watt smile. He sakes her hand.
“And you’ve been a wonderful reddit-fuck-respondent. Thank you for critiquing my going about soliciting sex.” Rey opens her mouth in an exaggerated offense, but Kylo cuts her off with another sweet kiss.  
She melts into it, holding his hair with her hands, letting herself mold to his torso as his tongue swipes her lower lip. The kiss is wonderful and hot and sweet all at the same time and makes her head spin.
When it’s over and she’s caught her breath again, a pang of nervousness infiltrates her consciousness. It’s over, it whispers, you’ll never see him again if you don’t do anything. He’ll leave, just like everyone else, if you let him.
“Do you have any more meetings?” She practically shouts at him. Kylo looks confused for a moment, so she goes on. “I just mean… if you needed someone to help… prepare you for your meetings, there’s a chance I’d be available.” Her voice grows softer as she keeps talking, suddenly feeling like an idiot for suggesting that at all. Before she has a  chance to spiral, Kylo brings her back.
“I do… I mean, I will. That would be… very gracious of you, to offer you help.” She bites her lip to keep from smiling too hard.
“Okay, good.” She nods at him, relief washing over her as she realizes she might not be the only one who doesn’t want to let this go.
It’s a new feeling that probably shouldn’t be attached to a person whom was very clear about their desire for a no-strings hook up, but Rey has always had a preference for things that are challenging.
Kylo Ren seems as good a challenge as any.
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