twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Lilisheb the Shoggirl
Basic Concept: A nice and sweet girl who happens to be a gigantic shoggoth-like creature; her alien appearance is comedically at odds with the unusual situations she finds herself in. And it’s funny for a Lovecraftian entity to be a bit of a wallflower!
Appearance: A massive lime-green woman with a vaguely humanoid body, her body composed of a constantly shifting amorphous mass; new features continually drift in and out of being, additional limbs are common. Overall she has a fairly solid, thick build, but she’s just slim enough to qualify as curvy instead. She’s not usually super busty by the standards of my characters, but she can be! Black veins streak across her body, especially wherever she is about to change form. All her body is extremely soft, but not to the point of being liquid. She’s still solid, just… extremely wobbly. She’s got a lot of subtle details of marine life in general: gills, the sheen of scales, and so on, but she appears to base her form specifically on turtles and octopi in general. She likes those.
Her face is mostly featureless; huge, plump lips, several sets of eyes in fairly random places, and a slight swell where humans would have a nose. She does have several thick tentacles where humans would have hair.
Below the waist, her body is a mass of tentacles, notably thicker than her upper body; she can grow any number of these, and her arms are a similar part of tentacles. She had pseudopods instead of fingers, with very dextrous cillae; she can grow fingers, but prefers not to. She has a very plump and shelf-tier backside, and takes some effort to keep it all big and round.
Due to her shapeshifting abilities, she can take on pretty much any shape she wants, though she cannot alter her species; she is obviously a shoggoth girl, in any form. She generally prefers not to deviate from this base form too much, but doesn’t mind adding extra features such as additional eyes, breasts (for multi boob elements), or limbs.
Backstory: She is OLD. Like, super old, really old. She was old long before humanity ever made their first tentative steps into space, and she may well have been alive since before our most distant ancestors had even begun to walk upright on the plains of Central Africa. Consequently, not a whole lot about her is clear, as her vast age leaves her earlier times obscured by the fog of ages, and she would indeed like to know more of what she has forgotten over the years. It is clear, though, that she is a fairly ordinary woman of possibly the eldest known species in the multiverse. She’s lived through at least four different collapses (societal, galactic and even truly cosmic levels) and in conjunction with the constant disasters she sees on an almost daily basis, she’s become something of a hyper anxious nervous wreck.
She is a member of her species commonly referred to as a brood queen; she reproduces asexually, gestating and producing hundreds of offspring that she can then implant in physically receptive mortals - and in turn give her offspring some of their traits and gradually help her own people adapt to changing circumstances - and her relationships with mortals can cause her to gestate entire new species from them. AS a consequence she’s always been rather sheltered and tends to be very codependent on those around her for emotional support.
In fairly recent years, she has done her best to assume ordinary jobs free from stress and Adventure. She does well as an archaeologist, not so much seeing it as uncovering mysteries as remembering things that modern folk have forgotten or laid aside, but unfortunately that does tend to involve a lot of adventure. Invariably, whether she is a cleaner or manager or professor of magic, she winds up entangled in stressful situations.
Personality: Most people, blessed with powers that make humans look like wimps and a natural form of immortality - or something close to it - would probably be a bit arrogant if they spend all their time around those doomed to die by the advance of time. Lilisheb is not one of those people; fundamentally sweet, kind-hearted and as inclined to nastiness as a lump of jelly, she is deeply loving and is a stable center despite being a primordial mass of shapeshifting immortal flesh.
She’s very anxious in pretty much any high-octane situation or what takes her out of a comfort zone… which is bad for her since most of the events I write her into are full of ADVENTURE. This all despite her being borderline indestructible. She does her best to stay calm, which usually lasts for all of a few seconds.
Outside of constantly panicking when villains attack, giant monsters start fighting or she gets pulled into a treasure hunt as a meat shield, she’s a friendly and kind entity, doing her best to put others at ease. She is very affectionate, and doesn’t have much interest in social norms. She shows her love the ways that feel right to her, even if this means sucking you right into her with an overly affectionate hug! Her basis deamonir is like a combo of bubbly and sedate, easygoing but very cheerful about it. Because her people tend to take a very long response to anything, she comes off as obnoxiously airheaded to her people. She does her duties calmly and without emotion, and often serves as a living couch to her smaller friends..
Species: Her people are commonly referred to as shoggoths, but their own word for themselves - roughly translated into one human language - can be rendered as ‘eldlimi’, or eldlimus in singular. They are unbelievably old, and hold a competitive place for ‘oldest beings in the known multiverse’ alongside the Transformers of Cybertron, the giants of the elemental planes, and various precursor societies. They have little common appearance, generally manifesting as a mass of amorphous flesh that is almost liquid in its flowy-ness. They can learn to assume whatever form suits them, though they are often inclined to use certain morphs as a default. Tentacles, multiple eyes, and aquatic traits dominate their instinctive forms, suggesting that their true origin is deep sea.
Certainly the eldlimi are very, very old and established, having stood as masters of the cosmos time and time again. They hold a position for establishing cosmic councils where all civilizations can meet together and peacefully negotiate for the future, and did so shortly after recovering from their most recent collapse. Due to their age, they tend to not take ordinary mortals too seriously, but at worst they tend to infantilizing others, rather than cruelty or oppression.
Fandom: Original. While heavily influenced by shoggoths from Lovecraft’s mythos, she bears little resemblance to either them or their outlook in a practical sense. She’s more or less her own thing.
Abilities: As typical with her people, she is a shapeshifter and can remold her amorphous body into nearly any shape. She can manifest a seemingly limitless number of limbs, eyes or even produces mouths or relevant organs from her body. (Multiple breasts, mouths of any shape or more delicate, unusual transformations are well within her power.) On the same note, she can alter her body to produce certain liquids or chemicals as she sees fit, assuming she knows what they are made of and the details of their production. She could make herself lactate enormous amounts of super-nutritious milk, for instance, but not super-flammable organic gasoline unless she worked out its chemical composition first.
She can grow smaller or larger, with no real limitation besides the mass she has available to work with, though she naturally gravitate towards larger, squishier forms. She can produce as many eyes or limbs as she requires, but leans towards tentacles rather than hands or feet. While she can force her insides into a rigid framework like a skeleton or even an exoskeleton for armor, she finds this deeply uncomfortable and prefers not to. She also cannot change her body’s consistency from its natural spongey nature, and thus she cannot disguise herself as a different species.
Her body’s amorphous nature grants her some other advantages. She can extend her jaws and swallow anything whole no matter the size, as long as she can wrap around it, and make her digestive acids extremely strong; she could even shift them around into her egg chambers, flushing them with regenerative liquids as an unbirthing method. She can push herself through most gaps and flow out like living water, and she is absurdly flexible thanks to her lack of an internal skeleton. Many attacks will simply pass through her if she remembers to decrease her solidity, and those that do hit her will likely be regenerated very quickly by her immortal flesh.
On a more prosaic note, while she claims to have no useful skills, her sheer age means she has picked up an extremely wide variety of skill sets. She has likely done every single conceivable non-violent career in existence, from plumber to manager to economics expert to caregiver… it goes on indefinitely, even if she can’t remember it or if they were so specific to a certain time’s technologies and social norms that they no longer have applicability. This gives her an enormous range in practical abilities, and incidentally makes her a fantastic teacher.
Height: Varies enormously; since she is a shapeshifter, she can be virtually any possible height if she has the mass to do it. She can’t just grow to whatever height she wants, as if she doesn’t have enough mass, she won’t be able to even stand up under her own power. She typically stabilized at around twelve feet or so, barring exceptionally large meals or unusual magical circumstances.
Relationships: She’s a friendly, sweet and gentle person somewhat prone to developing infatuations with people she has just met, so she has a LOT of friends and casual lovers, though it can be very hard to understand exactly what’s going on in her head. She is by far the single oldest of my OCs, even older than the likes of eons-ancient Jord, and tends to drift into the role of a den mother among her friends for that reason. She doesn’t have any established relationships as of this post, but some possibilities:
Sekhma - she thinks Miss Dionsi is cool, but way too serious! Relax a bit, no need to go all evangelical and stuff…. She may be one of Sekhma’s customers, seeking help for her chronic anxiety problems.
Pavumi - She has NO idea what Pavumi honestly is and that deeply worries her. She may be akin to her own people… or to their makers. This worries Lilisheb a lot, even though Miss Ekidna is a really nice lady!
Hivluk - what a handsome young man! She adores him, he’s just so sweet! For his part, he’s fine with her advances, as she is not even slightly scary.
Toast - she’s a xenophile sweetheart who wants everyone to be happy; he’s a loopy killing machine who wants to kill all humanity for what are probably imagined slights. They don’t get along at all for those reasons, but would probably be decent friends if that wasn’t an issue.
Odina: Besties!!! Both of them hate adventure, and would rather stay home and enjoy mundane, slice of life things. When together, Odina tends to be the more practical and sensible between the two, and gets sandwiched into her body a lot.
Pred Level: Moderate predator, with some prey levels. She is not primarily a predator-type, finding it horrifyingly cruel to swallow friends whole and hurt them no matter how hungry you are. Against threats, ordinary animals or genuine monsters, though, she has little problem simply swallowing them whole with as little interest as if she had finished off a fast food plate. It’s not her first course of action, though, and she is very reluctant to do this.
Prey Level: She’s likely vulnerable to more serious predatory specialists, due to her lack of combat skills and general timidity. Her prey levels are fairly high, owing to both the shape of her body and her trusting, timid personality. However, because of her regenerating flesh, its pretty much impossible to kill her through digestion alone; even one speck outside that gut will regenerate back to the true Lilisheb!
Relevant Kink Material: Xeno stuff in general; her shapeshifting powers offer many possibilities for Big Sexy Monster Girls. Her vast size, kindly demeanor and romantic inclinations are great sweetness material.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
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It's been a long time since I draw Lilisheb and doing this one was a bit of getting back to form with her! I wanted her wearing a cute minidress, with something that evoked the 'slit up the side' look, but accomodating her legs being a mass of tentacles.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
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she is prone to attacks of the warm fuzzies
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
For the height comparison, how about Odina and Lilisheb?
Odina’s height is a bit fluid; her powers will make her taller at a certain point of magic absorption, and her base height varies. she’s short, but she’s been anywhere from 5ft (short by real life standards) to 4′5, since she is a shortstack. I leaned towards the latter for this baseline pic, before additional power sizes come in. Lilisheb is 13ft, btw
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this one is them with some respectable power in them, with Lilisheb at 80ft (seems reasonable given her initial size relative to human scale), while Odina reminds fairly small at 15ft.
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odina can get theoretically god-level powered, as long as she has enough magic, which would tip the scales significantly!
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
*Over the phone* Sorry miss Tiashar, you still can't come visit us, our cat still haven't forgiven you for eating all the cat food last time you were here. *Distant angry and food-protectice cat hissing.*
She gasped in shame, and she wept, loud and remorseful, burying her face into her suckered flipper-hands. “I’m sorry!” She sobbed, and collapsed on the ground. “THE KITTY IS MAD AT ME...!”
Hivluk held the phone with some concern. “Um,” he said into it. “I think we’ll have to finish this call later...?” He hung up and bent low. He poked Tiashar with a stuck, and she didn’t respond. “Is she okay?”
Bonnie sobbed, in an identical pose. “She’s been rejected by a kitty! Of course she is distraught!”
Odina gave a look of disgust. “Who eats cat food!?” Lilisheb raised a tentacle shyly; Odina groaned in disgust at her.
Tia sat up, her face still streaming glowing tears that shone in rainbow palettes on the pitch black of her face. “I must journey into the woods to find my redemption,” she said, in absolute seriousness. “Only on that old road will i find... MY FORGIVENESS.”
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
it just hit me that i don’t really have any OCs, off the top of my head, that can serve the role of a original character that people go to for medical or biological concerns.
true i HAVE scientist/gadgeter characters but they’re not medical specialists; Hivluk is a super engineer, Sekhma is a psychologist... if i HAVE any doctors specifically in my roster, I don’t know of it. This is actually interfering with some of my story ideas since I need a character to explain these things, so here’s a few ideas:
1. Use a pokemon trainer OC i made up for a private RP; I will eventually introduce her properly anyway, so why not have her be an actual doctor with an expertise in meta-biology as well? A super busty and mega-thicc Hawaiian/Alolan professor with a calm, professional and extremely detached attitude.
2. Create a new OC specifically for this purpose; I have one on mind to cover a few other areas I don’t really fhave filled. I’m thinking of an asari doctor, of average size, with MASSIVE curves (huge boobs, huge butt, a big belly?). She’s both a medical specialist and xenophile, and a very sweet, rather passive person who is top prey material; I don’t have any gal OCs who are the prey, so she’d make an excellent focus for that. (Possibly a very indulgent personality?)
3. Retool an already existing OC, ideally one who doesn’t really have a defined character, and give them medical knowledge. Some possibilities include Lilisheb (who, given her long life, could well pick up medical skills with ease) or Spherite of my Gem OCs, who doesn’t really have much established character at this point. (She would also be handy to make an average-sized OC; most of my characters are either super tall or tiny, with no inbetween.)
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Maybe either Lilisheb or Nevnir or Tiashar "🍖" w/ Odina?
Nevnir was, between the two girls, the one who actively loved digesting folks. Maybe it was an extension of her being more comfortable with her hedonistic urges, or she just loved feeling things wriggling inside her (whether that was eggs or cuties), but Odina was no stranger to her insides.
Nevnir noticed Odina sleeping, the dwarve woman dozing on her belly with her face in her boobs and her massive ass jutting upwards, and it was too good an opportunity to pass up! Nevnir’s sticky tongue wound around Odina’s legs and slurped them down her throat with practiced ease. Her butt was a lot harder to get down, but Nevnir’s jaws gaped wide, and got even those monster globes down; the rest of her was easily be comparison.
Odina slept on, oblivious, even as Nevnir’s specialized crop dosed her with dozens of various chemicals to soften the muscles and speed digestion, and snored faintly as muscular action pushed her into another stomach, digestive fluids coating her and being pushed into her by Nevnir’s gut working her whole body. It was kind of relaxing, in fact.
Odina remained asleep even as her body was gradually liquified over the course of a few hours, flesh and bones and muscle all converted into a neutral glob of biomass!
Nevnir’s butt swelled nearly three times her size during this time, the weight toppling her backwards and nearly swallowing up her tail as she grew a couch-sized backside, along with Odina yelling her displeasure inside her head!
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Do they have any friends outside of just themselves? If so who are they?
Sussy has been folded into a previously existing but undeveloped OC named Squish, the alien who hangs around my Gem OCs; Volcanic Obsidian, for example. The band of Gems are her closest friends and she travels with them; she does hero work wherever they get a gig at, and the four of them often have adventures together.
Sussy also has a lot of contacts she’d made over the years; other superheroes she’s friends and allies with, heroes whom she is rivals with, Stinger pirates she competes with or plays the hero to their pro villain... she also has a large number of pro villains she’s on good terms with even if they have a public face vs heel theme. Feel free to make up characters to fit these roles! She’s moved around a lot so there’s plenty of room for her to know folks.
Coco is close with only a small group of people; this doesn’t include her coworkers at her cafe, as she tends to uproot herself and move around once she feels she’s done all she can in a given place. (She might also just get bored.) Her actual group of friends is a few people she’s hit it off really well in her travels and remains in contact with; this includes my fantroll OCs Sekhma and Hivluk (buffet buddy and mechanic, respectively), Charcoal (who worked at a waiter at a cafe with her; they dated for a while and are presently friends with benefits), and Host (found one of her disused bodies and returned it to operational status, effectively helping Host deal with brain damage).
Both of them are disinterested in long term romantic relationships; they may find courtship emotions difficult to maintain and they both tend to settle into comfortable friendships with sex as a periodic bonus now and then.
As a side note, Sussy and Cocoa have also independantly worked with Lilisheb on seperate ocassions; the former as part of a hero PR group, the latter while promoting a restraunt. No one was more suprised than Lili to find out the two were sisters! Lili’s friends like Odina and Tiashar may know the goo girls distantly, but they don’t know each other too well yet.
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
idea that’s been on my mind lately; mundane alternative to my more dramatic assumptions of how my main OC group (Odina, Nevnir, Bonfire, Charcoal and Tiashar) met, in that Odina, Nevnir and the fire boys went to the same Fleet school, and Nevnir was basically the punk who beats up actual bullies and tease-flirts with the cute people she rescues. Bonfire and Charcoal hooked up with her, and met Odina through her!
nevnir and bonnie’s relationship is very much a case of escalation from her teasing him like “Guess that makes me your hero, shorty... I think a heroine deserves a kiss~” and he was like ‘okay!” and she was “????” but smooched him and things escalated from there over the years.
in my scenario, Tiashar was being Nevnir’s mom and over time, as Bonnie grew up, became closer to him; alternatively, she may have been completely feral at this point, little more than a good-natured beast and kaiju, and Bonnie found a way to communicate with her, and over time, pulled her back to rational thought and effectively saved her from loneliness and her own dissolved consciousness.
later in life they become superheroes for hire and just live together, along with Lilisheb and some others
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Lilisheb - f2?
here you go!
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
In the joint apartment suit currently occupied by Odina and her friend group (Lilisheb in her slither den, Nevnir and her mechanic’s lair, Bonfire and his surprisingly comprehensive collection of cute things), there was some work done as they had someone dig out a big hole in the unoccupied room, and filled it with water.
“Thanks a ton, little dudette,” Tiashar said, preening and stretching, her damp and amphibious skin slightly translucent in the light, a deep jade of jet black offset by the random patches of neon green glowing like the gaze of creatures in the deeps. A massive tail, round and only slightly tapering to a lobster-like fluke, flapped against a monstrously huge butt.
Odina had absolutely no interest in sexual stuff of any kind, barring when it was very romantic, and yet Tiashar stirred something in her. She could study it, dispassionate and analytically, and it was rather fascinating. Tiashar’s chimerical face leaned towards her, on a long and prehensile neck layered in glowing gills, and those huge, puffy lips... damn, but those were inviting.
She shrugged. “It’s no big deal. You need water to be comfy, right?”
Tiashar nodded, a slow and undulating movement.
“Then I can deal with it.”
Odina moved on, and pondered something; she had no idea what connection she had with any of them. She’d come with Bonfire, the cute and extremely feminine robot with a butt almost as massive as her own, and she had to admit, he was very sweet, very charming... she swallowed nervously, and thought that Tiashar had brought him there, and Nevnir, their roommate, had insisted they be allowed to stay. Odina didn’t care enough to argue.
She just wasn’t sure why Nevnir cared.
And there was Nevnir now; taller than Odina but still just small enough to qualify as a shortstack, and a kobold woman; more or less humanoid, though her legs with digitagrade, long floppy ears fanning over her massive hips, and a huge tail curling around her thick body and massive breasts to support a little calculator she was running some problems through.
Her black scales and bright green patterns looked familiar, now come to think of it.
“How do you know this Tiashar weirdo?” Odina asked.
Nevnir gave her an unamused look. “She’s my mom.”
There was a pause. “She’s what now.”
“My dad was a kobold. I told you before, my mom wasn’t.”
Odina tried to reconcile Nevnir with the giantess currently roaming through the apartments like a wakened leviathan. “...Why is your mom an eldritch thingy.”
“I dunno, man, genetics be weird.”
“...I’m pretty sure I saw you and that Bonfire guy smooching. How’s that work out.”
Nevnir shrugged. “Wouldn’t be the first time mom brought a boy home too cute to keep for herself!”
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Besides Lilisheb, Neivar and Sariel who else is Odina friends with? (You are allowed to include people from those stories i submited).
short answer: probably nobody else, to be honest. she’s not a people person.
long answer: Hmm. I might need to do some careful reading to incorporate your stories into Odina’s concept, but one important part of her concept is that Odina is honestly a bit of a recluse and a sour grump who really doesn’t like being around people if she can help it at all.
she’s a personality who has a few people she can tolerate, and otherwise prefers to be left alone. if she wasn’t being dragged into various events, she would probably be totally asocial barring some close relationships.
i even tend to imagine her as being kind of a jerk to most people. blunt, carelessly spoken, and incredibly impatient, she’s the type of person to shove someone out of her way if she’s trying to go to the store and if they yell at her for it, she’ll just snarl ‘FUCK OFF ALREADY, THIS IS A SIDEWALK NOT A SOCIAL CLUB’ and ignore them. if they keep making a fuss she might punch them.
she doesn’t go out of her way to be mean but she can be a difficult person to deal with, because she’s so unfriendly.
Basically, outside of the friend group you mentioned, she doesn’t really HAVE any other friends, and she prefers it this way, at least as of this writing. my OCs described as being around her a lot (Jord, Toast, ect.) they are more like acquantices or coworkers.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
When it comes to the different muses and OCs, who'd be on team Werewolf, who'd be on team Vampire, and finally who'd be on team Werepyre?
note, I’m considering this as less ‘werewolf’ and more ‘general werebeast’ because non-wolf werethings are super cool i my book! hope u dont mind.
Sierra would be Werepyre; vampy vibes and werebeast power! Terezi would want to be a werepyre with dragon transformation, and she IS a vampire already with her rainbow drinker abilities.
Rose Quartz? Vampire. She’s pretty much already a lady of great power! between the other Gems, its split between werebeast (Steven, Amethyst, Jasper), vampire (Peridot, Garnet) and werepyre (Greg, Connie, Lapis, Bismuth).
Grimlock and the Dinobots? Werebeasts. They technically ARE Werebeasts... dinosaur robots that turn itno humanoid robots! So like reverse werebeasts. The Technobots would say the same, because they want to be just like their moms and dads. 
Pharah would be a vampire, as would Symmetra. Mei can’t really make up her mind but thinks werepyre would be appropriate. Orisa would pick werebeast (werelephant, in face) because there is a history of hero werebeasts.
Power Girl would go with werebeast. she’s RATHER pick ‘golem’ as that is more culturally relevant for her, but it wasn’t on the list.
Helen Parr would be vampire; she could totally rock the seductive vampire matraich look!
Wicke would be a werebeast: possibly a Pokemon or werebear. Or were-Bewear.
Tionishia would likely favor a werepyre combo! Best of both worlds!
Jord would go for vampire! Hot vampire mom is a look she could go for.
Hivluk already IS a vampire, so he’d go with that!
mama defleini: werebeast, octopus form of course!
Sekhma: werepyre, possibly like an orca or something. feels right ot her!
Elumai: Vampire. its just too appropriate for her aesthetic!
Pavumi: Werepyre, but likely a very surreal, inhuman sort. Bloodborne-esque wierdness. Its just her vibe!
Odina: if she HAAAAAAAAAAAAS to choose... werebeast. werethings are COOL. Vampires seem sorta rich people and she dont like that.
Lilisheb: Werebeast. they seem cool.
Yatruiga: vampire. they’er all about class and elegance and she is all about that!
Ikiko: Werebeast, most likely. She would like to transform into some kind of beetle.
of particular note is an OC based on my characters from modded up Skyrim, Tamitayo Stormcrown the dovahkiin; she is canonically a werepyre, but with dragony traits in both forms; vampire mode is more like a succubus with dragon vibes, and here werebeast form is a bipedal dragon-monster.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
some more OCs of note!
Lilisheb: a gigantic shoggoth girl, a massive tentacled and many-eyed amorphous flesh that is virtually immortal, older than several stars, and can assume nearly any morph she desires. And she’s a very gentle and good-natured lady who wants a quiet life and shies away from stress and shock. VERY affectionate and pampering. Her body is green with black undertones, generally with a hyper curvy body, massive boobs, REALLY big hips and a lower body made of tentacles. Lots of eyes, tendril-hair, and a generally featureless face but for huge lips. Stands over 13 feet in human-scale scenarios, almost 80 feet in giantess ones.
Madraog and Mactir: a pair of femboy space dwarves who have a thing for way taller girls and getting into trouble; Madraog is a 3ft redhead with hyper curvy hips, and a gentle, super-passive personality. Mactir is a buff, hunky 4′5 biker dude among their people and is a very challenging ‘COME AT ME BRO’ personality. Both are Irish, and given their dog/wolf themes, can be actual dog boys or full on anthro wolf/dog-people.
The Counselor: An absolutely inhuman robot with a nearly 13-foot long serpentine body, standing about seven feet when raised up, equipped with an array of arms and a head vaguely resembling a conical flower. They are a hive mind of countless robots who died in an uprising against human oppressors, and their mind is a consensus of their viewpoints. While they gravely resent and distrust humanity, they wish for peace and cooperation, and act as a moderating influence.
Liz the Transylian: A fan character Transylian from Ben 10, she resembles a nearly nine foot tall amalgam of alien flesh, biomechanical machinery, energy-baesd weapons technology, and electrical equipment. And LOTS of stitches, making a composite engineer who resembles a humanoid alien woman with green-brown skin, cable-hair, and a very buff, super thicc form. A bit grouchy, grumpy and confrontational, she’s somewhat aloof but genuinely interested in technical work beyond her planet’s know-how.
Shurak: Depending on her current state, she can resemble a kaiju monster girl with dark brown scaly skin and nuclear-green eyes, or a mass of bizarre machinery that feels almost organic in places... or a combination of the two. She is an amalgam of living technology and biomass she has incorporated, taking on useful traits from whatever she has assimilated, and achieved sapience after an early life of mindless consumption. She’s actually a pretty nice person now, but lives in mortal dread of her origins being considered proof of her being an existential threat to the universe. Virtually unkillable and ridiculously powerful, but scared of fights.
Springheel Jill: originally created as a Changeling: The Lost fan character, and remagined as a goblin girl. Extremely small, shortstacked, and seriously scarred, she’s a very surly and angry person who has become the latest Springheel, sacrificing her feet for a pair of magic boots that split apart into hungry mouths and give her immense jumping/kicking power, but must be fed. She has also lost her arm, trading it in for a magic bludgeon/prosthetic. Her hair can magically expand in size and transform into various forms, and she can devour nearly anything, growing larger as she consumes for a power boost that lasts a short amount of time. Generally around 4 feet tall, but can grow to limitless size for brief times by consuming.
The Boyz: not a specific character but the same ork group that Bitz and Gritzgrotz came from; originally a 40k Ork warband, they have been reimagined as a nomadic horde of orks following Bitz and Gritzgrotz respectively, orks and goblins of all sorts, all of them very buff, thicc and stacked. The boys are buff and handsome, the girls are ultra-curvy and amazonian, and they’re all a cheerful bunch of bruisers that get affectionate with EVERYONE even as they pummel to pieces anything that seems Bad. (will probably have to think of a better name for them.)
Professor Preposterous: a goofy, TMNT-themed mutant allosaurus uplifted by time travel energies, this once-ordinary dinosaur developed into a more humanoid form, gaining the power to shift from a ferocious war-form into a curvy, superstacked beastwoman body, to a cute monster girl variation. She then became SUPER educated adn has become a time-traveling heroine, popping up in random time periods to right wrongs, do good deeds, and generally be a pleasant nuisance to all! Enjoys drinking tea, baffling people, and building strange devices that just SHOULD NOT WORK. (IS super, duper fluffy wtih feathers in all forms.) Imagine a weird combination of the archetypes of ‘Hot Teacher You Had a Crush On’, with the like of Miss Frizzle from the MAgic School Bus... only she’s an uplifted allosaurus gal.
Scyala: A chimerical dinosaur girl that has been made with parts of velociraptor, emus, various kinds of snakes, and Megalodon shark, producing a hyper curvy and busty monster girl with a huge tail, sickle claws, an hourglass figure, and a huge mane of red feather hair. (And a propensity to swallowing prey in a single gulp.) She’s a mild and constantly curious newbie to the world, wandering off from her containment facilities where she was made, and tends to cause trouble whenever she goes. Something of a gadgeteer genius!
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
so Odina and her group of buddies all live together in a big household:
Odina herself, mainly coopting the main living room and making it into a game room.
Bonfire has a room where he has filled it with cute, fluffy things; teddy bears, plush toys organized by very strict if incomprehensible systems, and a shockingly huge variety of frilly dresses, skirts and other feminine fashions he’s taken a shine. he’s probably a bit of a fashionista and its one of the few times he gets genuinely worked up or enthusiastic. he REALLY loves games with character creators.
Tiashar has taken over a basement and it now that looks like a cultist’s altar; a spooky place with a huge pool in it, and she usually sleeps in there; Bonfire tends to sleep with her most nights in any case, assuming she doesn’t sneak into his room at night and cuddle him into safety. she also collects stuff, ranging from interesting rocks, to cute pets in need of a home, to knicknacks with troubled histories. has a bad habit of bringing home cursed objects. she’s officially the big MILF who lives in the basement.
Lilisheb lives in the attic, and is the main breadwinner, spending much of her time doing career stuff. she’s not around much, but everyone dotes on her and is very sweet to her, their responsible good luck charm
Nevnir’s room is the garage. she has her own room, too, but in practice she spends all her time tinkering with mechs, fancy cars, or creating new and unique ways to blending magic in with technology. often they blow up. the garage is heavily reinforced.
charcoal mostly crashes on a couch whenever he drops on, apparently at complete random. he’s the best cook among them and makes lavish meals! he likes to tease them by dropping in, and implying he will be gone before dinner just to watch their faces fall at the prospect of no four course ultra meals
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
random idea i’ve had for my OCs to all be interacting; a specific character interaction scenario where the joint apartments that Odina, Tiashar, Bonnie, Nevnir and Lilisheb live in is abruptly expanded as a result of Tiashar’s magical influence, causing it to become a limitless area with infinite rooms they must immediately rent out, since the magical presence of other people will stabilize it, and they don’t have the money to afford such a place on their own
the people renting out will be my other OCs: Tamitayo the dark elf/shapeshifted dragon, Gritzgrotz the orc hunk, Suiha the curvy asari doctor, Host the robot hivemind, the mysterious but kindly robotic entity known as the Counselor, and pretty much ANY OC i have ever mentioned in any capacity can live there now
this will allow for tons of character interactions I normally do not do, potential story concepts (they explore things and get into trouble) and potential variants if that strikes your fancy. For example, the apartment complex actually being a space habitat that draws in other beings, and the other OCs were brought into it this way, with portals giving them access to other worlds for brief adventures, or invasion by horrible monsters for them to fight, devour or decimate.
ANY OC, even villianous ones, may be considered!
cute interactions, vore situations, teaming up for adventures, the collective group assembling a team for hero work for cash or hunting down monsters to feed everyone, unexpected shipping, Tiashar smooching everyone... it goes on!
feel free to suggest stuff for this, if it interests you!
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