#limbus Heathcliff x reader
average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Pt4 of Limbus Speed Dating?
You awoke the next morning still sore from the amount of walking you had done the night before, only to walk out and be met with with an angry looking Heathcliff and a disappointed looking Ishmael and Charon. “The rest of the names disappeared from Charon’s hat this morning” she said as Vergilius stared daggers into Heathcliff. “So the last three sinners will pick straws” Charon said, “damn it” Heathcliff muttered, “what was that Heathcliff, do you have something you’d like to share with the rest of us…” Vergilius said threateningly, quickly causing Heathcliff to go silent. The remaining three sinners then gathered around Charon to pick a straw, shortest had to take you out next, you then noticed Ishmael sported a very bashful look as you saw her straw and looked to the others, “whatever let’s just get this over with” she said quickly as her face reddened. “Meursault I think it’d be best if you headed back to your quarters” Vergilius said “I need to have a word with Heathcliff… alone” you heard him say as you and Ishmael stepped off the bus… you didn’t even need to turn around to picture the terrified expression on Heathcliff’s face. Although you did notice Ishmael sported a rather satisfied look, “serves him right” she says under her breath… you decide not to ask. “So where are we headed” you asked Ishmael, “…hmm your in a pretty chipper mood… don’t expect me to do whatever the others had though” she retorted angrily, her face quickly reddening. What did she think the others had done…? You wondered to yourself as Ishmael stopped at a small stand buying two ice cream cones before hurriedly shoving one into your hands “here” she said quietly, “thank you Ishmael” you replied happily, this seemed to improve her mood a bit, as you followed her to the edge of the railing on the peer. “So do you want to talk about your time out at sea or something” you said trying to start up a conversation with the quiet redhead, “your seriously going to ask me that after all we’ve just been through” she said emotionlessly, …good point you thought. “Besides I kinda wanna finish this up quickly” “if we get back soon enough we may be able to catch the end of Heathcliff’s punishment” she said with a smirk, “ISHMAEL” you said horrified. Your words however left her unperturbed… you spent the rest of the “date” silently staring off into the ocean… and a considerable distance away from Ishmael. The two of you then made your way back to the bus where Heathcliff was nowhere to be found, much to Ishmael’s dismay… you simply decide to make your way back to your room as you still had one more “date” for the day.
You however would be disturbed only a few hours later when Charon and Meursault came knocking on your door. “Meursault has volunteered to go next as his planned destination has time restraints” she stated. You looked up to Meursault “yes we can only attend at night” he said curtly …where exactly did he plan to take you? You figured the robotic seeming man would simply take you out to some restaurant but it seemed he had other plans as you reluctantly followed him off the bus and to an upscale part of town. The two of you would then approach a loud building with a bouncer …it seemed Meursault knew the guy. Although come to think of it you did remember something about him dancing a lot in his youth. Your thought’s would promptly be cut off however as the blaring music filled your non-existent ears, you could barely hear yourself think as you watched Meursault head to the dance floor before gesturing for you to follow him. You would then spend the rest of the night dancing while noticing a few snickers being thrown your way… no doubt at your pathetic excuse for dancing but you decided to ignore them. You then practically had to be carried back to the bus as you were throughly exhausted once again, you however were able to make your way back to your room with the help of Meursault.
You left your quarters the next morning to see Heathcliff sitting on the floor, “oi, clockhead your finally up” you looked down at him questioningly “well it’s time to get this over with” he said standing and grabbing your arm to lead you off the bus. The blinding light of the early morning filled your non-existent eyes as you were dragged along somewhere. You would finally be let go of in front of an old looking building… it seemed to be the cities library. You looked at Heathcliff in confusion “Ishmael said this was a good place to go on a date and stuff…” he trailed off, oh dear… you thought to yourself. Ishmael’s intentions definitely hasn’t been good and you could only hope Heathcliff wouldn’t start some sort of scene… lest he be punished again. You walked inside to be greeted with silence and the smell of old books. “So are we just supposed to like look at the books or something” Heathcliff asked rather loudly earning him a stern look from the librarian, he seemed annoyed by that and quickly walked into one of the other sections of the library with you in tow. He picked out a book randomly, it seemed to be some sort of romance novel “do you like books like that” you asked him, “of course not” he said angrily putting the book away. “So what kinds books do you like” you asked again trying to start up some sort of quiet conversation, “…none of them” he responded. You spent the rest of your “date” following Heathcliff around the library as he looked around at the titles but never picked any of them up …you had the feeling he was just trying to pass time so it could look like he did something to Vergilius, you didn’t mention that thought though. “Hey I know we didn’t do much but I enjoyed getting to hang out with you” you said, “yeah whatever don’t make it weird” he replied as you left the library to head back to the bus.
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imaginecorporation · 9 months
can I request heathcliff comforting a reader about dead wife syndrome. And then they are sad together. But then happy because… perhaps they kiss…. Ooooooh… -💕
And in Mending It...
It hadn't started as romance, what you and Heathcliff had. You were simply his friend to lean on when the weight of his past got to be too much, and him for you. The two of you were very similar, both having lost partners in one way or another, so you understood very well what that grief was like
One day it just... evolved. Comforting hands on shoulders lingered a little longer, sometimes drifting a little lower. You'd cuddle up close after crying and venting your tears, not caring what the other Sinners heard or thought, and you'd fall asleep with your cheek nestled to his chest, his head resting on yours.
Your coworkers realize your feelings before either of you do. They notice how happy the two of you are in each others company, Heathcliff rarely hitting anybody with rude quips that truly have any bite, and your bright smile is finally lighting up the bus.
Rodion takes to teasing you, but you swear on your LIFE that he's just a close friend. Someone you trust, someone you rely on. And don't all friends stare into each others' eyes for a little too long, slight blushes on their cheeks?
And then, one day, it just... hits you.
"Oi." Heathcliff's voice pipes up from next to you, and you're only vaguely aware of the scarred hand that's gently waving in front of your face to get your attention. You startle and turn from the window, cheeks dusted in pink, and look up at him.
"You're starin' out the window like your brain's off in space, what's goin' through that pretty little head of yours, love?"
Love. That sends a jolt down your spine, and the blush on your cheeks deepens. You'd never thought much of it until Sinclair pointed it out last week. Heathcliff doesn't call anyone but you 'love'. In fact, he still usually refers to the other Sinners with insults or slightly rude quips. But you? No. Not for a long, long time.
"N-Nothing! I was just... thinking... About something I'd heard from the others." You murmur quietly, your eyes shifting. You can't seem to make eye contact with him right now.
"Eh? Do tell. What's every other weirdo saying that's got your knickers in a twist?"
You pause.
How do you broach this?
It's not as simple as blurting out 'I think I love you', now is it? No. That'd be reckless. And more than a little dumb.
So instead you elect for the ever so helpful...
"C'mon, love. I know somethin's bothering ya... Tell me like you usually do, yeah?" God, that soft smile he gives you when he speaks almost melts you on the spot. Why does he have to be so damn charming?
"I..." You pause. You frown. You shake your head and make the decision to just blurt out your thoughts.
"I think I love you, Heathcliff."
That makes him pause. His own eyes widening. Those beautiful, striking violet eyes that you've come to love looking into so much. He seems shocked. He doesn't speak for a moment, his mouth opening and closing as if he has something to say. And finally, he does say it. A softly croaked out,
"You too, huh?"
You blink. Once, twice, three times, a fourth...
What did he just say? Did he...
"I love you too, _____. It's... fuckin' funny, really... Big guy saw me lookin' at you one day and just said... 'You like them, don't you?', you know, in that super plain know-it-all voice. And I almost beat him down when I realized... man's got a point. He has a bloody good point. I ain't ever been as happy as I am when I'm with you." Heathcliff's voice is soft, almost sweet. Another thing that only you get to hear from him. And that just adds to the tenderness of this moment.
You tear up and nod. He really took the words right out of your mouth. Being around him feels safe. It feels like you're home. You can't even stop yourself when you're gently leaning towards him, resting one of your hands on his shoulder.
And he doesn't stop himself when his gaze softens even further, and he leans down to meet you.
Neither of you stop yourselves as you share one of the most tender kisses, lips softly slanted against each other as you take in the warmth and comfort of each others' love.
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ruinaimagines · 1 year
what do you think it would take for Heathcliff to warm up to somebody? because right now I feel like he'd scare a lot of people off with how brash and violent he is, but it'd be interesting if someone managed to befriend him.
I love him. And yes, I am alive! I am still crawling on. somehow.
Heathcliff Warming up to Someone Headcanons:
It is true that his outwardly brash nature is what a lot of people are initially met with, especially if they happen to be of some authoritative stance, but that’s mainly because of his own preconceived judgements. He’s a rather reasonable and good man otherwise.. Just a bit quick to jump to opinions.
If he doesn’t feel as though you are demanding respect from anyone then you have quite a decent chance of getting along. Talk to him as though he’s an actual person and you’ll find he’s pretty cooperative unless what you’re telling him to do is something he deems as outrageous.
Even though I lovingly call him an idiot, he’s quite the opposite. Heathcliff is a very apt man. We’ve seen this during Canto II with how he diverts the attention of the casino guards. He’s just a bit impulsive in some cases in the same sense that Don is. If he sees something he considers to be wrong, insulting, or similar he is quick to action if no one else is. He’s very good with short-term solutions but doesn’t immediately consider the implications for the long term. That’s Faust’s job. He’s clever and witty.
His recklessness also stems from the fact that death isn’t actually a problem for him (poor Dante), so not much is stopping him from speaking his mind. Unless the situation is really dire he has no desire to shut his mouth. Will still mutter under his breath.
He would immediately get along a lot better with you if you share any kind of similar passions in disrupting the system, calling people out, and overall being very blunt on the blatant ignorance and audacity some people have. While not to say the other sinners don’t agree, they just typically don’t really comment on it either. To have someone else that he can rant with and be brutally honest with? Ohhh that is just going to fuel the flames.
Would find you funny as hell if you insult the smug, sleazy workers of the city you happen to run into. Even better if it’s directly in their faces. Will back you up even if you don’t know each other much at this point because it’s entertaining. 
I believe that you have a pretty solid chance of getting along even if you don’t immediately call out someone to their face so long as he overhears you complaining about it later. Not all people have the confidence he does, and sometimes it’s easier for you to let it be in the moment as long as it’s not too treacherous or there’s quips here and there.
The most crucial part in befriending him is first and foremost about establishing a sense of likemindedness. If he doesn’t see you as an agreeable person, then chances are he won’t think well of you either. You don’t have to be as loud about it as he is but even stating something along the lines of ‘That is wrong and it needs to be acknowledged and not smoothed over’ after the fact works for him.
I think that it would be a lot more difficult for him to see eye to eye with someone who so compliantly follows along with orders and seems indifferent to the cruelty and justice around them. There needs to be some kind- any kind of proof that you have humanity and aren’t willing to stay complicit with continuing what is seen as morally wrong by him.
He’s a very passionate guy which can be a little difficult to navigate because he can very easily get lost to more aggressive feuds or grudges, in these situations he’s a bit unreachable in that he is very unlikely to hear others out. When it calms down though his opinion may alter slightly especially the longer he knows a person. Still sticks very close to his own truth nonetheless.
With this it becomes easier to talk to him because there’s no longer that  preconceived notion he holds over you, whatever it may be. You might find him even gravitating more near you or valuing your opinions a little higher than the others. When Faust is droning on he tends to tune her out, but whatever you’re saying he’s more encouraged to listen in on. There isn’t much of a difference in the moment, but you’ll notice that he’s completely forgotten what Faust has advised whereas he brings up a note that you mentioned instead.
Don’t expect the bickering to go anywhere. Friend or not, there will still be snide remarks here and there, though if you’re on good terms with him they’re meant in a more playful snarky way as opposed to a genuine complaint. Best be quick witted yourself.
You’re one of the few who can get away with insulting him without paying the typical price of being smacked over the head unconscious with his bat! Something that has happened an unnecessary amount of times with the other sinners much to the displeasure of Dante. Don’t expect to be completely devoid of being pushed around though. I imagine him to be the type of person to slam his hands around your shoulder with such force that it will completely knock the wind out of you for a joke.
Heathcliff is sort of hard to reach emotionally, even if you two get along very well. It can be kind of difficult to delve deeper into his own problems no matter how good on terms you are with him. He’s approachable in the way that his inferiority complex makes it extremely unlikely for him to ever mention his own shortcomings or communicate his distress in a way other than anger. Heathcliff does not want to have someone pity him, and above all he doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
It’s very hard to navigate, there’s hardly a right answer of how to go about it because it’s something that’s so emotionally fuelled that your best case scenario is just trying to listen and be more casual about it if something ever did get brought up. It’s a sore spot, don’t be surprised or feel bad if he snaps at you because he feels like you’re trying to be his therapist, it’s a spur of the moment thing and he’d feel bad afterwards. He just wants to be seen as a person.
Try to pry very little, what small trace amounts you get from him of his own personal experiences is something you’ll just have to take. Heathcliff might seem to be in particularly pissy and broody moods from time to time, whether from a bad interaction or something deeper, you can ask him what happens but if he says to drop it then it's recommended you do.
I feel like he isn’t ready to unpack everything, he finds it unneeded and a hindrance to get all sappy and focus on how he feels. That said I don’t know if there ever would be a proper time… aside from his canto.
You become his complaining buddy. He will trash talk either the others or some unpleasant person you’ve met while at work. It’s honestly fascinating some of the most obscure and abhorrent insults he can construct, beat only by Ryoshu of course. Her’s is just vulgar.
He is so biased it’s not even subtle. Heathcliff might seem a bit unapproachable at first but you’ll quickly come to realize that if you offer a sort of loyalty then he will return it. Might make fun of you for getting into a tricky situation, but he will do everything he can to pull you out of it and I think that’s what makes him such a good companion.
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yanderefarm · 6 months
hello!! this is a new yandere/male!reader writing blog. i write general male readers as well as yanderes. please read through my rules and other information.
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be nice. be patient when sending in requests i can be slow and easily distracted.
i wont write: gore, blood, scat, intense impact play, pregnancy sex, actual pregnancy, blood drinking, inflation, vore, female!reader, female!yandere!reader, female characters, sub!reader
i will write: minor impact play (slapping, spanking), dcryaphilia, dub con, non con, somnophilia, cervix penetration, breeding kink, daddy kink, male!reader, yandere!reader, dom!reader
if you're curious if I'll write something and its not listed here you can ask!
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you can call me bunny or farmer, im 25, i use he/him pronouns and im transmasc. i love men and i love yanderes. i also like weird shit im so sorry in advanced.
if you have any questions about me feel free to ask!! and if you've read this and the rules reply with a bunny emoji 🐇🐰
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Honkai Star Rail; Jing Yuan, Blade, Dr. Ratio, Aventurine, Boothill, Arlan, Luka, Gallagher, (eventually maybe Sunday)
Genshin Impact; Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Thoma, Gorou, Cyno, Alhaithaim, Scaramouche, Neuvillette, Freminet, Dottore, Pantalone, Baizhu
Degrees of Lewdity; Remy, Whitney, Sydney, Kylar, Eden, Harper
Limbus Company; Gregor, Heathcliff
Hazbin Hotel; Vox, Valentino, Zestial, Striker, Fizzarolli, Crimson
What in Hell is Bad; Satan, Mammon, Lucifer, Sitri, Leraye, TBA
Slashers; Ghostface, Jason Vorheez, TBA
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Original Characters
Housewife Yandere
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Genshin Impact;
breeding dottore
Honkai Star Rail;
jing yuan x jiangshi
Original Characters;
house wife yandere
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divider credits:
hearts & labels
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cramathonn · 2 months
Status: Closed
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Hello, dear stranger on Tumblr. You may call me Cramathonn. I am just a silly guy who wants to write about his favorite characters casually, accepting requests every now and again. I prefer to be referred to with he/they/it pronouns, eventually the neos bomb/bombself.
Now, instead of sharing the fandoms of which I will most likely write/yap about, I will share the characters in specific, for I find it easier and less stressful for myself. That way, I won't feel obligated to write for charactes I'm not that interested in.
I will write for gender neutral and male readers only. However, when requesting nsfw scenarios, please do specify if the reader is afab or amab, solely for clarification and to make my writing experience easier. If not specified, I shall try my utmost to make it as generalized as possible.
Now, as for the things I actually feel comfortable writing about:
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Green means go
★Fluff, angst and NSFW are all game
★Gore is on the table (be aware for my gore writing is VERY explicit)
★In NSFW content, majority of kinks are ok, the ones I won't do will be specified later
★Platonic and romantic scenarios
★Poly relationships!
★Monster x human
★Heavy subjects such as abuse and mental health (all with their due care and respect)
Red means stop
† Dubcon and noncon are a no go
† Watersports and age regression are a red in NSFW (if more surface, they will be added here)
† Very big age gaps! No thank you!
† Incest (not even stepcest)
† Character x character (more of a "don't feel like it" type of thing)
As for writing styles, you might get a drabble, a headcanon or a one shot. It all depends on my mood and how packed that week/day is for me. Please be aware that I am a college student and have a job, so I will be very very slow with publishing stuff.
Sensitive subjects will be properly tagged, so please pay attention as to not trigger yourself.
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Now, finally, the list of characters I am currently obsessed with and desperately want to write about/read about. The sources to which they belong to will be in parentheses.
The menu
Billy Kid (ZZZ)
Anton Ivanov (ZZZ)
Grace Howard (ZZZ)
Rina (ZZZ)
Seth (ZZZ)
Qingyi (ZZZ)
Jane (ZZZ)
Kafka Hibino (KN8)
Reno Ichikawa (KN8)
Iharu Furuhashi (KN8)
Meursault (Limbus Company)
Heathcliff (Limbus Company)
Gregor (Limbus Company)
Rodion (Limbus Company)
Outis (Limbus Company)
Welt Yang (HSR)
Kafka (HSR)
Gallagher (HSR)
Chilchuck (Dunmeshi)
Kuro Kiryu (ES)
Rinne Amagi (ES)
Scar (Wuthering Waves)
Yuanwu (Wuthering Waves)
Yinlin (Wuthering Waves)
Please keep in mind that I haven't met Yuanwu in the story yet and that I haven't finished the main story of Wuthering Waves! So those two characters are the ones I am least familiar with.
These are the characters for now. This list will be constantly updated, with additions and removals always being a possibility, so please do keep an eye out! If you want to check if I write for a character, don't be afraid to ask! I tend to be rather forgetful, so ask away.
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If you simply want my take on a headcanon you have about one of the aforementioned characters, please do send them! I love debating about headcanons and sharing my thoughts (I am a yapper at heart)
There will be no masterlist! However, the posts will be tagged by fandom, characters and writing style. So, if you came looking for specifics, clicking on my profile and using the desired tag should filter everything properly!
As to differ random yaps from requests, here are the following tags you should look for:
#yappingdemon → for headcanon debates and just me being absolutely deranged/insane about something (mainly a character or game)
#storytellerdemon → for actual writing, be it headcanons, scenarios, drabbles or oneshots
This masterpost will be tagged as both yappingdemon and storytellerdemon, to mark the beginning of both categories in the blog.
Thank you for your attention and for considering requesting from this blog in the first place! Yapping request shall always be open, however request status will be updated both here and in random posts, so please do keep an eye out.
I wish you a pleasant timezone
- Anxious Demon
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schizoidcel · 7 months
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♢﹕scenarios ∣ ♦︎﹕headcanons ∣ important note
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ counter-clock, we rose --
┌─ ✧.* sinners !! ──────────────┐
# 01, YI SANG ..
yi sang & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 02, FAUST ..
faust & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 03, DON QUIXOTE ..
don quixote & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 04, RYŌSHŪ ..
ryōshū & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 05, MEURSAULT ..
merusault & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 06, HONG LU ..
hong lu general romantic hcs (lcb hong lu x reader) ♦︎
hong lu & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
heathcliff general romantic hcs (lcb heath x reader) ♦︎
heathcliff & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 08, ISHMAEL ..
dumblings (liumael x reader) ♦︎
ishmael & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 09, RODION ..
rodion & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 10, DANTE ..
dante & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 11, SINCLAIR ..
engagement (cinqclair x reader) ♢ + ♦︎
sinclair & reader w/ bpd (lcb clair x reader) ♦︎
sinclair & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 12, OUTIS ..
outis & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 13, GREGOR ..
gregor & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ -- counter-clock, we reload.
┌─ ✧.* others !! ──────────────┐
♪ YURI ..
♪ SAUDE ..
♪ EFFIE ..
♪ SAMJO ..
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ׂૢ་༘࿐ ...
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Oh yeah only three days left for the poll so make sure to read through the Limbus Speed Dating drabbles before picking a sinner :3
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Welp I already got Pt 3 might release it today after I finish up the last 3 sinners
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Sideblog for Limbus and Scp Doctor’s drabbles
Request/Blog Rules
Headcanon’s and short drabble’s only
Character x Reader(Dante for Limbus)
No character x character
(Might make an exception for Heathmael)
Only 3 characters per request
No NSFW or suggestive asks
Please don’t bring drama into my inbox
Anon asks will be on until someone gives me a reason to disable them
If you have an issue with yandere content please feel free to block me
Now onto what‘s allowed
I will write for any of the Limbus sinners :3
Plus Kromer, Dongrang, and Ahab
I will write for the popular Scp Doctors
Below you’ll find an ordered list of all the characters I’ll write for
Yandere requests are VERY welcome
Angst asks are also encouraged :3
Please be specific >.<
Note: Characters higher up on the list have priority :3
Limbus Company
Don Quixote
Hong Lu
Yi Sang
Scp Doctors
Gears (Platonic only)
Note: I mostly write on my phone and I am a bit rusty when it comes to writing (it’s been almost 8 years since I’ve written anything for fun) so please be patient :3
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average-limbus-fan · 8 months
I still can’t beat RR2 and it’s making me mad💀
Anyways I’ll try to get some headcanons or drabbles out tomorrow or the day after for Heathcliff, Don, and Yi Sang
Then Ishmael’s drabble in a couple days most likely and something for Faust afterwards :3
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Limbus Company:
Introduction to Limbus Speed Dating
Pt1: Rodion, Hong Lu, Gregor
Pt2: Sinclair, Outis, Faust
Pt3: Yi Sang, Ryoshu, Don Quixote
Pt4: Ishmael, Meursault, Heathcliff
Conclusion to Limbus Speed Dating
Yandere Drabbles: Ishmael, Sinclair, Hong Lu
Yandere headcanons for Ishmael, Sinclair, and Hong Lu
Clef, Bright, and Gears find a kitten at their door
Scp Personnel Descriptions
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