#lily orchard is transphobic
opinated-user · 1 year
Lexyr repeatedly misgenders Sage in Lily's latest stream, and Lily not only doesn't correct him, but starts ranting about how Sage "turned [on her] real quick" and that they're "deranged". Because it's not okay to misgender Lily, a transwoman, but it's SUPER okay to misgender non-binary people!
Should it not be a red flag to Lily's fans that Sage, a former diehard Lily Orchard fan, suddenly changed their tune? AFTER getting very rude treatment from Lily over simply explaining a misconception about a popular book series none-the-fucking less. It's a wonder, considering the other multiple times Lily has shown asks Sage sent in their videos to bash them while misgendering them, that Sage didn't jump ship before this.
These people are straight up delusional, Lily most of all.
that person is another one of LO's fans who supported her post blaming a 6 year old for her CSA, both suffered by LO and the one perpetrated by LO.
seeing them quickly to turn to bigotry and LO just let it happen is to be expected, but still not nice to see.
oh but we're the transphobic ones. because LO, who constantly misgender her critics, said so.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 years
Here we see Lily Orchard calling a trans woman a "thing" and a "creature" while spewing lies about how she runs her discord. You may be assuming that Lily is referring to her as "they" because she's including both Poppy and Zena in this rant, but reading further clearly indicates she's only referring to Poppy specifically.
I've been in TGT's discord. Poppy and I may have had a disagreement, but there was no "screaming" as far as I witnessed. Lily is projecting.
Lily is also on a "promoting self-growth" kick which I find painfully ironic and manipulative. You can't browbeat people into taking self-growth seriously when you yourself go out of your way to avoid it, you fucking hypocritical viper.
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theedexterspeckman · 5 months
to the lily orchard antis:
why are you still keeping up with her? why don’t you just stop watching her? y’all act like you’re being forced to watch her videos at gunpoint. you’re social media experience is entirely in you’re hands, don’t act like it’s not.
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abitchyturtle · 20 days
Genuinely wondering what people see in Lily Orchard.
She steals ideas from other YouTubers, and she has been known to be terrible to her fans and supporters.
She also keeps denying that she wrote incestous material when there's clear evidence she did it. ( She tried to claim someone used an AI voice over to say that to " sound like her " when everyone kept pointing out that time she said, ' It can't be Stockholm, I wrote that', which is just hilariously dumb on her part. )
Not to mention all the other accusations against her from a lot of people over the years.
Or how she keeps willingly inviting minors into conversations about her sex life.
Or every other creepy thing she has clearly done without the help of transphobes, racists ( Because honestly, if that's the only reason you're hating her, you're the problem.) or kiwi farms, or whatever other conveniently pathetic form of media her fans want to blame.
Can we just please accept the fact that she is a bad person and a bad influence on the youth, particularly young women.
Stop making excuses for her.
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mikaila-orchard · 4 days
Why do my wife's 'critics' always draw her as their big titty goth gf?
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...um Lily, do you know what a terf is?
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I don't think a trans person could be a TERF, but what do I know.
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locrit-returns · 11 days
so are Lily and her stans lesbophobic for lying about @saiscribbles all the time?... is Lily antisemitic for lying and shitting on Rebecca Sugar?... just wondering...
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thelilyorchard · 4 months
So what if I wrote Stockholm. Can't a pedophile fantasize about molesting her little sister in peace anymore? God you vultures are subhuman transphobic garbage. I hope you choke on glass.
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weedle-testaburger · 6 months
the most weirdly satisfying thing is when a youtuber you like dunks on a youtuber you hate for being full of shit
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alohamarsblog · 1 year
This tweet seems familiar somehow...
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opinated-user · 7 months
am i reading this right?? did she just call you an it??
coming from someone who does use it/its pronouns for genderqueer reasons: what in the transphobic fuck!?
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well, yes, she did in fact used it for me, despite knowing full well my pronouns are they/them. she did the same thing for EOT, openly misgendering her, justifying it and lying about her when she made her videos reporting on her predatory actions. if you're curious where i got that image, you just have to ask, LO! it's a screenshot i took from the last stream you made where you stripped for youtube. the one where MO was also right at your side also lifting her shirt and you had her groping you in front of the camera, remember? that one thing you only ever stopped doing when EOT made her video about how you let a minor come watch you strip because you refused to explain why it was NSFW? after which only then you had "minors DNI" on your bio? this question is just so funny because it implies the image could have some sinister origin. do any of you thought that i hacked into LO's private folders for that? did i black mail anyone to get it for me? trust me, if i had that power i'm sure i'd find far more... interesting things to talk about that LO going topless with only the "racist family heirloom" on top.
but no. LO has been a creep and a gross exhibitionist making her entire audience participate on her kinks without consent for way too long, and that is merely one of the evidences of that tendency of her.
LO openly and freely decided to go topless online, knowing full well that people are going to watch, hoping in fact that people are going to watch. so if that is the case, then who i'm to stop her from achieving her dreams?
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werewolf-cuddles · 4 months
Just want to make one thing clear, since it's a point Lily and her defenders often use to deflect criticism and callouts.
Lily Orchard being a trans woman has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Lily is not a bad person because she is trans. She is a bad person who just happens to be trans.
If my issue with Lily was that she was transgender, then I wouldn't be referring to her with her correct name, her correct pronouns, or referring to her as a woman.
There are many reasons why Lily Orchard is a terrible person. She's a liar, a manipulator, an abuser, a plagiarist, a hypocrite, and an alleged predator.
Notice that being transgender is not on that list.
Some of Lily's critics are openly transphobic. Most of them aren't. Most of us are just rightfully critical of her behaviour and actions.
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thotclaws · 3 months
Good lord
Seeing Lily Orchard get what she deserves is cathartic but ultimately Youtube will ignore the outcries of her victims and won't get any retribution for her actions.
We all know Lily won't take accountability because Lily is devoid of empathy and sincerity. She has been known to be a pathological liar and outright abuser.
Pretty sure even her stuck up fans will suck her taint with every fiber of their being because all the evidence for her being a horrific person is telling of her that her victims are all lying and will use every buzzword in their catalog to avid criticism. Her meltdowns are also telling because no matter how funny it is with her salvaging every critic she's gotten for her terrible actions to her sister, but all of her victims as well. None of them are going to go easy on Lily because there is a reason why their voices need to be heard. There is evidence, there is none that are fake, all of the accusations of Lily are true.
Another thing with Lily's fans is they'll call you transphobic for exposing her predatory behavior as if this whole ordeal is of her being trans when this is by far not the point.
The point is, if you side with the fans without seeing the evidence to support the victims claims. I will block you. You are an abuse apologist and why you believe victims should be silenced.
Idc if you think no matter how hard the evidence is, you're perpetually letting the abuser get away with their actions. I hope Lily's victims make Lily's life a living hell and hopefully kick her ass off of social media and contact local authorities.
(I might edit this post under the pretense that I just got out of the ER due to neck and headache issues over 72 hours ago. So now I'm on new meds so that's fun lol, btw yes I am fine haha)
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anonymouse-the-gay · 2 months
Just found out abt lily orchard. Lily if you’re reading this you suck. You lied about crimson and called him it. You intentionally change stuff in games and then complain about issues caused by your own changes.
Ps. People criticizing your idiocy is not transphobic
Signed, a trans woman.
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Holy shit
So I finally got around to watching this, and I'll be real. I do believe Lily was SA'd by her teacher, but I believe that she SA'd Courtney. I think there is a 100% possibility that the abuse that Lily went through trickled over and caused her to take it out on Courtney.
Anyone who has been abused like that especially when your not even ten years old can destroy you can make you do things you wouldn't normally do if you had a normal life.
However, that is where my sympathy for lily ends. From victim blaming to calling evidence, "nothing" did the opposite effect to get me to believe her. Lily has lied in the past, and for the most part, it was harmless as it was only about shows and works of fiction, but this was just downright disgusting and crazy. She had talked in the past about hating her brother for being transphobic, but now she loves him(?) She took Courtney's story about being SA'd and acted like it was hers.
She blamed a minor for going into an 18+ stream after the minor asked why it was 18+ Lily said come on in and see only to see Lily’s tits (newsflash 18+ doesn't completely mean porn it could be adult language or a violent games being played.) That's not the minor's fault and what Lily did goes against YouTube guide lines because YouTube is not a place to flash the screen.
Said that KP's evidence is nothing when she showed just as much as nothing.
She never addressed the fucking a dog(?!) allegation
But the main thing I wanted to get into was Courtney and Lily. Lily, you are not the Andrew to her Ashley, and honestly, it's disgusting that she drew her like that when Ashley isn't even the one who has the incest thoughts that's Andrew she calls Courtney scary for using Orchard as her last name when Orchard isn't even Lily’s to begin with that name belongs to Lizzy(her ex that she's also calling an abuser). She uses the same story word for word. It's disgusting. Lily is the lowest of the low, and I pity her for it. It's easy to tell that Lily has dug a hole for herself and can't find a way to get out of it. Honestly, I think this woman needs a break from the internet, not to mention that now it seems like she's using the "abuse" as a shield in her work so no one can just talk about her work without bringing up the allegations.
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crimsonender · 21 days
I think Lily Orchard leans toward more the Green Party. Whether or not they have great intentions, their acts are either questionable at best or harmful at worst.
Uh. No. Definitely not. Lily is far too violent and advocates for rural rot and indigenous assimilation. She thinks because she's a good person that her and people that agree with her should be judge jury and executioner. Also taking a listen to her opinions on addicts and drug use should make it really clear what she is: Lily is a a Neo-Liberal which is right of center, sitting somewhere between the Progressive Consercative party and the Liberal party. Green Party is the furthest left party we have in Canada that has any seats in parliament. NDP is our only left wing party with any amount of power. A lot of Halifax, the county she lives in, is NDP, including in her riding. (5 of the 6 NDP Members of the Legislative Assembly are in Halifax, 1 is in Cape Breton. There are 15 in the Liberal Party, 33 in the Progressive Conservatives, and 1 independent.)
Lily has the same politics as Reagan and Thatcher tbh. Comparing her to the Green Party means you're either really uneducated on politics, especially Canadian politics, or you've fallen for Lily's grift to some capacity. Just because you slap a pro trans sticker (that's peeling off because let's be honest Lily is extremely transphobic, biphobic and homophobic towards lgbtq people she doesn't agree with) doesn't mean you're any less of a Neo-Liberal.
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