#lin mcaster
kitcheninaman · 3 months
what’s the most prized possession of each lucasworld character?
love this question. 10/10. great question
lucas: he has a polaroid camera that he really loves. that or noah gives him a silly gift, like a little figure of a character he likes, and then after noah Ascends he sort of becomes really really attached to it
noah: well. hm. the thing is he doesnt become too attached to material possessions because he's dead or whatever but he has a necklace he found/was given once when he was 11, a silly little plastic chain with a crappy heart locket, and he hasn't taken it off since
lin: he has a really specific set of dice that he really likes. and a specific pokemon card. he's a huge fan of his dice tbh. carries them (and the pokemon card) everywhere
odin: youd assume itd be one of his planes but his dirty ass leather jacket means so so much to him. i like to think he found it in the shed when he first discovered it
madison: this one really stumped me tbh!!!! i think probably something her dad got her, a book of some sort. it has a little message from him in it. i haven't figured out which book yet but ill let you know if that changes
fantastic question :^)
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kitcheninaman · 9 days
ocs favourite albums? (sorry for all the music questions lol)
dont apologise i love these questions so much aaa!!!
Lucas: sleepyhead by cavetown bc he's based
Lin: either teens of denial by car seat headrest or folie a deux by fall out boy. he cant decide and he wont decide
Noah: stick season by noah kahan or this is how the world ends by badflower. i realised badflower is a band that exists and i think noah would be a fan :)
Odin: ok computer by radiohead because its the only album he has ever listened to because he is insane
Madison: sick scenes by los campesinos i think? her music taste escapes me. perhaps her favourite album is the queen is dead by the smiths
i have character playlists for them all if you'd like them? they aren't their specific music tastes but they are songs i associae with each character !! send me another ask if u want them i'll make a post with them all :^)
thank u for the question i always love answering them
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kitcheninaman · 2 months
what are each of the lucas world characters favourite songs?
lucas: boys dont cry by the cure i think. hes weird about music but he likes the cure :)
lin: tears over beers by modern baseball !! theyre not his favourite band but he loves that song sooo much
noah: northern attitude by noah kahan. bc hes from the north. and he likes noah kahan
odin: creep by radiohead because he sucks
madison: lotta true crime by penelope scott. psych major ass lesbian
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kitcheninaman · 3 months
how do the lucasworld gang each like to celebrate their birthday?
also a fantastic question. you should send more. that's not a request when i see u next month i will force u
lucas: he likes to watch films with his friends :) theyll come round, eat cake, watch some films, play card games..... he probably hangs out with his dad as well. he and his parents have a meal together or something
lin: well. his mother isn't really a fan of birthday excursions so he sort of just hangs out in his room or goes to lucas'. he doesnt mind i dont think. he's happy with the new pokemon cards and cake and no real fuss being made
noah: lol. lmao. before he died? he didnt really have any friends and he kinda just hung out with his shitty parents for a day. got presents that weren't meant for him. after he died he gets one singular birthday and it's probably spent watching films and crying with lucas
odin: he doesn't celebrate his birthday he doesnt think he's worth it. he reads the birthday cards his family sends he gets £100 from his dad and he goes about with his day. madison probably convinces him to get a cake that he doesnt end up eating (lol) but yeah he's not a huge fan
madison: she always has a proper bash. she invites all her horse riding friends and she goes wild. by wild i mean they rewatch the last season of hannibal and drink fruity cocktails and eat weird luxury chocolate her dad imports from central europe.
sorry if this was boring lmaoo half of them dont even really celebrate. sad fuckers.... thanks for the question tho emo
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kitcheninaman · 3 months
what r like the. utmost media interests like tv/movies etc of the lucasworld gang
suchhh a good question are you prepared for me to go in depth !! ik u said movies and tv shows but some of these lot love books <3
lucas: he read heartstopper as a semicloseted queer kid and it's sort of become ingrained as part of him, it's what got him into writing his own graphic novels and webcomics. he also watched hazbin hotel aged 15 and unfortunately he wont stop watching it. lin has tried to tell him. he also likes trashy police dramas.
lin: biggest homestuck fan there ever was. he really connected with it. he's also a huge fan of horrors movies, psychological usually, and he's a saw franchise enthusiast. he's seen every pokemon TV show that there is. he also watched avatar the last airbender and made zuko his entire personality when he was 14. oh also he's a huge percy jackson enjoyer. he can't get enough of it
noah: noahs whole thing is that he loves films but i don't watch enough of them to know what's considered good LMAO. i think he'd like the muppet movies though. and society of the snow. he probably has a soft spot for barbie. he also likes graphic novels because he's not good at reading.
odin: supernatural. this man LOVES supernatural. i think he's a deangirl BUT not a destiel shipper until like season 9 and madisons worn him down enough- or so he says. hes actually always shipped them hes just too proud to admit it. he also likes any and all documentaries about planes
madison: also supernatural. she's a samgirl i think. destiels number one fan. she also REALLY likes hannibal. REALLY. she's written numerous essays about it she literally won't stop. if she's not thinking about her friends or her horses she's thinking about hannibal
fantastic question i have a huge headache but here you areeee. the media of the year for these poor poor traumatised kids
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kitcheninaman · 3 months
question time: what homestuck character would each of the lucasworld characters relate to most? it doesn’t matter if they “haven’t read homestuck” (🙄) i demand a detailed and lengthy explanation for each. i’ll start if you’d like. noah would relate to aradia, because they are both dea- *gets shot*
come of anon coward. anyway here goes
lucas: hm. tricky. i think he'd latch onto dave like most transmascs. basic bitch. idk he's an artist and photographer.
lin: sollux fan through and through. i think he has a soft spot for john as well. i think he really sees himself in sollux. transgender guy who likes to code?
noah: aradia.... lowkey i agree but also? eh. theyre all dead at some point or another. i think he'd feel bad for tavros but ends up as a huge jade and john fan
odin: caliborn - im joking he probably really connects with dirk
madison: rose. oh my fucking god she LOVES rose. she's so obsessed. rose is her if she was younger and more emo
thanks for the question coward <3
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kitcheninaman · 10 days
what are the lucasworld characters music tastes like? i feel like making playlists about them
Lucas: he never grew out of his cavetown phase BUT he loves other musicians i prommy. like addison grace, ricky montgomery, and noah kahan
Lin: this boy loves two bands they are fall out boy and car seat headrest. he also likes bears in trees <3
Noah: noah kahan, the cure, and the front bottoms because he is normal and cool
Odin: he listens to radiohead exclusively via his dad's old mp3 player he found in a drawer aged 12. he doesn't listen to anything else
Madison: she LOOOVES los campesinos and the smiths and chappel roan and crawlers. she loves them
I can elaborate probably but brain is empty rn please send more asks for more information <3
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kitcheninaman · 3 months
ocs as adults!! do tell!!
HI!!! this will be long sorry . ive been thinking about lin and odin mostly (noah doesnt become an adult and lucas is complicated.... but)
lin goes into computer engineering, he gets a phd in computer science, and odin becomes a mechanic. they move (together because theyre gay) to a small town near edinburgh after lin gets his phd, where odin opens his own garage and lin gets some hotshot job in some computer themed industry. i dont know anything about computers.
odin keeps making his model planes, and eventually starts selling them as a way of making extra money- even though they dont really need it. he starts therapy because lord he needs that badly (as does lin).
they get married when lin is 27 and odin is 28. odin proposes to him in his shed while theyre back in their hometown visiting lucas. lin was always rather neutral on the concept of marriage but odin really wanted to get married so he could go around being like: LOOK AT MY HUSBAND!!! IM MARRIED TO THIS MAN!!!
lucas is lins best man, madison is odins best man. lucas and lin remain close friends after lin leaves for university, they dont let the distance change that. madison became a psychiatrist and ended up moving to glasgow, so she and odin end up hanging out over weekends to go on walks together. lucas is a graphic designer but is trying to publish his own graphic novel and become a full time author because he hates his job. he visits lin every month or so.
odin builds a shed in his and lins back garden. he cant live without a shed. he uses the money he gets from his now semi-estranged family for lins non work related computer engineering projects and his garage.
i go back and forth on whether or not they have kids. i think it would scare lin, because he lost his sister when she was quite young and he doesnt want a repeat of that. odins probably scared of becoming his father, but wants to prove that he isnt. if they do have kids i think odin would be a great dad. as would lin. odin would make them little toy planes to play with, and lin would teach them how to play magic the gathering, and tell them all about his favourite mathematical facts.
lucas is more interesting to think about, because hes probably severely traumatised from the whole noah ordeal. i think he finds dating difficult as an adult. he focuses on his webcomics, his job, and his dream of becoming a famous graphic novel author. he went through a lot of therapy in his late teens and early twenties but i think he ends up being a very solitary dude, besides from lin.
all in all: domestic gay bliss. theyre all in love and best friends and having a great time <333 thank you for asking as always :^)
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kitcheninaman · 4 months
why does lin have such strong feelings about warhammer?
because warhammer killed his grandma (/j)
to be honest? its probably because he tried to join a warhammer club in year seven and got bullied so badly he quit. also because i personally don't like warhammer
lins fun he has.... a lot going on
thank u for the question :^)
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kitcheninaman · 5 months
what do the ocs look like?
Lucas: white. medium built, 5 foot 7. shitty brunette mullet that's kinda grown out but still short. round glasses that he cleans obsessively. i think he has green eyes but i could be wrong??? he wears a lot of zip up hoodies and he's sort of got that deer in headlights look.
Lin: white. kinda skinny, 5 foot 5. he has dyed silver/grey hair, middle parting, its fairly short but messy. blue eyes. he wears denim jackets and band tshirts because he's a loser. very tired 24/7 but somehow very energetic.
Noah: white. lanky, 5 foot 9. shortish blond hair that's really badly cut, it's trying to be a mullet but it's not fantastically done. grey eyes. he's REALLY pale and a little bit gaunt. wears weird obnoxious neon coloured tshirts. he appears to be constantly confused, like he doesn't know whats going on.
Odin: white. medium build, 5 foot 11. short black hair that's characteristically greasy and slicked back. he has really shit facial hair that's barely visible and looks terrible, a tiny dirstache and some stray hairs on his chin + cheeks. green eyes. he wears a leather jacket + a white tshirt or a band tshirt. he looks CONSTANTLY angry he has resting pissed face
Madison: white. medium build. 5 foot 7??? might be taller tbh. long and straight brown hair, just past her shoulderblades. she usually has it down but will tie it up for horse riding. blue eyes. she wears silly graphic shirts and fun sweaters. her brow is furrowed like 100% of the time bc she's thinking so many thoughts.
those r the main 5 !! not all my ocs are white i promise but tbf it's representative of the area they live in (cumbria). i think theyre all pretty cool :) odins design is my fave bc he's suchhh a loser.... if u wanna know some of the other characters designs just ask !!! i love ur questions they make me so happy :^)
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kitcheninaman · 5 months
got any random lucasworld oc facts?
He's in the middle of writing and drawing his own graphic novel centering a prince and a knight. its very self indulgent and he loves it.
He likes photography! thats a very small plotpoint later on but yeah bro is taking pictures :)
His special interest is planes!!! His favourite plane is the dakota douglas c4
bc hes rich as shit and has zero clue what a normal price is, his dealer is ripping him off massively. its so funny
He wants to be a mechanic but his father is forcing him to do business at a-level
okay its mentioned a lot but he really really likes magic the gathering and dungeons and dragons. he is a huge huge nerd about it
he HATES warhammer. HATES IT
hes a computer programming nerd. god he needs to go outside
he goes outside! hes a runner lol
He's a huge film buff. fucking loves films. if only he were real so we could see his letterboxd
he doesnt like reading but he likes graphic novels!!! its something he and lucas bond over
she's a horse girl! Loves horses!!! she has like 3 I think
she was on the student council at her school but bc she has psychology autism she was keeping like folders of notes on everyone else on the council and when they found out she got kicked off :(
Shes a huge daddys girl (somehow. hes homophobic. and gay???? idk ask me about fred and richard ill explain)
okay those are like? the main ones for the main characters that i can think of!! if you wanna know more about minor characters (such as fred and richard... can u tell who im fixated on atm) just ask!!!! thank you again for the ask i love recieving them so much :)
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kitcheninaman · 5 months
oc questions again! i know odin's your favourite, so who gets second place? (also im absolutely obsessed with your ocs i love them so much)
this is SUCH a question omg i can't even decide...... it's probably lin or madison tbh
id like to say i love all my ocs equally but unfortunately that cannot be true when my baby boy odin is out here being such a guy. sad tbh
lin takes second place in the baby boy category but id like to nominate madison also for being a strange and off putting girl with autism and a vaguely okay father
lin is everything.... clinically depressed, good at running, impulsive..... but madison is everything and more (horse girl)
they're both too cool i cant decide :(
honourable mention to noah for also being fantastic but..... i have other reasons for that
as always thank you SO much for the question!!! please keep them coming i appreciate them so much <33
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kitcheninaman · 5 months
hello back again to ask about the silly transgenders! i was wondering if you could tell me more about lin and his story? (/nf obviously)
Lin is really interesting tbh. he lives with his mother in a shitty little house in the town over from his school. when he misses the bus his mother forces him to run the like. 5 miles to school.
he and his mother's relationship has been strained ever since his younger sister (Ava) passed away when he was 11/12. neither of them are bothering to fix it but also it's not lins job to solve his mother's trauma. his dad left when he was 7/8 and he hasnt seen him since he was 10.
he met Lucas on the first day of year 7 and they have been best friends since. he came out as trans first, introducing Lucas to the concept.
he met Odin in year 10 (when Odin was in year 11) because he started getting the same bus as him to school. Odin insults and harasses him for being trans. Eventually, they build a sort of codependency on each other. they're both autistic and the ritual/routine they go through every morning with each other becomes really important. there's a bunch more with that but that's spoilers :)
Lin is probably the most actively depressed of the group, but he refuses to talk about it. he makes fun of himself a bit because of it, and just makes jokes and deflects instead of actually addressing it. as you can tell this ends very well (/s)
i think he's a really interesting guy tbh. he's Scottish and gay and a silly little dude. he really likes dungeons and dragons + magic the gathering, he's a really good runner but refuses to join any running clubs, and his guilty pleasure is homestuck (he read it when he was 13 and it stuck. pun intended)
thank you for asking about him :)) feel free to ask more questions they always make my day (/nf)
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kitcheninaman · 7 months
tell me all about ur OCs RN!!!!! /nf
AHH OKAY. THIS WILL BE LONG SORRY BUT IM GONNA TELL U ABOUT THE LUCASWORLD CAST BC ITS SIMPLER THAN IF LOL (if u wanna hear about IF feel free to ask it might just. take time)
lucasworld is the nickname for the novel im writing but the current working title is Middle Of The Road. the main characters are:
Lucas Dixon
Noah Campbell
Lin McAster
Odin Lester
Madison Harpham
there are 3 others (crya, finn, and holly) but they're sadly not all that relevant. they also (mostly) have parents who make varied appearances. lucas noah and lin are 16, odin is 17, and madison is 18.
theyre all trans guys apart from madison who is a cis girl (unless you ask my bf he is adamant she has tgirl swag). the interesting thing with odin is that it isnt revealed that hes transgender until quite far into the book, for various reasons.
lucas and lin are the Main Characters, most of the book alternates between their povs, but occasionally odin gets a chapter because he's my Baby Boy.
important information about lucas: he's about five foot seven, he has shitty brown hair and wire-framed round glasses. he tried to cut his own hair once and it never fully recovered. he loves car seat headrest, he's anxious all of the time, and his biggest flaw is how much he projects his own issues onto others.
important information about lin: he's about five foot five, has silver hair in a middle part which he dyes exclusively with the cheapest box dye he can find, and he's very scottish. his mummy issues r what make him funny. he loves listening to music in the woods, he gets hatecrimed literally daily, and his biggest flaw is he either thinks too much or too little. no in-between.
important information about noah: he's about five foot eight, has a blond mullet which lucas would DIE for, and he's very pale. pale to the point he looks like a ghost... i wonder why. he likes lucas, lying about being dead (he is), and his biggest flaw is the fact he died.
important information about odin: he's about five foot ten, has greasy black hair he slicks back awfully, and is literally always wearing a shitty leather jacket. he thinks he's literally JD from heathers but cooler. he likes planes, bullying lin, and his biggest flaw is his INSANE internalised transphobia.
important information about madison: shes about five foot eight, and has brown hair which she likes to keep down but is forced to keep up for school. her dad is the mayor and shes not very good at relating to normal people. she likes psychology, penelope scott, and her biggest flaw is that she treats odin like a science experiment rather than a friend.
anyway can u guess which of them kiss (on the mouth)
thank you SO much for asking i really love talking about my sillies :) please ask more if you think of anything else!!!! id love to share!!!!!
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