#limbus Heathcliff x Dante
average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Pt4 of Limbus Speed Dating?
You awoke the next morning still sore from the amount of walking you had done the night before, only to walk out and be met with with an angry looking Heathcliff and a disappointed looking Ishmael and Charon. “The rest of the names disappeared from Charon’s hat this morning” she said as Vergilius stared daggers into Heathcliff. “So the last three sinners will pick straws” Charon said, “damn it” Heathcliff muttered, “what was that Heathcliff, do you have something you’d like to share with the rest of us…” Vergilius said threateningly, quickly causing Heathcliff to go silent. The remaining three sinners then gathered around Charon to pick a straw, shortest had to take you out next, you then noticed Ishmael sported a very bashful look as you saw her straw and looked to the others, “whatever let’s just get this over with” she said quickly as her face reddened. “Meursault I think it’d be best if you headed back to your quarters” Vergilius said “I need to have a word with Heathcliff… alone” you heard him say as you and Ishmael stepped off the bus… you didn’t even need to turn around to picture the terrified expression on Heathcliff’s face. Although you did notice Ishmael sported a rather satisfied look, “serves him right” she says under her breath… you decide not to ask. “So where are we headed” you asked Ishmael, “…hmm your in a pretty chipper mood… don’t expect me to do whatever the others had though” she retorted angrily, her face quickly reddening. What did she think the others had done…? You wondered to yourself as Ishmael stopped at a small stand buying two ice cream cones before hurriedly shoving one into your hands “here” she said quietly, “thank you Ishmael” you replied happily, this seemed to improve her mood a bit, as you followed her to the edge of the railing on the peer. “So do you want to talk about your time out at sea or something” you said trying to start up a conversation with the quiet redhead, “your seriously going to ask me that after all we’ve just been through” she said emotionlessly, …good point you thought. “Besides I kinda wanna finish this up quickly” “if we get back soon enough we may be able to catch the end of Heathcliff’s punishment” she said with a smirk, “ISHMAEL” you said horrified. Your words however left her unperturbed… you spent the rest of the “date” silently staring off into the ocean… and a considerable distance away from Ishmael. The two of you then made your way back to the bus where Heathcliff was nowhere to be found, much to Ishmael’s dismay… you simply decide to make your way back to your room as you still had one more “date” for the day.
You however would be disturbed only a few hours later when Charon and Meursault came knocking on your door. “Meursault has volunteered to go next as his planned destination has time restraints” she stated. You looked up to Meursault “yes we can only attend at night” he said curtly …where exactly did he plan to take you? You figured the robotic seeming man would simply take you out to some restaurant but it seemed he had other plans as you reluctantly followed him off the bus and to an upscale part of town. The two of you would then approach a loud building with a bouncer …it seemed Meursault knew the guy. Although come to think of it you did remember something about him dancing a lot in his youth. Your thought’s would promptly be cut off however as the blaring music filled your non-existent ears, you could barely hear yourself think as you watched Meursault head to the dance floor before gesturing for you to follow him. You would then spend the rest of the night dancing while noticing a few snickers being thrown your way… no doubt at your pathetic excuse for dancing but you decided to ignore them. You then practically had to be carried back to the bus as you were throughly exhausted once again, you however were able to make your way back to your room with the help of Meursault.
You left your quarters the next morning to see Heathcliff sitting on the floor, “oi, clockhead your finally up” you looked down at him questioningly “well it’s time to get this over with” he said standing and grabbing your arm to lead you off the bus. The blinding light of the early morning filled your non-existent eyes as you were dragged along somewhere. You would finally be let go of in front of an old looking building… it seemed to be the cities library. You looked at Heathcliff in confusion “Ishmael said this was a good place to go on a date and stuff…” he trailed off, oh dear… you thought to yourself. Ishmael’s intentions definitely hasn’t been good and you could only hope Heathcliff wouldn’t start some sort of scene… lest he be punished again. You walked inside to be greeted with silence and the smell of old books. “So are we just supposed to like look at the books or something” Heathcliff asked rather loudly earning him a stern look from the librarian, he seemed annoyed by that and quickly walked into one of the other sections of the library with you in tow. He picked out a book randomly, it seemed to be some sort of romance novel “do you like books like that” you asked him, “of course not” he said angrily putting the book away. “So what kinds books do you like” you asked again trying to start up some sort of quiet conversation, “…none of them” he responded. You spent the rest of your “date” following Heathcliff around the library as he looked around at the titles but never picked any of them up …you had the feeling he was just trying to pass time so it could look like he did something to Vergilius, you didn’t mention that thought though. “Hey I know we didn’t do much but I enjoyed getting to hang out with you” you said, “yeah whatever don’t make it weird” he replied as you left the library to head back to the bus.
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jeff-the-box-boy · 1 year
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scorching-earth · 2 months
teaser 2
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more teasers!
“*sigh* stop bothering me OIWKY.”
You can't tell Yuu to not beat that guy up. It’s like asking a fish to start breathing air. It can't happen.
Terrified children trying to keep Yuu from killing someone.
Yuu sees cater as the only positive in this school, and cater sees Yuu as a horror movie monster.
Crowley walks on a tightrope every time the two talk, and Crowley walks it like he’s in the circus.
Ace and Deuce have to introduce Yuu everytime the two have started to make a game out of it. Whoever can give the better introduction will talk for yuu.
These two are single handedly carrying Yuu’s friendships and social image. The two even made a magicam account for Yuu in an attempt to bolster Yuu’s social reputation.
Yuu can get dressed in the morning, unlike another rich boy we know.
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sapphic-haymaker · 2 years
Still wondering why they decided to replace the Sinners' unique titles in limbus with generic ones.
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in the TGS build, you can see the sinners have their titles they were introduced with in twitter posts, while in the launch build it's a generic "Sinner #x"
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Weirdly enough, you can still see all of them in the theater section.
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I wonder if they omitted them to give the sinners a less unique, more expendable feel to them. As they are just kinda infinitely regenerating bodies to throw at problems. I personally think they added a nice lil bit of character and would love to see them return at some point.
Here's a list of the titles and what I can find for their translations/brief meanings (shoutouts to @stillakyu for help on Yi Sang and Ryoshu's)
No.1 Yi Sang - 하융 (Pseudonym used by the real life Yi Sang.)
No.2 Faust - WALPURGISNACHT (Walpurgis Night)
No.3 Don Quixote - SUEÑO IMPOSIBLE ("Impossible Dream" in Spanish, named after the song inspired by the original novel)
No.4 Ryoshu - 無我夢中 阿鼻叫喚 支離滅裂 ("As one falls into an obsession, even the screams of hell scatter into nothingness")
No.5 Meursault - SOLEIL ("Sun" in French)
No.6 Hong Lu - 太虛幻境 ("The Realm of Heavenly Etherealness")
No.7 Heathcliff - REVENGE (Revenge means Revenge)
No.8 Ishmael - HEARSE (Vehicle for transporting coffins)
No.9 Rodion - РАСКО́Л ("Split" in Russian)
No.10 Dante - DURANTE (Name of the poet Dante)
No.11 Sinclair - VOGEL ("Bird" in German)
No.12 Outis - Ουτις ("Nobody" in Greek)
No.13 Gregor - UNGEZIEFER ("Vermin" in German)
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mmmmmmky · 16 days
Live Blogging Walpurgis Night (spoilers)
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what is the L corp not cut in half????? there are two walls in the halls????????????? anyways
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this is neat, dante canon choosing ids and faust telling them what they should use bc she is curious, silly. Also dante canonically have all the walpurgis IDs lmao. I think i have them all??? except ryoshu and the red shoes rodya.
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silly, also kindaa interesting as he is the onlyyy id without a walpurgis thing hmhmhmmhmmhmmmm. roland heathcliff is coming actually, we just got red mist ryoshu.
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hmhmhmhmmh keeping up with the ideas and things from the warp train. Probably building up to somethingggg, faust being more down to earth maybe and with the sinners and such?
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I love them so muchhhh, sinclair is such a fella. I might keep it more condensed from here and only say when i have something big to say but nahhhh its my post on my blog. I will ramble away.
it is a lot to screenshot though. but hmhmhmm they are dissing my guyyyy yesoddd
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:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(::(:(:(:(:(:(:(::(:(:(:(:( geez rip my guy danm :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
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honestlyyyy fairrr this is early lob corp too before we get many missions done and such probably and no suppression
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raghhhhhh ueueueueueue sobbing yeah. it is very interesting to see commentary on the lob corp gang from a healthier work environment (which is saying something with it is the limbus company) but yeahhhhhhhhh mm mmm mm.
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girlie lmaooo to busy reading the lore and story it is ordeal time. hmmmmmmm this is interestinggg way doing of violet ordeals, a lot more fitting and flows more though (POST KAY ah okay i see)(imagine below is part of post kay)
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ok but like PLEASEEEEE CMONNNN IT WILL BE SO FUNNNN. i wonder if this hints at something like that later, we are for sure going to be doing big things by next walpurgis holy fuckkkkk solemn lament yi sang is fun to play omgggg WHATTTTTTT
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HI HOD HI HOSD HI HOD HIIIIIII HI HODDDDDDDD :D omg hod :> it is veryyy interestinggggg how we can talk to hod, i wonder if we will see more, esperailly if they ramp up, i am really thinging we could meet x or angela even maybeee later as things ramp upp.
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pewpew, also woahhhh she sees us??? hi hodddd!
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hmhmhmhmm middle layer up already?? also hmmm they are ampules, i see, probably was explained before but neat
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woah woah woah woah woahhhhhh hmmmmm damge types explained in limbus will be neat, especially pale damage wink wink nudge nudge (hi chai!! if you are reading!) this alll is really cool how deep into lob corp we are goin
seperate post for SL Sang uptie story probably but i am doing here before i do noon ordeal also fixed announcers is neat
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i love her. also woah silly ui
easiest walpurgis yet i think idk, all the missions in one go except for 6+ neg status effects
it was really cool and interesting though, neat
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everysky-enjoyer · 10 months
Canto 5 spoilers inside. A few interesting Limbus x Divine Comedy crossreading stuff :
- Selva Obscura is quite literaly the the first two Cantos of Inferno which happen in the dark forest+Hell entrance. We even meet Lion, Panther and Wolf which represent their animal counterpart in the bool.
- Sin oriented boss (Kromer for Lust, Dongrang for Gluttony) are fought in the order of circles in Hell (Lust is the second circle, Gluttony is third)
- This leaves only Limbus (first circle, where the unbaptized are damned) for Gregor and Rodya cantos. Makes kinda sense how Abnormalities are the cantos boss as there is a light parallel between Abnormalities (entites born before the Light) and unbaptized (born before the Christ)
- I don't know where to put Ishmael canto. Upcoming circles are Greed (not a main sin in LC!) and Wrath, which could both fit Heathcliff storyline as far as we know. In addition Canto V boss does not exactly embody Greed (compare the Mili theme song with the two previous one).
- Speaking of canto 5, Ricardo (Middle Big Bro Hair coupon guy) is the second italian-named midboss to almost kill Dante, after Guido. Divine comedy had a lot of guys named Guido (didn't track all of them) and the most notable of them is much deeper in Hell. Didnt track all the Ricardo either. That book had a lot of Florentians guys.
- Upcoming circles: greed, wrath, heretics, violence, liars and bastards, traitors. 8th circle is notably bigger than the others in the book. Various interesting comparisons with planned Cantos. Ryoshu is roughly scheduled for Violence circle. Outis is perfectly in line for 8th circle, the one where Odysseus is actually damned in the book!
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 2 months
Limbus Sinners' Exerices They Would Do
Balance: Gregor, Faust, Yi Sang Endurance (Aerobic): Don, Outis, Ryoshu Flexibility: Hong Lu, Sinclair, Rodion Strength (Anarobic): Ishmael, Meursalt, Heathcliff (Rodion could honestly go here too with Meursalt being a more all-rounder.)
Yi-sang: Climbers, Lunge Step, Pseudo Planche, Chest Expansion, Arm Circles, Thigh Hug (Just put him in Yoga. It's good for him, its not too straining, he still gets to exercie.)
Faust: Reverse Angels, Back Fist, Backlift, Forward Bend, Seated Forward Bend, Pull-ups
Don Quinnote: Lunges, Plank Jumps, Jump Knee Tucks, Half Jacks, Latissimus Dorsi and Posterior Deltoid Stretch, Donkey Kicks
Ryoshu: Elbow Plank, Side Kicks, Bicep Extention, Sholder Taps, Butterfly Streach, Sholder Rotator Streach, Wrist Extensor Stretch
Meursault: Supermans, Reverse Angels, Dead Lifting Weights, Chest Expansion, Shoulder Rotator Stretch, Hanging Leg Raise, Standing Toe Tap
Hong-Lu: High Knee, Leg Raises, Fly-steps, Hyperextention, Tuck Jump, Glute Bridge, Reverse Crunches
Heathcliff: Tricep Extention, Chin ups, Pike Push-up, Sit-ups, Jump-Rope, Back-lift, Side-crunch, Forward Crunches, Skull Crushers
Ishmael: Elbow Plank, Pull-ups, Tricep Dip, Shoulder Stretch, Font Kicks, Alt-Grip Pull-up, Swimmer (Just put her in a pool and see her do butterfly stroke. Did you know breast stroke is the slowest but one of the oldest swiming style? And, I just learned about combat sidestroke shown here in this link. X ) Pectoral Stretch
Rodion: Flutterkicks, Body Rows, Forward Raises(?), Incline Bench Press, Standing Overhead Dumbell Press, Russian Twist
Sinclair: High Knee, Get-ups, Windmill, Wall-Squats. Punches, Standing Overhead Dumbell Press, Dumbell Rows, Butt Kicks
Outis: Sit-up, Squat, Army Crawl, Planks, Crossovers, Burpees, Glute Bridge, Hamstring Streach, Hip Flexor Stretch, Cross Body Cruch
Gregor: Side-to-side Chops, Knee-to-Elbow Crutches, Army Crawl, Crossovers, Side Plank, Lying Spinal Twist, Wall Pushups
Dante: Duck Walk, Plank Jump-ins, Laterals (Outis is making him do this one.), High-Knees, Single Leg Deadlifts, Step-ups
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algoney · 1 year
Telegram Stickers ♡ ✧*。
.*・。゚ Lobotomy Corporation .*・。゚
♡ (Yesod, Chesed, Netzach, Gebura, Myo, Binah)
♡ (Angela, Malkuth, Hod, Tiphereth)
♡ (Hochma, Ayin)
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.*・。゚ Binah x Zena .*・。゚ (Ee_extension_02 on twitter)
♡ (Binah x Zena)
♡ (Binah, Zena, Outis)
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.*・。゚ Limbus Company .*・。゚
♡ (Yi Sang, Faust, Don Quixote, Ryōshū, Meursault, Hong Lu)
♡ (Heathcliff, Ishmael, Rodion, Sinclair, Outis, Gregor)
♡ (Charon, Vergilius, Dante, Lion, Wolf, Panther, Yuri, Aya, Effie, Saude, Hermann, Jia Huan, Sonya, Demian, Kromer, Samjo, Dongrang, Shrenne, Ran, Dongbaek, Rain, Mika, Olga, Alfonso)
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.*・。゚ Library of Ruina .*・。゚ \currently unfinished!\
♡ (Roland, Netzach, Yesod, Angela, Hod, Malkuth)
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schizoidcel · 7 months
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♢﹕scenarios ∣ ♦︎﹕headcanons ∣ important note
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┌─ ✧.* sinners !! ──────────────┐
# 01, YI SANG ..
yi sang & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 02, FAUST ..
faust & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 03, DON QUIXOTE ..
don quixote & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 04, RYŌSHŪ ..
ryōshū & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 05, MEURSAULT ..
merusault & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 06, HONG LU ..
hong lu general romantic hcs (lcb hong lu x reader) ♦︎
hong lu & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
heathcliff general romantic hcs (lcb heath x reader) ♦︎
heathcliff & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 08, ISHMAEL ..
dumblings (liumael x reader) ♦︎
ishmael & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 09, RODION ..
rodion & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 10, DANTE ..
dante & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 11, SINCLAIR ..
engagement (cinqclair x reader) ♢ + ♦︎
sinclair & reader w/ bpd (lcb clair x reader) ♦︎
sinclair & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 12, OUTIS ..
outis & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 13, GREGOR ..
gregor & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ -- counter-clock, we reload.
┌─ ✧.* others !! ──────────────┐
♪ YURI ..
♪ SAUDE ..
♪ EFFIE ..
♪ SAMJO ..
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ׂૢ་༘࿐ ...
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im curious about everyones predictions for future chapters, how you think stories will be adapted from the source material in the books. (or if you havent read any of the books the sinners are based on a want to see your wild guesses!)
(my predictions under the cut, i havent read any after metamorphasis yet but im familiar with basic plots and stuff? i may get the themes or something of each book drastically wrong but honestly thats the fun of this)
canto V- ishmael meets up with all her old sailing friends!! (the ones who arent dead at least, maybe queequeg mets up with her and tells her about the tragic fates of the others), maybe she fights the whale? maybe she learns to accept that she never needed to kill that whale in the first place. either way, she wont be so haunted by that darn whale after this chapter. i saw someone say that her mili song should be a sea shanty nd i agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY. it will be a sea shanty nd it will be a BANGER.
canto VI- catherine appearance followed by heathcliff rampage, i have to assume theyll be very protective of each other, his mili song will start loud and angry then maybe get calmer in the second half
canto VII- don quixote isnt her real name. WINDMILL THEMED ABNORMALITIES. sancho appearance? spanish in the mili song? (unlikely but i can dream)
canto VIII- (i know next to nothing about his book) a visit to hong lu's family mansion, the sinners get to enjoy luxury for a few days! maybe theyll get to meet his siblings, maybe one of his siblings will be the main enemy? someone (dante, donqi or hong lu himself) finds out the secret behind how his family became so so rich and it starts the conflict of the chapter over it being evil (theres no way any rich peraon in THE CITY isnt doing something unspeakably bad, especially with how much of that sort of commentary ia in project moon games.) mili song has verses/phrases in chinese (much more likely than spanish)
canto IX- ryoshu is revealed to have been a big name artist, maybe famous enough that another sinner had heard of her nd gets to be shocked by finding out. shes also revealed to have a daughter who died, everyone is super shocked over how she could have a kid, maybe she learns over the course of the dungeon how to grieve for her instead of just smoking nd isolating herself to cope. after this shes more social with the other sinners
canto X- he killed someone, the other sinners find out. they all kill people daily for their job or in their backstory but its somehow different and (some of them) freak out over it. he may be a wanted criminal in the area they visit?
canto XI- we see all the war crimes outis committed, ive seen someone else predict that outis would betray dante, which i think would be interesting with how much she sucks up to them! we know that she doesnt actually think very highly of them from when she slips up a few times, but shes so militant that she has to respect their higher rank.
canto XII- either this will be the final one, or dante (maybe vergilius too) will have one afterwards. either way, a lot of mysteries will be revealed here. what the golden boughs do, how faust and vergilius met, why limbus company was founded, what mephistopheles even is and how faust built it, lots of secrets!
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starberriemilk · 1 year
Soo I have been shipping a lot of stuff lately from Limbus:
Gregor x Meursault*
Hong Lu x Heathcliff*
Charlotte x Sinclair*
Rodya x Ryoshu
Ishmael x Outis
Faust x Yi Sang
Vergilius x Dante*
* Those are comfort ships and they make me extra super happy
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Welp I already got Pt 3 might release it today after I finish up the last 3 sinners
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jeff-the-box-boy · 9 months
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scorching-earth · 2 months
just writing... teaser!
remember my lobotomy Yuu's? and how they took me three days of just wring to make? well look foreword!
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were not done yet! little teaser under keep reading
Yuu wants to be a fixer. Not a knight, a FIXER F I X E R! A fixer is a noble profession (to Yuu). There are champions of justice who help the downtrodden (once more Yuu that's not true).
you wax poetics ONCE to ONE person, and now you have a stalker.
Ace even asked Yuu what color his underwear was… Ace still hasn't recovered from the embarrassment of that moment.
Yuu had confronted Lilia about this as early as book 2. Asking If Lilia had any questions for them. Lilia did, and got answers for every single one. All in detail, horrible detail, Lilia had chosen to make Yuu’s stay at Night Raven as enjoyable as possible from that moment onwards.
Yuu is a very quiet person. not because they don't want to talk, they just don't have anything to say.
So the role of responsible one is taken up by Deuce, something totally new to Deuce. Yet this new experience shows him just how much his mother went through raising him
“... what do you mean I’m too violent?”
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potato-birbb · 1 year
Okay, since I’m bored and wanted to draw my fav Limbus Company ships as a full drawing than just a doodle.
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
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