#lily orchard is enbyphobic
opinated-user · 2 years
Another important example of LO's enbyphobia (and arguably the most obvious one if I'm not mistaken) is when in the su video she literally complained about Stevonnie being Nonbinary, called it a lazy choice and very strongly implied, if not outright stated, that they should have been trans because they're on the femmine side of gender presentation (debatable tbh, the only "feminine" thing about them is having long hair and wearing shorts and a pink crop top, which are all thing we should stop gendering) and because Steven sung giant woman. Ignoring that Steven wasn't talking about himself in that song but was trying to encourage Pearl and Amethyst to fuse... Look, I'm not saying an arc about Steven realizing to be a trans girl wouldn't have been amazing, but come on. How anyone in the comments thought that she was supportive of Nonbinary people is beyond me. (1/3)
(2/3) unrelated to the enbyphobia is that she also claimed Stevonnie was heavily sexualized. They're not. LO, just because you emediatelly sexualize female and female presenting characters doesn't mean everyone else does. If you see any shot of them as sexualized that's on you really.
i need to remark the last part of your first comment anon because: 1. the comments are highly moderated so any dissenting voice that LO couldn't think of a good enough dunk on was purged. multiple people have spoken about how their own critique of the video, no matter how respectful and polite they were, were deleted no long after. try to argue with LO on a space where she has total control it's a waste of time. 2. the author of the essay that LO basically plagiarizes for the racism portion of the video actually left a comment long when the video came out about how enbyphobic LO came out and they didn't agreed with her approach overall. i think their words was something like "just say that you hate non binary people and go". you know what's interesting? i tried to search that comment to show it here and i couldn't find it anywhere. she deleted the words of a black non binary person, whose essay she plagiaraized word for word, just so no one would even think to suggest that she could be wrong. as a side note, the crediting to Robobuddies's video, that LO also plagiarized, was erased from the description. so LO now has profitted from the hard work that someone else made, called them a loser when they had a problem with that and then erased the credit so now no one will even know that LO's stole their words. only the link to Riley's essay remain. finally LO did aknowledged that some of the language that she used herself on the video was racist... 4 years after the video was already out.
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2 weeks ago LO suddenly thought to adress her racist language on a video that was meant to call out the racism of someone else. she could have done that in 4 years but instead she prefered to keep being antisemitic towards a non binary jewish woman who doesn't even know she exist. if that isn't sad and funny... 3. the portion that i found the most grotesque about her portion about non binary people is how LO basically said that "non binary people are inherently interesting" and how stevonnie's design was boring because they didn't had multiple arms or something. that string of word has been stuck on my head ever since i heard it because it couldn't believe someone would say that... on the same breath where they complain about how there are not more human non binary characters. stevonnie is literally more human than any other fusion, that's the point of their design being "normal", because some non binary people look exactly like stevonnie and they deserved representation too. you can be safe knowing that part was entirely from LO's point of view and she didn't steal it from anyone because of how borderline fetishistic and misguided it was.
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I knew Lily Orchard's SU video was bad but my God I didn't know how HORRIBLE it actually is. Enbyphobic and such a personal attack to Rebecca Sugar as a person, to the point that she advocated corporation censoring art because sometimes showrunners and artists are incompetent??????? Her last words in the video is just awful, the most awful example of Tumblr critical community
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opinated-user · 2 years
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this is... just an admission of the accusation. it's literally just that. i'm confused as to what LO thought she was doing here or how she thought this was a defense.
for context, an anon asked to LO if she would have the same complaints about hunter if he were black. LO then responded that at least then he would have something interesting about him. implying that having black skin alone is interesting. the "inherently interesting" part comes from the SU is garbage video from LO where she said explicitely that about non binary people. "non binary people are inherently interesting" and using that as a reason why Stevonnie wasn't good enough non binary representation (which caused the black non binary person LO plagiarized on the racism part on that video to tell her "just say you hate non binary people and go" before LO deleted their comment on that video). both non binary identities and black people were treated as if those aspects made a character more interesting by themselves. this comment added to how disrespectful she was about the portrayal of the blackness of Alaina while using it as a defense against critique ("just say that you hate black women and go") and the black fetishization of having rey crushing exclusively on black women were all factor that contributed to people start saying that LO fetishizes black people, specifically black women. here she just repeated the same idea. that making a character black is "making something new". the character could have the same story, the same personality, the same reactions but because someone made them black that somehow made them newer, more interesting. again, she didn't say anything about how to change Hunter as a character. the question was only about his race and LO agreed that alone would have make him better, which she just doubled down now.
when someone comes out to keep repeating the same sentiment that is not missquoting, that is just them refusing to admit that is what they said.
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