lilangeldeath · 1 year
brief about me: hi! pronouns she/they. call me whatever you'd like. i am not new to Tumblr nor to spirituality in general however i am somewhat new to the law of assumption. that is kind of hard to explain bc i am new to being aware of it but not to doing it because when i learned of the law i realized i had already done it many times my entire life. i am also a witch and am not new to witchcraft but the same concept applies: once i became aware of it i realized i was doing it the whole time. manifestation is not a form of witchcraft, witchcraft is a form of manifestation. i'd like to talk about that more sometime as well as many other things.
without further ado, here is a list of some of the things i manifested from 4d to 3d both before and after becoming aware of The Law:
my dream car i wanted since i was a teenager (i am currently in my late 20s)
my car not needing a new engine and the shop price being over $2,000 less than i was quoted when i had to take my car to the shop
multiple places i have lived (apartments and houses)
jobs i have gotten especially my current job
being able to take extended periods of time off work with no repercussions to my finances (i.e "running out of money/ going broke") nor to my employment status
my pets
trips i wanted to take
meeting my sp, all desired qualities inside and out
desired body type
spiritual/metaphysical knowledge
people that were normally mean to me being nice to me
repaired relationship with my mom
financial stability
spells (tons of them over years for all sorts of things) being successful, and not just ones done by me either but also ones done by others for me that i requested
good credit
i have also manifested large sums of money (over $1000) 3 times
there are other things too that i would like to tell more about later
yes i still experience thoughts of doubt and fear and impatience sometimes. these are inconsequential. you must follow your intuition, your heart, your gut, as to what "rules" apply to your manifestations because YOU are god. all of those things such as gut feelings etc are GOD SPEAKING TO YOU. and YOU ARE GOD. if i say my unwanted thoughts & feelings don't affect my manifestations then they don't. i am the operant power and the universe MOVES ANYTHING and reshuffles to reflect my 4d.
i do not worry about things like "is there hair on my head?" because i know there is, or "do i have tattoos?" because i know i do. same thing with everything else. i fully accept anything in the 3d that does not reflect my manifestations is just leftover past reflections, it simply isn't real and is preposterous to me.
if you were wearing an orange shirt and someone said "wow i really like your blue shirt!" you'd think they were ridiculous. you can still accept the compliment but you know the shirt isn't blue. the same is with the 3d. you can accept the 3d for what it is and not panic just because it's not reflecting your 4d. if you secure it and believe it in your 4d the 3d has no choice but to reflect it.
i have some opinions i think this community will find controversial and i may share them sometime. the point is i want to make clear that this side blog is simply a place for me to talk about the law of assumption, manifesting, and other spiritual topics without people staring at me like i'm crazy. it's not to tell anyone what to do or how to do it, what they can and can't have etc. it's just me sharing my thoughts and opinions. you don't have to like it nor agree with me, and vice versa for me.
i think one of the main differences between me and most loa practicers is that while i am fulfilled and happy in the 4d i do still want it in the 3d. I'm not going to sit around and pretend like i don't want my shit in the 3d because due to the fact i'm in a human body, i HAVE to spend most of my time in the 3d to keep my flesh form alive. the 3d IS real, just in a different way. wanting it in my 3d never stopped my manifestations in 4d from coming. am i still manifesting? yes. do i still get whatever i want? yes. because I'm at peace knowing 4d is where things are truly created and 3d is where they show up. if i have it in the 4d i have it in the 3d. time is an illusion and only appears linear when youre in a flesh body. as above, so below. these laws have been expressed in every religion and culture since the dawn of time, not just the Bible. and i like all of them. they all lead to the same place. just like all manifestations in 4d lead to 3d. it's that simple.
good luck and happy manifesting!
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mentaldiisease · 6 years
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Source: lilangeldeath
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